STAY PUT! In most cases you should not try to wIn hot weather, seek shade and get below or above Tree Well Snow Shelter Snow Trench 10-12 armloads will generally last the night; more walkwalk oror swimswim out.out. StayStay withwith thethe vehicle,vehicle, vesselvessel groundground levellevel wherewhere iitt isis hottest.hottest. UUsese ssparepare tiretire oorr isis bbetter.etter. GGatherather aatt lleasteast 2 aarmloadsrmloads ooff wwoodood bbeforeefore oror aircraft.aircraft. TheThe oonlynly eexceptionxception iiss iiff iitt iiss hhighlyighly seatseat cushion(s)cushion(s) toto eelevatelevate yyourselfourself lighting fi re. unlikelyunlikely aanyonenyone wwillill ccomeome llookingooking fforor yyouou aandnd wLow-lying areas such as valleys are cooler, avoid wConserve waterproof tinder included in this kit. youyou areare unlikelyunlikely ttoo bbee aableble ttoo ssignalignal fforor hhelp.elp. inin ccoldold wweather,eather, sseekeek ooutut iinn hhotot wweathereather UseUse ifif weatherweather isis badbad oror ifif youyou cannotcannot fi nndd ttinder:inder: POCKET SURVIVAL PAK INSTRUCTIONS wBe cautious of dry riverbeds and canyons, rain lint,lint, insectinsect rrepellent,epellent, aalcohollcohol sswab,wab, ddryry mmoss,oss, MEDICAL PRIORITIES upstreamupstream andand ooutut ooff ssightight cancan resultresult inin ddeadlyeadly paper,paper, cottoncotton tthreadshreads ffromrom ccloth,loth, fi n ene s tsteeleel w owool,ol, STOP w fl aashsh flfl o ooods.ds. pitchpitch (sappy)(sappy) oror rottenrotten wood,wood, drieddried treetree ssap,ap, fi nene Stop Bleeding (apply pressure) w MOVE SNOW woodwood shavings,shavings, drydry grass,grass, birchbirch bark.bark. wTreatTreat ShockShock (raise(raise legslegs onlyonly ifif thethe victimvictim hhasas A Mylar survival blanket, garbage bags or TO OTHER SIDE OF TREE THINK otherother similarsimilar sshelterhelter mmaterialaterial ccanan bbee uusedsed aass a WELL FOR MORE ROOM wIncluded magnifi er can be used to focus the sunʼs shockshock fromfrom externalexternal bbleedingleeding whichwhich hashas beenbeen personal blanket, poncho or survival bag or you raysrays toto lightlight a fi r re.e. OBSERVE controlled,controlled, oorr hhasas ffainted.ainted. IIff iinternalnternal bbleedingleeding iiss FireFire BedBed w suspected,suspected, kkeepeep lyinglying fl a tat a nandd a vavoidoid m omovement).vement). cancan improviseimprovise a sheltershelter thatthat incorporatesincorporates themthem forfor Orange Spark-Lite fi restarter in kit will light PLAN addedadded weatherweather pprotection.rotection. DRYDRY 100ʼs100ʼs ofof fi rres.es. RRotateotate ssparkingparking wwheelheel wwithith fifi ng engerr wImmobilizeImmobilize IInjury,njury, iiff aappropriate.ppropriate. ROCKS DIG wAdjust clothing to avoid sweating in cold weather; (OPTIONAL) 8” / 16 CM asas shown,shown, creatingcreating sparkspark shower.shower. BeforeBefore llightingighting STOP - Donʼt Panic! Sit down if possible. Calm DEEP yourself.yourself. WhateverWhatever hashas happenedhappened ttoo ggetet yyouou hhereere SHELTER dampnessdampness reducesreduces insulationinsulation value.value. tindertinder iinn kit,kit, ppullull aapart,part, fl u fufff u pup,, e xexposepose fi fibe rbers.s. isis pastpast andand cannotcannot bebe uundone.ndone. YouʼreYouʼre nnowow iinn a wPlastic bags, Mylar blankets and similar materials wYou must maintain your normal body dodo notnot breath.breath. YouYou cancan suffocatesuffocate ifif notnot careful.careful. survivalsurvival ssituationituation aandnd tthathat mmeans…eans… temperature.temperature. TToooo hhotot oorr tootoo coldcold andand youyou couldcould SPREAD They will also trap moisture that can soak clothing. COALS die.die. YouYou cancan becomebecome sseverelyeverely cchilledhilled vveryery qquicklyuickly EnsureEnsure anan openingopening remainsremains toto ventvent moisturemoisture oror EVENLYEVENLY THINK - Think fi rst. Move with deliberate care. eveneven inin rratherather wwarmarm wweather,eather, eespeciallyspecially iiff wwetet oorr iinn Take no action, even a footstep, until you have wearwear asas a vvaporapor bbarrierarrier uundernder cclothinglothing ttoo kkeepeep thethe windwind oror iiff injuredinjured oorr iinn sshock.hock. clothingclothing ddry.ry. thoughtthought itit through.through. CConserveonserve eenergy.nergy. wShelterShelter wwillill hhelpelp kkeepeep yyouou ddry,ry, ooutut ooff tthehe wwind,ind, w andand wwarmerarmer oorr cooler,cooler, asas necessary.necessary. Improvise covering for head, hands and feet in OBSERVE - Look around. Evaluate your w coldcold wweather;eather; pprotectrotect yyourour eextremities.xtremities. w YourYour vehicle,vehicle, vvesselessel oorr pplanelane ccanan pproviderovide sshelterhelter w HOT OR ROOF OVER WITH Use a platform of split or dry wood, bark or dry situationsituation andand ooptions.ptions. TTakeake stockstock ooff ssupplies,upplies, oror maymay bbee uusedsed ttoo iimprovisemprovise sshelter.helter. BBee ccautiousautious Share warmth; huddle together Garbage Bag ROCKS SNOW BLOCKS Improvised TarpTarp stonestone toto setset ttinderinder oonn andand addadd bbracerace ((aa ssmallmall llogog oorr equipment,equipment, surroundingssurroundings (shelter,(shelter, fuel,fuel, wwater?)ater?) ofof potentialpotential forfor adverseadverse heatheat gaingain fromfrom greenhousegreenhouse Poncho DIRT LAYERLAYER drydry rock)rock) onon oror nextnext toto it.it. LayLay pencilpencil leadlead ttoo pencilpencil andand thethe capabilitiescapabilities ooff aanyny ffellowellow ssurvivors.urvivors. effecteffect inin warmwarm weatherweather oror rapidrapid heatheat lossloss fromfrom Line Attachment 3-4” / 8-10 CM OVER THE COALS sizedsized kindlingkindling ooverver lacklack ooff iinsulationnsulation iinn ccold.old. YYouou mmightight bbee bbetteretter ooffff SMALL SNOW TUNNEL: DIG INTO SIDE OF PLAN - STONE SNOW DRIFT WHEN SUFFICIENT tindertinder aandnd acrossacross bbrace.race. Prioritize your immediate needs and outsideoutside usingusing itit asas partpart ofof anan improvisedimprovised sheltershelter oror DEPTH - LEAVE AT LEAST 1 - 2 FT. / 30 This allows plenty of developdevelop a planplan ttoo ssystematicallyystematically ddealeal wwithith tthehe - 60 CM SNOW FOR ROOF OF TUNNEL inin a nnaturalatural sshelter.helter. ALWAYS INSULATE UNDER BODY airair forfor tindertinder toto burnburn emergency.emergency. ImplementImplement aandnd ffollowollow yyourour pplan.lan. wMaintain ventilation at all times. Be very cautious well and prevents AdjustAdjust youryour planplan oonlynly asas nnecessaryecessary toto dealdeal wwithith ofof deadlydeadly carboncarbon mmonoxideonoxide poisoningpoisoning ifif rrunningunning collapsecollapse ofof fi rre.e. LLightight changingchanging circumstances.circumstances. anan engineengine fforor wwarmth.armth. RRunun eenginengine ssparingly,paringly, kkeepeep FIRE tinder;tinder; blowblow oorr fanfan exhaustexhaust clear.clear. wFire provides heat, light, can be used to signal for gently. PRIORITIES: 1. Medical Care wTake advantage of natural shelter if available w 2. Shelter & Fire helphelp andand isis a greatgreat mmoraleorale bbooster.ooster. Add more kindling to build fi re after lighting (fallen(fallen tree,tree, hhollowollow llog,og, treetree wwell,ell, ccave,ave, rrockock wTreat fi re with respect, it can also pose great tinder.tinder. BeBe carefulcareful nnotot ttoo ssmothermother oorr ccollapseollapse fi r ere 3. Signaling & Communication overhang,overhang, shadeshade bush,bush, etc.);etc.); bebe cautiouscautious ooff wwildlifeildlife Lean-To with whilewhile addingadding kkindling.indling. AAdddd progressivelyprogressively llargerarger 4.4. WaterWater & FoodFood thatthat mightmight aalreadylready bbee uusingsing tthehe sshelter.helter. Fire Refl ector danger.danger. NeverNever leaveleave a fi r ree uunattended.nattended. wDoDo notnot removeremove clothingclothing inin hothot weather;weather; avoidavoid wClear the area around where you will build the fi re stickssticks andand thenthen llogsogs onlyonly aafterfter kkindlingindling fi r ere i sis w ewellll This Pocket Survival Pak™ provides you skinskin exposureexposure ttoo preventprevent ssunburn.unburn. ofof allall fl aammablemmable mmaterialsaterials w iwithinthin 3 3f efeet/1et/1 m emeter,ter, established. essentialessential toolstools andand suppliessupplies toto helphelp youyou improviseimprovise wAddAdd insulationinsulation iinn ccoldold wweathereather bbyy sstuffituffi n gng y oyourur minimum. Do not use wet rocks for a fi re ring, wA large fi re wastes resources, maintain only as necessitiesnecessities aandnd survivesurvive a wwildernessilderness eemergency.mergency. clothingclothing withwith leaves,leaves, debris,debris, scavengedscavenged foam,foam, somesome cancan explode!explode! DoDo notnot buildbuild fi rree uundernder ssnow-now- bigbig asas needed,needed, ssitit oorr lielie ccloser,loser, bbutut bbee ccautiousautious ooff carpet,carpet, etc.etc. BBee ccarefulareful nnotot ttoo iintroducentroduce ppestsests oorr ladenladen branches.branches. burningburning cclothinglothing oorr bbody.ody. dampnessdampness inin thethe pprocess.rocess. Fallen Tree / Debris Shelter wIf you cannot reach bare ground in snow, build a Surviving can be uncomfortable, even painful, USE RIDGE POLE AND If you utilize this survival kit in an actual survival atat ttimes,imes, bbutut ddiscomfortiscomfort oorr ppainain wwillill nnotot kkillill wUseUse treetree bboughs,oughs, leavesleaves oorr ppineine nneedles,eedles, ddebris,ebris, BRANCHES AS ALTERNATE platformplatform ooff llogsogs ((greengreen aarere bbest)est)
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