1937 the Witness, Vol. 22, No. 7. December 16, 1937
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December 16, 1937 5c a copy THE WITNES HERBERT S. SANDS Denver Layman Presents Startling Facts LITTLE TOTS FACE THEIR WORLD Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS ALFORD, JOHN A., was instituted rector of the Church of Our Saviour, Detroit, on ®ij* General theological November 28th by Bishop Creighton. K k m p e b T T T T T J^emmarg BANKS, JOHN GAYNER, of San Diego, California, is temporarily in charge of St. KENOSHA, WISCONSIN Three - year undergraduate Luke’s, San Diego. Episcopal Boarding and Day School. course of prescribed and elective BEHRINGER, CHARLES A., rector of Grace Church, Linden, N. J., died last month. Preparatory to all colleges. Unusual study. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American opportunities in Art and Music. Fourth-year course for gradu war and was active in veteran organiza Complete sports program. Junior tions. School. Accredited. Address: ates, offering larger opportunity CARPER, WOOD, JR., was recently insti for specification. tuted as rector of Trinity Church, Paw SISTERS OF ST. MARY Provision for more advanced tucket, R. I., by Bishop Perry. Box W.T. CARTY, ARTHUR C., rector of St. Bar Kemper Hall Kenosha, Wisconsin work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. tholomew’s, Philadelphia, died on November and D.Th. 29th after an illness of three months. COWANS, WILLIAM, rector of Trinity CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL ADDRESS Church, Redlands, California, has accepted New York City appointment to be assistant professor of religious education in Redlands University. A boarding school for the forty boys of THE DEAN the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the 1 Chelsea Square New York City FARNSWORTH, HUGH M„ formerly assistant Divine. Careful musical training and daily at St. George’s, Maplewood, N. J., was singing at the cathedral services. Small For Catalogue Address the Dean recently instituted rector of St. John’s, classes mean individual attention and high Cornwall, N. Y. standards. The School has its own building GLAZEBROOK, DONALD, was instituted and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $300.00 rector of St. James’, La Jolla, Calif., on per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice Episcopal Theological School November 21st by Bishop Stevens. test and scholarship examination. Address The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, Cathe CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS GRIESMYER, ORIN A., formerly of St Andrew’s, Emporia, Kansas, has accepted dral Heights, New York City. Affiliated with Harvard University offers the rectorship of St. John’s, Tuckahoe, unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as N. Y. philosophy, psychology, history, sociology, etc. GUTHRIE, WILLIAM NORMAN, has re signed as rector of St. Mark’s Church in- HOLDERNESS For Catalogue Address the Dean the-Bouwerie, New York City. HAYWARD, ALBERT K., rector of St. In the White Mountains. College Preparatory and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For The Protestant Episcopal Luke’s, Mount Joy, Pa., has accepted the boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 rectorship of St. Paul’s, Wellsboro, Pa. acres of woods. New fireproof building. In Theological Seminary in Virginia Address, 53 Walnut St. dividual attention. Home atmosphere. HOLMES, FREDERICK V., vicar of Trinity, For Catalogue and other information Jersey Shore, Pa., and rector of Trin t Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector address the Dean Renovo, Pa., has accepted the rectorship Box W Plymouth, N. H REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. of St. James, Muncy, Pa. Address, i. Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. S. Washington St. LONG, ANDREW C., assistant at Holy Trinity, New York, has been elected recto.- of the parish. Berkeley MERIF1ELD, GEORGE A., was instituted rector of Grace Church, Mt. Clemens, S tu a rt IB? a ll Divinity School Michigan, on November 18th by Bishop An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old New Haven, Connecticut Creighton. traditions and high standards in the beau Affiliated with Yale University NOSTRAND, GEORGE, curate at St. Luke’s, tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara tory, general courses, and secretarial Address DEAN W. P. LADD Montclair, N. J. was ordained priest on Advent Sunday by Bishop Washburn. courses. Two years beyond high school. 86 Sachem Street M isic, art, expression. Graduates success SMITH, HENRY B „ rector of Emmanuel, ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. Shawnee, Okla., is now the vicar of fa. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid TRINITY COLLEGE S-ephen’s, Mount Carmel, Pa., and of t^e ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Ascension, Kulpmont, Pa. Address, 104 Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. Hartford, Conn. faoutn Maple St., Mount Carmel. Offers a general cultural education, with TOADVINE, GEORGE H., JR., vicar of special emphasis on the Classics, Modern missions in the diocese of Harrisburg has Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil accepted the rectorship of St. Andrew's. osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, Harrisburg, Pa. Address, 1852 Mark.- The Church Divinity School of the Pacific Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. Street. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA For information apply, The Dean. WALKER, JOSEPH R., has resigned as rec Dean, Henry H. Shires 2457 Ridge Road tor of Trinity, Apalachicola, Florida, be cause of illness. Address, Beaufort, South Carolina. WEST, EDWARD N., assistant at Trinity Church, Ossining, N. Y., has been elected rector of the parish. An Honor Christian School with the highest WILLIAMS, GEORGE F., vicar of St. Luke’s, academic rating. Upper School prepares for San Diego, California, has accepted the The Meaning of the university or business. ROTC. Every modern position of chaplain at Bishop’s Schoo equipment. Junior School from six years. La Jolla, California. Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. WOOD, TIPTON LEE, priest of the diocese Real Presence Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. of Los Angeles, has renounced the ministry “ for causes which do not affect his mora’ By character,” and the renunciation was ac- , cepted by Bishop Stevens on November Virginia Episcopal School ■ 24th. G. A. Studdert-Kennedy Lynchburg, Virginia Prepares boys for colleges and university. 5c a copy Splendid environment and excellent corps of CONFIRMATION teachers. High standard in scholarship and $1.00 for 25 copies athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in the mountains of Virginia. INSTRUCTIONS For catalogue apply to BY BISHOP JOHNSON Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector The book to use in preparing your class. Also an excellent book to place St. Faith’s School in the hands of an inquiring layman. Secretarial, Art, Music, French, Winter 50c a copy $4 a dozen Sports. Regents Examination. Tuition $550 yr. Protection, Care, Health. WITNESS BOOKS Some scholarships available. WITNESS BOOKS 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Apply to REV. DR. Fi ALLEN SISCO, Principal 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue Chicago Saratoga Spa, N. Y. CHICAGO Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Managing Editor W illiam B. Spofford THE WITNESS “ “ Literary Editor Gardiner M. Day A National Paper of the Episcopal Church a . Manby Lloyd Voi. XXII. No. 7. DECEMBER 16, 1937 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, and semi-monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year ; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 29, 1937, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. “Thy King Cometh” An Editorial By BISHOP JOHNSON E HAVE no king but Caesar” was the reply by tian civilization in which they were reared. They have W the worldly minded Jews when confronted by dethroned the hereditary Caesars but have elevated leàs their Messiah. He was not the kind of a Christ that bénéficient dictators in their places who have all the men were looking for. His very meekness was offen vices of a tyrant and few of the virtues of a King. sive to those who were accustomed to the pomp of roy W hy harp on this situation? W e are in no danger alty. They could not understand a prince who seem of having a Caesar in America. That depends largely ingly was interested in widows and children, who con upon whether the salt has kept its savor. So much of sorted with publicans and sinners, who surrounded our religion in the U .S.A. is quite tasteless and easily Himself with a group of peasants and who wearied irritated by any voice which stirs them to discipleship. Himself in good works. It was not the kind of a King Notwithstanding when the salt has lost its savor it that men were looking for then; He is not the kind of will be trodden under the foot of men. The inertia a King that men are looking for now. of His disciples is a far more grievous danger than the attacks of soapbox orators. It is only when our reli The Beatitudes are in the discard and in place of gion is good for nothing that atheism has a leg to stand them we have the platitudes of politicians who promise on. It has no principles to defend but has a very much though they themselves practice little of the mor acute ability to criticize that in others which it does ality that they advocate. W e live in two worlds, the not practice itself. Its most effective attack has always one of material comforts and the other in the com been against the status of the clergy, who are often en forts of God’s grace.