Forging Jubaland Community Perspectives on Federalism, Governance and Reconciliation
RIFT VALLEY INSTITUTE MEETING REPORT FEBRUARY 2017 Forging Jubaland Community perspectives on federalism, governance and reconciliation The Interim Jubaland President, Ahmed Mohamed Islan, addresses the delegates during his inauguration ceremony in in Kismayu on September 12, 2015. Key points Participants • A peaceful settlement in Somalia is Joanna Crouch, Somalia Programme Officer, dependent on how a new system will be Saferworld implemented, rather than which new Peter Mackenzie, Somalia Country Director, system will be adopted. Saferworld (Chair) • The establishment of Jubaland has Hassan Dirye, SOSCENSA brought improvements in security and the delivery of public services, but the Abdi Al, Programme Adviser, Saferworld concentration of both authorities and Halima Farah, Somali Women’s Solidarity external assistance in the city of Kismayo Organization has created tensions with the peripheral areas. Idris Abdi Yarre, Saferworld Partner • In Jubaland, statebuilding—involving Ayaan Addulkadir Hared, Saferworld Partner elite bargaining—has been prioritized over social reconciliation, which has Introduction marginalized less powerful clans, youth On 22 April 2016, the Rift Valley Forum hosted and women. the launch of Saferworld’s report, Forging Jubaland, Community Perspectives on Federalism, Governance and • Surveys show there is public support Reconciliation. The creation of Jubaland state in for federalism as a mechanism to bring 2013 and the controversial appointment of Sheikh decision-making and service provision Ahmed Mohamed Islam (‘Madobe’) as President closer to the people. of its interim administration, supported by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), precipitated tensions and divisions in which has been especially weak in the Gedo, Somalia. In response, the Saferworld team in middle and lower Juba regions.
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