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11-1-1949 The iB ble Vision Fort Wayne Bible Institute

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For all things beautiful, and good, and true;

For things that seemed not good yet turned to good;

For all the sweet compulsions of Thy will

That chastened, tried and wrought us to Thy shape;

For things unnumbered that we take of right,

And value first when they are withheld

For light and air; sweet sense of sound and smell;

For ears to hear the heavenly harmonies;

For eyes to see the unseen in the seen;

For vision of the Worker in the work;

For hearts to apprehend Thee everywhere; We thank Thee, Lord.

—John Oxenham

NOVEMBER, 1949 VOL. 14 NO. 2

Published monthly throughout the year with the exception of July and August by Fort Wayne Bible Institute. Subscription rate: $1.00 per j'-ear. 15c per copy. Publication office, 153 S. Jefferson St., Berne, Indiana. General office, 3822 South Wayne Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Entered as second class matter September 5. 1939, at the Post Office at Berne, In- , under the act of March ?, 1879. ^mm "llie^ Pne^ddeMi

It is fitting in November to give to discontinuing the department of thanks, but it is fitting for the organ was to buy a new instrument. Christian to ^ive. thanks always, and But there was only ^483.11 in the especially when there is a special organ fund and the cost of a new bestowal of God's goodness. It electronic instrument that was ade- happens that for the writer the an- quate for teaching and auditorium nual Thanksgiving coincides with needs was approximately ^4,000. It such an event. We want, therefore, was decided to go ahead with the to observe Thanksgiving by giving installation of a very fine instru- thanks. ment that incorporates the latest in In the responsibilities of our electronic development. work we are tempted at times when A letter was sent to our friends the administrative burdens become telling them of the purchase, invit- heavy and our faith is weak to im- ing them to the dedicatory service agine that there are not many who and ^\.vix\^ them an opportunity to are sharing the load. Our respon- have a share in the offering which sibilities tend to become anxieties was to be received at the dedication and our cares, worries. do not We on October 23. Before the excel- see the many in all parts of this lent dedicatory program by Prof. land and other lands who are up- Raymond Weaver a total of 167 holding the Bible Institute in friends of the Institute sent in, prayer. We fail to appreciate how ^933.00 as their share in the offer- many loyal friends the Lord has ing. ^276.53 was contributed by raised up to help by their prayers, those present and some additional well wishes and gifts in this minis- gifts followed. Accordingly, a sub- try of providing the best training stantial part of the cost has been possible for Christian young peo- met, and we believe that God will ple. At such times we do not see continue to undertake for the re- only dimly strong is the in- how mainder. visible bond that unites us as "work- ers together with Him." But what was more heartening than the gifts themselves were the Recently we had a heartening ex- many notes and letters expressing the perience that made us %\.ve^ thanks v/ell wishes and prayerful interest of anew to our heavenly Father for donors. Only a few representative His faithfulness. The Institute excerpts can be given: needed a new organ—the old one was worn out. The one alternative turn to page 8 The ELEVENTH Commandment

By Frieda M. Buchen

While abroad, I heard a story of awake, hoping to hear Rutherford the saintly archbishop Usher, who, pray. When midnight had arrived two hundred years ago, was a tow- and he had heard nothing, the er of strength in God's service. archbishop himself knelt down and Once he decided to travel incognito, offered a mighty intercessory to feel the spiritual pulse of the prayer, commiting to God all wid- churches in his charge. Disguised ows, orphans, the sick, tempted, as a beggar, staff in hand, a bag on dying, and all in authority. his back, and with hair powdered Rutherford, his sermon finished, white, he was attending church was surprised to hear a voice above services and visiting parsonages. him and crept upstairs to listen. He Arriving at the home of the was deeply moved by the - hymn writer Rutherford one Satur- bishop's pleading. When the day night, he was graciously re- "Amen" had been spoken, he ceived by Mrs. Rutherford, who knocked, entered, discovered the was just leading devotions, while guest's identity, and persuaded the her husband prepared his sermon. guest to preach for him in the She fed the "beggar" and invited morning. him to join her worshiping . After reading the commandments, The archbishop consented. After she asked, reading the commandments, he re- marked, "Tell us, old man, how many commandments are there?" *'We of the new covenant have an eleventh commandment, 'A new "Eleven," replied the archbishop. commandment I give unto you, Quickly the little son spoke up, that ye love one another as I have "No, Mamma, ten!" loved you.' John 13:34." Then he "How sad," she remarked, "that held forth Christ's mighty love and the love should feel for the you know so little. You are old; we who knows how soon you will die. brethren. It is never too late; turn to the In this unique way. Usher had Lord tonight! Yield to Him!" taught anew the lesson of ONE But the "Beggar" sat silent and who visited our sin-cursed world, thoughtful in his corner. Then she became poor for our sake, and showed him to a bedroom above taught us, by word and example, Rutherford's study. Long he lay the eleventh Commandment. Takins! God's Measure

By Harvey L. Mitchell

You may think it presumptuous per second.. Multiply this figure by to talk about measuring the Infi- the number of seconds in a minute, nite. It is impossible, I know, to and that by the number of minutes find, the limits of God. Yet I am in an hour, and that by the number interested in any information that pf hours in a day, and that by the will help me to realize, to some de- number of days in a year, and. you gree, at least, just how great my will have the mileage of light in a God. is. year's time. This distance, which is called, light year, is figure One clue to His size is the ex- a the 5 tent of the universe He created. with twelve other figures after it, or The Apostle Paul told the believers nearly six million million miles. at Colosse that "by Him (Christ) If, then, there are stars so far were all things created, that are in from us that their light has re- heaven, and that are in earth . . . quired 400 million years to get and by Him all things consist." Our here, we can roughly compute their Savior is the maker and the sus- distance in miles by multiplying the tainer of this vast universe. And 400 million by the number of miles its vastness helps us form some idea in a light year. The product isi 24, of the Creator's power and size. followed by twenty zeros. This means that our universe ex- Just how big is our universe? The known in all directions for this al- earth is about 93 million miles from tends the sun. Its orbit is a slightly flat- most unreadable number of miles. tened circle 186 million miles in di- How immense it is! And we have of ameter. But other planets are still no way knowing that we have farther from the sun. Pluto, the seen its limits. It may well be even most distant, circles around the sun larger. in a path that is about 7,340,000,000 Now, if God made so vast a uni- miles in diameter. verse, then He must be present But these distances are minute, wherever there is a part of His cre- compared to those that separate the ation. He fills all creation with His stars. The new 200-inch telescope presence. He is so great that we recently set up on Mt. Palomar in are unable to measure His exten- California has power to bring into sion, even when presented in this view stars so far away that their physical way.

light has had to travel 400 million But He is more than Creator. He years to reach us. sustains the universe. Everywhere Now, light travels 186,000 miles in the heavens we see order and split-second, regularity. Men are trust in Him should be natural and able to predict, years in advance, easy. No situation is beyond. His the motion and location of any star. power to control. To Him there The universe is a perfectly organ- are no emergencies. He never has ized system. Billions of stars are to strain to get things done. Al- in it, and each one is kept in its ways He is master. orbit, on time. does it? and Who These facts should also make it all things Our Savior! "By Him a delight to surrender our lives to wis- consist (hold together)." What His will. The One who guides the dom and. power are revealed in this flaming stars inerrantly through inerrant management! space, who makes the whole vast For another view of God's great- universe work with matchless pre- ness, let us think of time instead of cision, is surely competent to direct space. If some starlight travels 400 us through the few years of our million years to reach us, then it lives. His plan, for stars and for must have been that long on the men, is perfect. way. In other words, the parent Let us then commit ourselves to star began to shine at least 400 mil- His guidance and keeping. We may lion years ago. This universe is no not measure God's size, but we do infant. Yet, older than any creat- know that He is more than big ed, thing is our God. Things had a enough for all our needs. beginning. But before that begin- ning, God was. Think of the ex- The stars in regular Thy or- perience He has gained in that time dered ways declare; —if indeed He needs experience. Thou boldest them and guidest How many events He has wit- them through spaces vast and nessed! How many problems solved! rare. In Christ, then, are combined im- Canst Thou then guide me too, O measurable extension, unlimited Lord, through my life's fleeting power, and unequalled wisdom. day? Hast Thou the wisdom and the the thing that ought to Now, power to keep me in Thy way? us leap for joy is that this make Sure I can trust Thee. Thou art loves us and uses His great Savior God. With Thee are might and abilities for I infinite our good. grace; like the application Paul made. I'll follow where Thou leadest me, After speaking of Christ as creator until I see Thy face. and sustainer, he added, "And ye are complete in Him." Complete! We lack nothing, for all the fulness Thanksgiving of Christ is ours.

Think what it means to have so 'T'm thankful for each test to prove great a Savior. It means that He To Thee, O God, my ardent love; who controls the majestic march of I thank Thee for the chance to go the stars is adequate to control the Along the banks where sufferings affairs of our tiny lives. How, then, flow. can we ever worry? Ought we at I thank Thee for the pains that made any time give way to fear or to dis- Me braver, stronger, unafraid; appointment? Rather, we ought to I thank Thee for the joys denied, pray with utmost confidence. To That kept me from exalted pride." A Turn

In The Road

One of the great blessings of felt need of a Master who could Christian fellowship is the testi- set my heart aflame. I turned to mony of believers. Our B. I. fel- the Bible and shall never forget full lowship is especially rich along this that impression, so of sincerity line, for we have Christians here and truth. Jesus' claims, T am the who have found, their Lord in a Way, the Truth, and the Life; I great diversity of ways. Some have give unto my sheep eternal life,' been deep in sin; others, as moral as Nicodemus. But all have felt their deep-rooted need of salvation and found it in the Christ of Cal- vary. The ex-serviceman Warren Wright, senior at our school, has a testimony of conversion somewhat different from that of many Chris- tians. He tells of his having been born in a Christian home and hav- ing enjoyed the blessings common to many Americans: kind parents, wholesome environment, saintly folk as his example; but he did not know his Savior in a vital, personal way. In high school days he faced the uncertainties of life fearfully, but did not realize his definite need of a higher power in life, until he came out of the army.

''I had been finding adjustment presented themselves relentlessly, to civilian life difficult," he said, demanding an answer. Something "and for several weeks was very within me called, 'Yes, it is true!' low in spirits. The world's glitter- but I also knew that God was holy ing phantasies had disappointed and demanded holiness of men. I me and I vowed to discard old continued in this state of conviction habits. But I lacked inner rein- for several days and kept on with forcement; there remained a deeply turn to page 11 7 FROM THE PRESIDENT "I am still praising my Saviour Continued fronn page 3 for the privilege of attending good old B. I. Jesus is mine and I am "We are glad to hear that F. His. ... I am enclosing a gift for W. B. I. has a new organ, and the organ. Even though I never sincerely hope that finances will took any organ lessons neither be met beyond anything you have am I a gifted musician, I want other hoped for. students to reap a Spiritual blessing "There is a warm spot in my from B. I. such as I received from heart for F. W. B. I. and I fol- some one else giving of their money low the development there with and time."—Wyanet, 111. keen interest and best wishes al- ways."—Cleveland, Ohio. For this fellowship and steward- ship we give sincere thanks. "I am sure our fine Bible Insti- tute deserves the best that can be "O give thanks unto the Lord; obtained. May God continue to for he is good: for his mercy en- bless the work of the F. W. B. I." dureth for ever." —Carson City, Michigan.

*'While it will be impossible for Organ Recital Personnel: (Left) Prof. Ira Gerig assisting at the Baldwin Grand Piano. (Below) Paul van Gorkom assists Prof. Weaver at the vibraharp. (Oppo- site Page) Audience viewing organ at conclusion of recital.

me to be there in person yet my prayers and best wishes go out to you all that God's richest blessing shall be yours and that His glory shall be manifested in a wonderful way."—Washington, D. C

8 Dedicatory Recital for Hammond Concert Organ

was presented before a large audience in Founders' Memorial Auditorium by Prof. Raymond Weaver. The recital included several of the classical works for organ as well as arrangements of much-loved hymns. Among the classics included in the program were Handel's Largo, Rondo for Flute Stops by Rinck, In Springtime by Kinder. In Autumn by Robert Elmore, Tschaikowsky's Andante Cantabile, and Sonata No. VI by Mendelssohn. This last composition is based on ''Our Father, Who Art in Heaven" and is the last Sonata written by this composer, as well as one of the greatest of all works for the organ.

Included in the arrangements of and meditations on hymns were Rock of Ages, Blessed Quietness, Near the Cross, and Oh God Our Help i'in Ages Past with Paul van Gorkom assisting in each of these at the vibra- ,harp. Prof. Weaver's own arrangement of Showers of Blessing for piano and organ was played with Prof. Ira Gerig assisting at the piano.

Dr. S. A. Witmer, President, gave a brief explanation of the first con- ception of placing such an instrument in our school, and how it is now be- ing brought into reality by the gifts of the friends of the school. Dean Jared F. Gerig offered the dedicatory prayer. that the Lord had met them in a new way. ^i iUe ^HdilUde Musical Concert The Csehy Musical Messengers presented, on the evening of Octo- Monthly Day of Prayer ber 24th, a very inspiring sacred

Each month one day is set apart concert. Mr. Wilmor Csehy, an ac- for special prayer and. waiting on complished violinist, was accompa- God. October 19th was the day. nied on the piano by Mrs. Csehv, Our Dean Jared Gerig was in who also played bells. Miss Loe- wina Lohman, soprano soloist, was charge of the service. Rev. J. A. Ringenberg, President of the Mis- also featured in a gospel theme that sionary Church Association, was in- was followed throughout the eve- vited to speak to the faculty and ning's program. The Musical Mes- students. For his text Brother sengers had just returned from the Ringenberg chose Matt. 9:35-10:8, West coast where they had for emphasizing the need of the multi- three weeks assisted Dr. Billy Gra- tude because they were harassed ham in a city-wide evangelistic cam- and helpless, and they were like paign in Los Angeles. sheep without a shepherd. "The The concert was a musical feast; conditions," said Brother Ringen- the evening was well spent. berg, "present a plentiful harvest, Special Speakers but few laborers." He then told of the great need of the home mis- On October 14th, Rev. Paul Zim- sion fields of North and Northwest- merman gave a very interesting ac- ern United States. Jesus was moved count of how God led him to open with compassion and so should we Cedine Bible Camp for colored be, indicated Brother Ringenberg. children, and how after facing dif- "The appeal of our Lord," said he, ficulties and after a lot of hard "was to pray." That prayer was work, the workers were rewarded by answered by the ones whom Jesus the salvation of most of the camp- urged to pray, for they, then, were ers. The Camp is growing and of- sent forth. fers a splendid opportunity of real Christian service. One of our own Brother Ringenberg pleaded ear- students, Mr. Thomas Florence, as- nestly with the students not to allow sisted Mr. Zimmerman last sum- ambition or social interests personal mer. to neutralize or choke out conse- Mr. H. H. Young, Assistant crated, self-denial and sacrificial Manager of the Moody Book Store service in needy areas of our own (Chicago), and brother of Mr. Don land. Young, a student of the Institute, A season of heart-searching gave a helpful talk based on II prayer followed. Many were deep- Kings 4, emphasizing the need, the ly moved by the message. Open experience, and result of prayer in confessions were made by some. the life of the Christian. Later in the forenoon another time of prayer was spent for needs other "Youth for Christ" Team than the students' personal re- Phil and Louis Palermo, two con- quests. Before the meeting con- secrated Italian young men who cluded, many testified to the fact have completed two trips to Italy, held a service in Founders' Memor- VOICING ial on the evening of October 26th. HIS PRAISE Some interesting accounts were given of a "Youth for Christ" meet- "Oh bless our God, ye peoples, ing held in the city of Rome. As and make the voice of his praise a result 252 young people accepted to he heard" (Psalm 66:8-15). Christ. Rev. Bert Levain, who has Praise is a voice. Thanksgiving just returned from a tour of must be born in the heart, but it Europe, was the main speaker. must not stay there. Dumb grati- Mission Band Speakers tude will answer for dumb beasts, Rev. and Mrs. Earl Ensminger, but not for speaking men. missionaries to Sierra Leone West When the Psalmist bade all peo- Africa, were the speakers on Octo- ber 21st. Several strips of film were ple utter in words the praise of God shown and curios, fetish, hand- so that their thanksgiving could be work, etc., were exhibited. heard, he was only commanding

On October 28th Rev. Chester M. them to do what is reasonable and of a school for Carrello, Supt. sensible. Who of us, if he be- training native workers in Haiti, stowed great and constant benefits spoke. on some one, would be content with his silence? Let us urge you to tune in on And while spoken praise of God "Your Sunrise Chapel" (WKJG, is justly desired and commanded 1380 kc, 7:15 a. m.), where fre- quent announcements of specal by Heaven itself, it is no less re- events are released. Listen, inform quired for the good of earth. There your friends, and come share the is a contagion of joy and gratitude blessings. which no one who wishes a happy

life can afford to scorn. Praise A TURN IN THE ROAD God with your speech, and you will be more cheerful and contented, my Bible reading. At last the and your neighbor will be the same. Truth dawned. I came upon the good news, 'Repent and believe on Make the voice of His praise to be the Lord Jesus Christ; all believers heard, and that praise will sound are freely justified!' I stepped out with ever-increasing exultation upon that rock of promise and through all the earth. Strike up found full peace with God." the anthem in your own heart, and Warren goes on to tell how Sa- you will rejoice at its growth in tan came to him many times, try- all around you. Selected. ing to make him doubt the gen- volume — uineness of conversion, but he could always turn to the Word and find rock bottom. He keenly en- study. He feels the call to full- joys his work at the B. I. and finds time Christian service, wherever the his greatest satisfaction in Bible Lord would have him go.

II them and that our superintendent. Brother Soltero, had told them that they should begin to dress and live better. He especially mentioned the men wearing trousers, because be- fore this, all wore just the white muslin garments which were more like underwear. What a change has been wrought in the Indian villages since then! Now the great- er part of the people dress proper- Let us take a trip around, the ly, sleep on beds, and their home world, to visit some of our "Insti- life has been changed completely. tute Family." '* About that time a great desire MEXICO for schools sprang up among the Indians because of their having re- Miss Mahala Diller ('33) writes: ceived the gospel light and their Perhaps you would, like to come desire to learn to read the Scrip- with us to one of our chapel serv- tures. Very soon we had schools ices. Purposely we did not plan in most of the Indian villages, anything ahead, but asked two of brought about by the efforts of the the young men to %vwg^ extempora- Indians and their desire to learn. neous talks. of them was One Fran- ''While these things are not the cisco Vazquez, an Aztec, who is one most important, yet I repeat, the of our fourth year students. He gospel has power to change, not preached on Romans 1:16 and, of only sinful men, but the communi- course, you may know he preached ties in which they live." on the power of the gospel. He dwelt on how the power of the gos- * * * pel changed men and women who were deep in sin to holy lives. Then ECUADOR, SOUTH AMERICA he talked of how the power of the We are as busy as usual, and gospel changed towns and commu- sometimes more, with sick people nities, and a very interesting part of coming every day for medicine. It his sermon was a little of his own is with prayer that we have started personal experience which he gave injections for Frambesia (Yaws), as follows: but there is so much of it, and noth- "When I was just a lad, many ing else seems to help. There was years ago, the gospel began to be a terrible case of tuberculosis of preached among the Aztec Indians. skin in a Cayapa whom I have Before that time, we lived in sin known for some time. When I first and total darkness. I remember so knew him he was a habitual drunk- well when my mother and an older ,ard. I don't think I ever sawi him brother attended the first confer- sober until the last few months. Our ence in the town of Coxcatlan, after neighbor lady, Rosario, asked us they were converted. My brother one day to call on a sick man who came home with the news that not was very "grave." It was our Caya- only was the gospel being preached pa friend who now was skin and among the Indians, but that a great bones, and had a huge ulcerous change was taking place among sore about the size of a small meat

12 —

platter that exposed, his ribs as if conducive to reverence, than the sala the skin were cut away with a knife. at the center of town. The Indians looked to us to do Happy in Him, something for him, but we felt Leona Lehner ('43) hopeless for his life, and felt only * * * a slim hope for his soul. We talked to him about Jesus, trusting that HAWAIIAN ISLANDS the Holy Spirit would make clear are praising God for the few to him the love of God in Christ We faithful Jesus. Our hearts quickened with women who are in coming to Bible class each week. The ones joy when we observed how he re- who have accepted Christ are com- sponded and told us that he be- ing along beautifully so far, but we lieved what we told him. We saw see the enemy trying to press m. him twice after that, and each time Do pray that they will be able to he told us that he was expecting to stand and that more will see be with Jesus. He died shortly many their need. God is working in this after our last visit, and his skinny community, for interest is aroused body was buried in the custom of and many questions are asked. the Cayapas, but we trust that his soul was carried in the gentle arms About three weeks ago one of of angels to be with the Lord. our Sunday School boys, a seven- year-old, had his leg broken, and Stay with us in prayer. We sense that accident has caused, his father the enemy's power in many ways, and mother to become interested but His power is so preciously com- enough to come to Bible class. Do forting. Charles ('42) and La pray for him and her. I believe she Verne Glenn. is ready to become a Christian and * * * he is seeking. They live across the road from us. I do want to say a word of praise Rejoicing in His service, to the Lord for His great goodness, for health and strength received of Dorothy Rothfuss ('39) Him, for all He does for us! Then * * I would like to especially mention INDIA a word of praise to Him for the way He has undertaken in Las I wish each one of you could Palmas. He answers prayer. have hopped on an airplane for In-

The sala we've been rentinp- is dia to be with us when we tried our just at the center of town, and there tape recorder for the first time. We the cars "pull in and pull out," rais- must admit that we were really ex- ing a lot of dust and noise. The cited! It was far more exciting to loud honking of horns was very see the reaction of our Indian peo- disturbing, so that it was discour- ple. One old man on the compound aging. But now with the cottage asked if he could sing. We allow- up on the hill completed, with a ed him to sing. You should have nice-sized, sala, we feel the situation seen his face when he heard him- is being remedied. The Lord be self as it played back. He jumped praised! Palomino (a new believer up and down with excitement the saved at the tent meetings) thought whole time his song was being it certainly was better. It is much played. quieter and cleaner, and much more In a short time you may be hear-

13 ing your missionaries' voices from pray for Kango and the rest of the India. We hope to be better able family that they will get saved and to bring you the need and challenge learn to know Bello's Jesus too? of this dark land by the means of Yours in His glad service, this machine. Luella Landrey ('34) Ruth (Geiger) Reilly ('41-'42) Miss Landrey arrived in the LJ. Rev. Richard Reilly ('42) is re- S. A. on September 16 for her covering from an attack of fever. second furlough. She is beginning Pray for him. deputational work in Michigan.

NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA Rev. ('45) and Mrs. Arthur Rei- Below is part of the account of fel ('45), Connie and Earl have Bello Dabai's life which ended as a sailed to Nigeria to begin their result of a snake bite. second term of service there. Let me tell you also how Bello learned to know Jesus. He was brought up in a heathen Dakakkari May God richly bless each one home, but one day he left home that is helping to get the gospel out and joined the army. It was while to our generation. he was in the army that he learned to know others of his own tribe who were Christians, and they led him HERE AND THERE to the Lord. This was in the year 1946. Rev. ('47) and Mrs. (45-'46) Ifor (2^/^ After Bello's death, one of his Ralph Wo d and Joyce years) have recently moved to Fay- brothers asked why it was that the ette, to pastor two Christian white people had taken Bello to the Ohio, doctor, when they knew he wouldn't Union churches. live anyway. His father answered, saying that he didn't want to hear that again. The reason the white Miss Chloetta Egly ('48) is people took him to see the doctor teaching in the public schools at was because they surpass us in love. Monmouth, Indiana. She is teach- Another brother said that some day ing in the grades. he would like to become a Chris- tian. Then another little brother, named Kango, spoke up and told Rev. ('32) and Mrs. ('32) Mark what was in his heart. He is only Burgess are proud of their baby about six years old. He spoke thus: daughter, Marjorie Irene, born "When I get big, I want to become May 2. Marjorie has two sisters, a Christian so that I will see my Marilyn and Connie, and one brother Bello in heaven. I know brother, Clifford. you won't let me now, for I am. only a little boy, but when I am old enough to do what I want, then I Samuel Ernest arrived at the shall become a Christian." home of Rev. ('46) and Mrs. ('45) The Bible tells us that a little Louis Strahm of Peoria Heights, child shall lead them. Won't you Illinois, October 25th.

14 He Is Caring for Me

I know that my Father is caring For all of His children below; I know that thro' sunshine and shadow. He guides me wherever I go.

I fear not tho' peril surround me, He's promised to shield me from harm; Tho' doubt and temptation assail me, I'm safe in His sheltering arm.

I trust Him thro' all of life's journey, For clearly the way He can see; I hold to His hand in the darkness;

I know He is caring for me.

One world is but dust in His balance, One sea but a drop in His hand;

One soul in His sight is more precious Than treasures of ocean and land.

—Harriet H. Pierson m.mi^'.:! ^W. W!^. mm?^m ji^misim ssiKt: ss\'(Si i-mm its m M for Christmas I m i Subscriptions To m Give Gift r m BIBLE VISION m SPECIAL GIFT RATES M Four (4) 1-year subscriptions ^3.00 Your own new subscription, renewal or extension, may be included as one of the four, if desired. (Single 1-year subscription ^1.00.) ATTRACTIVE CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD m to your friends tells of your fine gift m A MOST WELCOME GIFT for Friends, Relatives, S. S. Teachers, Pastors, Church m Members, Missionaries!

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