Life Saving Victoria Life Saving Victoria ABN 21 102 927 364 200 The Boulevard Annual Report 2019-20 Life Saving Victoria Port Melbourne VIC 3207 PO Box 353, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Annual Report 2019-20 Tel (03) 9676 6900 Fax (03) 9681 8211
[email protected] #InThisTogether CONTENTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT President’s Report 3 Area of Focus A Honours The 2019-20 season was an unusual one with beach closures due Lifesaving Services 20 & Awards 54 to bushfires and poor air quality, followed by COVID-19, which also CEO’s Overview 4 meant an early end to the patrol season. Area of Focus B Council Executives Our Board 6 Pool & Waterway Safety 24 & Committees 56 Despite these hindrances, our lifesavers and lifeguards still performed Governance 8 a solid 475 rescues and 2,339 first aid applications during the Area of Focus C Life Members 57 season. Showcasing the strength of our movement, volunteer Strategic Plan Member Development 28 Supporters 58 membership reached record numbers, increasing to more than 2016–2020 9 Area of Focus D 38,000. This was up from slightly Addressing the Community Education & more than 35,000 the previous Drowning Toll 10 Training 32 7% year, representing a seven per cent increase. The long-term #InThisTogether 11 Area of Focus E increase in member acquisition strategies of Aquatic Sport 38 Financial Overview 12 membership, many clubs really came into Area of Focus F Our Diverse Partners 16 fruition this year. Risk & Research 42 up from 35,383 Search and Rescue Our aquatic industry has been Area of Focus G to 38,123 Capability Profile 18 extremely hard hit by the Diversity 46 COVID-19 restrictions with While it’s been an unusual year, it has also been a year during which I was immensely proud of the way the lifesaving community came Area of Focus H long-term closures of public swimming pools and many children together in support of other emergency service agencies as the Sector Development missing out on swimming lessons.