'IrIHIlE ~lI\VIE ~§II 'II'W CIT> IF 'Ir IE .TI.£.b) JP'ID'm JI.]I(C.A'Fil CON No. 7020 October 15, 1970





TIUS BULLETIN contains three lists, each of which is a source of words for the League spelling and plain writing contests in its respective division. These words have been selected to supplement the state-adopted texts, grades five through eight, inclusive. Few words in the lists are found in any of the spelling texts. Pupils are required to spell only the words in Roman type, or only one of alternate spellings which, if equally acceptable, are in Roman type. Explan­ atory words and phrases in Italics are given to assist the pronouncer to dis­ tinguish between words having the same or similar sound and are not to be written by the contestant. Guide lines have been inserted after each group of words, for the con­ venience of the student and the teacher. An asterisk ( *) indicates that the dictionary should possibly be consulted for pronunciation or definition. Should any misprints or other errors be found in the list, the teacher should report them to the State Office at once. This will be doing the League a real service, as such errors are reported in the Official Notices column of the LEAGUER. This is not only a spelling but a "plain writing" contest. More papers are rejected by the State Grading Committee because of illegible writing than because of incorrect spelling. "Plain writing" is a vital part of the contest. The special circular entitled "Writing Errors" contains many illustrations of malformed or illegible letters and examples of well-formed letters. It is available for $.10. The latest (Third) edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is the authority for all spellings.

'11'd. ~-··-·,....._..,,. DIRECTOR

Prices This bulletin is sold at 10 cents per copy; 75 cents per dozen; $5.00 per hundred. No League bulletins are sent C.O.D. Stamps are not accepted in payment for the lists. For additional copies of this bulletin address University Interscholastic League Box 8028, University Station Austin, Texas 78712

Copyright, 1971 by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas

Statement on Equal Educational Opportunity

With respect to the admission and education of students, with respect to the availability of student loans, grants, scholarships, and job opportunities, with re· spect to the employment and promotion of teaching and nonteaching personnel, with respect to the student and faculty activities conducted on premises owned or occupied by the University, and with respect to student and faculty housing situ· ated on premises owned or occupied by the University, The University of Texas at Austin shall not discriminate either in favor of or against any person on ac· count of his or her race, creed, color, or national origin. Grades V and VI 1 2 3 4

aback apex blight ruin cancel abandon apish blocky cancer disease ABC's, abc's pl aplenty bloodstream candor abdomen append blouse canister abet appetite blubber cantata ablest apt blunt canyon abrade archery boggy capsize absentee argufy bolder adv caraway abuse arithmetic bonanza caries decay accent armrest bonus carnival

accidents pl awhirl bootjack carsick acidity babble botany cartoon acquiring babyish boundary cartwheel actress backwoods breathe casita address bacteria brighten castile soap ade drink balloon toy bronco horse catchy admittedly balmy bronzed causer adobe bandanna browser caution adverb bargains brusque cavy rodent advising barrel brutishly ceiling roof

affable basic buffalo census count aglimmer basketball bulbs centrally ahead beardless bulky cereal food airflow beckoning bulldozer cerise alarm befriend bumpiness certify aliveness beginner bunglesome chafer allot bellows burble chambray all-time adj bemuffled bureau chamfer almanac benefit burglar champion amaze bequest burgoo char bum

amble bestowal burly charity amity betray butane charmful amplify bevel butcher chartless anemic bias butte hill chatty adj anger bicycling buyer person cheaply ankle bilious byword checkers anteroom biped cactus cheekiness antics birthstone cafe cheesy antique blackboard calorie cheeta, cheetah anywhere blemish campstool chemise 3 5 6 7 8

chemist compile crotch deputize chert comprise cruelness derision chickaree conceit cruller desalt chicory concisely crunchy described chippable confuse cucumber deserter chisel conic cultural designed chitter conk cumber desist chocolate conquer curable despoiler cholla consonant curbed destruct chortle continue curry spice deter V.

Christmas contour cuspid determined chronic controller customer detractive chummy contused cuttlefish deviate chunky cookable cyclist devoid circlet coop pen dairying dewiness citizen coot bird dangerous dextrose n. citron copier dasheen diacritic civilly cordon data diagonal clammy dazedly dietary clash corm dean person digestive cleanse corrective deathly dimmer adj. cleat corrosive debate directly clergy counter debtor person dirtily climax courier messenger deceiving disabler climbable coupon decimal disappeared closer couth deckled disarming clothier cowardly decorate disbelief clumsiness cozily, cosily deepness disburser cobra crackly defensive discoid cocksure cranberry deferred discontent coffeepot cranky deflector discourse coinage craze defrost discover coldness creaky sound delicate discrepant collide creamy delta disfavor column create delve disguise coma crewel denotive dished comforting crimpy dental adj. dislocate comma criticize dependent adj dismalness commonly crockery depressed dissolve compactly crossroad deprival disposure

4 9 10 11 12

disputed embank fishery galley disqualify embattled fisted garb disrobe emend fixable gardenful distaff emery flaming gargle distend emotive flapjack garret attic distill empress ruler flashily gaspingly disuse emptier flavorless gathered divan fleeced gauzily diverge encampment flex V. gawkish divine endearing flimflam geared divulge endwise flinty genial doleful enema floodlights gentry dolor engaged floppy geode dome engraft floristry geratic dominant enigma flouncy germ proof doorway enkindle floweret gertrude dormancy enlarger flyleaf ghostily dorsal enmesh foamy giantism dottle ennobling foggily gibbon doubly entangling foodless giggled

doughy entitled footless gimlet dowel entree/ood foresight ginning downwind ermine formative gizzard dozer esteem foundry glazily drawling examined fowler hunter gleamy dreamily exert fragrant gleefully dreggy fabulous frankly glimmery drinkable factory fraud glob dross farce comedy freakish gnarly dusty fatness freshen gnocchi

eaglet favorably frilly god speed earphone federate frivol goldsmith eatable felted frogman goodies eavesdrop fernlike fronded graceless ecru color fettle frostiness graininess edgy file spice frothy grandly educated filial fruitful grassiness eerily filthily frumpily gratingly elide findings fully greeted elvish firelight fuzziness grudging

5 13 14 15 16

habitat incite riot knurly ma'am hailstorm incorrupt ladyish magazines hake, haik indoor adj laky magneto halfway indwelling lamely maimed handiness inequal lanced malform hankering inferred landmark mallard happiest influx lapse slip malpais hardships inkiness larder malty harshly insole lashing mange hatches instantly latex manifest hazy launder mappable header interact lawless mariachi healing interknit leaching dissolving marinade heater interline leafy marlin fish hedgehog inventors leotard masaflour heftiness irksome lethal mastery isolette liar person mattery herbal ivied lichen moss maul hammer hereafter jangly lifeboat meadowy hernia jaywalker liftable meaty hexagon jell, gel lightning flash medico hiker jerkily lilies mellowness higgler jeweler.or liner membral hinge door jeweller lint fuzz mensural hoariness jigger listening merriness homegrown adj jimmy pry lithe metalwork horned johnnycake llama beast metate hotter joisting loath, loth adj methodic houseful judgeship lockable mewl sound hovel jukebox lonesomeness miffy hummingbird jumbly looter mightily hunger keening lounger milky hustling kerf lucid millipede hyphenize kibble lug milo maize igloos .kilowatt lumpily mincing illy kin related lurid mindful immunize kinky lusty minify impart kipper lynching minty impend kittiwake lynx mire inborn adj knocker lyrics mirth

6 17 18 19 20

misapply nonplus parish pleasable misc ho ice nonstop parse V. pliant misgive nooky parson plover mislay nuggety partook plumbing mistaken numberless passel pored studied mistrial oaken passive preachy mitt obsolete pasta pressed squeezed mockingly obtrude patchy prophetic ocher, ochre paunch pseudo adj moisty octane pawl putter molasses odorous peachy quaintly moldy, mouldy o'er, over peasants quartering moneybags offbeat adj pebbled quip mooniness offspring peekaboo rabble morbose olla peevish radioman morrow ongoing adj pentagon rainless mo thy oniony perfumy ramada motorize ope, open perkiness rappel mouthy open-faced adj perspiry rapture movingly operated pert rations multilane ophite pervade rattletrap mummy opine phobic reaching murre bird opposal phonic realistic muscles of body optics photoprint reasoned musketry opulent phrasal rebuff musty orbed pickable recapture naked ordeal picky reckon napery osmics pictoric recliner natured oval piecing recountal neaten owlet piffling rector needy oystering piggish recycle nether pact N pillowcase redden newfound adj paling fence pimply reek newsiness palter pincushion referent niggle pampa piscine reflex adj nobly panicky pith refracted noggin pants placid refutal noisily paperweight plangent regime N nonfarm paradrop plashy relict nonlethal parchment play a relleno

7 21 22 23 24

replica shrewd tenderfoot vole animal reproachful shrubby thatching vowed resaca sickly thimbleful waddly rhino singable thorny waggle rime frost silty thrash, thresh wardN riskiness sinful thready warlike rollaway sketchily thundery warmish rouge slack ticklish warty router slangy tightwad washrag rueful slipshod adj tilted waspy ruffian snaggled tindery waster spender rustler snatchy toffee waterily saber, sabre snivel toggery weaken saddlery snug tongs weariless saga soapsuds tootle V weathering salival somnific tourism webbed sanderling spate traipse welcoming scented adj spatula trimotor well-timed adj scholastic speckled tyke welter scorching spew uglify wetness scribbly spindle umbra whang seafarer squelchy unalike wheeled seasonal squiggle uncooled wheezily sector starchy unfrugal whirlybird seep starkly unsnarl whooper self-defense starling unwarned wiener, weiner sellable storekeeper upheld wildlife N semigloss stoutish urbanize windswept senora (Sp.) straggle usefully woe sorrow settled swizzle U-turn woodiness seventeenth taco vacated wrecking shackle fetter tagalong N vagueness xylophone shamed tallowy valueless yank jerk shampoos tamp vandal yellowing sharecrop tantrum variant yore long ago shatterable tauten vasty youngest shifty teakettle veins of body zealot shirk tedder vend zesty shoplifting teething vigil zither shoulder tempter viny wning

8 Grades VII and VIII 1 2 3 4

abashment amplitude beauteous carbonize abattoir amputee bedizen career abbreviate analytic benefactor carious abdominous anarchist benignant carom abetment angelfish bequeath cartoonist abhorrence anguished bibulous cast-iron adj abrasion animator bicameral catalyst absolve annotate bigamous categoric abstinence annuity bimetallic caustic abundance antagonist blameworthy cavernous abyss antidotal blatancy C-clamp accentuate antiquity blizzardy celebrative accountably aphorism boggle, bogle cellophane accretive appertain bookbindery censurable accusive appetizer bookmobile ceremonious acquirement applicable bouffancy cervelat activize appreciated bracero chameleon additive apprentice breathable chanson adjudge argent bric-a-brac chary adoptable aristocrat broidery cheeseburger advisory armada buffoon chemically aerify arrestive bullion metal chlorinize affecting arrogance -burdensome chronal aflicker artichoke bursary chyme stomach agelong assertions buxom circa agitation assumption bygones N circumspectly agronomy astigmatic cabaret civics airworthy autocracy cacophonous clammily akimbo auditor caddy box clattery alarmable aversion cajon canyon cloysome allegro backslide calculable coagent allocate baluster caliche soil cobalt allusion bamboozle callow coccyx altimeter banality candidness cocotte dish altruistic bankrupt candlewick cohesive barbarity cannily colander sieve ambrosial basketry capably coll op amicably battalion capitalism coloration ammonia bauxite capsulate combustive amorous bazaar carafe commandment

9 5 6 7 8

commemorate crosshatch diffuse easygoing commendable crux digitate ebonize commisar cubistic dilapidate ecology commonplace cupidity dilluvial educand compatible curie dimunition educator competence cusp dinginess efficacy complexity cyclic directions effusion component daredevil disapproval eggnog concavity dastardly disbursal egomania conciseness datum discouraging elasticize condensate deactivate disenchant electioneer condolence dearth disfranchise electrode confessional debtless disinclined elicit conglomerate decalogue dismissal elongation coniform decant disputable elucidate consecrate dedication disruptive emasculate consistent defalcate dissipated embody constipation defector distinguished emigrate leave consumable deferral disunited empress contaminant deficit diversified enabling contractant deformity divisive encipher controvert delectable doable engross contusion delible doctrinal enjoyably convergent democratize doddery enrapture convexity demountable dowager enthusiast coolie worker dendriform downfield entity coppery deodorize dragster entreaty corneal depressant dreadnought environs corporate derailment dripstone epigraph corpus derriere dropsonde epitomize corrosion descendant drupaceous equilibrate corvette desperately dubitant equivalent countenance detachable dungarees ergo countermove detrital duologue escarp countersunk deviance duplicitous espalier coupling devotee dusky eugenic cranium dexterous duteous evaluate credenza diagnosis dynamics evangelist crepitant dictator ear-minded adj evidential criminate dietitian earthbound excavator

10 9 10 11 12

excise garbanzo hydropower languidness expansible gasser ideals langur monkey eye-minded gaunt illiteracy laundromat facilitate gazette paper imaginative lawlessness fanfarade generative immediacy learnable fatalist geniture impatience leatherette federation geographic imputable liberation felony geometrize incoherent licensable fetid incongruous ligamentous fiducial germinant incredulous limpidity filamentous gigantean inducement lineate filtrating glace inflame lingo talk finality gladiator inkling lionesque finesse globate internee liquescent fissural gluten intrastate listenable flameware goatee irritant lithoid flannelly grammatic iterant llanero flavorsome granivorous jalapeno lobule flexure gravitate janitorial loco flirtation grimace javelina loess soil

floret gusto jingo logicality fluttermouse habitue jocundity lottery foreclose hacienda joyance loutish formulize halitosis judgmental loverly fractionize handcraft jurisdiction lucency franking happenchance justifiable lumbersome frightfulness helicopter kaput lunisolar frugivorous hemal keloid luster, lustre fumeless herbivore kerplunk lymphoid fumigation heritable kinetic macerate

furiousness hermetic knickerbockers machmeter fussbudget hindsight knickknacky macula futuristic hirsute knowingness maggot grub gadabout hispid kudzu magistral gadgeteer historied labial mako shark gallantry homer laborsome malady gallivant honorand lactic malevolence gallows hanging horrific lacustral malignant gangly housewarming lallation manana gantry crane huisache landslip mandatory adv

11 13 14 15 16

manipulate opium quackster mansuetude natal oppress quadric manufactor nauseous opt quartile marauder nectarine optician quash marine needlewoman optimal questionable martyrdom negate optional quintuplet masculinity nescience orchardist quitclaim masticate nester bird orient rabies materialist niacin orographic raddled matricide niggardly osmose rakish

maturation niveous ossific ranchero mausolean nocturnal outcome rangy mediative nomic outmost rascality medication nominative outstretched ravelly meditation nonethical ovate adj reachable medusa nonhardy overboard real tor megacycle nonreader pacific adj reasoning meltwater normalcy palatial rebate merchantman numberable palisade rebroadcast metabolize nuthatch pallor receptive metaphoric nutriment pervious recognized metropolitan oath pestilent reconnect mid iron obelisk philology recruiting migrancy oblivious photomap rectitude milieu obsolesce pigmentize recuperate militate obtrusive pinata redoubt misunderstood ocellation pinup N adj reenter molestation octagonal pithy refinance moneygrubber odiferous pivotal reformation monitory ~ffstage adv planetary refusable rejectable monologist ogee plasma refusible montana forest oilless pleated registered moodiness olfaction plumpen regularly morbidity Olympics plutocrat re insure moronic omissive possibility relaxant mortality omnivore postural remedying mountainy onager prearrange reniform multimillion oolitic prepayment repossess munify opaque pressural repression murkiness operatic pungent repulsive

12 17 18 19 20

resonant skimmer straggly thudded restrictive slake strangler thwartship retinal sleazily strenuous tilth reverence sloven striate timbre sound robotize sludgy studios tipsy rotational snarly stupidity tolerate rudiments soffit subdivision tomatillo ruminant soilure sublease topflight adj rustler soldiery subnormal topsy-turvy adj sacramental soliloquist summarize tornadic sanctified sonorant sunbathe to sun torpitude sanitarian sonorous supercharger touchable satirist soothe supervisor towering saucerful supposal toxic savor sparklet surname trailblazer scalpel sparsity sustained traitorous scapement spasm swarthy trance daze scavenge specie sweltering transferee scintillant specified swollen transition scrapple spigot syllables transmute scriptorial spin ate tactical trawl seaminess spindrift tailored treasurable seaworthy spiral tango treatise seclusion spline tapestried tricklet sedimental splotchy tarragon trimester seismic sprockets tarvia triplets self-evident spume tawdrily trivia semitrailer squally teary sad troche tablet shatterproof squirmy tegument troubadour sheetrock stagnate telegrapher trundle

shimmery staid grave tempen~ment tufty shipshape adj staple tenacity tumult shirring starvation terminable turbid shogun statute terrorism twelfth short-staple adj steamroller theftuous twitchy shunt stegosaur thematic typing sideburns stet therm ulcerate sideswipe stint thinkable ultraviolet silex stitchery threesome ululant singe stoke throaty unabridged

13 21 22 23 24

unadopted watchable willowy yawny unbandage waterfowl wince yearling unbuttered wattles windbag year-round or unchristian waveringly windpipe year-around underclothes wayfaring winepress yeasty underscore weakling wingspan yellowing undulant weal winnow yeoman unethical weapons winterish yokelry unify wearisome wintertime yolky unionize weatherman wireless younger

unlighted weighed measured wisest youthful unpressed weldable wispy yummy unrestful well-to-do adj witchcraft zanily unsuited westernize withered zealously urbanite whacking witnessed zebrine usury wharfs, wharves wizardry zebu vacuous wheedled woebegone zenith valiant wheelbarrow womankind zephyrous valid whelped wonderland zest wherefore wont custom zigzagger

vastity whimsical woodchopper zincous vegetarian whippet woodsy zodiac vehement whipstitch woolliness zoic vendee whirligig wordage zombie venom whiskery work basket zonal verbose whistly wrathful zooming verity whitecaps wreckage zucchini victimize whitening wrest twist zwieback vigilant whitling fish wretchedness violable whopper wristbone

viral whoosh writable visage whorled wrongdoing vixen wickedness xanthic vociferant wicker xenon votable widower xerophyte vulgarity wifeless xylophone walkoutN wiggle yachtrnan warranted wildness yammer warworn wiliness yardage washstand willingly yaupon

14 High School 1 2 3 4

abecedarian algicide antiperspirant ataxia ablative alimentation antipodal atrium abolitionism alkalinity antiquarianism attainder aborigine alleged antiscorbutic auctorial abracadabra alleviation antithetic augean, Augean absorbency allogenetic aphid augmentation abstemious allopathy aphoristic austereness abutment allowedly aphrodisiac autistic abysmally almightiness apologia autochthonous acacia almoner appeasable autoluminescence accessibleness altercation appercipient autotelic accrual amalgamate appetency avaricious acetose ambuscade appositeness awfulness acknowledgeable ameliorant apprehend azimuth acolyte amorphousness apropos azoic acquaintanceship ampersand archaism babushka acquisitive ampulla argentous baccalaureate acquittal anabolism argonaut bacchic acrophobia anaerobe armoire bacteriologic acrostically anarchistic arnica badinage adherent ancillary arousal bagginess adiposity andiron arras tapestry balbriggan adjudicatory anesthesiology arrogate balderdash administrative aneurysm arseniferous balsamic admonitory angel us artemisia bandeau adulatory angiocardiogram arteriogram bandi coot advection angostura arthritic banns notices adventitiousness angst ascertainment barbican aerodrome annalist ascribable barbiturate aeromancy annihilatory asininity baronial affableness anomaly askance barratry afference anopheles asphodel basaltic affiance antagonistic assailable basset hound afflation antediluvial asseveration bassinet a fortiori antepenultimate assignee bastinado agglomerative anthologist assimilability beastliness aggrandizement anthropoidal assuagement beauteously agoraphobia anthropophagy asteroid bedevilment alcazar anticlimactic astringency beguiler alfresco antimacassar asynchronous behaviorism

15 5 6 7 8

behest botulin canard cerecloth belittered boudin cancroid ceremonially belligerency bouffant candidacy cerumen bellwether bountifulness cannibalism chaffingly benedictory bourgeois m cannonade chambray benevolence bourse canonization chancel benignantly bowdlerize cantabile chancroid benumbingly bowsprit can tie changeability berceuse brachiation canvasser changeling bergamot brachycephalic caparison chanteuse beriberi braggart capillaroscope chanticleer bespangle braininess capitalization chariness be tassel braunschweiger capriccio charismatic betel brigantine capstan charivari bibacious brioche capuchin monkey charlatanry bi foliate bristled carabao charnel bigoted bronchitic caracal chartreuse color bilingualism brucellosis carbuncular chasteness billiard buffet a blow carcajou chattel billowiness bumblebee carcinogenic chemurgy binary buoyantness caricaturist chevalier binge bureaucratic carouser chignon biocentric burgle carrel chimerical biolysis burrlike cartwright chine bireme bursar cashmere, chinook wind biserrate bursitis kashmir chiropodist bittern bushido cataclysmic chive onion blameworthiness buttress cataleptic chorea illness blancmange cabriolet catastrophic chlorine blandishment cacciatore catechumen chrestomathy blasphemer cacique, cazique cathartic chromosome blithesomely caitiff catheter chronicle bloodiness calamine cautery historical facts bona fide calceiform cavil chrysanthemum boodling calligrapher cayenne pepper cicatrix boondocks calomel ceinture cilium boorish calumniator celesta cincture bordure camaraderie celibate cinder boscage camber centripetal! y cinematize botched camisole cerebration circuitously

16 9 10 11 12

circumfluent companero contumelious cursoriness circumstantiate compatibly conundrum curvaceous circumvallate compellent convalescent cussedness cirrhosis complacence convolute cyclamen citriculture complementation coppice cynosure civet cat complicity coronach danseuse clamorous comptroller corrigible daubing claque people computable coruscation dauphin M classicist comradeliness cosecant debacle clinician concentricity cosmopolis debenture closure concertedly cosovereignty debilitation cloying conchology costiveness decalcification coagulation concierge couchant decasyllabic coalesce conciliate counterirritant deceivingly cochineal concordat countervail decibel coconspirator concreation covetousness decipherable cogency confabulation cowling decoction cogitations confectioner cracknel decrescendo cognitive conferment cradling deducible coherency conflagration crampon defoliant coleopterous confrere craniology deglutition collaborationist conger creaseless deification colleague conglutinate credibleness deleteriousness collocate connatal crematory delphinium colonelcy conniption creophagous demi urge colonnade connotative crescendo demulsification coloratura, conquistador cretaceous denaturant colorature consanguineous cribbage dengue comatose consecration crinoline denigration combatant consentient crocodilian denouement combustibility consolable croupy deprecation comfit conspiratorial crucifixion depressible commemorative consummate cryptic dermatoid commensuration contemn crystalliform describable comminatory contemptible ctetology desiderate commiseration continuum culminant despoilment commodore contrabassoon cum laude despondency commonweal contradictorily cummerbund desquamate communalization contrapuntal cupola desuetude communicant contrition curettage determent

17 13 14 15 16

detern:nt dissidence N.S. electolyze eucalyptus detoxicant dissimulation eleemosynary eucharist detritus dissoluteness embarcadero euthanasia devitalization distich embarrassingly evangelical diabetic distillate embonpoint evocativeness diablerie distingue emendation excommunicate dialysis distractible emphysema excoriation diamantine dis train empiricism excrescence diapason dither tremble emulous exculpation diaphanous divertissement enamor exemplum diastolic divorceable encephalograph exhilarating dietetic docent enchilada exhumation differentia doctrinaire encomiast exigence diffuseness dolmen encroachment exodontia digitalis dormouse enfeeblement expatriate dilatant doughboy enigmatic expeditionary doughty en masse experiential diminutiveness dowser ensemble explainable dinghy small boat doyen entente exponential diorama dramaturgy entrammel extrasensory diptych drogue parachute envelopment extravaganza directorate dropsical envenom exudation dirndl dubitable environmental fabulist disastrousness dubonnet color eolithic facetiae disavowal ductile episcopacy facileness disciplinarian dudgeon ill humor epistemology factious discretional duenna equableness faille fabric disembarrass dunderpate equanimity fakir, faqir, faquir disembodiment dyestuff equilibrant fancifulness disencumber earring equinoctial farinaceous dishevel earthenware errantry farraginous disinfectant ebullient escapism farrier disparagement eclecticism escritoire fasces dispensable ectogenous escutcheon, fatuity displaceable efferent escucheon faubourg disposability effloresce espousal febrile dispraisal egregiousness esurient fedora disquietude eiderdown etherealness felicitate dissentious ejaculation enthnocentrism felinity disseverance electrocautery etymon feminism

18 17 18 19 20

fenestration forlornness geisha grumpiness fennel formaldehyde gelatinous guardianship ferriferous formicary genealogical gubernatorial ferromolybdenum forsooth genre guerdon festoonery fortissimo genuflect guidon fetishism fossilization geomorphic guillotine fibration gerontology guimpe fief foundry gerrymander gullet fieriness fracas gesso chalk guttersnipe filibuster frangibleness ghoulishness gymkhana filminess frangipane gibberish gynarchy finale Frankenstein gingerliness gyratory finis frappe ginseng haberdashery firkin fraudulent glacis slope habituation fishmonger fraught laden glandulous hackamore fissionability freightage glaucoma hack barrow fistula frijol glissando hagiocracy flaccidity frivolousness globality hallelujah flagellant frowardness globularity hallucinatory flamboyance fructuousness glottalize hamartia flamenco frumentaceous glumness handwrought flammability fuddle gluteal hansom cab flautist fugaciousness glycerin, glycerine haplessness fleabane fulgurant gnomic aphoristic harebell fleeciness fulsome gobbet harlequinade flibbertigibbet forbearer goliath harmonizable flirtatiousness furlough gouache haversack flamboyance frucuousness gourmet hamartia flirtatiousness furlough gracile haversack flocculence furor graminoid hawser fluorinate grandioseness heathenry fluxion galactic granitic hebdomadal foibles gammon gravure hecatomb fondue, fondu gargoyle grebe hegemony foolhardiness garrulity grimalkin heinousness forbiddance gastronome gristly helical forehand gaucherie grommet heliocentric foreignness gauntlet glo ve grotesquely heliotrope foreseeable gazelle brown grubbiness hellebore forgivable geiger gruesomeness helmsmanship

19 21 22

hematite illuminator incommunicable insipient hempen illusory incomparableness insoluble herbaceous imaginativeness incompressible insolvency hereinafter imbricate inconceivable insouciant heterochromatic imbrue, embrue inconscionable instrumentality hibemal immeasurable incorruptibleness insularity hinterland immemorial in credulousness intaglio histology immobilization incremental intangible hodiemal immovability incriminatory integument hollandaise immunization incumbent intelligentsia homburg, Homburg immurement incursion intemperateness homily impaction indefatigability intercessor homologous impasse indefensibility interdenominational hookah impenitent indemnification interdiction horology impercipience indescribability interlard horrendous imperforate indubitable intermarriage housewifery imperturbable inebriety intermediary hubbub impetuousness ineptitude interminable hubristic impiousness inequitable internecine huffiness implacability ineradicable interpretable hullabaloo implausible inerasable interrogatory humanization implosion inexorable interstice humdinger importune inferential intoxicant hummocky impoverishment inflationary intractable humoresque impracticable inflorescence intransigeance, hybridize impresario infraction intransigence hydramatic impressionable infringement intrusiveness hydrophanous imprimatur ingeniousness inutility hydrous license inglenook inveiglement hymnlike impugn inhalation inveterate hyphenization inabsorbable inherent invidious hypotenuse inaccessibility inimitableness invincibility hysterical inadequateness innateness inviolable icarian; lcarian inanition inobtrusive invulnerable ichthyosaurus inaudibleness inoculative iron bound idealness incantation inopportuneness irradiance ideogram incarceration inquisitiveness irreclaimable idolatrous incendiarism inscrutability irrecoverable ignis fatuus inchoate insectivore irrefragable ignominy inclemency insipidity irrelevance

zo 27 28

irremediable laird luau mayoralty irrepressible lanceolate lubberliness mechanization irresolute lanolated lumbago medulla irretrievable lapis lazuli luminary megatherm isometric blue lumpiness meiosis isotropic larboard luncheonette melancholia issei, Issei larmoyant lyceum mellifluous italicize lasagna, lasagne lyrebird menhaden itinerancy la teen machinations mentholated jackanapes lattice macrobian meretriciousness jaggedness laudanum macrocosmic merthiolate jai alai launderable madrigal mescaline jardiniere legendry madrilene soup mesmerism jaundiced legionnaire maelstrom mesomorphic adj jejuneness leguminous magazinist messianic jerboa lemming magnifico metacarpal jettison leprosarium maharaja, metallography jocoseness lethargic maharajah metaphysic jodhpur lethean Lethean malapertness meteorography journalese liaison malefaction metheglin judicature licentiate malfeasance meticulousness justifiableness lickspittle malignancy metier juvenescence lieutenantry maneuverable miasma tic juxtapose ligamentary manganite microchronometer kaiser lignescent mannerism microfiche kaleidoscopic likability manufactory microscopy keratoid lilaceous manzanilla midden kewpie lilliputian adj maraca midinette khedive limbo maraschino militiaman kinesics limeade margarine millennial

kingliness lineament margent millimicron kleptomania, lipsalve marguerite flower mimetic cleptomania liquefaction marmoraceous minestrone kohlrabi lithographer marron chestnut miniaturist kudos litmus marshmallowy minimal laboratorian loathsomeness massage minutia lachrymose loge matador misalliance lackadaisical loquacious materfamilias misanthrope lacquerwork lorgnette matriarch miscibility lactation lozenge mausoleum miserere

21 29 30 31 32

misogyny nebulosity nugacious oracular mitigable necessitude numismatics orangery mitrailleuse neckerchief nuncio oration mnemonic necrology nutritionist orbiculate modality nefariousness obduracy orchidology modicum negotiatory obeisance orderliness mollification nemesis obfuscation orgiastic molybdenum neophytic objectionable oriel window monogyny neoprene oblate oriflamme monolithic nereid obsceneness orison monophagous nethermost obscurement ormolu morganatic neurasthenic obsequiousness orotundity morocco leather neuritis obtrusion orthognathous moroseness neutralization obtuseness oscillometer morphology newfangled occidentalize osculant mosaicist nickeliferous oceanarium ossification mouchoir nickelodeon oceanography ossuary mountainousness niggling ocelot ostentation mousse dessert nincompoop ochroid osteoid mucilaginous nitrification octavo otherworldliness

muckraking noctambulation octuplet otiosity muliebrity nomenclature odium oubliette multimillionaire nominalistic odontology ouija multiplicity nonabsorbable odyssean. Odyssean outlandish multitudinousness nonagesimal offertory outlawry mummification nonchalance officialese outrageousness munificentness noncommen­ ogival outrance murmuration surable ogress overabundance musicale nonexistent oleander overbearing musicianship noninvolvement oleomargarine overembellish

mutability nonvenomous olympiad, Olympiadoverhaul myriad normative ombre shaded overindulgent myrmecology nostalgia omnificence overornate nacreous notational oneiromancy overriding naiad noteworthiness onomastics oversubscribe narcissism nougatine onslaught overwrought narcolepsy nourishable ontological oviparous natatorium novena opalescent oxygenize nausea novocaine opiate ozonic neaped procaine oppressible pabulum

22 33 34 35 36

pacificatory parvenu, peristaltic pithiness packageable parvenue permanganate placebo paddock pasquinade perniciousness placidity paganism passional perpetuity plaintiff pastime perseverant planetarium palimpsest paterfamilias persimmon plangency palladium patina perspicacious plantain palmetto patois persuasibility platitudinous palomino patriarchal pertinaciousness plausible palpitancy patrilineage perverseness pl each parnphletize pauperism phagocyte plebeian panacea peculation phalarope plebiscite panache swagger pedagogical phantasmagoria plectrum panchromatic pedanticism pharaoh plenipotentiary panegyrize pedimental phial pleonasm panickiness peeve philistine, Philistine plethora panniered. paniered pejoration philoprogenitive pleura panoplied pelagic phlogistic pliancy panopticon cloak phonemics pliosaur pantisocracy pellagra phosgene plow, plough

papaya, papaia pellucid phosphorate pluckiness papillary pence phrasemonger plumaceous paprika pendulous phyllophagous plushy papyrology peninsular physiocracy plutonic paradigm penitential physiotherapy pneumatical paraffinize pennilessness picacho poetaster parallelepiped pentadactyl picaresque poignant paranoid pentahedron picturable polariscope paraphernalia penumbra pietistic polemicize paraphrastic penuriousness pilaster polka

parasitism perarnbulant pilchard pollutant paresis pillion polygyny parfait percussionist pinata polyhedral parfleche perdurable pineal polyp parishioner peregrinate pinnate polyphony parlous perfidiousness piquancy polystyrene paroxysmal perfunctoriness pique cloth po matum parsimoniousness periodicity pirouette pomegranate parterre peripatetic piscatorial parthenogenetic periphrastic pitchblende pontifical

23 37 38 39

pontine preparatory propertyless purblind popinjay prepense propinquity puree sieved populace N prepossessing propitiative purgatorial portentousness preposterousness proselyte purgeable portico presage prospectus purloin portraiture presaging pr~tration purpureal positivistic prescriptive protagonist pusillanimousness possessor preservative protege M pustulate postlude prestidigitator protoplasmic putrefacient postponement presumption protozoan pyramidical

postprandial pretentiousness protrusive pythogenic postulant preternatural provender quadrangular potability priestliness providential quadrennially potentate prima donna provisory quadrille potlatch primogeniture provost quadriplegic poultice primordial prudery quandary practicableness principium prurient quarrelsomeness practitioner probationary psalmody quaveringly praiseworthiness procedural psaltery queasiness pratfall procrastinate pshaw querulousness prearrangement procrustean psychiatric queue hair precariousness procurable psychodynamics quiddity precedent before proem psychoneural quince fruit preceptorial professoriat, psychopharma­ quoit preciosity professoriate cological quondam adj precipitant prognosticate publican rabbinical preclusion prohibitory puerility raconteur M precociousness prolapse puerperal radarscope preconceive prolegomenon pugnacity raffia precursor proliferation puissant ragout predatorial prolixness pulchritude rampaging predecessor prolongation pullet ramshackle predictable promiscuity pulmonary rapport preeminence promontory pulverant rapturousness preferment promulgator pumice stone rathskeller prefiguration proneness pumpernickel ratiocinative preflilgent pronounceable punctilio ravenousness prejudicial pronunciamento punctualness readability prelate propagandist pungence realpolitik premonitory propagation punitive reappraisal

24 41 42 43 44

rebuttal reprieval roadstead sanctuary receptacle reprisal roentgenology sangfroid recessional reprobate rollicking adj sanguinary reckoning repugnancy romaine sapience N recognizance repulsiveness rondure sarcoma reconnaissance requiem roseate adj sarong recoup requisition rotisserie sarsaparilla recreancy requital rotunda sassafras recriminatory residual roue satiety rectilinear resonator roulette saturant recumbency respiratory roundelay saturnalia recuperative responsibleness roustabout sauciness recusant restitution rowdyish sauerbraten redaction resuscitation rowel saute redundancy retaliatory rubefacient savannah, savanna reembodiment retch vomit rubicund savant refectory reticular ruching scabbard referendum retractable rudimentary scabies refractive retrenchment rumination scaffolding refrangible retributive runic scallion refrigerant retriever rusticate scallopini refurbish reveille rutabaga scansion regality revenant saccarinity scapula regimen reverberance sacerdotal scarab reimbursement revetment, sacral scathing reincarnation revetement sacristan scatterbrained reintegration rhapsodize sacrosanct schematize rejuvenescence rheostat safflower schizoid religiosity rhinestone saffron wood scintilla remediable rhombiform sagacity sciolism reminiscence rhythmless sagamore sclerotic remissness riant adj salaam scrannel remonstrance riboflavin salient scrawny remuda ricochet salivant screaky renege rifling sallowness scriptural repartee rigidity saltation scrofulous repercussion rigor mortis salutation scrounge repertoire rinderpest salver tray scrupulousness repleteness riotousness fabric sculpturesque reprehensible ritualistic samovar scurrility

25 45 46 47 48

scurviness shellac N sinuosity sociality scutcheon shelving sissified soddenness scuttlebutt shenanigan situational adj soiree seamstress shepherdess skedaddle sojourner searingly shibboleth skeet shooting soldierliness seconal shindig skeletal solecism secretariat shirker skeptical, sceptical solemnize sectarian shoddily skimpily solicitation sedateness shoeing cobble skirl solicitude sedimentation shoreward skirmisher soliloquy sedulousness showily skittles solitaire seemly shrapnel slackening so Ion segmentary shrewdness slalom solstitial seismography shrillness slantindicular solvable , selvedge shrive slavishness somatogenic semaphore shudderingly sleighing sled somnambulant semasiology shuffling sliceable somnolence semi crystalline shunpike sliminess sonorousness semi pneumatic shuttlecock slippage sootiness tire sibilant adj slipperiness sophistry sententia sidereal slobber sorcerer separateness sienna color sloe berry sortie septuagenarian sievelike sloshy sottish sepulcher, sightliness slothfulness soubrette sepulchre signatory slouchingly southernmost seraglio signifiable slough marsh sovereignty sereneness silage slovenly spaciousness cloth silica sludge spareable seriatim silicosis slushiness sparseness serpentarium simian smattering spasmodic serried similitude smoothbore N spasticity servility simony smudginess spawning severance simoom snaffle specificity sewerage simpering adj snaillike spectral sexagesimal simplistic snappishness speculator shakerful simulated adj sniveler speleological shalom, sholom simultaneity sobersides N spelunker N shapeliness sinecure sobriety sphagnous shearer N. singe societal spheriform sheathlike singlet sociocentric sphygmogram

26 49 50 51 52

spinaceous stearic subaltern supermundane spindleshanks steerage subaqueous superscription spiritedness stellar subcutaneous supine spiritous, spirituous stenophagous subjunctive suppleness spirochaete, stenophagous subjunctive suppleness spirochete stereopticon subliminal supportive splayfooted sterilization submergible suppositious splenetic sternum submissiveness suppressible sponger stertorous submontane surcharge sponsorship stifling suborbital surfeit

spontaneousness stigmatize suborn surmountable spookiness stingingness subpoena surplice habit sportswoman stipulate sub rosa adv surplusage spreadable stoat subsequential surreptitious sprightliness stodgily subservient surrey carriage spruceness stolidity subsidence surrogate spumescent stomachful subsistence surveillance spurious stoppage substantiable susceptible sputum storable substituent sustainable squalidness strabismus substrate sustenant

squamate straggling subsume suzerain squashy strategic suburbanite svelte squealer stratocirrus succinct swabbing N squeezable streptococcus succulence swaddling squelcher streptomycin sufferance swain squireless streusel suffragette swankiness squirreltail grass stridency suffuse sward staidness stridulation suggestiveness swashbuckler stalactite strobic suicidal swastika stalagmite structuralize sulfanilamide swathe V

stalemate stubbiness sullenness swinish staminiferous stuccoed sultriness swivel stanniferous stultification summarily sybarite starboard stupefaction sump sycophant starkness stygian sumptuary syllabus starveling stylization superabundancy syllogism statistician stylolite superannuation sylphlike status quo stymie supercilious symbiosis statutory suasion supererogatory symmetrical stealthiness suavity superintendents symposium

27 53 56

symptomatic telecommunication theoretician torrential synapse teleprompter therapist tortuosity synchronous tell uric thermodynamics toucan bird syncretize temerarious thespian, Thespian touche fencing term syndicate temperateness thiamine toupee synod tempestuous tholepin tousled adj synonymous templar adj thoracic townswoman syringe temptress toxicology tabasco tempura food thrasher bird trachea tabernacle tenantry threadbare trachoma tachometer tendentious threnody tractable tackiness tenderloin throttlehold tractarian tactfulness tendril thumbprint trafficker tactician tenebrific thyme herb tragicomedy tactile tensile ductile thyroid N adj trajection taffrail tiara trammel talisman tercentenary tibial trampoline talkathon tercel, tiercet tigress transalpine tamarack tergi versation tincture transience tambourine termagant- tippler transcend ency tangential, tangental terminator tipsiness transitional tankard terminus titanium translucent tanniferous terraced adj tithing transmittal tantalum terramycin toady transmogrify tantamount terraqueous tobacconist trashiness tapadero, tapadera terrarium tocsin alarm traumatic tapir a beast terrazzo toleration travois N tarantella, terseness toluene treatise tarantelle tertiary third tombstone tremulous cloth tessera tommyrot trenchant tartaric acid testamc:nt tongueless trepanning tastefulness tetanus tonneau trepidation tatting tetrafluoride tonsillitis triarchy taupe color thalamus tonsure tribunal tautology thaumatology topaz trichinosis tawniness thearchy topology tricot fabric taxidermist theodolite toque hat triennium teakwood theogony torero trifoliate technocracy theolatry torpidness trilobite tectonics theorem torque triumphant

28 57 59 60

trochee unchangeable unnerve valise trousseau unchaperoned unpardonable valuableness trowel uncomplimentary unpicturesque valvule truculence unconcernedness unprepossessing vandalism truncheon unconquerable unpronounceable vanguard troops tryst uncoordinated unquenchable vanquishable tubercle unctuous, unctious unregenerate vapidity tuberculin undefeatable unsalutary vaporization tularemia undefinable unsealable vaquero tumidity undemonstrative unscrupulousness varicose tumultuous undercarriage unseemliness variegate turbidity underling unsheathe vascular turbot undernourishment unshriven vassalage tureen underripe unsoldierly vaticinate turnkey N undiscerning unspectacular vaudevillian tutelage undistinguishable unstructured vegetate typography undulance untamable vehemency tyrannical unedifying unutterable veinous tyrannosaurus uneducable unverifiable velleity ubiquitous unequivocal upbraid velodrome uglification uneradicable upheaval ukase unerringly upholsterer venality ulceration unexceptionable uprighteously vendetta ultimatum unfeigned uranography veneering N ululation unforgivable urbanity venerability umber color unfulfilled ursine vengeance umlaut ungainliness usurer venomness unabashed ungovernable usurpation ventral unaccommodating unguent utilitarian ventriloquism unachievable ungulate uxoricide venturesome unadulterated unhackneyed vacancy verbatim unamenable unhallowed vacationer verbena unanointed unhampered vaccinate verboseness unappetizing unhygienic vacillation verboten unarguable unicameral vacuity verdigris unassailable unimpeachable vagary verifiable unassuageable unleavened vagrancy verisimilitude unbridgeable unlikelihood vainglorious vermicelli unbudgeable unmanned valetudinarian vermiculate uncanniness unnameable validation vermifuge

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versatility vivarium widgeon yogurt, yoghurt verse monger viviparous adj wienerwurst zanily verticalism vivisection wifeliness zapatero vertiginate vixenish wildebeest zealously vertigo vociferousness windlass zebroid vesicate volatility windrow zephyrous vestiture volitional wintriness zincify vexatious volubleness wirable zirconium viable voluminous withe twig zither viaticum voluptuous witless zodiac vibrationless voodooist wizened adj zooculture vicarage voraciousness woebegone zoomorph vicegerent vorticity wolfs bane zoophyte vicinage votary womenfolk zucchini vicissitude vouchsafe wonted adj zymosis victual age voyageur woodenware vicuna vulnerableness woolly vigilantness wadding worldiness vignette wainwright wrack vilification walkathon wraith villosity hairiness wampum wrathfulness vinaceous wanness wretchedness vindictiveness warrantee wriggler vinegary wassail writhe viniculture wastage wrothful vintage wateriness wryness violoncello wattage xanthous virago waywardness xenial virescence weaponry xenocentric viridian weltschmerz xenophile virtuosity whacking adv xerography virulence whangdoodle xyloglyphy visceral wharfmaster xylophonist viscosity wheaten yachtsman visionary whiff yammer V visitation whimsical yardage vitiate whiningly yaws disease vitreous whippet yeastiness vitriolic whirligig yeomanry vituperate whortleberry yieldable