CLASS OF 1838.

9U.. (BoroN. C.) .. . . WILLIAM H. WRIGHT ...... (Ap'dN. C.) .. l Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST , JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LiEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the building of Ft. Warren, Boston harbor, (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEc. 7, 1838) Mas., 1838-45; and as Superintending Engineer of the construction of the Sea­ wall for the protection of Lovell's Island, Boston harbor, Mas., 1844-45.

Civil History.-Author of 0. "Treatise on Mortars, Concretes, &c.," 1845. DIED, DEC. 29, 1845, A:J: WIL)UNGTON, N. C.: AGED 31.

942 .. (BornLa.) ...... P. G. T. BEAUREGARD...... (Ap'dLa.) . . 2 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he was gmduatec1 and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the building of Ft. Adams, Newport harbor, R. 1., 1838-39, - of the defenses of Pensacola harbor, Fla., 1839- 40,--of Sur­ (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JUNE 16, 1839) vey of Bllrataria Bny, La., 1840-41,-Rnd of repairs of Ft. Jnckson, Missis­ ~ippi River, La., 1841; as Superintending Engineer in the building of Tower Dupre, and of the repairs of the defenses of the eastern passes to New Or­ leans, La., 1841-44, and 1845-46,-and of repairs of Ft. McHenry, Md., 1844- 45; in the War with , 1846-48, being engaged in the constrl1ction of the defenses of 'l'nmpico, 1846- 47,-Siege ofVem Cruz, lVIRr. 9-29, 1847,-­ Reconnoissance and , Apr. 17- 18, 1847,--Reconnoissance of the Pedregal, Aug. 19, 1847, - Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847,-Re­ (BYT. CAPT., AlrG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLI.".'11.· AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OE' CONTRERAS AND CHURUDUSCO, lVIEx.) connoissal1ce of the approaches to the City of Mexico, Sep. 9-13, 1847,-Bat­ tIe of , Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and Capture of the City of (BVT. MAJOR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUC''c IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, lVlEx.) l\Ie:xico, Sep. 13-14, 1847, where he was wounded in st.orming the" Causeway Battery," nndllgllin near the Belen Gate; as Superintending Engineer in the building of Ft. Gaines, Mobile harbor, Ala., 1848-49,-of the repairs of Fts. Sf. Philip and Jackson, La., 1849- 52,-rmd building of Ft. Livingston, La.• 1849-52; as Member of a special Board of Engineers for the improvement of the Delta of the Mississippi, and construction of a harbor on.Lakc Pontchn.r­ train, La., 18li2-53; as Superintending Engineer of New Orleans Custom­ (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS. MAR. 3, 1853, FOR FOURTEE:-! YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) House, La., 1853-60; in general supervision of opening of S. W. Pass into ~Iississ.ippi River, and construction of a hm'bor on Lake Pontcharlrain, La., U. S. MILI'rARY ACADEMY. 549


1853; as Member of a special Board of Engineers for projecting the rlefenses on the Gulf Frontier of Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, 1857,-and for the protection of tlie site of Ft. McRee, Fla., 1858; as Superintending Engineer of New Orleans Marine Hospital and Quarantine Warehouses, 1859-60; a.nd as Superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy, Jan. 23-28, 1861. RESIGNED, FEB. 20, 1861. Civil History.-Chief Engineer for Drainage of the site of New Orleans, La., 1858- 61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861--66 against the .

943.. (Born S. C.) ...... JAMES H. TRAPIER...... (Ap'dS. C. ) .. 3 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the AI'my to SF.cOND LmuT., 1ST AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building the defenses of Charleston harbor, S. C., 1838-39,-Ft. Pulaski, Ga., 1839-40,-Defenses of Charleston harbor, (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY I, 1839) S. C., 1840- 42. - and to the Board of Engineers, 1840; as Superintending Engineer of the repairs at Ft. Macon, Beaufort harbor, N. C., 1842-44,­ of Ft. Caswell, mouth of Cape Fear River, N. C., 1844-45,-of Ft. Ontario, Oswego harbor, N. Y., 1845 ~!7, -and of Fts. Niagara and Porter, Niaga.ra River, N. Y., 1846-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847; and as Asst. Engineer of the repairs of the fortifications of New York harbor, 1847-48. RESIGNED, FEB. 28, 1848.

Civil History.-Planter, Georgetown, S. C., 1848--61. Major Staff (Chief of Ordnance of the State of South Carolina), 1851-52,-and Col. Staff (Aide­ de-Camp to Governor Means, of South Carolina), 1851-53. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. DmD, J ,\...'1. 2, 1866, AT MANSFIELD, S. C. : AGED 51.

944 .. (Born Vt.) .....STEPHEN H. CAMPBELL...... (Ap'd Vt.) ..4 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. )Iilitary Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was b'l'uduated Ilnd promoted in the Army to SECOND LnmT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building Fts. .Monroe and Calhoun. Hampton Roads, Va., 1838·-39, ·-to the Board of Engineers, 1839-40, - and in constructing (FIRb'T LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY I, 1839) Fts. Monroe and Calhoun, Ya., 1840-44; and as Superintending Engineer of the repairs and preservation of the site of Ft. Caswell, mouth of Cape Fear Rh'er, N. C., 1844. DmD, JAN. 1, 1845, AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA.: AGED 31. 550 GRADUATES OF THE


945 .. (Born N. H.) ..JEREMIAH M. SCARRITT ...... (Ap'd m.) .. 5

Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from .July 1, 1834, to .July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and pl'Omoted in the Army to SECOliD LmUT., 6TH INF.\NTRY, .JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LmuT., CORPS OF ENGI:u:ERS, .JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the improvement of St. Lonis harbor, :\10., 1838; as Chief Engineer in the Florida War agninst the Seminole Indians, 1838-39; at the Military Academy, as Principal Assistant Professor of Engi­ (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF E..'1GINEERS, .JULY 1, 1830) neerinf-', Sep. 1, 1839, to Aug. 26, 1841; as Asst. Engineer in building the for­ tifications of Pensacola harbor, Fla., 1841-45; in the Military Occupation of Texas, .1845-46; in tile Wnr with Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the , May 8, 1846, - Battle of Resaco. da b Palma., ~Ia.y 0, 1846, - fmd , Sep. 21-23, 1846; and as Superintending Engineer of the (BYT. CAPT., SEP. 23, 1846, FOR G.u.L.\NT AND :\1EmTomous CONDUCT IN THE SEVERAL CONFLICTS AT MONTEREY, fux.) repairs of Ft. ~10rgan, Mobile Bay, Alo.., 1847- 53,-01' Surveys of Flint and Chattahochee Rivers, 1853,-o.nd of the building of Ft. Taylol' a·ud Navy Cool (CAPTAIN, CORl'S OF ENGINEERS, lVL\E. 3, 1853, }'OR FOURTElli'l YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) Depot, at Key West, Fla., 1853- 54. DmD, JUNE 22, 1854, AT KEY WEST, FLA.: AGED 37.

946.(BornN. Y.) .. ALEXANDER H. DEARBORN.. .. (Ap'd N. Y.).6 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from J oly 1, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he wus graduated und promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D AUTILLEIW, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANL'E, JULY 9, 1838. Served: as Asst. Ordnance Officer at St. Louis Arsenul, Mo., 1838- 30; in command of Baton Rouge Arsenal, La., 1839-41; on FOlmdry duty, 1841-45; and in command of Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1845-48,-aucl of Mount Vernon (FIRST LmUT., ORDNAXC,'E, lVLrn.3, 1847) Arsenal, Ala., 1848-50, 1851- 53. DIED, FED. 26, 1853, AT lV'loUNT VERNON AnSENAL, ALA.: AGED 35.

947 .. (Born Mis.) ...... JOHN T. METCALFE...... (Ap'd Mis.) .. 7 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militmy Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he wus grnduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., 3D AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JUJ.Y 9, 1838. Served: in command of AllgustnArsenal, Ga., 18.'38; and ill the Florida War, 1838-39, in command of Garey's Ferry Ordnance Depot. RESIGNED, MAY 31, 1840. Civil History.- Grncluated in Medicine at the University of Pennsylvani", 1843. Physiciall near Natchez, Mis., 1845-46,-and in New York city, since 1846. Attending PhysicirUl t.o Bellevue Hospital, 1847- 59, - aucl Consulting Physician, since 1859. Inspector of Public Schools, New York city, 1847- 48. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 551


Physicilm to New Y01'k Hospital for Lying-in Women, 1850-60. Consulting Physicinn to the New York Deaf and Dumb Institution, since 1851, - to St. Luke's Hospital, since 1853, - Olud to ChHdren's Nursery and Hospital, 1855-60. Attending Physician to the New York City Hospital, 1857. Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of the Uni­ versityof the City of New York, 1856- 66, - and of Clinicfll Medicine in the Coilege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1866. Author of varions papers on Medical Science, 1845- 67.

948.. (Born S. C.)...... THOMAS CASEY...... _... (Ap'd Ala.) ..S Military History.-Caclet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEu'r., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, AUG. I, 1838. Served in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1838- 39. RESIGNED, FED. 28, 1839. Civll History.-Unknown. DIED, JAN. 20, 1847, NEAll SA..'1 ANTONIO, TEX.: AGED 27.

949, ,(Born S. C.) ...... ISAAC S. K. REEVES...... (Ap'd S. C.) .. 9

Military ~istory.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. I, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: on the Northern Frontier during Canada Border Disturbances, at Platt~burg, N. Y., 1838-39,-Rouse's Point, N. Y., 1839,-and Plattsburg, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JUNE 21, 1839) N. Y., 1839; on Recruiting senrice, 1839-40; in garrison 111. Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1840; on Maine Frontier, at Houlton, 1840, pending "Disputed Territory" controversy; on Recruiting service, 1840; at t.he :Military Academy, 1840-43, 1846-50, as Assl;, PI'ofessor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Oct. 27, 1840, to Jan. 20, 1841,-Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Jan. 20, 1841, to Scp. I, 1842,-Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Sep. 1, 1842, to July 1, 1843,-Quartermaster, Sep. 1,1842, to July I, 1843,­ (CAPrAIN, 1ST ARTILLERY, ApR. I, 1850) and Adjutant, Oct. 31, 1846, to Sep. 28, 1850; and on sick leave of nbsence, 1850--51. DIED, FED: 22, 1851, AT FLUSHING, N. Y.: AGED 32.

950 .. (Born K)'.) ...... BUCKNER BOARD...... (Ap'c1 Ky.), .10 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, t<:> July 1, 1838, when he was gradtmted and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT" 3D ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigrating the Indians to the (PmsT LIEUT., 3D ARTILLEllY, AUG. 1, 1838) West; in the Florida War, 1838-89; and in removing Seminole Indians to Arkansas, 1839- 40. RESIGNED, MAR. 3t, 1840. 552 GRADUATES OF THE

NUlIlBll:R. 1838. CLASS RANK.

Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Kentucky, 1842- 61. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceqing States, 1861-62, as COLONEL, 2D KENTUCKY CAYALRY VOLUNTEERS, SEP. D, 1861, till he RESIGNED, DEC. 25, 1862. Civil History.-Merchant, Nashville, Ten., 1863-65,-nnd at St. Louis, Mo., since 1865.

951. . (Born Va.) ...... WILLIAM B. BLAIR...... (Ap'd Va.) ..ll Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Acaclemy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: on the Northern Frontier during Canada Border Disturbances, at Buffalo, N. Y., 1838-39,-Ft. Niagara., N. Y., 1839,-and Buffalo, N. Y., 1839·-41; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1841,-and Ft. Mifflin, Pa., (FmsT LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, Nay. 4, 1840, TO JULY I, 1852) 1841--42; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Profe'ssor of Mathematics, Aug. 31, 1842, to Aug. 31. 1843; in garrison at Ft. Mifflin, Pa., 1843- 1846; on Re­ cruiting service, 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846--48. being engaged on Ordnance duty at Tampico, 1846--47, - a8 Commissary of 2d Division, 1847--48, - in the Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 18, 1847,- and Battle of Churubusco, (BVT. CAPT., ApR. 18, 1847, FOR GA.LLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, ~1Ex.) Aug. 20, 1847; on leave of absence, 1847-48; and on COmmiSBal',Y duty at Washington, D. C., Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1850,-New York city, 1851,-8an (CAPTAIN STAFF--CO~nIISSARY OF SUDSISTENCE, SEP. 27, 1850) Antonio, Tex., 1851-53,- Corpus Ohristi, Tex., 1853-55,-San Antonio, Tex., 1855-5D,-Wushington, D. C., 1859-60,-and San Antonio, Tex., 1860-61. RESIGNED, MAY 14, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United Stu tes.

952 .. (Born Va.) .... THOMAS LEE RINGGOLD ....(Ap·dD. C.) ..12 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. I, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ABTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Flolida War, 1838-39; in garrison at Ft. Columbus. N. Y., 183D; at the Camp of Instruction near Tt'euton, N. J., 1839; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Aug. 28, 1839, to July 19, 18i1; as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Washington (TRANSFERRED TO ORDNANCE, JULY 21, 1840) Arsenal, D. C., 1841-42,-in dismounting guns in Atlantic Coast Defenses, 1842-43,-and at Washington Arsenal, D. C.. 1843-45; on Foundry duty, 1845--47; as Asst. Ol'dnance Officer at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1847-49; in (FIllST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAR. 3, 1847) Florida hostilities, at Tampa Ordnance Depot, 1849-50, 1850; as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1851; and as Assistant to the Judge (CAPTAIN, ORDN,,-,,<,CE, JUT,y I, 1853, FOR FOURTEEN YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERYICE) Adyocate of the Army, Mar. 19, 1851, to May 11, 1854. DIED, lIuy 11,1854, U WASIlli'<'GTON, D. C.; AGED 3s' U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 553


953 .. (Born N. Y.) . . ...JAMES M KETCHUM....(Ap'd at Large) ..13 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milit,uy Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigro.ting the Indians to the (FmST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 1, 1838) West; in the Florida War, 1838-39, 1840-42; and in ganison at Ft. Morgan, Ala., 1842,-and Savannah, Ga., 1842- 44. RESIGNED, APR. 30, 1844. Civil History.-Unknown. DIED, JUNE 8, 1844, A.T CINCL'lNATI, 0.: AGED 26.

954 .. (Born Ga.) ...... HENRY C. WAYNE...... (Ap'd Ga.) ..14 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milit.'lry Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLEl\Y, JULY 1, 1838. TRA..'1SE'ERRED TO 1ST ARTILLERY, .TULY 12, 1838. Served: on the Northern Frontier, at Phtth;-burg, N. Y., 1838-40, during Canada Border Disturbances; on Maine F)'ontier, at Houlton, 1840-41, pending" Disputed TelTitory" controversy; at the Militm-y Academy, 1841-46, as Asst. Instructor of Artillery and Cavah-y, of the Sword Exercise, and CFmsT LIEUT., 1ST AR'J:ILLERY, Mn 16, 1842, TO FEn. 22, 1851) of Infantry 'factics, Dec. l~, 1841, to July 1, 1843,-and Quartermaster, July 1, 1843, to June 11, 1846; and on Quartermaster duty, in the War with Mexico, as Assistant to the Quartermaster-General, in forwarding supplies, (Cli"l'. STAFF-ASST. QUARTEl\MASTEl\, ~fAY 11, 1846) 1846-47, participating in the Battle of Chllrubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- in the (BvT. MAJOR, AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BA.TTLES OE' CONTRER,~S ,~ND CHURUDUSCO, b'lEx.) Quartermaster-General's Office at Washington, D. C., in charge of the Clothing Bureau, 1848- G5,-in procuring Camels in Africa and Asia, 1855-56, and test­ ing in Texas their adartability for Army transportation, 1857- 58,-and in tho Quartermaster-General S Office at Washington, D. C., 1858--60. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1860.

Civil History.-Author of a work on "The Sword Exercise, arranged for Jlfilitary Instruction," 1850. Recipient, 1858, of a First Class Gold ""ledal from the "Societe Imperiale Zoologique d 'Acclimfltation," of Paris, for the successful introduction and acclimation of the Camel in the United States. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

955 .. (Born Vt.) ...... LUCIUS PITKIN...... (Ap'd Vt.) .. 15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Jllly 1, 1834, to July 1, Itl38, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: on the Northern Fronlier duling Canacl'l Border Disturbances, at Ft. Niaglua, N. Y., 1833, -Rochester, N. Y., 1838-39,-Recru.iting, 1839,­ 554: GRADUATES OF THE

NunBER. 1838. CL ... SS RANK.

R ochester, N. Y., 1839-41,-Buffalo, N. Y., 1841,-and Rome Arsenal, N. Y., 1841; and in garrison ,It In. Columbus, N. Y., 1841- 42, - Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., (FmsT LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, ,JAN. 4, 1842) 1842- !3,-and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1843- 44. RESIG}'''ED, JUNE 1, 1844. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, New Yod( city, since 1844. Commis­ sioner of Deeds for many States, since 1851. Major l;tafi' (Brigade Judge Ad­ Vocflte, N. Y., Militia) 1849--54, - Liellt.-Colonel, 1854-55,-Colonel, III55- 57, -and Brig.-Gcn. St.aff (Engineer in Chief of the State of New York), Jan. 1 to May 10, 1857.

956 .. (Born 0.). " ... ..WILLIAM H. SHOVER ....•.•.. (Ap'd 0.) .. 16 Military History.-C!l(let at the U. S. Milittll'Y Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigrating tho Indians to th~ West; in the Florida War, 1838-42; in garrison at Ne\\' Orleans, La., 1842, ­ (FmsT LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAIl. 1. 1839) Ft. Wood, La., 1tl42, - St. Augustine, Fla., 1842-43,-and Ft. McHemy, Md., 1843-45; in Military Occupnt.ion of Texas, 1845-46; in the Wflr with Mexico, 11l46-48, being engaged in the battle of Pillo Alto, May 8, 1846, - Battle of R esaca de la Palml\, May 9, 1846,-Batt.le of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846,- ,md (B"T. CAPT. , SEP. 23,.1846, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT MONTEREY, lHEX.) , Feb. 22-23, 1847; [lnd at tbe Militm'y Academy, IlS (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. QUAR1'ER~IASTER , JAN. 18 TO ~Lill. 22, 1847) (BVT. MAJOR, FEB. 23, 11l47, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUOT IN THE BA'ITLE Ol' BUENA VISTA, MEX.) (CAPTAIN, 3D ARTlLLEI

957 .. (Born N. Y.) .. , ...WILLIAM F. BARRy...... (Ap'd N.Y.) .. 17 Military History.-Cac1et I1t tbe U. S. Military ACllc1emy fl'om Sep. 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 7, 1838. TRANSFERRED TO 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 12, 1838. 8el'ved: in gl1rrison at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1838 ; on Northern Frontier, at Buffalo, N. Y. , 1838~39 , during CIlMdn Border Dintmbances; at the Camp of Instruction neal' Trenton, N. ,J., 1839: on the Northeru Fronticr, at Buf­ falo, N. Y., 18:39-41, during Canada 130rder Disturbances; in g;'ITiHon at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1841, - Ft. Lafayette, N. Y., 1841,- Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1841-42, - Ft. Adams, R r., 1842,-1't. Trumbull, Ct., 1842,-and Ft. Hamil. (FrnST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, AUG. 17, 1842) ton, N. Y.. 1842- 46; 011 Recruiting Rervice, 1846; ill the War with Mexico, 1846-47, at Tampico; on sick leave of absence, Mar. to Oct., 18,*7; in the 'War with ;\Iexico,1847-48, as Acting Asst. Adjutant-Gener'110f Major-General U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 555

Nu ~II3En. 1838. CLASS RANK.

Patterson's division, Oct.-Dec., Ul47, and of 1st Brigade of Bvt. Maj.-Gen­ eml Worth's division, Jan.- M,H'., 1848,--'\1111 u_~ Aide-dc-Camp to Bvt. Maj.­ General Worth, May 6 to Sep. 15, 1848; in g>lrrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., Hl48-49,-- Ft. McHenry, Md., 1849- 51, - and Ft. Monroe, Va., 1851- 52; in (CAPTAIN, 2D AnTILLEl\11. 15, 1866; in the Iuyasion of Georgia, fiiay 5 to Sep. 5, 18M, being engaged ill the Action of Tunn ~ 1 Hill, (BIT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 1, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS OONDUCT IN THE CA.;\IP,uGN OF ATLANTA.) May 5, 18M, and Rocky-Faced Ridge, May 6-9, 1864,-- Battle of Reso.cca, May 14- 15, 1864,-Skil'mishes of Adairsville, ~iay 17, 1864, and Cassville, May 19, 1864,-Actiolls of New Hope Church, ~Iay 25- 81, 1864,- Dattle of Kenesaw BIotlllblin, June 27, 1864,- Skirmish of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864,- Battle of Atlant.a, Jllly 22,-Siege of Athmtll, July 22-Sep. 2, 1864,-­ (BVT. COLONEL, SEP. 1, 1864, FOR G.~LLANT AND MEnlTORlOUS SERVICES IN THE CAPTURE OF ATLANTA) Battle of Jone~boro, Aug. 31, 1864,-and Battlo of Lovejoy's St.ntion, Sep. 1- 2, 1864; in NOl'th Georgia !Uld Alabama Ca.mpair


ville, Mal'. 20-21, 1865; in waiting orders, Jan. 8 to June 15, 1866; in com­ (BvT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, ):[AR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT ~D MERl'l'ORIOUS SERVICES IN TRE CAMPAIGN TERMINATING WITH THE SURRENDER OF 'l'HE INSURGENT ARMY UNDER GENERAL J. E. JOHNSTON) (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT A.,...W MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DURING TRE REBELLION) (COLONEL, 2D ARTILLERY, DEC. 11, 1865) mand of Northern Frontier, pending Fenian Raids into Canada, June 15, 1866, to MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 15, 1866. Civil History.--Author (jointly with General J. G. Barnard) of "Reports of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the PotOIDIlC, from its Ol'ganization to the close of the Peninsular Oampaign," 1863.

958 .. (Born Ten.) ...... MILTON A. HAYNES ... . . ,. (Ap'd Ten.) .. 18 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he wa~ gruduated Ilnd promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LmuT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 7, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigrating the Indians to the West; and in the Florida. War, 1838- 39. RESIGNED, SEP. 30, 1839. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, NashYille, Ten., 1840- 46. Asst. Adju­ tant-General, Tennessee Militia, 1844-46. Editor of a Law Journal, 1844--45. Military History.--Seryed in the War with Mexico as CAPTAIN, 1ST TENNESSEE CAYALRY VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 9, 1846, till he was DISBANDED, MAY 31, 1847. Civil History.-Counsellor at LllW, Nashville, Ten., 1847-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

959 .. (Born Pa.) ...... WILLIAM A NICHOLS...... (Ap'd Pa.) ..19 Military HistorY.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 183'1. to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the AI'my to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LmuT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 7, 1838. Served: on the Northern Frontier during Canada Border Disturbances, at Ft. Niagam, N. Y., 1838, - Ft. Gratiot, !I'Iich, 1838, --Detroit, Mich., 1838-39,­ Buffalo, N. Y .. 1839-40,-and S,lckett's Harbor, N. Y., 1840- 41; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1841-42,·-Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1842,- Ft. Trumbull, Ct., 1842,- Ft. Adams, R. 1., 1842-43,-Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1843- 44, - aucl Ft. (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JUNE 1, 1844, TO 8Ep. 28, 1852) Columbus, N. Y., 1844-45; in conducting recruits to 3d Ilnd 4th Infantry, 1845; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1845,-und Ft. Ad'lms, R. I., U. 8. MILITARY ACADEl\lY. 557

1838. CLASS RANE:.

1845-46; on Recruiting service, 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, UH6, ·--and as Aide-de-Camp (BVT. CAPT., SEP. 23, 1846, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT L.'! THE SEVERAL CONFLICTS AT MONTEREY, ~iEx.) to Brig.-General Quitm'lll, Aug. 19 to Oct. 6, 1846; as Adjutant, 2d Artillery, Aug. 18, 1846, t{) Dec. 8, 1847; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1846- 47, being Acting Asst. Adjutant-General, 5th Military Department, Nov. 21, 1816, to Jan. 6, 1847; in the War \"iit·h Mexico, 1847, as Actins- Asst. Adjutant-Gen­ eral of Bvc. Brig.-General Garlan

960.. (Born Pa.) ...... JOHN C. FLm'CHER...... (Ap'd Ptl.) .. 20 Military History.- Clldet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmuT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigrating the Inditms to the (FmsT LmuT., 6TH INFANTRY, Nov. 1, 1838) West; in the Florida War, 1838-40; and as Adjutant, 6th Infantry, at Regi. mental headquarters, May 28, 1839, to Feb. 1, 1840. RESIGNED, Nov. 10, 1840. Civil History.-Merchant, ~icConnellsburg, Pa., 1811-44, and since 1847. 558 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1838.

1il61., . (BornN. Y.)., ... , .. ,LESLIE CHASE ... , ...... (Ap·d N. Y.) .. 21. Military History.---C,\det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 2D AR'l'll.LERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LnmT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 7, 1838. Served: on Northern Frontier during Canada Border Disturuances, at De­ troit Mich., 1838, - Ft. Gratiot, Mich" 1838- 39, - Recruit.ing, 1839- 40, -llnd Ft. Niagara, N. Y., 1840-41; in garrison at Ft. Lafayette, N. Y., 1841, - Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1841-42,--Ft. Ad'lms, R. I., 1842, - Ft. Trumbull, Ct" 1842,.­ Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1842-44, -(llldl~raukfol'(1 Al'Senal, p,\., 1844-45; in Mil­ itary OC('upation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-47, being (FIllST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, ApR. 16, 1846) engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Battle of !-tesaca de 11\ (BYT. CAPT., MAY 9, 1846, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO Al'm RESACA DE LA PALMA, TEX.) Palma, :Hay 9, 1846; and on Quartermaster duty at Columbus, G,\., 1847,­ (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. QUAnTERMASTElt, ArR. 10, 1847) and New Orleans, La., 1847-49. DIED, ApR. 15, 1849, AT FT. JOHNSTON, N. C.: AGED 33.

962, (Born Mo.) ...... LANGDON C. EASTON...... (Ap'dMo.), .22 \ Military History.·-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT" 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in thc Florida War, 1838--42 ; on frontier duty at Ft. Towson, I. T., (FrnsT LIEUT" 6TH INFANTRY, J ULY 23,1839, TO ArR. 15,1851) 1842-46; on Recruiting service, 1846-47; and on Quartermaster duty at Ft.. (CAPT. STAFF-ASST. QUAnTERMASTEll, MAR. 3, 1847) Leavenworth, Kan" 1847- 49, being eng,\ged in supplying the Army of the West in the War witil Mexico, 1847-48,--8t. Louis, Mo .. 184!)- 50,-Chief Quurter­ ill,lster of the Department of New ;"fexico, ,T uly, 1850, to July, 1851, - Member of Board to select the. site of Ft. Riley, Ran., 1852,-Ft.. L eavenwol'til, Kan" 1852- 53, -Chief Quartermaster of the Department of New Mexico ,Tuly 20, 1853, to Hep. 15, 1858, - Member of Bomd to seleot site of a fort near the head waters of the Red RiYer of the Nort.h, MIlY 19 to Oct. 20, 1859, - and at Kansas city, 1860, forwarding supplies for New Mexico and posts on the plains. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in ch:nge Of Quartelmaster depot at Ft. Leayenworth, Kan" July 15, 1861, to Dec. 3,1863. (MAJOR STAFF-QUARTIDU{ASTER, Au~. 3, 1861) • as Chief Quurtennaster of the Army of the Cumherland in the field, Dec. 15, 1863, to May 4, 1864; as Chief Qnartermaster of the Armies comm.mded by Major-General Sherman, May 4, 1864, to June 27, 1865 (Colonel, ex-officio, Aug- 2, 1864), being present at the Open


Goldsboro, N. C., and thence to Washington, D. C., virt Raleigh and Rich­ mond; as Senior and SupeTVising Quartermaster of t.he Milit.ary Division of (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. AmH, M.m. 13, 1865, FOR MEUITOlUOUS SERVICES DUllING· THE REBELLION) the Mississippi, Sep. 5, 1865, to Ang. 11, 1866,-~.flnd of the ~Iilitary Division (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-DEP. QUARTEllilfASTER-GEN., JULY 29, 18(6) of the Missouri, Aug. 11 to Oct. 12, 186(1; us Chief Quartermaster of the Dep>1rtment of the Missouri, Sep. 5, 1866, to

963 .. (Born 0.)...... IRVIN McDOWELL ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 23 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milibry Academy fi'om July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND,LIEUT., 1ST AUTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST AllTILT.ERY, JULY 7, 1838. Served: on t.he Northern Frontier, 1838, during Canada Border Disturbances; on the Maine Frontier, at Houlton, 1838-40, pending the" Disputed Territory" controversy; on Recruiting service, 1840; on Maine Frontier, at Houlton, 1840- 41, pending the "Disputed Territory" controversy; at the Military Academy, 1841-45, as Asst. Instructor of Infantry Tactics, Sep. 4 to Nov. 11, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, OCT. 7,1842, TO FEB. 22, 1851) 1841,-and as Adjutant., Nov. 11, 1841, to Oct. 8, 1845; as Aide-de-Camp to Brig.-Genera.l Wool, Oct. 6, 1845, to May 13, 1847; in the War with :\'fexico, 1846-48, in mustering in Volunteers, June-July, 1846,-as Aetiilg Asst. Adju­ tant-Genem] of t.he Army commanded by Brig,-Geneml 'Wool, on the march for ChillUahua, Aug. 24 to Sep. 12, 1846, and Dec. 24, 1846, to Jan, 29, 1847, being engaged in the Battle of Buena. Vista, Feb. 22- 23, 1847,-u6 Asst. Adju­ (BYT. CAPT., FEB. 2:3, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND :\IElUTOlUOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTT.E OF BUEN.1. V{STA, MEX.) tnnt-General to Brig.-Gencral·Wool's division, "Army of Occupat.ion," May 13, (BvT. CAPT, SnFF- AsST. AD.niTANT-Gm,., M.\'Y 13, 1847) 1847, to Dec. 9, 1847, and of the" Army of Occupation," Dec. 9, 1847, to lVhy:l2, 1848,-- and in mustering out f).nd discharging troops, Jmle-July, 1848; as Asst. Adjutant-Geneml at the War Depa.rtment, July, 1848, to .Tune, 1849,·­ pt the Headquarters of the Army, New York city, Junc, 184$), to Jan. 8, 1851,­ of the:2d Military Departmont, Jan, 8 to May 17, 1851,~of the 6th Military Department, ,June 29, 1851, to ~Iar, 31. 1853, - at the Headquarters of the Arm?, New York eity, May, 1853, to Nov. 1, 1856, - of the Department of 'r~xas, Dec, 11, 1856, to May 27, 1857,- and at the Headqnarters of the Army, (DVT. MAJOU STAFr,'- AssT. ADJUT."'''T-GEN., MAR. 31, 185G) New York city, June 27,1857, to Nov. 17, 1858; on leave of absence in Europe, Nov. 17, 1858, to Noy. 14, Hl;39; as Asst. Adjutant-Geneml, at the Headquar­ ters of the Army in New York city, Nov. 14, 1859, to Jan. 11, 1860, - ancl of the Department of Texas, Feb. 6 to Apr. 8, 1860; on lenve of absence, Apr. 8, 18liO, to Aug., 18GO; on tour of inspection in Minnesota, Missouri, and Kan­ sas, Scp., 1860, to Feb., 1861; and in inspecting troops at Washington, D. C., Feb. to Apr., 18(H. . Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding St,ates, 1861- 66: in organizing and mnstering D, C. Volunteers into th(~ service at Washington, D. C., and in command of the Capitol, Apr.- May, 18(;1; in command of the Department of (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAY 14, 18(1) N. E. Virr,,";'nia, and of the defenses of Washington, south of the Pot~muc, May 17- 27, 1861, ~ !md of the Army onhe Potomac, J\iay 27 to July 25, 18G1, being engaged in the Battle of Bull Hun, July 21, 18G1; in command of divi­ 560 GRADUATES OF THE


sion (Army of the Potomac) in the defenses of Washington, D. C., July 25, 1861, to Mar. 13, 1862,- of t.he 1st Corps (Army of the Potomac), Mar. 13 to (iVLuon-GENER.U., U. S. VOLUNTEERS, niAR. 14, 1862) Aug. 12, 1862,-of the Department and Army of the Rappahl1lmock, Apr. 4 to Aug. 12, 1862; in command of 3d Corps (Army of Virginia), Aug. 12 to Sep. 6, 1862, in the Northern Virginia C>1mpaign, being engaged in the B,tttle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 0, 1tl62,-Action of Rappahannock Station, Aug. 25, 1862, ·- and Battle of Mnnassas, Aug. 29 - 30, 1862; as President of Court for investigating alleged cotton fmuds, ~Iay to July, 1863, - :md of Board for l'etiTing disabled officers, at Wilmington, Del., July 11, 1863, to May 21, 1864; and in commnnd of the Department of the Pacific, July 1, 1864, to June 27, 1865,­ (BVT. MM.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, n-IAn. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT ...ND MERl­ T0ll10US SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF' CEDAR MOUNTAL'1, VA.) and of the Department of California, June 27, 1865, to MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, SEP. 1, 1866.

964.. (Born Ten.) ..•.ROWLEY S. JENNINGS ...... (Ap'd Ten.), .24 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated n.nd pI'omoted in the Army to Bv'T. SECOND LIEUT" 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LmuT, 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 7, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nntion, 1838, while emigrating the Indians to tbe West; and in the Florida War, 1838-39. DIED, Nov. 12, 1839, AT ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.: AGED 24.

965 .. (Born Ct.)., ....• WILLIAM AUSTINE"...... (Ap'dCt.) ..25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :MilitAry Academy from Sep. 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, wben be wus graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND Lmu·r., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 12, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838-42; as Adjntant, 3d Artillery, May 1,1841, (FIllS'l' LIEUT., 3D AR'l'lLLERY, Nov. 5, 1839) to Jan. 20, 1848; in garrison at Ft.. Pickens, Fla., 1842,- andFt. Moultrie, S. C., 1842-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846 48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847, - iluttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 18, 1847, ---8kirmish of Amazoque, May 14, 1847,-Capture of S,m Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-and Battle (CAPTAIN,3D ARTILLERY, Auo. 13, 1847) of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. r., 1848-49, 18'19; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1849-50; in garrison at Ft. (BYT. MAJOR, Aue•. 20, 1847, FOR GALLAN'l' AND MERITORIOUS CO:'lDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTREUAS AND CHURUBUSCO, n-IEl(') Adams, R. I., 1850- 51, 1851-52,-Ft. Constitution, N. R., 1852-53, - and Ft. Wood, N, Y., 1854; on siok leave of absence, 1854- 61; and in garrison at San Francisco harbor, Cnl., 1861 .

• Named WJLlJ:.L.. A. Euow" whon ho was graduatod. U. S. 1I1ILITARY ACADElIIY. 561


Served eluring the Rebellion of the Seceding Sates, 1861- 66: at San Fran­ (i\'UJOR, 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 23, 1861) cisco, Cal., and as Superintendent of Mustering and Volunteer Recruiting Service for the State of Vel'mont, Mar. 11 to May 13, 1862; and on Mustering, (RETIRED }'RO~I ACTIVE SERVICE, FEB. 20, 1862, FOR DISAllILITY, BESULTING FROM EXPOSURE IN THE LINE OF DUTY) Disbursing, Recruiting, Draft, and Provost Duties, at Burlington, Vt., June 24 to Ang., 1862,-and at Battleboro, Vt., Aug., UJ62, to Nov. 30, 1866; and tlD­ employed, Nov. 30, 1866 to BVT. LIEUT.-CoL., AND BVT. COLO~EL, SEP. 28, 1865, FOR LONG AND F,UTHFUL SERYICES.

966 .. (Born Ga.) ...... WILLIAM J. HARDEE ...... (Ap'd Ga.) .. 26 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. lVillitary Academy ii'om July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D DR.\GOO~S, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838·-40; at the Cavalry School of Saumur, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, DEC. 3, 1839) France, 1840-42; in garrison at Baton Rouge, La., 1842-43; on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1843-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the (CA.PTAIN, 2D DRAGOONS, SEP. 13, 1844) War with M:exico, 184G-48, being engaged in the Skirmish of L l> Rosia (30 miles above Matamoras), Apr. 25, 1846, where he was captured and held as a prisoner of war till released, May 10, 1846,- Siege of Vera Cl'UZ, Mal'. 9- 29, 1847,­ Skirmish at Medelin, Mar. 25, 1847,--Skirmish of La Hoya, .Tune 20, 1847,­ (BYT. M:AJOR, ll:Lrn. 25, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND lVIERITOmOUS CONDUCT IN THE AFFAIR AT lIUDELIN, NEAll VERA CRU.l, MEX.) Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19, 1847, - Skirmish at San Augustine, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,-and Opemtions before and (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR G"LLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT . IN THE AFFAIR WITH THE ENEMY AT SAN AUGUSTINE, lIiEX.) Captme of t.he City of Mexico, Sep.13-14, 1847; on Recl'Uiting service, 1848; at Carlisle, Pa. (Cavall'y School for Praetice), 1848; on frontier duty, on march fwm Ft. Brown to Leredo and San Antonio, Tex., 1848-49,- Ft. Inge, Tex., Hl49- 50, 1850- 51, - March to San Saba, 1851,-a,nd San Antonio, Tex_, 1851 ; on leavo of absence, 1851-52; on front.ier duty at Ft. Graham, Tex., 1852 ; on leave of absence, 1852-53 ; in paying troops in Florida, 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Graham, Tex., 1853; in compiling, 1853-55, "Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics," being chiefly [\ transbtion, by Lieut. Benet, Ordnance COIFS, U. S. Army, from the French, of "L' Exercise et Manceuvres des Batallions de Chasseurs ft Pied," which, llS modified by a revising boanl of officers, was f\dopted, Mar. 29, 1855, for the nse of the AI'myand Militia of the United (MAJOR, 2D CAVALRY, MAR. 3, 1855) States; in garrison at J e/ferson BlUTacks, :1\io., 1855; on frontier duty at Camp Cooper, Tex. , 185S,-and Ft. Mason, Tex., 1856; at the Military Academy, 1856- 60, as Commandant of Cadets, July 22, 1856, to Sep. 8, 1860 (with lo c,~l r~mk of Lieut.-Colonel, from .Jnne 12, 1858), and Instructor of Infantry Tactics, .July 22, 1856, to Sep. 8, 1860, and of Artillery and Cayall'y Tactics, Aug. 6, (LIEu·r.-CoLONEL, 1ST CAVALRY, JUNE 28, 1860) 1856, to Sep. 8, 18GO; and on leave of absence, 1860-61. RESIGNED, JAN. 31, 1861. Joined ill t.he Rebellion of 18GI- 66 against the Uniteel Stat,cs. 36 562 GRADUATES OF THE

N UMDEn. lS3S. CLAS S RA~li .

967 .. (Dom N. Y.) ... HAMILTON W. MERRILL .. . . (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 27 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, I83!, to July 1, 1838, whcn hc was gmduated and promoted in thc Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, J ULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while removing the Inruuns to the West; in the Florida War, lS38 ~39; on Recruiting service, 1839-40; in the (FIRST LmUT., 2D DRAGoo~ s , FEB. 18, 1840) Florida War, 1840- 41; in gan~son at Mount Vernon, Ala., 1841,-and Daton Rouge, La., 18H; on fT ontier duty at Ft. Towson, 1. T., 1842-43,- Ft. Washita, LT., 1843- 45,--New Orleans, La., 1845,-and Anstin Arsenal, Tex.., 1845-46; (C,U'TAIN, 2D DnAG O O ~S, MAR. 31, 1846) in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battlo of Monterey, Sop. 21- 23, 1846, - Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Skirmish of Medelin, Mal'. 25, 1847,- Dattle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17·-18, 1847,·- Dattle ofContrerns, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,- Do.tile of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, - o.nd Operations (DTI. MAJOR, SEP. 8, 1847, Fon GALL.L'1T ,I",.'

968 . . (Dorn 0 .) ...... ,ROBERT S. GRANGER ...... (Ap'd 0 .) .. 28 Military History.·-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmU'l.'., 1ST I NFANTRY, J ULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838-40; on Recruiting service, 1840; in the (FIRST LmUT., 1ST INFANTRY, MAR. 14, 1839) Florida War, 1841; on front.ie:r duty at Ft.. Snelling, iVIi n., 1841-43,-and Ft.. Winuebago, Wis., 1843 ; at. the Military Academy, as Assistant Instructor of InfAntry Tactics, July 26, 1843, to Aug. 18, 1844; on frontier duty at Ft. Snelli ng, ~fin., 18H -45, - Ft. Des Moines, 10., 1845,-Jefte rson Darracks, iVIo., 1845,- Ft.. Snelling, Min. , lS45-46,- and Dubuque, 10., 1846-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, in garrison at Vera Crnz, 1847- 48,-and on Milit.ary (CUTll.c'<, 1ST INFAl-'TRY, SEP. 8, 1847) Commission in the City of Mexico, 1848; in garrison at:EJast Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1848; on Recruiting service, 1849- 50 ; and on frontier duty at Ft. Drown, Tex. , 1850,-Scouting, 1850,­ Ft. iVIel'rill, Tex., 1850-52,- iVIarch to t.he ltioLlano. 185:;l, - Ft. Terrett, 'l'ex., 1852-54,- San Antonio, Tex., 185!,-Camp Blake, Tex., 1854, - Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854-55,-in conducting recruits to 'rexas, 1855- 50,-and at Ft. Lancas­ ter, Tex., 1856-58, 1859-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stat.es, 1861-66: on the Coast of 'l'exas, where he was 0l1pt.ured, Apr. 27, 1861, ,vith Major Sibley's command, (MA.)OR, 5TH lNFAN'l'UY, SEP. 9, 1861) and put upon parole, not to serve within Confede!'ate Lines, till Aug., 1862 ; U. S. MILITARY ACADE}[Y. 563


in orgaruzmg brigade of Volunteers at ;\fansfield, 0., Oct. 18 to Dec. 18, 1861; as Disbursing Officer at Cincinnati, 0. , and prepGring recruits for ser­ vice, Dec. 27, 1861, to May, 1862; in command of Louisville, Ky., ~Iay to Aug., 1862; in Operations in Kentucky, commanding State troops, as BmG. GENERAL, KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 1, 1862, being engaged in command at Sheperdsville, Sep, 1-20, 1862, - Skirmish at Lebanon Junction, Sep., 1862,-in command of Louisville, Ky., Sep., 1862,­ convoying trains from Elizabetht.own to Louisville, and returning, Oct.. , 1862, -and Action of Lawrenceburg, Oct. 12-13, 1862; in command of Bowling (BYT. COLONEL, OCT. 9, 1862, }'Ol~ GALLAN'l' AND MF.RIl'OmOUS SERYICES AT THJo: BATTLJo: OF LAWRENCEBURG, Ky.) Green, Ky., Oct. 30, 1862, to Jan. 12, 1863; in Operations in Tennessee, in (BRIG.-GExERAL, U. S. VOLUXTEERS, OCT. 20, 18(2) comUland of division (Army of the Cumberlund), being engaged in a Sku'mish near EngJesviUe, Feb., 1863,- in command of Nashville and District, June 2 to Sep. 5, 1863, and of District of Middle Tennessee, Scpo 5 to Dec. 18, 1863, - and superintending the defenses and organizing Nashville depot, where he commanded, Dec. 18, 1863, to June, 1864; (md in command of the District of Northern Alnbama, June 2, 1864, to Sep. 10, 1865, being engaged in the Oap­ ture of Geneml Roddy's Camp, near Comthlnd, July, 1864, - Expulsion of General Wheeler from Middle 'l'ennessee, Aug. -Sep., 1864, pmticipatmg in scverol Skirmishes with Generals Roddy and Wheeler in Southern 'l'ennes~ee , -Defense against Forrest's Haid ill MidcUe Tennessee, Oct., 1864,-in com­ mand of Huntsville, Ala., Oct., 1864,-Defense of Decatur ago.inst Geneml Hood's Army, Oct. 26-29, 1864, and Sortie upon the Rebel Siege works, Oct. 28, (BYT. BlUG.-GENERAL, U. S. ArmY, .MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLAN'£ AND MERITORIOUS SERYICES IN THE DE~' ENSE OF DECATUR, ALA.) 1864,-in command of Stevenson, Ab., Noy. 30 to Dec. 23, 1864,- and in Occu­ pation of North Alabama, Dec. 23, 1864, to Noy. 11,1865; Oil leave of absence, (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, niAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALIdNT AND ME.RI'l'ORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLIO:\') Nov. 11, 1865, to Jun. 16, 1866; in command of 11th Infantry at Richmond, (LIEUT. - COLO~'EL, 11TH INFANTRY, JUNE 12, 1865) Va., Jun.-A!>r., 1866,-of the District of Henrico, Va., Apr. 6, 1866, to MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 15, 1866.

969 . . (BornCt) .... , .. .. OWEN P. RANSOM ...... (Ap'd Ct.) .. 29 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from Scpo 1, 18:34, to July 1, 1838, when hc was gl1lduated ftnd promoted in the Army to ) SECO~W LmuT., 20 DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. Sen-ou: in the Florida Wn.l', 1838; in the Cherokee Nation, 1838- 30, while emigrating the Indians to the West; in the Florida War, 1839-42; and on (FInST LmuT., 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 18, 1840) frontier duty at· Ft. Jesnp, La., 1842-45. DrSz,ussED, Nov, 3, 18'15, FOll DRUNEENNESS. Civil History.- Civil Engineer, 18-16- 61, employed in the S1U'vey, location, and construction of varions milrollds, &c., in Massilchusetts, Connecticut, New York, Ohio, Indiana, &0. Militm'Y History.. -Served during the Hebellion of the Seceding States, (COLONEL, 1ST Omo CAVALny VOLUN'£EERS, SEP., 18(1) in :Militnry Operations in Kentucky, 1861- 62. l{.ESIGNED, J!u.'" 1862. Civil History.-En.gineer, Iudillnapolis and Cincmllati RDilroad, since 1802. 564 GRADUATES OF THE


970.. (Born N. Y.) ...... JOHN H. MATHEWS...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 30 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was gnlduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while emigmting the Indinns to the West. DmD, AUG. 15, 1838, A'r Cil!P WORTH, TEN.: AGED 20.

9n..(Born La.) ...... HENRY H. SmLEY...... (Ap'd La.) .. 31 Military History.-Cndet nt the U. S. Military Academv from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 18:38, when he was graduated nnd promoted ln the Army tc SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838-39; on Recruiting service, 1839-40; in the (FillST LIEUT., 2D .DRAGooNS, ~IAR. 8, 1840) Floridn War against the Seminole Indians 1840-41, being engaged in the Expedition into the Everglades, Dec. 3-24, 1840; as Adjut,ant, 2d Dmgoons, at Regimental headquarters, June 1, 1841, to Apr. 16, 1842; on Recruiting service, 1842; as Adjutant, 2d Dmgoons, at Regimental headquarters, Sep. 17, 1842, to Apr. 1, 1846-'lt Ft. J esup, La., 1842- 43,-Ft.. Washita, r. T., 1843-44,-:l<'t. Jesup, La., 1844- 45,-and in Militm'Y Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; on Recruiting service, 1846--47; in the War with Mexico, 1847--48, (CAPTAIN, 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 16, 1847) being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Skirmish of Medolin, Mar. 25, 1847,-BaWe of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-BaWe of (BVT. MAJOR, MAR. 25, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE AFFAm A'l' MEDELIN, NEAR VERA CRUZ, MEX.) Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,- Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,.-Batt.le of Molino del Rey, Sel'. 8, 1847,- llnd Operations before, and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14,1847; in gaTI'ison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on Recrniting service, 1848-50; filld on front.ier duty at Ft. Gmhall1, Tex., 1850-52,-Ft. Croghl\ll, 'rex., 1852--53- Scouting, 1853,-Ft. Croghan, Tex., 1853,- Cleo.r Fork of the Brazos, Tex. , 1853-54, - Big Washita, 1854, - Ft. Belknap, 'rex., 1855, - in quelling Kansas Disturbances, 1855-57, - Utah Expe­ clition, 1857-58, 1859--60, - J\I[arch to New Mexico, 1860,- Ft. Marcy, N. M., 1860,-Ft. Defiance, N. 1'1. , 1860, - Ntwajo Expedition, 1860,-Albuquerque, (MAJOR, 1ST DRAGOONS, MAy 13, 1861) N. M., 18GO,-and Taos, N. M., 1860-61. RESIGNED, MAY 13, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1tl61--66 against the Unit"d States.

972 .. (Born Ky.) ...... . '" .... . (Ap'd Ky.) .. 32 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. J\l[ilitllry Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was gmduuted and promoted in the Al1UY to SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838- 41; on frontier duty at Ft. Towson, I. T., (FIRST LmUT. , 6TH INFANTRY, OCT. 9, 1839) 1842,- and Ft. Smith, Ark., 1842 3, 1843-46; in the War with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in the SiWe of Vel", Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847, - Bllttle of Cerro U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 565


Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-Skirmish of Amazoque, May 14, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,­ (Bn. CAPT., SEP. 8, 1847, Fon GALLANT AND MERITOnrOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, niEx.) Storming of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and Capture of the (BVT. ?vLWOR, SEP. 13, 1847, Fon GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHAPULTEPEC, l\hx.) City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; on Recruiting service, 1847-48; on sick leave of absence, 1848-50; on Recruiting service, 1850-52; on frontier duty !It (CAPTAI~, 6TH INFANTHY, APR. 15, 1851) Ft. Atkinsoll, Kau., 1853, ·-Ft. Riley, Kan.• 1853-54,--Ft. Loxamie, Dak., 1854-55,-in quelling .Kansas Disturbances, 1856-58,-Utah Expeditioll,1858, -on march to California, 1858,- and at Ft. Weller, Cal., 1858- 59; and in gar­ rison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1860-61. RESIGNED, JUNE 10, 1861. Joined in the R ebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States.

973 . . (Bom Mis.) ...... RIPLEY A. ARNOLD ...... (Ap'd Mis. ) .. 33 Military History.-Catlet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to SECOND LIEUT. , 2D Dn.WOONS, JULY I, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1839; on Recruiting service, 1839- 40; in the Florida War, 1839-40, 1841-42, being engaged agttinst the Seminole Indians, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DR.WOONS, FEB. I, 1841) in the Rout of Halleck Tnstennuggee's Band in the Big Hammock of Pibkli­ kaha, Apr. 19, 1842; in garrison nt Baton Rouge, Ln., 1842-43; on frontier (BVT. CAPT., APR. 19, 1842, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT IN THE 'V,ill AGAINST THE FLORIDA INDIANS) duty at Ft. Jesup, La, 1843-44, 1844-45; in ~Iilitary Occupation of Texas, 1845; on Recruiting service, 1845- 4{;; in the Wnr with Mexico, 1846-4;7, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Battle of Resaca de III (BVT. ~LWOR, MAY 9, 184{;, FOR G.lLLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN 'XHE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE L.~ PALMA, TEX. ) Palma, May 9, 1846; on Recruiting service, 1847-48; on frontier duty on (CAPT. ST.U"F- A8ST. QUARTEnMASTER, MAY 11, 1846, TO ~.Lrn. 10, 18407) mnrch from the Rio Grande to Ft. GraJmm, Tex., 1848-49,- Ft. Worth, Tex., (CAPT,UN, 2D DRAOOONS, Auo. 18, 1847) 1849-51,-Ft.. Graham, Tex., 1851, - Scouting, 1851, - Ft. Graham, Tex. , 1851- 52,-Ft. Worth, Tex., 1852,-and Ft. Graham, Tex., 1852; on detached service at Washington, D. C., 1852- 53; and on frontier duty at Ft. Grahnm, TeL, 1853. MURDERED, SEP. 6, 1853, AT FT. GR.AHA~I, TEx.: AGED 36.

974 . . (Born Md.) ....•. CONSTANT FREEMAN....(Ap'd at Large) . .34 Military HisU;>ry.- Cadet at the U. S. :Military Acndemy from 8ep. I, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he was gradunted and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee N,\tion, 1838- 39, while emigrating the Indians to the West; and on frontier duty at Ft. Gib80n, I. T ., 1839, - and Choctaw Nn­ tion, 1839. DIED, Nov. 17, 1839, AT FT. WAYNE, 1. 'r.: AGED 22. 566 GRADUATES OF THE


975 .. (Born Va.) ..ALEXANDER W. REYNOLDS .... (Ap'(l Va.) . . 35

Military History.-C,\det l\t the U. ~. ~'lilitary Academy from ,July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he WllS gmduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFA.'\''l'RY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1838-40, being Adjutant, 1st Infantry, Oct. 19, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST INE'AN'rRY, Jmm 11, 1839) 1839, to ~Iar. 1, 1840; in garrison at Bedloe's Island, N. Y., 1840; in the Flor­ ida War, 1840-41; on,frontier duty at Ft, Atkinson, 10., 1841-42,1842-11,­ anrl Ft. Crawford, Wis., 1844-45; in garrison at Jefferson Barmcks, Mo., 1845-46 ; on Recruiting service, 1846-47; and on Quartermastel' duty at (CAPT.UN SUFF-Ass't. QUARTERMASTER, AUG. 5, 1847) Philadelphia, Pa., 1847- 48, - in the War with Mexico, 1848,-Convoying (CAPTAIN, 1ST L,\,FA.."Tl~Y, MAR, 15, 1848 : VACATED ~IAR, 15, 1848) trains to Fts, Washita and Towson, I, T., 1848, - Santa Fe, N. M" 1849- 52,­ and settling his accounts at Washington, D. C., 1852-55, DISMISSED, OCT. 8, 1855, UNDER SEC. 3 OF LAW o~· JAN. 31, 1823. R e-appointed in the , with hiR former mnk of CAPT. STAFF-QUARTERMASTER, AUG. 5, 1847. ~ervec1 on Quartermaster duty at Ft, ~nelling , Min., 1858,- Philadelphia, Pa., 1858- 59,-Inclianola, Tex., 1859, - Washington, D. C., 1859,-Indianola, Tex., 1859- 60, - nnd Snn Antonio, Tex., 1860-61. DROPPED, OCT. 4, 1861, "HAVING FOR SEVEl~AL MONTHS ABSENTED ful\ISELF FRml DUTY, AND HAVING FAIIiliD TO REPORT. " Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

976 .. (Born Pa.) ...... ANDREW J. SMITH...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 36 Military History.-Cildet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when hc was groduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1s:1' DR\GOoNS, JULY 1, 1838. Served: at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. (Cavalry School for Practice), 1838- 39; on R ecruiting service, 1839- 40; ou frontier duty, in Expedition to the Pota­ watomie Country, 1840, - Ft. Lea.venworth, Kan., 1840- 41, - J effel'son Barracks, Mo., 1841,- Ft. Leavenworth, Kiln., 1841-42,- Ft. Gibson, I. 'r., 1842,- Ft. Leavenworth, Kiln., 1842-43, 1843-45,- Expeditioll to the South P ass of the (FIllS'!' LIEUT" 1ST DRAGOONS, NUR. 4, 1845) Rocky Mountains, 1845, - and Ft. Leavenworth, lean., 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, in garrison at San Diego, Cal., 1848; on frontier duty at (CAPTAL", 1ST DRAGOONS, F BD. 16, 1847) San Francisco, On1., 1848-49,-und Sonoma, Cal., l84n; on Recruiting service, 184n- 53 ; on frontier duty at Ft. Orforc1, Or., 1853,-Rogue River Expedition, 1853,- Ft Lllne, Or. 185::l-5:;,-Oregon Hostilities, 1855, being engaged in Skirmish at Cow Creek, Or., Oct. 31, 1855,- Ft.. Lane, Or., 1855-56, - Hogue River Expedition, 1856, being engaged wit.h hostile Indians in several skir­ mishes, Mar,-June, 185G, - IHld Ft.. Yamhill, 0 1' ., 1856-57; on Oregon War Claims Commission, 1857-58; on Recruiting service, 1858; and on frontier duty at Ft. Walla Walla., Wash., 1858-59,-]!'t. Vancouver, Wash" 1859-60,-­ Oregon Host.ilities, 1860, being engagec1 against Snake Indi;u;l' in skirmishes neal' Harney Lake, May 2i, 1860, 11Ilc1 noar Owyhee River, June 23,1860,­ (MMOR, 1ST DRAG OONS, MAY 13, 1861: 1ST CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 1861) Ft. Walla Wnlla, Wash., 1860-61,-und march to Nez Perce Agency, 1861. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 567

NU~(nER. 1838. CLASS RANK.

Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stutes, 1861-66: as Chief of (COLONEL, 2D CALIFORNIA CAVALRY VOLUN1·.EEllS, OCT. 2, 1861) Cavalry, Department of the Missouri, Feb. 11 to Mar. 11, 1862, and of the De­ partment of the MississIppi, Mar. 11 to July 11, 1862, being engaged iI\ the (BRlG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, ~

NUMBER. 1838. CL.\SS RANK. ·

977.. (Born Md.) ...... CHARLES J. HUGHES ...... (Ap'd Mel.) .. 37 Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi'om July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted III the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served in the Florida. War against the Seminole Indians, 1838- 39. DIED, AUG. 22, 1839, AT FT. FRANK BnOOKE, FLA..: AGED 22.

978 .. (Born N. Y.) .....WILLIAM HULBERT ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..38 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. IvIilitary Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFAN'rRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served in the Floricla War, 1838-39, being engaged against the Seminole Indians, by whom, while scouting nena Ft. Frank Brooke, he was KILLED, MAY 2, 1839: AGED 23.

979 .. (Born Del.) . ....ROBERT M. COCHRAN. .. (Ap'd at Large) ..39 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was gmduated :md promoted in the At'my to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 18:38. . Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838- 39, while emigrating the Indians to the West; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1839-40,-and Ft. Smith, (FmsT LIEu'r., 4TH INFA..'URY, OCT. 4, 1840) Ark., 1840-42, being Adjutlmt, 4th Intimtry, 1840-41; in the Florida War, 1842; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1842-44; and on frontier duty at Camp Salubrity (Natchitoches), La., 1844. CASRIEllED, Nov. 29, 1844, FOR" DRUNKENNESS ON DUTY" AND" DISOBEDIE.NCE OF ORDlillS," IN NOT ATTENDING THE FUNERAL OF A PRIVATE OF IDS COlllPANY.

Civil History.-Employed by the Quartermaster's Department in tho War with Mexico, 1846--47. KILLED BY JlIEXICA..'i;S, FEB. 24, 1847, NEAR RAMOS, MEx-: AGED 29.

980 .. (Born N. Y.) . _...JUSTUS McKINSTRY...... (Ap'd Mich.) .. 4O Military History.- Caclet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the AtTny to SECOND LIEUT., 2n INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in garrison at Sackett's HarbOl', N. Y., 1838,- and Ft. Gratiot, Mich., 1838; in the Florida War, Ul38-41, 1841- 42; in garrison at Ft. Niagara, (FIRST LruUT., 2D INFANTRY, ApR. 18, 1841) N. Y., 1842-44; on Recruiting service, 1844- 45; in garrison at Ft. Niagara, N. Y., 1845--46,--and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1846; in tho War with Mexico, 1846-48, on Quartermaster duty, 1847·-48, being engaged in the Battle of (C.u>'r. STAFF-AsST. QUARTER:llASTEll, fiLUl. 3, 1847) U. S. MILITARY ACADElIfY. 569


Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847 (in command of a company of Volunt-eers),-and (Bvr. MAJoR, AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN ~'HE BATTLES OF CONTRER,'S AND CHURUBUSCO, lVIEx. ) Battle of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847; on leave of I1bsence, 1848; on Quarter­ (CAPTAIN, 2D L'1FANTRY, JAN. 12, 1848: YAC;l-TED, JAN. 12, 1848) master duty, with OommissioneI'S running the Boundary Line between the Uuited States and Mexico, 1849-50,-in Uo.lifornia, 1850-55,-ut Ft. Myers, Fla., 1856,.-l,nd at Ft. Brooke, Fla., 1856- 58; in waiting orders, 1859- 60; and (MAJOR STAFF-QUARTERMASTER, AUG. 3, 1861, FOR FOURTElli'1 YEARS' SERVICE AS CAP1iAIN) as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the West, Jon. 10, 1860, to Sep. :l1, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Scceding St-otes, 1861: in command (BRJG.-GENERAIJ, U. S. VOLUNTEEHS, SEP. 2, 1861, to JULY 17, 1862) of a division in Military Opel'lltions in Missouri, Sep. 21 to Nov. 7, 1861; and in arrest at St. Louis, Mo., awaiting tJ'ial by Court-Martial, 18(j1- 63. DISMISSED, JAN. 28, 1863, FOR NEGLECT AND VIOLATION CE' DUTY, TO THE PREJUDICE OF GOOD ORDER AND Mrr,!'rAllY DISCIPLINE.

Civil History.-Stock Broker, New York city, 1864-67. Land Agent at Rolla, lV10., 1867.

981. .(BoI'D N. Y.) ..FERDINAND S. MUMFORD ... (Ap'd N. Y.) . . 41 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milital'Y Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and prcmoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida War, 1839; on sick leave of absence, 1839-41; on (FIRST LmuT., 1ST lNFAN'.rI\Y, JUNE 11, 1839) frontier duty at Ft. Snelling, Min., 1841- 43, - Ft. Winnebago, Wis., 1843-45, -and Jefferson Ban'llGks, Mo., 1845-46; on Recl'tliting service, 1846-48; in the War with Mexico, 1848, at the City of lVIexico; and in garrison at East (CAPTAIN, 1ST INFANTllY, ~fAR. 15, 1848) Pascagoula, :Mis., 1848,·-I1Uc1 Ft. Brown, Tex., 1848- 49. RESIGNED, AUG. 31, 1849. Civil History.-Merchant in CalifOl'nia, since 1849.

982.. (Born Va.). '" .CARTER L. STEVENSON...•••. (Ap'dVa.). ,42 Milita'Y History.- Uadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, t.o July I, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 5TH lNl'ANTRY, JULY I, 1838. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Winnebago, Wis., 1838· 40; in the Florida War, 1840- 41; in gl1rrison at Detroit Btlnllcks, Mich., 1841-44,- and Pt. Wil­ (FIRST LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, SEP. 22, 1840) kins, Mich., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War 570 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMDER. 1838. OLASS RANK. with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the BatHe of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,.­ and Battle of Resaca de la l'alma, May 9, 1846; on ReclUit.ing service, 1847; ~ Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Brig.-Geneml 13rady, June 5 to l:>ep. 25, 1847; in (CAPTAUI, 5TH INnNTRY, JUNE 30, 1847) garrison at Detroit, Mich., 1847-48; in the War with Mexico, 1848; in gar­ rison at East Pascagouhl, Mis., 1tl48; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, 1. T., 1848- 51,-Mm'ch to Texas, 1851,-and Ft. Belknap, 'fex., 1851- 52; on Re­ cruitillg service, 1852-54; on fronticr dULy, esc-orting Captain Pope, Top. En­ gineer, on Pacillc Railroad Exploration, 1855- 56, being engaged in a l:>kirmish with Apache Indians noar the mouth of Delaware Creek, N. i\'I., June 13,1855, - aud Rio Pecos, 'fex., 1856; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole In­ dians, 1856- 57, being engaged in Skirmishes in Big Cypress Swamp, Mar. 5 and 6, 1857, and near Bowleg's Town, Mar. 13, 1857; on Utah Expedition, 1858- 60; on frontier duty at Ft. Stfmton, N. M., 1860-61,-and Ft. Union, N. M., 1861; and on leave of absence, 186l. DISMISSED, JUNE 25, 1861, "it havillg be~n ascertained, to the satisfaction of the War Department, that he had enLm·tuined sud expressed treasOl1fi.ble designs aguinst the Government of the United States." Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

983 .. (Bam Ky.) ...... RICHARD H. GRAHAM...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 43 Military History.- -C!ldet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, AUG. 9, 1838. Served: in the Cherokee Nation, 1838-39, while emigrating the Indian~ to the West; on ii'ontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1839; as Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Brig.-Geneml Atkinson, Oct. 2/1, 1839, to June 14, 1842; in galTison at Jeffer­ (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, :FED. 25, 1841) son Barracks, Mo., 1842- 43, 1843-44; on frontier dnty at Camp Salubrity, Natchitoehes, La., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, :M:ay 8, 1846,-Battle of Resiloa de lit Palma, May 9, 1846,-and Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21, 1846,-where he wus Mortn\ly Wounded, in 0. desperate Assault of tho enemy's works. DIED OF WOUNDS, OC'1'. 12, 1846: AGED 29.

984.. (Born Pa.) ...... CHARLES F. RUFF...... (Ap'd Pa.) ..44 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. i\'Iilitary Academy from Sep. 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated !lnd promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. Ser"ecl: at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. (Cavahy School for Pmctice), 1838- 39; on Recruiting service, 1839; ancl on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1839-40,-Liberty Arsenal, Mo., 18,10,-Ft. Leayenworth, Kan., 1840-41,­ U. S. llIILITARY ACADE~IY. 571


Osage Country, 1841,-Ft. Atkinson, 10., 1842,--Ft. Sandford, 10., 1843,- llnd march to Ft. Des Moines, 10., 1843. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1843. Civil History.-CoUllse!1or at Law, Liberty, Mo., 1843- 46. Military History.-Served: on Recruiting service, 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Army of the West in New Mexico, (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 1-IIsSOURI VOLUN'rEERS, JUNE 18, 1846) (CAPTAIN, MOUNTED RIFLES, JULY 7, 1846) 1846,-Skirmish at San Juan de los Llanos, Aug. 1, 1847,-Battle of Contre­ ms, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,-Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was (BVT. MAJOR, AUG. 1, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MjmITORIOUS CONDUCT IN ~'HE AFFAIR AT SAN JU .~N DE Los LLA...'10S, MEx.) wounded, ·-Battle of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and Cnpture of the Cit.y of Ml'xico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; on frontier duty at Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1848- 49, - )l1arch to Ol'egon, 1849,-Oregon City, 1849-50,-Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1850-51; in purchasing and inspecting horses at Cincinnati, 0., 1851- 5:2; as Superintendent of Cavalry Becruiting Service, Oct. 1, 1852, to to Oct. 1, 1853; III command of Cavalry School for Pmctice. at ,Jefferson Bnr­ racks, Mo., 185:3 55; on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Tex.. 1855,- Sconting, 1855- 56,-llnd S.ill Antonio, Tex., 1856; on leave of absence, 1856-58; on (MAJOR, MOUNTED RIFLES, DEC. 30, 1856) frontier duty, on Navajo Expedition, 1858-59, - Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1859, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1859,--Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1859-60,- Camanche Expedition, 1860,- Ft. Union, N. M., 1860,- und Albuquerque, N. M., 1860; and as bearer of despatches to the War Department, 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-63: as Mustering (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 3D CAVALRY, JUNE 10, 1861) Officer at Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 15, 1861, to Apr. 29, 1863: us Acting Inspec­ tor-Geneml of the Depaltment of the Susquehanna, Pa., June 29 to Sep.30, 1863; and awaiting the decitiion of the Oourt-Martial before which he was (RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE, !I:[AR. 30, 1864, FOR DIS ,~BILITY, RESUL~'ING }'ROMDISEASE AND EXPOSURE IN THE Lr~"E OF DUTY) tried, Sep. 30, 18G3, to ·Mar. 14, 1864; and unemployed, Mar. 14, 1864, to En. COLONEL, A,'1D BVT. BRIG.-GE:-IERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 1865, EOR FAlTHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN RECRUITING THE ARmES OF THE UNITED STATES.

985 .. (Born AJa.) ...... ZEBULON M. P. INGE ...... (Ap'd Ala.) .. 45 Military History- Cadet 'It the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in tile Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1838. Served: in the Florida WIl.r, 1 ~38-39; 011 Recruiting service, 1839-40; in the Florida War, 1840-41; in garrison at Bilton Rouge, La., 1841; on frontier (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, FED. 2, 1841) duty ut Ft. Jesup, La., 1841·-43, 1844-46; and in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged ill the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Battle of R~~aea de la Palma, May 9, 1846, where, at the head of his platoon, while gallantly charging the enemy's batteries, he W.lS KILLED, UAY 9, 1846: AGED 31. 572 GRADUATES OF THE



986..(ilorn ],1as.) ...... ISAAC I. STEVENS...... (Ap'd lIbs.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1839. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building Ft. Adams, Ne"1)ort harbor, R I., 1839-41,-of the repairs of Fairhaven Battery, New Bedford harbor, 1I1:a8., (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1840) 1841-42,-and of the repairs of the defenseH of Portsmouth harbor, N. H., 1842-46; as Superintending Engineer in building Ft. Knox, at the Nan-ows of Penobscot River, Me., 1843-46; in the War with Mexico, 1847- 48. being en­ gaged, as Adjutant of Engineers, in the !:liege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,­ Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-Reconnoissance of the Penon, Aug. 12- 13, 1847, and of San Antonio, Aug. 18, 1847,-Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,- Recounoissance and Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,­ (ilVT. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1847, }'OR GALLANT <\''


1862; and in the Northern Vil-ginia Campaign, Aug.-Sep., 1862, being engaged in vuri.ous Skirmishes on the B",pp,lhannock, Aug., 1862,-Battle of Manassas, Aug. 29- 30, 1862, -and Battle of Chantilly, where, while leadiug his division in acharge, he was . KILLED', SEP. 1, 1862: AGED 44.

987 .. (Born Va.) ...... ROBERT Q. BUTLER ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 2 Military History -Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to SECO~D LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1839. Served: flS Assist.ant to the Board of Engineers, 1839-40; and at the Mili­ tary Ncademy, 1840- 43, 113 Asst. Professor of Engineering, Sep. 2, 1840, to Sep. 1, 1841,-and as Principal Asst. Professor, Sep. 1, 1841, to Apr. 3, 1843. DIED, APR. 3, 1843, AT SEA: AGED 25.

988 .. (Born N. Y.) ....HENRY W. HALLECK...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from JulY 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated [md promoted in the Army to SECO~D LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1839. Served: at. the Militnry Academy, as Asst. Professo1' of Engineering, .July G, 1839, to June 28, 1840; as Assistimt to the Bom'd of Engineers at Washington, D. C., 1840-41; as Asst. Engineer in repairing Ft. Wood, Bedloe's Island, and Works on Governor's Isbnd, New York harbor, 1841-46; on voyage to Cali­ (FmST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JAN. 1, 1845) fornia, 1846-47; in the War with Mexi.co, 1847-48, being engaged in the Sldr­ mishes of Palos Prietos, Mex., Nov. 19, 1847, Uri>ls, Mex., Nov. 20, 1847, San Antonio, L. Cal., Mar. 16, 1848, Imd Todos Santos, L. Cal., Mar. 30, 1848,-us Aide-de-C'lmp to Commodore W. B. Shubl;ck, during N,wal and .1Iiilit.ary Operations on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, Oct.. 16, 1847, to June 28, 1848 (part of this period being Lieut. -Governor of Maznt!:J.n, Mex., and Chief of Stafr of Oapt.l1in Lavalettc's ll>wal forces ashore), - n.nd Chief of Staff in Lieut.­ Colouel Burton's Opel'llt.ions in Lower Ualifornia, .1Iiar., 1848; I1S Secretary of State of California, under the military govermnent of Generals Milson and Hiley, Aug. 13, 1847, to Dec. 20, 1849; as Aide-de-Oamp to Bvt. Brig.-Genel'lll (Bn. OAPT., i\:L~Y 1, 1847, Fon GALLANT CONDUCT IN AFFAIRS WITH THE ENEMY, o~ THE 19TH AND 20TH Nov., 1847, AND FOR J'.'IERJ'l'ORIOUS SF.RVICES IN OALIFORNIA) Riley, Ja.u. 1 to July 31, 1850; as Inspector >lnd Engineer of Light-honses on the Pacific OOflst of the United States, Dec. 21, 1852, to Aug. 1, 1854; and tlS :Nlember of the Board of Engineers for fortifiCOLtions on the Pflcific CO:1sl; of (CaPTAIN, COIlPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1853, FOR FOURTEE~ YE.\llS' CONTINUOUS SEllVICE) the United States, Apr. 11, 1853, to Aug. 1, 1854. RESIGNED, AUG. 1, 185-!. Civil History.-Appointcd Professor of Engineering in the Lawrence Scien­ tific School of HI1l'Y:J.l'd University, Mas., Sep. 28, 1848: declined. Member

* General Pope, in his offiCial despatch of tt.c Northerll Virginia Campaign, says: (( General Sn:VENS was zealous Mel nelivc throughout t.he opol'ations ,and distinguished himself ill the most conspicuous manner during tho bat.t1e of the lwcnly.ninth and thirtieth of Augu3t. He was killed) at the head of his command, in the balUe uear Chantilly on the first of September and his death will be deeply felt. by the army and the country." ) 574 GRADUATES OF THE


of the Convention to form. and of the Committee to dmft the Constitution of the State of California, 1849. Director-Geneml of New Almaden Quicksilver Mine, Cal., 1850-61. Counsellor at Law, San Francisco, Cal., 18.53-61. Presi­ dm>t of Pacific· and Atl[litic Railroad, li·om San Franci sco to San J ose, Cal. , 1855. Major-General, California Militia, 1860- 61, Author of a work 011 "Bi­ tumcn: its varieties, properties, and uses,'· 1841; of "Elements of Military Art and Science," 1846, - [1ud of a Second Edition, .. wi th Critical Notes on the Mexican ond Crimean Wars," 1858 ; of "A Collectioll of Mining Law of Spa.in and Mexico," 1850; of a work on •• International Law, or Rules ... regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War, " 1861. - and of "A Treatise on Illtcrnationftl Law and the Laws of War, prepared for the use of Schools and Colleges," 1866. Transbtor and Editor of " De Fooz on the Law of Mines, with introductory remarks," 1860; and of General Jomini's " Life of Napoleoll," with Notes, 1864. Degt·ee of A. M., conferred by Union College, N. Y., 1843; and ofLL. D., 1862. Military HistorY.-He-appointed in the U. S. Al"my with the rank of MAJOR-GENERA.L, U. S. ARMY, AUG. 19, 1861. Servp,d during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66 : ill comml1nd of the Dcpartmellt of the Missouri, Nov. 9, 1861, to ivIar. 11, 1862, and of the (MMOIl-GENERAL COMMANDING THE MISSOURI MILITIA, Nov. 25, 1861, TO JULY 11 , 18(2) Dcp:lrtmcnt of the Mississippi, Mar. 11 to July 11 , 1862, headquarters fl,t St. Lonis, Mo. , from which he directed all the armics and military operations ill the W~st, except while commanding in the fi eld during the Corinth Campaign. Apr. 12 to July 11, 1862; I\S General-in-Chief of the Armies of t.he United Stut.es, hcadquarters at Washington, D. C., July 11, 1862, to Mar. 12, 1864; as Chief of Staff, U. S. Army, Mar. 12, 1864, to Apr. 10, 1865; in command of the Military Division of the James, hefl,dquarters at Richmond, Va., Apr. 22 to ,Tnl.\' 1, 1865,--and of the Military Division of Lhe Pacific, headquarters at San Fl"cUlCisco, Cal., since Aug. 30, 1865.

989 .. (Born N. C.) ...... JEREMY F. GILMER ...... (Ap'd N. C.) ..4 Military History.-C(tdet at the U. S. Military Academy from Jnly 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was gradufl,ted [lid promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1839. Scrved: at the lV[ilita.ry, Academy as Assistan t Pwfessor of Engineering, n ee . 4, 1839, to June 28, 1840; us Asst. Engineer ill building Ft. Schuyler, for the Defense of Lhe Eustern ent.rance to NewYOl·k harbor, 1840-41,- nnd to the Chief Engineer at Washington, D. C., 1844-46; in the War with Mexico, (FillST LIEUT. , CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEC 29, 1845) 1846- 47, as Chief Engineer of the Army of the West ill New Mexico, being engaged in the construction of Ft. Marcy, I..t Sant" Fe, N. M.; as Assistallt to the Chief Ellgineer at Wl\Shington, D. C., 1847- 48; in t.h e War with Mexico, 1848, assisting in making surveys of the Battle-fields (tbout the City of Mexico ; as Superintending Engineer of repairs of Fts. Madison and W.tshillgtOll, Md. , 1848,-- of the building of Fts. Jackson and Pulaski. Ga., and improvement of the SuYannah River, 1848- 54.- of repairs of Ft. Marion and St- Augustine Sca­ wall, Fla., 1849- 50, - alld of Survey of Ochmulgee Riyer, Ga.., 1852- 53; as Member of a Commission to devise a project for the improvement of Savannah (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF E:>GL'


Marion and St. Augustine Sea-wall, Fla.., 1854-57, ---{)f building Ft. Clinch, ' Fla., 1854-57, -of improvement of St,. John's River nnd Haul-over Canlll, FIR., 1854-57,- and of the construction of the dcfenses l1t Fort Point, for the defense of the entrance to San Francisco Bay, Cal., 1858-61. RESIGNED, JUNE 29, 1861. Joined in the R ebellion of 1861-66 agninst the United States.

990 .. (Born Me.) ...... HENRY L. SMITH...... (Ap'd Me.) .. 5 Military History.- C'ldet at the U. S. Military Academy fmm July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 183\). Served: at the Milita.ry Academy, 1839- 40, as Asst. Professor of Mathematics, July 6, 1839, to Jan. 20, 1840, - as Asst. Professor of Engineering, Jan. 20 to Apr. 11, 1840,- nnd as Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Apr. 11 to June 28, 1840; as Asst. Engineer in building and repairing the defenses of the various pas~es to New Orleans, La., 1840- 53; as Superintending (FmsT LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, APR. 25, 1846) Engineer in the construction of Ft. Livingston, Grande Terre, La., and of repairs of Fts. Jackson and St. Philip, Missi~sippi River, La., 1847-53,- of Snrveys of Pascagoula and S,'\bine River, 1852,-and of Surveys and Improve­ ment of Texas harborR, 1853; and in general charge of opening South-west (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1853, I'OR FOURTE.EN YE,ms' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) Pass into the ~Iississippi River, [111(1 construction of .1 harbor on Lake Pont­ chartrain, La., 1853. DIED, SEp. 13, 1853, AT MAnrsOSYILLE, L.I..: AGED 38.

991 . . (Born Pa.)....MICHAEL S. CULBERTSON ...... (Ap'd PII.) .. 6 Military History.- Cadet at tho U. S. Milihl1'Y Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduat(:d and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served: on the ~orth e rn Frontier, Ilt Rouse's Point, and at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1839, during Canada Border Disturbttnces; at the Milit.ary Academy, us Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Jan. 1 to l' cb. 4, 1840 ; on Maine Frontier, at Houlton, 1tHO, pending " Disputec1 Territory" controversy; and ingarrison at Ft. Preble, Me., 1840-41. RESIGNED, APR. 15, 1841. Civil History.-Clergymall, Presbyterian Chnrch, since 1842. lVIissionary to China, since 1844. Tn'\nslator of t.he Bible into Chinese, 1855.

992 . . (Horn N. fl. ) ...... GEORGE THOM, ...... (Ap'd N. H.) .. 7 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was grac1uatcd and promoted in the Army to (BYT. SECOSD LIEUT. , Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1839) Sel'Yed: as Asst. Top. Engineer on Mi.1ital·Y Surveys on the Northern Froll­ tier, 1839- 40, - on Survey of Delawm'e Breakwater lmrbor, 1840, ---on Explo­ (SECOND LmuT., Top. R'imNEERS, JULY 18, 1840) 576 GRADUATES OF THE


rations and Surveys of North-eastern Frontier, 1840--42, -and on Survey of the Boundary between the United States and the British Provinces, under the Treaty of Washington, 1842--47 ; in the Wor with Mexico, 1847, being Aide­ de-Camp to Brig.-General Pierce, July 1 to Aug. 6, 1847, and was engaged in several skirmishes; in const.ruction of Maps, &c., of the Boundal'Y Survey be­ tween the United States and the 13rit.ish Provinces, and Re-survey of the North­ ern Boundaries of New York and Vermont, 1848-53,-and of the Mexican (FIRST LIEUT., Top. ENGIXEERS, SEP. 26, 1849) Boundary Survey, 1853-56; and in chllrge of Military Roads in Minnesota, (CAPTUN, Top: ENGll

993.. (Born N. Y.) ..FRANKLIN D. CALLENDER . . . . (Ap'd N. Y.) ..8 Military History.-Cac1et at the U. S. l\filitary Academy from Ju.ly 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he w>ts gl'llduated and promot-ed in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. , ORDNA..'!CE, JULY 1, 1839. SECOND LIEUT., OHDNANCE, Nov. 16, 1839. Served: ~ Asst. Orc1uo,nce Officer at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1839, 1840; U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 577


in the Florid~., Will', 1840-42, 1842- 43; as Asst Ordnance Officer tlt Ft. Mon­ (BH. FrnsT LIEUT., MAY 1, 1842, FOR ACTIVE AND HIGHLY MERITORIOUS I SEHVICES IN THE WAR AGAINST THE FLORIDA INDIANS) roe Arseu:l.l, Va., 18·12,-and at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1843-44; in com­ mand of Detroit Arsenal, lYIi ch., 1844-46; in organizing Howitzer and Rocket Battery at Ft. Monroe Arsenal, Va., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, (FrnST LIEUT., OHDN~'

994 .. (Bol'll N. Y.) ...... HENRY S. BURTON.... , ...... (Ap'd Vt.) .. 9 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 18:39, when he W,lS graduated find promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D AR'.rILLERY, ,JULY 1, 183D, Served: in the FIOl'ida War, 183D- 40, 1840-42; in garrison at Ft. Monltrie, (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY Nov. 11, 1839) S. C., 1842-43; at the Military Academy, 1843- 46, as Ass!.. Instructor of Infantry Tactics, June 16, 1843, to Dec. 16, 1845,- and as Asst. Instructor of Artillery, Dec. 16, 1845, to Aug. 5, 1846; in the War with Mexico, l1S Lieut.­ Colonel, New York Volunteel's, serving in California, and was engaged in the' Attack of La Paz, L. C., ,- and Skirmish of Todos Santos, L. C., (CAPTAIN, 3D ARTILLERY, SEp. 22, 1847) 37 578 GRADUATES OF THE


Mar. 30, 1848; on frontier duty fit Monterey, Cal., 1848-51,-San Francisco, Cal., 1851,-Montercy, Oal., 1831, 1852,-·San Diego, Cal., 1852-57,- Ft. Yuma, Ca.\., 1857- 58, 1838,- Ft. Gaston, Cal, 1859. -·and on Mojave Expedit.ion, 1859; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1859; on leave of absonce, 1860- 61; and in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Pmctice), 1861,-n.nd . (MAJOR, 3D ARTILLERY, MAY 14, 1861) Alcatruz Islnnit, Cal., 1861- 62. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States. 1862-66: in command of Prisoners of Will' at Ft. Delaware, Del., June, 1862, to Sep., 186a; on (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 4TH AllTILLERY, JULY 25, 1863) (COLONEL, 5TH ARTILLERY, Auo. 11, 1863) detached service, in the District of Monongaheiu, Pa., Sep., 1863, to Jan. 21, 1864; in comllilmd of the Artillery Reserve of the Army of the Potomac, Jan.- May, 1864; in the Richmond Cllmpaign (Army of the Potomac), as Inspec­ tor of Artillery, May- June, 1864, - und ill command of the Altillery of the 18th Anny Corps, June-July, H16<1; in command of 5th Artillery, and Inspector of Altillery in Depllrtment of' the East, headquarters at Ft.. Richmond, N. Y., Sep. 7 to Dec. 2, 186<1; as Member of Board for Retiring Disabled Officers, at Wilmington, Del., Dec. 2, 1864, to May 15, 1865; in command of 5th Artil­ (BVT. BRIO.-GE~'ERAL, U. S. ARMY, !VIAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES A'X THE CAPTURE OF PETERSBURG, VA.) lery, headqumters at Ft. Richmond, N. Y., May 15 to Oct. 31, 1865; as Mem­ ber of Board for Retiring Disabled Officers, at Wilmington, Del. , Oct. 31 to Nov. 27, 1865; and in command of 5th Artillery, headquarters, Ft. Monroe, Va., Nov. 27, 1865, to

995 .. (BornN. Y.) ...... JOSEPH A HASKIN...... (Ap'dN. Y.) .. lO Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, wben he wus graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLEI\Y, JULY I, 1839. Servod: in garrison fit Plath;burg, N. Y., 1839-40; on Maine Frontier, at Houlton, 1840-45, peneling the "DiRputod Territory" controvcrsy; in galTi­ (FIRST LIEUT. , 1ST ARTIliliERY, AUG. 31, 1844) ~on at Ft. Pickens, Fla., 1815,-und Ft. Pil{e, La., 18<15-46; in the Will' with Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Siege of Vem Cruz, i\'IIlr. n- 29, 18<17, - Battle of Cor1'o Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,--Skirmish of Lr. Hoyu, Jan. 20, \BvT. CAPT., ApR. 18, 1847, FOR GALL .~NT AND MERITORIOUS CO~DUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, MEX.) 18<17, - Skirmish of Olm Lnk,\, Aug. 16, 1847,-Bt),ttle of Contrems, Aug. 19-20, 1847,- and Storming of Chapultcpec, Sep. 13, 18<17, whCl'c he lost bis left arm; (BYT. MAJOR, SEp. 13, 18<17, FOR Gu;r,ANT AND MEIUTORIOUS CONDUCT m THE 1l.1.'l'TLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, j\'£Ex.) on Recruit.ing service, 18<17-48; on Qnartermaster duty at Tampa Bay, Fla., (CAPT. STAFF- ASST. QUARTER1!ASTER, AUG. 12, 1848, TO FEB. 22, 18;;1) 1848-<19,-and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1850-51; in gal'l~son at Barrancas Bar­ (CAPTAIN, 1ST ARTILLERY, FEn. 22, 1851) rocks, Fill., 1851; on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex. , 1851,- und Edinburg, Tex., 1851- 52; in garrison at Ban'uncas Bnrmcks, Flu., 1852-53, - Ft. Capron, Fla., 1853·-55, - Ft. Jupiter, Fla. , 18;35,-- Ft. Capron, 1"111. , 1855-56, - and Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1856-57; as Deputy Governor of the" Soldiers' Home," near Washington, D. C. , }by 29, 1857, to .Tullc 9, 1858; in gal'l~son Itt FI.. Monroe, Va., 1858-60,-and Baton Rouge, I,3., 1860; on detached service at Ft. Mon­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 579

NUMDER. 1889. CLASS RANK. l'oe, Va., 1860; in gal'l'ison ,\t Baton Rouge Arsenal, La., 1860- 61, which he was compelled to surrender to a vastly superiol' force of Louisiana insur­ gents; and in garrison at Ft.. Hamilton, N. Y, 1861,-and Ft.. McHenry, ~Id., 1861. Served during the Rehellion of' the Seceding States, 1861-66: in garrison at Washington, D. C., Feb. 1 to Apr. 15, 1861,- at Ft. Washington, Md. , Apr. 15 to Dec. 20, 1861,- and at Ft. Taylor, Key West, Fla., Dec. 20, HlGl, to fila)' 15, (MAJOR, 3D AUTILLERY, FED. 20, 18(2) 1862; in command of the Northern defenses of Washington, D. C., 1862- 64, (LIEUT.-COL. ST ' ~~' F-ADDITIO:-'AL ArDE-DE-C,UIP, JUNE 26, 1862) being in the trenches dUTing the attack upon the city, Jnly 11- 14, 1864; and (BRIG.-GE~ERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 5, 18(4) Chief of Artillery, Department of Washington, July 26, 1864, to Apr. 10, 1866; (BVT. LIEUT.-Cor,., .-I.ND BVT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, AND BVT. BRIG.­ GENERAl" U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13,186:5, FOR FAITHFUL AND :MERITORIOUS SEl\YICES DURING THE REIiELLION) on Icave of absence, Apr. 10 to Aug. 1, 1866; in command of Ft. Independence, (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 1ST ArnILLERY, JULY 26, 1866) Mas., Aug. 1 to Sep. 2'1, 1866,--and of Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., Sep 26, 1866, to

996 . . (Born iYlas.) ...... HENRY D. GRAFTON...... (Ap'd "fas.) ..11 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milit.ary Academr fi'om .July 1, 1835, to July I, 1839, when he W,\S graduated and promoted III the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST Al\:rrLLERY, JULY I, 1839. Served: in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1839,-Pol'tlancl, Me., 1839-40, -Ft. Columbus, N. Y. , 1840-41,-·nncl Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1841 ; on North­ ern Frontier during C(HHlCl.\ Border Distul'bance~, at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1841- 42; in garrisou at Ft. Adams, R 1., 1842-4;), - Ft. Preble, Me., 1843- 45, - Ft. Kent, (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, FED. 24, 1845) Me., 1845, - Ft. Brooke, Fla., 1845--46,--and Ft. Pickens, Fla, 1846-47; in the War with "fexico, 1847 ~18, beiug eugagecl in the S]

997 .. (Born Pa.) ...... JAMES L . RANKIN ...... (Ap'd Pa.) ..12 Militru·y HistorY.- Callet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 18;)5. to July I, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, .JULY 1, 1839. 580 GRADUATES OF THE


Served: in the Florida War, 1839-41,1841-42; and in garrison at Ft. ~forgan, (FInsT LmuT., 3D ARTILLERY, APR. 1, 1840) Ah., 1842,-SuV!Ulnllh, Ga., 184.2-43, 1843-45,-Tampa Bay, Fla., 1845,.-and Ft. iVIarion, Fla., 1845. KILLED, DEC. 20, 1845, AT SAVA-,"NAH, GA., DY BEING THRO~ ~'RO){ A HORSE: AGED 28.

998 . .(Born S. C.) ...ALEXANDER R. LAWTON ... . (Ap'd S. C.) . .13 Military Histol'y.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Sel'Yed: on the Northern Frontier, at Rouse's Point, N. Y., 1839-40, during Canada Border Disturbances; on Maine Frontier, at Houlton, pending tho "Disputed TelTitory" controversy; and in garrison at Ft. Sullivan, iVIe., 1840. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1840. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Sayannah, Ga., 184.3-61. President ofSavannah and AUlSusta Railroad, Ga., 1849-54. Alderman of the City of Sayan. nah, Ga., 1854. Lieutenant, Georgia Militia, 1849-52,- and Colonel, 1852- 61. Member of the House of Representatiyes of the State of Georgia, 1855-56,­ and ofits Senate, 1859-£1. President of the Georgia Democratic ConYention, 1MQ ' Joined in the R ebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

999 . . (Born Ct.) ...... HENRY B. JUDD ...... (Ap'd Ct.. ) ..14 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Aetldemy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served: in Florida War, 1839-41; in emigrating Indians to the West, 1841; in (FmsT LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 26, 1840) the Florida War, 1841- 42; in garrison at Ft. ~Iorgan, Ala., 1842,-Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1842-46,-and Ft. Marion, Fla., 1846; in the War with Mexico. 1846-4R, being engaged in th6 Siege of Vera Cmz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,- Skirmish of Medeliu, (BVT. CArT., MAR. 25, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT L.'! THE AFFAm AT MEDELIN, NEAR VER ,~ CRUZ, MEX.) Mal'. 25, 1847,-Skirmish of Amazoque, May 14, 1847,-and Attack of the San Antonio Garita, of the City of Mexico, Sep. 12- 13, 1847; on frontier duty at Santa Fe, N. lVI., 1848-49,- Taos, N. M., 1849,- and Las Vegas, N. M., 1849-50; in garrison at Ft. Oonstitution, N. H., 1850-51; on sick leave of abo (CAP·UL.'!, 3D ARTILLERY, FEB. 13, 1850) cence, 1851-53; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. 1, 1853; on voyage to California, 1853--54, but compelled, by the wreck of the steam transport Ban Francisco, to return to New York; on sick leave of absence, 1854- 61; and on frontier duty a t Benicia, Oal., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seccding States, 1862-66: as General (lI'lAJOR, 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 1, 1861) Superintendent of Volnnteeer Recruiting Service, at Wilmington, Del., Jan. 1, (RETIRED FRO)[ ACTIVE SERVICE, Nov. 21, 1861, ]'OR DISAJ3ILITY, RESULTING FRO:.! LONG AND FAITHFUL SERVICE AND FRm[ DISEASE AND EXPOSURE m THE LmE OF DuTY) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 581


1862, to Aug. 15, 1864; in charge of Bufi'ulo Depot, N. Y., for mustering out Volunteers, ~by 26 to Sep. 30, 1865; and as Mustering and Disbursing Officer, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., Nov. 13, 1865, P'OR F,UTHFUL A.l'iD MERITORIOUS SEUVICES CONNEC'I'ED WITH 'I'HE MUSTERING AND DISBURSING OF THE VOLUNTEER AmHES OF THE UNITED STATES) and Provost-Marshal, Wilmington, DeL, Sep. 30, 1865, to June 15, 1866; and on Recruiting service, June 15, 1866, to

1000.. (Born N. Y.) ...... LUCIUS HALLEN ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..15 Military History.-Cadet at the U, S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served: on the Northern Frontier, at BufIalo, N. Y., 1839-41, during Can· ada Border Distlll'bances; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of AI'. tillery und Infuntry Tactics, Aug. 6, 1841, t.o Aug. 31, 1844; and in garrison at In. Columbus, N. Y., 1844-45. RESIGNED, MAIl. 26, 1846. Civil History.- Merchant, West Point, N. Y., 184G- 51, - and at San Fran­ cisco, Cal., since 1851. Major·General, California ~'lilitia, since Apr. 24, 1862.

1001. .(Born N. Y.) ....JAMES B. RICKETTS ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. L6 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to (SECOND LmUT., 1ST AUTILL};RY, JULY 1, 1839) Sel'ved: on Northcm Frontier, at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1839- 40, during Canada Border Disturbances; on Maine FI'ontier, pending" Disputed Territory" con­ trovcrsy, Itt Houlton, Me., 1840-41, - and Ft. Fairfield, Me., 1841-43; in gar­ rison at Hnncock Barracks, Me., 1843-44, - Ft.. Sullivan, NIe., 1844-45,-and Ft. Pike, La., 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in (FmsT LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, APR. 21, 1846) the Battle of Mont.erey, Sep. 21-23, 1846,- and holding the Rinconacl:\ Pass, Feb. 22- 23, 1847, during the BItt.tle of Buena Vista; in garrison at Ft. Colum· bUR, N. Y., 1848-50; as QuartemlUster, 1st Artillery, June 15, 1849, to Aug. 3, 1852; in garrison at New Orleans Barracks, La., 1850-52; in Florida Hostil. ities against the Seminole Indians, 1852; in garrison at New Orleans Bar­ (CAPTAIN, 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG, 3, 1852) racks, La., 1852, - and Bilton Rouge, La., 1852- 53; on Recruiting service, 1853-54; on frontier duty at Ft. DunC!tn, Tex., 1854-55, 1856,-Ringgold Bal" racks, Tex., 1856-57; in garrison at Baton Rouge, La., 1857-59; on front.ier duty at Ft. BI'own, Tex., 18.59-60, - ltnd Ringgold Barracks, 'rex., 1860; and in garrison at Ft Monroe, Va., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in Defense of Washington, D. C., Apr. - July, 1861, being in command of a battel'y in the Capture of Alexandria, Vtl., May 24, 1861; in the , July, 1861, being engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, where he was (Bn. LIEU1;.-COL., .JliLY 21, 18(j1, Fon GALLANT A:


paign, Aug.-Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862, - Actions of Rappalulllllock Stat.ion, Aug. 22 -24, 1862, - Actiol1 of Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28, 1862,-Battle of Manassas, Aug. 29-30,1862,­ and Battle of Chantilly, Scpo 1, 1862; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Sep. - Nov., 1862, being enga.sed in tlie Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,-Battle of Antietam, t;ep. 17, 1862,- Skirmish of Shepm'ds­ town, Va., Bep. 19, 1862,- and march to Falmonth, Va., Oct., 1862; on Com-ts­ Martial lind COlllUlissions, Nov., 1862, to Mar. 18, 1864; in the Richmond (ivh.TOR, 1ST ARTILLERY, JUNE 1, 1863) Campaign (Army of the Potomac), M,1r. 18 to JulyG, 1864, being engaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5- 6, 1864,- Bo.tt.les around Spottsylvania, May 9- 21, 1864,- Skirmishes on North Anna, &c., May, 1864,- Buttles and Ac­ tions of Cold Harbor, June 1--13, 1864,-Passage of James River, and march to (BVT. COLONEL, JUNE 3, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF COAL HAm~OR, VA.) Petersburg. June 15-18, 1864,-und Siege of Petersburg, June 18 to July 6, 1864; in Defense of Maryland against General Eurly'8 Rebel Baid, July, 1864, being engaged in the Battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864; in thc Shenandoah Cam­ paign, July 17 to Oct. 19, 1864, being engaged in SkirmisheB at Snicker's Gap, July 18, 1864, and near Berryville, V... , Aug. 21, 1864,- Skirmish of Smith­ (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 1, 1864, FOR GALLA...'IT CONDUCT DURING THE REIlELLION, AND PARTICULA.RI,Y IN THE BATTLES OF THE CAMPAIGN, UNDER GElm.RAL GRANT; THE MONOCACY, UNDER GENERAL "',U,LACE; HoD OPEQUAN, FIsHER'S HILL, AND CEDA.R CREEK, no T~E SHENANDOAH CAMP,UGNS, UNDER GENE:RAL SHERIDAN) field, Aug. 29, 1864,-Battle of Opequau, Sep. 19, 1864,- Battle of Fisher's Hill, Sep. 22, 1864,-and Battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, where he was ( sevel'ely wouncled; on sick leave, disabled by wounds, Oct. 19, 1864, to Apr. 7, (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. Am-IY, NLrn. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF CEDAR CREEK, VA.) (BVT. MAJ.-GF.NERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 1865, ~'OR GALLANT AND :M:ERITORIOUS SEIWICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) 18G5; ilnd in command of l1 District in the Dep(u-tment of Virginia, July 28, 1865, to Apr. 30, 1866; in waiting orders, Apr. 30, 1866, to Jan. 3, 1867; and (MUSTERED OU'!' OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, APR. 30, J,866) unemployed, Jan. 3, 1867, to RETI.RED FROM ACTIVE SElWICE, ,JAN. 3, 1867, FOR DISADlLITY FIl0)1 WOUNDS RECEIVED IN BATTLE.

1002.. (Born Md.) ...... EDWARD O. C. ORD ...... (Ap'd D. C.) .. 17 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was grailuated and pl'oiuoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D A.nTILLEllY, JULY 1, 1839. Sen'ed: in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1839--42, being (FmsT LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1841) engaged in several Skirmishes in t.he Everglades; in garrison n.t Ft. Ml1con, N. C., 1842--44,-and Ft.. McHenry, Mel, 1844-45; on Coast SUl'vey, Nov. 20, 1845, to May 24, 1846; on Recruiting service, 1846; on voy:\ge to California, 1846--47; in the War with Mexico, 1847--48, serving iu Cnlifornia; in gilrri­ son ilt Monterey, Cal, 1847- 49, 1849- 50, - llnd Ft. Independence, Mas., (CAPTAIN, 3D AnTILLERY, SEP. 7, 1850) 1851-52, 1852; on Coast Survey, Dec. 30, 1852, to Mar. 29, 1855; in garrison U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 583


at Benicia, Cal, 1855; on Yakima E:s:pedition, 1855; ill g'1rrisoll at Benicia, Cal., 1856; on Rogue River Expedition, 1856, being engaged in command in the Action of ~b ckmlOotney Vilhlges, Or., Mar. 26, 1856,--and of Cheteco Creek, Or., Apr. 28, 1856; in garrison at Benicia, Cal., Hl56--58; on frontier duty iJ,t Ft.. Miller, Cal., 1858; on Spokane Expedition, 1S58, being engaged in the Combat of Four Lakes, Sep. 1, 185S, - Combat. of Spokune Plain, Sep. 5, 185S, -und Skirmish of Spokane River, Sep. 8, 1858; in garrisou at Fe Mou­ roe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1859; on Harper's Ferry Expedition to suppress John Brown's Raid, 1859; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artil­ lery School for Practice), 18.59-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Vaucouver, "Vnsh., 1861,-Benici,1, Cal., 1S61,--aucl San Francisco, CuI., 18GI. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 18G1-GG: in comlDand of bI~gnd e of the Army of the Potomac, forming its extremo right before (BUIG.-GENERAl" U. S. VOLUNTEEUS, SEP. 14, 18(1) Washington, D. C., Nov., 1861, to May 2, 1862, being engaged in tho Aotion (MAJOI', 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 21, 18(1) of Dmllesville, Va., in command of the engaged troops, Doo. 20, 1861; in COlD­ (BVT. LmUT-CoL., DEC- 20, 18G1, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOmOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF DR.~NEsvn,LE , VA.) mand of division in the Department of tho Rappahannook, May 16 to June, (MAJOU-GENEItAL, U. S. VOLUNTEBltS, MAY. 2, 18(2) 1862; in command of Corinth, Mis., June-Aug., 1862; in Major-General Grant's Opemtions in Mississippi, oommanding left wing of army, Aug-Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Iuka, tlep. 19, 1862; in command of the (BVT. COLONEL, SEP. 19, 1862, FOU GALLANT AND MEItITOllIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF IUKA, Mrs.) District of Jackson, Ten., Sep. - Oct., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of the Hatchie, Oct. 5, 1862, where he was severely wounded, while oommanding; on sick leave of absenoe, Oct. 6 to Nov. 24, 1862; on Military CommiRsion in­ vestigating Geneml Buell's C,\mpaign in Kent.ucky and Tennessee, Nov. 24, 1862, to May 10, 186:3; in command of West Point, Vii., May 24-25, 1863; in command of 13th Army Corps, June 18 to Oct. 28, 1863, being engaged in the Sie~e of Vioksburg, Mis., Juue 18 to .July 4, 1863, - Operations against the Rchev ing Forces, resulting ill the CaptUl'e of Jaokson, :Mis., July 16, 1863,- and with the Army of Westel'll Louisiana, Aug. - Oct., 1863 ; on sick leave of llbsence, Oot. 28 to Dec. 30, 1863 ; in command of 13th ArlllY Corps, in the Department of the Gulf, Jan. 8 to Feb. 20, 18(;4, -- of troops assl'lUbled at Gmfton, Webster, and Beverly, W. Va., Apr. 6 to July 9, 1864,- 01' Ath Army Oorps, and all troops in Middle Department, Jnly 11- 21, 1864, - and of 18th Army Corps, July 21 to Sep. 30, 18(;4, ill Operations before Richmond, being wounded ill the Assault and Capture of Ft. Hanison, tlep. 29, 1864; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, Sep. 30 to Dec. 3, 1864; in oom­ mand of the Department of Virgilli,\ llnd North Oarolina, J 1111. 8 to Feb. 6, 1865, and of the Dellartment of Virginill, Feb. 6 to June 14, l8G5, being en­ (Bv'r. BUIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAlt. 1:3, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND !1'[EnITOBIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE Of' THE HATCHIE, lI1:IS.) (Bn·. ~I.U.-GP.NERAL, U. S. AMfY, MAR 1:3, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND lI'lEnITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE ASSAULT OF FOItT HARmsoN, VA.) gaged in the vurio~Is opera.tions of th~ Siel1e of Petersburg, and pursuit of the Rebel Al'l11)" termlllatmg III the CapItulatIOn of Generul Lce at Appom'ttox C. IL, Apr. !l, 1865; and in oommand of the Dep'lrt.ment of the Ohio, July 5. (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 1ST AItTILLEllY, DEC. 11, 18(5) (BRIG.-GENBUAL, U. S. ARMY, JULY 26, 1866) 1865, to Aug. G, 186G,- Depa.rtment of the Arkansas, A11g. 29, 1866, to Mar. 11, (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEEIt SERVICE, SEP. 1, 18M) 1867,- and of 4th Militury Di.,t!·iot (Arkansas and .M:ississippi), Mar. 26, 1867, to 584 GRADUATES OF THE


1003.. (Born Ten.) ...... JOSEPH B. BOyD...... (Ap'd Ten.) ...18 Military History -Cadet Ilt the U. S. Military AClldemy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served in the Florida W"r, 1839-41, being engaged Ilgainst the Seminole Indians in the Expedition into the Everglades, Dec. 3-24, 1840. R.ESIGNED, DEC. 31, Hl41. Civil History.-Counsellor Ilt Law, Nashville, Ten., 1842-43. Professor in a Scientific and ~Iathemlltical Academy, Nashville, Ten., 1843 . . DmD, JUNE 17, 1845, NT NASHvlLLE, TEN.: AGED 27.

1004.. (Born l\iich.) ...... HENRY J. HUNT...... (Ap'd 0.) ..19 Military History.- Cadet at· the U. S. Military AClldemy from Sep. 1, 1835, t.o July 1, 11>39, when he was gmduated Ilnd promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2n AnTlLLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served: on the Northern Frontier during Canada Border Disturbances, at Detroit, Mich., 1839,-Buffalo, N. Y., 1839-40,-and Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., 1840-41; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., 1841-43,- Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1843-44,·- and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1844-45; in conduding recruits, 1844- 54; in garrison at Ft. Adams, U. 1., 1845-46; on Recruiting service, 1846; in the (FIRST LIEUT., Iln ARTILLEllY, JUNE 18, 1846) War with Mexico. 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,- Battle of Ceno Gordo, Ap!'. 17-18, 1847, - Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Chmubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Uattie of Molino del (BVT. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOll GALLAN'r AND MElllTORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BA'l"l'LES m' CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, ~I£x,) Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was twice wounded,-Storming of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and As~ault and Oaptnl'e of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, (Bvr. MAJOR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MEIU'l'ORIOUS CoNDUC'!' IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, MEX.) 1847; in garrison at Ft. MeHem)" Md" 1848·-4!.l,·-Ft-. Monroe, Va., 1849-53,­ (C,\PTAIN, 2D AnTILLEJ


in command of the Reserve Artillery, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862,-Battle of (}aines' Mill, June 27, 1862,-Action of Gar­ nett's Farm, Jtme 27, 1862,- Action of Turkey Bend, .Tune 30, 18G~,-Battle of Malvern HilI, July 1, 1862,- and various Skirmishes; in the Maryland Campaign, Scpo to Dec., 1862, as Chief of Artillery of the Army of the Poto­ mac, being engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,-Battle (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 15, 1862) of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,-Action on the Potomac, Sep. 19, 1862.-and march to Falmouth, Va., Oct.-Nov., 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign, Dec., 1862, to May, 1863, as Chief of Artillery of the Army of the Potomac, being engaf,"ed in t.he Battle and Operntions at Fredericksburg, Dec. 11- 13, 1862,-Passage of the Rappahannock, Apr. 29, 1863,- and Battle of Chancel­ loraville, May 2-4, 1863; in the Pennsylvania Campaign, June-July 18G3, as Chief of Artillery of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battle of Gettysb1ll'g, July 2- 3, 1863,-and pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., (BYT.-COLONEL, JULY 3, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SElWICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA. ) July, 18G3; in the Rapidan Campaign, being engaged in the Passage of the (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 3D ARTILLERY, AUG. 1, 18(3) Rappahannock, Nov. 8, 1863,-- and Opel'l1tions at Mine Run, Nov. 28-30, 1863; iu t.he Richmond Campaign, Apr. 4, 1864, to Apr. 9, 1865, as Chief of Artillery of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battle of the Wilder­ ness, May 5- G, 18G4,-Battles about Spottsylvania, May 9-20, 18G4, --Battles of Cold Harbor, June 3- 5, 1864,-Siege of Petersburg, June 15, 1864, to (BvT. :1.1M.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 6, 1864, FOR GALLA...'1TRY AND DISTINGUISHED CmmUCT AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, AND FOR FAITHFUL AND HIGHLY MERITORIOUS SEln'ICES IN THE CAM­ PAIGN FROM THE RAPIDAN TO PETERSBURG, VA.) Apr. 3, 18G5, participating in the Assaults upon the enemy's lines, of June (BvT. BnrG.-GENERAL, U. tl. ARMY, M.~R. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT A.'

1005_ . (Born 0.) ...... WILLIAM mvrn ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 20 Military History.- Cndet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was gmduated and pl'Omotecl in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLEUY, .TULY 1, 1839. Served: at the Camp of Instruct.ion, nP-llr Trenton, N. J., 183iJ; on the Northem Frontier, at :Ft. Gratiot, Mich., 1839 0, during Canada Border Dis­ turbances. RESIGNED, MAR. 31, 1841. 586 GRADUATES OF THE


Civil History.- CoullSelior at Law, Ohio, 1843-46. Dist,rict Attorney of Fairlield County, Ohio, 1843. Militaty History.-Served in the War with lVlexico, as LIEUT.-COLONEL, 2D OHIO VOI,UN1'EERS, JUNE 23, 1846, COI.ONEL, 2D OHIO VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 15, 11147, till his l'egimentwas DISBANDED, JULY 26, 1848. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Ohio, IS4S-51-and at La Vaca, Tex., 1851-52. D:i:Ev, OCT., 1852, AT LA VACA., TEx.: AGED 33.

1006, ,(Born N. Y.), . , . ,WILLIAM S. SMITH " , ..... (Ap'd N. Y.). ,21 Military History.-Cad0t at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 183V, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to SECOXD LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLEIlY, JULY 1, 1839. Scrved: at the Camp of Instruction near Trenton, N. J., 183V; on the North­ ern Frontier at PI'lttsburg, N. Y., 183V-41, dUl~ng Canada Border Disturb­ ances; in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N, H., 1841- 44; on Recruiting service, 1844; in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1844- 45; III Military Occupa.tion of Texas, at Corpus Christi, 1845--46; on Uecrniting service, 1846--48; and in (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTII,LERY, JUNE 18, 1846) garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1848-4V. DIED, Nov. 6, 184V, AT KrNGSBnIDGE, N. Y: AGED 30.

1007. ,(Born Pa.) ..... SAMUEL K. DAWSON...... (Ap'd Pa.) . .22 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 183\), when he was graduated and promoted iu the Army to SECO~D LIEUT., 1ST Am'ILLERY, JULY 1, 183V. Servec1: on Northern Frontier, at Plattsburg, N. Y., 183V, during Co.nada Bor­ der Disturbances; on Recruit.ing senice, 1830-40; on Maine Frontier, 1840, pending the" Disputed Territory " contl"Oversy at Houlton; in garrison at Ft. Sullivan, Me., 1840-43,- -Hancock BarrackR, Me. , 18i3--44,-find Ft. Adams, n. I" 1844-45; in :lI1ilitnry Occupation of Tex'ls, at Corpus Christi, 1845; in the Wur with Mexico, 184G, being 811gr'gecl in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Battle of Resaca de In P'llma, Mil·Y 9, 1846; on Uecrlliting service, (l<'rnsT LIEUT" 1ST AnTILI..EIlY, JUNE 18, 1846) UH6-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cnlz, ~Iar. 2'l -2V, 1847- Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,---Skir­ mish of La Hoy", J nue 20. 1847, - and as Quartermaster, 1st Artillery, Apr. 30, (BVT. CAPT., APR. 18, 1847,1'01< GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS COXDUCT IN THE B'\TTI,E OF CEnno GORDO, lI£Ex.) 1847, to Dec. 1, 1848; in garrison at New York ha.rbor, 1848-SO, - find Ft. McHenry, lIid., 1850-51; in Florid" Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1851-G3; on Recruiting senie-e, 1853- 54; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va", (CAPUIN, 1ST ARTILLERY, MAR. 31, 1853) 1854; in the Florida Hostilities against t.he Seminole Indians, 1854-56, being engaged in the Big Cypress SWilmp, near Billy's Town, Apr. 7, 1856; on fron­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 587


tier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1856-59,- in pursuit of Cortina's Mexicflll manmd­ ers, 1859, being engaged in the Combat near Ft. Brown, Dec. 21, 18iiD,-in command of escort to topographical party exploring Southem Tex'ls, 1869-60, -and at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1800; on leave of absence, 1800- 01 ; and in garrison at Ft. Jefferson, Tortngas, Fla., 1801. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 18Gl-66: in Defense of (MAJOR, 19TH INFAN'l'RY, MAY 1<1, 1861) Ft. Pickens, Fla., July lO-Dec. 3, 1861, being present during the Bombard­ ment of Nov. 22- 23, Hl61; as Supel'intenclent of Itegimental Recruiting Service, Jan. 1 to Nov. 8, 1862; ill the Tennessee Campaign of 1863 (Army of the Cum­ (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 15TH INFA1~TRY, JULY 4, 18(3) berland), being engaged in the Battle of Chickamf1uga, Sep. 19, 18G3, where he was severely wounded ; on sick leave of absence, dis.lbled by wound, Sep.28, 1863, to May 24, 1864: on detached sm'vice at New YOl'k cit,y, :;I'LlY24, 1864, to Feb. 21, Hl65; before the Retiring Board at 'Wilmington, Del., Feb. 21 (BvT, COLO:-''JlL, ",'CD BVT. 13RIG.-GENEH.\L, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 18(;.5, FOR GALLANT AND :MERITORlOUS SE1WICES DUmNG THE REIlEl,LION) to Aug. 25, 1865; in command of detachment of 15th Infantry at Mohile, Ala., Aug. 18, 1865, to July 7, 1866, -and of regiment,at Macon, Ga., July 30 to (COLONEL, 19TH INFANTRY, JULY 28, 18(6) Aug. 11, 1866; on leave of absence, Aug. 11, 18()6, to

~008 .. (Born lire.) .. ..AUGUSTUS A GIBSON ...... (Ap'd Me.) .23 Military History.-Cadet [It the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SE COND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1839. Served: on the Northern Frontier dnring Conada Border Distmbances, at BUjf'llo, N. Y., 1839-41; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, V"., 1841- 42, - Ft. Hamil­ ton, N. Y., 1842-4:J, - Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1843-44,- and Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1844-45; in Military Occnpation of Texas, 184ii- 46 ; in the Wttl' with Mexico, 1846-47, heing engaged in the HaWe of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-BattJe of Resaca de 1ft Palma, May 9, 1846, - Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846, ­ (FruST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, .Ju~1E 18, 1846) Siege of Vera Cruz, l\hr. 9-29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, - and Skirmish of Amflzoque, May 14, 1.'H7; on ReeruiLing service, 1848; in galTisoll at Ft. Macon, N. C" 1849; in Florida Hostilities against the Semi­ nole Indians, 1849 ·50; in Coast Survey Office. in clmrge of the Dmwing divi­ sion, Jan. 17, 1851, to Jan, 3, 185(;; in Florid" Hostilities 'lgainst the Semi­ (CAPTAIN, 211 AnTll,LEHY, JULY a, 1853) nole Indians, 18'56·-ii7; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Pradice), 1857- 60; on fronticr duty aL Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1860; on leave of absence, 1860- 61; >lnd in ganison f1t Ft, Columbus, N. Y. 1861. Son'ed during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in commnnd of Ft. Dehnl'lll'e, Del., Feb. 7, 1861, to July 31, 1862; in commllnd of' brigade (COLONEL. 112TH PmDISYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 25, 18(2) in the defenses of Wa~hington, D. C., Aug. 3, 1862, to l\hy 27, 1864; in com­ (MAJOR,3D ARTILLERY, JULY 215, 1863) mand of Provi~i onal Division in the Richmond C'lmpaign (Army of the Poto­ mac), June 4- 22, 1864, heing engaged in Operations in the Virginill P enin­ sula, June ii- 15, 1864, - and in the Siege of Petersburg, June 1G-22, 18G4; as 588 GRADUATES OF THE


Inspector of Artillery for the Depnrtment of the East, Aug. to Sep. 8, 1864; in (MUSTEllED OUT OE' VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JULY 24, 1864) command of Ft. "Warren, ~ifiS., n depot for Prisoners of 'War, Sep. 8, 1864, to Jan. 13, 1865; and in command of 3d Artillery, Jan. 13, 1865, to July 29, 1866, headquarters at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., till Oct.. 23, Hl65, and then at Ft. Warren, MilS., continuing in command of this post, July 29, 1866, to

~009 .. (Born 0.) ...... ELEAZER A. PAINE· ...... (Ap'dO.) .. 2~ Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Milit.'lry Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTUY, JULY 1, 1839. Served in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1839-40. RESIGNED, OCT. 11, 1840. Civil History.-U. S. Deputy Marshal fO}· Ohio, 1842-45. Lieut.-Colonel (Division Inspector), Ohio Militia, 1842-45, - and Brig.-General, 1845 ~1ll. Oounsellor at Lllw, PainevilJe, 0., 1843 -48, - and at Monmouth, TIL, 184.-8-61. Membel' of the Houoe of Representatives of the State of Illinois, 1853 and 1854. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 18Gl-65: in organizing his regiment, July-Scp., 1861; in disciplining Volun­ (CoLONEL, 9TH ILLINOIS VOLUN'1'EEnS, JULY 3, 18'til) teeI'S, Sep. 8-27, 1I:161,-an<.1 in command of brigade, Sep. 27-Dec. 24, 1861, (BltIG.-GEi\"ERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 3, 18(1) at P:1ducah, Ky.; in command of brigade at Cairo, Ill., Jan.- Feb., 1862, and of the Post, Feb., 1862; in command of division (Army of the Mississippi), in Operations against New Madl'id, Mo., which terminated in its Captme, Mar. 21, 1862,-Attack on Isli.nd No. 10, Mississippi River, which surrendered ApI'. 7, 1862,-and Advance upon and Siege of Corinth, May, 1862, being engaged in the Combat of Farmington, May 9, 1862; on lellye of absence, July 13 to Aug. 12, 1862; in District of West Tennessee, Aug.-Sep., 1862; in commllnd of Gallatin, Ten., and guardin~ Rllilroad from Mitchelsville to Nllosh­ Yil1e, Ten., Nov. 24, 1862, to May 4, 1864; in commlmd of District of Western Kentucky, July 18 to Sep. 11, 1864; and Ilwaiting orders, Sep. 11, 1864, to Apr. 5, 1865. R.ESWNED, APR. 5, 1865.

~OlO .. (Born :M:d.) ...... GARRETT BARRy ...... (Ap'd Md.). 25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :lHilitary Academy f"om Sep. 1, 1835, to July I, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1839. Seneel: in the Florida War, 1839-40; in garrison utFt. McHenry, Md., 1841 ; at the Military AClldemy, as Asst. Instructor of InfllntJ·y Tactics, Jilne 20, 1841, to Sep. 30, 1842; on frontier duty at Ft. Snelling, Min., 1B42-44,-Ft. (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JAN. 31, 1844) Cmwford, Wis., 1844-45,-and Jefferson B,11'l'Ucks, Mo., 1845- 46; and in the

• Was named ELEAZER PAL"E when he was graduated. U. S. lIlILITARY ACADEMY. 589


War with Mexico, 1846--47, being engaged in the Battle of :M:onterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846. RESIGNED, MAll. 31, 1847. Civil History.-Merchant, Milwaukie, Wis., 1847-51. Superintendent of construction of Milwaukie Custom House, Wis., 1857-60. Captain, Wisconsin ~Iiliti;., 1847-60. DROWNED, SEP. 2, 1860: AGED 44, in the c?llision of the Steamer Lady Elgin with a schooner on Lake Miehigl\n, near ChlCago, TIl.

1011.. (Born Ky.).....CHARLES WICKLIFFE ...... (Ap'd Ky.) ..26 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acadcmy from .Tuly 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND' LfEUT., 1ST DUAGOONS, JULY 1, 1839. Served on frontier duty at Ft. Leflvenworth, Kan., 1839,-Expedition to Grand River, 1839--40, - Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1840,-Ft. Wayne, I. T, 1840, -aud l~t. Gibson, I. T., 1841-42. DROPPED, APR. 12, 1842, HAYING" DISOBEYED THE ORDER OF HIS SUPERIOR OFFICER, BROKEN HIS ARREST, AND DESERTED HIS POST." Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, and Farmer, Blandville, I{y., 1843-47. Military HistorY.- Re-appointed in the United St.'ttes Army, as CAPTAIN, 16TH INFANTRY, APR. 9, 1847. Served in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, being engaged in a Skirmish be­ (MAJOR, 14TH L'{FANTRY, FEB, 12, 1848) tween Ceralvo and Monterey. DISBANDED, .TULY 22, 1848. Civil History.- -Counsellor at Law, and Farmer, Blandville, Ky., 1848-61. }4ember of the House of Representatives of the State of Kentucky, 1850. Commonwealth Attorney for Ballard County, Ky., 1851-55. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States, and was KILLED, 18-, IN THE BATTLE OF

1012.. (Born Ky.) ...... THOMAS HUNTON ...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 27 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promotcd in the Army to SECO:SD LIEUT. , 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1839: DECLINED. Civil History.- Counsellor at Law, Kentucky, 18'!2- 49, -·and at New Or­ leans, La., sincc 1849.

1013 .. (Born Ky.) ." ...EDGAR B. GAITHER ...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 28 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, !835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army t'l SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1839. 590 GRADUATES OF THE


Served on frontier duiy at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1839,-Expedition to Grand HiveI', 1839- 40,-'Rnd Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1840. RESIGNED, OCT. 31, 1840. Civil History.--Counsellor at Lnw, Columhia, Ky., 1841-4G. Military History.-Haised l1 Company in Ml1Y, 1846, for the W,\r with Mexico, and was elected Lieut.-Colonel of a regiment of Kentucky Volunteers, but it wa~ not mustered into service. Served in the War with Mexico, as CAPTAIN, 3D DRAGOONS, APR. 9, 1847, in the Northern Mexican States, tiil his regiment was DISBANDED, ,JULY, ::J1, 1848. Civil History.- Counsellor at Lmv, Columbia, Ky., 1848- 55. Member of the House of Hepl'esentatives of the State of Kentucky, 1850 -51. Common­ wealth Attorney, Uth Jutticial District of Kentucky, 1851- 55. DIED, SEP. 18, 1855, AT COLUMllIA, Ky.: AGED 37.

1014.. (Born Pa.) ...... WILLIAM H. KORN...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 29 Military History.-Cadct at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 18iJ5, to July 1, 183U, when he was graduated and promoted in the A.rmy to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST IN~'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1839. Served in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1839-40. RESIGNED, MAlt. 15, 1840. Civil History.-Merchant, Philadelphia, Pa., 1840-42. DmD, SEP. 24, 1842, AT PHILADELPHIA, PA. : AGED 28.

1015.. (Born Ky.) .. .. .EDWARD R. S. CANBy ...... (Ap'd Ind.) . . 30 Military History.- C,tdet at the U. S. Military Acaclemy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 183\), when he was graduated and pl'omoted in the Al'my to SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, ,JULY 1, 1839. Sel'ved: in the }<'Iorida Wm', 18 ;l9 ~12, being on Qu'trtermaster duty, 1840-41; in emigrating Indians to Arkansas, 1842; in glll'l'ison at Ft. Niagara. N. Y., 1842-45; on Hecruiting service, 1845-4G; as Adjutant, 2d Infantry, Mar. 24, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INl"ANTRY, JUNE 18,1846, TO JUlm 1], 1851) 1846. to Ma.l'. 3, 1847; in garrison at Detroit Barl'ucks, Mich., 184G,-and (B VT . CAn. STAFF- AsST. ADJUTANT-GEN., iVlAn. 3, 18'17, TO MAll. 3, 1855) Newport, Ry., 1846; in the Wa.\, with Mexico, 1846- 48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,- Ba.ttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, ] 8·17,- Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,-Battle ofChnl"Ubusco, Aug. 20, (BVT. · ~fA.JOR, AUG. 20, 1847, Fon GALJ,ANT AND MEHl"l"OlUOUS CONDUCT IN THE BA"rrLES Q}' CONTRERAS AND CHURUllUSCO, MEX.) 1847,- Assuult and Capttll'c of the City of iVI exico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847,- anc1 as Asst. Acljl~t.Ult-Gcnel"ll1 of General Riley's brigalle, 1847-48 ; (IS Asst. Adjutant­ (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., SEP. 13, 1847, ,'on GALLANT CONDUCT AT THE BELEN GATE OF THE CI1'Y o}' MEXICO) Gcneral of Pacific Division, Feb. 27, 1849, to Feb. 22, 185l,- in the Adjutant­ U. S. MILI'.rAnY ACADEMY. 591


General's Office, Washington, D. 0., Feb. 22, 1851, to Mal'. 3, 1855, being on a (MMOR, 10TH INFANTRY, Mill. 3, 1855) tour of inspec tion of posts on the ArkallSlls and ned Hivers, in Florida, and 011 the Gulf Coast east of the Mississippi, Nov. 30, 1853, to July 15, 1854; ill garrison at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1855; und all frontier duty at Ft. Cmwford, Wis., 1855- 5G, - Ft. Snelling, Min., 1856, 1857, - Utuh Expedition, 1857- 60, --Ft. Gnrlaud, N. lVI., 18GO,-and commanding Navajo Expedition, UlGO -GI. Served during the nebellion of the Seceding States, 18G1-G6 : in command (COLONEL, 19TH IN~'ANTRY, MAY 14, 18(1) of the Department of New Mexico, June, 23, 18G1, to Scpo 18,1862, being en­ gaged in the Defense of Ft. Cmig, Jan.-Feb., 18G2, - Colllbat of Valverdo, Feb. 21, 1862,- !1nd Action of P eralta, Apr. 15, 18G2; in command of Draft (BRIG.-GENJ::RAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, M.m. 31, 18(2) Rendezvous, at Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 7, 1862, to Jan. 15, 18G3 ; on special flnty in the \'{Hr Depi\l·tmcnt ilt Washington, D. C., .Jan. 15, 18G3, to lUay 7, lSG4, exc.:ept while detache.d, .July 14 to Noy. 15,1863, in conun<1nd of the City and Harbor of New Yorl" to suppress Draft niots; in command of tile Military (MMOR-GENERAL, U. S. YOLuNTE}:ns, MAY 7, 18(4) Division of West j\,[ississippi, May 11, 1864,· to June 3, 18G5, being, while on 0. tour of inspection, severely wounded by Rebel guerrillas, on White HiveI', Alk, Nov. 4, 18G·1; in conlllllmd of the forces in the Mobile Campaign, ~Iar. ­ May, 18G5, rosulting in the Ca,pture of Sp"nish Fort, Apr. 8, -and of l3lakoly, (BYT. 13RIG.-GENEHAL, U. S. An;\IY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERlTOHlOUS SEHVICES AT THE BATTLE OF VALVEBDE, N. Nt) Apr. n, HW5,-Occupation of Mobile, Apr. 12, t --lllld of Montgomm'y, Apr. 27, (13vT. ~fA.J.-GENIDIAL, U. S. ARMY, MAll. 13, lSG5, E'OB GALLA)!'!' AND MEBITO­ mous SERYICES IN ~'HE CAPTURE 0]' FT. BLAKELY, AND MOBILE, ALA.) IS65, - and sUlTender of Lieut.-Geneml R Taylor's nobel Army, May 4, 1865, Hnd of the Rebel Forces in the Trans-Mississippi Department, under General E. K. Smith, Mo,y 2G, 18G5; in command of the Department of the Gulf; .June 3 to ,July 17, 1865, - of the Department of Louisiana [mel Texas, July 17 to Aug. 5, 18G5, - of the Department of Louisinnll, Aug. 5, 1865, (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmlY, JULY 28, 18(6) to May 27, 1866,- und of the Depm·tlllcnt of Washington, Aug. 13, 1866, to Aug. 2G, 1867; as President of Specinl Commission for decision of Claims ill the War Department, Aug. n, ltHiG, to Aug. 2G, 1867; us ~lember of BOl1rd to (i'l'IOSTERED OUT OF YOLlJNTEER SERVICE, SEP. 1, 18G6) prepare plan for (Incw War Department Building, Oct. 4, 1866, to Aug. 26, lSG7.

1016.. (Bol'll Pa.) . ..JOHN H. HILL...... (Ap'dPa.) .. 31 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milita,ry AC<1dcmy from July I, 1835, to July 1, 1839, whell he wa" graduated l1nd promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT" 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1839. Served: on necruiting service, 1839; in the Florida War, 1839-40; on He­

*' The National Thanks were tendered by the Pres ident or the United Stntes., ~ep. 3, 1864, to General C~L~nY, [or tl1c "skl1l and harmony with which the reGent opel'atious in Mobilo harbor, and against Ft. rowell, lit. Gaines, and l"t. Morgan, were plnnned and ca rried into cxccutlOU.' , t The thauks of the Prosident and tbe 'War Department worc pri:'_scntcd, ~Iay 16, 1865, " to General Co\:sny, and tho officers and soldiers of his command, for their gallantry, energy, and successful military skill. in the siege and ·reduction of the strongly i"ortincd cit.y- of Mob il 'C , awl for U.lC nchiovoments thfl t have rendered lhcir campaign one of Ule most brillinut and import­ ant of t.he war." 592 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMllER. 1839-40. CLASS HANK. cruiting service, 1840; in the Florida WiLl", 1840- 41; on frontier duty at Ft. (FrnsT LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, OCT. 8, 1841) Washita,!. T., Hl42-43, 1843, 1844- 45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and in the War with Mexico, 1846- 47, being engaged in the Siege of Yem Cruz, Mar. 9-29, - nnd Skirmish of Puente del Medio, Mar. 24, 1847. DIED, JULY 29, 1847, AT PUEllLA, NIEX.: AGED ·28.

CLASS OF 1840 .

1017 .(Born La.) ...... PAUL O. HEBERT...... (Ap'd La.) .. l Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1840. Berved: as Assistant to the Board of Engineers, 1840- 41; at the ~iilitary Academy, as Asst. Professor ot' Engineering, Aug. 30, 1841, to July 21, 1842; and us Asst. Engineer in the constrnction of the defenses of the 'Vestern Pusses to New Orleans, La., 1842 -45. HESWNED, MAR. 31, Hl4.5. Civil History.-Chief Engineer of the State of Louisiana, 1845--47. Military History.- - He-appointed in the U. S. Army with the rank of LIEVT.-COLONEL, 14TH INFANTRY, ApR. 9, 1847. Served in the War with Mexico, 1847--48, being engaged in the Battlc of ContI'ems, Aug. 19- 20, 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, Hl47,--13attle of Molino del Hey, Sep. 8, 1847,-Storming of ChupuJtepec, Scpo 13, 1847,-und (13\,T. COLONEL. SEP. 8, 18'17, ~'O R GU,LANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN TIn: 13AT1'I,E OF i\fOLINO DEL REY, NIEX.) Assault and Capture of the City of Uexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847. DrSll,tNDED, JULY 25, 1848. Civil History.-Planter, Iberville P,wish, La., 1848- 61. Mcmber of the Convention to frame a ncw Constitntion for the State of Louisiana, 1852. Gov­ ernor of the l:\tate of Louisiana, Jun. 1, 1853, to Jun. 28, 1856. Joined in the Rebellion of 18Gl- 66 agllil1st the United States.

1018.. (Born N. Y.) .. CHARLES P. KINGSBURy..... (Ap'd N. C.).2 Military History.- C1ldet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July 1, 1836, to J Illy 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BECOXD LIEUT., ORDNAXCE, .JULY 1, 1840. Served: us A.sst. Orduance Officcr at Watervliet Arseual, N. Y. , 1840-4;l, ­ at Ft. MOlll'oe, Arsena.!, Yn.. , 1842,- and at Washington Arsclli11, D. C., 1842; in command of Dctl'Oit Arsenal, Mich., 1842--43, 1844; us Assistant to the Inspector of Armories, Arsenals, &c., 1844--45; in ~lilitary Occupation of Texas, on Ordnance duty at Corpus Christi anel Ga!vesLon, and as }fuster­ ing Officer, 1845--46; in the War with Mexico. 1846-47, as Chief of Ordnance of the Columu commanded by Major-Geneml Wool, on the march through Chihnahua, Jnly 4, 184G, to Jan. 6, 1847, - il1 charge of the Saltillo Ol'Cluanee Depot, 1847,-engaged in the Battle of Buena Yist.1, as Additional Aide-de­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 593


Cump to Mlljor-Geneml 'fuylor, Feb. 22-23, 1847,-and in charge of Point (BVT. FIRs'l' LmuT., FED. 23, 1847, FOI< GALLANT AND lVIERITomous CONDUCT IN THE BA'£TLE OF BUENA VISTA, MEX.) Isa.bel Ordnance Depot, 1847; in command of North Carolina Arsenal, 1847-48; (FmsT LmuT., ORDNANCE, lVIAR. 3, 1847) us Asst. OrdlllulCe Officer at Allegheny Arsenal, Fa., 1848, - ,to the Inspector of Armories and Arsenals, 1848- ,!9, - -at Allegheny Arselll11, Pa., 1849- 50, ­ and at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1851; in command of Little Rode Arscnal, Ark., 1851-53,-and of Ch,~rleston Arsenal, S. C., 1853- 58; on Foundry duty, (C.-\PTAIN, ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1854, FOR FOURTEEN YEARS' Co:nlNUous SERVICE) 1858,-61; on special duty at Ft. Del,\W>1l'c, 1861 ; and as Principal Assi"tant to the Chief of Ordnance, Mal'. 20 to Apr. 24, 18G1. Servcd during the R ebellion of the Seceding St:1tes, 18G1- G6: as Superinten­ dent of Hurper's Ferry Armory, Apr. 18-19, 1861, when destroyed to pI' vent its cnpture hy " large threatening force of Hebels; in comll1und of Kennebec Ar­ senal, Me" May 16 to June 1, 18G1; as Chief of Ordnance of the Department of the Ohio, June 7 to Aug. 12, l S61, - and of the Army of the Potomac, (COL. S'l'AJ"F-ADDI'l'IONAI" AmE-DE-CAMl', SEP. 28, 1861) Aug. 12, 1861, to July Hi, 18G2, being engaged in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign of 1862, frolll the Siege of Yorktown through lile "Seven Days' Battles before Richmond," till relieved by reason of sickness, at Hal'l'ison's L anding; on special duty for the \Var Depm·tment to the Gvve1'l10rs of Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New J ersey, New York, Connecticut, R.hode Isbnd, Massachusetts and New Hampshire., Aug. 18 to Nov. 19, 1862; as Inspect.or of Hef"'), On1nance at Pittsburg, I'a., Nov. 19, 1862, to Aug. 1, 1863; in selecting site for and building Hock Islund Arsenal, CM:AJOR, OIlDNANCE, MAR. :3, 18(3) Ill., Aug. 3, 1863, to July 16, 1865, aud engaged in arming and equiping (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., BVT. COLONEL, AND BYT. Bma.-GENERAL, U, S. An~lY, Mi,1\. 13, 1865, FOrt GALLANT AND MEr.rl'OmOUs SEIlVICES DUlliNG THE REBELLION) IOW'I, \Visconsin, and Minnesota Volunteers, 1864- 65; aud in command of (LIEUT.-COLONEL, ORDNANCE, DEC. 22, 1866) \Vatel'town Arsenal, July 19, 1865, to Civil History.- Anthor of nn "Elementury Treatise on Artillery und 111­ f,mtI'Y," 1849; and Contributor t,o the" American 'iVhig n8view," "Southern Qmut.erly Review," "Putnam's Monthly," and the "Southern Litemry lVles­ sfmger," 1840- 67, Elected Professor of Mathematics in Davidson Oollege, N. C., 1859: declined.

1019. ,(Born 0.), ... , ..... JOHN McNUTT" ...... (Ap'd 0.),.3 Military History.- Cadet at tho U, S. Nlilihll'Y Academy from .July 1, 18:36, to July 1, 1840, when he was grac1natecl and promoted in thc Army to Brr. SECOND LIEUT" Olm,,"A,,"CE, JULY I, 1840. Served: llH ARsl. Ordnance OfficeI' at Watervliet Arscnal, N. Y., 1840-41,­ at Watcrtown Arsenal, Mas., 1841,- nt St.. Louis Ars6nal, Mo., 1841-44, (SECO,,"D LmuT., OHDN .~NCE, MAU. 27, 1842) 1844,-45,-nn<1 at Ft. MOJll'oe Arsonal, Va., 1845-46; ill the War with "'Iexico, 1846-48, in command of Ordnance Depot at Point Isabel, 'fex., 1846- 47,-and (FIllST LmuT., ORDNANCE, MAR. 3, 1847) 38 594 GRADUATES OF THE

NU~IBER. 1840. CLA~S RANK. at Monterey, 1847 ~i8; as Asst. Ordnallce Officer at St. L ouis Arsenal, Mo., 1848- 49; in comllland of BaLon Rouge Arsenal, La. , 184\J; as Asst. Ordnance Officer at St. Louis Arscnal, Mo., 1849- 50 ; in 00mmand of Mount Vernon Arseuul, Ala., 1850- 51; as Asst. Ordnance Officor a.t Bt. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1851- 5£; in command of Sun Antonio Ordnance Dcpot, T ex., 1852-58,- and (CAPThIN, ORDNANCE, JULY I, 1854, FOR FOURTEEN YEABS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) 'l.'exas Arsenal, 1857-58; on Foundry duty, 1858- 59 ; as Asst. Ordnanc" Officer at Allegbeny Arseual, Pa., 1859- 60; ou leave of absence ill Europe, 1860; and as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 18GO- G1. Berved dming the Rebellion of thc Seceding States, 18GI-6G: as Ordnance Officcr in fitting out Port Royal Expedition, Sep. - Nov., 1861; in commrind of L eavenworth Arsenal, Kun., Dec. 7, 1861, to ; and as Chiof of Ord­ nance of the Department of l{ansas, Dec. 7, 1861, to Feb. 0, 1865, -and of (MAJOR, ORDNANCE, SEP. 12, 1864) (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL SERVICES IN TRliJ ORDNANCE DEPARTMEN1') the Department of Missouri, Feb. 13, 1867, to

:1020 .. (Born N. Y.) .....WILLIAM P. JONES...... (Ap'cl atLarge) . .4

Military History. ~ Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from July I, 183G, to J llly 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Al'Iny to SECOND LIEUT. , 3D ARTILLEIW, JULY I, 1840. Servocl in gal'l'ison at Ft. Colnmbus, N. Y, 1840,-and Ft.. McHeniT, Md., 1840-41. KILLED, SEP. 9, 1841, AT FT. McHENUY, MD., BY BEING 'l.'HROWN FROM BIS HORSE: AGED 22.

1021.. (Born Incl.) ...... WILLIAM GILHAM ...... (Ap'cl Ind.) .. 5 Military History.- Oadet at the U. S. Militm'y Acac1 emy from July 1, 1836, to July I, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted ill the AI'my to SllCOND LIEUT, 3D ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1840. Served: in garrison at Ft. Oolmnbns, N. Y., 1840; in the Florid'1 "I'll', 1840-41; at t.he Military Aeademy, as Asst. Professor of Natural and Experi­ mental PhiloRophy, Bep. I, 1811 , to Aug. 31, 1844: in garrison at Fayetteville (FIRST LmUT. , 3D ARTILLERY, OCT. 23, 1841) AI'senul, N. C., 1841, - and Ft.. JohnRt.on, N. C., 1844-4G; in iliilitllry OC0upa­ lion of 'fcxas, 1845-46; and in the War with Mexico, 1816, being engagcd in the Battlc of Palo AHo, May 8, 1846, - Battle of Resaca de I,. PiUmu, May 9, 184G,-'111d as Adjutant of Artillery Battalion of the "Army of 00cnpution," Jan. 29 to Aug. 17, 1846. RESIGNED, OCT. 17, 1846. Civil History.- Professor of Physical Sciences in the Virginia Military In­ stitute, Lexington, y"., 18'!,6 -S0,- of Chemistry and Minemlogy, 1850- 61, - of Scicntific ,mcl Practlcal Agriculture, 1851-61,- aJld us Commanduut of Cadets and InsLrnctor of Infantry Tactics, 18'16-61. Degrce of A. l\f., confcrred by Williflm and Milr)' College, Va. , Ui52. Aut.hor of "Manual of Instruction for the VohUlteerS and ~filitia of the United States," 18Gl. History since 1861, unknown. U. S. 111lLITARY ACADEMY. 595

NUl11111I:. 1840. C LASS RANK.

1022. . (Born 0 . ) ....WILLIAM T. SHERMAN...... (Ap'd 0. ) . . 6 Military History.- Clulct ut the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated :"md p romoted in t.he Army to SECOND Ll.EUT., 3D ARTILLEltY, J ULY 1, 1840. Served: in the Florida War, 1840- 42; in ga.rrisoll at Ft. Morgan, Ala., 1842, (FmST L muT., :lD AllTILLERY, Nov. 30, 1841) - Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1842-4a, 1843-44, -- BellefonhLine, Ab. , 1844, -and Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1844-45, 1845-4G; on R ecruiting service at Pittsbmg, P a. , 184f;; on voyage to California, 1846- 47; in the W ill' with Mexico, in garrison at NIontel'cy, C"L, 1817. -nud "s Acting Asst. Adjutunt-Gencr,tl of the Depart­ men t of California, May :n, 1847, to F eb. 27, 1849; as Aidc-de-Camp to Major­ (BVT. CAPT., MAY 30, 1848, E'OR l\IElH'fORIOUS SERVICES IN C.UoIFORNU, DU HrNG TH E WAn WTrH MEXICO) Geneml I'.F. Smith, aud Acting Asst, Adjulant-General of the Pacific Divi­ sion, headquarters at San Francisco, Cal., l·'eb. 27, 1849, to J an. 1, 1850; in (CAPT. STAFF-CO~DHSS ,\ HY QE' SUBSISTENCE, SEP. 27, 1850) garrison at J efferson Barracks, Mo., 1850; rmd on Commissary duty a t St. L ouis, .Bfo. , 1850-G2, - and at New Orleans, L a., 1852- 53. R ESIGl'.'ED, SEP. 6, 1853.

Civil History.-B"nker, San F rancisco, Ca,L, 1853- 57, - llnd a t New York city, 1857. iHaj or-General, Oalifornia iHililla, 1856. COllllsellor at L aw, L ciJ,v­ cnworth, Kan., 18ij8- 50. Superintenden t of the L ouisialll1 "Slat.e Seminary of L earning nnd Military Academ y," at Alexandria, L a., and P ro:'cssor of E n­ gineering, Arcllilectnrc, l\Dd Dm wing, 185 9-61. President of tile l" ift.h Street R u.ilroad at St. L ouis, Mo., 1861. Military HistorY.- R e-appointed in the U. S. Army with the mnk of COLO"Jo: L , 13TH I NFANTRY, U AY 14, 1861. Scrved c1l11'ing the l1eb ellion of the Secediug St'1tes, 1861- 66: in Defense of WashiDgton, D. C., June 13 to .July 16, 1861; in cO Ulmancl of a brigade (Army (BRIG. -GENERAL, U. S. VOLU:-1TEERS, MAY 17, 18(1) of the P otomnc), in tlle M:m:tssas Campaign, .Tnly 15 ·23, 18()1, bcing engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, .T nly 21, 1861 ; in the llefenses of Waiihington, D. C. , July 2;{ to Aug. 28, 18(;1 ; in th e Department of t.h e Cumberhnd, Ang. 28 to Nov. g, 18G l , succeeding Brig.-Gcncra,l Hobert Anderson in command, Ocr. 8, 1861, ueing engflged, Scp.-Oct. , 18G1 , in the Occupat.ion of Muldraugh Heigh ts, to cover L ouisville, Ky. , from a threlltened a ttack of the Rebel Army undcr General B uckner ; in the Department of t·he ~1i s s o uri , Noy. 23, 1861, to F e b. H , 1862- on I nspection d uty, Nov. 2:1 to Dec. 3, 18G1,-and in <:0 111­ Ill tl. nd of Cam p of Inst.ruction ftt Benton Barrack" St. L ouis, ]\fo., Dee. 2:t 18(;t , to Fob. 1<1, 1862 ; in eommand of the D istrict of P:1ducah . Ky., F eb. 17 t,o ~Iflr . 10, l S{)2, aiding in forwarding roinforcernents a ud supplies "to General Gmnt, th en opem ting up tlw Tennessee Hive I' ; in communc1 of a division in the T ennessee find JlissisHi ppi Campaign, MaL- Oct., 1862, bcing engaged in the Ihttle of Shiloh, Apr. 6 ..7, 1862, where h e was woullded,- Skinnish and Dcstruction of B ear Creek Bridge, Apr. 14, 18G2, - Advance upon llnd Siege (;I'[~.TOR- GEN ERAL , U. S. VOLU " TE';: ns, ;lhy 1, 1862, TO AUG. 12, 18( 4) of Corinth, Apr. 15 to :\OIa y 30, 1862, - 1I·nd movement on Memphis, which b e occupied, J nly 21, ] 8G2; in C')lllmanrl of thc D istrict of i\IcmphiH, Tcn. , Oet. 26 to Dec. 20, 18W, being engaged , Nov. 26, 18H2, in concert with Geneml Grant, iu eh'i ,ing the Hebels, intrenched behind the Tlllltl hatchie, to Gm nHeh, ;I{is.; in connnami of tl,e hastily or.gani7. erl Expedition to Vieks­ burg, MIS., belllg engaged III the attempt to carry the p lace by conp-l1c ­ main, D BC. 27- 2fJ, l SG2; in eOlUlllal1 d of Lhc 1Gth Ar lU Y C01' ps. Jan. 2, 1863, to Mm'. 12, 18640; on the Expedition to Arlwllsas P ost, J UIl., 186:3, which 596 GRADUATES OF THE

1840. CLASS RANK. was cl\rried by Assault, Jan. 11, lS63; in the Vicksburg Campaign, Jan. -July, 1863, in command of 15th Army Corps, being engaged in the Expedition by Steele's Bayoll to the Yazoo, Mar., 1863,-Demonstration upon Haines' Bluff, to hold the encmy about Vicksburg, Apr. 20- 31, lSfl3, -Acl\'fllWe to Gl'I.\Ild Gull~ :fi'IIlY 1- G, lS63, - Skil'mish at Fourteen Mile Creek, 'MIl}, 12, lS63,-Attack and Captnre of Jackson, May 14, 186:3, -lY1>Irch to Britlge­ port., and PUsSltge of Bbck RiYer, May 16-18, 1863,-Scizing of Walnllt Hills; Ma.y 18, 1863, - -Assanlts of Vicksburg, May 10 find 22, 18B3, aud Siege of the place, May 22, till its unconditional surrender, July 4, ltifi0, ­ (BRIG.-GE~EnAL, U. S. AmIY, JULY 4, 18(3) and Operations against the relieving forces, resulting in the Captme of .],"'k­ son, Mis., July 16, 1863, with extensive destruction of Railroads, and fOl'eing General J. E. Johnston's ArIDY beyond Brandon, Mis,; in comnHlllllooga, Ten., Sep, 2:2 to Nov. 15, 1863, being engaged in the Action of Colliel'S\'illo, Mis., Oct. n, 1863,-Passage of tho Tennessee Hiver at Eastport, Al.l., Nov. 1, 18G3, --and Battle of Chattanooga, 'fen. , No\,. 23-25, 1863, where he commanded the leTt wiug of Generul Grant's Army in the Attack of Missionary Ridge, Hnd in t.he pursuit to Hinggold, Ga" of t.he beaten Rebels, Nov. 25-28, 186:l, con­ stuntly skirmishing and making large capt.ures of men and material of Will'; in command of the Expedition to Knoxville, Ten. (eommenced, Nov. 28, 1till3, without giving a moment's rest to his troops), and after compelling the Hebel Gf'neral Longstreet to raise the siege of the place, Dec, 1, 1863, he returnee] to Chattnnoog.c, Dec. 18,1863, [l.nd thence to Memphis and Vicksburg, Jan., 1864; on Winter ~furch, Feb. 1 - ~5, 1864, with 20,000 men, to Meridian, Mis., brellk­ in£ lip t.he Ru.ilroHds centering there and supplying t.he Hebel forces in the South-west, thus enabling him to spare 10,000 troops for General Banks' Hed River Expellition, and 10,000 to reinforce thc armies about Chntt.unooga; in commllnd of thc Depilrtment and Army of the Tennessee, Oct, 25, 1863, to M.\l', l:l, 1864, - and of the Military Division of the Mississippi, composed of the Departments of the Ohio, Cumborbncl, Tennessee, and Arkansas, Mal'. 12, 1864, to .Jnne 27, 1860; in organizing. at his headqllRrters at Na.shville, 'fen" an Army of 100,000 men for the Spring Campaign of 1864; in the Invasion of Georgia., M,t)' 2 to Dec. 21, lS64, in command of the Armies of t.he Ohio, Cmu­ berland, and Tennessee, being engaged in the Battle of D'llton, May 14, 1864, ­ Battle of Resacca, May 15, 1864, - Occupation of Home, :M:l.ty 18, IS64, - Action of Cassyille, May 19, 1864, - Ba.tt.le of Dallas, lIby 20- 28, 1864, - Movement on Kenesaw, with almost da.ily heavy engagements, why 28 to.~ une 20, 18G!,­ BaWe of Kenesaw Mountain, June 20-Juiy 2, 18G4, - Occnpation of Marict.b, .Tuly 3, 1864,-AssaulL ilL Ruff's 8tlltion, ,Tnly 4, lSG4,-Pa.ssage of the Uhatta­ hoochie, Jnly 12- 17, 18Gl, - Comlmts of Peaeh Tree Creek, July 19- 21, 1864,­ Batt.le of Athmta , ,July 2:2, lSG.1, - -Siogc of Atlanta, July 22 -Sep. 2, 1864, ­ Hcpnlse of Rebel S01'[,i08 from the plnee, ,J nly 28 and Aug. 6, 1864,-Battle of (i\fAJOU-GEXERAL, U. S, A1DIY, AUG, 12, 1864) Jonesboro, Aug. 31-·Sep. 1, 18G!,-Surrender of Athtllta, Sep. 2, ani! Occupa­ t.ion of the place, 8cp. 2 to Nov. 15, 1i:l61, - Pursnit of 11ebels under Geneml Hood into Alabama, with frequent engagements with tho enemy, Sep. 28 t.o Nov. 15, 1864,-lY1>1rch to tlJ e Sea, with llUlnerons actions a,ud skirmi::;hes, frf'lll Atlant.~ to Savtmnah, Nov. 16 to Dec. 13, 186J, - Stonnillg and Captnre of Ft. McAhster, Ga., Dec. 13, 1861, - (lncl Surrender of Savannah, Dee, 21, lStH;" in the Invasion of t.he CUl'olinas, from the" Base" of the Sayannah,

*" Tho Senate and Honscof.Rcprcsontnli\re3 of tho United Statos of America, in Congress assem­ bled, Resolved, Jan. 10,1860: " That the thankS of the people and of the Congress.of the United SLates arc due, ami "re hereby tendered, to M~ljor-Genertll \\'ILUA;\I T. Sn f;RYAX, and, through him, to t.he officel's and men undor his command, for their }pllnntry and good conduct in their late clmpaigu, fr om Ch~ttt.au(>oga to Atlanta, antllhc triumphal march t.hcuca through. Georgia t.o S:lvann:l.h, termiU:ltilig in the cap­ turo and occupatiou of tbtlt city; a.nd that the Pres ident causo a copy of this Joint Hesolution to be cngTos50d and forwarded to M..ljor-Gonend SaI.:RMAx. lJ U. S. MILI'fARY ACADEMY. 597


River, Jan. 15 to Apr. 6, 1865, in command of the Armies of the Ohio, T en­ nessee, and Georgia, being engaged on the march through SaJkahatchie ~walllps to the Sout.h Carolina Railroad, Feb. 1-6, 1865,-Occupation of Colum­ bia, S. C., F eb. 17, 1865,- Passage of the Catawba River. Feb. 23- 25, 186,3 ,­ Capture of Chemw, Mar. 3, 1865, - Crossing P edee River, Mar. 6- 7, 1865, -Cop­ ture of Fayetteville, N. C., Mol'. 12, 1865,- Pussage of t,he Cflpe FCflr Hi vel', N, C" Mar. 13, 1865, - Batttle of Averysboro. Mill', 16. 1865.-Bottle ofllenton­ ,·ille. Mar. 20- 21, 1865. - 0ccupotion of Goldsboro. M!1L 22. 1865. -Captnre of Raleigh, Apr. 13. 1865,-and Surrender of the Rebel Arm~', under Geneml ,J, E. J ohuHton, at Durham Station, N. C" Apr. 26, 1865, being one of the closing acts of the Rebellion; on t.he march to Richmond, Va .• !Lnd \ Vllshing­ ton, D. C., Apr. 28 to Muy 24. 1865, tenninating his Great Marches of over 2,600 miles; ill cOlllma.nd, June 27. 1865. to Aug. 11, 1866. at hendquar­ (LillUT. -GENERAL. U. S, ARMY. Jurs 25, 1866) tel's, St. Louis. Mo.• of the Military Divisiou of the Mississippi, emb1'llcing the Departments' of the Ohio. Missouri, and Arlmnsas,-alld of the Military Division of the Missouri, Aug. 11, 1866. to ; as l\1ell1ber of Board to make recommendations for Brevets to general officers, Mar, 14-~, 1866; and on Special Mission to Mexico, Nov.-Dee., 1860,

Civil History.-Dcgree of LL, D" conferred by Dartmouth College, N. II" July 1\J, 186G.

J.023 .. (llol'l10.) ...... JOB R. H . LANCASTER...... , .. (Ap·d 0.) .. 7 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milita.ry Acudemy from JUly 1, 1830, to July 1, 1840, wh en he wn~ graduated anel promoted ill the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFA:-ITRY. JULY 1, 1840. Served ill the Florida. Wal' agaiu"t the Berninole Inelians, 1840·-41, and while on t). Scout" was, by a stroke of lightning, KILLED, JCLY 5, 1841, NEAR CRYSTAL RIVER, FLA.: AGED 23.

1024. ,(Born N. Y.) ..WILLIAM H. CHURCHILL ,. (Ap'd at Large) .. 8

Military History.-Cadet ut the U. S. Military ACfldemy [1'0111 Sep. 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he \\"us gradnateel aud promot,eel in the AI'my to SECOND LIEUT., aD ARTILLERY. JULY 1, 1840. Sen'ed: in ga,rri~on ftt I?t. Columhus, N, Y.• 1840; in the Florida Will', 1840-42; in garrison at New Orlelllls llarrfl.cks. La" 1842,-St. Augustine. Flu..• 1842, - :E't. l\IcHenry. Md" 18·12 43, - uud Flo MoultI·ie. S. C., 1843·-45; in (FIRST Lmu-r., aD AR-rILLEllY, J UNE 27, 1843) Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and in Lhe War with Mexico, 1846- 47, (IlVT. C.UT., l\LAy fl, 18,16, FOIl G.\LLANT A:-''U DrsTr:>GUlSHED SER"lCES IN THE B.~TTLEg OE' PALO ALTO ANl.) RE s.~c'\' DE LA PALMA, TEx,) lJeing e Jl gag~d in. the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8. 1846. ·-anll as Qno.rtermaster, (CAPT. STA:n' -A~ST. QUAHTEHMASTEIl, MAR. 3, 1847) at Ft. Polk, Point !sa.bel, Tex.. 1847. DIED, OCT. 19, 1847, A'r PODrT ISAREL, TEX.: AGED 28. 598 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMDER. 1840. CLASS ILun:.

~025 .. (Born N. Y.) ... STEWART VAN VLIET ...... (Ap·d N. Y.) .. 9 Military History.-Cadet ut the U. S. Milit.ary Academy from July 1. 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army t.o SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, ,JULY 1, 1840. Served; ingan~sonnt Ft. Oolumbus, N. Y, 1840; in the Florida ,"ur, 1840-41, being engaged against the Seminole Indians in seveml sldnuishes; at the l\'IiIital'Y Aeademy, as Asst. Professor of Mathematics. Bep. 20 to Nov. 15, 1841; in the Florida War, 1841 -42; in ganison at Ft.. Pike, La., 18'12.-Ft. Macon, N. C., 1842,- Sl1vannnh, Ga., 1843, -Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1843-44,- ­ (FIRST LIEUT., 3D Al~TIJ.LERY, Nov. 19, 1843, TO DEC. 24, 1853) and Savannah, Ga., 18401- 46; in the War "ith Mexico, 1846-47. being en­ gaged in the BaWe of Monterey, Sep. 21 - 23. 18Mi, - Siege of Vel'll Crnz. U'U. 9-29. 1847, - and as Quartermaster. 3d ArblIery, niar. 28 to June 4, 1847; (CAPT. STAFF- ASST. QUARTERMASTER, ;rUNE 4. 1847) ancl on QuartermastCl' duty. with Missouri :NIounted Voltmteel's. building posts on the Oregon route. 1817-51 (Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1847-49,-anc1 Ft. Laramie. Duk., 1849- 51),- Bt Louis. Mo., 1851- 52, --Ft. Brown, Tex., 1852-53,·-Braz08, Santiago, Tex. , 18:33- 54,--Ft. Brown, Tex., 1854- 55.- Sioux Expedition. Apr. 3, 1855, to July 17, 1856, being engaged in the Action of Blue Water, Sop. 3, 1855,- Special serYice in Utnh.1857,-NewYorkcity, 1857-58,- anc1Ft. Lef>ven­ wort.h, Ran., 1858- G1. Served dlll'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 6G; as Chief Quartermaster, of the Army of I,he Potomac, Aug. 20, 18Gl, to July 10, 1802. (nLIJolt SV.n-- QvAl{TEmIASTER, AUG. 3, 1801., Fon FOURTEEX YEARS' SF.ln'ICE AS CAPTAIN) at Washington, D.O., Aug. 20, 18G1, to M,ll'. 10, lSG2. and in Hl e Virginia (BUIG.-GENERAL, U. S. YOLVNTEERS, ::iEP. 23, 1861. TO JULY 17, 18(2) Peninsular Campaign, Mar. 10 to July 10, 1862, - "t Nell' York city, July 17, 1862, to JII1>1r. 31,1807, fumishing supplies aucl transportation to theArlllies ill (BvT. LIEUT.-COL. , Bv1'. CULO:SEL, AND BVT. J3IliG. -GEN:LllAL, U. S. An:IIY, OCT. 2S, 1864, FOll FAITHFUl, AND l\,IEluTolUous SERVICES DU1l1:

~026 .. (Born Ten.) ...... JOHN P. McCOWN...... ,(Ap'd Ton.) .. ~O Military History,- C"det. at the U. S. Militmy Academy from Sep. 1, 1835, to Jnly 1, 1840, when he was gmduRted und promoted in the Army to SECOXD LmuT., 41'11 AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1840. Served; in I,he removal of Indians to the ,Yest, 1840; on the Northern Frontier during CUllftl1>l J30rcler J)isturbances, at Detroit Mich., 1840-41,­ and Buffalo, N. Y. , 1841-42; on Recruiting service, 1842; in gan~80u at Ft. ):Ionroe, 'In., 1842-43,- anc1 Ft. Sevel'll, Md., 184:1-45; in Military Occupation (Fms'l' LIETJT., 4TH AnTILLERY, SEP. 30. 1843) of Texas, 1845--46: in the War with Mexico. 1846-47, beiu" en"l1 a ed in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8. 18'J6. - Batlle of Resaca de Ja Palma.oni-;w D, lS'!!i, -Ba.We of Montm'ey, Scpo 21 - 23. 1846,-Siege of Ven, Cruz, Ml1l'. Q- 2Q, u. s. lIIILITARY ACADEMY. 599


1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,- !tnd Assault and Capture of (BVT. CAPT., APR. 18, 1847, FOR GALLAK'r AKD MElUTORIOUS CoND UCT IN TIm BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, MEX.) the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; on Recruiting service, 1847-48; as Quartermaster, 4th Artillery, :ldllr. 29, 1847, to Jan. 12, 1848; in garrison at Ft. :Monroe, Va.., 1848,-and Ft. Pickens, Fla. , 1848; on fronLier duty on t,he Hio Grande, and Scouting, 184\), being engaged in seveml Skirmishes,-·Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1849- 50,-and Ft. Brown, Tex., 1850; in ga.l'rison at Ft. Ham­ ilton, N. Y., 1851; in escorting rtlcruits to San Antonio, 'rex., 1851; in garrison (OAPTAIN, 4TH ARTILLERY, JAN. 9, 1851) at Ft. Oolumbus, N. Y., l851,- Ft. Johnston, N. C., 1851-52,- Ft. Niagara, N, Y., 1852-54,-alld Ft. Ontario, N. Y., 18M-56; in Floriila Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57; on frontier dnty at Ft. L eavenworth, R,w., 1857-58,-Utah Expedition, 1858,- Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1858-59,-a.nd Ft. R'llldall, Dak., 185\)- 61; and on. leave of absence, 1861. RESIGNED, MAY 17, 1861. J oined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1027.. (Born N. Y.) ....FRANCIS N . CLARKE ....(Ap'tl aL Large) .. 11 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated und promoted in the Army to SECOKD LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1840. Served: on the Northern Frontier, i840-41. at Detroit, )Iich., during Canada Borde!' Distnrbances; at the Military Academy, 1841-52, as Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Sep. 27, 1841, to 00t. 16, 1846,- A8st. Professor of Ohemistry, (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH AUT1LLERY, OCT. 13, 1845) Mineralogy, and Geology, Oct. 16, 1846, to J an. 18, 1847, - and Princip[J.1 Asst. Professor of Ohemistry, 1iinemlogy, and Geology, J an. 18; 1847, to Oct. 1, 1852; in garrison at Ft. Brady, }Iich., 1852- 56; in Florida Hostilities against (CAPTAIN, 4TH AR'rILLERY, JULY 1'3, 18.52) the Seminole Indians, 1856- 57; ou frontiel' duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1857- .58, - Utah Expedit.ion, 1858,- Ft. L'll'amie, Dale, 1858-5!J, - flll d Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1tl59; in garrison 11t St. Louis, Mo., 1859- 60; suspended from mnk, &c., Feb. 13 to Apr. 20, 1860 ; on frontier duty on Utah Expedition, HHlO -61, - (\nd on march from Ft. Crittenden, Utah, to Ft. Leavenworth, Kun., in command of Utah forccs, July 2i to Oct. 5, 1861. Sen'ed ,luring the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in cOlllmand of a battery in the defenses of "TashingLon, D. 0., Oct. 19, 1861, to Mar. 10, 1862, -and at Manassas, Failfilx C. H., and Warrenton Junetioll, Va., Mar. 10 t,o Apr. 2, 1802; as Ohief of Artillery of 2d Corps (Army of the Poto­ mac), in the Virg-ini>1 Peninsuh1l' Campaign, ~-Iar. - S e p., 1862, being engaged ill the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 12- :Uay 4, 18G2, - Buttle of Williamsbnrg, l\iuy 5, Itl62, - Batt.le of Fair Oaks, May 31-June 1, 1862, - BaWe of Samge Station, June :.la, 18G2, -- Battle of Glendale, June 30, 1862, - and Rattle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; as Chief of Artillery of 2d Oorps (Army of the Po­ (M,I.JOll, 5TH ARTILLERY, AUG. 5, 1862) tOll1ac) , in the Maryland Oampaign, Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Sout.h l\Iount.ain, Sep. 14. 1862,- and HattIe of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862; as Superint.endent of Volunteer Reeruit.ing Service in i\iaine, Nov. 1, 18G:!, to May 2, 1 8G :~; flnd flS Acting Asst. ProvQst.-Marshul Geneml, Chief Mustering and Disb1ll'sing Otlicer, find Superintendent of Volunteer Recruiting Service of the Stllte of MassaehuscttH, May 2,1863, t.o ,Tan. IG, 18(;6; :mc1 as Asst. lnspec­ (13\"1'. LIE UT.-OOL., A:SD BV'l'. COLOKEL, FED. 1, 18(5) tor-Geneml of the Dep".rtmon t of liloricitl, Feb. 16 to Aug. 13, 1866. DIED, AUG. 13, 1866, AT TALLAHASSEE, Fu.: AGED 46. 600 GRADUATEtl OF THE

KUMBEll. 1840. CLAS S RANE:.

1028.. (Born Va.) ...... GEORGE H. THOMAS ...... (Ap'cl Vu. ) .. 12 Military History.- Cudet at the U. S. Milit..U'y Aendem y from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was gl'l1duatecl and promoted in the Army to SECOND LillO'''" 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 18·10. Served : in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y. , 1840; ill t.he Floricl,\ W,ll', 1840-42, beillg eng'tged ill Major Wade's Capt.ure ot 70 Seminoie Indians, Nov. G, 1841; (llVT. FlIlST LIEUT., Nov. 6, 1841, FOR GALL.L'ITIlY ANIl GOOD CONDUCT IN THE \YAll AGAL'lST TKE FLOR\D.~ INDIANS) in garrison a.t New Orleans R'\lTacks, La., 1842, - Ft. i\1oulh;e, S. C., 1842-4:3, --and Ft. J)feHenry, Md., 1 43 --<15 ; 011 R ecruit.ing sel'vicn, 1845 ; i.ll garrison (FruST LIEUT., 3D AUTILLERY, ApIl. 30, 184'1) . ret Ft. Moultrie, S. 0., 1845; in Military Occup"tion of Texas, 1845- '16; in the War with Mexico, 184G- 48, being cngilgcd in the DeiEmso of Ft. Brown, T ex. , III»y 3- 9, 1846, -Battle of Monterey, Sep. :l1 - 23, 1846, - ttlld Battle of (llvl'. CAl'T., SEp. 23, 184G, FOB G.\LI..ANT CONDUCT IN 'IKE SEVEHli CONFLICTS AT MONTEREY, MIn.) Buella Vista, F eb. 22- 23, 18H; in ga.rrison a.t the mouth of the Rio Grande, (llVT. l\i,\.TOH, Fllil. 23, 1847, ]" on GALLo'NT AND l\hRlTOIlIOUS CONDUCT 1:-1 THE B,'Tl'LE m' BUENAVlSTA , M EX.) Tex., 1848-4\!; in F1Ul'ida Hostilities against the Seminole Indi'1ns, 1849- 50; in b'IlTison at Ft. Iudepcndence, 1\-1118., 1850; • , . itary A 'adenw u" ~ tl'Ucto r of Artillor -, ·v. A ) 1'. :3 Itic') on 'on e l' ( CA1"£A1:-1, 3D A1U EG. 24, 1853) Iluty, on march to Bonieia, Cn l. , in ( 'OlLlI ll:l lld of Ihttulion of 3d Artillery, 1854,- Ft. Yumu, Cal., 1854--5;3; in ~ar Li :-iull at, ,Jt: f:lc njon Barracks, Mo. , 18:35; (MAJOH, 2D C.I ''',.a, ~1I. 12, 1855) on R ecl'lliting service, 1R,';(;; on fl'1'1"" " 'J 'x., aJ lllL' l'CtliUun to n ed R ivor Counlry, l &;!J- GO,­ ,\lId IUowil Expcditiu ll . 1K OIJ , ht' iug i·ll.~n.~(' L1 ill a t\h: i l ' llU ~h u. ill' tho hend of Clear Fork of the .B ru 7. ~ls Ib n·),) . I I ~ ~ i j, It-: t~ {J , :dWl'l he w.. ' wo tl J.lc1cd; Ill.ld oul 'ave of absence, 18GO fi.l. Sen'cd tl lll'illg tile Ik l,dljull cot' th e Sccl' lli llg States, I ~Gl- 66: in reorganizing (LmuT.-(;m.oxEI., 2.D C.\ ULTI Y, ."11'[(. 25, 1861) anel e'1nip ing his re;,ii ment "LC'lwlisk H;um cks, P,I., Apr. 14 to Uny 27, 18Gl; in Op 'r;t tiolls ill ShulJI\U( loah V: tlk y. J"tl1\O 1 [c, 'lug. :W, 18Gl, beiug engaged in (CnT,oxJ·:T., 2n O,WAUl,., :\L,y :3, 1801: 5TH C,\YH.J.tY, AUG. 3, 18Gl) conllllllwl of urigude ill tll(; Ad inu of F'llling W'lh:l's, July 2, 18G1, - Sld.rmish at )Ial'tillHbnrg, ;rllly :3, 18Gl ,- :Ulll Skirmish :It J3nnkp.l' Hill, July 15, 1861; (BHIG.-GEX.,:tL\L, U. S. VOLUN'IEEllS, A UG. 17, 18tH) in the Dcp,trtmon t of Ol C CUlIluurhind, Sep. GtD Nov. 30, 18G!, in ol'g,mizillg Kentuck.y :md 'l'cnne:" c;c Volunteel's, l\l. Camp Diek HobillHon, Ky., Sep. 18 to Oct. 21;, 18G1, -- Hllll in the Advance Oll Omb Orchard "nd Lebanon, Ky., Oct.. 28 to N ov. 30, 18G1 ; in ecnnrnfl. llll of division (Army of the Ohio), Nov. :30, 1861, to NI,11'. I!), 18G 2, be il~ g in eommaurlll!l(llIDgllgf'd at .tho C()m~);,'.t of Mill SIr'ing; Ky. , .J:m. 1!)- c20, 18b:.l, - f>n(1 iVloy ment on N">'lhYllle, YJIl Souwrset, L e anon nnd Louisville, :Feb. 15. to lIu,,·. 4, 1862; in the T ennc$see anll ~1i ss is$ippi Campaign, "ill r. 19 to June 2(j, 1802, being eng,'ged in the 1I11reh to Pitts­ burg L antliug, Ten., with his dhiRion, lIH Lbo R es"l've of t.he Anny of the Ohio, ~1 a l'. 10 to Apr. 9, 18G2,- 1ll "ollllnllnd of the Rig-ht \Ving of t.h o ArnlY of tbe T onnessee, in the Advance upon find Siege of Corinth, Apr. 9 to lV{ay 30, (lVL"TOR-GENlOTIAL, U. S. VOLUXTEEHS, APR. 2D , 1862, ~' O DEC. 15, 1864) 1862, - llud in command of Corinth, Mi R. , .Tune 5-22,1862; iu Major-General J3u­ ell's Operations (Army of the Ohio) in North Alabama, T ennessee llud Ken­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 601


t.n cky, June 26 to Nov. 7, 1863·-o,t Tuocumbia, Ala., gUfil'Cling I.he Memphis and Ch,trleston Railroad, June 26 to July 25, 1862,-in eonnnn. nd of Deehn.rd, Aug. 5- 15, of McMinnville, Aug. 10- Sep. ii, and of Nlltihville, 'fon., Sep. 7· 1,1, 18G2,- in pursuit of enemy from Prewi~t's Knob to Louioville, Ky., SCI" ~0 -26, 1862,- alHl ns second in commnnd of the Army of thc Ohio on the Advance into Kentucky, Sep. 30 to Nov. 7, 1862, being eng')ged in commllnd of the right wing of the Army during the Battle of P erryville, Oet. S, 1862, and pur­ suit ~ the enemy to Rarbolnsvillc; in Major-General Rosecrans' 'fenncosee Campnign, in command of 14tb Army Corps (Army of the Cumberland), Nov. 7, 18G2, to Oct. la, 1863, being cng'lged in the Battlc of •'[.oil ltiver, Dec. 31, lSG2-Jan. 3, 1863, - Advonec Oil Tullahoma, June 24- Jrtly 4, 1M3,­ Action at Hoover's Gap, JUlle 26, 186:J, - - Passage of Elk Hiver, .Tuly 3, amlof the Tennessce, Sep. 2, 1863, - ilattle of ~i~ k !lln'1U 3'1, Sep. la-20, 1863,- onc1 checking the en<,my's advance, Sep. 21, ', , t pon Chattanooga, to which he l'etiredond commenced f6l'tif~'ing; ill commond of t.ho Dep[u'tul'l'ht an;od of lhc 4th, 14th, and 20th Army • COI'PH, and t.bree Cavalry Divisions, IJCing engaged in OperaliOl!>' aroun~l Dalton, Uay 7- 13, lSG4,-Demonr;t·mtions against Hcsnccn, Mny 13, till occu­ pied, Uny 16, 1864, - Pur8uit of t.he enemy, with constant skirmishing, to Cassville, May 17· 1(), IS640, - Occupation of Rome by pavis' division of 14tb Army Corps, May 18, 1864,-Adion of Cassvillc, May la, 18G4, - ilattie of Dallas, :Hay 25-28, 18(j4, - Movement against Pine Monntain, "ith almost dICily sevoro eDgag e m OJlt~ , M,\y 28 to June 20, lSG<1, - lhttles of Kencsaw lIfonntnin, June 20 to July 2, 1804,- Assault at Huif's Station, July 4, lS01, · "Passage of the Chattn.boochie HivCl', July 12- 17, 1864,- Combat of Peach Treo Creek, .Tuly 1a- :.l1, 18G4,-Sioge of Atlill1ta, July 22-Scp. 2, 18G4,-·· As.'1nd ;;ending troops to othcr Deptntments, Dec., 1864-lIIlIY, lilG;j , whkh ma­ terially \'ont. l'ihnted to the ovcrti1l'Ow of the Hollellion;' and in c0111mand,

:~. The ~('u af c ami Ho u~e or RCpl'C'5cnLlti\cs of lhe United States of Amcl'ic.

NUMBER. 1840.

June 27, IS65, to Aug. 13, 1866, headquarters a.t Nashville, Ten., of the Military Division of the Tennessee, embmcing the Departments of Kcntucl;y. Tennes­ see, Georgia, A.labum", and Mississippi,-.of the Department of the 'l'ennessee, Aug. 13, 18G6, to M,Il·. 11, 1867, heauqunrters at Nashville, Ten., till Nov. 1, 18Gli, unci at Louisville, Ky. , till Mal'. 11, 1867, when he was assigned to tho command of the 3d Military Di,trict (Georgill, I"loricla, and Alnbama'), from which h e was relieyec1 at his own reqnest, Mar. 15, 1867,- unc1 of the Depart­ ment of the Cumbol'bnd, Mar. l!;, Hl67 to ; and as Memborof Board for recommendations for Brevets to general officol's, Mal'. 14- 24, 1866.

1029.. (Bol'll D. C.) .....RICHARD S. EWELL...... (Ap'cl ·Y".) .. 13 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acaclemy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoteu in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT., 1ST Dn.·\GOONS, JULY 1, 1840. SECOND LmUT., 1ST DRAGOO';S, Noy. 1, 1840. Served: all frontier dnty at Ft. Wayne, 1. 'r., 1840-42, - Ft. Scott, Ran., 1842- 13,- Escorting SUllta Fe Tmders. 184:3, - :md Ft. Scott, Kan:, 1843-44; on Recruiting service, 184 45; on frontier dut.y at Ft. Scott, Kan., 1845,­ (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, SEP. 18, 1845) March t.o t.he Arkansas HiveI', 1845,-and Ft. Scott., Ran., 1845; on Const Sl\J'­ vey, Apr. 14 to May 19, 1846; Oll Recruiting service, 1~4o; ill the Wrn' WIth Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mal'. D- 29, 1847, - Bftttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-Ul, lS47,-Btlttle of Contreras, Aug. 1[l- 20, 1847,-BatUc of Churubusco, Aug. 20, IS47, - Batttleof Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, (131''£. O,\PT. , AUG. 20, IS47, }'OR GALLA.NT AND MElu:Tomous CmmUCT lY THE BATTLES OI' CONTRER.\S AND CHURunusco, lVIEx.) 1847, ·--and Stornling of ChnplIltepec, Sep. 13, 1847; on Hecl'uiting service, 1848-50; and ou i)'outier duty at Hny"do, N. lVI., 1850- 51,-- Ft. DeJianee, (CAl'~'AlN, 1ST DHAGOONS, AUG. 4, 1849) N. lVI., 1851,- Los Lunas, N. lVI. , 18:;1-54 , -Sa.ut ~ Fe, N. M., 1854, ..- Los Lunfls, N. M. , 1854, -Escorting Commanding Geneml to EI PIlSO, 185<1, ~ Scouting. 18'H-55, - -·Los Lunas, N. M. , ISG5,-Scouting. 1855, - Los Lunas, N. iYI., 18i)3,--Escorting GOV C\'llOl' of New Mexico to Ft.. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855, - Los Lunas, N. i\I., 18.36, - March to Ft. Buchanan, N. M. , 1856-57,­ Simi" 1'6, N. M. , 18;,7, - Gila Expedition, 18:;7, being engaged uga.inst Apache Indian,; in the Combat of Gib l'tivCl', N. ~f., ,TUlle 27, IS57,- l!'t. Buehnu:tU, K. lVI. , I S;'7- iin, --Ex.pedition against Pinnl ApacheR, 1859, being wounded in a Skirmish, Dee. 14, 185D,- :mcl Ft. BlisR, Tex., 1860-61. HESIGNED, MAY 7, 1861 . •Toiucd in the Hebellion ofl861-·66 agl\inst t.he United Stutes.

1030.. (BOl'n N. C.) ...•.JAMES G. MARTIN ...... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 14 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, t{) July 1, 1840, when he was gl'llduuted and promoted in the Army to SECO~D LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1,1840. Served: on ]"Iuine Frontier, at Honlton, 1840- '13, pending" Dispnte(l Ter­ ritory" controversy; in garrison at Ft. Sullivan, Me. , 1843-44, ..- Hancock Barmeks, Me., 1844-45. - aud Ft. Adams, R I., IS45; on COi\~t Sm vey, Noy. 20, 18M" to May 19, 1840; in t.he War with Mexico, 1846-47, being e11­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 603

NU~IBER. 1840. CLASS RANK. gaged in' tue Battlo of lVIontcrey, Sep. 21 - 23, 1846,- Siege of Vom Cruz, (FIRST LillUT., 1ST ARTILLEBY, FEB. 16, 1847, TO DEl:. 24, 18,,3) Mal'. D, '29, 1847,- BattleofCerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847, - Skil'mish of Olm (CAPT. ST.\FF-AsST. QrTABTERlIIASTER, AUG. 5, 1847) Laka, Aug. 16, 1847,-Batt1e of Contreras, Aug. ID-20, 1847, - and Battlc of (BVT. MAJOR, AUG. 20. 1847, }'OH GALLANT AND UEHITOHIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTREHAS AND CHUHunusco, MEX.) Churubuseo, Aug. 20, 1847, where he was severely woonded, losing llis right arm; aud on Quartermaster dot.y at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1848- 55, - 8dlUylkill Ar­ senal, Pa., 18G7-G8,-Nebraska city, 1858- 51l, - and Ft. Riley, Jean., lS5\J- 61. RESIGNED, JUNE 14, 18G1. Joiued in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the Uuiled Stfttes.

1031.. (Born D. C.) .....GEORGE W. GETTy...... (Ap'd D. C.) ..15

Military History-Cadet at the U. S. ~1ilitary Academy from Sep. I, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and pl'Oll1otecl iu the Army to SECOXD LIEUT., 4TH AUTILLEHY, JULY 1, 1840. SerYed: 011 the Northern Frontier dnriug Canada Border Distnrbancps, at Detroit, ~li ch., 1840, - Dearbol'llville, lIiieh. , 1840-41, - Ft. Mackinac, :Mich., lS41, - and Ft. Nillgam, N. Y., 18H--42; iu garrison at Ft. Momon, Va., 1842- 44, ·-Carlisle BarruekR, Pa., 1844-45,- nnd Ft. Monroe, Va., 1845-46; 011 (FmsT LIEUT., 4.TH AUTl'LLERY, OCT. 31, 1845) Recmitiug serviee, 1846- 17; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., ]847; in the ,Val' with ~1exi c o , ]847 -'1~, being engaged iu lhe Battle of COlltreras, Aug. 1D- 20, (Bn. C.\PT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOH GA.LL.\~T AND ~fuRITORIOUS C01'o"DUCl' IN THE BATTLES OF CONl'REllAS AXD CHum:BUSCo, ~'IEX.) 1847,-Bnttle of !lfolino del Roy, Sep. 8, 1847,- titorming of Chap"ltepec, tiel'. 13, 1847, - -nnd Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, 8cp. 13- 1<1, 1847; ill garrison at 1"L Monroe, Va. , 1848, - and J<'t. Brooke, Fl><. , IS4D; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indinns, 184D-50; in gUl'l'isou at ICcy West, Ph, 1850,- Ft. Colum\ms, N. Y., 1850-51,-Ft. Johuston, N. C., 1851 - 52, - Ft. Brady, ~'lieh., 1852- 53,·-Ft. Niagara, N. Y., 1853, --[)nd Ft. (CAPTAI=<, 'lUI ARTILLERY, Nov. 4, 1853) Hamilton, N. Y., 185:J - 5G; in Floricla Hostilities against the Seminole Indi,ms, 1856-57; and on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, 18;:;7- 58, iu qllulling Kansns Distnrbanccs,- Pl::ttte Bridge, Ncb.. 1838- 59, - 1;'t. Lnnllnio, Dale, 18.5\J, ,- nua 1"1. Ihnoall, Dale, 185g; ou le'1Ye of absence, 1860-61; aud on frontierdllty at Ft. Randall, Dak., 1860- 6l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 6G: in commaud ('l'UANSFERRED TO [iTH ARTU,LERY, ~1AY 14, 1861) of [l,U Artillery Battalion at Cincinnati, 0., May- Au"'., 1861; in eommanrl of the Artillery in the engagements wi th the H.ebel Batteries on the PotolUac (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF- ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-C",-.,IP, SEP. 28, 18(1) RiveT, Jwal' Rudrl's Ferry, Nov. and Dec., 1861; in the Virgillil1 Peninsulul' Campaign (Army of t.he Potomac), l\:[ar. - Aug., 18G2, iu command of foUl' bat­ teries, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. (i -May 4, 1862, - H".t.tlo of Gaines' Mill, JtUle 27, 18G2,-and Battle of Mldvern Hill, July 1, 18G2; iu t.he !lIurylancl Camplligu (Army of the Potomac), Sep.-Nov., IS62, being engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,- Battle of Autietam, (BUW. -GENERAL, U. S. VOL'CNTEEIlS, 8El'. 25, 18(2) Sep. 17, 1862,- and m[l,rch to Falmouth, Va., Oct.- Nov., 1802; in the Happa­ 604 GRADUATES OF THE

IS.JO. CLASS RANK. -~------..--.------. ~----- hannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec., 1862- Mar., 1863, being eu­ groged in the B,lttle of Fre.del·icksbnrg, Dee. 18, 1862; ill Open1tions about Sufiolk, V'l., on the line of the Nanscmolld Hiver, during the Defense of Suffolk, Apr. ll- May 3, 18G:3, - in command of Storming column in Assault (BVT. L IEUT.-COL. , ApR. 19. 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES Dlim~G THE SmGE OF SUFFOLK, VA.) of Hill's Point works and baUery, Apr. 19. 1863, - in nmking reconnoiss:lllce and commanding in engagement on Providence Church road, neal' Snfi'olk, i\h~' 3. 18G3, - and in command of troops constructing intrenched line cover­ ing Norfolk and Portsmouth, May 13 t.o June 2:l, 1863; in command of Expedition ii'om White House to South Anna Bridges, July 1- 8, 1863; as (MAJOR, 5TH ARTILLERY, AUG. 1, 1863) Acting Ill'spector-General of the Army of Lb o Potomac, Jan. 27 to Mar. 18, 1864; in the Richmond Campaign (Army of the PotOlUltC), being engaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, ~lay 5- 6, 1864, whore he was severely wonnded, (BVT. COLO~EL, :MAR. 5, 1864, ~'OR GALL.~N1' A:"ID MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BAT£LE OF THE \VILDERNESS, VA.) -March from White Honse, Va., to James River, June, 1864,-and Siege of Petersburg, nnd Expedition to Ream's Station, Weldon Rnilroacl, June 28­ Jnly 10, 1864; in Defense of Washington, D. C., .July 11- 12. 1864; in PUl'­ suit of rebels uncleI' Gellel'(11 E,trly, to t,he i:ihenanc1oah Valley, July 1:3 to Aug. 9, IS(H; in the Shenandoah Campaign, Aug. lO to Dec. 2, 1864, being engaged in the Action of Charlestown, Aug. 21, 18(j4,- Battle of the (BvT. MAJ.-GENERA.L, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 1, 1864, FOR GALLANT A~D ~1ERITOnrOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLES OF \VINCHESTER AND FISHEll'S HILL, VA.) Opequnn, Sep. 10, 1864,- Battle of Fisher's Hill, Sep. 22- 23, 1864,- and Bat­ tle of Cedal' Creck, Oct. 19, 181H; in Siege of Petersburg. Dec. 12, 1864, to Apr. 2, 186:3, beillg engaged ill the Assaults of Mar. 25 aild Apr. 2, 1865, upon (BVT. BUW.-GENERAL, U. S. AP.:IIY, ::vhu. 13, 1865, FOR G.U.LA~T AND MERITOllIOUS SERVICES AT THE CAI'TUm, OF PETEllS13UllG, VA.) the enemy's works,-Pur8uit of Itcbel Anny, Apr. 3-9, 18G5, - Battle of Sailor's Creek, Apr. 6, 18G.5, - rmd Capitubtion of Geneml L ee, with the Army of Northern ViI·ginin., at Appomatox C. H., ApT. ~), 1865; on mareh Lo, and (Bn. M_-I.J .·GE:"IER.li., U. S. AIt~lY, ~ :hR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MlmlTORIOUs SERVICES IN THE FIELD DUllING THE REBELLION) about Washington, D. C., Apr. 10 to June 28, 1865 ; in cOlUmand of 1st Di­ vision, Provisional Corps, June 28 to Jl1ly 17, 186::; ; in waiting order~, July 17 to Aug. 9, 1865 ; in comman(l of District of Bultinl0re, Md., Aug. 9, 1865, to Jan. 29, 186Ci.- of the District of the Hio Grande, Feb. 19 to Aug. 31 , (COLONEL, 37TH IxFANTRY, JULY 28, 18G6) l866,- and of the District of 'l'exas, Aug. 31 to Oct.. 9, 18G6; on leave of absence (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLU~TEER SERVIC~, SEP. 1. 18G6) alid awaiting orders, Oct. \) : I SGG, to Apr. 3, 1867; in command of the Dis­ trict of New Mexico, Apr. 11, 1867, to

1032 . . (Bom N. Y.) ...... HORACE B. FIELD ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..16 Military History.·-Cadet at the U. K Military Academy fl'om July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graclnated and promotecl in the Army to SECO~D LIEUT., 3D AllTTLLEllY, JVLY 1, 1840. Served: in the Florida War, 1840-42; in gan-i80n at Ft. Pickens, Fla., 1842,­ Ft.. l\iollltrie, S. C., 1842 [3, 1843-44,- aud Savannah, Ga., 1844- 45; onl~ecruit- (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JUNE 27, 1844) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 605


iug service, 1846- 47; iu the War with Mexico, 1847- 48, being engaged in the Combat of Huamantla, Oct. 9, 1847,·-Action of Galaxara, Nov. 21, 1847, (BVT. CAPT., OCT. D, 1847, FOR GALLANT ",,"D j\1ERrrORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF HUA~lANTLA , ;i\lEX.) - and Action of Matamoras, Nov. 22, 1847; in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1848-49, 1850- 5:3, - anc1 Ft. Sullivan, Me., 1853; and on voyage to Cali­ fO)'nin, 1853, in the Steamer San Francisco, from which he was washe Ll over­ board, Dec.. 24, 1853, during a violent storm, by a heavy sea, which swept off four officers and one huudred and eighty soldiers of the 3(1 A)·tillery, alll1 seveml others, all of whom, sase two, perished with him. DUOWNED, DEC. 24, 1853, OFF TRE C.'PES OE'THE DELAWARE: AGlm 38.

1033.. (Bol'll No Y.) ...... HENRY WHITING...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 17 Military History.- Cac1et at the U. S. iVIilitnry Academy ii'om July 1, 1ti3G, to July I, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1840. Served: in gal1'ison at Ft. Snelling, iVIin.,1840-41, - Jclfel'Rou Bm'l'3cks, Mo., 1841 ,- and Ft. Mackinac, Mich., I8H- H , Iti44- 45; and in Militilry Occupation of Texas, 184;j-4G. RESIG~'ED, MAR. 25, 184G. Civil History.- Tencher, St. Clair, Mich., 1846, and at Bath, N. Y., l ti4G-47. Mcrch(lnt, St. Clair, Mich., 1847- Gl. Regent of :Michigan Univcr­ ~ity, 1858- 63.

Military History.- Scl'ved during the Rebellion of the Seceding State~, 1861- 6::1: in the defenses of Washington, D. C., June 26-July 16, 1861; in the (COLONF..L, 2D VERMO)(T VOLUNTEEIlS, JUNE 26,1861) Ml1l111SSl1S Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the Bn.ttle of Bull Hun, ,July 21, 1861; in t.he defenses of Washington, D. C. , July 22, 1861, to Jl1n. D, 1862, and from Feb. 4, to )1ar. lO, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Cam­ paign (Army of the Potomac), ~In\'. - Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. G- May 4, 18Ci2,·- Bllttle of Williamsburg May 5, 1862, lit Golden's l"arlll, June 27, 18G~, - nt Savago St,ation, June 29, 186:l,- t111d White Oak Swamp, .Junc 30, 1862; on sick leave of absence, Sep. G to Oct. 12, 186:2 ; on the march from Maryland to Fa.!mout.h, Va., Oct.-Nov., ISli~; l1nd in tllC Hnppahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Nov., 18G2- Feb., 1863, be­ ing engaged ill the B,}tt1c of Fredericksburg, Dec. 1:3, 1862. RESWNED, FED. 14,1863. Civil History.- l\ierchant, St. Clair, Mich., since 1863.

1034 .. (Dorll Vn.) ...... ...... (Ap'd 'reu.) . . 18 Military History.-Caclet at t.he U. S. n'lilitary Academy from July 1, 18:)6, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated aud promoted in tJle Army to SECO:<:D LmuT., 2D An1'lLLE1W, JULY 1, 1840. Served: 011 the Northern Fronticr during Camld" Dorder Disturbances, [I.t Buffalo, N. Y., 1840-41,- Lewi8ton, N. Y., 1841,- Hnd Buffalo, N. y" 1841; ill g'll'l'ison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1841-42,-Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1842,·-1


Occupation of Texas, 1845--46; in the War with Mexico, 1846--18, being eu­ gi\ged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, -Battle of Resaclt de la l'ltlml1, May 9, 1846, -13attle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, lS·l6, -Siege of Vera Cruz, (FmsT LmuT., 2D ARTn.LERY, MAR. 3, 1847) Mar. 9-29, 1847, -Battle of Cerro Gon10, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-Skirmish of Ama,zoque, May 14, 1847,-Capturo of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,--Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Bl1tLle of Molino del Rey, ::lep. 8, 1847, where he (Bv·x. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1817, FOR GALLA.l'l'X lu"lD MERITOHIOUS CONDUCT IN THE B.ITTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHUlwnusco, ,HEX,) was wounded,-and Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, (BVT. MAJOR, SEl'. 13, 1847, FOR GA:LLANT AXD MERnoRIous CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CHAl'UL'l"EPEC, MEX.) 1847; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1848,- Ft. McHenry, Mel .. 1848, 1849-50,-Castle Pinckney, S. C., Ul50- 51, - anc1 Ft. Moultrie. S. C" 1851-52, 1852-53; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1853-54, 1855; (CAl'T.UX, 2D ARTILLERY, OCT 8, 1853) in gan;son at Ft. Independence, :\1a8., 1856-57; on ii'ontier duty, on march to the Pipe-stone Quarry and Big Sioux River, 1857, - Ft. Snelling, lVIin., 1857--5tl, - Ft. Ripley, Min. , Hl5tl, - and Ft. Hidgely, Min. , 1859- 130; and in' garrison at Ft. i\1olll"oe, Va. (Artillery ::lchool for Practice), 1tl60-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding ::ltates, 1861-66: in the defenses of 'Vashington, D, C., Sep. 15, 1861, to Mar, 10, 1862; in command (Lmu·r.-CoL. STA.FF - A.DDITIO~AL AIDE-DE-OAMJ>, 8EP. 28, 18(1) of Brigade of Horse Artillery, in the Virginia Penimmlar Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mm·.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 15- May 4, 1862,- Battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862,- Batt.le of Me­ chanicsville, June 25, 186:.l,-- lmd Bnttlc of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the (BVT. LmUT.-CoL., J ULY 1, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND i\'[EBITORIOUS SEIIVICES DUllING THE PENINSULA_R CA.MP..nG~ IN VIRGINIA) Maryland Campaign (Anny of the Potomac), Sep, - NoY. , 18G2, in command of the Heserve Artillery, being engaged in the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 18G2, - and march to Falmouth, Va., Oct.- Nov. , 1862; in the Rappahannock Cam­ (BUIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEJ;:RS, Nov. 29, 18(2) paign (Army of the Potomac), Dec" 1862- May, 18G3, in comll1,\,nd of Reserve Artillery, till F eb., 18G3, and then of brigade, 2d Army Corps, being engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec, 13, 1862, - and Battle of Chanccllors­ ville, May 2- 4, 1863, where he wa,; captured: as Prisoner of '~',u· , i\fay 4 to June, 1863; in command of 2c1 Army Corps, July 3 to Sep. 13, 1863, being en­ (MAJOR, 5TH AI1'rILLEllY, AUG. 1 lS(3) gaged in the pursuit of the enemy from Gettysburg, Pa., to W'trrentoll, Ya" July, 1863; as Provost-Marshal of the Southern District of the State of New YorK, Nov" 18G3. ;to Feb., 1865; in the Hichmond Campaign, Peb. 25 to (Bn. COLO~Er., MAR. 13, 18G5, FOlt GALLANT A~D MERlTOllIOUS SERVICES DUllING TIm REBELLION) Apr. 9, 1865 (Army of the Potomac), in command of 2c1 Division, 2d Army Corps, till Apr. 6, 1865, and then of the Resp-ne Artillery, being ellgaged in the Siege of P etersburg, Feb. 25-Apr. 2, 1865,-and pursuit of the Hebel (BVT, BllIG.-GENEllAL, U. S. AmlY, M.lli. 13, 1865, FOR GALLAN1' AND i\!EI1lTORIOUS SERVICES L"I THE FIELD DUllING TIlE HEB.ELLION) Army nndor Genoml Lee. till its surrender, Apr. 9, 1865, at Appomatox O. H. ; on march to, anel ahout Washington, D. 0., Apr, 10 to Jnne 19, 1865; in Camp of Irlstruction for Field Al'tillm'y, near Bladensburg, ~fc1., .Tune 1(1 to Oct. 26, 1865; in waiting ardors, Oct.. :lG, 18G5, to Feb, 16, 186(j ; and in garrison at Ft. (iVIUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SlillVlCE, J.l.N. 15, 1866) Monroe, Va., Feb. 16, 1866, to U. S. ;lIILITARY ACADEMY. 607


1035 .. (Born N. Y.) ....FOWLER HAMILTON ...... (Ap'd N. J.) .. 19 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi'om Scpo 1, 1836, to July 1, It>40, when he was gl'aduuted and promoted iu the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1840. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, at Carlisle, p ,\., 1840; in the Flo­ rida War, It>40-41; in garrison at Baton Houge, La. , 1841,-and at FL. Jesup, La., 18'11- 42; on Recruiting service, 1t>42; on Jj'ontier duty ,1.t Ft. J esup, La., (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRWOONS, AUG. 31, 1843) 1842-44; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, ?lfo., 1844- 45; in Milittuy Occupa­ tion of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 184G- 47, being engaged in (MUOR, 10TH INFANTRY, APR. 9, 1847) the Battle of Palo Alto, Ma.y 8, 1846, - an<1 Battle of Resaca de In Palma, (LIEUT.-COL., 16TH INE'ANTlW, MAY 23, 1848) May 9, 18·16; flud in gllrrison at Carlisle Ba.rracks, Po.. , 1848. DmBANDED, JULY 20, 1848. Reinstated in the U. S. Army by act of Congress of Feb. 19, 1848, as FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, TO RANK FRO'-I AUG. 31, 1843. Served: nt Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1848-!19; and on frontier duty at Ft. Graham, Tcx., 1849- 50,- Austin, Tex., 1850,-Ft. Gmham, Tex., 1850,­ (CAP'l'AIN, 2D DRWOONS, JULY 25, 1850) Austin, Tex. , 1851, - !1nd FL :1I:[o.son, Tex., 1851. DIED, AUG. 8, 1851, ON S.m SABA RIVER, TEx.: AGED 34.

1036.. (Born ::lIas.) .....BRYANT P. TILDEN...... (Ap'd :1I:[a8.) . .20 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, Lo July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SEOOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1840. Sened: in the Floridll War, 18·10-41, 1841-42; in ganison at Sackett's Hm'­ bar, N. Y.. lt>42, 1842-45,- Ft. Brudy, Mich., 1845- 46,-andNewportBllrmcks, Ky., 1846; und in the W"r wiLh Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vel'll Cruz, M"r. 9-29, 1817,- Ba.ttle of Ceno Gordo, Apr. 17-Ul, 1847,­ (F.lRS·l' LIEUT., 2D L,FANTRY, FED. 16, 1847) Skirmish of Oka. L"lm, Aug. 10, 1847,- Battle of Contreras Aug. 11) - 20, 1817, where he Wf'S wounded,-13attle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- Bf\ ttle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, - and Assault and Capt.Ul'e of the City of Mexico, Sep. :3- H, 1847. RESIGNED, JUNE 6, 1848. Civil History.-Principal of" Scientific School, ilt Boston, Mas., 1849 50. Civil and Mining Engineer, 1850 59, employed in making Raill-oad Survoys in New York and Massachusetts, and Geological Explorations of the coallancls of McKean County, Pa. DIED, DEC. 27, 1859, AT OLEaN, N. Y.: AGED 42.

1037 .. (Bam PlI.) ...... THADDEUS HIGGINS ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 21 Military History.-Cadet at the . S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JUI,Y1, 1840. Served: on frontim' dnty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1840-42,-and Ft. Gibson, I. T., 608 GRADUATES OF THE


1842 ; in gmTiso 11 at.Je11:'er8011 Barracks, ::VIo., 1842- 44; on fronlier duty at Natchitoches (Camp Sulubrity), La., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 18·15 ; aud by Ute bursting of a steamer's boiler, was KILLED, SEP. 12, 1845, NEAll CORPUS CHRISTI, TEX. : AGED 28.

1038. . (Born N. Y.) ....OSCAR F. WINSHIP ...... (Ap'dN. Y.) . . 22 Military History.- Cadet at tlte U. S. Military Ac.c'1d emy fi'om July 1, 1836, to July 1, 18W , when he wns graduated a.nd promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUl·., 2D DllAGOONS, JULY 1, 1840. Served: a.t the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1840; in the Florida W ar, 1840- 12; 0 11 u'olltier duty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1842- 44; on R ecruiting service, 1844; on frontier duty at Ft. J esup, La., 1844; ou Recruiting service 1844- 45 ; (FmST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, SEP. 13, 1844) on frontier duty at Camp Nacogdoches, 1. T., 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845- 46 ; ill the War with Mexico, 1846-48, as Asst. Adjutant-General of Bl·ig.-General Pillow's brigade, 18406- 47, and of Brig.-Gelleml Pierce's bri­ gade, 1847-48, being engaged in tile ]3ilttle of Pllio Alto, May 8, 1846, ·-Battle of Hesaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846,- BaLtle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847, (Bn'. CAPT., MAY D, 1846, l'OR GALLANT AND ~fERITORIOU S CO:-lDUCT 1:-1 THE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO A:-ID R ESACA DE h~ PAL)U, T EX. ) (BV1.'. CAPT. STAFF - ASST. ADJUTANT-GEN., J ULY 7, 1846) . -Battle of ChUl'ubllsco, Aug. 20, 1847,- R,ttle of Molino delRey, Sep. 8, 1847, (BVT. MA.JOR, AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLA:-IT CO:-lDUCT AT CHURUBUSCO, lVIEx.) - and Assault and CaptUl'e of tile City of lHexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; us Asst. (BVT. ~fAJOR STAFF- ASST. ADJUT,\.NT-GEN., D EC, 26, 1847) Adjutflnt-General of Enstern Division a,t '1'roy, N. Y., June 11, 1849, to Sep. (CAPTAL'<, 2D DRAGOO:-lS, JUNE 30, 1851) 26, 1853, - of '''estern Department, at J efferson Banacks, Mo., J an. G, 1854. to ~Iar. 31, 1855, being on a Lour of inspection of North-west.ern posts, Apr. ID to Oct. 10, H:i()4,--{)f Sioux Expedition, Apr. 3 to Oct. 24, 185Ei, aud of Wes­ tern Departmeut, Nov. 2l'J to Dec. 13, 1855. Civil History.- Translator, with Lieut. E. E. McLean, of J omilli's " Precis de l'Art de la GuelTe," 185:3. DIED, DEC. 13, 1855, .\.T TROY, N. Y.: AGED 38.

1039, . (Born 0.) .... BUSHROD R. JOHNSON ...... (Ap'd 0 .) . . 23 Military History.- Cadet at tile U. S. Milita ry Academy from July I, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when h e was graduated l1nd pl'omoted in the Anny to SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, J ULY 1, 1840. Served: ill the Florida Wm', 1840- 42; in ga1'riso11 at Ft. Stansbury, Flu. , 1843,-and Jefferson B'11'l11.cks, Mo., 1 8 43 ~!4; on ii'ontier duty at FL L eiwen­ (FmsT LIEUT., 3D lNF.I.N'l'RY, Ff:B. 29, 1844) worth, RUJ!. , HlH·45, - flnd Ft. J esup (Oamp Wilkins), La., 1845; in Militury Occupation of T exas, 1845-46 ; in tile War with Mexico, 184G, 1846-47, being engaued in the l~attle of Pulo Alto, May 8, 1846,- ..B atUe of HcsuC>1 de b Pain::':" May 9, 1846, --B,\ttle of lVfon terey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846,- Siege of Vera Cruz, May 9- 29 1847,-and on Commissary duty at Vera Cruz, Uar. 3 W Oct. 1, 1847. RESIGNED, 0 (;1.'. 22, 18'17. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 609


Civil History.- Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, Westem J\>Ii!itary Institute, Georgetown, Ky., 1848-4D, - of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics, 1849- 51, of N'ltul11l Philosophy and Engineering, 1851- 52, ­ and of Engineering and Mathematics, 1852-55, - and Superintendent, 18,3] - 55. Superintendent aud Professor of Civil Engineering in the i\'lilitary College of the Uni\'ersity of Nashville, T en. , 1855-61. Lieut.-Colonel, Kentncky Mili­ tia, 1849- 51, --llnd Colonel, 1851-54; and Colonel, Tennessee Militia, 1854- 61. Joined in the R ebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1040. .(Bom Mas.) ....CHARLES H. HUMBER ...... (Ap'd i\'las.) .. 24 Military History - Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1836, to July I, 1840, when he was graduated and lJl'omoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, J ULY 1, 1840. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1840; in the Florida War, 1840-42; in galTison at New Orleans Barracks, La., 1842--44; in Scouting against Indiaus, 1844; iu garrison at New Orleans Barracks, L il., 1844,-Pass Christian, Mis., 1844,- New Orleims BalTacks, La., 1844-45,- and Pass Chris­ (FulsT LmuT., 7TH INFANTRY, SEP. 30, 1845) tian, lIiis., 1845; in i\1ilitary Occupation of 'l'exus, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-'i8, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Brown, May 3- D, 18i6,­ Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846, - Siege of Vel'll Cruz, Mar. 9-29,1847,­ Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-and Buttle of Contreras, Aug. 10-20, (BVT. CAPT., APR. 18, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, .MEX.) 1847, where he was severely wounded; in garrison at Jefferson Bilrl'llcks, lifo., 1848-4(); on frontier duty at Santa Fc, N. M., 1849- 50,-and iu conduct­ ing recruits to Santa Pe, 1850; in garrison at Jeft'erson Bm-racks, Mo. , 1850 ; (Cil'TAIN, 7TH IN1'ANTIlY, JULY 16, 1850) and on frontier dntyat Ft. Gibsou, 1. '1'., 1851- 53, 1854- 55,-March to the Upper Arkansils, 1855,-Ft. Gibson, I. '1'., 1855,-Ft. Smith, Ark., 1855-57,­ and Ft. Laramie, DalL, 18,')7. DIED, JA.,.';'. 2, 1858, AT FT. S:llITH, ARK.: AGED 42.

1041.. (Bom 0.) ...... JAMES N. CALDWELL...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 25 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy frolU July I, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOXD LIEUT., 2D INFANTIlY, J ULY 1, 1840. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTIlY, AUG. 5, 1840. Served: in the Floridl1 War, 18'10-41; on frontier duty at Ft. Cmwford, Wis., 1841 5, --und Ft. Scott., Jean., 1845; on R ecruiting service, 1846-48; in gar­ (FrnST L IEUT., 1ST INF,'XTRY, MAR. 31, 1847) rison at E,lst Pascagoula, l\'lis., 1848; and on frontier dntyat Ringgold Bar­ meks, T ex. ,1848-51,-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1851- 52, - Ft.. Ten-ett, T ex.,1852-53,­ (C,U'TAlN, 1ST h'FANTRY, OCT. 26, 1850) Ft.. Duncau, T ex., 1853-54,-La Pena, Tex., 1854,- Ft. DIUlcall, T ex., 1854--55,- 1<'t. Belkllnp, Tex., 1855- 56, - Camp Cooper, Tex., 1856- 57,- ClllUP Hudson, T ex. , 1857-58,-Ft. DIUloan, T ex., 1859,- Ulld Camp Verde, 'l'ex., 1859- 60, 1860- 61. 39 610 GRADUA'.rES OF THE


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66 : :'n command of Key West Barmcks, Fla., 1861- 62; on Expedition agaiust New :h'Iadrid, Mo., (~'IAJOR, 18'm INFANTRY, Flm. 27, 18(2) Apr., 1862; in Operations in Northern :hIississippi, ~'Iay-June, 18G2, in pursuit of Rebels from Corinth to Baldwin, May 30-31, 18G2, - and guardin(r Iulm Depot, Mis., June, 1862; in Major-Geneml Buell's movement through Tennes­ see to Louisville, Ky., .Tuly- Sept., 1862; in the Advance into Kentucky, Oct, 18G2, being engaged in the Battle of P errysville, Oct. 8, 1862, and seveml skirrnishes,-andl'ursuit of General Bmgg to Crab Orchard, and march to Bowling Green, Oct., 1862; in :h'Iajor-Geneml Rosecrans' Tennessee Cam­ paign (Army of the Cumberland), being engaged in guarding Depots and Fords', Nov.-Dec., 1862,-and in the Battle of Stone RiYer, Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., DEC. 31, 1862, Fon GALLANT AND )'IEnITOnIOUS SERVICES AT THE B.\TTLE OF MURFREESBORO, TEN.) 1863; frt Camp Thomas, Columbus, 0., Jan. 14 'to Mar. 11, 1863; Oll leave of absenee, Mar. 11 t.o Allr. 16, 1863; as Superintendent of Hegimental Recruit­ ing Service, Apr. 16, 1863, to Feb. 9, 1865; in eomma,nd of Dmft Rendez­ (RE=ED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE, DEC. 29, 1863, FOR DISABILITY, RESULTING FROM LONG AND FAITHFUL SERVICE AND FROM DISEASE AND EXPOSURE IN THE LINE OF DUTY) vous at. Concord, N. H., Feb. 22, 1865, to Jan. 22,1866; 1memployed, Jan. 22, 1866, to May 21, 1867; and Member of Board at Louisville, Ky., for the exam­ inat.ion of Cllndidates for Promotion in the army, May 21, 1867, to

1042.. (Bol'll Me.) ....JOHN W. T. GARDINER ...... (Ap'd 1\


iVlaI'shal General, Superintendent of Recruiting Service, and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer for t.he State of M!l.ine, Apr. 22, 1863, to Nov. 17, 1864; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Augustl' Mc., Dec. 8, 1864, to Apr. 30, (BI"I. LmuT. -COL., 'UlAR. 13, 1865, FOr: MEIlITOlllOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLIOX) 1865; unemployed, May to Aug., 1865; and 011 Recruiting service since Sep. 1, 1865.

1043 .. (Bom N. C.) ...REUBEN P. CAMPBELL ..... (Ap'd N. 0.) ..27

Military History.-Cildet at the U. S. :M:ilit.ary Academy fl'OID. July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was gradu!l.ted and promotcd in the .Army to SECOl\D LmuT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1840. Served: at the Cawlry School for Practice, OI1.1'li"lo, Pa., 1840; jn the Florid!l. 'Val', 1840-'12; in garrison at :NIount Vernon, Ah, 1842; on frontier dllty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1842-45; in Milihn'y Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the (FIRST WUT., 2u DRAGOONS, Nov. 3, 1845) War with Mexico, 1846- 48, being engaged in the Battle of Palo 1.\1to, May 8, IS'16,-Battle of Hesaca de l!l. Palma, May D, 1846,- B!l.ttle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846, - and Battle of Buena Visto., Feb. 22- 2:3, 1847; on ii'ontier (BVT. 0.1.P'l·., FEB. 23, 1847, FOR GALL.~Nl.' Al\D :DfuRI'l'OmOUS CONUUC'r IN THE BATTLE OF BUENA VIST ,~, MEX.) dnty, on mareh to Co.lifornia, IS48-49,- at Los Angelos, Cal., 1849,- nI1l1 Mon­ terey, Cal., 1849; nt the C,wnlry School for Pmctice, Carlisle, Pa., 18:3(); on frontier duty at Socorro, N. M., 1850-51, - and Ft. COlll'ud, N. ~I., 18.31; on (CAPTAIl\, 2D DRAGOONS, AUG. 8, 1851) sick leave of absence, 1851- 58; on frontier duty, on Ublh Expedition, IS5S- 59; and on sick leave of absence, 1859- 61. RESIGNED, iVI.H 11, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States, and was Krr,LED, JUNE I, 1862, AT THE BATTI.E OF SEVEX PINES, VA.: AGED 44.

1044 .. (Bom Md.) .. , PINCK-valY LUGENBEEL ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 28 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. lHilitary Academy from Scp. 1, 1835, to July 1, 1840, when he WilS graduated and promoted in the Army to DVT. SECOXD LIEu'r., 5TH h'FANTRY, JULY 1, 1840. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INF.l.XTRY, SEP. 22, 1840. Served: in t.he Florida War, IS40-41; on fnllltier duty at Ft. GibBon, I. T., 1841,- Ft. Winnebago, Wis., 1811, - t\nc1 Ft. GraLiot, Mich., 1841-4:); in ~:Iili­ tary Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 18JG-<18, being en­ (FIRST LmUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JU:-IE 29, 1846) gaged ill the Battlc of Monterey, Sep. 21 23, 184(), - Sie"e of Vel'll Crnz, Mal'. 9- 29, IS17, - ·Captul'c of' San Antonio, Aug. 20, lu47, - :&1t.tle of Churubu~Go, Aug. 20, 18'L7, whcre he was wounded,- Battle of ;YIolino del Rey, Sep. S, 1847,­ (BVT. C,\PT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOU G.~T,Al\T ,\.,,'<0 MEnITORIOUS CONDUCT IN TIrE BATTLES OF CONTRER~ AND CliURUBUSCO, ~fux.) Storming of Chapultcpce, Sop. 13, 1847,- and AliRault and Cn.ptnrc of the City (BVT. MMOR, SEP. 13, IS'17, Fon GALLA"T ,u;]) MEp.ITomous CONDUCT IN THE BUTLE OF CilAPULTEPEC, ~fEx..) 612 GRADUATES OF THE


of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 18,17; [115 Adjutant" 5th Infantry, Feb. I, 1847. to May I, 1855; in gl1rrison at East l'asct\goull1, Mis., 1848; on frontier duty at Ft. Gib­ son, 1. T., 1848- 51, - :l<"t. Washita, I. T., 1851, - Ft. 13elkuap, Tex., 1851-52, 1852 :i3, - Ft. McIntosh, 'l'ex., 18,53-54. ·- and Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1854-55; in gan-ison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 18;35; on Recruiting service, 1855; (CAPTAIN, a'm I>lFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) aud onfrontierdnty at :Ft. Vancouver, Wnsh.,1856,-Ft. Cascadcs, ·Wash. , 1856, being engaged in its defense, :Mar. 28, 18.56,-on Ya.kima Expedition, 1856,­ Ft. DfLlIcs, Or., 1856- 5a, - and Ft. Cohille, Wash., 1859- 61. Served dUllng the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in eomnllmd of Ft. Vancouver, Wash., llnc1 engaged in drilling Vohmteers, Dec., 1861, to (~1AJOR, 19TH INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 18(2) June I , 1863 ; on Expedition into the Snake Indian Country to construct Ft. 13oisee, Ida., and protect the miners, June- Oct., 1863; [IS Asst. 1'1'ovost-Mar­ shal Geneml, for Oregon and Washington Territories, Oct., 186:3, to Juno I, 1864; a~ Superintendent of Hegimentnl Recruiting Service, /tnc1 Acting Asst. Inspector-lienel'lll of t.he District of Michigan, at Ft. Wayne, Mich., Jan., 1864, to ~lar. H36,3; in command of Battalion, at Lookout filountain, Ten., Mar. , 1865; as Acting Judge Advocate of the Department of Geol'git\, July, 18G:>, to Ja,n., 1866; and on frontier duty at Little Rock, Ark., Jan.-Feb., 1866, -and Ft. Gibson, I. T., Feb., 1866, to June, 1867.

~045 .. (Born R. L) .....HENRY WARDWELL ...... (Ap'cl N. Y.) .. 29

Military History.-Cadet, at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. I, 1836, to July I, 1810, WhCll he was gradnated tmd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1840. SECO~D LmUT., 8TH INFANTRY, SEP. 28, 1840. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1840; and in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1840- 41. DmD, JULY 21, 1841, AT FT. DAL.LAS, FLA.: AGED 24.

~046 .. (Born Ten.) ...WILLIAM ROBERTSON . .... ,(Ap'd Tcn.) .. 30 Military History.- Cadot at the U. S. Military Aoademy from Jnly I, 1835, to July I, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECON D LmUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY I, 1840. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1840-41; in t.be (SECO>lD LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, FEn 1, 1841) Florida War against tbe Seminole In(lians, 1841 ..42, being engaged in t.he Cap­ ture of Halleck Tustennuggee's baud, 1842; and ill garrison at Bilton Houge, La., 1842- 43. RESIGNED, JULY 10, 1843.

Civil History...-l'lo.nter, New Iberia, La., since 1846. U. S. MILITAHY ACADEJlIY. 613

NUMDEJl. 1840.

1047. . (Dorn N. Y.) ...... WILLIAM STEELE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .31 Military History.- ·Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1,1840, when he was graduated n.nd promoted in the AImy to DYT. SECO~D LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1840. Sen'ed: at t.he Cavalr), School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa. , 1840- 4.1; ill the (i)ECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGoo~S, FEB. 2, 1841) Floritla War, 1841- 42, being engaged in two Skirmishes with t.he Seminole Indians; on frontie1' dut.y at Ft.. Jesup, La., 1842-4,1; in ganison at Jeffe1'son BarrlLcks, Mo. , 1844-4.5; in MilitlLry Occupation of Texas, 18'15-46; in t.he War with Mexico, 1846- 48, being engaged in the Ba.ttle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, (FIRST LIEu'r., 2D DRAGOONS, MAY D, 1846) Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846,-Siege of Vem Cruz, ~\Iar. 9- 2D, 18,17,­ - Dll.ttle of CeITo Gordo, Apr, 17- 18, 1847,- BaWe of Cont.I·cras, Ang, 10-20, 1847,-Battle of Chumbusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- Bn,ttle of Molino ael Rey, Scpo 8, (DVT. CAPT., AUG. 20, 18-17, FOr: GALLA.N'r A~D ;\IEmroRIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CO~TRER.l.S AND CHURUDUSCO, j):IEX.) 1847,-alld as Act.ing Asst. Adjutant.Geneml of Cavalry Drigade, 1847-48; as Adjutant, 2c1 Dragoons, Dec. 20, 18'17, to AJ.lr. 10, 18,49; in galTison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 18,18; on Recruiting serVIce, 1848 . !); on frontier auty at Fl'edm'icksbul'g, Tex., 1849-50,-Ft. Uart.in Scott, T.ex" 18,5(J,-AuRtin, '1'ex., 1850, - Ft. Lincoln, Tex., 1850-51, - Ft.lIiartin.Scott, '1'ex., 1851,- 1"t. Lincolu, Tex., IS51,-Austin, Tex. (Qunrtermaster duty), 1851-52,- Ft. Conrad, N. M., (CAPTAIN, 2D D.'1AGOONS, Nov. 10, 1851.) 1852-53, - Scouting, 1853, being engaged agr,inst,Apache Illdi,llls in a Skirmish near Ft. Conrad, N. M., July 28, 185:3,- Pt. Cmig, N. ;)1., 1854,-Ft. LelLyen· worth, Kan., 1854-55, - Sioux Expedition, 1855, being engagec1 in the Action of Blne Wuter, Sep. 3, 1855, - Ft.. Leavenworth, Kall., 18:'55-56,- Ft. Randa.Il, Dak., 185G-57, - and Ft. Le,wenworth, Kan., 1857-58; in garrison at St. Louis, ~Io., 1858; on sick le,we of absence, 1858- 59; and on frontier dnty at l"t. Kearny, Neb., 1839- 60, - Kio\\'a and Camanche Expedition, 1860, being engaged in a Skirmish neal' Bent's Fort, Col., July 11, 1860,·-anc1 Ft.. Scott, Karl., 1860-61. RESrGNED, MAY 30, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the Unitcd States.

1048.. (Dorn Pa.) ...... ROBERT P. MACLAy ...... (Ap'd Pa,) .. 32 Military History,- Cadet P.t the U. S. Uilitary Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated [,nd promotetl in t.he Army to RVT. SECOND LmOT., 6TH h"·A.NTllY, JULY 1, 18'10. SECOND LmUT., 8'rn INFANTRY, OeT. 1, 1840. Sen'cd: in the Florida War, 1840-42; in garrison at Ft. Brooke, Fla., 18-13-45, -and Pt.lIim·ion, Fh,., 1845; iu Militnry Occupation of Texas, 1845- 40; in the (Frns-r LmuT., 8TH INFA~TRY , DEC. 31, 184.5) W[lr with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the DattJe of' Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - und DaWe of Resaca de Ii. Palma, ~lay 9, IS'16, where he was wounded' on Recruiting service, 18-10- '17; in the War with Uexico, 1847. being en: gageu in t.he Defense of Pnebla, Sep. 13 to Oct. 12, 1847; on sick leaye of nb,ence, 1847·-48; anu Oil frontier uuly, on ll1arcll from Port Lavaca lo Rllt'. f(llo, Tex., 1848-4D,- San Antonio, Tex, , lS49-GO, - Ft.. Gates, Tex., 1851, - ­ (CAPTAIN, 8TH INFANTRY, JAN. 22, 1849) 614 GRADUATES OF THE


]i't. Worth, Tex., 1851-52,-Scouting, 1852,- Ft. McKavett, Tex., 1852,-Ft. Davis, Tex., 185i- 5G, - Scontillg, 1855, - lIt. Dayis, Tex., 1855-56, - Scontillg, 1856,-Ft. Davis, Tex., 1856- 57, 1858 ,- and Ft. Inge, Tcx. ,.1858-.60. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 18GO. Civil History.-Planter, Louisiana , 1860- 61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States.

1049.. (BornN. Y.) ... OLIVER L. SHEPHERD ...... (Ap ' d~. Y.) .. 33 Military History ·-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy ri'om July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 4TH INF.L'1TRY, JULY 1, 1840. SECOND LmUT., 3D INFANTRY, OCT. 2, 1840. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson,!. T., 1840-41; ill the Floridl\ War, I&H- 42; in garrison at Ft. Stansbury, Fla., 1842-43,- llnd Jefferson Bl\rmcks, Mo., 1843-44; on frontier duty at Ft. J esup (Camp Wiliuns), La., 1844, 184.5; (FIRST LmUT., 3D IJ..TAN'£RY, Nov. 3, 1845) in l\iIilitary Occupation of T exas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, be­ ing engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - and Battle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846; on Recruiting service, 18:tG-47; in the War wit.h Mexico, 1847-48, being engaged in the Skirmish at the National Bridge, Aug. 12, Plan del Rio, Aug. 15, and Oka Laka, Aug. 16, 1847,-Battle' of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,-Battle of ChlU"usbusco, Aug. 20, 1847, - Storming (BVT. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR G,IJ.LANT AND MERTI"OlUOUS COl'muc,"T L'1 THE BATTI.ES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEx.) of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, (BvT. MAJ"OR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GilJ•.L.'1T AND ~1El1ITomous CONDUCT IN TRE BATTLE OF ClLU'ULTEPEC, MEx.) Sep. 13- 14, 1847; in gan-ison at East Pascagoula, Mis., H:l18; on frontier duty (CAPTAIN,31) INFANTRY, DEC. 1,1847) at San Antouio, Tex., 1848-49,-March to El Paso, 1819, - Ft. Bliss, Tex., IS49-50, - Dolll\ Ana, N. M., 1850-51, - Ft. Conrad, N. M., 1851- (i2,-Cump Vigilance, N. lVI., 1852, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1853,-- on Court-Mm·tial at Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1853-5·i,-Ft. Defiance, N. 1\1., 1854,- Nnyujo Count.ry, ISG4, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1855, - Court-lV'Iartial [It Ft. Bliss, 1855, - Albu­ qUCl'que, N. M., 1855- 56,- Scouting, 18,36, against the Apache Il1Clians, being engaged in a Ski1"1nish on the Siena del Abuagre, N. M., Mar.. 1856, - Ft. Defiance, N. 1\1., 1856-57,- ,Ubuquerque, N. M., 1857. -Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged in a Skirmish at the Canon de los Muertos Cameros, N. lVI. , against Mogollon Indians, May 24, 1857,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1858-59,­ Navajo Expedition, 1859, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1859,- Scouting, 1851l, - Ft.. Defiance, N. M., 1859- 60, beiug engaged in its defense against Nayujo Indi­ ans, Apr. 30, 1860,- March to 'l'exas. 1860, - Ft. Clark, Tex. , 18GO-61, - and Ft. Duncan Tex, , 1861 ; en route to Indianola, and thence to New York, 1861; and iu garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1861. Served chuing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in command of battalion of 3d Infh-ntry in t.he defenscs of Washington, D. C. , May--June, 1861; on mustering duty at New York city, ,July- Dcc., 1861; in the Tennesseo (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 18TH L'1],·.LWRY, MAY 14, 1861) and Mississippi Campaign (Army of the Ohio), Dec., 1861-June, 1862, being engaged in the AdYance upon, anc1 Siege of Corinth, Mis., Apr. - M~y, 1862, routing a Rebel camp, M»y 17, 186~,-and pursuit of the Rebels to Baldwin, ;VIis., May 30- 31,1862; in M:ajor-General Buell's movement through Alabama and Tennessee, to Louisville, Ky., July--Sep., 1862; on Court of Inquiry at U. S. lIIILITAH.Y ACADEj)[Y. 615


Allegheny Arsenal, Po., Oct.-Nov., 1862; in Major-General Rosecrans'Ten­ nessee Campaign (Army of the Cumberland), Nov., 1862, t{) ApI'. 17,1863, C0111­ manding brigade of regulars in the Battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862­ (BvT. COLONEL, MAY 17, 1862, FOR GU,LANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE SIEGE OF COnINTH, Mis.) Jan. 3, 18(;3; and as Superintendent of Regimental Recruiting Service at Ft. (COLONEL, 15TH INFANTRY, JAN. 21, 1863) Adams, R. I., May 7, 1863, to Feb. 13, 18G6 ; on leave of a.bsence, Feb. 21, 1866, to BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATrLE OF STONE R.xvER, TE>I.

1050. . (Born Ga.) ...... HENRY D. WALLEN ...... (A p'd Fla.) . . 34 Military History.-Cadet at t.he U. S. Military Academy from Scpo 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INF.\NTRY, JULY 1, 1840. SECO>lD LmUT., 4TH INFANTRY, OCT. 4, 1840. Served: b. the Floridll. War, 1840-42; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1842-43, 1844; 011 frontier duty at Natchitoches, La. (Camp Salubrity), 1814-1,." 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845, 1845-46; in tho War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in t.he Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, whmc he was wounded, -and Battle of Eesacll de la Palma, May 9, 1846; on (FIns]" LmUT., 4TH INFA..'1TRY, SEP. 9, 1846) Recruiting service, 1846-47; in the War with Mexico, 1848; on CommissUl'}' duty at East P,1scag01l.la, Mis., 1848; on frontier duty at Detroit, Mich., 18'18-50; as Adjntant, 4t.h Infantry, Feb. 1, 1849, to Jan. 31, 1850; in ganison (CAPTAIN, 4TH h'FANTRY, JAN. 31, 1850) at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1850-52,-Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty at Benicia, Cal., 1852,- Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1852-53,-Ft.. Dalles, Or., 1853, Ft. Va.ncouver, Wash., 1853-55,- Yakinm Expedition, 1855,-and F t. Va.nconver, Wash., 1855- 57; on Recruiting service, 1858; on frontier duty at Ft. Cascades, Wash., 1858-59,- in command of Exploring Expcdition t.o I:;alt Lake, Utah, 1859, - Ft. Vancouvcr, 'Va~h., 185D- 50,- Ft. Cascades, Wash., 1860; on dctached service fit WllRhington, D. C., 18GD; on frontier duty at Ft. Cascades, ·Wash., 1860- Gl,-and C,tmp Sumner, nettr San Francisco, Cal., (MAJOR, 7TH INF.I>lTRY, Noy. 25, 1861) 1861; and on detached service (0 t.he Isthmus of Panama, with 30,000 st.alld of arms for the Eastern ArmicH, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stntes, 1862- 66: in Opemtions in New lI'Icxieo, commanding battalion, and as Acting Asst. Inspeetor-Gcn­ eml of the Department of New Mexico, June, 1862, to June, 18G4; iu e0111­ (En'. LIEUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, FED. 23, 18G5, ~'OR ~'lERUORIOUS SE\WICES RENDERED BY HnI IN NEW ]\'IEXICO DUr:ING THE REBELLION) Immd of regiment at Ft. Schnyler, N. Y.,' June, 1864, (0 May, 1865,- and (BVT. BRIG.-GENER.\L, U. S. AR~IY, l'iLIR. 13, J865, FOR FUTHFUL AND i\U;RITOmO US SERVICES DUm>lG THB R,EBELLION.) commanding 1st Inflmtry u,t St. Augustine, Fht., May- Oct., l8GS; in garricon (LIF.tiT.-COLONEL, 11TH INFANTRY, JUJoY 30, 18(5) at San Francisco, C.l'!', Dec. lfi, 1865, t.o Ja.n., 1866; in command of the Dis­ tlict of the Gila, Apr. 28 to June 10, 18(l6, - ancl of the Dist,rict of Arizona, June 10 to Aug. 11, 1866; 011 siek leave of absence, Aug. 11 t.o Oct. 24, J8(j[); ill wn,iting orders and on leRye of absence, Oct. 24, 1866, to ~Ial·. 1, 1867; and in command of Ft.. Columbus R.ecruiting Depot, N. Y. , Mar. 6, 1867, to 616 GRADUATES OF THE

1840. CLASS R'\~K.

1051 . . (Born Mo.) ... STEPHEN D. CARPENTER ..... (Ap'cl Me.) .. 35 Military Hi'3tory.- Cadet [1t the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 183G, to July 1, 1840, when he was gmdu[1ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOXD LmuT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1840. SECOND LmUT., 1ST INFANTRY, OCT. 12, 1840. Served: in the Florida War, 1840- 41; in garrison at Ft. Crawford, Wis., 1841- 42, - Ft.. Snelling, Min., 1842-45,- Jeffersoll Bal'l'acks, Mo., 184G-4G; in the War wit.h Mexico, 1846, sick [1t Reynos[1; 011 Hecruit1ng senice, 1846-47; in t.he War with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mal'. 9- 29, 1847, - and ill gani"on at San Juan de Ulloa, 1847; on sick leave of (FIRST LmuT., 1ST INFANTRY, SEP. 8, 1847) absence, 18407-48; in glurison at EastPascagoula, ~'Iis., 1848; and on front.jer duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1848- GO,-Ft. :Merrill, Tex., 1850- 52,-Ft. Terrett, Tex., (CAPT.UN, 151' INFANTRY, OCT. 17, 1851) 18,'52- 53, - Ft. Duncan, TelL, 1853-.54, 1854- 55,- Ft. Lancaster, Tex., 1855-56, 185G- 58, beiug, while looking for timber to build the post, engagecl with Camauche ' Indians in [1 Skirmish, Oct. 13, 1855, where he was wounded,­ and at Camp Stockton, Tex., 1859-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-62: in garrison at Key'Ve"t., Fla., Apr. - June, 1861; on Recl'Uit.ing service at Indiu.napolis, (MAJOR, 19TH Il'FANTRY, Mu 14, 1861) Ind., Aug.-Oct., 18Gl; as Musterll.lgOfficcr for the State ofIndiulla, Oct., 1861, to Feb., 1862; in t.he Tennessee allfl Mississippi Campaign (Army of t.he Ohio), F eb. - June, 1862, being engaged in the Advance upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr.-:\1uy, 1862,-and Pursuit of Rebels, May 30-31, 1862; in Nlajor-General Buell'R movement through Alabamr. and Tennessee to Louisville, l{y., July­ Scp., 1862; ill the Advance into Kentucky, Oct.., 1862; and in .Major-General Hosecrrms' Tennessee Campaign (Army of the Cumberland), Nov.- Dec., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Stone Hiver, where he was KILLED, DEC. 31, 1862: AGED 44.

1052 .. (Bol'll N. H.) .... JOSEPH L. FOLSOM...... (Ap'd N. H.) .. 36 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milit:Lry Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated ani! promoted in the Ann)' to BYT. SECO~D LmUT., 8TH INJ:'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1840. SECOND LmUT., 5TH INFANTRY, Nov. 3,.1840. Served: in the Florida War aga.inst the Seminole Indin.ns, 18JO-41; on fron­ tier duty at Ft.. \Vinnebago, Wis., 1841,-and Det.roit, .Mich., 1841-44; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Infantry Tactics, Aug. 18, 1841, to (FIRST LmUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JUNE 29, 19,16) Aug. 9, 1846; and on Quartermaster duty in tlJe War with Mexico, in California, 184G-48, being also Collector of Customs for the Port of Sau Fra.ncisco, Cal., (CAPT. STAF~' -Ass 'r, QUARTEU.llASTER, SEP. 10, 1846) 1847-4S,-San Francisco, Cal., 1848 49 , 1849-52,-on leave of absenc(t, 1852-54,-and at Sanl>'l'illlcisco, CuI. , 1854-55. DmD, JULY 19, 1855, aT S.m JOSE, CAL.: AGED 39. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 617


1.053 .. (Born N. Y.) ....WILLIAM G. TORREy ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 37 Military History.- Cadet l1t the U. S. Military ACl1demy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, whcn he was graduated l1ntl promoted in the Army to Bv1.'. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1840. Served: at the Cavalry School for . Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1840-401; in the (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, Apl!. 1, 1841) Florida War, 1841; on frontier duty, on march to Red River, 1841,-and at Ft. Jesnp, La., 1841-43; and on leave of l1bsence, 1843, at the cxpiration of which, having fl1iled to report, was DROPPED, JULY 16, 1844. Civil History.- Unknown. He was last heard from in 1845, at Venice, Ita.!y, on his way to Constantinople to seek scrvice nnder the Sultan.

1.054.. (Born Pa.) ...... DANIEL G. ROGERS ...... (Ap'd Pt\.) . . 38 Military History.- -Cadet l1t the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1836, to July 1, 1840, when he was gmdna.t.ed and promoted ill the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY I, 1840. Seryed: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1840 ; in the Flo­ rida War, 1840-41; on frontier duty at Ft·. Towson, I.T., 1842, - and Ft.Washita, (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGO ONS, JUNE 23, 1841) 1. 'r., 184il-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; ill the War with Mexico, 1846- 47, being engaged in t.he Siege ofYem Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847; (FmsT LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 16, 1847) on Recruiting service, 1847 8; and in the War with Mexico, 1848. DIED, JULY 21, 1848, AT YEllA CltUZ, MEX.: AGED 30.

1.055 .. (13orn D. C.) ....WILLIAM B. JOHNS ...... (Ap'd D. C.) .. 39 Military History.- C,tdet at the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1840, when he wa.s graduated flud promoted in the Army to B\"I'. SECO:


East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on frontier duty at Sn.n Antonio, Tex., 1848- 49,­ l\Lu'ch to El Paso, 1849- 50, - Ft. .Bliss, Tex., 1850,-San Elizario, Tex., 1850- ,il,--Ft. miss, Tex., 1851,- Ft. Conrad, N. M., 1851,- Albuquerque, N. M., 1851,- Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1851- 52,- Camp Vigilance, N. :aI., 185:l,­ and :F't. Fillmore, N. 1\£., 1853-56; in garrison at New York harbor, 1856- 59; on frontier duty at Ft. Defiance, N. M. , 1859,-Expec1ition ag,tinst Tnni-chn. Nayajo Indians, Noy., IS50, - Ft. Defiance, N. 1\'I., 1859- 60, being cugaged, Apr. 30,1860, in the defense of that \York n.gainst the Navajo Inc1ians,-?I'Inrch to Texas, 1860,-Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1860- 61 ,·- Ft. Clark, Tex., 1861,-­ and 1ft. Brown, Tex., 1861; and in garrison at Ft.. Hamilton, N. Y., 186l. DROPPED, ApR. 11, 1861, for" having declined the command of his company, when ordered on a partic­ ular seryice" (to procecd to Ft. Pickens, Fla). He, howeyer, d~d not join in the Rebellion against thc United States. Uesidenee, Georgetown, D. O.

J.056 .. tBol'll D. C.) ...DOUGLASS S. IRWIN... (Ap'd at Large) .. 40

Militmy History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acaderpy from Sep. 1, 183(;, to July 1, 184.0, when he was graduated and promotcd in the Anny to BYT. SECOXD LruUT., 6TH INFAXTRY, JULY 1, 184.0. SECOXD LmuT., 3D IN1!'ANTRY, Nov. 18, 1840. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbns, N. Y., 1840- 41; in the :Floridl1 War, 18401-42; in gtl rrison at Ft. Stansbury, Fla., 184:J ~13,-and J elforson Barracks, (BvT. FlllsT LlliUT., SEP. 7, 1841, ~'O ll GALL.1XTRY AND GOOD COXDUCT IX THE 'VAl< AG,UNST :rHE FLOUlDA IXDL1XS) 1\'10. , 1843-44; ou fronHel' duty at Ft. J esup (Camp Will,ins), La., 1844,1845; in 1\'Iilitllry Oeoupation of T exas, 1845-46; as Adjutnnt., 3d I nfantry, Oct. 12, (FmsT Ln: T., 3D bF.\XTllY, 1\L\y 18, 18<16) 1845, to Sep. 21 , 1846 ; ::mel in the War with :\Iexico, 18i6, being eng;lgell in the Batt.le of P"lo Alto, MelY 8, ISl6, - Battle of Resaca de lil. Palma, May 9, U;iG, - and Battle of Monterey, wherc, in !t desperate eonfiict of thc regiment of whicll he was the Acljnbmt" in the street8 of the city, he was lULI,ED, SEP. 21, 1846: AGED 26.

J.057.. tBorn Va.) ... •....THOMAS JORDAN ...... (Ap'el Va.) . 4J.

Military History.-Caelet llt the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1830, to July 1, 1840, when he was gmc1ullted ::mel promote(1 iu the Army to BVT. SECO~D LmUT., 5TH INFAXTRY, J'ULY 1, 1840. SECO~D LIEUT., 3D INFAXTRY, DEC. 1, '1840. Served: in gan~son af Ft. Snelling, Min., 18<10-41 ; in the Floricb War l1gainst the Seminole Indians, 1 8 41~12, being engaged in the Surprise and Captme of their Chief, Tiger T!til, ncur Cedar Key, Nay., 1842; in ganison ut Ft. Stansbury, Fla., 1843,- nnd Jefferson Ba1'l1l.cks, Mo., 1843--44 ; on frontier dnty a.t Ft. J esup (Cnmp Will,ins), Ln. , 1844--4;j ; ill Military Oc'cnplttion of T exas, IS45--4G; 111 the Wal' with Mexico, 1846, beiug engaged in 010 Battle of (FmsT LruUT., :JD INFAXTIlY, JUNE 18, 1846, TO ~IAR. 5, 1851) Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Battle of Resacll dela Palma, ~!il.y 9, 1846; on u. s. I1IILITARY ACA1'lEMY. 619


Recruiting service, 1846-47; on Quartermaster duty in the 'War with Mexico, (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. QUARTERMASTER, l\Lu;. 3,1847) at VeraCruz, 1847- 48, - in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 184S- 50, - Ft. Mill6r, Cal., 1850- 56, - and at Ft. Dalles, Or., 1856-60; and on leave of absence, 1860-61. RESIGNED, JYLw 21, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 '1gq,inst the United States.

1058. . (Born Me.) ...... JOHN D. BACON., ...... (AP'd 1\Ie.) . .42 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fTOm July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1840, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT., 2D INFANTRY, ;rULY 1, 1840. SECOND LIEUT., 61'H INFANTRY, DEC. 3, 1840. Served: in the Florida War, 1840- 42; on frontier duty at Ft. Towson, 1. T., 18'i2-45, - Ft. Washita, 1. T., 1845-46,- and Ft. Towson, 1. T., 1846-17; and (FIRST LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) in the War with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in th.e C"pture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,- aud Battle of Churubusco, A