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The Weather Today: Sunny,vnndy, 75°F (26°C) Tonight: Clouding up, 60°F (16°C) Tomorrow: Clearing up, 78°F (28°C) Details, Page 2

e 120, Number 37 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, August 29, 2000 Lafayette Sq. Will Be Pern Voids Berenson Sentence Military Tribunal's Decision Opens Wayfor New Civilian Trial Public Plaza By 2002 By Naveen Sunkavally the persistent pressure EDITOR IN CHIEF that was brought to Abutters Have Mixed Reactions To Plan Former MIT student bear by the movement Lori Berenson, who has that was developed in By Mike.Hall been serving a life sen- support of Lori," ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR tence in Peru after a Williamson said. "My A construction project promising to transform Lafayette treason conviction near- own speculation is that Square into a pocket of pedestrian-friendly green space has been ly five years ago, may the Peruvian govern- welcomed by neighboring MIT residences and some businesses. be a step closer to ment was weakened by Others, however, question the utility of the plan, claiming it will returning home. Peru's election fraud benefit MIT and a few residents while causing a hassle for every- military tribunal has [charges] . .. and maybe one. recently revoked her the. Fujimori govern- The new plaza will be located on the intersection of Main Street life sentence, allowing ment [wanted] to soft- and Massachusetts Avenue across from the MIT -owned University for a possible civilian en its image." Park development. Amenities include outdoor seating, greenery, and' trial. David M. Matheu TECH FlLE PHOTO an open space for community events in Cambridge. Additionally, "Peru has finally G, co-president of Lori Berenson's parents visited MIT earlier this year to sidewalks running alongside the plaza will be widened and will offer admitted that Lori did MITs Amnesty Inter- new streetlights for nighttime pedestrians. not commit treason" , attend a forum on their daughter. national chapter, spec- -The transformation of Lafayette Square is part of a large collec-: said Gail Taylor, of the Commitee conspiring with the leftist Tupac ulated that the development is the tion of construction projects all along Mass. Ave. and Memorial to Free Lori Berenson in Washing- Amaro movement to plan an attack 'result of Peru needing economic Drive ..Before building the plaza, developers will :finish construction to~,D.C. Peru's congress. assistance from the United States. on underground se'Yer and-drainage work. Construction of the plaza In an press release; MIT Presi- The reversal of her conviction is ''My guess is it's politically expedi- will begin next spring. dent Charles M. Vest said, "We surprising, considering the Peruvian ent to make friends," he said. "I do The force behind the new plaza is Forest City Enterprises, a firm hope that [Lori]: is freed on bail government's strong stance under know that many grassroots activists selected in 1983 by MIT to design University Park. while she awaits trial, or at least is President Alberto K. Fujimori that have campaigned for the U.S. to not The plaza will substantially alter the traffic in the area. moved to a less isolated prison she serve out her sentence. fund Peru." Forest City plans to incorporate- the intersection of Mass. Ave. and where the conditions are more James Williamson, a Cambridge Main St. into the body of the park. To offer access to Mass. 'Ave. humane and she has greater access community activist and long-time Activists are cautiously optimistic from Main and Columbia Streets, Sidney Street wilt be extended to to her and attorneys." proponent of Berenson's release, Despite the development, commu- intersect with Main (see diagram below). . said that the development may have nity activists-aren't convinced that the In an Aug. 23 interview with the Cambridge Chronicle, Forest Development is surprising been a political expedient, as well as new civilian trial will lead to Beren- City director of government and community affairs Jay Kiely said Berenson was sentenced to life a result of a strong grassroots move- son returning to the United States. that the proposal will improve traffic flow and increase green space imprisonment in January 1996 in a ment to free her. secret military trial for allegedly "I think that this is the result of Berenson, Page 10 Atliena: Learning nicks of the Trade By Dana levine dows command prompt, this will fowards your e-mail. Typing NEWSEDlTOR open up an unencrypted connection chpobox -p will disable this mail for- Project Athena, created in 1983 as and will expose your password to warding. Be aware, however, that a way to integrate computers into the anyone who knows a bit about hack- these changes will not take effect until undergraduate experience, consists ing. the following midnight. of several The preferred solution is to use a When you log on to Athena, the P t hundred terminal program which protects system will tell you how many mes- r ea ure networked your password with Kerberos sages you have waiting on the mail servers, encryption, preventing an enterpris- server. From here, you can use one workstations, and printers which are ing hacker from using your account of several different mail handlers, distributed across MIT's campus. to infiltrate the Pentagon. Some pro- all of which are explained on the liS Using this system can be quite intimi- grams which you can use are listed web page and documentation. dating to new MIT students, especial- at While you are logged in, there ly those who are unfamiliar with remoteaccess/ssh.html. .are several ways to see if you have cryptic Unix commands, not to men- For those of you who are a bit new e-mail waiting for you on the tion slashes which point the wrong more technically oriented, there are server. First of all, typing from will way. What follows, therefore, is a several ways to transform your per- show you who has written the mes- brief introduction to some of the sonal computer into an Athena work- sages which are waiting for you on .tricks you may find useful in your station. Groups at MIT have tailored the server. If you insert this com- years at MIT. distributions of Redhat Linux and mand into your .startup.tty file, the NetBSD to run the Athena system. system will tell you at logon who Logging in.remotely More information on this can be has sent you each of the new mes- While logging on to Athena can found at sages waiting on the server. most easily be accomplished by www/FAQ/ or It is possible to download mes- going to any workstation on campus netbsd/doc/www/. sages to your account without and logging on, it isn't always prac- removing them from the server. tical to do this, especially if you live E-mail tricks This would be useful if you use across the river. Take heart: there According to Information Ser- Eudora to read your e-mail but are ways of logging in from the vices, the most frequently asked would like to check your mail while comfort of your own computer. question for the past few weeks has on campus at an Athena cluster. To . COURTESY CITY OF CAMBRIDGE WEB SITE . The most direct solution is to use been "How do I un forward my do this, type inc -netrune. Top: The new Lafayette Square. The .Intersection of Main a telnet type program, which gives mail?" If you would like Athena to noti- Street and Mass. Ave. will be incorporated into a new plaza. you a text connection 'to your The chpobox command can be fy you of new messages as they A penspectIve view of the new Lafayette Squate plaza. Bottom: Athena account. Although you can used to forward e-mail to an account come in, type zetl add mail pop. It accomplish this by typing telnet other than your Athena mailbox. Typ- from a Win- ing cbpobox -s username@mitedu Athena, Page 10

Inside.a special pull-out section Comics OPINION presents over ninety student Michael J. Ring offers all the World & Nation 2 activities. Brush up before newcomer needs to jump into Opinion 4 tonight's Activities Midway. Massachusetts politics In.his TechCalendar 6 summary of the Commonwealth. Police Log 10 Page 6 Page 5 Page2 T August 29, 2000

Gore 0 ts Prescri tio C ton, WASHiNGTON POST TALUMS EE,fLORIDA Kicking off a week of campaign appearances and a multi-million- dollar advertising blitz, Vice President Al Gore came here Monday' ego ·a ·ODS and promised that as president he would reduce senior citizens' trau- Stall ma over paying for prescription drugs and challenged George W. Bush to follow. Mandela's Peace Plan Fails To Woo Hardline Tutsis, While "You deserve a detailed, adult, intelligent discussion of exactly what the specifics are of the plans we are proposing," Gore told 150 1\vo Main Hutu Rebel Groups Disregard .Tanzanian Talks senior citizens gathered for one of the ''town meetings" that have become his forte. "When the other side gets around to proposing a By Ellen Nakashima izing a deal. Clinton, who has In Washington, Booker plan, then we can compare it and contrast it." THE WASHiNGTON POST expressed pride in addressing described Clinton's stopover as "a Gore aides think the prescription drug issue provides an ideal ARUSHA. TA ZANlA African issues more directly than cheerleading visit designed to show • showcase for the candidate's focus on detailed policies, and a pointed President Clinton flew to East any previous U.S. president, accept- American encouragement to the contrast to Bush's vague comments on how he would provide cover- Africa Monday in hopes of witness- ed. peace process" but said it "doesn't age for the elderly. ing a settlement to the civil war in But the talks, in this northern require any specific commitment Monday afternoon at a news conference in Austin, Bush was Burundi, but negotiations stalled at Tanzanian town in the shadow of from the United States." asked when he would release his plan. "Next week," he said. Then he the last minute, leaving Clinton to Mount Kilimanjaro, never included Despite work by a Clinton added, "That's as specific as I'm going to get." plead with rival factions for com- the two main Hutu rebel groups, ' administration special envoy on For the moment, Gore advisers believe the prescription drug issue promise. meaning that even a comprehensive Burundi, Howard Wolpe, the has been all but handed to them by Bush's campaign and the Republi- Clinton made an eight-hour stop deal among the delegations here - administration at its top levels can National Committee, both of which are running ads touting a plan in Tanzania to attend what was representing 17 Hutu and Tutsi "never really prioritized a resolution that Bush has yet to unveil The ad, which began running in 17 states meant to be a dramatic finish to a political parties, the government. and of the Burundi conflict .. , as long as this week, says Bush is committed to helping senior citizens by subsi- two-year peace process led by for- the army - would not have been it never exploded" into a Rwanda- dizing their premiums for private health plans that cover drugs. mer South African President Nelson definitive. style genocide, said Booker. "The "George Bush has a plan: Add a prescription drug benefit to Mandela. But Burundi's Tutsi-led And in recent days, even the potential for a genocide is great," he Medicare," one ad says. . government and several hard-line prospect of an accord among the said. Tutsi parties balked at the deal negotiating parties began to slip Berger disagreed, saying "the framed by Mandela. In the end, away. president has been deeply involved, u.s. Accuses Cuba of Risking Lives most of the country's political lead- Mandela pressed the parties to as has the secretary of state" and the . ers signed a framework for an accept an interim power-sharing National Security Council. By Reneging On Emigration Pact agreement that left key elements to arrangement and a plan to' increase Clinton flew here following a LOS ANGELES TIMES be negotiated. ethnic Hutu represeritation in the two-day state visit to the Nigerian WASHINGTON Administration officials army. But Burundian President capital, Abuja, that was designed to The Clinton administration accused Cuba on Monday of reneging described the day's diplomacy as an . Pierre Buyoya, a Tutsi military offi- - demonstrate U.S. support for Nige- on a 6-year-old emigration agreement by refusing to allow Cubans important advance for peacemaking cer who seized power in 1996, came ria's transition to democracy after with valid visas to leave for the United States, causing many to try a efforts in Burundi, where seven under pressure from Tutsi hard-lin- 15 years of military rule. Monday risky escape by sea. years of war have left an estimated ers who demanded that any deal night, he flew on to Cairo, where his In a sharply worded diplomatic note to President Fidel Castro's 200,000 people dead. But they include a cease-fire by Hutu rebels. plane was to refuel for the government, the State Department identified 117 Cubans who had agreed with other analysts that a Mandela negotiated into over- home while he discussed the Middle scrupulously followed the procedures outlined in the 1994 Washing- peace agreement remains some dis- time, but six hard-line Tutsi groups East peace process with Egyptian ton-Havana migration pact but still were denied exit permits. tance off. refused to ,sign even the partial President Hosni Mubarak. The note said the cases all were recorded during a recent 75-day Burundi's conflict has been one points. of agreement finally put to In his stop here, Clinton met first period. of the more brutal, and less publi- paper. When the delegations gath- with Tanzanian President Benjamin "The government of Cuba is increasingly obstructing the safe, cized, wars in post-Cold War ered Monday, Mandela lectured Mkapa. The leaders signed an legal and orderly migration of individuals from Cuba," Secretary of Africa. As in neighboring Rwanda, them on their failure. "Something. agreement permitting wider air State Madeleine Albright said late Monday in a written statement. Burundi's conflict is between ethnic disturbing has occurred," he said. "I transport links between their coun- "The result is to cruelly deny long-separated families a chance to Tutsis,- who form about 15 per- don't think there are many countries tries and discussed the heavy burden reunite, and to heighten the chance that Cubans will risk their lives cent of the populatio ~vt dominate where leaders have undermined an of debt that hobbles Tanzania's trying to reach the United States through illegal means. Havana's pre- the government and anny - and a agreement which they had solemnly development efforts. sent policies are in violation of bilateral commitments, international vast, poorer mass of Hutus, who made." Afterward, Clinton praised Tan- norms and fundamental human decency. make up almost 85 percent of the Clinton warned the Burundians zania for avoiding "repression, "Over the past year, the Cuban government has engaged in cease- . people. that "if you let this moment slip famine and war" and for focusing less rhetoric about migration issues, including the importance of fam- The country hangs perilously away, it will dig the well of bitter- . on "democracy and development." ily reunification," Albright said in an oblique reference to the contro- close to the precipice of genocidal ness deeper and pile the mountain of He also lauded Tanzania's response versy over Elian Gonzalez, a 6-year-old shipwreck survivor bloodletting, such as occurred in grievances higher."> . to the bombing of the U.S"Embassy eventuaUy returned to his father in Cuba. "Now would be a good time Rwanda in 1994. Even more than in Still, after the ceremonial sign- in the capital, Dar es Salaam, two to back that rhetoric with responsible action." R wanda, "the authority of the ing of the framework deal, White . years ago, on the same day as a sim- (Tutsi) elite has been dependent on House national security adviser ilar attack oil the U.S. Embassy in communal repression of the Hutu Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger pro- Nairobi. Russia Finds Itself With Leaning majority," said Salih Booker, a claimed it "an iniportant step in the Clinton then rode to the confer- longtime Africa scholar who heads process to establish peace in Burun- ence center where the Burundi talks Tower of Moscow Mter Fire the Africa Policy Information Cen- di." were being held. . LOS ANGELES TIMES ter in Washington. He said mediators hope to begin As the motorcade rolled past MOSCOW Mandela invited Clinton to the negotiating the terms of a cease-fire banana groves and fields of coffee Another grandiose icon of Russian nationhood has toppled figura- anticipated signing, hoping that the within 30 days. At the same time, bushes, tens of thousands of Tanza- tively - and nearly literally. added weight of a U.S. presidential Berger said: "We should not have . nians cheered his arrival, waving On Monday, after a virulent electric fire gutted Moscow's land- visit would help press Burundi's an illusion that this ends all the flowers, leafy branches and Ameri- mark Ostankino TV tower, officials reported it was listing just slight- fractious political groups into final- problem in Burundi." can and Tanzanian flags. ly off center. The 1,772-foot tower - a triumph of Soviet-era engineering - had been the world's tallest structure when it was completed in 1967, taking the title from New York's Empire State Building. ACLUSuit Seeks To ~ar·Boy On Monday, officials were trying to determine whether, 33 years after its moment of glory, it would have to be dismantled. "It doesn't look really damaged, but we know it is dead inside," said Sergei Gavrilov, a 41-year-old tourist visiting from the southern Scouts From Public' Property Russian city of Annavir, who brought his family to see what was left. "It is like our country on the map of the world." By Tony Perry favored the Scouts in their long bat- Scouts' desert-pacific region has Safety officials said about half of the cables forming the skeleton LOS ANGELES TlMES tle for the right to ban gay men from 25,OOO-plus members in San Diego SAN DIEGO of the tower had been damaged by the heat of the fire, and surveyors serving as leaders. and Imperial counties and Yuma, reported it was listing about two yards off-center. Engineers said that Using a recent U.S. Supreme In a. case involving a gay scout Ariz. was within norms. Court decision as leverage, the leader in New Jersey, the high court "I don't understand why people American Civil Liberties Union . ruled 5-4 that the Boy Scouts have can't live and 'let live," Cox said. filed a federal lawsuit Monday to the right to bar people whose behav- "Let the Boy Scouts of America' force the city of San Diego to oust ior or lifestyle is antithetical to the have their views and let other peo- WEATHER the local Boy Scouts' from public group's values. . ple have their views. It's not fair to property because they discriminate The ACLU lawsuit argues that pick on the Boy Scouts." against gays and atheists. the Boy Scouts cannot simultane- The ACLU has asked the council More Perfection "On this land, the Scouts camp, ously fight to preserve their right to for more than a year to terminate the COURTESY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE hike and swim," Linda Hills, execu- discriminate and also seek support Boy Scouts' leases as a violation, Today: High in the mid 70°Fs (25-27°C). East wind increasing to tive director of the ACLU chapter in 'from city governments that have among other things, of the city's 10 to 15 mph. San Diego and Imperial counties, laws prohibiting discriminatory Human Dignity Ordinance.But that Tonight: Clear. Then becoming mostly cloudy later. Low near said at a news conference outside groups from using public property. idea has found no supporters at City 60°F (l6°C). Boy Scout headquarters in Balboa The Boy Scouts lease 18 acres in Hall except Councilwoman Chris- Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy in the moming. Then becoming most- Park. "They also teach and practice Balboa Park for $1 a year and have tine Kehoe, the council's only open- ly sunny. High in the upper 70°Fs (27-29°C). homophobia and religious intoler- rent-free use of a city-owned aquat- ly gay member. . . ance." • ic facility on Mission Bay. The The issue of the Boy Scouts' use Extended Forecast: While the ACLU has fought the Scouts have asked for a long-term of public property has been dis- Tomorrow night: Becoming mostly clear. Low in the mid 60°Fs Boy Scouts in other locales over the early renewal of the Balboa Park cussed since 1992, when a scout (18-20°C). use of public property - including lease, which expires in 2007. leader was fired after disclosing that Thursday: Partly cloudy. High in the mid 80°Fs (29-31 °C). Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, Ted Cox, chief executive officer he is gay. The leader, a local subur- Friday: Partly cloudy. A chance of thunderstorms late. Low in the San Luis Obispo, Calif., and Mon- of the Desert-Pacific Council of Boy ban police officer, fought a losing upper 60°Fs (2Q-22°C) and high in the mid 80°Fs (30-32°C). terey, Calif. - the San Diego suit Scouts of America, said that group battle in the California Supreme Saturday: Partly cloudy. Low in the lower 6O°Fs (16-18°C) and signals a new tactic: use of a June leaders ''believe we have every right Court to force the Boy Scouts to high in the upper 70°Fs (27-29°C). decision by the Supreme Court that to be here in Balboa Park." The Boy reinstate him. August 29, 2000 WORLD & THE TECH Page 3 Dreams died By Reunions Supremacy Group Faces Fateful 'Irtal

WASHINGTON POST Keep South Koreans On Edge COUER 0' ALE E,IDAHO By Valerie Reitman reduced field exercises and, accord- being made for a orth-South high- A lawsuit whose declared purpose is to financially cripple the LOS ANGELES TIMES ing to a South Korean military way to run through the Demilita- neo-Nazi Aryan Nations and force it to close its fortress-like com- EOUL source, decided not to simulate an rized Zone that divides the peninsu- pound near here goes to trial Monday amidst extraordinary security. These days, it is as if everyone in invasion of orth Korea in comput- la. Plans are in motion to reconnect If the lawsuit prevails, a hate group that has been at the forefront South Korea is walking around on erized exercises. the North-South railroad that last of the national white supremacy movement for nearly a quarter centu- tiptoe, trying not to upset orth There has been no immediate ran before war divided the peninsula ry could lose it headquarters just as its aging founder, Richard G. Korean leader Kim Jong n. demand that the orth return hun- in 1950. South Korean conglomer- Butler, prepares to surrender the leadership. Euphoria has swept the South in dreds of South Korean prisoners of ate Hyundai is proceeding with a The defendants in the lawsuit in Kootenai County Court include the aftermath of dramatic reunions war said to remain in North Korea large-scale industrial complex in not only Butler, 82, an avowed admirer of Adolf Hitler who founded between families from both sides, in exchange for the 63 North Kore- North Korea. And a North Korean the Aryan Nations in 1977, but also his entire organization as an the fruit of a historic summit in June an spies that the South will return to orchestra played for the first time in incorporated entity. They also include Butler's former chief of'staff, between the leaders of the two North Korea on Saturday. 50 years with a South Korean sym- Michael Teague, and three former Aryan Nations security guards nations. But little of the sharp ideo- And groups calling for the return phony. who shot at a local woman and her teen-age son two years ago and logical and economic differences of an estimated 450 South Koreans South Korean newspapers have assaulted and terrorized them after a high-speed car chase at nearby that were revealed when the 200 allegedly abducted by the North, shied away from even mentioning Hayden Lake. Koreans ~ 100 each from the North most of them fishermen, have gotten the communist ideological plati- Human rights advocates say that in the atrriosphere of hate that and South - recently met with their far more attention in the foreign tudes parroted by most of the North accompanies racial conflict, it is important to hold not only the perpe- families after half a century is being media than in the domestic press. Koreans who were reunited with trators of racially motivated crimes accountable, but also the groups discussed, publicly at least. No one . "The government said this whole their families, although they were that inspire them to act. here wants to jeopardize the fledg- problem is like a hot potato and we widely reported by foreign media.It Morris Dees, a founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center in ling rapprochement and future should take it very slowly," said is the South's general fear that the . Montgomery, Ala., which filed the lawsuit for the victims, declined to reunions. Millions of South Koreans , Choi Woo Young, whose father's reunions will go the way of the last comment on the case as jury selection was about to begin. But bees are hoping for their chance to boat was allegedly seized by exchanges in 1985, when 50 people has repeatedly said in the past that he wields an economic weapon reunite with their loved ones living the North in 1987. "And the public each from the North and South met against hate groups and that the purpose of the lawsuit was to win a in North Korea. is still wanting me to keep silent in one-day exchanges. But North punitive award so large that it would bankrupt the Aryan Nations. To the alarm of conservatives in because they don't want to jeopar- Korea became upset that South the South, the South Korean govern- dize the reunification either." Korea continued its annual military ment scaled back its annual war Instead, joint projects with the exercises, and no other exchanges FBI WIretaps Doubled Since 1992 games that began last week. it has North are speeding ahead. Drafts are followed. NEWSDAY WASffiNGTON The fast recent growth of federal counterterrorism and counterin- House GOP Offers Tax Cut Deal telligence efforts is documented in a new study which found that the FBI has more than quadrupled the number of intelligence officers and nearly doubled the number of wiretaps and break-ins since 1992. The nmnber of FBI intelligence officers - analysts who collect Tied to Minllnmn Wage Increase and dissect information related to national security - jumped to By Juliet Eilperin the Republicans do seem to have at would veto that bill, which accord- 1,025 last year from 224 in 1992, according to the study by TRAC, a THE WASHINGTON POST long last come our way' in dropping ing to 'congressional estimates research group at Syracuse University. WASHINGTON some of the major roadblocks that would cost '$122 billion over 10 The number of court-approved warrants for survei1lance using House Republicans offered to have held up the minimum wage for years. The Senate has approved a wiretaps and break-ins authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Sur- make a compromise with the White two years," said Gene Sperling, who similar wage package with a slightly veillance Act rose to 886 last year, up from 484 in 1992, the study House on raising the minimum chairs the president's National Eco- smaller tax cut provision. , said. : ' . wage Monday, by tying a dollar nomic Council.House Minority The move comes as House The FBI portrays that growth as part of the increased responsibili- increase over two years to a scaled- Whip David E. Bonior, D-Mich., Republicans explore areas of possi- ty Congress has assigned to it to combat foreign and domestic terror- back tax cut package. the leading proponent of raising the ble compromise with the White ism and spying, which have evolved and taken on' new forms in the In a letter to President Clinton, minimum wage for what the White House. Hastert has made it clear he past decade. House Speaker 1. Dennis Hastert, R- House estimates is 10 million peo- hopes to achieve a record of legisla- Since the first major terrorist attack in the United States rocked 'Ill., suggested boosting the mini- ple, 'Doted the Republicans had ini- tive accomplishment before the World Trade Center with a bomb in 1993, Congress has steadily mum wage from $5.15 an hour to tially proposed increasing the wage adjourning for the year in order to pumped up the FBI budget, to $3 billion last year from $2.1 billion in $6.15 an hour by Jan. 1,2002, while by a dollar over three years. convince voters the Republicans 1994. ' providing $76 billion in tax cuts, "It's progress, and it's a good deserve to stay in the majority. The FBI, like most law-enforcement agencies, has more agents primarily aimed at small businesses, ' faith effort by the speaker to House Republican Conference than ever before, with 11,646, nearly 2,000 more than in 1994. The over the next decade. the gap. The problem still is the tax Chairman J.C. Watts (Okla.) said bulk of the new agents, an agency spokesman, said, have been , "It is very clear that a vast piece," Bonior said in an interview reaching bipartisan agreement on assigned to counterterrorism: majority Of congressional Democ- Monday. "We want to be reasonable issues like minimum wag has rats and Republicans would like to and we want to get something done, "been the speaker's objective all .see a balanced approach achieved this year. I actually think we will be along." Decimal Stock Prices Make Debut before we adjourn," Hastert wrote. able to reach some agreement." Businesses would still receive 'THE WASHINGTON POST "I believe that we can work together House Minority Leader Richard plenty of tax .breaks under the A few hours into a historic day at the New York Stock Exchange to pass this legislation when we A. Gephardt, D-Mo., expressed cau- revised proposal. The package Monday, Robert Britz, NYSE group executive vice president, excit- return in September with strong tion, saying, "I hope that Republi- includes expanding a tax credit for edly cited the quotes on Gateway Inc. stock: a buyer was seeking bipartisan majorities in the House can leaders will not sacrifice a pay employers who hire relatively shares at $67.70 and a seller was asking $67.71. and Senate." raise for the Americanpeople to unskilled workers; providing tax They were only a penny apart . .While the two parties remain at placate their special-interest friends, relief for the timber industry; mak- That difference - the amount the middleman pockets - was the an impasse on popular issues such as they have done in the past." ing meals and entertainment expens- smallest ever seen in NYSE trading. It was the earliest sign - albeit as managed care reform, prescrip- Under Hastert's plan, the GOP es 80 percent deductible; making at the very beginning of a massive conversion of the U.S. stock mar- tion drug coverage and gun control, would drop both the inheritance and health insurance for the self- kets from fractions to decimals - that trading in dollars and cents the minimum wage could be one of pension reform provisions that made employed 100 percent deductible; might add up to something significant. , the few areas of bipartisan accord. up the bulk of the tax cuts in a mea- and repealing excise taxes on liquor, .For the past two centuries, U.S. stock prices have been quoted in "There may still be some, obsta- sure that passed the House in beer and wine producers 'and mar- fractions, even as trading in most of the rest of the world moved into cles that need to, be ~orked out, but March. Clinton has indicated he keters. decimals. That meant that Friday, Gateway closed at 66 3/16. Mon- day it closed at $66.55, up 36 cents. Monday seven NYSE stocks, including Gateway and Federal ~ld Enmity and New Tensions Cast Express Corp., and six stocks on the American Stock Exchange switched to decimals. The Nasdaq Stock Market won't convert until next year because of problems with computer capacity. But by April Pall On Talks Between 'China, Japan 9,2001, all U.S. securities trading IS to be in dollars and cents. By John Pomfret China have been rocky since the end said he would Urge Chinese leaders Online Relationship with M4tor THE WASHINGTON POST of World War II. China contends to address Tokyo's concerns about' BEIJING that Japan has never fully apolo- the naval activity. Leads To California Man's Arrest Wading into troubled waters, gized for the wartime crimes it com- More aggravating to the Chi- Japanese Foreign Minister Yohei mitted in China. Japan believes nese, Japan's ruling Liberal Democ- LOS ANGELES TIMES Kono arrived Monday in Beijing for China has not given it credit for the ratic Party postponed for a second LOS A GELES talks on 'Chinese-Japanese relations billions of dollars in soft loans and time a decision about backing a In a chilling reminder of the dangers of the Internet, the FBI said muddied by allegations of Chinese development aid it has poured into . government plan for a $161 million Monday it has arrested a Long Beach, Calif., man on suspicion of spying, Japanese threats to cut a China during the last five decades. loan for a railway and airport expan- traveling to Georgia to retrieve a 15-year-old girl he met online, fly- massive soft loan package and a his- , Ties have slipped further since sion because of the security con- ing her to Los Angeles and spending a week in a motel having sex torical enmity that both sides seem Chinese President Jiang Zemin cerns. with her. unable to shake. failed to win a strong Japanese apol- China blasted the delay, caning Michael Glover, 43, had bought a one-way plane ticket for the Kono, who plans to stay until ogy (or World War II in his 1998 the linkage "irrelevant." girl, who appeared to go willingly after months of exchanging daily Thursday, is seeking to halt the trip to Tokyo. Two issues underlie the ruling messages with him, according to an FBI affidavit. deterioration in relations and pre- In recent months, a series of party's move. First, Japanese offi- "It's definitely disturbing," said FBI spokeswoman Cheryl Mimu- pare for a visit by Chinese Premier issues has turned the slippage into a cials are increasingly concerned ra in Los Angeles. "She's only 15 years old. Her family didn't even Zhu Rongji to Japan later this year. slide. about China's military moderniza- know." Keno's was greeted by his Chi- , Tops among them for the Japan- tion program-one of the most FBI agents arrested Glover Thursday, one day after finding the nese counterpart, Tang Jiaxuan, a ese have been allegations that Chi- aggressive in, Asia-and in particular girl in a Motel 6 near Los Angeles. The two had been there since the former ambassador to Tokyo and nese naval vessels and "research about the increasing accuracy of Friday before, authorities said. fluent Japanese speaker, who ships" are routinely sailing inside China's arsenal of medium-range Glover, who works for a paralegal company, is expected to make promised to continue what he called Japan's 200-mile exclusion zone on missiles, all of which could hit tar- a court appearance Tuesday to determine if he should be held in cus- "~ friendly,' open relationship in espionage missions. Japan's Min- gets in Japan. Earlier this year, some tody or freed on bail until a Sept. 11 preliminary hearing. which we can frankly discuss all istry of Defense has said Chinese Japanese lawmakers called for The complaint charges Glover with two counts of transporting a matters of concern to us." In vessels have strayed into Japanese China to publish its real defense minor across state lines with the intent to engage in criminal sexual response, Kono expressed hope for waters 17 times since the beginning spending as a prerequisite for con- activity. He faces a maximum of 30 years in prison if convicted on "frank and open" talks. of the year. Last week, as he pre- tinued soft loans - money lended both counts. Relations between Japan and pared to leave for Beijing, Kono at a negligible interest rate. Page 4 THE TECH August 29, 2000

Letters To The Editor

Perelman Quote Some of the weakest students I know have eous lout." I mention this only because I have the best work habits of anyone I know, and substantially higher respect for Percival than I Chairman 'Offensive' some of the strongest students I know procras- do for Perelman. SaVwiksai Seshasai '01 I object sttongly to Writing Requirement tinate like there's no today. I am doubtful that In closing, I firmly believe that Perelman's Editor in Chief Czar Les Perelman's statement in yesterday's Perelman can substantiate his claim with either statement is offensive to both weak students and Tech, "The reason for [the difference between references to established studies or sound procrastinators, and on behalf of both groups I Naveen Sunkavally '01 online FEE test takers and written test takers] inferences based on the results of the FEE. challenge him to substantiate his claims or offer Business anager is that people who are weak in something tend I asked Percival, my pet frog, for its opin- a public retraction ofhis statement. to procrastinate." . Jasmine Richards '02 ion. It replied, "Les Perelman is a self-right- Kai-yuh Hsiao G an aging Editor Ryan Ochylski '01 Executive Editor Gregory F. Kuhnen '00


Editors: Laura McGrath Moulton '0 I, Rima Arnaout '02, Dana Levine '02; ssociate Editors: Sanjay Basu '02, Mike Hall '03, Matthew Palmer '03; Staff: Frank Dabek G, Jenni fer Chung '0 I, Kristen Landino '02, David Bailey '02, Kevin R. Lang '02, Karen E. Robinson '02, Efren Gutierrez '0 , Cristina Roussel '03, Aurora Schmidt '03; Meteorologists: Veronique Bugnion G, Peter Huybers G, Greg Lawson G, BiB Ramstrom G, Chris E. Forest, Marek Zebrowski.

PRODUCTION STAFF Editors: Mary Obelnicki G, Eric J. Cholank- eril '02, Ian Lai '02, Jordan Rubin '02; Associate Editor: Stacia Swanson '03; Staff: Jane Maduram '03, Jennifer Shieh '03, Gayani Tillekeratne '03, Eric Tung '04.

OPINION STAFF Editors: Eric J. Plosky '99, Michael J. Ring '0 I; Associate Editor: Kris Schnee '02; Columnist: Veena Thomas '02; Staff: Matthew L. McGann '00, Michael Borucke '01, Philippe C. Larochelle '03.


Editors: Susan Buchman '01, Ming- Tai Huh '02; Staff: Alvan Eric P. Loreto '01, Jeffrey Colton '02, Brian K. Richter '02, Jennifer C. Lee '03.


Editors: Rebecca Loh '01, Annie S. Choi; Associate Edltor: Fred Choi '02; Staff: Erik Blankinship G, Daniel Metz G, Steven R. L. Millman G, Bence P. Olveczky G, Roy Rodenstein G, Vladimir V. Zelevinsky '95, Zarminae Ansari '97, Tzu-Maino Chen '99, Mark Huang '99, Francisco Delatorre '01, Amrita Ghosh '02, Jumaane Jeffries '02, Jacob Beniflah '03, Daniel J. Katz '03, Amy Meadows '03, Heather Anderson. DEWOCAATS ;.* PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF ~ SD[C.IAL INITR[.STS Editor: James Camp G; Staff: Rich Fletcher G, Krzysztof Gajos G, Sephir Hamilton G, Garry Maskaly G, Karlene R. - roL'T\GAL~INFll[t{,~ Maskaly G, Wan Yusof Wan Morshidi G, Michelle Povinelli G, Omar Roushdy G, Jelena Srebric G, R. Sumner G, T. Luke Young G, Joseph Su G, Ajai Bharadwaj '01, Ying Lee '01, James Snyder '01, Minnan ' Xu '03, Helena Fu '02, Yi Xie '02, Lucy Yang '02, Roshan Baliga '03, Leonid Drozhinin '03, Wendy Gu '03, Dasha Lymar '03, .Cheng Pe i '03, Cyndi Vongvanith '03, Miodrag Cirkovic.


Editor: Katie Jeffreys '0 I; Associate Editor: Aaron D. Mihalik '02; Cartoonists: Aaron Isaksen G, Solar Olugebefola G, Jennifer Dimase '01, David Kong '01, Jocelyn Lin '01, Baris Yiiksel '02, Lara Kirkham '03, Alison Wong '03, Guan-Jong Chen '04; Staff: David Ngo '02, Katherine H. Allen '03, Bushra B. Makiya '03, Sonali Mukherjee '03.


Advertising Manager: Huanne T. Thomas '02; Operations Manager: Erica S. Pfister '00; Staff: Rachael Johnson '02, Kiwah Kendrick '02, Dashonn Graves '03.


Staff: Chris McEniry G, Shantonu Sen '02.


Contributing Editors: Brett Altschul G, Gabor Csanyi G, Daniel C. Stevenson G. ADVISORY BOARD Opinion POlicy Letters and cartoons must bear the authors' signatures, address- Paul E. Schindler, Jr. '74, V. Michael es, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. No let- Editorials are the official opinion of The Tech. They are written Bove '83, Barry Surman '84, Robert E. ter or cartoon will be printed anonymously without the express prior Malchman '85, Thomas T. Huang '86, Simson by the editorial board, which consists of the chairman, editor in approval of The Tech. The Tech reserves the right to edit or condense Garfinkel '87, Jonathan Richmond PhD '91, chief, managing editor, news editors, and opinion editors. letters; shorter letters will be given higher priority. Once submitted, Dissents are the opinions of the signed members of the editorial Josh Hartmann '93, Jeremy Hylton '94, all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be returned. The Thomas R. Karlo '97, Saul Blumenthal '98, board choosing to publish their disagreement with the editorial. . Tech makes no commitment to publish all the letters received. lndranath Neogy '98, Joel Rosenberg '99, B. Columns and editorial cartoons are written by individuals and . D. Colen. represent the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of the news- PRODUCTION STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE paper. To Reach Us ight Editors: Mary Obelnicki G, Ryan Letters to the editor are welcome. Electronic submissions are Ochylski '0 I; Staff: Eric Tung '04. encouraged and may be sent to [email protected]. Hard The Tech's telephone number is (617) 253-1541. E-mail is the copy submissions may be addressed to The Tech, P.O. Box 397029, easiest way to reach any member of our staff. If you are unsure who Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029, or sent by interdepartmental mail to to contact, send mail to [email protected], and it will be Room W20-483. All submissions are due by 4:30 p.m. two days' directed to the appropriate person. The Tech can be found on the before the date of publication. World-Wide Web at . • 'August 29, 2000 OPINION THE TECH Page 5 A Political Primer for Newcomers Feeling A veritable alphabet soup of quasi-public city governments like those of Boston and Michael 1. Ring government agencies provide services to resi- Cambridge hold power over local services. Rushed dents of the Commonwealth. The T and Boston city government is the archetypical One of the best qualities about living in MEF A are two of these groups. Others plan for municipal government. The City Guest Column metropolitan Boston, and in Massachusetts in include agencies to manage Boston's ports, Council serves as the city's legislative power, general, is the high degree of political interest administer the state's convention centers, and and an elected mayor with strong powers is the Roy Esaki and intellect displayed by their citizens. manage the region's water supply. city's executive. Local politicians in Boston Throughout its history, Massachusetts has Although Republicans have controlled the are consumed with development pressures Having had a lifelong affinity for such been a fertile spawning ground for political governor's office since 1991 (the current from the South Boston waterfront to a new complimentary products as toiletries from leaders. Four presidents - John Adams, John officeholder is Paul Cellucci), Democrats are Fenway Park, and the weak Boston City Coun- hotel rooms and sugar packets on restaurant Quincy Adams, Calvin . the dominant party in cil is struggling to regain power from Mayor tables, I would never have predicted that I Coolidge, and John F. ----~------Massachusetts. Thomas Menino, who is more pro-develop- would not wildly sprint, but merely briskly Kennedy - were Democrats hold veto- ment than the council. walk, towards free steak and lobster and excit- Massachusetts resi- But that is not to say proof majorities in The City of Cambridge uses a very differ- ing excursions. As with mind-altering activi- dents at the time of both houses of the ent government plan than its neighbor across ties, it was, perhaps, to be expected that fol- their elections. And that the Democratic Party is General Court, and the Charles. While Cambridge has a mayor, lowing the initial rush must come the numerous other politi- always united in the state. each of the Bay State's his powers are largely ceremonial. The city's inevitable exhaustion and, to a certain extent, cians, most recently 10 federal representa- executive power lies in City Manager Robert apathy. Cambridge's own Indeed, Speaker of the House tives and two senators Healy, who is appointed by the City Council. I have gained much over this past weekend Thomas P. "" is a Democrat. Additionally: councillors are elected by a sys- (6.523 pounds), and I am most happy and O'Neill Jr., have Thomas Finneran and President But that is not to tem of proportional representation, by which grateful for the food, events, and human con- served as.our nation's of the Senate Thomas say that the Democrat- voters rank their preferences for the council. If tacts the various living groups have provided legislative leaders. ic Party is always unit- a voter's first choice is eliminated from ballot- me. Still, after the overwhelming inundation And government in Birn:zinghamarefamousfor their ed in the state. Indeed, ing, his or her vote may transfer to a lower- of freebies, declarations of fulfillment, and Massachusetts is a very Speaker of the House ranked choice. Development and housing are promises of lifelong allegiances, I feel that the active organization, intra-party squabbles. Thomas Finneran and constant squabbles in Cambridge as in Boston. materialistic rush process hasn't informed me conducting many func- President of the Senate Finally, it is critical to re lize the impor- sufficiently to make one of the most signifi- tions important even to Thomas Birmingham tance of participation in these governments. cant decisions that will define my forthcoming new students. As stu- are famous for their Students often gripe about treatment from welfare. Ultimately, I feel that despite the dents, we travel on the Massachusetts Bay intra-party squabbles, conflicts not unrelated Cambridge and Boston boards, grumble about great testament to self-determination and free- Transportation Authority, get college loans to both men's gubernatorial ambitions. the lack of housing, and surely will not be dom that rush is supposed to embody, we from the Massachusetts Educational Financ- Massachusetts has traditionally been sub- happy with the T fare hikes. But unless we freshmen are still too naive to make the best ing Authority (MEFA), and are responsible to divided into 14 counties, but the 'state is in the vote, write our elected officials, and lobby for use of this freedom. the Office of the Jury Commissioner for ser- process of phasing out county government. change, we will continue to be ignored as a What exacerbates the difficulty of deter- vice here, if selected. Since the 351 cities and towns have long pro- constituency. That is by far the mining the true nature of any entity within a Therefore, one of the most important vided local services like public safety and most important lesson: couple of frenzied days is that all of the living lessons any newcomer to Boston should learn education, coun- knowledge of government groups I have encountered have answered that is the systems of government employed by the should not be learned their "diversity" is what most uniquely char- state "and local cities. Knowledge of the struc- and forgotten, but used acterizes their nature. On a macroscopic scale, ture of government is absolutely essential to to effect beneficial there are significant logistical, social, and understanding the actions of government reforms and changes. demographical differences between the vari- which affect us all. ous groups; some are known for particularly Massachusetts, like 48 other states, has a expressive liberalism, others for smearing. bicameral legislature (officially known as the Vaseline on railings and doorknobs (presum- General Court) consisting of a House (which ably to symb.olize their desire for a smooth contains 160 seats) and a Senate (which con- """"...... ;;;....u;;:~::.:. ,...... ~,;;;;;,.;:.,;";;;,,.,;...... and well-lubricated introduction with fresh- tains 40 seats). Executive. power is vested in men). the governor and lieutenant governor; along ty government became a haven for patronage However, we sleep-deprived and over- with four other elected constitutional offices: rather than for essential services. Middlesex whelmed freshmen must make a specific and . secretary of the. commonwealth, attorney gen- County, to which Cambridge belonged, no final choice of the place of residence. Thus, eral, treasurer and receiver -general, and audi- longer exists as a political entity. Former we must either choose to ignore or seek to tor. Additionally, an unusual eight-member county positions such as district attorney and . ascertain the subtle, but extremely significant, body called the Governor's Council holds clerk of courts are now actually state employ- nuances distinguishing each living group. To power to confirm gubernatorial appointments ees assigned jurisdiction over the cities and ignore the differences would be to negate the and issue criminal pardons. towns of the former Middlesex County. Thus value of our freedom. To find out a group's true character, we could stay over at frats or spend considerable time with a particular liv- ing group. We lack the time, however, to thor- If Life Gives You Lemons. •• oughly and thoughtfully familiarize ourselves with a sufficient number of various living , Kids' Summer Stands a 'Iiue Slice ofAmericana groups to make a valid comparison among the .----~------'------pride in the fact" that, within ten or fifteen free market; getting money for giving people alternatives. Kris Schnee years, their children will have progressed something they want. Five cents a cup, ten It is very tempting for us to choose where from lemonade to being. able to make a decent cents, a quarter; it doesn't really matter. Each we are temped, equating familiarity with I recently read an article lamenting the bowl of ramen. The chemistry lesson comes in penny earned is as good as a gold coin. affinity, or to summarily attach ourselves to .possibility that, in the future, all food will be with the sugar too: where does the sugar go As usual, Mom takes care of most of the the first frat which we find to our liking. so thoroughly engineered for nutrition that it when you stir it and it vanishes? little details, like setting up the table and Underlying the rhetoric of freedom of rush, it will' remind you of real food ''just like -a light- The sign is a crucial part of a real lemon- . maybe even helping with the lemonade itself. seems, is the phenomenon of imprinting. As bulb reminds you of summer." We already ade stand. Set against the card table or on a She also watches the whole enterprise like a we hatch from the shell of childhood and are have the PowerBar, a block of vitamins with nearby tree, it must simply hawk. What else could YQU born into the sound and fury of the world, our the. taste of chocolate-covered sawdust, which say "LEMONADE" in big expect? But she learns need for immediate familiarity and comfort I'll always think of as "PowerSauce" thanks block letters, preferably something from the experi- determines, ironically, the outcome of our to' The Simpsons. We already have .golden written in red magic ence too. She gets to see her self-determination. rice, the new vitamin-enhanced rice that's too marker. Any more informa- kids preparing, in some The significance of this abstract philosoph- . dangerous for the Third World to be allowed . tion is unnecessary, except small way, for the real world. ical rhetoric is that the residence decisions we to have. Soon we'll have potatoes and bananas for the price. The price is also A good lemonade stand make now have a pervasive and long-term with vaccines inside, leading to french fries important, because the lemon- can turn into a major social impact on our emotional, intellectual, and and banana splits which are only available by ade stand is not just a fun event, too. In my quiet neighbor- social development and welfare. The bidding prescription. We have caffeine-free diet soda' activity, a childhood adventure: it hood, I've found it possible to and lottery process do limit the extent to which probably doesn't cause cancer. And we is an introduction to capitalism. live in one house for years with- which we are responsible for what happens to have at least one artificial food product which What are the ingredient costs? out getting to know more than a us, but it is unequivocally certain that our is surely one of the great inventions of the, Supply and demand in the handful of the neighbors. Yet in hastily made choices will greatly affect our twentieth century -' fat-free fudge ripple industry at large? What are the one afternoon of patronizing a fate. frozen yogurt. fixed cosfs of owning a lemon- lemonade stand across the Thus, in hindsight, it would have been pru- But there is one tradition which hasn't ade stand, including taxes, street, I met a neighbor I barely dent to 'have refrained from being excessively changed much despite modem food science, a overhead and wages? Should knew, another I didn't know, and an materialistic. We should have remained intel- tradition of drinking and talking which anyone the stand be registered as a . incoming Wellesley student. There lectually vigilant against the superficial allure can appreciate: the lemonade stand. limited-liability corporation to protect share- was advertising, with "LEMONADE" writ- of free steak and lobster, and the impulse to The lemonade stand is a deceptively sim- holders from loss? And what about e-com- ten in big chalk letters on the road. The become familiar - and thus complacent - ple ritual. A couple of kids in a suburban merce strategies: should the stand be named ambiance was fine, with fresh air and sun- too quickly. While rush has drawn to a close, neighborhood get out a flimsy, sheet-covered "Lemonade. com" to attract millions in venture shine, live (from a kid with a saxo- this lesson of constant vigilance is truly card table and put it on the curb. The kids capital? phone) and a reasonable price of ten cents a applicable for our collegiate tenure, and as the learn the secret of the. drink, an initiation into All these are questions which the young cup. The kids in charge ran around on the next four years will be brief and hectic, we chemistry and cuisine at the same time. What entrepreneurs don't have to deal with just yet. grass when they weren't taking orders, but must strive to make the best of our long- could be a better way to teach kids about . Through the lemonade-stand ritual, kids are it's good that even they didn't take the awaited freedom. cooking than lemonade, a drink loaded (when free to cut through the nonsense everyone else American ritual of the lemonade stand too Roy Esaki is a member of the Class of it's done right) with sugar? Parents can take worries about, and get down to the root of the seriously. It is, after all, still summer. 2004. .

1 1 1 2 2 9 9 9 0 0 More people do it every year. 9 9 900 .Write a letter orguest column for The Tech. =~:I::! :::::!:::~==::!::2===!:3====;==~!:===~» . 9 9 0 0 0 9 9 O· 0 0 E-mail 68024 or call253-1~41 and askfor Eric or Mike. Aug st 29,2000

Page 6

byJenl)ifer PiMa&e

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1 pUT· .,"K~I\ :t PUT 8t.XT F' f'.5T ,,~O "~T AtlP (,OT lNTo 'F'~"" 11111'0 N A tc.£t'. . ."EXT.

PH,IHe. ~D~f''''c.~T'ONS of . "{Me \ioUS'lI& l.O'Te:~y...


Fun With Clip Art TechCalendar appears in each issue of The Tech and features events for members of the MIT community. The Tech makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information, Aaron Isaksen and The Tech shall not be held liable for any losses, including, but not limited to, dam- ages resulting from attendance of an event. Contact information for all events is available from the TechCalendar web page. Visit and add events to TechCalendar online at httD://events.m/

Tuesday, August 29

9:00 a.rn, - 6:15 p.m. - New Faculty Orle~lon. Orientation for new faculty members. free. Room: MIT Faculty Club. Sponsor: Fac- ulty Chair. Office of the Provost. . 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Flashes of Inspiration: The Work of Harold Edgerton. An interactive exhibition celebrating the life and work of MIT legend Harold. $5; $2 students/seniors; $1 children 5- 18; free with MIT 10. Room: MIT Museum, N52 2nd floor. Sponsor: MIT Museum. 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Rum~ lesson. free. Room: Building 34, 3rd floor lobby. Sponsor: MIT Ballroom Dance Team.

Wednesday, August 30 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - seaT. Kinetic sound sculpture by.Diane'WiI- low, currently an Artist in Residence at MIT. Her work explores our relationship with nature.and technology in the urban environment •. . free. Room: E15 Lower Level. Sponsor: Office of the Arts, Media Lab, PAKSMIT. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - New Faculty Orientation. Orientation for new faculty members. free. Room: MIT Faculty Club. Sponsor: Fac- ulty Chair. Office of the Provost. IIIf you want me to nurse you, you have 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Flashes of Inspiration: The Work of Harold EdCerton. An interactive exhibition celebrating the life and to promise me you'lt join my sorority. II work of MIT legend Harold. $5; $2 students/seniors; $1 children 5-18; free with MIT ~D.Room: MIT Museum, N52 2nd floor. Spon- sor: MIT Museum.

Page A2 THE TECH F~ August 29, 2000

meric n Red Cro Team EP was founded in 1957, and has offered a variety §®lr~n@~ d etwork of programs over the years. We are primarily undergradu- The American Red ates, though alumni, high school students, and other eating the campus community about these Cross Team And etwork members of the community are also involved. issue. (ARCTAN) is MIT's offi- Our e-mail address is , and our web- Last year, MIT Habitat went on at least one workday each cial liaison society to the site is month, and built 62 wall frames for Boston Habitat homes in American Red Cross. The Our first group meeting of the term will be announced Roxbury. The MIT Habitat SleepOut in May raised over American Red Cross is on our website, under "announcements." Meetings are 10,000 towards an MIT Habitat House. We are looking to the most-recognized held in our office on the fourth floor of the student center, plan other benefit events for Habitat this term, as well as humanitarian organiza- room W20-467. increasing the number of workdays. tion in the United o experience is necessary for workdays, as the supervisors States and the largest Graduate tudent Volunteer Corps will teach you everything you need to know. To receive infor- volunteer-led orga- The Graduate Student Volunteer Corps (GSVC) is a mation about MIT Habitat .. e-mail [email protected]. Look nization in ew graduate student-centered community service group serving for flyers about our first general meeting, and visit us at the England. the MIT community. The GSVC provides volunteer and ser- Activities Midway. Respond to vice opportunities to the broader graduate student commu- For more information, visit or e- disasters with ~~Sin~~in~~ooinl~~theGSVC~ the MIT Dis- theme has been "Heart, Mind, and Muscle:' as ~~~~~~~~~~.R~~~~-~------~ a s t e r we believe that all 3 are integral to volunteer Action efforts. Team, Specific GSVC projects may each seem to administer first aid at the Boston Marathon, reunite families focus on one of these, but really involve all these separated during World War II or serve as a mentor to a child. aspects. Ongoing events include soup kitchen work ARCTAN runs the MIT Disaster Action Team and holds at the Cambridge Salvation Army Shelter, Habitat blood drives on campus a few times each year, as well as offer- for Humanity workdays in Boston and on the South . ing opportunities to volunteer in health and safety services, Shore, and a tutoring/mentoring program for international social services, English as a second language, Boston and Cambridge children. In addition, we youth programs, the Boston food pantry and disaster relief. always welcome new ideas for service opportuni- Anyone associated with MIT is welcome to join and commit- ties from our members. To date, we have had 279 ments are extremely flexible. No experience is required. Visit volunteers participate in 26 events. About 93 differ- our table or tour our ambulance at the fall Activities Midway ent people have volunteered at least once. No expe- on August 29th. E-mail for more infor- rience or minimum time commitment is expected mation or call (617) 375-0700 x 305. of GSVC volunteers. Our membership is primarily graduate students but all others are welcome. Educational Studies Program For more information' about the Graduate Stu- Through ESP, MIT students teach local high school stu- dent Volunteer Corps, check out our website at dents exciting and unusual subjects. MIT students get to make or contact up the class they want to teach, and interested high school stu- Amanda Yarnell at or 253- dents may sign up to take that class. The result is a fun atmos- 2031. phere of teachers who want to teach, and students who want to learn. . Habitat for Humanity ESP also runs an SAT preparation program, undercutting The goal of Habitat for Humanity is to fight the prices of Princeton Review and Kaplan. We believe stu- poverty housing, through building new or renovat- dents should have access to good test-taking skills, but that ing old houses to be owned by low-income familes. they need not be charged exorbitantly. All ESP teachers are MIT Habitat supports this goal by working on the volunteers, except for SATP teachers, who are paid. houses, fundraising for Habitat affiliates, and edu-

Habitat for Humanity (OJ fl_IIo @~~li@r/V~·. ' tremendous perks of being on staff often keep dents interested in joining can e-mail \) ~@)U ~ ~eJ necessary)en;:"::=U::::~ft~;~~S~students committed to the paper, or visit the offices, you. We meet at MIT on Mondays in W20- The content departments of the paper meet located in room 483 of the Student Center. Alternative ews Collective / Thistle 443 at 7 p.m. starting September 11 and at every Sunday evening, with free dinner always The Alternative News Collective publishes Wellesley on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. starting served. Assignments are given by the editor 'Iechnique: The Yearbook of MIT MIT's only left newspaper, the Thistle. After a September 13. For more information or to for each section; however staff members are We are photographers, writers, and design- two year hiatus, the Thistle was published submit articles and letters, e-mail . ·submissions. As the content is produced, the course of a year we produce' a 400+ page book and then again on the Fourth of July. The This- production department works throughout the that captures the unique character of life at the tle is known throughout the Boston/Cam- MIT Journal of Undergraduate Research evening and night to design the look of the 'Tute. As a student group, Technique is com- bridge area for its investigative reporting. A The MIT Journal of Undergraduate paper. After the print edition is sent to the prised of around 40 undergrad and grad stu- article originally printed for the Thistle has Research (MURJ), MIT's newest publication, presses, scripts written. by the web design dents with different areas and levels of experi- even been reprinted in the Boston Globe is a journal dedicated to providing undergrad- team put the issue on the web. The Tech was ence, although none is needed to join. We can regarding ex-Provost John Deutch's connec- uate students with the opportunity to discuss the first newspaper on the World Wide Web. teach you how to photograph aesthetically, tion to the CIA. Some of our regular columns new science and research developments in any In addition to the many professional devel- write creatively, and design graphically - we include 'The Angry Feminist' and 'A People's number of disciplines. opment benefits to being on the staff of .The love it all. You commit as much time as you History.' MURJ is primarily comprised of six sec- Tech, the financial strength of the paper allows want - help layout once a 'month, write There are currently 8 people on our staff tions: World Science in Review, MIT Science it to provide many perks for all staff members. something once a week, heck, you could even (not including irregular contributors) all writ- . in Review, Ethics, Innovations, Essays, and Dinner is served free four nights of the week, carry a camera 24/7 if you want. We hold ing, editing, getting advertising, and making Reports. Our Reports section constitutes the with cuisines ranging from American and Ital- meetings every Saturday at noon in our office the decisions that keep the Thistle going. Both vast majority of our publication, and includes tan to Thai and Lebanese. The Tech's office is' in the Student Center (W20-45I , on the 4th the female/male and undergrad/grad ratios are several student reports' selected from a large always open to staff members as a nice place floor), whete we stuff ourselves with free 3/5 and the minority/non-minority ratio is pool of submissions. -Given that many MIT to work and relax in the student center, with a food, stock up on free film, blast music in the even lower. As we feel a more balanced demo- . students publish their research in specialty 61" T~ video games, computers, magazines darkroom and come up with distinctive graphic is necessary for a better Thistle, we journals, the Reports section is designed to and printing resources. Monthly trips, with all designs for our book. Come visit us at noon would like to especially encourage women, minimize possible conflicts between publica- expenses paid by The Tech, include trip, on Saturday, September 2nd at our Open undergraduates; and minorities interested in tion in MURJ and publication in other jour- white water rafting trip, and an annual week- House and see how when it comes down to it, writing to attend a meeting and/or submit arti- nals. Please remember that all submissions for end retreat to a beautiful farmhouse in the it's all about Technique. . cles. our fall issue are due on or before September mountains of Vermont. An. annual banquet at The e-mail for the Alternative News Col- 31. one of Boston's fanciest restau- lective is and our web- While our Reports section features the rants allows the staff to cele- site is work of students outside of our editorial board . brate. the year's accomplish- where one can find our archives. and general staff, the other five sections of ments in style. MURJ are dedicated to science journalism. Stu - Counterpoint Students who join our group can report on a Counterpoint is the only MIT-Wellesley global scale (World Science in Review) or joint publication. That means we distribute on through a local venue (MIT Science in both campuses and are staffed by people from Review). both schools. We've got undergrads, grad stu- Although working for MURJ is not a hefty dents, and even alums on staff. It's a great way time commitment, we hope that you'll consid- to meet people and indulge in healthy diver- er joining the staff of our journal or at least sion. submitting your work to MURJ. If you're Counterpoint is a compliment to the hum- interested in pursuing either avenue, please e- drum announcements you'll read (or won't mail us at . read) in newspapers. We discuss politics, cam- pus issues, trends, perspectives, the adminis- The Tech tration, voting, smoking, sex, travel, religion, The Tech is MlT's student newspaper, and tuition, activism, body image, book reviews, welcomes both graduate and undergraduate foreign affairs, philosophy ... and anything staff members, regardless of prior experience. else that's on your mind. There is no minimum level of commitment Counterpoint is open to anyone (no experi- required by new staff members, and the August 29, 2000 FEATUJlES THE TECH Page A3

was founded on campus in 1992, and is an dents and are affiliat- active member of the United Christian Orienta- ed with InterVarsity tion (UCO). Chi Alpha currently has around 15 Christian Fellowship sian Baptist tudent members, and is looking to grow even more (a nationwide organi- Koinonia this year. zation). We are also a We are a Christian Chi Alpha chapter meetings are once a part of MIT United undergraduate fellowship week, and last one and a half hours. In these Christian Orienta- committed to loving God meetings, we discuss issues that affect our tion, which is a coop- and each other. We believe daily lives and look to grow closer to God and eration between other that fellowship within the to each other. There are also weekly 'small Christian fellowships body of Christ is essential group Bible studies offered on different days of the same faith. to living out a Biblical faith. and with an emphasis on different subjects. Chi Our first meeting is Even as we strive to glorify Alpha also has many social gatherings which on Wednesday, Sep- God through our studies are planned regularly. tember 6, place TBD. here at MIT, we want to Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship's website grow spiritually in our rela- can be found at . The Chi Alpha office Student Association each other as well. phone number is 253-2327, and the e-mail is The MIT Latter- MIT Muslim Students' Association MIT ABSK Was found- . Chi Alpha's first' day Saint Student ed at MIT in 1991 by group meeting will be Tuesday, September 12, kssociation undergraduates with a at 7:30 p.m. in the CFL (Christian Fellowship (LDSSA) is a priesthood-directed organization the first floor of the Religious Activities Center vision to worship God with fellow MIT stu- Lounge) in the basement of W-11, across the of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day (W11) at the corner of Amherst Street and dents. Don't be fooled by our name however. street from Ashdown. Saints (Mormon Church) that seeks to meet the Massachusetts Avenue. You don't have to be Asian or Baptist or even needs of individual college students. Our members define their own level of Christian to join, everyone is welcome. Cur- The Graduate Christian Fellowship Events and activities help MIT LDSSA involvement; we are always interested in new rently, we are comprised of over 30 undergrad- The Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF) members to create and strengthen friendships. ideas and activities. Please look for the follow- uates and members of the MIT community, is a group of Christians in the MIT community Helping each other as well as the MIT commu- ing activities The Muslim Guide to MIT: evenly divided between men and women. We're who desire to know, love, and obey God better, nity and beyond, our activities include weekly Roundtable will be held Tuesday, September small enough for everyone to know everyone and to reflect the love and presence of Jesus "Family Home Evenings" as well as campus- 5th at 6 p.m. in Twenty Chimneys (Student else's name, but too big to go to a movie or a Christ. In particular, we try to meet the specific wide service activities and speaker events. Center). The MITMSA Welcome Dinner will restaurant all together. As a club, our only reg- needs of Graduate students here at MIT. This Recent activities have included Christmas car- be held Friday, September Sth, at 7 p.m. in the ular official meeting is Friday Night Bible year, our hope is for each member to take one oling at a local retirement home; a talk by Dale Mezzanine Lounge (Student Center). The loca- Study, where we come together to relax after a step closer to God, and to help others to do the Murphy, former Boston Mission President and tions are subject to change, so please look for week of stressful schoolwork. same, through knowing God, living in faith, Atlanta Braves baseball star; a retreat at postings; for information contact us at . many events to help new students get better Gospel. faculty advisor's home. If you have any questions regarding the acquainted with the members of our fellow- While GCF is composed primarily of Chris- Membership in LDSSA is open to all inter- MSA or life at MIT (housing, food, concerns, ship'. Om first official group meeting will be' tian Graduate students, with about 50 active ested MIT affiliates, regardless of religious etc.), or if you are just curious about Islam, you Friday Night Bible Study at 7pm, September members, we welcome anyone who desires to background or preference. Membership con- can send an e-mail to , or 1st. We will meet on the Student Center Steps learn more about God and to explore the sists of participation in LDSSA activities to visit . at 6:45 and then go to Bible Study on campus. claims of Jesus Christ. More information can any degree and we welcome with open arms of However, you can also find, us at Activities be found by visiting our website at fellowship all who are in need of some good Protestant Student Community Midway and holding events throughout the or bye-mailing wholesome fun and rewarding experiences. For The Protestant Student Community (PSC) week like OUT Late Night Chinatown Run or . more information and a list of planned Fall is an ecumenical ministry begun to allow stu- Game Night. Details are on our webpage . Our activities include Bible Studies, large Semester activities, visit our webpage: dents and others at MIT to pursue matters of , meetings with music and speakers, social activi- or send us an e- the spirit as well as those of the mind. The mis- ties, service projects, and special-interest discus- mail: . sion statement of our sponsoring organization, .Campus Crusade for Christ sion groups. The first meeting will be a dinner Our first meeting of the terin will be Mon- the Boston-Cambridge Ministry in Higher MIT Campus Crusade for Christ is one of followed by a brief meeting on Friday, Septem- day-evening, September 11 at 8:30 p.m. in the Education (BCMHE), affirms that its various several Christian fellowships here at MIT. ber 8th, at 6 p.m. in Room 491 of the Student Private Dining Rooms on the 3rd floor Of the campus ministries must be "grounded in a con- )Veil, what is a Christian fellowship and why - Center (W20). Thereafter, we meet every Friday Student Center. All are welcome! cern for social justice," and that they "build do they exist. I can't speak for every fellow- at 6 p.m., although our location varies. open safe and inclusive communities" to serve ship; but I hope that we all exist with the same Lutheran Episcopal Ministry as resources to students, faculty, and staff in unified purpose, to spread the news that there Hillel For more than two decades, Lutherans and the growth of their faith. These virtues are sup- is a God who created this amazing universe in MIT Hillel is the foundation of the campus Episcopalians have combined forces at MIT to ported by MIT's own ministry through weekly which we live. AndHe didn't just wind up this Jewish community. Hillel sponsors social provide a vital, pastoral, and liturgical ministry. services, weekly bible studies, retreats, and tinker toy universe and leave it to hop around events, sports teams, religious services, Judaic We offer a vibrant, supporting environment to community service. His desk aiinlessly. No, He made it interactive: classes, community service projects, regular all people seeking to explore their spiritual life PSC serves the campus through services He got involved and introduced an uncondi- kosher meals, and much, much more! , and a thoughtful, caring Christian community and activities for all who want a break from tionallove that is extended to all who choose to You can be as active and as involved as you providing a respite from day-to-day life at MIT. their usual patterns of study. Past activities receive it. Love, joy, peace, acceptance, faith- want to be. We all come from different Jewish The Lutheran-Episcopal Ministry gathers in have included ice skating, apple picking, and fulness, fulfillment, it's all in there, in one backgrounds with various customs, traditions, 'the MIT Chapel for Eucharist every Wednes- game nights. MIT's ministry also supports ser- package, namely, Jesus Christ, God's Son. and practices so there is something for every- day afternoon at 5:10. Students join the chap- vice to communities in the Boston area. We . This is why MITCCC exists. To share the one. Many different interest groups and com- lains in planning and celebrating our liturgies. have made trips out to soup kitchens in Boston good news of a solid faithfounded in a solid' , mittees operate under the Hillel umbrella. A Students read lessons, lead prayers, serve at the and every semester we sponsor a weekly pro- God of love. We do this several ways. We hold sample of future .events include: trip to a Red altar, preach, compose hymns and musical set- gram to tutor students at the Fourth Presbyter- weekly bible studies along with biweekly Sox game, High Holiday services, Mega tings, set up for services, bake bread, launder ian in South Boston. prayer and worship. Because we are affiliated Brunch, Sukkah on Kresge Oval, Hebrew linens, and lead prayer services. In addition to Our services are Sundays at 11 a.m. in the with Campus Crusade for Christ, International, classes, weekly Shabbat dinner and services. worship, LEM organizes many social activities campus chapel across from the Student Center we also meet Friday nights with Christians The Hillel Center in the Religious Activities such as apple picking, bowling, movie excur- and Kresge Auditorium. Services begin again from other colleges around Boston 'to fellow- Center (Building W 11) is used for classes, .sions, bible study, hiking, outings to MIT the- for the FaU semester on August 27th. If you ship in Christ. worship, lounging, and study. The Judaic ater and music productions, and retreats. need more information, please go to We invite any and all who are even the Library in the Hillel Center is available for use There is no time commitment requited for or e-mail slightest bit interested to join us for om first by the MIT community. To contact MIT Hillel membership. Schedules at MIT are 'inevitably . meeting of the fall term, Wednesday, Septem- visit Religious Activities Center, Building busy; LEM provides an opportunity to take a her 6 at 7:45 p.m. in the Student Center. If you WII, call 253-2982, e-mail brief time out to worship God and be minis-: United Christian Fellowship have questions or are interested, you can con- or visit tered to. Chaplains are also available for indi- UCF is community of students who seek to tact Greg Nelson at or vidual pastoral care. understand the fullness of God's love and to 617-225-6244. Also, our URL is' Korean Christian Fellowship , Your first opportunity -to check out the "follow Jesus" in the world we live in today. , 253-2983) or Constance Fellowship, an interdenominational, multi-eth- study the Bible together, and provide support well as in small groups a few hours each week. Parvey, our Lutheran chaplain nic movement on college campuses throughout for each other in all areas of life. The group MITKCF is composed of a co-ed group, «[email protected]>, 253-2325). You can also the country. UCF is also a member of United and is mostly (but not use our student officers/chaplain mailing list at Christian Orientation (DCa) at MIT. UCF has exclusive to!) under- or check out our web page at been part of the MIT community for over 50 .graduates. Also, as a . years. We currently have about 50 active mem- "Korean'" Christian Fel- bers, most of whom are undergraduates. lowship, most of the MIT Muslim Students' Association We have Friday night Large Group meet- members of MITKCF MITMSA is a community ,of Muslims on ings from 7: 15pm -9. These usually meet in are Korean, but this is campus, dedicated to providing an Islamic Twenty Chimneys (Student Center, 3rd Floor - . by no means a require- environment for Muslims at MIT, and provid- the exceptions are posted) Our first meeting is ment. ing information about Islam to non-Muslims. September 8 at 7: 15 in Twenty Chimneys. We We started in Spring The MIT Muslim Students' Association brings also have weekly small group Bible studies of 1990 as a small together Muslims on campus by holding events meeting in the dormitories and FSILGs. Please group of people seeking throughout the year. In addition, we are strong- contact us on the closest one to you. Several to establish a place for ly committed to being an active participant in times throughout the year we go on retreats. English speaking Kore- .' the MIT community. For more information e-mail Elizabeth ans to find a place to MITMSA ccomprises over 50 members. We Dale, , Jennifer Maurer worship. Now, 10 years have a prayer room (musalla) on campus where or< mitucf- later, we are a thriving daily congregational prayers as well as Friday [email protected]>, or visit group of over 50 stu- prayers are held. The prayer room is located on

Hillel PageA4 F August 29, 2000

Chine e tudent Club 2,300 subscriber to our official e-mail list. ciation, Black Women's Alliance, and Chinese nfl nil ~ The MIT Chinese Students Club is Mo t are Europeans, but there are also people tudents' Club), we realized we all has a simi- IJ one of the largest and most active cul- from all other parts of the world. They are lar vision for the Institute: more interaction ~~~ \AI U~~ ~ tural organizations on campus, with mainly graduate students or visiting scholars on between people of different backgrounds. ~ over 300 students who are diverse in their a graduate level, but we also have a large num- After all, that's what college is about, right? nationalities and disciplines. ber of Post Docs and some undergrads .. Broadening y~ur horizons .... Our events include cultural activities, such We have a tradition of organizing a variety While some of us do work on major pro- as our annual Chinese ew Year s Banquet and of events. In the fall, we go on a three-day hik- jects such as videos on race relations and serve Mooncake Festival, social events, such as study ing and foliage trip to ew Hampshire or Ver- different institute committees, we're really just breaks, parties and semi-formals, community mont. We have a downhill ski weekend in Janu- intere ted in getting people together to share ervice programs, and athletic tournaments. ary and a cross-country ski trip in February. In their culture though dance and food as well as If you are interested, come stop by our we pay a visit to the Big Apple (New talk about and debate racial issues in a casual booth at the Activities Fair Midway or visit our York). On Memorial Day weekend in May, we setting. Our tentative plans for the semester are library on the fourth floor of the tudent Center drive to Maine or upstate ew York for white- mixers in dormatories and on the student center during RIO! Please e-mail us if you have any water rafting. steps, informal discussion sessions, speakers, questions. You can check our web page for a We are organizing the annual European and community service. schedule of our RIO events. Career Fair at MIT, which is establishing itself If you have any questions, e-mail us at Shortly after our RIO events, we will hold as a major event and a unique venue for com- . our first general' meeting on Tuesday, Septem- panies seeking to recruit graduates from the ber 12, in the West Lounge at Stratton Student world-class universities of Greater Boston. International Film Club Center. for more information visit Over 30 companies presented themselves at the The International Film Club holds free or e-mail 4rd European Career Fair in January200, which film screenings on campus once or twice a . attracted some 1000 students. Information on week, typically on Wednesday and Thursday the 5th European Career Fair IS planned for this nights. Each screening is preceeded by a brief Chinese Student and cholar Association academic year will be available at the European introduction given by student members of 1- MIT CSSA was registered eight years ago. Career Fair home page. Film or by special guests, such as faculty We have grown to be one of the largest cultural Of course, we also have several on-campus members or filmmakers. We also cosponsor groups on campus since then. By name, the events each term such as barbecues and parties, film screenings with other student groups on major body of our members are Chinese, espe- e.g., the illustrious wine & cheese parties, campus, and we have worked on two joint cially graduate students, but everyone is wel- which alone are already reason enough for film series with the Center for comed to join our activities and services. many to join the club. Check us out on the web Bilingual/Bicultural Studies. One of the most popular services we pro- at . To subscribe to I-Film tries to focus on films that have not vide is our bulletin board system. People can our mailing list to keep informed of our activi- gotten the exposure they deserve in the Boston post and read messages about housing, sales ties visit . area. I-Film has about 550 members on its film and social events. You can find all kinds of fun announcement mailing list, and screenings are events in our calendar. We celebrate every tra- Filipino Student Association . typically attended by 30-60 people. ditional Chinese holiday. This fall, there is a Camaraderie, outings, and fun are what To find out more about I-Film, e-mail cruise on the night of the Mid-autumn. People MIT's Filipino Student Association is all about. , or visit our website at will dance, have moon cake and watch the Afraid of missing lichon, adobo, or lumpia dur- . In addition to bright full moon on the sea. There will be an ing your college years? Come to our casual and information about l-Film screenings, the web- annual China National Day concert on October friendly get-togethers at local Filipino cuisine site has instructions on how to join our mailing I, Chinese New Year concert, Spring Festival restaurants! Yearning to learn tagalog or help list, and links to local cinemas, film festivals, party and Festival of Lanterns party. In week- others learn to speak the native tongue? We and other film-related sites. .' ends, we sponsor dancing parties and Chinese have on-going classes throughout the year, as movie shows. well as those "movie nights" that are both inter- Irgun Mishtalmim Israelim - the Israeli What's more, we organize many seminars esting and fun. Scholars Organization dedicated to Chinese culture. For example, MITFSA is a group of students of Filipino The Irgun Mishtalmim Israelim (Hebrew for there are forums about China Higher Education descent (of course, everyone is always welcome "Israeli Scholars Organization" and abbreviated Reform and eastern and western cultural differ- - the more the merrierl) that meet 3-4 times by its Hebrew acronym, AMI) is a club for ence. We invite -famous chefs to teach us Chi- during the term, exploring the Philippine cul- Israeli students and visiting scholars at MIT. . nese cooking. There will be a seminar about ture through togetherness. During the term AMrs main activities are Israeli-oriented resolving stress at MIT too. What'smore, our activities include: our lecture. series - an events and social get-togethers. AMI also pro- regular social hours provide great opportunities enlightening experience to hear prominent vides information, and in some cases tickets, for members to meet friends and exchange speakers; sports such as basketball, volleyball, for Israeli events in the Boston area, such as ideas. and pool; and Tagalog Class, taught by a movies and concerts. It also serves as a contact For more information, visit knowledgeable professor and native speakers. point and source of information about MIT for . So if you're a newly landed freshman, grad ne~ly-arrived Israelis, and about Israel for student, or even transfer- drop us an e-mail at members of the MIT community. Most partici- European Club or visit .pants are Israeli graduate students and post- Our club is one of the largest, most diverse to learn docs in their 20's and early 30's. Non-Israeli and most active student activities at MIT. We more about our group! . guests are also welcome at and often attend currently have about 250 full members and AMI activities, although the main language is Hungarian Student Association usually Hebrew. ' The Hungarian Student Association of MIT 'AMI was founded last year as an 'indepen- was founded six years ago to organize pro- dent organization of and for Israelis, effective- grams for those who speak Hungarian or inter- ly replacing previously existing Israel-related ested in Hungarian culture., The Association campus groups. Last year's activities included also helps to introduce our culture to the wider several informal get-togethers, a Purim party, MIT community. a Rabin Memorial Day event, a Yom We hold movie nights, parties and hiking HaZikaron ceremony and Yom HaAtzamaut trips and also maintain a mailing list on which party and BBQ, and involvement with off- all Hungarian related programs in the Boston campus events such as concerts (Rami Klein- area are posted. stien, David Broza and Sanderson/Gov) and a The association has about 30 graduate and job fair. If you would like to help organize an 20 undergraduate members, with around 300 event or activity, or if you have suggestions people on the mailing list for events, please e-mail us at . Everyone is welcome [email protected]>. Note that events for theFall to join 'the mailing list or participate in pro- semester should be proposed at the beginning grams, though a working knowledge of Hun'.. of September. garian language is advantageous. The webpage All Israelis are encouraged to join the mail- of the Hungarian Student Association of MIT ing list , which is the central is . MIT Israelimailing list:

Hindu Students Council Japanese Society of Undergraduates HSC aims to educate the MIT community JSU was founded in 1998 in order to make on Hinduism through events such as discus- Japanese culture a more available one for the sions, prayers, and celebrations of Hindu festi- undergraduate community of MIT. Anyone vals. It has been around intermittently on the who is interested in Japanese culture, both MIT campus and was most recently revived modem and traditional, and language is wel- last year. come to our events. Our events include: annual There are approximately 50 regular mem- cookout, study breaks, karaoke nights, etc. For bers. Committee members attend one meeting more info please contact: or check out our website at event they wish. . The group is made of both graduate stu- dents and undergraduates, most of whom are Korean Students' Association Hindus, although anyone can join. The KOrean Students' Association exists as . The first meeting of the term will be some- a non-political club to provide opportunities for time in September. E-mail for more information. to understand and explore Korean people and culture. The goals of the MIT Korean Students Pangaea is a brand-new organization on Association are to bring together the diverse .campus working on increasing the apprecia- .groups among the Korean-American communi- tion of diversity on campus. It was created in ty to learn about each other and themselves March 2000 after a small group of us returned through social and philanthropic events, to from Leadershape, an inspiring leadership pro- learn about issues involving the Korean com- gram held during lAP. Even though we were munity and to provide opportunities to become all very different (members of International involved in them, and to increase awareness of TECH FILE PHOTO Students' Association, African Students' Asso- Korean-American issues in the larger MIT Chinese Students Club August 29, 2000 FEATURES THE TECH

community. of MIT students protesting the To these aims, it holds many social, cul- June 4th Chinese military tural, athletic, and community service crackdown on civilian and stu- . events throughout the year, open to the dent demonstrators in Tianan- entire MIT community. Annual events men Square, Beijing. SHKCA include the Korean Culture Show, a volley- joined forces with other human ball tournament, various DongSeng Pro- rights organizations to support gram events and a math competition for the student democracy move- local korean students. ment in the People's Republic For more information, contact of China. Since then, SHK A ' or visit our webpage at has organized and' participated . in many events that help Come meet our members by checking the advance the cause of human Daily Confusion for KSA events. rights through rational and non-violent means. La Union Chicano por Aztlan If you would like to 'get Our organization, La Union Chicano por involved organizing our excit- Aztlan, (Lucha), is dedicated to proving both . ing lectures and in contacting cultural and academics support to students speakers, please e-mail . This society American culture. We accomplish this mainly is a great opportunity to learn by building strong friendships. In the about the current developments process, we are able to benefit from academ- in China, Hong Kong and Tai- ic review sessions organized by our wan. Look for our booth in the cabazones, enchilada dinners prepared by our Activities 'Midway! Columbian Student Association cocineros, discussions lead by our politicos, performances re-enacted by our artistas, con- MIT Societo por Esperanto ferences planned by our representates and the Have you ever coded a base 10 clock list goes on. because the nerd in you couldn't stand to see The diversity within LUChA reflects the an irregularity go unchecked?' Ever wanted to fact that Chicano culture has evolved to let your inner nerd loose on language, but include influences from about every region of found Klingon too hard to pronounce? Maybe the U.S. and rest of the world. You will also you should try Esperanto. fmd similar variety in the views held among Esperanto is an invented language with our members. Our different backgrounds natu- simplified grarninar rules. It was developed in rally prompt differing responses in any given the 1880's in a border town in where 'situation, but our common goals allow us to many different ethnic groups, each with their remain united and move forward. Besides, all own language, lived in fear and distrust of of us hold a common ground, MIT. LUChA each other. The MIT Societo por Esperanto is unites its members into close-knit family that dedicated to furthering education in and provides support and comfort from the stress- about Esperanto within the MIT community. ful MIT life. ' The Societo also encourages interaction Look for specific meeting times and dates between Esperanto speakers by holding reg- in our LUChA announcement board in the ular conversational groups and celebrating infinite corridor near Building 4. If you have Esperanto holidays, such as the birthday of any questions, please contact LUChA at its inventor, Ludwig Zamenhof. The Soci- .' eto hopes that members will use Esperanto to learn about other languages, countries, Society for. Hong Kong-ehina Affairs and cultures . The Society for Hong Kong-China Affairs . Members of the Societo teach several (SHKCA) is a student group focused on pro- levels of classes during lAP. During the moting awareness, interest, and concern term, the Societo holds meetings open to regarding the political, social, cultural and beginners and experienced speakers alike. . economic' affairs of Hong Kong, China and These meetings allow new members to Taiwan, Composed of undergraduate and become more familiar with the language graduate students and alumni, SHKCA works and the culture of Esperanto through social also to promote the advancement of human activities and word games. rights and democracy in China. For inore information: VISIt SHKCA was founded in 1989 by a group or e- mail

Turkish Student Association The Turkish Student Association (TSA) of MIT promotes friendship and interaction between club members and members of the American community, other international groups .at MIT and in the surrounding Boston or visit our homepage at . made up of Vietnamese-born and American- area. Among the goals of the organization is Our first meeting will be scheduled sometime born members. introduction of Turkish Culture, customs, and within the first 2 weeks of the term and is As a club, we often spend our time togeth- history. often preceded by a well-attended group din- er enjoying and appreciating good cuisine We also function as a semi-official sup- ner at one of the local Turkish restaurants. from a local restaurant or from the fine culi- port' group for students of Turkish descent Since the primary intent is to welcome new- nary talents of the members. Other activities studying at MIT, regardless of whether they comers and introduce ourselves, please keep that we hold include the "Freshmen Welcome are from Turkey, the US, or elsewhere, as your calendars open for the first couple of Dinner" at Pho Pasteur, a fall intercollegiate well as non-Turkish members who are simply weeks of the term! dance, an impressive performance for the interested in Turkish culture. TSA has been Enjoy your time at MIT; good health and intercollegiate Tet festival, and a grande finale active on the MIT campus since at least as best of luck in your studies. with the "Farewell Senior Dinner." Also this far back as 1975, according to our records. year, the VSA will be hosting its first sympo- We typically number around 70-75 members Vietnamese Students Association sium about the Vietnamese-American's role in from various departments, years, faculty, and Formed in the late 1970s by a group of society. staff even though our activities often include Vietnamese immigrant students, the MIT All students are always welcomed to join subsets of that number, depending on inter- Vietnamese' Students Association (VSA) has the MIT VSA. Please visit our webpage at est. continued to grow and sustain the strong for more informa- If you are interested in joining our organi- bonds and friendships that helped create the tion. If you have any questions about the . zation or would like to find out more about us, club almost thirty years ago. Our greatest club, contact the officers at diversity lies with the fact that we are mostly [email protected]> .

South Asian American Students Be MIT's Indian Student Association . { , r

Page A6 THE TECH FEATURES August 29, 2000 August 29, 2000 FEATURES THE TECH Page A7

the group, although we encourage participation and new tl@cfldk~~n@ ideas. New members need to have no experience with Undergraduate biomaterials in order to join. In fact, we were formed in ment you sign, and every delegate's' hand that you Students Association order to facilitate biomaterials education here at MIT. shake. You are Ecuador. You are Bosnia. You are In order to contact our group please visit our web India. The Biology Undergraduate Students Association site ~> or e-mail us at (BUSA) serves all MIT students with an interest in . We are sponsoring a social on Sept. Mars Society The MIT Outing Gub biology. BUSA helps to broaden the biology under- 6th to welcome back returning students and meet inter- The International Mars Society is a relatively If you like doing things in the outdoors, this is graduate experience through both social and academic ested new students, Food and drink will be served. new organization whose purpose is to advocate and the club for you. We are a club with about 400 or so activities. BUSA also provides resources and support Check our web site and posters for details. develop the technology required for the manned members; although not all active at the same timell for biology students. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers exploration of Mars. We have recently built a Mars We have a wide variety of members, undergrads, BUSA sponsors a wide range of activities including ~~ The MIT analog base in the Canadian Arctic (you may have grads, alums, staff, and other people part of the undergraduate social events, "getting to know your pro- The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers is an internationally recognized nonprofit, techni- /'" Assassins' Guild seen the special on the Discovery Channel) and are grand MIT Community, Wellesley, Lincoln and fessors" sessions, an undergraduate research sympo- developing a series of analog bases around the Draper Labs. We have been around since 1935. sium, and the Howard Hughes Lecture Series featuring cal, professional society of individual members serving The MIT Assassins' world. We are also funding a microscope that will MITOC organizes a couple of large trips during . renowned biologists. Many activities provide unique the maritime and offshore industries and their suppli- Guild is MIT's live-action role-playing (LARP) fiy on the European 'Mars Express' mission. the year. Most of these are circi and events with opportunities for students to interact with the Biology ers. SNAME is dedicated to advancing the art, science group. Our members play in and run games about Here at MIT we have two exciting projects that other outing clubs in the area. Circi are big outings Department faculty on a personal level. BUSA also and practice of naval architecture, shipbuilding and every other weekend during term. In addition, our will be starting this year: we will be building an to one of our two cabins in New Hampshire, 'were . offers a variety of resources for biology students such marine engineering, encouraging the exchange and members run non-LARP games, such as Patrol (a analog Mars rover based on a modified Hum Vee the club organizes and leads different kinds of trips as a Course 7 undergraduate lounge, a Big SiblLil' Sib recording of information, sponsoring applied research, weekJy high-action game similar to paintbatl) and Chassis and we will be developing a closed cycle for all skill levels. We also participate in some trips Program, career development seminars, and free tutor- offering career guidance and supporting education, and SIK (Society for Interactive Killing) games, which methane engine. We are also holding a short confer- with other outing clubs, most notably the Fall. Lake ing sponsored by the Biology Department. enhancing the professional status and integrity of its are high-action and bear some resemblance to ence, MarsWeek@MIT, in October at which a num- George trip to upstate New York. All MIT undergraduates interested in biology have membership. We provide a social forum for the OE paintball and nerf-wars, but With more of a scenario ber of famous scientists, engineers and astronauts The club has a wide assortment of gear available automatic membership in BUSA. Join us at the Activi- department. We host a fall and spring lecture seriesl than Patrol. will be speaking and publish a newsletter that is for rentals to realize any trip the club or you have in ties Midway, in Lobby 10 during the first week of the lunch gatherings where students and faculty gather. Solar Electric VehIcle Team The Guild is running two games in September. distributed to local elementary and high schools. mind. All you need to rent gear is to become a club term, 0' at oUr first meeting of the year and sign up on MIT hosts a section meeting every January, the Stu- loin al iens, smugglers, and Sith at the Mos Eisley We hold general meetings and present speakers member (small fee) and leave a deposit check for organization of students producing a wide range of You can also reach us by calling 253-7788, or send- our e-mail list to .receive notices of our upcoming dent Paper Night. Students (undergrad and grad) from Cantina in "Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy", on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month . the gear you use. We also have two cabins in New television programming and videosmedia produc- ing mail to : meetings and events. schools in the New England Section are invited to pre- a one-night Star Wars game. Be a pirate, traveler, or respectively and hold project-specific meetings as Hampshire (one near Plymouth and another near . tion for the MIT community. Students play every For more information about BUSA, visit our web- sent papers in a competition that often leads to scholar- tavern denizen in "The Pirates of Dark Water," a 1- the need arises. If you would like more information, North Conway) thai serve at basecamps for many role in production: camera work, directing, writing, WMBR page at . Feel free to ships and national recognition for MIT students. For night game set in the universe of the early 90's car- please send an e-mail to or look activities. acting, editing, and even repair work, Our pr~~- WMBR is MIT's college radio station and' can contact the club's officers at . Our more information , We will have a booth at Activities Midway ming includes talk shows, student movies, ~6medy, be heard throughout Cambridge and Boston at the first meeting of the year will be on Monday, e-mail . Currently the Guild has about 80 active mem- where you can get more information. We have a theatrical presentations, web-streamed shorts, and far 'eft end of the radio dial (88.1 FM). The station Sept.ember 11, at 7 p.m. in room 4-237. Society ofWomeD Engiaeers bers, drawing from undergraduates, 'grad students, MITGaa'rd (Society of Creative Anachronism) couple of trips already scheduled like Intro Circus ideas that new people bring to us every week. broadcasts roughly :40-24 hours each day, and plays alumni and other community members. Members We are a historical social group, which recreates on the September 9th weekend; Fall Lake George We're best known for bringing web-based-video- everything from techno, rock, and classical to jazz, National Society of Black EDgineers There's more to engineering than what we experi- can play in as few or as many games as they want, the arts and skills of pre-seventeenth century Euro- on the October Ist weekend; and tentatively Fall on-demand (called "the Button(tm)") to MIT. And, world, R&B, and local music. NSBE-MIT ... Corne feel the love. The National ence in class. The Society of Women Engineers helps and are free to write games or not as they desire. pean culture. Some members become very skilled Circus on Columbus day weekend. You can get of course, we make the only programs on television Originally using the call letters WTBS, the sta- Society of Black Engineers is a national student-run all members of the MIT community with pro- The Assassins' Guild has regular meetings once per in their areas of interest, but you do not need to more information by visiting .our website: about MIT. We are your ultimate channel. tion first began broadcasting on 88.1 the- organization committed to increasing the number of fessionals in industry and academia so we can find term to deal with administrative details. Feel free to know anything about the Middle Ages to join. We Our office is We hold meetings on the fuSt'5aturday !'!!teach early 60's. In the late 70's, Ted Turner decided he culturally responsible minority engineers and scientists opportunities to do what we really want with our lives. contact us with any ques- are participation oriented, preferring to act out the located in the student center (W20-46I ); we have month at 2 p.m, in Room 9-034 (except in Septem- wanted the WTBS call letters for his cable network. who excel academically, succeed professionally and To connect MIT with professionals, we hold many tions and check out our web page at best of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance for weekly office hours on Monday 5-6 p.m. and Thurs- ber and February, when meetings are held on the The station .agreed to give him the call letters and positively impact the community. events. We host a banquet every fait to allow our mem- . the enjoyment of ourselves, not generally for days 8-9 p.m, You also send your' questions or second Saturday). A schedule of taying sessions and he agreed not to have anyone's legs broken. He also With nearly 100 members, NSBE-MIT is one of the bers an opportunity to share a meal with engineers observers. thoughts to . . other meetings is posted outside ·tlfe studio;1toom "donated" money to the station, which had changed largest organizations on campus. It is open to all under- from industry. We are co-sponsoring the Fall 2000 MIT I Draper Lab Bridge Club In our society, you will see a number of different 9-034, and new members are welcome to.attend. it's call letters to WMBR (Walker Memorial Base- graduate and graduate students in any major. NSBE Career Fair, we have organized interview and resume- MITIDL Bridge Club invites new and returning medieval activities being re-enacted: fencing, fight- ParliameDtary Debate Team The station phone is (617) 252-1694 and can be ment Radio). This money allowed for the construe- provides members with numerous opportunities for building workshops. We often work with companies to students to its weekJy duplicate games. Games start ing, dancing, sewing, leatherwork, woodwork, . The MIT Parliamentary Debate team travels to reached on campus by dialing x2,J~94. If tion of a new transmitter, and the station now-puts leadership from community service with elementary set up information presentations for them and provide at 6:30 p.m, Tuesday nights and normally last until metal work, thrown weapons, singing, music, and universities and colleges around the east coast com- there, it will forward to the phone of one, of the offi-' out nO'Watts from the top of the Eastgate Building and high school students to serving as a workshop scholarship opportunities to SWE members. We have 9:30 p.m. For those interested in learning bridge, many more. MITGaard was founded in the early peting in tournaments- organized by the American cers. Reach us bye-mail at . There is all sorts of fun 'stuff on at . members serving on the regional board. Previous offi- the things they miss most about MIT. The club welcomes players of all levels, with or Boston SCA ever since. We welcome all members Parliamentary style consists of two-on-two extem- 'our website at ~ ...... Roughly half of the station's DJs are students, cers of NSBE-MIT include Darcy Prather, Rhodes Most of us are undergraduate women, but we wel- without a partner. If you come without a partner, of the MIT community, and currently have about poraneous debate, where the topic changes in every . and the other 'half are members of the Cambridge Scholar and cre, and Karl Reid, come anyone - women, men, students, staff, faculty-- the director will find one for you. Approximately ten undergraduate, ten graduate students and twelve round of competition. In December.: we host- our , Stu~ent In!orplation. p,r,ocessmg Boar 'l>o3~tm"'t 'ana Bostoit"c"ommimity; Most DJs engineer their the director of MIT's Minority Engineering Program to check us out and join us. If you're interested, please once a month the club runs a game with handicaps, recent and not so recent alumni active, with about 0)\'11. tournament usually drawing 50.60 teams, and The Student Information Processing Board is a ! own shows, and are completely trained to run the and MITES. j e-mail or or designed to equalize everyone's chance to win. an equal ratio. of ladies to lords. invite members of the MIT community to judge and volimteer student group that cent'm-sMounlF-com- station by other station members. Shows usually are NSBE-MIT also provides members with opportuni- check us out online at . The club averages 14 tables per session. The for- Anyone hav:ing any interest should show up to watch. Our season lasts all year long. puting at MIT. The SIPB provides a number of two hours long and air once a week. All station ties to build academic, technical and professional skills We'll also be at Activities Midway and have an ice mat of the games is duplicate. In duplicate games, our first meeting of the year, Wednesday, September The commitment level is very flexible; every computer services to ·theeMIT comm1!l1ity. These 'n members are volunteers and contribute about 2 . m workshops such as Four-Year Plan, Stocks & Invest- cream party some time soon after that. everyone plays the same hands, and your score is 6th in PDR3 of the Student Center (W20), from team member decides for themselves how much range from helping users with wali-in or OWr-the- hours/week to the station to keep it running. No ment, and Grad School Step-by-Step. NSBE-MIT is Undergraduate Economics Association based on how well you do versus other people hold- 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Chain mail links and instrnc- time to put in. Many of o'ur members choose to .phone questions to maintaining a number of servers prior radio or music experience is required to striving to 'build connections with faculty and students ing the same hands. To learn more about the club, tions will be provided free for those with a burning attend our weekJy meetings and participate in regu- of use to the community. For example, we maintain becomea· station member. ' by holding a faculty reception each term and inviting The Undergraduate Economics Association (UEA) visit our website desire to make their own chainmail jewelry or . lar practice rounds. Our most committed members a web server , a Usenet news If you are interested in becoming a DJ at the sta- faculty to help facilitate workshops. We also represent is a group of undergraduates interested in economics or contact armor. Questions should be directed to try to go to as many tournanients as they can (there server , and (.an AFS' cell tion, e-mail the membership director at: . . Visit is generally one held every weekend of the school (/afs/ The SIPB also maintaij1s and [email protected]>. Additional informa- . great opportunities to network with college students endeavors, improving employment opportunities, and . calendar), but some of our more casual members develops Athena software for'Linux and NetBSD, tion about the station can be found on the web at from all over the world. extending networks with each other and the outside may only attend one Or two tournaments and spend free operating systems that can be."run Q?- p~,rsonal . Rock on. So come join us for another great year! Our first ·world. The UEA also serves as a liaison between Model United Nations just 2-3 hours a week on debate. . computers. event, Convocation 2000, will be held on September undergraduate students and the economics department Reestablished only three No prior experience is necessary. Our member- The SIPB is 6th at 5:30 p.m. in 10-250. We welcome back Darcy faculty. Each year, we produce and distribute an Ul),der- years ago, MITMUN has ship is composed of both people who have been also an excellent Prather '9 I as our keynote speaker. If you have any graduate resume book and oversee $15,000 earmarked already made its presence very successfui in high school" debate and people place to learn questions, e-mail us at or to fund internships in Washington, D.C. .known on the MIT campus. who have not debated before. We currently have more about com- check out . our web page at The UEA has expanded its Tole on campus and in the Talks by head of the humanities about 50 members. MIT Debate Team, puters. SIPB . department over the past two years, and active member- department, members of the , no phone num- members tend to ship continues to grow. Membership is not limited to office of the President, and UN ber now, e-mail: First be most skilled ScieDce aDd EDgineering Business Club course 14 majors! The UEA meets several times each Ambassadors to India have Meeting: Monday, September 4, 8 p.m., 4-270. with UNIX-like . The MIT-Science and Engineering Business Club is semester to discuss economics, classes, upcoming events, graced our meetings with their Come eat our free food and find out about going on operating systems geared toward students with an interest in merging their and socialize. Recent events include the faculty-student inspirational and intriguing our all expense paid trip to New York City! and are always scientific interests with the world of business. We do dinner for rising sophomores, and sponsored lectures on speeches. Winning awards at ready to teach this by doing two types of things I) bring interesting topics such as the Micmsoft trial. Course 14 t-shirts and a Cambridge University, Univer- Solar Electric Vehicle Team ' thos~ interested in speakers to talk about using their technical backgrounds journal of undergraduate papers are among our current sity of Pennsylvania, McGill The Solar Electric Vehicle Team (SEVT) learning. We have to gain a job in business and 2) promoting the interest projects. University, and Harvard Univer- designs, builds and races solar powered cars--cars . a library of useful in applying technical backgrounds to pursue start-ups. For mor-e information, or to get involved, e-mail sity, our fledgling organization that look like UFO's and travel on the highway books, available to Las.t year we bad five seminars ranging from manage- . Or check out our website at has developed an aura felt at using less power than a hair~drier. The, team's most anyone interested ,ment consulting to patent law, culminating in our keynote . conference after conference recent car, Manta GTX, won 1st place in the cut-out in taking a look. . address Entrej>reneUrship2000. This year we plan to have after conference. class 'at the 1999 AllStra1ian World SQlar Challenge. The SIPB 8-10 seminar speakers, two workshops, some social Our two meetings per month Join us now in preparation for the American Solar office, in W20- activities, and any good ideas people want to contribute! allow you the opportunity to be Challenge, a race stretchiDg nearly 2400 miles from 557, is next to the Being a member of our group just entails signi,ng up exposed to various political and Chicago to LA along Route 66, in July 200 I. Athena Cluster on to out e-mail list . Time commitmeDt international issues, either The team generally consists of about 10 dedicat- . the fifth floor of for our executive board includes a' one hour through fellow members of ed undergraduate students from ail majors. Working the Student Center meeting/week and helping out on events which run a MITMUN or through guest within a stUdent run team, SEVT provides the and is the place . few to no hours a week depending on if there's an event. speakers that we often have. opportunity to be creative and gain hands-on expe- where most of the 'If there's interest in joining the group, you Can Twice during the fall term, once rience with space frame manufacture, composites, SIPB's activities come to our first recruiting event September 12th in 4- during lAP, and twice again electronic systems, race.logistics, and fundraising. are based. SIPB . 270 at 6 p.m. (pizza will be served) or e-mail Nick at during the spring term, we trav- Experience is not necessary, only the desire to meetings are held . Visit our webpage at el to places as close as Harvard learn and willingness to be challenged. Our first every Monday .at for more information. and as far away as Istanbul, meeting for the term will be Qn Monday, September 7:30 p.m. in the Turkey to attend conferences of 11,2000 at 6 p.m. in room 1~277. For more infor- SIPB office (W2G- Society for Biomaterials MIT StudeDt Chapter MUN mock sessions of the real mation visit , e-mail or call 253- stop by then or terials education here at MIT. Biomaterials is a relative- these conferences you embody 6140. any time if you're ly new field and is spread across several departments not only the country you repre- interested in find- here at MIT. We attempt to provide some continuity for sent, but also MIT with every Student Cable Group ing out more students in this field by having social events in which speech you give, every amend- . The MIT Student Cable Group is a growing about what we do. students £aD.. interact and learn about biomaterials. The events have included speakers from industry and acade- mics, tours of local industry, reSearch symposia, socials MIT o.ce M1x CoaIItI&. and panel discussions on biomaterials. Our group is now in its fourth year and bas grown to over 50 graduate and undergtaduate members. We are evenly split between graduate and undergraduate stu- MIT OutIng Club. dents. Members are expected to make DO commibnent to Page A8 T TECH August 29, 2000

Cre s Product always welcome at the Contra Dances, especially on There are two words that describe the MIT Cross September 12th and 26th. 0 partners are necessary. Products: Christian and a capella. We use our voices. Dance locations vary from week to week -- you (singing a capella, without accompaniment) to share can always find out where we are dancing and get the love of Jesus Christ, spreading the good news- other information from our web site, that He died on a cross, and surrendered His life so or by calling the Folk that we might live forever With Him. We are called Phone hotline at 253-FOLK. the Cross Products because that's what we are- We also maintain e-mail lists to announce dances. products of the cross of Jesus. His death on the To subscribe, please e-mail cross has changed our lives, and that is why we and let us know which types of dance you want to sing. know about. During the year, we hold concerts at MIT, and also perform whenever we can in Gilbert and Sullivan Players the Boston area, and at other colleges in Do you act or sing? Do you play an instrument? ew England. This year, we will also be Do you like power tools or hanging from high planning a tour during spring break, and perhaps places? If so, the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players African usic and Dance Ensemble' record a few songs for a new cd. (MITG&SP) is the group to join. Mitcan is the MIT African Music and Dance We normally have between 12 and 16 members; MITG&SP performs the works of Sir William S. Ensemble. Its focus is on the musical traditions of both undergrad and grad students are welcome in the Gilbert and/or Sir Arthur S. Sullivan such as HMS sub-Saharan African cultures. Mitcan is ew Eng- group. Auditions will be held before classes start; Pinafore and The Mikado, which was featured in the land's only performance group offering hands-on come to our activities midway booth for more infor- newly released film "Topsy-Turvy." practice and performance experience in song, dance, mation. Musical and vocal experience is helpful, but Although MITG&SP is an undergraduate organi- and a wide variety of musical instruments from the not required. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays 7:30- zation, membership is open to the entire MIT com- musical traditions of East Africa. The instruments 10:3Opm and Saturdays 1Oam-I pm. munity and to those who work and play in the include the ndingigi, adungu, ndongo, akogo, madin- For more information, visit Boston area. There are many ways, to get involved da, ngmoa, awal, enkwanzi, nsaai. or e-mail with MITG&SP, even if you have never done theater Mitcan was started by Prof. James Makubuya in . before and just want to learn the ropes. MITG&SP 1996. Over the next four years responsibility for run- welcomes everyone, beginner and expert. ning the group was passed onto the students. Mem- .Dramashop Upcoming events include: "Midnight Mikado:' a bership varies from term to term but we typically Dramashop is a co-curricular theater group on showing of the beloved The Mikado accompanied have around a dozen members. campus - this means that our major productions are with authentic sushi; and "Space Pirates:' a sponta- No previous musical or dance experience is nec- directed by the faculty, and students may receive neous production of The Pirates of Penzance against essary to join. We practice every Thursday (exclud- credit for participating in our shows, either as a per- the background of the Musical TheaterGuild's spec- ing holidays) from 7-9. Members put in additional former or as a techie. This .year, our faculty-directed tacular Return to the Forbidden Planet set in Kresge practice times on their own, usually on Tuesday shows are Sheridan's The School For Scandal, direct- Little Theater. This fall we will be producing The between 7 and 9, or on Friday or Saturday between 3 ed by Michael Gullette in lAP, and a yet-to-be-decid- Sorcerer. Audition will be held in room 413 of the and 5. Members usually commit between 3-4 hours a ed play in Spring, directed by Janet Sonenberg. MIT Stratton Student Center at 7 p.m., September 5- week to the group, slightly more before perfor- In addition, Dramashop produces a show of stu- 7. The first night is' for MIT and Wellesley students mances. dent-written, student-directed One-Acts in the fall. only. Subsequent nights are open auditions. Our first meeting will be Sept 7th. More informa- Students interested 'in writing a play or directing For more information, please contact , or check out our website: . production will be held early in the fall term. , Throughout the year Dramashop also sponsors The Chorallaries cold readings, radio plays, workshop productions, Oori The Chorallaries of MIT, founded in 1977, are and staged readings (one-week wonders). If you are . Oori is a Korean Traditional drumming group of MIT's only coed, secular, non-jazz a cappella group. interested in these, please e-mail us or check our the Boston area. We have members from MIT under- They are a bunch of crazy MIT students who love to board in the Infinite Corridor. grad and grad, from other schools such' as Harvard sing. The Choral1aries usually have three concerts oil Auditions for all Dramashop productions are and Berklee, and from' the Boston community. 'We campus a year, including the infamous Concert in open to all students, staff, etc. Casting is preferential are dedicated to promote Korean traditional arts, Bad Taste, and will be working most of lAP on a to students. For more information about Dramashop, including Korean traditional drums, Korean folk, new CD. There will be auditions Wednesday, August mail the officers at , visit our dance and Korean folk songs. Through playing, 30th, through Friday, September 1st. For more infor- website at., or dancing, and singing, we strive to build strong rela- mation, go to , e-mail , tion Day. atmosphere within the Boston community. or visit our booth at the activities midway. Oori is a fairly new group at MIT. We do not expect our members to be Korean or Korean-speak- Community Players The MIT Folk Dance Club ing. We welcome anyone who is motivated to learn The MITCP is a group of MIT students, staff, The MIT Folk Dance club sponsors three differ- about- Korean traditional arts: We teach the new alurnni/ae, and other interested people who produce ent nights of folk dancing each week. Sunday is ~embers how to play drums and have fun while fall, spring, and summer shows each year at MIT. We International Dance night (7:30 p.m.-ll p.m.), con- playing. . are always looking for people interested in participat- centrating on Eastern European, American, Middle Oori practices on campus every Saturday from 1- ing both on stage and off: We are happy to have Eastern, European, Indian and other dances. On the 4pm. We have a couple of performances' and mem- experienced people looking for a good opportunity 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, from 7:30 bership training during the year. The main contact to use their technical and creative skills, and we also p.m. to 10:30 p.m., the group holds a Contra Dance person is Grace Lim, . She can be welcome interested people with little or no experi- with exciting live music. This traditional American reached at x5-8728. Oori will have several activities ence. If you would like to get involved with MITCp, dance form is fun and easy to learn. Wednesday (7 during orientation and .their first meeting will be on receive e-mailings, or send us a comment or ques- p.m.- 11 p.m.) is devoted to a weekly Israeli Dance, 9/2. Please come see Oori perform during Activities tion, send e-mail to or call with early teaching from 7-8 p.m. Midway on 8/29. 253-2530 and leave a message. And, of course, check The Folk Dance Club also sponsors Vinovana, a out our web site . folk orchestra and chorus that plays for some of their Marching Ban,d International dances. International dance night also The World-Famous, Nationally-Renowned, Often occasionally has live music provided by other ensem- Copied but Never Cloned, Unforgettable (No Matter bles. How Hard You Try), One-and-Only Supa Phat, Supa ,.... We cater to Fly, MIT Marching Band is looking for a few good both beginners Frosh. We are a mixture of about 20 undergrad and and more grad students who provide hours of fun and enter- experienced tainment at events ranging fromsports games to aca- dancers. Each demic contests to parades. Musical or marching dance session experience is great, but not necessary. Time commit- includes plen- ment is 3-5 hours/week during football season, and ty of teaching sporadic the rest of the year. If interested, visit our' . throughout. home page at or send mail to Beginners' . Nights: Inter- • national dance Movements In Time Dance Company beginners' Movements in Time Dance Company was created nights are on 9 years ago by Robin Hamilton, a former employee September of the MIT Undergraduate Admissions Office. The 10th and 17th, idea was to create a company that' would not only and Israeli teach dance and performance technique, but to gath- dance nights er a group of students, particularly minority students, are September that would meet regularly as a means of support dur- 6 and 13. ing their academic years at the Institute. In turn, the Beginners are company would help to enhance efforts, to bring art;

Cross Products August29,2000 FEATURES THE TECH

dance and culture to the Institute. We practice a wide workshop; we play or read our songs, and get feed- range of dance techniques, including ballet, modern, back. . jazz, hip-hop, pointe and tap, and provide opportuni-· We also hold a monthly open mic at the Coffee- ties for anyone interested in dance to develop their house in the Student Center. This has grown from a abilities, regardless of skill level. small activity to one with a regular following on the The company meets for 6 to 8 hours on the week- campus. Many people from our group perform their ends, and usually 2 hours during the week, on own material here to see how it flies in public. Wednesdays. We perform two shows in the spring, in We don't require or assume any amount of expe- addition to various guest performances on campus rience for our members, and the only commitment is' and in the community throughout the year. Classes that you attend a few meetings. Most people don't are free, and usually consist of a combination of attend ALL of our meetings. choreography and technique, and these are all taught If you'd like to find out more about the Songwrit- by our director. The company consists of about 20 ing Club; please e-mail our executive board at members. In addition to MIT students, MIT alumni . We also have a few mailing and non-MIT dancers are part of the company which lists, , which is an announce- provide a diverse range of experience and skill level. ment list, and , which is a For more information about Movements In Time, more general musical discussion list. visit our web page at or e-mail us at . we'll be putting up posters. MIT l Wellesley Toons Musical Theatre Guild Techiya The MITlWellesley Toons is a coed a cappella The MIT Musical Theatre Guild is the oldest and Techiya is the MIT a cappella group specializing group made up of 12 to 18 students from both cam- largest theatre organization at MIT" and is entirely in Jewish music. We sing in English, Hebrew, Yid- puses. We perform several times each year at Welles- student-run. MTG was formed from the merger in dish, Aramaic, and Ladino. (Don't worry, we don't ley and MIT, including a fall and spring concert at 1971 of the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the know half those languages either.) We've been each school. We also perform at collegiate and com- Classical Musical Society, and the Tech Show Soci- around since 1994, composed of half a dozen to a munity functions, as well as other a cappella groups' ety (whose first performance was in May 1899). We dozen members of all ages, freshmen to grad stu- concerts. The Toons accept undergraduate and gradu- produce a wide variety of musical- theatre. We per- dents. Rehearsals are two hours a week, more right ate students. Founded in 1990, The Toons is MIT's form four shows a year giving plenty of opportunity around performances, which typically take place youngest a cappella group. As an a cappella group, for students to act, sing, dance, tech, design, direct, _ once or twice a semester. The Toons' primary focus is on singing. However, we and produce. . Anyone interested in trying out is welcome. You are also devoted to providing a visually entertaining Both undergraduates graduates, and alums work don't need previous singing experience; you don't show for our audiences including high-energy chore- together to make each production happen. Recent need to be able to read music already; you don't even ography and creative skits. shows include Chess, Evita, Company, and this sum- need to be Jewish. All you need is to enjoy singing. We perform songs from every genre including mer's show, Return to the Forbidden Planet! For E-mail if you want oldies, rock, rap, soul, and pop. In the past two years, information, send 'e-mail to more information, or visit our embarrassingly out-of- The Toons has performed songs by Simon and Gar- or call x3-6294. ' date web page at . funkel, No Doubt, Des'ree, George Harrison, Dave Come meet us at the Activities Midway; sign up for Matthews Band, They Might Be Giants, The Sneaker an audition there, or send e-mail if you miss us. Pimps and many other groups. Plush Daddy Fly The Toons rehearse twice a week, once at Welles- We like to eat cake, We like to sing songs about Tech Squares ley and once at MIT. Each rehearsal is 3 hours long, peanuts. We like to dance, with monkeys and get Tech Squares is the square dance club of MIT. and the away rehearsal requires about another 1.5 rowdy on a Sunday night in your mama's pickup Every Thursday our active membership of forty hours for travel. In addition to this standard time truck. Yeah but what do we do, you ask? Well, why strong gather on the second floor of the Student Cen-. commitment, The Toons make efforts to perform as don't you learn to phrase things correctly. The ques- . ter to enjoy a pastime that is both a dance and a men- many times as possible, usually on weekends. Group tion should be: What don't we do? We are the toaster tal puzzle. We invite, all member of the community members can expect to have a Toons gig once a pastry ninja clowns after all. We even have trading to join us in fun and fellowship and experience an .month. The Toons also have it retreat over Labor Day cards. yeah you'rejealous. updated version of a classic American folk dance! weekend. . So welcome to the wild, wonderful, wacky world . You don't need a partner or any experience to get The Toons audition new members each fall and in of plush. daddy fly, that is. We were founded four started. If you can walk and listen at the same time, the spring as necessary. New members are selected score and seven years ago by' thirteen lonely guys you' can square dance. Our 13-week class teaches based on group needs as well as the talent of audi- and one lonely mouse who were looking for a little everything you need to know about club-level square tionees. The audition is a singing audition and action on a Saturday riight. And look what happened .. dancing. It is faster than any other class we know of, includes sight reading, singing scales, and a rhythm Some one told us we made people laugh, and the ' but then this is MIT. (A more typical class length is test. Auditionees also prepare a solo to sing to the next thing you know we're the hottest thing since 40 weeks, but really, 13 weeks is plenty of time.) group. No experience is required to audition, and we . George Foreman's grill. On a good day we have All classes are held 8pm at the Stu- encourage students with all kinds of musical back- about 3-people in our group and on a bad day we dent Center. The first night is free; after that it is $2 grounds to audition. However, previous experience have about 10 people plus a monkey and a lobster. for students and $3.50 for all others. with music and/or performance is often very helpful. If you like to write humorous little ditties, or run Fall 2000 class starts September 7. Thursdays at Currently instrumental, classical, theatrical and non- around with breakfast foods on your bum, we might 8pm, Student Center, 2nd floor. Casual dress, no musical backgrounds are all represented in the need you to give us a hand, so keep your ears peeled partner required. Your first night is free! group. For further information on The Toons, please for news on our little auditions and such. Otherwise For information call 617-253-7000, e-mail e-mail or call Casey just prepare yourself for buckets 0' fun come the 'end ,' or go to Muller at (617) 492 - 6983. You can also visit our of the semester. And don't forget what your daddy . We website at . told you. . hope you'll come and join us. For more information e-mail .

The Shakespeare Ensemble The Shakespeare Ensemble is a co-curricular the- ater group that performs primarily the works of Shakespeare. We have one major show and one scene night every term. The actors and technical crew are drawn from within our membership, and all mem- bers help build the sets and costumes. Membership is open to both Undergraduate and graduate students, no experience necessary: New members spend their first 'term in the Ensemble as an apprentice. To con- tact the Ensemble e-mail or come to our booth at the Activities Midway. The first members' meeting is on Registration Day. Our fall major, Richard III, opens at the end of October.

Songwriting Club The Songwriting Club celebrated its first birthday this summer. For such a young club, we've been very active and had a strong presence on campus. As our name might suggest, we're a group dedicated to helping people write songs'. We generally .hold weekly meetings. Some of these meetings are educational - members of our club speak about various topics related to songwrit- ing. Recently, we've had some music theory discus- sions, as well as a look at modem drumming, and indie rock. Other meetings are more like a writing

Musical Theatre Guild PageAl 0 THE TECH

Curling eam Love the ice? Dying to get your hands on the broom and sweep? Want to know what all Boat Club those Canadians are crazy about? Or do you ju t love sports that require strategy and The MIT boat club's mission is to promote finesse? If so, come check out the MIT Curl- rowing at MIT and the Cambridge/Boston ingTeam! area. Our interests span all areas of rowing, We welcome curlers of all levels including from competitive sweep rowing to recreational people who have never heard of the game. sculling. All members of the MIT community Check us out. Grab a broom and see if you are welcome to join. 0 experience is neces- can get your team's forty-two pound stone into sary. If you are interested, please stop by our the button! booth at the midway, or just drop by the Pierce Our season runs from the end of October boathouse anytime, and ask about rowing at to April. We curl at Broomstones, a beautiful MIT. (The boathouse is located right across curling rink nearby. Transportation to the rink the street from Burton Conner). is limited, but we love enthusiastic curlers and if you can drive us there, we'll love you even Boxing Club morel The MIT Boxing Club has a long history For more information check our website going back to the early years of this century. or send e- Currently the club is coached by Colonel Kan- mail to . diah, a former Sri Lankan Olympic boxer. Practices are intense and include jumping Equestrian Team rope, footwork, punching technique, shadow The Equestnan Team was founded 4 years boxing, bag work, drills, and light sparring. ago to bring together horse lovers and intro- We will teach you everything from how to duce the sport to as many people as possible. jump rope, to throwing lefts and rights, to The group has grown quickly and currently eventually parrying and slipping. has over 20 members. It is recognized as both If you join you can expect intense work- a club sport and a student club at MIT. outs that will raise your fitness level, improve The Equestrian Team allows members to your speed, provide a good outlet for any ride for fun and competitively. The team rides stress, as well as teach you the sport of box- huntseat equitation and will also start training ing. The club has all the necessary wraps, in dressage this year. Competitions' are open to gloves, headgear, and bags required for box- undergraduates and riders of all levels are ing. Safety is a number one concern in our encouraged to compete including complete club, and we always wear proper headgear and beginners. Although the team's schedule is look out for each other. flexible with several different weekly lesson The best way to get involved in the dub is times, competitors are expected to ride at least to take the Boxing PE class which is offered once a week at the team's barn in Concord, twice a semester. These large, popular classes MA. teach all the basics of boxing from the very Please contact us at and visit our webpage at Figure Skatlng Club MIT Boxing Club Practices are in the We will DuPont Exercise Room 'year-round on Tues- be at the Activities Midway and our first meet- , or e- days and Thursdays 8pm-9pm (7 p.m. -8 p.m. ing of the year is scheduled for mid Septem- mail the club· officers at . p.m. The club e-mail list is if you want to get occasion- The Figure Skating Club and its sister club The Intercollegiate Volleyball Club (IYC) al announcements. The club president can be the MIT Ice Dance Club make use of the ice is a self-coached team that participates in the reached at . rink located in the Johnson Athletic Center. New England Collegiate Volleyball League The Club is open to members of the MIT ( league is considered to Cbeerleading community, and new members are encouraged be one of the finest in the nation. There are Do you love to perform? Does getting in to show up at any of our sessions to see how more than 30 colleges and universities in the front of a crowd get you going? Have you ever they like it. league, many of which are coached, varsity- tried cheerleading? Two out of three isn't bad, Being an advanced skater is by rio means a level teams. and if you answered yes to all three what are requirement for joining. The sessions are quite IVC is almost in it's tenth year at MIT. you waiting for? informal and people just practice whatever Although the team is mostly graduate stu- MIT Cheerleading started two years ago as they wish. There are plenty of good skaters in dents, undergraduate and graduate students a female group. We are now co-ed and looking the Club who are always willing to give point- are encouraged to try-out. There will be for men and women to help us raise spirit at ers to anyone interested. The Club also offers approximately 10-15 players. Last year, we MIT and have a great time doing it. Some of group lessons and advice on buying or renting had 12 players - including one undergradu- us cheered and high school and some of us skates. Private lessons are also available by ate. didn't. We're looking for you if you are strong, arrangement with several different teachers. We practice twice a week for two hours on coordinated, and energetic. We practice about Every year, the club holds an ice show the half-court in Rockwell Cage. During the 5 hours a week, and we attend all men's home with at least one number made Club members first semester, there will be a few pre-season football and basketballgames, as well as some also participate in intercollegiate competi- tournaments that we will participate in. Tour- other events. We'll be at both the Athletics tions, with up to 100 skaters from other naments are held on the weekend and take a Gateway and the Activities Midway, so come' schools. MIT hosts one of these competitions full Saturday or Sunday. The season takes check us out. each year, with free skating, compulsory place between February and April. During the Tryouts will be held Thursday August 31st moves, and team compulsory moves at levels season, we will attend at least two all-day and Friday September lst from noon until 3. pre-intermediate through senior. Last year, tournaments and play a few other evening and Contact an Erica at or MIT skaters also competed at Boston Univer- weekend games. , or get more information sity. E-mail or subscribe to on our web page. For more information about the Figure for more information. We will Don't forget to come and bring your new Skating and Ice Dance clubs, check out the also be at the Activities Midway. friends, male and female. web page at Issbinryu Karate-do Our athletic club practices Isshinryu Karate-do, an Okinawan form of karate rooted in centuries of martial arts tradition. Sensei Matthew Borthwick has led clubs at Cornell and McGill Universities before establishing the MIT club. We have worked out at MIT for 2.5 years and currently have about 10 mem- bers. Our small-club environment fosters per- sonal development of mind and body, with an emphasis on safety and non-violence. Incom- ing students need have NO previous experi- ence in the martial arts; initial techniques are simple and act as the building blocks for more advanced forms. Furthermore, we don't assume any specific athletic ability; our club is for everyone, and everyone can achieve his or her Own goals. Isshinryu Karate-do at MIT works out twice a week for 1.5 hours each class. Classes will meet one weekday evening and one week- end afternoon. Our final summer meetings will be Wednesday, August 30th at 5 p.m. in the DuPont Wrestling Room, and Saturday, September '2nd at 1 p.m. in the DuPont Exer- cise Room. The Fall Semester schedule will be

Karate Club 1 r I August 29,2000 FEATURES THE TECH PageAll

announced on our website classes. We practice in the evenings on Mon- day (8-10), Wednesday Jiu-Jitsu (7-9), and. Friday (7-9); "MIT Jiu-Jitsu is a club at MIT that prac- e-mail or call for more tices the American Jiu-Jitsu System of Self details. Contacts are: Defense. The club was started by Sensei Jason Alex Ihler McCarthy and 2nd degree (nidan) black belt «[email protected]>, 253- in American Jiu-Jitsu started the club in 1994. 4874) or Johnson Since then, the club has grown to about 40 Chung . There is no experience required to join the club. Anyone can join. Four instructors KendoClub and two assistant instructors instruct stu- The MIT Kendo dents. Any member of Ute club can attain a Club [MITKC] was black belt m four years allowing you to get a established during Inde- black belt in your time at MIT. The club is pendent Activities Peri- mostly undergraduate, but graduate students od in January 1999, by are also welcome. We meet on Wednesday and Elaine Wan '01, Mike Thursday from 9-10:30 Saturday and Sunday Masaki G (Graduate from 3-5 all in the Dupont Exercise room student in Electrical Women's Rugby Jiu-Jitsu, which translates to "the gentle Engineering) and art", is a 1000-year-old martial art that utilizes Andrew Campbell '99, (Graduate student in (about 5 hours total) and play games against skillful technique, leverage, off-balance and Materials Science & TPP). club teams from other colleges. Most of us the knowledge of human anatomy to over- MITKC has had the privilege of being played other sports before we came to MIT come an attacker with as little effort as possi- coached byMr, Junji Himeno (7th dan), Visit- (like soccer, ultimate, basketball, crew) and ble. The club uses strikes, throws, joint-locks, ing Scholar at the Reischauer Institute of have added ice hockey in the last few years. ground fighting, and stick fighting in training. Japanese Studies of Harvard University and Why? .Size and strength don't matter. head coach for HRKC since 1998. Since our Because ice hockey is the best way to For more information, contact start, MITKC has blossomed into a larger club spend a winter in New England. To start play- or VISIt with over 40 undergraduate and graduate ing, you only need a pair of hockey skates and The first members. As the club grew, our practices were a stick. The team can lend you the rest (helmet, meeting of the term is the first full week after moved to the Rockwell Cage and the DuPont pads, pants, gloves) until you get addicted and registration. Gym. decide to buy your own gear. Not confident in The club members of the MITKC are your skating abilities? You might want to take Karate Club equipped ·with uniform and bogu (armor). We the P.E. ice skating course first and then join The MIT Karate Club is a traditional practice all year, at least oncea week for two the team once you feel more stable. Fine on Japanese martial arts group affiliated with hours, to prepare for the intercollegiate tour- skates or roller blades but never played hockey Shotokan Karate of America. We are a club of nament, the Harvard Shoryuhai in April. We before? Sounds perfect for the team! long standing at MIT, with ties through SKA also hold an annual intra-club tournament, the To join or get more information, send mail to dojos all over the US and internationally. Himeno Cup, in May. . to the coaches and captains at . We will be meeting for the reached through our webpage come to join our practices, from beginners to first time in September to get ready for the . experts! For more information, please visit our start of our season, which starts in October as We welcome anyone interested in learning website: or soon as the rink opens. and practicing karate; no experience is neces- e-mail us: . sary. Our membership is open to anyone - Women's"Rugby . undergrads, grad students, alumni, or affiliates Kokikai Aikido Women's rugby is one of the fastest grow- "(generally well mixed between all of the The MIT Kokikai Aikido club offers , ing collegiate sports for women. Three days a above). We offer beginners' classes each term; instruction in a modem Japanese martial art, week, the MIT Women. Ruggers practice dur- first practice is usually in the second week of teaching coordination of mind and body and ing both fall and spring seasons. No experi- effective self-defense in a friendly, energetic ence is necessary, just a desire to learn and environment. play a unique sport. In fact, almost all of our Kokikai Aikido teaches self-defense using players have never played rugby before col- techniques of evasion, immobilization, and lege. Games are Saturday mornings, followed redirection to avoid an attack and then control by socials with the opposing teams. Practices the attacker. The power of the art comes from are Monday Wednesday and Friday, 5-7 on understanding how to always be your best Brigg's Field (strongest and most relaxed), and by using the The team is open to all members of the power and momentum of the attacker to your MIT community," including undergraduates advantage. and graduate students. Look for us at the mid- The Kokikai style of Aikido was developed way, e-mail or by Sensei Shuji Maruyama, one of the stu- visit for more dents of Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aiki- information. do. Says Maruyama, "By relaxing and striving for greater calmness, we can produce ever bet- Women 's Ultimate ter results - minimum effort for maximum Ultimate is a high energy sport that com- effect." bines elements of soccer, football and basket- . The MIT Kokikai Aikido club is entering ball in a fast-paced game, played with a fris- its 5th year and offers members opportunities bee, where everyone is a quarterback and to practice with students at all levels, from everyone is a receiver. Ultimate began in 1968 beginner to black belt. The club has about 25 in Maplewood, New Jersey when a group of members, approximately 50/50 male/female, Columbia High School students first played on and includes Undergraduate and graduate stu- an asphalt parking lot at their high school. The dents as well as staff and other members of first intercollegiate ultimate game occurred on the MIT community, Nov. 6, 1972, between Princeton and Rutgers, Practices are held Monday, Wednesday and in New Brunswick, NJ. Friday 7-8:30 year-round in the DuPont So come join us at MIT. We're a lively and Wrestling Room; most students try to attend diverse mix of undergrad and grad students, of two per week. Beginners are always welcome. all interests and orientations, with experienced For more information check out players and players who have just leamed how . to throw a frisbee. Check out our webpage and our story online. Learn what the "Spirit of the Women's Club Ice Hockey Game" means. And look for us on Briggs field We're a group of approximately 25 women, on Registration day afternoon. mostly grad students, some undergrads, and a Hope to see you on the fields. few alums, who practice three times a week .

Kendo Club Page Al2 THE TEe FEATlJJlES August 29, 2000

active in the local Green Party and Green Arone ty International Presidential Candidate Ralph ader's cam- MIT has an active chapter of Amnesty paign. We currently have about 15 active SAVE is a small band of dedicated stu- International which raises awareness on cam- members, evenly split between undergrads dents who care deeply about our planet. pus of human rights issues around the world. and grads and males and females. We have hit Although we do try to lobby for effective Last fall, we sponsored a lecture by Wang the ground running, with ader giving a environmental policies at the state, coun- Dan, a Chinese dissident from the Tienanmen speech here in May that you can hear via our try and international levels, our two main Square protests. website. . activities center around making We meet every other week in the student The Green Party is trying to become a per- MIT a greener campus and educat- center to write letters to foreign governments manent, progressive force in American poli- . ing students to make environmen- asking for the release of political prisoners. tics, and ader's campaign is just the begin- tally sound choices. Past projects We protest the use of torture and advocate for ning. We plan on being heavily involved in have included: lecture series, an fair trial procedures. Twice a month, we hold local and state issues, ranging from the envi- informational booklet, recycled tables on campus where we can inform stu- ronment to campaign finance reform, gay Athena header page notebooks dents about human rights abuses and have rights and education. (buy them on Reg day for $1 !), them sign petitions. ow is a particularly exciting time to be helping implement a broader recy- We also educate ourselves about the politi- Green. We need 5 percent of the popular presi- cling program, and environmental demonstrations. In addition, we cal and historical situations surrounding cases dential vote to be a recognized party and education workshops. also try to connect MIT to issues on other of human rights abuse. This spring, we held a receive Federal matching fluids in the next Our strongest asset is our peo Ie. We sup- campuses through our affliation with the lecture by two Afghan refugees about the con- presidential election. With Nader getting port each other in our endeavors and make no Campus Action Network. We even organized dition of women living under the Taliban between 6 percent and 8 percent in national distinctions on seniority. We have nearly zero a trip to Washington D.C. to protest the meet- regime. We hold movie nights to show docu- polls, we can reach this g . we wage a bureaucracy, and our weekly meetings are ings of the IMF and World Bank. mentaries. strong campaign. The media is in no rush to more like working sessions where we plan our We try to run our group as a true coopera- If you would like to learn more about cover a progressive alternative to the Republi- projects. New members are always welcome tive with decisions being made by group con- Amnesty International, please come to our cratic duopoly; Bush and Gore are so scared to walk in, to join a project or even start their sensus, and anyone can bring to the group an first meeting on Thursday, September 7, at 8 they refuse to even debate Nader. Citizen con- own. We also educate our members on envi- issue they would like to see be addressed. p.m. in PDR #3 on the third floor of the Stu- trol of the government will only happen if ronmental issues, so don't worry if you feel We are looking for people with a concern . dent Center. Or you can check out our website people, including students like you, take the you don't know enough: all you need to bring about the world around them, and a desire to at or contact us at initiative and act. is enthusiasm and energy. change it for the better. If you have new ideas, . . You can reach us at We truly believe we are doing exciting new issues that you would like to see dis- or bye-mailing work, and we are eager to have more members cussed, please consider joining SJC. Our e- T Greens . We will be meet- striving for a greener campus. The best way to mail list is , and our The MIT Greens is the campus chapter of ing on September 5 at 7 p.m. in room 10-280. leam about us, however, is to come and talk to web site is . the Green Party, a political party focused on You can also attend the local Green Party us at the Activities Midway. You can also mail ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, and meeting from 8-10 p.m. in the same place. . Our web page can Stop Our Silence social justice. We formed this March and are Visit us at the Activities Midway! be found at . Stop Our Silence (SOS) is an ASA recog- nized student organiztion at MIT that fights to Social Justice Cooperative end sexual violence and violence against The main goal of the women. SOS focusses on awareness, preven- Social Justice Cooperative tion, and support for the entire MIT communi- is to bring critical social ty. SOS is a new and friendly organization issues to the attention of always open to new ideas aDd members. Visit the MIT community. A few us at of the issues we covered in our first six months of exis- or at the activities midway! tence (last term) include: Biotechnology, the impris- Students for Choice onment of an MIT alum, MIT Students for Choice is a new gioup. . Iraqi sanctions, globaliza- We are dedicated to supporting women who ti o rr/n e o -Ii b eralism, are dealing with unexpected pregnancies, women's liberation, vege- regardless of their cirsumstances, beliefs or tarianism, and Mumia Abu ultimate decision. We are also fighting to pro- Jamal's imprisonment. To tect each women's right 'to make the decision bring these issues to MIT, that's best for her. Since we are a new group, we have held discussions, 'our membership is small but growing fast. sponsored talks by experts And our agenda is wide open. Come join us as well as showing videos - lend us your ideas, your leadership" or-your on the Seattle/WTO support.

MIT Student Protestel'$

MIT Undergraduate Association For more information including upcoming 'year to help improve the quality of life for r/ The Undergraduate Association (VA) is meeting schedules, check out graduate students. MIT's undetgraduate student government. It or e-mail . Association of Student Activities liaison between s enIs and MIT faculty, The Association of Student Activities is staff and administration. In this role, the UA Interfraternity Council the student-run organization that governs stu- serves as a voice for all undergraduate stu- dent activities at MIT. In addition to produc- dents. In addition, the UA serves students ing the student activities directory, the ASA by providing financial and office services, Dormitory Ceuncil exists to promote, serve, and speak for more advocacy, and events. than 300 student groups on campus. The three main bodies of the UA, namely the Cabinet, Council, and Judicial board, Graduate Student Council function as executive, legislative, and judicial The Graduate Student Council con- branches. The UA also houses numerous com- sists of elected representatives from f. mittees and the class councils. Among the pro-. academic departments and graduate liv- jects with which the UA is currently involved ing groups. The GSC is primarily con- are: designing a new housing system, purchas- cerned with promoting the general wel- ing vans for the Public Service Center, and . fare and concerns for the graduate organizing Random Student Dinners. student body, and communicating with In late September, the class of 2004 will the MIT faculty and administration on elect its Class Council. Class Council is their behalf. responsible for organizing events for the entire In particular this year's focus will be class, including social events, community ser- on improving interaction between the vice projects, and fundraisers, as well as pro- council, graduate departments, and grad- A ! rr_:~;~.tyf":;)~~~f?1.~~:f:~~~~i=:~i:a:::;~ ~U9 ~ ~ U ({ uuv u~({u"U:1 events throughout the entire

Undergraduate Association Election Commission August 29, 2000 The Tech Page 7

SELF-SERVICE CONSULTING' E u ~ NOVJ, CAN ANYONE = en 1 i 4» TELL t'\E IF YOUR .2• OOHIOOHI I I ~S HIRED '0 @ E • c: E OPERATIONS ARE >- JUST THOUGHT ta f/) +J BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL 1• -a :: CENTRALIZED OR ~ OF A STRATEGYI ~ 0 ~ DUt'\BER THAN A u • Q) < CRATE OF • DECENTRALIZED? II.• ..., '0 ..., ! .c ANVILS . c ;:) 0 0 0 U 0 --- C\I (,f) C 0 .c~


from the secret files of RE D M EAT the redolent remnants of roughage MQ)( ccnno n

Better let me have some of that cough syrup, Dad...because we're still sitlin' in the car in the theater parking lot.

ACROSS 43 Afore 6 Check writers 45 Real 2 3 4 12 13 1 Slammer or dink 44 Go over the 7 Orange ending 46 Groups of 5 Healthy spot same points 8 Getty and families 14 8 Lure 47 Not up to Winwood 48 Bay of Naples 17 14 Give work . commlllity 9 Anxiety isle 15 Writer's block? standards 10 Attempter 50 Painter of ballet· 20 16' Williams of tennis 49 Holds and 11 Bring back to life dancers I- 17 Vigoda and supports 12 Plus 51. Roanne's river 23 25 26 G) Uncoln protectively 13 _de deux' 52 Composer "0 18 Sardwich bread 54 Diplomacies 21 Smack Blake 19 Threesomes 22 Descendant • 55 Exhaust 53 Stand"n 20 New York river 56 Taiwan capital 25 Apple centers 56 Bill 22 Samurai count 58 Nexus of activity 26 Actress Emma ~ 'N 57 Reverence 36 - 23 Three Rivers 59 Taunt 28 _we all? 58 Otto I's realm (I) N player 60 Performance 30 FICtional 40 24 Pastors, rabbis et prizes Montague (I) al. 61 "Norma " 31 Long commute 43 =. 27 Besets 62 Opera song location '0 29 Extinct bird 63 Proves false 32 Of the sky 47 30 Brief summary 64 Raised RRs 33 Sue _Langdon a. 54 I- 34 Caviar 65 Parakeet staple 35 Conifer 35 Grange 37 'What's New, 56 57 (.) 36 Yoked pair DOWN Pussycat?" co- 37 Hammer heads 1 Uneven haircuts star Paula 60 39 Ust particular 2 land of lamas 38 _along 63 40 Slip-on slipper 3 Actress Dunne (ambles) 41 Flowed 4 VteWtwice 42 Orchard fruit 42 Squeeze 5 Binges 44 Ebb Solution, page 9 August 29, 2000

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Kendall Square, Cambridge • (617) 499-3200 • ., Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-6:30pm, Sat. 10am-6pm Page 10 CD August 29, 2000

ttery Berenson. a saphornore at Mrr studYinI~. travels to The dormitory lottery is running smoothly so far this year. e ~lIIIdlrw According to Manager of Undergraduate Residential Services Philip M. Bernard, the lottery has received 265 entries so far, of which seventeen are rooming groups. Last year's lottery had to be rerun after the Berenson, from Page 1 ing conditions without justifica- News server went down. othing like that tion .... Due process requires that BefensOn is sentenced for life ~ has happened so far this year, Bernard said. "It's exciting new: ," William on after four years nd nine months a secret PenMan military tribunal Bri(}(s "1haven't heard one thing" about problems with said, but added that "people don't without a proper trial Lori must be for allegedly ~ to assist this year's lottery yet, Bernard said. get fair trials in Peru." Williamson released," they said. the Tupac Ameu rebel movement. Because of low pledging numbers last year, a second lottery had said that he hoped that the interna- Matheu described Berenson's entire ordeal as a "miscarriage of to be run for freshmen who did not receive housing assignments in tional spotlight would help Beren- Mark and Rhoda Beren$on hofd the first lottery. While not expected, Bernard said that may occur son receive a fair trial. justice" and said, "Ithink it's time press conference to make plea to release her." again this year. "There is a distinct possibility" that there may be a Berenson's parents, Rhoda and for Bet'8ftSOf'l·s release. The eoe- Mark Berenson, who two years ago second lottery, he said. ference coincides With President As of yesterday afternoon, many freshmen were still considering made a plea for their daughter's Continuing the campaign Clinton's MIT commencement their options, wondering whether to accept FSILG bids extended release in a press conference that Tomorrow, the Berensons will addtess. today or to live in dormitories. coincided with President Clinton's be appearing on the Oprah Wim- For Eric Rosenblatt '04, the decision comes down to choosing MIT commencement address, have phrey show to support their daugh- ... 1.. between being able to enter the dormitory lottery jointly with his said that Berenson'must be returned ter's release. .A majori1y of the House of Repre- friends or pledging an attractive FSILG. home immediately. "It is not possi- MIT's Amnesty International sentatives signs a letter ef¥:OUr- "I want to be with friends," said Rosenblatt. "It's hard to weigh ble under present conditions for chapter is planning an information aging President Clinton to secure what's important: being with friends or in a comfortable living situa- Lori Berenson to have a fair trial in session soon, Matheu said. This past the release of Berenson. tion." Peru," they said in a press release. April, Amnesty International and - Laura McGrath Moulton "She has been imprisoned in the MIT Social Justice Cooperative A '2000 PenMan mi~~ reVerses Peru for four years and nine months held a forum with Rhoda and Mark Beren$on's:llfe ~. under cruel, inhumane, and degrad- Berenson. • or Businesses S port Green Space, But Fear Congestion Lafayette, from Page I those rooms is not a substantial Square. project. "Business will increase a other businesses from Central problem. lot, especially in spring and sum- Square. "The park only makes it along Mass. Ave. Hess added that WILG mem- . Businesses offer mixed reviews mertime," he said. "People C311 grab easier to get into Forest City [devel- bers are more concerned with While the two MIT houses their food, sit outside [in the park], opments]," Dryer said. "It doesn't MIT residents support plaza noise levels during construction offered their support, local business- and eat." Barros also said that the serve anyone but them." The new plaza will affect the than noise levels after construc- es offered mixed views about the flow of pedestrians will increase Cambridge resident Julia Grego- Women's Independent Living tion. She expressed hope that con- plaza's benefit to the community. with safer pedestrian crossing areas. ry concurred, saying that the plaza Group the most of all MIT resi- struction work would begin late in Marty G. George, general man- Next door to CindereJla's, how- would create excessive congestion dences. the morning rather than starting ager of the Bertucci's on Main ever, response to the plaza has been and traffic.'Gregory, who participat- Currently, the northwest side of before house members were Street, said the plaza will improve decidedly different. Ben G. Dryer, ed in the city's development· WILG faces an empty gas station. awake. the atmosphere around the Central operations manager for the Toscani- process, also questioned the intelli-. Following construction, the expand- Jamie C. Rasmussen '01, rush Square area. "If we can green up ni's ice cream chain, said that the gence of placing the plaza right next ed Sidney Street will run parallel to chair for Alpha Delta Phi, which Central, it would be a big help," he Main Street Tosci's, located next to to a high-traffic area. She noted that the northwest side, increasing noise also abuts the area, praised the plan, said. Cinderella's, could lose business she would not be enthusiastic at the for rooms housing one-third of saying that the plaza will be "a lot George added that the plaza' after the intersectionis closed. "Most prospect of "entering public space WILG's residents. nicer than a deserted gas station." .would not hurt his business nor people who come to [the Main Street amidst the fumes of cars." However, WILG President To avoid noise pollution during rush cause traffic headaches. ''New Eng- Toscis] are either MIT students Gregory added that she believes Mandy L. Hess '0 I said that the for ADP and WILG, Rasmussen land ingenuity will fmd a way," he walking or people driving," Dryer the plaza is part of a larger problem new traffic program will not have spoke with the city this summer said. "There's nothing we can't said. "This plan cuts us off from with University Park development. "a substantial negative impact" on about scheduling construction work around. Mass. Ave ... [and] creates bizarre She said MIT and its subsidiaries quality of life in those rooms. around rush. Cinderella's owner Antonio C. traffic patterns in general." He added are eating up land beyond tradition- "Having Sidney there wiJJ increase "We would love for [Cambridge] Barros also expressed support for that the Sidney Street extension Will al Institute boundaries and suggest- noise, but it will not be to the same not to have construction during the plan. Barros said that Cinderel- terminate in front of Tosci's, costing ed that the University Park area level as [rooms facing] Mass. rush," Hess said. la's, a pizza shop located near the the shop parking spaces. could instead have been made into' Ave.," Hess said. She noted that Additionally, both ADP and intersection of Main Street and Dryer also questioned the com- . public space. She criticized Cam- many of WILG's senior rooms WILG praised the plan for improv- Mass. Ave., would gain business munity benefit of the plan, saying bridge for agreeing to development face Mass. Ave. and that noise in ing traffic flow around Lafayette following the completion of the that it will separate Tosci's and deals like University Park. ' . Locate Users Online with POLICE LOG Easy Athena Commands The following incidents were reported to the MIT August 10: Ashdown, suspicious person, left Campus Police between August 1 and August 16, area upon MIT Police arrival; Bldg. 37, laptop s~olen,,$ 3,943; Delta Kappa Epsilon, cell phone Athena, from Page I zephyr them. 2000. This summary contains most incidents report- , ( If you know what Athena work- ed to Campus Police but does not include incidents stolen $150; Bldg. W31, report of past sexual is possible to receive the full header station or dialup server someone is such as: medical shuttles, ambulance transfers, false assault; Next House, bike stolen $270; Brigs Field, (subject, addressee, and sender) of logged into, finger alarms, generals service calls, etc. unauthorized use of field. each message, but this is a bit more username@machine will tell you August 11: Bldg. 1, check and inquiry, trespass complicated. There are detailed how long they have been idle. August 1: Bldg. 56, wallet stolen, later recovered warning issued; Bldg. E53, computer monitor stolen directions for doing this at If one of your friends has logged minus $30 cash; DuPont, wallet stolen $20; Bldg. $250; Bldg. E19, suspicious person; Bldg. 26, check off, you can tell when they logged 68, suspicious males, trespass warning issued, Bldg. and inquiry, trespass warning issued; 33 Mass. Ave. Czephyr.html. off with add consult and then last- E56, TV reported stolen later recovered. bike stolen, $180; Tang, suspicious person. log username. This actually records August 2: Bldg. 68, suspicious activity; rear of August 12: Bldg. N52, report of fight, crowd dis- Locating people online the changes to their home directory, NW30, suspicious persons, trespass warning issued. persed; Bldg. 24, Chad Waller of 59 Brackenbury It is' surprising how much infor- so it may not be accurate if they August 3: Bldg. 3, vacuum stolen $200; Bldg. St.,. Malden MA, arrested for trespassing; Senior mation you can obtain about other uploaded files via ftp. If you know E52, computer stolen, $100; Bldg. E52 bike racks, House, laptop stolen $3,150; East Campus, scooter students using Athena. what dialup server they last logged report of suspicious person. stolen and other items, $540; Bldg. 12, suspicious A commonly used tool for keep- into, logging into that dialup and August 4: Bldg. l6;laptop stolen $3,116; Bldg. activity; Boston, Delta Tau Delta, noise complaint, ing track of people is the .anyone typing last username will show you 8, computer stolen, $4,400; Walker, suspicious per- no cause found; Memorial Dr. assist State Police file, which contains the e-mail when they logged in and what com- son issued trespass warning. with an arrest for assault. addresses of all of your friends. puter they logged in from (the logs August 5: Bldg. 3, larceny of laptop and credit August 13: Bldg. 66, computer monitor stolen, Typing znol will tell you who on are flushed each day). card $3,000; Sailing Pavilion, wallet stolen contain- $700; Student Center, Sean Mahoney of 10 Salem the list is logged on and receiving ing credit cards. Rd., No'Billerica MA, and Casey Ratliff-Wright of 5 zephyrs. If you don't want to Logging out remotely August 6: Random Hall, homeless person assist- Fuller St., Brookline MA, were arrested for shoplift- receive notification every time your When you arrive home and real- ed to shelter; Bldg. NW61, suspicious activity; ing; Hayward Garage,vehicle broken into, stereo and friends log on, use mol off. ize that you have forgotten to log Amherst St., two vehicles broken into with various amplifiers stolen $1, 100; McCormick, 'suspicious Many people prefer not to be out of the last dialup you used, items stolen, reported to Cambridge' Police; Bldg. person. bothered by zephyrs every minute there is a simple way to log your- E25, credit cards stolen; Bldg. E19, E51, & 26, August 14: Bldg. NWIO, Joseph Roseman of or so (especially when they are try- self out. First, log into that dialup, vending machines broken into; Amherst St., suspi- 820 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA, taken into ing to finish that problem set that and then type ps -u username and cious person, checked out okay. custody on an outstanding warrant; Sloan Lot, suspi- . was due an hour ago), so they type then kill -9 x y z etc•.., where the August 7: Bldg. E25, video camera stolen', cious vehicle; Bldg. NW14, malicious damage; Mac- punt zwgc to disable the zephyr' variables are the pid numbers list- $4,000; Baker, two juveniles arrested for larceny of Gregor, fan stolen, $20; Hayward Lot, vehicle bro- client and remove themselves from ed. There is no simple way of bicycle; Boston, Sigma Chi, guitar and amplifier ken into and stereo stolen, $275; East Campus, the zephyr notification server. How- remotely logging yourself out of an stolen $1,200; Bldg. W92, suspicious person, jewelry and other items stolen, unknown value. ever, some people prefer to not have Athena workstation, although you checked out okay. August 15: Bldg. 35, laptop stolen $4,000; their presence known to everyone, can set this up with a bit of tinker- August 8: Bldg. 37, laptop computer stolen, Albany Lot, malicious damage to vehicle; Student . (remember that this section is about ing. $1,500; Bldg. E40, suspicious activity; Bldg. 2, sus- Center, suspicous persons; Ames St. and Memeorial locating people). They can type This guide is not intended to be a picious activity; Westgate Lot, vehicle broken into Dr. assist State Police with vehicle accident; Bldg. zwgc hide. comprehensive tutorial. If you need and stereo stolen $600; Ashdown, report of missing 56, problem between parties known to each other. While there is nothing that you to find something not listed here, person, same later returned. . August 16:' Hayward lot, check and inquiry of can do to bother the former group feel free to consult August 9: Bldg. E60, harassing e-mail; Bldg. 9, individual; Harvard Bridge, assist State Police with a of people (try e-mail), you cat! usu- http./, which con- suspicious activity, same checked out okay; Bldg. 5, student problem; Bldg. 24, Peter 'Reyes of 27 Wash- ally reach the latter. To fmd out if tains answers to just about every solicitation of money from Nigerian; Bldg. 6, suspi- ington St., Gloucester MA, arrested for trespassing someone who doesn't appear on conceivable question and problem. cious person; Bldg. I, larceny by credit.card; Bldg. and an outstanding warrant; Alpha Tau Omega, your znol listing has hidden from Or feel free to ask around: that 26, bubble chamber stolen $3,000; Ashdown, com- pocketbook stolen $900; Bldg. NW30, homeless per- you, try finger username. If your unassuming character sitting next to puter stolen, $4,100; Bldg. W31, report of past sexu- sons; Memorial Dr. assist State Police with vehicle friend is logged on, the fmger info you in the Athena cluster may have al assault. ' accident. should say "On since ... " and you written the piece of software that should be able to successfully you are trying to use. , August 29, 2000 THE DAILY CONFU 10 THE TECH Page 11

Dally Confusion, from Page 12 cooked by our house members. Meat enjoy good times over a grape soder. heaven. 10:17 p.m. - Random Hall- Tonight's 262·5090. Random Hall Roof Deck Movies are and vegetarian yumminess available. 9:00 p.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - Roofdeck 4:34 p.m. - pika - Effervescent Todd "Hella COOL n. We will be watching The Call 253-6799 for a ride. 7:36 p.rn. - Delta PsI- Cinderella's and Party- Enjoy the night air and chill at and Eric the Vivacious will be leading a Matrix, The Rock, and The City of Lost 6:00 p.m. - Student House - Sick of Hi-Fl's got nothing on us. Make your ZBT's roofdeck party. spirited round of Ultimate Frisbee in waiting in line for frozen hamburger own pizza. They were invented in Children. Fireballs. Loud sounds. Things one of the many parks located around 9:02 p.m. - Fenway House - Movies patties? Come join us for some real Brooklyn, you know. that are cool. Hella cool. our beautiful home. Todd can catch a movies movies. Fenway Film Festival food! Burgers made from scratch, curry 10:17 p.m. - Random Hall - Random's frisbee between his teeth. Pika, animal 8 p.m. continues. No one, not even you, frosh, . spirit, 492-6983. kabobs, potato salad, you name it! And will remember if they were good films or first hella cool movie is The Matrix. Nuff 8:00 p.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - Tour of don't worry- we're vegetarian friendly. bad. Just that there were lots of them. said, but hell, we've got 275 4:36 p.m. - Detta PsI - Tired of rush? Boston - Find out where everything is in 6:05 p.m. - Student House - you pick, we rent, and accounting for characters, let 's say more. This movie Take a break and watch Willy Wonka get Boston - ZBT will take you in and kicks complete ass. But it does lead to SMOOTHIES! Pick your favorite flavor- taste will be successfully punted once his groove on at No.6. We're showing around the town and point out all the your wish is our command. again. 437-1043 the inevitable question - if there is no this classic movie with a video projector Boston hotspots. Don't wait til you're a spoon, what do they use? Sporks? on the second floor. 6:06 p.m. - Delta Psi - Well well well... senior to find out where all the cool 9:06 p.m. - Delta Psi - Let us take you Three naughty little children gone. Two places are. on a trip to the Middle East. Enjoy mint 1.1 p.m. 4:37 p.m. - Student House - We're good little children left. It's Gene Wilder tea and hummus while breathing in the 11:45 p.m. - McCormick House - firing up the grill to prepare for our 8:00 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Guide to at his best. Come and watch the . wonderful aroma of a Jordanian Midnight Social Hour ... Hot Chocolate, cookout tonight. Give us an hour or so MIT, Lesson 7: Pink is the color of conclusion of Willy Wonka and the sheesha in one of Harvard Square's snacks, movies, snacks, people, and we'll satisfy your hunger. But in the treachery. Chocolate Factory before enjoying a best kept secrets. A relaxing evening at snacks ... meantime, drop by and say hello- our wonderful dinner. 8:00 p.m, - Alpha Epsilon PI - Strap on Cafe Algiers. doors are always open. your shoes and grab your balls, we're 11:47 p.m. - Random Hall- (actually at 6:14 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Fajitas are 9:22 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi - Like to 12:17 AM) Random's second hella cool 4:43 p.m. - Fenway House - Come with going bowling! Game tables in back and still here and still hot. Just call x3-8B88 put stuff on other stuff and eat it? movie is The Rock. VX gas. Alcatraz. us to Grand Opening! (window) shop for good snacks too. Call Jordan at 247- for a ride! We're co-ed (still). Great! Come over to Tep for some Sean Conrey, "Winners get to go home fine items to hide under your bed. Or 3170 for a ride. dessert fondue. Fresh fruit covered in and fsck the prom queen". You know would you prefer Urban Outfitters? Or 6:17 p.m. - Random Hall- sHIT, MY 8:14 p.m. - Fenway House - More chocolate, caramel, and maybe even what's up. This movie rocks and rolls Economy Hardware! The shopping cAPSLOCK KEY IS STUCK. i DOWT games! We just made some new butterscotch! Call 262-5090 for a ride (rolling is the best part). opportunities are endless. Call 437- KNOW HOW TO AX THIS. acquisitions, so the pieces are all on the sweet tooth express. 1043 and we'll help you find more 6:36 p.rn. - Delta Psi - Aip dough in the there. We also have puzzles. Don't 11:47 p.m. - Random Hall- (actually at cruft. air and play with tomato sauce. Rub know Pinochle? No time like the 9:29 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Get out the 2:17 AM) Random's third nella cool handsaw and the sledgehammer! The movie is The City of Lost Children. The 4:44 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Elephant. cheese in your face and stick peppers present to learn. Call 437-1043 for a first rule of jigsaw puzzles is "if it dorm's arbiter of taste, Rif, has placed Bzzz, bzzz. Tomato. up your nose. It's Make Your Own Pizza ride. night at No.6. What could be more fun? doesn't fit, force it!" If you're good, his title on this one. He has yet to be 5 p.m. 8:30 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Play (don't answer ... ) maybe we'll get out the powertools. Call wrong. readingl Come read through the 5:06 p.m. - Delta Psi - The first three x3-8888 for a ride to ET. We're co-ed. 6:41 p.m. - pika - Your last chance to Princess Bride or The Search for the 11:47 p.m. - Random Hall- (actually at Golden Tickets have been found, but have dinner at pika before the end of Holy Grail. Call x3-8888 for a ride! 9:36 p.m. - Senior House - Sometimes 4:17 AM - no, we never sleep). Random little Charlie still has hope. Come cheer rush. Better hurry. 492-6983. I have to We've got enough parts for everyone, the CCC give out free goldfish at the Hall's last hell a cool movie. Guess him on. Take a rush break and watch go drywall now, bye. but dedicated audience members are activities midway. We havea special where? Yep, roof deck. Random. We Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory also welcome. goldfish kiddie pool. When they die, we kick ass. on the wall of our second floor. 6:43 p.m, - EAsT camPUS - Eastern can toss them into Chuck's yard. Bloc. !he Key to happiness. 8:59 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Mmmm. 11:50 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - 5:17 p.m, - Random Hall - 9:36 p.m. - Delta Psl- Sadly, rush'Is Warm, fresh-baked cookies. Peanut Congratulations to all the new pledges Segmentation fault (core dumped) 7 p.m. butter or chocolate? Come help decide! coming to a close. Come enjoy the final at Phi Sig and everywhere else too! evening in, the best smelling cafe in 5:30 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Feeling 7:00 p.m. - Student House - We're still Call x3-8888 for warm, fresh baked 11:59 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Well, Harvard Square. Savor the Middle southwestern? Join us for a fajita grilling. Come taste the Student House cookies. V!e're a co-ed fraternity. guess this is our last entry. Feel free to Eastern fare while our Middle Eastern buffet! Vegetarian fajitas available too. delicacies. Then wash it all down wi~h give us a call at x3-8888 and join us for 9 p.m. femmes entertain you at cafe algiers. Call x3-888B for a ride to our co-ed your choice of smoothie. Mmmm ... our trip to Walden Pond tomorrow, fraternity. Ole! ' don't you just love Rush?? 9:00 p.m. - EAsT camPUS' - Eastern 9:45 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - We've got though. And best of luck at MIT. Bloc / East Campus, Senior House, 5:36 p.m. - Delta Psi - I never thought 7:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - Fajitas! Baby the silly hats. We've got the plays. All Welcome to dead week. Random, East Campus / Easter Bloc that I could fly over the moon in Back Ribs! Zetes! Get Psyched! Call for we've got to do is read them. Call x3- ecstasy, but suddenly I begin to see, Ride: 661-4111 xiot 9:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Want to 8888 for a ride to our co-ed fraternity. that's where I'm about to be! Come 7:06 p.m. - Delta Psi - Have you ever see what the Boston skyline looks like 1.0 p.m. Crossword Solution watch the second half of Willy Wonka in the evening? Then join us for dessert wondered how those guys in the pizza 10:00 p.rn. - Alpha Delta Phi - Sure, and the Chocolate Factory with us. joints (we mean the good pizza joints) at Top of the Hub and see the view for yourself. youive played capture the flag before, 5:44 p.rn, - Tau Epsilon Phi - Eat flip the dough up in the air? So do we,' but we assure you itis never been like Chinese food made by a former Soviet We can't do it, but we'll try anyhow. 9:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - See Boston's this. Introduce yourself to the finer leader. Mmmrtl .... scallion pies! Worms! Make your own pizza at No.6. North End with the ladies of WILG! Get points of indoor MIT navigation as our Slugs! Call 262-5090. 7:12 p.m. - Fenway House - Dinner? ~syched! Call for Ride: 661-4111 xl0l game consumes the main campus 6 p.m. But I... 437-1043 9:00 p.m. - Student House - WE LOVE buildings in a maelstrom of covert OUR HOUSE!! And it.shows. Let us give maneuvers. Call 576-2792 for a ride. 6:00 p.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - Chicken 7:17 p.rn. - Random Hall- Random Hall you a tour and we'll tell you all about Cordon Bleu - Ever had' chicken cordon is totally PANTS! 10:08 p.m. - Senior House - Senior what it's like to be a Stud .. bleu? Not until you've had t

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1.2 p.m. 1:09 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - EC: The dorm that loves you back. 12:00 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - ·How can you 1:11 p.m. - Fenway House - Dramatic make a revolution without readings of the Weekly World News. executions?" -lenin Giant crab crushes woman. Oh, the humanity! 437-1043. 12:00 p.m. - Alpha Vee Daily Confusionon ine at Epsilon PI - Soccer, 1:14 p.m. - Fenway House - Or maybe Softball, Football, Frisbee we'll read romance novels instead. and whatever other sport 8 a.m. 10:17 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - And now it 1:15 p.m. - Fenway House - How about 9:02 a.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Run like you need to work out the stress of the mad until we catch you and hoist you is time to worship lokie, the great The Great Gatsby? 8:00 a.m. - Bexley Hall - This one's not last few days. Hang out with your new up on our shoulders, a new member of goddess of fimo! Perhaps. she will grace half bad either: brothers (or future brothers) in the 1:15 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Whiiiir! us with elegant beads and adorable Phi Sig center of historic Boston. Call Jordan at *whackl* Whiiiiir! *whack!* It's the cats. If we are particularly loyal, she sound of thetans roller blading! Come 8:00 a.m. - Sigma Nu - Rise and shine. 9:02 a.m. - Senior House - Thunda tells 247-3170 for a ride. might show us the picture of the fimo rollerblade! No experience required; we You've got to get up early today to get you why Tupac is still alive. After the venus ... Come worship lokie! Call x3- 12:00 p.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - George's provide the rollerblades. Call x3-8888 to your advisor meetings. let us send lecture, be sure to stick around for an 8888 for a ride to our co-ed house. Island Picnic - Just got up? Want to for a ride to our co-ed home. you off with a hearty breakfast (and encore performance of "Redneck Bitch" hang out and play some sports? Join 10:17 a.m. - Random Hall - ·We get 20 some adrenaline pumping excitement, 9:09 a.m. - pika - When Iwas a lBT on a small island in Boston Harbor. 1:22 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi - Big entries per day, and dammit, we're too). freshman Matt made me an omelet in kinetic sculptures your aren't allowed to gonna use them alii" Come visit 12:00 p.rn, - Phi Delta Theta - One of the morning. So I think he can make climb on and a musical staircase (but 8:00 a.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - Breakfast - Random. You're running out of time. the finest beaches in the Boston area you an omelet this morning. He doesn't not as cool as ours). Call for a ride at What's for breakfast at lBT? Anything awaits you. Basking under the sun is know it yet, but he will. Breakfast at 10:22 a.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi - As an 262-5090. you want. Just want a bowl of cereal? just what you need, so don't miss it. That's fine. Want bacon,scrambled Pika, lot of vegetarian, vegan and other MIT student, you get free admission to 1:30 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Have 12:00 p.m. - Women's Independent eggs, sausage links, a couple of food, 492-6983. the MFA! Come join us as we saunter some fun playing a pick up game or two off to this excellent haven of all things Uving Group - We have potato salad, pancakes, and some toast? That's also 9:15 a.m. - Women's Independent of soccer with us. It will be an exciting cultured. Call 262-5090 for a ride, and cole slaw, egg salad, pasta salad and fine. More friendly than Denny's and Uving Group - Feeling athletic this time for people of all playing levels. we'll send over an artsy-escort to get all your picnic favorites. Come join us! twice as nice. morning? Take on all comers at our 2 1:30 p.m. - Women's Independent you there. Bring your MIT 10!!! 253-6799. 8:00 a.m. - Women's Independent on 2 basketball tournament. Are you up Uvlng Group - Take a break from 12:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Go find Uvlng Group - Hungry? Give us a call to the challenge? Call 253-6799 for a 10:30 a.m. - EAsT camPUS - Hey, technology - we're off to the Museum of that guy who always sleeps late, but for a personal chauffeur to escort you ride or jog on over. before you make that last minute Fine Arts for some cultural appreciation preference form final, remember that just pledged!! to a pancake breakfast that will make 9:17 a.m. - Random Hall - You've just Bring your MIT 10 for free admission. EC has sinks in every room. The you glad you woke up. 253-6799. finished breakfast.. time for cartoons! 12:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - BEACH PARTY!! 1:30 p.m. - Student House - Are you a possibilities are endless. Birdbath, We're going to Crane Beach, the most 8:00 a.m. - Baker House - It's still not Erin just revealed that she "wasn't budding Bach or the next Jimi Hendrix? perhaps? picturesque beach in New England, to to late to get a tour! We'll be giving allowed to watch cartoons as a child. " Come show us your talent and jam with celebrate all the new Sigma Nus. Eat tours until noon today. Come help her disobey her parents. 10:37 a.m. - Russian House - lavtrak - our musical house members. Whatever Blin! You know you want another! BBQ. play frisbee and soccer in the your preference- from classical to 8:00 a.m. - Sigma Phi Epsilon - Or 9:18 a.m. - Fenway House - Break your sand, or take a walk along the beach 10:42 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - Krista, heavy-metal- someone in the house can whatever else you can think of. Just like fast with us. Pancakes, waffles, flan, or and just hang out with the brothers. back away from the silly putty. *sigh*. play it. during the term Kevin is cooking whatever you can talk us into. 437- Very little structure but very big fun. breakfast to order. Call 536-1300 for a 1043 See what happens when you Jet those 1:36 p.m. - Delta Psi - This is your last materials scientists get involved in 12:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Enjoy a BBQ ride 9:22 a.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi -;-Power opportunity to be young and free before everything? Epsilon Theta, co-ed lunch on our front steps while you talk school hits you, so come play with us at 8:00 a.m. - Next House - Early morning Windows, AM-FM Sausage. Our f~aternity of silly putty. Call x3-8888 for to brothers. the Esplanade during our picnic on the breakfast: c'mon, it's your last chance imported short Frnech order cooks ... a ride. 12:01 p.m. - German House - Charles. for a good free meal! Besides, the our short-order French imports '" order Ausruehen. Wo Sie wollen freshman 15 doesn't start until AFTER cooks. Whatever. They'll make whatever 10:43 a.m. - pika - Francisco wants to 1:42 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - It's time for rush! your heart desires. 262-5090. be worshipped. Ithink we should throw 12:01 p.m. - German House - Relax. the Great Silly Putty Drop (TM). What peas at him instead. Your choice. Pika, Wherever you 'want. happens when we drop 10 pounds of 8:00 a.m. - Alpha Delta Phl- Enjoy our 9:30 a.m. - German House - 492-693. silly putty off of our roof? Come find gourmet chef's scrumptious crepes, a Obligatorisches Fruestueck- Waehrend 12:06 p.m. - Delta Psi - Come kick a out! Call x3-8888 for a ride to Epsilon French delicacy. More flavor than IHOP. dem Essen werden wir reden ueber wie 10:47 a.m. - Random Hall- Hmm, I ball around or toss the frisbee while Theta, co-ed house of silly putty. Call 576-2792 for a ride. es ist im Deutschen Haus zu wohnen. wonder if I can overflow TechCalendar: enjoying a picnic at the Esplanade,. Aile Fragen werden beantwortet. Aile, along the banks of the beautiful 2 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - Fenway House - Grumpy die im Deutshen Haus wohnen wollen, Charles. Just don't drink the water! 2:00 p.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - George's sleeping bodies. M.SSEN zu dies em Fruehstueck 12:08 p.m. - Senior House - listen to Island Picnic - last chance to see 8:00 a.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa -let the kommen. DH lounge. Alex say "shiznit on the biznatch" in George's Island! Call us now! pledging begin! 9:30 a.m. - German House - Mandatory Russian. Then ask him to tell you his 2:00 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - Softball- 8:00 a.m. - Theta Xi - Wake up to some Breakfast- During breakfast we'll talk stories about the chernobyl whore. Join us as we head to the Boston pancakes, steak and eggs, bagels, about what it's like to live in German 12:12 p,m. - pika - Entomophology. Commons to play softball. freshly brewed coffee, and all the other House. We'll answer all your questions. AAAAAAAAAAA Corrina is making bugs for lunch. She trappings of a delicious breakfast to Everyone interested in living at German 11 a.m. 2:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Come enjoy a says they are full of protein. I assure start off a delicious day. House MUST attend this breakfast. day on the river with us as we take our 11:00 a.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Want to you we can dig up some other grub for German House lounge. traditional Tuesday canoeing trip. 8:00 a.m. - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Got take a nice cruise out in Boston you (Are these getting worse? I can't something to say? Be the first to say it 9:31 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - What Harbor? look no further. Hang out with seem to stop). lots of vegetarian and 2:08 p.m. - Fenway House - We're off as desk opens bright and early Tuesday should the mural on the pit wall be? A us on our private boat and enjoy the ' vegan food as always. 492-6983 makes to Revere Beach. Get your sunscreen morning. Oh yes, a hearty breakfast will life-size portrait of Cthulhu? A cute beauty of the Boston skyline. the bug connection. and beach ball and call 437-1043 to widdle bunny wabbit? The entrance to come with us. be served, as usual. Stay over the night 11:00 a.m. - Sigma Phi Epsilon - Come 12:17 p.m. - Random Hall - You put the monorail station? You help decide. before and you won't have to call with the brothers to Wellesley for lunch Random Hall as the top seven choices 2:29 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Pop! lots of paints and old clothes! Call x3- Jordan at 247-3170 for a ride. and some football. Maybe even take a on your housing preferences. Excellent. poppoppop! doh! We have a lot of 8888 for a ride. 8:01 a.m. - Sigma Nu - It's a proven dip in the pond. Another great chance We love you. balloons and we're not afraid to use 9:36 a.m. - Delta Psl- Crepes, fruit, to see what the surrounding area them. The fun with balloon animals is fact: blueberry pancakes and pledging 12:17 p.rn. - Random Hall ..::·What's muffins, coffee, and bagels. Mmmm ... offer. Call 536-1300 for a ride. only beginning. Call x3-8888 for a ride. Sigma Nu go together in a very this? Rush is over!" Yeah, whatever.' Tastes good! We're still co-ed. satisfying way. Call 536-9925 if you are 11:00 a.m. - Nu Delta - Want to get You've entered your preferences, but interested in either or both. 9:45 a.m. - Women's Independent away from the stress of Rush? There is we're not done yet. Stick around. We've 2:30 p.rn, - Student House - Tickle the 8:01 a.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Pledge Uvlng Group - We have lots of t-shirts, no better place than the beach. Call still got plenty of stuff to keep us busy ivories in our parlor. Strum the guitar up in the library. Or just sit in the TV ,room early, boxers, dyes, clothespins, and rubber 437-7300 for a ride. this afternoon, and don't forget the and watch MTV. However you express bands. Get creative. Call 253-6799 for 11:00 a.m. - Zeta Water Country. Hella COOL movie marathon tonight on 8:02 a.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Pledge Psi - the musician in you, you can do it at a ride .. Trip to Water Country Water Park! Vans the roof deck. Random rules. Often ..... who will take the coveted Student House. "pledge #1" shirt this year?!? 10 a.m. leave at 11. Call for Ride: 661-4111 12:'22 p.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi - You've x100 seen the roof, tap-danced Beethoven's 2:30 p.m. - Women's Independent 8:17 a.m. - Random Hall- Missed 10:00 a.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - George's UVlng Group - Possibly our favorite 11:00 a.m. - S~udent House - Did you 5th on our musical staircase, and even RHOP at 3:17 AM? Sad to see the extra Island Picnic - Visit a historic war fort ~angout, Toscaninis Ice Cream is right pack too many white t-shirts? Is your flushed the electric toilet. Now eat food smeared on Riad? Well, actually, that also doubles as a great ultimate behind our house. Today they come wordrobe dull and boring? Brighten it up lunch on our front lawn and throw food we were sort of kidding about that frisbee field. Enjoy a day in the sun even closer! Join us for a sundae bar in with tie-dye. Don't have anything to tie- into passing convertibles! Call 262- about that part. We only really smeared piaying sports, touring the fort, or just our dining room. Call 253-6799 for a kicking back. dye? No problem- we've got a few extra 5090 to get in on the action. some of it on him. Come eat the rest. ride. It's breakfast, it's free, it's Random, shirts we can spare. 12:23 p.m. - Fenway House - lunch. Eat 10:00 a.m. - Women's Independent 3 p.m. , what else could you want in life? Uvlng Group - Feeling creative? We 11:00 a.m. - Zeta Beta Tau - George's it before it eats you. 437-1043. SlIlIurrrrrrrrppp! ah. 8:30 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - Horned have lots of clay to make beads, Island Picnic - Enjoy the weather at an 3:00 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - The biggest melon, anyone? How about some star magnets, and other small, colorful old war fort in Boston Harbor. A game 12:30 p.m. - Women's Independent bubbles you've ever seen! How big can fruit? Or a taste of kiwi? Do you dare to items. Call 253-6799 and let your of ultimate will be in the works. ' Uvlng Group - Get to know some of the they get? Come find out! Call x3-8888 for a ride! eat a peach? All these for you to try at imagination run wild. 11:11 a.m. - EAsT camPUS - Fred's area's flora at the Arnold Arboretum. our strange fruit breakfast! Bagels and 10:00 a.m. - French House - Mandatory . Tongue Twister (NO! Not the game (go We'll bring a picnic lunch, a frisbee, . 3:17 p.m. - Random Hall - We bought toppings, too. Call x3-8888 for a ride to brunch. If the French House really to Wellesley for that(yes, they welcome and some giant bubble blowers to play 230 liters of liquid nitrogen. We've stiil our co-ed li\ling group. interests youas your home for the next women too.))}: Fred feeds freshmen by with as we enjoy the beautiful scenery. got plenty left. Come make liquid nitrogen ice cream for the last time. 9 a.m. 4 years,come talk with us, your new the front door. 12:32 p.m. - Student' House - It's not friends,about whatever, all over a too late to spruce up your wardrobe Who knows, we might even let you find 9:00 a.m. - EAsT camPUS - Guide to 11:15 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - No! Ian! sumptuous brunch. Don't hesitate! 5th with psychedelic hues. Tie-dye a shirt. your very own creative uses for this • MIT, lesson 6: Walter lewin is a highly Don't paint *that* on the wall! Come floor House 6, New House. You know you want to. . delightfully juicy liquid. ' . respected Physicist, not a clown. stop the horror and help with our mural. 10:00 a.m. - French House - Brunch Call x3-8888 for a ride to our co-ed 12:32 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Assemble 3:21 p.m. - pika - The trousers Gromit, 9:00 a.m. - Theta XI - Wake up to some Obligatoire: Si lMF vous interesse house. your own mini pizza! Play with dough or they~ve gone wrong. Eric has some pancakes, steak and eggs, bagels, serieusement comme residence, venez just use a premade shell. Call x3-8888 pants problems. He needs many freshly brewed coffee, and all the other 11:17 a.m. - Random Hall - Only 43 discuter de tout et de rien avec nous, for a ride to Epsilon Theta, co-ed patches, and will sew a new pair. You'll trappings of a delicious breakfast to minutes to make your final decision! vos nouveaux amis, tout en mangeant fraternity. help him, won't you? I would, but start off a delicious day. What'll it be? Random Hall or one of un brunch somptueux. N'hesitez pas! l...uh ... 1 have to go hold that thing over those ·other" dorms?! Ask us. Careful, 12:36 p.m. - Delta Psi - Strap some 9:00 a.m. - MacGregor House - Up 5th floor House 6, New House. there. Pika, someitmes pants, we're biased. But we're right. wheels on your feet and fly like a flash early? Still haven't decided that sometimes not, 492-6983. 10:00 a.m. - Next House - Wanted that with Fahad by the banks of the Charles MacGregor is the place to live?! Come 11:22 a.m. - Tau Epsilon Phi - We last minute tour, or just wanted to stop at our Esplanade picnic. 3:32 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Put another take one more tour! supply the meat, and you throw it at us. by and hang out? Come on over! log on the fire / cook me up some For vegetarians, wet noodles will be 1p.m. 9:00 a.m. - Theta Chi - There's no bacon and some beans / yeehaw! 10:00 a.m. - Student House - Been provided. Okay, so these entries are better way to start the morning than 1:00 p.m. - Women's Independent rushing hard? Stop by, get some really starting to mess with my mind. 3:37 p.m. - 'Epsilon Theta - 1:)0 you pancakes and waffles, and we'll make U~ing Group - Enjoy one of MIT's most brunch, and then just relax on our Call 262-5090. have a milk preference? If so, come sure you get your fill. fun and beautiful spots as you comfy couches. Ah ... just like home. take out your aggressions on a poor, 11:30 a.m. - Theta XI - looking for a challenge our house members to a 9:00 a.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Think of innocent little pinata. This entry will 10:00 a.m. - Theta Xi - looking for a leisurely canoe ride down the Charles soccer match. Call 253-6799 for a ride. a creative way/place to pledge. eVEmmake s~nse once you see the leisurely canoe ride down the Charles River? Well then look elsewhere, Organize it with some buds? The more 1:00 p.m. - Theta XI - looking for a pinata! Call x3-8888 for a ride. We're a River? Well then look elsewhere, because on this canoe trip, you will get original better! leisurely canoe ride down the Charles co-ed fraternity. because on this canoe trip, you will get wetl River? Well then look elsewhere, 9:00 a.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Hungry? 4 p.m. wet! 11:36 a.m. - Delta PsI - Relax at a because on this canoe trip, you will get Tired? Our house is open for you. We'll 10:02 a.m. - Fenway House - Frolic in picnic at the lovely Esplanade, on the wet! 4:17 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - We've still be cooking up fabulous creations at the Fens Part II. The fishing's not so . beautiful banks ofthe Charles River. got Amot Make animals, vegetables, your request. . 1:03 p.m. - pika - We're going to the good, but occasionally we hear a jewelry, or just plain make a mess. Call 11:47 a.m. - Random Hall - Is the Aquarium, where I'used to go when I 9:00 a.m. - Zeta Psi - Anything you bagpiper. Watch us throw frisbees at x3-888B for a ride. We're co-ed. student center cluster full? Come to was real little with my Aunt lilly and I want! Pancakes, Omlettes, Bacon, trees. 437-1043 Random and enter your lottery choices would know that we were there when I 4:17 p.m. - Rendom ..... - Mariano's Sausage, Milkshakes ... Call for Ride: 10:06 a.m. - Delta PsI - Petit Oejeuner. here. Our rather excessive computer to saw the fish on the Ylalls of the Blue itching to play some movies tonight, but 661-4111 x101 Enjoy a light breakfast at No.6 before human ratio guarantees that your line station. Pika, recapturing luke's he's looking bored. Entertain him. Win a 9:00 a.m. - Women's Independent starting off on your last day of rush. preferences will get in on time. lost youth, 492-6983. prize. Uving Group - Want to put off doing 10:08 a.m. - Women's Independent 11:59 a.m. - Epsilon Theta - Getting 1:06 p.m. - Delta PsI - That green 4:21 p.m. - senior HOUM -, You have your first load of laundry at college a UYing Group - Want some life in your hungry? Assemble your own mini pizza. grass must sure be ticklish on the feet, not yet given to the Great Unholy Tire little longer? Come tie dye yourself a room? Get yourself a green companion. Make it as artistic as you want or just because Aboudi is smiling iike a Swing. It grows impatient. Prizes for colorful new wardrobe. We supply the Think you're horticulturally challenged? pile it high with toppings. Or make fun maniac. It's been four days, but he's best wounds. clothes and dyes, you supply the Don't worry, spider plants are virtually of Emily's tomato-sauce-Iess choicel still chipper as ever at our picnic on the creativity. Call 253-6799 for a ride. unkillable. Call 253-6799 for a ride. Call x3-8888 for a ride to our co-ed Esplanade by the banks of the Charles. Dally ConfusIon, Page II 9:01 a.m. - Phi ~ Kappa - DO IT! house.