Mi' t'liriiftiiiii J^in'^iiiiiSi

Ed it b ricil

THE MLi:s TA>; scuKMr: If ^NKEl^f RKVlS10f<-- / ', JBocj.jLiso ;lhis nc'v spr.piJiv'com-Hoii-, i|v t»xi. Ust V'COk Uiot'lhc sa!(\s; .lax ' • f pvopo; , ;^y; Ooy'Tno:; Ci'n»i;iO'i;k ; V ''"bits i'liocLly; at > 10 oi: the I'OUHes j • i of the pivus:;n{ lux iiVUCicle," nvjii,Mh||,; v£ thai indfer the p '(•sent tax syiloni : all. ta^iCi's are pain'en,t. :];;; We dc^;not expect i to jjee a sales lax .I'j In' the k'tm / ir, which 'Govoj'nq'r ; ' Comst >ck pi'opo>es it enuctv-:!, in i', Miehijan. i-father, ,\ve exited •to, lix'sco ihir L;o^'«>ri'or>^ pot tax panaccfi! ;i'\vhiltl-!d \m\ tiv\h aimn aiVtl amended until .it' ji.- Ncaroely ri?":o«- j{> nixablt!, , . '• ^ y\'\ The-thocvy of L'i •'sales? tax...;nay; f olYer i; ';cluc: to rhol !oUi1ion-oi' ^'^iieh-; ' iifcoine Tax Man T,^ ^ .^•'•J'svigan'.'i .tax probleih ; It has ynvonj ' ; v~'siich') Y''Ot^.c^ statj(.':.,i:h\it, not in me; qan't. Somebody Head 'Em O^i 7 - By Albert T. Reid Coming fo^^AsHiiitl ., form; uropcsed; hcjr j^'iTo" ihvif)':^ a . Local^TdJcpaii^M . '. •; ;,':.fitr'; of H pi'jijcont upoit'tt\e • : •• ' • - •" > y.j^ross volur.K or )f(:tnll iialcs, a tax ' Hartford' incon-i'e'j,_taxpayers• |'j\yJ3j| j]; thai caji-'s-c;;r.]|yiy 'PJ ;i>=e":l^ nton ( tX)' •haVetlie assistance-of a dypVitjj'j ^ol-*^ the ctt^tomev cxecip'.i'in:'the. fornrof- lector of.,iiite|;nal|,revehu(v whijii'iA! H| •'••••"f'.;a'-*j'onj'rall>. hiyheji- lo\'pl of pr.ces.' be at the lltuafOr4''H6u.';'jq:lc:a>' t)io tarnicjr ;-^u^d' tiie h<>i"ae.; ISSUED AI'TEE ALL NIGIll'l PART OF MONKY STRKAM liis services Vo local' .people *\vi.;<|>; ( OM I.RUNC i; IN DETKOI'JT, .\rc)3uiredJ- to -n'ja.ke/'reiurnsi:, ;it as owiier anc: tlie tax problem can THAT'FLOWSl into''THJEf , SI SPKNDS BANKING. "nom-jced", by tho'. \ treusi,u'y \ d^ • •Vj|. not bo .si)!v'-shiftin/j; the STATt TRIi:ASURV.'''''V • ment! •;•,,> . ;i •,.,•.'';.•••• :| j:' "'h- ; to his si\ci Idors, , ^ ' ly^arried persons with inconi'c>: Othrr ihajor obj'iictior.s arise to }i;2i.5p0 or more and ^single p^jr; ^;^rthe sales, tjtx in iit^'jDroposeii forih ORE-OPEN ON FEB; 23 jyith inconibs Of $J,000. or moVie! — tlv> .ciisadvanlajfX^'' to., Muhitiah' i . . . —r\- ^ I'eqinrod to me.ke^ I'eturns thisiy comnieroial; and •'i'nti^titrial' interest's IJniikcis 111 ILnil'ord and Xearby Licotiscs, Fees and Spet'l»l -Taxes Also i: U\ competition wi'liUhose oi' other Also all persdns idbhni a- grojj^'M.ljjC^-fj. sjites. tho",arniy jo.; j,Inspectors ; re- • Towns Soc No Need 6'f Suspeiid- Swell' Stiitc's; OasJi Account*— , jnes.s' of ,,$5,000, or niore jdnrjeii'; -the^ inj! IJ»slnt'ss in This SedloM. ' All Come but of Poclcets ;-, (UiiredMo ebPevl s .A''IV'ii tax -and the year and all•, partnerships; are, r^v IJut Must Obey Kdict. of Michigan Cltizfenk gonc^rai' confusion d. s.Vils-'iOii c'er- <]Uired to' ,lile rctui-vins,- irresp.?';^i;yi*ij ",^lain foil :.w its h doi.ition. bnnk.s. and trust compqni'cs in ofl'ahe an-iOUPt ol/ilicir' net) ihboinc^! : If jMiaot<'d: the lo;!;islatin-e will fBY ELTON ^. EATONr) Michiuan susp('nd«.'d operations'j yes• LANSlNG.r~Xow that„ Ihc,_ omc^ doubtl.?iVs hnd i'. \vu v ,.t;c siniplily its terday moi'nltu; in compliiince^ Avilh q/.eoiloet:on.mu(.!i n;'l':.e colleeticHi ia!s of,' Michiga,iv are talking 'ajjoiit a proclam*'i'lon issued by C^'n'ernor • collecting a. $35^pO0iOC>p\. salo^ - 'tax m '|';or the j:as lax \|i , simplifivd^ If William A.; .Cumstock dv.clari;:)^ a ! ';^i>ri .en':»rt was ina|:li> :t(i. collect the fronr the residjei'Jts, of}' thO;,s.iate/',1'us'i bank holiday lor one v.-eek' which how inuch mohe.v docs ,th;i'? ,,.state • j.gnstav: fi'om vhcj': r;di\idual tilling will pei'niit the banks (o re-opqh on collect froin the'''people oJ",- Miehi'- slaiion:; -son\e uncje •.c-rniinod '.hous- February 'T^- , j' ; ii;:ands cf col lectorsj-A ou.d be added ..The action was taken to pjoteci • ; ^'io; the '^tate pjiynpll. ^ ..: - There are many who believe that the Union Guardian Trust coinpuny the real •ostalo tax. Hhe.'.gas tax aind^' i„Tho, sales tax. if adopted, .^;!-ould >Df. Detroit-, which has membei- banks the automobile weight ! tax consti- ::" bo- ma.^l^'.ec.ultabhf and ' w.O)-l.:ablc M'ichis:an> Sccreliiry of State Ci'gcJf in >'arlous sections o,' Michigan, ; tule about all the" income Of the ;• wjihdci'" crcatiii^ jivnoih'or army 'of SAi,le of Plates for Six MpnUmj it .was .•a;iltorists .and ^ job holders. Whet\ iClovernor Cori; j'houso v,-ou;d not" have:'opened iyss-:: ^Stock's; proposal hiS;,t;oiU' llirouiih ^:,True these', n-iake; Up' a godd-i per Boost i:._V)U'v'/thm y,-ay—-el!i:c';it should not up tht>; tolah of $124.724i;08;?.30|]lliat ' LANSmG;--te^isl^tiqn, which rminorities will enubie thei,'conjpany l'^^ was collected for thJD'')asti fiscal year •i'_:Como ;ut. , i. to hO adjust its afl'air;! as tr^'meet the permit more than a half hi ending-JtUy 1, l?32i:' ' ?. Michigan motdri.lts (b drive | CAN r;E MAor lio 'litJN 'hvu 1 dred-twenty-fot(r,> miUion,,:seven paying- only half 'Of, l^hc-normlfl/' Ti^ by ' Oovei'nor Comstock is ^sald tor seven lumdred tweni/y^hpur thousand ;r s'rATi;— , ; • I " • ' • have followed a coni'ereix'e ^.[O^day j cense fee was presented.;;;in'.. tJlc|; an d eis^jit y-thsec/- db.I I a r !>' pTusi ^ppae senate Fi'iday oh' Ix'half:;of•''.'i'':.:an';'4 •-'I In Iansh,U( Jthis; :yee;': to inspect ^nigjit witl,i 1 epresentatives of tiiO|De- additioharcents.', , :' • ^ :''•,• at close rnn^cihel legislative an;,'l6 .'troit clearing house banks, the lidieh- All.; of this anpney, oan-1^ J'ronv.the 0!" ivilchisan's lax a^uddle. • Goort;e ' igaii Ban-/?e'.-'j5 association. t.he,..gecr,e-'' people of Michigan :in fel^s, licenses, Lord of Detroit, rocoi^ni/cd tax ex- lary of commerce of the 'UnitedJ. taxes, penalties,'ietc . • .-iif$-(^r|inl|)fesi^ -pert' and ehairmani ^f' the stale, tax Staj.es. an ' undor secretary of the ' The' $24,52G,64JK'7(»/:thaf canie ;dur-. Thousands of attto owners ^v.;jj!i/;bc^, . lvi'e)>ol">,bfv ii;hitp • thcf5Vni[.a<;^ii ner ! ^'^ CotYi;ivi}|sion u'ader ,1:1' Grocsbcck rc- UnltC'd States Treasury. th(;:;Rr;?con- ! in.g'the ,last,.,.fiscal ;'year, i'rpm;. the unable• to operate the,ir,e ' 'ychfclei Jhc;>u;ua^^offii|5j^h^ ' fiimf!, ;i^iced the opi'nlon th:il the struciion Finance Corpora' ipnlj and | general •pi;operty laK shrhiks. ;into a ;;.iej^islal!iro should S'je how, far it ihe;, IMiehigan banking coin.i'niijsion. al^fer March T if they ai'o;. reqpiiji^d^ pretty - sn\a 11 figure ',when compared to/pay in full' for their platdsi/ti/i$^; .;:"cn*vfe'b:;-in cuithiM' iK'/vorani^nt cos.^ ; .The Olney-National bank in Ji^larl- !• with the'near one hundVed aivd a ; boforo; cohsidevin^ 'ie\\ Ixjrnis -ol' lor(l, and a';her brmks . in ;n'earby .i; qLiarter niillicn., dollar' totali that-^the Records of the secrotai-y of.'liitjiije-se ;. revenii^ . . towhis opened as usual' yesterday state did'cdllecti^'/'; i'., . Loi'd'ibelicves thju •ii'> >;tate, eou:nV, niol'ning, f(;)Tilowing receipt', ot';itele- . :To theH'armer, of iGladw'in ,'eoijnt.y'! ? (he; w'ayi {ntdJ^i!*j^^!l:dtK 'township, city .incl school district grajins wl.'il(.i''_ gave the (jr.'st m;;a.yrc, | Cass;' county.:-or Amy'' other county. ;.absbi\iteii^:^:kite^ the.; w;^yr;wo«i C(>sis n;'e eut to thi> i;)one/a.sales ot' inf(itrmation ,'eoneerning the banking f you mlii'ht naino''facing the-loHS of which, were licensed^ last year:; , i«ellef;J'or tlibleiiinji-n^^^ .income tax may bb avoided envire- holiday. Lc.t'er. on advice frcimi|iboth j his .life'l? earnin.'gs, lijn'oirgh .iina.bility. and ttK> tax ijiinit of 15 niilis the;state aiicl i'cd'L-ral bankingdcjoart- j 0 C. Dillman iCbnlihued; oiV page 8/) , . made lo pt^y: the | costs of povern- ments. they Ob.sorved, the procliVma- I •^mont. ' . j lior. •'• „, ^!v \ 'Kicrhway •[•ntG'rosi.s have ''. As (••loii'i'iun ofiti>,e tax eommls;^ "' Not AfYectod Here. : LanJginfT.- !L7'3 per cent of iho total. This i's '>ix':irionths.i the .lii'SS..;plaies...to' bif-Jij^-J if :si«)n L;rd'iook a inumbor of kinks r'"We are :n., no way aHlliatod ,,wilh yirXAGE • TICKET COMMITTEE "^lade^- the greatest co-ntribution ' to practically theH)nIy item in our'en• i'sucd when the, remaining htVlffoJf out'of Michi^'an's tcjs: system, made tliejDelroit.ja'oup aiid we see no,,need ISSUES CALL FOR CAUCUS ,dato of any governmental a.s>imcT or tire set-up on which any discretion-' the license iiees, are paid-.' /• .'•' ;/ | % if* .'uncvjion; in reducing the tax of the . 'some i:ro|Vress towand^iax eciuatiza- of kispendi :1g op(,'rations her(•,"' .said AT TOWN HALL FRIDAY ary dopartn\ent appl icati'bn is p'er- P Half prjce perinrts, says'^Sec/'fevar:'* tlon HI d Had somcit.iin!: :to do with .7aniys liigalls. cashier oJ' tlur Qlney AFTER.NOON. •property o\yner.'* n^iissible axid.any analysis of high• 'Fitzgerald, will :,aVoi'd'- ,dcpii(i»^ini?. . ';.cohsoli4atih<.':'depaHmollis and bu:--National bsink of Hartford; ;:yWe Th'ik fact was forcibly brought out • way eonsti^uction activities must and m^ny ear iowners of, th(r use ;of !^hleii|' ^eaus. His su^'gosiio?! that <;os; cut- would 1,'ike to avoid tjte cc'n'fiasion : by State Highway Coinrrissioner should be cotylhied to this,amount. cars, and will also' increase*'ihc.; ,^tjn;^ should eomc 1 ist^ and revenue and ('inconvenience to jlocal p'?oplo jGro\-er C. Dil'lman. in a letter to- "The above amount is based oii revenue from weight and gai^o'l'JncT ,1 '{rhisin^ .nfterward ii>[sa^e advice to thaif will onsuo. but apparenty we. W, McFarland. president of the De- on estimated ga's tax collection oii taxes; , '" "ii % .i^-f;- -.troit- -Tochers* As.'sociation pointing $20'.000.00b-this year and it is entire• [Martfbrd- Fair Los<^s $1,985 by IDe- . ,'^n seen;in«ly perpit);ied lei^islaturc/ •have no ali,eri!tative exet'pt to com-' (Msioii df C6mstotik Administra• r,''J'he •ditneul'ty inj inai:guratinK the ply; with the. instructlchs; of';: state Nominees for President, Clerk, otit the fallacy of statements made ly likoly that this may: be decreased EODIE •CA'Npr.ORl»IS AT t- -Ir. 'J-'l' Ti'^pa^;!J:if for Viflape Election. will fiot be, greater than $2..500,000' •the, atlvaetion at iihe State TlicMrbT •ji' wiien '-7 Demoerats anil 2- Rcpublf- .rianks in otbci* nearby'-towns, verted'from hivihway tuvids and istill tor 19.33 j\'0 funds of the ,slate.high-' The people' of Hartford and thisi itodny and tojnorrow when; iire 6d|; I ;pans blocked an v program which also opened in tiic rfioi'ning, leave $25.00<^U^0(> lOr highway niain- Nominees for v..!llage offices will way dopartmehl comorifrom proper-' section /of the • state are,'interested .'mission: is • dropp^lj' to' a,;: :dir;^,^.,lf Pi;: I • • rb>' volipg •ajiaih ii toduction in the whcm the lelej^rams they roqojved' tenancc-: tv taxe.'^.'" in one pf the laiest phase,S oX th6 'is cjhe of the most j)ppular^l'll,ms fht5.|!i pay. pi-'legislativo •Mhployeo, while were not fully understood. aI;so;sus• be named at cancwos to be held.at M:^ Dilln^an's • letter pcmts out After showing, that total', taxes' on j'Jooiiom^ driVe^ J^t'Lajlsh^^^^^ ;lyiahager", Woodv.'ard has sho.-^yn't ''4;i flopablleans and i - XJemoc'ri^i y(n>' pended bu.s;'ness v/hen the .i'ciU" text ihc Hartford town' hall at 2 o'cIock 1 liat alrcadappro'Xima tely SIS.OOG. ithis 'price. : •,'•-,, '. // ,,../J [V-'k ;0j.i tor' roduetlon.i,' jH is the same^' 000 or^ the entire w-oight t:ax recess !:re;r"e;tate'real csiuce. toior^'ioc^ .lotai r hi^wa^^nvgnways ^ ae- i ' ' •-"•l"*'?!!^';^^V r'-^ ' '• "'"•/' ' : of the prciclamation became known. nex^^ Friday aft&rnoon, February- ,17, . \ Fore'Friday and Saturday;'!'The;|i ill .old -liame of poillies.^ Legislative Later yesterday it wa;. .announced are being vettirned to wnnty and lo• creased 75Vper cent or fronT:^2a.4;H,. ^^"^ '"^^ '^"'^ ' ' .'^ > ' !. Notices .were posted , Monday b5' 'juHt.'Had; lo Gct^'Marriocl'' i^ j:th<§/ /;emplojcs this ye:n'^ j;rc mo>:lj[y nem- cal .governmental units iov tax re-, 000 in 1029 to ...... Sti.lOfi.OOt^ in 1932: Mr. i , . , • . A- Comstoc, >k •ha s thai rules may be formulated; by the ihilhriubs comedy :^t;'the ^^abl;! ||. ;|; •ocrats, which - eniijbl^^ Republicans stat)? banking department ll*iat will the committee of the Village Ticket, duct ion pti-rymses togethor with S2,- Diilman concludes: ,' ^, 'i this ^'^^'^^week^ '''^''''^'ordered^ ^''^th^e boarda)board, off man- kluction, has been agei-« of^ the >Micliiga«.sUO^-^ir. al^ Sunday; tind Monday' night's, |ia| .•to votcfoi; pay rcd^mjons with clear permit the smaller banks to jj*e.^ume paMing a caucus for Fridny, for the.: ."(OCOOO^, more to be U5ed. for niain- ^ '"This gr.eat red *uv \....,.,,r.,.o Detroit to cancel all pendilirg'con--' ktjres .will be«.-."li:.-.'1 '.Had;' a-} M-il{i|Mi;'|-. consciences, The icicf is t;hat the restricted business that will iin part naming of can(fidate.«. on that ticket, tenance of township • I'-oads being made - possible to> the taxpayers ^•..„^,;. no.,;....'a • j-tracts' for'the 1983 fair ai>d| int-imat- with a galaxy of screcndbm's I'siirrl •:\vages pf logifllativ e c2m)}|oyes were meet the.demands of their ipatrons, The eommittee is composed of E. oaken o^ver- by county hig.h-.vay or- through: the medium of the trams- 2uvei\ Guy H. GifTprd./and Anthon-y 'gani/'::atibn:s. After listing other man- ferrod state ivihway dopartmenl;, ed llvatiainy apj>ropnation's ifo^'/'fairs' unreasonably IhKh , ^Including $0 a until they reopen on Februaijy.23. ; that may be bi'dught. be|fore| tljie/leg-; day fa;;-slonograpl eL*;' whether they •Meanwhile biKsiness institujtions of Miller; ' :'datory, expense.^ of the tJepai-tment. funds to- the counties for debt and :.. Village officers v.'hose terms ex- including the. state's share of ?treet Islalure will encou.nter thcf' opposi-- •(Work ti' rl^ot, and t|lvD.voto tOM'cduee all kinds a)*e endeavoring to shape property tax reduction purposes; by . . . . > i- •. i. pire-are Mayor' Robert Di, Rankin, ; •.videning costs. Mr. Dillmar's letter Jhe.eifort. of local boardsiand com^l^^^^..?^'.^?.^ them :1iou!d^ not ))(: .split' aloni; their afl'airs to continue their^ opera• Both, state and cWunly ':fi,jirs have Clerk Paul' F.. Richter, Treasurer^ /continues: missions to reduce and further con• Make • .pnrty : ?lnos. tions wiihq;at banking lacihfe "un• functioned |'argely througl), ivlate aid, Roy Yeckley, Assessor Stephen A,': "The tot^'d' remainin.:?, balance trol local activities: and also to the . i ,Tho: ract tliai iie house subse- til Ihc holiday is over. With every for the: pacit^eyeral years.; i Doyle and Aldermen Ray McCott.ei-,' available to the state hJigh'A-ay de- tax consciotisness of the board!S,,of i v.; ' tcjuontl;reversed iiij; aciio'iTJ, under bank and trust company in •Michigan Last, year-the ^bunty^ J!aii';?/re-; Delicious Stanton. Galbroath and'Guy K. Gil'-jpartment for new con-^'trucrion in supervisors of the respective .edun- v. : ^iho lash pi: , Gus •I...M. Harimiin , „o-f closed for a week, the \ncon^;enience ceived 972.859!-from! the sl^l;e!to aid'- . HouKh on, Hepublicanj'minorlty lead- to both business,houses and'tjhd, pub- lord, Che latter having been'appoint-h333, is not to exceed S3.32i).G00 or lies." ' • " . .-dm' ocV last spring to fill a vacanej'. i . I in • the ijayment: of;: prenTit.nif:;, Of. anc'voted the [)U)'; c\,tts does not lie,.is marked-ai'id substitute; creditf. I ' mv,' memberfrof the village „ jj •', 1 J. I this amount the'; Van-iBureii county ' ,'fafV'^et . the party fejicing.. that;' we. are. bemg worked oi.t to teWJOrar-j ; ^j,^ hold over for anc^ther Kef chain to Discuss t OUlkeS to bpeaii (It • i faii- .jn^ Har'tTord-roeelvW 'piMi,' be- • have cited as ;a stuinbllng block to ily 'lake the place of checks.. year; are 'Edward Flnley, Charles'A/ Farm Mortgages Over • • ^ost ciUia$!. • It i.s, stated ,that none.,of the banks Cowitif Convention iihg. weit at the-top of.'"ti)e;;iist/'of; Spaxilding and Robert F. Brow^n, ^m/T./.r/y/« Wr^r^i'^^^^'^' '^'^ amou;nts„:paid the cbunty/ ^ PronilfJes of economy' are glibly in. Van Eur en. county, or hi! adj!oin-. Radio on Saturday of whom were, elected on the Vil• or JJemoC) aib nei e approximated haK of.theiv^ pre- .:': made iti ,ar. • r- ^yh^re the crisis arose. . \ lat he had been ^.^S^ ^''f '^ff sessor, whose terms^'expire, were also - f The cost of g(^yohnncnt is not igan. will diHjuss the'farnn) mortgage i invited to deliver the adddres, s ;a'- t wo,00!*;75,0000 tofor the next two. ^ypars^vparsl', ,,' ': \ going I to, be reduced to' aiVywherx; FARMER IS SHOT BX LEG elecjted on thei .Village, Ticket last legislative ' situation/ in a nation the Democrat'c county convention to Last year'th«r state i f4r atJfiOe-. \ liear th.eiovel of the tax paying abil-; AS RIFLE IN SON^S HANDS V sprlng.-.v . - . :v '^. "Wide broadcast over ithe NBC hook-j be7 heVd^at^the'SrifoM^^to^ilv haU E^^oH and;^ef HPPer peniniju^^fajr^ i'ty of the public ;u;ilesft! the'iadvie^' LS ACCIDENTALLY iFIRED. Council Names Official!?. .tup of sixty stations at' .': 12:30 CTS i a: t 2 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) | "^J^;^ *1^6;00()-O^, sate momes ^ . of Lor^l is followed-'^'ltb cut flr.st and .At its',regular;meeting Monday ev.- 'next' Saturday, Febrtiary is. The ; afiernoon. . .. } The st.atcnnent of; Governor;; Com- ; Walter E'. Conklin, president of ening the village council named the ; broadcast will be at I:3Ct Hartford; The Hartford .". con'gressman-. will | . ^P^^*'???*^ ..Pr^ii^^iMf'^^f ;?jFi: ^T^.., ^ P^^^ • new revenues shojiKl be deviled to • the ..Hartford Gleaner Eleyatbr-com• officials who w.'U serve at the village ! time. He' vvill speak on the national' discuss the incoming Democratic ad- | PVopria.tion loi'the: iairs foi/tho-rnoxt two, years, ,and iit; is estiiri;iited/lhat; n|ceop party machinery iXreased. The: pany and t\ well; know^n farber, re• election on'March 13. They are.Al• farm hour. ; ministration, he said, with reference about one-third, of the st^a.to's; 70- pooplo voted last ft; 11;; to reduce thej siding three miles south of Hart- dermen R, F,./Brown, Charles A. Congressman K(*^cham is a rank-i to some of the policies it .may be'-j coiinty fairs wilt have to'dlifiicoivtintic!' ; ^^ax limit to flftyer);,mills, ^not tOi! fortl on the 'town line, Vv-apaccl- Spaulding, Edw;^ard ^Finley, and Pres• ing member of the committee on ag-; ex'DCctcd to adopt. . , • tiYoir exhibits^ if' the •state;' aid'' is ,1 5 creato a sales tax o;:;any other new dchtally shot Sunday .when : a: .22 ident Robert Rankin and Clark Paul riculmre. in ;vvhicii capacity he is\ At the convention here tomorrow' Witlidr;5>wn. . j |^ 'x '', • \ ' ,i. . • ^orm of tax, . <;ailbr6 riflc) in the hands oflhis/son. F. Richter. • in elosc contact with the farm mort- Van Buren county Democrats will iRichard, accidentally exploded.''The They also appointed Alderman | eage proposals lard befoi-e congress, elect their delegates to: the Demo- The loss of-the state mo^,ey?is.,one, of thc'/problfem£ tli^at (Hartford fair ' i ileKAV OPPOSIT»0(N IS AN bul];C'.t entered; Mr. Cpnklinfs,;leg.just Brown as a member of the cpur^ciili Saturday's broadcast will probably 'cratic state convention to be. held, in. above the ankle, but is notjthouKht officials are cbn^jderlng. 'The local ^ASSEiV TO GROV!:^ finance; committee, and authorized;!be Congje.ssraan Ketcham's last as ;:G-rand Rapids on February 24. Coun to have injured the bone.i While t^ie edmmittee to employ an auditor a member of congress. He will re- .ty leaders say that', spurred by their fairs' expendjitures^ and "irtcome are c the wound •« not considered^ a serious to audit the village'books. tire' March 4 to be succeeded by i'party victory last November, at; being bvidgeted'''|:ancl the fair/6oar^ ; 'i ^ There should ^o; no furthoii^/doubt; son; an X-ray examination Is planned '.The report of'the-village treasiirerv Congressman-elect Geor.ge Foulkes tendance at tomorro'v\''s conventioit will, me(^t soon to c'onslider the'/,1933 ' of the nomination add rc-elVction of tbdiiy i'odetermine the exacl ,ex- ivionday evening showed a balance, of Hartford. ; .will be the largest at any Democratic show. ' i/Gro^ei.: Gu; DlUrnar lis slate highwayf ten"; of the injury. Just wh^at caused on liand of $G,i;52.84, despite the fact —'— county convention in recent :/;coiiinVi?siohcr. Is favored; with' the, discharge - of the rifle i;5, not, that the assessed valuation of; the Catch 19 Flying: Squirrels. •^•vthc : op position .of Fi-anlr McKay of; known.' Mr. Conklin and ,hi> ^fson village was reduced $129,9,10 and-thev While cutting wood on the farm , Dowagiac Schools Closi^d, = ; prand. Rapids, forrnor state Ireas-' wont to th>? barn, the son foUbwing tax ;rate was reduced to cme per cent owned by.their aunt, Mrs. H. Tay- DOWAGIAC—For the first time hibit at the wbrid'S lair in' Chicago . /iurer :tind; wi;iard oi': the realm of, find carrying his rifle. In some way this.year.-' The;total village.tax,;had' lori southwest of Hartford. Monday,, in recent ^history Dow/agiac schools this.vsimmer. Goveriior Cdrnstpck; :.1s ;Jjpplliicii whose mjjtfilc aok cont«ins; t'ho weapon invas accidentally .dis- if^.all been collected, wouild' have, tho'Rowe brothers. Eby; Nelson, Per-, closed Thur.sday and Friday because quoted; as seiyihg i-that; /MicHliJan 00^' " lon unj>oralleled npsortnient; of pol- charged. .Hichard is grief ytriclten amounted to $9;20(J.50, which i-j $3,- ry and Eddie,, felled a tree in w^hich of the storm. Less than a:'thi'rd of wouM not participate jn the;Ghicago j iO;';itlcal tricks, new>|clever, wm-n and, over the accident. Dr. J. D.; Stewartf 936.52 less than v/^s spread in 1931. nineteen flying sqiiirrels were mak• the students arrived at school Thurs• exposition except that thfe'fcgiisla-', " ''/jlhireud'bure. w'aii'Called to^ Attend the injury,;-! ing, their winter home. They captar'i day moruirig. and many of them ture in; 1931: appropriate! $J5,000 I i Notf^in^f should bo needed, other DANCE — /Saturday night at Mc• ed all of the little aninsals, .which, were in a semi-frozen condition. " for a con)i'jnss!ion ailthorizc'd to l^ako 1 ^tKari his own tfecordr to insure the DANCING'MR'f^^at"Town Kail Donald in the new hall over Mc- have become something of a rarity preliminiary plans' J'or.jthe; |Mllcltiigan kir^-election of DiUrrun. U anything iij r;riday niglvt. Everybody; v/elcome. Gurdy's Storey" square dances too; in Michigan forests, although they Typewriter ribbonsy best quality; exhibit "and;, to 'contract f<;r ( ' floor iPlfjastj turn; iO: Pft^je 4:>, ^dniloylon GOq, per couple: ' [ ;2tp. ape a couple; gootl music—Adv. were common in years ps^ist. all make.s, G9c. The Day Spring. spaed at a cost of $25,0001

^^:-'-- ' '-''-:'A^':!-]-^ } ,!:';/-^ ;••';-T''^:!p;|'-fell'i^^ '•-:y^^,tvi':.';;''-P^^ iJ{*.-twiiii4>ii>-jMsui;y Hartford Bay Spriiag, Harfeford, MichiigaK

on our present acreage to me;et th<2; ,tor;tto the ; manbfaclurer, wHpiesaX^I IE* News of the Week WOULD OPERATE demand. Also,' the .mixtitrc',)|\vhkA cr'.and' retailor---the jiiorc'ihey, use'. at tlie County Seat AUTOS ON CORN ranges between 10 and- 15= pejr- cent tl;te', ni^rket, ti^ey , will create • -toh AND POTATOES seems to be the most ideal so Ifar' as \hiik carp and truckB, thoMftrgeri. Applirdt^oxts T4> Wed/ Sew Suits, performance is concerned' in our their goods;and services. •. ' (.Continued from page 1.). present motoi's—-moaning elimina• 1' To^ arty df you wanting'to,-kncWj Kcal Esto^ Transfers and tion of carbon, compressibn' knook. the ;i soureo cf,.our informatiO|;|T,. we iCO^MlNO EViiNTS IN KXTENSION Probfttei Court Affairs. cohol can be made from any, or allv and giving;' niaximum accele'jr.'ati.on. i'ei'ci'ryou.tb If S.'Government Bui-,; Good; I WORK, bi:r*;n corNTv; St Joe Melon agricultural products. The added acceleration will, liji most' ietins, U. S. Census of 1930,, and tho\ CircttU Court Pi^ccedinss. " Fi'l). I7s 2 111.—Pomolcjslcjfl Sps HOWit SDOne«'t„yc.So.e*cr., «. 700.000.000 gallons, which is ths used in your present car without ad• , \I;n thii;' brief, dicciissic h, It , may \ So<5otberg—divorce, amount of alcohol wc would need to justment \v;hatevei%. even ;Up to the have; seemed to yd-ti ; that^l ,undu(}i'' Mlchjtivuu Blan Gives Obscrva" ,X.ia ,U. ;A^,i.tr l^;u.UKh to ji-unUslt..>^(.l,uol, 21.(1 Xcnr Soil.. Ul^xv•I ,E. E.'^tetchcrC stnle banking com- make froni joUr products. Translated pouit that Germi\ny adulterates her stress has been laid upon the cornU niissioncir John W. Free Stuate but, this: plai>,'' will, apply ''to, laiiy.; sMmMm j'ProfitjiJ^lo :vmi'J(>y.iJcn( to F^i'm-'' j^i,^.^.-Xinvjr Hill (bit^wucMi.» tlojis as Suoccssful .Melon Grow• into corn, tliis would mean a mar• petroleum, products, whicfi-is 25 per er—Soil Important. , Ban k—rcc e i vers)rt.i p. ket for approximately 630,000,000 cent. ^;.'- . : ' h()me-grown' ^agricultural j^rpduct;, E000,0fl0 buB|\cls, or almost ago, the farmci* furnished the engine aria'so dependent upon 1 each^btherll itsl iLuiSiiuT.- -Fail; i^rosptiit's for. I Town or a ti<'i'(t«H of HrfiVl(»». iv>i!t<'n both frohi a consumer iandtv.'pro'r Feb. lUxW,2;5. .10 a . ju.-"Kxt(.M\Mion' Jn- Rca.1 Estate Transfer^. one-fourth of the corn crop, and that did practically all huuli'n'g'Hn in'clnlJy f.{»r TfH» .SiHith IJfnd Nfwi*' ducer standpoint, thiit jrenioSral of TliiH'K by . KoIui.yUt li. Ti»>lls inoViKtrl^r of fiiurplus in any'particular line .find's Uirkcys it. ; intdiuA-; sii^ud • ti>ra- r i.n a, n cur/.v Imhuc^, ,, i»roa- I John A, Lee and wife to Myrcii the numocr of acres, under cultiva• This entire ,mark(?t,-'v^hich; re<|iuired We submit that this 'plan has '.t'he S> tc^ftstciliii ihosi) bv inches ol jtjjri-Iii luill, ' >.-M>uer. ! Haven, SI. tion, here^ is a chance for you Co at ihc products pf';'WOO,0pOii ticres,^ is .Thoi^ls of feasibility', simplicity of 1/ . ci8[lurc;f|-.v ' i' ' ' :.;-..M'ar. 'J. .U)fa.-in.-:- FuruiMucUliK-vy' now lost to him. The trianisition lias Uy .Schuyler H. Taylor , • -Henry 'Barkhaua and wit'c tO' E.^.cas t maintain, ,if not;-increase, your pperatioJv and; contto?, and y^iXl •ci-'. •^'Tb'if ^fiorso «>u ;inc • ii; is huldiilir 'ild Jitfl'aliV .:*t'«"!ili'>n,- ' .Vaa I'lirc'li. been so rapid that' neit liier he nor MOTTVILLE. Mich.—Our , expcr- A. Borsman ar.d wifc^ parcel Breeds- p.-eductton, and .know that even in ie6t';,in highch',:price levels immed-- ro>Jlv'b-v-toi: ItHin mvriovbc- -LgiicuJ- (•Ouui^^ Fann. . industry htis been,,, able to adj.tist i(;nc'cs over the many years that ] v;iDe> $1. inc face of this increase you can .ia|eJdv upon its, passage, with thQ> ; t.^ia'Ul P'^Sjoof is-Uie sialcmeut;,.ina(l,c —— ~ ——-— themselves to the change.,; ^'V^te are \VQ have been producing imeionr. Edith Machiii to Dorenco .R. Lock-: soil your products at much higher further possil^ility whic;h ifo -other by Rou'crt MiicUo, > Auausia. I Mr. ! ^)'i(0 and lind a roady, market, nc-, asking novy thatia-small poirtton^of have been interesting and .agree- ! ard, parcel Cobles, S48. pvicc tha.n you are now receiving. i>lai)'. affords,;, that a ;;iew an4 'com^ Ii^Rickic-J'poiiUod out that. Uvw in j coi'diiiu' toSUnley Johnslcn. South that market be rctwrned to h,bn,:,in i able ill; not^ always .profitable. Most West Michigan S;^vin^s Bank tO; Wo must, bear in mind also that piete .industry•,ni>ay b(j developed by ,>i..- \ • 1 '• > v'i ,.&/.<.?<')• order tbat .all of tis wilL'be' better ' oi' the really important a«'d valuable ••Frabk-. Kowaleski, ~ parcel sec. 20. if we are to s-.-.rc agriculture • and Oit^'^chcrnists when workin^^ion, th(j ijjftdtniJ:>;Locl;. • • • ; • , • - •-'— -7— able to adjust ourselves to new con• 1 act:.; we have^ gathered wv learned Cotu.Tibia, SI, the prosperity of the nation, we problem;'of ',usie, of by-prpduots'frbm h4 i-cnwirk.; i^i-,i)n jcon-! yo/,* 0/ Mafiure Ec/ual • ditions.^' • ••' • •••.h- -.^ this' volume production-bf alcohol. . by, Arst llnding out how;somt- par- | Oita A. Van HiiJC and v^rii'e t.> must protect the' equities in our, • As a conservation mea,surC|, this ticubu' thinji sbould not; be done. ' WilliamC E, Fitch and wife, parce"', farm land. A farm which Is mort• . ci^lhci^:shov.•ir^^ j;;' ihc Aaooal \ ifrVaiue tO ICO POU^ idea is a most Worthy c^he; W6"have ' ; Two Farm glomes, Burn. > NoarJy always' we learned after the, ,D;ecatui', ;$2a00. gaged has llxed cln.arges which must r ^^b,0oc%cuo.i' con ;?st.. J. ;:^ob. i be met. Even if it is not mortgaged, been depleting, oim petroleum re- !: pOWAGIAO: - TwO fine;! iarm^; ;u.. I .^^ ,ir value to: 100 pounds. uk-fuVio anyone^ who. mi«ht grow ''^^ ' ^,- y.''Ould &6 away w.ith nioney.. Three. upon an import instead of a^ export a proposition whicb has;wovkcd and ; '^noa.:i:,^ropv'hich,u,s ps. . hly .^-rolR.hOw-. i^^^,i,,ed. liWover, i.f the Icrlility:' crop'P'^ - nual account filed. The greatest amount of corn ever its execution: it does not require any great number of federal .or state em• 'Kind of soil Necdea. I.^'^f^'^ C Monroe, decea^d; bond exported from this country, vvas in ployees,, to eni'orce it; it f^uts no great Not .nany general crop farmer., filed ^nd letters isspcd to: Randolph IS22:,. when 176 million bushels were burdtMr;'upo'n th9 people 'by tixirig Uy.il .want-to^bother with melons.:-^' Monroe, appraisers appointed, exporLed, .Hei'c is a market ,,that will absorb about 'four times as the coiYimoditJos, which! they .must )U;oborv^tf^biYmv^^^^^^^^ avoid lo Muob-good'^arm Jand is not suitable , much. When ws ex'ported 176 mil• use.' It^ is simplcL^ ifthough so that I'r for- -tlie crop anci'marketljng condi-' 7''^. ^uken. deceased: anyone may ^und(Jrstand it.^,' work• "|1 "'.'f ' jC f "T""".**" "are lite" two besit methodi of obtain tions are'nowpo highly'organijied ' admitted t»:,prob&te, bond is- lion bushels of corn it went to over 11 * :ili3;r tlf )TCl lin^tnc^'fuH measure of-; fertiliiiing; SLOO per' bushel. ings, and also be able, to figure out Doors open at i5:45 ' ' • i and spe,eiali^.ed, that m.anyMarms are ^H, • ^ ,^ . , , , how If will help hiiVi or his business. -r'-ri :^'^ri's -% r- ; «f siupcrohosphateentirel^ y out of consideration be- '^^^^^ G. Martindale, deceased: This plan will in no way depend I J IK.Hi " Vi f W ST i^> preservative if) also' advocated cause' of unfavorable locations, upon foreign markets .for -'th.e dis• To the, farmer it'iijiight: be called ,r I by thjisoils specialists. 1;: posal of our surpluses. Foreign na• "selii-help," becatiso'.i'he is using^ a "Vi» " -"'"1"""*':7'^ " "^""'^ Libnal use01' bedding is another tions everywhere are raising bar• portion. (>f:. his cWn' proditctis every Wednesday and Tkhursddijr^ f lOrMd LC(ig{\^ lyV. W9 'ipRcticc^advoctted by thesoiis meyi, riers to trade, wiiether iii agricul• time he uses his cari truck^^br'tr'ac'- " ' " .! The addition orKi'inic' matter to tural or irj-dttstrial products. And •MM. .-. • -'44 '•'••• ' •' • the soi!,* is one of the. bust methods ^vl•.on, v.-e reali/:e that tha';„ market impoi'tant to f^ult and melons. \ m of inprbving its crC'p; : pr()duci,'Aii is gon-e, and- foriiver closed to us, and air- • • We: have^ found from experience . -AicxAnde;- A. Kevan. deceased: ::. • : \WMft)'B4die'^!(mtim pov/ei'. In', addition to; tJie plahtj turn our aiilention and elfot't to our that -iiiarge : watermelons can t)e > "'^o^'-^^-,^^- accotmt Jiled food added, tlK'l organici.maUor sup' domestio market and develop it as grow^. on landn mcapable of pro-^^"^ ^'^^^^"^ assigned, ;wVlsltii!^:br"Mneiv are tariiitHy piles tv.bd (or i\eOessat'y tioii bacter-. La Verne Roper ct al'. minors: an• we migh';, we will find much more Friday and Sc^mday'-r 'ia an;l ;inet^(n\S'as the water holdin*:; dutiiVg good corn due'to acid, soil security, much more .stability, than coriditJons or-for'some other reasoji. nual: account filed. •Ma : • 4 IJI.UIKV liKit'CH, W. M.i. eapac.ty of :the;soil. foreign markets ever aiTorded. Hurtforrt — Michigan •Ml ' Watermelons are not antag(mistic Willjanv Hiee, deceased: order •Ml AV 1). KUBlNlr^OV, Stcrctary The (folloge (Jepai'tnipht advocate.'; I !closing heaimg ,of claims. to .soil acid. For cantaloupes, how• :\Iaiiy of us will ask the, question; the uijo' of commercial fertilizers in Just Had ever, acid soil should be limed'with Alice Martindale. deceiise'd;. order Eow do you know that this plan Fridau and S(tturday all eaycfi v,'her. ja. i 7 to .s i>. 11.. yiiu- broadcn.'^t oh the field. Anna E. Cu&tinc. decej»,«5ed: peti- ti-ies-whicli; even now arc'import-I U <>'^tO. (.cVtl' n.-'iu, IMuiio J.('.;'..l'. j K-si- Stion for pxobating of will,' hearing ir.g agriculttu'al as well - as petrol• I News of Keeler lilighway Aids iviarketing. ••• .coimi.:';r.:.|:\!r:i;||rwW v:::a'p. in..; ,.^hum» ':Frcii ;Klett U uiider ihe doc<r(H% /Ollloo iioursJ 11 lOn to\V\M ;Uremo'ieU d to'the home of her parents, .your crop from your relatives -and Charles M. Cushman, deceased: ri.n.^lu,; 3 :;(u;to jI ;U0 anil T.-ua lu US 130 fi. V7&rrant.'5 and mvcnto.*:y tiled. :war. ' - J ^ .in,i»ir'raui' >(loy ov.iin.i.^i.H :i inl iSundil.vM .L»y ahU' «ixpecl« to return to her own friends. . ^ —yet aiive today. The Ale>:ander A. Kevan, deceased: There are several yery good rea• V'• ui>j[i[^iitmirnt only. riioJn* it. JinlM'ora, hOJTio'this week. " .Sueeeeding articlei; v/iil deal v.-ith:: High Priest of a dim yes• '•',Ut>. iKlett' visited- Howard Ha)'i'is | .varlet,ies to, plant," time to plant. executor discharged. : ' sons for choosing the 10 per cent •TH|fS'. COWON ANI> IS-'CiSNTS; Vi^tef^l ^IT-'^Oi^"" "* " Iiy Ha.Mfiord Fric.ay night ;and Satur- l.methods o^plantin^, fcrtili:dhg:'$nd dilution. 1 will mention a few of, terday rodming a modern m mm in.. To the Stiitc Thoatro ;,ciay. ' cultivatmg, trucking the melon crop Sykes Cammunity f|hem.' In the tu'st place, if it were' city ill searcH pf the ycstal m any greater, it wAukl be impossible ^' ; Mr!'.' ;Etla ;i^p.;iers has" returixed "to market, and market and sales Mr. a3id Mrs, Gkirge'; Goodrich Jr., Virgin he 1 oved[ when :'if J •::^«iptal whore methdds. js-pent one evening hcst v/eek at the to produce the agricultural products the pyramids w^re ybuiig! ' • •.'^J.--- :l.'tmO Ity". • 1 • • i ' 'She ha.s been .donvalesicing-from the jEert Avery home, Mi < Oljfco Uc^rH-^;*;yo to lu' u. jui.;i;i tM &."fl u Tlie storri-;' xvas too n^uch for us. . . .Finding her in the m4 > , ^:n.. 5 ,Otiic(« do ^ou 'i'UurBuay uittot' West Lawreme Mis,'; Dorothy Butcher came from School closed Wednesday n^ht.ahd person of a beautiful so• * Keclerjrfehodisit C(iurv:3i. di^ not open until this morning. Ev-- 'Kiev. O.^Knupi). i'aotar. .Detroit Wednesday .to see her grand- ^ . ciety girf , . . Fightihg for mother.. Mrs. Viola Butcher .who is ^ryone r<5 i^^^^^^' ^e^r the stove with frequent.; her mih all the strange .^Worshio li;;0;D, , • ; ' (;aring for.:her. . iti-ps tn the v/ood box by way of re- I power of a forgotten EpVipi'th League 7:3 I-Tj': and I\Iirs. Thomas Eyan spent I 'Three of our boys have left V .I]6»«!tJ, »-lo 12 a. la., li to'O j). lii. K'hiuiy if ilfelllil day .V'ith Mrn.; Everett Fisher. C.o- the past'week in South Beiid "with ipast two weeks, to at-,;, YesI . TWILLING? ^ ' • • Feb. 15, ii^^^m opera:^yii. ,dlnhl^: at neon. A, good, "^.^-^-j ™ — m tend schools.'ek^iewhere in ,the state,' ' • >".V atton'ig\ BJ3 SICK ^vND worn! DUT? -MILKS. DISTRICT. Gerti'xide McCowan was . home from her work at'Mercy hospital to • mm |\1r;; and Mrs. Dan Gkeson and Lawrence daugh;er^and;W. M.'O^wald of Law-, Mrs.-Arthui-Butc;herHis critically ill attend:, Uie funeral of her cousin,^ Gei'ald Bandall. 'Am1 « rdncc• visited "he Roy Minshall home' •at her home we.si of town. Let a Day Remember Fri.da:y, February 24, is rocentily. Dan Cook frbze hit- feet badly dur- Commtmity meeting, A male ^guar- / Mrs; ''.ffred JicTudi vory pleasantly,! i<^g the recent .storm wbHe,trying.to', Att«i^crv(«s trovibViiJi, 1 Gaaach«*«i Jtc, tette from Dowagiac will furnish the * • ' (To New iSiibHcrllKJi's ii*|tel:ut ontert'idned the; Priselha Needle clubr operate a .siiow plow. Ad Find Buyers program,Be sure and cotne. Sup-'; JSfiuti:",(;or.tcr i>t. Xtanforci Mh'U. Feb. 'The'riext meeting, will be' '^^r.s. William Marshall; who has ;H«U^i4~t),-{nP>r.i R. I'a., '2 to R ai('f 7; to per will l>e served at 6:30 Central ^ hold it -the hioirjie of Mi^s. Or)en' ^^^'^ so .seriously ill for the past few for Your Poultry days k sliglitl^i'. improved. Standard"; time and-.the comanittee I I 5-, • 'r-ff Dade Feb. 10,, , ; " . - • '•^'MW^^-^^''^- tef M^#^' L.* ,Tho^;Valemine party hdd at the haS; prepared''the -fololwing menu: ; 'Odd;, Fellow hall Monday night wa,"? Brea7 d and^ b'Jtter sandwiches^ , enough n ImiiYmKe Compmu a r grand failure leh.numbcb ^ere ^^^'^^^^^^> ^ ^^^^^^ potatoes. I meat pre, to be sC^Iicited. vegetable!!: sold.; - . ;, \ ,4. , It is a simple and luexpeii.sjve or}:fniit salad, cherry pie.i-cofEee. If I ,.'-;;i-^:|iiiE:f|;teiPi| ^'• -.TE^ Cmi, MKilRlK'N' AND ' ^'AN' : 'The Progrc;>sive.K will hold a nu-et- matter to get: "In touch with" you-have, not been solicit-ed bring [ ing .Tuesday evening at the Hamil- i fwople ^^•ho will he;anxious t*) ^•"•^••''"'••^"•i4ii:''' sandwiches and either salad or ple^. i; ton town hall, Romunl. Jar vis will arc^^pt- Che poultry .ort'er.s.-thut alijoov.'h table service. 'be the speaker, ' ym ha.vet.v uiake this .sl>rin,a\ I Boyd Wa'fner visited hm wiilc Sun- Tovn»hJp Tjixes Dae. ] The I)!;y":SpHn,- with its dU- ; day a,i New: BOr.gcsFi' hospital where T will receive' payiaeii't oti the ij tribtii-ioii, of more than .2,000 Jtro you iboithcrcd with bl'adr ' she '13 'recovering from a i*eeent dp- Hartford to^-vnshlp lax roll the ;i copie.s, oft'er?; you the bp.txiv- , swmty or t(>o fir6q,ucJit paiisage ! C' J. P«yhe Ijias rt:nted; his.,farm feader?i of ifs ;V'lvertisiiig,/L'ol- ' :i!by chicH^sV 3;' - • /.?>$naico:i»ijop(irty, Iw • :rl«ki^ boinsf^- so k on I->0(m'$ JPiUiJ. Jiecommcndcd Ty pe sv riter • ii'sbbons, nil ' raakes.'i Laemmlc. A UNIVERSAL i brother, Frank, on W(i[dnesday morn- •Ml , r ''d!$il,£rlbu: the ; ing.. Fred Wiis a son bf Richard and iley. Hosier. JjOBses o^o iniwaya •etc.; • . . \ ; ': ' ' ' 'p)emp.tiy, taimm (iaifl pdiu. itotor* Lottie CookVand had lived in this mimmmmmmumnimmmmfi •S! ;i cpmmiinity nearly. a)il his life. He iis your ad i|;oday— Tlie m ; Icjaves a daughter, Hilda,. and son, then get. reaiiy for •!.Hv'.;s ; Curtis, besides, a host' oi' relatives prompt ivsuits! must ]eind;'friend.«5 to Tnbui:tt his jEoss. The Standard Oil BistrilMitdr I fvmeral U'as held at ;;the home of, &. TCanif Wago« ot TaiQlr Wajsca Service brother, Fra^k|Sun(ilay at. 2 p. m. Wolverine Gas and Oils /[ vmm. U .";•': Wisatiier conditions 'caused a post-' pon

^l;:^''iPv-:^;ife::f^iV'i:^.': L-.'i'te:'.!!• -„p • f

mm»»ii'^^!' ..••I-rs:?"-:!i

Hartford Day Spring, Hartford, Miehigaii , 1m»»«»««W>^«ww <»»

i-rt -—How 11 Operates Cleaning-Out Hollywood ood Year 'it

Suppfyinca \*-T*1»-to-v,fctv- iiis^Mrafion for the Ii>;uv-?>i:ri.lciied wJio will fiml • MioiilR'an <;Ompinio>; lloport No HUNTING THE MAR1|:ETS •li^KOurcfs Total S!.,5<)«,:: 10; ,4 Test Of Gemus " :>^:r\v I,i>ans Miiuc |l \ J!>:i'> tTllii uiitni.' \'o say iti;U coimnMiX'o >b>'rf;-r A-'TSi- :n ! I:.-.:'; New ' Tcs-taiuenl N ".le^ils \\ri>f." Tliat 5: *•. I, khgws iio h!M;"-;ij['s, yt't'.'lr. imi,jsI-. he |;r»dr ntKi- '.11 ids '"..^ <; '•••.•el rev .M'l'i !i,!s cari'l^dly preservt'»b V i">:j)larno^(] ilic'ii il; lijicws nc Itin'i'U'rs 'I' ndtvlv: ?va\i- : i!d 11 - v^\\:][ o.M-nrred oa ilie r:'iu:!n; ,,M,,Si,'f'u,i' ii> tlic )a!\v di' Mii';i"'y. •:'^H'^; old jriJiiii'i';! r \N;is .ir;iifd '.i i iiU' rlVtS', Hid di'SUS s!opr |;^^Sl?JC^-~.,"lu' Bu IdiiUi unit anVl'. (kii'naiid 'Is-'CMnc'-riic*'. \\"i,|*Ti r;iddri,'fy ia'-fb' niMdN^ a;' \Ui- snnper. and sei di»\vn IrS 'i-/- i!" Ii- 'i-'.--" dr-.ipio / \vere iirdttidily • Mai- lily anolhcs y(,-ar mi v^.v-'h ,hC>)V • ^^.,,1, si i. ouSn l.-vU. - H /i'bii .^>^•::lbdteH••r:^• ^ nv;z:V'f- lA.-y ' v'li- -o *'!';,-ii ;uiz.di'd —Imii siu'^d^' vvv ),a. (H>ch no !l.lur,s. I^ivn'omlsavy- ^ ;riv . .n,n

S-.mt' nno h-j-. »;i!d pl'uin•^ is lia' ability (o for it& pDSjition. 'pf. ^lijTp^*,j^ b.'.-i;an' 1' bt'v ;iu-:jia ivr ndl. Jdii^-ubi ' had ihii.l tyiH' prominence'—ipltf^S •.: liu;:c|Flv. a,..(vI,.Km I..aVuv'al r.;Uv ^^'-l^''-^^ <"^ll"' '.N.flra.v ,;i a nnn- u'^iiivi-. ..Vi-'^'iiid liis , imI^Io "in \\';!sh:taL,'t<«n, sat- Ihe 'O'Cta'a^e veT-li,e .^Jiiiiliy W, Gar.ssoii, ir.v(!;,tii;a(o»' rni'inii.-rs i.f'his ('m:,'ii;(M: slicn ,(1 ii>y Ihudr nverwhelai- • • J i g-'h ¥- -O ai S'll^lbriealiii)^ in-;: 'sens4' i-f r'^^iinnsibility. li was nao la' lla^ aioslv si::l;,'-n\-c li .lildinu: nn'dj loan a^^^o- Nv!!l becoin.' Ili.'. M'acly Idi'fl ^lail f :'oni .tJu! DrpariiVicnt oi Labor, is In'•^.j<•l^tol!•^ 'IUM-: it^u's in our lii>i(iry. To (h«dr auiitxe- Th is • - JO m t)iinat.i6-n,;. has'-pro ved, to| re:-\|e^|-a!ri cui'l'pns \\>, lire s\ale rli i'.'j,',!.()lal '"u- cnUihes tli(.r\voi'iii. in HoHyuooci (•o "rlrivo oat" !;ifi<- lifiiif i.ri>N"ad .-nblrcssia;.: in ns-^id T d'>"ei-! ly to Ihe tad r, .a-ii^lr.-riil (diaptbr ni' noiisenso' past' year -hjiV',' iH-on nc r''y, 'ihc" dc- /vinCrlean expurt trade lia>-cap!urfMJ fr: 'la Ar;rirvns W-anb ' • •: >;. , . ci ?ai;i^ i'^ (o( thiMS n.'^ h\c n .'•nly ilvc so unadi el' iTie \^•<^rld ir.'ide has bt'cn li:ke inew—iqu'iets. noisy .njptdrs^fr'me;^ ]"i-i'fjia.iir iiini-Ui.-'^ ;iir'->yrnivt<-, :dc leridiau:. lap iTu-y ciini;- nniy fi'oai per r.cill, ui wil! altnbdlabi:' 1.. ilio <'Vt'r Aviitchl'ul f':'- !' e-i-tTi'iir, 'j"!- Sv---.'!-; ,1 ric • \\cr<* P'O .-'iim'l\eeffidiei^ Ifmrn-.- a' •"•liv-a aa I.m'iv - \v<'!l uiidi .sjerili;i;-hMiS.• • IloOdless of 'xleniesdc ('Oi;),iiMM;i,'(.'. In llils Miiit >'!:ii'ir pivat'-'-ria,-: iudk^.. Ia!;:'..;a liai-'hi-d iIk- claip!'''-. (d;;,ised the ).«ool\' •a'lvr!'Mousand or- Die' ;,^i<'n'l. •,I.>eiaiirli!UMil of <:'"e!ii- a!id ,>.r.!niir(l :d:i':r urlr.itay -f-i^v-^ ^viMi ;i si;rii. ' 'mure pep'and pb-weris •kiiocKle^s '^.ii-^^^^ in 'cstors. v,'),;) o))cn<^d n •la^.c-aiinls. inoi'ee lia'^ ' cenrri'ivd ijic \v.>rk, of icn.i.'ifM'i.. -A by (idirr yi .1 :: i^,n;,s>"i ixi*' !r-:]i] .iiu! d:iy. i I' I did,: le't l;ii!,'di t^land*' yoaii . nui;r<.'>;;^tf(i $a,Gr>l J5i;7;' • "This duces mbi*iernileage; ' !•"-!,.. ; r'.i^^ :!.:-b.:.i^ ^ r'!; ^ ;y3d! d.C: ;,;;() y.'ii a.-i'd a fvdt-iac .i^/ niii^-ii ;'.'> I."' , ^ ' • • • ' 'd -b'^ cJ'^^fly • J'',i)r,il)siaju;e, rr';^^ll1;irly the biD'eriil ^^^Ih riliir :-iTii,,rlv hV- , narru-d .'n his.iali b.iil wiiirli wits on Ihe - I. I'ljl • lOAlie^'iaildle i'epny't'.v. ;'j'iaa Ibe )'uh- .•ifililri A ,''!!',i • S,':-, i-Mi y S;t;i*-oii -j-'sii-r i !>i-d: as a "littlt^ pai'llojpaiic'u.: iit ihc fijM:)or. I !-ri7lc ber.('Stab'.-, fd"..Vipu. \\"\\.\\ <'(p)a] In add'itioB;- the •lubr•icatioh^featlpiT^••lte,tf (1'^^^^ T loan , brnk, tyjdcm." ' .s;ji(r, . Kajl ^l. )-(,'f;abu'lt'y, It re:'jV,- cxcoii^^vo ii')an.i:.loi'• of -mi, la*. inales lluv lab.'si; (.Hd'nils cd" IheJ'r'ad- J^'.-n no'd''' l^p:dr>'5 nil a his iajp^'dx- walk our "( 1 lie I'oo.iu. prevent ca'rbon |0;rn?ih:^i,-thu«|i:^d;tl Joi'd Ayoeb prM.'csi: A^'ain, ii:- rc' •S'' (.,',' ]ti,- (';;.'•:::(•) rc.-il'y n;'dv;-^!.'od ;bi:i<-(-bi. ib> \^•as roas'tanMy as ^'orifUi'jr.s, /roprt'si'r.iitjiji (IJV;. per s.( :• li'bi ;;z:;i7: rh^Hi N> bis 1,1-ii disfO'Xard i'li^i'iwl ^'^i^:.' idiai. '1"!.^ iriwidv ism] ;id\ds,n's oi: .Iosiim wen* i sc':s. bav(^'al'Cady ai))-lii{ d f'M' nwwi' 1 l.^'^'l'^ abouL, the n'.nvcsC b'lr;!!' sJr«ibi;':y -vh'>•'Ai-ri; 11.i-;v r.i.dd; any 'att-' 'w i; ti snrh inii:ortani' I'u'isIueKs bdshij)' in 1 in- .>iy«UMi. mi{ n'lanv ^bH'i-e.?H of every'caindry tiiat ' wdl ft,(Hon/ \\\\ < hCiMk .'iocs ' b'*-'"^ a;'pd*atlon o'!']mperlanee broui' Tho'us^nds 6t motorists'h^ive.- saiikfifedi^tf-h^iii^ ' ;;..](.•;•.) • '.rl* r/!' •'•no o'f luavks ::rc,vinev^, (.(• i-oiii-si\ Js - imo f\U] oi.-c.'Ution. 1; !1 ^ oiir'icit^vik' exjinrt nia-kel, r.nvr ijia;. jiisti ab^'it 'ill. ;r.,' id] ••' :,aa ;;i • :'; p;»";i' ;1 ::k-> • •'.{ !t:i'.dlluv jw -ua^t i a'o»t^ ;i [luW;i Mco • poli<'y \r>y-\\,%i\ n\' 'V;ibor. asscv ' e"ver>? th'^ t'nih'(; \V()!ld.' -3 se a jus€%lbi-mt-|^^ J: iar-*. " f-^x • ; ("Mf ^;l-.y ;i >\iiip;uni >i;' di-lUdv'sil vit.iUty,"' s;iys 'G . ve^S':!t,tf at',the re'not '- c-ii'iions to ,1 ii! ila- hon-» • ,i0\'.l'. l.V'dlls, '.raklii;: lhln;:s eln'uno;n;:ieaHy. b-t! . s^i ;-'.f;;--fji. 'Idle di--i-;;d<'-, w-T'' . \: KeMia-ly Pas;.', .Inda-^ laosr (>r ajb! lb- J)oiM^Ci>v; 1 roi I it. and !ci d';Vhcv, liiiids i:s exatnbiM lirsl ; pi" tlse jnethod^ •v;,,s rr-'.-isa.-vr -u" :he ;-;'ouv-. jr.!';i-s,';i: iMv-ausc dwpoK'svs ran ]i.i,L;h have 'found-thein to beiactSibTry-iftf^nlifelfiifV^ lo,i;tb.O dis;ni<^sod hiime' cv,'n:r, ' Wc- eiupleyed by, the ]j; lyei'iiunMil Ir.'jre!-' .Toyc'c • SUIImun, pce^i-d (his urw ..;id tb'Tc a ;:;i dy'11:" •.•*r"vv>'\\'s hh"-'ean«'d'in a. _r,'n* V .Ty^.f:.!-! Vis' conc.'ave in, Nf.w i'or!:. J( («r "•'•.;.•;-!.-].•.• di/rs i.;" rho didii." t>e cv^'iaiaiei!, "rla-y .toil .^a)!• iillf: .^ItK'e tbere tuo n"iaVy I i:ao drfV -^pir . \ S l.v;.),,-v p id-;^i-.«:'y \vas-''uiM aia'ayed . loans;'bei,!rk; ':;aib'.d by .o'd er • in.^tiui- •|'nli.ed' States, ".'riiat, e-a-ps cfMid and if; 1^ prt'dicf^ed that' it %..i;i im l.U*;.'-:.- dMra kindaudy buduinic anri b)a!r plan, JrVuch-.a part lucent; id; C,'"li.m'n:^i'Ce ui<'a, r,))^i- N0 w Scns'Co r CI a rk '.Tap'rtuse i !tfv sn sa!.isfact!on lo ))orrc\vi;r;| ;hfi', invos- (•;;i<<'s!fUMi, ''or sii'ia! -M', Hn'ni—tinnv 'pb'tees- j^s-'Kyoto wTierT"' sTr;atn:'v's ; ronebeil a la::iv srjil.jj. .if dov.id<»p . loiti'hare eN;periopOed. ,ltM'ou;ai both hnvc. brf'D rved ',..i'0<'ia|ii>n <;n fhOii.' ; ;Hi|i>tf()ir Strttioii, Unlipo'r i ijNt; Clove) feif|d'r^t|u;U(i^»iv ; buildii)g and- lo.m savib^!:; •id ;ho i fi'iMlvo •• d"l''i^'1 nifJlil. ' wb;(di ili(;y sit ady (b.\'Ki(MKl< earnec].' . , - .The SidotVaek ,. lip s<'rve. Tho.j Dccen)ber divid'eMCi.; al' Die . , !} Ml. KuNt of IlHVlfora. , On overy InuMdiant. Vapiial. iii'-re bidldlnif an;l -'loan a^sbeia'Xions ;as , niM'tollvil SOition, Uanjror 1 . (\ 0. Ouiieoml) Soil' f e.^limntod by, tbe slute ! Ieai-,',ie was Is an, oflielal ailael" I Ut ilie *'n]' II Fi'aiuds Jlopkhi!^ ^Station, ljiin(,r«>;p • $2.;t;fl,000.t)0.- I • bassyOr Je^dVi'Mr whu Is (.iilU'd 'i l)l\Io (iobles 8billld.'- , . • (.^a\ccr^; Ob the' MiObbjan li-aildini; I'tunnierela^ Mi'iaclio. In addiibM:-. an^ Loan I.i.aMiu? ror ilu;! yc-.u' are; ihere'is SU',1 b),i)"d.a.t 1 lie s-,ian- iioS! ,i J M-eOiM'tly's •§ y • >I<>I>oiniIi) li.; • li'ad'e •eoiiiiids«^i(«.t e,:\ 'l''be fc'riaer is ]>. II, .**hlvt'I.v, Ki)>1)io/ • . Kobert O. D doit; lb A, Tm-nbuili Sajdnn iv, and K. 1>. Fox Stons iJrrtrtniont j ; 1^ V 'V.;«ur6n, Br.-eaitvino; ,; ,| b?! : J. :.J. .y-.uy, lv.nren; La[-.jijWi; vi-c- latter-lis slrlcUy v/Jjiit. iiis titb^ inb prosidcnt.s; d. T. Dpnidcisor I.an-, idles, '.{''rade eoait.'ijssiojiers aro'a-- ' sing. HO('rei,ai\N"-ti'ea.s\J!'ei|': anrl' Ivart si,icn,e(.l as n-eJI i(V.;n),iiny er. 'Other meni'^ers bl ,t''^ ^'•<^' ]n addition .to all "f tho^H' .ibear ; eu',i\^0 cornmittde are: VNij-ji.,c; VVal'/,. liaiied, ther^; ;ire,Oensub; and virc : Av.n A.rbov: 15, F. AVbi.e; Battle eoi!.siil«' }.ai!oi'e, ;)iier'i!ly se"res' el' lyvnncii C. ,(Mnrk fl>) Mis.sourb ] Cr'oek; K li'. .Teromc. sa^inaw. G, son uf a JornuM- Speakfr. Champ /.Ih ''.ior.fi'neekcr, .neid,or. , Marbo'r: :.'';;;:t-r J-l'|r/;i^ Kaeji of 11iei>io ndlvMiials has been (dark..,-vyas sworn in the new. aiia C: N. .Iteniin;-ton. :-ralVd Kap- Ir.tiiiK'd 10 eKaiiib;.,o thi'oeononik'anii Souato)* from bi'. st;iti-, Fe!). siic- 11 ii^ fitianebll ecndltlon'M of tiu> territory fe'.diaj; Ki.'jb Ibiwe.^:, and tiius ftaiu- -''••'^••y-f;-s\;-aipi pndfM- his, suiVervisii'M; eaeh Mias | |;;,,. .:,.:,i(,rlty riftbts. i.';'r'M 1,*^S - Varlotio* "Sardines^' overlooked no oj'pdj'lunliy to stndy { ,d__, •' - •:;*;; • rommereiady spea'kln|- any suaill -trade Meods, Die nmrkel: poi.M.i. ,tlV•«••:•.,•„.,I.., ( ..V' B^'"a ^-^ll' J^^h -ofd .6 lierrln;:. nunhy Is It sar- i niltles. and'uppdise the j.roldea)* Saysi "On'Vacation" (Jlno. 'caho h,vrrin- fa.ully .jhcludes j ,,,iatea ^le the sellint; of .Vnieriea,1a . not only lhr» tnio prirdlib? or pllcli pboducds a.id Ijiiylri^ for Aiar^rleaii nrd, but also the sea he ainp: or sdld. c'on.siiiuptioii. _ • •s^'-rmm -•b4;S«r^;:.-J ftpd t.lio uprVt or brb'^llii ..-yd They NviU kVow," for oxainple,! .J By ED HOWE whetb.or tiie rtillv^^nyf^ of l^razib are ' ,,y., i|t I - ;,v ,!)ojr tax(>s ar<' : i>AN i/Ki^rrNd-n:. in^ Lo- work a lifa'dsliip ou- lioldin^j'.s j ha.s caught yon. unnware, keep on with .Bayer Aspirin i;i,i:f.• Town)ihip,/'J'rd;isnrov. (here cd! American eorporal;lon,s ' until the cold Is gone. I5ayer Aspirin can't harm you. ;;- if- l-'aiunars! ^(dl yoin iriKltiw tn.Ul whCiliGr i.Ui icJilv' jirodaeilon 0,!' It does not depress the heart. If your throat is sore, A new^ feature •W' mmikd•• mcriiJby a 'wriWWu?/t&:I:^P|i»i&|tv^^ livcjstO'.'k lhr.ou,!;h hay Kprliiiij wa'i>t: Slain l.s I'i.sl'nj,' or det.d idnj;, ! (tr,- dl.ssolve sov(?ral tablets in water and gargle. You wiU get Lit.,?-, B ii ;s: "instant r^hef. There's ditnger in,a cold that hangs on 'U'lv: r('sn'Ms, liith.'l ;u).si. -whothor- sinje luition is ;proijiob fcwoir/? ^amiliked^bi/\'the Americdii pe6pU.tihr'klidlf'r^ak tfilili'm']^^ 'H^mm In/i-.a,!! Industry of moment'in' tlio for days. To rsay nothing of the pain and discomfort genuine Bayer Aspirin might have spared; you! AH ]irodu(jtlon,of cai'!)on idaek (»r oiIh.t , [ d v'-''^|i-b': eliCinlOrtVs. • .''. ! druggists; with proven directions for colds, headaches, neuralgia^ neuntis, rb^eumatisni. ;• "•;• • IK', b ; .^'::• Kfej.^b^^;i^• r:•;'• '••B^Ki To.«iiow nnolhor pliase of their/;, work, Jet ino ea-ll to aiiteniioji^ ;V | ' ^ d ^ • , , '< • .-..b' , - ^b.- lb;HI^^''•'••b--VV:yp^ a :,si;»eoirtc institj:.co. The Ifpanisit^ A yrv^". • b. .>!,•, t'a'une was'tottei'ln^. Amerleun in- ( ^Edgar' Watson-^Howe, • known';0itly,;:as?:E|i|HG NO TABLETS ARE GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN WITHOUT THIS CROSS vostmonts di J^paiji, while not as Wm.: C. Ratlitt, American diplo- E started ihJs j()lirria3istic career in 18^)8:: jj^iren i^xv^^y liirpco -:a.< tiev" are la .--ome otlr^-r '"0^^^ in Europe, around .ivhoin R COUntrWs.: .irprojKdJOd $2<)0,(>0b,(K)P. '"^"^^ a. tempest in,a teapot, as to :twelY€^ ye^rs^6:l(}, aiid at 19'wa-Sj^ti^^ Lout Hey T)»e Xpieiillon In tbe ndnrt-of .everv eiuibas-^y for p-i-^ and person )ute:-(.;Ued either f hroiiiKli lilW .f^'^-^'^^.^'V^'^'';.*;^';^^^^^^^ I ; .:<,.- . , . . i House in 6ht;n:nja:t debt informn- • own JioJdiji?« or-(lib h(dd!ni^s. of a' Coloradlo.-'; tlon. ' corp.orall'on'ln wUlcli he wa,^ sioei;- hojder'wafj wuut efl/oot Duit political pa /^^ iMniI Physicnl Vij;oi'— condition woi;ld htjvo on his rraunyv.' "Silly" says Bad^ara .which hie was d;] SO-editor irid own^^jf 2§}ri.;i^7 1^ A Shapely Kijjui'e, Tlie trade conirnl*^Mioner and.the con-; :I::K3-S^u:b.v yul' werci f-emllmj Ondy ubspntCiies to'ilP'"'"* " • ' •' " ' ' ft ^b•;••.y:^•.<''^^^-^: , . If'^^*(nri'e fat lirs; : reiii?)\T' the to \Va.siiilnjct" velopmorit on which ihey could gaiib .y:..jbt:;d. . ' Tjjko 'OIK- halt' . l'ea;^t:oonful i]V)f LuCoiMutitioi!. Wiien the moiiurcliy' . Kru^clven Kfilis lii a ddas^ >i.;, Ijo^ feVl iincjdji do fac;o .government wa.s His quiaiftt • phifosophies, his Mi^d; • \v/it<«i* in tlH- mornui^ lib'bAveo'ks set/ up, ;tlioKO (llMpittches cJld>iioi; Today you are favored by having a , Sometini^fes'Causti(2/ eo?nm^H!t^ on,-^6|^iw ulahy cea.se.,. ]|ndeed, iliey cnVufb faster'' poui0« of fhave vai!dsh<:|(b t.^ than t^vei'. The •result wrxs thJit'cdlb ^u^-ers market -which enables'yoii: to and' h'um;a^n-' ni^tii|ire:in general/are|'re^^ N'{j(^Ice abso llun .Von j hav<' d;a'lr|>r*d elal.q of tie; Dep.artuu-nt ot! Conjt- joyed by millionsi of Amerii'cfe t^very p lu cy^-your skin ils eiearej/--; lew'' {()m(')f(t In.itantJy what buv practically at voiir own price: meVco k; . "!• . '. . .' . . .|. i . ,,|b. i;:v|-j:f- , yoiiireei yoinit'or Iti bo(ly.-jKnis.d7en dl/hcuUMfe faced sthc American;" in- Imt what of; tomorrow? Nvin'i^lve iiiiy I'll( per,V'Ufi .hiycdis veytor; l;l)e Ame:;'lcau exjtorter or h V ;,• '.ib- fi,-';;.,:--]: nillivj-vy,,,.; .<:'he.n.-v9ir be saiabliiere thatUhey ha.f a vor^ Commodity prices are advancing ^i';;^m''^'-^^^ k-i l^'X^>feip2|;:-!;iiai:i A'^:^ f^',-m |b,-f;;:'.b i • 1i^ Barbara HuUon. Woolworth heir- ' n i -fbu, n^^in 'dm iv. d u' e f i Itcvand .1 rlvato. t< which an. oim-lal ami Kaid to be -^tho ^richest un- If you : are wise you will anticipate - ."l iff ; n --^ I rfpreaentatlve lu-g 'access. ; Statl^K married /rirl in tht world, declares your needs and buy now. Consult this •^••^•::^;:i:*iiyii:»:^ IMn><«iiinMiiflfl«M»Mli«»,«»'«''*«*«««'M<» tIciB are liUC^te.l I'lilly, and aplcture as; '\stny" Count Borremeo's asser- !l fi.' . .'•1 •'•-K \fi,y<.; - (jj-a^vn; fjtn:Q thertij to make the In-: tion that: they are eniraged. page carefully. fornial;li5>« as, accui^ato and nfi slni< v_. -—^"~~;"r~ Europe'* Highc«t Mountama;- T li. Iowir> instance moving ^"j-^P<;f"S^f tw?' ^j''^^ i..<.,i ^.^i J....,!. the American ill totich with the De- Tlie-dii/ihcPt inonntifiiny In Europe • ftier||.lOMl imjiijM^^ ?>.ioit liaais puj;tmeni:j of Conu^erc^ may have ^^'^e "Ot,t;he Alp^, asds commonly be- Hartford Day Spring V\an Suren^s M0st Interesting'rNiwa^ lit V",y i'.'' 'jy" iMki'sKH • ^••ilft ••iHiiMt. ti''<'^l^l^i'?.l^''^'t'^* his/..guidance aU of d I'.'eved^ but the Cauc^.^us, a-rngffcd 'V i b-d;::ty;;s^:?!.;nii;vrisy:;•{^•Mr.yf the detaHN. Any'one of them muy ^-'"^e; which rises ;;lik€V a mighty: /More peopba read-the Hartford Day Spring tban . aiELtSHAFER hi*Vifull . .wall; across the brliflpo of land be-' read Amy othev ^'an Biiren \veekly newsi>aper!) "lb: ^:, :v.^b., tei4^;^fcfe5|0t^#;t tiveonvdhb Black and Ca?^plan seas. ; 1 b iiiiiiitiMiiiBinrMiiiifMni! niMtfiiiMrfil '

. ;.'* J.r';|lbb5:t^:•m^^ SSiBiSiiliiB

1. Hartford Day Spring, Hartford, Michigan

millions oC dollars each year. This Myra i21ga.<; arc in Sdath Haven ROUND OAK BAND invontoiy has vboen going on for today. , IIANGrS UP ITS HORNS; nearly a quarter century and is not Mv&/ Holeri Zuver is' in Lansing' WILL NOT PLAY MN '33. ; THl'} PAY SlMilNt! I'tMHilSlllNG COMl'AXY !nearly completed. At every, turn as a delegate to a meeting of the ; , :„ • '^' CMIk'»>;-l l',ii«l ^iall^ Stroet. Jli'V I'oi'il. , MlDilKiui ' NAU) r. COCllli.VNK. I'Ulltdr IKI.N.AIJ) S. CPCIIUAM!), A(l\'; Mjrr. the railroads arc hampered by rtig- [P.. Ni of A. DOWAGL\C.--TliC' depression has ulations that Would strangle any S. M. Carpp returned Stiturday Another Stingy Story silenced the Dowagiac Rouhd Oak —— ,—^—-fiu'.Act uf Ma roll n. is7t), - • logittmato ousjnes^. i-or ,e^t^mplc, from a week's visit in Lansing and band", one of the 'mdst noted mutUcal IVKUMS t)l' t^t'.BSCl U'Ti LVN--uiiivyofu*. m.^O; v\yM monlJiH. !ii;l.im:i'8ix iiu)i!thH, the railroads have'been striving for Eaton Rapic.s. Rise of the Poor Boys ovg.^nizatlohs in thig, section!? pf tlie 7;. .jcnt!<;.4"l.ny lOvinthH, loo 1. >-: ir.uJl. .i.i..V»U.<: lii iHivinuu. mIukK* ooplcs, many; years to lower theh' coast to George Kime has recovered from slate. • • n . ••'' People in the Audience i —1 —J : ^ iC.oast fi.'eight rales jn order to meet his recent illness and is. on the Organized in 1896, the band, has v-y vi]'!virv^i-:^;;-:5'^^--:^'|;;':^ By ED HOWE Wcduesdbiy, l>\brutir>' 1:, li^isn. the water competition through the strceT.5 again. He .say.s 1-rc does not I been directed for 3f> years by,-Will• PiihanKt canal. Yet^ the .govern- know what oth,ccded'^the opposition 6f IvlcXay to be paid by Michigan! clli/ens. in- 1 , R'gh"- there js 0 great: deal —0— well rlint lui'ha^ given ;iwny inoi'e Aimtially, Dowagiac 'has vpted $1',-' shpuld be sttfiU'iont,! It appea; ^ - hat sltjad OJ a reduction in tax-revenues. talk about bWlJdmg a ot. Law. TWENTY YEARS AGO. ; than ..any other citizen oi; his town. 000 to pay for community, (;ioncerts every Tliursday nigh,t durifig thV thc^nstuVo' Mr. Mc;f:ay has Ji DARIV Mr. l^i^ron is tlic editor;; of the Ply- .rehce-Groat Lakes Canal at tthl e cost' ^ Hf hecame a plulanthropist: summer, which ^ttractedj^; • largp hor^e ca'.:dfdate Cn')lng on;}, b.U son' cb DDY veteraiT .business manager; oi' the AV|hen , p-'oiUe t'CJ 1 m<* i}x\} i xyhiwkey. ini spiUod th'3' ini'orniH Ion iM-omaturely band,, has annoi^nced that .becau.se- •deWiUfrtted- putieuts,; (hey no ^yo\ikl';w<>lt^'Ka.Y.'.'' tion.of Crovoi' Dill mar. His jtome zy'; b'tt it is worth reading ncverlhe-' :ii]!c the investment of the govern• Ktiights Q i Pyth-as. entertained ; for his family. the band will not be-orgaiiizbd for biit; a'' narcotic"!: .. .' . . ' • • ,'^,. ( is at Bar ;^6r. who *e tiie D 1 Irian Jess—if you eihie to' kiiow hv detail ment. Yet watch' out, wc- may have twenty members of the F'uritan > Alsvays luf has had brisk eoinpe- 1933. The plan is 'to reorganize name has;bee|^ honorably associated ihM canal. • ... lodge of Benton Harbor last even• ; J^AVe nmy, lY^ al.>lo iv,.'/?'^'^'!J.»l<>M'tf" wil:hd,i:i|l wh^r." /ire slatO'S' money com.es from : tition, and, in greedily meetiug it when conditions warrant. v.'ith; oivi'.''"and CO tnty adairs for arid A'ho .pays. ;it. Yoti well may, It's,an incbmprehensibic situation ing. i"'The new Watervliet State Bank' "^^^^ '^^en forced to bo liberal in ox- The band' has j^een', playing week hz^M a bontur.v ^\ lAorc The sc ion wonder where.it all goi'S to. wher.;rity. the town men who know mostabfuit day nights'-at ' Casscpolis. '.. loyjrlty an;i h;n'd wor',^ into the ..•'.ialo business^ against them dhd-.then we -(temporary cjuorters.v;ith, the inten- m i'jomc ot. the g'c)|.;d peo!)l'j'or neigh* cbmo along and.put up public of openinc;'their new bank m its affairs that no otiver cit.U'.en hn.s higliway cepovtmenl. , m.on-lotion TO DJKECT ORCHESTRA 1 bin'iiT; municipalities appear to ,be •'"••'•'••-•• 'March. he]i:«ed an equal mnnher of poor peo- .He was noyiU' a ;?Wi\el ehaiil of- .MUiii; .uuiuv;F<-'''-^^ "^-i-^"' '^"^cy to cover tltC ••railroad losses. The AT kALAMAZOO COtLEGt;. iVcirl. On jthe cojiirar.v. he is''ane launchi.iR;mtp_:l::caled :di«cussinn« U.overnmenf should either iet com- Superintendent Fo.'^tcr and Trti- •ple. ;.. • •'• i)hiiiy;,,of .oirr •t;roubies us a]^i;^^::d^lg^()lli ,dJi|.]i.^4v-ftJ*^^A^^^ '1% over tl;e ccono.mic .stattl|>.of their -j^^^, .^^.^ business or tPaw Paw Courier-Northerner.)'*' .of tlje hauibst working diiprnijrent pleto]> ant Officer Ancrcv^.-.^ ]"iave made an About all he has loft.)now at s;ey^ schools. • • -i;; . ;. ; -Mrs. Aileen Bemiett who is:teach- [^^^—i—^—2^.,...:^....:——-.-r~.i-' -*~'-~-rrr""~^i -----v-, - '-..(.- hc*v,vis .at Ui|>s)ng. ;Ko is far i u'.orx'' get out oi it. From experience it earnest efioxt the past vvcck to stan-^.p enty, ll:e nion further say, is a gt.iod The' sc1kh>)s ai'o the 1 ii.-^t. eommun- ihg music in the,' HarUoi^d' schools Has 'Em ysizailcd. m mlerestcd if/ his jot than in pel; ;icir. is evident the .; government should out'the pracfice. of cigarette .-"'mok-'.'home, a hawk and general store he jW/Swindle' ity'iujitittitions Jiihal !-'h:niid become has been 'Secured to direct. the or- Ile^ism'lt^even .a nediocio i:.'liiic- get out.' The railroads are too im• ing among:the boys in the Hartford is able to keep open >Yith dlihculty. Teacher; V/h'at does. your, father involved, in facl-ienai cU^balc. Aside chcsl;ra at. Kalamazoo college smc- it inn.:; lie!,{ merely an cngi!icei' ot portant to the country to be used high schodl. credit, and llie reput.'ition of.ltelng do'.iii the eyf-ning when his ;V/6ri;. is. ceeding Hendrick Buytehdoitp. Mrs. otititandin j.'abilitie;: anci a;hijh:\"ay from tJ'e preser\'ation 0/ i;iw and a> a rich man's toy. E. B. Stark, one 01 the best posted done;,,^Phillip? '„ ,. , .',' his town's greatest phil:iuthrv>plst. Bennett has /been very successful :stiii:?pvici:i2icci:;:;;'^ covrmissiutior wii: krows e.ei^y order. m'nintenaV\co of tlie education• men on- Indjfm affairs in, the coun- jBoy: That's: iiust; what mother, ., Moral: A man camiot give nwn.v in her work as teacher of n^uslc in mlN^ ot .i^ili^chigan, ':r(>ads. wb.o lia.M al system is t'Ve first obligation (>f (Powagiac.- Daily T-Je'A'.s-.i • try, is inviting the •Pok.'igon band w-an^is, to know; teacher,.~Berliner .Il- nnythiu.cr. or be, robbed-oi" ar.ytUiUg, tile schools of our county and will ,'o.ight Michigan".*;'higliv.r.y syitLcn- organ;/;< d :.'^oci*.;iy; iSlied a syn-iphthotic to;;r. , Add to jom and abovri {:',GDO Chip- liistvic^'te.', '•. y • :,, " ,^ ' .Exi,s'e;icies of ,the .limes demand by-jjroclucls of the'deprc^siotv. ' The until lie wwks harvJ and saves ijriiig the: college orel"ies,tra' Up, to a to .It leveljjthat n-'-vites it the peer powas arid Ottav.'as in the securing that the,ftnanciiil setup of th.e pub- •sojuething. - •'• high, standard cf,iexcellence..:' Siibsicrlbe foi'! The; Day. Spc'lhg. i day's of 'all ot^iql? ^tato j and cd iv cost famous old and', esteemed Round ^ decision in the Indian claim to llc'sclunl'systenf be sharply revised. Chk ban;iKdi has-succumbenas-succumoeda :o-thto'-tnee Jn-in• (la^^js in Chicago. Mr. "Stark biases .. „. ^* * . thiif; likowijsp makts tt 'he- envy.,ol Biff l^oxiv Triiins (i\iU. Jt }}hou'!d be dbiie With two obiects evitable and: will take a vacation JHI, claim 'or. {he treaty of .79:5 ^^^^^'uvg impresses me more mrcau^ higl:jWay v.j(thoi"itio> i\\ other ;cam- in yicwj to brin'^! the cout within the llik v/^n»-' KTnr m'inv nvr/t.n ly-^it imivt i . - . i i • . ' .fUrr tllO hist'orv Oi thca'. -iNot mcm> 01 g?:ni/Cc:aicn.v 1 ,_yT.jj^}^ o-^^-^-g^.-.^ and tlio ncrre-i- , , . if''our.railroad from Benton Harbol what a stote highvr.ycommis-'ionor )e have, come on down the -[if)-)'- to t-e *hr-'-> --r^c-^ . .tn;;u uie great lum.per 01 ptior 1 • ^--l...... v... .>.v.ii.vii i^uvwwa afford ;v«»ry child the best oppor• of its tvpc have, come on down the tior)s to tJie three tribes. :;tlmu the great uuiuber- ot poor is iri'.ippo.-^ci;;!^ eloctcct .'or. such well-prer.erved gtvie' " P^u-mn^ i-a^' " r&JI h the- ^""'^^^ w'uo have lie^'ome useful, .-re- | it> Indianapolis. Indi, was .dif5ccn- tunity I'o.rj education that the com- yeaiv; in iti'tho ;ji)bple WJiUt a shh wd, ered so'conspicuous a ser- Loimtr- a-SL-w' f hav^e M pr^i|tleal f;6rilX-]an ; in • tie cv-mm.'S- their communities. Bands D • AG S x T L-irrercl ^^'"^'^^^^ is an exnmi>le: Ahrahau. i years.thd service has.been-un- TI)C!(' ;!;•! lltWe; basis'for ditferenco. vico to profitable, due to the compet|.tion of Hurt; in Mie Jnvcstiwiit fliridvfhei'c ;oaii '(iofiSDr'-; ofHi(>?< Di!li*an shottUll be of O'pinijn on those e.s.^entials. and liave com.e and-gone with the tip.'^. j f^^.j;-;.] hii? heme a niass of crnoul- ' ^^''*:'''^^'^''^^ P*'*''''-'^V^^'>'^'- ouses and' automobiles. t0 |*rch:irt \vlia:t you .liiiVi* shoulri cl de*:fifated, .•n;e, can not meet Jt))0;/e Mm the ]-u;n ^se can jbest be achieved by and do.'Nvns of ihC; LOCAL fervor and j^gj-j^i-v•.viththe dead body OF • ^t''•<'''''<"' •"'> grt.uter jmui. L^ another., spdchlcatio IS. But ;i'f ti.cy v.-irl a V iLLAGECAuCtlS. conc(}:; led. harmoniotis action. Com-, patribiii-r.-' but'the Round Oak band j'j-^j^j v.-'ife and his ten-year-cld dau-• HAVE never lived in a TOAVU hlg,t)woy cnhmisiuunev who ti'kcr To the Qualified Electors ^ of the mimit!./-)'csourcos ,arc pretty wJJbde- maintamed a." steady tempo.-all: the .ghtcr t>ncon.«^c\O-us AT the ".home of ' wh<;>ro it.s mos-t useful und rospect- '3' his(i|job JCi'iou.-^ly,' eschews poliiet;. tim'e, But even' it could uoi aX'And Village- of .Plartford./M.ichi'gah;; • m ^ ,^ ... i ^ , fined tii'isc days;' Th;:d school cost.'-j up .against the stress and strain of •SEIGHBGR., Fire, the ririgin OF'-;: ed *:'iti'/.ori.s had not startou a^po'or 'an( wb.ich mystery, was ciliscovered; bovs. 'rhv i^ovorty of luun is never ;"Notice -is hereby given that;'a; cau-; i I must,-be cut cannot bo gainsaid. U today, All credit to the men who .ment and !miainlomii)co.'of the ..high i oy Tim Carney u'ho' lives-' opj-josite So great it is' not u.atuvnl and euijiy cus of the qualified eloctor.'7,;of sa.id' cost cut'ing involves ehmination of have been so loyal.. And especial |-jvj^; Six 3':;omc. ' to i^n holrtct!?: ; THc Stiinilard Vi- wa;;' syst6in,^^(Wlth vi-vv loi' best ,. to s+imehow work out of It. Viliage of Hartford will be held at,, sub.iectii of study' the sacrifl'co should menljon t-b William Schubert .who (liVltienfli pnSd ai«l amoiiiit^ ' ser'-'ing 1;ccono;i-Ic iitcre.^i.s of The w orld .ks. very old: Ein..^tt'in, the Town Hall in the Village, .of iiivolve those ,;bi\'niches whit-b AVIII for the entire 3() years of Jt> exis- ^./Ii.e))Jgan r'nd its |K;ppU. the;. turn FXRTKEX YEARNS AGO. said to lie the groato:>.Y, living' >:c[eu- Hartford on— . ' , - work Ihij least .hardship upon, the te,ncp, was its director. , • m: ; r.01 a tfo rc • f^ d •. spen s e w i Ih. 1)! 1.r;:an . tis?., HNEIY nddcd .several -billion FRIDAY. FEBRUAR;Y 17. VL!)33. ;' small(!'$'; n.umber of pupils, I From .Day ; Sprinjj of Feb. 13, I"- If pnbIjc|cil(Yh^e;eVor so ight ti; ;„'CU years to its age. . And through it ! . AT'2 O.:xCL0C'K-.P- M: To, ;i(;prlve a boy or gii'luOf their IIAilTP'Or^y OKC.HE^lTRA 1 Complymg v>-ith a v;ar order, six qualihed n;.%? the ohVc*. of state all flie poor hoy story persishs. Look I . (Fast Tiiiiie) 'v: educa';ti(i,ial opiVortunity |s'to take GAVE FINE CONCERT. Gernian alien!? rei'iding in Hartford highway ;comnv..ssiC'>or s)Uidit iinii- a'wa-y •something Ithat'.cannot bi r.es--' (PT.w.Paw Courier-Northei'ner.) 'and Kreler tov.nsh':'ps have register- ar hi^;tory a.s fnr inick as we have | for the purpose of nominating, candit''. I maiv-and ;Ound or;.^ tor^d.j ,!lhe 'laps< of tin-jO rhakcs 'the Tho. Hartford scliooj.'•orchestra of jed with •P.:-stma.'>ter *,V. H. Blashfjeld. rewl, and nine out of ten of its i.c^ptes upon the'VILLAGE TICKET e/l'orij at'restoration .futile. ?/rd?; frr this anc^'that, it mijiy be ;tho; schp))^ be niain.talned. upon the :;.ioon,, the church being well filled it fcil„a vicl.-n to a German tor- ,1-; Dated February U, 1933. ' ,, , tiixoly for t.be editcsv of this-- ijic.ws-' mo$l. ;,)i;nctical W-vel. order that to enjoy the ;l\ne program. , .tpedo ofT the co.i£rt of Ireland • la.st . A reporter wji-uderiuguiidul:- look- n E. M, ZUVER, • ' ' 1 paper to claim 00'}. , Like !o:.i^er neltht,jr the financial or educat.onal Tlie affair'v/as sponsored by the {'week, and'hi.s name is in t'nc pub- iu'j- for the unusual ran into: tln^'c GUY n: GIFF'ORD,;-'' records, it vvi:l st^nd t ntil ^o.ae- i^hasci:- f-fj the jpublic ischool r.yy- senior-and ;iunior. choirs, of . the j'lished lipl of survivors. Hc: is Clar- ; uolod m«wing-pictu;re people, A maw lt.| ANTHONY''MILLBR, • bodv shalve«'$ it, V.'i:!..predicate oUi's iem n\a>'Ohc,com))letely wrecked, church and M'i's, Bennett and her encc Shugar.^. 23. of Edmore.; and a ; in the purty had never been on flic I'M* Village Ticket Cornmitt^e." upon rub-><'i» boots---witii no' biiiol-'' Approrched from this angle the ;young people, are. entitled to rnuch grandson of E. D. V^agner.-.-n-esiding ' screen, yet In hi?; "Story" the report-' ogicf* t;) "^:jiicve h, or >;ot." R j:ley.; prob.^nv becomo;> one of sane, im-, 'CREDIT; for their oiTort in Coniiri'g 1b fotir miles', southwest of Hartford. er snid"^ tbj.s mnh was ,by tar tlie 1: • Tni.Tni-s w(;ck's stoim foiced us' to ' par,tin'l e'aleulutJciiiileulutJciii. Jt,is,.Ris, aa problemproblem ; Paw Paw . for 'the program. Light : Farmers in operdn.c; potato pits ; most interesting persoiuillty In the trpitrcss.ou; outt (iurv boots---the ;uune boots PN wh;!clt thpteai^hinthe teai^hing fi:;it!crnnfriit'crnHy has refreshments ;v;ORE served after the are finding, .large' quantities of ti'-tc.: £ji«ovip, thaj have odhc ti.^^ f t-rvic: lor iri^re its yvqil ieiined i- responijibilltics. as. program before .the musicians re-, tubers Tt'ozen. Anothe\ r cotiiplitucnt for life peo• thdfi twenty years.' W e botttiht WeR'aivthe comrnunity. Tiiese .'U'e ex-, ttirned 'tc> their home. ' Higliway Commi..^sicner' Ned Cook ple in the audience. tl>dm' 1wcni.y-one y:.'ar;? -.igo. lo'bo'traordiar/ times,' and'they demand has ;p".ade; good progres:--. the pa.st ex'o)H.' trorp the late, Frank War.-en.! oxlradrdinhry^fealty to. th,o.,comn-)On In every eutertaiipnont there ;H-e m fevi' driYS- in opening t'ne east and. ponple in t!ie audience '.smarter than a I^urtforit boet an^r' .of, weal iff America; is. to n {.Intiun its thr.TUvsdi.-i In the Good west road Hartford as a the enttn'taiuers: every hook is read thai' pc\ripd,:j cheri.sliod.. traditions. part;of ihc tr'unk line to be cleared b.v men su'inrter than the,writer. • twenty-one >ea^'s they have of .snow 'between Detroit and Chi• If tiu; iK-oplo in the atidlcnce ta jfrlcd: us-; (^n hunt ing nd fi <\i hg : Altl:,oLtV,h it is banished' ;now: wo Old Days cago to permit the r-c^timption of SPECIAL trl|»,;, throulih '.u'iow )ariks ar.d s;op- .coiii^o:;S that for., the lir.-'.t time w'.'j, ijf'e In iSarlford and Van motor tra/nc. The road is no^ open- • ^^^^^^ >^'^mohow effectively org.mlzo, \ .pyjwcatlier; have k(:pt 01 r fee'. cU'y hiu'e enro'lained .'U)me skej>ticlsm UiiVeii 'County Fief tired from Hartford oast to the iovrn Hne. :'!j'^-^.';';^''l.-^'^ "^'^^^ tJioir money- whenever we have w-ashed the'f;.im- abcvtit Michigani . We ha-t- the boots have hung in hiv .groat cbminon'.vealth., A relic of the o'd woolen nulls at a man of very uuftsual intelHgence, thd ccilai-.';] That was notciir I-^Ul' now we've Jind something, From Day Spring of Feb.. 12, 1919. Bangor was brought to HarLiord. a ;' of all the men now v.-rUini; ho thoughtful metb.od of pr.?«ervjition; We've h(\d w>5^,ath6r.' Snow • has a; H.:Chtindlcr' is on - the sicl; ;Ust, • few days ago in the form of a' Ls very tmar the top lu use of the, it, has been Clue to the fact *thtil,ihe whirled in blinding mass formation, 1 suffering with the ague, quantity of carded woC).lv, which is ; pen. Thuc he dre-^.v in the lottery lady of the house his not penni'^led intryiii.g our countryside and block• .The funnera are .harvesting a very said to iiavc' been turned out at ;^ of life not only one talent; but two; m :'JS: '..0 leavit liicm setting around ing our lanes,of transportation jui-f good crop of saw logs, and they are the Bangor mill more than lifty ;i he is like a double-purpose hor;?e anyA-v'here (Isc. A:id today „ the- as it iKsod 'to do'When Michigan was selling at good price.:. yesrs ago.. Jake Cppenheim pur- ; ^vhich trots in harness, single-l'oots bOyti! arc as unleakaolo and .servi(''c- Michigan. 'Radiators froze tip, bust• Heiivy, Spaulding has been having cnased the wool, but did .not get ^j,,., saddle, ami solhs for an ab 0 as the day we boug;'it ihem ed lUKicreatcd.qome business. Alco• oy owner of unjjatciU'd, phatle, hol 11 C'wed _ mo:re' freely tc' • wavm the tdiet's, water repelling njik-i/cr innarcis of eng.nos than it ever boot-:^ that l^avo done scrviccf lor llowe.d to warhi the sta?nachs of- twerily-one yonrs may speak | now lumberjacks. The horse kiam^' out of rciiromcnl to.; do thjng(<-tluit the' The- average stantling of .some ^^^.P^f^ n-^nr....v. '^Z ^ •'"•'^ that the world is now in j or i forever after he Id hi.?, i|(.!.:i je. the nun!].- of Iho hici-! <.^r'hrfn HP- i ^^--^U^ -i^f^C Dumcombc:, Oi Kce.cr. .: ' , , ... , , ' Otht'rwij;o wo;claim Iho iul-iberi bo.ol motor car' t'ould'. not do. .jO.ur mer-: thmce pupilpup.i.s, oOfC thtnce hign3{.,.hi .schoo.scncoil de-iac- s. '"'-^^ "'-'• ^ ^. x^^c-ui.... ,: more dnn.r,'or rhar, it was when he rc(jo)'d, mayriap our Only defei s:;b cury Hi'lked t6:;ir> or mdre-below.: parLmem for the month jnding'Fob- I • ^"tert^mmg a severe ease of ; began iiiviiic it advitje. ::L«cky ^Strikc,^Camo^•^C^ic«v•'y|^;p ' Kin jUst .'IS tlie ol'd' fashioneci mercury ruary rS". iml are: Minnie ^liliggle;;: and, legal activities'^re tern- chdr.i to fame. 100' Eurene^ R.uc«le. Cora ^'^^>^'--^'^-^' ^^^^^^^ ^ ' ^^'^ " woakne.^s Is he has never used to do. 100-luu. : Eugen.^ugcnec ^.. mig^jcsBuggies.. 09'jy,; 'Qor^V^f-';'^-^ora.,,^^ ...... ^'^'^^^^^. in - Keele<- r s tern- I1 ..Arritten simply, candidly nnd truth- $peaking of recor-is, the Ch'icaijo We'*''e got • our v.^eatber baek. Southaiid, 95;i Eugie Bennett; Olrl^'-'l,^^ ••'•^''^^' ., J I'ully. He has used ins terrific pow- It" Lucy -Cbnklin; 6G: Willie BilliWd. | ^.-T'^e merne-t scramoie tc-r ccal i oime dipped.' intc Michigaii the I^Jow,' if v/e cipi ;:ct bacl^; our free aut- Pure Cane Were, Calif omit >:.-.- .j- j-^ -.^ huinaTJ! nature )n the rough sans ;.. j ''Poultry:: cxpevtj. here cic im- ly, ,'i?:rl usually so un,!u:.ftly. 11)33' felincment«, Micbiglfn v.dll be ' a world rojeord fot a three i nd mg ' He is wenkeniiig .a ltitU\ as a re- | io lb. ciibtifi sk.. 44e Mieiirl^ian again,;,; The weather man Hurlbtif, 90; Le-ster Smith,'82; Julia rt h.ulf po.iud white Leg'.>n >rn spotted S^tu-day aftcr'nooai until ;«nl!; of old .-ige, before the world • has iet.i the wtiy- in a/coi^plete re- Nutting. «3; Llllie Hart, :72: Cora Mother's >t;llet in Ihc (lock belonging to the last poiind of coar had vanished '.innl'y f|uits him. I wish lie woultl '; vorsioli to form some dne ;may even Pierce. ci2; Etta Stocum, :71'; Eva, ii '^'^'^^i- /Htm G. .King, Girard town<; MP mor-.iing: It 'vvas-- sold ir. MTvL'.f his (.*(pnl'ej-i.>;io!is as cand.idly as recallj'tho ;drain:; of :'Mlchigoh. My Smitlon... 69:-; Chancy Conklin. 70: i^'-'^^"V". . - - >^ l^'u-m.er,. who yei£.>rday laid tl The T:i'Misse;i;j in-n:iii.<«ed to.do in tlie lirst 1 Michigan" and burtit into .'-JOng. JcJ:;sie. Hcaid; &6; Stella Olds. 91; i ^^'^ '-^-7^^ T^-""^- Coviir'Syjriiii : . t^^ico yolk egg weighing i \c Lydla S;nJth.; ' 9{J"• Nellie .Tuitie,. 82;., ItWo carf^; srv^-^a. ,for the M, l»:tiV';''s of his famous hoolc. -j Humjshrey. 02; Lena Van Os- Carpp canni ^^'•., fixct&ry.. were miuht tiiCs \v;tsh ip) and ^piir ^^•ork , ijiche.s. in eircuirference tlnd trom, 82; RollaBird, 70; Grace Ma- ! lurried' over xy Mr, Carpp-' the with a burst of usefulness ho h;'S ,; 0.'!^,' Inches - from ;ip to tip," lone. -98; Belle Kash, 85: Thoin^is i; elevator to relieve the acu:e fuel \'!m-z been c;iiv;ihle of aiid as ion,:: : ;Ko: sooner-had hi read the r,-p> Watt-..- 99;. Mary Monroe, 91; Eddie i '"'^"r iicudt'CtC'd- And to ;ioconii)li>-h this" .vine's:-egg i-tory than James GiVr- EarJ^ .57. .' '^rcMt success in old ;i.go ho nocd. • IFLVGERPRiNT EXPLPvT rlartd,^ 01;.fiie^ Baliuaacaan: Po ultr.y 'TbO;' ff^W .remaining Pottawat-i <'nl,v tell the U'uth over;s-body kiunvs JOINS TAW PAW POST Farm oa.vt of town, picked out v,'bat tamle .Indian.^ reldding in this vi- j OF THE STATE POLICE.7, , .--Shaw a little lietter than anybody .apjoeared to -be the;largest egg lhat Icihity .arc expectir.spectir^g soon to rxvcreceiv'eivee !i ^' ' "^l..!*'"*' " . else. Let hiin.write as honestly as AN 1 JNTERESTilNO STL'DY IN >jis "White Logiiorn •,:)unetH lhac'\ , de- from the governm.ent about >'1S2,- j Trooper EI:erL- Lrirsen. tingerprint: h^e thinks in every one of Ihree-inm- poiltod in the nests that day and now THIS JftKPC/iLKJ'jyOES OdO. it .being the ..last payments due ^0M ! : BUSINESS' eApcn. will'b--: i;tct;ian-M pernfancnt-• dred p.'i;.::es, nnd he wiH u'ot a,u;nln ! Rowib'ia Pancake brought,,it to The Day Spri,'>g .ofhce, Ihenithem. iBu:Butt a few y-^ars ago ..the 1- at tr.o-iP'aw Paw post of the state sav he has accomplisheed no- good In It;i'ois?*od the -'vvoivd record" Ijy an : cS!outh Bend; News-.T,hne:s. • PotUiwattDPnes, a branch of-the Al- policeiaccording te an announcement! Hie world, FLOlUE ' S .LBi,..SKi.. olMlUh of an ^inch and 0 mint^r ifi-uc- In the fourth,!:winler of; the de• yonrjuim;, v/ere a powerjul tribe and of CaptautW. B. Eabcock.i " * * :' • ii • >';:•:;;': .•. ' lio'i't of .an (I-unco. .; . pression we fhicj; the national gov- with the"^l?^' Ottawa s ^'^held1 possession of mnndof the,fiftthe,fifthdistrich distric** . Of Michigan j, j,,,^ d., meanly su'^piclouf^ Roweria Budfev/hfrait ::i»6t.'6r OM^AUdi^m^^:.^iiif^ J:f;m^,:^!^'^^ ; ;'i;he Hart^Drd egg measured ;d% evnmdnt .still pui'ijuing u weird, cro.ss, most of the land in. this state. But • gtade poliee. • 'Inches in clrloumfere!ice and' B'^j in- word pux^le pojicy v^'lth, the rail- the trj'oc, like the m nicy tliey have ' ^ „ , „ . , , , , . frequently if my sti!?picions d. •^po3s bf.the..*jJvirorJd's big egg."'l ; re.gtilation by the ;g:)Vernment. it is mere nothin;;'. A' few year.s more vvOi'e nandled .from Lan.sin.g, wnl be • ' .- I rosponided'Atd by Trooper Larsen H'ho". ; Garlnjad has - prornixcc:! \o •impoiiiible for the rai)ro;id.^ to op• and'. Vhoy will be 'mown , only in , hit« been .with the buBc'au of crim- ' It ^"^y surprise you to hear it, but wfliich his ncjStf; for a really .slz-jable erate, i)n a breC'.kev/em ijasiii , And as hii:;'Ory,, Some- forty year.-; .ago identification at stat:: headquar- .1 hc'Iieve our giv;aest n^'cd is micro :Gj{g,^and gi'^{<3 Hartloro two ^'•:-ec- these ; roads lose nHoncy.^ ^they are^ jima Con>o-dah.. a Chippewa wh.o. for j tors. The new service is expected to ' t'eli.^don. T know rhere are uian.v iv-- suppHod with 'fiirfds; frora"the fed- .orfls" to au.frnont its place Ih the some.. .I'ccison joined .the Po\-*m/m-/X'Jzpoe6 up-"- criminal identification' in. i "n.g.ion.s, hut E'refer'to the one wiiich l«miPSiii eral'; l;re«sury .50 ;tifat theyi;ean carry ; sup-^ogiT ^ ai|ijl rubber boot,: ll'ro- mies,-said to the.;writer mm ;.vijilte.i, (^;.-'cfiiu that this, writer ahc/ad. We make the r-yads lose. . . • ''4' - . • ym>:. \ large r -jt^^i^^^i I 'i' 1(11' i)iiiiiniii I 111 fmiii jdloiCi. Vot'loso^'lns rub'jer botvt record TliQiivvc ptjt- up for thfeh' losses.: the cc/unty, ::i;to;:,jome gohjieman uos a' na- CMFa^mer-AHright. AUIhavo;^^^^'.^!^ agree on: the Imi^ortnuce | p. ;ev/spapet W ypi^:; ;may. be v, on- Uoi'iwHc inventory o i'; railroad Fmm Day Sprinj: of Fcf). IlL IDOJ. lelt is rheumatism and toothache, l'^^ J'^^"^ ^^^^ children, good m^n | FfWmW •1* rood wouien. J0*ii^g why3teoycr;i,Comstock is property thai Is costing the railroads Mrs.. W. H'. Biashneld arid Mrs. Which one •wi:Uyou;have?-~Ansv.''ers. 1 ""^^^ »«iiiiiiiwiiMiiiiiiiiii|i|i m

•:', ^;"X;: ,;'v 'w- , _ " . • .fc,,",.,- Mj;'"^4 jit •v-v.'-! m •'m • ' - , '-i 4'- K':- j^^-t-'-f il::.-:-l:..:;;::;i:;,s^(, .i:'';;; ty ,|t:-J*.-;;;':;^^^:i^^i-','-:'-:2,:- ti:mm.m^mjlim mm

l^^dne^day, Fel>ruaryr 15, 1933. Hartford Day Spring, Hartford, Michigan I irlnfitt i.liiiri d;Dpnrtmc.nt succeeded in reach• the conclusion tea was served in f All iheir points Were from free, Guperintcudeuti^ of Schools^ ; • ing tlj.e j'arrri although Pinery Road typical Chinese style. Mrs. J. H. Khrows, . Hartford, Michigan. . '.i !• .was. liieavily blocked, with snow.' Powers wasT'the chairman of the cv- |: Spaulding was the high point man bear Mr. Ranger: • :; i " • i . : . Tboy jfouVid that otlier buildings on cniri^'s cTiiertaii^ment comraittecv ; of the evenin.ij with 30 points. Far- On January, 31, "Dr.^;^. Charles Li t'hc piiace'wcrc not, seriously men- Mrs. George Dyer h.-is returntd to jrell was s-acond with i3 points. Far- Anspach'' and I visited [ your, school I ' '" ' her home in Lo,i;ansport. Ind.. after ' cell's shootm.;.'; f>;nm a di.stanco was I. ' . - • • area. for the^ purpose of inspecitpn rela• 'visiting her sister, Mrs. E., E.. Steb-very ' ,irood. Dycv pluycd :Jiood do- tive tb your ftirther acci-ediliing with IT IS I WISE to budget your RE-AIRREST HARTFORD MAN bin. Mrs. pyer had been ai; KjU--! fensive baskoc'xill'and sl'.owcd veriy. the University^ of Michigan. ' It was FOR (50BLES BURGLARY lama^'oo where she• was called after i .^ood .iudjrmont in passiujt the bah. a real pleasure to visit! yovi, in your ; plan :of saving sorthat the . Merle Wise, weljll'-ltnownl , Hartford j her ison. John Dyer, a Kalr.mazoo ! to Spnuldinp; uridev the basket. The proseht schooliand obser>'e!the m«ihy y: young jTfiHn, v,'ho has: been'operating policeman, "was .^jriously iroiared vn | lact tlvat-Lawton tailed to score i a evidences of exceUen;t' school;admin'^ Id g'oal i:iaicRtos the .^treng'tli of stvatioh and .organization. .We wiere • V amouriljset aside for this pur- a pool room at;.Lawlon, was re-ai'-j^n automobile cra5.h. His jaw's I to ;i-R-:li'-:^-:';adi'».,i related Saturd..Hywhen he completed' v/ere ::rcpi-w.L bvoiUh tlio Vievv paii'. of forwuj'd. y hiet,:with the exception pf numibeiri .'jtorc jn company'with David Poulin where he v^as t*kea io"-.Iowhis- Iho , piaycd scod •bas&otball and al- y. May we thake -r'few,iui^thor slig- '•^(01. |])enditores. It is better'to save of Law^ton. Poulin ,;Was; convicted at ace^dent, ;'.r.v.v^Ta Hartford raay l;ave been [ .cstions as follows: ' 'the .Jantlary verm; of court and'seri- ! Sf^ov,oanki, that were .pileo .hagh : crippled: they showed pie.nty cf: p'owv 1. For a school seelting'to rnnin-d --i»....; •a.,';' - a small' amount consjistently Itonccod'tc serve from elex'en months I ^i'-*'ig the iXIain j^treru curb 'A'h*:;> • cr i'eg'ardiec,.s. an ISforth Cc.i'tral, AssociatioiV ac-a' •to five years in-^ Ipnia reJormator:^;!; Js:devvr^J.k shovelcrs and truaisl'iac The second toan\. showUiiv btit lit- editing and'' three-year j accredit-;; iff than. tQ attempt to piH away :Wise waived examination in Justice'-'^f'^'-ypJ^J'-s had carapictod t^Kiv woi-;< ; t.:o of tiioir real power. t.,^jk a trnn- ['t, with the .ynivcVsityJ^olllViichi^san;;. >Vj1 Ham Prater's coui-t at Paw Pa«// jir/eitcd Saturday aefort- the asir.ck j jv.ing rrcm the liuwton seconds' 1'. I is unfortunblte, particularly ,at th'is'j' 1 arge aniiounts spori^diciliUy. Saturday and v/as ron^anded to jaii I f*.^ «^ large force oi shovolers • and ,'to lU. ae, to have to eliminate such pfl'er-; m default, of :bail.- Tt is j^tated that tJ-.ucks. The svmw was hauled away; .V.s frotn your cinadcul'una as homo- (With' '€o'.itc-i*yiict Hero Fobruiiry !M, cohomics, , It ii:! expected of the; It» Hi the date of which •will be set. by the \ will cau.-C: no dr'raa:;-ng il'ood. -The \ rha feature game' of the season otted "school? that the c\u-idculur^0f-' justice.. Wise was arrester^-early in 1 banks wcrc'. pjled s^x feet iwch in ;-v;U hz placed liero' Tuesday,. Fol)- ••'ngs shall bo yufficiently enriched January v/hen-.sheri/r-s. officers waged • places and countiess trvick loads.; ru-ry CI. It is Hartford's iasta;am aid broad enpiigh to meet more than ; a "c!ean-tip" ca.Tjpaig'n aga'inst pet-•{ J'0*Jed away before it was- aH re- . 'coic-ro' the tournament. Watervlte- e mere academic needs of-the stu-' i y ^:-^aa-la;:^;r^x;M«MJ^Ml ty thie^/ery.iat Lay.'ton', He pleaded ^^r^wved. Tliewxik was supervised ' •A ill come to Hartford bent on' get• • 0ntS.-\ . ' I • . • ; : "Xe>jjvwe liad to do I't, d>J ,Mtr: :guilty «fo stealing co^l at; a Lawton 'by the street and grade coram'it';ee ting rcveug<.^ for'' the ganie whicli 2. In (he :veorgahiz^v1/ioh, and a'C", ; TKU.:' J|Joeau«e wovei-iil wc^il hifc^u mnm coal .yard. Pouhn and others tak-i 'be'vdlage ccunca. thoy contributed to Hartliord last ' classiiicatibn ^bf the library, I. i{;ug-^ on in'iho Dawtoh round-ifp are.said | Local frieaoN have learned of rne Deccn-.ber. Hartford w\is trailing 12 gcst that yottiobtuiivvtiie servicoi;;..oT-: Government Depository for Postal 'Savings to 'have impliffiated Wise in thV Go- ana-rage last week of two weil knovxn to 13 av a furious game vvhcn-White , the state Libi'airyV Which ; will'sendf," bles "jbl:)!" . • jHartiard young people. Htnvard of Watervliet became confused and \ someone to advise .with and''assist i HartfoMl Michigan A^onteroy. son of Chief ot Police and dropped the ball in Hartford's has- you in this'.'matter. v- TIME IS SHORT? FOR PLANT Mrs.: Clarence 'Pomeroy. and Miss ket which won the game for Hart- r 3.. Your health and;,physibal cdu- r. MOWMWI INSPECTION 1 Dorrs Garner, daughter of iMr. a'nd ford. 14 to 13. Without doubt it 1 catioli is coinmendabl6''as"'far'as it it; Fia-mers in thi,'^. section Wiio desire [Mr;-'.' C. C.'Garner. The groom is will be the game of the year. goes. I would suggest that as, fast; i',,

I'll I • fnV resiilts, and ^nirtn:^^ 6th^i':;poii.ilt|i?|;jiJ& 'iitpoji^jj^il!^ •i^uy^: 'Vd gob(^..'en6n|:ii 'd'or .'nve) Cij>Je{i;nedl'.fVir-|)ie^

I'' ' • . y ^; • \ Pi'"i'| V,,. ;'|i:r m

i I ' hi't I week's blij5y.ard whliidi sent the.ji'thc'ex.treme cold. While the-.trunk-- hereabout?., but' the department | j.^^.^,^. Satlirdav when a group of mercury •to the .:)nti;nttou^ly^ I'worc clo.sed for a day or two. Thoi And you can help at no cose to yourselfd'When you |need ; , for iiour: days, kept ,the trunkliivcss,: Harttord school L-ontinued to hold Rejjular meeting" of Hartford hive (H^^^ ^^^^^^ ^-^^^ furnished hy^ Mrs. sugar buy Michigan Made Beet Sugar. 35?000 Michigan - [ '";..^; • •'Hifjh^iivHeai!. ,. , , , ...... , , op<*)« i.and p'cwed out jt'ie couittiyj lis t|cssiqris, although attendance was L. Oi T. M.' Thursday evehing.' i ^^^^'"^ Osborn. Mrs. Osoorn rec£av- ' Dixie Star'Lump dTht'l-SlirheU'^^^iJ^^ IWSSI^. roKl-;^^ High ,wind in many'; to ncix'oti.'Ue the !;eavy drifts. Lit- f'Vank C. Stapleton js quite •' • • Sugar for a living. If you don't buy Michigan Made Beet of th'c'road-i as fast they weV'D'i tie dahiaf.ce; locally resulted fropi; the his h-ame qh East Main street. j ing. buncd.. Mrs.. Bnssie Osbor'n re- ploviod. Local temperatures WQr;e' storm, other thai ,the freezing of ; Th(j: Daughterjx of Union Veterans | r^eived the bell prize and Mrs. Neita Sugar, you help the foreigners, i • I'' , We Arc Alwnfys F!te«:Jt^;,Serve 'Ymr:,m -y-pm i^m$^ re;3o'"tod as ktw as 14 b ttlow'.r.erodn I Vv^atpr pipes, and Pcher minor daiiTage will iineet this Wednesday .evening j Widtner the eonsolation. The .piests thi; viiiogo and as much {'S 20 below ;j that kept Ihe. plumbers . bttsy. Ihc. at 8-.o'clock. ' ' j were Mrs.. Lucille Osborn and^RJrs. in the country hereabo ns, ;;he difl-{storm'in it."^. durtdioh and Intensity ' Mr" and 'Mrs, Darrell iKough are | Maria Duncombe of Keeler, IVfrs, • WANTI2D—iViiite J^eiil^Beai'iiflm i^Slli cropimoy being dtic in I r>art to tlilG , was one ol! the mbsl severe that the parents of a daughter, born : Ma tie Leel Mrs. Bessie ^Osbcrn' and varii^ition in tiermomcl(?!rs. ' Orchallid j HajdCord has oxp(;ricnced itr years.; Thursday rhorning, • I daughter.'Betty. Mrs. Nettie Dunbar, ov/iv:rs arc already aiannod'- over : Milder weather yotoday precipital?- '. Ji. L., Calvin has-been Wfined- toi^"^' ^'^^e Acker. Mrs. Helen Lamh, 'I,: th? sftfety of the poacl biicij^-, iem-.{'Dd a thaw and the i^now is .settling. hiii^ how.c on B;ist Main street'by all- j^J's, Majde Drullirtger and Mrs. .no.«s the past week.; ' . 'Neita V.'idner and son. B'addy of mmm^ -t^'" (i-««d'.t'-^ :d:-,tet-d '.^^^^^^ m Hartford,' Mrs. Adah Li-ndsley and Milton Lee, who has been serious• AvailabU in 5-10-25 and wb lb,: sacks, Forsali' at ail ^(icers. daughter. Donna, of Lawi-encc. The ly ill of rheumatic fever--at his farm blizzard of the As-eek prevented other iiom'c southeast, of towh,..js conval-i Farmers and Manufacturers Beet, Siijgar Ai^ociatioci ir;\dted ^ests from being px-es<-mt. and •escing.' .„ _ , . ' Bay City, Michigan ; We will not tell Mrs. Osborn's og'e ,Mrs. Grace Vogel of" Springfield, Phone 9. ' John;?^BGy'pol|:M but' merely tell she was borri, Feb- O.. and two children, are guests of ^ . her sister, i\^r3,i.A. M, M&nning and f family. •... • ,. '. Percy Plenderson, of Keeler.' is at i New .JBorgess hospital, TCalamazoo. i where' he' underwent an^ operrdion i ..'or frppendi,citis Monday. | 'UBBY'S; GEM or The regt^lar n^eotjng. of the Jolly | m Mcnarach idub .has been po$topned: to Thurs- J- Fribcy Red day,'February 23. and will be held T ..•5t_ the home of Mrsi. Ed. Stickne.v. 2-111). ; A ijpecial meothvg of Florida lodge, -"Sid'i; 35c\falue P.A. M., will-be held tomorrow m can*; .n.'hu!rf.day) eyenin.c^ for v,-ork in the \ first degree Refreshment.'s will be [ served'at the closej > i St<)ddnrd Unit No/D3 of the Am.er- I Noflhern 4^-'^4'-3;f3 jcan-Legion Auxiliary will meet at; Tissue dhe home of iVIrs. Leah Diggins Wed- | nosdfiy,, February 15, v/ith a pot-luck dinner at, 12:S6, and sewing in the af• T IS "siTfiatt," but requites no^great amoun>untfoi^e^ali^.0t ' )feMtj4 10 Ik. ternoon; All m,embers are urged to be present/ ; I of cIemh?ss;'todcc)oJ|cit^^ possibliWe'dscityfee ^ii:.. :||;J^^^^^^ Bob. Smeed, 10-year-old son of Mr, dinner;^//^:f fractiire of his right arm above the i tiusbandot^uesjslookihgjyoiirloveliest,ribtijtii^sbiffeS^ wrist'while-iskiing Saturday. He was |' proyiJed you cook-efecttii!^^^ '. . ..' \yho|^;with||M^^ ,at the ,Ed. IJeatty.tplace in the north- ^ "Ovpr .a 'million Am«icanii^miIies-nowv K 'ari;liipk.iin|ffife^ enst part'o;t' town and being-unfam• iliar with, the'slide he turoofed mt-o j sajoy'^electric cookery. Wfe. home itiaker'in " -fzesh^ towM^^ WitJb cry^t; warig a gravel,;pit., Dr. J. D.'Stev.'art re• duced the fracture,,i The Women's Council of the I'cd-| ftecdom from kitchendiiidge^^^ elec-; .:;^^^a^\rfc^itcx.'<^^ crated '.church... will me-.H; on Wednes- \Vhite day, February 15v at the ,Christian i :ric range :asstu:ejs'... no'ilohg lilours sta.ty(iing^'i' •'.Goni|,ih;rtI?iw^ft^^ Peanut IBuller church.; A business session and.c.o- Dver a;compiexic>n.desttojang^;he to:'cook'ranges.!i|a;

:'1 m »»;,.;?(i-'\t(i>*»

I. r :

1.1 > flartforcl Da,y Sprine, Hartford, Michigan II.'m • I •• •• \mm •iwJi —^1*- li • III II Ml ' • ''•

Seen A'

Sceries and Persons in the Current News! Baroch Tells Trank'^ a Good Joke., .proberfor


. : i:-

I - *; • A' III ;1

3 •

m ;5- • :^^f'


• :.;^•^^• Mngi'-'i HfltT--'"".'' f I 1

•.V. ••.;<»•., • y: • •' • ..:.'%.-.v<*;>^'

ForUin'.'iii'l .b'ocbi'M ol" Now •Ab)rli:', ;" w!;o \v;).s ;iiipolnlcxI coirn.'^bl tiv 'ihio.jj i a I Uibte'l. 8f:tlos soiKito sirbtxbniniltt^cy'{':g2?^ [on tKinkin;^ niul cm'i'oiity.j 1o ooil-|;'*; .;' -bp'"b;y If- b, &v^|,k^i;b:,-^ivb^'i- I ' dih;! :tli() Ntocb iiini'Ky.'l. iiiqnh'y!; »• :. , "">; '"iri"^",""•»' jy>•>ax.(i^;,!,ii,i.-^^^! Itjj •mhiWJ'lii.• ;:l«v•)t • ;• »•.;n•.^Nb'^*l j'>l!A't,^^ Lirnl bfsti'ibmbrii' otb soHirbios ' fi|;jj:l.i|'lilV- lieirvy siirf (li'iA'(MV hyitbo Ivl^iihAvdfi^il^.N^^^ will bicliide a survey of. th(,M'r:yi.Vu (•<;ijia.i>O/a':'0\\%'iiit,Vt'>^^^^ oi' hoioes werb blowb 1'i^^ib).M:)H^Inbusrjipb!.^tbb.-': : • •; ":nb bib;;-- b;'-b. f-'b «:>...r: :• ' ' ::bb'^b:.4v4i!i#i- • 1 '•; v. w'' .> •.-..'r.'.jr 'i; r'.ie M>-'W .\')5>iJh"'t, i> s'b-^n lioro tr-l'l- sihilily, to t,lio [inbllo nt! torpor;.itioli K-{V::-si '! :"i'-Avl':'! \\\\\\ \\ c\\'.H or n».o-^Nni.:.*' );:'t<, who I.m.vmi in:!-!" oh-,':;v'(;li-.n' of il'ie I'livrnnn • b••:!-•,..^^'V..:-:, :i: y bo ;--i:,'>-'L ^b nr. W.-inu Sni-iiiiiS,.'rh'(* "i W(v (.b'roc't-oi'.«. ', •^••i:tbib;;;bb-|.i' >..!<».- I Ch;ico -Jed. •J'•'!•'>'>; It. L' •i'.rrai.lV.'-. hnMi(li':!d:Mal ii.'l.ni.- ;i vu';br:';:yo Link-Side Story Told by John D. New?Bridge;Oiveir:;the^ Hudson-'at

Gov. Rolph Altaelied by State Grange LEFT HA'Nr) CHAMP

• ..|;-i«-M;;^bbb'

r •!X:/>..-^; w 1 b,; iiii • .:'ib lii *bb y^-bbbr" ii

iillilillii ^ •..yjl'X'*|....>-^', :.;.K.:^.:.;.:.:.:.;y|;X^^<.-(...... vv^ ^^;My, • ill:

iibsfo b\.b Ail ibiii j;'^bi by:^^--b«i mm '») Ifi :

: i'^^tft* . ; yV mi Vb5^:- ml •;i.v (.^ ISP b''v^- -1'^

1^^' w '- K • ' -' ~ ' , '' . •> ., - • ' . Nbb'W of '(lie iiew l.irl;.i^c^ .'OToil's tlie' )'l .(^>yv'bii'i'^s lb*»!i'h. :/ir.,: Of' OnbfeVi ill, is hofo'sliijwr .In ; >vii IV.-iii- ; pj.,_„-| sii-biy. .\...r.. who tlei'beriy" b''iiin;iii, \\\U) ofMhi' 14; A'-rnbr (^f) fir:)s;iii II i >^i^nlii!: lln., i,nnbliij;ijficv !(i snivt uovlc : ri;.rlit.:;' • . ybv >.• l.^iy i.M'i'ue. .WliiTe iic, y\'i;is; I'ceoN''fin;;' i'l'-un ;!if;iel{ ,

mm ilsabeli 'to Be .Presiidential Pleasiire Yacht b^y:^'^b.:" *'Ot:c*; Hp"- r; •b-.'-.t--" ;:oy^ b:e -;.vy .Tel.n D. Re.<--Uefeller toils' to his 'Jill, 'rtv;'irr.'i:i• ;eb-."'it]r(• n, .T.>bn ::: (i I'..!><>;•.•• b\> ("'.jev.-j*. wlio are nrileui: Hsteiiei'!?. .y.i:- .'.vi ty.••,•>.•:•• - «•'•.' ibe ^•.•:;r;er*.^ i,;-;; (Ms tbe (i;-itM!iil r.eneh yoli' links, lb'"' (wbt-r b;if''-k;y'--':,-r lib.-::- y "br^^ ••iV 1..m\\ f.ivcr ilio

^•^g? b:!' ^i

JOHN LAW HIMSELF :v;-y; 5 1 IjV;;>^;;:;;:|yy:-:|:|: \ REORCANIZER



\ '.'1/hO lb S; .si'iinbo.*it li-.j'jbeb fortoibr.ly station 6(1 "in ti-e , ] lubpib-ues, whJeh wjir'b.e 'eonvorrcd Inlo.jt ple.'is- vp-e yacilil on ..viiloh rMvnli<'!,:n Ibb l'!;0osevol(; will, i'eviv.e •^ve^Jb-ell(l < r lie is in/in;.::ur;iteb. The riev,- loii«e worknienihnve s'(:nrtoil'ithe^dni-ge' tnsk'oi: km y. y j-jicht AVlil. tJiiic. the I'liiebbol' ihe i!onuor ProsUleiilh'il .bont''. M-.tyilc-vi-er, . vrii;lch;' was (.liseardeO • hy- I're.-ibeiit. WliUe Flo 11 so rpir.6vii||t^:h6:'orllya Hoover I'mn1i1 (litliee exexecii|ive e o/^iceTln' tlio' W'hilf IJc^ti^o. ^l^ic phol;ogr!:i};.ir,slioy.#H;l!feiM.:lbaa^^^^ S''jK-b^. 5! .>.S\v. erateiS't'o he'J sbipi^ps d to .thebFroSldenll's' lioine, i'n ,pilirornin.:_ ' . !^ ;J;| Jb-y;;. . ,|; :--bjj:v:b|| LKbfCyr m I .I'le C'".'enm:r Vv-ili be spent \vith cards. j fvlrs.; Margaret Roi-ick. of. Fj-ee^:oib McKenr.ios soei'aFlime and bght re''-, Nlr.s. Vlorenee' Turner 1 I has ('':h;KA \v in;dce a;j .ibdefinile \'isit freshnients followijyg 'the pro'griuVu Corresponilent . With ia.'i','Iji'Otber, Hf.','M'y, Kri?,ov,y, and Everyone inv'iie.d. :b'-^{::fe wife. tlajii- iTCirne fyi- Eu:' ^;;^ CoV'.)\t hui-i. been ex]-;erioi;(.;:r.ft; ^•'");TiO February 1,1, at'lthe lUnhe ob Mvs.' ;jr;v 'iVI.irie ,.behr. n-ifo ol'.j.fCarJ KloeiiV. v,9l'' Colomii -'ukI their of' the coldd.yt v.-eatber j'ocoydftd 1;; Elsie Wilcox., south of Covert. Mrs;, btt'M'b--* Di:' ritbj:, Liebr, passed ..away at hev; llimili(!.^.' She' ab^o Jeave.^-. a :ytep- jncoiy yt?a)y;. Pump!-;,' en^ine.^ a.nd Wilcox "is a sister' of Mrs. Strks. Have you bought you'r, ticlcet tb Mm !a)-nr .bome .so'.vihv.'cst of C'>\'cn at' ;dau«hier. iV.irs. J. W.Bri.hoke oi' Ai'-- many cellars .tJi'at.-Jipver Jr6z'e'"b.e.i'orc- Swag-nr Sherlej', the Ivennicky the home-talent "play. "The Mystery ]>.'\\\\, '^bioh^floy. Feb)-vuVty'-•7.; I'jington 3-iei;;hts. behidej- a host of jiave been cauibny ib'ts of troubie cencressiuan and wartime head c;!: of the Masked Girl?" T. O. Spelmaii, : vittoi''Kovcrnl y<'ars .• ctt |-pooi' health.', irielK'iS to, niournb hicr ios.s. ()bi!.- tb'e.'^-e lii.si ft'vyclay.s,. T^'nlbc ba.s been the house . appropriations eomniit- Tbe fuueral w.i.^ held aitJi.. Calvitv iiai-y fOLUid elsewhere'i;i this i.ssuc. tied ufa., no Creybouad bu^.scs or and L. J. McCarty have charge of toe. V, ho was eotnnn'ssioiied by Pre$- b:5i3$ ; Due to tlie bliz/ii^-d; tlio, anndhl;, t\ab')s having, ^'one- through since' the sale-pf tickets. Thcs^ are also; W. Ctapebin CovcTt on Satur<;b»y afteit' ident-Kleet Roosevelt to, .supervise . - .-i'lb^ :rbg;<»:tor o/the Oburch of,Go':i,,olTicial;'-' •club \ylth'"'elect]oi) of officer.'-'. \vd;''no't eornc on, Thuj-sday but was ti\e formation of plans for a com." j aciuUs "and.^10e''^o.r"school clnldren: plcte reorj;'ani;.ation ol. the entire Don't forget the,bate, February 2.'3,.\ .WAFEiSilb •b'^;Ji';V.-.- :w ir . fii.u. Bvirial wa;- iu:the family lot •at; b" held id.the liexl t'oiiblai- meeting''I brought ,t>y eai; and truck Friday V. '9. federal government. Sherley is as• • i-b;^h c<-bieiery. .<,oiithwe8t of Coven. ,ou February 24, ht tb.e borne of Mr.'-'.land Saturday. The" rural _earrier^: t: • for' 'most'id^ltes 6b b.|)q; r.nmbier n*f the conhtry's leadiiig' ' ;• .. , inciibaitieicl^ly.^'.,;.;riy|^^^^ K'l'jllici'.s,: biern-v Kloess of !Oo\'on. above .the posfofTiee on Main street.. t-'be.r the'/it'wder yjzn'X o-f tlubr icuie.s MRS, ,MARiK tiEHR.:. , , yii-iJ cial policeman, is namcd;'..JoIin: La'w. econof)iists and government .exports. Pi •It will be an afteruo''?n mcetini;, on Frida.y and Saturday. There was Mrs. Marie Liehr, wjfe of Di'etriel'; BROODER: T)HJip*C>NiETlp^^ And when John hokls up his, banc Nine Uubes. braved t'bo |storm. !io\. - ji.\o ;'-.eh6ob Thursday "and Friday as Liehr, was'born "in TIess'er.i .Germany,'! m v' inCUBA'TER THfipI^^ii^ e\-er. to. .!.jb 10 the ho'ine of Ivlr.s.ithe busse.s coidd not :na):c tl-e .side tO; n civilian, and says, "Stnn.:' thar on November 20v' IbC^. and : pa-ssecii •b ;•• .|. III ..Gunsaub J'or the pot-Uiek dinner on I'oads. .means; the law is speaking doti'oly away at her lionte in\ CoVort town*. i'; ;• • • PIPES5for^'aIi,bjl0bde|ste?vM;il'| 00 .'I'rJday. andjtiad a pleasant;liipe.' - Jonn W. Sv.'oap of Paw. Paw. bind ship on Feb. 7, 11)33. at, the age ol! The Yown^g'ipeople'n S()ciety, uf th<^' pn)o: .Swoap; of.:KaJarriazoo, were ir.i of, Stai-Fvobekah lodge No. 6b. wishes . The following program'will be G8 years. 2 months and 18 days; SHo :•'•• . SAP PAILS, •10^-ip^4i^:12^Mgt;;.li^:ib'i?"' yf Con;L:ieA?Mtiopal church, who have; Coybrt on bi.t.'^;iriOss Sunday, that nil Rebekahs co:r.e to lodge: j given at tho regular P. T. A. meet- came to America with- her mother' beer'i ' r c' a cb i n religious i' Miss Alice Ceder of Souih Bend.' early; on February 22 >^;> as to call i ing on Wednesday at the school and two bvothebs, Henry-and. Gurj, .' b '*sAP-slP]!i^^M^-v^b'i^bbb.^^ NEW FACT<; ABOUT HMPWiHW, dr.unas expect to dram;iti/,e one ot' .cpont the weclr-end i.n Coven, lodge prompt]y at 7:.bO p m. Th^:'j hou.^e, with Mrs. Wilber Westoti as Kloess,~\yhen she was IG years, of age i SLEEPtESSWIiSSbOEBILITV, ETC. y., :.y;-';. .their plays- './'Neighbors" by .Zona j Mr. and M^s. 'Ru.'^seJl McConnell •.\ i.? Acidity i.s u duiiftof j^iKimb l)or)'t be-* MasoTi'-: arc giving their am-aaaly chairman: Piano duet, An,gelo and and lived fornuuiy years in Chieago;, Haiistiod jiicn'ly i:i corroct !l)o.o(.>:i.,( Gale .^qon. The public Nril.l be invit- i expect tobspend a few day.s v/it.h her Washington party on that date and -INIariar. Grano; clarinet solo. Marce-j She was married .to Mi-. .Liohr oil (i tion in yoi.r ^toniaeh. \odr 011-. Cd, • . parents. Mr. and ' Mr si Martin, in |ha\'e inv.ted the Rebekah and F O. lyn Weston; reading. Mrs. Blanche July. 4; 1898, in" .Melvinb:JLOw'a| and' ' ' ' " • ' , ,•'SyRUP'<3^^.^.r tirq 'wysroi'i ib uoaconiod. Take " The iinon^bers- of |. ti:ie u Library Ada, Mich. O. F. lodges to attend as \vcll as. Grant: song, Mary Quinri. Marian they lived in numerotis places; in tht;' GOLD MEDAiL board anoi'jtheir resp(jctive wjves or HAARtCni OIL CAPSilL i£S Tbe Febi'uary birthday committee the Co^^crt Chapter. O. E. S. Due to j Grano and Helen iVfikota; music, west befor.e coming to Go.yert ?^\boub hu.s.bartds Will be ent!,er.ttiined at the of'the Women's Chureh Clnb v.bli so r.'iany oilier activities during ihoiGnofrvo Trio; solo. Wilber W'estOn; nineteen,years ago.' Since.then they riioy, stimuUto your kidaeys ,80' :^ivb tittii ithcy fTOO your wnoi.is inoiiv: ?ioine of thL'ir librarian,; Mrs. - Orioib entertain at the home 01' Mrs, Irv• v.^cfck it wa.y impossible to cb.angc | reading. Mrs. Eleanor Cannavigliton';' have lived on their; farnt which is V . - Second .hand, ^squac^ •b!iiSfe|:gQQd'cii>^ of more aoiciB, S60 if-thoy donb •Heed, at a co-oporai;ivc! supper on ing Ei.senlohr • on . Thn'rsclay. after- the date to some other night • M'ol dance, three gbls; feature song, one mile south and one ai:i.d a ciuav--. liivit^ idievo Aj.r/yoar acidity trouble, fe'at^^ipy. Monday evOjiing, FebriUiry 13. Their noon at ,her boms on V/est Lake Mr. Ru-'^se'il McConncIl announce-s Dorothy and Delbc't Luipold; His- tov, miles west 'of Qovert oil the ,y. 1,,' . ''U b ;•'..- bbly'""^.'' tii»i<(ttOrj aoi.D mbdal. . , .. • 1 "'f'i • •bi> ;j regular monthly .biislne.s.'; • meetioiti, .street. It is the reguhgb 10c .tea. as his topic for next Sunday. "The toi-y of tho P. T. A., Mrs. Belle former, Van Oeke|^' place; They wori' m b'Nvill fo'lovv the .supper'after which'' Mi-s, Nellie Palmer. Noble Grand 'Road to .Happines.^.' /bllman; birthday ceremonies. Mrs.. (Continued' on page' 7.) :'•;•; JIM:-, •kiliiijiiibi •^bi.l'b^:-bF:,a|^

r ' i''b, ill' ^yr' : i{^.y.^MV^iJ^^;;V.,yy.;,,.^>.y .^;?M;,;c:^iV^

liibstebiigsilii mm*

Hartford Day Springy Hartford, Mkhigan rr^" ^^^^ iw made tt> the por^joiu payiUK the full that the dei'endant«, Odell ConJtlin, au'iH bOBt'or niy Jfi^o^Y'U'dKe mid b«H(>f, , ... amouwr. ehartrod agnlnut such piUc-ol; L. Koilo Con.kiln,, no not roHltUf lii th*!*. Probe Stock Market and aceeptini: a omoyant'c ol' the state of MlehlKiui but resiae'au -iWAt, Taken , ;"Hnb^[;ribed ,nnd/ Hwbrn .1 o be'r' The Dm Spring's Popular !?in«llos« niKllvided iVe i^lmplo lijfe.iv.'^t .NO'rth IToyno' AV05)ne, Chicago, lilln': foivci nic this.: ;.., rest and renialiider o'! Stale of MlelilKan, My eolninlsHlori (2 th4>n the whole pareol shall bo o.tVii'd si«lK....,. ,11)— ' : .V, -i? CL ADS Subject:'Mind. and M>Vil. If any ptxroel i>f land oj\nn«t ne persouully served on Ma Id': defend' , l!))on receipt , "devlKOeis, Jenru; jWi'ite )3i (iho i*<)«lHri,al.)oil booltitJio muno th\> time bein^. and shall, or. the sue- toos,. or as-slKUR beeaune It Intiot kuowiv of tlie npidJe'),int toti'etber winr.!tbe vlluW* Adverfcisjmonts in tliis will be jptubUshedl a<. the rate Siirely as I have thought'.so shall coedhvc day. 01; before tho i-loKe <>i: the ae.d it ciinijt>t l»e asceriained Iii/Avhaji Informairou required by Ihl^. ehn'pfvj' oi''^5 cents per line for tlic Ar$t week and 3 cents per lUie for lit; come to pa.ss;;;and as IJhave pur-., salo, 00 reofl'ere«l. and if, on sneh Mee- .state, or court. thi>' said defendaiitw re i. and ancdv i'ly reji'lHr ©Ji notary inuwt be SalcmV Lutheran Church. Hi'H'Us cause iheu' appearanee (o. be en!! :a(:t4ivhed.:' ' ' \'-\ wm be clMtrRcd at the rati) otS cents per line for each' iiuscrtlou. Circuit Court of Van Hwreu Couiity Coloma, ;,Mich. thii -\"th day of ,1aunary .V. V. V.m. teiHHl wlthlu thi'wo inonlliH ffoiii thp KoK'iHfradon of Absenlvt^ ny.Od'tii. , ' date of this order and as lo ithe .fcwiA 1 See. D-.I'art M---Chap. .Ill; Jf. ',:' -W. H. Franzmann, 'Psstor, • JLE.NN 10. WARXEU, niiy ronutersijinod. Circuit Judj^e. defendants, namely, Ddell ConltlDf .and piiri^ixu who^o nuin'e l.H npear;i, h)i>^ vesbJea 111 (he Vl.l:i]yAGJO T\Vl.]N'.l\y. Audltoi General of tho State of .Mleh- a nee <.d' any of i:<;am V7,Q Christians of today need that rtspectfuUy ^*hows that the list of bill of, i-opipuilai;' to be Held AVlllilU: liU'ly (ho ;i')lace of Jils ,er her vesl'd.on<(e'' 'and Mnry ^t.roct'B. ; , 10-tl. ill'teen ilays aftt.-r service on .ifhem (tt- iu,id tliat .bo or, whe ))OKneNHe(* llio othVv Coinu in !iiu) silf;'i. tl)c iv'tjibt -Iuumu'sh; example. We arc, so tospeak, fair Irving Ben Cooper of New .York, I lauds iiorcluatter set forl:h and tnarkiiil at Iho vliflit \)vlo >. Our h»rn,>!«f. 1h iiuuUl j "Seh*'diib' A,'' contains a dosei'lptioi! a copy (if siild hill and i\(di<'o of Mils' ;ir. uu'.vc. «:iMJSeUlPC.'':iOKS TAlvitN for all the. weather Christians. Ufider ordinary ^v\\o made a reputation in the former- ; of all lauds in sab! County of Van order and'that, In default thereoJ!, said coj^uUtnllon j aJKl' (hat owiiiv to ivlio l>lli will l>e taken a's confeirfHi'd by sleknesri br b<"'Uy InllrnvUy-o,!' lvlini;elf Stop Iti; ioul loi'k It, (tvi'f. ;ih-.o now. KudiDir uJasaKliiOB, iiud (IbU.v papers.' circumstances we are'; quite proud M.nyor Walker JAVcatigation, has been I I'uren upon which taxes woro assiessed qoiJuvK a,t viHlvu'oil '.u'l h>s.., V.v'u ,c ii yoiii'' ;^'.pV«Ji>l .clulbliiK rates on &.;me. Your said defendants. ' j ov,lit'i'solf :or; Kuine oiluu' invinber • of bl'ij of . b'viing' •believers in Christ. But appointed to conduct the Senate for tho y;^avs montlonod tlnu'eiti, atwl buMio.NK ifor riMi.Ui'N niid olllnu tit rc', I'liLrouagc '.Vlll' bo appi'ts'lKtcd.^ Mrs. i v.hli h were retnrnod as iteliiniuent for It Is further ouder<'d . (hat aSt, to the or ber I'liniDy. or o\vJn«; tovbJs- or Juii* chirV.l ;>iMc"M. HAN'COi: ; .11 .UJ X lOSS' iMrtreiico M. iTurner, Author.zoU JtepJO- v,'he,n it comes to .suffering a finan• Banking Committee investigation of , iion-payutont ot ta,\os. and which taxes above l'ron.V Ihe vliluKe on public b,iH'; MllOl*, l?u!ij;-:><\ Mich 'i;.|,;u wilJiout Inte.ni (o avoJdl br'delay hin or pending our energies our money total amount of. su»^h taxes, wi^th in- '\V.\N'<'Ki) - - Vv i-oni. slocki id KViiiU artd rorcst computed thereon to the tliUe fix• Donklln, wlio , reHlde in the slalo of. her reKlKtratlon. heor lijbe wns'.nnnb'J,ip' = I'avn;.. ;.Iay l.nidV^'. Stt'U^|i;oi>i Car- in Hl^ cause, we are inclined to ed tVr sale, and coUovrtlon fee and ox- Mfehi^van anil on whou\ perHoiial ser-• to malio applfieai.lon for i;et?lBtratlon on Lansing today to attend^ an ediaca- vice is to he lunl.. - . ' Jihe birft, day; provided, by Jaw for th'e• '.ContiiVued from page shrink baciV ^ lieuses. as i^rovldcd liy hnv, oxtondod' 0<) tionax meeting at the Prudden aud- ; a.ii:nnst each of said pari-els of land. It iH further ?ordeVed lha i '^vi'lhiiV re^'bderlUK.. of e)be(e,r,s j)reeo01n«' su<^)j i <:ALK -Alt'.ill'ii hay. l(ti ."The English .service is at 9:15, Sun• •li). days llie said plalnllll's ,c:!uise no; i^l'eOVlon' or primary • eleotloUj then • tU'C- itoriimi, at which school officers and Your ] etltiop.or further show?? to the n,ami! of tfueh perHon's lall bo, re:;l«l<.>,Vr •s rv'.'C. mvim'n:a;id ma;iy friends in Covert wlicre they', tlce of this order, to' be jniblliiihed t'i'oui priv day .School and Bible Hour at .; delegates from P. T. A. associations, rCourr fliat said lands wore r'?turi)od ,Qd;' and ho or Hhe''«bnll I llionj bo >j)er'nUt* VI. Powers. -"/J mi!(>H oi'ld.'wc'U 'Ci arc highly respected [by all who ; to tho Auditor General uiuiei' tln> prt>- me llartl'ord IJiiy:Spring'.' a. newspape!!' German services at 11:00. ' Women's clubs, charabers of com• i)\tl>Vislicd a)vd cireulnled iii saVd eu\ud.7. teil., to vote ni wueli election, or pvimnvy km-withorrl. Mrs. Lielyvhu^ been in . visidiiM of Ad; "JOii the I'ubllc .\ets nloetioi). !lf ,!>u -Fi ' lo dol.cato.hoidth for several years and tlvLn-ein at' least, once In, each Sveek fo,i' matief, wllfuPy. • make !an'y ffilse slatt*?' m'Xli r Immaculate Conception Church , i>f jiaid taxes for sali.l yoars rosp!'i'«'t) route. >txtH'i' be'present. The conference is being • iveiy. and that said taxes Remain un- six weekH in., sueeesBlun or ,that they has not boen able to; get out as cause'a copy'of thiit oi'ib>r to'.'oC' per^ of ;.l)er,lni;y.; Auy Jmspdclur sof ><> , K each of -said un,- Mass a't Hartford next. , Sunday; confronting the pub|ic schools of knowiv auHident. sal in; tho'lcar while he did his er• the time above, prescribed for I'lhe, llrn? ' .,All the provision^ ri'.'Jatlve' to rejrlKfi •chism instruction classes. Last Friday, niglit I thirty fnends ;:ta.ves und«^r the provlsious of the j^en- li'iUlon in to-.vn>ihlpn: and , cities kIiuJI • '1'.^ l»u^ 11 Wli!:i> IN'lilii, rands.;; _S|i<> was of^a very friendly oval tax laws in fori.'*; prior to tVie of their appearanee, , I ' . , ar.. iV, ,1. IV, O'MalUy, j;. Mass,at Watervliet at 9. •.jand neighbors braved the snov.- and GLKNN 10. AVAiltNIOlt, r ,aj)ply and be in forOe ii.s to reglstralloVi , du^.'U ,;nnd disposition,; but quiet a)id unassum• ;Pas>.a;;e of .Vet -'t)0 of the Public Acts hi vllla'ji'es. . , I.iivvencr Due to^seyere cold weather Sunday of l.*^!)!, ami which taxes remain un- .(.Mrenll .JudH'i% ing Sjhef-ivill be preaiHy missed by drift:.;, to attend a birthday party KAUL i:.. UrKUANS,..'. . , . • Uated Feb. :\ . .' the church haPl was transformed in- pai.l. 85^ 5;>A\V SULl. 1 vlll ^l:ivt ni..- siiw uiilV her ;clatiy2s, friend?^ ij'nd neighborjj given for Miss Beatrice Thornton Attorney fi»r I'liitnt'ltrK. . ' ' I'.Vl'L F. JMCHTl-m; ,' , '', Your petitioner further .hIiows thiil lluslness Address; J'maV i.*aw,; Mli;li,;,:; - , • , , vniitjie Cterk.,^ lit J:<(OIoi' .Miirv'ii r. UniiK' ,Jii'' yoiu' but ,niost all by her; devoted' huj|» t«), a chapel for the Sunday service., at McDonald. A jolly time was had liu ;ill c:isc."< v.'hero ian(o: I .smtiiij;. ('ins. llfn.'' aiid all were warm and comfortable in ••Schedvvie A" a>i aforesaid for taxes To the above nii.me'.V. Defeiubinln, >vhl> bord ;Who.^ls now lei't ,to live alone dancing 'til the wee' hours of the are niiknowh, iu»n*vc»lden(, or other• jfoi* the occasion since the .space for • of ispo or of any prior year, t^ald liindii OKOKlt ron. l'l)J(Jl;lQATION. a.s -hoy ha'd xio children. .She leaves ijnorUing. Leonard Robinson fifr- have not l;eeii sold-fur said taxes ei- wise, aiul lo llieir unknown, ly.'ii's, dc* Jl<'hi(it Ailinf nSNt'i'allon ' A'ecouni.' ! 1 A s.vi.'io '.\'VM.»<'r,\ii;.N.'C' w.uu) mon besides the husband, hor.itwo broth-; siich occasion v/as well heated. For nished-; the music. Many i^ice prf^s- .:liavt> iH'vn Uevetofove sold for. said do- vlsees,^ leiiiitees, 'luui as'sl^ijs : ; . S'iiATW 01^ Ml'CfliUA.S—'Jfhe ll-'vobii'iv •; iAuR«« inlyin:.i'..<: in-\' v-euV i.uU r.*sl pny early masses on Sunday vv'e will 'ilin At a !!iu»iHio,n'ol' Hal.d (.'onrtv ilekl'ut tbo continue to do rik/ewiso during the uiade hiwc beeii .-set aside Uy u court of in Mil." l{>;Jr.. >vo .J.'ui'};'- 'riiMioy. •.'>'.: wife, four children. El;>ic, Gretchen. Berland E.-Peters. 29', a well. c-oiupL-teut Jurisdiction. .,or have Ifceu [uvolveV< title lo land. .hi... Van, Uuivlii Ptobale OlUee, In Ihe VUlii'Ke of., Paw v/inter :;-.eason. eunly, lehiH'aii. doscrlbedv as; follows:: •Pa'w in said i'onniy,. on the ;ilt. l\m: ; ' . v.'lfe of Cpiloma. and^thpir'son.-Car'I unl 'of .Main street ::!,"/•! IVoI. westerly fi'oei ;'. Pi-esent; I.Jon.'Mi-rle II. VoOntr, .ludga •Spiritualist Missiott. ^,P, died niddcnly Way «rom tlou-. aat wife .of Kalamazpo^ .also the , uAX':::.J^^S^r?XS^ the Koutheast corner.of" lot 1,] block 'A' i'of 'Probnio: , , . . ' ' s ' heart attack. .His- death occi;Lrved '.'Co auil expenses a>isi»t forth in s:- Id^ village of Hartford, accurdliif;' to Ihe j. in Hie'^bUier ioJ' (In.' ICwtiile of Liicy $l,oO. . ,M. Adir.'Uih, 'Wiit.'rvll:!, 1 iiifU) -Regular services-next Sunday ev- "Schedule A." U're a, valid lieu on the -.'IP stOi>-daughMM' by a foriner marrialgc. at a home iiear Sherwood's bay,P'ay? reordeil plat (hereof. tlMuiee nortii A. AVaJden, .lio'oinpeli'.ni. ' .• :, ei|(hig at ;8 o'clock .Ip;.!. O, O. F, hall. severVil i,V5l"<'els of Iwnds dx-^srvibed in parallel wllh the wl'st line ol, said;'lei;- PaitP U\ Jtlchiei',,;;'ilardlaii';'Of said, e^- Mr;;. J. W.'; Bruhnko-arid hsubahd of Paw lake, where he was;Aisiting';for si\n\ sehcdule. hvoii'd Slivs, . iU'K'AV iir R(iv. Madgf Hunt pt Dowagiac, \\'\U !H) feet, thence Westerly parallel' wltii« (ale, liavln'K-.Jlb'd .in said! 'soiu'l.'. hlW 'Arlington Hey,'hts, lU.r and a num• the day. He had been st;frering from - VcMit petitioner fuTlh(>r shows that the north line of'.'Main slfoet li-'M.. fee',|,\ • Apr! deliver the; lecture ;a£!-.nst,cd by a vi:-- 'iiii'.'U .;;nnrdlannblP iK'i'ountj and liJ>> ber of otlier** relatives. 'J'he above heart.ti'ouble lor some time and had ' Tho sni Main sli'eel, IpeUilon,'; jtraylnj; 'for tlrd, alleM'lin'ee iting medium, from Do^^'agiac in mes- lamls have re:)\aiued' un])a'ld for nioVe theiVce easterly I'liVi: I'wt to bcKinnlajj', uu). 'It p n a'. .icd reliiii;i\'es all • qa me to the 'thereof.. ' ,,i , • • > • ,. , ,. -•' is sia'ges and healing services.' Every• just" recovered'from penumtfimia. Kis ' tiijjn (>ne ye.ir after they, were relurn i beliiti' a piiiVl of the luirtheasl; t|uiirlet' i Id is Ordered,; Tllal (he, (!th -day Of ;fureriil in i>pile of thc'iierriblc snow body u.rs broug.ht to. tho Zuver & ed as deTii'.quent; .vud tlio. said Ukxes of tlu' Mi)Utheast 'in body welcoHiC. iwt haviny: been paid, and tlH' same • l>y 'ubiitli. A Uln^s a decree in faror of the t-^iate .)f ^^'.\.V1W.,• To roi.l, fan.i Av Ih wtork la Covert ' on Satnrdaj' afternoon, , Kev. liajnus; Lmidquist., pastor. the Keeler M. E. c)iurch tkt 2 o'clock , KA'HL L. lU'UlLVNS, lial'd' petition; • \ • ' ;. .Mlelii;«'au i a^uaiust eacli pareol ot', .f^ald AtloiVney for 'MalnlllT, lUid- tuols, Addv.HM J'.o.v: . i';n'v' oi' wil h "Roy.. Brandt ofHciating, Burial this afternoon, with Rev, H. E. Bab- ' laiid>ii, for the payuuMit of tlie several 'Jt* i.ti Fnrlher' Ordered, ''.J.'hat . pnbHo "Ait 16, r);iy nprhi^. i ^::-lt - , Coreit. .Mjchiiraiu Uuslnes.s .Vddress, Paw Paw, ,Mleii. jifiotloe , tberebf bo ,Klvon'. by .ipubl'leailOn .v;oi3 ip tb<*;,Fish c.em'C-tery. bitt of Watervliet officiating. Burial ; auuMVCts of taxes, iiuterest, collection (FlVst insertion: Fell. 15, ll);W,p 1 !iuJ.' a copy Of this ordcd', foi' tlivee,»>«<;'- m iv; i^^mm^^W^^0^ ;Tuesda'y, 'Sunday Schoof teachers' fee and expense's, as couMuited and ex- will be at. the Keeler; cemetery. De-; 'i'e»>i)lv;> weeks previouii 4.0 Hivid: day 6;f m.eoting at Alice Anderson's. Teach• (icuded iu said seht'dul" .at;alnst tUe hearing,; Sn' .ilie Jlartford Bjiy ,,Sprin'^',' Dinunln^i'. (eji;ii wiu'k.'.oi' lui'inii*,- I'luv Card of Thiiiiks. ceas^-^d-was nr. son of Mr. a-nd Mrs.' seviM'nl p.^roels of land contained there• M<)it'iH;A<;iif s.yi.i). Itiiy, UH'd, Iio^si.or I'lp'l. iV'ji'i Xk'liols,> er t^aining^^ ilecture number five is u i))Lnv(u Ip.> !!od..n. 1 the auiouut.s due t'uereon. as provided Hank of Sonth' .llaven, ' MIchlpin (,li I cwi J!»;;:;' !a'i:l sympathy extendq'd .to us duiv- ers. Discussions then take place and •student in an electrical school in Kitojji'iwtev ol!'''Proba(.e. . , p eoiplltToU. riil.l)or;! iM'iU'iy by law. to pay the lien aforesaid. baa'klii};' corportit'lon),, i'ec(U,',d<>'d In (he . ; {.First Ibsei'i lou' February S,' vpliites, ^BarK'iiin liuiulr*- ai I), y SprJiij,' inji the illness and d;ea;ih of our lov• VdWM $-' • hints for, better teachmg are thus Chicago. .Besides- his parents-, he is.:-, And v.Mir perirloiver wUl ever pray, oltlee of the UeU'lster o.ii' Deedy.) fiiit , ..-.:«.^_^>,^-__..„P . ,— ed one; for the beautifiil ilowers and. survived by two brothers,, DeLioyd ..^utc, .Van Buren County, Miehliian on the. gained. , ' • KlUi dny of October,,, i;)'-M.' lii lilber i:i'!;.' OKDFAt ITIVH I'l'UjAt'ATlO^f- I FOU .S.VLK TOO toiiji cloiiu i!iT: all'ii hi\y,l to. Rev. Bi'undt for his comforting ••, ;!Wenesda:!','Feb. 15. Bible study at of Kee'ie:.- and F'orrest, who reside at ^^^if^'^l January 'J:?. in:'.:;. ^ tif .M*>rt>i'au'»'''*''''>n p'u^i'e .71,,','U))on whiei,i , I .,; r\No(l^(e ol 'UeariuK:, OlubOHi. '. j^, JOHN. K. .STA<:k. ,Ir, luv»Ke, . i'l'P.Md, ;to sidl. , I'Iumio v/c-rds; , . ; home, • and tvo sisters; Mrs. Leo • 'inorly'aw'e anil theVilebli hiecuri-d'thei'cb.V,j S'JNVTM. (>F MKJHIGAN—',nje 'Frolia'to' ]i;nak, ar itv^^iinifc^ 201) F; 1 for :ipp< iii'itinil. Kiu'i i tJ'.j nil. I Ote Peterson's South Haven, at 7.;30.' Auditor General ot the Coiu;l' for Hie County,of Van Bureii.' ;'.'„• m!iv D. l.*iehr,U there isii due and unpaid la prtiieli^il'.' N, \V. H.trit'oid. <;j»ani)K'iiJl,, J.JroM., ''Thursday, choir rehearsal at Edith Re:,<>t of Benton Harbor, and iMrs sState .i'^l, Mleli. 'Hp . Honry Klocs?,,and. Family. Eicli's .home in South Ha\!en at 7'.30. Erag.er.e. ^lar'tin of Bainibvidger dred Fifty and 7r.i»(l (iji.TllliOiT.^) . 1)01- buuc K. • BrolherH. J.ieceased. v*^tate. Kirs. AVlIit. BF FOUIOCI^OSED by sla-r MoHee 'i^. hereby given. .Hiat fotlj.' .V Carl K16ci;s and family^ |Friday,'"Junior League meet:;^ at the V-y J. r.. .Moyan. SAJ/iO - II U'd ;.wo..(l. ,v.':Oiy eor-l;. IMCvKWAYS KEPT OPEX. tutory sale of (be lii'ivds therein den-' months froiiv'Ihe';i7th da.Vi of .liine,aiv ^ clnii .i?!.?.'; willow:- hUi'-k oak,' • Mr. and Mr.>i; j! W. Erunhko, church at 7;:30. Propam, refresh• ihtputy. <'rll)ed at public Veiidu.e, • for (he pU)I'.> \: i): lijiiiy, have, bee.'i .i1;K)W«hI for'(;rej,h L^r.'.'5iwg. — Michig.^n state ti-unk SCHFOFl-F A. pina> of p);ylny;" Sabl debt and ihe e.v-> iio'vs;; to present tbeir' ebiiniK n;,'aln'Hi ments and XI special . entertainm.eM of f.h«' lanils r.d'erred to as suM .deeea'sod- to Halii 'co.ljrt.for exanii-. SCHOOL NOTES. ; line highways witli tliree exception.s.. pense of this foreelosiire. at ilu^ nortih;. ''(;b^:t«o.Kit> lfe.^^}ili\Jaw•' pnbJtfirr^^C'fiyf^nil'V^ 'Foil SALlv-L'T lu'v;,;;'. !- luiio liarl- wjjl be featured. . ^ . , ^ iu ••Schednle A" oU lile In front door of the eouri; luuisii In ('lu^; na'Cibji a),id adj.uslmonl,, and that ali' <)';'iB.to6< k > ;byl a^j 'ii mw^mfMif;, <^t:,i^ Covert ;sAool aijaiiv commnnced ::^aturday, .9:30.. confirmation :^'ereftept'open for travel last week the uiflce if-i the County Clerk and sub• Vlllaji'e of Piiw Paw, In' said (^>unty creditora'ofl.HalUi doeeayeili,are reuuh'til i )r\m>ick Por6hFd|e^ll)6aH|^t:':s.^. ject to Piibllt; Inspection. ries, ^.'lytpes; friilt. ifrees. borsie, eo^^',' on February 13. It v/as closed on s'jructionl , ••, • ] during tne most severe storm since (that liidn};' the jdiice'whe/e Ihe eli'euie- 10: present their, eJahini to .'iiiald C'oni't, calf. ,i'ipi8.';' court fur said ,eonnty^ is lioUleu), o'li;" •lit;; tlie, prob'.Hieollltie, it\, tboi Villa ko <>f lioitH, lool>*; A(!di'('> of tiG buses to cover their day. , ^ , ..; V ; . j To keep the highways oper;.: em- the hour of '.»:()() o'clock Iu the }'oi',c«l the^liUth day of AbVy A. 1>. T.m and Ihiil;. i iMij iOon^icy? V MJ«lj-IK>.w4 ^'Mffcj^lteif.tWo! FUn .1 TUIOK:-" -•^v'rue-,|o-:uiuie .troeg ; pJayees of the state highway • de- cree of thv Circuit Court for the (."ouuty nooti, FST. • ' :''':. said .chilms wll.i, be heard'' b:,^ said eouVt •iiCito'^H M fthe• .norti «tVi$t%fcotQi<>^<'('ho)te'o^ • of 1.1 kinds. r.fioU'd by ;JT ly.eal's of to.itos. ' _ [10:00 Sunday School. Class(?.s for of Van Huron. Michis'an. in Chancery.' on 'Montiay'lhe-:.iibU dny of .May A.- 1). i ic w!jowii'HV, by lia'i't oij^'ot' ai'dtfirst^pnr't' . partment worked in temperatux'js ir.aOHt»U>lo deal n>'-s;ln W. :\llelVlu:i'.n.', The' rooms Hare being decall- . ' , and thus '10 be sold iifi' as follows: , .i , --'-"- "'-teat; .to lo IS . in a eerlain eauso HuK'd ',1 (I'll. li'Tth "A..1X 3,i>i$;). . ,. oivited f<)i:;;'ValontinG'M;Pay. Most of ,11:00. ' Divine wor.ship. "Get you rherein pondinji'-wU..rein .lames InpUls,; "The North Sixteen (W) t^ev'eM,of IliO', Count..'. Vhdr <.nr :iew Ail'plrl. .Saled srero in Detrciv- to 52 degrees b^elow Sonthv.'osl Quarter ('/.i) 'of, (be Sontbv e , M'KULK'H. .yuUXG,' i-- ;' :i. .S!i-,:.s\iryi>y thor^^;y^'-j-^'m^ th'ti grades, arc mnkJiiiii llreir valen- no, gold.? trustee, was plaintiff, and Hartford . Judfi'o'or Probate.'^ •in' Humbolt. Marquette county, Car.niuy; Comi)any. a M.ieblj:an corpor• east Qnarler-, tto of, .Si'etlot'i No. .'l.'Wi'ii* Co.,:reii(oi; Jhrbor.iAliclt. ' Jjtf tires wh»cf3 ihey will'give way. ; J7:S0. Evening vesper services. ty-oue 'g:1)..< Tojvn Oiie Ml) SoiiUr,' (Pirsl: imseviion Feb-^^.^JiW^.) j Duripg the heavy .?n,ciiv.^ and sub• ation. \Vius Favor I'rodui.'ts Company, "Wise, unio ^salvation.'' ,r a .Miehl^;an corporatitiu. tluardlun UauKo Seventeen . (TTT West, in ' IJlo; MmtU'iJAG^': .SAMC XOTICK. ^. , ELKC TfilC, LI(iIItIWlU1X^"d ro^ The Ai^rtcultural cliijb has taken ii zero "temporatures last Wednesday Townsbip of ,,SoMth llaveiir Van Bare f; ' I'fllfli.g. C. lalbivmih, ao;; M.ai^io' |A11 se'rvices" in, English, Welcome WarehonsHn': Company, a Delaware A ceria[i»-,^.noVinaK'e i(aledl.'Wiipteinbor(; CO lectioji from its v members with 'and Thursday, the 8,,600 miles ' of Councy, MichiKaii," ,, .St., J-jictford. ToI.;1cHJ. 'MM, Civrporation, and .lames Injj^alls, as Dated, Feb. I'J, lim;i. ' , 17. ail'J 1, .glVen' by lie'nry ll>.! Viui' Cam whielx; to buy some item for their t(kBet;hdVy. "' trunk'line highv.'iiys v/ere i^ept open ivutitee, were defencbints : andi'ildii 'A. Van Canrp.. liasbn.nd, iitt Xotiee is hereby .u'lv^'n tliat I shail FIKST. STAT'F BA>J.Js!|. wIf6, to the. Olney 'Natlonfll Bank/hr 1 1)0..^'^ STOP foricold wjiitber. Get .;pri3sidem, Ernest Wicks, who in the by constant v&q of plows. A wind of South'ninveii'^, 311cli''- " :,'.>u ,• old wlji hull], babbltli.'d! uvw, ro- sell at public atietian, to the hit;best coniorailouj of aiarifovd, l^llcblf^^n, • ro'j past week was taken ill, dae to some of almost gale-proportions Friday i . .i.'sfaii. Moi tj4'iii;'ee. ' ir puirs,, WW weliH. Old weUd reiJiilred. bidder,, at the north frouc door of the i'.FWis. ' ,. '. corde• r d SOptom'bor ,'.1S, lU^'l',. in the V?n ^I'cNV ii'tiidmlUs iKul t.'looh'l'j p iiupa. Al> in!'e«tioh.:' • . • • drifted the, .si-jow causing a blockade Court ilouse in tiu- Vl'lla.ue of Paw iA'SiS. :\: BtU'eii CoiUiiy Hejiisti'r oi' ll)'eed(i 01b,eM\ I'aw. MioUi;;an, <»ti Sntnrdav, the lirst .\ttorn.,\v lav Mori!^a;j:e<\ • ' lU ill (Liber v u;i of moriKURysiJ; 'puro : liV-v -so wrttup'HyxtC'jiiH. Si-e me ilr 1, CUfu-ii' The sixth graders ar(} making n<[t?,r Charlevoix, another north of Business . .\.dd,reHS, First Slate Ibiniic , Woo;;, at 10 o'clock In the BuHdin,!;', South i'laven. .Mlehiyaii. ' which- said', jnorl'KaRo avub' awsiymid by.', T-~**~—.T I bliick .j«(llibuettes of_ Lii?boln , and Chai-lotte and a third between Mat- forenoon, the followin;;' described prop- Iho'' Olneyya'tlonal, Ibmk !• to iAValtt-r j.',; ill; of heart trouble ; at hef home tFIl'st Insertion Feb. IH, l|);i:t;) I FOU'-^ALF — Kod • davenpl)i't,,.,iioarly, Wiishinrtdri mountin'o thefh on white tawa'n;^ and ' ScotiviUe. The '-last •M-ty: These certain ])areels of land, .l,.,jMurklllle ajid . Aumi. M:V*kiniyv''lvfe;;:^ nvH"; '.i',Ol Be •nurd! SI. Fd. .a-Ooup- | ^vusuingion, mounung;,Lnem sdutheast of: tpwn. ill the Villajre of llui'tfbrd,,. Van Bureu wif^. by uKBlgniiU'iit dated'July Vi, .lt)l»l»,v 'r^r, URrtCoi-d. ; ' -^'^^ ba;;kground.; They aro als*o making blockade was' the only one where County, Michipiin, described as follows, KEGIHTIIA^I<>N NOM'lCl:^. *! and recoi'd'od, la the olilOi) i^, the. Kt'A';-/ I origine.i .'lalentines. •. jiClifT Wood, who .has been ill oi traflfxc. wa.'r- held up over tAVo hours. towlt: Jl'oi* VHIaj^o Eletlion,. Monday. .'MareliJil) l/stft'i- ;<»f jli>eods,r;of, Van Bu}[q«. Conntsy, li'OU-'-tXlvF, OK UliNfi:—lUm«(| iiUHl two •irdluenza_ at his hc/mc-at Maple and Lot one. and all (bat invrl of lio,,t, "J, . •• ^> ll>83.i . ' ' • ' , i'-. .MiC'Jili^:an, In Uber I-Kl. of .')iio11.',vag^»,. ;,. To tho Qualiliod Flect'ors of the . Viil'f putH'OH.bl-bOviU' In default.', T>erc.!« .dno, totk.Ucar I'ah-irrovJrtUs, S; A. l.»o.vl'ji. T're.'fK;ali>mazoo College negivtivei Biernard'streets, is again able to be Block Hilli;u-d's Second Add Itloi ' Lansing.—At tho present time. 204 the VrlJa.ce of Hartford, \'an But bis,"e of tlariford, CounViy of, A^an Bure,i|.> for iJi'lnclpal','' Iptere.st, a^bd jtaxqK , pa'Ub i.m,i!!i'^'team will meet the Hillsdale' • if,.: state of Mb'blKan.; / . I. oi!it and'has resumed'his work. employes of^ the state highway de- 'County. Mi<:his"aM, lyin;,r north of Hu* Ihev'snm til','.^S-i."!,.?'!, toKotJior'Witb''h;l'at.u-' I aflirm&tivQ; men's teari at Covert riyht of way of the .South Haven and vvotlv'o is hert^by }?lvfln 'that hi coH; '.lory 'Costs k)f foroeelosnre -...Hald ' moijt- Percy awds Floyd Burkitt v/ere in. ]:>artment arc, working on a part- Kasterii Railroad; ai«o comnienvln;i' at forl)ilty wIth tho '''iM|',,;, -t'liineral ;:of tiieir 'unclj^, .Frank Dun• The '. plan of .staggering employ• Hlock four sabl llilliard's^ .Si.M'onHt or speeiiil eleefv-^ii or • primjiry eloelJoii, te;;.Hio vjJiriM'<' 'ol', iianford;i: MlcblKtCi); •alt state and local,'^rei'/enues should receive for re«is(;i'atiOii-,tho inimq of ini'lf' home there, „ , ' uarvwhen if became apparent Chat I to the east Hue of the 'rijjht of way . ^iiUli Knly' .will bo hebl'a':; ibeV norUj, 9:3<)>- to 0:45 every diiiy^iex i bq derived from sDurtos other than legiiP voter In said Village' not aireiidy t'ro'nt \dour,i of Ihe Court; Udii'i^e In/PiiWi ' I tunes On'tangible proiporty." ^Thc Copgregational Missionary So• reduced constructiocoristruction fundfutidss necessi-necesj 1 ^-juette ^ re^'lslered 'who 'inay, a';iv))iy: AO nu- pei^!r i Pa'>v,j'>llebJ«:ani on Siitiird.'iVi Apr^t'iV " cei»t Sunday. : .'soiHtlly for wueh^re^ilslratlotV. Proi'Vdetl'., ciety will meet at the liorne of Mrs. tated.-.'a reduc.'l^ron in personnel or a rljA'ht of way to the,north line of the r.ilili.l.at.Ton, :A. M. i Tvve.nty ;'(rouplos ' and their chap- ,howe>or. tliat. /'can' revelve .no 'nlu>.K>'ti • '• Patfecr^labnary r.lh, 1IKJ3. , , ^ ,. 'Mi-u list yuitr farinsii'iwinf liqa Spauldinlg on Thursdr.y, Febru.^ry part-time schedule for maiiy cm- rlKhr of .wMy of the said Sonth Haven for roK'lstration dvu'injAv ibifj'time iiU'eifr I e;'<,''ne,^Prln/jipul G,,D.; Andrews aftdi aatl Fnsni^rn KaUroad,; thence eastt.'t'ly : ;;• \yAhTFR'.I. MAj^tlilLLlF; AV-K^ M\iol'«ia.'M*,''tho oiii;J' Vmv M, at 2:00 o'clock. Mrs. E. Corrette, ployees in the engineering and con- venliiKv between the seeoild Siniur!dii|y. ,l,it^| ., : ANNA-MAUKJlwLIJi;'. ' r. ; Mi ».?(^. ,D. .i\ndrev/s, v^ill attend one' on the uorfh line of the riyrht of way .fore un.v rotfular, special, or ojllelaf priF B'.i'iron C'dinty ronl! ,;&«Uiitc aasistant hostess. ' jstruction staffs. ; tif said South HavetiT.iVd Fasteru l^aU-- Murfg-ajfces by, Aii^iH'nbient; ; . ofi-the proftiest and post unique par- hiary eieetlou and ibo day of rtuch elee'- 'Eao;! L. ,BnrbaMK, • , ; ' lU. .• ti*a]:er ou :ho air. Uuvo , road to the west line of said .Hilliard's' tion. • •• •. \ '. , . , - iti^'ii Februaiy 14',"c«;lebJ|ating St. Van- ;;The Philharmonic club chorus ^>vin. Second .idditlon: thence- nortii " alou;;' A tlio niey'/f (li' Morigngecs,' ;r. ' ' l>iiyc4>' coining. Come aiid see.' ; erttlne's pay. ,This|'party is spon- •viieet at the home.of Mrs. M. C.:Mor- Legal Notices • the ivest line o.'' said HiUlM-d's Second The butt, day for genor.nf re^ilstratlOl.t, yaw Ji^iny, fMlchlpin.- ' |i ; , /, ' ; Addition, to the idace of be^ilmUuii'. dOe^f not ilpply to' per.sotis who vofi' dn!;- soi'ed yby 'the CultitreiiClub of Cov- ii^jner Thursday at 2;:30 p. m. The- dee the Absent Volern'. Law, (See .Uegy r^^Ki^KU;OJT^ FUULlC/iiaiON. AXNIAI. TAX riAl.K. iM^injr :i part "of the southeast unartev jori: high school. The| gym, will-be r^jgular ;clu6 m.eeting'will', be held of the northeast ttmii't^^^'J' nf section 10, Istrutlbn by AilVdavit.).; . ' Sivlo of Keal Ifi»C'uii;. . .\ ri»om'S 55 or Hjuiti'ord- : STATE OF MICIi.l'OJAN,:;, (.'ounty of Notice iB hereby xlven thnt;I:AviU b'j ; • soltly;;lightill conduct ' K. 'Stack., dr.. AmP'or Geii*>r:ir of the pr,n-tnicnts lociited upon said premises, InA'^the retiistratlon and I'OR'Istevlnj; day of' .Tn'iuui'ry A, D. JiDuLii' ' ' ; ' , uiiiriiiiinifuii niiniriiniiiiniiiiKnnu piipei^' hearts whic:h. <>pon and en• f^tnU- uf Michi;XiM;. J'or and In lK4\aU' . . ^'otlco. in hereby furlber. given Hnitflt' " .in Hui'Mntlcv .of tb(. Estate of.''Will-.' aro three novelty dancifs. where r C.ook ('(dij)ty, Mlhi>-; he;irt or th'^ arrow i:th!fit has pierced ' chin^-ry, e*i;nlpnK'nt,. :ixtures and lived, The Van Buren Republican county of .the- Stnfe Mbhiijan. ;^..vr^H-r.sr <>aeh rOjfli^tratioti by personal! tipidivnUloii for oliv'-iuv iidbilnisinilrlx of-.',^ai'd .. eslalt?;- it;! Light re'/^reshmeritls will bo ser• pafr.e! of land" rll•^•I:*nn• dt^seTibei'L for assets (>t ' every kind. ,'uid nattu'c saId eleetron. • :'' - ; ' j' haA:iii).^ llled .in'said court her petit IdiC;'. cdnvention, for the election of d^^le- }lh lo<'ate(t upon ve.:! by 'tliree freshmen girls and 'The- name of no person .but an. iielu'a'l pi'il.viUjjrf for' ll(!cnse lo,.>j'ell . tho Jntcres't giaes to, the Republican state'con- "fo i>e,due for rax">. bite^'esf. '.Uid ^ har;.-- ; suiil lands and preiulses. Also all :ua- resident of the pri.'clnet at. the time of of,'','sali,l':eH(iUe in <'(.'rialu !ireal' estijle'j'j tbi>ir|escorts. Card .tables cleverly es Oi'. .ea'-h sUt^Vi irtrep-l of land',. ;\r,d .eiiSnery nnd e<(nlpnient i.if ev-.-ry kind vimtion at Grand Rapids'jon Febr- .said pet,'lHt'riiHo,n, and entltlt^d lun.der thj.'' thi.freln • (le-scrlbed. ' r , ,V • decorated with a bright red ci»ndle that sneh lai'id,-.* h--- s.dd for th*-. anionnt; ans d uatnre, wheresoever 'localed'. .t^vw ..consUtntion, if romalnhin' «neh v'i;sU]en'l; • It isKOrdered. That lhe'27Hi day of' .uiiry 28,; will be held at the Hartford ..so cl.'iilnied l>y th^:- ^rutf- of MLi-hv.'j;*.vn. ; o^V!l'', heredlta- tered in the rew'ii.itrivllon,l»ook, ^ . tho foronoon, at said prbbate ollloo, l»'0', be on fov Jie;vvi|.>j:"a'lirt ; nn-ntrd'Mn'e*e aJuF :the appurrenanees now or foj' oach::tabJe with cunning place 2:1. at 2:30 in the afternoon. 'irrow'^h" «eK;is(«!Uloi> J^.v .VllrtdayU, ^j- find is licreVry ui)p«)inied for'Uotirinu:' sti'l'ill ax x'tic .vi.-rrcii tern,' <>:' this (.V,;vr.. ' be^e;^fteti» ^ at .uty' tluii' bOlonji-ln.ii', ' • See. 10 Ke^lslruclon-'-poi' , lOIeclort;; potliloii, luul .that, all ,-p»iraotirt'-lni'ei'e^t-; cai'ds, and )?aper plates that are like CAKLlvTON W. Bl'.NTON, j.iT'he February meeting of the Van !>!•', held lit i'aw Pnw in the Cn-riety '^t He^'ubir ,se;-U'JQ vafohtines. Brifili.t ijcd iellp pilct^ YA'U Biiren, .st;ite of Mioh'k'ai.:^. 011 the Circuit Court (.'bniiulssloner, Voter,'.'US tlelined;in this act,' wlioi^ie nii.in.'i •court', fit, .said, .t'lmo and •p3n''ie.. dy "*. at tl.,-> • ' Vila Bnren C'junfj, .Miehl;;an. I is not reiJ^bstirvcit- and who t<}iiiU elalboauK^ o i.vl)y a jiconso to'soil the In.tbr<*Hl roii candy hearts and j'cake in shape Fellows'and' Rebekahs wasif wcil at• : operiinK of rht- (.!ou,rl' nti' t'i'Si'it ;.d'.vy. lV;n'(d .Vndcrsnu, • theirlKht' to vole by iib«eivt viiiler'tii lail- of'SnUbjCstato In nald rea'l estate, .sbo'utfi. tended at the -Hartford .town hall iiMd-rhjtt all persfu-v- inferes«.»d l-n",*wh Attorney for PlaintUi; • ' I lot at any etoetJon ol" primary eba.'lloiil, not bcrffjranted; " ' , -i rt'^i;. of iTMcarts will be served. The recciv- Iu'hIs or any T''irt thereof. n)>^^ii; inu line will be corjiposed of the rlsist evening, represehtatiyes of a (.tiufest-tlK- Ib'Si cTainuMl thevenn- l»>y-tl,e for absent voter's liaUoi,' presejitj. ti.t, thj?- nutico tboroof ;)>o ;;lven - by publlcatl.6'iv', State of Miehr^jirn, fo-r' sU'cli ju.ve's-^ 'U- STATE. OF MK'HIGA:,' - Tile. Clr- vllbiK'c <;lork an hllUtavlt for rog'liiitral'lotr; prjsidcnt 6;r the,dub, Lois McCarty, ni^jo^Yity of .the.lodges of the county of.a e^kpy of tblH .order,;for; bijing ,trv attendance. It was an open rer<'st and ehiirurt-s, or any part ther.-- ^-nit. <'\)Ort i'or the: t'ouuty 'id' \'an Bur- i whichwhlcb' shall be hi ictbsliinHally Ihe fdl'' ceiijjlve, wowlt.s prcyiouH, ,to #'ld da.v. -^o^;'^ and Mri JFrancis £;mii;h, vice presi• of, yliall ,i]»pertr In said! Conrt. mwl ttle en.' Im: Chancery. . , . .loAvlb^, form: - ;'!-.: liearliifi:, lii, (boHartford;)>ay 'Spring;' it, de UiVHelen'WarrejV and Mr.. Marvin irieeting.with many guests jji^esent. vv'itb the i-ierk' thrred' their o'-joi-rhM!;. AiC'v'rtf'e .lioclle and L. IJ, Harrison. AmrtnvH 1?'or Ke»fis(ifutlinn. iuAV«)>;ii»L'r,,prItiled and' cWeulute(l> .{in then't'f'' "K or beit,:i>re tht" rtfsC tbv: of l,'l:ll-. tiffs, VS. \ State of ,MlchIg'un-"-County of...,, ualU" co,a)ity'.. •- : • ;t'.','.: . • ';•!., ilisi|EE;D':OTiEEN DcLanp, secretary," Ii,;cne Sebestyn iMr, arid Mrs. Charles Baldwin have the term I'd' this Conr; nVwve mvintiou- .Teduthnn Sraudlsh. Mos<;"s .Tyler, a;*;- . • -;, , • ' • v; • ...MEKi.Tc yo^fiKOv; ar,'d Ml'.. Gslrrison MaciKenzie; trers- gi)ne to'Minnoapplis', Minn.,, to take cd, nod t Ira r in defrir.lt tb-crewf t'.ic •Mt)Hst^s P. Tyler,. Keb'u ,7, l'bi;jrlc. .Hei- J ., beiiitf dul.v a\yOr'iii. A ttruu'i Copy I . ••' -I "y. ••"5. >'ari-j"AVill ift- f;t'keH -js ei'3:ife:'>eil aMif ,)iul}fo of Fro' ur-ir,; Barbara Thill -jind Mr. Beryl u|^ their . residence, Mrs,' BaldAvin leu Fr.;.';lis Thomas Conklin, T. M. <|epose and say Ibat. 1 aihii efll^ea iiivd ;ila'mlei.(3i.! {» , Satnantba i'ouklhi. SennHVl'iuv duly nufitibed eb'Cldrof fhe.. .\ ... .pre- IvOglHter Probale. . , RfndeU. .Mrs. Ant^rews, advisor of llias been .spending sorno time'with jiroyed SOT in .-aiff pi-rltii:)in. A.nd^.it is. Conklin, Howland IX I'avloi'. llowland elnet of the vlUiij^e uf. .•..;..., 1 .^.In tli(> • i,( (First; ln:;ertIon, Feb. l.^^Httip.)' 50 ^ i OiV" th)} c]Ub-a;;id Mrsi Gi: D. Andrews. hijrr grandparents, . Mr. and further -irdured r'^ir^it In purs-i.on<;<« <-.t' t:\ Tayb>r, Elon K. Conklli.:. Fb>n county of...,*. itnd Slate hi iiil't'^; K:«td 'dce.-i-e tTii*' toiids dfScribM in sail' t,:. '; . 'u: " c)losi;k-ka' 7 • are Miss Pearl Heiidrlcks, Miss Mar- .I'Funeral rites for Wrh.-Maninng. a m'^made, .will Ik-- s(,rd'. for 'the soverat Kdraund S, Kivblnson. Kduuind. S. Uob- Xo...... ,, P, 0.. ; .Jiuit ,1. tun'nu|i . A jil'ortgage miide • .lauiuiry 30J;!)J5 ga!:et; Sebointyrt,; MlssitVella Austin^ l;hereGa ".is. isou, ILiWland F. Tayb>ivl.;u«rdlriU' of now reRlsteved as au. viticloir i.be'volu- by' o. E.. Itolierison ivnav^'-olbi'. (sAv N'K i»o\vK:it = on the- tit St. Ariltftrtt S. Goodeuon.iTh a.pd Daniel and (hat' I atiivotlii;:' b;'itb«eiit'iVoters,' KoberlKub .to', .Cbir.i 'nnilvjEKtbcl' .Ki'n^-; add M1.SS .iCatheryiri Iwurr and their lii&rd at the ;Haw,ley funeral home at Tnest rfy ir:? ; Mar thereafter. b^tfiT.iiibff • (lo^doiHrviisJ^,' ni;lwo'/'';s, junt illiie-ir u;nkno^v'l | builot' at the election ,/or mrliuuCy ok\eeleel!- bei'^'cr,;Jointly or tov^Hurvlvdj',^ 'ajjijU' PJiv/-;Pdw.,- yesterday^ ..y/ith l.Rov. •fc.'n. 'm.. rrfi-wttfV'^las'; orJ kdrv hirlSr»| *• ^l^«t*t^- >eRifello«s}, ;»»\d I nss*t);ns, j lion).to .b« held .-upon the-C.> ...... day M reciO'i'dLH'l-./on* a:«nuuvy ;'.i'^;: V)Ub, .h) ;tD)o^ at,' lbr;(f-eli>'el oillOc oft tlnj'i Kl'/flfcit'er of '^DecUw for VxW, -Ij'ie' day' or rtars snb^fnont thPTet^ •-•m ; and OdSell ronidlu^': t/J Belle Conklln. ,,.,/;,,.;.. .1U:I. V... thO^iitppB (lU-|0V fol^ Bidv/n; ^: pfigtdr: of tiie '., Methodist and Grace Conk- which- ballot. aoeompunlOM' tbliJ! apjUb fii- Bu;i'oi;, County; Mlohlgtin;- in" LlbeV I ,!5ince the Introduction of mechan- may be JiecessArv'to V-oinplet^ the SiH-,* 1 Thomas .1". Coivkliij oi'Mortvu^o^ on- i)itu'« '-S'i, upoiv AVblplv ciiurch of ,that village,.officiating. Mr. of, said bind.s .and nf each and every ; ihis. IX»l"*?ndimts. . I-tlou; thut I nutkcihb.e^aittdavit I'or tbbv^ ic«il power . and ; rriuchhiory ., Into porpoMu of i)rocn'^'Ing' my roM'Iwti'utlon iiv claimed t'o' bo, due 'Five Manning died Friday from pn^eu- parcei tiiHreof.'nt. the ofllee ot the CcHtur I Suit pendln^i-jn *„he clrenitfourt for 'llij'iidrwl {$500:00) DolIar«,;.pi-J»c|i>a 1 aiid farms, i an;' .Ameriicari, agricultural ly Treasurer, or at aneli wnv^-nlenu j tln^ county of Vnn Bnren. In i.Muuieevy. iin elector In aegortbinco with tlio .stati- rribni'a at hit home in Alm.ena town- idace .as >th3;ll b*- wlMted' bjt Mm iit ir. .tb*^ village of Paw Paw Ivi. Hit Id uto;. that I muUO: the followlun' state! Foi'tyiNIne Hollari* iind v;($,; itifce,.... i pul)l,U: ij«iJo> to .sa.tlist'.v iilKivo;' aluoiili5^^ axid several chiluren.; uud.: InWllul. ,co«trt for llovoeiotiur.o',;,. ut.'.fliV co^iild: 75/]y<;ars ago.! i : sale tlwn^ and tbere iMnde mtHI Ite n ft appeavinx froth the adidnvlt of Blrthnlaee.;.—.•.: Date of naturallKUj- Clare Leach; and Dr, L. F. Latus, pvibllc ,3jdc, and; c;»cb parwl d>8crtfcod I'iirl L. BnrhauH on bbv that there are tlou.. — li' fnrtb(.»v ^wenr or afi front door .'of' tlio OourtW-J.oi^KO hi M'a In' fhu (W-ree shall ',:ie .sepitratfyly e*:- only two of tho ;il>eive nauieil del'otuL lirm that (,bo liiixwers . ji:.lvMn to tH< 'rypowritijrt* riljhonlj, aM makes, nbemberB pf the Hartford board, of ^^^^^^j. ^Hle.fw (Jt total r^.e*..-.^':!'' untH llvlnx In JllchU":an, mituely, Tbom- ipjostioiirt; eoncerul'iig my '(j'Ua;llll<'UitloJ)t!t ;best qualitjv 60c.' TJiiC Day Spring. odncatibn. ^ are planning to go; .^to, lorebt and cbai^Kcs; ajja

X r Hartford Day Springy Hartford, Michigan

is dry reading, Iput there-are-cer• amount paid by autoraobile owners, STOUGHTON CORNERS. Half, Of the;56 'signers df the Doc-; tain people' who desire this infdr- fhey turned over to the. .sllate treas• Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duffey spent laration of Indepehdchc'e rWe,rc col- The Dai/ Spring's Weekly !mt\tion and, therefore, a sen'ies of ury another $18'.792,129,76 for a right Sunday with his parents. Mr. and loge-bred; 1(J • had ''clas^cal'^ ^c!.t,ii- .articles on /the, session would not to drive their cars. This amount Mrs. Eugene Duffey. cation; 2 were instructed ti'ntirely. 'by. j'E ;be complete or'.s'ati.sfactory if it did came from the weiijht tax. James Ryan is liaving a siege of tutors;'and 10 had very little le.'ji^'n- ! IIS not embrace a di.scussion of the pro- The'gas tax was jun-ped froin one lumba,iro this Aveek." , ing.. • ' • po.sals that came before us in. the to tv/o ewits.. th'pn to Three cents and Mrs. Prouty, teacher at Stought- Kif Re pre sent a five Earl L. Burhans way of, bills introduced. the heavy weight tax was placed on jon's Corners, is giving a Valentifte There werev 177,790 ...salbons, .-7',0»p;.f5/.; Next w"''Jek I hope to, write a his- cars for /the purpose of hard sur• party at the school this' afiernoon. breweries; and 2;j^ dis.tilleries, iu,.,1,he torlenl article on the location of facing within a few years the main Mr,s. Harry Dyer visited school United States before prohjbVtio'h. ac• 1 closiic lo call the a.tentlon ol' and costs. ' , the seat of government at Lansing trunk line roads of the st.'ite, Monday. • cording to .estimates. ' j".'* • the 'roadors of ihoso. ()rli.;ios to the No. 98: This is a very important and the. different state: capitol' The'.roads havti been compleled Mrs. -Henry Schwcrnian is suffer• foot that in -WY digest aiMl.summiiry piece of proposed loidslation. It buildini^s that- the state has built but .sijll the millions pour into the ing with sinus trdubie; of bijils of i'Uerest liial iil Ihei-e are proposes ,'that the 1930 and 1931 de-an: d used in the - city of I,,ansing, I state treasury from th^e pockets of Mr. and Mrs; E. Ei Clewqrth of so)iie billi' tiat you may be iiarlic- Jinqueht l.i.\'es be - paid over a ten- feel 1 .can, givc some rather • inter- the auto owners oi Michigan, • Kalamazoo, spent Sunday with' her, ularly inlorosted in, intt(«a;d (tf de* yeai" pericd commencing July A, 'cvtiiig data .on this, .*;;ubi'ecn. which . New automobile buyers during, the parents. Mr. and Mrs; BVank Cook. pcnihiK on ihe synopsis' -h-il J. give ri934. VTXVH 1932 taxes are- paid be- will. be enjoyed by the readers of last fiscal year.s paid the .state-$441,- On account of the st<)rm last week' you/you n>ay obtain IIks';- bill.^;'Und i fore''ivray,' 1, 193;t. these articles. -.• • 8.73.00 for certificates of titles. Ped- the Neediecraft club was postponed re;u!,'them iV^fii'li if yuu/v.-islv; .'Vny ; No. 9!);: Hoqu'hes judgme: it in alh • r:ARL., L. BUHHAN.S. ' ple who lost their automobile plates until February 17. They will meet ciliicn iiu,ere:;ted in utiy oi' ni0n;>'a.^x'S bcfcio Avat^o.^'cnn be garni-;; paid $32,758 . for. new ones. A;ulo- v;ith Mrs. Mary Coughlin. Pol-luclc of those bills ;nay obla n ilie same'Isbeed.' FIGURES SHOW .mobile owners who had their titles dinner. by 'vvitingvr.jH* clerk of th«.v house (M| No, 100: Provi<.los_for old ago pen- trartsferred paid $189,641. Mrs; Mae Deane spent Monday at tin .veoreln-y of ti-ie scr/aie^af l.an-|] sions Willi; dellnili^ns, qualiflcations«' HOW THE STATE .So the .«tory goes on to the grand Frank Cook's. ., On raakini; your rec.uest "for, exacted, of applicants, an<;l' llnanciaT' total of $124,724,083..3f). The 4.842;- Mis,s Mildred ^Deane spent Sunday .sai;i?,'. yoii .s K)uld ^i\e the in;rabei'jset-up .Idg.Hher with proposed ma- ',.GETS ITS CASH '325 : men, v.'omen and children of with, iiVTrs. Alice Curtis. and indicate whetlior it a lioUse'iohlhcry and plan of operation. iMichlgan paid it. No matter if some • (Continuefjl from •page L) , Raymond Reams called at Markil- or .Venato bill or you nr.ay':identify No., 103: Makes six hours a day's; .of It ciime from the corporation tax lie's Sunday. I! One Strajp Slijiiipers; the :bill simply by nu'litji nirg its j work in .nines, and on railroads;. or the telephone tax, every ta'>: is j^b, meet the tax demands of the isub.ioct'.matc-.T. I wll'l fkn) tlnu- to.1 but provices in emergencies for; 'passed ,on to the individual. v^^,,.-.^,,. .^....p.^,, state, the.se figures te.Jl-the story of I'-Boy's-'Oxfords, Shiic''::diy,('st .rurl!;er as sji'ipe'i lime ano .i ha.i p;»y foi* over six" 'i'hat same individual is now-'look• Woman^s Club bili.'-' IJiis plight, • :, ",, • peniUn'j hotu'S' lab'hr. ing to j;.,ansirig for a relief from this i : Girl's^ Oxfords;' wear wei^^^eatinfekii^ J • The' .sitate /collected^' on real .cstato Miss Mamie\ Howes favored with •thi.t;.'!' am iiot writing about iawt:' No. 104: .Provdc.i for appeal; to tremendous - tax total. He does not' Ouring,; its- last-n.: of- two soloi^ accompanied by Miss PvO- ;hct;u.re actually pas.^-ed but only Court of r ecord if riuto driver's li- ^ v.'ant a NEW tax and .he cannot fig• i:, Add to this amount wena Shafer. Mrs. Elder gavp an abo'.tVijills i^at' are Introduced oi'," conse is denied iui applicant or li-'$18.504,28.^';28 : ure, out why the state' keeps up a Your Needs anothci' that wa.-5 paid • interesting paper on "Prisciila Mul- in ojiher w<;.rd»j, proposed hiws. ^il cenl-;o is! ^su.spehdi.'di. •/ , . | •$G.02r,7G4.48 y/eight tax that ofH.cials said,six or 6n delinq'uent real estate tax and lins" and Mrs. Cummingo on "Val• IRMN ••; cani'bt at. n>e end • of ,Miic< sC'.s--:ioj| No. :]05: Kepeals act ..creating:! .seven years' ago .should be cut in you have the totaV nf entine's Day."Living valentines were conVe.t,, to you .tlK;; information as Public' Utilities Corimission. $24,526,049.7(5 tv.'O, why a three cent gas tax isi,,, ,j ^ •^ T^-, I^o;'l(iflV'A |aiifd * i:cu«o Bill No! 9G; . Prohibit;" writs '. No. 124; Increasesiexemptions of. • completed. ga,«; tax. FEBRUARY SALE = origiiVally sold at $5.00,?no<^-'^ t / of i'i,\slJtutior. issuir.g on .labrl ('Oii- tooK etc. from cxocittion to $1,000. laws,'^ once when . they get on y'lvtra:^.^Y' , /if 2U per cent of • purcha.^ - .As .the. lav/ ,.ow stands, exemption^f^ ^^^^f^ here, althotigh Already the demand for a cut in ^ pr>rii>ci ; ha,v be^n paid and irsurance. is $30o; . ' \^^;^ bu^lci^^g^ w^re long, ago com- the gas tax; i> 'being reileeted in \ Now is the Time to Get Some Good Buys! •i95':sv,,v-:';:.;..^;;:fc;^;^^^^^^^^ mc;'taxes arc'-paid. pro^'idinR pin> ' No, 125: An. act ito abolish the, ^^L,.^"',^^;,, • ^ . • v .i thousand:v of little metal plates at-.i| ;->:!j:'.-.'v ^!-'is-qiitea-^-.vr cbaso:basor .hall 'vilhin six momhs after .state administrative board, . .. ; . ...^o..^o;; Michagan: ^rnanufacturers. ast tach-ed to awtomcbile licence plates j FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS: ' onto- Of judgment pay the't.n^ouht^ No. 3,28; Prc^vides a tax on chain year..m^dd2tion. o thenvre^l .esjtate with the printed words yReduce the [ Cretonnes, new patterns, yard.. ;.. V.... •.. ,.; » b » 'f . ,t . 1 lOC, ! 1 Metal's Pdliefe^ Shoes, \N?€fatfee^^e'atefwgteiiilli;!/;';/?:^ ! . found-due with- ,co..t9; or v^^vC 50 stores. .' / ; : Toc^^ T "^""'^ Ga;s Tax," The number of the-se { Assorted colors. New Prinls, fast colors, yard...... •,»•... .. loc,; MM .^per>e..nt is paid! .f purchaser shaltv; No. 135: ;Prohibits,.(>xecutors.:from, »^9.44|.12. 1 his money, came .rom plates: on automobiles is nicresfing; j Broadclotli, vat dyes, a.11 plain colorfe, yard, ., ...... * ' • •' t, • • ,.* lOc 1 hi-grade uppers .Mm - with::ivbnoyear^pay the arhoihit due payint; mo;e tha.a $:i20 for funeral what is known as the- corporation daily ar^d beiorc'the present se.>sion i.. Curtain Material, many new patterns, yard....,;. 1 • * 1 ' t. \ t lOc i S^a.,,,.;Vf /- —.--..^i—.-J.-.- —, —-..•:.'expenses, whore the total debts ox- •"'^^•', ,. .• of the legislature isi ever, there .i<;.j' IVIen'.<* blue <>hambray Work Shirts...... •:= Men-s-Oxford^'built tiS^iv^eai'&iidi^^M^^ 1,' ' .;v..;;:^.1-i^^i;..thV^iWjK! aillllimtnjnilinininninilinilllinilC:: coed the value of an estate; ' 'I . ^^'0 yeai-s^go. tno,-=tate legislj- prietty .'•Aire to- be serious co-nsidera- IVIen's Work Socks, Koekford style, pah*;....., .. .. t \ ; .' • • .'>C ' STji^ =,; No, 1401: Includc^s occupationai>^^«^^^ ^"/^^J^ ^^^^ tio.n of a cut in the gas tax as w^erl ji Men's Canvas Gloves, pair...... V, ...;... •. t » t k •'t • t • ,6c ; = diseases within the workmen's com- ^^"^V^^ ^^^.M^ed, fpr t;hsupport;' as the weight tax. ., . ; Men's medium weight Unlc-nsiiits...... • t t 4 • • ,> . .19c i =-nensalion :aw.^ Thi^i proposal wa.'i. tubei:cuMs hospitals. Tlie malt| /,. ;; .... • i Ladies' House Dresses, fast colors, 2-for . .'. 89« ^ = -up, before:/he legislature two years tax ^brought into, the; slate .$1,050,- It will be noted from, the above The newest thing in Ladies' Silk Knit Tarns.. .V. .. . t i . . . 1., . 50c r ago and fo.' many se;jsiotis has been ,"^1"''*'^'. • ,1 , ' figures thst^'Michigan farmers, work- ; Jig' Saw Pu2zlcs. .... ,...... , , . . .'>(!, 25c / *t^^^; a matter of eontrov<)rsy. .^pecial t^xes. ,siieh as. rlie mort- ingmen and other' automobile own• Good House Broom ....;•,..., ... , , , » , , ,'•.,j . 25c'' •.•>l'-'. =;.!•: No. 1.4a:'.P.^vide3''for a-'mbrtfloc-; gage.; tax law., brought the state er's? paid i.nto the state treasury r. Mop Sticks...... ;, ;,. . , . ,• f 1 I . . ;•. 9c = ;ium whereby no : defendant ean;'^^"^y'^594.553;97. . , .p 1- total of over $42,781,702 dtirmg the j Gilvjinizcd Coal Hods and Shovel;. . , ;...... , »!• . .. \ . = I be'garnish-i'od ON account of labor" ^^he trout fishermen. ,the hunter state-'s last fiscal year, aImo>'t twice ;; Ch.inne Kugs, just arrived, ;MxSb', fast colors.;.. . . '. . ^. . V..' 9HC ;=:':performed ii>y him; anj. automobile driver paid a.s rn'uch as; was collected from the Liidks' all silk, full fashi-ancd. Hose;....,,.;... . < 1 » .t » n \ S;';;gnrnlshmcntst6 Januarv. l=!^:p\'^il =: believe.that this is/In the interests- ^^^^ and leases of builclings and prop, _ - Candies ? ^-Y. are not reduced and if, a .'^ales ta:; ; tp; r;;<^ :- H si.of the people and 1 ])erSDnailv Urg- ^rty the: state owns, but lease out WE HAVE IT FOR lOc PER lb: •••• • should be imposed, • it would add ! = I'ed a reduction HI the ;e.s.s/on two to'Indivldual.s, it collected $30i507.47. Chocolate Creams, lb...., i,..«...., 1 . ' ,t^« »•»;. . 10c ma;ny more nnllionsof taxes' to the,/ years ago. It sold confiscated property, such as .Jelly Beans, lb...... ,, ,...'... • * 4 't » • * burden novj;;,being carried:' by t.he ' '*'ko 349: Provides for a rod/ li- "SV^s and" autoniobiles taken from Good Mixed Filled Candies, lb.. . .> 1 t • » ( * , ,- loc; automobile; owner. 1 •jLOOK INTO IT" I ,eense fee" of $1 !for|:«shing.'I op-.. Ka»no«^iaw violators, that brought in" Res'Ular Hard -Mixed Candies, lb...... ;...,...... *•«»'• 1 i, . iOc = , ;BOys''Golf Hos^/fancv''x>ofefe^r'ip^iP^ 'Automobile dealers, grocer-?', drtig- posLA;7:00 3J0 N. Jiurdiek St. KALAMAZOO; rlected. . . new taxation- The Harfman-BrowTi economy recommenda'tions so far Automobile drivers paid a gasoline '.VLL'l^ • i;^ - • ''• i:iM-^'';'-^'!-.i3:(if '•-J.>•^V'' ;tax tliat netted the state $2i;572,- remain the only ones before the legislature. H9£K STRAPS 229.79. .The total gas; tax collected '>:• ,:i> amounted to |J23.315,300.6c;, but some There is some talk around legis• Portage ^ti-eH of,;ithis h'ad to-; be refunded and the lative halls of a bill being, pas-sed l1l:;.[!©iMiii«ii;ii to require lumber companies; that CLOTHES This Ad Is Worth:$IOMto You When AjrpUed; collection cout is taken out of the LINES grand ~1otaL ' ,,'' cut timber this year on land- where PAILS On The PurchaiseOf A Gasoline Motor JCfrwen Tn addition to.,this'' tremendous no taxes have,been paid, to. turn 10 qt., regular 50 fi., sash oyer to the state some goiH; of se-j quality cord, quality IHR'^-Y R-aCi^,;iKC^-iv^i^;;fe/;:i:,:;:i curity' on the lumber taken from SPEED QUiEEN WASHER IXC I8e the delinquent tax l.ands. While, it All porcelain, fuU; size'tub; Alumi^ GRANGER'S is not known that the Stack Lumber numi 4-vane agitator,' autcmatic; , r. Aho available with company of which the Siuditof gen• FOOD WINDOW wringer w;ith balloon rolls/ Pow• coupe \cat> and handy eral is one p£ the chief owners> plans ChoPP««^s SHADES ered by, Briggs-Stralton 4:bycle; pick<,i\i\ body^ . to- cut-lumber; on its thousands of Genuine i, 1st qtJality, full ! |;''^^;||/|J^ *'f acres of delinquent tax lands in the | •'VxSriswbld;'-' ;• ;-''si»e'-'- '-'f*;'/! HERE IS SEf^ier Upper Peninsula, if it did do so, the '$7J).$0, this washer' IN ari extrjioriilii; quality nary value at our cour>6n; reductiPni state would under the proposed leg• ;;l^|'( 'pJ'iI'Em^PI^^^ 3 toy $1 ;price of-^ • , ,' " '. islation have some sort of pfotec- $1.O0 ..|.- »•. ' 1" • • - r. .-; MM anotlier new mddeL A chassis —Free of Charge Iturniback to the state the de-nuded No. 1" size doi.ble handle Arranged priced at $360 is real newsVf tpany ciwes in Schoolcraft county 39© 93« user; Backed by the International reputation ^ , Battf^ry; .charging, 40c; 'alone' over^ $10,000 of delinquent for (juality and serv^cie^ it is an outstanding lient'ftTs, 15c i»er 'clay .taxes on timber lands.'' ic SPECIAL Watervllet Cuts Salaries. -, rf-r value in perfomance and ecoiiomy. We hare Hoiir Ijabor Rate. 60<; The Hollywood Push Up Meclianical service on all WATERVLIET; — To further re- Permanent Wave THE CUT RilkTE -•If • this latest addition to the International line make.s ,or cars and' truck.s ctuce the cost of city, government, the city commission has slashed 1 Hollywood Fermancni Wave has moved to a new and better hcatim Special Oar Greasing Rates display now. Gome in and see it. another SH%00 oft the salary list. The ' —Any Make Car,; 6Hc ; $1.95 - . , R' /•'^'•':/' at 'V,;- ' treasurer's salary has- been reduced 2 Hollywood Permanent Waves m Truck & from $350 to $275 a year, the clerk • ;, 2mm. MICHIGAN Tiaiiler €o. from $4ft0 to $400 and the chie^ of ICJENDKB BUMPING $1.96 LOOK AT j l^HESE OPENING SPECIALS! OLDS gar^.g:^ BLDb. police from :,$! ,350 to $L10G. The Allen Permanent Wave Good toned, easy playing;^ l^amoriicas.....;...;;...',,;. . 25c > Phone 13;j HARTFORD HARLAN GRANGER wage of firemen is cut from $1.50 to $1.25 an hour. Salaries ^ of the Shoppe Concert '-size.' Giilt'w;'^f:^irth;''H^jf/fcins^.-,v...... -$5,951; Professional scale toncir.TBan^o,'with, lessons...... ;.;; $9,95.' West SIdB of Plonwsr CEMTITTITY mayor and commissioners' are fixed 3(X1 Haiisehuim Bids. by-charter and could not foe re- Plione 9357 Kalamazoo Guito Violiri orvBan;|o; strlng^^ per^set;.,.;.. \...39c ' flAKTFOKD ' itfICHlOA>rsyi ,;duced.