Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University TUFW Alumni Publications Publications for TUFW and Predecessors 11-1-1949 The iB ble Vision Fort Wayne Bible Institute Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/tufw-alumni-publications Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Fort Wayne Bible Institute, "The iB ble Vision" (1949). TUFW Alumni Publications. 124. https://pillars.taylor.edu/tufw-alumni-publications/124 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications for TUFW and Predecessors at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in TUFW Alumni Publications by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ; — ©tjankfigtutttg For all things beautiful, and good, and true; For things that seemed not good yet turned to good; For all the sweet compulsions of Thy will That chastened, tried and wrought us to Thy shape; For things unnumbered that we take of right, And value first when they are withheld For light and air; sweet sense of sound and smell; For ears to hear the heavenly harmonies; For eyes to see the unseen in the seen; For vision of the Worker in the work; For hearts to apprehend Thee everywhere; We thank Thee, Lord. —John Oxenham NOVEMBER, 1949 VOL. 14 NO. 2 Published monthly throughout the year with the exception of July and August by Fort Wayne Bible Institute. Subscription rate: $1.00 per j'-ear. 15c per copy. Publication office, 153 S. Jefferson St., Berne, Indiana. General office, 3822 South Wayne Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Entered as second class matter September 5. 1939, at the Post Office at Berne, In- diana, under the act of March ?, 1879. ^mm "llie^ Pne^ddeMi It is fitting in November to give to discontinuing the department of thanks, but it is fitting for the organ was to buy a new instrument. Christian to ^ive. thanks always, and But there was only ^483.11 in the especially when there is a special organ fund and the cost of a new bestowal of God's goodness. It electronic instrument that was ade- happens that for the writer the an- quate for teaching and auditorium nual Thanksgiving coincides with needs was approximately ^4,000. It such an event. We want, therefore, was decided to go ahead with the to observe Thanksgiving by giving installation of a very fine instru- thanks. ment that incorporates the latest in In the responsibilities of our electronic development. work we are tempted at times when A letter was sent to our friends the administrative burdens become telling them of the purchase, invit- heavy and our faith is weak to im- ing them to the dedicatory service agine that there are not many who and ^\.vix\^ them an opportunity to are sharing the load. Our respon- have a share in the offering which sibilities tend to become anxieties was to be received at the dedication and our cares, worries. do not We on October 23. Before the excel- see the many in all parts of this lent dedicatory program by Prof. land and other lands who are up- Raymond Weaver a total of 167 holding the Bible Institute in friends of the Institute sent in, prayer. We fail to appreciate how ^933.00 as their share in the offer- many loyal friends the Lord has ing. ^276.53 was contributed by raised up to help by their prayers, those present and some additional well wishes and gifts in this minis- gifts followed. Accordingly, a sub- try of providing the best training stantial part of the cost has been possible for Christian young peo- met, and we believe that God will ple. At such times we do not see continue to undertake for the re- only dimly strong is the in- how mainder. visible bond that unites us as "work- ers together with Him." But what was more heartening than the gifts themselves were the Recently we had a heartening ex- many notes and letters expressing the perience that made us %\.ve^ thanks v/ell wishes and prayerful interest of anew to our heavenly Father for donors. Only a few representative His faithfulness. The Institute excerpts can be given: needed a new organ—the old one was worn out. The one alternative turn to page 8 The ELEVENTH Commandment By Frieda M. Buchen While abroad, I heard a story of awake, hoping to hear Rutherford the saintly archbishop Usher, who, pray. When midnight had arrived two hundred years ago, was a tow- and he had heard nothing, the er of strength in God's service. archbishop himself knelt down and Once he decided to travel incognito, offered a mighty intercessory to feel the spiritual pulse of the prayer, commiting to God all wid- churches in his charge. Disguised ows, orphans, the sick, tempted, as a beggar, staff in hand, a bag on dying, and all in authority. his back, and with hair powdered Rutherford, his sermon finished, white, he was attending church was surprised to hear a voice above services and visiting parsonages. him and crept upstairs to listen. He Arriving at the home of the was deeply moved by the arch- hymn writer Rutherford one Satur- bishop's pleading. When the day night, he was graciously re- "Amen" had been spoken, he ceived by Mrs. Rutherford, who knocked, entered, discovered the was just leading devotions, while guest's identity, and persuaded the her husband prepared his sermon. guest to preach for him in the She fed the "beggar" and invited morning. him to join her worshiping family. After reading the commandments, The archbishop consented. After she asked, reading the commandments, he re- marked, "Tell us, old man, how many commandments are there?" *'We of the new covenant have an eleventh commandment, 'A new "Eleven," replied the archbishop. commandment I give unto you, Quickly the little son spoke up, that ye love one another as I have "No, Mamma, ten!" loved you.' John 13:34." Then he "How sad," she remarked, "that held forth Christ's mighty love and the love should feel for the you know so little. You are old; we who knows how soon you will die. brethren. It is never too late; turn to the In this unique way. Usher had Lord tonight! Yield to Him!" taught anew the lesson of ONE But the "Beggar" sat silent and who visited our sin-cursed world, thoughtful in his corner. Then she became poor for our sake, and showed him to a bedroom above taught us, by word and example, Rutherford's study. Long he lay the eleventh Commandment. Takins! God's Measure By Harvey L. Mitchell You may think it presumptuous per second.. Multiply this figure by to talk about measuring the Infi- the number of seconds in a minute, nite. It is impossible, I know, to and that by the number of minutes find, the limits of God. Yet I am in an hour, and that by the number interested in any information that pf hours in a day, and that by the will help me to realize, to some de- number of days in a year, and. you gree, at least, just how great my will have the mileage of light in a God. is. year's time. This distance, which is called, light year, is figure One clue to His size is the ex- a the 5 tent of the universe He created. with twelve other figures after it, or The Apostle Paul told the believers nearly six million million miles. at Colosse that "by Him (Christ) If, then, there are stars so far were all things created, that are in from us that their light has re- heaven, and that are in earth . quired 400 million years to get and by Him all things consist." Our here, we can roughly compute their Savior is the maker and the sus- distance in miles by multiplying the tainer of this vast universe. And 400 million by the number of miles its vastness helps us form some idea in a light year. The product isi 24, of the Creator's power and size. followed by twenty zeros. This means that our universe ex- Just how big is our universe? The known in all directions for this al- earth is about 93 million miles from tends the sun. Its orbit is a slightly flat- most unreadable number of miles. tened circle 186 million miles in di- How immense it is! And we have of ameter. But other planets are still no way knowing that we have farther from the sun. Pluto, the seen its limits. It may well be even most distant, circles around the sun larger. in a path that is about 7,340,000,000 Now, if God made so vast a uni- miles in diameter. verse, then He must be present But these distances are minute, wherever there is a part of His cre- compared to those that separate the ation. He fills all creation with His stars. The new 200-inch telescope presence. He is so great that we recently set up on Mt. Palomar in are unable to measure His exten- California has power to bring into sion, even when presented in this view stars so far away that their physical way. light has had to travel 400 million But He is more than Creator. He years to reach us. sustains the universe. Everywhere Now, light travels 186,000 miles in the heavens we see order and split-second, regularity. Men are trust in Him should be natural and able to predict, years in advance, easy.
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