i i ■’'■ * ■ . . ,' : '• ' ■ ■' ‘ ■ ■y--■■■■■-.* * ^ . * « « 'I'k o • • » » !*■•••• •.'•‘ ♦•kkn .7 ^ ^ •, L . . ■ •• . V h. ... .1 V • • - • ' •- NET PRESS BUN . Forecast by f). S,. W egtte n v tfo rd . /AVERAGE DAILY CBRCULATION r ^ ',’ ' ■ for ttie* Month of Dooeinbcr, 1929. . Fair and colder toidfht; Sunday 5 > 5 1 6 fto with rising temperatdfo. BlembeM of tlie Audit Bnreun of . i 1 ^ Clrcntatlona

^U T H MAN€HBSTBit,"C0NN.i SAtUBDAY, JANUARYji, 1930. ^OTEEIN PAG^ PRICE THREE CEN"r^ VOL. XLIV., NO. 81. (OlassMed Adverttslng on Page 18) ■« LAUGHTER AIDS CURBS SEVEN YOUTHS IN GERMAN HOSPITAL J. P. M O RG AN ’S GIFT TO U ; S.‘ Berlin, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Laugh­ FLEES ter has been added to the cura­ tive agents in the Charite Hospi­ HMSHINGOUT DIE AS TRAIN tal here. It happened rather accidental­ ly after a theatrical company had given a performance for I^GPROBLEMS Snm ADTO “chair cases” and patients able to navigate on crutches. “A Jump Into Matrimony” was the farce and it caused 5Yales of mer­ Foreii^ Minister of Ger- Roland Lalone Who KUkd Were Reluming from Bas- riment, many in the audience having their first laughs in To D riv e 80Q months. many Has Stormy Inter­ State Poficeman at Pom- ketbaU Game in Bus— AD In many of the csises, more­ over, the doctors found the ef­ view With Premier Tar- $1.50 fects of the laughter of distinct fret, One of Who CnI High School Age— Eight therapeutic value. Consequently there are to be periodic repeti­ dien of France. (AP) —Afand reach New York next Monday Bars in Skylight and Es­ Others Are Injured. tions of such-performances. Indianapolis, Jan. 4- passenger automobile, driven by a afternoon. (Cummins’ power plant differs The Hague, Netherlands, Jan.^4.— ; motor burning crude’ 6il, left In- from other; Diesel type motors in caped; State \inde Sear(di Wooster, O., Jan. 4.—(AP)—Help­ (A P )—The principal deleg.ates to | dianapolis today' for toe National that it gasifies toe fuel before it is less victims of a speeding train TRYING TO RAISE the second Hague reparations con- Automobile S^ow at New York, injected into toe cylinders. for Fugitives Is On. which cut through the night and a ference are now holding personal driven by its inventor, Clessie L. The, motor, has no spark plugs, no blinding sleet storm to crush their carburetor and no magneto. ’The meetings to thresh _ out remaininc; Cummins of Columbus, Ind. fuel is Ignited by high compression. bus while they laughed ^ d talked ot j Wethersfield, Conn., Jan. 4.— (AP); MOVIE AIRPLANES important problems in adoption of The inventor expects fo^ drive toe Cummins has been working on toe Tearing away a bar on toe sky­ their games, seven youths were dead the Yoimg plan, while toe experts [ 800_ _ _ miles,____ oh less than 21,50 worto motor for 12 years. He forecast a and eight other high school boys and are struggling with minor. but i of fuel. The car was expected to real use for such motors for buses, light, three prisoners, one. of them a [ maintAin a forty mile an hour speed. trucks and tractors. lifer, escapied from toe bake shop of girls were in hospitals today. troublesome details. toe state prison here this m om i^. The dead boys, all of them be­ Wreckage Located 2 Milhs Forei^ Minister (jurtius of Ger­ tween the Eiges of 14 to 18 years of many, who had rather a stormy in­ They, made their way to toe roof, age, were members of the high Off Shore BeDeved to terview with Premier Tardieu of a step or two from toe outer wall school bsisketball team of Burbank, France last evening, today had a LAWYERS ANSWER and- then slipped over toe barrier to near here. They were on their way talk with Aristide Briand, French the ground and were lost in. the home, happy over defeating their old Contain Bodies of Victims foreign minister. darkness of early morning. rivals at Big Prairie another near­ The break occurred about five Franpo-Gerinan Matters ^UERY ON LEAGUE by village when a Pennsylvania rail­ CAPTURE YOUTHS o’clock and was discovered fifteen Four of the leading German dele­ minutes later by a guard who had road flyer struck their bus at a Santa Monica, Jan. 4.—Efforts to crossing near Shreve, ten miles gates had lunch with the French been stationed in toe kitchen ad­ rsdse the wreckage of two motion delegates Iffter which a general con­ joining toe bakery. south of here last night. picture camera planes, believed to versation ensued on Franco-German Girls Injured. Boys Had Escaped ifom World Court WiD- Not In­ Tho'se’ Who' Escaped The most seriously injured were hold the bodies’*of seven of the ten J.^P.. Morgan’s yacht Corsair, famed in war and. peace, is to see ser­ relations as affected by the Young The prisoners were Roland G, vice hs a ^vemment vessel in coastal survey work. Above you see plan. The principal subject of these two girls, members of the girls’ men killed in a' midair collision were now Lalone, 23, oi Worcester, Ma.s., toe trlto craft, now to be called the Oceanogn^apher, as she was turhed over talks was how to replace toe sanc­ State Scdiool a Week Ago; volve U .S. in Litigations team which lost its game. to be resumed today in the 318 feet serving a life term for the murd^ as agift^to the Department of Commerce. Upper right is the new skip­ tions provided for in toe ’Treaty of of a state policeman’ at Pbmpet, Joseph Baker, the bus driver, was of water off Point San Vicente. per, LieuL FrectL. Peacock, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur­ Versailles in the event of a default overcome and unable to g^ive any co­ Are Bronght Back. Without Its Consent. Conn., Leo Landry of Revere, Mass., The trawler Salt had, its grappling vey. jCbrflair was estimated to have rescued more than 300 persons by toe Retch in too payment serving a tor^ to four year sen­ herent explanation of what happen­ hook fastened in the wreckage ^t MNlr; during the 28 years Morgan, upper left, owned it. During toe reparations. ed. . He could not reriiember wheth tence for burglary and W atsoh' while Coast Guard, nava^ and pri­ WoHd'^Wia*' it saw action as an armed convoy. . . - . Whether reparations payments er he stopped before climbing the Moultorope of Danbury, serving 18 vately owned vessels were to aid ip a,re due at toe beginning or end of Meriden, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Henry Washington, Jan. 4— (A P )— As­ incline to the crossing. The cross­ to 25 years for rbbbery with vlo-'^ an attempt to raise the planes to the the month was toe first problem toe Almeda, 17, negro, of 214 Hamilton sertions that American adherence Icnce. ing at the hour of the accident—af­ surface. treasuty experts grappled with to­ ter ten o’clock—is protected only street. New Haven and Tony-Mar- to toe World Court under toe Root Officials at toe prison said they Wreckage Discovered. day. The Germans lay claim to an formula would not Involve this did not know bow toe bar across by a bell and flash signal. Coacn The wreckage wa^fiscovered yes­ WASHINGTON EXCITED chuk, 15, of 189 Windsor avenue, allowance of $10,000,000 marks an­ toe skylight was cut, but believed country-in litigation before that Lenz and those of. the injured who terday by the barge tender Daisy nually If they should be required to Hartford who. escaped from Con­ some instrument such as a saw had were able to talk likewise did not M. of Redondo Beach and the speed­ turn over their instalments at the necticut school, for boys here a week tribunal without Its consent have been used. Whether the men had know what occurred before the boat from' Venice which were beginning of toe month because of ago Thursday, were returned-to the been made to Senator Vandenberg, help from toe outside they did not rushing train was upon them. Penn­ CAPITOUS FIRE dragging the Pacific ocean bottom toe loss in interest on toe money. institution last evening following Republican, Michigan, by the New know. sylvania railroad officials at Shreve York Bar Association. As soon as toe escape was dis­ two miles off shore. Uredifors Position their arrest 4n Hartford yesterday said apparently Baker had not seen The planes are believed tb contain ‘ The Michigan Senator, a member covered a general alarm was sent the train coming through the storm The creditors position was that afternoon when an officer ihscovered of toe Senate foreign relations com­ out and description of toe men flash­ the bodies of Kenneth Hawks, film them leaving a l^ouse. and started across directly in front director, Ross 'Clark and Hallock .oas Stmctorel WILL START PROBE instalments must be paid at the* be­ mittee. made public today corres­ ed to Connecticut police depart­ of it. House, pilots; George Eastman, Otto ginning of the month because all Broke Into House. pondence be had with the associa- ments. Wethersfield is about four calculations in. toe Young plan are Jordan, Henry Johannes and Tom The youths admitted they had en­ I tion. ’ Vandenberg asked thrccj miles from Hartford. dated from toe first of each, month. Harris, members of the Fox Film femageil; ArHst; QF BUS ACCIDENTS tered toe house by mewis of a key I questions, and toe answers- to each “Ice Box Bandit” They held that no allowance was smd taken s^eral articled frbm toe Were affirmative. Tbe questions Corporation’s mechanical staff. The 1 Roland G. Lalone, 23, of 139 Fair­ justifiable. bpildlng. They ajsa admitted'steal­ I were: * HOLD 34 SUSPECTS bodies of Max. Gold, assistant direc­ i\j Suffocated in mont avenue, Worcester, Mass, I Austrian reparations due coun­ ing blmokets from automobiles in .‘Ts it .your conclusive judgment was arrested with Albert J. Ray­ tor and Ben Frankel and Conrad this city and articles' from in front i. that toe United States cannot be Wells, cameramen were recovered tries of the Little Entente has come mond, 22, of 394 Grafton street, l;Aliput$3,D00Loss Nine KiDed and Over Score up for coi^deration. ’The Austrian of a chain store here after escaping made a litigant in toe World Court Worcester, April 12, 1928, as “ice soon ^ter the accident. with the I specific consent of toe IN GANG SHOOTING representatives were invited to at­ from to6 local institution. - / ^ box bandits” who had been terror­ Mary Astor, film actress and wid­ Unltecf States in each, instance? tend'a meeting this afternoon, of the l^en toe. youths were captured izing merchants in West Spring- ow ot Hawks, still was in seclusion Wmihi68^n,>n, Jhn.4^n* 44.—T .-^ A P )— The Injured WidiiiiLa^^^% jipn-aeridanjreparatioiis-commissioh in Hartford word was sent to toe . Advisory Opinions at her Hollywood home after coi- field, Mass. They were tried in Con­ ■ that leaped" to discuss a report of toe sub-com­ local police who.ln turn notified the Is Ir your conclusive judgment lapsing at the news of her husband’s necticut in September of toat year Detroit Pofice Determined to toro^h lhe;roof oft toe southwest ^ Daysln State ,of Ofiio. mittee and to set forth their views. stall school ofticials; After learn­ that advisdry dpinions cannot be for toe murder of State Policeman death. rendered by the court in a matter witlF bir t|ie Chpitol last night and The commission has fixed a sort of ing that toe Hartford officials were Jrving H. Nelson, in Pomfret on not going to prefer any charges in which toe United States has an licked all,^e^side of the huge white time table for other eastern prob­ April 6. Get Bandits Who Shot lem s tidth Bulgaria up for discussion against the boys, Fred P. Owen, as­ interest except as toe United States dome .t ^ left, today only a small Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 4^—(A P )— sistant superintendent at toe schoclil assents'? ' i Tbe pair, were placed on trial for on Monday and ■ Hungary on Tues­ their lives at Willimantic and on - REMOVAL OF TREES blackened spot^’on the side of toe Gov. Cooper today took cognizance day. went to Hartford arid brought toe Is it your conclusive opinion toat Head of Detective Squad. building. 4 of three bus aceidentiB in Ohio toe youths back to toe institution. the court is not calculated to render September 26, toe jury brought in The. vividness of the fiame; the last three days in which nine per­ an advisory opinion over toe pro­ a verdict of murder in toe second shtiddng sirens of fire apparatus; sons were killed a.nd more .'than a test of toe United States in a case degree. The two Worcester youths Detroit, Jan. ^— (A P )—Arrests in STARTS A DEATE first thous^ts that century old rec- score injured, .by directing toe state in which toe United States claims were sentenced to Wethersfield for utilities commission to make an lip- BOROTRA DEFEATS NEW ENGLAND COUNCIL an interest? life by Judge Edward M. Yea- . connection with toe shooting Thurp- ordsi possibly the nearly nation old structure itself,, might be endanger­ medlate investigation and report The formula was .drafted at mans at Putnam, toe following day of Inspector Henry J. Garvin, ed, had faded this morning and forthwith. . TALKS TOANSPORTATION Csneya last summer by Elihu Root, week. head of toe police crime and bomb Taken from Virginia Ceme­ fast were, becoming a part of toe On arrival at his office today, toe TILDEN IN HNALS cliaiiihan of the association’s com­ Nelson, the murdered policeman, squad, and an 11-year-old school bulging Mstory of Capitol Hill. governor summoned John W. Brick-' mittee bn International law, to lived at 17 Clifton street, New Ha­ meiet objections to adherence to toe girl mounted to 34 today as police ' 'Cause of Blaze. er, member of toe state utilities com­ ven. He was attached to toe Deniel- tery to Be Planted in Bish­ mission and directed him to obtain court raised in toe Senate. continued their search for sufficient Officials were more concerned ^Ix Members f r o m ijach State son Barracks, and after being ad­ over the cause of the blaze than toe data on the accidents and-ascertain It has beeh signed on behalf of vised by the Massachusetts police ' to Make Survey of All toe American government, and evidence to justify warrants. damage j Vrtught. They said toe toe causes. Bounding Basque’s Speed that a bandits’ car was beaded in Police action was still concentrat­ op’s Garden at Capital. loss woUM"amount to about $3,000; In a letter to the commission the Means of Travel in Section. President Hoover has announced he will ask toe Senate to ratify it in that direction, attempted to halt a ed on the "River gang,” bootlegging that toe fire In no way would inter­ governor said: ' ~ /■ speeding machine at Pomfret and and hl-jacklng organization with j Factor in Duel of 4 Sets, toe next few months. fere with the convening of Congress “I note with great distress that I Boston, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Plans to was shot down. which Inspector Garvin had several Washington, Jan. 4.-^(A P )—^Au­ Monday after toe -holiday recess; there has been three' tragedieis as Tbe Massachusetts “ice box encounters and against which he thorities of toe National Cathedral and that such documents and papers the result' of motor bus. accidents study I^ew Englands entire trans­ •waged relentless war. Ending 6-4,6-2,4-6,6-1 gang” got its name because of toe today defended as “an act of conser­ as were charred or watersoakod within toe last three days resulting portation problem, ihcludiilg ocean, practice of dropping into markets, Hold Twelve Men vation” their efforts to transplant were not a part of the permanent In the loss of life. ' , . ^ - raU, inland water routes, differential COAST GUARDSMEN locking toe proprietor in his own Asks Probe' ' Twelve more men, reported to be Into toe bishop’s gaurden at toe ca­ files. The blaze far more spectacj ice box, and then looting toe store, “I am therefore asking your com­ Paris, Jan, 4.— (A P )—Jean Boro- rates and toe interchange of,trat- members of the “river gang” were thedral two ancient Irish yew tress ular than; that which destroyed part little Excitement of toe executive office of the White mission to make toe fullest Investi­ tra, famous teimis star, -oday de­ flc between this region .and • other held for Investigation today. They from toe historic Bladford cem­ SEVERELY BEATEN No stir was created among toe House Christmas eve, originated in gation as to the cause , pf,^ these feated ”fiig Bill” Tilden in the final- sections of toe country were approv- will be questioned together with five etery Petersburgh, Virginia, toe re­ prisoners in tbe institution it was a room occupied by Carl Moberly, tragedies. Your investigation should singles of the French International ed by the New England gbvemora’ alleged members of the gang taken moval of which has been halted by said. The usual work, shop duties yesterday. The police also descend­ an artist who had decorated many reveal the contributing ' causes, in­ rallrdad committee here yesterday.^ City Manager Paul S. Morton. covered courts championship, 6-4, and toe outside work on toe ed on a score of small blind pigS of toe long corridors in both toe cluding protection measures at the The 30 members of'the committee, ^ight Reverend James E. Free­ 6-2. 4-6, 6-1. grounds by trusties went on air and gambling resorts last night, Senate and House wings. railroad crossings, toe fitness of toe six from each statJs, held their, sec­ Civilians Attack Two in De­ man, toe bishop of Washington, im­ Speed alone defeated Tilden who usual. Prisoners were calmly mk-' turned patrons into the street and Moberly Rescued. drivers and toe efficiency of equip­ ond meeting. Former Governor R. mediately on learning of toe indig­ ment...... ing leaves and cleaning toe en­ wrecked toe establishments as part Moberly was rescued from the seemed blinded at times by his op­ H. Spaulding of New Hampshire nation of Petersburg citizens over “You are therefore Instructed to serted Part of New Lon- trance of tbe prison as toougn of their investigation. toe removal of toe trees, which are room in a partly suffocated condi­ ponent’s dazzling , stroking. The was elected permeant chairman, Inspector Garvin is recovering tion. He was administered first aid make this investigation immediate­ nothing had happened. . said to be at least 125 years old, dis­ ly and report;to hje forth^th. .’If Bounding Basque, always at his. best Janies L. Rlchairds of Boston was Immediately beyond toe prison from his wounds at Receiving hos­ and later taken to a hospital. To­ chosen vice-chairman ,apd. J. F. pital today. The girl, Lois Bartlett, patched a representative to. confer there be evidence of negligence on on wood courts, stormed tl i net at don-rSee No Motive. grounds among toe outside public day he hhd practically recovered and Dewey, repres,enting Vermont, treas­ who was struck by five bullets, still with toe city manager and toe from him Capitol officials hope to toe part of those responsible, I re­ every opportunity while Tilden toe scene was in sharp contrast. remained in a critical condition. Petersburgh Garden Club. obtain some light on toe cause of quest that you institute proceedings elected to play a baseline game. The urer. State police stationed on all main Meanwhile, Petersburgh citizens the fire. Several Capitol employes to bring toe guilty to speedy ac­ match was keenly contested with Plans for toe study and placing of New London, Jan. 4— (AP) — roads leading into and out of the are seeking a legal opinion concern suggested toe possibility that a cig- count.” Borotra tallying 114 points and Til­ toe results before toe people of the Hard upon the heels of toe Boston town stopped all motor vehicles and BROOKLYN COPS RAID ihg toe right of any person to re .•irette or a cigar started the blaze. den 106. six states were included in a resqiu- Common disturbance Thursday trolleys, scrutinized toe passengers move trees or shrubbery from a The fire was discovered at 7 p. m. Despite his defeat Tilden seemed tion aimed “ to-arrive at a sound when, an angry mob, protesting toe and g;ave to all motorists toe warn­ conclusion as to toe'form of rail­ cemetery lot. Capitol police turned in an alarm MONUMENT WRECKED as able as a year ago although he killing of three men aboard the ing, “don’t pick up anyone on the road organization best adapted to rum-runner Black Duck, destroyer CHINESE OPIUM DEN Cathedral’s Side. that brought every engine in toe tired somewhat in toe Isist set. His road.” Cathedral authorities in a state­ business and nearby residential dis- famous “cannonball” working per­ promote the future welfare of New Coast Guard recruiting posters and ment today said they “were in­ Warsaw, , Jan. 4.— (A P )—' fectly, Big Bill served 11 aces. England.” put a recruiting .officer to , a ti’icts. lA monument to Polish insurgents LANDRY’S RECORD Seize Seven Layouts, $2, 00!) formed the owner intended to cut All Doors Locked. second assault upon (kiast Guards­ I erected after -1920 in Katowice,, was The crowd which overflowed onto Norwalk, Jan. 4.— (AP) — Lep> Worth of Dope and Arrest down two beautiful specimens of Reaching toe Capitol a multitude man occurred here isarly this mom- partly destroyed in aii^eXploslcm to- the 'court bothered both players. Landry, 28, of Revere, Mass., with yew trees” and that “toe purchase of difficulties. Most of toe doors Many of toe spectators were sitting tog,,,;: ;v ' Six Chinese Actoft. dhy. The outrage, has caused, strong In the darkened yards of toe Cen­ his brother, Arthur Landry, 2'T, wsw were locked. Some companies threw Just behind toe baseline and along BIG W COMPANIES . of these twb trees at toe suggestion indignation'among toe Polish popu­ tral- Vermont Railroad which many arrested in Danbury early in toe New York, Jan. 4.—Two prosaic of officials* of toe cemetery associa­ ladders again toe structure to fight lation. toe sidelines and sometimes actually.' morning of Jan. 29, 1929, after a Inward while others smashed toe guardsmen use as a short cut in looking brownstone front houses in tion, therefore, was considered by The authorities said they believed interfered with toe player’s stroke. ^ CHARGE'WITH FRAUD traveling between toe city and toe thriiuwg chaso over ice covered the Flatbush section of Brooklyn cathedral authorities an act of con­ thick plate glass in the revolving • Tilden leaves tomorrow for the roads from Norwhlk. Three police­ door opening from toe rotimda to toe explosion was. enginei^ed by an state r pier Coast Guard base, a were raided today by police and fed­ servation.” intransigeant German' element disr Riviera where he is paired with his group o f ci'vilians shortly before I men. surprised, the brothers after eral narcotic agents who said their Garden clubs in various parts of toe east plaza. young, countryman, 'Wilbur F. Ckien, they had looted a grocery store in Police reserves were rushed to satisfied with toe partition of Silesia o’clock set upon two. members of interiors were fitted out in oriental toe United States, toe stateinent between Polsmd and Germany. Jr., ih doubles. Report Made That California toat service and escaped after Norwalk. The duo fled towards Dan­ splendor as opium nmoking rooms. said, have sponsbred toe transplant- “ the hill” to assist the hastily mob-^ Swindled- Out of Mil­ severely beating both of them. bury, pajring no heed to toe police f ix Chinese including Ching Wing, ting of trees to the bishop’s garden, Uized capitol police force in holding One Of toe victims was Coxswain gun firtrvmd were caugl t only when back toe crowd that surged over toe lions That Should Have Been owner of the houses and also the which stands on toe cathedral hill­ George A. Cadorett, of Pawtucket. toe automobile crashed into a tOeO. broad east plaza. Paid as Taxes. menager and an actoi in a Cluqese side and is known as the “Garden of R. I., a,member of toe crew of the A few days; previous the pair hs4 theater grroup which operates toe After firemen had smashed toe Destroyer Criccson. The. name of escaped from a prison camp in.Nor-' Ages.” east rotimda door, they carried hose Says Cotism-Marriages Oilnese theater in Manhattan, were San Francisco, Jan- 4.-r-cAP.)— the btoer guardsman was not ob­ folk, Mass., where they were serving arrested and seven opium la/outs lines through toe rotimda—toe walls a term for stealing a safe' in Maldien, Request for an Iminedinte. investi­ tained and ' Coast Quard officiala. and $2,000 wor'.h of the narcjtic of which are decorated with many said they had received no report of seized. (3RL SAVES JEWELS valuable oil paintings of events of Are Not to be F^eared gation of charges, that employes of They admitted robbing a gas sta- • several of toe JargMtpdtroleum the second tocidmit., although com- V Capt. M. Me^er. who headed toe early American history, to reach ilatot regfurcfing-lt was lodged with tion between New Haven and Nor­ federal raiding squad, said toe place toe narrow, winding stairway to toe companies in'the nation" are in­ folk and looting an automobile near New York, Jan. 4.— (A P )—A 21- volved to a. purported gasoline tax S!,e local police, tad been imder suspicion for some year old girl fought off three rob­ fourth floor. New London, Jan;. 4.—^(AE)'-^Dr.<^ It 4s when they are toe toe Hotel Davenport in Stamford. fraud agetost Ahe state of Califor­ time. The ho"ses were connected bers near her Brooklyn home early Other lines of hose'were carrie'd Pafiline H. Dederer, . professor of wrong kind., carrying w l t ^ them­ WABSGOFS QN TRIP The car in which toe two fled 'was by a covered res’.r passageway. today and saved Jewelry she valued up toe stairway opening just to toe zoology at ConhScticut College for selves, hidden or visible, toe seed of nia has been'-n^e to a. lett^ ;.to stolen, January 28, frpm John Pepe» Those arrested with Ching Wing at $1,000, although toe robbers north of statuary hall once toe women, giving the course in ,gene- spii^ eyll heritage, toat toe c^angeir Attorney <3en^al- U; S; ,Wi6bb ;by ,A. GaUap, ^ r u , j;an. 4.— (A P )— West Haven. r tvere Tong Wey, Tom Yew, Low stole her purse containing about $18 chamber of the House' of Represra- 1 tics, which is limited to upper- siifnal must go up. L. Weil, genei^ ooun^ for t'oe Peruvian, naval vecwels started last “To doubt heredity toe passing on Bing, Young Dong and Moy Mack, and a watch valued at $100. tatives. Firemen had. the blaze un­ J classmen, has stated to her stijidents General Petroleim-i^t^rat^n. night on toeir'annual summer cruise WERE REAL OUNBIEN of qualities and characteristics', in- jit£ording to police all members of The girl, Anna Cohen,' employed der control in slightly more than ten toat-amobg other scientlflci! bphelur ' The' alleged swlpdle; by which to ^e north - as far as panama. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 4— (AP) 7.ing’s theaterical troupe. They as a clerk In a Times Square store, minutes after they put. their first {sions reached .wj^ one that''“c!dU8in- hersnt not acquired, from parent to certain emplpyes. Of; toe CM^phmes — Roljmd Lalone,, who esd q ^ to­ • said Dr; Dederer, "is like After some weeks of tralnk^ toe were held on federal charges of pos­ told police one of toe men put a hose in action. marriaees &re not 'ah y iPiiger are alleged’-to have mulcted the ships .vrill proceed to the south as day from Wethersfield prisra and session of narcotics. hand over her mouth, another, s e i:^ The fire was out within. 45 min-1 ^bought* of a s‘ something-im them -! doubting toe existence of germ$. It state of between $3,000,000 and $5,- his companion, Albert J. R aynu^, < is important for us to have this fact far te Valparaiso. This will be toe her aroimd toe waist and toe third utes from toe first alarm. selves to be feared and avoided. 000,000, was perpetrated,* acebr^ng created a reign?pof terror in hand, for 'definite knowledge first 'time.ih rbore than half a cen­ TREASU RY BALuAiNCE snatched her purse. She bit toe On toe west, Moberiy’s .room ad­ ■ Dr. Dederer said: that I'as-students to' reports received by Well, and re­ tury that Fevuvihn m«h-of-war will small storekeepsto here beimuse about heredity is bound to influence finger of ohe of toe men, kicked joined a runway imder the eaves of of genetics “we take"a- st^ farther vealed to his letter, to “Webb;,, by •visit Ckllaan {lorts. The Yictit will be toelr exploits for a -short time toe wing, milch water had settled and want to know first; wha.t' kind much biir social prbeedure . . . as Washington, Jan. 4 — (AP) — toe second and struck toe other in well as treatment of that train of i sell^ w lt^ tbe^state gasolln^^ in return'(or Die call o f toe Chilean to toeir killing of State. Treasury receipts for Jan. 2 were toe face. The three, fled with the in a vat in toe floor of this runevay of coush^ they ate. • -it topy are'toe tratnk)^ .ship ^(juedano to Peru re- - . ■ 'V'. right, kind, the^bhUdren haye itvrtce social 'avUci such as criminality, In- which no tax had been..pald, c©n- $142,743,539.87; expenditures $147,- purse, but did not take the jewelry aanily and feeblemtodedness." triury to law.' r . . , ‘ c^tiy/> . . (Contlnae (w P»ce ; 245,550.83; balance 9168,494,067.29. she was weeuing. v tContloaed bn page 8) as good a c h a n c e o f ihneril

'■ i - ' - ■if-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH liIANCHESTEE, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY .4,1080. PAUG pt-.; RICHARDSON, BRODRIB SEARCH FOR EIEISON FESSENDEN SCHOOL CHRISTMAS W E E TAKEDl TO CHANGE HANDS CAUGHT. BY State Briefs AGAIN HELD IN THRFT WILL START TODAY AT WASHINGTON Newton,. Mass., Jan. 4.— (A P )— Gets Ron of $894 from t*ock8t Storms "Keep Flyers on Ground Members of Gang Who Made Frederick J. Fessenden, founder and of Old Man — Detective . BATtlSTA APPEAL for J)ays But Belter Weath- headmaster' of Fessenden School, ■ Hartford, Jan. 4— (AP)—The ap­ ShopUfting Raid Here Last FUNERALS Watches the Proceedings. ^er is in Prospect. which for a quarter of a century has peal of 25-ye*ar-old Frank Di Bat­ Dr. James W. Farr’s Rooms Spring in More Trouble. ; prepared students for leading sec­ tista from his death sentence wiU A Glimpse o f How Society ' hlisa Harriet F. Fon Fairbanks^-Alaska,- Jan. 4— (AP) ondary schools, today announced New York, Jan. 4— (A P )—^A man he one of the first cases heard hy Norman, Richardson, otherwise the Supwme Court which meets in Entered— Value o f Ma- The funeral of Miss Harriet F. -Held to the ground yesterday by that control of toe institution had who described himself as^ Harry Folks Entertained at the ' \ Richard Adams, and Charles E. Foss who died yesterday at the low vistblUty and a light faU of passed to a board of trustees. Tbe Hartford, next Tuesday, at 10 a. m., Brodrib, have been bound over to Keegan' and who said he bad been Chief Justice George W. Wheeier home of her'aunt and uncle. Doctor snow, tto^'^Canadlnn flyers. Captain school’s 200 students come from all .toe March term of toe Hartford and Mrs. Thomas'^H. Weldon of Pat Reid and Gifford * Swartman. sections of the coimtry. operating a photograph stiidio un­ presiding. ^ io terial Unknown. County Superior'court in connection ^ Nation’ s Capital. Porter street, will be held Monday hoped to take off for Nulato en- The boi^-d of trustees consists of. der the alias Haa^ D. Watersoh at Di Battista shot and killed with the toeft of a quantity of Samuel Kamaroff in his grocery morning at 9 o’clock at St James’s route to Nome today to engage\in Winthrop Murray' Crane, Jr., of 25 Randolph str^t, Yonkers, and women’s clothing from a Hartford church. Burial will be-in the East the search for Pilot Carl'Ben Eiel- store ^ n Jeffersori street, Hartford A repoft was made yesterday to specialty shop. They were arrested Dalton*,^ Mayor Sinclair Weeks, New­ who carried in his pocket a card of > Washington, Jan. 4.— (A P )—^So- on the night of April 1. cemetery. , ' son and, Mechanic Earl Borland, ton; Henry K. Hyde, Ware; A. Ches­ the “Associated News Service” of toe poUce that toe offi:» of Dr. recently by Detective Peter Galvin missing since eariy November, pro­ ciety had an imusual opportunity James W. Farr, dentist, in the Farr ter Hanford, dean of Harvard col- Chicago, "was in the police lineup to­ of toe Hartford Police Department vided thie weather would permit. I for a “close up” of Washington AUTO RECEIPTS. building at 647 Main street, had and toe arrest was in large measure legei Frederick J. Fessenden, Emma day charged with robbe^. Hartford, Jan. 4.— (A P )— Re­ CROWDS CHEER FRINGE The Canadians' will fly the' two B. Hart Fessenden and E ‘ Kirke vl notables during Christmas week, been entered and an unknown quan­ the result of Galvin’s familiarity remaining cabin plimes here, toe A member of the pickpocket ceipts from motor vehicle registra­ tity of dental gold, value likewise vdth the practices of' Richardson Hart Fessenden, all of Newton. squad of toe New York police de­ .'la n d all sorts of alluring gUmpses tions in Connecticut for December third plane -Of the group havii^ unknown, had been taken. and'Brodrib through his share In AS HE GOES TO CHURCH been damaged beyond repair in a Mr. Fessenden said that xmder toe partment, and Henry .L. Cohjsn, 64, ‘ were had of them in both stsitely were responsible for all but approxi­ There was no indication of a investigating a group of shoplifters new arrangement no changes in and feeble who had just drawn his official entertainments and at pri- smashup ThUritoay. Major H. C. mately ^00,000 of the total of $:i,- forced eptry and Dr. Farr did not who operated in Manchester and^ faculty personnel or the. school's sa"vings of $994 out of toe bank, and i vate affairs. It was this feature Deckard, in charge of the expedi­ vate ariairs. XL '^osnhere ' 063,967,33 paid over to the , state know just when toe break had oc­ Rockville last April. tion for the. aviatkm corporation, personnel or the school’s policies Keegan were all passengers-yester­ which took the formal atmosphere highway department during the curred. Police are Investigating. At. that time Richardson and Rome All Excited Over the were contemplated. ‘The future day on a 125th street trolley car. 1 from such an official event as said a new plane would be shipped month for highway construction, it Brodrib, together -with James and 'demands-of education,” Mr. B’essea- [• New Year’s day reception at u^e Coming Royid Wedding! City north imme^atdy from the Fair- The detective said he saw Keegan was learned today. Bernice Murphy and Norman Ster­ White house; Enjoys Splendid Weather. child factory in the east ' den said, "are such that the school extract toe roll of money from Co­ ( When the first members of ^tte WASHINGTON EXCITED ling were before toe Manchester should, no longer be under private hen’s pocket so deftly that. Cohen Adams famUy lived in the executive TAX FORMS MAILED. Police Court charged wito toe toeft Rome, Jan. 4.—Prince Humbert control, in order, therefore, to insur­ didn’t realize it. When Keegan left § m ansion,^ instance, there v^re Hartford, Jan. 4.— (A P )— State of a suit of clothes from toe store and his parents were cheered FINANCIERS SAIL ance its permanence and to enable toe car, the detective followed him, not a dozen Army, Navy and Marine Tax Commissioner William H. Blod- OVER CAPITOL’ S FIRE of, Jacob Laufer and ar quantity of roundly today by crowds of Roman it to reap the; benefits and advan­ arrested him, and arrived, with the corps aides in full dress uniform to gett mailed to ten thousand mlscel- wbmen’s wear from toe store of citizens going to work when they tages which such a school make.-) money and his prisoneF) at a police lemeous corporations in the state of Paul Cramer of Rock-ville. They attwded a mass at the Pantheon on^ New York, Jan.. 4.— (iVP-)—M d- possible, its name, good will, station just as Cohen rushed in to give impromptu drill were bound over to toe Superior ? corridor and receive .instructions be- Connecticut, forms for reports of (Cuniiiioed from Page 1) toe^ anniversary, of the death of .the vin. A;: ’rtaylor* p^^dent. of the and property .have been appropriate­ report bis loss. net income as provided by chapter Court. There Bernice Murphy was queen' mother, Margherita. First Natlmi^ bank' of Chicago, * fore the reception opened-' They placed on probation and toe others ly brought into toe ownership and Police records showed that Kee­ were aU there, however^ when toe 73 of the general statutes as amend­ and Fire Chief Watson turned his The prince, arrived shortly before and Packson E. R^mol^, presi­ imder toe administration' of a board gan had been arrested in Philadel­ Secretary of toe Navy ^^d Mrs. men to bailing from toe moment the received light jail sentences. his parents and received an ovatic^ dent of the, First National bank of ed. The arrest of toe gang for toe of trustees.” ’ phia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Buffalo, Adams arrived onWedne^ay. Corporations must report to t^ bioic was out. all hiis own. The cheerA were, re­ New York,' sailed, today on toe Manchester and Rockville thefts Newark, N. J., and Port Chester, J^. While Mrs. Adams was escorted up state tax collector on or before April doubled when he met the royal Cunard'liner Berengaiia to attend Glasgow is Great BritiEtin’s rich­ Y., three times in Boston and once toe steps to toe private si^e by Washington, Jan. 4.— (A P )— was made in East Hartford after party at toe threshold of the famous the final meeting of the organizd- 1, 1930, covering operations for toe their car had been trailed from est city. in Canada. one of toe uniformed al of . Princess They expect to be gone for two. RAILROADER DIES newspaper. The Hartford poUce af­ Aide standing at attention, waiting torch for a time last night, was Marie. Jose’s arrive. The tempera­ months; They, will 'g o flrst^to the i New Britain, Jan. 4 — (AP) — terwards visited toe apartments of ? to escort him. he cut a Pretty questioned today by David S. Lynn ture has ranged from 39 Fahreitoeit Hague, where the meeting place of Michael R. Parkinton, 63, an em­ the shoplifters and found evidence TODAY TODAY 3 pigeon-wing and laughingly made ploye of the New Haven road for 35 Capitol architect/but he threw little at night, to 45 at midday. the committee Is’ to be decided up­ of other lootings. flh r ascent of toe state stairway years, died today at his home here. light upon the origin of, toe blaze on. Both bankers went, to Europe and and if With his escort. He was widely known throughout Moberly, who Waa found imcon- th September- -and returned last SUNDAY CIRCLE SUNDAY I i From toe New Year Day Efc®?- toe New Haven railroad system. sdous in his smoke filled room, by a m a r a n t h in s t a l l s O’ NEILL, CATCHER, month; 5 tlon and other events at toe ^ t e A t toe age of 16 he became a mall firemen, appeared very nervous and , The. Berengaiia carried in het E Hou®® the outside world found that carrier for toe railroad at toe Plain- said he did not know how toe fire strong room 158 boxes of gold „ toe President and Mrs. Hoover were ville station. For toe past eight began and told. Lynn that he seldom ITS NEW Om CERS SIGNED BY ST. LOUIS "valued at $8,500,000, which was Weird mystery^that thrills you; eerie S«iust folks” and very cordial ones years he had been a conductor on used cigarettes but smoked a pipe ? ^oo. Mrs. Hoover wore a simple ^ ------withdrawn yesterday froVn toe Fed- happenings in a daunted theater that toe New Britain-Berlln Branch line. or. cigar occasionally. The theory Parkinton, died end Reserve bank of New York and I hut very becoming His brother, Harry had been en^rtalned that a cigar­ St. Louis, Jan. 4.— (AP)—Mickey Is consigned to French and German will chill you. The mysteiy picture I of delft blue crepe at toe a month ago today. Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ S made in uneven hemline and wito a ette. cigar, or match carelessly toss­ ranth seated its new officers at a O’NelH, veteran catcher, has been banks. you will ialk about for months! ed away ndght have smouldered un­ signed by the S t Louis Cardinals, I hertha of beautiful lace finishing PASTOR DIES. meeting held in toe Masonic Tem­ 5 toe neckline and held at toe front til it burst into flame. ple Visitors from West Hartford President Sam Breadon announced New Canaan, Jan. 4.— (A P )— Lynn ssdd he had learned the today. O’Neill has served with sev­ V by an old-f€ishioned brooch, .tier Rev. Dr. J. Howard Hoyt, pastor were present. The ceremony iwas NEGROES REWARDED alarm had been turned, in by a man eral Major League clubs, both Na­ r softly waved hair was held in a emeritus of toe New Canaan Con­ in charge of Retiring Patron Harry named Hall, who had been in Mober- tional and American, but in 1928 he • It5 graceful at the back of her gregational church died at his home Armstrong, Mrs. Adelaide Shelton, ^ head. She wore no other jewelry ly’s studio before the fire originated. retiring matron, marshal; A. E. was wito Toledo of toe - American New York, Jan. 4'^(AP) -^-'Two here this morning. He was 83 Association and last year he was ajrtiste. suwi' a-sculptor were today -I* tha" toe broch, and as she stood be- years old. He was nom in Sara­ Hall, whose fi;:st ^ame was not ob­ Loomis,-past royal patron w a s^ e ^de toe President, she presented a tained, probably will be questioned to tile marshal* &n Mrs. Adelaide Shelton; Faith, Mrs. Don’t Miss It. Gann wore a handsome black velvet ed in. red and white. Miss Erdin re­ and; fracturing toe sktill o f anotoeo hour with tea was enjoyed. Cleaning Up Debris, Edith Dowd, Wisdom, Miss Esther gown with toe coat like effect open- A crew of mep was put to work Metcalf; Charity, Mrs. Rachel "m- ceived a crystal necklace. The eve­ sister, Ida, 65, with a hatchet. ing over a champagne color front, early today cleaning but debris in den; musician, Mrs. Ethel Montie; ning was spent in games and sing­ He was ringle and lived with hia V and a becoming . small black hat historian, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, ing. two .im m a^ed sisters. wito a crystal ornament. The Vice- toe nflned studio and they had not ICE BOX BANDIT FLEES been on the job Ipng before a crowd warder. Miss Helen Crawford; oen- r President and toe Speaker and Mrs. tlnel, William Bray. Dongworth held quite a little confab of curious and souvenir hunters WAREHOUSE COLLAPSES WETHERSHELD PRISON gathered. The latter were warned > Mrs. Adelaide Shelton and Harry * of their own. Mrs. Gann and Mrs. Armstrong, toe retiring matron and' FIVE MEN ARE BURIED. Longworto met again at toe diplo- by police after it was discovered \ i DAYS 2 Complete ShowR that they were'-collecting bits of toe patron, were escorted to toe East t-i matic breakfast given by the Secre- where Mrs. Jessie Winterbottom, New York, Jan. 4^—(AP)—Five Sunday Night (Contiiraei) from Tage 1) ruined model of toe capitol which STARTING. -ttary of State and Mrs. Stimson, and past royal matron, extended to them men, who' were remo"ving' debris 6:45 and 8:40 p. li> was wrecked by fire and wa­ SUNDAY NIGHT £' sigain there was no unpleasmitness, a cordial in"vitation to join the past from a four-story ^rehouse recent­ STATE ter. The original model is now on matrons’ and 'patrons’ association, ly swept by fire, were Injured today exhibition at Seville,-Spain. • _ ♦ of Trooper Nelson on April 6, 1928, at a meeting to be held at her home when toe third floor collapse, hurl­ their friends who did receive. toe pair engaged in a running gun An inspection' by the Capitol in February. Mrs. Winterbottom ing tons of charred beams and bales battle with Motorcycle Patrolman archit^t convinced him that there presented to Mrs. Shelton a beauiful of paper down where they were A far less grown-up 'atmosphere was no reason to raise toe estimate bouquet of chrysanthemums from working; U.e S ” S f , p ^ o ° r t f " p ^ P « bf last night which placed toe dam­ thepast matrona and patrons. , A Half an hour later two had been ; 'New Year’s entertainments at of their car. Disregarding an order age at $8,000. He said ,there wlis .social period wito refreshmen,ts fol­ rescued and sent to hospitals, both i White House. The dinner given for to halt, the bandits put on speed and no structural damage of conse­ lowed. / badly Injured. Rescue' workers. could ? toe children of toe Cabinet Christ- when toe officer flred they returned quence. Several ^rtralts, most of - mas ever was a jolly affair, toe hear toe moans, of one other al­ RONALD the Are. Gallagher was forced to •them those of justices of toe: court though two more were known to • grown up folk often being convulsed WALKER ROUND OVER. curb by the car and toe car of claims, were damaged by fire .and have been burled. I wito laughter over some bright say- escaped with a bullet through its smoke amd water and papers in toe 'k ing of one of- toe yoimgsters. It The accident occurred in a paper gas tank. Little later toe pair en­ document room .were damaged by- NSW Britain, Jan. 4.— (A P )—John i was little Jewel Davis, yoimgest of warehouse owned by Colabella anJ countered Nelson who was watch­ water. D. Walker, alias D. J. Walker, aged COIMAN - toe five children of the Secretary of ing for them on an alarm from this 30, of 495 First avenue. West Haven, brotlxerb, at 182 South street! phcseNTeo Labor and Mrs. Da-vis, who an- city and he was shot. was bound over to Superior Court SAMUCL i nounced after she arrived at her Seventeen indictments were re­ SHIP’S CREW RESCUED under $5,000 on three counts of em­ JAPAN’SATTITUDE '-Jipme that she had “ taken toe big turned against toe pair by toe bezzlement in Police Court today. It President out to dinner.” And so Hampden county grand jury but Aalesund, Norway, Jan, 4.—r(AP) was alleged that he failed to deliver ^she did. Being a sprightly conver- Tokyo, Jan. 4—.(A P )—The Japan­ these later were filed in view of the -Thirty-four meinbefg of toe crew stock in a fictitious compaiiy after ese government is taking ho official ^tionalist, the President got more conviction in Connecticut. than one good chuckle out of his of tbe Dutch steamer Hofpleln persuading clients to give him stock notice of China’s proclamation'abol­ escort, Mrs. Burley, wife of toe new were rescued today when toe veMel in bonifide corporations. ishing extra-territoriality. It is secretary of war was there wito her went agroimd and broke in half understood toat..Tbky6’s policy Is to cioildren and they were an entousias- POUCE COURT near Stadt ' , Baltimore, known as toe “Mon­ withhold action iihtil incidents ariso tic group over the several Christmas Five of toe crew were still miss­ umental City,” was once noted for contravening • toe' extra-territpriaJ- trees bearing presents for them, The case of Joseph Hauk of Fair- ing and it .was feared that they had the number of, monuments it con- ity rights which Japan insists shall ^ that stood in the various rooms on view street, charged with keeping been drowned. .tained. remain valid. toe first floor of toe White House. liquor wito intent to seH, was con­ These trees also formed toe center tinued imtil one week from next -:7- of interest at toe dance given for Monday, January 13, at toe request - Allen Hoover Monday night. of Hauk. His attorneys were not ready to go ahead wito toe trial. A "''The night of Mr. Allan Hoover’s bond of $200 was required which Annoifficement dance at toe "White House there was furnished. were three other fiances, any one of The case of George R. Mosher, Definite arrangements have fmally been made with the The­ .-which he might have attended, and charged with breach of toe peace, . as an invitation, to toe "White House was also continued until toe same ater Guild of New York for the presentatiory^of the most , is regarded as a command, there date. ■ novel, audacious, intriguing play ever produced in America, . was a slight drain- on each dance Thomas Kelly of Hartford, found c-and in one case, only fifty or seven- guilty of reckless dri"ving, paid a ^ty-five attended a dance to which fine of $25 and costs. The accident Eugene O’NeilPs sen^Rtion?^! 9-act drama c250 had been invited. Two hundred that brought him into court took f t .j>erfectly good suppers went to place on Center street near McKee ^W^te to say nothing of other street last Sunday night when his BUlXOOCr 'tilings. The Grand Duchess Kira, automobile collided wito a trolley ^^Strange Interlude’* n the little refugee Russian girl con­ car. He was represented by Attor­ Harry nected closely with many of toe ney Leo Dowling of Hartford. The . Browne,'' . Delf and; DRUMMOND royal families of the old world, was fact that Kelly was driving a coupe in the prize drawn by Mrs. Rushmore with three persons on the seat with X Lavella - Patterson and her son Rushmore Parsons* Theater^ Hartford, , In X. JONB “SOUP” him did not help his ca^ any. "When I • Nx Patterson, a student at Princeton, he was arrested he gave his age as “Don’t in whidi -at their dinner and dance. 'They en- 19. Later oh he produced a birth S Daysy Conimendng Monday* Jan. *®tn. Handle ;the' toe famous, 'tertained in honor of Miss Elsie certificate, which showed he was 21 Gboda^ comedian Ekengren, niece of Mrs. Demlng years old. He could not satisfac­ Each perforniance starts 'promiJtly at 5 :30. At 7:40 there is “he Xlyophpne Trapped! Jarves, of Paris, who brought the torily explain vtoy he said he was til 9. The final curtain descends at 11 p. m. Late comers are seated only between th Artlete in mimics' a young duchess to AmsriCA Miss on Act whole 19 when he knew he was 21. Acts. - ii - Surprised in- Ms tor lioranda Prochnik, daughter of the tliat is eating 'Soup. 1 SCALE or PRICES: j>lfferent ture chaifiber by a Austrian nfinister, Miss Laura Tuck- ...$ 2 .Q 0 It’a'the erman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PUBUC RECORDS Entire orchestra S4.40 Last 3 rows balcony • • ...S 1 .5 0 Walter R. Tuckerman, and Miss First 4 rows balcony ....$3.00 First 3 rows. Family Circle intruder, an insane but- , acreen’s . . .$1.00 Hetri)tpne Margaretta Wright, daughter of ' Next 4 Tows balcony ...... $2.50 Remainder, Family Circle ; • geon, turns tables on his funniea't act. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price Wright, . Warrantee Deetf. Sound News were present. Almena E. C. Hohenthal of Here­ MAIL O R D E ^ wai be fiUed in the order of their receipt when accompahied hy cnecit p\irsuer and then— ! ford to Louis Lester Hohenthal of Msmehester, land and bullifings on or money ord^ made payable to * . ' mj^tery romance to thrill and Center street, Manchester. . PARSONS’ THEATER ' ^ „ . . _ , MajTiage Intenttons. ;^arm you for weeks. HOSPITAL NOTES An application for a marriage li­ BE Su r e to inclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope so that your w y cense was filed with, the town clerk ir IS RONALD COLMAN‘S t ^ moning by Ernest Erickson, a BB^rOR/wARNBD: Wherever presented this extraordinary play has completely FIRST TALKING PICTURE Richard Hancock, six years old, weaver, of Manchester, and Flor­ sold out. of Talcottville 'was admitted. There ence Chamberlain, housekeeper of were'"'no discharges. Manches'ter. \ t ■V-: “ '. -->1 ft. fiV'^:'^t"'t ,f,-v.*jv - . -r. rilR K E ^ t --v-— ■Ji'-'-S

■ !.■ ‘ ? Sunday School Lesson f THE CHILDHOOD OF WL you, canmn a^orJ

7 ’■ ’ # NORTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL Marvin S. stocking, Pastor The International Uniform'Sun-' day School Lesson for Jan. 5. The The Church School opening at Childhood of Jesus. Matt. 2:10-23. 9:30 tomorrow morning should b y VVM. E. GILROY. D. 1\ make a good beginning for new year and show an attendance even Editor of The Cogregationalist in advance of recent Sundaya We start the new year with a The Worship Service at 1:4a will lesson appropriate to Christmas, include a brief talk to the boys dealing with the childhood of the , and girls, anthems by the choirs, Saviour-King. No lesson could be i organ selections, the hymns, also more appropriate for New | “Christ’s life our code, his cross our Hear-thfe radio that has won its way Year’s, for if history had proceeded ; creed,** ='‘When I survey tiie won­ with the accuracy which many peo- j drous cross," and “Lord pic like to assume for it, there | when ■’•we stand afar,” ai^ the into thousands of homes through would be no difference between sacrament of the Lord’s Supi^r. What possible better way to be^n / , Christmas and New Year’s. Our calendar reckons the years the new year than in such a service remarkable performance. ostensibly from the birth of Christ, as this! , At the close of the morning ser- so that if we had known the exact vice the Epworth League will hold i day of the exact year u which a brief but important business ‘ Listen to this instrument and realize how fine Jesus was borr, each recurring New meeting . a radio can be! Here’s the world’s champion ra­ Year’s Day would be dentical with The annual New Year’s FoUow- ihe birthday of Jesus. As it is, how­ shlp and Roll Call service is plw- dio—^the new Stewart-Warner----- . the set with ever, we celebrate the birthday of ned for tomorrow evening. Th^ the punch.' Here is a radio that brings in dis­ Jesus on the twenty-fifth of De­ vestry will be beautifully arranged cember and tlien a week later we and decorated by a committee head­ tant stations with local clearness----- that retains begin on January first the year ed by Miss Lucille Clarke and Mrs. ca p a city vdume and keen sensitivity----- that reckoned ostensibly fr^m the birth LeVerne Holmes. The program of Christ. i will open at five o’clock M d cra- banishesiA G hum. Few may approacli this mod­ Whut Is UouHy Vital , tlnue unUl about eight, and will in . ern perfection, but none can boast all of its out­ This lack of outward exactitude dude beside the singing of only goes to emphasize the import- i hymns, lead by Fayette B. Clarke, standing features. You can buy one today on nnee of the spiritual •and essential and the roll call, vocal numbers by Keith’s liberal club terms' with a whole year to as distinguished from the temporary a chorus of seven voices, and the and non-essential. If divine Px'ovi- Junior Choir and violin selections by pay. dence had intended the outward the Misses Martha Kissman and facts concerning the life of Christ Rosanna McGill accompanied by to be at all as important as the Miss Ruth Wickham at the piano. facts of his inward character, his Miss Marion Tyler, Leon O. Holmes teaching, and his spiritual power we and others wiU speak. The Pastor s should have had preserved for us topic will be. ‘.Ideals and Goals some means of greater certainty re­ Looking Toward Our Eightieth garding these secondary things. The Anniversary." Mrs. C. G. Tyler is The New whole circumstance ought to lead chairman of the committee that us to see the necessity in our own will serve refreshments. The invi­ faith, and in our own teaching, of Text: Matt. 2:10-33. • ^ , tation includes not only the mem­ putting the suspreme emphasis upon When they saw the star, they rejoiced with ^ceeding great jpy. ^ bers but all friends of the church as Tudor Period Console the things that are clear and un­ And when they were come into the houses, they saw the yotmg child well. Parents whose children at­ mistakable concerning the Saviour. with Mary hi.s mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they tend are asked to accompany them What were these things? First of had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and or see that they are accompanied by a great radio value all, his birth. There are tliose who adults. . , X have challenged the historicity of ^^^^And^befng ^warned of God in a dream that they should not return to The January meeting of the the story of Jesus and who have Herod, they departed into their own country another way.' /' Church Qouncll will be held Monday tried to make out that he is a myth­ And when they were departed .behold, the angel of the Lord appeweth evening at 7:30. A full attendance ical or a legendary figure like other to Joseph in a dream, saying. Arise, and take the youfig child and his is much desired as matters of great $ 1 3 1 . 5 0 famous characters in the literature mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there unUl I bring thee v/ord. importance will be considered. of the ancient world. To all that for Herod wdll seek the young child to destroy him. . , . u. The party the Pastor’s class of criticism of the Gospel story surely When he arose, he took the.young child and his mother, by night, and boys was to have had last week, will the best answer is found in a recent be held at seven o’clock Tuesday , LESS TUBES statement of the eminent scientist, departed into Httrbd:. m ight^e fifffiUed evening, in the vestry. Einstein. which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, B&ytng,. Out of Egypt have Wednesday at 2:00. the Ladies In the new Tudor Period Console, you Einstein is not known as a re­ I called my son. ' . * . ^ Aid Society will meet with Mrs. get the same remarkable Stewart-Wamer ligious leader, but has become fam­ Then Herod, when he saw that he waB-smpcked’o f the wise men, was aarence L. Taylor, 23 Wpodbridge ous for his promulgation ■ of the exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew, All, t^9 children that were in street. Mrs. Henry Smith and Mrs. Screen-Grid Radio that is amazing every­ Itelativity Theory. His Jewish up- Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof. t h m ISwb^ and^uffder, Thomas D. Smith will assist in en­ body with its championship performance. bringing and background would not according to the time when he had diligently Ured"df the wise m ^ . tertaining. The President requests Yet it is priced much lower than any other full attendance and promptly at two rreate in his mind any favorable Then was fulfilled that which was spoken^ibf Jertmy the prophet, say- 8-tube of like quality. Just read these bias in discussing the historical ins’, *' * ■ if possible. place and character of Jesus; yet In Rama was there a voice heard, lamttti (tldh,' and weeping, and The Junior Choir will meet for super features. 8 tube Screen-Grid this is what Einstein is reported as great mourning, Rachel weeping for her chil»■ T d r^ . , and would not be com- rehearsal at 7:15 Friday evening chassis, built-in electro-dynamic speaker, with the Missis Ly

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/ / Chevrolet announces THE GREATEST


Today, Chevrolet preseilts^e Greatest Chev­ ments which contribute to every phase of —^these are typical of the m any improve­ rolet in Chevrolet litiEtjbyr^a smoother, comfort, performance, endurance and safety! ments which make' this car the Greatest faster, better Six—^withnewhojiiies by Fisher. Chevrolet in Chevrolet History. An improved six-cylinder valve-in-head mo­ Basically, it is the same sturdy^ substantial tor, with its capacity increased to 50 horse­ But most impressive of all from the stand­ Six which won such tren^i^dous popularity power; four Delco-Lovejoy hydraulic shock point of the motor car buyer, is the sensa­ in 1929. But it is a greater^car in every way— absorbers; fully-enclosed internal- expanding tional dollar for dollar value which this new for it embodies every woir^ while advance­ weather-proof brakes; a new dash gasoline car provides. For, in spite of its finer quality-^ m ent that a year of engin^^i^!^ research has gauge; heavier and stronger rear axle; Fisher this smoother, faster, better Six has b e^ developed. There are score|uf vital improve­ non-glare windshield; larger tires— made available— -a t prices

During 1929, more than a million three hundred thousand persons savings with the ^blic.* No written description can do* justice to the bought six-cylinder Chevrolets. This enormous volume production extra value and-quality provided in this new car. Visit your Chevrolet has made possible many savings in the Chevrolet factories—and, in dealer—see this car—ride in it—and judge for yourself the sensa­ keeping with its long-established policy, Chevrolet is sharing these tional value it represents.

The ROADSTER...... * 4 9 5 The COUPE ...... I The SPORT COUPE...... - ...... • • • The SPORT ROADSTER ...... ®525 S The PHAETON ..... • • • *495 The CLUB SEDAN...... • ••------The COACH...... * 5 6 5 The SEDAN ...... * 6 7 5 The SEDAN Delivery...... — ------* 5 9 5 The LIGHT DELIVERY CHASSIS...... * 3 6 5 $1 The ONE and ONE HALF TON CHASSIS...... • !« • ' • • • The ONE and ONE HALF TON CHASSIS with cab...... * 6 2 5 0* All prices f. o. b. factory, Flint, Michigan

•1 . THE 527 MAIN i-;' SIX IN THE P B I C E HA N G E OF T H E F © C 1930. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATU R D A Y , J A N U A R Y 4, irACBBDC The Poor Fish! going around even If they don't vor, on a busy Friday when the give off quite so many sparks, and printers are straining every nerve nobody will suffer any great hurt to get to press on time, of having Ctuntng Hprali in the long run. And we shall have the police come in and violently re­ the very great advantage of having move and lock up every foreman, PUBLISHED BY THE makeup man, linotypist and office HERALD PRINTING COMPANY. INC. our feet on solid ground. 13 Bissell Street devil who breaks the majestic laws South Manchester, Conn. THOMAS FERGUSON TERROR NO LONGER of Connecticut against the use of General Manager It is not so many years since an­ profane language. Founded October 1, 1881 nouncement of the prevalence of Of course, nobody on earth wants to see all laws enforced, ^r. Published Every Evening Except bubonic plague in a region no fur­ Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the ther removed from the channels of Butler was absolutely right when Post OfEice at South Manchester, he said that we are all only selec­ Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter, international communication and tively in favor of law enforcement,. ? SUBSCRIPTION RATES trade than is Tunis would have One Year, by mall ...... And we take the liberty of guess­ -Per Month, by m a il...... | brought a chill of apprehension, . : - - Delivered, one year ...... even to America. Until relatively ing that the Press is selective, too, Single copies...... •• * ‘**^ quite recent times the mere name along with the rest of us. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , , , of this dread disease, which at­ The Associated Press is exclusively tacks and kills within a few hours. 'V o f‘'Lu®Lws^dfspa\che°s’'cred^^^^^ against which no protection IN NEW YORK paper and a u 7 ^ 'h e "o cir news p‘^^^ was known save precipitate flight lished herein. from the infected region, was suf­ All rights*-o___ of republication of ficient to strike terror to human New York, Jan. 4.—^What’s new in special "dispatches herein are also re­ New York—D. W, Griffith, who has served. ____ hearts everywhere. been sleuthing about town disguis­ SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ Recognized for more than two ed as the three juggling Ginsbergs, SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser, has finaUy pounced upon Walter Inc.. 2S5 Madison Ave.. New York, N. thousand years and first known in y „ and 612 North Michigan Ave., the very locality where it has now Huston for the role of “Lincoln, ’ in the talkie to be made under that Chicago, Ills. appeared, the bubonic plague has title. . . . Few character' actors S ^ r The Herald is on sale dally at all swept over the entire Eastern have drawn quite so many hurrahs Schultz and Hoatling news stands in New York City. ____ Hemisphere time and time again, in late years as this Huston . . . destroying human life with the New Yorkers first began getting ex­ Full service client of N E A Service, rapidity of fire wiping -out a ripe cited when he appeared as Ephraim in “Desire Under the Elms.” • . . ^^^Member, Audit Bureau of Circula­ wheat field, doing more to diminish tions. When the films grabbed him, he The Herald Printing Company. Inc., populations, in aU probability than appeared as the editor in “ Gentle­ MANCHESTER RATING AND 'assumes no financial responsibility i wars ever did. Every part of the men of the Press.” . . Then he for typographical errors ^PPearing^m I world save North America hopped back on the stage to do a advertisements in particularly fine bit in “The Com­ COLLECTION BUREAU, INC. Evening Herald. ' has been devastated at one time ?"snnH modore Marries.” SATURDAY, JAN. 4, 1930 or another by this dread disease, Meinber of National RetaU Credit Association and New Eng­ Which reminds me— they do land RetiUl Credit Association. - some parts many times. In the whisper about that Eugene O’Neill SLOWER BUT SURER fourteenth century it harried Eu­ has worked out a talking picture HEALIH^NET ADVICE bsev-6 Now that the holidays are over, rope from end to end in successive version of his “Desire Under the D r T ran K Room 12, state Th^ter Building, South Manchester -51r":"'the late lamented Wall Street bull waves of infection. In Constanti­ Elms,” but unless film producers market is safely tucked away in nople in one day, on one occasion, have changed tastes suddenly, I can’t imagine a great rush for this lijj'.’ 'T -fhe grave of memory where it can it caused ten thousand deaths. In grim tragedy of New England. fio no more harm, and the shock of London in 1664-5 it destroyed six­ p m nePtY Fuller Stoddard, the young man _____ f t e - w m N fn x m m x UPCM. the bursting bubble is so far in the ty-eight thousand out of a popula-! who perfected one of the best playr By RODNEY BUTCHER. may find that you can retilly enjoy Credit Investigation £ past that there is no longer any tion of less than half a million, er pianos, is about to step forth witn DEBTS AND DISEASE a kitchen range which will produce Washington—Five statesmen ot ■ j a thirty cent picture show as well as period of business paralysis through two-thirds of whom had fled the ' a three dollar theater; that round almost any dish in the caJlendar. more or less renown comprise the Worry and anxiety plays a large thirty-five cents a pound is panic fear, it would seem to be a city. official membership of the subcom­ Personal CoUectoin Service . . . Like the roU-playing pianos part in the production of that ener- , more tasty and as wholesome ' \ proper time for adjusting ourselves and other automatic affairs, this mittee of the Senate judiciary com­ ' '-.f ■£ With such a frightful history it vation which impairs .functional j as an expensive steak at twice the . .. to a situation somewhat different stove will be able to mix its own mittee which has developed so many is not to be wondered at that, even sensations in its investigations ot " from that to which w ^ have be- meals. . . . All you’ll have , to do is j - " S ; InBtallmeBB on tW low prio- Open Daily within the lifetime of persons still press a few buttons and supply the lobying in Washington. The' insistent call of the install- ed automobile are much eMier to H--'- come accustomed. active, whenever the word came ingredients and the machine will But the engine which makes the 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. nt. ' " ■ One thing we have got to face is that somewhere in the East or in make soups and trick dishes such a.=> machine go is a young man 30 coUector Is Irratlng to ir". the fact that there is a group of in- South America the plague was rag­ mother never thought of. years of age named John Hol­ S debTs‘ : wSo^'^o.Sd T t ^ w IS th y , • - dustries which has gone along with For the first time since 1885, the land. This young Mr. Holland is Thursday and Saturdays Until 9 p. m. ing there should be many to de­ the committee’s investigator. He the stock market in the perilous Metropolitan dragged out one of S S f o t V o S i c ” ' S S ' ^ v r j i “ S o who.today recstves mand that the ports be closed and Verdi’s earlier opuses the other gets the facts and turns them oyer business of inflation. Fortunately deal with in estebllshtag creebt aod dgbt aM America wrap herself ip the pro­ night—“Louisa Miller,^’ it is-titled to the comittee. He sits behina collecting accounts. The first class work has a better chance not more than one of them can be tection of a stone-wall Quarantine. and it is so little known as to the committee members and a^elhos°e persons who'buy things “ J considered other than “luxury” in­ makes suggestions to them as But it was not xmtil a few years amount to a premiere performance. for which they never expect to pay. dustries, while the one exception— . . . And when I Rosa Ponselle ap­ they question the witnesses. Of course, this class is not bother^ two dollars a day. The cost .ofTiv- ago that the bubonic plague ever ing has'not increased anywhere the automobile business—can fair­ peared after her absence, the house Without young Mr. Holland or very much by worrying over their did reach the United States—and wouldn’t let her leave the stage for someone like him the committee near in proportion to i the present AVTO TRUCK BODIES ly be rated as a necessity' industry debts. It seems that many people when it did it was stamped out in 10 minutes. wouldn’ t get very far. And there in this class figure that the one wages but still many people create up to a certain volume ®f produc­ causes for worry over debts by a few days and with the loss of Manuel Komroff, who will be the aren’t very many like him. they owe does enough worrying, Wagon Work of All Kinds. tion, beyond that as much a luxury next book-of-the-month author, with Tom Walsh Trusts Him. and that two should not worry spending much more than they fewer lives than any state noW' earn. business as any. his “Coronets,” has been trying for Around here Holland is distin- about the same debt. ^ i Hea'vy Blacksmithing Forging adays sacrifices to a motoring years to get an audience for his gmshed as tlje one man who Then there is the class who are , These industries have been un­ knows the inside of the investiga­ well able to afford all necessities, as [ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS week-end. books. . . . He wrote excellent (Avoiding Typhoid) Straightened Disc, Wire, Wood Wheels duly stimulated by intensive sell­ novels, but never achieved popular tions of Senator Tom Walsh of weU as luxuries. They do not worry, Science, after two thousand but are often very slow pay. | Question:—Mrs. K. D. W. writes: ing campaigns. They have created success with them. Montana. Walsh works alone— “The last time my little girl took Acetylene Welding Painting, Lettering a demand that was not entirely years, had beaten the plague by Richard Halliburton, who goes and how! Holland, working for The remaining great mass of the ^ people are divided into two classes |the typhoid punctures she nearly natural. They have sold to the peo­ tracing of transmission. traveling around and writing about Walsh, also works alone and lost her arm. I am anxious for her doesn’t encumber himself with as- —those who carefully plan their j ple more of their products than the A disease inherent among rats, it it, tells me that he’ll tackle the to be immune from typhoid fever, sistsmts* budget so they will be able to pay j had been passed along to human Forbidden, City next. . v . Just try for all necessities and who do not | but do not want to give her the MANCHESTER people could actually afford to buy. and keep* th^'t lad out. . . . . And Holland, when he was only 24. Can she drink the It is very doubtful indeed whether beings through the agency of fleas. contract for the purchase of lux- j puncture^ up in Harlem, the caste system got off to a large start when .be uries which are beyond their means. ! serum? Or would this give her When that knowledge came the became Walsh’s investigator in this group of industries can con­ among the colored folk operates .^o In this rapidly changing age there typhoid fever?” CONSTRUCTION CO. the famous Teapot Dome scandals. tinue to operate longer on the same prophylaxis was obvious; and thoroughly that the latest resort is the other class which causes the Answer: The only ^yay for your Andrew M. Clemstm, Mgr« though, even yet, there is no known is attended only by those light He became the only investigator greatest trouble to the collector or child to become immune to typhoid scale; it is pretty certain that in or any other kind of fever is for Tel. 3241 specific for the plague and treat­ sepia colored aristocrats who wisn in Whom Walsh had any great credit man. These are the people Turnpike these luxury lines there is going to mingle neither with the white confidence. Now they are teaming you to train her, through proper liv­ ment of the disease itself is only who live beyond their Incomes and, to be, for a while at least, a slow­ slummers nor the ebony hued. up together again. Although men besides buying the necessary things ing, to develop a complete resist­ ance to all types of infection: and ing down of activity. It is all very partially successful, the ghastly . . . Notice Houdini’s widow ha.s like Borah, Caraway and Blaine which they can afford to purchase, terror of it has departed; the world are on the lobby committee. these people optimistically run into against all contagious diseases* It well for the leaders in the automo­ a tea room now. . . . And Rock­ is possible to do this If the mother no longer fears the plague with the well Kent, the artist, showing how Walsh, the old buUdoggy, matah- debt for luxuries which they have a tive industry, for example, to tell less inquisitor, has nearly made slim chance of paying for. They is willing to make the. effort to old-time fear. he yodeled to the Eskimos when teach the child to Uve Strictly ac­ us that they expect as big a year in wrecked recently in Labrador. . . . thia lobby investigation his own are essentially honest, but do not Typewriters Even in Tunis, among the Arab know how to figure out a proper cording to certain health principles. 1930 as they had in 1929; but we It was, amusingly enough, a Ger­ show. * One with perfect health arid a clean all know it is most unlikely that population where himdreds were man folk song. The committee has been sue balance between their income and AU makes, sold, rented, ex- expenditures. They are constantly blood stream can resist most infec­ N o tic e ! stricken within a few days, already And Grace Moore, a pretty maid cessful because Holland has gone tive and contagious disesises. fbaiiged aod overiianled. they will have it. That there will into the private files of the lobby­ debt, and because of honesty, and it is reported that the outbreak is I from the Tennessee hills, is the (How Many Eggs?) . Special rental rales to sto- be many automobiles built and latest to make good at the Met, ists and their employers and re­ desire to do the right thing, they imder control. One of civilization’s j areu. forced to worry and fret over Question:—J. W. D. asks: “WiU leiits. Kebnilt machlues sold, and many radio sets and ! landing a talking picture contract on vealed things they didn’t want to three or foiir eggs a day cause any many of the new household appli­ most terrifying spectres is laid. I the strength of her work in “Ma- be known After he has given the j bills they cannot pay. There is no harm? I use very little meat, so use «‘J0.00 and afk Expert Dyeingl ances, is to be expected; but hard­ i non.” . . . And Herbert Bayard main facts to the committee eggs instead.” sits ready to prompt the inquioi- order to avoid worry except to get Answer ! Most people c m use only ly that the number will be as large j “ALL THE LAWS” Swope, the great editor, is said to The Middletown Press professes sleep in a trick nightcap to keep his S?s.tors, thereS i e l i ? much those who live within their incomes. one to two eggs d day with benefit, KEMP'S and eis in recent years. i nesses to do but tell the truth. but it is possible to use more if the iv to be quite shocked by Dr. Nicholas hair slick. Many who are reading this article 763 Main St. Phone 821 So that if there is for a while One of the producers who gets Holland was bom in 1899 and may be suffering from ne^ousness, yolks are excluded. Eggs do not more or less tmemployment in the Murray Butler’s declaration that lots of manuscripts has a slot comes from Butte, Mont. He indigestion, headaches, biliousness, furnish exactly the same proteins “those who want enforcement of for “ turn-downs” over which he has graduated from the Montana or other symptoms and disorders as meat, but are a fair substitute. automobile factories and in those However it is better to use a small Cleaning all laws are fanatics.” We don’t for posted the sign: “Killed in action.' School of Mines and came here in which come from wasted mental ef­ industries, of which there are 1921 to study law at night while amount of meat each day besides SPECIAL an instant believe that even the And the next thing in New York fort, and the poisonous effects of many, that are supplementary to working as a clerk in Walsh’s of­ such a destructive emotion as one or two eggs. theaters will be so intimate that (Sleeping Out-of-doors) PROMPT SERVICE and dependent on the automotive Press favors the enforcement of aJl its location will be in a large fice during the day. He passed worry. , laws. In fact the principal trouble the bar aU right, but was delayed Take an Inventory of yourself and Question:—George W. writes: “I and other luxury device industries, studio. . . . It will be called “The am 48 years old, slender, none too with the Butler declaration is its Candlelight,” and performances will a year in, finishing his post-grad­ your finances, and see if a good deal it need cause no great amount bf of your worry is not over the cost of robust, halve a somewhat weak We do our own worl assumption that there are fanatics not begin until midnight, catching uate work because he had to work throat and sensitive nose. Am surprise. And insofar as any con­ so hard on Teapot Dome. high cost of living, but be honest so can assure yoi who want to see all laws made ef­ the smart crowd of stay-ups. . . . susceptible to colds. Do you think siderable amoimt of imemployment It will be very literary and swanky, He went into that after Secre­ with yourself. Take a paper a pen­ cil and sit down and make a care­ it is all right foi. me to sleep out of prompt and expei must obviously affect the purchas­ fective; for our part we don’t be­ and many of the performers will tary Albert B., Fall had complied doors when the temperature is as lieve there is a single fanatic in the with the LaFoUette resolution ful analysis of your financial condi­ ing power of the coimtry as a be Broadwayites who come over tion. If your are living beyond your low as 20 to 25 degrees above for Men, Women, Children work. coimtry, any more than a single after doing an evening performance asking him to turn over all the Z6YO whole, a slow-down in the luxury records on the naval oil leases. means and are worrying about it, normal person, who is anxious to at another theater. . . . The pro­ Answer:—It wiU be all right for industries may reasonably be ex­ Up to that time Holland had been you can easily eliminate the worr gram will be made up of short num­ by a few changes in your eveiyday you to sleep out-of-doors if you are DIAL 8895 pected to have a minor degree of obey every law on the statute engaged in minor work, princi­ well cdv'efed and tdn' keep yourself bers, most .of . them .of the Molnar-: habits and a curtailing of your ex­ A'rrACHED25c effect on general business. books of his state. He may be fa­ ish type of sophisticated European pally checking up points of law penditures to fit your purse. You comfortably warm. Very few authorities, however, natically anxious for the enforce­ comedies. for Walsh. But along came a cart­ load or two of documents froin Offer good Saturday, Jan. 4th believe that the country’s indus­ ment of certain laws, but not of all ...... GILBEET SWAN. for one month. Arctics and the Interior Department and the tion, where he found the evidence PROBE SARATOGA FIRE tries and business, on the whole, laws. One of the laws that few young man was put to work on Rubbers repaired. fanatics would care to see en­ which exposed a plan to help the are to be badly slowed down dur­ them. Republicans in the ' South'by 'elect­ San -Pedro,’ Cal;, Jan.' 4.-^-t AP.) ing the year. But plainly, never- forced is the one against slander, BOYS BEAT ELDERS Walsh was the most active ing negro Democrats in the north —A naval' board of inquiry today Democratic member of the public Went ahead with its investigation NELSON ' theless, they do not expect quite for it is almost impossible for one as well as the fact that a million lands committee. He had given to- fix: responsibUity for a fire which the same hurly-burly of business of their ilk to express his opinion i IN TEXAS FARMING dollars had been collected in ■ four Holland a tough job, but also an years from prominent and wealthy on Thursday flamed out of a tur­ to which we have become accus­ of an opponent without actually opportunity for great achieve­ pentine pot aboard a pimt lashied CLEANING rendering himself liable to prose- men and concerns—the disposi­ Cor. Main and Pearl St. tomed. 'What we are in for, there ment which he seized. Before tion of some 'of which'is ■ still to the aide o f the U. S.- S. -Saratoga, College Station, Tex. — (AP) — huge airplane carrier, bringing is every reason to believe, is a pe­- cution for defamation of charac- long he had learned that Fall h.i.d somewhat obscure. ter. Texas 4-H club boys are showing/ neglected to send along some of death to two sailors and burning COMPANY riod of reasonable, not frenzied, their elders a <^ng or two in the Showing Up .a. 'Wl'tness* four others. The investigation is We assume that the Press is as .the'most iniportant papers. Walsn ______1______,—■ industrial and business activity, matter of raising com and cotton and Holland had started with the The head of the Cuban sugar being conducted^ behind closed with perhaps a small decrease in familiar as anybody with the ri­ at a profit. idea that they were dealing with lobby had given what was consid­ doors. ^ , diculous conglomoration of unre­ Yields averaging more than 73 a question of law concerning the ered a frank and full statement of Search of the waters yesterday the average earnings of industrial bushels of com an acre have been workers for the year, and a little pealed and inoperative laws in ex­ voidability of the leases. Thus his acti'vities. But after Holland failed to reveal any trace of the achieved in 25 projects conducted Holland dug up the facts' which bodies of Mathew La 'VieUe, 22, sec­ istence in Connecticut; if so it by club boys, whereas the average had gone into his files he w m of feeling the way on the part of were used in the civil suits which ond class seaman, and "Vincent L. can’t very well help being aware com production in Texas is aroimd called back and made to admit the leaders. But no industrial panic finally ended in the supreme court that he had hired a lawyer be­ Lalqr, 29, engineer second class, that the enforcement of all of 20 bushels an acre. whatever, such as was experienced The boys’ average cost was with the recovery of the naval oil cause of his supposed Influence who lost their Uves in the fire. them. If it were possible, would JAY’S in 1907 or in 1893, nor any such slightly more than 34 cents a reserves by the government. with President Hoover and had ------1------^ paralysis as came with the post­ cause the evacuation of the state bushel, with net profits averaging Holland served later as an as­ boasted of the matter to the presi­ R. R. SERVICE RES-TORED by its population; that it would put $48.76 an acre. sistant counsel for the same com­ dent of Cuba. Tokyo, Jan. .4.— (AP.)—^Restora­ war deflation in 1920. mittee in another investigatio.n. No one knows how long the in­ an end to supportable existence. Club boys also have averaged tion within a few days Of normal What is especially needed to has­ nearly six times as much lint an but since 1926 he has been ch'.el vestigations will continue. The through seiwlce o n . the Chinese SIGN SHOI ten complete readjustment, is gen­ It is to be wondered how many acre as the average farmer in cot­ trial attorney at prohibition hea.l- committee isn’t half way througn Eastern RaUway; important link in eral realization that we have been of the good ladies of the W. C. T. ton experiments. ■ quarters in New York, supervising with the tariff lobbyists y et But the overland system‘connecting Eu While the Texas cotton yield was investigations work among alcohol • Signs of AD Kinds listening to a lot of hooey in all U. living in rural communities, and the chances are that young Mr. rope With Asia, was promised to­ falling to a new low level of 108 permit holders, and prosecuting Holland would be able to con­ this talk about a “new era.” If we desperately anxious for complete day in belated consulsir and press Window Dressing pounds of lint to the acre this year, when necessary. tinue digging up “hot stuff”, for dispatches reaching here from Har aJl just have the sense to admit enforcement of prohibition, would 26 4-H boys averaged 611 pounds at After about two weeks of hear­ the next two or three years. bin. PRICES REASONABLE to ourselves that we never did favor enforcement of the Connecti­ an average cost of 6.6 cents a ings the lobby committee became The reports told of establishmCTt cut law under which it would be pound. imcertain how far it could go on move I into a fairyland, that the Their average net profit was of the new Sino-Ruasian railway entirely possible for a party-line its own steam and Walsh wrote to Herr Fritz von Opel has arrived regime at Harbin January 1, mark­ Service and Quality same old need for semity sind thrift $85.84 from gross returns averag­ Holland^ to come down. HoUanu in New York and says he Will exists that always did exist, that telephone subscriber to be fined ing $126.50 an acre* ing an end to the unsettled state of arrived in Washington the day develop an airplane that Will fly the railway during the rix months Hione 4624 it is impossible for everybody 1500 for listening in when another after he received the letter. Right 2000 miles an hour. Even then The golden wedding anniver­ of controversy between Russia and either to be a millionaire or to live number on the wrire is called. away he went down and dug into the fellow who takes Wa family sary is the day set aside- for cele­ out for a Sunday drive won’t be China over its control and opera­ 20 Oak St., South Manlehestc like one, we shall all be U1 right, It is to be wondered whether the brating payment of the last in? the . records *of Mr. J. A. Arnold tion. ‘ Read The Herald A dvf 1 and the Southern Tariff Associa­ satisfied. ^the wheels of industry ' will keep editor of the Press would be in fa- istallment the wedding rinii:* N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930.'

6:30 o’clock and covers will be laid Piano solos—^Miss Dorothy Phelps. | for a goodly number. Doxology. j WINTER B U U D M Following the supper, t^ere will Scripture — Mrs. George S. [ COVENTRY be a business session, officete'elected Brookes. .I Men Were Real Men i rockville and reports read. ^ Prayer—^Mrs. C. P. Redfield. Henry Schell of Lynn, Mass., IS UP TO FORlIffiR ' . ■ I ' At the conclusion of the business Music—Ladies’ Sextette. came here on New Year’s day to session the convention will assemble “A Broadcast from the Orient,” attend the funeral of his great- Firemen Dissatisfied. in the church to listen to an address Mrs. Mary Patteh i, Welles of Hart­ aunt, Mrs. Kate Mann. He return­ Contractors Have Opporl’ ford. There is a good foimi^tion going by Charles Brandon Booth of Bos­ ed the same day. In Comin? of Bijr “ During Gold Rush ton, of the famous Booth family, Reading of letter about our pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Haven the rounds that the meihbers of the jects and Mr. Santiago’s work in East Hartford Boiler. Rockville Fire Department have which has been'identified with the went to Boston Friday morning to Salvation Army. •' India, Mrs. C. Redfield. > signed a petition to present to the attend the Poultry Convention and There is no need for pessi; Takes Black Veil. Prayer and Benediction, Rev. G. have a short visit with their aunt, common council next Monday night, S. Brookes. in the building trades accordio|^‘ asking for a raise of $50 a year Miss Marcella Farrell, daughter Mrs. Fanny Morse. They were to the reports from those who are August Lindell of This Town more, instead of the 50 p-? cent or of Mrs. Margaret Farrell of; Grove Notes. return today. Human Lif 6 Meant But Little Mrs. Nellie Jackson of this city, up in the contracting busine^ $25 raise which was voted at the street was among seven nuns to Miss Laura Hill, daughter of Mr. the country, 'There, la always in Gold Rush Days Out West council meeting. receive the black veil at ceremonies and Great Minnehaha of the Great and Mrs. Newell A. Hill, is ill with Tears a Few Leaves from Council, Degree of- Pocahontas, quiet time in construction work Alderman John iimm^rman, held at the Mother House, connected diphtheria. Most of are ing the midwinter months but with the Cathedral, Farmington deputy of Sunset Council of South €ra-c-ck...... chairman of the Fire Committee, Manchester, will install the officers under quarantine. The older chil­ is as much construction worit His Mental D iary^o Tell who is the father of the bill for an avenue, Hartford, on "l^ursday dren are staying with different completed in this town now. u morning at 9:30 o’clock, and has of that lodge on Moilday night. Any A pistol shot splits the stillness of a Neva'da desert ‘increase in the firemen’s pay has member of Kiowa Qoimcil, this city, friends about town. ing any previous winter. night early in the 70’s. Saloonkeepers, miners, dance stated that $50 increase was in­ now taken the name of Sister ^ary The following officers were in­ Many people are plazmlUE to build of Conditions During the Marguerite. wishing to attend the installation in hall girls, Chinese laborers of Steamboat Springs, Nev., tended originally, but that in some Manchester, will be very welcome. stalled by Coventry Grange, P. of in the spring. ’The Opening 0t tbf way it became misconstrued and She has’ been at the Novitiate at two new aircraft plants in Eii ' toss in their bunks as another life is snuffed out in the Alber Heller has sold his interest H. on Thursday evening: Master, Days When Might Meant that the present voting does not West Hartford for the past two in the Rockville Grain and Coal Otis Hill; lecturer, Kenneth Simms; Hartrford, it is expected, will bO lawless mining camp. A few of the more curious dress stand for what he suggested. years, and took the final vows at company to Joseph Lavitt and steward, Raymond Storrs; treas­ home building in Manchester., It Si leisurely in the light of the waning moonlight that slants Fire Chief George B. B. Milne, the ceremonies held Thursday. Jacob Cohen, who in turn have sold urer, Walter S. Haven; secretarj’, said that the Chace-Vought Oo. l i Right in the Far W est obliquely through the windows of the rough boarded who has been a member of the Those present to witness the their Interest in the Manchester Mrs. Arthur Reed; gate-keeper, btinging over 50<^ families h«fe ceremonies and limcheon which fol­ from Cong Island. It is a certainty; Steamboat Springs Hotel. Curiosity leads them to the Rockville Fire Department for the Grain and Coal company to Mr. (Jeorge A. Kingsbury; assistaiit past thirty years, and for fourteen lowed- at the Novitiate as Sister Heller. steward, Mr. Arnold; chaplin, Mrs. that some of these people will consf sandy desert street to sight but another tragedy of the Marguerite’s guests were: Rev. to Manchester to live. u g u s t l in d e l l , 78 years, years its efficient chief, wants it Mrs. Albert Yost of Manchester, Emil J. Koehler; lady assistant gold rush days. made plsdn to the public attitude to­ George T, Sinnott, Rev. Francis was the gfuest of her sister, Mrs. The live wire contractor should; old of 20 Kensington street, Hinchey, Mrs. Margaret Farrell,- steward, Mrs. Oliver Hill; ceres. busy himself in efforts to get these A Manchester was bom in 1852 Among those curious ones that groped sleepily from ward the situation of the ordinance James Taylor of West Main street j Miss Mildred Wolf; flora, Mrs. Wal­ recently passed and the following Robert Farrell, Mrs. Nellie’ Smith, on Thursday. people to build in Manchester just near Falkenburg, Sweden. His early their beds that morning in 1875 was August Lindell o f Miss Elizabeth. Farrell, Miss ter S. Haven; pomona, Mrs. C. as much as the real estate inen and life was spent on his father’s farm statement was given out by him on Rev. Edward Neild and family of Irving Loomis.\ The overseer, Les­ South Manchester, Conn., “ man-chambermaid” of the Friday: “I desire to haVe a correc­ Katherine Buckley, Omer Fonteine, Montville arrived in this city on others interested in the growth of tending his father’s large herd of all of this city. ter Hili, being unable to attend, the town. desert hostelry. In his many months of wandering tion made concerning my. attitude ’Tuesday. They are occupjdng the will be installed at a later date. * cattle. To young Lindell, the fer­ on the much talked of increase in Margaretha Lodge to Install tile fields of his Swedish homelan.i from towm to town, from mountain mining camp to cac­ Baptist parsonage on Orchard Through an error the death of the pay of the firemen of Rockville Margaretha Lodge will hold its street. carried but little appeal. His was tus lined arroyo he had come to know the meaning o f that the people “may definitely know Henry Newell on Sunday was re­ next regular meeting on Wednesday Mrs. Margaret Cunningham of cently reported in this correspond­ SURE WAY TO STOP. a spirit of high adventure; he yearn­ these midnight shots. the real situation, I want it imder- Union street is visiting Dr. and evening, January 8, instead of the ence. It was Albert Newell who ed for a look at the far away places stood that I had nothing whatever regular meeting night which falls Mrs. John Hassett of Great Bar­ beyond the seven seas. America was “A Virginia City miner shot on the steps of the passed away. hotel,” explained Mr. Lindell with a trace of the horror to do with the resolution, I was not on January 9. Officers will be in­ rington, Mass. NIGHT COUGHS especially attractive to the young instrumental in starting it, nor did stalled as follows: President, Mrs. Word has been received that Swedish farm lad but that great of the affair remaining after 55 years. I sign it. So far as I am personally Clara Preuss; vice president, Mrs. George "Vinton is improving and land was tom with the strife of a “An Indian fired the shot. He ran away. We concerned, whether there is an in­ Clara Wormstead: secretary, Mrs. Girl Boating Enthusiast will be able to leave the hospital at Famous Prescription Brings CSvil War. As he performed nis crease in my salary or not. This Port Chester, N. Y., and will be caught him. He was made to dig his own grave. When Mary Lehmann; financial secretary, Almost Instant Relief ' daily farm duties among the cattle has been my attitude from the out­ Mrs. Margaret Merk;* treasurer, immediately transferred to Eliza­ he pictured the day of opportumty he had finished d ig ^ g it he was shot and tumbled in. set and it is my attitude at the pres­ Mrs. Freida Brauer; grhide, Mrs. Is Town’s Harbor Master bethtown, N. J. soon to come. Chinks covered him up and we all went back to our ent time. Whatever action is taken, Wella Hartmann. - ' Edward Wilson of Stafford Hol­ Night coughs, or coughs'catUMMl Comes to Manchester. bunks for the remainder of the night.” I shall continue to try and do my A New Year’s party will be held Paignton, England.— (AP) —A low has entered the employ of John by a cold or irritated throat, can' work in the Rockville Fire Depart­ dark-eyed Devon girl with a stormy E. Kingsbury. now be stopped within iS-m i^tai.- At the age of 21 he arrived in The episode above was typical of the range law of following the. meeting and the fol­ Manchester to find but seven other ment in the same conscientious man­ lowing committee will be in charge; name has become Great Britain's Mrs. Bessie Williams of New by a doctor’s presctiptiteji wbipk' first woman harbor master. Swedish people here before him. Nevada which three Manchester men well known to old- ner as in the past thirty years of Mrs. Martha Gerstenlauer, Mrs. Britain is visiting a few days at works on an entirely differeat.:prin« These were the families of New- timers experienced in the olden days of the far west gold service, fourteen of which I have Rose O’Brien, Mrs. Clara Axford, She is Stella Gale, aged 21, a the home of her sister, Mrs. Wadter ciple. This prescription la. put up . yachting enthusiast with an un­ stroms and Sellers well known in had the honor to be the department’s Mrs. Ruth Lehmann, Mrs. Kate S. Haven. _ , under the name Thozine' and Ul' mining camps. usually broad knowledge of tides, the town in the early days>nd in chief.” Yanke, Mrs. Louise Beer, Mrs. George Maskiell fell on Monday available to everyone. - Former Mayor George Forster Bertha Brown and Mrs. Ida Kellner. winds and seamanship. afternoon and injured his left Having ’Thoxine on hand is a the following year other Swedish vetoed the ordinance, having as his families joined them. Among these Thank Offering Meeting. Four the last four years she has thumb badly. It is healing satisfac­ safety measure against all-; coUghf' reason that he did not believe the been working for an engineering torily, however. and throat irritations. ; other arrivals were John Peterson higher officers in the Fire Depart­ The first annual Thank Offering our friend and would not let us suf­ meeting of the Coimcil of Congre­ company here, but much of her The Farm Bureau with the co­ Thoxine contains no . harMtoT' and Otto Nelson who foimd work in fer, though our own color would ment should be included in the the Cheney plant with others of Gold Rusher gational Women of Rockville was spare time was spent aboard her operation of the Grange and the drugs, is pleasant tasting ; dnd #|fa turn us out to die. Believe me, sir... raise. motorboat or on the deck of a rac­ their race. held on ’Thursday evening at 7:30 Sunshine Scissors club is serving a for the whole family.' -Sold Op a that’s the time you learn who are Miss Gerick in Court. at Union church. 'The mite boxes ing yacht. turkey supper this evening at 7 money back guarantee to givd bet­ The first year in America was a your friends!” severe test in the life of August Lin­ Miss Jeanette Gerick, 16, will be were handed in at the door and a When the veteran harbor master o’clock to the men and women of ter and quicker relief for . cot^hs - dell. He had met his future wife in put to plead in the Tolland County little over 200 was rejdized, vnth of Paigniton died Miss Gale applied Tollaind county who have been so­ or sore throats than anything .ycfo, the Cheney Mills and was torn be­ THEN GET JOBS Superior court ’Tuesday charged other boxes of absentees yet to be for the job, and her qualifications liciting Farm Bureau membership. have ever tried. Ask for; T h ( ^ ^ ' with assault with intent to murder tween the desire to see the golden IN WEST’S HOTEL counted. Boxes will be given out were such that the directors of the put up ready for use in 35c, 6()c; in connection with the shooting of again for this year. harbor company felt justified in April Fool’s day had its origin and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Muri^y^e. west and to marry. His adventur­ ORK that did not materiallae her father, Steve Gerick, 58, of ous spirit won the day and early ’The following program was pre­ throwing all precedent overboard in France about the middle of the drug store and all other g;ood dtUg.' in Reno or surroundii^!' South street on the evening of Octo­ sented at the meeting': ' and giving the position to a girl. sixteenth century. stores.—Adv. in 1875 Otto Nelson, John Peterson W camps drove all three Man* ber 15. The latter is now residing and August Lindell of South Man­ Chester men to Steamboat Springs,' with a sister in Hartford. TS. chester faced the west for their a resort between Virginia City and There are eight cases on the great adventure. Reno where tired miners spent o f criminal list which will be pre­ their time and hastily accumulated: sented by State’s Attorney Thomas BUT ONE R.\lLROAD wealth in search of pleasure. Mana­ F. Noone of this city at the opening TO THE WEST THEN. ger John Rapp, wealthy proprietor of the court, at the Superior Court of the Steamboat Springs Hot;el rooms. Memorial building at 10 a. m. HEN the three young Man­ hired all three men in ,^ e following Tuesday. The accused will be re­ chester Swedes boarded Uie order of selective dutie^ quired to plead and the cases not W train for Nevada and the August Lindell—chambermaid. . then disposed of will be taken up gold mining camps of the Rockies John Peterson—bartender, later for trial thereafter upon order there was but one ribbon of ste-^J Otto Nelson—stablemaii. of court. Judge John Richard from Chicago to San Francisco, the Each man fitted into his timely Booth of New Haven will be on the Union Pacific R. R. vodatlon glad of the opportunity to bench. Mr. Lindell tells an interesting eat and sleep regularly again. Gon* Fred Carl Green of Stafford story of the journey from Chicago were the days of wandering and Springs alleged to be one of the to Reno over first transcontinental wondering where the next meal wa# men who broke into the Tennstedt- railroad. ceming from. Brendel store here over a year ago, "We reached Chicago all right." “I just worked and worked and will be before the court on a charge worked,” exclaimed Mr. Lindell. ‘T August Lindell of non-support of wife and child. He said Mr. Lindell, eager to get on didn’t like my job as chaml^rmaid,” was brought back from Brooklyn, with his interesting story. “But from he said laughing, “but what could I i,- N. Y. a few weeks ago where he Chicago, West ...Oh...Oh... The aged lived since the death of his wife do? They don’t let me dig gold and eight yeara ago. Perhaps his abil- completed a term of ten months at narrator burst into hearty laughter I liked to live so I take what comet Welfare Island for breaking into a at the thought of what was to fol­ iW ae a housekeeper is the result along. And it wasn’t so bad a job at o f his early training in the gold store in Brooklyn. TODAY! low. that; I got $50 a month to make ths Another case is that of Claude No Berths camps of Nevada. Anyway, his Begins the most sensational re­ beds, trim the lamps and sweep the daiwhtar says he can make beds Sargeant of ^road Brook who was "The train was nothing but a col­ place out. My pay in the Cheney with the best of them for all his driver of the automobile which was ductions in our history. lection of box cars with two old Mills was $1.50 a day when I left so involved in an accident at Morris’ years. Read the above sratence ofei^ passenger cars carried on behind I was ahead with all meals, room Corner, Ellington in which Miss Mil­ There were no berths, just the old and laundry furnished.” dred Kebrlck of this city was in­ again. |[ Do j you % undentand i its fashioned red plush seats. The cars Chinese Assistants jured. He is charged with violation full ^meaning Makeysure you. of the rules of the road. n were heated by stoves and no fuel “As chambermaid for the Steam­ do, because it contanis the most was supplied. We had to rustle it up Other cases of interest will also boat Springs hotel I had two assis­ be presented. from the prairie or in the railroa.1 tants,—Chinamen—who were sup­ Wall Street shpe^ clearance* are such smart numbers as illustrated (amazing news in biw* yards. Our trip from Chicago took posed to clean up the rooms under 'Vernon Church Elects. hei’e.WAll'sizes^in the lojU']j[i'll^ “ up^es- n e s s . ''^ ...... ^ 13 days—the longest days of my life. my direction. One day one of my The aimual business meeting of "We were so anxious to get to the Chinks says to me: Briefs the First Congregational church of tionable at the amazingly; f ^ $1195 R^miemlw that N ^w lc gold fields and here we were oblig­ “I velly sick of wipee up dirtee 'Vernon, located at Vernon Center, of low'imce of ing every pair of Black and ed to wait at every pair of bars mess altime.” “I no do it!” which Rev. F. Tyler is acting pastor, along the right of way to unload John Rapp had told me times New York, Jan. 4.—The General was held on Thursday evening, pre­ suede in the house-^includuig' tb^ freight. Sometifcie we stopped had that if they did not obey my com- Electric Co., has organized the ceded by an excellent supper, served latest novelU^'ll Patents/straps^ a day in towns where much freight mauids to “crack ’em in the jaw and General Electric Realty Corp., as a by the ladies. Former Representa­ had to be unloaded. This gave us a spin ’em into the street by their holding and supervising company tive Henry H. WiUes was. mod§rator chance to hunt aroimd in the yard.s cue.’ My helper was' stubborn and for its property, aside from fac­ at the largely attended meeting. M E rs ^ for wood and boards to use, stretco- I was just as tough as he was. We tories. Management of the dozen or The church officers elected are as MEN! ed across the car seats for bunks. fight. more warehouses in various parts follows: From Omaha, west the country Desperate Fight of the country will be co-ordinated Clerk—Benjamin P. Woodward. “All over the floor we rolled. He under the new corporation. Treasurer—A. H. Bosworth. ' stretched, unbroken prairie and Treasurer of Benevolences—Al­ desert to the distant Rockies. Day was strong, that Chinee, but I got All BlaA and B rew Snedes, Pst—S Four regional savings confer­ fred E. Rich. r in day out it was the same sight hold of his throat with one hand and Auditor—O. K. Drlggs. ■rewa Kids^ Oxfords^ Tiesb Pim ps end Streps, with plenty of Indians and Buffalo twisted his cue in the other just ences will be held during the spring Collector—B. P. Woodward, SENSATIONALLY REDUCED I to be seen each day. as the boss burst through the door.” of 1930 under the sponsorship of Tru^ee for three years—E. S. “What’s the matter, August?” he “Peterson had written his uncle the savings bank division of the Edgerten. living in Reno ab ut work and had said to me. “I told him.” American Bankers’ Association. A waited blade Eafliib Deacon for two years—^Willlver bal oxfenk 'with rubber heels, received word that there was plenty “Throw the heathen out into the The dates for these are scheduled Driggs. street—here I’ll help you. I didn’t A bargain, if thera ei^^ ■ :./CHILDREN’S t SHOES to be had either in the mines or the as follows: Tulsa, Okla., March 5 Deaconesses—Mrs. H. H. WiUes “ Was o n e !'' railroads. We were due for a big need struggle any longer. The last I and 6; New York City, March 20 and Mrs. William Johnson. SissiSlsS SinsS^leS surprise when we pulled into Reno saw of that Chinaman wsa him and 21; Detroit, March 27 and 28. Librarian—Mrs. George Ewing. station 13 days on the immigrant limping down the street hunting At Salt Lake City a conference will Assistant Librarian—^Miss Ethel train with considerably less than one another job. Nevada was overrun be held at a time to be announced Dart. 49 ^197 vidth Chinks in those days. The sec­ later. Organist and Chairman of Music good meal a day. It was just the tion g£mgs on the railroad were K beginning of our troubles. Com^ttee—^Mrs. Nellie Larsen. ^SENSATION Chinese and many cheap jobs around Electric output of the Associated Trustee of KeUogg Fund—^A. H. the mines and camps W8us taken by Made edth feet Gas and Electric system for the Bosworth. form last. Pat­ WERE NOT UNION MEN them. Every race on the globe was four weeks to Dec. 28, totaled 224,- Lay Member of Church Commit­ ent and dull. SO COULD GET NO JOB represented in Nevada during the tee—George Ewing. A trepieBdoas gold rush. 353,232 kilowatt hours, an increase of 19,699,810, or 9.6 per cent over Superintendent and Treasurer of prica slasbt. ^^w*]rTHEN we arrived at Reno ■'•SI Ww the big rush at Virginia the corresponding period of last Simday school—Oliver K. Driggs.' ’ ’ City was on! We left for RETURNS TO MANCHESTER year. Secretary Sunday school—^Miss CHILDREN’S OXFORDS that place sev ral hours after our AFTER YEAR IN WEST Ethel Dart. Many saurt \ arrival with high hopes. We were I Directors of the Melville Shoe The report of the cozximittee on styles, eU « l stayed in Steamboat Springs installing a bathroom in the parson­ M 97 streagly disappointed to find a fight on over one year. Otto Nelson got Corporation have increased the an­ the hiring of union labor. We could nual dividend rate on the common age was presented by A. H. Bos­ built, new homesick and I lowed him worth and the trustees were author­ pric^ ri- get no work ais we were not union money to go home. I wrote to my stock from $1.40 to $2. diculonsly men. ized to go ahead with the necessary gprl in Cheney’s to come on out but repairs. lew ! “We wandered from town to she . . . she’d been reading about > ^ town, living on cheese, crackers and Other reports were presented \ that place, Ha. „Ha. . . she won’t MADAME CURRIE IRKS showing' a substantial sum in the wwwwwwwwwwwwewwwwwwwwwwwi bread. We built fires and cooked our come.^ I commenced to be a Jittle coffee out under the stars and slept treasury and all biUs paid. homesick when Otto got home . . . Farrenkopf Grocery Sold. wherever we could. One night we I got homesick for the sight of a FRENCH SUFFRAGISTS slept in a negro barroom when all church and my people. I slept days Roy J. Brazil, one of RockvUle’s the white barkeepers found we were and helped the miners play at nighc. best kno'wn and most successfifi "scabs.” The big negro was kind All night long it was drink, gamble, Paris.— (AP)—^Mme. Marie Curie business men, who has been in the bearted to us for it was cold out fight, eat and dance till daylight. is not a womsin’s woman, assert suf­ grocery business here for the past h J * MEN’S SLIPPERS BOUDOIR SLIPPERSI t»n the plains and we were not used frage workers anxious to enlist her fifteen years, has purchased from Maar bsantifnl eolsn te Sometimes I got good tips — as salsct {ram ia to the altitude. We lay down on the much as $5.00 from each miner patronage for the cause of votes for the estate of the late Joseph J: this snusing Boor around the big barroom stove serving the drinks, I liked the women. Brazil, the grocery business at 30 ^ value t ifter the place was closed for the money but I soon got sick of the Not only does the famous lady Union street, known as the Farren- m " eight. koph Grocery. job.” co-discoverer of radium refuse to fcssL la Shush! Shush! Booze August Lindell can well be readily lend her name to any feminist prop­ Harry Pfunder, who has been in U^^ead|ieAMsefs eepsiV “Keep yo’ selves warm,” he said forgiven his one year of participa­ aganda, but she consistently fails the grocery business for the past nineteen years, wiU ’continue ^ th to us as he locked the doors for the tion in the wild orgy of western to reply to letters addressed to her the new owner. “Jimmie” Murphy eight An’ here boys is some likker gold camp life after considering his by feminist organizations, accord­ to help yo’ pass de night. who has been with the company nine later accomplishments in Manches­ ing to leaders of the French League “He left a full quart of whiskey ter. Returning to town after an un­ years will also'continue his duties >n the bar for our use during the for Women’s Rights. at the store. “BiUle” Prutting, son eventful trip he soon married and France’s greatest woman 'con­ ong cold night and retired. He was entered the employ of the W. S. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prutting of t kind friend that night and I will cerns herself with helping women Grove street, has entered the em­ STO Cheney Co. grocery store where he only when they are engaged in her K FJ^MILY ilways remember him for it. labored for 22 years and raised a ploy of the new owner. “ We wandered on,” continued the family of four; two boys and two own field. Y. M. C. A. Convention. jld adventurer, with a touch of sad- girls. He is remarkably active to­ Then her assistance is intellec­ The annual copvention of the Tol­ SOUTH MANCHESTER tess in his voice at the reminis- day at his advanced age of 78 years tual rather than material and she land County Y. M. C. A. wiU • be STREET lence." The next night we slept in and does much of the housework in only tenders it to women whose held at the Methodist church, Staf­ in Indian tepee many miles out on the home of his son Harry Lindell, brains and determination have en­ ford Springs on Wednesday, Janu­ he prairie. That Indian was also 20 Kensington street, where he has abled them to help themselves. ary 22. Supper will be aerved at

1.. S ■ r .


sible chance that he may want an early English type of house. A BUNGALOW THAT IS DIFFERENT OLDTREESGIVE r - GARAGE ERECTED The whole scheme should at this time be roughed out, and in tUs connection it is not too soon to em­ EFFECTIVE TOUCH AS FIRST UNIT ploy a landscape architect. The sooner the better. And it is well to pick one who will work smoothly H E P S BUILDER with the architect, or vice versa, if TO NEW HOUSE CONTRACTORS , the former has been chosen firs^ln any case, planting close to the house It will pay you to keep your buildings in good r e p ^ . should have the approveil of the architect, as it so considerably af­ Atmosphere of Permanence IPs far cheaper to make minor repairs; whmi needid Study of Secondary Struc­ fects the appearance of the house than to let things slide until it costs you iconsiderdUe^ which he has, or should have, so m oney. - ; painstakingly studied as to line, pro­ Often Imparted to Mod­ ture Found Useful Guide portion and color. ‘ We Specialize in All Kinds of In Choice of Materials. Several Units Combined em Home, Writer Asserts The garage building very often Repair Work. embraces other units an those re­ quired only for the housing of cars. BY EDOAB B. THAYER BY GRE^^LLE RICKARD The quarters of the chauffeur and 214 Gardner S t, Tel. 8851 or 6239 his family and perhaps extra rooms When the prospective home own­ The choice and arrangement' of er plans to have his garage as a for the gardener and stableman are separate unit from his house and to placed in this building. If a stable is trees on the small country or subur­ build it before the house, this may required it can be pi ced in a ban place are matters deserving of seem like a strange reversal of the separate wing. It is better to com­ more attention than they appear in INVEST IN usual procedure. Actually, as borne bine as many buildings as possible. many cases to have received. A out by certain instances, this method It is less expensive, they can be limited knowledge of trees, a ran­ of carrying out his building pro­ heated more easily from one plant, dom selection of nursery specimens; and an imwlse choice of locations gram is not so much like putting and longer roof lint ■ and fewer J»Rp.C.MaNTCK. the cart before the horse as it may buildings are more pleasing on a are sometimes represented in tree nMNiOION at first seem. It has many distinct property when seen from a distance. plantings. Many a tree is not adap't- ed to its location in character and advantages, as well as a few disad­ Inexpensive to build, yet decidedly The following are some of the ad­ effect, or suited to the size of the vantages. vantages to the owner in building imique in design and substantial in place on which it is planted. Even A gainst Warned Against Haste his garage before continuing with construction, this bungalow would where, from the purely practical When the garage is built first, the his house: standpoint, no mistake is nuMfe, it is FIRE owmer should be warned against make a charming little home of In the first place, he is afforded in obvious that an exercise of imagina­ rushing this step, as this first build­ which any one might be proud. It We can insure you against all forms of this way an excellent opportxmity of tion may result in charm and dis­ ing is committing the whole scheme does not require a large plot of loss. trying out his architect and builder. tinction rather than dullness and to a fairly definite arrangement in ground. A lot having a frontage of monotony. th? matter of roads, gardens, orien­ There is the advantage of becom­ fifty feet allows ample space on Play Safe, Protect Your Home. ing better acquainted with building Where possible, the native trees tation of buildings, as well as forc­ either aide of the house, and the on the place may well form the Fire, Automobile, Tornado, Liability ing a choice of style and .n^.terials prices before getting in too deeply house is so planned that it could set on the house, allowances being made nucleus of the planting. There may for both buildings. One might regret close to the street if necessary and be no native trees, however, which at a later date a premature decision for the fact that the garage build­ yet retain a feeling of privacy. The ing will be somewhat more eco­ are suitable to retain. Elxisting trees, Holden-Nelson Co., Inc. to erect, say, a white clapboard front gable is interesting, the un­ if any, may have to be sacrificed, garage if afterward there is a pos­ nomically constructed. broken wall space lends an air of 858 Main St. Phone 8657 due to their interference with ap­ laanrance of AU Kinds. dignity to the design, and the bit of proaches, or with the house itself. In timbering about the entrance porch this respect, the problem of the completes the composition. Brick small place is perhaps more difficult is used for the front wall, the rest and differs essentially from that of of the house is stucco and weather­ the large country place where there boards. The roof is covered with is more leeway as to placing the stained shingles in variegated col­ house with respect to contour of ors. groimd, vistas and existing or future w i The plan shows a very livable ar­ Constructed trees. rangement of rooms, with the bed­ Old Trees Valuable Asset rooms well isolated from /the rest of the house. A stair from the bed­ The value fn effect of old trees on R.ST FLOOR. PLAK) a place cannot be overestimated. room hall leads to a third'room and ^ ^ J F \ I of For the new house they may form bath on the second floor which could be finished later if desired. A well the perfect setting, linking it with the grounds and with thei' entire proportioned living room with an tained in this bouse and. the cost of open fireplace, a cozy dining al­ landscape. An oak, a pine, a few S' - construction should be approximate­ cedars or an old apple tree may im­ cove and a well arranged kitchen ly $9,000. MIXED STYLES PLEASING complete the first floor plan. A part the happy effect of age-, o f be­ stairway leads td the cellar, either Complete working plans and ing settled and of belonging to the specifications of this house may be site. Many architects and owners from the kitchen or the outside, FOR HOUSE AND GARAGE 4 ? e where the laimdry and heating plant obtained for a nominal sum from have wisely and cleverely taken ad­ vantage of such oppqttunities, are located. the Building Editor. Refer to House V There are 20,700 cubic feet con- A-199. 'The idea that the garage should thereby gaining what could not be be in the same style as the house is had by the planting of an^ number .V not important Nothing is more at­ of perfect specimen trees from a ‘ tr tractive than a place where the nursery. Nature :aay have achieved house is of one style and the garage a picturesqueness . and irregularity another. that art cannot achieve. When a garage is combined with It happens occasionally that a the stable, it is necessary to keep now house is built on the site of a Pat the SU PER the former entirely separate from former one which may have been Paint for the Pantry the latter. Otherwise, ammonia burned or removed. Here, again, the coming from the stable will tarnish O ld trees may form the Ideal set­ By MARIE HULSER O il Heatoi* in the metal work of the cars. ting. Mason Contractor M RE you the discouraged own- Lacquered tin or wooden canis­ 54 W alker S t. Phrnie So. Manchester i ^ Za cr of an old-time pantry ters are fast replacing the break­ yonr furnace that you just can’t be cheer­ able porcelain ones and when ful in? If so, by all means deco­ stenciled with a prim bright flower rate it—bring it into the class of they are very attractive and inex­ the ultra-modern kitchens with pensive. (These are simple to their colorful closets and built-ins. make from old coffee cans.) Cake ^ Good Buildings Deserve Bright yellow woodwork and boxes, bread boxes, trays, condi­ William A. Knofla Albert F. Knofla orange shelves are none too gayl ment containers, mixing bowls, NOW Good Hardware Jade green and bright cherry red; cereal boxes, can become object.s President and Treasurer. Secretary robin’s egg blue and coral; Chi­ of beauty as well as of utility nese red and black; cerise and sil­ within a few minutes with the new and bid farewell ver, these are all daring but beau­ quick-drying lacquers. CORBIN tiful color combinations entirely Black and white checkered lin­ to all heating dirt The SUPER appropriate for the pantry. Use oleum varnished for durability is Locks that guard enamel for the finish on the walls, a practical floor covering, though fits completely. woodwork and shelves, and you a painted and varnished floor is a n d drudgery Knobs that beautify will have a washable surface that preferred by many, and is of inside the average can resist jam stains or stove pol­ course less expensive. Uncovered m • • m • home furnace Hardware that lasts ish 1 Then for good measure hang floors are extremely smart at pres­ this w inter...... up a pair of gay polka _ dot or ent and when varnish protects the COhlPLETE \^TTH TANK SKII-L.. INTEOftlTY. All good checkered gingham curtains and finish and wood of the floor, there arrange the staple supplies in your is no reason for not being in style 1 $395 ALL CORBIN* little store-room in precise and at­ There is certainly no reason when Small down payment and balance in one year tractive rows. the style is so practical. S t E R g If you’ve ever buui a home you know how much your com­ fort for years to come will Uepend on the hardware you. Choose Can or'tel^htm e for a RESPONSIBILITY. ajday. First—the front door. Surely you want a go(^. Un-' denumstratUm sression there! And absolute security as well. Corbin.fi^ iM io that! CONTRACTORS. . Then the many inside doors— all with locks’ that'must fi^ c - cion'perfectly—ail with knobs that can be seen. These, too, SO.MANCHESTER.CONN. must'be Ui good taqte. And will be if they’re Corbin. Paul Hillery, Inc. Even windows require Good Hardware or thbyT stick .and T49 Main Street, State Theater Building shriek. Cupboard doors need good latches—or th e/U never stay closed. And so on through the entire house^wheraver^ tbere-is a window or a door there should be Good Hardware-CorWa." '■ Which is why we so frequently say: “Remember one wortfr-; planning to build or modernize you will want de­ “Corbin”—and you will be able to forget hardware In your h e#' pendable work. Let us make an estimate for you. home the day you move in. Talk over your plans with us. We will be pleased to advise. .A irrO M A TII^II. HHATORi The F. T. Blish Hdw. Co. Do«t «! m Soper Oil HeatPr how ererr Tneedey creoix at 7 o’eloek oo StetkM WTIC Gustave Schreiber & Sons Building Contractors West Center St. Phone 4090 A Complete Line Of is Your Business G o o d ?

SERVICE FOR THE BUILDER BUILDING The answer to this question is of the greatest Im­ DESIRING A BE'TTER HOME portance to us. If the business of the community is proiqiero^ CELLAR EXCAVATING MATERIALS are prosperous. If prosperity is lacking, we are anumg the first to feel it. ------PLUS------Also The dectric light and power industry representa­ MODERN MACHINERY tives assured President Hoover that its program of im­ Paint Up provements and extensions for this year is bigger thait We use a gas shovel in all our excavating work thus Take pride in the appearance of your home. A new­ that of any previous year. It believes that the com­ giving you expert work in the shortest possible time. COAL merce and industry of the United States will mardi Time saving plus a price you can afford to pay. ly painted home not only looks mpre inviting, but in c^ e you want to sell it, you can command a much higher steadily forward. A WORD TO THE WISE price. The best paint you could use is the paint we sell, There will be no recession in the. capitid Insist on your contractor using onr sand and gravel in his The it has the faculty of standing up under all conditions— work. You will then be assured of the best materials in all tures required to meet the constantly increasing and is the least expensive in the long run. foundation or plaster work. Manchester Lumber for electric service. , \ ALEXANDER JARVIS Company JOHN I. OLSON The Sand, Oravel and Excavating. PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTOR Manchester Electric 116 Center Street, Sonth Mattcheiter 899 Main Street, South Manchester 773 Main St f^oneilh PHOME 4224 Phone 5145


a home should be not more than side world, contains within a multlA' The delinquent borrower should ex­ tude of financial troubles. plain his situation a» it really is. If two and one-half times the purchas­ A home should, be one of the stringency in his money market er's anmial income. But e n with A Winter Sun-Room CHANCE TO WATCH is temporary, he should name a date greatest contributing factors to when he is certain that he can make this rule in mind it is well to be person’s happiness, not a source of his payment and ask for an etxen- conservative. Unexpected contin­ worry uid grief. slon of time. In nine cases out gencies should be considered when YOUR GARD^ SOON of ten he will receive a cheerful com­ making calculations. Better a^ The wedding ring is a relio of pliance virtth his request. He should modest home whose financial barbarism. It dates from the days remember that his Interests and charges are carried easily as other when the wife was regarded sim­ those of the lenders are identical. obligations increase, as they are ply as a piece of property in the The lender 1s no more anxious tp almost sure to do, than one of more possession of the man. The. ring pfess matters than the borrower is pretentious size which, while pre­ was the symbol of subjugation and anxious to have him. What the senting a brave front to the out­ slavery. note owner wants is his money. It is only the unusual lender who Is I v: willing to profit by another mlsfort- ime. A borrower’s flnamcial circum­ COAL stances may change so that he finds that the demands on his Income ex­ , Lime, Cement, Plaster, ceed the supply. Again his remedy is a talk with the lender, or, if he Flue and Drain Tile has two inortgages on his proper­ ty. with the holders of both obliga­ Fuel Oil for All Types of Oil Burners tions. He should outline his diffi­ 'APF culty and ask for a revised arrange­ 'i V 1 ment that will conform to his ca­ pacity to pay. If this concession G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. is not granted, and it may not be, he should ask for a suspension of his 2 Main St., Tel. 3319, Manchester f t R R A. c t payments for a sufficient length of time to permit him to dispose of his property to some one who has greater finsmcial resources. A rough measuring stick by which I 14: the size of a loan may be gauged Is BINIHC ftOOM the rule that the purchase price of it-Cf ■ IS'-R' W7B.Y The Manchester Sand

BV GLADYS ULY \ & Gravel Co. Modern science has demonstrated Mortgages No Longer the invaluable contribution which • W. J. THORNTON, Prop. the sun makes to health and happi­ ness. The warm light that the sun Considered Disgrace Both living room and dining room& The unusually large lid'lng room Screened Sand and (iravel sends down to us mortals has face a garden in this plan of a six- includes a fireplace, aa. does the great therapeutic value; and cer­ master bed room. Ample •c)^pset3, the «>time to time, thus permitUng the room Georgian type home. The ter­ Brick, Loam, Cinders and Truckinsr tainly no one can deny its psycho­ liy A. L. Wells race, with openings from both spacious kitchen cupboai^i-; and the logical value as well. Sunshine is I arrangement to continue almost In- well-placed entries to 1310. kitchen A mortgage on the old home is no definitely. In this event the leader rooms also, should be covered with a symbol of happiness and its in­ longer a family disgrace. Quite the 1 a brightly-colored awning. are special features of apij-eal. fluence on our moods is inestima­ will probably require the borrower Stucco or brick white-’rashed are contrary! The real estate loan of I to make occasional payments re­ An Inside lot is the preferred loca­ QUALITY and SERVICE ble So. for the improvement of former days, ill-favored, and re­ tion for this plan but it i.s also suit­ suggested for the exter |(;>r with a our dispositions, as well as our ducing the amount of the principal. tile or slate roof. digestions, a sun-rcom should be garded as the last straw for the This is only fair, however, as the able for a corner site. Plant__Charter Oak St. | House 608 Woodbridge St. improvident, has lost, during the 'The owner’s bed room, in this This type home can be built eco­ n part of every home. market value of a house seldom en­ nomically considering its! size and Tel. 6893 The need for sunlight is even years, its atmosphere of disrepute hances as the years go by. It is to luxurious home, is equipped with a Tel. 7387 and has acquired, instead, an air of private bath room and the other conveniences. Estimates^ for the more imperative in winter than m the advantage of the borrower to larger cities range froirv $14,000 to summer, since most of us spen^d marked respectability and a well-de­ have the privilege of making such two bed rooms are conveniently served reputation for usefulness. located in relation to the second $16,000 and lower in regions where quite a lot of time out of doors payments if he wishes, and it should the wage scale is less. when the weather '5 And rightly so, for the mortgage be so stipulated in the mortgage. bath. i.s in the winter when the days has become an indispensable aid to But even if this provision is not in arc shorter and out-of-door activi­ home-ownership. the mortgage, many leanders are is an existing mortgage. If the represents a high percenfiage of the ties are suspended that we nee a Like other financial transactions, willing to accept payments on the purchaser accepts a deed in which total value of the propeirtty. If a light, bright room in which t^o live. however, the mortgage loan is at­ principal when the semi-annual in­ there is a statement that the gran­ prospective home-buyer desires Fortunately, sun-rooms are not tended by the usual number of dif­ terest payments are made. It is tee (the purchaser) takes title to the financial safety, the wdrds “as­ necessarily an integral Pari of a ficulties. Long experience has dem­ never wise to forget that a mort­ property “subject to encumbrance sumes and agrees to paly” should be house plan. They may be added onstrated that a large percentage gage must be paid off some time. of record (or that mentioned in the omitted from his deed. to old houses, or may be ]ust g ^ r of these difficulties are of a pre­ Sometimes unavoidable! and un­ ventable nature. Selection of the It will pay the home-owner to deed) which he hereby assumes and l^d glassed-in verandas. For win­ ' carefully the papers which he agrees to pay,” he becomes, in effect, foreseen circumstances na’.ke it im­ ter comfort they should be heated wrong financing plan, failure to be­ possible to remit promp tH^ a pay­ You Can Depend On Us come thoroughly familiar with the Bigi& when making a mortgage loan. an indorser of the original note, or adequately, of course, and the He^unild know just what his pay­ bond, for which the mortgage is se­ ment of mortgage inteTesI;, or prin­ for Safe, Dependable windows and doors should be exact terms of the obligations un­ cipal. If this emerg^nej- arises, dertaken, assumption of mortgage m e n t are to be and when they will curity. ^ In case of a default in the weather-stripped. be d&. Nor is this all. It is the payment of amounts due under the nothing will surmount th a difficulty Electrical Work The sun-room offers the ho debts when purchasing property,- more readily than for the| property- decorator a wonderful opportunity and tactlessness in dealing with the impression of many people that as terms of the mortgage not only may Let us do your work whether It be long M they pay their mortgage in­ his property be disposed of at fore­ owner to go at once, befa^: the pay­ for using bright beautiful colors, lender when payments are delin­ ment is past due, and have a per­ a new home or a remodeling job. for the furniture and walls in tl^sc quent, are the most frequent causes terest^promptly they may snap closure sale, but, should the pro­ their) fingets at the lender. But ceeds received from the sale be in­ sonal talk with the lendej-. Many rooms are most successful when that lead to financial grief, and foreclosures have resulo^d solely tainted in lovely gay colors, and sometimes to the foreclosure court. this IS not so. If the usual form sufficient to repay the losm, he may There Can Be No of mortgage is read it will be found be held personally liable for any im- from the failure to resor^ to this th ^ attractive though inexpensive Perhaps the most important mat­ simple, byt sometimes nond too com­ fabrics on the market now are ter in connection with mortgage that/the borrower must pay, when paid balance. This is a particular­ dtft,* air taxes, assessments, and ly risky undertaking when the prop­ fortable expedient. Tel<»p)l?Aan® calls, Johnson Electric Co. ■ financing is for the borrower to se-' messages sent by others,, and eva­ Compronuse With “ AM'Se™?eSure which has made lect a loan of the type and size that other public charges levied against erty is encumbered by both first and the mortgaged property. If he second mortgages, or by a large sive letters soon wear out Ja lender’s 29 Clinton St. Tel. 4314 I conforms most nearly to the limita- patience; which is quliti; natural. S 'v ih l" . ISd'’° ? r Oh the ! tions imposed by his income. Per­ does not, the lender may exercise first mortgage, the amount of which treasured furniture of fh® sons with regular monthly incomes his right to declare the whole Quahty formal rooms; for where there is often prefer the instalment mort­ amount of the mortgage due and d a sun-room the living-room wi payable a t once. Adn this is true, gage, which is best represented by too, in regard to maintaining the not be used nearly the Building and Loan Association When buy­ sun-room is also an al ^ mortgage, which, in its usual form, required amount of fire insurance room When the warmer weather provides for equal monthly pay­ for the benefit of the lender. In ANDREW STAVINSKY ing material corner one has only to open addition to these provisos, the hold- ments which include interest, such for a n y the windows and have an out-door payments being continued until the !er 6f a Second mortgage usually room but with the advanta^ of may require that all payments of Carpenter and Builder type of more’privacy than a veranda offers^ entire amount is returned. This type of loan is an incentive to sys­ principal and interest on the first No job too small to receive prompt attentiofciQ In arranging a sumroom it is mortgage be met promptly. struc t u r e essential to consider comfort. tematic saving. Other borrowers, whose incomes In many instances uninformed Special in Porch and Storm Enclosiiires. you may w S e v e r possible, it should have home-buyers unwittingly become a fire-place, and the chairs and are derived at longer intervals from build if you investments or other sources, usual­ parties to mortgages, thereby obli­ Price Right. tables should be gating themselves for large amounts expect it to convenient groupings for conver ly find the straight mortgage more desirable. This form of loan has to their subsequent financial sor­ Phone 6181 61 Lyness Siti eet. be a perma­ sation. Since the furniture does row. This occurs when purchase is not have to “match” either in style a definite maturity date, but the nent affair or finish, one can always bring note or bond may be extended from made of a property on which there that will into harmony with paint and serve you enamel an assortment of odd well place pieces which have been discar^d \ to the attic. These pieces of furni­ your order ture may be painted different H. W. ALLEN with us for colors, or may all be of one shade, Let Us Equip Your South Coventry, Conn. 0 satisfaction though the practice of using many Phone 366-2, Willimantic different complementary colors is growing more and more popular. 1930 The W. G. Glenney Co. Enamel makes an excellent ^r- Heating Plant With 1 Floors Laid and Coal, Lumber and Masons’ Buppiies. facing material for sun-room furni­ Allen Place, Phone 414«, Manchester ture since it will stand repeated Sanded washings and much hard wear. Many satisfactory jobs in A word is not amiss on the sub- A UNITED STATES Manchester and vicinity stand icet of sun-room floors; their cov­ A NEW YEAR ering and their treatment. Tile-pat- as a record for our work. temed linoleum is favored by many and is certainly an attractive way of covering the sun-room floor If OIL BURNER given a coat of varnish it will have A FRESH START iiiitliii added resistance to wear. An equal- Iv decorative floor treatment tor r e m e m b e r t h e s e s a l ie n t f e a t u r e s the sun-room is to paint the floor a shiny black, give it a final coat of good varnish and then place small scatter rugs where it is felt No Soot We All Want To ?Do they are appropriate. Only Two Moving Units Curtain materials in this infor- rnal room should be simple and sheer. If the windows look out Fully Automatic No Odor n'pon an inspiring view, glass cur­ Our Best tains may be omitted entirely and rnlv chintz or cretonne used as Rugged as a Battleship No Carbon draperies. If the vista without the '■’in-room windows is not all that This company will increase its i^.cili- the heart desires, the windows may No Noise be satisfactorily covered with a Built Like a Watch ties to assure its 6,000 customers pc.ifect filmy material which will admit the light but soften the unattrac­ No Leaks Far More Important tive view. Burns Cheap Fuel Oil service. Built-in bookcases are a never ending source of pleasure to the occupants of a sun-room. They are Gas or Electric Ignition No Cleaning Safety of principal is always far more im­ so simple to make and are so very accommodating about holding Gas Is The Perfect \ books, magazines, tea things, toys, Inside or Outside Tanks No Worry portant than income. Make sure that your in­ bric-abrac, writing materials, decks of cards, ash trays, pipes, and what vestment is secure. Don’t speculate. Your not, that they are really an indis­ Even Temperature No Care | pensable feature in a room in which Fuel For Home Use the family spends much time. They account is invited. are especially attractive when flank­ ing a fire-place, and the “modern­ \ We offer our services without cosit to istic" or “sky-scraper” type give a Also remember that a United States Oil Burner is 5% Interest Paid, pleasing variation of height as well well built, durable and efficient and that a Four Year as a number of table surfaces. maintain your gas equipment in good,,con- If a porch on a house constructed Guarantee goes with every burner installed. Compounded Quarterly of brick is converted into a sun- dition. room. the brick should be painted like the walls and wood trim of the room; a cream or parchment color, I or a soft grayish green are lovely \ and are neutral enough to permit JOHNSONI & LITTLE the the most colorful furniture and Plumbing and Heating Contractor. . i ' fabrics. HE SavingsBankofManchester OiI-0*Matic Sales and Service. The term “surname” is supposed SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. to come from the French "sur- 13 Uhestnut Street, Tel. 5876 The Manchester Gas G3. nom,” meaning “overname,” be­ cause a person’s family name was South Manchester iniliuili formerly written above Instead of ESTABLISHED, la ^ ll after the baptismal name. • .'• S ' '

'--1? /<- . ; ■'•.’■ ' " f' • ' . '■ ■> V ^

MANGHESTEE EVENINgt'HERALD, SOUTH ilANCHESTER, CONNi SATURDAY,"JA1TOARY 4, i m -1m. PAGB TEN Hr-—:------Prer instance, who can dispute cept publicity for one f^lish little; They believe in using their heads, for this! I say it on my knees, old the value of fear when it comes to stream. couple.” j But unfortunately, they are talk-* Jacob! on my knees!" self analysis? An embolus is some foreign No, no one has yet figured out | ing about something they really He was so fluttered and so glow­ Oup day a boy I knew went to mate^al, usually solid, that gets any honest or satisfactory w ay of know nothing about. his r fiother and sMd, “Mother, I’m loose in the circulation and trav­ ing with his good intentions, that I giving samples of marriage, with They don’t realize’ that -;..thfe afrai’ d of something. I can’t tell els^ around until it "comes to a his broken voice would scarcely an- ' out the marriage: the whole mat­ heart does not leap to follow the s'wer to his call. He had been sob­ what V it is, but there is something place ..where the ’ blood vessel is so I’m a'tfraid of, I know.” ter is too complex. You can give dictates of the mind. Tbeyf.mfji bing violently in his conflict with narrow that it • can travel no a sample of some particular phase realize that' jealousy is a low mo­ the Spirit, and his face was wet Hi/4 mother laughted. “Well, further. Then the embolus stops well,*’!,- sb® replied beamingly. “A of married, life, just as you can tive, and that you should have with tears. guiltjr^ conscience,needs no accuser. and the blood is unable to get be­ show some one phase of life in a none of it—but they don’t realize “'pjjgy arc not torn down, cried What have you been doing?” yond it to feed the tissues whicn limited ramge, but you can’t, say that probably both of them have are ordinarily supplied with blood i Scrooge, folding one of his bed-cur­ “No t a , thing, . Mother. That s ‘ that one slant is life. plenty, and that it will show itself tains in his arms. “They are not by . the blood vessel concerned. j just it . I can’t think of anything.” before long. torn do\vn, rings and all. They are us “ Sin p of omission bother When the tisslie fails to receive IT ISN’T MARRIAGE It seems to work but that no here—I am here—the shadows of someti d'les as much as those of blood it, dies or becomes so weak­ the things that would have been “Per- The reason is, of course, mar­ matter how wisely you plan, how commi asion,” she insisted ened that secondary infection sets riages do not come in ready made you try to cut down the risks, and may be dispelled. They will be. 1 haps it’s something you haven’t in promptly. The result is gan- know they will!” 207 lots. You can’t try a sample of figure on the law of averages, that done.” ■ ,, , gerine or abcess, in many in­ something that isn’t marriage and His hands were busy with his gar­ “I’ll think,” he^ replied, “It you can’t make matrimony a per­ stances sufficiently severe to cause call it marriage, and say whether ments all this time; turning them must be something.’’ By ANNETTE fectly safe investment, or one that inside out, putting them on upside death. it failed or succeeded. is not highly speculative. When Finds Source of Worry '' Some of the parts of the body down, tearing them, mislaying Thk't night, ho pame^ into her It has kilted plaits across front to I think trial marriages, so-call­ •you get it all - reinforced at • one making them parties to every kind are fortunately supplied with ed companionate marriages, and point,- it is out of boimds some­ room vihen' she was in bed. _He give the necessary freedom for wee blood not only by one blood ves­ of extravagance. what not, are really a gesture to­ where else. sat do\m on the edge o r the ^ d tots who . work so hard at play all sel, but by several. In such cases “I don’t know what to do. cned day. ■ ■ i ’ ward a more honest way of living Scrooge, laughing and crying in and sa id, “Mother. I believe Iro the stopping of one blood vessel But, as Mrs. Winslow points out,’ worrvir g ^ because Grandfather The yoked bodice vvdth collarless —or, a, more honest way of think­ “ marriage is better than any of the same breath, and may caufee S'- temporary disturb- ing, if you will. perfect Laocoon of himself with his wants m e to help . Father in the necklineneemme islo veryvc»jr French. It ...j-— buttons j 1 ance until the other bloodvessels the modem makeshifts, and while shoe in isinesg when Im.- out or at front en.phaaizlnj tla scalloped S cU o n a Couples today are actually de­ it doesn’t exactly solve. things, jit stockings. “I am as light as a In other fensive regarding marriage. They feather, 1 am as happy as m an­ school, rmd I want .to .be aero- outline. parts of the body only a single is much more comfortable and un­ nautical engineer. He s going to The back of'skirt is gathered to have heard so much about its be­ derstandable.” ,. gel, I am as merry as a schoolboy, blood vessel is able to circulate ing a failure and have seen so I am as giddy as a drunken naan. A nav for part of my educiaition, and back yoke. blood to the part land when such much to corroborate this theory— merry Christmas to everybody. A I want to please him. If I go on Sleeves may be short or gathered blood vessels are stopped the re­ that they scarcely dare to hope According to the National Geo­ happy New Year to all the world. withnrith sc..hool,sthool. I’m afraid I’d be tak- into narrow cuff bands. ing monSjy under false pretenses sult is usually an extremely seri­ theirs will be exceptions, and they graphic Society, Fodwin-Austen al­ Hallo here: Whoop! Hallo!” _ It is so preqlous, you’ll just love Whatnac CIO',clO(. you think. ous condition, not infrequently j seem intelligent as well He had frisked into the sitting- to make it as sketched in cotton leading to death. so known as K2 and Dapsang, is room, and was now standing there, “I thij ik it would be a good idea as emotional. “ It’s I, Your Uncle Scrooge. Will you let me in, Fred? for you lo talk it over with Grand­ broadcloth print in yellow and white For instance, stopping of some i the second highest mountain in the perfectly winded. with a dash of, vivid blue. of the blood vessels which reach j “There’s the saucepan that tne father hAraself, dear. I’m sure he HE.YRT VS. IVriND world. It lies in Kashmir in north- gruel was in!” cried Scrooge, start­ will reafizje that you have a right Style No, 207 comes in sizes 2, 4 the kidneys, the lungs, the heart | How often do you hear yoimg erp India and is only about 100 feet ing off again, and going round the this, and the chuckle with which Dear heart alive, how his niece ^ ja,-jority vote as to what and 6 years, . and portions of the brain may be couples say something like this: shorter than Mt. Everest the high­ fireplace. “There’s the door by he paid for the turkey, and the by marriage started! Scrooge had i done with your own life, It’s easily laundered, with the followed promptly by the most “We understand each other per- est in the world. which the Ghost of Jacob Marley chuckle with which he paid for the forgotten, for the moment, about, ^ ^ willing to help you out deep plaits from yroke. serious type of symptoms. entered! There’s the comer where cab, and the-chuckle with which he her sitting in the corner with tbe I understanding, then it’s Another interesting idea is The things which act as emboli the Ghost of Christmas Present sat. recompensed the boy, were only to footstool, or he wouldn't have done I . j. jjjr.you to take his money, French blue linen with huge white are usually blood clots. When it on any account. i ‘i— tn ciMthrtraw his There’s the window where I saw be exceeded by the chuckle ^ with But if h P' wants to withdraw his pearl button and white bias binding a leg is fractured, fat may get into the wandering Spirits! Its all which he sat down breathless in his “Why, bless my soul!” cried offer un Her the circumstances. I at neck, yoke and sleeve bands. ^ blood vessel or into the bone chair again, and chuckled till he Fred, “who’s that?” think y(4U’ll have to work it out Orchid plain gingham with white and be absorbed into the blood right, it’s all true, it all happened. “It’s I. Your uncle Scrooge. I TAE PROPOSAL yourself with what little help we piping, wool jersey in sky blue, Ha. ha, ha!” cri6

' > ^ MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. JANUARY 4, 1930. P A G E e i J i w Bristol Turns Back H. S. Threat, 32-22 MOHAWKS OUTPUY WHEN WESTERNERS CRUSHED POWERFUL PITT 1500 FANS ATTEND REC FIVE, WINNING PLAYED ENCOUNTER,' ■4> HANDILY BY 42 TO 28 BRIST OL SECONDS CHAMPS MAINTAIN LEAD USE 22 PLAYERS Holyoke’s Deceptive PivotlMANCHESTER TRADE IN ALL FOUR QUARTERS T0WIN0UT4H6 Play Baffles Locals; H -DEFEATS HARTFORD lertand Marchinek, Col­ DEPORTATION FACES Allaire Shining Light in Vic­ IN ROUGH b a t t l e First String Sobs Pat Game lege Stars, a Feature; PRIMO, NOW IN U. S. tory, Smith Stars in De­ • 1 On Ice in Opening Quar­ / feat; Locals Still in Run­ Phantoms Win Prelimi­ Triom iifi^26 to 9 With .Viot ••• ^ ter; Albertelli and Lerch Da3y News Says Camera ning- ^ nary, 14-7. and Spencer Sharing the Star. Foreswore Italy to Be­ Bristol High School .last night; The old ring sally “a good little Scoring Honors Yester­ continued its march to a fourth suc­ man, etc,” if appUed to. basketball cessive state title by turning back in general and to -the Reo-Mohawk Using 22 men Bristol High come French Citizen. game in particular didn’t quite hold day Afternoon. swamped ,the Manchester Seconds Manchester "High at Bristol, S3 to before a crowd of nearly 1500 ^ true. One thing did hold true, how­ in the preliminary to the main en­ 22 ever and that was the advance dope New York, Jan. 4.— (A(P)—The persons. . counter in Bristol last night by a on the Mohawks of Holyoke. The The South Manchester Trade Daily News in a copyright story to­ Bristol led throughout the entire^ <<■=' jo up river team showed real class in score of 41 to’ 16. The substitute School Five trounced the Hartford day said Primo Camera, giant Ital­ game and only in the final period ' setting a terrific pace for the will­ first team went in for Bristol in the did the Clarkites draw within reach ing but slow moving Rec in the Trade team Friday aifternoon on the ian boxer now here, foreswore al­ first quarter Md put the game on legiance to Itsdy last June and ce- the score then being 26 to 20. Just^o game last night at the Rec which Hartford gym court in a rough as it looked like a close and excit-' ended at 42-28 in favor of the ice by caging iw points to Man­ came a citizen of Frwice. game. The passing of both teams ing finish Palau sank two double.: Jo-;a* Mohawks. * chester’s five. In the June 23 edition of the Jour­ nal official of the French KepubUc. deckers in rapid succession, drown- • - The Rec team opened fast ana was poor and the first period end­ After* this four separate teams ing all Manchester hope for a vie-- ^ J-.;; under the heading “naturalized scored within the first few minutes ed 18-5 in favor of the locals. were put on the floor in the remain­ tory over a team that has been its^ 'ttg I ing three periods and the constant French by the law of Aug. 10,-192V,’’ of play but the smooth passing of Viot starred for Manchester witn master for several years. appearance of new faces bothered said the Daily News, appears the the visitors and an especially de­ four goals and Spencer was a clos:; An unbroken record of victories, then crushing, overwhelming defeat—that was the fate the West held It was Bristol’s fifth straight vie- ' ceptive pivot plky allowed the the locals quite a bit and they were following: , second with three. Slossberg, Hart­ out for the East’s mythical football champions. Here are scenes from the colorful New Year’s Day game- tory and the Red and White’s first ’ : Mohawks to pull away from the unable to check Bristol’s smooth all­ “Camera (Primo), Boxer, bom on ford left forward scored six of his in Rose Bowl, Pasadena, Calif., which Pittsburgh University’s previously unbeaten team lost to the Uniifer-* defeat in five starts. Coach Clarkeo locals with the score at the end of round play.' Albertellir starred for Oct, 25, 1906 at Sequas, Italy, and team's nine points. The score: sity of Southern California, 47 to 14. Saunders, stellar U. S. C. quarterback, is pictured at the top as he l^e- will now whip his team into shape . ^ the first quarter, 8-2. ceived a Pittsburgh punt and squirmed out of the reach of two tacklers. Below you see a stirring mbm4nt the winners and Lerch and McHaJe living at Arcachon (Gironde). for two I more league encounters to ■ It was quite easy to see just be- S. M. TR.ADE (26). of play when Toby Uansa, fleet Pitt back, charged thr ough a broken field for a sensational 64-yard run. fie “Decree of citizenship signed on P. - B. F. T. for the. losers. . be played in the next two weeks, "" . fore the half why and how was Uter brought down by Saunders. . June 13 by M. Gaston Doumergue. 4 Spencer, rf ...... 3 2 8 Summary: the first at Meriden on FYiday and « Mohawks nose 1 out the Bristol En­ BRISTOL SECONDS (41). president of the French Republic, the second at West Hartford the fol- - : decs, Connecticut pro champs. Al­ 0 Gvensky, r f ...... 0 0 0 p, B. Fi f. and by M. Louis Barthou, Guardian lowing week. , though at times the Rec, boys played 1 Viot, I f ...... 4 2 10 2 Cook, rf ...... U 0-0 0 of the Seal and Minister of Justice.’- Meriden last night beat West ’ a whale of a defensive game the 1 Helmerdinger, c ...... 1 0 - 2 0 Albertelli, rf ...... 5 1-4 11 The newspaper ssdd it also iearnpd Hartford 34 to 24 In its opening slips came at the wrong time and 0 Simler, c ...... 0 0 0 SPEAKER NOT TO BE OUTLOOK IS GREAT STUDENT CONGRESS .3 that both the French and Italian gave their opponents what appeared 1 Kravontka, rg ...... 0 0 u 1 La Ponte, rf , ...... 1 1-^ league game while Middletown ' 0 consulates were investigating a pos­ handed East Hartford its sixth de­ to be many easy shots. And as 0 Gam, r g ...... 0 0 0 0 Barker, r f ...... ^ 0" Wishnlski, r f ...... ’. 0 0-0 0 sible irregularity in passports that feat in a row, 24 to 15. marksmen, with the old bucket as a 0 Jacquemin, rg ...... 1 0 2 OPPOSES SUBSIDIES 2 would result in immediate deporta­ Bristol was out to win and lost target, they were p-r excellence as ROBINS’ MANAGER| FOR BOXING SAYS 1 Cobath,,I f ...... 1 p-0 0 Vince, Ig ...... 2 0 4 0 tion proceedings. no time at all in getting started. • the score shows. With a defense that 1 Porter, If ...... 0 O-O 0 On his arrival in this country on Judging by the exhibiti-m last night looked a litUe ragged at times be­ 0 Wasley, I f ...... U fi'® 7 11 4 26 0 Tuesday, Camera was met by an the team would be a marvel play- ’’ cause of its testing against a t^m HARTFORD TR.ADE (9). 1 Carone, if ...... • 0 b Baker, I f ----- ^ ------.. 1 A'A 2 Italian delegation, but the Daily ing under professional rules. Led of the Mohawks calibre, the Rec P. B. F. T. Says Report Is Unfounded; Adopts Resolution on Some; by Ben Allaire, of gridiron fame, Gurski, c ...... 1 2 News said his passport bore the scored half as many points as the 1 Christensen, r f ...... 0 0 u 1 who was closely followed by White, Mohawks to end the half 22-9. 1 Rode, c ...... ------0 1-1 1 stamp of the French consul waiving 1 Tine, rf ...... 0 1 1 0 military duty. At the Italian consu­ Coach Monahan’s squad showed The Rec came in for the third 2 Slossberg, If ...... 3 0 0 0 Hudoa, c ...... 0 0-0 themselves a^ good passing and quarter with the bit in their teeth M s Contract With Newarkjujore Champions and. Less i 3 Becker, c ...... 0 O-O 0 late it was said there was no record 2 Sasana, c ...... 0 U U 0 on Camera but that an investgation shooting team. This combined with but the harder they tried the harder 0 Cudichio, r g ...... 2 0-0 the great height of the players 1 Turner, c ...... 0 0 u Has Another Year to Run! FaSure at California. 0 would be made into his switch of it seemed for them to get going. 0 Christensen, c ...... 0 0 0 Confusion in Sport Now; 0 CzaWieiki, rg ...... 0 0-0 proved the undoing of Manchester, This man EUert, a sweet forward on 1 citizenship. , 0 Topagna, r g ...... 0 2 2 0 Goulette, r g ...... 0 l-'2 who seemed jKJwerless to check the any man’s team was a genuine 0 Marra, r g ...... 2 0-0 4 A t the time Canera became a citi­ 1 Nazarski, I g ...... 0 0 0 Palo Alto, Cal., Jan. 4.— (AP.)-* flow of baskets once Bristol hit its threat and took many apparently BY LBERT W. BARI4ER List of Disputed Titles. 1 King, ig • • ...... 0 zen of France an elimination contest stride. hard shots in a seemingly tireless 0 Sasana, I g ...... 0 0 0 Opposition to subsidies in any form was in prograss in that country to 0 Palau, Ig ...... 1 0-0 0 Allaire was a whirling demon. manner as did Marchinek, center. 0 Carlson, I g ...... 0 0 0 Associated Press Sport'- Writer for college and university athletes, 3 Kelley, Ig ...... 3 0*0 6 determine the French heavyweight He snatched the ball on the jump, When either of these two college New Yorljc, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Tris 3 champion. Camera was invited to 4 3 3 9 By STANLEY ISA.VCS. was expressed in a resolution 0 Ebb, I g ...... 1 dribbled the length of the floor and hoopsters got within shooting dis- President Nat’l Boxing Ass'n compete, but refused. Colby. Speaker may become manager of adopted by the National Student scored before many were aware of tance, and as they so maneuvered 15 18 5-11 41 what it was all about. Assisted by frequently, it was usually a sure the ^Brooklj^ .Club of the National League but heitber he nor apparent­ Cincinnati, Jan. 4 —(AP) —The Federation of America, represent­ MANCHESTER SECONDS (16). White and Palau he ran up basket score* ly any one else in authority has been outlook is great for boxing in 1930 ing schools throughout the United p. B. F. T after basket. Very few long shots were at­ with more champions and less con­ consulted ajjfout the matter. States, at the opening of its fifth 0 Frazer, r f ...... ___ 1 1- 3 3 The game during the opening tempted, thfc Mohawks raying fusion in the sport than ever before. ___ 0 0-2 0 rather on a fme pivot play and side A few hotars after a New York annual Congress. ' 0 Lane, rf ...... minutes was very close both teams newspaper \had published reports The National Boxing Association 0 Sturgeon, if ...... 1 0-1 2 scoring only ope point apiece on a line shooting. At the end of the* third Local Sport intends to insist on activity b-y i The Federation defined a ..... subsidy .... 2- 611 quarter the Manchester team was that Speaker would manage the tltlehblders to the end that cham- money paid directly or uxdirect- 1 Lerch, c ' ...... 2 foul throw. Then with startling club while Wilbert Robinson, presi- ___ 2 0-2 4 still trailing by 21 points at ly without requirement that the re 1 McHale, rg ----- suddenness the atmosphere chang­ dent-manag|Br o f the Robins would pionshlps will have real meaning ___ 0 0-0 0 ed. Bristol began a scoring spree Manchester opened up wide m the Chatter and worth. cipient do labor othe * than his ath­ 1-McCann, r g ...... confine himself to executive duties. 2 Raddlng, I g ----- ___ 0 1-3 1 that could not be stopped. final quarter and caged several fine As left over from the old year, letic performance. The resolution in­ shots and also lost several others in Speaker auld FUibinson issued denials cluded a recommendation that 2 McKinney, ig .. •___ 0 OiO 0 In desperation Manchester began The Rec Five will have Olson’s features of the disputed champion­ Dy) Villiam Braudier to take long pot shots at the hoop. the final burst of play gaining 13 that such a move was contemplated. there be no discrimination in gi-ving Terrible Swedes for opponents next Speaker'who is under contract to ship classes shape up as follows: A1 Smith, star left forward drop­ points while the Mohawks were an­ employment to athletes and that 7 6 4-22 16 Tuesday night. This team met de­ manage the Newark Club of the Among the bantamweights, A1 HERE COMES CARNERA! ping in four beauties from mid-floor. nexing six. If this final combination feat here last year after beating wage scales for the campus stats Score By Periods. International League for 1930 said Brown is the recognized American ! 9—41 Captain Ernie Dowd, on the other of offensive - and. defensive play such teams as New Britain, Plain- and other students be the same. Bristol ...... 10 11 We have with us 'n this corner at Dallas,- Texas that as far as he chariipion with the world title still t 2— 16 hand tried about a baker’s dozen of shown by the Rees in the closing field Pros, and the Meriden Endee.s. The congress tables a motion that Manchester ...... o 5 Mr. Primo Camera, heavjnveignt throws and made not a single point minutes had been started and main­ knew, there'Vfas “ no foun ation for open. This situation should be set­ The Swedes number among its per­ it go on record opposing any meth­ Referee, Sanderson. super-extraordinary, who weighs from the floor. Second to Smith, tained throughout the entire game the report." tled as soon as it is possible tol get sonnel several fast court stars. "My, contract %vith the Newark Brown and Teddy Baldock, the Eng­ od of transferring tickets as a 280, is 82 inches high smd who can were Turkington and O’Leary, both the visitors would have known that means of curbing ticket scalping. It playing fine basketball. they were up against superior court Club haa, another year to run" said lishman in the ring, assuming B ^- clasp his hands behind his head The bus carrying Manchester Tris. dock can make the 118 pound limit. was decided scalping was a local and bend down and touch his The locals have cause to feel play. It could not be said that the High’s basketball ^squad suffered ‘problem in each case. down-hearted over this, their first Mohawks let up at the finish for the At Brunswick, Ga., Robinson The middleweight world title is BOWLING knees with his chin without bend­ two blow-outs on the trip to Bristol characteriaed the report as "stove open with no immediate possibility Robert Keith, of the University ing his legs. He comes to America defeat. By the looks of the game last score of the game—a goal for last night, just outside of the city. last night Bristol should take a good . ’ the winners—was made a split sec­ league stuff” and said he Lad heard of determining the champion. of California at Los Angeles, told at just the right time, too,'with The boys got a chance to stretch nothing of the report. “I anr. presi­ The light heavyweight title also the 250 delegates from universities FIREMEN’S LEAGUE nearly all the circuses in winter trouncing when i f appears on the ond apart from the final whistle. their legs a bit and also find out School Street Rec floor for a return dent and manager ',1 the club” is open with Maxie Rosenbloom and college^ throughout the United quarters. Both teams were in there taking just how cold it really was. This was a week of reversals in game. Robinson said “and I’ve heard noth­ holding the position of leading con­ States that the honor system at his Primo will fill a drastic need. every chance and credit is especially No. I's Bowling League. Team No. Manchester was out-scored in ing about any on- else taking over tender and Mickey Walker entitled school was the "most complete fail­ Madame La Belle, that jolly fat due the visitors for a sustained of­ Quite a crowd of rooters accom­ 2 took three straight from the lead­ every period of the tussle though in fensive play in the last quarten with the management.” to serious consideration if he an­ ure” he had ever seen. girl, is hibernating with th* cir­ panied the team and the band-was nounces his intention to abandon ing team No. 4 and the. lowly No. the third quarter Bristol made only a good fead salted away. cuses. Jojo, the dog-faced boy, the principal mainstay of the eve­ the middleweights. 3’s took three straight from No. 1. eight points and the locals seven. It'was very evident last night ning, waghig.a battle of music with In the match between No. 1 and No. won’t be aroimd again imtil spring Bristol led nine to three at the that the Rec Five is slow to start The hea-vyweight world title Is Bristol’s orchestra. The brass HOCKEY FINALS ON open with Jack Sharkey holding the PLAN GOES BLOOEY ! 3 by wdnnlhg two games No. 1 returns to the north. Camera has quarter, 18 to nine at the half, and but. comes in fast at the finish. This pieces were extremely brassy. could have gone into a tie for first come to save us from a dull win­ 26 to 16 at the end of the third. was clearly shown in the New Bri­ American championship and Max Schmeling the opponent necessary place, but had an off night. Capt. ter. Bristol (83) ^ ‘ tain National Guards game and the Isn’t this the way it always is, we AT GARDEN TONIGHT to determine the worlds titleholder. AS ROSENBLOOM WINS Montie didn’t happen to be "rolling You Should See Him Crawl! P. B F T Branford Tanks game when both ask you. On the way down the bus With the coming of the new year, ’em” and this lapse without a doubt What difference does it make 2 White, r f ...... 2 1 -i 5' ' ' were pulled from the fire in the clos­ was filled with the odor of escaping the national boxing association finds affected his team. The matches next whether he can fight or not? Just 3 La Ponte, If .,.. 0 3-5 3 ing moments of play. Coach Fay has gas giving the players and others itself with a roster of SB states, week start- a new round and Teams at this writing it doesn’t appear as 1 Albertelli, If ....0 2-2 2 1 yet to devise a program where the New York, Jan. 4— (A P )—Madi­ Dempsey Meant to Make Lorn- 2 Hall, c ...... 2 0-0 • several good headaches and the son Square Garden’s series of col­ Canada and Porto Rico is members, 1, 2 and 4 are all anxious to win if anybody can fight. There is no 4 boys will step off at the start with 0 Gurski, c ...... 0 0-0 0 ' ^ chance to yell "Hey, open the win­ lege hoc Key games -will wind up to­ with affiliations -with the following: ski’s Next a Title Go; De­ since either 1 or 2 are very much heavyweight champion, no bantam the right combination of Offensive 3 Allaire, rg .,.,.,5 1-4 dow.” On the way home, the air night with an international struggle British Boxing Board of Control; feat Wrecks Hope. in the running for No. 4’s lead. champ, no light-heavyweight, no and defensive play and hold it 0 Lincoln, Ig ...... 2 0-0 4 ' within was as clear as the night out­ between the crack sextettes of Yale Cuban National Boxing Commis­ The standing today is: flyweight. It is really not import­ steady through the full game. Late side. "Hey, close that "bleinkety-b sion; Utommisslsn Mexican De Boxe; W. L. PC. 0 Palau, Ig ...... 2 0-0 4 " finishes,'like ninth inning rallies are and Toronto. ant that he fight. He is 6 feet 10 window.” Also Germany, Belgium, Denmark, New York, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Maxie Team No. 4 ...... 22 14 .611 inches tall and he can bend over, fine for the customers but are hard The Ells with such stars . as 11 18 7rl7 33 Palmer, Luce, Iglehart, Wilson, Egypt, Spain, France, Holland, Rosenbloom clowning light heavy­ Team No. 1 ...... 20 16 .555 keelng his knees straight, and on the players when faced with weight from Harlem has deilion- Manchester (23) KING TUT MATCHED Hickok and Farrell have yet to Italy, Luxembourg; Portugal, Team No. 2 ...... 18 18 .500 march aroimd with the palms of his I superior opposition. sti'ated beyond question his superi­ P. B. WITH BRUCE FLOWERS meet defeat. They have trounced Argentina, Rumania, Sweden; Team No. 3 ...... 1 2 24 .333 hands flat on the floor. Why. there The Mohawks presented their ority over the Aberdeen Assassin 0 O’Leary, rf .... 2 Michigan three times and Boston Switzerland Transval, and Austria The last five matches in the league are few British heavyweights, ac­ aces Ellert left forward and Mar­ through the international boxing Leo Lomski. ‘ have been'a case of three straight 1 Tierney, rf .... 0 chinek, center in a dual act for a Chicago, Jan. 3.— (AP)— King University, Dartmouth and the Uni­ customed as they are to being on 3 Smith, If ...... 4 Tut, rugged lightweight, versity Club of Boston once each. union. Complete iffternational har­ . Before a slim crowd of less-'than for the winner and Dame Fortune total of 5 baskets each. The big cen- 9,000 in Madison Square Gardep last the floor, who can crawl like Car- 0 Turkington, c .. 1 has been matched -with Bruce Flow­ Toronto also is unbeaten, the Cana- mony is obstructed' only 'oy the ab­ has been switching her fivor indis­ t ter however caged all of his three sence of New York, Massachusetts, night Rosenbloom cuffed his way to nera! 2 Nicola, rg ...... • 1 ers, New” York negro, for, a ter diens already having overwhelmed criminately. ‘ Who, cares whether or not a free tries from the foul line where­ California and Penna., from the N. an easy ten rouM decision o-vpr the 0 Squatrito, rg ... 0 round bout in the Chicago stadium Dartmouth and Harvard in the first The matches next week will bring lad like this can box? He has a 3 Dowd, Ig ...... 0 as EUert missed two of his three. B. A. membership but the most fanvesterner. It was a dull ntoten 1 and 3 together on Thursday night Healy, right forward for the visi- arena, Jan, 10. two games of their American in- temper. Young Stribllng fought i vasion. friendly relations In history exist that had few if any lively momisats. and Tehms 2 and 4 on Saturday. the behemoth in London and Paris, 9 8 6-11 22 ■ ;ors showed a fine total pointage of -with these states amounting almost Promoter Jack Dempsey’s plan to Tuesday night is taken up - by .a 10 with 3 field goals and 4 out of 6 Rockville Clerks in the opener giv­ to complete affiliation in the cases make his Leo Lomski-Jimmy Brad- and the big fellow became so en­ Score by Periods supper and meeting. Bristol ...... 9 9 8 7—33 iouls. ing the Hill town boys but r. single of Massachusetts and Penna. dock ten round bout at the (Chicago Team No. 1 raged at William’s pecking into his Summary: point at half time, and caging five Manchester ...... 3 6 7 5— 21 Coliseum January 17, a lip'ht heavy­ Bidwell ...... 91 85—264 hide that he hauled off after the Holyoke Mohawks (42) baskets themselves. The visitors f O W f W A N I ^ 88 Referee, Joe Sanderson. weight title meeting, has been Smith ...... 83 92 89—264 bell had sounded and cracked the ?. B. F. T. came down with a young army of All the world doesn’t love wrecked by Lomski’s defeat by Max L e iste r...... 89 73 83—245 Georgian. Besides being a foul, this 5 Healy, rf ...... 3 4-6 10 players but the locals were too fast PRIMO DENIED FIGHT; • Rosenbloom. Dempsey had petition­ G riffith ----- . 87 79-^252 was in direct violation of the mod­ ! F.llert. I f ...... 5 1-3 11 in all departments of play. The the man who loves 86 ed the. National Boxing Association Montie ...... 98 82 89—269 em union rules which hold that TOLEDO BUYS JOHNNY ( Marchinik, c ...... 5 3-3 13 Phantoms have won all but one of himself HAS NO U. S. UCENSE to declare the winner of the January boxers shall strike, one another I Marchinik, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 their games thus far this season. 17 battle,' light heavyweight champ 444 425 425 12M only during the -roimds and then : Tomo, Ig ...... 1 1-1 3 MOSm OF WHITE SOX The score. to succeed Tommy Loughran and Team No. S lightly and only with good intOT- ; Grabber, r g ...... 2 1-2 5 Phantoms (14) planned to prere~nt a title belt to the Mahoney 93 107 94— 294tions. I Grabber, c ...... 0 0-0 0 B. F. T. New York, Jan. 4.— (A R )—The wd^er, McCormack .... 78 87^257 Passion and Tears ' Toledo, O., Jan. 4.— (A P )— . Baker, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 Maloney, f ...... 2 0 4 New York State Athletic Commis­ A. Lashinske .. .104 125—333 The London Dispatch said "the Johnny Mostil, one . of the best Renn, f ...... 2 1 5 sion today denied the New York 88-^286 giant boxer seemed^to go mad. He kndwn outfielders in the American 1 16 10-15 42 Schildge ...... 94 Bissell, c ...... 0 1 1 Coliseum the right to match Primo Gibbon ...... 99 81—255 Leagiie, is now a member of the Rec Five (28) Kerr, g ...... 1 0 2 BOROTRA WINS HRST struggled with his own seconds Camera, the Italian giant hea-vy­ and those of Stribling with a look Toledo Ulub of the American Asso­ >. B. F. T. Moriarty, g ...... ^ 2 2 weight boxer, against Carl Carter, 468 472 475 1425 of intense ferociousness on his face. ciation. He was purchased outright ! H ", J oh n son ...... 76 (ohawlis .... 8—14—14— 6— 42 Idziak, g ...... 0 0 0 102—290 had your money’s worth. And ter street, 23-6. Detroit—Harry Ebbets, Brooklyn, More than a thousand periions B lanchard...... 98 HI nc ...... 2— 7— 6—13------28 Heintz, f ...... 1 0 2 95— 381 those “drip^g jaws." And im­ Manchester GYeen dnihhad 7B, Referee— ^Wallace Nelson. outpointed Willie Oster, Belgium, 10, were in the street outside unable to Wisotahe ...... 99 R. B id w ell...... 87 106—289 agine, folks, a man-mountain out 38-7. • 2 3 7 ©N'eA Hollywood, Calif.—Maurice Holt- get into the packed arena. there, crying with fury and disap- Thursday: 8A defeated 8B, 19-6. The niantoms of the Rec Junior Scort at half time, 10-1. zer, France, outpointed Frankie The French star took the first set polBtmeht! , . Buckland whitewashed 7A. 31-Q- «ague played rings around the Referee— ^Wallace Nelson. Kliek, San Franelaco, 10, 8-4. 439 439 474 1362

k V • .-7 ' ™

''.’7W - r*'’ - ^ suuTti M^UHliJSTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY;4,- FAGB TWELVE ^ T H E ED SE C T IO N AM P W lERp Knapp, field' secrets^ of theJEast- _____ LOSr AND FOUND 1 DOGS—BlRDS—PMb 4i em Nazarene College vrtU. speak Ip SEARCH FOR GUNMAN Want Aa Informatloo the interest' of the college. He will PAY CHECK LOST—^Notice is FOR SALE—3 ENGLISH Setter 6 h be ^ccompanii^ by a group of stu­ female puppies, very reasonable!. Cleveland, Jan. 4.— (A P )—/^gun­ Manchester hereby given that Pay Check No. dents. who wM'sing ami" by Mr. man believed by polioe to have been R2B 101, payable to Evelyn Fitch, Call 5960. Woodward, a^-sta^ent artist,* who Evening Herald will draw craypn" illustrations on responsible for .attach and robberies for week ending Dec. 28, 1929, has SECOND CONGREGATIONAL. of .'.five women during the hLit been lost. Anyone attempting to canvas of the sorigs simg by the CLASSIFIED ^ FUEL AND FEBD„ 49-A Frederick C. Allen, Minister. month was the object of a systen- cash this check will be prosecuted students. ' atic search today. advertisements 7;30i^MQnday- jevening. Band prac^ to the fuU extent of the law. Finder f o r SALE—SLAB and-, hard RESULTS Morning worship at 10:45. The Miss Janet Blood, 16, High school wood, sawed stove length, and un Anthem, “ Ope Thou Mine Eyes.V ‘ AtfoVdVrV'forirVegular fnsertlons umns are sure result getters. Beatrice Gallagher, 23, a maid, iattt FOR SALE—1929 FORD coupe, Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-2. Bailey. will be charged at the every driven 3,000 miles, like new, cheap Postlude, Antienne, Batiste. December 23 and Mrs. Mary Pshock, for quick sale. Call 8657 or 4878. FOR SALE — SEASONED . hard If you have some task you want Church school is held each Sun­ SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 20, three days later, and'to nave at­ wood, $6;50 a loa,d, split $7.25. Fred day morning at 9:30. At tomorrow’s tacked another woman Dec. 6. FOR SALE—FORD MODEL T 2 O. Giesecke. Phoiie Rosedale 36-12. j)erformed whether its finding session a letter, recently received Miss Blood was in a critical con­ door sedan, 1926, good condition. from Miss Anne Brookings, ■wiU be (Gontinaed from Page Three.) dition today.. She told police she charging at the rate earned, but Call 5343. a house and lot, or hiring a read. Miss Brookings sailed for was on her way to a home where she no'allowlnces or rotunds can be made HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Africa a few months ago to engage ing him. Nor is the greatness that cares for children after school hours, GOOD USED CARS on six time ads stopped after the maid, you can get it done ^n world service for the girls of In- we assign him' the greatness that when the gunman grabbed her and Cash or'Terms FOR SALE—SECOND hand gas anda Seminary in South Africa. we think of in othpr men. demanded her money. When she sai.l ®^No^“tm forbids"; display lines not Madden Bros. range and -Rex hot water'heater, quickly through these columns Christian Endea,vor meeting at Earthly estate, fame, glory, she had none, he fired, went througa 68 Main St. Tel. 5500 used about 1 1-2 years. Call 6543. ®°The Herrfld will not be responsible 6:30. Topic: “Boasting Versus Hav­ achievement—ail these things are her purse as she collapsed in the tor more than one Incorrect ‘" “®rtion and at a minimum of cost. Our not at all in our estimate of the of any advertisement ordered for 10 GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT of in- ing Confidence in Yourself.” Leaders snow, and fled. Crawford Auto Supply Company of the discussion: Marie Wilson and Sa'viour-King. We think of him '-as more than one time. mcor- sufficent room we offer a large records prove‘our statement. humble and lowly. We think of him The inadvertent om.sslon °f Center & Trotter Streets golden oak dining room set for Franklin Smith. rect publication of advertising in terms of his supreme service^and Telephone 6495 and 8063 sale, 5 chairs, dining table, side Notes. rei'Hrted only by cancellation or tne The men o f the parish are in­ his tragic sacrifice. We. think of him SCHUHRMAN PRAISED charge tn a S iV r the service r.nd^red. board and china cabinet. A bar­ vited to meet at the close of the as the man supremely'good, willing All advertisements must oonform 1928 UODGE SENIOR COUPE gain. Call evenings after, 6. 256 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN Sunday morning service to talk over to suffer for' the vsins of his fellow in style, copy and tyP°sraPhy JvHb Woodbridge. . ' ' Berlin, Jan. 4.— (A P )—All Ger­ regulatior . enft»ced by the PuPl ^b- Terms—Trades Considered the organization of a Men’s Bible men, and devoting' all his goodness many listened to a farewell oration ers and they reserve the right to BETTS GARAGE Class. to the imselfish pu^ose of redeem­ oh Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, re­ edU revise or reject any -py oon- FOR SALEJ—3 ROOMS of fumitjife, Hudson-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce will transfer rent to party :buy^g DIAL 5121 A special meeting of the Ladies’ ing men an'd leadiil; theih to Cod tiring American ambassador", broad­ same, heated apartment, centrally Aid^ociety will be held immediately Whatever oiir ' metaphysics or e st by Prof. Arthur Liebert, presi­ located in South Manchester. For at the close of the morning service. theories, .we. put that SayiouriKing dent of the Kant Society today. ^ iv ’^ e f b f 12 o'cISch nLn"!“laturdays BUILDING- information dill 46751 ' , for an Ad-taker Instead of the customary supper in human history in' a place by him­ Prof. Liebert, in moving terms, self. We b ^ g ' hiin ' reverence aind TELEPHONE YOUR CONTRACTING 14 on the night of the annual meeting, voiced th» deep regret of the Ger­ NEW OAK chest of drawers .$16, Thursday, Jan. 9th, it is planned to adoration, we yield him our gifts,as man people in losing a friend to WANT ADS. CARPENTER WORK, porch and two piece breakfast set $5, hew. 3 have a social time with special did the Wise Men of old, believing whom the country “ owes deep grati­ AdQ nre accepted over the telephone storm enclosures, alterations, re­ mirrored oak vanity dressing ta.ble music and refreshments. The hour that in him the dl'vine and the hu­ tude for his warm-heart and imder- at tie^CHA^GB RATE given above man have met, that he has revealed as a convenience to bu pairs, roofing, and garages. T. Niel­ $20, new overstuffed parlor' suite is set for 7:30. More detailed an­ standing mind.” ThP c a s h KATES will be accepted as son, .telephone 4823. $115. ■ . nouncement later in The Herald. to the world the humanity of God “At the pinnacle of popular l-^UL^ p a y m e n t if paid at tbe bust- Watkins Furniture Exchange JUST A REMINDER: For those and the divinity that dw^is in man veneration, he is the recipient of. ness office on or before the seventh who are to give reports at the an­ and that is his supreme quest. best wishes from the nation lol S af following the a RCE MOVING-TRUCKING- nual meeting. each ad otherwise the CHARGE WANTED-TO BUY 58 APARTMENTS— FLAl'S— which his affection ever inclined,” RATE will be collected. No responsi­ STORAGE 20 The Manchester Chamber of said the professor. bility for errors In telephoned ads TENEMENTS 63 Commerce is setting up an informa­ NEW MEXICAN GOVERNOR WILL PAY CASH for stocks of Farm Real Estate will be assumed and their accuracy PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. tion bureau of dates scheduled by cannot be S'*'’ ran teed. merchandise of all kinds. Phone or f o r RENT—APARTMENTS 4, 5 ivlatCh c .a u s e d b l a s t Local and long distance express In Best Position clubs and societies of all kinds for Mexicali, Lower California, Jan. INDEX OF write A. M. Barnes, 65 Oakland s and 6 rooms. Apply Edward J. and freight service, including over­ their common convenience. It will 4— (AP)— General Jose Maria to­ CLASSIFICATIONS Terrace, Hartford, Conn. 6-4946. ’ HolL 865 Main street. Telephone Since “Deflation” Oklahoma City, Jam. 4.— (A P .)- night express service between Man­ be to the mutual advantage of all if day assumed, his new duties as gov­ After an extensive investigation I Births ...... y chester and New York. Furniture^ 4642. all such gfroups will send to the ernor of the. northern district of Engagements ...... WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices Miller D. May, chiqf state mine in- Marriages ...... ^ moved under the supervision of, ex­ for rags, paper, magazines and Manchester C. of C. notice of in­ Lower California, succeeding Abel- specter, had decided the explosion j Ueatlis ...... jr perts and in specially constructed metals. . Also buy all kinds of h o u s e s f u r REN’l 65 BY FRANK I. WELLER. tended events as far in advance as ardo Rodriguez, he took the oath Washington.— (A P )—Still contin­ of gas in the Old Town coal mine Card ot Tlianks ...... „ trucks. Phone 3063, 8860 or 8864. chickens.' Morris H. Lessner. Dial possible. of office yesterday. of North McAiester, which on Dec.. in .Memorial:! ...... FOR RENT—KEENEY street, sin­ uing downward, but at a slower General Maria 'said he was under 6389 or 3886. An' Evening of Favorite Melodies 17 killed 61 miners, was caused by Eos', and Found GENERAL TRUCKING— Equipped gle six' room house, modem, with rate, farm real estate values last orders and that it was his personal .•Nniiouncements will be held, in the main auditorium lighting of a match smuggled intoj for light and heavy jobs, tobacco, JUNK double garage, rent $35. Call Hart­ year showed the smallest annual of our church on Friday, Jan. 17th. ambition to stop smuggling from Personals ...... the mine in defiance of a state law. ’ A iitouiolillea hay, lumber, heavy freight, etc. Highest prices for anything sale­ ford 8-1519.______loss since the current period of de­ Mrs. R. K. Anderson will be at the his district of liquor and narcotics .Automobiles tor Sale ...... Prompt service, reasonable rates. able, particularly copper, brass, flation set in, the bureau of agricul­ organ, with a vocalist assisting. It destined for points in the United Autotiiobiles for Exchange A Hollywood star was married in ' Auto Access>jries—Tires .. Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. rags, magazines. Call 5879. Wm. FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 7 tural Economics reveals. will be a request program in re­ States. the conventional manner the other .\ III o Renal rill2— Patni ing Ostrinsky. 91 Clinton. Prompt at­ rooms, steam heat, garage, bath. In the 1928-’29 12-monlh period sponse to the desire of a number of j .\ nil' Seliools ...... 31 Mather street, Manchester. E. values per acre of all farm lands, in­ people. Further requests for favor­ day, probably in an effort to get a .\uios—Sint) by TiucU .... tention. average of 87 PROFESSIONAL A. Standlsh, Andover, Conn. Tele­ cluding the improvements on theln, ite melodies are very cordially in­ Milk contains, an little publicity. . .A.lilts— For Hue ...... 1-2 per cent water. C.irages —Service—Storage ...... SERVICES 22 phone WUlimantic 1353-5.- declined slightly less than 1 per vited. Such requests may be com­ M.tiorcvcles— Bicvcle ...... ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 cent, averaged for the United States municated to Mrs. Anderson aiw \\* I »i I (’ll .A • *s — M<' ^ i)rii>'c ics • * * PIANO TUNING as a whole. Few of the sharp state There Is No Place Like Kll i„£N» and l'rc.re.M«lId S“ i vices (.'ITeiecJ ...... IG-A FOR SALE—WILL SACRIFICE— shown. This is particularly true of auspices of the Men's| club of our ij 1 M1M a — I *. *111 racM 11 g ...... I 4 6 Orchard St. Tel. 4219 street, corner Bissell and Foster Two family house, all improve­ the corn belt states. church. There will bq a moderate Whether You Buy One l-bill-I.S— NlllsirtlfS ...... 15 streets. Telephone 4773. - For Sale - K i;u i ;il I iif'*-iii! s ...... • - 16 ments, large lot and two car admission charge. ; ... H ■:ii 111-' — I’lumlimg— Kooring . 17 22 Compared with pre-war levels, PARKER STREET--Bungalow, 7 - or BuildDne. . IS REPAIRING garage. Near Station 20. Burnside liisiiinni'e ...... Ave. For particulars write to own­ the country-wide average acre-value THE SALVATIOlil ARMY rooms, heaL bath, two car garage. Buy a lot, right now you can have ,\|. Ilini i V — I It rKsmai: Ing ------. lu A P A RIM E NTS— FLATS— stands about 16 per cent higher than your choice of 10 at $175 each, high ,\|..\ trig — I'MU'king—Storage . -20 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ er. Geo. J. Anderson, 176 Harding .\dj. and Mrs. Jo^. Heard Large lot—ra bargain at $5,500. I'.imiiiig — I’.il'eliiif...... 31 ed. key fitting, safes opened, saw TENEMENTS 63 before the war. In 1920 the cor­ elevation and worth more money, •f •» Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. !■; ..I, ii>na 1 Services ...... tiling and grinding Work called responding position was 70 per caot Street service tonight, corner WAPPING CENTER — Bungalow, located on West Side. These are i;.|i.i: iina ...... ; 33 for. Harold Clemscn, 108 North FOR RENT—3 ROOM suite, all FOR SALE—NEW 6 room house, above pre-war. When allowance is Birch and Main 7:30. followed by a 4 rooms, heat, bath, acre of laijd winter prices and on easy terms too. |■.ll^'l■l:lg — I ivring—ClLanin" modern improvements, Johnson made for the lower purchasing bordering on State Highway, Corner lot on Pitkin street, $1600. T.iUl iiii..'l') and Service .. . -5 Elm streeL Tel. 3648. all improvements, also 5 room sertfice of praise in thp hall for an W inicd —Busiiipss Service .. . 36 Block. Phdne 3726 or janitor 7635. btmgalow. Telephone 87IJ or 168 power of the dollar, farm real estate hour, and this followed by a half $5,000. Will take lot in trade. If yon are not familiar with this ld(lii<'nttoii:il VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, in 1929 was worth on the average hour of prayer commencing at 9:30. beautiful home section 'drive out and . FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, 79 Benton streeL HALFWAY BETWEEN MAN­ r'ouiscs and Classes ...... 27 clock, gun repairing, key fitting. about 20 per cent less than before Sunday school convenes at 9:30, look It over, i'rivaie liisiruction 38 Wells street, all improvements in­ CHESTER AND HARTFORD: , . S-A Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. FOR SALE-5800 DOWN buys new the war. with Y. P. sergeant Major Wm. Nrat single of 5 rooms, all conven­ I lancing ...... 2 cluding furnace. Inquire 81 Wells Seven (7) acres of land with . 38 colonial borne. Six rooms, tlk bath, Leggett in command, and Mrs. Rob­ iences, including garage." Close in •Musical — Lirainatic ...... barn. Ideal for Florist, Poultry Wauled —Ins' rncii.in 30 SEVv^ING MAi :HINE repairing of stre'et. Telephone 7617. oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ The number of farm foreclo.smes ert Wilson, assistant, .^lasses for or Gas station—bound to increase at $5200, easy terms. FliinnrinI all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ ranged. Arthur A. Knofla> 875 Main and related defaults was less in Lhe ' How about starting the new year llnruis— Stocks— Mori gages 31 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all all. in vMue. . .$i.0()0 per acre. 33 plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. Tel. 5440, last 12-month period than in the one Holiness meeting at 11, right by insuring your valuables. Business Opportunities ...... street, Tel. 4301. improvements, garage if desired. Money to Loan ...... 33 Apply 95 Foster street. Dial 5230. immediately preceding. On the Yoimg Peoples Legion at 3 AUTUMN STREET— Small house Houses, garages, autoniobOes, in| Help and SItoatIuns average, 19.4 farms out of every 35 o’clock. Young Peoples' Band in good location. Can be enlarged fact we insure anything that is in­ Help Warned —F e m a le...... j 1,000 were lost by default as com­ Help W'anred—^lale 36 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, render excellent music. at a small expense, $1,500. surable and at the lowest rates con­ Help Wanted —Male or Female 37 lower floor, all modem improve­ WINDOW DECORATING, pared to 22.8 lost for the year be­ Prayer ser'vice at G:30, followed sistent with safe coverage. Agentx \Vanied ...... 37 -A BARBER TRADE taught in day ments. C. E. Lewis, 44 Cambridge fore. by street meeting at 7, with a gos­ 38 Situations Wanted— Female and evening classes. Low tuition street. Telephone 7269. pel service at 7:30. The golden Situations Wanted—Mala . 38 SIGN SHOP OPENED Employment Agencies „ . . , 40 rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 jubilee crusade is on. Live Stock— Het«— Poultry— Vibictca Market street, Hartford. FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS tenement Program for the week. Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... ^.l of four rooms, extra attic room, W.4PP1NG Monday night — Several group Robert j. Smith Live Stock —Vehicles ...... 42 all improvements. Inquire 111 HoU prayer meetings and corps cadet Edward J. Holl , . lo09 .Maln Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 HELP WANTED— C. H. Jaycox, of 157 North Main John E. Lathrop, wHo was injured Wanted — Peis-yPoultry—Stock 44 street, telephone 7330, street has opened a sign shop at 20 Cl2>SS« REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Beal Estate Insurano* ] For Sale— Miscellaneous FEMALE 35 in an automobile accident recently Tuesday — One central prayer 865 Main Street. i Steamship Tickets 45 FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, all Oak. street, in the building just east and who was taken to a hospital in Articles for Sale «ii ,o£ the Circle Theater formerly used meeting, place to be announced. The Boats and Accessories . WANTED—WOMAN for general modem improvements, including Willimantic, died there on Thursday. girl gpaards and senior band prac­ Building Materials 47 steam heat. Inquire 14 Arch St. as a barber shop. The new establish­ Diamonds— Watches—Jewelry 48 housework. Must stay nights. Tele­ While it was not believed that his tice. 48 ment will be kno'wn as “Jay’s Sign injuries were necessarily fatal chron­ {Electrical Appliances— Radio phone 4386. ‘ Shop” and is the first of its kind in Wednesday —Young Peoples ser­ Fuel and Feed ...... FOR RENT—98 CHURCH street, ic diabetes, from which he had been five room flat, steam heat, medera the heart of Manchester’s business vice at the quarters. Garden — Farm— Dairy Products 50 suffering for some time, became Thursday—Street meeting follow­ Household Goods ...... |.l HELP WANTED—MALE 36 improvements, price very reason­ center. This centrally located shop Machinery and Tools ...... 52 acute and the complication caused ed by a gospel service in the hall. able. Inquire 28 Scarborough Road should prove a convenience to local his death. He was 69 years old. Musical Instruments ...... 53 WANTED— CLERK and mail hand­ storekeepers who have constant use Friday evening at 7 :30—Songster Office and Store Equipment . .. . 54 or Phone 5956. The funeral will be held at the Cen­ practice and holiness meeting. Specials at the Stores ...... 56 ler. Address P, O. Box 293, Man­ for display cards or window dress­ ter MeLhedist church. East. Hartford, Wearing Apparel — Furs ...... 57 chester. FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, ing, and who have no one in their Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 with all improvements amd garage at 11 o’clock Sunday forenoon. GOSPEL HALL Ilooins— Board— Hotels— Resorts employ possessing the attributes of Miss Etta I. Stoughton and Mr. at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 415 Center Street Restaurants a commercial, artist. and Mrs. Howard Willard of South Rooms Without Board ...... AGENTS WANTED 37-A month. Inquire 178 Parker streeL Clubs and other organizations 69 Windsor were the guests on New bread, Boarders Wanted ...... 5D-A Dial 5623. who frequently need posters ad­ Lord’s Day—Breaking of Country Board—Resorts ...... 69 WANTED—MAN with car, to Year’s day of Mr. md Mrs. Harold 10:45 a. m. Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 demonstrate advertised specialty vertising their activities will find O. Miller of Springfield...... 62 FOR RENT—3 ROOM FLAT, all the young proprietor of Jay’s Sign Simday School, 12:15 p. m. 'Wanted—Rooms—Board to garages, stores, property owners improvements, including hot water The Federated Sunday School (Sospel Meeting, 7:00 p. m. Real Eiitnte For Rent and farmers in open territory. Past ^hop well equipped to execute large board at its monthly business meet­ and Apartments. Flats. Tenements 63 heat. 170 Oak street. Inquire 164 or stnall orders at reasonable rates. Tuesday — Prayer meeting Business Locations for Rent 64 selling experience not required. Oak street or call 8241. ing on Thursday evening appointed Bible reading, 7 ;45 p. m. Houses for Ren* ...... 65 Must furnish reference and be will- The telephone number 4624. Mrs. Walter N. Foster and Albert Suburban for Rent ...... 66 - ing to start on reasonable basis. FOR RENT—FIVE room tenemmt, ' Mr, Jaycox is no novice in the E. Stiles as delegates of the Coimcil Summer Homes for R e n t ...... 67 sign-paiiiting business. He has had CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Wanted to Rent ...... ■...... 68 $2,000,000 worth sold yearly. Fyr- Mather street, ready January 1st, of the Religious Education. Rev. E. T. French, Pastor Real Estate For Sale Fjrter Co., 1935 Fyr-Fyteri- Bldg., rent $16. Robert J. Smith. considerable experience in getting The- Federated Workers will give Apartment Building for-Sale ... 69 out show cards and trimming ■win­ Dayton, Ohio. a supper at the Parish House this 9:30— Sunday school. Business Property for S ale ...... 70 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ dows of some of Hartford’s leading evening. Group No. 1 will be In Farms and Land for S a le ...... 71 ment, with all improvements 'at stores. 10;45—Mornifig worship, the Houses for Sale ...... 72 charge with Mrs. Walter N. Foster Commimion service will follow ser­ Lots For Sale ...... 73 SITUATIONS WANTED— 201 Oak street. Phone 5543 after as chairman assisted by Mrs. Aug^us- mon by the pastor, Resort Property for S ale ...... 74 FEMALE 38 5:30 p. m. The industries of Norway rank ta Burger, Miss Etta Stoughton, Suburban for S a le ...... 75 Mrs.. E. P. Collins, Mrs. Da'vid Bum- 3:00— Junior mission band. Real Estate for Exchange ...... 78 in,the following order: agriculture, 6:30—Young people’s meeting. Wanted— Real Estate ...... 77 forestry, mining, , and ship­ ham, Mrs. Frank Foster and Mrs. YOUNG G i r l wishes housework of The South Sea Islands have the 7:30— Sunday evening. Rev. J. W. Auction— Legal Notices building. Paul Sheldick. Legal Notices ...... 79 any kind, experienced. Phone-8520, smallest cows in the world. Legal Notices ...... 7s —J/r- By FRANK BECK GAS BUGGIES—Imagine That

\ S B H T Y R ...... m - - 0 » e w e a i l h o f if e

There are at le ^ four mistakes In' the above picture. ™ay pertain to grammar, history, ettquiette^ drawing or whatnot. 'See if you can find them. Then look at the scraihbled word below—and* laiacram- ble it, by switching the letters arquind: <3rade yourself 20 foi^'each of to the mistakes, you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramble IL .? CORSE CnONS (1) The at the left hae one glove and- 'eaie ndtten. (2) The blade of the ax at the lefh fa o^fved inodmsetty. I t fa concave l^trad of convex. (8) A tree,: being chopped down, talto toward.the ^ in­ stead of away froro.lt. (4) ^.Tke l^ d le of fa to the head backwards. (6) The 8craml)»d word fa BISTHDAY8. y ' ■**:. - MANCffESTER EVENING HERALD, SOlTi^^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930. PAGE n U R T E ^ » . ■ I A i M.I I I ■ I ...... I ' I ' l l . ^ i I ...... Flapper Say&' SKIPI^ Y By Perry L* C’rosby SENSE and NONSENSE wM.uts.wwr.off.

Kicking Over the Hour Gi^s. Y(^ ie rte K V ^ Father Time was rebuffed here in TH«V IS POlf^UMe the annual Father-Son race when Dr. O. R. Austin, veteran physician, e y e ! T !o M e ^ met the challenge of youth and de­ feated his 244-year-old son, Harold, H e r r ^ h a r d - in the 50-yard dash.— From The *Meridian, l^ss., Star.

\ No Need of Nighties. “That Cats Pajamas’’ as A' slang expression ain’t so bright— It’s my experience Cat’s never go to bed at night.

Helen: “So you met Gladys at choir practice?’’ -dCarl: “Yep. Just a ‘chants’ ac­ quaintance.” *

Rastus: “Say, Gawge, wot kinda see-gars does yo’-all'sm oke?” George: “ Me? Why, brudder, All (c; 1930 ' f-'- Crosby, Great ’Britain rights reserved. ^ ( King Features Syndicate, Inc. smokes Robinson Crusoes.” L Rastus: “What kina see-gars am QWIA Robinson Crusoes?” OUR BOARDING HOUSE George: “Castaways, Midnight, An aviator without a plane The Little Master. By Fontaine Fo% castaways.” , might still discover the pole. By Gene Ahern

Judge: “George Washington, why ger, Ah’ll look dat word up in de did you steal the watch?” diction-nary an’ ef its what Ah HILL''ON t h e E S T ^ E w a s FINALLY SELECTED DOWN WHICH THE George: “Well, Jedge, it was like think it am Ah’s gonna am-pu-tatc a s t e r w a s t o b e a l l o w e d t o c o a s t w i t h n o b o d y LEAS/E ■THOSE VOHV, M P . dis. Ah was goin’ along, an’ 1 seed forty-fo’ yeahs off’n th’ rear end ob U T T LE M , He’S OklLY p is e s ooplb FLU (3 THAT dat de watch was goin’, and Ah yo’ life.” HOLDING ON TO HIM OR ANYTHING! H LAV,M-R5‘.' H ■ KlPPIkAo thinks and den Ah thought; ’Why Alki’’ *3AKe: AKi''' I VO ILL PC IS YERY klAjP can’t we go together?’.” A little flattery now and then is VoU MAPrrHAf th em o r ou O T Y o u ; relished by .the wisest men. ■ Lip T Y \ He OAJlY Old Uncle Mose says: "Work sho’ ^^TAk&- A LilGHT OTF TOP DoESUV Kkiovo am a bilessin’ providin’ yo’ lun git de Traveler; “Who’s the close-mouth­ OLiCE ALi’’ GO PO A MOV/iBl AMY CXi'USiPERA-noU TH’ f ir s t other feller to do hit.” ed individual over in the comer? IS ©lYEAi ME He hasn’t spoken for ten minutes?" VOOlOV ■ BE ■TH’ TIRS-T TRiCK ABOUT Aunt Mandy says: “ De unkind am "Village W it: “ He ain’t close- T'v/rr ^ r 1 ARouiOP Her e is VOASHlkJ’ de wrong kind.” mouth. He’s just waiting till Pete I YE VOASHe P P isHES -1 voHEki t TAKE A PISHES comes back with the spittoon.” PIP'"EM . TOP SIX COUP wo-^.--rHEY ^ AkA’ J Henry: “Aljs got a half-mind to MOkiTHS OkAcE OkA A get married.” The other day we met an old mail POCTOR ME "To g e t Kkioul LESS John: “ Well, brudder, dat’s all yo’ carrier on his rounds, his pack bulg­ freight teamer S ,r ' WELL iki A ‘ / r T H a m He need.” ing with a heavy load. “Hello, Jim! How’s the postal bus­ I'll voasH Aki’* Hu r r y , f o r f e a r \ V p o e s / Old Uncle Clo says: “ H it sho’ am iness?” we asked. TAKE CAki TljlEY’ LL MISS OUT, Cornin’ to a purty pass dese days He stopped, ejected a quid of to­ ( when a farmer has to go to de state bacco and said: “ Listen, tell me PRY ’ EM f OU MEALS/ fair to see what a boss looks.lak. ” something—what the heck do so many people find to write about?” Sambo’s father says: “Monkeys am lak a lotta folks, dey am almos'

human.” <5 She: “ I bobbed my hair to show my independence.” A TH O U G H T He: “ What did you bob your skirt fo r? ” And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye Mr. S; “What kind of people are shall receive.—St. Matthew 21:22. p the new neighbors?” Mrs. S. “I don’t know. They hang He who prays without confidence their wash in the attic.’ cannot hope that his prayers will be granted.— Fenelon. Sambo talking to a strange negro who had just threatened him: “Nig- DID YOU KNOW THAT—

B ig, Jim Keesey, who is now Y the property of the Athletics, Putting on a good front is and who was voted the best first baseman in the Pacific Coast a great help in getting League last season, is not going backing to play first for the A’s right WILL away. . . . Connie says Foxx RCa.U.S.PAT.1 1930 lY NCA »IHVICE,^IHCJ will stay there . . . and Lee (epontaine Fox, 1930 Roy “Workhorse” Manhaffey ^ m < h > from Portland probably will not take a regular turn on the •(•mound for the Macks right away. t- WASHINGTON TUBBS H Easy Wins Second Round By Crane . . . Connie does say that he “ hopes” Lee Roy will be able to NOW'S TNAT? rvqht betw een^ • do it. . . . “ Of course it has WERE we A«eV NOW To.-^e been done,” says he, “ but not A\P P il o t \F 1 CAN WRECK THE SW\^ TWO trees and off cone the VimCiS— very often.” ... If Wild Bill The owLV WITHOUT OETTING NOBOOS WVlRrT, kNO DAWSON VS MiNUS^ Mehlhom gets steamed up, as he TOOGH PAKT UP KSSELF. PUANE'FOR NVS DlNTS WORK* did last year in Texas and A r­ ^ JUtAPS.' , IS IN FlMOlNG kansas, he’s just likely to up and ■ I / win that $10,000 first prize at 'P8SERTS EASY AT •AS WAS BACK, Agua Caliente, surprising every­ 5,000 FEET, EXPECT- ttOWE. body. . . . Bill §et a world rec­ I MO n\t\ TO CRASH. ord of 271 for 72 holes over the d • • • • El Paso course, of ilormal yard­ TLANE GOES U4TO HOSE- I / — \ v age. . . . Three fine hitters in ak the majors are Dale Alexander, OWe OftVMSON’S ANO LAUfet^ o m AT Chuck Klein and Babe Herman HEHCBfAAN TAKES TO other 0^pe^iSE . . . and they all field that ball PARACHUTe, RMVAER BoeFAecv like Bloomer Girls. THAN LAMP CAPTwjE GM&RLEgOt, PA. y AT POINT OF GUN. • « • # • % s OAlNSOW EVIPEKTLY HAS URGET^T REASOH FOR 6ETTIH0 EASN OUT OF WAT Vff,

K. y f 1.9. PAT. Off. btMo*ywcA9Wweawe. V______S T O R V if y h a £ W FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS So Long! By Blossec

JOST VMkNTA SEUO OS A 1 SEE-TO UKE TO OU'^E'CL BE TWAT'S FlKE-THAT’S FINE— FbST CARD / B £ V oO*MEBBE VBEi-L/l GOT A LOT OF Do w n o T tpiE UE WWEH VOO I VoO’LL swaks pamc>s I DEPOT lb SEE pe o ple to s a y sooo-evE \>1\TU TUt J S PRISED" To YET— SEE YOU g o es! (SET TJkERE, VoO OFF.' PRESIDENT.'! )7 Visa, 6000 AT TUE OSCAR!

i t 1 YitSU I vnas GOINS-’


MT.eff. NtA wwncK. we. L V , 01930 BY WEA StRVICE. INC. SALESMAN SAM You Said It, Sam! By Small (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) • / ( The bear sure had a heap of fun. sighed. “That is a plan that might 'WvVOOSHlCOULON’TTft W AIT 'jSoe^E.eoOY 3 UST CALLeo UP AW F«WaierHT,Gr0 1 2 -\ ©iCr NOTHIN’- 3 USTWftMMft , TILL MORNlNOr? He sat and made the long bike run be tried, but just supposin’ Mister tAftK.e ft PO(LCHftSel Bear decides to stay and fight. SAID ft &UIL IS BftUCxlN' ON TH' /C0IA6. IN UftTe iWTH’ ’ lO Sft around in funny circles. Then he’d He’s big and tall and very fat and SToRt^OOOR—

- A ' A FOURTEEN MsnrliFBtn Stirning

made of the ibouse. The garage door the house, was called in and it was TONIGHT! DON’T MISS! DANCING DDRGLARYATTEMPTED broken ear though im irffort found that one of- the windows in Start New Year With Good Time wan made to steal an automobile, the back part of the house had m RIn R R O M ) , Every Saturday Night CITY VIEW DANCE HALL AT a E. WILLIS HOME lik a n d 'l^ . Wiltos are hi Eloiida- been broken, which .made it possible Keeney St. Manchester Green School to turn, the key id the door an^ Are You A Good Driver? Modem and Old-Fashioned Dancing and He is n ^ yet possible tovtiell^ if R I A V O ^ • RIT.L WADDELL’S OBCH. gain an entrance through this rear. Wehr?s Orchestra anything was stolen. If you can show that you are and you own a paraen- Dan Miller, Prompter ’When.' the place' was inspected it / V G. A. Chappell, Prompter Occupants in Florida—Impos­ Mr. and Mrs. WllUs left Manches­ was found that drawers had been ger car, then you’re entitled to a Admission 50c. Admission 50 cents. sible to Tell If Articles of ter on December 26 for Florida, opened and articles of all kinds A $2.50 gold piece will be given as where they srfe to spend the winter. were foimd overturned, but .as far / , \.- 10% REDUCTION ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE WmST-DANCE first prize at the Masonic Social Value Were Taken. The house was locked up imtil as could be learned nothing of value LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAI^E INSURAJ^CE Club setback party this evening at , ------their return and the automobile was taken. • » • t ' the Temple. There Will also be three not left in the private garage, but Find out if you’re'eligible by calling 7021. Monday, Jan. 6, 8:15 As Mr. and Mrs. Willis were not other pr^es and refreshments. All The poUce have received a corn- in storage in a public garage. present to check up it is possible Buckland School Hall men are invited. plaint that the. home of Gilbert E, ' ' ^:V Ways and Means Com. P. T. A. On Thursday the broken door of that articles of value that Harlow i -----^ ‘ 11.' Willis on East Center street was Willis or his sister Mrs. R. H. Bum-1 $2.50 Gold Pieces, 1st Prizes The Manchester Community club : ^ the garage was noticed and the in- Refreshments. 85 cents. will sponsor a bridge party at the ; entered some time during the pres- fonnation was given to the police. ham might not have known about JOHN H. LAPPEN White ^ouse on North Main street j ent week and a general ransack Harlow' Willis, son of the owner of have been taken. Monday evening. Playing will begin i INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS. at 8 o’clock and there will be three 19 Lilac St., Phone 7021- ABOUT TOWN prizes for the men and three for the j KEMP'S. Ine. v.'omen, following by refreshments | “If It’s Insurance—Lappen Can Handle It.” and a social time. ^ m i l j Read The Herald Adr:. William Potterton who teaches at Although the winter season is b u f Dean Academy, Franldin, Mass., 14 days old Manchester has sp;nt Announcing will return tomorrow after spending as much for snow removal this year the Christmas vacation with his as it did all last winter. The first parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pot­ heavy show of this year was so , terton of W illiam street. (heavy and became so caked with ice | ' that its removal was extremely dif- j The usual Saturday evening dance ficult. will be hdd this evening at the Manchester Green' school imder auspices of tjie young people’s com- i ELECT JOHNSON HEAD WEEK mittee. Bill Waddell’s orchestra I plays for all these dances and Dan 1 Miller is the announcer. | OF LUTHER LEAGUE Miss Marjory Smith of Golway AT THE STATE THEATER street will return tomorrow to finish Herbert Johnson Named Presi­ her soph.\aore year at Brown Uni­ dent at Annual Meeting Last 1 J versity. Miss Ruth Smith will return N ight. j , to Tufts College. Herbert Johnson was elected ■ N keeping with the STATE, Theater’s policy of thor­ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Segar of president of the Luther League of j Oxford street entertained a party of the Swedish Lutheram church laist I oughly entering into the community spirit, the man^ young people from this town and night succeeding Sherwood Ander­ Hartford at a bridge party at their son. The various reports of the agement now plans to give Manchester’s younger gen­ home last evening. officers were rqad'and accepted and eration and future civic leaders an opportunity to see the retiring officers were given a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newcomb of rising vote of thanks. how the “wheels go round” in one of Manchester’s en­ East Center street are moving today Three new members were accept­ to the farm they recently purchased ed, Hugo Pearson, Anna Modean terprises. In bribf, the. idea is to turn over the State at Somers. Mr. Newcomb has for and Esther Anderson. Other offi­ years been a salesman with the cers elected were Carl Gustafson, Theater entirely to our boys for ONE WEEK. Not only Blish Hardware company. son, vice president; Svea Lindberg, will this be a thrilling experience for the boys but a splen­ secretary; Edith Johnson, assistant Manchester Lodge No. 1477 Royal secetary; Roy Johnson, treasurer; did business trailing. ‘ Order of Moose will hold its regular Margaret Johnson, financial secre­ business meeting Monday evening at tary; Esther M. Johnson and Her­ the Home club. This will be an im­ man Johnson, auditors; Philip An­ portant business meeting and every derson and Russell Anderson, libra­ [E wife had every reason to expect member who can possibly do so rians; and Eva M. Johnson, pianist. should attend. Committees elected to take charge her husband to provide for her liberally in of the meetings throughout the year Week Beginning January Miss Mary Erdin of 110 Walnut were: ' his wilL He was well off. street was tendered a party last Junior Committee: Chairman, evening by her father in honor of Ruth Benson, Rose Anderson, Edith But he left no will! Then his wife dis­ her twenty-first birthday. About 15 Johnson, Mildred Noren, Elin Niel­ a c h day a coupon will be printed with the regular of her young women friends from sen, Arthur Anderson, Everett STATE advertisement. VOTE FOR YOUR BOY’S covered that she wasn’t so well off as she Hartford were present. The home Swanson, Russell Anderson. E thought. Several o f her in-laws shared by was prettily decorated ■with cut Music Committee: Chairman, FRIENDS; E^ch grammar, parochial, trade or high flowers. Red and white streamers Helge Pearson, Roy Johnson, Laura law in the proceeds of her husband’s estate. were festooned in the dining room. Nelson, Eva Johnson, Helen Gustaf­ school pupil eligible. The boy receiving the most votes The centerpiece was a beautifully son, Hilma Dahlman, Clifford Ander­ Did they take their legal share ? Human decorated birthday cake with 21 son. will be made manager. The next> his assistant until all tapers. The favors were in the same Social Committee: Chairman, nature’s built that way! colors and some of the dishes in Esther Johnson, SyMa Casperson, the positions* are ‘filled. THEY WILL HAVE ENTIRE keeping with the color scheme. Evan Nyquist, Ernest Benson, Clara If you have certain persons you wish to Games were played and Miss Erdin CHARGE OF THE STATE THEATER. Lindberg, Huldur Skog, Carl Lar­ » received a number of pretty gifts. son. receive your money, say so in your wilL Athletic Committee: Chairman, And, to be certain that your wishes will be The Educational club’s committee Lawrence Anderson, Irving Carlson, in charge of tbe sale of Christmas Herbert Johnson, Mildred Berggren, carried out, name us your executor and trus­ seals, report that returns are still Margaret Johnson, Erik Modean, coming in. There are a number of Margaret Kerr. P. S. Who knows how many potential tee under your will. people who have not responded Dramatic Committee: Chairman, cither v/ay and the committee is Helen Berggren, Beatrice Johnson, anxious that they do so in order Eva Freeburg, Elmer Johnson, Ray­ Warners are in the making in Manchester? that they may be able to settle up mond Benson, Dorothy Hultman, their records. Stamped and ad­ Austin Johnson. dressed envelopes were sent with Flower Committee: Chairman, the letters containing seals. Evelyn Anderson, Ineiz I. Olson,. B^ll- morfe Gustafson, Evelyn Petefrsbn, Saturday evening, January 25 is Eleanof Swanson, Elsie Berggren, THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. the date set for the annual Father Fred Soderberg. • and Son banquet of the Highland Decorating Committee: Chairman, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. Park Community club. Guests of Anna D. Johnson, Ellen Jolmson, VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES honor on that occasion will be a Hazel B. Johnson, Albert Pearson, number of foreign students who are Ruth Johnson, MUdred Smith, Ida at present at Springfield college. Anderson. They will be entertained during Finemce Committee: Chairman, WATCH FOR THE COUPONS their stay at the HighlEmda by fam­ Roy Johnson, Esther Anderson, ilies in that section. Anna Bengtson, Clarence O. Ander­ son, Eleanor Casperson, F r^k Lar­ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fosson and son, Gladys Johnson. daughter Alma, ivho have been liv­ ing at 235 Hackmatack street, saU- Library Committee: Chairman, ed from New York this morning on Carl Gustafson, Ernest Johnson, the S. S. “Corate Grande’* for their Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Leonard John­ old home in Ayes, Italy, where they son, Florence L. Johnson, Viola Lar­ plan to remain permanently. son, Elmer Thoren. Mission Committee: Chairivan, Thirty-four tables of whist play­ Herman Johnson, Carl Noren. Svea Lindberg, Ethel Johnson, Dorothy Do You Need A Tire? ers filled the assembly hall of the Manchester Green school last night. Davis, Carl Bengtson, Ebba Gustaf­ CBxd son. FISK TIRES It was the fortnightly social of' the Manchester Green Community Lookout Comtnittee: Chairman, Here Are Some Bargains: club in charge of the standing com­ Sherwood Anderson, Paul Erickson, mittee of ladles. The winners of the Herbert Brandt, Lennart Johnson, $2.50 gold pieces were Mrs. Mildred Anna A. Johnson, Mabel Olson, Syl­ 30x4.5(F Kenway...... $5.00 30x5.25 Hood P. S...... $9.00 AT Morrison and Joseph Canade, sec­ via Johnson. ond, Mrs. Lillian T. Keeney and Publicity Committee: Chairman, James Maher and consolation by Esther M. Johnson, Anna Lindberg, 31x5.00 Hood F. S...... $8.00 33x6.00 Job Lot ...... $10.00 Mrs. John Wood and J. B. Sullivan. Anna M. Johnson, Ivar Scott, Ray­ The committee served sandwiches, mond Erickson, Lillian Hultin, Ruth cookies and coffee. Dancing followed Rudeen, Elsie Brandt. 30x3^/4 Cords ...... $4.95 ROCK BOTTOM with Griswold Chappell to prompt for the old-time numbers; REV. NEILL’S MOTIIER ipment of Tires and will sell one hundred We need all our space for our Spring sh 29x4.40, 4 ply $4.75 The firemen had a setback sitting . and fifty 30x3^2* 4 p ly ...... $3.75 at No. 2's hose house last night. DEAD AT FLUSHING 31x4, 6 p ly ...... $3.90 30x4.50, 4 ply . $5.45 Next Friday night they will meet $6.90 with No. 3. Reymander and McCor­ 32x4, 6 p ly ...... :$8.90 28x4.75, 6 p ly mick made the highest Individual Suddenly, on Friday, Jan. 3rd at 33x4,6 p ly ...... $8.90 29x4.75, 6 p l y . $6.90 score at last night’s sitting, 191. midnight Mrs. Mary Virginia Neill, HOOD TIRES The companies scores and standing mother of the Rev. James Stuart 32x4V2, 8 ply c,t— ...... $12.75 29x5.00, 6 ply $7.45 are as follows: No. 1 60S, total 1224; Neill, rector of St Mary’s church, No. 2, 605, 1224; No. 3, 572, 1206; died at Flushing, Long Island. She 33x4V2> 8 ply ...... $12.75 30x5.00, 6 ply $7.90 and No. 4. 665,1231. was bom at Nyack, New York, Dec­ 31x5.00, 6 ply $7.90 ember 26th, 1848. Four sons, Har­ 34x41/ 2,8 ply — ...... $12:75 A full evening’s program of mo­ man S., of Philadelphia; John R., 20% Below List Price 30x5.25, 6 ply $8.90 tion pictures will be ^ven at the of Great Neck^.Xjong Island; Frank 30x5, 8 ply — $14.90 Highland Park Community club­ S. of Flushing ’ and James S. of 32x6,10 ply r...... $24.90 31x5,25, 6 ply $8.90 house tonight. The titles are: “Yel­ Manchester; and three daughters; 31x6.00, 6 p l y ...... $10.90 lowstone and the Grand Canyon’’, Mary P. of New York, Sara A. Dow­ Sale One Week Only and on only sizes we have in stock. "Seeing Yosemite From a Saddle,’’ ling of Boston; Adelia Upton of Tube at Cost Price with each 32x6.00, 6 p ly ...... $10.90 “The Potter’s Wheel”, “Our Gang in Flushing, survive. Services will be Bad Company” and a comedy pic­ held at S t George’s Church, Flush­ tire purchased. 33x6.00, 6 ply ...... $10.90 ture entitled “Saturday Afternoon.” ing and interment at Greenwood Everybody in the community will be cemetery, Brooklyn. All tires first quality, written mileage guarantee. We guarantee 100% satisfac­ welcome. There will be no dancing at the clubhouse tonight. Start the New Year right Get a WE ALSO FEATURE tion or money refunded. btisiness training at the day or eve­ Buy White Oak Coal $12.00 per ning sessions of The Connecticut ton. G. E. Willis & Son.—Adv. Business College at the Center. Generators and Starters Re­ Start next Monday.—^Adv. - Goodyear Tires and Tubes. paired, Batteries Recharged U. S. X . Batteries Willard Brakes Adjusted and Relined. and Rentals. General Repair 13 Plate 15 Plate Grease Jobs, cars called for. 1 Year Guarantee $ 6 .7 5 I 1 Year Guarantee $ 9 .9 0 WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. W ork. WILLYS-KNIGHT AND WHIPPET SERVICE Funeral Directors SRCci^zed sei^ice at flat rates.. Fully equipped shop. Expert M eehan^ ESTABLISHED 55 TEARS Phone 7114 CHAPEE AT 11OAE ST.

^ Robert K Anderson Phones: Office 5171 || 91 Center S t 367 Oakland St. Funeral Director Residence 7494

f f'