i i ■’'■ * ■ . ,' : '• ' ■ ■' ‘ ■ ■y--■■■■■-.* * ^ . * « « 'I'k o • • » » !*■•••• •.'•‘ ♦•kkn .7 ^ ^ •, L . ■ •• . V h. ... .1 V • • - • ' •- NET PRESS BUN . Forecast by f). S,. W egtte n v tfo rd . /AVERAGE DAILY CBRCULATION r ^ ',’ ' ■ for ttie* Month of Dooeinbcr, 1929. Fair and colder toidfht; Sunday 5 > 5 1 6 fto with rising temperatdfo. BlembeM of tlie Audit Bnreun of . i 1 ^ Clrcntatlona ^U T H MAN€HBSTBit,"C0NN.i SAtUBDAY, JANUARYji, 1930. ^OTEEIN PAG^ PRICE THREE CEN"r^ VOL. XLIV., NO. 81. (OlassMed Adverttslng on Page 18) ■« LAUGHTER AIDS CURBS SEVEN YOUTHS IN GERMAN HOSPITAL J. P. M O RG AN ’S GIFT TO U ; S.‘ Berlin, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Laugh­ FLEES ter has been added to the cura­ tive agents in the Charite Hospi­ HMSHINGOUT DIE AS TRAIN tal here. It happened rather accidental­ ly after a theatrical company had given a performance for I^GPROBLEMS Snm ADTO “chair cases” and patients able to navigate on crutches. “A Jump Into Matrimony” was the farce and it caused 5Yales of mer­ Foreii^ Minister of Ger- Roland Lalone Who KUkd Were Reluming from Bas- riment, many in the audience having their first laughs in To D riv e 80Q months. many Has Stormy Inter­ State Poficeman at Pom- ketbaU Game in Bus— AD In many of the csises, more­ over, the doctors found the ef­ view With Premier Tar- $1.50 fects of the laughter of distinct fret, One of Trio Who CnI High School Age— Eight therapeutic value. Consequently there are to be periodic repeti­ dien of France. (AP) —Afand reach New York next Monday Bars in Skylight and Es­ Others Are Injured. tions of such-performances. Indianapolis, Jan. 4- passenger automobile, driven by a afternoon. (Cummins’ power plant differs The Hague, Netherlands, Jan.^4.— ; motor burning crude’ 6il, left In- from other; Diesel type motors in caped; State \inde Sear(di Wooster, O., Jan. 4.—(AP)—Help­ (A P )—The principal deleg.ates to | dianapolis today' for toe National that it gasifies toe fuel before it is less victims of a speeding train TRYING TO RAISE the second Hague reparations con- Automobile S^ow at New York, injected into toe cylinders. for Fugitives Is On. which cut through the night and a ference are now holding personal driven by its inventor, Clessie L. The, motor, has no spark plugs, no blinding sleet storm to crush their carburetor and no magneto. ’The meetings to thresh _ out remaininc; Cummins of Columbus, Ind. fuel is Ignited by high compression. bus while they laughed ^ d talked ot j Wethersfield, Conn., Jan. 4.— (AP); MOVIE AIRPLANES important problems in adoption of The inventor expects fo^ drive toe Cummins has been working on toe Tearing away a bar on toe sky­ their games, seven youths were dead the Yoimg plan, while toe experts [ 800_ _ _ miles,____ oh less than 21,50 worto motor for 12 years. He forecast a and eight other high school boys and are struggling with minor. but i of fuel. The car was expected to real use for such motors for buses, light, three prisoners, one. of them a [ maintAin a forty mile an hour speed. trucks and tractors. lifer, escapied from toe bake shop of girls were in hospitals today. troublesome details. toe state prison here this m om i^. The dead boys, all of them be­ Wreckage Located 2 Milhs Forei^ Minister (jurtius of Ger­ tween the Eiges of 14 to 18 years of many, who had rather a stormy in­ They, made their way to toe roof, age, were members of the high Off Shore BeDeved to terview with Premier Tardieu of a step or two from toe outer wall school bsisketball team of Burbank, France last evening, today had a LAWYERS ANSWER and- then slipped over toe barrier to near here. They were on their way talk with Aristide Briand, French the ground and were lost in. the home, happy over defeating their old Contain Bodies of Victims foreign minister. darkness of early morning. rivals at Big Prairie another near­ The break occurred about five Franpo-Gerinan Matters ^UERY ON LEAGUE by village when a Pennsylvania rail­ CAPTURE YOUTHS o’clock and was discovered fifteen Four of the leading German dele­ minutes later by a guard who had road flyer struck their bus at a Santa Monica, Jan. 4.—Efforts to crossing near Shreve, ten miles gates had lunch with the French been stationed in toe kitchen ad­ rsdse the wreckage of two motion delegates Iffter which a general con­ joining toe bakery. south of here last night. picture camera planes, believed to versation ensued on Franco-German Girls Injured. Boys Had Escaped ifom World Court WiD- Not In­ Tho'se’ Who' Escaped The most seriously injured were hold the bodies’*of seven of the ten J.^P.. Morgan’s yacht Corsair, famed in war and. peace, is to see ser­ relations as affected by the Young The prisoners were Roland G, vice hs a ^vemment vessel in coastal survey work. Above you see plan. The principal subject of these two girls, members of the girls’ men killed in a' midair collision were now Lalone, 23, oi Worcester, Ma.s., toe trlto craft, now to be called the Oceanogn^apher, as she was turhed over talks was how to replace toe sanc­ State Scdiool a Week Ago; volve U .S. in Litigations team which lost its game. to be resumed today in the 318 feet serving a life term for the murd^ as agift^to the Department of Commerce. Upper right is the new skip­ tions provided for in toe ’Treaty of of a state policeman’ at Pbmpet, Joseph Baker, the bus driver, was of water off Point San Vicente. per, LieuL FrectL. Peacock, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur­ Versailles in the event of a default overcome and unable to g^ive any co­ Are Bronght Back. Without Its Consent. Conn., Leo Landry of Revere, Mass., The trawler Salt had, its grappling vey. jCbrflair was estimated to have rescued more than 300 persons by toe Retch in too payment serving a tor^ to four year sen­ herent explanation of what happen­ hook fastened in the wreckage ^t MNlr; during the 28 years Morgan, upper left, owned it. During toe reparations. ed. He could not reriiember wheth tence for burglary and W atsoh' while Coast Guard, nava^ and pri­ WoHd'^Wia*' it saw action as an armed convoy. - . Whether reparations payments er he stopped before climbing the Moultorope of Danbury, serving 18 vately owned vessels were to aid ip a,re due at toe beginning or end of Meriden, Jan. 4.— (A P )—Henry Washington, Jan. 4— (A P )— As­ incline to the crossing. The cross­ to 25 years for rbbbery with vlo-'^ an attempt to raise the planes to the the month was toe first problem toe Almeda, 17, negro, of 214 Hamilton sertions that American adherence Icnce. ing at the hour of the accident—af­ surface. treasuty experts grappled with to­ ter ten o’clock—is protected only street. New Haven and Tony-Mar- to toe World Court under toe Root Officials at toe prison said they Wreckage Discovered. day. The Germans lay claim to an formula would not Involve this did not know bow toe bar across by a bell and flash signal. Coacn The wreckage wa^fiscovered yes­ WASHINGTON EXCITED chuk, 15, of 189 Windsor avenue, allowance of $10,000,000 marks an­ toe skylight was cut, but believed country-in litigation before that Lenz and those of. the injured who terday by the barge tender Daisy nually If they should be required to Hartford who. escaped from Con­ some instrument such as a saw had were able to talk likewise did not M. of Redondo Beach and the speed­ turn over their instalments at the necticut school, for boys here a week tribunal without Its consent have been used. Whether the men had know what occurred before the boat Diana from' Venice which were beginning of toe month because of ago Thursday, were returned-to the been made to Senator Vandenberg, help from toe outside they did not rushing train was upon them. Penn­ CAPITOUS FIRE dragging the Pacific ocean bottom toe loss in interest on toe money. institution last evening following Republican, Michigan, by the New know. sylvania railroad officials at Shreve York Bar Association. As soon as toe escape was dis­ two miles off shore. Uredifors Position their arrest 4n Hartford yesterday said apparently Baker had not seen The planes are believed tb contain ‘ The Michigan Senator, a member covered a general alarm was sent the train coming through the storm The creditors position was that afternoon when an officer ihscovered of toe Senate foreign relations com­ out and description of toe men flash­ the bodies of Kenneth Hawks, film them leaving a l^ouse. and started across directly in front director, Ross 'Clark and Hallock .oas Stmctorel WILL START PROBE instalments must be paid at the* be­ mittee. made public today corres­ ed to Connecticut police depart­ of it. House, pilots; George Eastman, Otto ginning of the month because all Broke Into House. pondence be had with the associa- ments. Wethersfield is about four calculations in. toe Young plan are Jordan, Henry Johannes and Tom The youths admitted they had en­ I tion. ’ Vandenberg asked thrccj miles from Hartford. dated from toe first of each, month. Harris, members of the Fox Film femageil; ArHst; QF BUS ACCIDENTS tered toe house by mewis of a key I questions, and toe answers- to each “Ice Box Bandit” They held that no allowance was smd taken s^eral articled frbm toe Were affirmative.
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