Archbishop McGrath Pencoed Porthcawl College Brynteg Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen Ysgol Bryn Castell Heronsbridge Cynffig Bryntirion Bridgend Learning Partnership Post 16 Learning Pathways 15 16 Bridgend Learning Partnership

Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School Address: Oak Tree Way, Brackla, Bridgend CF31 2DN Phone: :01656 815500

Bridgend College Address: : Cowbridge Rd, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 3DF Phone: :01656 302302

Brynteg School Address: : Ewenny Rd, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 3ER Phone: :01656 641800

Bryntirion Comprehensive School Address: : Merlin Crescent, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 4QR Phone: :01656 641100

Coleg Cymenedol Y Dderwen Address: Heol-yr-Ysgol, Bridgend CF32 9EL Phone: :01656 815920

Cynffig Comprehensive School Address: East Ave, Kenfig Hill, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF33 6NP Phone: :01656 740294 http://

Heronsbridge School Address: Ewenny Road, Bridgend CF31 3HT Phone: 01656 653974

Maesteg Comprehensive School Address: Ffordd Dysgu, Maesteg,Bridgend,CF34 OLQ Phone: :01656815950

Pencoed Comprehensive School Address: Coychurch Rd, Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5LZ Phone: :01656 867100

Porthcawl Comprehensive School Address: : 52 Park Avenue, Porthcawl, Bridgend, CF36 3ES Phone: : 01656 744100

Ysgol Bryn Castell Address: Llangewydd Road, Bridgend CF31 4JP Phone :01656 815595 Foreword

The Bridgend Learning Partnership has declared a commitment to all learners across the county borough which is governed by the following four principles:-

G Every young adult has the right to learn. G Learners should be able to choose from a wide range of courses and qualifications. G Learners should be given support to reach their full potential. G All learners should be treated equally.

To this end all Bridgend Schools, Bridgend College and Work Based Learning Providers are working in collaboration to deliver this commitment and to ensure that all learners are able to choose from a wide range of courses and qualifications which will meet their needs and help them reach their goals.

This prospectus provides information about the courses and qualifications offered across the county borough in 2015 - 16. It is designed to help learners maximise the opportunities available to them and to support them in the development of their learning pathways and future careers.

01 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Contents Head Teachers Foreword ...... 3

The Right to Learn ...... 4

The Choice to Learn ...... 5

EMA ...... 6

Other options available to Post 16 learners in Bridgend ...... 7

Life in the Sixth Form ...... 11

Leavers Department ...... 13

ASDAN Towards Independence .....16

Vocational Pathways ...... 24

Courses Offered Across the Bridgend Learning Partnership ...... 34

02 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Foreword by Headteacher Glynis James

I am delighted to have the opportunity to write the foreword for what I consider to be a very important document.

The content highlights the breadth of opportunities currently available to our Year 12, 13 and 14 students. The progression from Year 11 into our Post 16 provision is an exciting time for our students and will have been well planned in advance including visits to the Leavers’ Glynis james, department accompanied by parents. This transition programme Headteacher helps to ease some of the student’s natural anxieties allowing them to quickly settle into their studies. Many youngsters will have already developed a clear vision of what to expect and as a school we have high expectations that they are committed to delivering a high standard of performance.

For a number of years Heronsbridge has eagerly grasped the opportunity of working in partnership with the staff and students of other Bridgend Secondary Schools and Bridgend College and is always keen to expand the range of opportunities that we can offer our students. We are exceedingly proud of the young people’s achievements and are committed to constantly promoting high standards.

Students at Heronsbridge have a well deserved reputation for being highly supportive of each other’s endeavour and celebrating together whatever goals are achieved. This atmosphere of mutual support is based on each student using their particular strengths to help their peers if they require some assistance. The end result is everyone benefits and clearly illustrates the advantages that teamwork brings.

Heronsbridge welcomes visits from anyone who is interested in what our facilities and curriculum have to offer.

If there is any further information you require please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Glynis James

03 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 The Right To Learn

The Bridgend Learning Partnership believes that every young person has the right to learn. Young people should be treated equally, given the support they need to reach their full potential and be able to choose from a wide range of courses and qualifications which are valued by employers. Such courses and qualifications should develop the interests and ambitions of young people, enabling them to achieve their learning goals and develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to give them the best possible opportunity of finding a successful future.

As a young person you have the right to pursue a learning pathway that meets your individual ability and aspirations and in the County Borough of Bridgend the opportunities for you to find the individual pathway that is right for you have never been so varied and accessible.

On completion of Year 11 your choices are to:

I Learn full-time in a Sixth Form at school; I Learn full-time based in a Sixth Form, with the possibility of undertaking courses offered by other learning providers; I Learn full-time at Bridgend College; I Start training or paid employment with the possibility of pursuing a relevant qualification e.g. Work Based Learning.

For those who choose to return to the Sixth Form, all Bridgend schools, Bridgend College and Work Based Learning Providers are working in partnership to offer a wider range of courses to Post 16 Learners.

In general there are three levels of qualification available for Post 16 Learners in Bridgend.

Level 1 - This is the equivalent of grades D to G at GCSE Level 2 - This is the equivalent of grades A* to C at GCSE

When you are choosing subjects from this option booklet, it is important to note the level of each course to ensure you are choosing appropriate qualifications that are right for you. This information can be found near the head of each subject description.

The decisions and choices that you make about what you want to do at the end of Year 11 will have a huge impact on your future. To ensure you have all the facts you need in order to make the right decision, it is essential that you discuss your options with your parents/carers, careers adviser, learning coaches and teachers.

04 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 The Choice To Learn

When you are choosing courses and qualifications to study in the Sixth Form, there are a number of related factors that can be useful in guiding your choice.

1. Knowing yourself - Being aware of your abilities, likes and dislikes, interests and the way you like to learn will all help to make your choice.

2. Knowing your aims - If you have ideas for the work you would like to do in the future then you may want to look for subjects that will help you work towards your desired career.

3. Knowing your subjects - It is important to know something of the content of the subjects you are considering taking. However, a closer look at what the subject involves may reveal that it is not right for you. Being aware of the full range of your subject options can help you to choose a combination of related subjects that might best meet your learning needs.

4. Knowing your options - There are a wide variety of courses to choose from at different levels within school but it is important to be aware that, whilst you return as a student in the school Sixth Form, you also have access to wider range of courses that are offered outside of school. These are held in other schools in Bridgend or in Bridgend College and you will find more detailed information about them as well as those run in your school in the next section which outlines learning opportunities in the Sixth Form.

If you choose to study a course taught at another school or at the College, you will enter into an agreement which will clearly state the expectations of you and the learning provider.


To encourage you to fit into Sixth Form life effectively and give you a solid basis for your future education and employment the Bridgend 14-19 Network has a Compact Agreement with all schools.

During Year 12, students work towards a series of goals including such things as a high level of attendance and punctuality that if achieved will result in the awarding of the Compact Certificate enabling the student to become a Compact Graduate.

The Compact Award includes seven goals that record something of your social, learning and personal development as a student and if achieved will enhance your chances of progression to higher education or employment.

05 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 EMA Education Maintenance Allowance

If you are concerned you might struggle to settle down in the Sixth Form for financial reasons then the availability of EMA may help you.

EMA is a fortnightly payment that might help you with the cost of continuing your education in the Sixth Form. You could receive payments of up to £30 a week if you meet the following requirements.

I You are aged 16-18 on the 31st August 2015.

I Your household income is below a certain level, that is:

There are two different levels, depending on your family circumstances. Details of househild income thresholds are available from Student Finance website. If you’re new to EMA in 2015/16 you get a weekly payment, paid every two weeks into your bank account.

I You meet the residence and nationality rules.

I You are studying at a participating school or college on an ‘eligible’ course that is:

An academic or vocational course up to and including Level 3; and Full-time at school; or A minimum of 12 guided hours at college.

If you meet these requirements you will then have to do two things in order to receive your fortnightly payments.

1. You will first need to fill in and submit an EMA application form. These forms are available from the school or can be accessed on the Student Finance Wales website.

2. Once you have received a letter awarding you the allowance you will then need to read and sign the School Learning Agreement that sets out what will be expected of you during your time in the Sixth Form. This agreement outlines aims in attendance and performance that will need to be met if you are to remain eligible for payments.

For more information on the EMA for September 2015 and how to apply contact EMA Wales via [email protected]

You do not need to study in Wales to get EMA. As long as you live in Wales and your school/college is participating in the scheme, you can apply for EMA.

06 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Other Options Available To Post -16 Learners in Bridgend The Bridgend 14 - 19 Network is committed to helping you find the best learning pathway for you. The information below provides contact details and references to help you find out more about what is available to you in Bridgend if you decide that staying on in a Sixth Form is not for you. Bridgend College Bridgend College, your local College, is one of the leading education providers in Wales; offering a wide range of vocational courses at all levels up to and including higher lever courses, such as Masters Degrees. The College has state of the art facilities including the Sony Theatre, music studios, a hair and beauty salon, sport academy, golf course and construction academy. Come and find out more about the courses we offer and meet our inspiring staff. Get expert advice on the HNCs, HNDs, Foundation Degrees and Degrees we offer in conjunction with Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales, and get that all important job in your chosen career.

To find out more /apply for a course, contact the Bridgend College services team:

Bridgend Campus - 01656 302302 Pencoed Campus - 01656302600 Queens Road Camps - 01656 302500

Alternatively for information on 14-19 Collaborative School / College Courses contact Gareth Davies: 01656 302367 or 07565494912 or email [email protected]

Studio 34 If you are interested in Interactive Media and in developing your basic skills and Welsh Bac Level 1 then Studio 34 may be the place for you. Applying to study at Studio 34 is straight forward. You follow the same procedure when applying for any course at Bridgend College. Fill in the standard application form with the course details and send it to the College.

07 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Work Based Learning Options

Work based learning is suitable for learners who wish to develop their knowledge and skills, both for and in the workplace, helping them to succeed and fulfil their potential. Work based learning supports you to develop yourself and gain qualifications to enter employment, or if you are ready for employment, supports you to develop your skills, qualifications and career or progress onto college or higher education.

It is provided by quality assured training providers who hold approved contracts with Welsh Assembly Government. Where ever possible, learning will take place in the workplace itself, although for some programmes and occupational routes, there may also be an element of ‘off the job’ training in a training centre. A list of work based learning providers who work in Bridgend and the occupational areas they offer training in can be found at: There are various work based learning programmes available to meet your learning and development needs: I Traineeships You can access a traineeship by getting a written referral from Careers Wales. I Apprenticeships For those in employment there are: Foundation Modern Apprenticeship (FMA) a Level 2 programme and Modern Apprenticeship (MA) a Level 3 programme. Alternatively, you can contact your local careers office for more information.

Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations BAVO BAVO offer further opportunities to volunteer and learn in an informal setting. For more information contact BAVO on Telephone: 01656 810400 or email: [email protected] or take a look at the Annual Prospectus of Activities - your school will have a copy or it can be found on Moodle. Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Sir Penybont 112-113 Commercial Street/112-113 Heol y Fasnach, Maesteg, Bridgend. CF34 9DL

08 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Just Ask Information, Advice and Guidance for Students

Just Ask Plus is a universal service providing information, advice and guidance for young people aged 16-25. Just @sk Plus provides a range of projects and services to young people under one roof. Information, advice and guidance is provided on issues ranging from:

I housing / accommodation advice; I benefits / financial entitlements; I law and rights; I sexual health, emotional health and wellbeing; I substance misuse; I CV writing, interview skills, job searches, career advice; I employment and training; I access to learning; I basic skills support; I mediation (with family/friends);

...... and much, much more.

One-to-one support, work clubs and accredited training is provided to assist young people in securing, maintaining and progressing within education, training and employment.

All workers are qualified, friendly and treat people as equals.

No appointments necessary. Just drop in and speak to one of our experienced staff. The team includes staff from:

I Bridgend County Borough Council: - Youth Service’s Learning and Engagement Service - 16+ Looked After and Aftercare Team - Housing Options Team - Youth Service’s Child and Youth Counselling Service.


For more information, contact us on 01656 815146 or e-mail [email protected].

09 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Careers Wales

All schools and the college have a Careers Adviser who can help students with their plans for the future. During Year 11 You will be able to access Careers Wales to help you decide what to do after Year 11. This may be via the website, telephone, group sessions or individual interviews. This will help you to: I make decisions to help you plan your career I find out about careers you are interested in and the qualifications you might need I find out about courses in the sixth form and at college I gather information about job and training vacancies I receive advice about filling in application forms, putting a CV together or preparing for interviews Careers Wales develops the links between education and business to ensure that there is a work related dimension to the curriculum. Work related education can enrich the curriculum, raise pupil achievement and develop skills and qualities that are required by today’s employers.

Extra help is available for students who need additional support. Use our website to: I find information on a wide range of careers and jobs I update your Learning Pathway plan I find out more about choices after Year 11 I look at job and training vacancies I find out about university courses and how to apply

Services for parents I Careers Advisers may also be available at school parents’ evenings to talk to students and their parents or carers. I will have information relevant to parents to provide advice about how to support your son or daughter in making decisions about their future plans. How to contact us Bridgend Careers Centre, Derwen House, Court Road, Bridgend: 0800 028 4844.

Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) Are you thinking about your next steps after year 11? If so, you may have questions about employment trends and where future job opportunities will be. Using labour market intelligence (LMI) can help you to make an informed choice about your future, so make sure you know what skills employers want and learn about job trends in Wales.

Look at labour market intelligence in the careers that interest you: Visit the Careers Wales website - Telephone the Learning and Careers Advice Helpline 0800 028 4844

10 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Introduction To life In The Sixth Form

At Heronsbridge we have a large and growing Leavers Department which caters for students who would benefit from extra time in a supportive setting. This opportunity enables them to develop the life skills needed to help build maximum independence in adult life. We realise that not all our students progress along a learning pathway vertically or are ready to make choices about their future. For this reason the Leavers Department focuses on giving students an array of skills, experiences and vocational tasters designed to increase confidence, communication and independence skills. We deliver courses appropriate to the needs of the individual and wherever possible achievement is accredited, both to celebrate the progress of pupils and to provide evidence of their progress at transition and for the students future.

11 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Aims

In the Leavers Department we aim to enable students to achieve the highest standards within their capability. To do this we ensure that students receive a range of opportunities and support with the help, guidance and encouragement that they may need.

The key staff to support you in the Leavers Department are :-

Mrs Lisa Smith Head of Department 14-19 Curriculum Co-ordinator

Mrs Denise Edwards Teacher Deputy Head of Department Careers Co-ordinator Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader

Mrs. Alana Harries Teacher Asdan Co-ordinator RE Co-ordinator

Learning Coach / SSSO Ms Helen Morgan

Learning Support Officers/ Mrs. Tracey Thomas Learning Coach Mrs. Gemma Nicol Mrs. Gayle Brown Mrs. Lisa Reynolds

Learning Support Staff Mrs. Clair Morgan Ms. Sam Murphy Miss. Lea Evans Mr. Ian Brunt Ms. Laura Higginson Mrs. Georgina Davidson Mrs. Julie Thomas Mrs. Jenny Picton Mr. Gethin Davies Mrs. Ann Aitken

12 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Introduction Into the Leavers Department

When you reach the Leavers Department at the top of the School age range you will be maturing into a young adult. This means you will be acting as a role model for the younger children in the school. We therefore expect a high standard of behaviour from our students within and outside the department.

In the first week of the new autumn term students in the department take part in an Induction Week where the following activities take place :-

Students Charter Students discuss the expectations of behaviour and work in the department and devise a ‘Code of Conduct’. This is a list of ways in which the students believe they should behave during their time in the department. The document is agreed and signed by the student, their parents or guardians and the class teacher.

Student Council Elections take place with nominations, hustings and a voting system to elect the two department representatives to represent the Leavers on the School Council.

Young Enterprise Activity Classes learn to work together in a team building exercise where they start a business making a product. The team decide on a product, name the company and design a logo. They elect their managing director and divide up responsibilities within the team. The product is made and a marketing strategy developed. In the afternoon the teams ‘sell’ their product to the other students in the department.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Students find out about the Award and what is expected. The award involves following different paths within four specified sections:- community work, development of a skill, taking part in a physical activity and an expedition. Students have the chance to try out various activities within the award.

Uniform Students can wear the sweatshirt or polo shirt with the Upper School logo displayed if they wish but due to the nature of the work of the department this is not compulsory. However students are asked to be well presented at all times and to dress appropriately for the day’s tasks.

Education Business Partnership Representatives of the Education Business Partnership are regular visitors to the department. They organise visits to different places of work and bring entrepreneurs, employers and people from industry into school to talk to students. They also arrange enterprise activities to improve team working skills, and help students practice interview techniques.

Compact Students in the Leavers Department work towards a series of goals including high levels of attendance and punctuality. If these goals are achieved, students are awarded a Compact certificate. The student who has made the greatest improvement in their work during their last year in school is awarded the Compact Shield by EBP 13 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Careers Wales Sarah Parry the careers advisor will be available in school at certain periods in the year to offer impartial careers advice and guidance to all students in the Leavers department. Sarah will help with application forms and support students in their applications to colleges and training agencies. Elite Elite is a supported work placement agency that support students to gain accreditation in work awareness and health and safety. They enable students to carry out supported work placements and have workshops for developing self esteem and the skills needed for employment. Comments from school inspections The outstanding features include: • The opportunities offered to students at Post- 16. • The wide range of activities for all pupils to participate in, both within the school and the wider community. • As they approach the time to leave school, pupils make outstanding progress in their achievement of life skills and in their work related education, becoming well prepared for moving on to or training.. The curriculum at KS4 and Post-16 provides very good opportunities for older pupils to have their achievements endorsed by taking nationally recognised courses and gaining accredited qualifications and awards. The wide range of opportunities includes NVQ, WJEC Entry Level, Open College Network, the Award scheme Development and Accreditation Network ((ASDAN), Chartered Institute of Environmental Hygiene (CIEH) and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. It prepares pupils for life beyond school, the opportunities, the responsibilities or the experiences they will encounter in life as adults whether these are recreational experiences, community experiences, training or vocational experiences. The school has excellent links with the Careers Service. All students receive a programme of work related experiences delivered in conjunction with the Education Business Partnership and the partnership with employers. 108. The school makes very good provision for the promotion of entrepreneurial skills and pupils take part in competitions sponsored by industry and relevant agencies. The involvement of students from the leavers department in enterprise activities is outstanding, and business enterprise is an integral part of the curriculum. Students have a very good understanding of the skills needed to run a successful business. They organise themselves into a company, share responsibilities and ensure everyone contributes. They have a clear understanding of the need to cost all activities and ensure profit margins are acceptable to the running of their business enterprises. Students receive excellent support from their business advisor and from the Education Business Partnership. As well as providing students with the skills needed to support economic development, enterprise activities make an outstanding contribution to the development of students’ key skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT. In addition, pupils throughout the school have many opportunities to develop their problem-solving skills and contribute to the decision-making process through their work on the school council and the eco committee. The school provides outstanding careers education and guidance to pupils. Teachers take very good account of the Framework for Careers Education and Guidance and work closely with Careers Wales to provide relevant, personalised and impartial advice for pupils, which help them make informed choices about their future. . For older students, the impartial and well focussed guidance received from the careers teacher and careers adviser help them to make important decisions about their life when they leave Heronsbridge. In addition, pupils achieve well across a wide variety of vocational courses, for instance horticulture, construction and childcare. As a result of experiencing new learning opportunities, pupils gain in confidence and are prepared well for the next stage of learning. Because of this, last year, all school-leavers moved on to employment or a range of appropriate placements in local further education colleges or other providers. The school has developed highly effective partnerships with local schools and a further education college. Pupils in key stage 5 attend academic and vocational courses that match their skills and provide opportunities to work alongside mainstream peers. The range of courses offered includes: hospitality and catering, horticulture, sports studies, and performing arts. This is a strength of the school.

14 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 The Curriculum In The Leavers’ Department

The National Curriculum ceases to be a legal requirement beyond the age of 16 but students still have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum which builds on what they have learnt and experienced in the first 5 years of their secondary education. The Leavers’ curriculum is based around the needs of the students and is aimed at developing independence and social skills as well as building confidence and self esteem. The curriculum followed is made up of the following areas :- • Core skills Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. The emphasis is placed on applying the core skills in practical situations through the accredited courses. • Living and Independence Skills. Students follow various accredited courses in skills such as shopping, cooking, personal and road safety, personal health and hygiene and community awareness. • Leisure, Recreation and Sport. • Careers and the World of Work. Students follow a three year Careers programme involving work in Health and Safety, Filling in application forms, Preparing a CV, Applying for jobs, Preparing for Interview, Preparation for work placement and Enterprise activities. • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award • Vocational Options Students are able to choose a vocational subject they would like to try. The choice of subjects are as follows :- • Hospitality • Children’s Care Learning and Development. • Horticulture • Performing Arts • Sports and Leisure • Design Technology • ICT • Painting and Decorating • Horse Riding As well as collaboration opportunities.

Accreditation in these subjects range from Pre Entry to Level 2. Students can try a different vocational subject each year or can choose to take the same subject over the three years they are in the department.

Students will be entered for the accreditation most suited to their ability.

15 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 ASDAN Towards Independence

Towards Independence is a framework of activities through which Personal. Social and Independence Skills can be developed and accredited for students with Severe Learning Difficulties and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.

Towards independence offers formal recognition for small steps in achievement towards a larger goal. Modules build into a record of personal achievement.

There are many modules to choose from, the first of these ‘Starting Out’ is mandatory. This module enables learners to recognise achievement and plan targets and challenges which can then be developed through further modules.

The modules can be divided into themes :- • Creative Studies • Independent living skills • Cultural • Leisure/Recreation/Sport • Personal Development/Citizenship/PSHE • Work Related Levels of support are used to show how the learner has achieved an activity, they show individual progression. • No help • Spoken/Signed help • Gestural help • Physical help • Sensory experience • Experience recorded. This programme is suitable for pre-entry level students.

16 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Horticulture Practical Workshop

Qualification Pre Entry Qualification Pre Entry Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN Course content: Course content: The course consists of a series of modules. It is an introduction The course consists of a series of modules and is an introduction to the workshop and is designed to enable students to develop to the garden and basic horticultural skills. The modules cover and practise practical skills. aspects of preparing yourself for outdoor work, the care and The modules consist of using and looking after basic tools, maintenance of basic tools, clearing an area of the garden in need health and safety in the workshop, choosing suitable materials of maintenance as well as planting seeds and plants both indoors and tools to make an item, following a plan to make an item and and outside. The group has a designated area outside as well as finishing techniques. classroom facilities. The course provides the opportunity for The students have access to a fully equipped designtechnology students to undertake a project of their choice which may be room and a high level of support in the workshop. anything from visiting a garden centre to see people at work, to producing hanging baskets as a mini enterprise. Entry Requirements An interest in practical workshop activities. Entry Requirements An interest in Horticulture.. Assessment Procedure Practical demonstration Assessment Procedure Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

17 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Meal Preparation Sports Studies

and Cooking Qualification Pre Entry

Qualification Pre Entry Awarding Body ASDAN

Awarding Body ASDAN Course content: The course consists of a series of modules in sports studies. The Course content: modules cover aspects of knowing where to go and what to do, The course consists of a series of modules and is an introduction knowing equipment, kicking skills, ball control, hitting skills and to health and safety and practical cookery skills. The modules team awareness and cooperation skills. The optional project gives cover aspects of preparing yourself for cooking, using equipment, students the opportunity to visit a sports centre, learn a new planning and shopping, food preparation, cooking, serving and sport, play in a team or enter a competition. clearing away. The optional projects give students the chance to entertain a guest or find out about food from another culture. Entry Requirements Entry Requirements An interest in sport. An interest in cookery. Assessment Procedure Assessment Procedure Practical demonstration Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Portfolio of evidence

Progression Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

18 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 ICT Performing

Qualification Pre Entry Arts Qualification Pre Entry Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN Course content: The course consists of a series of modules and is an introduction Course content: to the computer and basic computing skills. The module covers The course consists of a series of modules and is an introduction learning about the different parts of the computer, using to performing arts. The modules cover warming up, role play, graphics, operating and playing games on the computer, using a mime, using costumes and props, creating scenery, lighting and word processing package and using the internet. Students will sound. Students have the opportunity to both watch and take have the opportunity to practice their graphics and word part in a performance. The optional project gives students the processing skills by using the computer to write and make cards opportunity to choose a learn a new skill such as juggling, for special occasions such as Christmas. They will also use the conjuring, dancing or playing a musical instrument. computer to practice and develop their Maths and English skills. Entry Requirements An interest in Performing Arts Entry Requirements An interest in ICT Assessment Proceedure Practical demonstration Assessment Procedure Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

19 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Work Awareness Everyday Living

Qualification Towards Independence Qualification Towards Independence

Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN

Level Pre- Entry Level Pre- Entry

Course content: Course content: Students will examine various jobs that people do both indoor This unit focuses on the skills needed for everyday living like and outdoor jobs. They will also need to research different types dressing, and using the facilities found within the home. of jobs by talking to different people and visiting different work Learning how to care for and clean rooms effectively and wash placements. Health & Safety is a key component of this unit. clothes. It also focuses on road safety and using public transport

Entry Requirements Entry Requirements An interest in learning about work An interest in becoming more independent.

Assessment Procedure Assessment Proceedure Practical demonstration Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Portfolio of evidence

Progression Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

20 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Making Pictures Rhythum and

Qualification Towards Independence Music Qualification Towards Independence Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN Level Pre- Entry Level Pre- Entry Course content: The course covers a range of art processes from drawing/ Course content: painting/ All students will have the opportunity to listen to a range of print-making and collage. Students will also experience a wide different forms of music. They will then be given the chance to range of materials to develop their skills in each area. work individually and as a group to produce sounds using All students will follow health & safety guidelines and be instruments and their voices. Students will even have the responsible for organising their workspace. All work is displayed opportunity to take part in a show. to celebrate success. Entry Requirements An interest in music Entry Requirements An interest in art Assessment Proceedure Assessment Procedure Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Assessment Procedure Portfolio of evidence Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level

21 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Getting Ready To Multi Sensory Go Out Experience

Qualification Towards Independence Qualification Towards Independence

Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN

Level Pre- Entry Level Pre- Entry

Course content: Course content: This is an enabling unit. Students will make choices about where This unit focuses on the on a variety of multi sensory experiences they would like to visit and then prepare for that visit deciding on available within the school: what they would like to wear, how they will get there and who Using the Sensory Room they would like to go with. Hydrotherapy Music Therapy Entry Requirements Physiotherapy/ Movement Programme An interest in becoming more independent. Rebound Therapy Art therapy Assessment Procedure Aromatherapy Practical demonstration Massage Portfolio of evidence Sound Beam Speech Therapy Progression Drama Therapy Prepares learners for progression onto the next level Entry Requirements An interest in the curriculum and new experiences.

Assessment Procedure Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence

Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level

22 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Numeracy Communication

Qualification Towards Independence Qualification Towards Independence

Awarding Body ASDAN Awarding Body ASDAN

Level Pre- Entry Level Pre- Entry

Course content: Course content: This unit focuses on small steps in learning and progression in the This unit focuses on small steps in learning and progression in the following areas following areas: Number How I communicate Measure, Shape and space Engaging with people at my centre. Position, Pattern and Sorting Communicating using ICT Time Communicating in therapeutic sessions Handling Data Communicating through touch Communicating through sound Entry Requirements None needed: this will be the first steps Entry Requirements None needed: this will be the first steps. Assessment Procedure Practical demonstration Assessment Procedure Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstration Portfolio of evidence Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level

23 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Vocational Pathways Credit Based Learning at Entry Level 3 and Level 1

24 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Multi Media Studies Photography

Qualification Entry Level 3 / Level 1 Enabling Progression (QCF) 500/5917/9 Qualification Level 2 Awarding Body Agored Cymru Awarding Body Agored Cymru Length of Course 1 year Times: TBC Length of Course 1 year Times: TBC

Course content: Course content: Learners must achieve 3 credits (30 GLH) to achieve the award. Students will learn the functions and controls of a digital camera, The course aims to give students an insight into a range of multi- be able to use digital storage media and manage the production media techniques and skills using ICT. The units involve creating of edited photographs. a variety of animation sequences using a range of software. Unit Titles: Unit Titles: I Digital Photography Plan & produce an animation sequence (Entry 3) Computer Animation (Level 1) Entry Requirements Have an enthusiasm and interest in digital photography. Entry Requirements Assessment Procedure Entry level qualifications and an interest in improving your skills Coursework, Internal and External Quality Assurance within ICT in a variety of areas.. Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstrations Assessment Procedure Coursework, Internal and External Quality Assurance Progression Portfolio of evidence Prepares learners for progression into vocational learning, Practical demonstrations foundation courses and employment.

Progression Prepares learners for progression into vocational learning, foundation courses and employment.

25 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Sports and Leisure Horticulture Level 1 Award Unit Level Enrty Level 3 Award in Skills Awarding Body Agored Cymru Awarding Body NOCN Length of Course 1-2 Years Unit Level Level 1 Venue YBC Length of course 1-2 Years Length of course YBC Course Content The learner must achieve 15 credits (150 GLH) to achieve the Course Content Certificate. A minimum of 9 credits to be achieved at Entry 3 with The learner must achieve 6 Credits (54 GLH) to achieve the a maximum of 6 credits being achieved at Level 1. (3 Credits from award. mandatory units) Unit Titles Level Credits Unit Titles Using teamwork skills 13 Using teamwork skills Understanding Sowing and 13 Indoor team games growing Techniques Taking part in sport Introduction to planning and participating in walks Entry Requirements Health and fitness An interest in Horticulture.

The course aims to give students an insight into a range of Assessment Procedure sporting activities. The units range from the physical and Coursework, Internal and External Quality Assurance. emotional benefits of sport to recognising personal strengths and Practical Demonstrations weaknesses. The course is very broad allowing students the Portfolio of evidence opportunity to develop and experience skills in a variety of sporting activities.

Entry Requirements Entry level qualifications and an interest in sports.

Assessment Procedure Coursework, Internal and external quality assurance Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstrations

Progression Prepares learners for progression into vocational learning, foundation diplomas, employment.

26 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Horticulture Basic Construction and Level 1 Certificate Decorating Skills

Awarding Body NOCN Awarding Body NOCN Unit Level Level 1 Unit Level Entry level 3 Length of course 1-2 Years Length of course 1-2 Years Venue YBC Venue YBC

Course Content Course Content The learner must achieve 21 Credits. A minimum of 15 credits The learner must achieve 15 credits (150 GLH) to achieve the must be achieved at Entry 1 with a maximum of 6 credits being Certificate. A minimum of 9 credits to be achieved at Entry 3 achieved at Entry Level. with a maximum of 6 credits being achieved at Level 1. (3 Credits from mandatory units) Unit Titles Level Credits Using teamwork skills 13 Unit Titles Demonstrating speaking 13 Introduction to painting: and listening skills Using decorative paint effects for interior walls. Introduction to garden E3 3 Introduction to brickwork: horticulture. Use of tools and equipment for bricklaying Introduction to plastering techniques: Understanding sowing and 13 Health and safety awareness. growing techniques. Understanding how to 13 The course has been designed as a first step towards a career in cultivate compost and soils the painting and construction trades and aims to give Developing skills for using E3 3 students a range of basic skills and experience to set them on and maintaining garden tools this career path. Understanding soils and 13 crop plants Entry Requirements Entry level qualifications and an interest in the building trades. Pupils can undertake this course over 1 or 2 years. It is a highly practical course. Students manage a variety of garden areas. Assessment Procedure They will learn how to propagate plants, plant imaginatively and Coursework, Internal and External Quality Assurance decoratively and use and maintain gardening tools. There are Practical demonstrations frequent visits to relevant places of interest for research reasons Portfolio of evidence and students take part in horticultural shows such as the Chelsea Progression Flower Show. Prepares learners for progression into vocational learning and foundation diplomas. Entry Requirements An interest and enthusiasm in working outdoors.

Assessment Procedure Coursework, Internal and External Quality Assurance Practical demonstrations Portfolio of evidence

Progression Prepares learners for progression into Vocational learning, foundation diplomas, employment.

27 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Developing Skills in Caring Performing for Young Children Arts

Awarding Body NOCN + ASDAN Awarding Body NOCN Unit Level Level 1 + EL 3 Unit Level Entry level Length of course 1-2 Years Credit Value 3 Venue Heronsbridge Venue Heronsbridge

Course Content Course Content Students will learn about the personal care and hygiene This is a practical course exploring a variety of Arts techniques requirements in looking after babies. Modules of work include including improvisation, different styles of acting, movement clothing and care of clothes, sterilizing babies bottles and and dance. The aim is to develop students’ imagination and feeding a baby, personal care and bathing a baby and confidence in their own performance abilities; to create a piece researching equipment to aid sleep and putting a baby to bed. of drama within a small group environment and to use the skills developed on the course to perform the piece in front of an Entry Requirements audience at the end of the year. An interest in Childcare Entry Requirements Assessment Procedure This is a lively and inclusive course where students will be Practical demonstrations expected to work in small groups of learners with diverse Portfolio of evidence abilities. Students must be able to indicate an interest in developing theatrical skills and have a desire to perform. Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Assessment Procedure End of year performance Practical performances Portfolio of supporting written and photographic evidence.

Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level of studying performing Arts modules and courses.

28 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Health Introduction to Food, and Fitness Drink and Cooking

Awarding Body NOCN Awarding Body NOCN Unit Level Entry level Unit Level Entry level Credit Value 3 Credit Value 3 Venue Heronsbridge Venue Heronsbridge

Course Content Course Content Students will learn about the reasons for keeping fit, the places Students will identify and use basic kitchen and electrical to go and the activities that will keep them fit. They will have the equipment and will learn to use the hob, oven, grill and opportunity to visit different venues to try out a variety of microwave. During the year they will learn to make a range of activities. hot and cold snacks, meals and drinks. During the year the students will visit a gym on a regular basis and take part in 4 fitness challenges. Entry Requirements An interest in cooking Entry Requirements An interest in sport and fitness Assessment Procedure Practical work Assessment Procedure Portfolio of evidence Practical demonstrations Portfolio of evidence Progression Completion of 4 challenges Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level.

29 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Introduction to Undertaking an Retail Skills Enterprise Project

Awarding Body NOCN Awarding Body NOCN Unit Level Entry level Qualification Level Entry level Credit Value 3 Credit Value 3 Venue Heronsbridge Venue Heronsbridge

Course Content Course Content Students will learn about keeping the sales area clean, how to Students will have the opportunity to decide on, and set up welcome a visitor and give information and advice to a their own business. They will need to raise funds to start the customer. business and decide on roles and responsibilities for everyone. Students will learn about stock control and take part in sales The course develops literacy and numeracy skills but above all transactions. Students will also learn about health and safety in teamwork. Student’s knowledge of the business world and the workplace, how to lift correctly and what to do in the event working to deadlines is developed also. of a fire.

Entry Requirements Entry Requirements An interest in learning about the retail Industry. An interest in working with others and business

Assessment Procedure Assessment Procedure Practical demonstrations Practical Demonstrations Portfolio of evidence Portfolio of Evidence

Progression Progression Prepares learners for progression onto the next level. Onto Level 1 courses.

30 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Introduction to the College Link Courses: Hospitality and Performing Arts Once a week students attend Bridgend College to gain experience Catering Industry of Performing arts. This is an essential pathway for our students as it gives invaluable Awarding Body City and Guilds experience of college life and prepares them for transition to college. Qualification Level Award in Entry 3 / 8 Credits All access the college common room to buy snacks and Length of Course 1 Year - 3 days a week refreshments and gain the opportunity to mix with full time college students. Course Content During the course, students have the opportunity to chose and work G Introduction to the Hospitality Industry towards a production of their choice. They develop their performing G Customer service in the Hospitality Industry skills over the course of a year in-readiness for the final performance. G Food safety training Students also have the opportunity to make costumes and props G Customer service skills thus improving other creative skills. G Basic food preperation and cooking G Team work This course has also been a valuable learning pathway in supporting students gain the following additional skills: Entry Requirements G Confidence G Communication There are no formal entry requirements G Working with others G Supporting Others G Creativity G Public Speaking G Enthuseasm for developing knowledge G Ability to work with others G Interest in Hospitality and Catering Catering G Successful admission interview Once a week students attend Bridgend College to gain experience of G Literacy and numeracy assessment Catering. G Excellent personal presentation This is an essential pathway for our students as it gives invaluable Course Delivery and Assessment experience of college life and prepares them for transition to college. G Written asignments All access the college common room to buy snacks and refreshments G Practical activities and gain the opportunity to mix with full time college students. G Practical assessments During the course, students have the opportunity to develop their G Continual observation ability to cook a range of meals both savoury and sweet. The students G Multiple choice exam learn a number of new cooking methods and processes. Towards the end of the course they are able to select and cook recipes of their This is anexcellent opportunity for those students who would choice. like a career in the Hospitality and Catering industry, this programme has been developed to meet those needs. You will This course has also been a valuable learning pathway in supporting develop the skills and knowledge required to progress into students gain the following additional skills: employment and / or continue your skills in the vocational area. G Life Skills G Communication G Working with others G Supporting Others G Independent Living Skills G Numeracy Skills G Improving own learning G World Knowledge and performance G Healthy Eating (or not)! G Cooking & baking Skills

31 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 NOCN Qualification in Independent Living (QCF)

Qualification Level: Entry 1/2/3

The suite of NOCN qualifications in Independent Living has been designed to address the needs of learners working at Entry level and in particular those with learning difficulties and disabilities. These qualifications can be achieved through the following:

Awards in Independent Living

This qualification will be of benefit to those learners beginning their journey towards independent living by raising awareness and developing skills around issues they are likely to face. The awards are available in:

Household Skills Personal Care. Personal Development Accessing Community Facilities Rights and Responsibilities Leisure Activities

Certificate in Independent Living- Living in the Community

This qualification is designed to develop some of the knowledge and skills needed to operate within the community, particularly in accessing and using services.

Certificate in Independent Living-Looking After Yourself and Your Home

This qualification is designed to develop some of the basic skills needed to look after oneself and one’s home.

Diploma in Independent Living

This qualification is designed as a cumulative qualification, which bring together elements of the inward facing aspect of looking after yourself and home and the outward facing aspect of living in the community. This qualification also contains elements relating to personal development in the area of self advocacy and making informed choices.

32 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Personal and Social Development

Qualification Entry Levels 1, 2 & 3 and Levels 1 & 2

The Personal and Social Development Qualification (PSD) offers imaginative ways of supporting young people in: Becoming confident individuals who are physically, emotionally and socially healthy Being responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and embrace change Managing risk together with their own wellbeing as well as introducing them to new activities and personal challenges.

Who is it for?

PSD at Entry 1, 2 and 3 is used by students aged 14+ and adults in the Foundation Learning stage of their development. PSD Levels 1 & 2 is used by mainstream establishments for students aged 14-19, and also for adults.

PSD's contribution to School/College Performance Tables

Although not counting in headline measures, results achieved in PSD will be reported in addition to the school performance tables.

Award Certificate Entry 1 5 points 10 points Entry 2 6 points 12 points Entry 3 7 points 14 points Level 1 12.5 points2 5 points Level 2 23 points 46 points

Students can choose from a wide variety of units to suit their interest and learning need. The qualification also offers a progression route as students skills and knowledge develop.

33 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 The Opportunity to Learn Courses available across the Bridgend Learning Partnership

As part of Bridgend’s 14 -19 strategy all secondary schools and Bridgend College have worked together to extend choice for all students in the borough. This has been achieved by providing additional courses which are available to all students via twilight sessions and/or via a range of other collaborative arrangements which take place during the course of the school day. The following information relates to the options available from September 2014. Further information about the courses listed on these pages will be available from your school via a teacher, Head of Sixth or your learning coach. These courses will be delivered at a range of locations in the borough and these are shown in the learner provider column overleaf. Please note that:

i The Vocational courses (Voc A and Voc B) will be taught two days a week during the school day between 10-12pm and 1-3pm mainly at Bridgend College, unless otherwise stated.

ii There may be some Work Based Learning opportunities available with a variety of providers.

iii Transport will be provided to and from base schools to the designated learning provider of the collaborative provision. iv Level 1 courses are equivalent to Grades D-G at GCSE level. v Level 2 courses are equivalent to Grades A* - C at GCSE level. vi Students must satisfy the course entry requirements of the learning provider.

vii For all courses offered you are reminded that places are limited and that entry to any course will be decided on merit. viii The courses listed are accurate at time of going to print but there may be some amendments made before September 2014. ix Some courses may be withdrawn if there is insufficient demand to make a viable class size.

34 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 The Opportunity to Learn

Courses offered across the Bridgend Learning Partnership . Level 1 & Level 2 Courses

Subject Level Provider Option Blocks

Animal Care 1 Bridgend College Voc A (Monday & Thursday)

Building Craft Occupations 1 Bridgend College Voc A (Monday & Thursday)

Public Services 2 Bridgend College Voc A (Monday & Thursday)

Salon Services 1 and 2 Archbishop McGrath Voc A (Monday & Thursday)

Work Based Learning 1 and 2 Various WBL may be available Voc A (Monday & Thursday)

Child Care & Education 1 Bridgend College Voc B (Tuesday & Friday)

Construction 2 Bridgend College Voc B (Tuesday & Friday)

Countryside Management 1 and 2 Bridgend College Voc B (Tuesday & Friday)

Sport and Active Leisure 1 Maesteg Comprehensive School Voc B ( Friday)

Work Based Learning 1 and 2 Various WBL may be available Voc B (Tuesday & Friday)

Childrens Care, Learning 2 Heronsbridge and Development 3 Full days a week Please ask your Multi Skilled Hospitality 1 and 2 Heronsbridge school for details

Construction 2 Maesteg Y

For details of each of these courses see where the courses are listed alphabetically

35 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Animal Care Building Craft Occupations Bridgend College

Qualification Level: 1 & 2 Certificate Diploma in Animal Care Bridgend College Awarding Body: City & Guilds DAQW Ref. No. Level 1 600/2168/8 Qualification Level: Level 1 Certificate Level 2 500/8332/6 Awarding Body: CSkills Awards Level 3 500/8331/4 DAQW Ref. No. 501/0675/2 - Level 1 Cskills Option Voc A Certificate in Building Craft Occupations: Option Voc A Times Mon and Thurs 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00 Times Length of Course 1 year Mon & Thurs 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00

Course Description Length of Course 1 year Are you fascinated by animal behaviour? Do you enjoy Do you enjoy making things? Have you got lots of design ideas in understanding how best to care for animals? If so, then this your head but can’t actually make them? The course is designed course offers you the opportunity to really develop your skills to provide you with the basic experience and skills from 3 craft and knowledge in this area, studying both large and small disciplines; Brickwork, Carpentry and Painting. The skills learnt are not only good for life and the world of work, they are an animals, with some exotics!! excellent pre-requisite for a full-time course within your preferred craft discipline. Not only that, these skills will make you stand out Assessment Procedures from the crowd and your friends when seeking an Centre devised practical and written continuous assessment. apprenticeship. The Level 1 Diploma in Building Craft Occupations has been specifically developed for delivery in a Entry Requirements training environment using simulated conditions. The test(s) are No formal qualification required just an interest and enthusiasm based on you demonstrating your knowledge and skills through for the subject. the completion of all the requirements of the qualification. If this sounds good you should wait and see the facilities! The Progression/Career Opportunities construction building where the course is taught is not only Entry to Further Education cutting edge it is “jaw dropping”. Give our staff a call, not only Appropriate employment are they experts in their field, they can arrange for you to come and have a look at these fab facilities too. For further information please contact: Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or Assessment Procedures Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. Centre devised practical and written continuous assessment. Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 On-line external test E mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Entry Requirements No formal qualification required just an interest and enthusiasm for the subject

Progression/Career Opportunities Entry to Further Education Employment/Apprenticeship

For further information please contact: Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 E mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

36 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Child Care Children’s Care, & Education Learning and Development Bridgend College

Qualification Level: Level 1 Foundation Award Heronsbridge Awarding Body: CACHE Level 1 Diploma in Caring for Children Qualification level Level 2 Diploma DAQW Ref. No. 100/0646/1 Awarding Body City and Guilds Option Voc B DAQW Ref. No. 501/1904/7 Times Times 3/4 full days Tues & Fri 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00 Course Content Length of Course 1 year This 2 year course leads to a qualification which will equip a person to work with children 0 a- 19 years. Course Description This is an excellent and unique opportunity for any learner Childhood is a precious time that is filled with a huge number of interested in a Learning Pathway and career in childcare. Learners amazing developments – you can take this course and open will attend Heronsbridge for 3 days per week cosisting of, yourself up to the opportunity to develop skills and half/full day tutorial with Q.C.F. Trainers, plus two full days in a understanding that include working alongside Child Care classroom placement working with children in primary and Senior professionals and their dynamic charges! This level 1 departments. qualification has been designed to give you the basic knowledge, skills, abilities and understanding that are required for caring for Assessment Procedures children and their development. The course will use a range of On site continual assessment, through observation and individual practical and theory sessions to develop this understanding and portfol L2 Diploma CCLD qualification learners must achieve all the necessary skills that are required. 10 mandatory units plus 5 optional units. Assessment Procedures Professional Development. Assessments will be via internally marked assignments and In addition to the L2 Diploma CCLD qualification learners will also practical tasks. have the opportunity to achieve training in the following :- Entry Requirements Proact SCIPr - UK No formal qualifications for pre 16 however a genuine interest for Child Protection and Safeguarding Awareness the subject that will be discussed at interview. Manual handling Post 16 2 GCSE’s at D or above. Basic First Aid Level 1 Food Safety Level 1 Progression/Career Opportunities A Variety of Communication Techniques Entry to Further Education, Heronsbridge QCF Team offers a high quality standard of service For further information please contact: including additional help or support to Learners if and when Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or required. Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 Entry Requirements E mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Applicants will be required to sit a basic skills initial assessment in literacy and numeracy and attend an informal interview before acceptance onto the Diploma Level 2 course.

37 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Construction BTEC First Diploma in Construction Bridgend College Maesteg Qualification Level: Level 2 Extended Certificate in Construction Qualification Level: GCSE A* to C or Awarding Body: NVQ Level 2 DAQW Ref. No. 501/0675/2 - Level 2 Awarding Body: Extended certificate in Construction DAQW Ref. No. Option Voc B Option Y

Times Course Content Module 1 CORE - Introduction to the Construction Industry Tue & Fri 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00 Module 2 CORE - Exploring Health Safety and Welfare in Construction Length of Course 1 year Module 3 CORE - The Use of Science and Maths in Construction Module 4 Exploring Carpentry and Joinery Course Description Module 5 Performing Carpentry operations Do you enjoy the aesthetics of architecture or marvel at how Module 6 Exploring Painting and Decorating OR towns are developed? Do you ever wonder how massive Module 7 Exploring Trowel Operations structures are built? This course will help you to develop the skills Course Description and understanding to perhaps one day design or construct Introduction to the construction industry - you will investigate, impressive structures yourself! This level 2 course has been research and describe factors that influence construction projects and developed in the construction and built environment sector, to the built environment and also the human resources provide education and training opportunities for those who work available to the industry. in, or are intending to work in this industry. This course could Exploring Health, Safety and Welfare - you will investigate the enable you to gain employment in the construction industry and importance of HS & W and the responsibility of individuals for progress to the Level 3 course which will give you the skills we themselves and others in the work place. You will identify the different risks encountered and describe good practice for a safe talked about above. Not impressed by this? Give us a call and working environment. come and see the amazing facilities we have to teach you in, you Construction Science and Mathematics - you will investigate forces on will be impressed then!! structures, how temperature affects construction materials; use Mathematics and graphical methods to solve Assessment Procedures construction problems. Centre - devised practical and written continuous assessment. Exploring Carpentry and Joinery - identify and select appropriate hand tools, apply safe practice to the use of the hand tools to form basic carpentry joints and frames to specification. Perform carpentry Entry Requirements operations. Identify and select the appropriate hand and power tools to A standard of literacy and numeracy supported by a general carry out specific joinery operations. Apply safe working practices to education equivalent to four GCSE at grade D-G the use of hand and power tools to form joinery products to given specifications, Exploring Painting and Decorating - Identify and select Progression/Career Opportunities appropriate tools and materials commonly used by the decorator. Prepare new and old surfaces for painting, use safe working practices Entry to Further Education for both materials and tools required and Exploring Trowel Operations - Employment/Apprenticeship Identify and select appropriate tools and materials commonly used by the bricklayer. Prepare work areas and produce walls to given For further information please contact: standards. Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or Mode of Assessment Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. All units are assessed and graded and an overall grade for the Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 qualification is awarded. Work is modular; students are credited E mail: [email protected] or [email protected] for completed modules. Entry Requirements No formal entry requirements but students should possess enthusiasm, commitment and a willingness to learn. Career Prospects With further training or study, pupils may progress into careers in the construction industry including; Architectural Design, Surveying, Carpentry/Joinery, Brickwork, Site Technician and Decorating.

38 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Countryside Multi Skilled Hospitality Management / Agriculture Heronsbridge

Bridgend College Awarding Body City and Guilds Qualification Level Entry Level 1 Certificate / Qualification Level: Level 1 & 2 Certificate/Diploma 14 credits Awarding Body: Length of Course 1 Year - 3 days a week DAQW Ref. No. BTEC Level 1 Certificate BTEC 2 Certificate 500/9928/0 Course Content BTEC 2 Extended Certificate 500/991/0 G Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Option Voc B G Customer service in the Hospitality Industry G Food safety training Times G Customer service skills Tues & Fri 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00 G Basic food preperation and cooking G Team work Length of Course 1 year Entry Requirements Course Description: Students will need to set a basic skills test before acceptance on Ever considered how birds manage to survived a severe winter in a bare hedge? Or how we can build villages in our own gardens this course. to help our native wildlife? This level 1/2 course utilises a G Enthuseasm for developing knowledge combination of practical and theory modules offering an insight G Ability to work with others into the various aspects of the countryside management and G Interest in Hospitality and Catering agricultural sectors. The course focuses on the conservation and G Successful admission interview animal aspects of these industries, and uses practical outdoor G Literacy and numeracy assessment skills to help you develop your understanding. G Excellent personal presentation Assessment Procedures Centre - devised practical and written continuous assessment. Course Delivery and Assessment G Written asignments Entry Requirements G Practical activities No formal qualification required just an interest and enthusiasm G Practical assessments for the subject G Continual observation G Multiple choice exam Progression/Career Opportunities Entry to Further Education This is anexcellent opportunity for those students who would like Employment/Apprenticeship a career in the Hospitality and Catering industry, this programme has been developed to meet those needs. You will develop the For further information please contact: skills and knowledge required to progress into employment and / Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or or continue your skills in the vocational area. Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 E mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

39 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 POSTͲ16 OPTION BOOKLET 2010Ͳ2011


Standardised layout including:Ͳ

School photograph – Photo Filename: DSC02860

Certificate/ Diploma in Salon Services: Public Services Beauty Therapy

School logo – CHOICE OF OR Bridgend College Archbishop McGra(Phototh Filenames: COLOUR – petebadge, Qualification Level: Level 1 & 2 Certificate/Diploma B&W – School Badge) Qualification Level Level 2 Certificate Awarding Body: Awarding Body City and Guilds DAQW Ref. No. Level 1 500/7540/8 Level 1 500/7836/7 DAQW Ref. No. 500/8940 /7 Level 1 500/7873/2 Option Voc A School name in English and Welsh Ͳ Archbishop McGrath Catholic School / Ysgol Gatholig Option Voc A Archesgob McGrath Title Ͳ ‘Post 16 Option Booklet’ in English and Welsh

Network logo Times All photographs included should be personal to the school Mon & Thurs 10.00 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.00 Course Content You will need to provide photographs for the front cover, the Head Teacher and any other aspects of This Level 2 course is designed to desvchoolelo lifep youkn wouldow llikeed representedge and in the booklet. Length of Course 1 year understanding of the world of the beauty sector. The course develops the vocational skills required and a knowledge of the Course Description range of jobs and work settings in the sector to enable you to Do you see your future serving Queen and Country? Perhaps make an informed choice of career, or career change. It aims to you aspire to the Fire and Police Service or want to have a more help you reach a level of knowledge and skills which will facilitate behind the scenes role in society? This course will develop your progress into employment in the sector, to further vocational understanding of Citizenship as well as the uniformed and learning or to continued general education. non-uniformed Public Services. Not only do you get to understand the big picture stuff of ‘society’, you will also begin to develop your own skills regarding team work and working with Entry Requirements others. This level 1/2 course utilises a combination of practical No formal qualifications required, just an interest and enthusiasm and theory modules looking at the various aspects of the world of for the subject. uniformed public services. It can help you to get on that level 3 course which will give you the skills to do the things we talked Assessment Procedure about above. Centre devised practical and written continuous assessment for all units studied. Assessment Procedures Centre - devised practical and written continuous assessment. Observations will be carried out on your practical performances Progression termly. Progression to further education or appropriate employment.

Entry Requirements No formal qualification required just an interest and enthusiasm for the subject

Progression/Career Opportunities Entry to Further Education Appropriate employment

For further information please contact: Alana Davies Head of Partnerships or Gareth Davies 14 - 19 Partnership Coordinator. Tel: 01656 302358 / 302367 E mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

40 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 Sport and Active Leisure


Qualification Level: Level 1 Awarding Body: BTEC DAQW Ref. No. 500/4989/6 Option Voc B

Course Content This course will help you develop your:

• practical participation and performance • wider understanding and appreciation of health-related fitness • people, communication, planning and team-working skills • education and training for sport, leisure and recreation employees • ability to make links between the theory and practical application relevelt to the vocational sector. Mandatory Units Health and Fitness for Sport and Exercise Practical Sports Performance Optional Units (Specialist) The Mind and Sports Performance The Sports Performer in Action Training and Personal Fitness Leading Sports Activities

Optional Units (Generic) Choose one of the following: Volunteering in the Community Work Experience Carrying out a Vocationally-related Project

To achieve the whole qualification at Level 1, you must prove competence in all six areas .

Assessment This BTEC First Award has units that your centre assesses (internal) and a unit that Edexcel sets and marks (external).

Progression You will achieve a nationally recognised level 1 or level 2 vocationally-specific qualification which may help you to:

• enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector or progress to other vocational qualifications such as the Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sport and Sport and Exercise Sciences or on to GCE AS or A level • develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.

41 Post 16 Learning Pathways Llwybrau Dysgu ôl 16 SCHOOL AND COUNTY - HELPING YOU FIND YOUR PATHWAY

We hope you have found this option booklet helpful and that it has provided you with information that enables you to make the right choices for your future. Every student using this booklet will have their own individual aspirations and we will do all we can to support you in your chosen learning pathway.