548 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBE"R. 1838. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1838. 9U.. (BoroN. C.) .. WILLIAM H. WRIGHT ....... (Ap'dN. C.) .. l Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LiEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the building of Ft. Warren, Boston harbor, (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEc. 7, 1838) Mas., 1838-45; and as Superintending Engineer of the construction of the Sea­ wall for the protection of Lovell's Island, Boston harbor, Mas., 1844-45. Civil History.-Author of 0. "Treatise on Mortars, Concretes, &c.," 1845. DIED, DEC. 29, 1845, A:J: WIL)UNGTON, N. C.: AGED 31. 942 .. (BornLa.) ...... .P. G. T. BEAUREGARD......... (Ap'dLa.) . 2 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he was gmduatec1 and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the building of Ft. Adams, Newport harbor, R. 1., 1838-39, - of the defenses of Pensacola harbor, Fla., 1839- 40,--of Sur­ (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OE' ENGINEERS, JUNE 16, 1839) vey of Bllrataria Bny, La., 1840-41,-Rnd of repairs of Ft. Jnckson, Missis­ ~ippi River, La., 1841; as Superintending Engineer in the building of Tower Dupre, and of the repairs of the defenses of the eastern passes to New Or­ leans, La., 1841-44, and 1845-46,-and of repairs of Ft. McHenry, Md., 1844- 45; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the constrl1ction of the defenses of 'l'nmpico, 1846- 47,-Siege ofVem Cruz, lVIRr. 9-29, 1847,-­ Reconnoissance and Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,--Reconnoissance of the Pedregal, Aug. 19, 1847, - Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847,-Re­ (BYT. CAPT., AlrG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLI.".'11.· AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OE' CONTRERAS AND CHURUDUSCO, lVIEx.) connoissal1ce of the approaches to the City of Mexico, Sep. 9-13, 1847,-Bat­ tIe of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and Capture of the City of (BVT. MAJOR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUC''c IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, lVlEx.) l\Ie:xico, Sep. 13-14, 1847, where he was wounded in st.orming the" Causeway Battery," nndllgllin near the Belen Gate; as Superintending Engineer in the building of Ft. Gaines, Mobile harbor, Ala., 1848-49,-of the repairs of Fts. Sf. Philip and Jackson, La., 1849- 52,-rmd building of Ft. Livingston, La.• 1849-52; as Member of a special Board of Engineers for the improvement of the Delta of the Mississippi, and construction of a harbor on.Lakc Pontchn.r­ train, La., 18li2-53; as Superintending Engineer of New Orleans Custom­ (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS. MAR. 3, 1853, FOR FOURTEE:-! YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) House, La., 1853-60; in general supervision of opening of S. W. Pass into ~Iississ.ippi River, and construction of a hm'bor on Lake Pontcharlrain, La., U. S. MILI'rARY ACADEMY. 549 NUMBER. 1838. CLASS RANK. 1853; as Member of a special Board of Engineers for projecting the rlefenses on the Gulf Frontier of Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, 1857,-and for the protection of tlie site of Ft. McRee, Fla., 1858; as Superintending Engineer of New Orleans Marine Hospital and Quarantine Warehouses, 1859-60; a.nd as Superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy, Jan. 23-28, 1861. RESIGNED, FEB. 20, 1861. Civil History.-Chief Engineer for Drainage of the site of New Orleans, La., 1858- 61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861--66 against the United States. 943.. (Born S. C.) ......JAMES H. TRAPIER. ........ (Ap'dS. C. ) .. 3 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and promoted in the AI'my to SF.cOND LmuT., 1ST AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building the defenses of Charleston harbor, S. C., 1838-39,-Ft. Pulaski, Ga., 1839-40,-Defenses of Charleston harbor, (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY I, 1839) S. C., 1840- 42. - and to the Board of Engineers, 1840; as Superintending Engineer of the repairs at Ft. Macon, Beaufort harbor, N. C., 1842-44,­ of Ft. Caswell, mouth of Cape Fear River, N. C., 1844-45,-of Ft. Ontario, Oswego harbor, N. Y., 1845 ~!7, -and of Fts. Niagara and Porter, Niaga.ra River, N. Y., 1846-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847; and as Asst. Engineer of the repairs of the fortifications of New York harbor, 1847-48. RESIGNED, FEB. 28, 1848. Civil History.-Planter, Georgetown, S. C., 1848--61. Major Staff (Chief of Ordnance of the State of South Carolina), 1851-52,-and Col. Staff (Aide­ de-Camp to Governor Means, of South Carolina), 1851-53. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. DmD, J ,\...'1. 2, 1866, AT MANSFIELD, S. C. : AGED 51. 944 .. (Born Vt.) .....STEPHEN H. CAMPBELL. .... (Ap'd Vt.) ..4 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. )Iilitary Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he was b'l'uduated Ilnd promoted in the Army to SECOND LnmT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building Fts. .Monroe and Calhoun. Hampton Roads, Va., 1838·-39, ·-to the Board of Engineers, 1839-40, - and in constructing (FIRb'T LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY I, 1839) Fts. Monroe and Calhoun, Ya., 1840-44; and as Superintending Engineer of the repairs and preservation of the site of Ft. Caswell, mouth of Cape Fear Rh'er, N. C., 1844. DmD, JAN. 1, 1845, AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA.: AGED 31. 550 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBER. 1838. CLASS RANK. 945 .. (Born N. H.) ..JEREMIAH M. SCARRITT ........ (Ap'd m.) .. 5 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from .July 1, 1834, to .July 1, 1838, when he was graduated and pl'Omoted in the Army to SECOliD LmUT., 6TH INF.\NTRY, .JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LmuT., CORPS OF ENGI:u:ERS, .JULY 7, 1838. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the improvement of St. Lonis harbor, :\10., 1838; as Chief Engineer in the Florida War agninst the Seminole Indians, 1838-39; at the Military Academy, as Principal Assistant Professor of Engi­ (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF E..'1GINEERS, .JULY 1, 1830) neerinf-', Sep. 1, 1839, to Aug. 26, 1841; as Asst. Engineer in building the for­ tifications of Pensacola harbor, Fla., 1841-45; in the Military Occupation of Texas, .1845-46; in tile Wnr with Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - Battle of Resaco. da b Palma., ~Ia.y 0, 1846, - fmd Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846; and as Superintending Engineer of the (BYT. CAPT., SEP. 23, 1846, FOR G.u.L.\NT AND :\1EmTomous CONDUCT IN THE SEVERAL CONFLICTS AT MONTEREY, fux.) repairs of Ft. ~10rgan, Mobile Bay, Alo.., 1847- 53,-01' Surveys of Flint and Chattahochee Rivers, 1853,-o.nd of the building of Ft. Taylol' a·ud Navy Cool (CAPTAIN, CORl'S OF ENGINEERS, lVL\E. 3, 1853, }'OR FOURTElli'l YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) Depot, at Key West, Fla., 1853- 54. DmD, JUNE 22, 1854, AT KEY WEST, FLA.: AGED 37. 946.(BornN. Y.) .. ALEXANDER H. DEARBORN.. .. (Ap'd N. Y.).6 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from J oly 1, 1834, to July I, 1838, when he wus graduated und promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D AUTILLEIW, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANL'E, JULY 9, 1838. Served: as Asst. Ordnance Officer at St. Louis Arsenul, Mo., 1838- 30; in command of Baton Rouge Arsenal, La., 1839-41; on FOlmdry duty, 1841-45; and in command of Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1845-48,-aucl of Mount Vernon (FIRST LmUT., ORDNAXC,'E, lVLrn.3, 1847) Arsenal, Ala., 1848-50, 1851- 53. DIED, FED. 26, 1853, AT lV'loUNT VERNON AnSENAL, ALA.: AGED 35. 947 .. (Born Mis.) . .....JOHN T. METCALFE.. .. .... (Ap'd Mis.) .. 7 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militmy Academy from July 1, 1834, to July 1, 1838, when he wus grnduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LmUT., 3D AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1838. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JUJ.Y 9, 1838. Served: in command of AllgustnArsenal, Ga., 18.'38; and ill the Florida War, 1838-39, in command of Garey's Ferry Ordnance Depot. RESIGNED, MAY 31, 1840. Civil History.- Grncluated in Medicine at the University of Pennsylvani", 1843. Physiciall near Natchez, Mis., 1845-46,-and in New York city, since 1846. Attending PhysicirUl t.o Bellevue Hospital, 1847- 59, - aucl Consulting Physician, since 1859. Inspector of Public Schools, New York city, 1847- 48. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 551 NUMDER. 1838. CLASS RANK. Physicilm to New Y01'k Hospital for Lying-in Women, 1850-60. Consulting Physicinn to the New York Deaf and Dumb Institution, since 1851, - to St. Luke's Hospital, since 1853, - Olud to ChHdren's Nursery and Hospital, 1855-60. Attending Physician to the New York City Hospital, 1857. Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of the Uni­ versityof the City of New York, 1856- 66, - and of Clinicfll Medicine in the Coilege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1866. Author of varions papers on Medical Science, 1845- 67. 948.. (Born S. C.).........THOMAS CASEY....... _... (Ap'd Ala.) ..S Military History.-Caclet at the U.
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