Jackson Wins Flier's Release 3
'\ Studeht ‘who’s whos’ 8-week diet plan To wn hockey are a profitable game Is beginning today teams unbeaten ^ * ... page 3 ... page 15 ... page 12 Partly sunny today; Manchester, Conn. Cloudy Wednesday Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1984 — See page 2 Single copy; 25® ^ ‘It feels good’ , '*'.1 Jackson wins flier's release 3 By Matthew C. Quinn "They never tried to brainwash In'^5 downtown Damascus news United Press International' me or change me to their persua conference, Jackson said, "The sion,” Goodman said on ABC's point is. this is a victory for DAMASCUS. Syria ^ The Sy "Good Morning America.” "They ■ everybody.” rian government freed captured , just treated me with respect, and 1 He called on leaders of Syria and *0‘, U.S. airman Robert Goodman Jr. think they were as much in awe of the United States lo use the today, and a jubilant Jesse Jack- me as 1 was in the situation that 1 Goodman release as a basis for son preparing to escort the flier new efforts at peace in the Middle ♦,V^ * was in," he added. "1 was treated back home — described the move quite well." East " I just wish that President as “ a victory for everybody." In Washington. President Rea Assad and President Reagan Jackson, a candidate for the gan said he was "delighted that wo4ild have a meeting,” Jackson Democratic presidential nomina this brave young man will soon be said. tion, announced Syria's intention united with his family and that his As.sad had not asked 'him to to release Goodman several min ordeal is over." suggest a meeting to Reagan, utes before the 27-year-old Navy Reagan also praised Jackson.for Jackson said, adding.
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