Water and Energy solutions in changing climatic conditions for Next century using Geospatial applications

Dr Ritesh Arya Director Geothermal section International Sustainable Energy Organisation

Geospatial World Forum 2017 1 •Geospatial digitalization is in its infancy stage in India but good geospatial maps in future holds the key for the policy and decision makers to effectively take immediate decisions for natural resource and infrastructural development both in times of peace or disaster (manmade during wars or natural due to earthquakes or floods) for the welfare of the nation right upto village level to make SMART India.

Geospatial World Forum 2017

Groundwater in Himalaya

•Mountains devoid of groundwater till early 1990s

Geospatial World Forum 2017 3

www.ritesharya.com Innovation Asia 2015 1996 • “CONCEPTUAL MODEL to explain OCCURRENCE and MOVEMENT of groundwater resources in entire Hindukush Himalayas” IGC Beijing

Geospatial World Forum 2017 4 Tibetans who fled Tibet in 1959 following Chinese aggression, settled in 3000TIBETANS got 24 x 7 water since 1998

Geospatial World Forum 2017 5 Melting water to quench their thirst

Geospatial World Forum 2017 6 Civil and army gets water

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 7 2000

Geospatial World Forum 2017 8 DRASS temps > -40 Tololing Hill ASIA’S coldest place 2nd coldest in world

Kargil War Memorial

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 9 Groundwater in Himalaya

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 10 Geospatial World Forum 2017 11 Instant hero

Geospatial World Forum 2017 12 Geospatial World Forum 2017 13 press designated me

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 14 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 15 Climate change impact n water and energy resources ???

Geospatial World Forum 2017 16 Indian Express Feb 2007

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 17 •What is climate change???

Geospatial World Forum 2017 UNIPCC

“Man and his activities responsible for unprecedented increase in global temperatures in recent past”

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 19 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 20 Al Gore

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 21 But that’s not… the truth…

IT s Inconvenient truth ……

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 22 Pollution 100% natural & 100% man made

Fossil fuel causes pollution

Volcanic eruption causes pollution

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 23

CO2 is essential part of food chain

CO2 increase ~ Agricultural increase

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 24 No evidence supports man made activities increase or decrease climate change

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 25 Glaciers in Himalaya

……extinct or on verge of extinction ……much before ……………..industrialisation

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 26 EXTINCT GLACIERS IN HIMALAYA

Extinct glacier 1006 AD

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 27 ON VERGE OF EXTINCTION


On verge of extinction – Chuhul

Khardung la - Water Lifeline of (receded – 20.8km)

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 28

Siachen – The Receding glacier

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 29 Receded (78.15kms since Last ICE age)

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Lakes – Shrinking in Himalaya

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 31

Indus Glacier …………. discovered in Ladakh

Borewell samples

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 32 PALEOCLIMATIC SIGNATURES

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 33 Paleoclimatic signatures represent alphabet C- hence C cycles (Half cycle preserved) www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 34

C cycles –Taphonomic studies reveal 10 cycles preserved in the granites www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 35


www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 36 Aryas C cylce

Climate change follows curvilinear pattern

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 37 Ice age GRADUALLY transforms into warming and warming Maxima subsequently culminates into ICE age

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 38 Dr Arya discovered 10 such C cycles

•Since last Ice age around 11714 years from today ( 8 complete and 2 half)

•Each Climate C cycle is of 1338.6 years

•Half C cycle of 669.3 years

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 39 Frozen Thames – 1677 (Little ICE AGE around 336.6 ago fits with Arya’s C cycle)

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 40 Leh floods 2010 coincides with PRESENT warming Maxima

Arya’s Half C cycle

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 41 Lamayuru Medieval warming 1006 Paleo glaciated Lake Outburt –

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 42 Geologically it means

More transportation of sediments deposited during global cooling times into the ocean

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 43 Solutions - enjoy warming

“Climate change is a geological phenomenon therefore Solutions to combat Climate change need to be geological. Build sustainable habitats in geologically favorable environments away from coast or river channels“. Dr Ritesh Arya talks at TEDX

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 44 SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS

1200 constructed on Solid rock on bank of Lamayuru Lake outburst

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 45 Enjoy warming –Its natural …. and best time to be on this planet earth

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 46 Impact of warming on Himalayan glaciers

• Glaciers are extinct (Indus Glacier) or on verge of extinction () •Flash flooding destruction of Indus civilisations in past •Sea level rise submergence

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 47

Indus valley civilization

Now & then

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 48 Impact of warming on Fresh water sources in Himalaya

Glaciers receding - Fresh water sources – Squeezing . Gravity schemes will run out More money to transport water Cost of Water increase –

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 49 Geospatial World Forum 2017 POLLUTION turns BLUE waters BLACK

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 51 Impact on power sector

Geospatial World Forum 2017 Economic Impact •Hydro Power projects – renewable but not sustainable

by 2030 Investments in Hydro power will be in danger

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 53 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 54 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Forum 2017 55 Innovation Asia 2015 Impact on dams

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 56 –Hydro Power projects

renewable but not sustainable

by 2030 CLIMATE, SILTING cause FLOODS Where will the water come??? Investments in Hydro power will be in danger

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 57 WIND AND SOLAR

Renewable but only WHEN sun shines or wind blows

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 58


www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 59 Non Renewable FOSSIL FUEL - Costly Pollution

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 60 What is right investment???? NUCLEAR POWER in Switzerland

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 61 NUCLEAR ENERGY

ITS NOT FREE Energy – 1 GW costs 10 Billion $

Its not SAFE energy

Geospatial World Forum 2017 62


In case of catastrophe – GENERATIONS ARE DESTROYED

Geospatial World Forum 2017 63

CHERNOBYL 1986 April 6 500000 workers and 18 billion rubles FUKUSHIMA spent to avert catastrophe To be rehabilitated by 2065 Japan orders closure of 40+ plants

Chernobyl and Fukushima disaster are worst nuclear power plant accident in history classified as level 7 event (max classification) on International Nuclear Event Scale long-term effects cancers and deformities are still being accounted for.

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 64 Cost of Restoration of Fukushima

•20Billion $ •30 years

Geospatial World Forum 2017 Geothermal perfect replacement for Nuclear Power

72 GEO sites identified

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 66 Yamagawa geothermal power plant, JAPAN Our VISION Replace NUCLEAR POWER

(bombs)plants with AGNEYODGARA SITES to give safe, green, clean, economical SUSTAINABLE energy for all Dr Aryas presentation in World Sustainable Geospatial World Forum 2017 67 Energy Conference 2012 Geneva What is right investment????

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 68 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 69 Agneyodgara- Lava Energy

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 70 Agneyodgara (Lava Energy)

Concept developed by Dr Arya to provide “Sustainable free water & energy for all by 2050” • Compared to sun & wind it’s 24x7 • Compared to Fossil fuel it’s Renewable • Compared to Nuclear it’s safe.

Geospatial World Forum 2017 71 DIVERGENT Krafla AGNEYODGARA SITE

Magma 2.1kms superheated steam +300*C

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 72 Andaman Nicobar Geospatial World Forum 2017 73 www.ritesharya.com Innovation Asia 2015 SEWERAGE WASTE Water to Energy to Water using Agneyodgara-Geocogen Technology

Geospatial World Forum 2017 Manikaran Free food cooked in free GEOenergy > 500 years ago

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 75

inspired by the traditional wisdom from Manikaran Dr Arya’s Mission “Right to free safe sustainable Water & Energy for All”

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 76 World Future Energy Summit Abu Dhabi

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 77 Recognition

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 78 •Indias geothermal potential 10000 MWe

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 79 If 10,000 MW installed, geothermal power will provide electricity to over 52 million people

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United Nations estimates global reserves at about 200 gigawatts

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 85 LARDERALLO 1905 and 1913

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 86 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 87 US Geothermal 3450MW • US the Geysers, the world's • the city of Santa Rosa, largest geothermal field, California, pipes its treated containing a complex of 22 wastewater to the Geysers geothermal power plants, power plant to be used as and drawing steam from reinjection fluid. more than 350 wells

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 88 CALIFORNIA (source: landmark-ca.com)

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 89 Hawaii - Freedom from Fossil fuel

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 90 Philippines 1870MW

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 91 Leyte geothermal plant, Indonesia 1350 MW

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 92 ICELAND Iceland has highest percentage share of geothermal energy 5245 GWh of their national electricity production

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 93 Krafla plant, ICELAND (source: flickr/ Andrea de Poda, creative commons)

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 94 Aluminium

Alcoawww.ritesharya.comGeospatial smelter World inInnovation Forum Reyðarfjörður, 2017 Asia 2015 East Iceland (source: Krator/ 95 TURKEY Turkey

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 96 Kizildere geothermal plant, TURKEY (source: www.saraykoy.gov.tr)

Kenya’s world’s largest geothermal plant 140MW at Naivasha @ 13 million US

Reduced energy cost by 40% Cheaper then Hydro Generate employment ,reducewww.ritesharya.comGeospatial poverty World Innovation Forumand 2017 Asiaimprove 2015 living conditions 97 public financing for geothermal projects should increase 10x upto $73 billion by 2030 from $7.4 billion today, the CPI .”

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 98 www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 99 Geothermal well at Menengai, KENYA (source: flickr/ ScientificDrilling) The DAIRY THE HEAT EXCHANGER Menengai, KENYA

Direct Use

http://girlsonfieldwork- menengai.blogspot.is/2015/09/dir ect-use-projects-and-sundogs- 1st.html @ 78 ºC @68ºC PASTEURIZES MILK Brine solution heats cold water LAUNDRY @ 40 ºC In the geothermal GREENHOUSES

Fish Farming @ 28 ºC

2 times crop www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 100 30kg from each plant GEOTHERMAL heating & cooling 2 Trillion Gallons of water saved

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 101 EGG www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 102 EGG ISB school

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More than 700 geothermal projects are currently under development around the world in 76 countries

one geothermal facility can replace 3,000 tonnes of coal each year, saving over 75 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and 30 tonnes of sulfur dioxide.

www.ritesharya.comGeospatial World Innovation Forum 2017 Asia 2015 106