The Dental Morphowy of the Maya
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THE DENTAL MORPHOWY OF THE MAYA FROM MARCO GONZALEZ AND SAN PEDRO Catherine J. Walper Submitted in partial Mfiliment of the quinments for the degree of Master of Arts Faculty of Graduate Studies the University of Western Oiitko London. Ontano July, 1999 Katherine J. Walper 1999 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1*1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Sewices services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington OttawaON K1AON4 Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada Cana& Your fik Voue feterence Our W Noire roterence The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une Licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sel1 reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of ths thesis in rnicroform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Abstrad and kcywor& Dental trait ahalysis is used by physid anthn,pologists in an attempt to es&f,Iish genetic retationships within and ktween groups and cornmUIIIties . Research on the dental morphology of skeletons of two ancien! Poatclassic Maya villages pvides infomtion on and inter-site clifferences between Maru> Gonzalez and San Pedro, Belize. Contempomeous and temporal cornpisons of the dental morph010gies of Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro to Postclassic Laaianai, Historic Tipu, Seibal and Altar de Sacrificios is also done in order to add to the picture of biological connactious within the larger Maya world. Using statistical analysis (RxC contingency tests and Standardzed Mean Measure of Distance) the dental traits hmthese sites are compand in order to ascertain similarities andor di fferences in the genetic expression of the traits. Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro are genetically sirniiar in kir expression of dental ûaits. Marco Gonzalez is genetically different than Postclassic Lamanai and Historic Tipu in the expression of traits. San Pedro is genetically different than Postclassic Lamanai and genetically similar to Historic Tipu in the expression of traits. Both Marco Godezand San Pedro are sirnilar to Selbal and Altar de Sacrificios in tbe expression of traits. Keywords: Dental morphology, Marco Gonnilq San Pedro, Postclassic Maya, Lamanai, Tipu, Selbal, Altar de Sacrificios In Loving Memory of my parents: Donald W.and E.A Feme Hamden I would Iike to acknowledge the support and advice giwn by my thesis sujx~sor,Dr. Chnstim White, without dose patience 1 wodd bave been imable to complete this thesis Thanic-you very much, Chris. I would ahlike to acknowiedge the encouragement of my busband, Doug Walper who hahelped me immeasurably in al1 aspects of this thesis especidly with al1 of the boring work like cdlating, checking and glueing. 1 would like to thad Dr. Michael Spence for his assistance in teachhg me the ASU system and for his comments regarding the final revisions of ihis thesis. 1 would also Like to thanlr Dr. Andrew Nelson for his guidance and for his comments and revisions. 1 would also like to aknowledge and thank Dr. Man Mills of the Deparûnent of Dentistry for al1 his work and his comments on the revisions for this finalized thesis, his input was greatly appreciated and has made a great difference in the finished product. CeftificattofExaminati0~1 AbstrsadKeywords Wdon Acknowledgements Table af contents List of Tables List of Figures Cbrpter t Intrductioa and Rerarrh Objectiva 1.1 Research Objectives 2 The Sites and Tbeir Hiory 2.1 Marco Godez 2.1 a The location of skeletom and goods 2.2 San Pedro 2.2aThe location of skeletom and goods 2.3 hanai 2.4 Tipu 2.5 Marco Gonzaleq San Pedro and the larger Maya Worid 3 Tbcory and Literature Survey 3.1 Eariy Tootb Formation 3.2 The Dentition 3.3 Classification of Teeth 3.4 Definitions of Dental Traits 3.4a Trait Interactions 3.5 LitemReview of Applications 3.Sa intra-group affiliations 3. !% Inter-group affiliations 3.5~Group afliliatiops within the larger Geographic am 4 Dental Morphobgy: Methodology 41 4.1 Recording Methods 41 4. la Visual Inspection 42 4. l b Odontoglyphics 42 4. lc Moire Coatourography 43 4.2 Marco Goda and San Pedro: Mahodology 43 4.2a The skeletal sample fiom Maru, Godez 44 4.2b Tht skeletal sample fiom San Pedro 45 4.2~Trait dynS 4.2d Statisîîcal dysi3 4.3 Sources of Emr 5 ResultsandDiscussiom 5.1 Upper Inciser and Canine Shoveiing 5.1 a Intra-site comparisw-Marw GomIez 5. lb Intra-site cornparison-sm Pedro 5.1 c Inter-site cornparisonantemporaneous sites 5. Id Inter-site cornparisob temporal differeuces 5.2 Upper Inciser Winging 5.2a Tntra-site compariso~MarC0Godez 5.2b Intra-site cornparisopsariPedro 5.2~Inter-site compariso~temporaneoussites 5.2d Inter-site corn pirima- temporal Merences 5.3 Incisor, Canine and Premolar Double Shoveling 5.3a Intra-site compaiiso~MarcoGodez 5.3b iutra-site comptuiso11-San Pedro 5.3~Mer-site comparisobcontemporaaeoussites 5.M Inter-site cornparison-temporal differences 5.4 Incisor I and 2 Interruption Groove 5.4a hûa-site com@so~Marw Godez 5.4b Inn-site comparisobsan Pedro 5.4~inter-site comparW6~0aternporaaeoussites 5.4d Inter-site cornparisos temporal differenca 5.5 Mesial Canine Ridge 5.6 Tubercuium Dentale S.6a htra-site compansoemGoda 5.6b Intra4te compariso~SanPedro 5.6~Inter-site comparisorxunternporaneous sites 5.6d Inter-site cornparison- temporai differiences 5.7 Upper ad Lower Canine Distal Accessory Ridge 5.7a lntra-site comparisoÿ.Marco Godu 5.7b lntra-site comparison-San Pedro 5.7~inter-site cornpariso~ternporane~ussites 5.7d Inter-site cornpxiso~temporal di fferences 5.8 Molars 1.2 and 3 Metacone and Hypocoue 5.8a Metacone 5.8b hm-site comprisorMarco Goda 5.8~In-site cornprison-San Pedro 5.8d Inter-site compariso~contempomeoussites 5.8e Inter-site cornparison- temporal differences 5.9Moian 12d3CuspS 80 5% hm-site compriso~MarcoGodez 80 5.9b Ma-site cornparisObSan Pedro 81 5.9~Intemite comparison+mntemporaneous sites 8 1 5.9d Intcr-site curnparisoa- temporal Merences 82 5.10 CarabeIli Ciisps 83 5.1ûa Iatra-site cornpariso~Msrrio&mata 83 5. lob htra-site com~~~n-SanPedro 84 5.10~Inter-site wrnpari~ntemporaneoussites 86 5.1Od hter-site cornparisas temporal diifferences 86 5.1 1 Parastyle 86 5.1 1a Intra-site compariso*Marco Gonalez 87 S. 1lb Inira-site cornpukaMan Pedro 88 5.1 1c Inter-site mmparison-contempomeous sites 89 5.1 1d Inter-site cornparison- temporal clifferences 90 S. 12 Maxiilw and Mandibular Root Numbers 90 5.13 Lower Molars 1,2 and 3 Groove Patterns 91 S. 13a Intra-site cornparison-Marco Godez 91 5.13b htra-site cornparison-San Pedro 92 S. 13c hter-site wmpari*so~nternporaneoussites 93 S.Ud inter-site cornpiirison- temporal differences 94 5.14 Lower Molar Cusp Number 94 5.14a 1.m-sitecornp~~Marco Godez-&st rnolars 94 S. 14b htmsite comparisot~SanPh tüst molars 97 5.14~inter-site comparisaxxntemporaneous sites fint molars 99 5.MInter-site cornparison- temporal diffe~aces Fimolars 99 5.Muitni-site cornparison-Marw Gonzala-second molars 100 5.Mba-site cornpari~~~-SanPedm secod mol ars 101 5.14g Inter& cwipari~~~~~~ntemporaaeoussita second molars 104 5.14h inter-site corn parison- temporal differenca- second molan 104 5.14i Intni-site cornparison-Mafco Gonzsiez-third molars 104 5. Mj intra-site comparisoa-sa0 Pedro- third molan 106 5.14k Inter-site comprison-contemporaneous sites third moh 108 Table Title Table 2.1 Chronological chart for Lamami, Tipu, Marco Gdaand SanPedro Table 4.1 Number of individuah per stmtm with analyzed dental traitslMarco Godez Table 4.2 Numbcr of individuais at San Pcmo by xx with adyzmi dental traits Table S. 1 Upper Incisor and Canine Sboveling-Marco Gonzalez-Total Population Table 5.2 Upper Incisor and Canine Shoveling-Marco Godez- Male T able 5.3 Upper Incisor and Canine Shoveling-Marco Godez- Faale Table 5.4 Upper uicisor and Canine Shovcling-Marw Goda-Iuvenile Table 5.5 Upper ùicisor and Canine Shoveling-San PeûmTotal Population Table 5.6 Upper incisor and Canine Shoveling-San Pedro- Male Table 5.7 Uppr Incisot and Canine Shovelhg-San Pedm Femak Table 5.8 Upper Xncisor and Canine Shoveling-Marco Goaralez- Juvenile Table 5.9 Upper Incisor Winging- Marco Gonzalez-Total Population Table 5.10 Upper Incisor Winging-San Pedro-Total Population Table 5.1 1 Upper uicism, Canine and Remolar Double Shoveling-Manr, Gonzalez-Total Population Table 5.12 Upper incisor, Canine and Premolar Double Shoveling-Marco Gonzalez-Me Table 5.13 Upper Incisot, Canine and Premolar Double Sboveling-Man Gonzalez-Femalt Table 5.14 Uppr lacisor, Canine ad Prcmolar Double Shoveling-Marco Goazalez-Juvenile Table 5.15 Upper Incisot. Canine and Premolar Double Shoveling-San Pedro -Total Population 63 Table 5.16 Uppx Iiicisor, Canine d Premolar Double Shoveling-San Pedro -Male 64 Table 5.17 Upper bisor, Canine and hemolar Double Shoveiing-San Pedro -Fernale 64 Table 5.1 8 Upper Incisor, Canine and Premolar Double Shoveling-San Pedro -Juvenile 64 Tablc 5.19 Uppeiuicisor UitemipionGroovt-Marcoûod~ Total Population Table 5.20 Upper Incisor Intemiptim Groove-MBtco Godez- Mie Table 5.2 1 Upper Inciser InteMption Gmove-Marco Goda- Fernale Table 5.22 Upper uicbr Interruption Gmove-Marco Goda- Juvenile Table 5.23 Upper Incisor intemiption Groove-San Pedm Total Population Table 5.24 Uppr uicisor Interruption Groove-San Pedr+ Male Table 5.25 Upper Inciser Interruption Groove-San Pedro- Female Table 5.26 Upper Incisor Intcmqtion GroovcSaa Pedro- Juvenile Table 5.27 Upper Incisot and Canine Tuberculum Dentale-Marco Godez- Total Population Tahle 5.28 Upper incisor and Canine Tuberculum Dentale-Marco Gollzalez- Me Table 5.29 Upper Incisor and Canùie Tubercdum Dcntale-Marco Godez- Female Table 5-30 Upper Incisot and Canine Tuberculurn Dentale-Marco Godez- Jwenile Table 5.3 1 Upper Incisor and Canine Tuberculum ûentaieSaa Pedro.