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EES Part 3 Chapter 13 to 15 PDF, 18.5 MB 13-1 13 Planning and land use The Planning and Land Use Impact 13.1 EES objectives Assessment (GHD, 2015b) examined the The draft Evaluation Objective for the assessment potential effects of the Project on land use, for the Echuca-Moama Bridge Project (the Project), consistency with relevant State and Local as specified in the EES Scoping Requirements, is “To planning polices and on local infrastructure minimise adverse social and land use effects, within the study area. including impacts on existing uses of the Crown Overall, the planning and land use impacts land”. identified would be generally localised and site This chapter is based on the Planning and Land Use specific. Land use and planning related issues Impact Assessment completed by GHD (2015b), would be generally short term and which is included in EES Technical Appendix G. It is construction related, such as impacts on a summary of that assessment and includes a native vegetation, utility services and discussion of the following key issues and amenity, which would be appropriately requirements as they relate to planning and land managed through the implementation of a use, as specified in the EES Scoping Requirements Construction Environmental Management Plan. for the Project. Land acquisition impacts on individual land holdings would be limited by virtue of the Key issues preferred alignment utilising existing road The potential for the Project to unreasonably reserves and acquisition generally being impact on existing recreational and non- located adjacent to existing boundaries or recreational uses of the Crown land. fence lines. Overall, 67 allotments would be affected, with 9 private landowners and a number of Crown land managers including the Priorities for characterising the existing Shire of Campaspe impacted by the proposed environment acquisition. Approximately 19 hectares (ha) Identify any existing sporting and community would be acquired, including almost 10ha of infrastructure, land use plans or related Crown land. The area of acquisition would be objectives for land within, adjacent to or affected confirmed through surveying following by the Project, including the Murray River finalisation of the detailed design. corridor. The greatest land use impacts resulting from acquisition in Victoria would be to Victoria Design and mitigation measures Park and the former Echuca Secondary Identify potential and proposed design responses College site, both which are on Crown land. and measures to minimise adverse…land use These impacts would be due to changes to affects. access and amenity and the loss of six tennis courts at the Echuca Lawn Tennis Club. The current draft Victoria Park Master Plan Assessment of likely effects anticipates the road in this location. Assess the potential effects on communities Compensation for severance and land living near the Project in terms of potential acquisition impacts would be provided where severance, loss of recreational and non- appropriate consistent with the Land recreational uses and values, and reduction in Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 (Vic.). access to sporting or community infrastructure. The Project as a whole would not result in any Evaluate the consistency of the Project against significant inconsistency with planning policy, the policies and provisions of the Campaspe and would not result in broad change of land Planning Scheme and other relevant land use use within the study area. planning strategies. The assessment determined that the impacts Key issues and requirements relating to social of the Project on planning and land use impact are addressed in Chapter 14. elements of the study area would not vary The Planning and Land Use Impact Assessment substantially between the initial and ultimate focussed on the preferred alignment. The term ‘the alignments. Project’ is used in this chapter to refer to the preferred alignment only. 13-2 13.2 Study area 13.3 Methodology The study area for the Planning and Land Use Tasks required for the Planning and Land Use Impact Impact Assessment includes the proposed Right-of- Assessment were undertaken prior to, and as part of Way for the preferred alignment, as well as the area the EES process, as outlined below. A detailed surrounding the proposed Right-of-Way that description of the assessment approach is included contains various land uses that could be affected by in Technical Appendix G. These tasks included: the Project. A review of historic, current and future land use This includes consideration of land uses within the and development potential in the study area. immediate area of Echuca and Moama, which are A review of Commonwealth, State and Local within, immediately adjacent to, or located in government strategies and policies. This includes proximity to, the proposed Right-of-Way, as well as consideration of consistency with planning land use and development within the wider region. policies and controls, and likely future land uses. Figure 13-1 illustrates the identified study area and A review of land title/Crown land status of the State boundaries. allotments within the proposed Right-of-Way and review of specific impacts on individual properties including current and future land uses within the proposed Right-of-Way. A review of Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) and other infrastructure information provided by VicRoads. A site visit (3 September 2014) to gain a greater understanding of the potential planning, land use and infrastructure impacts of the Project. A meeting (3 September 2014) and subsequent correspondence and discussions with Campaspe Shire Council. Assessment of the impacts of the ultimate duplication of the Project against the ‘No Project’ scenario. The Planning and Land Use Impact Assessment was not based on an environmental risk framework, as the assessment of impact focuses on predicted change rather than the risk of environmental harm, and interpretation of impacts is more qualitative and therefore more difficult to measure. The following phrases are used within this chapter: ‘Land severance’, which refers to land separated into two or more parts that are no longer connected ‘Allotment’, which refers to land as defined by a title or the State cadastre ‘Property’, which refers to an allotment, or group of allotments, in a single landownership or use. 13-3 Figure 13-1 Planning and land use study area 13-4 13.4 Legislation and policy The relevant legislation and government policies for planning and land use are outlined in Table 13-1. Table 13-1 Relevant legislation and policies for planning and land use Legislation/policy Description State Planning and The Planning and Environment Act establishes a framework for planning the use, development and Environment Act protection of land in Victoria in the present and long-term interest of all Victorians. The Planning and 1987 (Vic.) Environment Act sets out the legislative basis to ensure that standard planning provisions are prepared and approved throughout Victoria. The Planning and Environment Act sets out procedures for preparing and amending the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and planning schemes, obtaining permits under planning schemes, settling disputes, enforcing compliance with planning schemes, and other administrative procedures. The Planning and Environment Act provides for a single instrument of planning control in a particular area, the planning scheme, which sets out the way land may be used or developed. The planning scheme is a legal document, prepared and approved under the Planning and Environment Act. The relevant planning scheme for the study area is the Campaspe Planning Scheme. Land Acquisition and The process under which private land can be compulsorily acquired is set out in the Land Acquisition Compensation Act and Compensation Act. Under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act, land required for a public 1986 (Vic.) purpose can be acquired by State Government departments and agencies. Acquisition can be done either compulsorily or by negotiation. The Land Acquisition and Compensation Act provides: The procedures for the compulsory or negotiated acquisition of land The procedures for the determination of compensation, including disturbance and severance costs. Crown Land The Crown Land (Reserves) Act is provides for the reservation of Crown land for certain purposes and (Reserves) Act 1978 for the management of such reserved lands. Under this Act and in interface with the Road Management (Vic.) Act 2004 (Vic.), Crown land can be reserved for the purpose of a public road. Transport The Transport Integration Act provides a policy framework for transport and land use agencies. The Integration Act 2010 Transport Integration Act: (Vic.) Provides for an integrated sustainable transport system by unifying all elements of the transport portfolio Provides for a ‘triple bottom line’ (economic, social and environmental) assessment of the transport system Provides for a common vision, objectives and principles for integrated and sustainable transport policies and operations Provides for the integration of land use and transport planning by including ‘interfacing bodies/agencies’ under the coverage of the Transport Integration Act Recognises that the transport system should be conceived and planned as a single system rather than competing nodes. Plan Melbourne and The new metropolitan planning strategy, Plan Melbourne and the regional growth plans provide Loddon Mallee North strategic land use plans for Victoria. Regional Growth Plan Melbourne was
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