Clifford G. Andrew, M.D., Ph.D. Neurology Resident 1976-79; Neuromuscular Fellow 1979-80; Assistant Professor of Neurology 1980- 86; Currently: Assistant Professor of Neurology Part-time, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, MD;
[email protected]; website My time at Hopkins came at an important crossroads in my life: having completed my MD/PhD (Biochemistry) at Duke’s Medical Scientist Training Program with mentor Stan Appel, honing my clinical skills for long, continuing career in Neurology. In 1976 the department had 4 professors: Daniel Drachman, John Freeman, Richard Johnson & Guy McKhann who amazed us with trans-Atlantic sailing. There were “young Turk” assistant professors Jack Griffin, and David Zee; and incoming resident Justin McArthur (1981). We learned to “See one, do one, and show one.” and “If you don’t get your work done in 24 hours you just have to stay up late!” During this time we moved laboratories, clinics, and wards to the Adolf Meyer Building and I learned three things: 1) art of compassionate care for patients; 2) the importance of applying rigorous science to evidence-based medicine (1998 Physicians’ Health Study II, 2008 Harvard Personal Genome Project PGP-84, and 2018 NIH All Of Us Research Precision Medicine; and 3) the importance of life beyond career: sailing the Chesapeake Bay in a 22-foot Bristol; raising 6 children, and 8 grandchildren; leadership in Cub, Boy, explorer Scouts, UU Church of Annapolis, teaching Hominid evolution at UUCA’s Camp Beagle “Vacation Darwin School”, USNA Secular Midshipmen, and UU Humanists & Naturalists; section thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail’s 2200 miles from GA to Me.