Assembling a Survival Kit Doing It Yourself Can Save Money and Ensure That You Have What You Really Need by Douglas S
Assembling A survivAl Kit Doing it yourself can save money and ensure that you have what you really need by Douglas S. Ritter Not too long after I started flying, as I winged my way above some pretty forbidding terrain, the question of whether I ought to be carrying a survival kit began to intrude upon my thoughts. So I started looking around for one. Like many pilots, my quest was limited to the most readily available sources: Backpacking outlets and general aviation catalogs. Based upon my research, it seemed that the available survival kits were deficient in equipment, supplies or quality. Certainly, any one of the kits would be better than nothing. But, why should I have to settle for that, particularly if my life and the lives of my passengers might depend on it? Do it yourself I decided to assemble my own kit and thereby ensure that it was properly stocked. Since I started the project five years ago, I have found that the quality of some commercially prepared survival kits has improved considerably. But I believe that assembling your own kit is still a viable way to go and, potentially, more economical. In most cases, any standard kit you might purchase will likely need to be supplemented in some manner or other. Whether you start from scratch, supplement a purchased kit or have a kit custom-assembled is simply a matter of personal preference and perhaps, budget. Based on the recommendations of survival experts, my kit was assembled on the principle that in the event of an emergency, probably accompanied by injuries of some sort, a survival kit should be able to provide you with sustenance, shelter, medical care and a means to summon help.
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