“Open Your Mouth for the SPEECHLESS”

While trade agreements get underway between the U.S. and China, a more pressing collaboration resurfaces: American citizens and Congressmen unite to amplify China’s dissident cry. REGGIE LITTLEJOHN helps us to grasp the urgent plight of the oppressed while catalyzing a heightened sensibility in the nation and the world.


call for justice in China was for hundreds of Chinese dissidents ward alleviating the crippling un- heard in the nation’s capital and immigrants, many felt that the employment rates, said the nations recently when President Hu President should have pushed harder sealed deals that would mean $45 Jintao came to negotiate for an end to violent and unjust op- billion in U.S. exports and create business with the U.S. Pres- pression of millions of China’s citi- roughly 235,000 jobs. The package Aident and more than two dozen of zens, whose most outspoken protag- included moves by China to expand America’s top executives. As the head onists reside in the USA. U.S. investment and curtail theft of of a country that offers political asy- After Hu Jintao’s visit, President intellectual property. Could Hu Jin- lum and personal and legal support Obama, eager to show progress to- tao’s foreign policy, which advocates

24 No 3 2011 reform in China from Secretary of It wasn’t until later that I realized State Hillary Clinton (after two years I was being called to fulltime work of silence), but he decried her pro- for this cause. In 2003, I had bilateral nouncement of China as an “equal mastectomies, further complicated partner” with the USA, saying, “It is by a post-operational, drug-resistant time to really change course.” MRSA staph infection. I had many Exploring this question with more surgeries and months of ag- Traces on the eve of the 100th an- gressive antibiotic treatments. While niversary of International Women’s my life was very much in the bal- Day is Reggie Littlejohn, President of ance, I began praying for all of those Women’s Rights without Frontiers, in situations worse than my own: a non-partisan, international coali- women who were being forcibly tion to oppose forced abortion aborted and Christians who were (there are 35,000 abortions per day) being tortured or even giving their and sexual slavery in China. As an lives for their faith. expert on China’s One Child Policy, God moved my heart during this she has addressed the Eu- time, and when I recov- ropean Parliament in ered He drew me to be a Brussels, briefed the White the voice of the voiceless House, and testified before in this heartbreaking Congress. cause. She has also met with of- ficials in the U.S. Depart- So your faith as a Chris- ment of State, the British tian has always been in Parliament, and the Vati- play… can. A graduate of Yale Yes. Although Women’s Law School, Ms. Littlejohn Rights without Frontiers is the leading voice in a Reggie Littlejohn. is not a religious organi- growing awareness of the zation, that fact does not forcible policies at work in uphold- stop me from having my own per- ing the One Child Policy in China. sonal faith. One of the Scriptures that has spoken deeply to me over How did you transition from be- the years is Proverbs 31:8-9, “Open ing a high-powered attorney to a your mouth for the speechless, in fulltime Chinese human rights ad- the cause of all who are appointed to vocate? die. Open your mouth, judge right- In the mid-1990s, when I was work- eously and plead the cause of the ing as an intellectual property litiga- poor and needy.” tor, I had my first asylum case on be- half of a woman who was mercilessly With the twentieth anniversary of persecuted as a Christian in China, the Tiananmen Square massacre “China’s peaceful development” in and also underwent a forced sterili- just passed, do you believe that the pursuing “soft power” in interna- zation, without anesthesia, after her international pressure since that tional relations, lead to a more re- second child was born. Due to the event has helped to improve treat- laxed treatment from within of the lack of hygiene, she got a massive ment of Chinese citizens? millions of political prisoners and infection and has lived in chronic No. I don’t believe we’ve seen inter- others suffering from human rights pain ever since. It was then that I national pressure; rather, we’ve seen abuses? At a press conference during grasped what horrific tactics were at international appeasement, and the visit, Bob Fu, President of China work in enforcing the One Child therefore the situation has grown Aid, applauded a recent call for such Policy. worse. Allowing China member- »


» ship into the World Trade Or- just announced that STATISTICS ganization in 2001, and subsequent it is cutting off its collaborations, have had the oppo- Mandarin services, 35,000 site effect we had hoped for, as the contributing to this abortions per day human rights situation is now de- news blackout. linked from Most Favored Nation status. The Congressional-Executive What should Presi- Commission on China was created dent Obama do 500 specifically to monitor Chinese hu- now–can he take female suicides per man rights after China was accepted more action on be- day (three times that into the WTO. half of human rights for men) Their reports very specifically de- yet preserve the eco- tail in hundreds of pages the escala- nomic boost to the tion in human rights abuses. U.S. that China pro- 400 million vides? births prevented since th On January 18 , the same day that Our government’s institution of the One President Hu Jintao was treated to a voice is muted be- Child Policy in 1980 State Dinner by President Obama, cause of the terrific you and many others spoke at a debt situation, and press conference presided over by history has shown Congressman Chris Smith, the lead- that we cannot count 30 million ing international human rights ad- on the Obama ad- marriage-aged males in vocate on Capitol Hill. Did this im- ministration to press excess of the female pact on the visit’s negotiations? for justice in China. same-aged population You never know what kind of im- by 2020 pact such a conference will have. But And yet there is President Obama did not raise the much hope among Data: Women’s Rights without Frontiers issue in any forcible way. There has the Chinese that been a great sense of disappoint- America can provide ment over the decrease in support some relief… from our government. For example, America’s private citizens and or- it was just announced that the Voice ganizations such as my own do not of America Mandarin have their hands tied like services is being cut off. There is a our government does, The excuse given is shortage of women and like the Chinese na- budget cuts, yet the tionals do. As a U.S. citi- money that would have in China, giving zen, I have freedom of gone to the Mandarin rise to a business in speech and I feel the Policy, and the gendercide of female services will simply go to human trafficking moral obligation to babies, there is now a shortage of other VOA services. involving girls speak out as loudly as I women in China, giving rise to a If it’s not saving money, brought in from can against human tremendous business in human traf- why cut the Mandarin surrounding rights abuses in China, ficking and sexual slavery involving services? Is it a coinci- countries. which always includes girls brought in from surrounding dence that this proposed not only the “offenders” countries. cut follows closely on the but also the incarcera- Also, the One Child Policy is par- heels of the U.S. visit of President tion and abuse of family members– ticularly oppressive for many Chris- Hu Jintao? Such an action leaves the even for those manifesting signs of tians and Buddhists, who may oppose Chinese people bereft of news from “unauthorized” pregnancies. abortion on religious grounds–so around the world, and even from And what many don’t realize is forced abortion is also a violent form their own country. The BBC has also that after 30 years of the One Child of religious discrimination.


under violent conditions. I am bringing the perspective that forced abortion is not a choice but rather a form of official government rape that is destructive physically, emo- tionally, and spiritually. I would like this to become a top priority of the UN who otherwise would be ignor- ing one-fifth of the world’s female population.

What inspiration do you have in this uphill battle? One of the most important Bible verses for me, that keeps me going, is Proverbs 24:11: “Deliver those who are drawn toward death and hold back those stumbling to the slaugh- ter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man ac- cording to his deeds?” And of course, anyone who knows Jesus knows how much He loves little children, and how much these offenses must grieve His heart…

Fr. Carrón recently said, “If Christ is present, it isn’t because of our words but through His signs that we can acknowledge Him.” A propaganda mural in Guangzhou, China, reads: “The One- Do you think there is the possi- Child Policy benefits the country and its people.” bility for more Chinese to see His signs in such an anti-religious en- vironment? Women’s Rights without Frontiers present at a workshop in connection This may come as a surprise, but is not a religious organization… with the United Nations Confer- Christianity is growing by leaps and I would like to get everyone possible ence on the Status of Women. What bounds in China through an “un- behind this issue without limiting it did you bring to the table there? registered” underground Church to Christians. This is the biggest The UN is funding the United Na- (we know this because it is being women’s rights issue in the world tions Family Planning Fund, or tracked by China Aid here in the right now that affects one in every UNFPA, which was found by former USA). These people are praying for five women in the world population. Secretary of State Colin Powell to be their government; they see the ways Forced abortions, sterilizations, and working in collaboration with coer- the government is grieving the Lord infanticide represent human rights cive family planning in China. and they are a very positive force in atrocities of the first order. They are ignoring the fact that the China.They are lifting their nation “family planning” in effect in China up every day to the throne of the You were just called to New York to is coercive birth control taking place Most High.


A HOPE THAT WILL NEVER FALTER Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo missionaries in the U.S., twelve priests who work and live in communities along the East Coast and in Colorado, demonstrate the true meaning of freedom: a life defined by openness to the plan of Another. A presence here since 1990, the order just celebrated its 25th anniversary with a papal audience.


t’s a Friday afternoon in Kens- has borne fruit. From the total dis- of “something great.” Fr. Roberto is a ington, Maryland, and a group traction typical of pre-adolescents, priest of the Fraternity of St. Charles of middle school students have they’ve woken up, to see that being in Borromeo (FSCB), one of twelve priests gathered at Holy Redeemer class or helping at home is actually an now present in the United States. Parish, as they do every week. invitation to more. From not re- Spread between Washington, DC, IThey pray together, and one of the membering what happened the day Boston, and Denver, they work in adults, Fr. Roberto Amoruso, reminds before, they now speak with a preci- parishes and teach various subjects. In them of their “rule”: “Jesus is giving sion that betrays the influence of Fr. America, the would-be land of hope you something great right now. If you Roberto’s own contagious enthusiasm and opportunity, they come to bring a see it, tell someone and, if you don’t, for the present moment. And so, “on hope that will never falter, with no oth- say the Memorare so that you can see.” Monday, this happened…” and “on er strategy than willingness to share the After a few years of friendship that Thursday, I saw that…” Life’s ordinary love of Christ. After all, it’s a love that keeps this rule in mind, their method moments become invaluable signs so impassioned them that they left their

28 No 3 2011 to everyone. Fr. Michael Carvill not- lives in Jerusalem–and Fr. Antonio ed that belonging to this fraternity is Lopez arrived in Fall River in June “extraordinarily helpful, because it re- 1994. Fr. Michael worked in the dio- minds you of who you are, what you cese of Fall River until 2009 when he are waiting for, and Who has come. So moved to Denver. There, Archbishop you live in reality.” Charles Caput had come to know the Fraternity through Together on the SOMETHINGAWAITED. Fr. Michael’s re- Road, by Msgr. Massimo Camisasca, ality, since 2009, is his life as the pas- Superior General of the Fraternity of tor of Nativity of Our Lord Parish in St. Charles Borromeo. Archbishop Broomfield, Colorado, while two of Caput asked for priests of the Frater- his confreres serve in the parish and nity to come to Denver shortly after the also as teachers and chaplains at lo- book was published. With some sad- cal Catholic schools. It is a young and ness, Fall River was left behind to fol- lively place, with over 3,000 families low this providential call and, in the registered and a few new parish- meantime, other houses have been ioners each week. Their biggest prob- born. lem has become space: the 1,000-seat In Washington, DC, six priests and church can no longer accommodate one seminarian now constitute the all the people at Mass. Beyond grat- largest FSCB house in the U.S. Fr. An- itude for this abundance, he appre- tonio López moved there with Fr. José ciates the eager response to every- Medina and Fr. Stefano Colombo in thing that the new priests propose, but 2002 after working and studying for he’s quick to insist that this enthusi- eight years in the Boston area. Unex- asm is not due to themselves: “We are pectedly, he was recently named Dean just a few normal men, but we bring of the John Paul II Institute for Stud- something deeply awaited by the hu- ies of Marriage and Family. Fr. José man soul. There is a hunger in peo- Maria Cortes just arrived from Portu- ple for things that speak of the truth, gal to become pastor of Christ the King a hunger for hope.” Fr. Accursio Parish in Silver Spring, recently en- Ciaccio is teaching religion to 160 mid- trusted to the Fraternity by Cardinal Left and from top, Fr. Michael hikes with a group in Colorado; some of the dle school students in the parochial Wuerl. Beyond their official roles, the priests concelebrate Mass; a camping school, a highly unusual position for priests also serve the CL community trip of the Maryland Knights group. a priest. However, the priests had no- wherever needed: Fr. Pietro Rossotti ticed a great need in this age group to helps to lead the CL university students have the faith proposed to them, and (CLU); Fr. Franco Soma, a teacher at homes (in four countries) to tell the so moved quickly to respond. Georgetown Visitation Preparatory world about Him. This simplicity is evident in the School, follows the high school youth In February, their Fraternity cele- whole history of the Fraternity of St. group (GS) present in a number of lo- brated its 25th anniversary with a gen- Charles in the United States. It began cal schools; and Fr. Roberto, of course, eral audience with Pope Benedict XVI when Fr. Michael arrived in the U. S. helps to lead the “Knights,” when he is in . He urged them to “bring to in 1990, taking temporary positions not busy teaching at the Avalon School everyone the communion that is born in Sacramento and Tampa. Then, for Boys. from the heart of Christ” (see p. 30). through Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, Fr. José went north to Boston in 2005, This is the whole point of their work, whom Fr. Michael had met while where he was later joined by Fr. Stefano. and if they become true fathers to the studying at the John Paul II Institute, There, Fr. José is now the Principal of people it is because of this love that they Cardinal Sean O’Malley invited them Cristo Rey Boston High School and, bear. The Fraternity’s mission is sim- to settle in Fall River, Massachusetts. aside from this demanding job, serves ply to extend this friendship of Christ Fr. Michael, Fr. Vincent–who now as national responsible of GS. The »



school is flourishing in its service to ON SATURDAY AT PETER’S HOUSE low-income minority students and a On February 12th, after 25 years of mission to the four corners of the earth, glance at Fr. José’s cluttered schedule a confirmation from Benedict XVI: “Continue to go out into the world.” leaves no doubt as to his total com-

BY MARCO SAMPOGNARO mitment to the students and teachers before him. Fr. Stefano also teaches felicem virum, beatum parture was the memory of “Don Gius.” there, while Fr. Luca Brancolini teach- “O Joseph….” The choir of the “The gift that moved us and still moves es at another high school in the city. seminarians had just intoned the hymn. us is the experience of Fr. Luigi Giussani,” When they got to “Joseph,” those who Fr. Massimo said in his greeting. “His were watching Benedict XVI noticed Christian wisdom, his love for Christ and PRICELESS. The brief history of these him recovering from his tiredness, look- for man, indestructibly joined, that wound priests in the United States testifies that ing at the small crowd before him and of which you, Your Holiness, spoke on the openness to the plan of Another was smiling, as if to say, “Yes, I am a happy day of our beloved Fr. Giussani’s funer- not merely an entrance hurdle, but de- man, and you are my friends.” al. … The experience of communion, in fines their whole life. Fr. Michael ex- “Happy Joseph,” says the hymn, be- which Fr. Giussani was a master for us, cause “he was granted what many kings led us, from the start, to choose com- plained that becoming part of a mis- wanted to see, but did not see, to hear, but munity life and therefore the ‘house’ as sionary society in the Church means did not hear. And not only did he see and the point of radiation for the faith.” being available to go wherever one is hear, but he was able to Pope Benedict, too, re- sent, because, through the circum- hold Him, hug Him, kiss called the founder of CL: stances and the Superior, it’s Christ Him, dress Him, and protect “This moment brings back to Him” (these are St. Bernard’s my mind my long friend- Himself who does the sending. Far words). It was one of the ship with Luigi from an oppressive obedience, “being most intense moments of Giussani and bears witness sent by Christ gives you a great free- the audience granted by the A moment during the audience. to the fecundity of his dom and a great certainty.” His words Holy Father, on February charism.” He greeted Arch- seem contradictory, but maybe they 12th, to the Fraternity of Saint Charles Bor- Pezzi and Fr. Carrón, sitting to- make sense after all, if you recall Fr. romeo. There were 400 of them, includ- gether in the first row, “who symbolically ing 100 priests, 40 seminarians, 15 nuns express the fruits and the root of the work Roberto’s middle school students. (the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles, of the St. Charles Fraternity.” Then he They learned that happiness is possible founded five years ago), parents and went on to give a brief lesson, in his par- now, because the reality before you is friends of the priests, and staff from the ticular , dealing with two themes– given by Christ Himself for you to see Fraternity’s offices in Rome. Fr. Julián Car- “The place of the ordained priesthood in something great. Fr. Gabriele Azzalin, rón was there with them, too, a physical the life of the Church,” and “The place of witness to the unity with the charism of community life in priestly experience.” recently arrived in Denver, perhaps the Movement from which the Fraterni- “At the kissing of the ring, Fr. Massimo said it most simply in a letter to Fr. ty grew. They were all in the Sala presented each one of us,” recalls Ste- Camisaca: “What’s priceless is being Clementina, next to the Pope’s study, to fano, a fifth-year seminarian involved in happy in the place where you are.” In celebrate the silver jubilee of the Frater- the organization of the event. “The Pope the USA, the FSCB have found a peo- nity founded in 1985 by Fr. Massimo used friendly, informal words with every- ple with a lot of positive energy, and Camisasca. one, and at the same time said some- The venue of the celebration is at the thing meaningful to each of us.” In 1984, a desire to hope. The priests’ witness heart of Christianity. At 10:00 am, Mass John Paul II had said to CL, “Go into the to Christ points to a purpose for was celebrated in the Apse of St. Peter’s whole world to bring the truth, the beau- such energy and “a hope that does not Basilica, behind the Apostle’s tomb, by ty, and the peace that are met in Christ disappoint.” Fr. Antonio, FSCB North the Archbishop of the Mother of God in the Redeemer.” Benedict XVI took up that American regional delegate, notes , Paolo Pezzi. At the end of the exhortation in his conclusion: “Continue celebration, the Vatican gendarmes es- to go out into the whole world to bring that their proposal breaks open the corted the group of 400 up the stairs lead- to all the communion that is born from American religious tendency to “fall ing to the papal apartments. The Pope the heart of Christ!” “There is great con- prey to a self-determining freedom came in, the seminarians sang, Fr. Mas- tinuity with the 1984 audience,” says Fr. that thinks it is able to choose whether, simo proffered greetings, the Pope gave Massimo Invernizzi, Pro-Rector of the how, and where to relate to God.” his address, 30 “representatives” kissed seminary. “Benedict reconfirms that Instead, “Christ’s consoling pres- his ring, and it all ended with a final ap- mandate with his blessing, before a hall plause. The whole day had a solemn but of people which, at a glance, shows the ence in the Church teaches us that familiar tone, one of simultaneous action of the Spirit: a people gathered God is all in all. Being awakened to grandeur and intimacy. The point of de- from all over the world.” this totality makes us truly free.”



happiness–signified by the ex-strip- begins to engage CAN A MAN BE per Cassie–he rejects it, saying, “The life in all of its glo- BORN AGAIN? only place I get hurt is out there [in rious mundanity: the world, not on the mat].” She pa- cleaning the tiently points out the obvious to kitchen, raking the n The Wrestler, Randy the Ram him: “I’m here; I’m really here.” His yard, and, yes, writ- I(Mickey Rourke) has spent the past final leap into the ring is a refusal of ing songs for his twenty years in weekend wrestling salvation. one-time protégé, bouts and weekday odd jobs–all in the The life of Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) now country music The Wrestler hope of retrieving this lost glo- in Crazy Heart has con- sensation, Tommy Darren Aronofsky, tours similar to Randy’s: Sweet. ry. After a serious operation, he Director begins to ask, “What have I failed relationships, an “Why does one Fox Searchlight Pic- done with my life?” estranged child, a career affirm reality and tures (2008) “Human kind cannot bear in limbo, and a body bat- another deny it?” Rated R/109 min. very much reality,” said T.S. tered by abuse. But Bad Giussani notes in Eliot, as Randy demonstrates manages to hit some- The Religious Sense that the poor in in his failure to sustain a rela- thing besides despair at spirit are those who “have absolutely tionship with his grown rock bottom when he nothing to defend, who seize every- daughter. His slide into de- Crazy Heart recognizes his radical in- thing as it is, and follow the attraction bauchery leads her to com- Scott Cooper, Director adequacy and his de- of reality according to its total im- pletely reject him. Paradoxi- Fox Searchlight Pic- pendency on Another. plications” (p. 123). Even when it cally, when Randy is offered a tures (2009) He does far more than means doing the dishes. second and third chance at Rated R/112 min. crawl out of a bottle: he Matt and Teresa McGuiness


zero-gravity effects, and Henrietta was Mother. WITNESS TO A employed in AIDS re- Skloot brings HeLa to TRANFORMATION search. They remain in the attention of Henri- wide use today in bio- etta’s children and medical research. Devel- shares in their discov- writer (St. Paul, Karl Marx) can oped over ten painstaking ery. The epigraph from Achange the world. A writer’s years, this scientific de- Elie Wiesel is on tar- gaze can do the same. With her at- tective story is a study in get: “We must not see tention and compassion focused race relations and a med- any person as an ab- on an African American family, sci- itation on bioethics. (In straction. Instead, we ence writer Rebecca Skloot be- the billion-dollar biomed- must see in every per- comes a witness to transformation. ical research industry, son a universe with its Her subject, Henrietta Lacks, an who owns our cells?) The Immortal Life own secrets, with its of Henrietta Lacks African American mother of five, However, what finally own treasures, with its By Rebecca Skloot died of cancer in 1951. Scientists struck Skloot is the hu- Crown Publishers, 2010, own sources of an- had been trying to grow human manity of the Lacks fam- 327 pages. guish and with some cells for decades, unsuccessfully. ily–poor, black, scientifi- measure of tri- Henrietta Lacks’s cells grew be- cally illiterate, and umph.”The Immortal cause they were infected with a remarkable. To the doctors who Life of Henrietta Lacks is about mir- strain of human papillomavirus. harvested Henrietta Lacks’s cells, acles–the kind that science boasts Code-named HeLa, the cells were she was a cypher. To her children, about and the more moving mira- used to test Jonas Salk’s polio vac- some of whom were too young cles of lives transformed. cine, sent aloft by NASA to study when she died to remember her, Webster Bull

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