Smith Moves Io Prevent Fall Integration at MSU CROSS
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Set Our House In Order Ç” 3 Freed After F3' or Civil Rights World Leadership Still Hurt ?AMEfLICA*8 8TANDAR»D~ Statute Probe By Racial Policies, He Finds A C E. A MACON, Ga. - (UPI) - A VALPARAISO, Ind. — - (ANP) — "If we want really to play o federal grand jury has refused role for the advancement of human progress as leaders of the VOLUME 28, NUMBER 15 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS to indict three Dawson, Gqó free world, it certainly behooves us to set our house in order policemen for alleged brutality 2OO,000 Didn't Vote and cease practicing racial discrimination. in the death of two Negroes Iti This was the first argument Huge Space Age the Southwest Georgia towb» against segregation presented by Dr. it was disclosed Saturday. Louis P. Lochner at-the ninth, an Promised $200 For Faubus Never The The government had sought to nual . Lutheran Human Relations Institute banquet at the Valparaiso Finding Pooch, Girl prosecute Randolph Ennis McDon university Student Union. The vet ald, Wyman B. Cherry and Edwin eran foreign corence of a n Issue In Arkansas, Harold Jones, Dawson officers,' un eran foreign correspondent, who With 50 Cents Sues der the civil rights statute. was awarded the Pulitzer Prize In MACON. Ga. — (UPI) — A 13- bl'/ Thè grand jury’s negative report year-old girl who said she was given Friday climaxed several months of 1936, spoke from the experience of ? WASHINGTON —U P I— The a recent world tour with a United 50 cen’is as a reward for returning i Wilkins Declares House approved a 900 million dol- investigation touched off by news Nations survey team. a lost dog to its owner filed suit paper accounts, including one in In civil, court Friday to collect an- ST. LOUIS—The crucial, factor hr program, of college loans_and_ Thè Washington, D. C., Post and Lochner also inade the point, “If F in the landslide renomination of ctîïer-rl space-age education aids- nother $199.50. Friday after .striking out a contro Times - Herald, of conditions in for no other reason, than for flit Gov.- Orvai E. Faubus in Arkansas Dawson. reasons of enlightened self-interest Tire girl. Shelby Galloway, said /■ was not the issue of school inte versial federal scholarship plan, we should see to it that we cease dog owner W. M, Jenkins had j; gration but the “inflammatory" Tlie measure . was passed by The Washington newspaper said to discriminate against fellow hu promised a reward of $200 for re campaign against the use of fe voice vote aller members rejected that Negroes in Dawson,, which has I 139-233 a motion to kill the bill a population of 5,000, were living mans whose skin God In is wisdom turn of his black and white terrier deral troops in Little Rock, NA in terror, of police. has made of a different color. The "Butch.” She said she found’ the ■ ACP Executive Secretary Roy Wil by sending it back to committee. Federal investigators had propos time may come when we shall need dog two blocks Irom Jenkins' home kins declared • in a television .in This drive was led by Rep, Ralph . ed indictments based oh the deaths them more than they now need but he would only give her 50 cents. terview here. Waldo Gwinn R.—N. Ÿ., senior ii;' of two Negroes, the pistol wound- . us?’ The girl and her. mother also Interviewed by a panel of law Republican on the education and After illustrating the great strides » I yers on a popular program over labor committee. ing of a third, the beating of a asked $100 in attorney's fees for w fourth, and the alleged illegal de - that have been made in recent “bad faith” on the part of Jenkins ■ KMOX-TV on August 2, M. Mr. The bill now goes to the Senate years in Central Africa, Lochner Wilkins expressed the. opinion that- whose education committee has tention of a fifth. All the charges stated that the Republic of Ghana for’ refusing to pay the promised approved a broader . measure, in were rejected. reward. "the turning force was the magic has a population of almost 5,000,000; i ■ ■ federal troops idea." cluding scholarships. The Negroes who died were Nigeria almost 32,000,000; and I «fi Two hundred thousand quali In a rebuff to the administra James Brazier, .31,' and Willie French West Africa almost 19,000,- Postage Stamp Machine, fied voters in the state “didn’t feel tion, the House knocked out the Countryman,, cousins, McDonald 000 people. ' . it was necessary to come out and scholarship plan by a standing and Cherry arrested Brazier April He said, “Add hereto some 20 mil A Better Mouse Trap? vote” in the primary despite the vote of 109 to 78. Supporters of 21 on charges of resisting arrest. r lions in East Africa who are like injection of "pure racism” in ' thè the plan made no attempt to re He died eight days later after an ly in due time to become indepen LONDON (UPI)—Police called to ■ campaign, the NAACP leader verse the action on a roll call vote? operation to relieve a skull. frac dent nations in the British Com investigate trouble at a local post About half the money authoriz office were confronted by Terry pointed out. ture; Cherry said he had been forc monwealth, and you have the stag National Business League, at N. C. College In response to a question as to ed by the bill would go fbr loans ed to blackjack Brazier to subdue gering figure of 76,000,000 of es Payne, 9, who told them “my white N. C. GOVERNOR VISITS NATIONAL BUSINESS to enable needy students to at mouse is in a stamp machine.” The President Alfonso Elder, former Atlantan, looks whether a delay in Little Roek him. • ’ ; sentially dark-skinned people as our LEAGUE MEET - Durham, N. C. - North Caro , might not provide a needed “cool tend college. Although a chief Cherry killed Countryman, May friends rather than as’ potential baby mouse, less .than an inch lina Gov. Luther Hodges chats with Dr. Fred on. The trio met at the NBl convention .at N. Ç. aim of the bill was to bolster long, was extracted unharmed. ing-off” period, the NAACP lead 25 when he went, tò a Negro house enemies?” erick D. Patterson, former president of Tuskegee College. er - flatly rejected the proposal. “I .science training, the loans would with another officer to investigate Institute and how re-elected president of the wouldn’t delay two 'and u half contain no ' strings requiring reci a disturbance. Cherry said the Ite- months, to say nothing of two and pients to Study such courses. gro ripped his hat with a knife and a hall years. I would never The bill, designed to meet Rus and was attempting to attack again Mayor Orgill Weary; agree to it voluntarily,” Mr. Wd- sia’s educational challenge in the when he shot him.^ j - ■ Kins asserted. sputnik era, alSo would provide For the investigation, FBI agents The Faubus victory, he said, 2G0 million dollars in grants for went to Dawson. Roy Wilkins, exec* Smith Moves Io Prevent may ■ well piove embarrassing to .science, language and mathematics utivé secretary of the NAACP, urg Ellington Victorious the national Democratic party equipment in public schools and ed the Civil Rights.Commission and junior colleges. the Attorney General to intervene. ■ While Mayor Edmund Orgill was refused to state whether or not he which will‘have to take a stand on would consider running as an in this issue. “A good, many Negro Other features would provide for To all the charges about police. preparing to go to. Irvington, Va., 5,500 graduate fellowships, aid to for a two-vacation from Tennes dependent. He did say on his“ re Democrats in the northern states mistreatment, Dawson. Mayor V. ;L. Fall Integration At MSU are a little uneasy wondering if colleges to expand graduate teach Singletary answered “97 per cent see, where he met defeat in his turn from Nashville that he “would not run as an independent." the Faubus philosophy is going to er training, funds for language in of our Negroes are satisfied.” ; •; attempt to be nominated governor until the fall term of 1959.” wanted to study at home and be stitutes and for guidance and in August 7 Primary Election, the Governor Designated Ellington A mov-e to prevent proposed fall be condoned by the party as a said, when, he was informed about integration at Memphis Slate Uni Negro students have tried vainly near their young children. whole.” testing programs in the public U. S. presents jazz concert at victorious Bufford Ellington- was to get into Memphis State since President Smith has stated with schools. Brussels Fair. ■ • " -.-i’ .' passing out praises to his campaign the possibility of some Democrat, versity has been made by Jack Questioned about the role of the r■ - opposing him bi the November Millard Smith, president of the in 1955 when a suit was filed by at out reservation, "I'm opposed to federal government in the NAA- workers. torneys for five students. This suit integration, and always will be." ■election, he said I know that my stitution. He has long fought Integration at CP appear against a two-and-a- Mayor Orgill and his wife, re two political opponents, Orgill and The action came a week after resulted in a five-year desegrega half year suspension of integration turned . to Memphis from Nashville Taylor, are Democrats and I am tion plan for the college, with one the university and other forms of m Little Rock, Mr.