Psp Survival Instructions 0204.Pdf
STAY PUT! In most cases you should not try to wIn hot weather, seek shade and get below or above Tree Well Snow Shelter Snow Trench 10-12 armloads will generally last the night; more walkwalk oror swimswim out.out. StayStay withwith thethe vehicle,vehicle, vesselvessel groundground levellevel wherewhere iitt isis hottest.hottest. UUsese ssparepare tiretire oorr isis bbetter.etter. GGatherather aatt lleasteast 2 aarmloadsrmloads ooff wwoodood bbeforeefore oror aircraft.aircraft. TheThe oonlynly eexceptionxception iiss iiff iitt iiss hhighlyighly seatseat cushion(s)cushion(s) toto eelevatelevate yyourselfourself lighting fi re. unlikelyunlikely aanyonenyone wwillill ccomeome llookingooking fforor yyouou aandnd wLow-lying areas such as valleys are cooler, avoid wConserve waterproof tinder included in this kit. youyou areare unlikelyunlikely ttoo bbee aableble ttoo ssignalignal fforor hhelp.elp. inin ccoldold wweather,eather, sseekeek ooutut iinn hhotot wweathereather UseUse ifif weatherweather isis badbad oror ifif youyou cannotcannot fi nndd ttinder:inder: POCKET SURVIVAL PAK INSTRUCTIONS wBe cautious of dry riverbeds and canyons, rain lint,lint, insectinsect rrepellent,epellent, aalcohollcohol sswab,wab, ddryry mmoss,oss, MEDICAL PRIORITIES upstreamupstream andand ooutut ooff ssightight cancan resultresult inin ddeadlyeadly paper,paper, cottoncotton tthreadshreads ffromrom ccloth,loth, fi n ene s tsteeleel w owool,ol, STOP w fl aashsh flfl o ooods.ds. pitchpitch (sappy)(sappy) oror rottenrotten wood,wood, drieddried treetree ssap,ap, fi
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