'IrIHIlE ~lI\VIE ~§II 'II'W CIT> IF 'Ir IE .TI.£.b) JP'ID'm JI.]I(C.A'Fil CON No. 7020 October 15, 1970 SPELLING LIST SPELLING CONTEST 1971-1972 SCHOOL YEAR BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SERVICE DIVISION OF EXTENSION · THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY TWICE A MONTH. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT AUSTIN, TEXAS Foreword TIUS BULLETIN contains three lists, each of which is a source of words for the League spelling and plain writing contests in its respective division. These words have been selected to supplement the state-adopted texts, grades five through eight, inclusive. Few words in the lists are found in any of the spelling texts. Pupils are required to spell only the words in Roman type, or only one of alternate spellings which, if equally acceptable, are in Roman type. Explan­ atory words and phrases in Italics are given to assist the pronouncer to dis­ tinguish between words having the same or similar sound and are not to be written by the contestant. Guide lines have been inserted after each group of words, for the con­ venience of the student and the teacher. An asterisk ( *) indicates that the dictionary should possibly be consulted for pronunciation or definition. Should any misprints or other errors be found in the list, the teacher should report them to the State Office at once. This will be doing the League a real service, as such errors are reported in the Official Notices column of the LEAGUER. This is not only a spelling but a "plain writing" contest. More papers are rejected by the State Grading Committee because of illegible writing than because of incorrect spelling. "Plain writing" is a vital part of the contest. The special circular entitled "Writing Errors" contains many illustrations of malformed or illegible letters and examples of well-formed letters. It is available for $.10. The latest (Third) edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is the authority for all spellings. '11'd. ~-··-·,....._..,,. DIRECTOR Prices This bulletin is sold at 10 cents per copy; 75 cents per dozen; $5.00 per hundred. No League bulletins are sent C.O.D. Stamps are not accepted in payment for the lists. For additional copies of this bulletin address University Interscholastic League Box 8028, University Station Austin, Texas 78712 Copyright, 1971 by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas Statement on Equal Educational Opportunity With respect to the admission and education of students, with respect to the availability of student loans, grants, scholarships, and job opportunities, with re· spect to the employment and promotion of teaching and nonteaching personnel, with respect to the student and faculty activities conducted on premises owned or occupied by the University, and with respect to student and faculty housing situ· ated on premises owned or occupied by the University, The University of Texas at Austin shall not discriminate either in favor of or against any person on ac· count of his or her race, creed, color, or national origin. Grades V and VI 1 2 3 4 aback apex blight ruin cancel abandon apish blocky cancer disease ABC's, abc's pl aplenty bloodstream candor abdomen append blouse canister abet appetite blubber cantata ablest apt blunt canyon abrade archery boggy capsize absentee argufy bolder adv caraway abuse arithmetic bonanza caries decay accent armrest bonus carnival accidents pl awhirl bootjack carsick acidity babble botany cartoon acquiring babyish boundary cartwheel actress backwoods breathe casita address bacteria brighten castile soap ade drink balloon toy bronco horse catchy admittedly balmy bronzed causer adobe bandanna browser caution adverb bargains brusque cavy rodent advising barrel brutishly ceiling roof affable basic buffalo census count aglimmer basketball bulbs centrally ahead beardless bulky cereal food airflow beckoning bulldozer cerise alarm befriend bumpiness certify aliveness beginner bunglesome chafer allot bellows burble chambray all-time adj bemuffled bureau chamfer almanac benefit burglar champion amaze bequest burgoo char bum amble bestowal burly charity amity betray butane charmful amplify bevel butcher chartless anemic bias butte hill chatty adj anger bicycling buyer person cheaply ankle bilious byword checkers anteroom biped cactus cheekiness antics birthstone cafe cheesy antique blackboard calorie cheeta, cheetah anywhere blemish campstool chemise 3 5 6 7 8 chemist compile crotch deputize chert comprise cruelness derision chickaree conceit cruller desalt chicory concisely crunchy described chippable confuse cucumber deserter chisel conic cultural designed chitter conk cumber desist chocolate conquer curable despoiler cholla consonant curbed destruct chortle continue curry spice deter V. Christmas contour cuspid determined chronic controller customer detractive chummy contused cuttlefish deviate chunky cookable cyclist devoid circlet coop pen dairying dewiness citizen coot bird dangerous dextrose n. citron copier dasheen diacritic civilly cordon data diagonal clammy corduroy dazedly dietary clash corm dean person digestive cleanse corrective deathly dimmer adj. cleat corrosive debate directly clergy counter debtor person dirtily climax courier messenger deceiving disabler climbable coupon decimal disappeared closer couth deckled disarming clothier cowardly decorate disbelief clumsiness cozily, cosily deepness disburser cobra crackly defensive discoid cocksure cranberry deferred discontent coffeepot cranky deflector discourse coinage craze defrost discover coldness creaky sound delicate discrepant collide creamy delta disfavor column create delve disguise coma crewel yarn denotive dished comforting crimpy dental adj. dislocate comma criticize dependent adj dismalness commonly crockery depressed dissolve compactly crossroad deprival disposure 4 9 10 11 12 disputed embank fishery galley disqualify embattled fisted garb disrobe emend fixable gardenful distaff emery flaming gargle distend emotive flapjack garret attic distill empress ruler flashily gaspingly disuse emptier flavorless gathered divan enable fleeced gauzily diverge encampment flex V. gawkish divine endearing flimflam geared divulge endwise flinty genial doleful enema floodlights gentry dolor engaged floppy geode dome engraft floristry geratic dominant enigma flouncy germ proof doorway enkindle floweret gertrude dormancy enlarger flyleaf ghostily dorsal enmesh foamy giantism dottle ennobling foggily gibbon doubly entangling foodless giggled doughy entitled footless gimlet dowel entree/ood foresight ginning downwind ermine formative gizzard dozer esteem foundry glazily drawling examined fowler hunter gleamy dreamily exert fragrant gleefully dreggy fabulous frankly glimmery drinkable factory fraud glob dross farce comedy freakish gnarly dusty fatness freshen gnocchi eaglet favorably frilly god speed earphone federate frivol goldsmith eatable felted frogman goodies eavesdrop fernlike fronded graceless ecru color fettle frostiness graininess edgy file spice frothy grandly educated filial fruitful grassiness eerily filthily frumpily gratingly elide findings fully greeted elvish firelight fuzziness grudging 5 13 14 15 16 habitat incite riot knurly ma'am hailstorm incorrupt ladyish magazines hake, haik indoor adj laky magneto halfway indwelling lamely maimed handiness inequal lanced malform hankering inferred landmark mallard happiest influx lapse slip malpais hardships inkiness larder malty harshly insole lashing mange hatches instantly latex manifest hazy launder mappable header interact lawless mariachi healing interknit leaching dissolving marinade heater interline leafy marlin fish hedgehog inventors leotard masaflour heftiness irksome lethal mastery hemp isolette liar person mattery herbal ivied lichen moss maul hammer hereafter jangly lifeboat meadowy hernia jaywalker liftable meaty hexagon jell, gel lightning flash medico hiker jerkily lilies mellowness higgler jeweler.or liner membral hinge door jeweller lint fuzz mensural hoariness jigger listening merriness homegrown adj jimmy pry lithe metalwork horned johnnycake llama beast metate hotter joisting loath, loth adj methodic houseful judgeship lockable mewl sound hovel jukebox lonesomeness miffy hummingbird jumbly looter mightily hunger keening lounger milky hustling kerf lucid millipede hyphenize kibble lug milo maize igloos .kilowatt lumpily mincing illy kin related lurid mindful immunize kinky lusty minify impart kipper lynching minty impend kittiwake lynx mire inborn adj knocker lyrics mirth 6 17 18 19 20 misapply nonplus parish pleasable misc ho ice nonstop parse V. pliant misgive nooky parson plover mislay nuggety partook plumbing mistaken numberless passel pored studied mistrial oaken passive preachy mitt obsolete pasta pressed squeezed mockingly obtrude patchy prophetic mohair ocher, ochre paunch pseudo adj moisty octane pawl putter molasses odorous peachy quaintly moldy, mouldy o'er, over peasants quartering moneybags offbeat adj pebbled quip mooniness offspring peekaboo rabble morbose olla peevish radioman morrow ongoing adj pentagon rainless mo thy oniony perfumy ramada motorize ope, open perkiness rappel mouthy open-faced adj perspiry rapture movingly operated pert rations multilane ophite pervade rattletrap mummy opine phobic reaching murre bird opposal phonic realistic muscles of body optics photoprint reasoned musketry opulent phrasal rebuff musty orbed pickable recapture naked ordeal picky reckon napery osmics pictoric recliner natured oval piecing recountal neaten owlet piffling rector needy oystering piggish recycle nether pact
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