usion, Back Page The Weather Today: Sunny,vnndy, 75°F (26°C) Tonight: Clouding up, 60°F (16°C) Tomorrow: Clearing up, 78°F (28°C) Details, Page 2 e 120, Number 37 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, August 29, 2000 Lafayette Sq. Will Be Pern Voids Berenson Sentence Military Tribunal's Decision Opens Wayfor New Civilian Trial Public Plaza By 2002 By Naveen Sunkavally the persistent pressure EDITOR IN CHIEF that was brought to Abutters Have Mixed Reactions To Plan Former MIT student bear by the movement Lori Berenson, who has that was developed in By Mike.Hall been serving a life sen- support of Lori," ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR tence in Peru after a Williamson said. "My A construction project promising to transform Lafayette treason conviction near- own speculation is that Square into a pocket of pedestrian-friendly green space has been ly five years ago, may the Peruvian govern- welcomed by neighboring MIT residences and some businesses. be a step closer to ment was weakened by Others, however, question the utility of the plan, claiming it will returning home. Peru's election fraud benefit MIT and a few residents while causing a hassle for every- military tribunal has [charges] . .. and maybe one. recently revoked her the. Fujimori govern- The new plaza will be located on the intersection of Main Street life sentence, allowing ment [wanted] to soft- and Massachusetts Avenue across from the MIT -owned University for a possible civilian en its image." Park development. Amenities include outdoor seating, greenery, and' trial. David M. Matheu TECH FlLE PHOTO an open space for community events in Cambridge. Additionally, "Peru has finally G, co-president of Lori Berenson's parents visited MIT earlier this year to sidewalks running alongside the plaza will be widened and will offer admitted that Lori did MITs Amnesty Inter- new streetlights for nighttime pedestrians. not commit treason" , attend a forum on their daughter. national chapter, spec- -The transformation of Lafayette Square is part of a large collec-: said Gail Taylor, of the Commitee conspiring with the leftist Tupac ulated that the development is the tion of construction projects all along Mass. Ave. and Memorial to Free Lori Berenson in Washing- Amaro movement to plan an attack 'result of Peru needing economic Drive ..Before building the plaza, developers will :finish construction to~,D.C. Peru's congress. assistance from the United States. on underground se'Yer and-drainage work. Construction of the plaza In an press release; MIT Presi- The reversal of her conviction is ''My guess is it's politically expedi- will begin next spring. dent Charles M. Vest said, "We surprising, considering the Peruvian ent to make friends," he said. "I do The force behind the new plaza is Forest City Enterprises, a firm hope that [Lori]: is freed on bail government's strong stance under know that many grassroots activists selected in 1983 by MIT to design University Park. while she awaits trial, or at least is President Alberto K. Fujimori that have campaigned for the U.S. to not The plaza will substantially alter the traffic pattern in the area. moved to a less isolated prison she serve out her sentence. fund Peru." Forest City plans to incorporate- the intersection of Mass. Ave. and where the conditions are more James Williamson, a Cambridge Main St. into the body of the park. To offer access to Mass. 'Ave. humane and she has greater access community activist and long-time Activists are cautiously optimistic from Main and Columbia Streets, Sidney Street wilt be extended to to her family and attorneys." proponent of Berenson's release, Despite the development, commu- intersect with Main (see diagram below). said that the development may have nity activists-aren't convinced that the In an Aug. 23 interview with the Cambridge Chronicle, Forest Development is surprising been a political expedient, as well as new civilian trial will lead to Beren- City director of government and community affairs Jay Kiely said Berenson was sentenced to life a result of a strong grassroots move- son returning to the United States. that the proposal will improve traffic flow and increase green space imprisonment in January 1996 in a ment to free her. secret military trial for allegedly "I think that this is the result of Berenson, Page 10 Atliena: Learning nicks of the Trade By Dana levine dows command prompt, this will fowards your e-mail. Typing NEWSEDlTOR open up an unencrypted connection chpobox -p will disable this mail for- Project Athena, created in 1983 as and will expose your password to warding. Be aware, however, that a way to integrate computers into the anyone who knows a bit about hack- these changes will not take effect until undergraduate experience, consists ing. the following midnight. of several The preferred solution is to use a When you log on to Athena, the P t hundred terminal program which protects system will tell you how many mes- r ea ure networked your password with Kerberos sages you have waiting on the mail servers, encryption, preventing an enterpris- server. From here, you can use one workstations, and printers which are ing hacker from using your account of several different mail handlers, distributed across MIT's campus. to infiltrate the Pentagon. Some pro- all of which are explained on the liS Using this system can be quite intimi- grams which you can use are listed web page and documentation. dating to new MIT students, especial- at http://web.mit.edu/acs/FAQ/ While you are logged in, there ly those who are unfamiliar with remoteaccess/ssh.html. .are several ways to see if you have cryptic Unix commands, not to men- For those of you who are a bit new e-mail waiting for you on the tion slashes which point the wrong more technically oriented, there are server. First of all, typing from will way. What follows, therefore, is a several ways to transform your per- show you who has written the mes- brief introduction to some of the sonal computer into an Athena work- sages which are waiting for you on .tricks you may find useful in your station. Groups at MIT have tailored the server. If you insert this com- years at MIT. distributions of Redhat Linux and mand into your .startup.tty file, the NetBSD to run the Athena system. system will tell you at logon who Logging in.remotely More information on this can be has sent you each of the new mes- While logging on to Athena can found at http://web.mit.edu/linux/ sages waiting on the server. most easily be accomplished by www/FAQ/ or http://web.mit.edu/ It is possible to download mes- going to any workstation on campus netbsd/doc/www/. sages to your account without and logging on, it isn't always prac- removing them from the server. tical to do this, especially if you live E-mail tricks This would be useful if you use across the river. Take heart: there According to Information Ser- Eudora to read your e-mail but are ways of logging in from the vices, the most frequently asked would like to check your mail while comfort of your own computer. question for the past few weeks has on campus at an Athena cluster. To . COURTESY CITY OF CAMBRIDGE WEB SITE . The most direct solution is to use been "How do I un forward my do this, type inc -netrune. Top: The new Lafayette Square. The .Intersection of Main a telnet type program, which gives mail?" If you would like Athena to noti- Street and Mass. Ave. will be incorporated into a new plaza. you a text connection 'to your The chpobox command can be fy you of new messages as they A penspectIve view of the new Lafayette Squate plaza. Bottom: Athena account. Although you can used to forward e-mail to an account come in, type zetl add mail pop. It accomplish this by typing telnet other than your Athena mailbox. Typ- athena.dialup.mit.edu from a Win- ing cbpobox -s username@mitedu Athena, Page 10 Inside.a special pull-out section Comics OPINION presents over ninety student Michael J. Ring offers all the World & Nation 2 activities. Brush up before newcomer needs to jump into Opinion 4 tonight's Activities Midway. Massachusetts politics In.his TechCalendar 6 summary of the Commonwealth. Police Log 10 Page 6 Page 5 Page2 T August 29, 2000 Gore 0 ts Prescri tio C ton, WASHiNGTON POST TALUMS EE,fLORIDA Kicking off a week of campaign appearances and a multi-million- dollar advertising blitz, Vice President Al Gore came here Monday' ego ·a ·ODS and promised that as president he would reduce senior citizens' trau- Stall ma over paying for prescription drugs and challenged George W. Bush to follow. Mandela's Peace Plan Fails To Woo Hardline Tutsis, While "You deserve a detailed, adult, intelligent discussion of exactly what the specifics are of the plans we are proposing," Gore told 150 1\vo Main Hutu Rebel Groups Disregard .Tanzanian Talks senior citizens gathered for one of the ''town meetings" that have become his forte. "When the other side gets around to proposing a By Ellen Nakashima izing a deal. Clinton, who has In Washington, Booker plan, then we can compare it and contrast it." THE WASHiNGTON POST expressed pride in addressing described Clinton's stopover as "a Gore aides think the prescription drug issue provides an ideal ARUSHA. TA ZANlA African issues more directly than cheerleading visit designed to show • showcase for the candidate's focus on detailed policies, and a pointed President Clinton flew to East any previous U.S.
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