m i t r n.r i t n t ? ‘Thu liineli wns on a trny in a siito-rooin, for three vouchers for the next hull. I had —I went in nml filled up the blank ’flie rs swallown.s'ic c ’ie, ? ,1 1 i'i ? . " n,7 r"r7l>— ‘ rang the bull an, 1 or,lure,I a bottle of had oeension cnee or twice before, to apply ! with the names of Mrs. Ilellan,y ami I, Our sweetest Songs nrc those that tell of sad­ who fnrnis icr dest thought. aparen, wI i I M ^ 7 ' <'- t- - " HI Imld its v,r„,e. I, struck mu again champagne. Thu servant looked surprised, ; for similar favors, for the country women ofi daughters. I listened a mo,net to the co a par, nt, who ,s thought to ,l„ow a damper hat these ,bfl,unities rather gave „ a zest, and , hu, brought it, and meantime I was getting my own, pawning through London on their versa,ion in the next room. The subject cw o ," wns THE SONG OF SEVENTY. H f'it'm u T e o m e f-' T " ™ / ° 1'. I I tl,e ,,, nv1c- 1 ,h',88,!d’ ' through the weather and the other common- , travels, ami I knew that her ladyship though, Almaek's ami was diseossed with r r c .t n. Almaek's nml wns discussed w ith great ani­ j . ’ 10 onl'vn,,,» not I!,s lho day wns fine, started to stroll leisurely , places, nml the Indy saying little, wns watch- ”o more o f granting them than of returning BY MARTIN F. TVPFr.lt. mation. Lady S------, who seemed tom e try 1 . make dancing „„d other amusements inno-j through the Strand and Elect-street, and look i ing me very calmly. I liked her looks, how- | bows in Hyde Park. I .lid not name the la- iug to escape the trap they had baited fur her I am not old — I cannot be old, . .in in , iciiise ves, and regulate them? Or into the shop-windows on may way—assuring1 ever, and wns sure she wns not n Mimpson. "lies for whom the three tickets were intended Though thrccs ’ore years and ten >J'should not the wise and good associate to myself, nt lenst, thus much of diversion in my I “ Hnnil this to Miss Armstrong!’ said I to wishing to reserve the privilege of handing was quietly setting forth the difficulties o f pro­ llavc wasted away, like a talc that is told, curing vouchers, and recommending to Mrs. The lives of other men. , provide p enty of innocent piddle aim,sen,cuts , adventure. i t|lc footllml)) pourjng ou, „ ,)f j one to Miss Mimpson,should she tun, out civ- —under the manngement of suitable persons, , ’Somewhero about two o’clock, 1 left day-1 j il and presentable Mimpson not to subject herself to the morti­ The third, of course, was 1 am not old —though friends and foes j while they aim nt tlinsni,io time to form high , ligin behind, and plunged into M ark’s Lane. fication of n refusal. Old Mimpson bucked Alike have gone to their graves, Miss Bellamy, you mean, sir.’ It0 Aliss Bellamy's chaperon, whoever that | ’ •»ni,o„on0,i ( n t ) n v n „,. I am not old — 1 c.nnnpt ho old, the hour—’cel, scion.- Quite a dramatic plot; anything, do anything, give anything, rntlmr Though tottering, wrinkled and gray; eoat nearly wiped ofi m y shoulder by the Though my eyes are dim and my marrow is cold, ! latny—through Tnomns. the footman! Miss ! "'ns|> 1 if. than f(lj| tbj, (|nr];ng object of her ambition Aa intellectual repast, composed of die choicest strength o f the p tilly, 1 shoved through, and Call me not o, 1 to-day. ‘viands’ of the Literarj market. Bellamy burst into a laugh, and wns pleased ‘ I knew that L a d y ------was not very well, j She would feel under eternal,Inexpressible ob- emerged in a large room, with twenty nr For early memories around me throng, to compliment my American manners, mid in J 1111,1 " 'O,|B1 Be found at by the messen-, ligations to any friend who would procure,for ...... the Home Journal. Ith i.ty clerks perched on high stools, like j ten , „ jnuteB wo were a very me,tv ' pair o f i RPr ('"-v l’<’*t-boy,)mnl there wns time enough Old limes and manners and men. herself and daughter, admission for one As I look behind on my ion rimy so long BROtVNs DAY WITH TIIE MIMPSONS. n menagerie. friends, and she accepted my arm for a stroll Between *“»ip and coffee to go to Loudon night lo Almaek’s. Of threescore miles an 1 ten. irst door right.’ said the nearest man, lbvou„b tbe g|.ou„ (|s, carefully avoidin'’ tb(. ! ""<1 Back, even without die spur in his poek- I’. WII.I.IS. •And then Came in the sweet voice of Miss w iih o u , rinsing Ins eyes from the desk, in re- fl.igi(, llpigbborlloo(1 o f M rs. / lil)lp son. ° ! ot. 1 lo >k behind, and am once more young, Bellamy, ‘who knew it was both wrong and ruyar.t, and brave, and bold. W e got down from an omnibus in Charing ! I’ty to my inquiry for Mr. Mimpson. ‘Of course I set about picking Miss Bella- ; ‘Tiie hell rang, and Miss Bellamy tank her­ s illy, hut she would give ten years o f her life And my heart can sing, ns of yore it sung, Cross. ‘I entered a closet, lighted by a slanting Before they called me old. niy’s brains for what information I wanted.— self off to dress. I went to my carpet-bag, to go to one o f Alm aek’s halls, and in a long ‘Sovereign or ha’penny?’ snid the end, rub-' *k.' I'glit, in which sat my man. She turned out quite the nicest creature I lind in the bachelor quarters o f the house, and conversation she had had w ith M r. Brown on I (hi not see her — the old wife there — hing tile coin between his tliuiuh imd-finger. ‘Mr. John Mimpson?’ Shrivelled, and haggard, and gray, seen in England—fresh, joyous, natural and through a discreet ‘entretien’ with the maid the subject that morning------.’ But I look on her blooming, and soft, and fair, ‘Sovereign, of course!’ said 1!------confi­ ‘ M r. John M im pson?’ . , , , ,. , who hrutlght me hot water, became somew hat ‘All!’ interrupted Lady S------, ‘ i f it had As she was ou her weduiug day. ‘After this brief dialogue of accost, I pro-j1 . 5 "8 "'"9 tlekvered °vcr ,0 l,,!r dently, pocketing the change which the man informed as to my fair friend’s position in the been the M r, Brow n, von would have bail had ready for the emergency in a hit o f brown C<1 ,ll-v totter, and had a second’s leisure to bodily, by her keeper and feeder, she made sons, family. She was the daughter of a gentle­ very little trouble about it.' 1 do not see von. daughters and pnpcr. ' J examine my new friend while he ran Iiis eye scruple o f promenading me th ro ’ the grounds In the likeness of women and men, man who had seen better days. T lu ty lived ‘ And w ho is “ th e " M r Brow n?’ asked M rs. But I kiss you now ns 1 kissed you once, It wns a muggy, misty London twilight. 1 1,10 He wns a rosy, wcll-coti- till the dressing-bell—four o f the most agreea­ in a retired eottage in the neighborhood; and, M impson, Aly fond little children then- wns coming up to town from Blacheath, mid |,1il.k’,IC,1’ ''gl't-skinned little mail, with black ble hours 1 linvc to record in my travels. as Miss Bellamy and a youugcr sister were •The pet nnd ‘protego’ of the only lady in the crowded vehicle had chanced to encoini- ,"llr " " 1 looko(l likp n l’onr 011 n cl|,iir. (Hang 'By Miss Bellamy’s account, my advent And ns my own grandson rides on my knee, both very highly accomplished, they were us­ patroness I do not visit,’ said Lady S------, Or plays with his hoop or Kite, ter my eon,patriot B------(,-all it Brown), lkp Bothering rhymes.) His legs were com- that day was looked upon by Mrs Mimpson ually asked to the Lodge, whenever there ‘and uiduekily, ton, the only one who thinks I can well recollect 1 was merry as he — who bail been lionizing the Tham es Imine'. I'B-tely bid under Hie desk, so that theascend- as nil enraging,terrible calamity.MrsAIiuipsoti The bright-eyed little wight ! wns company to he entertained with their the vouchers great rubbish, nnd gives them Iii the course o f conversation, itcainc out t h a t I 0 Began w ith his eqt'ntory line, and wns, herself, fourth cousin to n Scotch lord, music. JTis not long since—it cannot be long — we were liotli on the town for our dinner, nnd | " llPl1,cl 1, "ss.ired him he was quite; envoys nt llose Lodge, ami they had at last in. It was twilight in the reception-room, (to the duke’s to-night, nnd so nm I. W ill I pe,-iment, discovered .1,a t il,d o u b t o f dm cad hi" ' c si,,PC d i"Pn 'c e d that be bad compromised the mutter. N o Yankee clerk, Forev’i- young—lliough life's old age and I hoped, by getting on the same side o f • yon take me w ith you, o t shall mV ‘ po-shay’ wns well Ibnnded, for be bad „„eo„seio„slv ' I,',pn ,llrco -' p,,rs)’ '""l conversation or German agent, or person of any dcserip- lialh every nerve lies,rung ; tlm table with Lady S------(whom I bad follow where I belong—in your train?’ The heart, the hear, is a herilaae passed a halfpenny Bn- a soverebm ' " '“ l'l" p‘1 Between ns for ten minutes, till we bon, defiled In-trade, was to he invited to the ‘I’ll take you, of course,’ said her ladyship, That keeps the old man young! ‘People arc very up, to take'your coin a, ' " p|'° tn !""'t sworn friends. I rose t0 Lodge without a tl,ree days’ premonition to die honor o f know ing ), to esenpn recogni­ zance till we joined the ladies in the draw­ rising, ‘hut first about the vouchers. You your own valuntion,’ said Brown, with a B". ”"d 'Be merchant seemed very much per- Mrs Mimpson, and no additions were to be ing-room after dinner. As the guests arriv­ have just come, nnd didn’t hour our discuss- THE UPPER CRUST. plexed. i made, whatever, by Mr Al.,to Mrs. M.’s din- smile nf some nieaning, ‘and w hen limy nvr ed, they were formaly introduced to Miss ion. Mrs Mimpson is extremely anxious that “ Oh! What a goodly outside labehond lialh.” “ To-morrow,5 said he, rubbing the two i ners’so,roos’nrelujry suVl)nrf,» 's,:1f was formally presented to Lady S- and as 1 happened to say, the moment before The woman who makes the contemptible blunder it is ns easy to pass for gold as for cupper.- > "" 18 •‘■".v. M''- Munpson—well, it * j ’ 1 1 leaf of brass’ ll,c exception not noticeable,of course, among , you entered, that you were die very person to In gelling lip pies, Indeed, you may pass for bod, in n day, as 1 m id " T im ^ i^ i^ e o a ^ ± ' 'Biny people. Mr Mimpson came late from procure the tickets from Lady-— . How To shorten the upper crust more Ilian the under, liavo lately bad experience. Remind me pies-1 , ' ’ ' C ‘ ' I very odd dial you should come in just then! Is very unwise- ently to tell you how. Hero comes the fried | . "With ">■ great pleasure,’ said I, for I wnswas | „r . .. , ...... , , , ,...... o|, sllbject „f bi, fl.iol)(, ])rownj n|)(J , ' ,)ut te|| you?, Not only penurious, meagre and mean, s”^ mid "it’s .nm'lilesoom "tidkiog when" there ' -lete,-mined to follow my trump letter to ex- ; °f ll'nt ll" / , h"d “ d'l>'pn">"p "B n .- Bill called in llie papers “ decidedly green.” are hones to fight shv o f - t h e ‘ How of sole’ to ' " P'" i'ie ’=. j M lss M ll"Ps° " ( " ll01" J l>«d 8PP'- entered tlm room barely in time to hand Lady ‘A dead silence followed the question.— But look through this world, and you'll find that dm contrary m.tw iti,standing? I ‘ ‘ M rs. M im pson,’ he next went on to s a y j ready to -come o ut,’ nnd her mother had S------in to dinner. M rs M impson sat w ith her eyes on the floor, I he upper as he wrote dow n dm geography o f Rose <”” Bn.l«c«l her whole sole in the enterprise o f ‘My tactics were ably scconcd by my the picture of dismay and mortification. Miss Are ever more short. I will lake advantage of the ‘hiatus’ to give More teslv in temper, more stinted nt supper, L o d g e --M rs . M impson expects some friends |1 bringingbri,,K''"S nBoul 1...... that1 ‘ ‘debut’ ' " nt - Alm *■ aek’s.— ally. 1 placed myself in such a position nt Mimpson blushed nnd twisted tier handker­ the render a slight idea of my friend, as a _ More brief in retort.— 1 H e r best card was a certain Lady S table, that, by a little manngement, I kept chief, and Miss Bellamy looked at her host­ Besides, in their relish for splendor and ilasli, pnrntion for his story. j to-morrow—indeed, some of her very choice . . They often get short of health, credit, nnd cash. Brown was the “ mirror nf court,isv.” lie i friends. If you come curly, you will sco i who chanced to lie passing a few days in the Miss Bellam y’s bend between Jne nnd Lady ess, h a lf amused nnd h u lf distressed. was also the m irro r o f -,-.d-ar-tv. And |.n WRS 'm ore o f her than i f you ju st save your d in n e r., ^'gBBo.-hood, and this dinner was m ‘ her, S------, nnd my name was not so remnrknhle ‘I handed the three vouchers to Aliss Bel­ And man of deception is ever a lover, as todrnw attention to me when called on to latny, nnd begged her acceptance of them,nnd Wheiever he's louml,— the‘mirror’ of everything else. He had that I Bring your Carpet-bag, of course, mid stay' honor-thc company chosen to impress her A al life is a hook in a line showy cover, facility of adaptation to tlm society he was in ,' over night. Lunch at two—dine nt seven. I , 1 le c-'i;B|-’n ellp‘ s °r ‘Be Mimpsoiis, nnd take wine with the peccant spouse of Scotch , then turning to Lady S-----, without waiting lord's cousin? Meantime, I was very clinrm- [ for a reply, regretted that, not havin'’ had the Most splendidly bound — 1 the prayer for her ladyship’s influence (to w hich made him seem horn for dint society, •’■nn’t he there tn receive yon myself, lint I will Each leaf has an edging of gold, b ill witbin ro Mrs. Mimpson to save you’all trouble . procure vou,:hcr3 ‘’"omoim of the patronesses) , i,'Sb' entertained- Miss Bellamly not having pleasure of being presented to Mrs. Mimp- Il is dark with inseriplions ol folly and sin. nnd that only; and, without calculation or prepare Mrs. Mimpson to save ; Lroduction. Hampstead road Good " ns to 1jc |" !ldt’ iwBen she was ‘dieted to tlip ir nt 11 ' 10 f enl Mr.-,.. M im pson before her ( son, I had not felt authorized to include her fotcthoiight— hy nn unconscious instict indeed " f introduction. Hampstead , , i n i t t • i If strangers yon meet, a, a wedding or party, eyes, and apparently finding the Ynnkce hu- in my efl’ort to oblige Miss Bellamy. Besiew not your irusl, - h e c lc y c h reflected the man and maimers , ■ul)1|rbnn ,n|(,()li(t ,boiI„ b. j clin rim Lady S------had a cccp tcd -U d o had J I’crcnrgo, o r cotton cle rk, or whatever he I ‘ And what w ith old Mim pson's w to n U li1 Your confidence, frank, unsuspecting nnd hearty, nm-’t "varh-d quali't" ' 11,-own 'was a' man of >, as ’l ,egained daylight in the neighbor!,™!' so»‘ 1,ps‘ c°°k fl"'" Crockford’s-the Be,- i ""R11' T-’to word, Hying her hand upon.. men., and Lady S -_ 's Immediate tact in On short upper crust— Or you'll learn dm, not pastry alone hath die sin moderate fortune, and no profession. He had <>f the Mansion House. | S""> 1111,1 11 S"'u'lisl* ‘,lttncho’ " cl'c ’ , VlTinT f'd f ’ ““l ,"7 71 ffi’l’T ’ ' .‘•'‘’" T f’ Of nn outside much belter than what is within. travelled for some years o„ die continent, and ‘h turned out a beautiful .lay, sunny nnd ^ """R -'B ” 'Bty was beautiful,and the Lodge , enough to xe, ,fy the apoerypl,a-„t least for she d.d not quite un^stnnd, thoughshe knew Yon will lind the same spirit pervading all classes had encountered all classes of Englishmen,! warm; nnd had I been sure of ,'ny navigation, -'vas si,,in« for i,s l,ictur"; n,,d 0,1 ,l,c ' ,1,C '"gl“~ “ n'"" sor- it wns somo awkward ‘contrc temps’ or oth­ The high ami die mean— /» . t i i i ..i. i ...... !• . * ii • i 7 inoriiiii,r. when cvvrv chair nt the table was row nor debt’ with such glorious chirct. ers, I found time to rot-eivo B ellam y’s from nocis lo gpccn-grocers, and ns he had n »mu sure ol my disposition to stny nil night. I viy un m f, Mias Like a rich satin clunk it iuvelopes the masses, v the Hninnstend conch 1 l*c^ctci^ ‘looted, whnt should Mr Mimp- ’ * was vis-n-vis to Miss Mimpson, nnd thank’s, ami get permission from the mother Over ragged murffil, visit to England in prospect, he seldom parted should hnve gone out by the Ilnmpstcnd conch, , , . . . , 4 As a spotless lalse bosom limy horrors enclose. from the most i-hance acquaintance without a and made the best of my way, carpet-hag in 8on d<1> But scud hack a special messenger 1,11 l> •'!“ » icmoxei ami m tnnt nr, to call and arrange this unexpected party, nnd And gailer hoots laced oyer delestahle hose. volunteer of lelteers of introduction, exchange , hand. I went into Ncwiiinn’s fora postchnisa, ffotn the city, to say that he lind lorgottcn to , " 118 " " 1111 *O,1C 1 ° 80,nP a i e or somi io ten minutes 1 was on my way to London of addresses, and simliar tokens of having however, mid on showing him the written nd- mention to Mrs. M. lit hrenkfast, tliut ho had | civility, ami one would have thought that; with Lady S , amusing her almost into fits There is counterfeit breeding in full circulation, More brilliant than gold — “ pricked through his castle wall.” When he dress, was agreeably surprised to find he knew | "lvi‘«d B™" " 1 Of col"--*u l'« ll,ld '" r- I K*>od-B>o"r the devil himself, under one’s own roo^tery. Most fair tn behold. — budget like the postman’s on Valentino’s day, ‘Away I went through the Regent’s park, 118 Bis eyes were worth to mention it in person j b.v invitation; hut the large eyes of Miss A u-; Lm ly S------was to ho still nt Hampstead And counterfeit weallli w ill, its glittering dusl, All showy without, like the rich upper crust. mid ho had only to deliver one letter in a senro behind the blood-posters, blue ja cket and t0 Airs. Mimpseii. . ic li.i nnd lie, mmnmn passed over me as il I for a few dnvs, mill,- nt my request, slm called to he put oil velvet in any street or square white hat, and, somewhere about one o’clock, i ‘To this information which 1 give yon in # had on the ini isible ring of Gyges. I won- me on the Bellamys, nnd invited the g irls up Bat jive me the friend lhai is frank Ibr a wonder, withill the hills of mortality. Sagacious mounted Hampstead Hill, mid in ten minutes j lump, hut which came to light ill the course ' 'B'1' By-lhn-wny,w hether the ainhilious youths to town. Rose Bellamy, the younger, is, a, And irilsly though rougli- Whose upper crust proves very much like die enough to know that the gradations of Englisli thence was at my destination, The postboy , of rather a desultory conversation, Miss Bel- | " 110 g‘> 1,1 London ami Bai is w ilh samples, this moment, one of tlm now stars of the sea­ ul1'1''1'; . , , , society have the facility of a cat’s back "’ns about driving in at tho open gate, hut I lamy thought I had some title, from the ru- , ,ll,d *’°mo hack nnd sport ‘the complcto var- son accordingly,mid Miss Belli,liiy nnd 1 carry on din wnr, weekly, nt Alm aek’s, mid nightly Lei iis win what we can o f die graces of nrl. i (smooth enough from dm head dow nw ard), dismounted mid sent him hack to tlm inn t o ' ueness ol my reception. It wns given in die liisli of a linin’ acquired in foreign society— I Bal pledge lor them never llio Iruth ol llie heart, he began w ith a most nolile duke, and at the leave his post-horses, and then depositing my shape ol a very clever banter, it is true, hut wonder whether they take these rubs to lie nt some wnxliglit paradise or other, and I.ndv S------has fallen in fot-o w ith them both, nml zz — date of his introduction to tho reader, was on , hag at the porter’s lodge, walked up the live- she wns evidently interested to set me right part of their polishing. ‘Tho ladies ruse and left its, and as I had d"00'8 them like daughters. Amusements. the dinner-list of most of the patrieans of uue. It wns a much finer place, altngcthcr, "''(It regard to Mr Mimpson's good intentions W e are happy to quote the follow ing 'vmw ! 1 pM>eeted to see. “ W behalf, anil, as far ns that and her own no more occasion to dodge heads, or trouble ‘ So you see, though I pnssed for a ha’ pen­ ihle ami „ portunc remarks from tlw lat'o ' Presuming that you see your ii'Ulb ‘k«.’ I ’Mrs. Mimpson was in the garden. The ^ dittes would do ,t, to apologize for dte tn- myself with humility, I took Lady S------’s ny with the Mimpson’s, I turned out u sover­ U ...... I e (o t|(u m nOvul of , lashing footman who gave me die informa- Bospn.duy ot lloso Lodge. > cry kind ol , place at old Mimpson right hand, and was eign to the Bellamys, Hepurt of tho Rev. Iloratio Wood, minister render, let us co nie through a supel’b draw jug-room ,l,c b '"1- ^ 1 " “ s l'll88'"R . recollect, at a ""mediately recognized with great ‘empro.s- “ Pass the b o ttle!’ nt largo in Lowell: the cloth. Ilioil, ten n||(l ",°sl ha'penny valuation. ‘ cment’ by the Belgian‘charge,’who had met There has keen a large iucrense of vice in ‘As I was calling myself to account, the and out at a glass door Upon the law n, ‘ I bad made some casual fell),lilt touching ">e very often, in very ngreenhle society?— j Spiritual PhMiwnenu. dram shops, howling alleys, and dances, filling his glass and pushing dm bottle, ‘it oc- , presence. , ‘>'0 absurdity of Almaek's uSjtjrations in gen- j Mimpson started, nnd evidently .nod i, for a T |,e following re,nark.,bin cases’ of an ap- mueli of which have proved midnight traps curicd to me that my round of engagements I « “8 " 'Bdicmus spot, and I should have end, and Mrs Mimpson’s in pnrtieular, and Bit ol fluinntoiy or a mistake hut he present-; pnre„ t|y supernatural eliarneter, are copied to Innocence, are both cause ana proof. T he, required some little variation. There’s u been very glad to ramble about hy myself till my fan- friend, who of course fancied a , ly started again, for the butler came m with , fn„ „ tbe ‘Univcrcmlum. They are uudoubt- nuhlle -encrallv, acknow ledge ami liiment. ‘toujours perdrix’ even among lords and ladies, "linncr, hut, ut n turn in the grand-walk, 1 came "l'kl,t 118 much out nf Air Brown’s reach a eoronetted note on Ins silver tin), ami the 0(| fueUi iuilj bv „ „ „„ ,uro ns many that dissipation has made rapid advance. Nu- particularly when you belong as mueh to their suddenly upon two ladies. 88 'Bo horn of die new moon, took up tlm do- . seal side up, and presented ,t to me w ith a suppose them to b e :-"I am," says Zscliokke, inerous sincere lovers of their kind ere con- ! sphere, ami nrc as likely to become a part of' *• " lll,le "O’ Bow, nml begged leave to intro- mime ui U is iuimpsoil on that point, ami mi- most defleientiRl bend of Ins white coat. 1 , “ almost afraid to speak of this, not because I ,mi ned to know what is the cause and remedy. ■ it, as the fly revolving in aristocratic dust on ‘Bice myself as ‘Air. Brown? derlook to dazzle my untutored imagination 1 felt tlm vouchers within, and pocketed it nfrt,j,| to he thought superstitious, hut that They arc persuaded that our young people die wheel of my lord’s carriage. I thought,! ‘W ith a very slight inclination of the head, hv a picture of this seventh heaven—as she without opening, nnd we soon alter rose au'l|„iaythcrcliystrengthen8uchfeclingsinotli- liartieulaily, arc exposed to great temptation, perhaps, I had better see some other sort of! »»‘l no smile whatever, one of the ladies u.-k- had heard it described—fur to hersclt, she | went to tlm drawing-room tor our codec. A„il yet, it may beau addition to our Cun unything be done.? T o assume a grave people. ed me i f 1 had walked from town, and begged freely confessed, it was not even in the lim -I ‘ Lady S------sat with her hack to tho deor, stock of sonl-expericnrcs, mid therefore I u ill conutenance, ami declaim against ullming ‘1 had, under a ‘presse papier,’ ou the table, her companion (without introducing me to its of a dream-land. 1 knew this was true of besieged by Airs. Mimpson; and nt the piano confess! It has happened to mo sometimes amusements, will have no offi el, but with a about a hundred letters of inlrodim tioii-tlm her) lo show me in to I,inch. The spokester herself, and thousands of highly educated Ulld -Besides Miss Bellamy, who was preparing ( „ „ „ iy first meeting with stranger., as 1 listen- few. Alost youths will defend them at once, condemned remainder, after the selection, hy was a Mont and tall woman, who had ratln r charming girls in England; but still, looking . to play, stood one of tho lovliest young crtui-j oil silently to their discourse, that their former uml lie determined to adhere to ill in. advice, of four or five only. 1 determined to 811 aristocrutic nose and was not handsome, at her while she spoke, ami seeing what an lures possibly lo fancy. A pale ami high- life, w ill, many trifling circunistuucca therc- | but, lo give her her due, she luul uuulo a liar- ornament she would lie to any Ball-room in bred looking lady in widow ’s weeds sat near « id i connected, or frequently some particular Many toil fur money, have it, ami they will cut this heap like a pack of cards, ami follow escape o f it. She was dressed very the w orld, 1 realized, w id i more repugminee them, 1 laid no difficulty in inukiug nut w ho ( scene in that life, has passed quite involuutu- have pleasure. W tih minds uncultivated, op the trump I ■ were the after-dinner additions to the parly. rily, ami as it were dreamlike, yet perfectly tin y seek for il in die outward. They Julm Mimpson, Esq., House of Mimpson show ily, ami evidently, had great pretensions;' than I hud ever felt before, the arbitary lienr- As accident I joined them, ami w as immediately introdu- ' distinct, before me. During this time, I usu- vliere it is provided; it' not at Imine, ami Bliipps, Mark’s Lane, Loudon? bat, that she was not ut all giail to see Mr. riers of fusluun and aristoeruey. ‘ look on the ced by Aliss Bellam y to ile r mother and sis- ally feel so entirely absnrlied in the conleiiq la- abroad; if not ill the parlor, in the ‘T lie gods bad devoted me to the ucquniut- Brow n, was appuraut as was necessary. luul placed me in a position to u >t in tin: private mansion, m the public ball, mice of Mr.(ami probably -Mrs.)Juhu Mimp- As die oilier, uml younger lady, who was to reverse ol the shield, I determined if possi- ter, w ith w bom (after a brilliant duet by the; tion of the stranger’s life, that at last I no \flir turnim. over a deul of rubbish in accompanv me, however, was very prettv, hie, to let Aliss Bellamy judge of its color sisters) I strolled out upon the lawn for no longer see clearly the face of the unknown, if notcoiistautaly supplied, with moderation, Uw'iU m-easioull'y u/enjuyed immoderately my mind, I remembered that the letter had dtongl. dressed very plainly, and had, w ithal, with the same advantage. I. is no. often that j I,our-for it was a clear night, and the moon wherein I mules,gnedly read, nor disiiucdy and cxtrutagently; if there has not been a been given my five yettra before by on Amcri- a look in her eye which assured me she was a plebeian like myself has tlm authority to j and soft air almost took me back to Italy. | hear the vones o t ie speakers, w Inch heloie

trainin' to pure social intercourse, dime will can merchant— probably the correspondent o f amused w ith my unwelcome apparalioii, Ide- “ Bid the pebbles on the b im j;“ 'ucttU, | And (perhaps by a hint front Aliss Bellamy) ■ervett in (Ollie measure as a vuiiim.utai.s bu a paining for the gratification of sensual ‘Be linn in Mark’s Lane. It was a seulcd termiltod, as I should not otlierwi"" vauiip the stars,’ 1 was allowed to get mi very expedttipualy the text of their feuturcs. For a long time I pas-ions; if the nlfeclions have not been set on leltcr, and said, in brackets on the back, ‘In- l'0,,p- l? u out, and accepted her couvov 1 ’W c were neur the open window of the li- in my iii-quuiutanco with her mother and sis­ beta siT'h '“ •toils »» delusions of the funcy, and the more »o as they suo~* ‘ T?ef w hat is high, they will grovel in what is low, troduemj Mr. llrowu? I h'.,1. u unnit togivei"'*th submissive civility- , cry much ini lined,, laary, and 1 stepped in and wrote a note to ter. and snatch greedily at sentiments favoring the it no end cut again, for I could not guess ou however, to bo impudent to somebody, some- Lady (mu: ot the lady putroncsses, and M y new friends returned to the druw ing- dress and motions o f the actors, rooms, fur- ower ualuic. They " ill rei’vi'.u pleasure u hat looting I was introduced, nor did I know i Bow. the kindest friend I Buvc in England,) asking rootu, and as the adjoining library was lighted jnilure aud other acceesoiivs. By way ot the expedilion against Provience, march­ A SNOW STORM. jest, 1 once, in a familiar family circle at stable of the town of Hampton fcstifies Sam Patch Outdone. ed to and blocked up Genoa; but Frnncc LIME ROCK GAZETTE. Kirchberg, related the secret history of a that, having to supply Goody Cole with A funny incident happened yesterday on the Extracts from tho roport of Lieut. J. W . sent the citizens aid; (lie Duke do Riche­ seamstress who had just left tho room and diet, hy order of the town, she being poor Tiivnsn.iv, D e c e m b e r 7, i m s . Lawrence ears. A substantial, wholesome- Abcrt, on New Mexico. The Lieutenant sho complained much of him, and after lieu saved the republic, and the senate the house. I had never seen her before looking Irish Indy, was so intent in her gossip nnd his party hnd left Bent's Fort on their that his wife could bake no bread in tho erected a statue in honor of him. in my life; people were astonished, and THE TELEGRAPH. w ith a friend in tho oars, ju s t ns they wore return to St. Lewis, on the 20th January.— laughed, hut wore not to ho persuaded oven wnich didjnot spedilio rot and become Communication between this place and Ban­ Such suffering as is acre detailed hns seldom* loathsome to the smell, hut that the same starting from Lawrence, that she did not wake that 1 did not previously know the rela­ Natural History of Seals. gor wns opened on Wednesday morning of been exceeded:— tions of whom I spoke; for what I had ut­ meal baked nt a neighbor's made good and up to the reality until she wns making a course The inhabitants ol Iceland relate many Inst week ; since which time the line has been February 2. A ll night the storm raged: tered was the l it e r a l truth. I on my sweet bread; and, further, that one night for Boston nt a twenty m iles Speed.. T h o anecdotes of the seals, or sea-dogs, par­ ill excellent working order, nnd a constant with n fury ns awful ns that of tho ‘torincntcs’' p a rt was not less astonished that my dream- there did enter into their chamber n smell ticularly that species called the Inndselur instant she perceived this, she rushed fo r the of Mt. Blanc. Tho particles of snow beat hit-clint has been kept up w ith Belfast nnd pictures were confirmed hy the reality. I like that of tho bewitched bread, only They Ray thnt these animals are very ob­ door. Conductor Billings, n very gallant man, w ith w ild rage ngninst my , w hile tho- Bangor. This line is pronounced hy compe­ became more attentive to the subject, and, more loathsome, nnd plninlic diabolical in servant; nnd when they perceive nny new started to stop her, nnd arrived nt the platform frail structure quivered, and the poles that’ supported it croaked nnd groaned so much, when propriety admitted it, I would relate its nature, soc that, ns the Constable nnd object upon the land they approach tow­ tent judges, to he the most substantial nnd just ns the frightened woman made her lenp. to those whose life thus passed before the his wife snith, she was fain Io rise in ye that it- was iinpossildc for me to sleep. Such ards it; which lias suggested to the in­ durable ever erected : the wire being much Luckily the cats were upon the canal bridge; wns the force of the wind thnt it drove tho subject of iny vision, that I might there­ night and desire her husband to go to pray­ habitants the idea of catching them in two larger, the poles shorter nnd set nt less inter­ er nnd drive away ye divil; nnd lie, rising, nnd as she shot out, the speed of tho train snow through the canvass walls of my tent, by obtain confirmation or refutation of it. ways. They spread nets in the straits vals, nnd every other precaution taken to pre­ and 1 found my lied and papers covered with went to prayer, nnd after that the stink turned her over in one o f the neatest o f nil It was invaiiably ratified, not without con­ nnd hays through which the seals puss; it. During tho night I heard one of the men vent tho occurrence of brenknge, or other nc- possible somersets, nnd then down she went, sternation on their part. I myself hud was gone, soc that they were not troubled nnd then on a dark evening they make a —who had got his foci wet in attempting to cideut. Tlie wires are up ns far west ns W al­ cross the river, imploring some of his com­ less confidence than any one in this men­ with it.’ There is also tho testimonyof lire on the const with shavings, horn, nnd strnight ns a meal bag, bonnet first, into the doboro’ ; nil,I in the course of a few weeks panions to let him get into the wagon with tal jugglery. So often ns 1 revealed my Goodwife Perkins, that she did see, on the other combustible substances, that exhale cnnnl. T h e dive wns beautiful, nnd she aroso, Lord’s dny, while M r. Dalton was preach­ communication will probably lie opened with them. Tlie night wns terribly cold, and I visionary gifts to any new person, I regu­ a strong smell: the soul, attracted by the puffing with fright—a board wns thrown to feared that our animals would he frozen to ing, an imp in tho shape of a mouse fall larly expected to hear the’answer, 1 It was scent, swims towards tho fire, nnd is ta­ Portlnnd. her, nnd she found herself, dripping like n fat death before morning. At length morning out of the bosom of Eunice Colo down in­ not so.’ I felt a secret shudder when my ken in the nets. Sometimes these ani­ T h e w ork upon the line east o f Bangor is naiad, upon dry land, unharmed hut a good came, but when I looked out the snow wns auditors replied that it wus true, or when to her lap. For nil which the County d riftin g along in dense clouds o f hard icy mals are met with nt a considerable dis­ progressing ns rapidly ns possible, nnd we may deal scared, ns well she might be. Last night Court, held at Salisbury, did order her Io particles, that flew along with extreme veloc­ their astonishment betrayed iny accuracy tance up the country, being attracted in n safely predict thnt before tho New Yenr comes he sent to the Boston ja il to await her try- she came up in the cars, looking ns nice ns n ity. As the son liegnn to appenr the storm beforo they spoke.’ dark night hy the common light in a house. in tho chain will be complete from St. John’s nl nt the Court of Assistants. This Inst sunflower, nnd calm as a summer morning.— censed, nnd it was most fortunate that it did They arc easily tamed; nnd the people to New Orleans. This line will prove a val­ cease. I now forced my way out of the tent, From the Gospel Banner. Court, I learn from mine Uncle, did not G reat doubt hns been expressed ns to the prnb- put them, when young, into ponds, mid uable one, and it must lie obvious to all that which wns banked with snow. When I look­ condemn her, us some of tho evidence nlile result of the tussle, had the gallant con­ ed around, a scene o f utter destruction pre­ WITCHES OE NEW-ENGLAND IN 1678. feed them daily; hy which they become the business transmitted through it w ill lie im ­ A few weeks ago we gavo an extract was old, nnd not reliable. Uncle snith ns tractable ns a common dog, run nbout ductor succeeded in clasping her before the sented itself; most of my men had lain down- mense. on the ground to sleep, hut now not one o f she was a wicked old woman, who hnth the yard, nnd follow the master of the lenp was made.— [Lowell Advertiser. from Margaret Smith’s Diary— un English them could be seen.. I culled aloud, they often been whipped nnd set in the duck- house or nny one else who may call them Indy settled in America among tho Puri­ stool, hut whether she was a W itch or no Political Arrests in Cuba, heard me not, being covered beneath the deep by name. In sonic years, the scnl is al­ ‘‘Who Struck Billy Patterson?" snow. I now went to the wagons; in one I tans. It related to an ordination near he knows not for a certaintie.’ most starved. When, for instance, the A correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledg­ Since this now ohsolote question was started, found I’ ilka nnd L a in g ; in the other, two or. B oston. winter is severe, fish nnd insects arc er, w ritin g from Havana, Oc.t. 22, notices the the press o f our country have m ultiplied ques­ three men, one id" whom had been very iilJ Shot Yonrself, Eh? ever since leaving Bent’s Fort. He came It seems she came down into Maine on scarce, and the seaweed by which they arrest of several young men in Havana nnd tions of like character to nn extent that puts Though the Mexican war was a serious nffuir, ure nourished is carried off hy ice nnd rushing towards me half distracted, his shirt a visit to an uncle in old York, which was Matnnzns, for having expressed in private the wisdom of modern Solons to n most pain­ covered w ith snow, his head Imre,nnd eroutch- causing ns it did the death of so many of our breakers; then nro they found so lean then calculated to ben city. After reach­ conversation certain political opinions in re­ ful test in their efforts nt solution. The latest ing at my feet, he implored me to take him coiuitrymori, yet there are a great ninny anec­ and weak, thnt it is impossible for them to to n house. ‘ O, Lietennnt, take me to a house ing Hampton, N. II., she wrote in her gard to the annexation of the Island of Cuba question o f the age, now is— “ W here wns dotes that are not only interesting but ludi­ escape, nnd they arc easily taken: their I shall freeze to death! I’m freezing! I’m fat is consequently wasted, nnd nothing is to the United Stntcs. They have been con­ Madam Restcll horn ?” The Boston editors Diary a night incident that hnppcnd to her crous. The following is ent from n Southern freezing!’ His urines were drawn up nnd found in their stomachs but a few marine fined in prison, heavily ironed arc striving to claim her as n native of their stiffened, his body almost pttralized with cold. near Portsmouth, which will show the su­ paper: plants and stones. It will he recollected that Mr. Brush, stew- cjty ,vhile the New York fraternity endeavor I took the poor fellow mid put him in my At the storming of Monterey, a soldier own bed, ami covered him with hlnnkcts uud perstition of the times: aril of the American ship Childe Harold, has to make it npponr that some other place is en­ found himself in a large garden, effectual­ htiffiilo robes; It was all I could do. Hampton, October yc‘Uth, 1678. I took THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC. been arrested nnd thrown into prison nt M n- titled to the honor of giving birth to such n ly separated from his comrades. In this W c now senrehed about nnd found the men leave of my good friends nt Agamenticus, tnnzns, and that the American consul hnd un­ by the aid of the cracks on the surface of the predicament he observed n Mexican M . G a il l a ir d e t , formerly editor of the noted character. As Madam R. exhibits such or York, ns it is now called, on the morn­ successfully applied for his release. It appears .. r n , , ... i.:. „ i i snow, enuset by the movements ol the rest- ing aftor the last dale in my journal, go­ crouching iu the weeds at some distance “ Courrier do Etuts-Unis ” , now in France, antipathy to tlie b irtli ol a I liu nni Iu pet s, t , ; ■ i i .. .i i ., that the offence committed by M r. Brush, wns • J . ess sleepers; covered by the heavy maul e ot ing in a boat with my uncle to PiscntnquH off, nnd taking behind the curb of has published a pamphlet giving hisexperienco may be a serious question whether ever she snow, they had kept extremely warm, and the introduction of American papers into the and Strawberry llnnk. It was a cloudie a well, he gave tho 'yellow skin’ a ‘blurt’ of the working of the Republic of the United herself wns horn, proper, in any particular now the chill air felt to. them more intolera­ day, and I was chilled through before we from his rifle. Just at thnt moment a live States. H e says:— island. place, or wns created in some new hocus-pocus ble. Eehunry 21. This morning is the first limn got to the mouth of the river; hut us the Mexican started up from the other side of “ It is impossible to live in the United manner. We can arrive nt no other conclu­ the well, with a very disagreeable looking The Mormons. for th irty-six hours that any one has ventured high wind was much in our favor, wc did Slates for ten years, nnd observe tho gi­ sion thnt thnt, if she wns born, she wns so out. My men had their provisions ready cook­ make the voyage in shorter time than is escopclte in his hand. Our fellow thought How true it proves that “ the Idood of the gantic progress of this young people in young she couldn’t help it.— [Patil Finder. ed, and shared them with M r, Brown’s par­ common. W e stopped a little at the house his position very unhealthy, and commenc­ the career of republicanism, without ap­ m artyrs is the seed o f the church.” Persecu­ ty ; o f all the that had been pitched F r i­ of M r. Cults, a man of some note in these ed retiring at a rapid pace— the Mexican day night, mine was the only one which re­ preciating the immense advantages it has ted to the death in Missouri, driven for refuge L ate from M exic o . The British steam­ parts; but he being from home, and one after him. Throwing his rifle over the derived from its form of government, or to Illinois, where they built a city nnd a tem­ mained. The snow hnd heaped tip around er Grent Western, Cnpt. Wm. Clark; from the rest so that the inmates were obliged to of tho children sick with a Quinsie, we wall, he tumbled himself after it; bnt just without desiring thnt nations may follow ple only to be again devastated, their Prophet Tampico the 13th inst., reached Ship Island desert them and take refuge in the wagons. went up the river to Strawberry Bank, as lie alighted ‘all up in a heap’ on the in its luminous track. But tho more close­ slain, nnd the Later Day Saints driven with on Sunday last. By her we have intelligence About mine, the w ind had swept in such a where we tarried over night. The woman other side, he heard the report of a gun, ly the American nation is studied, the fire and sword to again cross tho Mississippi, way as to keep open a path nrouud it,although who entcrlained us had lost her husband nnd supposing that his enemy had fired, more hcedfully its socinl and political from those ports to tlie date of her departure the snow wns on a level with the ridge-pole of they struck off to the wild regions of the in the W nrre, and having" to see to the reloaded his piece hastily, nnd peered over organization is investigated,is more clear­ thence, respectively, nnd files of the Monitour the tent. We now broke tip some beards ordering of matters out ot doors in this the top of the wall, expecting to take the ly see that it has immutable laws which Rocky Mountains, anil in the valley of the Rcpuhlicano, from the city of Mexico, to the that were in wagons, nnd kindled a little fire. husie season of harvest, it is no marvel Mexican nt a disadvantage. To his great Great Salt Lake once more “stuck their Uth inst., inclusive. Soon the sun rose; hut, instead of one sun alone give to it success and grandeur. It we hnd three; all seemed of equal brilliancy, that she did neglect things within. I surprise, however, he found the fellow stakes,” and in peace, fur none hut savages is not merely because they are republican T here is no news o f im portance from T a m ­ but, as they continued to rise, the middle one stretehed out upon the ground— dead !— made a comfortable supper of baked pump­ that the American people have become were near to “ molest or make afraid.” There pico; affairs there, relative to the outbreak, only retained its circular form, w bile the oth­ Getting over cautiously, and turning over kin and milk, and for lodgings I had a powerful, rich, and happy; it is because they nrc flourishing and multiplying, and the were in precisely the sumc condition nsut last ers shot into huge columsof fire,which blend­ straw bed on (lie floor, in the dark loft, the body, he addressed it in the following the republic restricts Itself to certain lim ­ prospect is that the despised and persecuted ed with the air near their summits. The strain: ‘Shot yourself, eh? W ell, you arc advices. Wo lire informed that the British hreadtli of the columns w as that of the sun’s which^was well nigh full of Corn ears, its.— The proof of this is that while it as­ Mormons will become the nucleus of a popu- ’ a soger, ain’t you? You're a bigger fool Consul at Tampico, M r Glass, died there on apparent dimnnter; they were between twen­ Pumpkins and Beanes, besides a great cends to the highest point of civilization, lous territory, so populous that hy another the -lth inst. ty and thirty degrees distant from the sun.— deal of old household trumperie, Wool than any two Mexicans ever I saw yet.— the republics of Mexico nnd South Amer­ year they will apply for a Territorial Govern­ Nothing of importance has lately occurred Before the sen had risen more than ten de­ and Flux, and the skins of animals. A l­ Shot yourself! If you had waited a smid­ ica, which hnve almost literally adopted ment. Mormons nro not only concentrating I Mexico. The same outward signs of tran­ grees this phenomenon entirely disappeared. — though tired of my journey, it was some geon longer, I ’d have saved you a load.’ its constitution, have gone down the social Some of the men called my attention to this nt Salt Lake from the United States, lint tin little time before I could get asleep; and At this moment a hearty laugh started our scale until finally they are plunged in the quility are visible, so far ns the position of strange appearance, lint so engrossed were hero, and looking round, he saw a rough- it so fell out, that after the folks were all abyss of anarchy nnd misery.— Ir. the arc leaving the Old W orld to settle with tin the administration of Herrera is concerned; they with their own calamities, that they hevvn Texan Ranger concealed among hardly seemed to be in the least astonished at abed, and still, it being, as I judge, ubout United States the republic has been suc. ! brethren in the New. I he St. Louis I! although occasional symtoms of a reactionary midnight, I chanced to touch with my foot the weeds. This told the tale, and reliev- what they suw. cessful because the people are republican .publican notices the arrival of the steam movement are exhibited iu the several States. a pumpkin lying near the bedd, which set ed the Mexican from the reflections which by character and education, and the sys- Grand Turk from New Orleans with 225 A fte r some little w hile we missed Preston it a rolling dowui the stair as it went.— | had been bestowed upon his skill ns a ‘so­ S an L o u is. Some alarm pervaded the city and the sick man; we inquired hut no one tem is in accordance with the customs"— ------English emigrants, who profess the Mormon lhe early part of tlie present month, in com Thereupon I heurd a great stir below, the ger.’ Tho ranger had witnessed the race, knew anything about them. It wns now evi­ The American is republican because lie is faith, and arc destined for Salt Lake, and dent that they had been buried beneath the woman and her three daughters crying and, perhaps, saved the life of the Missis­ i sequence of the rumor current that Gen Min- imbued with the sentiment ns well of his states thnt between 300 and -100 more are on snow drift, which foi some distance around out thnt the house was haunted. Present- sippian. ' on bad banded over the eonmiund of his di- duties as of his rights, nnd feels the love tlioir way from Liverpool, having sailed about had filled up the nook in which w e had ei - lie she called to me from the foot of the of discipline not less intimately than of | vision to Gen. l’erez. Disaffection being ap- the 1st o f October. Thus camped to the level of the prairie; as the stairs, and asked nio if I did hear any HISTORICAL REMINISCENCE. liberty; because lie believes as dearly in i parent and a prnntmcinincuto feared the Gov- drift was of considerable extent, much lime thing. I laughed soe at all this, that it ‘ W cstwnrd the Star of Empire takes its wav.’ would be wasted ill examining it, unless we Toward tho middle of the fourteenth natural incqualily as in legal equality, , ernor, Commnndmit-Generul,*uud other nu- was'somc time before 1 could speak; when could find where they had pitched their tent. century, the Genoese became disgusted because lie has a sovereign respect A Musical Horse. 1 thurifies, armed the poliee and took posses- I told her J did hear a thumping on the At l ist I noticed one poor fellow was digging with the tyranny of the nobility, nnd sigh­ property, the object nnd lawful security of A correspondent of the Providence Journal ( (l|e commanding points iu the away to liiyl his bools; he showed me where stairs. ‘Did ii seem to go up or down?’ labor; and finally, because he is nt once, ed for change. The populace wished to furnishes the following interesting account of city. This overawed the troops, and confi­ the sick man had been. I culled to the men. inquired she anxioUajie; and on m y te llin g profoundly religious and profoundly calcu­ mid im m ediately set to w ork. T h e snow e le ct nn Jlbbe, whose authority should a musical Imrsc: dence was re-established. Gen M i noil accor­ her that the sound weni downw u rd . she keep in check the cuptuins, who were then lating— qualites one of which gives him was six feet deep, mid we only hnd a little “ A physician culled daily to visit a patient ding to El Monitor of the 10th, marched out piece of hoard to dig with, mid the cold was set up a sad crie, and they ail camo flee­ the magistrates of the republic. A largo hope and the other patience. ” o f San Luis w ith his division on the 5th ‘eu so great that no one could work very long be­ ing into the corn loft, the girl bouncing and tumultuous meeting wus accordingly opposite to my place o f residence. W e had upon my hedde, and hiding under the route for the frontiers, fore his hands becunic perfectly rigid. After held for the election of nn Jlbbe of the Peo­ Adjusting the Mouth. a piano in the room on tin; street, on which a a good deal of hard digging, we found a pair blanket, and tho old woman praying and young lady duily practiced for several hours M a z a t l a n . T h e inhabitants are here ple. The tumult increased, the people W e don’t care a fig about the manner the of boots which were recognized by the men groaning, and saying that »he did believe in the morning. The woathcr was wnrtn, and r?r,!a,b' disaffected. On the 24tli ult. iu a tti- as Preston’s property. This urged us to re­ c re w wni'jn, end were about to proceed young ladies “ p u cke r” up their mouths, hut it was the spirit of her poor husband. By to blows, whet; rt shoemaker, who had tlic windows were open, and the moment the ,lll|l,u” l,s assembly, presided over hy their newed exertions; at length we cleared tlnr we haven particular friend that wishes us to this time my uncle who was lying on the just come out from a wine house, mixed horse cuught the sound of the piano, lie would ni,,,,'cipal authorities they prepared a 1 snow from a portion of" his btifi'alo robe, midi settle in the room below, hearing the give the fallo w in g receipt—so hero goes: i lifting it up we get sight of the poor fellow w among the crowd, ana getting upon an ele­ deliberately wheel about, cross the struct, morial, demanding the almost immediate I lace; lie cried uut iu a week voice begging us noise, sprang up, and stumbling over tlie vation, emboldened by the fumes of the “ T h e L o n d o n G a zette contains some place himself as near the window as possible, (within forty days) repeal of the duty of five liir God’s sake not to leave him to die. W'u pumpkin, called to know what was the wine, ho bawled out: 1 Fc.’low -citizens, important information for tho ladies, with assured him we would not leave him, nnd and there, w ith cars erect, and eyes dilla ting, per cent, on imported foreign good matter. Thereupon the woman hade him will you hearken to me ?’ The Genoese, regard Io the manner of placing their lips again covered his face until we could lemnve flee up stairs, for there was a ghost in the would lie quietly stand and listen till his own­ who were about to tear ench other to pjo- when they desire to look nmiuhle, digni­ Extraordinary Clock. more of the snow; having dug as far ns his kitchen. ‘ Pshaw,’ said my uncle, ‘ I waist, five men caught hold of him to drag ces, hurst into a hearty laugh. Some told fied, &c. It says that when a lady would er came for him. This was his daily practice. Tho Cincinnati Times gives the following thought the Indians had come.’ As soon compose her mouth to a bland nnd serene him out, but the snow had been moist and the shoemaker to be quiet; others encour­ Sometimes the young lady would stop playing account of a clock heard nt the distal c • was packed very hard, and he was held tight as I could speak for laughing, I told the character, she should, just before enter­ aged him to speak; hut some threw dirt at when tho doctor drove up. The horse would of th r e e no m eed m i i.e e :__ by the tent which had teen broken down by poor creature what it was that so frighten­ him. The orator was no wise disconcer­ ing the room, say Besom, and keep the then remain quietly in his place, hut the first “ The various Telegraph offices tilo» llu * J'/rcssurc o f the snow; however, we dug ed her; at which she was greatlie vexed; expression into which Ihe mouth subsides lie ted, and shouted out; ' Yon ought to nom­ stroke of a key would arrest Ins attention, and lino from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, were thr a little more until we could get at the ridge and after she went to hedde again, I could until the desired effect upon Ihe company on 11 inute to tho dignity of Jlbbe of the People uzen notes would invariably cull him lllto 801,10 ®*citaincnl Inst evening |,y an inees- polo of the tent, wliii'h we cut ill two w i"..i hear her scolding me for playing tricks half a dozen notes woul un honest tnun; nnd I know of none more is evident. If, on the other tiuPffi she le street. I witnessed tlie effect sev- Uicd\-\"irim? '“ “ «o took our ‘ideal’ of excellence. The engravings, thu with confidence und marked respect, and re­ been looking over with Uncle his papers aristocrats the better liu lf of creation iu aiu ii.v.. , , three ol my men at $100 per month; there is turns with very diflerent opinions from those ubout the Hampton witch, Eutiico Cole. against Providence. In diawing one ol : llo,|,i|,g ,|,ut anchors here hut what loses fashion plutcs, etc., are furnished by the first he hud been led tu indulge on setting out on the mortars through a narrow street, the i dieir men. I liuve had a liurd time in land ; The journeyman Printers of the daily About five years ago, she was present­ artists in the country. M acomuer w ill let his mission. He gives it as his very decided carriage broke, a crowd assembled, in the ' i„g i|le cargo; I go iu the bout every load.— - ! press of Boston, we learn, will meet Saltir- ed by the Jury for the Massachusetts ju­ you have one fo r 2j cents, mid then you can y ni:.\t to let oil’ considerable “ virtuous in­ opinion, uud no mull hud better opportunities midst of wiiich nn Austriun officer struck l If 1 can get it on shore I shall save the freight. risdiction, for having ‘ entered into a cov­ judge of the work for yourselves. diguation” engendered hy the intentions of of judging, that the day is not distant that the As for the ship she w ill Iny here for a long enant with ye Divil, contrary to ye peace with his cane a Genoese who was slow at ______' their employers to further reduce their beg- two Republics will be united by the bends of time, lo r there’s not the leust chance o f gut­ of our Sovereign Lord the King, his his work. The exasperated republican UNION M AG AZINE, fur December, edited by i g o d / wages. eonmieieial interest mid friilenial feeling.— ting u crew. The coasters are giving §100 Mr. C . leuves to-day or lo-moryow to meet Crown and dignity, tho laws of God, and drew his knife, and stabbed the officer.— Mrs. K irkland—published by Sarlain. per mouth. All the shins at San Francisco The brig Ponce, of Boston, was totally his family in the North. this jurisdiction;’ and much testimony The whole crowd of Genoese hecume ex have stripped and laid op. The Flora of ‘Phis is decidedly a good .Magazine, contain- lost, together w ith tho mule mid four men, on M r Buehuiian is absent fit in the city, and was brought against her, tending to show cited; they broke open the uiiuourei-’s New London, is at Sail Franciscu; all left.— ing Literature of the choicest kind. Itslellers , l*l,;.l‘Jth Noiember, on ih the duties of the depiirtmeut devolve on tho shops,demolished the gules of the itrsenel You have probably heurd of tho situation of o f N orth C'arolinu. T h e I*, was owned her to he uu urrant Witch. For it seems from the editor abroad ure deeply interesting ! Attorney General Ibr the lime being. O f all of the powder magazines, fell upon the j things here. A sailor will be up at the mines , Boston nnd insured in that eilv. She was she did fix her evil rye upon a little uiuid, the members of M r Polk’s cabinet, M r. Toue- Austrians, and drove them out of the city, two months, work on his own uecouut, and und give tho reader a clcmei eoueeptiuu ol U|,UU( 172 tons burthen, mid was about 11 named Ann Smith, Io eulico her into her j ey appears tlie leust objectionable. His inuii- come down with some two or three tliousund Europeun manners, customs, Jke. than could yeurs old. house, auueariug unto her in the shape o f j Thu peasantry poured in and joined the uers and babits are those of the true New j dollars, und those who go iu puna - Io much pp, und a citize ns, uuu to'dS th f) ’ ik« eiremv be otherwise ublniiicd. Its contributions are A Person oilers a rew ard iu ih New Vi England school,—mild, gentlemanly, aud uu u little old woman, m a blue cupp, Letter. I have been offered §20 j , duy to spurkhng with bright gems, like Journal of eommeree, for the r< ry obtrusive. [Cor. N. V . Courier. blue apron, and a white neckcloth, and entirely from the stale of Genoa. Fhe i go, by ono of tiie first men liere, aud work nresentlie chan.j::;g into a dogg, and run­ Genoese celebrated with great rejoicing “ Oriental Pearls, m random strung.’’ “ square bluck lady’s bonnet box, lost from one year. It is impossible lo r me to yive tlie buggage ear of the Philadelphia train.” the recovery of their liberty. W ith great M acumuek bus it fur sale. The Republic of Liberia, the independence ning up a tree, and then into an Eagle, you any idea of tlie gold got here. I A stutisieul friend had calculated that 50,- flying in the Aire, and lastlie into a grey soluiimity they drew through Ihe streets Yours, respectfully, of which was recognized last month by Eng­ Hun. John Cultm is the new Governor of 900 turkies were ssrvsd up at dinner in New cutt, speaking to her and troubling her in the mortar which hud occasioned this rev­ C h r isto p h ek Pl i .v n , land and France, was founded in 1829 by tlie Captain of the ship Izaak Walton. Miucsotu. York oti Thursday. Aitifcticu.il Colonization Socitiy. a grievous manner. Moreover, the Con- olution. The Austrian urmy destined for Hon. H enry T allm an, o f Bath, hns Iteen Edgnrtow n— A r 27th, sells Delnw nre, H o l­ RARE INDLTCEMENT. Ailnins x Yew Aiillimdic. LIME ROCK GAZETTE. appointed Attorney Genernl of the State of brook, nud Ivanhoe, Sylvester, Union, Pen­ REVISED EDITION. A Family Jonrnnl : Maine, vice Hon. S. H. Blake, resigned. dleton, do lor Camden; Pntrint Buckley do Deecuerreolypc Gallery. F B I HIS valuable School Hook contains thcchar- Devoted to Literature anil tUcneral Intelligence for Bangor. JL acteristics of the former edition, in a greatly The wnlls of the snloons of M. Lamartine N o rw ich — Cld 27th, sell Juno, Robinson, Over Lathrop Sf Co's Store. improved form ; with such corrections and addi­ in Paris, are hung round with pictures ot a E. Thomnston. tions ns the rants of the times demand. It has, CIOTHINC runi.tsiiF .n nv pleasing character painted by his wife. Holm es’ H o le— Ar 29th, sch M ary Farley, a’n idv been very extensively adopted in place of i j o h h p t e r . J. M?M II R 1’ 11 y , R o c h ester , Dec. I. Tate, for New York ; sch Joseph Hewett, the old edition, and is received with the most un- . Grant, Thomaston fordo. 1 AKER pleasure1 in informing the public lhnt 'qualified approval QUINCY_11ALIJ TERMS.—One Dollar and fifty cents per Year, Strong westerly winds for the Inst twenty- lie has just added to bis apperatus. one Adams New Alith tie is almost the only worlt four boors have caused an inundation of the M obile— Cld 21st, lilt, seh Sen G ull,U lm er, 1 in advance; or two Dollars when payment is ne­ die Largest nod Most i.Mrnovr.n CAAIMERAR; on Arithmetic used in extensive sections of New | aped until the close of the Volume. city of Buffalo by the lake. Providence. m.to,(i. I. IS <* IS I A SO A tat. Orr.nATlo.xs tx Nujtnr.r.s; being on introduc- jo rity o f 3131. Sabine parish in 1844 gnvc of the frame of n saw mill on Monday the in Boston 29th ult. BOYS’ CLOTHING, 20th ult. Air Stnekpole died on Sunduy HAS on bond a large assortment of fashionable ''“{V0 Polk a m ajority o f 128. VERY CHEAP, AND OF NEW PATTERNS. night. K -;,.,, , ' n ; ; ^ A ^ V r c ^ ' i o f AdamsN The result in nil the States, except Missis­ RI5ABY.MADE CLOTHING, W holesale Dealers arc particularly tequesiod CO-There linve been built in Belfast du­ New Arithmetic, first published in 182' sippi, is now ascertained with certainty. Pla­ EAGLEJIALL. Which he offers nt prices r.in less than ever be­ to look at this vast stock of Cloths, Clothes, Vest­ ring the past season, twenty-seven vessels,viz: fore oiler, I for CASH Among which may he III.-KEY TO T HE REVISED EDI­ TION or Adams's New AniTtlMETie. ings, Arc., received for Fall nnd Winter trade, cing Mississippi in the Cass column, the elee- 1 ship, 5 harks, 11 brigs and 10 schooners, found the following:— Burk’s Dramatic Company. IV. MENSURATION,MECHANICAL POW and ofi'ered on extremely Zen- terms. torial college will stand ns follows: nmountiug to about 5000 tons, ul the cost of Black, Brownf-nnd Invisible Green Broadcloth E11S AXi, MACHINERY. The principles of nhout $221,000. ineiisuration nnnolyticolly explained, and pracli- Fun T a ylo r . Foa C ass. BENEFIT OF F. R. JONEb, M anager. O V E R C O A T S a n d S A C K S . John Simmons 5c Company, Fight hard against a hasty temper. Anger 'Mnssncliusotts, 12 Maine, 9 Will be presented this Wednesday Evcnihg the , Tweed, Pilot-cloth, Blanket. Beaver and Satinet, 'j '" / ’ft -d'o11'? phfio,,oi)hic-il"^(-,x obinot roi ol will come, hut rosist it stoutly. A spark w ill Illim ln Islmnl, 4 New Hampshire, 6 popular piny of ' S A C K S and O V E R C O A T S . ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' D 1 • / ; Q f L V t V n U . I l l t, set a house on fire. A fit of passion may thes/'m/iZe nicehaniealpnn'irs, mid their application Connecticut, 6 Ohio, 23 cause you to mourn all the days of your life. ROSINA MEADOWS, Rroadcloth mid Tweed F rock and Dress COATS. ^ aeliinerg. Designed io follow Adams’s New SOUTH MARKET STREET, Verm ont, 6 M ichigan, 5 Never revenge an injury. OR, THE VILLAGE MAID PANTS mid VESTSof every description Arithmetic. ( In jirrss.) BOSTON. N e w Y ork, 36 Yr irginin, 17 V. BOOK KEEPING This work contains a After which Stocks, Cravats, lldk's and Gloves. White nnd Sept. 23,1 848. 3m35. Pennuy'lvunin, 26 Illinois, 9 A self acting steam pum p has been invent­ Colored Drawers mid U nderbills. Shins. Bosoms lucid explanation of the science of accounts, n 12 Peleivnre., 3 Indiana, ed, which it is asserted will render the explo­ ROBBERS OF THE HEATH. mid Colars. Frocks, Overalls and Stocking new, concise mid common sense method ol Book- 9 M aryland, 8 South Carolina, sion o f boilers impossible. Such an invention OR, A KISS IN THE DARK —ALSO— KEEftxu tiv Stxut.E E ntry, ntul various forms of YEYER DESPAIR DF LIFE. 11 M issouri, 7 receipts, onlcrs, notes, hnnils, mortgages, and oilier North Cnrdlina, is a desideratum. The whole lo conclude with A LARGE I.OT OF Kentttdlty., 12 Arkansas, 3 instruments necessary for the transaction of bu­ New Jerstry, 7 Mississippi, 6 (EZ’Tlie following letter from Rev. HENRY SLICK TRUNKS AND VALICES. siness. Accompanied with Blank Books fur the KELLEY~a CO’S use of learners. Published bv ’ I’ennessee, 13 Texas, 4 WOOD of Concord N. H., editor of the Congre­ OR, A DAY IN THE CITY. H IG H L Y CO NO E N T R A T E D in W isconsin, 4 N. B. Customers after having purchased n PHILLIPS SAMPSON. Boston. Georgia, gational Journal, a religious newspaper of a high T ic kets 12 1-2 cents. 6 Iowa, 4 i garment if it does not prove as good ns reconi- COLLINS .V BROWER, N,w York. Louisiana, — ' mended, can return the same. J. W. PRENTISS Jc CO., Ktene. N. II. SARSAPARILLA, Florida, 3 Alalia inn, 9 chaiactcr. speaks volumes in favor of the good qualities of Wistar's Balsam : SOCIAE ASSEMBLIES. , Thomaston, Nov. 30, 184S. 43. Nov. 30, 45 6w CURES THE WORST DISEASES THAT EV­ 168 127 Concord. N. H., March 2, 181". MR. JOHN COLLINS, ER PREYED ON THE HUMAN SYSTEM, Mr. S. W. Fowlc—Dear Sir: Two years ago For Porllnntl mid Holton. Flolliiiag, Clolliing. A''D SAVES THOUSANDS OF LIVES, W hole num ber o f electors 290. Necessary OULD respectfully inform his friends mid ANNUALLY!! fo r a choice 146. T a y lo r’s m ajority 36. the past .vinter, a sudden and violent attack upon w the public in general, that he will com­ FW1I1E subscriber having spent the lust ten my lungs by exposure lo col.l, confined me to my mence n course of Assemblies nt Berry’s Hall, on -B. days in Boslon purchasing his* goods for 10,000 Coses of SCROFULA cured r'Tuestlay lnor« sapnrillas, that they are Weak. Clumsy.Adulterat- K 5 " T iie B ath T im es hns efhnngcd hands; I found the difficulty almost entirely removed jed, Sickisli, mid are wholly incapable of reaching drained. Terms limy be known by calling oil Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. M r. G ilm an, the form er editor and proprietor, before one bottle was used up. Having a mortal the subscriber. I. HOVEY.r n y I The ‘ ZAdmiral IU IIIIK H leaves uuai East ThomastonJI1UII every the seat and cause of the disease. But this Sar- aversion to medicine nnd seldom using it in any Scarfs, Under Shirts and Drawers, ! saparilln comes warranted be having sold out. 'Pile T im es hns always been ALSO to Let; my Dwelling House mid n t iinn i IJ1U RSI) A Y, nt a bout 12o’cloek,M lor BOSTON to form, nothing but sympathy with my fellow suf­ j' j, c : via Portland. Returning-Leaves EasternE Steam Cravnts, Suspenders. n w ell conducted ;>n,«*. W e hope the present Kiln. Hdkfs, Gloves and Mitten'. ferers induces me to make this public statement, E. Thomaston, Dec. 5, 1848. 3w ' 46. . .' Bent Wharf, Boslon, for Portland anand the Per.ob- Six Times Slronger incumbent w ill look so well to the interests and recommend the article to others similarly Iseot, every Friday afternoon, arriving at East Slocks, Self-adjusting stocks. than any other, mid Six Tines Better, Safer, Surer, afllicted. j jjtomaston nt 12 o’clock, M. on Saturday. Iloiscry, Ready-made Linen. o f the “ dear people,” thnt they may not anil Cheaper than all olliers. T his Sarsaparilla With respect, yours truly, Astray. I Freight taken at low rates. GUNS nnd PISTOLS has bestowed on it some of the best MEDICAL suffer by the change. HENRY WOOD. 4 AME into the enclosure of the subscriber, C. A. MACOMBER, Agent. Gunn Locks, Tubes and Caps, alwnvs on band. Talenls and Skill, in die worid : and CURES nil None gonuinc unless signed 1. BUTTS on the 2 some days since, TWO SHEEP, (lie own­ I Nov. l-ltb, 1818 43 .- i i -it i „i i m ,i,„.. the sickness, KILLS all the Pain, and REMOVES € All o which will be sold Cheaper than they , , Human KJ'B urk’ s D r am atic C ompany, has been wrapper 40 2w. er is requested to prove property, pay for this A G E N T S — C. A. MACOMBER, East advertisement nnd take them away. enu be bought in New Yrork or Boston. , ” ‘ ...... „ ...... v-.-e.....1 creating quite a sensation among the lovers of OLIVER H. PERRY means to do. It CurcsScrofiila---Dyspepsln— Thomaston : T. F ogg. Thomaston ; J. Jones, SAM L HASSON. JUST RECEIVED Jaundice—-Liver Coinpliiint— IIumors—- amusement. “ Rosina M eadow s” has had a Camden. Sold by dealers, generally. E. Thomaston, Dee. 6th, 1S48. 46. East Thomaston, Oct. 12, 1818 3m 3; AND FOR SALE 1»Y Cutlker—Costive iicss— II lieu mat ism -Cnu- successful run, and the characters have been cor—Debility of the Systeni--Snltrhcum, THE MOST PERFECT ANTIDOTE, T. II. FARNSWORTH, and every dlseasa which arises from Iiupuro well sustained by tho Company. The Man­ ‘X 2 iff TO CONSUMPTION, beyond all qucsiimi, is the Dealer in Beef, Polk, and Provision : [cnerally. SO 0 © 8 W 2 » Itlo o d . ager’s Benefit is announced for this evening, Hungarian Balsam of I.il'e, discovered by Dr. 300 bids F.. & S. Flour' 50 boxes Clieeso GENERAL COLLECTOR * south main-sY. 46 S00 “ Common “ :■ 20 11 jMould Candles. mid an attrneti’’.e Programme is offered for Buchan of London, England, and known as the AlYD A t’E'JXfW < T-r’CE, Consumption Cured with Great English Remedy. Wherever it lias been 100 “ Ex. Family “ ? 10 “ ex. Fnm’l. Soap the occesion. introduced, all Panaceas, Expectorants, Syrups To ttie Honorable Nathaniel Groton, Esq . Judge 25 “ no. 2 Mackerel ■ 10 bids Mess Beet' • (Post Office Building,) KELLEY &. CO’S SARSAPARILLA!! and Di ops liaviptinen discarded as useless — all of Probate.within and for the County of Lincoln- 25 “ “ I do. ' 10 “ “ Pork EAST THOMASTON. A PHYSICIAN, who is truly the most distin- ESPECTFULLY represents Stephen Bar- {O"T h b P ic t o r a l B rother J o n a th a n , systems of Iiibalaiion, Vapor Baths, Tar Smoke, also : (Lincoln Co., Me.) I gnislicd of any in a large City for professional Changes of Climate. Joe. have been rejected, nnd rows of Camden, iu tl.e County of Waldo, I skill, CERTIFIES, astonishing a-; It may seem, fo r Christinas and N ew Years, hns been re­ the wonderful product of the Hungarian Gum, R Administrator of the Estate of M ERRICK SHIP STORES M. S. W. will give his personal attention toaii- , ttirt lie actually CURED a eus? of Coasam p- ceived at Mucomlier’s. It is enriched with obtained from the ‘ Melsonga,’ or Tree of Life, is MOSSJIAN, late of East Thomaston, in the mid Family Groceries o f nil kinds furnished oil ; j',s«in seenring and collecting demands in this tio n with Kelly 4: Co’s Sarsaparilla: and says County of Lincoln, deceased,—Thai the Personal I part of the Slate. its usual variety id’ entertaining rending mid now universally received by Consumptives as the the most reasonable tot ms. »45. I (• that there is no medicine in which lie has so ONLY SOURCE OF HOPE. Estate of the said deceased is not sufficient by the Arrangements are in progress for collecting by ____much__ confidence ___ for _ Diseases o f the Lungs. superb engravings. 'Pile ‘•Mis-Imps ol lorn David F. Braiii.ei: As Sun, sole agents for the U sum of three thousand dollars to answer the just MAT AND CAP DEPOT ! SubAgency all demands intrusted lo his care in ! Some wilt tn'arvcl at lids ~REMAR KABLE ciiie. Brown, of Shirt-Tail Bend,” will hear off the Slates, 13(1 Washington-st, Boston. debts which he owed : he therefore prays that he ] distant parts of the State. , but hundreds are knowing to the fact. This JN- may be empowered and licensed to sell so much N. B. The services of an able and learned ' ESTJMABIE Sarsaparilla is also doing wonders palm in this uuinhcr. Price only 12 1-2 ets. For sale by C. A. Alacomber, E. Thomaston; of tile Real Estate of the said deceased as may T. Fogg, Thomnston. 43 4w. Counselor at L are secured as adviser in all ne- jn foreign cities. And says lie sufficient lo raise the said sum with iueidental , cessary cases. tO * It w ill he seen by ndverliscnieiit, that charges. .STEPHEN BARROWS. FALL STYLE. (FT" r.iTr.o.vACE solicited at home and abroad SIR BEY JAM IA RRDD1E CO-LIFE AND DEATH. In the strug­ Surgeon to the Roynl Family of England, ‘-that M r. Co l l in s opens a courso of Assemblies Nov. 14th -13 gle which is in progress between these two prin­ LINCOLN, ss. At a Probate Court held at East there is no other medicine which is CAPABLE ol this evening, at Berry’s Hall. ciples from the cradle lo the grave. Rev. B. IIiii- Thomaston, within and lor the County ol Lin­ doing soMUOH GOOD,and yet so INCAPABLE baeb’s VEGETABLE ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS coln, on the 18ih day of November, A. D 1818 J. HARRINGTON, Bare chance for a good Bargain. of doing injury.” What distinguished compli- «J” We anticipated the pleasure of giving will he found a most potent agent. For more A FARM is ofl'eicdfor sale situated in jnen'.s arc these J N ^'er wns there a medicine than one fourth of a century they have been ac­ ON the foregoing Petition. Orpered, That the No. 4, Spofford Block, honored with STRONGER KECOMMENDA- a synopsis of tile Presdcnt’s Message said petitioner give notice to all persons inlerest- Jefferson, near the centre of the town, counted a speeific for diseases of the liver, stom­ HAS just received an extensive and well select­ about one mile from the Meeting-house TIO^S. It CURES when every thing else tails to-day, hut ‘ the best laid schemes o f mice mill ach nnd bowels and are the best alterative and cd in said Estate, to appear at a Court of 1’iobate to be holden at Wiscasset, in said county, on the ed nssorlmcnt of Lat the head of Dntiiariscolta Pond.- men aft gang agro.’ As wo go to press a storm aperient medicine in the world; and at Ibis time, alien the decay of Vegetation announces the 2d Monday of January next, by causing a copy ASS'© ©j&IPSc) Said farm contains about 120 acres of good land, SCVCl’CSl Sci’ofulfl iV I I 43 CI)O V S , o f snow is how ling around us, telling us in approach of the most fatal season of our climate, of said Petition with this older lo be published is well watered, nnd has a fair proportion of mow- where the flesh falls off the bones — the bones three weeks successively, previous to said Court, FUR. G O O D S lillnge and pasturing, together with fine are diseased, and the DART OF DEATH seems immistakcalde language that winter has come, we cannot do better than direct the attention 'of wood lot, a good orchard and good buildin______friends to the article. in the Lime ltoek Gazelle, a paper printed at E. UMBRELLAS, STOCKS AND GLOVES, It i ready to strike the sufferer. And the reason for ami that the steamer will not;— therefore Thomnston. NATit'L GROTON, Judge. cut 30 tons of English lin y the present season— ' ,|,is jS| ,jlul H makes the 111,001) perfectly Pure, — among which may be. found— we will wait a week. Rev. B. Hibbard's Anti-Bilious Pills- Attest, Aiinoi.ii Bi.ankv, Register. The whole or a part will, the buildings, will he k ic|,. Healthy, Quick, Free, Nutritious. It For sale by II. T: Slocomb, 1:. Thomaston and A true copy of the Petition and Order thereon. Fine Extra Mole HATS. sold at n low price and on liberal terms, lor further CURES all those ALARMfNG eases of DY8 Druggists and dealers generally iu Maine. (4w43. Attest, Arnold Blimey. 46 3w. “ “ do. particulars enquire of Joseph M Gleason, E sq, PEPSI A and JAUNDICE, where the Liver is K 5” L a u n c iie d , from (he yard of Cephas “ do. ol Union; El.slia Fales. Cushing; Eben’r Otis, Swollen and Puiul'ul, Slrengil, wusling, Appetite Stnrrett, a fine brig, of excellent model anil NOTICE. UNITED STATES UOTEt, No. 2 do. St George; Asa Crocket, E. Thomnston; S. llenly , gone, Pulse weak or Feverish, Skin yellow, superior finish, called the Geo, S. Abbott, ot THE citizens of ibis Village, in favor of the Silk Flush CATS. Ihomastnii; I haddeus Weeks or S. W. Jackson, Nerves deranged. It restores Health, Strength, Mohair “ (II). Esq’s of Jetl'erson,I < r ..A ....or of .1ilie...... subscriber...... on the. . . c , , . . . ® ’ foimation ol'a new Collection District, are request­ (MOSES WOODARD., and Vigor lo every disordered funciion of ihe 225 tons. She is owned by our enterprising ed to meet at Eagle Hall, on Friday Evening, Cotton 11 do. oremises. NATH’L TOBEY. .System-remising them lo move on just as Na­ citizens, Messrs. A II Kimball, C. Stnrrutt, Sih insl., at 7 o'clock, lo lake such action as they PORTLAND, Me. Silk- do. ’ Jefferson. Nov 1, IS IS * Cw 41 ture requires. And for its WONDERFUL Power Isaac C. Abbott, mid Cupt. Stanley by whom may deem expedient. Glazed Silk do. over Disease in every form', mid part, which no East Thomnston, Dec. 0, 18 IS. Urondelnih do. Quadrille Rand. other medicine possesses, the public justly style she Is to he commanded. THIS extensive establishment, having been thoroughly renovated and refilled, mid put in ex­ Boys' Caps of Every Description, R. JOHN COLLINS, Leader of the East it lint EGERY iu in town, with a large variety of cellent order, in every department, is now open Mull's, Boas, Collars, (Swan’s Down and Fur) Thomaston Brass Baud, mid for the last Miisler reined) of the Age'.'. ir j' One of N. P. W illis' excellent stories W inter Clothing, which he will sell nt a very for the reception of visiters. Mseven years a member of the Boston Brass mid «,lay he found on the outside. sinnll udvnlice from cost. He may lie found .Mr. W. haying had the benefit of several years’ BUFFALO ROBES, Cornett Bands, would respectfully give notice to The great secret of nil its triumphant succcxs nt No. 1, Spofford Block, East Thnmuston; experience as landlord of one of the best public the citizens of East Thomnston mid vicinity, ihul over all oilier Sarsaparillas, is, that it does not T h e ptesfe.it population o f Chicago is 19,- aiiu at the Custom House building, Thomas­ houses in the Stale (the Bangor House) lie trust; Budilin Coats, Wolf Rubes, Silk and Colton Uin- lie is prepared to furnish Music fur Balls, Assem­ tamper will, the patient, or prolong Ins sufferings. brellas, Canes, Gloves, Stocks, Suspenders, Sou But it first attacks Ihe disease amt stops ii, then 724. ton. that he mav be able to sustain for it the reputa-. 'r‘, '\v nJ*'nAii,?!? \S» f VJ’0!1* crs,\ blies, private parlies, &c. lion of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ‘ nml.Nor. \\ est,us Rough and Readys,“ ' (, lazed Also, for sale, a large eolleetioti of .Music nr- removes it, then brings up the llesh nnd strength Libel suits arc grow ing util of the Maffit NOTICE. (Cz-Connected with the House is a first ralP lampico, M e n - o „ r amt 1 arpaubt, Hals, ' ranged for Brass mid Coiilliuu Bands. Orders on a perfectly pure Blood, so thnt the erne is al­ ■excitement in Brooklyn, N. Y. Stable.—Carriages always in attendance. 15= ID’ © (3 £ . © (3 3 addressed to Joint Collins, East Thomaston, will ways thorough mat permanent. Others only I wish the person who stole tnv little curt scatter, or haeken the disease, but this EXTIE The Erie canal, if not previously dosed by from the foot of the office stub's, to bring it November 22, 1848. n-lllf of every description ; and in short, every article be puneiually attended lo. Oet. 17lli. 18)8 2in39 PATES it wholly from Ihe system — this saves jee, w ill he positively closed on tho 9th ilist. hack iilitnefiialclv, or 1 shall send a constable usually kept in a Hal and Cap Establishment. the patient's life, while others endanger it. The Nov. «.), 1848. The steamer Wyandotte was recently alter him. GREENLEAF PORTER. EVENING SCHOOL, h r . YYm. Wage’s whole Body is made so healthy by the use of this wrecked near Vieksbing, nllil th irty lives lost. GIANT MEDICINE, the System so vigorous_ MARRIAGES. MR. PAINE,assisted by W. E. TOLMAN, wil. T h irly-O n c SBouse ILots Unrivaled Compound Vegetable Panacea 31.ml soeheerful -Nerves so quiet—Skin so lair The New Yorkers are talking about uni­ commence a second course of iiislriielinn mi --.Spirits so buoyant, that Medicitl Collegos, We will walk this world J10R SALE, pleasantly situated in the South T is one of the best Medicines ever offered lo Frol'essors, amt Physicians always meter it, lor ting the Cities of Brooklyn mid New York. Monday evening next.at his sellout room,Holmes’ r the public lor the elite of Coughs, swelling Yoked iu all exercise of noble ends. Block ' part of the village : a plan of which may the sake of its superiority. Try ii. all you who Col. Fremont, with thirty young men, has Ibe seen by calling at the subscriber, where termsof ihe Jambs, Croup, sore Eyes, Head Aelie, liistrueiion will he given in English Grammar. Tootli-nclie, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, are seeking the P rice le ss U lessiugs o l lift St. Louis li.r California by a new route. In Bangor, 27tli ult., M r Daniel W. Smith to Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, unit Penmanship ike. will be made known. ('IIA ’S HOLMES. llc u lt h ! Miss Alvira llinds. East Thomnslon, Nov. 28, 1SI8 Lameness of ihe stomach, Jce., mid lor Burns Money is now duffued lo he n composition mid such oilier branches us the scholars mav de­ _____ i mid Scalds a never failing cute. In Bath, 28th, Air Wni. Wilchell to Aliss Sarah sire Liidies, Married and Unmanied: for taking stains out of character. Marriott. J. W A K E FIE LD , Agent. Terms $2,00 for 30 Lessons. FLOUR, FLOIR, Il is tor you, especially, that this Sursoncrilln as There are tw o thousand paupers in Cinein- E. Thomaston Nov 22, 1848. Bbls Superfine Flour; 100 bids Ap made, us the ‘-HEALING ART ’ has been tasked jiati dependent on public support. __ D E A T H S . •M P U les; 1201) llis Cheese; 12 bugs Cullee; Balsa m'of Liverwort nnd Hoarltoun. to the utmost to have it exactly suited to F E ­ 'Prussian id no is now innnufiicturd extensive­ Fire Insurance. 36 bids Potntoes; for Sale by J. T. WHI TE. A N established u id elf, lual remedy for ihe MALE COMPLAINTS. These Complaints Sure the last end November 29- n i.; Colds ly in Philadelphia by tile burning o f old hoots Of the good man is peace. HE undersigned is authorized to receive np-1______XI. cure id Cotiglu . liiflueuza, Bloilchil have never lie eared for a., they ought. hence sitid shoes. plications for the insurance of all kinds ol difficulty of breaihiiig, Quinsey, spilling of blood, it is that all the medicines which are used with Consumption mid ull diseases of ihe Lungs, Liv- the hope of Cure, so invariably amt entirely fail. Russia is beginning to compete with the Iu Orono, 24ih all., Alary W., daughter of TIleal and Personal property, and to transact other ; ITIai'ine Insurance. Hugh and Caroline P. Read, aged II years. business lorlbe lollowing Fire InsuranceCompan- •r complaint, Ac. The above remedy is already Bui tin; Sarsupaiilia has the S F E C IA L ability United States in the importation of ice into f | mI i k siili.serilier willill rceeiro application!, known througliuut nil the New England Suites, to cure -■very Disease, Alfiielion, or Pain, which In Portland, 29th ult., Edilh, daughter of Win* ies, viz : the New England, ('oliniibiun, Holyoke, for tho Iiisuruiu England. I’. Preble, Jr., Esq., age I 19 months. io o f Vessels, Cargoes —a fresh supply is just received and lor sale ut comes under this head. It regulates th Satin foularer are uow fashionable in Paris; risks nt his otli, SLOCOMB’S Apothecary Stoic, E l i Thom- lions—corrects the irregulurilies of the system Monmouth, Maine Mainmoulh, and Farmer's ami , Aston. - 40 ly restores strength to every part—beautifies so are open Work and embroidered stockings Mechanics’. J. C. COCHRAN. J. C. COCHRAN. Atud low shoes. GAZETTE MARINE LIST. Nov. 1848. t)45. complexion--imparts a flow of spirits—cures Aug. 22 3in 31. pitulion of ihe Heart —removes Blotches, Pin,; Invaluable Ereek les. Large quantities of India Rubber overshoes Port of East Thomaston. lire muilciu New York fur the English mar­ A New and Full Stock of Ifoliuau's Nalnif's Restorative. F AM IL Y COMPA YIOY. Manufactured by ket. r j ’1IE subscriber is General Agent in tins part (IX Lectures on Cuuses. Prevention mid Cure JOS. J.. KELLEY L CO. A r r iv e d . HOOKS, Stationery, Medicines, Jewelry, S '^ f M r S lidell, o f N ew Orleans, it is said, het Musical Instruments mid Fancy Goods, just rce'd -1 of Lincoln County for this very vuluuble C'onstiinption, Asthma, Diseases of the Chemists and Druggists, IOS M iddle S t. 29lli ull., sch Union, Pendleton, Camden. by J. WAKEFIELD medicine. Local agents cm, he supplied by tom Heart, and all Female Diseases 234 pages, 23 upwards o f $80,000 on Gen. Cass carrying Charles, Gram, Boston. on the same terms, nt Ins Book .Store, as they have engravings. Paper 50 ets ; hound 73 ets. Mail PORTLAND, Me Ohio. Nov 14 43 30lh, Ivanhoe, Sylvester, do. received it from the proprietor. New agencies : lo any part — postage 9 1-2 i ts. N. B. This effectual article is the cut. uu t, Dec lsi hark George Thomas, Frankfurt. A ir Cass was the first President o f the Con­ PAPER HANGINGS. given on application to the subscriber. ' Shoulder Braces mid Chest Expanders, $2. And ln.sr .Medicine in tins country. PRICE only seh Patriot, Bucklin, Bangor. nlltf J. WAKEFIELD, Agent. i Mail lo any part, 50 els. postage, inhaling Cents a Bottle, and lor six bottles puivtiased gressional temperance society formed in new supply of beautiful l’.uierns. Washington on the 26th of Febuary, 1832. Delaware. Holbrook, Portland. 2500 Tubes, Silver, by mail, letter postage. AIhIoiii- at one time 8 1 00,—and lor ibis trifling sum ihu J.eo, Jauicson. do. ROLLS at reasuuable prices. mil Supporters, perfect, «s to ? 10, for all ltup- S e rofnlil and R b e u in u tis iu can be Plank roads ore camming into use Very Dec 4th sch Watchman, Collier, Boslon. (nov 1143J J. WAKEFIELD T e d — Tea. mres, Falling of the Bowels mid Womb, and tured rapidly in O hio. T h e y are said to he earning Aginouia, Herrick, Richmond. A LACOMBE It has a greater variety of TEAS. Weak Back and Chest ; sent by Express every Am xts E isi Thomaston, Wholesale and Re- 1Y 1 than any other person m East Thomaston fo rty per cent per annum on their cost. B a i l e d . Life and llealllt Insurance. where For Braves or Supporters, or Rupture Sup la d . I K K...... imhali1 ., R. I. S locomb, •C -V. \ .UA-31a- lie sells 20 per cent lower than ihe usual price, porters, give height from bead to foot, and ciemii- vouUEii ; fe.sl Thomaston, Timothy Fogg; So. The value of the coal exported from Penn- 29th, sch E . H. llerriek, Giant, New York. rBAlIE undersigned lias Hie Agency of several wanaiii.s them good, mid if not satisfactory re­ fcreoce of person next the surface, just above ihe Thomaston, George 1'ierie Ule.ckuiglou’s Cor- Aiylvauia to other stutes in the year 1817, Balk Alary II Kendall, Tolinaii, Havana. Life Insurance Companies, ami also of seve­ funds the money. lops. If Rupture, mention winch side. Agents ner, John Bud : Warren, S B Weatheibee was over ten milliuns of dollars. Dec 1. Nuiumbegga. Spear, New Orleans. ral Health Insurance Companies, which me lank wauled lor the sale of the above goods. Address Waldoboro’, William H. p irnard ; Damariscotta ed among the best Institutions of the kind, and Da. S. S FITCH, 707 Broadway. New York, post Budge, J. L. She,man Edmund Dana, Jr.; Cam- There are organizations of companies in Port of South Thomaston- would tie pleased to receive uppliealimis for poli­ 1.1)81, Cld. 1st, Bark Cloclia, J. It. Bartlett, N. O. paid. G. A. MACOMBER. Agent. den, Josejih H. Eurabrook. various tows in Keutueky, for emigration to cies at his office. J C. COCHRAN CHECK on Lime ltoek Bank, for «300 March 21th 1818. no x ly Californio. I( is supposed that at least 50,001) Sell Gen. Cass, Keller, do. Aug. 22, 31 3m. dated Nov. 11. 1818, payable to (’apt. Ellen): w ill emigrate thither in the next spring. Sid. 1st, Bark Laura, Snow, (new) Thorndike, \or bearer. Aliy person who shall return the sunn <■ Irubers Medicine*. Mobile. io Lime Rock Bank, will be liberally rewarded. Fur the Hair. A FULL supply in all the variety,’uriet y of iheso T h e State o f Ohio is iu her 61st year, or Sell Lafayette, Snow, Portland. Fluid Magnesia. IRA It El.LEMS. 4 ENU1NE BUFFALO OIL, one of the most -A medicines, by J. WAKEFlEt1ELD, Agent it is rather mnv Cl years since the fust w hile Helena, Dow, (new) Atiukapas. H U S preparation has the advantage over East Tlioimyslou, Nov. 21, 1648. 2w*44 €V popular remedies, for butifying the hair,! citizen moved into what is now that Slate— T. common Magnesia in being dissolved, there­ . '** A NEW SUPPLY' of Dr Townsend's Sarsa­ vet she polls a vote approximating to three Boston—Ar 29th, hark Louisnina, Emery, fore not liable to accumulate in the bowels. For KltKAINE S FILLS for sale by mid imparts a beauntulglos«.--Foi sale at— ZA parilla, a genuine article, by hundred thousand sale at SLOCOMBS J I WAKEFIELD, Agent to il SLOCOMB'S Norfolk; do brig Moxy, Bird, Savannah I J. W A K E FIE LD MISC ELLANEOUS. C1IAS 1IOLUES, R iiiki i. Wliillfti k tV RovsIit % ]Vc«' IScniniy ftltogcdH'r lor Uns for Sale a complete assortment of Commission Merchants nnd Ship Broke:' TIIT PITTS. Martin Lnther. n I C II M O N D , V a . B O O T S fit, SHOTS. 'W STOULB give noii- t’ to th Shippers ofLinm 1 It BOLLARD'S Liquid Specific. Vegetable Martin Luther, it is well known, was n Bills.and vegetable Salve Iman a rented v I'm Consisting in part of ▼ w owners of vcsels, an 1 other friends in compound of strange and heterogeneous Thomaston, that they still cari v on a SB" I I l,lls complaint ; ilie virtu -s and c u r a i i v p ovi-is mnteiinls. One striking peculiarity of his x ■, ENT'S thick and Cab Boots’ AS |U-1 returned from Boston and is Imppy I of which many can a i r 'I fie follow tin; Bovs thick and ( all Bonis and Shoes; GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, U - Io announce to all pun liasris of Merchnn- .... ipls are cetinioe. an I :' ibis ■ ■ d-em ■ . ,i| character was his singular and enthusias­ Ladies' 1’olka and Gaiter Bools; uid ar<* prepare 1 to transact all business enti'ml d I1'1 Ilia! lie is enabled limn the pt-renl low MORE OB LESS tic love of music. Not that there is nb- 11 Morocco and Kid W alking Shoes ; ’s ot the markets, to present lie in an cxlctt- to their care ; thanking them for their liberal | I'1 " I berei v eoiiilv lhal i member of ray family .c <• " Slippers; variety of Beautiful Goods, cheap. I’fri/ to be sold T in s SEASON at the slinctcdlv anything remarkable in such a patronage, they hope, by strict attention, to merit I li,i been, lor upwards of twenty years, ’alflieted passion: hut in him it had a singular effect, Misses’ Polka and Gaiter Boots; a continuance of the same. CZo,.-/, 10R I ASH. lie hopes io Imve the p| asllle EAST THOMASTON of recognizing among his customers many of his frequently almost beyond endtirnnee or descrip­ contrasting strikingly with the bold and ■ « Walking Shoes; All letters and papers directed to our can tion with the -worst form nf the Biles, and that Childrens’ Leather and Morocco Shoes, al be forwarded to the vessel they belong old friends. iudominablc qualities of his nature, lie The assortment embraces the following variclics STOVE ST OK E, alter trying many medicines ibai were recom­ sizes. mediately. mended and Ibe inedieal treatment of many ol had an admirable car for harmony, and Ladies' and Gentlemen's Over shoes; o /7 ’O.s7/7;sr0FI'0RD SLOCK, ALILV-.S7’. Sheet Music and Ladies Dress Goods, the most celehralcd physicians, without success, was no mean proficient on several instill­ Sole Leather. Instruction Books Silk's, Alpacas, Lustre a cure was cllecied in six weeks by ibe use ol AT,SO THE proprietor of ibis ESTABLISHMENT ments. lie had also a beaulilul voice, STARLT & CO. I’ianno-forte, Guitar,-• Ginghams. has jn-l reiiirned from Ai.uaxv, New York and Bollard s Bile Medicines. I can say with truth which lie constantly kept in order by the A large assortment ot Domestics and Groceries, Flute and Clarionet t. Poplins; Prints Gia g Boston, with a splendid nssorlmenl of that I believe the medicines prepared by A. \V. 51 India M. IBoslon, Violins; Stationary and Bollard will soon heroine the most celebrated for chanting of hymns and sacred songs.— 1 g.Millis dried Cnrreitls; Cask and Box Raisins. bams, elc. Havana. Crush'd and Powdered Sugar. Books. COOKING, I’A II TOK, ami OFFICE the cure of the complaints lor which they are The principles of church-music lie studied • HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND TOR SALT — Ribbons,lloscrv. Laces Molasses. Tea. and Cotree. China, Crockery and Gloves, and Parasols. STOVES. recommended, of any medicines yet discovered, profoundly— and he composed several pie­ 50 kegs Powder. Glass Ware. Cambrics, Muslins,-- and will eheei fully say more, if called upon at my Anchors, (’Inins, llanlw iiie, Cordage First and foremost is the ces of great merit. But the most slrik- please call, before purchasing, nt No I.Hoi.xtr.s’ Hard Ware, Cutlery, Linens, Diaper, C rash. place of business, No. 88, Main-st. io this city Bi.ocK.JI.imc Uoek-st. |I1 Nov 1 Pin k. Sheathing Paper, Oakum, Tar, Fitch, Rosin Bi ailed A- SilverSpoons Bleached anil Brown New Union Hot Air Cooking Stove. SAM I. IL ELI.IS. i •' thing about his musical character was Paints, Oil, Varnish, Verdigris. Bangor, Oct. 3, 1819. the power whic h melody had over himsell. J —-— “ bonking Glasses. Sheelin , This ...... is a most. beautiful nnd Extraordinary SHIP STOKES, Jewelry, Are. Fringes.Flannels.Rail. i Cooking Stove. The peeu'i laplniion of the The following certificate is from a respectable !lc seemed inc ited and subdued i»'” » i XX VOKT CHAIN W ORKS Beef. Perk. I.anl. Hams, Fish. Fowls, Oils. But Medicines, ling Cottons nnd Far- . ’ Cement Oven-bottom, midand tin'lh own an I regular i?xc|ian„p.s, nnn_or slate of almost helplessness by its tones. ! ter. Civ sc. Benns. Pilot and Navy Bread, Dried Paint Oils nnd Dye- lory L irn. 'application of the heal m th" O vi gives tbi- Amid their influence, nil other faculties ol - Apples, Tea. Coliee, Sugar, .Molasses, Ac. Ac. .tails German, English, nnd ! s 1(,vc all the advantages o f a l'i. Ovr.s; while A member of tuy family lias used for a few body and mind appeared suspende d: he A- ® . I B , A. 4 « . .May 1, 1818. tfnlf Am. Broadcloths and at the same lime the boiler-lodes are so construel weeks only Pollard's Compound Double Extract, Garden and Flower Doeskins, I'aney Doe- pplird to Ibe I f!’ «*'»• n «tr<-n.!i..l S.-orfiilons humor, n h id ’ was in .state of ecstatic rapture. In let- Manufacturers cf Chuin Cables, Topstul Seeds, fresh from the ed that the IlealFire-pil. is immediately which m ake-i, .he mos. ! '" ’j .'cars en.trely .-overed her han.h sltiiis.Cassimeres East­ Boilers from lb tors whitfh he wrote Io Linccius, (Trank- Sheets &c. Quakers’ and Agricul- ings, Vestings. Fancy , . , :. , t in- ’ ll ’ . O 11,- si’itiv !•' I :l”'1 " • ll''' pu'hllv pri'vealmg her non ii-inp JOHN HAY?,IAN &, CO,. ural Establishments. ’" • P L - J r . l?n,f'lV'1’ A" ' ' ' 1 them IO any mlvuntmJ al all. 'I he humor ban fort edition, llill),) we lind him jesting FRANKFORT, M e. Silk Cravnts Hdkl's. g Ibe be- AMERICA. Any p' lor the first lime entirely ill-appeared, and nt about his extieinc susceptibility, which He A l" . A- Co. are prepared to (ill orders for .Vo. 7S Toydras strut. aid No. Il Red tores. 3ulv m tty Municipality, ses. Toys, Ac. Cashmcrett doubts are entertained Hint a speedy and etl'ecliin -onsideved as a weakness in his cliarac- vessels'chain work, which they warrant c,,.ml to I to be convinced that they 11AV IT. erne will he the re* oil of a few mote application! anv manufactured, al the lowest rates, deliverc-' ter. lie tells Line, itis seriou sly that it NKW 085L13.% NS~I„n., Groceries of every description, Dried Apple Then comes the of the medicine. Previous to it-mg it, almost the ports where requited. The Cables are D E A L E 11 S 1 $ Hops, Lemons, Granges, etc. was his custom to sing a I ; ■ n every night Green Mountain A. T. COOK STOVE everything llial w as named a;el long courses of. proidi and warranted lor two years where the Old Stand, West Thomaston, Sluing. 1818. medical trealiaent had been re.-orted to with not in-forn lie retired to 1t -t; mid, such was sr/i(, ,,p Chain conforms to the tonnage ol' the Tomaston' Glenn's Falls, Norristown and St Prize “ “ No 11 " ]y Imp’d Hotnry “ u the slightest perceptible good efl'ei l. the soothing power of the melody over. Vessel. Genevieve Lime, It. PERK INS, Jr. Frankfort, Nov. Gilt, IS IS. *12 2m l‘i him, that, however much he might have HOMAN AND AMERICAN CEMENT l>r. Warren Universe ■ H ere follows the cert ilieate of John Low, B q., been excited or troubled lilt uiiglioiil the Sletvurt .Vmericmi mid English Fire Brick SARSAPARILLA, TOMATO AND 1 o f tie*, old eity market, Bangor. day, from the moment when the key-note ; L U M B E K Boston Clay nnd Tiles. Wager I am happy to certify hereby that upwards of a fell upon his car lie forgot all cnrllily mut­ AH W h olt’Sftlc anil B’dasJ. W ILD CHERRY Trojan Pioneer I year ago I made use. lor otily’a few days, of Pol-- ters nnd vcxntions. Atlicniviini. j J’/mt/rrittg Hair, Plaster Paris, and lards Compound Dotthle Extrael. No. 5, fur tl.s I’Hl'SICAl. BIITTB3RS. Then we have ihe elite of a very ttneonifiuiahle mid ilisligtiting liu- SIMON I.ITC'.HI'IEI.T), BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY. OVEN STQVE. A Word upon Health.’ Victory 2 tnor wltielt I had been troubled with lor npaiti|« DEALER IX 1.UMBK1I, CENTRE SEA-ST. Also, Tar. Pitch and Rosin. .Ql 50 els. per. Bottle. Vosc A’ Co’s ‘‘ of six mouths trpott my litce, t.rally co; , rill’.' the Soda Ashes and Balm Oil constantly on band Butler’s c‘ W o nrc not of thnt class'who believe tlmt WAVING concluded his season purchases is ARSAi'Aiiu.i.i, Tomato atnl Wii.n Ciierky Bit whole sttt face, ntt.l was entirely cured by it to my God intended us nil Io live centuries, hut _0 now prepared to fill orders tor most kind id JOHN DAYMAN. E. S. HOLDEN. Vose As Co’s rUEMIVAI great surprise and pleasure, b'r I laid ttiel the KT teiis have now become a standard Medicine, Kathbottrn Ac Co’s by a disreg ard of lieallli bridge our days dimension stall', building and finishing tttnlerinl, | universally approved bv Physicians us a sale, tiealmeii! of many patenl medieii.es, without any which be ofl'ers very low. among which may be Victory good etieet. I have no dotthl it is a sure remedy to n score, or more, nor do wo place im­ | speedy and efi'eetunl remedy for Scrofulous, Mer- found Ilie following kinds;— M ARLBORO HOTEL. viiiiaiand Cutaneous Diseases; Jaundice. Indi- Boston lf for all cutaneous humors. JOHN LOW Be,urn Flue plicit confidence in lire statement that Tll.MPE IlrlA'CE IIOI bS'E. 1 gestion, Dyspepsia, Billions Disorders, Liver *,* l'orsale bv J. WAKEFIELD, .‘•old Agent No. 1, (I to3 Inch) Di- ’ Exira Clear Clapboards Imp'd Hathaway for East Thomaston. Adam was nitre hundred and thirty years mension Stull Clear do Complninls, Costiveness, weal; and sore Stomach. gp old, though we do believe a little more nt- s 1 a 2 Hoards. 1 Ulcers and Running sores, swelling of the limbi, PARLOR STOV dS. for W ood. Bangor, Oct. 3d, 18 IS. fenlion paid to the subject of health would “ 3, plaining do No 1, do N o . 229 , W a s h in g t o n St r e e t , pain in the bones, tumors in Ihe throat, Rheiimal- Splendid Cast-iron, Air- Tight Stoves. Ladv do Ex. Pine Shingles, i ie ali'eetions, sail rheum, erysipelas, had humors, have a very beneficial effect. There are “ 3, coarse BOSTON. Washington Parlor S'.ove; \\ a-hiagt' n Cottage, 13 T O W N 'S o 4, do do No 1. do Eruptions on the face or body, cancerous sores. many who pride themselves on their good Cast-iron Bam:; Sheet-iron \ with east tops « .|, poor do No 2, do King's evil, chronic eytarrh. langor, debility, and bottoms, of new atnl splendid pattern; do. c f Mini shuuiRovr, constitutions, and who do not think it pos do Extra Cedar * ‘All who wish, can here attend family woi headache, dizziness, snllow complexion, mid all Spnlin ship, night and morning. with ovens in them. OR 1JA J OF QIJINTO, siblo that they can be sick, but wllut is Spruce do No 1, do those disorders which arise from the abuse of COAT. STOVES, Is a p h y s ic ia n in the families tho! use it / the result of their boasting? They go on Hemlock do No 2. do Mercury, or from an impure taint of the blood, do Pine Laths, D S': f SB «st C BI si 28 C M , no matter bow acquired. day after day, week after week, under­ Scoot For Bai lors. Olftces, Stores and Shops—of various Consumption and its Remedy Clear Biekells Spruce Laths. SUCCESSORS TO The extract here presented is prepared alter palter Cast-iron Cylind Bvrnmid, nnd Col- mining by habits of indulgence and over directions given by the eelebrnled Dr. Warren, This celehralcd mid popular niedicine speedily No. 1, d« 1 Cedar Posts. GREEN & HARDING. unit) Stoves mill open Grau s. working tlreir strength till they fail, and whose name it bears, and will be found superior and ell'eeloally elites mid eradicates Consumption, Pine Ranging Timber; Spruce nnd Hemlock SHIP CHANDLERS & GROCERS' BON K'l'GA'ES Coughs, Colds, lollanialioii ol the Mucous Mem­ their decline is like the breaking up ol ice Timber of nil descriptions. to any preparation of the kind now in use. It is highly concentrated, entirely vegetable, and very Fur Churches, Stores mol Shops, of ditl'erent sizes brane, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, when the freshet conies, it is sudden, ter 25 3m Corner Front Levee mid Benjamin St’s. finely llavored lo the taste. 'T he change which it ships gaboosi:, Ditiicully oi Breathing, Inlluenza. Qttinev, ('reap, rible, but sure. People pay too little at­ Second Municipality, produces in the condition nnd tendem-v of the spitting ol blood, pains in the side, back or brettst, tention to diet, they overload themselves, EARLE & MOFFITT, JOHN It. DENCH, NEW ORLEANS, system, is speedy and ;>■ nnnionl. For Vessels ol all sizes am! descriptions. Arc. iNc., mid that obstinate mid hydra-headed they neglect to bathe in winter ns well as cii.vs a. car lieu. As a Spring Medicine lor purifying the blood, W o o d ’ s New Y o r k F irc l Savor.; disease. Liver Complaint. It is prepmed by Win Merchant Tailors, July Uth 1818. ly strengthening the stomach ami body, and check? For Wood or Coal; Ihe be-i article ever oll'ereil to Brown, Apothecary mid Chemist, I.-1 Washington summer. They ling the lire, too much and ing all consumptive habits, the S ti-’apat ilia, To­ Street, Boston. breathe loo little fresh air, they sleep too Dealers in Clollis, Cassiineres, Vestings, and every Ihe pab'iie. Also Sargent's Boston Fuel Saver, variety of mato and Wild C’.terry Bitters are enlirelv tin- suitable for re ■ ; of from 50 to- 800 'I wenly-livc years* experience in compel tiding much and exercise too little, and yet they rivalled. James’ S Fmines nnd and selecting medicines, mid ttscertaining the rel­ do all these things knowing tire conse­ Geiitieiiieii’s Furnishing Goods, Agents. East Thomaston. C. A. Maeomber; Min Stoves. ative value of each in the cure of the diseases West Thomaston, T. Fogg; Warren. S. li. Welit- • ..ml Iron Tim u e T’e.’ ip --Siieet Lead — above enumerated, has eminemly qualified tor; quences. What is there so sad as loo see HAVE just received their Fall nnd Winter Stock erhee ; Waldoboro', W. II. B.itrnaid ; Union, E. for tin’ task of combining, wholly from the vege­ the sufferings of old age, or the prema­ und nre ollering rare inducements to purchasers per nnd Bins •*. Lead Pipe-Scuppers— Hill: Belfast, if. G. O. Washburn : mil the deal I Deep Sen Le ads. Oven, ash and Boil- table kingdom, such routs atnl herbs as are'nnttt- ture fading of a man in the prime of life. et'.s m .Medicine generally in New England. -•Iron HolIo'A Ware--Fire I rons--l’iie rally adnpted to Ihe wants of a disease d system Such are the consequences of disregard O il Horn’s, sific r - and s'-uvel and fiddles— I This happy- result has heett aeeompltslie‘l only by •i vers—Gmi iitt•r and Plailbrni Seales— the most lavish exp e u d ilo ie ot time and money of the laws of health.—Boston Evening WORTH of well selected Goods in our line of nm'TtfKS’s'/u v r I and expet intents' carefully ana hibotiuitsly prose., G a ze tte . nd Brass Batons. Ib i-s Kellies.- trade, have been added Io our slock the present To Owners of ifoces & (’n! Pmilannia usd cusiotn made Tin Ware- ealed. week, and wc hazard nothing in saying that our P'.ieni Box Lons, speaking Trumpcts- Consumption Ims always bill rd the skilDof tho Too Good to bo Loat. Stock is larger and cheaper Ilian can be found, or ■_,n il and ln aH. WM CO N STA N TIN E, ami its reett pent live ellects eease only when the. any self-styled cheap store. hand, Cholera, Dysentery and Chronic ‘'" .T u 'n t^ '! is, ""i'/'b'D Iy ad- Ire camo up, casting askance a wishful ...... , ...... 'i...... c...... i muted to he a .sure specific to the lollowing dis­ A NNOUNCBS to hi> fiicmL and the citizens system is restored to the highest pos. thlc degree November 8, 1848. 42tf. Diarrluea are no longer to be seriously feared, or LaL of Thomaston d ial lie has returned to bis of health. eye nt the load. eases in Horses & Cattle.— lx . Heaves, looked upon with terror—as this Cordial will Chronic Cough mid C .tomon Colds. All'ciTions o! kl stand, (,// the corner of Alam and Centrc.-st^.') The Balsam of Marsh it nt I low is pat up in large Tire driver look lire b in l. most assuredly cure the disease in the course ol Distcin- ' "'here he will he plca> d io wait on his customers, ciirystal bottles, and lo secure the public and my­ Lime IBock Disjteosaify, a very few hours, if taken at the eomnience- ilie Ri'oiichial Tubes mid Glands, Hot- ' 1’vo got plenty of it aboard,’ said lie; per, Founder of the Chest mid Limbs. Surfeit, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the self from fratnls of counterfeiters, my .signature • i we bad it tapped, you might have as (JiJain, head of Sea SI.,) ment. Dropsy of Ihe Chest and Skin, Hide Bound, Botts public - patronage. Long F.xpcricncc in the prac- will appear thus. IF»i. 7,’iowh,” on tiic label up3 It has been before the public for more than has v.ell qualified him to tut tliir cork of i m b bottle. much ns you can drink.’ R. T. SLO C O M B, Pi:or-KiETon. s i x t e c n v e a r s , and was the first article t ml Worms.—Ami in all cases whore infi unalion ! beeol Denial Surgery , , - , I, e . i exists, nlso where a general Contliiiun Medicine judgm of lit teeth, in their various DI/"'For sale in East Thomaston by R .T . SI.O- Toddy’s eyes sparklet! nnd his mouth made known lo the public as an immediate mid ■ , , ® , P’ 1", 1 luges, and to npplv the proper remedy. Gll.llll. mid by most of the Merchants in the ad­ perfect remedy for these•' complaints. It . lias . . been is neeileil. IN CATrnE, Botts, Cholic, Loss of Cud, watered. Can't wo get a gimlet ami tap T this Establishment is constantly on hand Jaundice or Yellows. Fever, Staggers, Horn Dis- ABTIFICIAL TLET11 supplied, of the Raust joining lov, its. 39 ly is. thoroughly tested in every country mid every |eln.lt,,. Alatc.ria/s, with or without artificial Gums and in it ? u large and well selected Stock of limatc, mid its ell’cet has every where proved p Dysenlery, S tuff or scab. Blael; Tungtte, Oil' starts Toddy and borrows a gimlet. i t .1 i- moi. i ever, Coughs, Colds, mid when ca ttle arc sorted 01 the most approved principle.:, widmut DRUGS, ihe same,—sure to cur.t:, even where-i.ere the di-easedisease olll m’’co|1(lilio„. i„ t i . , . , , ligat ures oi wires, so as to aid materially in .speech Our wag gets a goose-quill, and all is in hasi advanced i i lo .tthe ilast stage. . rri IlieI he public i i' may oui.sl|i.(.c>s...... ol. .coiHiiliou, in• ,... ,■ ,, li Ihls been nl.so iis(>il 1 with “likp '‘L REMOVAL. J1 E l) 1 C I N E S , ami mastication. o rd e r. rcst assured that it contains neithert.euhcr opium, or S(..|b Rla o' ...'j? ' '"'i '.'p ■ uEr.r - DU. C. would suggc-t io ii»c pul lie the ndvan- I) it. !■' It Y E , 1 This is lire best liquor aboard, we’ll CHEMICALS, mineral,1 sin,stances,substances, or m,fillingnnyining that is in the I) 1 ’ ■ , ' ' U|7 y’ ’ ’ ls i,lM' !1 ’ • ° sure cure lor Measles...... and Murraid or Leprosy _ in tnge of employing a IL. v i a o t known mid tried 1* II Y S 1 C I A N A- S U It (i 14 O X, have some of it,’ says tire teamster, point­ E S S E N T I A L O IL S , least injurious lo the constitution. SwixE. tLZ’Give the article a trial and it 'will’ re- ''•‘■I" ' iem e am! tlterebv avoid the ;-iem injury ing to a barrel at lire load. ( I l l s load was PATENT MEDICINES, CltttJ.r.llA 4- CIDLI/O.Y CHOC]}A MOIHICS commend ilself. which will always arise In employing traveling From the University of New York, COSMETICS, PERFUMER V, ‘ /CAi -riox—We emtiion iltc public against all . pi'elendets. on a sled.) 'Bids Cordial immediately cheeks the vomiting, KJ H AS removed his office from ilie Coimner- relieves the pains, slops the Diarrliaia, mid restores ‘ Heave l’owdcrs” or "Heave Compounds” tluil i Duct. C. manufaeinre.s nl) ihe Icellt lie uses so A bole was made it near tire ^bottom F N C Y GOODS. .al.Bl. cial I Ion e. lo No. 2 1-2 Spofford Block', up the bowels lo a perfectly regular mid healthy have not the written signature of I!. J. Grunt mt Illial wil1 ,l1’ !’11,'c 10 •sl" 1 al) ''is customers'. He stairs,where he may be eons’i'teil by day or night. of the barrel and li goose quill insert­ TEETH, NAIL and HAIR BRUSHES. stale, however severe the attack may be. or how­ the inside of each wrajq'er.- Be .-.me to a-k for , " 'h devote Ids entire mid constant attention to MIL,and FAMILY .MEDICINE CHESTS, Orders left on the slate at the otfiee door or with ed. V ES, ever low the patient may have become, it iuvari- Dit.i.ow's H eave Ci.-iik ami Univeiisai. Coxiiitiox | llis profession anil he rotistmttly on hand. the Barkeeper of the ('mi.intreial iJonse will be Trusses, Supporters. .Shoulder-braves, I ably restores. Meijicixe. Be careful nnd see that yon gi-t it, ns I * Y’ Advice cheerfully given to all 15 ‘ There,’ says our wag, 1 II bold my r.veches, Acids, Dye-sliib's, Boianic Medicine attended to. i si: n:/n:sr c a se s op d y s e a t e i} f, il is ihe only remedy that you can depeml upon lo Diseases of all kinds treated on live most ap­ thumb on tire quill, while you get down Shaker s Hoots and Herbs. thoroughly eradicate the above diseases. rv article that is usually found in :>t'e immediately couinerncied, the pains nri allay THE REMARKABLE proved plans. where you can have a good clunree, and ho It, Forat A: G'iiaxt, Sole Proprietors, Albany, NA'. i\l, the bowels healed, and not uiiliequeinly the z Bure Kine Box matter.from thu Health ofn-•»* in you may have a.? much as you can drink.'' an Apothecary s .Stoic. bowels become perfectly regulated mid i'.’. toi d Price 25 els. pr. Package. Reeil d- Caller, Drug- Bo-ton, kept eon’ tan, ly on hand. Toildy gels down upon Ilie ground, ea­ in ihe short space of ten or twelve hours. -Is. 5 I Challtanr street, Boston, General Agents z^"'' H'v.-; 'r-,v.sI -r i r , Encouraged by a liberal patronage, Dr. F. hopes ger for bis dram, lays hold o f tire quill DONNAVAN’S GREAT SEKI/kL Ibr ihe New England Smics. hy a sti.?’ a’A’-idion to business to merit a eotitin c u n o s i c 1)!A UK IKEA. CHAIH.ES A. MACO.MBEIi. Agent. will) bis mouth nnd draws lustily awuy nt u'anee of ihesmdd. , PANORAMA OF MEXCO. Either in children or adults, of months or y< nls July 1, 1818. ” | ly. .V- . r , A Olliee liour- h.’lw?eii Ja il'1 o v clock A. M. ami the liquor; and Io such a height is bis im­ continuance, are most readily cured with this Occupying 21,000 feet of Canvas. 1 and 2 o'clock I*. J[. ftllu Fllie1' llinll's 1101 agination wrought, that tret until be bail Cordial, notwithstanding tliey may he reduced to engaged. swallowed a good half pint of stiso.xc; T XIII BITING Ilie .S'ci'itery, Cities and Battle a mere skeleton: it immediately strengthens, and HEALTH, HEALTH- _J Fields .on the respective routes pursued by shortly restores them to perfeel health. iCw DR. FRYE streps in his Ollied. roan iinixEiloes lie find out bis mistake. U N IT E D ST.VJmTs"' FEJE MERMAID Eusl Thomaston Aug. 2S, 1818. tf Si l.e Aiiu ri an Army, from Corpus C.lu isli to Bueua C110 L /■ K .1 IS ZL1 .V TLrM. HIGH was exhibited in most of the prin- ‘ Khalil’ exclaims T id ily , ’ wluit kind Vista, mid lliente to Valladolid—mid from Vera V V cipal cities of America in the year 1810, o’lipuor’s that It has saved the lives ol' many thousand Chil- lIA I/ni INSURANCE COMPANY ; Cruz lo the City of Mexico, n lint of country di'en when reduced to death’s door by ihu com­ ’ll ami ‘12, to the wonder nnd astonishment of Sores Can he Healed. ‘ TTa ha !’ says tho wag, ‘guess you I Over 3,000 Miles in Extent! Incorporated by the L< L'idutnrc of Mass. thousands of Naturalists and other scientific per­ plaint. it gives them iinmediaie relief, ami they J1 Complete and Sovereign Remedy for all wot. t wan t any tnoru t ill you ge.t hom e!’ This stupendous Painting, to which the Pre very soon reeoyer. CAPITAL $50,000! sons. whose doubts of the existence of such an astonishing creation were entirely removed, has binds of SO R E S has bent j'oand. Slops tire gimlet hole, anti stalls oil’ laugh ! oi l the 1‘eople have alremly accorded the meiit SEA SICKNESS. Agency No. IO Lime Ruck Street. been purchased at immense cost and added to the FSTUUSEX 'S Universal Ointment, or Muster ol -rMi-sseii"er. J ,f being the most comprehensive mid beautiful It is n most pleasant and desirable remedy for uiammoth collection of the I Panorama ever exhibited in Boston, is now on Sea Sickness. Ii checks the vomiting, readily H F ain, is the me-t lufiilliblo Remedy cvet. exhibition al THIS INSTITUTION insures both males ami ' discovered for Barns, Scalds, Guts. Bruises, Ob' Extent of Oregon Territory, restores the patient. It invariably checks vomit­ males against disease or accident, according to i BOSTON ?IUSEU?T. Sores, Swellings, Ghilhlains, Frosted Limbs, Sul. BOYLSTON HALL, ing, protlu I’d from any cause whatever. l'cw readers arc probably utvuru of lire the rales specified ill tables accurately calculated. ' Situated utt T iiemuxt-St . near Ciiurt-sl, BOSTON, Ilheum, Sl lit Ile a I. Gli:tp|ied Hands. Sore Lips ('into e nf Uulystoii and IVasliingtan Sts. Boston. CHILDREN THAT ARE TEETHING, The former, by depositing a given -tiai yearly, wltieli comprises specimens of all that can instruct Inflamed Eye-lids, llutiuiug S ores, Ft es, Swelleui immensity of our possessions on the west Every Evening, mid on every Wedltesillty mid if inclined to Dimrhiea, should always be pro- insure a return of I'ottr-lilihs of that deposit, or amuse of the Face, Ac , Ac.,-- just received t.iid’l'or sale by— ol' tint Rocky Mountains. To say noth­ Saturday Afternoon, m 3 o'clock. viiled with ibis medicine, as it will l;e ep the ' for'each and every week within that year, dm ing WONDERS OF NATURE and ART J. WAKEFIELD.. ing of the east territories of California . apt. Dh NNAYAN, Author of •Adventurers bowels regal Old keep oil the Canker. It is "hi h he may be so di.-abled by illness as to he eu„ ecled | rolu (|U.irlcrs of the Globe, to the E Thomaston, l-eb. 2Stlt IS and Now Mexico, of which we have re-| ■ a Mexi'-o,” mid lor seven months a prisoner, wholesome, sal - a n t pleasant to the taste; und ! prevented Iroiti pursuing Itis usual occupation,— nuiitbei of nearly ,i . ; . ■ - i .1 during the leeenl war, will be iiresent to uxnluia children are I'oinl of il, and will lake it without such allowance not to exceed four hundred dollars LEWISTON TWEldDS, centl) co.tre n.nto o popossi.-sstc,, Oregon Hsell ...... q,,,,.,,, f'(.llle trouble or dislike. in any one year. Females, insured ugaiitsi nil DALI' A .MILLION A lilH I i:s i is large enoughj l l furfor a separate republic, i many incident «»f the war, Mexican life, manners, i. i i -i...... i n ■ maladies common lo both sexes, are entitled to all ol' which, in addition to the splendid C A S S I M E R E S, D O E S K IN «. for General Uelnldy and Dyspepsut, allowances equal to ihree.fi,unit of their It appears by otlieinl documents, that ivc. TICKI'.'IS, ::5 cis. Liberal urrmifemciils T licu trictil Per ft) rui n rices, SATINETS K FLANNELS, Ihe east it skirts 600 miles along thu unde with Parties amt Schools. Exhibitioits It is a most excellent restorative, giving a healthy yearly payment, lor every week's sickness. Thus the stomach of T kagkdibs, o medies, Dramas, Opejias, Spec­ JOSEPH HEWETT, Agent Rocky Mountains; on lire south, 300 given to parlies li an the country nt an hour's lone to both the stomach mid bowels, and pre-i mt inveslmcnl of 85 ft year by tlie former, or of notice. For i trticulars see billtt ol iltt it »y, eats fund from distressing the stomach. ' $5,33 by ilie latter, will, if deprived of lieallli, tacles, Burlettas, Farces, <\lc. miles ulong the Snowy Mountains; on the October, ISIS. 3(1)113? Given every evening and Wednesday nnd Sat nr COAL .secure to the parly instiled, a payment of SI per day afternoons by performers of neknou lodged west, 700 miles along the l’aeifio Ocean; week. Jnsurani e also eli'eeled lor terms of yeats. 9 0 TONS RED ASH COAL C A U 'J'l O N . ceOQ not exceeding five. For rales of insurance, and talent and with Orchestral, Scenic and Stage ur- 50 \\ Itile Ash do. on the north, 250 miles tiling the North IVCM' ££<*(hbr<] 4’oF‘!:!}4'c. j rungemeuts that A rican possessions of Russia and Eng­ Beware of those impositions which are daily oilier inlbrninlioii, apply to 50 ( haldroits superior Coal, lbr Smiths'' FF5NHE C.'ot.i' '”ii. Mannlaetui. I by this G'ompn- M. ..N il S. ANDREWS. Ay.,Us. CANNOT HE SIJKPASSEI)! use; Ibr stile hy land. This area, or iniutensu valley, con­ I palmed upon the public, beating the name of my W. riy. i IF.I It/} l.XTE/) SCPEJHOJ! to any ml; de, which is Cuei.EKA Moaues, Dvsenteiiy JOHN l> liAlt.NARD, Agent, Thomaston. are to be seen lbr the unprecedented small charge u COLE 4k LOVEJOY. tains 350,000 square miles capahlo, tin-; nianufacttircd in New England, unit will be ,-ol'd and Diaki ikea ConpiAt., which name iutposters East Thomaston, Oct. I, IMS. n37il Sept. 13' 3-| 3w ilouhtedly, of forming seven Stales as '-V the g an g , yr 1. -- quantity, at Boston m-iecs «>lv ’-35 e r.«i. lchvered here. 1 have borrowed. Also, lliey have copied my ad- la rg e as New York, or forty States of the verli einetils mid prefatory addresses. Doublles i j-1 lh member ! there is no e.etra eliarge WILLIAM THOMAS, Agent. HOLMAN'S Consolidated Cough Elrops, dimensions nf Mussaeliusells. Some of they have done this (or the purpose of palming „ . . „ , ,, . .. to see the peeformanee. O R CA ND Y . ilie islands on the coast are very large— W. T. Will also fillni.«li Chain .,11 then • ttsel -s and worthless aril.:., at the Nattire s Grand Restorative, Oct 25 eowtim from 11-2 to expense ami repuialioa of this ori'.inal atnl most FMXtllS Vegetable Medicine stands unrivaled sufficient to form a Stale by themselves. 3-1 inch. Anchors, of any size that may be UT up in packages at 12 1-2 and 2 ) cts. Il wanted, on favorable terms. popular lindi..iiie lit,il ever came before the poll- H for the cute of Dyspepsia or Itnltg, lion, FREDERICK STEPHENSON, is a coii”' n,rated preparation of Wild Cherry, I hese are situated north of the part allel he Be sure that V”tt obtain Mi;s. IF Kiddeh’s ' Diseased Liver, Jaundice. I.o-s of appetite, Bd- Bonoc, amt Balsam ofTolue, made into Cough. East TTiomttston April lUlh 1 18 12 ot 1 \ an c o ttv te’s Is and, 200 m ilts it Cltolera Aim Inis, Dv.-entery and Diarrlima Cordial, holts disorders, Worms, Nervous Coinplmitts. 30 Witter Street, N. York, Candy, then t u, in small drops, convenient lor breadth, as large as Mass, and Conn.— land vott wall >.■ -t the only nite mi l original at'li- i Bleeding at the stomach Are. use. It is one of the most pleasant prep nations A h c iiI Queen Charlotte’s, or Washington Jslnd, fiSff.'Hl. elc, which has ever been held in the highest esli- 1 )• WAKEFIELD, Agent, for 'flioiiiasion Lime, for the cure of Coughs. Colds ami all complaints m.ition by the public throughout the whole eoun- ' Aug. 7. 29 Broker in Vessels and Freight, and General of the lungs; also in extensive use io clear the 100 miles in length and 30 in breadth, C O N A N T ’ S Y E S ' ! voice for vot ali.-is ttud public speakers. try. Il is pill op in bottles holding neatly a j ------— ------COMMISSION .MEKCII YNT. co n ta in s -lOtlit square m ilt s. O n both ol A NEW mid superior article formal, light quai l, intended for family Use, and sold nl One A .Lot more of those 3 1 2 cb- Ivaiinaiii-. Gotlou For sale m Las, 'lhonmston by ]{. T. S Jj). these immense islands, that lie between mid excellent Bread, for sale bv Dollar per bottle. Sold by . » Cloth, at O B FADES. -Sulirils CuHsigHineiits. Refers to----- CO.MB. Deuleis supplied by Win Brown, 481 the high purrallels of 13 and 50 dei>rees bJ J. WAKEFIELD F G. Thiif.1011 N-. Co., Most'S Tuy lor, -V FmZ. aW’shiag,on-si, Bremeis, Stephens A* Cushm. < AIKS. 14. li I DDE It i li FG S. .M edict lies, Che me ails and Dye-sl ulls the soil is said to he well adapted to u«ti- Juo. G. Holbrook, Duvcnpotl ,X* Spear, N. X: C. and Seth W l'ou le, War hington st. Bosiin. Jy l A o. 101) Court S t Ronton, * --a large assorlmenr'for sale nt IF D u n n . cuiture. Tho straits and circunijueent SAMUEL W. HALL, ' who is the inventor mid sold proprietor. Drug- 33 SLOCOMB'S .1. II Blown At Co., E. dc T. Bailie. Portland waters abound in fish of tho litres^ qualitv. WtlOl.BSXI.E AND Hetaii. Deai.eii in ’ ge ts atnl Apotheearies ..applied as formerly, in i II C. Lowell, Esq., Hon. I li. Kimball, Ea.u The People's I'l’iciid. ( aalsot good qttuiily, and other veins of W E ST J N D I A G OO D S ' Im ge or small quantities Tow iisviiil m Sarsaparilla Tlioinuston. AND'S l'AIN DESIROYEIt and Healing minerals, have been found.— Newark Ad­ An si.-. Eu.«t T.'iomuston, ( ' A. Maeomber; 1 A NOTJ1FK lot < t lhal Popular Medicine (7)1 Extinct,Tor Gills. Rriiittes, Bums, Fain m 7t), Cutuiueeinl Street R the sala, Flit-ache., Rheumatism, Croup, Ac. v e rt issr. and lor .-ale by Dealers in Aledie ne generally. ZM. tins day received nt L( H'l BUB'S, |)O I.L A U D ’S cure lor the JackbOU lu ll, sold h) iiO S T O N . 1 Aug 3 l&H ltuos t» n'?8 Sept 2tlb. 1818 36t<‘ A J. WAKEFIELD ' | Sept. For rale al SLOCOMB'S.