Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Korken flyger by ⓘ Barbro Lindgren. Hon är dotter till överingenjör Georg Enskog och Maja Löfstedt samt syster till konstnären Katarina Olausson Säll. Barbro Lindgren var 1959–1985 gift med konstnären Bo Lindgren 1935–1991, som var son till konstnären Helge Lindgren och Margaretha Waldenström. Hon gick ut Konstfackskolan i 1958 och studerade 1959 på Konstakademien. Hon har varit reklamtecknare och arbetat inom sjukvården. Tillsammans med Marianne Eriksson har hon även startat ett barnboksförlag. Hon är mor till musikerna Mathias och Andreas Lindgren, som även är kända under artistnamnet Bröderna Lindgren. Hon är bosatt i Glömminge på Öland. 1. Författarskap. Barbro Lindgren har skrivit framför allt barn- och ungdomsböcker, men även vuxenböcker och allålderslitteratur. Hon debuterade 1965 med boken Mattias sommar. Vissa av sina böcker illustrerar hon själv, men sedan 1980-talet har hon också samarbetat med andra illustratörer, som till exempel Eva Eriksson. Lindgren har många gånger varit nyskapande och normbildande. Sedan debuten 1965 har hon givit ut ett hundratal titlar och blivit översatt till cirka 30 språk. 1.1. Författarskap Barnböcker. 2014 tilldelades Barbro Lindgren ALMA-priset Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne under motiveringen ".En litterär nydanare med absolut gehör." I författarpresentationen görs en omfattande genomgång av Barbro Lindgrens produktion av böcker för barn, från pekböcker för de yngsta till barndomsskildringarna i de självbiografiska trilogierna om uppväxten. Bland pekböckerna är de mest kända Sagan om den lilla farbrorn, Mamman och den vilda bebin och böckerna om Max. Till något äldre barn riktar sig böckerna om Loranga med sina udda personer som enligt Barbro Lindgren har modeller i de egna familjemedlemmarna. I böckerna Vems lilla mössa flyger, Korken flyger och VLMF - Vad lever man för är handlingen och huvudpersonerna än mer absurda. 1.2. Författarskap Vuxenböcker och allålderslitteratur. I en doktorsavhandling från 2006 "De gränslösa böckerna" studerar AnnaKarin Kriström Hans Alfredsons och Barbro Lindgrens tidiga författarskap som exempel på allålderslitteratur i Sverige under 1960- och 1970-talen. De självbiografiska trilogierna Jättehemligt, Världshemligt och Bladen brinner respektive böckerna om Sparvel Lilla Sparvel, Stora Sparvel och Bara Sparvel kan ses som viktiga utvecklingsromaner i svensk litteraturI en kandidatuppsats från 2015 analyserar Alva Franzon dessa romaner ur olika aspekter och relaterar till 1970-talets syn på barn, litteratur och klass. Lena Kåreland skriver om Barbro Lindgren: "Alltifrån debuten kan man hos henne notera en strävan att överbrygga generationsklyftorna. Önskan att nå läsare av olika åldrar tydliggörs också när hon själv lanserar sina verk." I en intervju säger Barbro Lindgren: Det är svårt för mig att folk inte fattar att jag skriver annat än böcker för barn. Folk vet inte om det och det är knappt att de böckerna recenseras." I förordet till Barbro Lindgren Dikter i urval 1974 - 2004 skriver Madeleine Gustafsson ".böckerna har alla, liksom läsarna, alla åldrar i sig, samtidigt." På 1970-talet skrev Barbro Lindgren tre kortromaner för vuxna: Felipe, Eldvin och Molnens bröder. Boken Eldvin har dramatiserats under titeln Tungt gräs som utsågs till bästa barnteaterföreställning i Sverige 1991. Molnens bröder framfördes i radioteatern 1989. Dessa böcker har också legat till grund för pjäsen Molnens bröder som satts upp på Dramaten 2017. 1991 kom "den första pekboken för vuxna" Titta Max grav! av Barbro Lindgren med illustrationer av Eva Eriksson. Max från de enkla barnpekböckerna skildras här från barndom till vuxenlivet och hur han så småningom dör och begravs. Titta Hamlet!, 2017 är en pekbok av Barbro Lindgren och Anna Höglund där Shakespearedramat får en ny gestaltning med ett enkelt språk till bilder där Hamlet själv är en sorgsen kanin, hans farbror är en råtta och så vidare. Den älskade bullterriern Rosa blev föremål för flera böcker, både av bilderbokskaraktär och som vuxenböcker. En samlingsvolym Rosa, prinsessan av Fäholmarna publicerades 2007. Från 2009 har Barbro Lindgren gett ut ett antal böcker med ett vuxet tilltal där hon varvar iakttagelser från promenader runt gården i Glömminge på Öland med reflexioner över sina studier av klassiska filosofer eller samtal med vänner: Att älska ett djur hade länge varit min dröm, Ingenting hände, två gånger, Även en ihålig nöt vill bli knäckt, Ett nollsummespel, Varför inte tala såsom ett barn, Om fällor och flockdjur. I Om sorgen och den lilla glädjen skildrar hon livet hos ett äldre syskonpar på Öland. Den första diktsamlingen för vuxna Genom ventilerna, 1967 skildrar ett barns relationer till sin mor och farmor.I diktsamlingen Gröngölingen är på väg,1974 "dikter för barn och andra" finns bland annat de kända och älskade dikterna Nu föds ett barn, Någon gång ska vi dö, Jag ligger på en äng, Tänk alla millioner år. I samlingarna En liten cyklist och Nu är du mitt barn är skildrandet av åldrande och döende centralt. Dikterna i När jag var prins utav Arkadien återkallar barndomens förunderliga rike". En samlingsvolym Barbro Lindgren Dikter i urval 1974 - 2004 publicerades 2014. Barbro Lindgren har även skrivit texterna till skivan Goda’ goda’ med musik av Jojje Wadenius. Barbro Lindgren. Barbro Lindgren (sünninimi Barbro Enskog ; sündinud 18. märtsil 1937 Brommas) on rootsi kirjanik. Sisukord. Elulugu. Lindgren on kirjutanud peamiselt laste- ja noorteraamatuid, kuid temalt on ilmunud ka kümmekond raamatut täiskasvanutele. Ta lõpetas Rootsi kunsti- ja disainiülikooli Konstfack 1958. aastal. Ta on töötanud nii reklaaminduses kui meditsiinialal. Oma raamatutest mõned on ta ise illustreerinud, kuid alates 1980. aastatest on ta teinud koostööd paljude teiste illustraatoritega. Aastatel 1971–1973 ilmus tema sulest kolmeosaline biograafiliste päevaraamatute sari, mis kujutab ühe noore tüdruku kohtumist armastusega ning tema mõtteid seoses elu suurte küsimustega (sarja kuuluvad raamatud "Jättehemligt", "Världshemligt" ja "Bladen brinner"). Lindgren on oma töödes olnud korduvalt teedrajav ning muuhulgas on ta kirjutanud ka täiskasvanutele mõeldud pildiraamatu "Titta Max grav!". Alates oma kirjanduslikust debüüdist aastal 1965 on talt ilmunud sadakond raamatut, mida on tõlgitud ligikaudu 30 keelde. [1] Lisaks muule kirjanduslikule loomingule on Barbro Lindgren kirjutanud ka laulusõnu: tema loodud on Jojje Wadeniuse lastemuusikaplaadi "Goda' Goda'" tekstid. Tema raamatut "Eldvin" on ka dramatiseeritud ning sellel põhinev lavastus tunnistati 1991. aastal Rootsi parimaks lastelavastuseks ja teost "Molnens bröder" esitati 1989. aastal raadioteatris. Koos Marianne Erikssoniga lõi Lindgren ka lasteraamatute kirjastuse. Lindgrenile anti panuse eest Rootsi kultuuri 2009. aastal kuninglik medal Illis Quorum ning ta on ka Uppsala üliõpilasorganisatsiooni Kalmar nation auliige. Aastal 2014 anti talle Astrid Lindgreni mälestusauhind ning seda muuhulgas ka selle eest, et ta on "kirjanduslik teerajaja". [1] Lisaks sellele on ta saanud palju muid kirjandusauhindu ja tunnustusavaldusi ning kaks Rootsi muusikaauhinda Grammis: aastal 1970 plaadi "Goda' Goda'" eest ning aasta 1991 parima lasteplaadi "Lilla ungen min" eest. Eesti keeles ilmunud. Barbro Lindgren ja Ilon Wikland. "Kartulilapsed". Tõlkinud Allar Sooneste. Tammerraamat, 2008. [2] Barbro Lindgren. "Minu vanaema majas". Illustreerinud Ilon Wikland. Tõlkinud Allar Sooneste. Huma, 2006. [3] Tunnustus. 2007 Selma Lagerlöfi auhind 2014 Astrid Lindgreni mälestusauhind. Teosed. – Mattias sommar – Hej hej Mattias – Genom ventilerna – Mera om Mattias – I Västan Grind – Loranga, Masarin och Dartanjang – Felipe – Loranga. Loranga – Nu har Kalle fått en lillasyster – Goda' Goda' – Nu är vi gorillor låssas vi – Jättehemligt – Världshemligt – Alban(bok)|Alban – Eldvin – Bladen brinner – Gröngölingen är på väg – Molnens bröder – Barbros pjäser för barn och andra – Rapport från marken – Lilla sparvel – Vad tycker du? – Stora sparvel – Garderobsbio – Hemliga lådans hemligheter – Kom ner från trädet – Världens längsta korv – Var är mina byxor – Jag har en tam myra – Bara Sparvel – Det riktiga havet – Sagan om den lilla farbrorn. – Nils Pantaloni Penell – Mamman och den vilda bebin – Max nalle – Max bil – Max kaka – Pompe badar i en å – Pompe går i skogen (koos Eva Erikssoniga) – Pompe tar en promenad – OBS! Viktigt – En liten cyklist – Max lampa – Max balja – Max boll – Den vilda bebiresan – Sakta, sakta. men ändå framåt – Vems lilla mössa flyger? – Pellerell – Vitkind – Sagan om Karlknut – Max potta – Max dockvagn – Hunden med rocken – Vilda bebin får en hund – Nu är du mitt barn – Sunkan flyger (koos Olof Landströmiga) – Hemligheter – Den vilda bebiresan – Korken flyger – Stackars Allan – Titta Max grav! – Pojken och stjärnan (koos Anna-Clara Tidholmiga) – Bra Börje. – Boken om Sparvel – Restaurangen är stängd – Stora syster, Lille bror – Jag säger bara Elitchoklad – Puss puss sant sant – Max blöja – Max napp – Här är det lilla huset – Svempa vill ha många nappar – Lilla lokomotivet Rosa – Kungsholmen ros – Rosa flyttar till stan – Rosa på bal – Nu är vi gorillor låssas vi – Per och Pompe – Nämen Benny – Nu är vi jobbarkaniner – Andrejs längtan – Mössan och korken flyger – Nämen Benny – Prinsessan Rosa – Rosa på dagis – Vi leker att du är en humla – Ängeln Gunnar dimper ner – Jamen Benny – Boken om Benny – I min farmors hus – VLMF – Nöff nöff Benny – Om sorgen och den lilla glädjen – Stackars Allan (koos Sven Nordqvistiga) Isiklikku. Tema pojad Mathias ja Andreas Lindgren on muusikud, kes kasutavad oma loomingu avaldamiseks artistinime "Vennad Lindgrenid" (Bröderna Lindgren). [4] Barbro Lindgren elab Ölandi saarel Glömminge külas. Viited. ↑ 1,01,1"Barbro Lindgren är 2014 års pristagare" . Memorial Award. Vaadatud 25.03.2014. Rootsi . ↑"Raamatukoi raamatupood – Kartulilapsed" . Vaadatud 26.03.2014. ↑"Raamatukoi raamatupood – Minu vanaema majas" . Vaadatud 26.03.2014. ↑"Bultande hjärtan vinner i längden" . Svenska Dagbladet , 31.05.2011. Vaadatud 25.03.2014. Rootsi . Teave seisuga: 16.01.2021 07:03:08 CET. Muutused: Kõik pildid ja enamik nendega seotud kujunduselemente eemaldati. Mõned ikoonid asendati FontAwesome-ikoonidega. Mõned mallid eemaldati (nt “artikkel vajab laiendamist”) või määrati (nagu “mündid”). CSS klassid kas eemaldati või ühtlustati. Vikipeedia spetsiifilised lingid, mis ei vii artiklini või kategooriani (nt „Lingid lingid”, „lingid redigeerimislehele”, „lingid portaalidesse”) eemaldati. Igal välisel lingil on täiendav FontAwesome-ikoon. Mõne väikese konstruktsioonimuudatuse kõrval eemaldati meediumikonteiner, kaardid, navigeerimisboksid, suulised versioonid ja geomikroformaadid. Korken flyger by Barbro Lindgren. Barbro Lindgren, born in 1937, is a very original and personal author. She trained at the Stockholm College of Arts, Crafts and Design. She has been awarded the Heffaklump prize from the newspaper Expressen, the in 1973, the Nils Holgersson plaque in 1977, the Grand Prize of the Society for the Promotion of Literature in 1991 and a number of other cultural awards and prizes. Her debut was in 1965 with the books about Mattias, amiable records of everyday life. With the books about Lorange, she let her imagination have a free rein, although she vows that she has just picked out pieces of real life, using her own family as a model! She tells of her own childhood in the books about Little Sparrow, and in the three books about the older Barbro, Jättehemligt/Top secret , Världshemligt Super secret and Bladen brinner/Burning leaves . They hit the mark, are written using an ostensibly simple and uncomplicated language and became runaway best-sellers. Barbro also writes for adults, with a rare melancholy undertone, and in Gröngölingen är på väg/The Greenhorn's on its Way she writes poetry, so self-evidently simple and beautiful. Together with Eva Eriksson she has also produced the wonderful books about Max (Sam) and Den vilda bebin/The Wild Baby , modern classics of Swedish children's literature. Eva Eriksson has also illustrated Vems lilla mössa flyger?/Who's Little Cap Is Flying?, published in 1987 and Korken flyger/The Cork Is Flying from 1990, wonderfully quirky and personal books where the toys in Child-Hans' country give us an image of the world in miniature – with all its absurdity, cruelty and zest for living. In 1992, the picture book Bra Börje/Louie , with illustrations by , was published. In 1992, Barbro Lindgren was also awarded the culture grant from the Society for the Promotion of Literature. In 1997, Barbro was nominated for the for Andrejs längtan/Andrei's Search and in 1998 for Nämen Benny/Benny's Had Enough . LINDGREN, Barbro 1937- PERSONAL: Born March 18, 1937, in Stockholm, ; daughter of George (a civil engineer) and Maja (an artist; maiden name, Loefstedt) Enskog; married Bo Lindgren; children: Andreas, Mathias. Education: Attended Konstfackskolan Art School, 1954-58, and Konstakademin Academy of Arts, 1959. Hobbies and other interests: Music, art, nature. ADDRESSES: Agent— Raben & Sjoegren, Box 2052, SE-10312 Stockholm, Sweden; and Eriksson & Lindgren Books, Box 22108, 10422 Stockholm, Sweden. CAREER: Worked as a commercial artist and designer; author, 1965—. MEMBER: Swedish PEN Club, Swedish Authors Union. AWARDS, HONORS: Swedish Foundation of Authors scholarship, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1971-75; "Gramophone-70" Award, 1970, for children's song texts; Marsta Municipal Culture Prize, community of Marsta, Sweden, 1970; Heffaklump Award, best Swedish children's book, Expressen, 1971, for Jaettehemligt; Astrid Lindgren Award, 1973, for honorable author-ship; Nils Holgersson-Plaketten, best Swedish children's book, Swedish Library Association, 1977, for Lilla Sparvel; Premio Europeo "Citta di Caorle" (picture book category), city of Trento, Italy and University of Padua, 1980, for Sagan om den lilla farbrorn; "best book" selections, School Library Journal, 1981, for The Wild Baby, and 1983, for The Wild Baby Goes to Sea; "Little Nobel Prize" for honorable authorship, 1990. WRITINGS: FOR CHILDREN. Mattias sommar (title means "Mattias's Summer"), illustrated by Stan Tusan, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1965, translation by Annabelle MacMillan published as Hilding's Summer, Macmillan (New York, NY), 1967. Mera om Mattias (title means "More about Mattias"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1966. Hej, hej Mattias (title means "Hi, Hi, Mattias"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1967. I Vaestan Grind (title means "Westwind Gate"), illustrated by Monica Schultz, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1968. Loranga, Masarin och Dartanjang, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1969. Loranga, Loranga, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1970. Nu har Kalle faat en liten syster (title means "Kalle Now Has a New Little Sister"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1970. Jaettehemligt (title means "Giant Secret"), illustrated by Olof Landström, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1971. Goda goda: Dikter (title means "Good, Good: Poems"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1971, revised edition, 1976. Nu aer vi gorillor laasas vi, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1971, translation by Suzanne Carlson published as Let's Be Gorillas!, illustrated by Susan Acker, Clamshell Press (Santa Rosa, CA), 1976. Vaerldshemligt (title means "World Secret"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1972. Alban: Popmuffa foer smaa hunder (title means "Alban: A Muff Hat for Small Dogs"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1972, translation by Joan Tate published as Alban, A. and C. Black (London, England), 1974. Bladen brinner (title means "Burning Pages"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1973, revised edition, 1978. Groengoelingen aer paa vaeg: Dikter foer barn och andra (title means "The Green Woodpecker Is on His Way: Poems for Children and Others"), illustrated by Katarina Olausson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1974. Barbros pjaeser foer barn och andra (title means "Barbro's Plays for Kids and Others"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1975, revised edition, 1978. Lilla Sparvel (title means "Little Sparrow"), illustrated by Andreas Lindgren and Mattias Lindgren, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1976. Stora Sparvel (title means "Big Sparrow"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1977. (With L. Westman) Hemliga laadans hemlighet (title means "The Secret Box's Secrets"), Liber, 1978. (With L. Westman) Jag har en tam myra (title means "I Have a Tame Ant"), Liber, 1978. (With L. Westman) Kom ner fraan traedet (title means "Come Down from the Tree"), Liber, 1978. (With L. Westman) Var aer mina byxor? (title means "Where Are My Pants?"), Liber, 1978. (With L. Westman) Vaerldens laengsta korv (title means "The World's Longest Hot Dog"), Liber, 1978. (With L. Westman) Laesa med varandra (title means "Reading with Each Other"), Liber, 1978. Garderobsbio (title means "The Movie Closet"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1978. Bara Sparvel (title means "Just Sparrow"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1979. Sagan om den lilla farbrorn, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1979, translation by Steven T. Murray published as The Story of the Little Old Man, R & S Books/Farrar (New York, NY), 1991. Nils Pantaloni Penell, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1980. Fotograf Jag (title means "Me, the Photographer"), Liber, 1980. Mamman och den vilda bebin, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1980, adaptation from Swedish by Jack Prelutsky published as The Wild Baby, Greenwillow (New York, NY), 1981. Max nalle, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1981, translation published as Sam's Teddy Bear, Morrow (New York, NY), 1982, published as Sam's Teddy, Methuen (London, England), 1984. Max bil, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1981, translation published as Sam's Car, Morrow (New York, NY), 1982. Max kaka, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1981, translation published as Sam's Cookie, Morrow (New York, NY), 1982, published as Sam's Biscuit, Methuen (London, England), 1984. Den vilda bebiresan, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1982, adaptation from Swedish by Jack Prelutsky published as The Wild Baby Goes to Sea, Greenwillow (New York, NY), 1983, translation by Alison Winn published as The Wild Baby's Boat Trip, Hodder & Stoughton (London, England), 1983. Max boll, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1982, translation published as Sam's Ball, Morrow (New York, NY), 1983. Max lampa, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1982, translation published as Sam's Lamp, Morrow (New York, NY), 1983, published Bad Sam!, Methuen (London, England), 1983. Max balja, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1982, translation published as Sam's Bath, Morrow (New York, NY), 1983. OBS! Viktigt! (title means "Please Note! Important!"), illustrated by Dan Jonsson, Liber, 1983, second edition illustrated by Cecilia Torudd, Eriksson & Lindgren Books (Stockholm, Sweden), 1990. Sagan om Karlknut, illustrated by Cecilia Torudd, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1985, translation by Dianne Jonasson published as A Worm's Tale, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1988. Vilda bebin faar en hund, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1985, translation by Alison Winn published as The Wild Baby's Dog, Hodder & Stoughton (London, England), 1986; adaption from Swedish by Jack Prelutsky published as The Wild Baby Gets a Puppy, Greenwillow (New York, NY), 1988. Max potta, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1986, translation published as Sam's Potty, Morrow (New York, NY), 1986. Max dockvagn, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1986, translation published as Sam's Wagon, Morrow (New York, NY), 1986, published as Sam's Cart, Methuen (London, England), 1986. Vems lilla moessa flyger, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1987. Sunkan flyger, illustrated by Olof Landström, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1989. Korken flyger, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1990, translation by Richard Fisher published as Shorty Takes Off, R & S Books/Farrar, Straus (New York, NY) 1990. Stackars Allan, illustrated by , 1990. Titta Max grav, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1991. Pojken och stjärnan, illustrated by Anna-Clara Tidholm, 1991. Bra Börje, illustrated by Pija Lindenbaum, 1992. Stora syster, Lille bror, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1992. Puss puss, sant sant, illustrated by Mathias Lindgren and Andreas Lindgren, 1993. Här är det lilla huset, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1994. Max napp, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1994. Max blöja, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1994. Kungsholmens ros, 1995. Lilla Lokomotivet Rosa (title means "Rosa: Perpetual Motion Machine"), illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1995. Svempa vill ha många nappar, 1995. Rosa flyttar till stan (title means "Rosa Moves to Town"), illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1996. Rose på bal, 1997. Andrejs längtan, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1997, translation published as Andrei's Search, R&S Books/Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 2000. Nu är vi jobbarkaniner, illustrated by Anna Höglund, 1997. Nämen Benny, illustrated by Olof Landström, 1998, translation published as Benny's Had Enough, R & S Books/Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1999. Per och Pompe, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1998. Rosa på dagis, illustrated by Eva Eriksson, 1999, translation published as Rosa Goes to Daycare, Douglas & McIntyre, 2000. Prinsessan Rosa, 1999. Ängeln Gunnar dimper ner, illustrated by Charlotte Ramel, 2000. Jamen Benny, illustrated by Olof Landström, 2001. FOR ADULTS. Genom ventilerna (title means "Through the Ventilators"), Bonnier (Stockholm, Sweden), 1967. Felipe, Bonnier (Stockholm, Sweden), 1970. Eldvin, Bonnier (Stockholm, Sweden), 1972. Molnens broeder (title means "The Celestial Brothers"), Bonnier (Stockholm, Sweden), 1975. Vad tycker du? (title means "What Do You Think?"), Liber, 1976. Rapporter fraan marken: Dikter (title means "Reports from the Ground: Poems"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1976. Det riktiga havet (title means "The Real Ocean"), Bonnier (Stockholm, Sweden), 1979. En liten cyklist (title means "The Little Cyclist"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1982. Elegi oever en doed raatta (poems; title means "Elegy over a Dead Rat"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1983. Hunden med rocken: Prosadikter (title means "The Dog with the Overcoat: Prose and Poems"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1985. Vitkind: I ett barns hjaerta, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1986. Nu aer du mitt barn (title means "Now You Are My Child"), illustrated by Katarina Olauson Saell, Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1988. Jag sager bara Elitchoklad: Prosastycken (title means "I Just Say Elite Chocolate"), Raben & Sjoegren (Stockholm, Sweden), 1993. Many of Lindgren's books have been translated into several languages. ADAPTATIONS: The filmstrip "The Wild Baby," released by Random House (New York, NY) is based on Lindgren's book of the same title. SIDELIGHTS: Swedish writer Barbro Lindgren is the author of a number of acclaimed books for young readers as well as novels and poetry for adults. A lifelong resident of Stockholm, Lindgren often draws upon memories of her own youth for inspiration. By her accounts she was an introspective, reclusive child, and at the age of thirteen saw her first short story published in a local newspaper. As a teenager, however, she became interested in the world of art, and after attending art school in Stockholm for five years, Lindgren worked for a time as a commercial artist. Author Astrid Lindgren—who is no relation to Barbro Lindgren—provided advice and encouragement to the fledgling writer and as a result, Barbro Lindgren's first book, Mattias sommar, the story of a small boy and his ordinary adventures, was published in 1965. "I really don't try to make up too much. I feel that real life is exciting enough," Lindgren said about the autobiographical tone of her first book in an interview reprinted in Something about the Author. Lindgren is perhaps best known for her "Wild Baby" and "Sam" books. Both series are aimed at preschoolers and praised by reviewers for their simple, declarative sentences and accurate depictions of a young child's rich, small world that is centered on his or her home and all of its potential for adventure. Mamman och den vilda bebin is about a precocious boy named Ben, who gets into a myriad of troubling situations but is continually rescued by his doting mother. In Den vilda bebiresan the young reader again encounters Ben, who is setting off for an outing in his makeshift carton-turned-boat on the blue sea of the living-room rug. His stuffed animals join him for the cruise, and in the simple prose that matches Eva Eriksson's whimsical drawings, Lindgren makes Ben the hero of an action-packed journey. A living room doorway serves in Ben's imagination as the mouth of whale that he sails into, and an inexplicably real chicken is rescued along the way, much to the bewilderment of Ben's mother. Lindgren repeated the success of these books with the "Sam" series—the tales of another little boy who perpetually gets into trouble. Lindgren originally wrote them in Swedish as the "Max" books. Max nalle, Max bil, and Max kaka were the first three titles; Max became Sam in the English editions. Again aimed at the youngest readers, the stories of the spiky-haired toddler are humorous and easy for preschoolers to comprehend. In Max bil Lindgren incorporates a moral about sharing toys with others. In Max kaka the tot learns to share with his dog. In Max bol, the boy realizes the importance of sharing his favorite ball with the family cat. He gets into trouble, however, in Max lampa when he tries to reach the potentially unsafe appliance. His mother comes to his rescue and bandages his scrape. Max balja means playtime for the irrepressible toddler and his dachshund is drawn into the mischief. Throughout the text of her books Lindgren desires to impart the joy and adventure of everyday life for small children. In Sagan om Karlknut, Lindgren writes of an unusual worm that a lonely man named Arthur encounters in a park. He befriends the talking creature, gives him a home, has a suit of clothes made for him, and names him Charles. In turn, Charles helps Arthur overcome his shyness; their friendship and the triumph of good over evil is proven when a thug threatens the defenseless worm and the pair's new friends rally round. In Vems lilla moessa flyger, a young boy despairs of his small stature, a problem compounded by his lack of navigational skills in a bewildering adult world. "Shorty" wishes so hard for a set of wings that he gets them—and flies out the window to find his lost cat and a forgotten ball. After a tiring day in the skies, he returns home and falls asleep at the dinner table. Shorty's wings diminish as he grows and becomes a successful musician. Lindgren once admitted: "I identify with people who are at a disadvantage. Those who are oppressed. I react with fury towards injustice. Life is full of hard-ships as well as incredibly beautiful things, like small glimpses of light. Among the beautiful things that can happen are reaching for another person, feeling affection and warmth. You notice this throughout life, how complicated life is and how simple it can be." BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL SOURCES: PERIODICALS. Booklist, September 1, 1982, p. 46; May 15, 1983, pp. 1218-1220; September 1, 1983, p. 88; September 1, 1984, p. 75; June 1, 1996, p. 1734. Kirkus Reviews, March 1, 1997, p. 384. Library Journal, June 15, 1967, p. 2451. Publishers Weekly, May 6, 1983; July 8, 1983, p. 65; October 28, 1988, p. 78; October 12, 1990, p. 63. Barbro Lindgren. Barbro Lindgren is the author of several childhood classics. Her innovative and multifaceted body of work includes picture books, children’s poetry, plays, realistic YA fiction, and more absurd prose stories. Including her books for adults she has published over a hundred titles, translated into more than thirty languages. Quick facts. The jury’s motivation. About Barbro Lindgren. Barbro Lindgren, born in 1937, is a Swedish author of innovative and multifaceted works for children of all ages. Her body of work includes picture books, poetry, plays, and books for young adults. Since her debut as an author in 1965, she has published over a hundred titles, and her work has been translated into more than thirty languages. Barbro Lindgren’s stories are often humorous and always possess a uniquely warm tone of voice that speaks directly to the child, whether she is offering amusing escapades or more serious reflections. She has a singular capacity to remember and convey what it was like to be a child, and her seemingly simple style recreates atmospheres and moods that resonate with all her readers, regardless of their age. Barbro Lindgren has an education in the arts and illustrated several of her own books, including her first book, Mattias sommar (Mattias’ summer, 1965), and the absurd tale of Loranga, Masarin och Dartanjang (1969), about a world where anything can happen. Sagan om den lilla farbrorn (The Story of the Little Old Man, 1979) marked the beginning of a long-lived co-operation with the illustrator Eva Eriksson. Their greatest success came with their series of picture books about little Max and the everyday adventures in the life of a small child. Meanwhile, in Mamman och den vilda bebin (The Wild Baby, 1980) a baby has adventures that are anything but ordinary. More realistic works include the autobiographical series of books in diary form, Jättehemligt, Världshemligt and Bladen brinner (Big Secret, Top secret, Pages on fire, 1971-73). Here, the author portrays a young girl’s encounter with love and her existen-tial reflections about life. Death seems always close at hand, a theme we see again in the series about Sparvel (1976-79), which depicts the author’s life from age four until she starts school. Reflections on the meaning of life also appear in the fiercely original chapter books Vems lilla mössa flyger (Whose little hat is flying, 1987), Korken flyger (The cork is flying, 1990), and Vad lever man för (What-Are-We-Living-For, 2006), where worn-out stuffed animals are among the unusual cast of characters. Here, Barbro Lindgren finds humor even in a funeral, and refilling the stuffing of a toy elephant can bring it back from the dead. In-depth text by the jury. Barbro Lindgren, born in 1937, is a Swedish author whose innovative and multifaceted body of work includes picture books for young children, children’s poetry, plays, realistic fiction for young adults, and more absurd prose stories. In all, she has published over a hundred titles, translated into more than thirty languages. She has also written a number of books for adults. Barbro Lindgren has a distinguished education in the arts and first envisioned a career as a visual artist. But she was also an early writer of stories. Her first children’s book, Mattias sommar (Mattias’ Summer), appeared in 1965. She illustrated it herself; not until the 1970s did she first work with other illustrators. Mattias sommar, which had two sequels, depicts the everyday life of a five-year-old boy spending the summer in the city and making mischief with his friends. Among his more creative ideas: trying to sell his little sister, and running away to his grandmother’s. During the 1970s, Barbro Lindgren’s realist narratives reached greater depths with two autobiographical trilogies. The first consisted of three novels in diary form: Jättehemligt (Big Secret), Världshemligt (Top Secret), and Bladen brinner (Pages on fire, 1971-73, ill. Olof Landström/ Barbro Lindgren). It follows a young Barbro from age ten to age fifteen. We see a young girl’s encounters with life and love, whose existential reflections are intermingled with ordinary descriptions of schoolwork and friends. The main character’s long period of depres-sion plays a major role in the first book, and death feels always close at hand. The second autobiographical trilogy is about Sparvel, whom we first meet in Lilla Sparvel (Little Sparvel, 1976) at age four; in the third and final book, Bara Sparvel (Just Sparvel, 1979), she is just starting school. In these books, Barbro Lindgren displays a unique ability to relive and put words to human emotions. Sparvel is frightened by death, but she is not afraid of people who are different. The trilogy’s middle book, Stora Sparvel (Big Sparvel, 1977), centers on her friendship with a man who is a mental patient. The books are illustrated by Barbro Lindgren’s sons, Andreas and Mathias Lindgren. With the publication of Loranga, Masarin och Dartanjang (1969, ill. Barbro Lindgren) and its sequel, Loranga, Loranga (1970), Barbro Lindgren’s writing took a new direction. Fore-most among the eccentric cast of characters are Loranga, a father who loves bright orange clothes and wears a tea cozy on his head; his son Masarin, brought up on sweet buns and love; grandfather Dartanjang, who emerges from his woodshed every morning with a new identity; and a great-grandfather who has moved into a tree, eats birdseed, and thinks he is a cuckoo. They all live a carefree life, untroubled by rules or norms, in a tolerant world where the thief Gustav, for example, gets to keep everything he steals. In these absurd tales, anything can happen—is the garage suddenly full of tigers? We are not surprised. During the 1970s, Barbro Lindgren’s output became ever more varied. The collection of poems Gröngölingen är på väg (The Green Woodpecker Is on His Way, ill. Katarina Olausson Säll) appeared in 1974 and is one of her most beloved. What seems simple is philo-sophically profound, and speaks directly to the child reader. In all, Barbro Lindgren has written half a dozen volumes of poetry for children, and a great number of her poems have been set to music. Many of her works have also been adapted for the stage and the opera, and by 1975, she herself had already published a book of plays, Barbros pjäser for barn och andra (Barbro’s plays for children and other people). Sagan om den lilla farbrorn (The Story of the Little Old Man, 1979) marked the beginning of a long-lived co-operation with illustrator Eva Eriksson. The book was also the first of many for the very young. In it, we meet two figures to whom Barbro Lindgren would frequently return – a lonely human and a friendly dog. In this poignant tale of friendship, it is the dog, placing a cold nose in the old man’s hand, which assuages the man’s feelings of abandon-ment. Barbro Lindgren also co-operated with Eva Eriksson on Mamman och den vilda bebin (The Wild Baby , 1980), which was soon followed by several sequels. The books are about a mother and her wild little boy, who is hanging from a ceiling lamp one minute, and taking a bath in the toilet or running off to the woods the next. He does everything a child mustn’t do, and tries his mother severely. The humorous pictures are enhanced by Barbro Lindgren’s ingenious rhymes, and vice versa. The Wild Baby books were enthusiastically received. But Barbro Lindgren’s greatest success during the 1980s came with her long series about little Max, again illustrated by Eva Eriksson. The series began with Max bil (Sam’s Car), Max kaka (Sam’s Cookie), and Max nalle (Sam’s Teddy Bear), all published in 1981. The books are brilliant in their humorous simplicity. They are a new kind of picture book, each telling a story of high drama in a child’s small world – in a language so deliberately fragmentary that some educators responded with protest. Here Barbro Lindgren provides us yet another example of her perfect pitch: not only does she speak with a child’s voice, but she also never fails to see the world through a child’s eyes. After eight books, Barbro Lindgren was ready to conclude the series. In 1991, she published Titta Max grav! (Look, Max’s grave!) in which little Max grows up, gets married, has children, gets divorced, and finally dies. It was all to no avail, however, as three years later Max was resurrected for two more books. The picture book Stora syster, Lille bror (Big Sister Little Brother, 1992, ill. Eva Eriksson) is about two siblings who seem to be all alone in the world: we never see their parents, and we never learn the children’s names. Every night Little Brother starts to cry, and every night Big Sister has to comfort him. Helped by kindly neighbors, Little Brother always gets what he wants. The narrator’s voice is warm and funny, in spite of the fact that the story is about humankind’s existential solitude and our fundamental need for security. This theme returns in Andrejs längtan (Andrei’s Search, 1997, ill. Eva Eriksson), in which two small parentless boys escape from an orphanage in St. Petersburg and go looking for their mother. Barbro Lindgren is an author who offers us the unexpected. In numerous books, she has developed and explored the absurd in her writing. Among her most fiercely original are the three chapter books about life in the land of Barnhan, Vems lilla mössa flyger (Whose little hat is flying, 1987), Korken flyger (The cork is flying, 1990), and Vad lever man för (What-Are-We-Living-For, 2006), illustrated by Eva Eriksson. Their main characters are an old, ragged stuffed dog whose eyes are falling out of its head, a baldheaded teddy bear, an elephant and a Russian muskrat. The cast also includes a champagne cork, a marble, and a rubber monkey. Wistfulness, melancholy, and sorrow are counterbalanced here by vibrant language and quiet humor. The tattered elephant is losing sawdust and in the final book, we witness her funeral. After a refill, however, she returns from the dead. Here, with greater skill than ever, Barbro Lindgren walks a tightrope between merry and serious – so sure-footedly that we can laugh even at a funeral. Barbro Lindgren’s two most recent picture books appeared in 2013. Vi leker att vi är pippifåglar (Let’s Pretend we’re Baby Birds, ill. Camilla Engman) is a game of make-believe, in which two flying boys save themselves from danger by the power of their imagination. In Här är den lilla gården (See the Little Farm, ill. Eva Eriksson), we meet characters like a pig who dreams of cream cakes, and a horse who stands philosophizing under a pear tree. A far cry from the farm animals we are used to. Animals with distinctive character traits and big personalities appear often in Barbro Lindgren’s books. Rosa the bull terrier got her own series in the 1990s, and a collection of poems, Rosas sånger (Rosa’s songs), in 2006. Barbro Lindgren’s three books about a little pig named Benny (ill.Olof Landström) are well-loved and have been frequently translated. And in Att älska ett djur hade länge varit min dröm (I Always Wanted an Animal to Love, 2010), a book for adults, she explores her relationship with our most common pets, as well as slugs, ants, and spiders. Barbro Lindgren has a remarkable ability to convey what it was like to be a child. This, in combination with sensitivity to atmosphere and mood, makes her stories so real, so com-passionate, that they can sometimes be painfully affecting. Her works command a thematic and stylistic breadth granted to only a few, always with complete trust in the reader’s ability to see beneath the surface. With seemingly simple means and with all- embracing warmth, Barbro Lindgren creates characters that live on long after her books are closed. In addition to the illustrators named above, Barbro Lindgren has also co-operated with Kjell Ivan Andersson, Magnus Bard, Fibben Hald, Anna Höglund, Dan Jonsson, Pija Lindenbaum, Sven Nordqvist, Rita Rapp-Lennmor, Madeleine Pyk, Charlotte Ramel, Monica Schulz, Anna-Clara Tidholm and Cecilia Torudd.