Albuquerque Citizen, 12-31-1908 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-31-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 12-31-1908 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 12-31-1908." (1908). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN WEATHER FORECAST No. No 4 s. 50 p. No. p 7 10. $5 ruN Denver Colo., Dec 3lTonlght mi No. 8 6 40 p mm A Fi IdajH fair. No. 4 p WfltZM 9 1.45 lbuquer WE GET THE NEWS FIR VOLUME 113. ALBUQUEKQUE. NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY DECEMUKH 31.1008 MUMHKlt 31G A BIT OF HISTORY SALOONKEEPER SHOT NEW PURE FOOD LAW BOTH TAFT AND FORAKER THOUSANDS OF SURVIVORS TEN TO ONE FOR A reference to the Important fac- tors in the making ef any city in the WHEN HE RESENTED WORKS LIKE CHARM, WITHDRAW FROM RACE United States, which has attained the PLEAD FDR AID OF WORLD dimensions of a metropolis, will throw NEW SEWER important light upon the situation UHSIRT ' EOR SENATQRSHIP In Albuquerque today, where the peo- SAYSJLEY ple are contemplating the building sys- of a much needed modern sewer Native Serjousiy Since It Went Into Effect a Taft Throws Strength to Bur AT ONCE Every Nation Must Contribute to the tem. Wounds FirBt, in the upbuilding of any city, Youth Who Objected to Noticeable Difference Has ton. Which Causes Ohio Who there must be the natural or artifi- Needs of Those Escaped Death Quit cial resources, to make that city an Epithets Applied Been Created by Senator to People Realize Necessity for Is educational or marketing in Italy and Sicily as the Demand Industrial, to Him. Public. me r nr. --4 center. the MiTk Immediate Action and Too Great for the Italian Government In that respect Albuquerque Is Will Vole for richly endowed. The natural re- ' DOCTOR GIVES H0P MERCHAHTSARE BURTON NOW SURE to Successfully Succor All Food, sources of the entire territory, rang- ) Bond Issue. ing from mines to livestock and from Water, Clothing, Shelter and Medical lumbering to farming, And their nat- RECOVERY GIVING SUPPORT OFTOE P03III0I, ural outlet through this city. In di- fORJS . XPHESS10NS SHOiV Attendance Must be Supplied With- rect contact with Albuquerque, Is of the great Rio the richest section He Has a Chance to Recover Un- The New Law Is Doing an Im- He Has Served Well as a Member out Delay. Grande valley, wealthy in agricul- PUBLIC SENTIMENT tural products. less Complications follow mense Good Since the Public of the House and Goes to the There is, therefore, every reason to Motive for the Shooting lias Become Educated Senate WUh Support of predict Albuquerque will never Unamlnlty of Opinion In In-'ter- vltw THE DEATH LIST WILL EXCEED AND MAY that a United Pcirly In Every 100,000 want for resources without her gates. Remains andorced Dealers ' on Two Important Questions-- Within the city are the greatest lum- Mystery. to Act Ohio. BE DOUBLE THAI NUMBER, IF RESCUE IS DELAYED bering industry In the west, the shops Alderman Says Matter and yards of a great railway system Leo Zanone, Junk r member of the Baltimore, Md., Dec. 31. Dr. H. V. Columbus, Dec. tl. Definite an- Is Now in Hands of Voters snd manufacturing Industries, firm & Son, saloon other of Joshua Zanone Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemis- nouncement was made from his head- ar.dThey MustDsclde. Ell of which give employment to thou-rand- s, keepers. 1009 South Second street, quarters here morning Yet In Ruins and Cannot be Rescued In Bhortly today try, department of agriculture, was this that Thousands Are the besides modern schools, col- was shot after noon and seriously, If not fatally, Injured. Louis the principal speaker today before Charles P. Taft had withdrawn from leges university. the senatorial fight In That people to Their Lives An Army of People and a . Is in county tlie interests of the are thoroughly Time Save 25.000 Baca of Santa Ft the the convention of scientists, which ' harmony. As compared with other great clt-- ii jail, charged with tlie sho.iting. His It was also stated that the aroused to the fact that Albuquerque In session here. Dr. Wiley spoke of Hamilton county delegation, back- Needed to Search the Ruins. Rescue Wounded and Bury s in youth. Albuquerque victim is at St. Joseph's hospital un- tho must Install sewer their has the good already accomplished as a bone of the Taft strength, would be a system without every reason to feel assured of her der the care of City physician Pearce, further delay, becomes more the Dead Survivors Fight Desperately for Dry Bones says pa. lent has a chanc result of the pure food and drug act. delivered to Congressman Theodore and who that his K. Burton, Insuring more apparent future. to 'recover. and gave review of the changes thus his election as the days pass. With Which to Appease Hunger and a Kcign of Terror Hut resources never yet built a as the successor of Foraker. Taft Citizen reporters who are endeavor- So far as can oe learned there brought about by the new law. He Issued a statement in which said: ing to secure expressions city, alone and unaided. The most were no to shooting, he of opinion in which Strong Are Victorious. witnesses the said in part: "My candidacy on the subject, tind Follows striking part of every city's growth other than the principals. Accord from the beginning that those who First must be mentioned the effect seems to have been misunderstood. I favor the Immediate construction, of without exception, has been the work ing to the story L o Zanone told his a eewer system father three mlnutet after the shoot which the food and drugs act has had have been representd as urging my and the voting of 31. Slowly the meas- people. In su(.ii placi s catastro- of public spirited citizens who have own personal ambition at the expense bonds for that purpose, number ten Komc, Dec. th? lug, Baca walked into tho saloon upon the ethics of trade. It Is the to one to ure of the disaster which has. depopu- phe was ov. ; helming in its sudden- persistently shoved their city for- swearing. Zanone .vns behind of the Republican harmony and suc- those who either do not the universal consensus of opinion of all cess. Tho imputation was unjust care or who are not giving lated Calabria and the eastern part ness and completeness. Thtre was no ward, In the face ot every public 111, bar. but the matter re- that Is of no moment now. The due attention. of Sicily la being taken and aa the time to think of escape. At Palmi,' who have unstintlngly used their "1 have something for you, you high grade manufacturers and mer- ports It evident the there are perhaps 100 chants in food and drug products cause exists no longer. I yield my The expressions obtained from all accumulate is that less than alive Improvements ,' Baca is alleged to have said that In no sense, exag- out of a population of 14,000. Tester-da- y credit to make the the morality of the trade has been personal ambition for the accomplish, classes of cltisens are Interesting for first estimates have as he walked up to thu bar. reasons. gerated the extent and horror of the 2,200 corpses were burled In the necctsary to attract homcbulldera and word you distinctly Improved. When low grade ment of better and more Important several The mot noticeable "I don't like that things. feature Is the unanimity on the ques visitation. The ofllclal estimate places cemetery there. The survivors at Pal- manufacturers and who have shown Greaser," Zanone i to an or debased articles have to bo named ald have ."I havo long had an ambition to be tion of a bond Issue and of prompt the list of dead at 110,000, but there mi .reinforced by rescuers from, other their own faith In the future by mak- swered. and specified and adulterations ex- will bo great- points, are performing prodigies Is no longer neecjuliy senator from Ohio. I sought the action thereafter In building the sew la reason to believe this of With that Baca p iled a pistol and cluded there the - - ing provisions to take advantage of honor without reliance on the popu- er. , . t ly exceeded. valor. fired. He then t- - ned around and which existed before ot really high The first survivors of Keggio to Its epp jrtjnttles. grade manufacturers stooping to the larity or prestige of any other man A member of 4he city council today Today the pitiuble plight of the sur- walked quietly out if the place and and rspeclally without the expecta- said: vivors claime universal attention and reach Catanzaro were so broken by At some Btage in the history of ev- down the street. Ten minutes later debasement of their food products to the shock of their experiences It meet competlon. In other words, the tion that my motives would be mis- "One thing which must not be lost ,the relief of their sufferings calls for that ery city, there has been a turning he entered the saloon of Frank.