Daniel D. Richter CV 2021
2020 Daniel D. Richter, Jr. Nicholas School of the Environment Box 90328, A205, LSRC Duke University Durham, North Carolina 27708-0328 USA Office Tel 919-613-8031; Cell 919-475-7939, Fax 919-684-8741 drichter@duke.edu, @suelos2010 http://criticalzone.org/calhoun/ h-index 66, i10-index 155, citations 15,369 Education Ph.D. Soil Science & Ecology, Minor Statistics, Duke University, Durham, 1980 Graduate coursework: Soil Science, Statistics, Ecology, and Forestry at Mississippi State and North Carolina State Universities, 1976-77 B.A., Philosophy, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 1973 Employment Full and Associate Professor of Soils and Ecology, Nicholas School of the Environment, 1987-present Visiting Associate Professor of Soils, Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica, Cartago, 1993-4 Assistant Professor of Soils and Watershed Management, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, 1984-87 Research Associate, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1980-84 Leadership Lead-PI with 15 Co-Is, NSF and USFS Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, 2013- present Chair, National CZO PI Committee of the nine USA CZOs, 2015 PI and Director, Long-Term Calhoun Experimental Forest Soil-Ecosystem Experiment, 1988-present PI and Director, International Network of Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Experiments, 2005-present, (250 studies worldwide) Member, International Commission of Stratigraphy’s Working Group on the Anthropocene, 2012-present Co-Founder and Chair Working Groups on Soil Change, International Union of Soil Sciences and
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