OCTOBER 2013 - NO.14 SOLUTIONS THE MAGAZINE ABOUT UHPCs BY LAFARGE STANDARDIZATION: UHPCs ENTER THE INDUSTRIAL AGE AN ARCHITECT’S VISION: BERNARD TschuMI MuCEM DESIGNED BY RuDY RIccIOTTI: DucTAL® FOR PERFORMANCE AND CREATIVITY CONTENTS NEWS - 3 > 6 Standardization > 4 UHPCs enter the industrial age INSIGHTS - 7 > 9 Bernard Tschumi Architecture invents concepts and makes them a reality MARKETS - 10 > 17 Façade > 10 Giving the envelope new functions Wind turbines > 13 Resistance, sealing and flexibility Bridges & footbridges > 14 Pont de la République (France) Blandan footbridge (France) The evolution of Ductal® Joint Fill (North America) PROJECT - 18 > 23 MuCEM > 18 Ductal® combines technical performance with architectural creativity EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Editor-in Chief: Jean Martin-Saint-Léon - Editors and contacts: Lisa Birnie -
[email protected]; Marie Escaich -
[email protected] - Photo credits: Lafarge photo library - Charles Plumey-Faye - Philippe Ruault - Max Lerouge - Patrick Kennedy - Luc Boegly - Hervé Abbadie - Ignus Gerber - Brian Moore, Wapello County - Andy Marshall, Ricciotti Architecte - Lisa Ricciotti - Martin Mai - Peter Mauss/Esto - Christian Richters - Iwan Baan - J. M. Monthiers - Base - Explorations architecture - Design/Editorial production: Agence All Write - Translation: TagLine - Printing: TCS/ARCM BUSINESS CONTACTS - E-mail:
[email protected] - Mailing addresses: EUROPE, AFRICA, ASIA, MIDDLE EAST: UHPC / Ductal® - Lafarge - 2, avenue du Général de Gaulle - 92148 Clamart Cedex - France NOrth AMERICA: UHPC / Ductal® - Lafarge North America Inc. - 6509 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontario - Canada L4V 1S7 PAGE 2 I NEWS JEAN-BOUIN STADIUM (FRANCE) Inaugurated on 30 August 2013, the new Jean-Bouin Stadium, designed by the architect, is covered by an asymmetric, curving envelope made from 3,600 light grey, self-supporting triangular panels in Ductal®.