Cruising through


with Addie d the Adelaide is e c tr overy cen Henry Hopwood (the founder of ) and James Maiden (the did founder of ) were both you ex-convicts! The Port of Echuca was ’s know? second busiest Port. The Echuca Wharf was built all the way back in the 1860’s! (like Before commercial charts of the were made, this captains would one) have to draw their own charts The Port of Echuca is still the home of the largest fleet of registered paddle steamers. Paddle steamers and locomotives (trains) use steam to power them. This steam is made by heating water with fire. The river levels of the Murray River used to change so much throughout the year that the Echuca Wharf was built with 3 different levels. The PS Pevensey can hold and tow a total weight of over 400 tonnes – that’s 400,000 kgs!! Colour in Addie! SPOT THE DIFFERENCE (find all 5) OF ECH RT UC O A P

d is e c tr overy cen

Questions: How many levels was the Echuca Wharf built with? ______

Addie’s Who founded Echuca? History ______Lesson How do you make steam? EQUATION ______+______= STEAM

When was the Echuca Wharf built? ______

How much weight can the PS Pevensey hold and tow? ______HINT The answers are in the information on Page 2! Steamer Jokes

JOKES: Q: What do you call a sleeping paddle steamer? A: paddle-dreamer

Q: What makes a paddle steamer crew work well together? A: S-team work! Q: What noise does a paddle steamer make when it farts? A: Toot toot!

Q: What do you call a tree jumping on one leg? A: Hop-Wood!

Q: What is a paddle steamers favourite hobby? A: sPORT (OF ECHUCA)

FOLLOW US ON: 74 Murray Esplanade, Echuca. W www.portofechuca.org.au