CLASS OF 1843.

1167.. (Born Pa.) ... .WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet, at the U. S. Military· Academy from July 1, 1839, to .July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT. Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1843. Sened: as Asst. Topogmphical Engineer on Survey of North-westem Lakes, 1843-45; as Topogmphical Officel' on Geneml Kearny's Expedition to South Pass of the Rocky lHountllins, 1845 ; as Assistant in Topographical Bu­ reau at Washington, D. G., 1845-46; as Topographical Engiueer on Survey of (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, SEP. 21, 1846) Ossn.baw Sound, Gn., 1846; in the War with , 1846-48, being Bngnged on Geneml Wool's March through Coahuila, 1846-47, - and Batt.1e of Buena Vista, Feb. 22- 23, 1847; at the Militnry Acndemy, as Asst, Professo:' of (BVT. FIRST LumT., FEB. 23. 1847, FOR GALL,U,T AND MEHlTORIOUS CONDUGl' IX THE , MEx.) Nntuml and Expel'imental Philosophy, .July 21. 1848, to June 17, 1851, and from Aug. 29, 185t, to Jan. D, 1852; on leave of absence, 1852;* as Top. Engineer on Survey of Roanoke Inlet, N. C., with reference to opcning it, 1852; in charge of Oswego Harbor Improvement, N. Y., 1852-53; (FrnsT LIEUT., 'l'OP. ENGINEEJ!S, MAll, 3, 1853) as Lighthouse Inspector, 1st District, Jan. 21, 1853, to July, 1856; as Superintending Engineer of Portland, Me., Custom House and Marine Hospital, Apr. J9, 1855, to Oct. I, 1857; o.s Lighthouse Engineer, 1st and 2d Districts, July, 185G, to Oct. 1857; as Engineer Secretary of the Light­ (CAPTA.lN, 'l'OP. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1857, }'OR FOURTEEN YE.UlS' COXTTNUOUS SERVICE) house Board at Washington, D. C., Mm'. 2, 1857, to Noy. 1, 1859; as Mem­ ber of a Board of Officers for the location and construction of a Bridge across the Mississippi, at Hock Island, Ill., .,\'pr.-lVIny, 1859; as Superintend­ ing Engineer in charge of the Ext.ension of the Cnpitol (including new dome), ,md of the General Post Office, 'Washington, D. C. , Nov, 1, 185D, to Mar. 3, 1861; and as Chief of the Construction Bureau of the U. S. Treasury Depart­ ment, and Superintenclirlg Engineer of Treasury Building Extension,Ml1r. 3 to May 14, 1861. Served d11l'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in receiving (COLOXEL, 12TH INFANTRY, MAY 14,1861) and fonmrding Volunteers at New York city, May 17 to June 30, 1861; in (BnIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 17, 1861) command of brignde in the :VIanassas Campaign of .J uly, 1861, being engaged in the Bnttle of Bull Run, July 21,1861; in command at Alexandria, VI1., Aug. 1 to Sep. 1, 1861; in command of Division in the Defenses of Washington, D. u., Sep. 1861, to M,ll'. , 18G2; ill the Virgini,t Penimmlar Campaign (Army of the Potomac), ill command of Division, ~far.-May, 1862, and of 6th Army Corps, May- Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 18G2,­ Combabof West Point, May 8,1862 (in eommancl),- Aetion at Golding's Farm, June 28, 1862,--and Bl1tUe ot White Oak Bridge, June 30, 18G2,- and WflS present ut th6 Battle of Savage Station, June 29, 1HG2, - Battie of ?,fnlvem Hill, (BVT. BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, JUNE 30, 1862, FOR GALLAN1' ,'liD MEm­ Tomous CONDUCT IN TITE BATT.L:E BEFORE RlCHAIOND, VA.)

* Whilo 00 leavo of absence, was Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy I and of Ch'il F.nginecring, at tho Froe Academy, New York city, Feb. 20 to Apr. 21, 1852. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 73


July 1, IS62,-and Skirmish at Harrison's Landing, July 2, IS62; in the Ma­ ryland Campaign, communding 6th Corps (Army of the Potomac), Sep.-Noy., (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEEHS, JULY 4, IS62) 1S62, being engaged and in command in the 13atUe of Crampton's Gap, South Mountain, Sep. 14, lSG2,-B.lttle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,- and March to Falmouth, Oct.-Nov., lS62; in the Rappahannock Campaign, De~., 18G2- J an. 24, 18G3, in command of L eft Grand Division (1st and , 6th Corps), of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battle of Freder­ icksburg, Dec. 13,1862; awaiting orders, Jan. ~4 to Junc 27, 18G3; in opcra­ tions in the Department of the Gulf, June 27, 1863, to April 29, 18M, being in command of the troops in and abont Baton Rouge, L:l., J nly 28, to Aug. 15, 1863,-Experlition to Sabine Pass, T ex. , Sep., 1SG3, - alld i.n command of 19th Army Corps, and of the troops in Western Lonisiana, Aug. 15, 1863, to Apr. 29, 1864; in the Red River Expedition, Apr., 1S64, being engaged in the Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Apr. 8, 18(34, where he was wOllnded, ­ Battle of Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, 1864,- and Adion of Monett,e's Crossi.n~, of C.me River, Apr. 23, 1864; on sick leave of absence, Apr. 29 to Dec. 2, 186 '~, during which he was captnred by Rebel Raiders in the l'hiladelphil1. and Baltimore R>1ilroad cars, July 11, 1864, lmt escaped from them dmini:( the next night; as President of the Bourd for Uetiring Disabled Officers, a,l Wihnlngton, Del., Dec. 2, 1864, to Nov. 10, 1865; and on leave of absence, Noy. 10, 18G5, (BVT. MAJOR-GENERAJ" U. S. A.R~IY, MAll. 13, 1865, FOR GULA:-:T ",'{D j\iJillITORIOUS SER'VICES IN THE FmLD DURING THE REBELLION) (RESIGNED FROM VOLUN'fEER SEllVICE, Nov. 10, 18(5) to Mar. 15, 1866. REgIGl>"ED, MAll. 15, 1866. Civil History.-Vice-Presidcnt and General Agent of Colt's Fire-arms lI:lanutactming Company, o.t Hartford, Ct., since Nov. 15, 1865.

116B,.(Bom Ct.) ...... GEORGE DESHON ...... , .... (Ap'd Ct.) ,2

Military History.- Cl1clet I1t lhe U, S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 184;{, when he was graduaterl and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECO:-:D LIEul'" Tor. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1843. TUANSFERI{ED 1.'0 OIlDNA...,{CE, JULY 20, 1843. Served: aH Assistant Ordnance Officer I1t Watervliet Arson"l, N, Y., 1843-44; at the Militury Academy as Asst. Professor of Natuml and Experimental Philosophy, Sep. 1, 1844, to Aug, 30, 184,,; as Asst. Ordnance Officer a,t Watervliet Arsenal, N. y " 1845-46; at the ]VIilitm'Y Academy l1S Principl1l Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug, 30, 1846, to Dec. 10, (S]lCO~D LmUT., OIlDNA~CE, MAR. 3, 18!7) 184.9; und as Asst. Orduance Officer ilt Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1850-51, (FIRST LIETJT., OUDNANCE, J ULY 10, 1851) '-and at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1851. RESIG~"ED, OCT. 31, 1851. Civil History.- Roman Catholic Priest, since Oct. 31, 18;35 , Memb<>r of the Congregation of Redemptorists, 1852 -59,-nnd of Pnulists, since 1850. 74 GRADUATES OF THE

NU~tnEn. 1843. CLASS RANK.

1169.. (Bol'll D. C.) .. THOMAS J. BRERETON.... (Ap'd at Large) ..3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1839, to July 1, 1843, whell he was grailuated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO~D LIEUT., 4TH , JULY I, 1843. TRANSFERHED TO ORDNANCE, JULY 20, 1843. Served: aR Asst. Orchmnce Officer at 'Vashington Arsenal, D. C., 18,13--44, -];'t. Mouroe Arsenal, Va., 18H- 45,-and at Wl1tCl'vliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1845; in Military Occupation of , 1846, in command of St. Joseph's Island and Point Isabel Ordnance Depots; in the War with Mexico, 1846--48, being en­ (SECOND LIEUT., OHDNANCE, Mill. 3, 1847) gaged at the Battle of P(f.o Alto, May 8, 1846,-- Battle of Resaca de hl Palma, May 9, 1846, - and as Ordnance Officer at Ft Brown, 'l'ex., 1846, uud at (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., MAY 9, 1846, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE LA PALMA, TEX.) Camargo, Mex., 1846--48; 'lS Assistant in Ordnance Bureau at Washington, D. C., ]848; as Asst. Ordnance Officer llt Watertown AI'senal, Mas., 1848--49,­ at Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1849- 52,-ilnd at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1852- 53, (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, OCT. 31, 1851) 1853-55; and in command of Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 18.55--57,-and of Mount (CAFTAL", ORDNANCE, JULY I, 1857, FOR ];'OURTEEN YEARS' CONTINUOUS SEltVICE) Vernon Arsenal, Ala., 1857- 58. RESIGNED, DEC. 20, 18,58. Civil History.-Civil Engineer. 1858- 59. Oil Manufacturer, at Pittsbllrg, Pa., sinoe 1859. Asst. Adjutant-Geneml of ilie State of Pennsylvania, 1861- 62.

ll70..(Bom Pa.) ...... JOHN H. GRELAUD ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 4 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milit.ury AClldemy from July 1, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Hancock Barracks, Me., 1843- 44, -and Ft. Sullivan, Me., 1844--45; at the ~lilitary Academy, 1841- 45, "8 Asst. PrOfeSSOl' of Mathe­ (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH AllTILLERY, OCT. 31, 1845) matics, Sep. 2, 1845, to Aug. 30, 1849,-nnd .\S Asst. Professor of French, (FUlBT LIEUT., 4T», ARTILLERY, MAll. 3, 1847) Aug. 30, 1849, to Oct. 5, 1855; on frontier duty at Ft.. Mackinac, Mich., 1855-56; in Florida Hostilities against tlre Seminole Indians, 1856-57; and in (CAPTAIN, 4TH AHTILLERY, M,m. 31, 1856) garrison at Ft. McRee, Flu., 1857. DIED, AUG. 17, 1857, A1' FORT ll'lYERS, FLA.: AGED 34.

1171 .. (Born 0.).... WILLIAM F. RAYNOLDS ...... (Ap'cl 0.).5

Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acndem~ from .Tu!y I, 1839, to July I , 1843, when he was gl'aduated and pl'omoted 1ll the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 18'13) THANSFEllR.ED TO TOl) ENG~EERS, JULY 20, 1843. Served: as Asst. 'l'op. Engineer on ilie Improvement of the Ohio River, U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 75

NU~IDER. 184:3.

1843-44,-on Survey of North-eastern Boundary of the , 1844-47, (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1847) -in the War with Mexico, 1847- 4H, being engaged in the Expedition to Ori­ zuba, 1848, - in prepm~ng Maps of Nol'theastern Boundtlry Survey, 1848- 50,­ on Survey for Supplying Washington, D. C., with Wuter, 1850-51, - and Sur­ vey of Northern Lakes, 1851-56; ou Light-house duty, he,\dquarters at Phila­ (FIRST LIEUT., Top. ENUlNEERS, MAIl. 3, 1853) delphia, 1856- 59; aud in charge of Explorations of Yellow Stone and Mis80uri (CAPT,uN, Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1857, FOR FOURTEEN YEAHS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) Hivel'S, 1859-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: as Chief Top. Engineer of the DeJ;>artment of Virginia, July-Oct., 1861, - of the Depart­ ment of West Virginm, Oct., 1861, to Apr., 1862,-of the Mountain Depart­ (001•. Sl.'AFF- -AnDITIONAL ArnE-DE-C~'dP, MAl<. 31, 1862. TO MAY 31, 1866) ment, Apr. - .Julle, 186:&, being engaged in Pursuit of the Rebels under Geneml Jackson, up the Shennndo,1h Valley, termina,ting with the Combat of Cross Keys, June 8, 1862; On sick leave of absence, June 16 to Aug. 23, 1862; as Chief Engineer of Middle Department and 8th Army Corps, Jan. 27, 1863, to Apr. 12, 1864, having the charge of the Defenses of Harper's Ferry dming the Rebel Invasion of Pennsylv(mill, .Jnne, 1863, --and of Baltimore, Md., J nne 28, (MAJOR, COl

1172 .. (Born N. J.) ...... ISAAC F. QUINBy ...... (Ap'd N. J.) . . 6

Military History-Cadet at the (T. S. Military Academy fr01l1 July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Ft. lIfffiin, Pa., 1843-44; at the Military Academy, 1845-47, as Asst. Professor of nbthematicH, Feb. 2·1 to Aug. 28, 1845,-and (SECOND LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, DEC. 20, 1845.) Asst. Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Aug. 28, 1845, to June 11, 1847; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48; in garrison at Ft. :M:onroe, (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARnI,LERY, MAR. 3, 1847) . Va .• 1848; as Qua.rtermaster, 3d Artillery, Oct. 24, 1848, to Oct. 25, 1850,­ and Adjutant, Oct. 10, 1850, to Nov. 1, 1851, at Hegimental headqn'trters, Ft. Adallls, It. 1.; and Acting Asst. Adjutant General, 1st Military Department, Oct. 25, 18.50, to Mar. 16., 18:32. HEsWNED, MAlt. 16, 1852.

Civil History.- Professor of Mathemutics, and of Natural and B'xperi­ mental Philosophy, University of Rochester, N. Y., 1852-61. Colonel, N. Y. Militia, 1860-61. 76 GRADUATES OF THE


Military lIistory.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding SUttes, 1861: in the Defense of Washington, D. C., May-July, 1861; in the ffIa­ (COLONEL. 13TH NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS, MAY 14, 18G1) nassas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the Action at Blackburn'B Ford, July 18, 1861, - and Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. RESIGNED, AUG. 4, 1861.

Civil History.-Professor of Mathematics, and of NlItural and Experi­ mental Philosophy, University of Rochester, N. Y., 1861-62. Military History.- Served during the Rebellion of the Sececling States, 1862- 65: in command, at Columbus, Ky., of the District of the Mississippi, (BRIG.-GENER,u, U. S. VOLUNTEEltS, MAR. 17, 1862) Apr. 10 to Oct., 1802; in Northern Mississippi Campaign, 1862- G3 , guarding western extremity of Memphis and Chal'leston Railroad, Jan.- Mar., 18G3,·- ­ in command of the Yazoo Pass Expedition, Mar., 18G3, returni.ng to tile Miss­ issippi River, Apr. 14, 1863, - engaged ill the BatLle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1863, -,md participated in the Assf"ults of lVIay 19 and 22, 18(;3, upon Vicksburg, Mis.; on sick" leave of absence, June-Aug., 1863; and in command of Draft Rendezvous, at Elmira, N. Y., Aug. - Dec., 18G3, when, ou account of ill he.utl1, he RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1863, but continued to serve as Provost Marshal of the 28th Congressional District, N. Y, J an. 21 to Oct. 15, 1865.

Civilllistory.- Professor of Mathematics, and ofN!>tural and Experimental Philosophy, University of Rochester, N. Y., since 1863.

ll73 .. (Born 0.) ...... ROSWELL S. RIPLEY...... (Ap'd No Y.) .. 7 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :niilitMY Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the. Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D AltTILLEIlY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in ga.rrison at Ft. NIcHeury, Mel., 1843-44, - Ft. ,Tohnston, N. C., 1844,--alld Augusta Arsenal, Ga., 1844-45; at the NIilitary Academy, a~ Asst. ProfeRsOl' of Ma.thematics, Sep. 20, 1845, to Jan. 17, 1846; on Coast Survey, (SECOND LmUT., 2D AnTILLERY, MAR. 26, 184U) Jun. 24 to May 19, 1846; in the War ""th Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the , Sep. 21 - 23, 1846,-Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, (FmST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1847) 1847,--Battie of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1841, --Battle of ContremR, (BVT. CAPT., APR. 18, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUC'l' IN THE , MEx.) Aug. 19--20, 1847, - Bnttle of Churnbusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, -- Storming of , Sep. 13, 1847,-Assn.ult and (B"1'. MAJOR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GAL L.~NT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEl'EC, MEX.) Cnpture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847,-and as Aide-de-Camp to M,\jor-Gencral Pillow, Aug. 6, HH7, to July 20, 1848; on ICl1ve of absence, 18!8-49, while preparing u History of the " War with ffIexico," published in 1849; in Florid!> Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 18<19- 50; and in gar­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 77

NUMBER. 1843. CLASS RANK. rison at FL McHenry, ~Id., 1850- 51,-Ft. Monroe, Va., 1851,-and Ft. M.oul­ t.rie, S. C., 1852-53. RESIGNED, MAR. 2, 1853. Civil History.-Unknown. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1174.. (Born N. Y.) ...... JOHN J. PECK ...... (Ap'd N. Y) ..8 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milit.ary Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1843-44,-and Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 184<1-45; in Military Occupation of Toxas, 1845-46; in the War with (SECOND LmUT., 2D ARTILLERY, ApR. 16, 1846) Mexico, 1846- 48, being engaged in the Battie of Pulo Alto, May 8, 1846, - Ba.t­ tie of Resaca de la P!>jma, May 9, 1846,-Buttle of Monterey, !Sep. 21- 23, 1846,-Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, ~iAR . 3, 1847) Apr. 17-18, 1847, - Skirmish of Amazoque, May 14, 1847,-Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847, - Battle 01 (BVT. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEX.) Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, - Storming of Chap"itepec, Sep. 13, 1847, - and (BVT. ~iA.TOR, SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, MEX.) Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 1847; on Recl11iting service, 1848; on frontier duty, on the march from .JefI"erson Barmcks, Mo., to New Mexico, 1849,-Santa l!'6, N. M., 1849,-Scouting, 1849, being engaged against the N[l\'ajo Indians in the Skirmish of Tuui Cha, N. M., Aug. 31 , 1849, - and at !Santa Fe, N. M., 1849-50; on Recruiting service, 1851-52; and on leave of absence, 1852-53. RESIGNED, MAR. 31, 1853. Civil History.-Tl·easurer of projected Railroad from New York to Sym­ cuse, Vi,l Newburg, N. Y, 1853-·60. Cashier of Burnet Bank, Symcuse, N. Y, 1853- 01. President of the Board of Education, Syracuse, N. Y., 1850- 01. Delegate to the Delllocmtic Con vcntion, for tho nomination of President, at Cincinnati, 0., 1856, --and at Cbnrieston, S. C., 1860.

Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding State~, 1861- 65: in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Aug., 1861, to Mar., 1862; in (BnIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 9, 18(1) thc Virginin Peninsulf\r Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar.-July, 1862, being engaged in lbc Siege of YorktowD, Apr. 5-!l'l:ay 4, 186:2, - Battle of Wil­ liamsburg, Un.y 5, 1862, - Battle of Fair Oak,~, ~Iay 31 - June 1, 1862,- and Operations of tbe Seven Days Change of Base to the J'ames River, June 26­ July 2, 18(;2; in the D efen~es of Yorktown, July- 8ep., 1862; in Operations about (MAJOR-GENERAL U. !S. VOLUNTEEns JULY 4, 1862) Suffolk, Va., Sep., 18G2-Jllne, 1863, being engaged in the Defense of Suffolk, Apr. 10- Muy 4, 1863, in numerous Skirmishes and Demonstmtions, and the Removal of 40 miles of railroad t.mck ; on sick leave of absencf', baving been Heriou~ly injured at Suffolk, Apr. - Aug., 186a; in command in North Carolina, Aug. 14, 11363, to Apr. 25, 1864, being engaged in numerous Skirmishes and 78 GRADUATES OF THE


Minor Actions; in the Department of the East, July 5, 1864, being in command on the Canada frontier, Nov. 5, 1864, to Aug. 24, 1865, regulating IntercourHe with the British Provinces. MUSTERED OUT OF SERVICE, AUG. 24, 1865. Civil History.-President of New York State Life Insurance Company, at Syracuse, N. Y., since 1866.

1175 .. (Born Va.) ...... JOHN P. JOHNSTONE ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 9 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU~'., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Carlisle Barracks, p,\., 1843- 44, - and Ft. Monroe, Va., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, APR. 21, 1846) 1846-47, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Brown, Tex., May 3- 9, 184G,­ Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,- Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1847) - Skirmish of La Hoya, June 20, 1847,-Skirmish of OkaLaka,Aug. 16, 1847,­ and Baf,t\e of Contl'ems, where, while skilfilUy direceing, with daring gal­ lalltry, the fire ofhis Bection of Artillery, against the enemy's intrenched camp and buttm'ies, he was, by an 18-pounder shot, KILLED, AUG. 19,11:;47: AGED 24.

1176.. (Bom Ky.) . ....JOSEPH J. REyNOLDS ...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 10 Military History.-··Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison, at Ft.. Monroe, Va., and CarliRle, Pa. , 1843-45; in Mili­ tary Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; at the Milital'Y Academy, 1846- 55, as Asst. (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTll,LERY, MAY 11, 1846) Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug. 31, 1846, to Aug. 31,1847, (FruST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1847) -as Asst. Professor of Natural and. Experimental Philosophy, Aug. 31, 1847, to Aug. 17, lR49,·- and as Principal Asst. Professor of Nu,tural ,\nd Experimentnl Philosophy, Aug. 17,1849, to July 1, 1855; and on frontier duty, at Ft. Washita, 1. T., 1855-56. RESIGNED, FEB. 28, 1857. Civil History.- Pl'ofessor of Mechanics and Engineel'iug, Washington Unive1'sity, St. Louis, Mo., 1856- 60. Merchant, Laf,\yetle, Ind., 1860- 61. De­ gree of A. U. conferred by Wabash College, Ind., Hi53. Military HistorY.- 8erved dm'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-06: in command of Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., Apr. - May, 1861; (COLONEL, 10TH INDIANA VOLUNTEERS, APR. 27, 1861) (BRIG.-GENERAL, INDIANA VOLUNTEEns, UAY 10, 1861) and in command of Cheat Mountain District, W. Vo.., July- Dee., 1RG1, being (BRIG.-GENEllAL, U. S. VOLUNTEF.RS, MAY 17, 1861) engaged in various Skirmishes, Recollnoissances, &c., and Action at Green Briar River, Oct. 3, 1861. RESIGNED, JAN. 23, 1862. U. S. MILITARY ACADE~IY. 79


Served without commission, in orgamzmg Indiallll Volunteers, Jan.-Nov., (COLONEL, 75TH INDIANA VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 21, 18(2) (BRIG.-GK.'ffiRAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 17, 18(2) 1862, in Ohio and Kentucky; in the Campaign of 1862--63 (Al"Uly of the Cum­ (MUon-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 1862) berland), being engaged in various SkirmiRhes and Actions ill 'rennessee, -­ Action at Hoover's Gap, Ten., June 24, 1863,- Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sep. 19-20, 1863, - a8 Chief of Staff of the Al1l1y of the CUll bel'l IUld, Oct. 10, to Dec. 5, 1863,-and Battle of Chattanooga, T en .. Nov. 23- 25, 1863;.in com­ mand of the Defenses of New Orleans, La., Jan. 6, to June 16, 1864; ill com­ J.mllld of 19th Army Corps, July 7, 1864, and mgl1nizing forces for the Capture of Mubile and Fts. Gaines and Morgan, Mobile harbor, Ala., June 16 to Aug. 2, 1864; in command on Mississippi River, from its mouth to Memphis, 'ren., Oct. - Dec., 1864, temporarily of Militm-y Diyision of West Missisbippi, Nov. , 1864, - nnd of the Department of Arkan&lS, Nov. 29, 1864, to Apr. 25, 186G (7th Army Corps, Nov. 2::1 , 1864, to Aug. 29, 1865); and on leave of absence, Apr. 25, to Sep. 1, 1866. (MUSTERED OUT OF SERVICE, SEP. 1, 1866) Re-appointed in the as COLONEL, 20TH INFANTRY, JULY 28, 1866. Served ill commEtnd of the Sub-District of the Hio Grande, Tex., JEtn. 12, 1867, to (BVT. BIlIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmrY, MAR. 2, 1867, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTomous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF CHIC KA~IAUGA, Ga.) (BYT. MAJ.-GENER.\L, U. S. ARMY, M,Ul. 2, 1867, FOil GALLANT AND ~lE:ruTORIOus SmWICES .01.1.' Tllli BATTLE OF MlSSION,UlY RIDGE)

1177 . . (Born N. Y.) ...... JAMES A. HARDIE .... . (Ap'd Bt Large).l1 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to " BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, J ULY 1. 1843. Served; in garrison at Hancock Ban-acks, Me., 1843- 440; l1t the )ilililary Academy as Asst. Professor of Geography, History and Ethics, Sep. 1, 1844, to (SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAY 28, 1846) Aug. 15, 1846; in the War with Mexico, as ~Iajor, 1st Regiment New York Volunteers, Aug. 1, 1846, to Oct. 26, 1848, at San Francisco, Cal.; in garrison (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1847) at San Francisco, CuI., 1848--4::1, - Ft. Trumbull, Ct., 1849-50,-and JefferRon Barracks. Mo., 1850- 51; as Adjutant, 3d Artillery, Nov. 1, 1851, to Dec. 1, 1853, at Hegimentul headquarters, Ft. Adams, R. I. ; as Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. BI~g.­ Geneml Wool, Dec'.. 7, 1853, to Ma.y 3, 1855; as Adjutant, 3d Artillery, !tiay:3, 1855, to Oct. 5, 1857; in garrison at Benicia, Cal., 1853- 58, - and Sail Bernar­ (CAPTAIN, 3D AnTILLERY, OCT. 5, 1857) dino, Cal., 1858; on frontier duty in the Spokane Expedition, 1858, being engaged in the Combat of Spoliane Plain, Wash_, Sep. 5, 1858, --Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1858- 59, --ITt. Cascades, Wash., 1859- 60, - Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1860, - Ft. Dalles, 01'. , 18nO, - Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 18GO--G1, being Acting ASRt. Adjutant-General of the Department of Oregon, July 5, 1860, to ~'I!1y 2, 1861; . (TRANSFERRED TO 5TH ARTILLERY, ,MAY 14, 1861) and in garrison at San Francisco harbor, C,\l., 1861. 80 GRADUATES OF THE


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Aide-de­ Camp to Major-General McClelhm, General-in-Chief, commanding at Wash­ ington, D. C., Sep. 3, 1861, to Mill'. 10, 1862; as Acting Asst. Adjutant-General (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CA.'\IP, SEP. 28, 1861, TO MAR. 24, 1864) . of the Army of the Potomac dming the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, Mar.­ Aug., 1862,- in the Maryland Cmnpnign, Sep. - Nov., 186:l, -and in the nap­ pahnmlOck Campaign, Dec., 1862-J flll.. 1863, being on the Staff of Major­ Generu.1 Burnside, in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; as Judge Advocate General of the AJ:my of the Potomuc, Jan. 29 to Ml'r. 20, 1863; on (MMOR STAFF-AssT. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, FEB. 19, 1863) Special duLy in the War Department, ~:r(U'. 20, 1863, to Aug. 2, 1866, and in (CoL. STAFF-L'ISPECTOR-GENERAL, M.rn. 24, 1864) chllrge of the Inspector Gelleral's Office at WashingtOll, D. C., Mill'. 24,1864, to (BVT. BRIG.-GE:"'ERAL, U. S. AR:uy, MAR. 3, 1865, FOR DISTL'IGUlSHED AND FAI'l'HFUL SERVICES DunHW THE REBELLION) Nov. 1, 1865 ; as Member of Board of Inspection of Arms and Munitions in the (BVT. MAJ.-GEN ERAL, U. S. AR)fY, lVLui. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL, MERITORIOUS, ,I...'1D DISTINGUISHElO SERVICES iN THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DE PART~m..'1T ) ArS€nals and Forts of the Uuited States, Aug. 2, 1866, to

1178 .. (Born Pa.) ...... HENRy F. CLARKE...... (Ap'dPa.) .. 12 Military History.- Cl1det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 183\), to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO:\D LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Seryec1: ill garrison at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., 1843-44,-Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1844-45, - Frankford A"senal, Pa., 1815 , - ~nc1 Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1845; in Militn.l'Y OccnptLtion of Texas, 18'15-4G; iu the War with Mexico, 1846-48, (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JUNE 18, 1846) beiug engaged iu the Battle of Pldo Alto, May 8, 1846,- Bu.ttle of Besaca de 10. Palma, Muy 9, 1846, - Battlc of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 184G,--Sioge of Vern. Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Bn.ttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-Skirmish of Amuzoque, :(vIay 14, 1847, - C[\pture of Sun AnLonio, Aug. 20, 18'17, -Bl1ttle of Churusbusco, Aug. 20, 1847- Battle of Molino del ney, Sep. 8, 1817, whe.re (FmsT LIEUT., 2D ARTlLLRY, SEP. 8, 18-17, TO l\1,Ul. 3, 1857) he WliS wounded, - Storming of Chllpultepec, Sep. 13 , 1847, - and Assrmlt and (BYT. CAPT., SEP. 13, 18-17, FOR GAT.LA.'1T AND l\1ERITORIOUS COl'.-DUCT IN THE BATTLE OF ClLU'ULTEPEC, MEX .) CaptUl'e of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 1847 ; on Recruiting service, 1848; at the Military Academy, 1848- 51, as Asst. Instructor of Artill ory, ,11Ule 6, 1848, to Aug. 16, 1841l,- !1ud Asst. Professor of Mathematics, J,m. 8, 1850, to Sep. 1, 18[;1; in Florida. Hostilities against the Seminole Indialls, 1 85 1 -5~ ; o.s Adjutnnt., ~d Artillery, Sep. 2, 1852, to June 30, 1855, at Ft.. Monroe, Va., It!52-53, anUl1t Pensacola, Fla., 1853-55; at the Military Academy, (IS Instl'UC­ (CAPTAlN, Hn:H INFANTRY, MAR. 3,1855: DECLI:\llD) tor of Al·tillery [Ind C"",alry, Scpo 11, 1855, to Aug. 6, H,,36; in galTison (\t Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. 1856-57; aR Chief of Commissariat on Utah Expedition, (C,U'T. STAF~' -CmrMISs ,u


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: as Chief of Commissariat of the D epartment of Florida, Apr. 13 t<> May 31, 18G1, being engnged in the Defense of Ft. Pickins, 1"1:1., Apr. 19 to May 31, 1861; as Chief of Commissariat of the Army of Lhe Potomac, July 2, 1861, to JUIl. 8, 1864,-- in the Defenses of Washington, July 2, 18G1, to Mar. 10, 1862, - in the Virginia (MAJOR STAFF-COMillSSA.RY OF SUBSISTENCE, AUG. 3, 18(1) (COL. STAFE'-ADDITITIONAL AmE-DE-CA:lIP, SEP. 28, 1861, TO MAY 31, 18(6) Peninsular Campai!£l' iYIar. -Aug., 1862, - in the Maryland Campaign, Sep. ­ Nov., 1862,-in the J:tappnhnnnock Campaign, Dec., 1862- Juno, 1863, ~ - in the PenllSylvani,\ Campaign, June-Sep., 1863,-and in tho Rapidan Campaign, (BVT. COLONEL, SEP. 11, 1863, FOR GALLA~NT A..>;D MERITORIOUS SERVICES PURL'-;G THE U"-'"\IPAlGN IN ~'lARYLAND) Oct.-Dec., 1863; as Purchasing Commissary at New York city, since Mar. 1, 1864, ancl in charge of the Subsistence Department in the States of Connecti­ (LIEUT.-COL. STA~'F - AsST. COM. GEN. OF SUBSISTENCE, JUNE 29, 18(4) cut, New York and New Jersey, since July 25, 1864. (BVT. BRIG.-GENEllAL, MAR. 13, l865, FOR GALLANT AND MEIuTomous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, P A.) (Bn. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MA.R. 13, 1865, E'OR }'AITHFUL AND MERI­ TOllIOUS SERVICES L'! Cl'RE SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT DURL'!G THE REllELLION)

1179.. (Born Incl.) .....•JACOB J. BOOKER ...... ~(Ap'd Ind.) .. 13­ Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was grac1U!,tecl ancl promoLed in the Al'my to· BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Crawforll, Wis., 1843- 45; on det.ached sen.-jcc at Apalachicolo. Arsenal, 1"111., 18 ~15; iu MiliLary Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; (SEcmm LIEllT., 8TH INFANTRY, JUNE 1, 1845) in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the , May 8, 1846,- J3ut.tJe of Resaca de la. Pulu1l\-, Mny 9, 184G,-ilt\tUe of Mon­ terey, flep. 21-23, 1846,-and Siege of Vera Crnz, Mar. 9-29, 18,17; in garrison (FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTllY, SEP. 10, 1847) at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1848; [lnd on frontier duty at San Antonio, Tex., 1848-49. DIED, JUNE 26, 1849, AT SAN ASTONIO, 'rEX.: AGED 28.

1180.. (Born N. J.), ...SAMIJEL G. FRENCH...... (Ap'c1 N. J.) .. 14 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. iYIilitary Academy fTom July. 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, wheu he was gradu[ltcd ancl promoted in the Army to BYl'. SECOX'D LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. . Served: in garrison at lct. Macon, N. 0., 184;~; in preparing artillery drawings, ~ov. 23, 1843, to Nov. 12, 184A,; in garrison [It Ft. McHenry, Md., 1844- 45; ill .~Iilita.l'Y Oocnpl\tion of Texas, 18J5-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-47, belllg engageu in the Battle of Palo Alto, Ml\y 8, 1846,- ·Battlc of Resaca de (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JUNE 18, 1846) 6 82 GRADUATES OF THE


la Palma, May 9, 1846,-Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846,-ll.lld Battle of (Bn. FIRST LIEUT., SEP. 23, 1846, FOR G.U,LANT AND MERITOHIOUS CONDUCT IN THE SEVERAL CONFI.ICTS A'1' MONTEREY, ~IEX.) Buena Vista, Feb. 22-23, 1847, where he was severely wounded; in the Quar­ (BVT. CAPT., FED. 23, 18·47, FOR GALLANT AND k(Em'l'omous CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA, ~IEx.) (FIRST LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, MAR 3, 1847) master-General's Office, at Washington, D. C., 1847- 48; and on Quartermaster duty at New 01'leans. La., 1848,-llatoll Ronge, La., 1848, -- Eu~t Pascagoula, (CAPT. STAFF-ASST. QUAllTEllhlASTEH, JAN. 12, 1848) Mis., 1848,-Texas, 18i8-50,--Conducting tmin from San Antonio, Tex., to El Paso, 1851,-vVashington, D. C., 1851- 53, 1853-54,-nnd Ft. Smith, Al·k., 1854-56. RESIGNED, MAY 31, 1856. Civil History.- Planter, near Vicksburg, Mis., 1856- 61. .Joineclin tlIeRebellion of18Gl- 66 against the United Stutes.

1181.. (130m Me.). THEODORE L. CHADBOURNE. (Ap'd at Large) ..15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, I83£), to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Al'my to Bv·r. SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Sel've(l: in garrison at Ft. Niagarll, N. Y., 1843- '15; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845- 46; and in the Wnl' with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the (SECOND LmUT., 8TH INFANTRY, SEP. 10, 1845) Battle of Pal0 Alto, May 8, 1846,-and Bfl-We of ReRaCI\ de la Pnlllla, where, after distinguishing himself at the head of his command, he WllS KILLED, MAY 9, 1846: AGED 2::l.

1182 .. (Born N. Y.) .. CHRISTOPHER C. AUGUR. ... (Ap'd Mich.) ..16 Military History.-Cadet nt the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to .July 1, 1843, when he wns gmduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, Jur,Y 1, 18·-13. Served: in gu.rrison fIt Ft. Ontario, N. Y., 184.3-4,5; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; ill the War with Mexico, lS46, being eng'lged in the l3attle (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH lln',U;TRY, SEP. 12, 18J5) of Pa.lo Alto, May 8, 1846,- Battle of Resaca de la Palma. May £), 1846; on Recru.iting service, 184.6-47; in the War with ~'Iexico, 1847-4tl, as Aide-de­ Camp to Brig.-Geneml Hopping. Mal'. 1 to Scpo 1, 1847, and to Brig.-General (ICmST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, FED. 16, 1847) Cushing, Sep. 1, 1847, to May 30, 1848; in garrison at Enst Pnseagoula. i\iis., 1848,-and Ft. Niagara, N. Y., 184S-52; on Recruiting serviee, 1852 ; in glu­ rison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852, - alldl3elli~ia, enl., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1852-54, - incouductll\g R.ccruitsto Oregon, 1855, ­ (CAPTAIN,4TH lNi'A:>ITRY, AUG. 1, 1852) Ft. Dalles, Or., 1855,- Ft. Yaldmn, Wnsb., 1855. - Scollting. 185,1 . being en­ gaged against the Yakima Indiaus ill II Skirmish at the Two Bl1tt.es, WfISh.• Nuv. 9, 1855,-Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1855-5G, - Rogue River Expedition, 1856, U. S. MILITARY ACADE~[Y. 83

NUMBER. 1843. CLASS l~ANli.

. being engaged in the Action at Big Bend of Hogue Hiver, Or., iYby 28, 1856, and Action in So.-ho-my Creek, Or., June G, 18;36, - Ft. Orford, 01'., 18;3G, ­ Oregon Hostilities, 1856,- unc1 Ft. Hoskins, Or, 1856-61; and at the Military (MAJOR, 13TH INE'ANTllY, lIfAy 14, 18Gl) Academy, us Commandant of Cadet.s (ex-offieio Lieut.-Colonel), and Instructor of Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Tactics, Aug. 2G to Dec. G, 1861. Served cllll'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-GG: in the n,dvance (BRIG.-GEN., U. 8. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 12, 18(1) Defences ofWnshington, D. C., Dec. 16, 18Gl, to Mar. 10, 1862; in Operations on the R'lppahannoek, lIIar.-July, 1862, being engaged (in command) in the Capture of Frellericksburg, Apr. 21, 18G2, - nnd Advance into Shenandoah Valley, May, 1862; in comm,lnd of Division of 5th Army Corps, July \J to Aug. 10, IbG:.l, being engaged in the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 18{j2, where he was severely wounded; as Member of Military Court to I BYT. COLO~"EL, AUG. 9, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE BATTLE OF CEDAR lIIoUNTAIN, VA.) investigate the circumstances of the Surrender of Harper's Ferry, Sep. 23 (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 9, 18(2) to Nov. 5,1862; iu Geneml Banks' Expedit,ion to NewOrlcans, Nov.·-Dec. 1862; in the command of the District of Baton Rou

1183.. (Born N. Y.) ...FRANKLIN GARDNER *...... (Ap'd Io.) .. 17 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militm'Y Academy from July 1, IS3D, to July 1, 1843, when he was g111.duatcd and promoted in the Army to BVT. SEcol'll LIEUT., 7TH INF.tNT1W, J ULY 1, 18,13. Served: in garrison at P elll';.'lcoia harbor, Flu., 18!4, - Sconting, 1844,-and Pensacola harbor Fla, 1841-45; in .Military Occupation of Texas, ltl'15 46; in (SE(',()ND LmUT., 7TH INFA.NTIlY, SEP. 12, 18·1[;) the Wflr with NIexico, 18'16-48, being engagcd in the Defense of Ft. Brown, May 3· \), 18Mi,- Battie of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 18JG, - Siege of Vem Cruz, (BVT. FmsT LIEUT. , SEP. 2:3, 1846, FOR G.I.LLANT ASD MmUToIUouS CO:s'DUCT IN TITE SEVER.~L CONFLICTS AT ~Iol\TEnEY, :MEl(.)

• :::on of Colonel enABLES K. GARm~ER) Adjutant-Genernl in Lho War of 1812... 15. 84 GRADUATES OF THE


Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Battle ofCeno Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 18

1184.. (Born Vt.) ...... GEORGE STEVENS ...... (Ap'd Vt,) .. 18 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was gl'l\duated and promoted in tho Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., R,IFLES, JULY 1, 1843. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DnAGOONS, AUG. 31, 1843. Served : on frontier duty '1t Ft. ,Jesup, La., 1843-45; in ~1ilitary Occnplltion of 'l'exaR, 1845-46; and in the War wiLh ~iexico, 1846, being engaged in the Bat­ tle of Palo Alto, May 8, 184G, - Dattle of Res;wa de la Palma, May D, 18-16,­ and in the Passage of the Rio Gl'lmdo, was DnowNED, MAY 18, 1846: AGED 25.

l.l85.. (Born Ky.) .. .EDMUNDS B. HOLLOWAy... , . (Ap'd Ky.) ..19 Military History,·-C:1det at the U. S. Militm'y Academy from July I , 1839, to July I, 184:3, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843, Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Scott, Kan., 1843-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with 1lIexico, 1846·-47, being engaged in the (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, SEP, 26, 1815) Battle of Palo Alto, :iliay 8,18J6,- Bo\ttle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846,­ Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 181G,·-Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar, D- 29, 1847, - Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,- Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,- '1lld Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 18-17, where he was severely (Bv'i'. FruST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MEHITORIOUS OONDUCT IN l'RE BATTLES OF CON'£RERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, nIEx.) (FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, SlOP. 17, 1847) wounded; in garrison at Jefferson BflITacks, Mo., 1848; on fronticr duty at San Antonio, 'fex" 1849; on sick leave of absence, 1849-51; on frontier duty 'G. S. MILITARY ACADE~IY. 85

N U )!DE n. 1843. CLASS RANK. ut Scm Antonio, Tex., 1851-52,-and Camp Johnston, Tex., 185:.l,-as Quarter­ muster, 8th Infantry, July 1, 1852, to Dec. 31, 1853,-Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., (CAPTAIN, 8TH INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1853) 1852- 53,-Ringgold Barmcks, Tex., 1853- 54, - und Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1854-56; on lellove of absence, 1856- 60; wd on frontier duty, conducting R ecruits to New Mexico, 1860, - and at Hatch's nanche, N. M., 1860-61. RESIGNED, MAY 14, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- G6 Ilogainst the United States and was ACCIDENTALLY KrLLED BY HIS OWN MEN, 1861.

1166.. (Born Va.) ... . . , .. . . LEWIS NEILL...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 20 Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECON)) LIEUT., RIFLES, JULY 1, 1843. SECOND LIEUT., 2)) DRAGOONS, DEC. 15, 18,13. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup, I,a., 1844- 45 ; in Milititl,y Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War " 'ith Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-2D, 1847, - and in the Skirmish of Medelin, (BVT. FIllST LIEUT., :1\iAn. :.l5, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS OONDUCT IN THE AFFAIE AT MEDELIN, lVIEX.) Mal'. 25, 1847, where he was severely wounded,-ulld as Adjutant, 2d Dragoons, July 27, 184J:i, to Dec. 20, 1847; on Recruiting service, 1847; at the Cuvillry (FrnsT LIEUT., 2D DIlAGOONS, DEC. 20, 1847) School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1848; and on frontier duly On March from Ft. Brown to Ft. Croghan, 'rex. , ~ia. San Antonio, Tey., 1848--49,-and Ft. Croghan, Tex., 1849- 50. DIED, JAN. 13, 1850, AT FT. CROGHAJ'!, TEL: AGED 26.

1187. . (Bom 0.) ...... ULYSSES S. GRANT ...... (Ap'd 0.) . .21 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fro111 .July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was grac1ua.tcd and promoted in lhe Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: ill gan-ison at Jefferson Burl'llcks, Mo., 18'13- 44; on frontier duty at Natchitoches, La. (Camp 8a.lubrity), 1844-45; in Military Occupation of (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH IN1"ANTRY, SEP. 30, 1845) Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846- 48, being engaged ill the Bat­ tle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-BatUe of Resllocl' de lo. Palma, May 9, 1846,­ Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 184G,-Siege of Vera Cruz, ~Iar. 9- 2!J, 1847, - Battle of Cono Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847.-C"ptlll'e of S,m Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847, - Battle of OhUl'llbusco, Aug. 20, 1847, - Battie of Molino del Rey, Scpo 8, (BVT. FrnsT LIEUT., SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE Q}' :1\fOLINO DEL REY, llix.) 1847,-Stonning of Chapultepec, Scpo 13, 18'17, - Asnanlt und Cupture of the (BVT. CAPT., SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT CONDTJCT AT OHAPULTEPEC, iVIEx.) City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847,-- ancl as Quartermaster, 4th Infantry, Apr. 1, 1817, to .July 23, 1848; in garrison at Sackett's Harbor. N. Y., 1848-4!J; as (FIRST LIEu'l'" 4'l'H INF.~NTRY, SEP. 16, 1847) QUl1rtm'ml1ster, 4th Infantry, Sep. 11, 1849, to Sep. 30, 1853; in garrison at Detroit" Mich., 184D- 50, 1850-51,-Saclwti'n Harbor, N. Y., 1851-52,- Ft. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 87

N UMllER. 1843.

of and Operations about ChattmlOoga, Oct. 23 to Nov. 23, 18G3,- - Bnttle of Chf.Lttanoog,', Noy. 23-25, 1863, ' - Pursuit of the t nemy, with lat'go captures of Prisoners, Nov. 2G-27, 186:3, - an<1 on tour of Inspe!5tion, Jan., 1864: in command, as General-in-Chief, of the Armies of the United I:;tates, since Mar. 17, 11164; in the Richmond Campuign, MIlY 4, 1864, to Apr. D, 1865, in direct command of all the fOl'ces in the field, which were engaged in the Battle of the Wilrlerness, .May 5·-G, 1864, - Battles about Spottsylvnnin, jVIay 8- 21, 1864 -Buttles of North Alina, May 21-25, Hl64,--llattle of Tolopotomy, May' 28- 29, 1864,- Battle of Bethesda Church, }iay 30, 1864, - Battles of ~old Harbor, June 1- 13, 1864, - -Assanits on Petersburg, June 16-18, 1864,-l\hht:lry Operations about Pet.ersburg, and Siege of the place, June IS, 1864, to Apr. 3, 1865,- Pursuit of Rebel Army, Apr. 3- 9, J.865, - Battle of Sailors' Creek, Apr. 6, 18fj5, --lmd Capitulation of General Lee, with the Army of Northern Virginia, at Appomatox C. R., Apr. 9, 1865; and comma.nding. Lhe A1'ruies .?f the United States, from headquarters at ,Yashmgton, D. C., smce Apr., 186<), GENERA1~ U. S. ARMY, JULY 25, 11l66) and Secretary of War, ad intel'im, since Aug. 12, 1867.

1188.. (Born N. R.) ....JOSEPH H. POTTER...... (Ap'd N. H.) .. 22 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INF,UiTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garl'iSOl1 at Ft. Des Moines, 10., 1843-45,-- ·and J efferson BllrJ'acks, Mo., 1845; in Miliinry Occupation of Texas, IM5-46; in the War with (SECOND LIEUT., 7'L'H INFANTRY, OCT. 21, 1845) Mexico, 184.6, being engaged in the Defe.nse of Ft. Brown, May 3-9, 18!G, ­ and Battle of Monterey, l:l ep. 21- 22, 1846, where he was severely wonnded in (BI''L'. FillST LIEUT., SEP. 23, 11l46, FOR G.lLLANT AND MERlTOItIOUS SEItVICES IN 'L'HE 1l,lTTLE OF .M:ONTEHEY, ~ux.) storming the enemy's works; on Recruiting seryice, 1846-48; in the 'Var with (FrnsT LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, OC'L'. 30, lS47) :M:exico, 1848; in garrison at J cf1'er80n Barracks, ;VIo., 1848; on Recruiting service, 1848-50; in garrison at JeJferson Barracks, ~-ro. , 1850; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1851-52, 1832 -53, - Ft. DlIlith, Ark., 1853- 55; as Adjutant, 7th Infantry, Nov. 16, 18.53, to Jan. 9, 1856; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, LT., 1855- 56,·-1-'t. Smith, Ark., 1856,-1-'t. Arbuckle, I. T., (CaPTAIN, 7TH INFAN'l'ItY, JAN. 9, 1856) 1856-57,-and Ft. Smith, Al·k., 1858; in garrison at Jefferson Ba.rracks, Mo., 1858; on frontier duty in Utah Expedition, lS58- 60. - iVIarch to New Mexico, 18GO,- l1nd Ft. Webster, N. M., 1860; on Court MM'ti[ll dut.y Ilt Ft. Bli~s, Tex., ]860-61; ou frontier dut.y at Ft. McLane, N. M., 1861; und was captnred by T exas insurgents at, Sa.n Augustine Springs, T ex., July 27, IS61, and not exchanged till Aug. 27, 1862. Seryed during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1862- 66: in the Mary­ (COLONEJ>, 12TlI N. H. VOLUN'fEEllS, SEP. 27, 1862) land Cttmpa.igu (Army of the Pot.oruac), Oct.- Noy., 1862, being engaged in the March to Falmouth, Va.., Oct. - Nov., 1862; in the Rappahannock Cam­

• The tb.-Inks of Congress wore prcs(\uted! Dec. 17.1863, to General GRA}\'T, and also n. Gold ~lcd:l.l, on one side of which waS bis profile Sllrrounded by ,l la urel wreath, with his name, the YC'U· ,18 6:l, rnil a. glllllXY of s lars. On the reverse, a figure of Fame, with n trurnp anel a scroll bcarlllg tbe names of bis "ictorics, an(l, above the t1gurc, the motto: "ProcJa.irn Liberty UlfOUghout the Land." Resolutions of thanKS were also passed by the Legislatures of most oC the loyal States. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 87


of and Opemtions 'lbout Chatt;mooga, Oct. 23 to Nov. 23, 18G3, -Batlle of Chattanooga, Nov. 23-25, lSlJ3, ' - Pursuit of the .enemy, ':'ith large clll?tur?S of Prisoners, Noy. 26-27, 1863.-- and on toU)' of InspectIOn, Jan., 18li!: III command, as General-in-Ohief, of the At'mies of the United States, since nlur. 17, 1864; ill the Richmond C(tmpuign, May 4, 186!, to Apr. fl, 1865, iu direct command of nIl the forces ill the field, which were engaged in the Battle of the \VildernesR, l\1ay 5·· G, 1864. --13attles about SpottRylvania, May 8- 21, Hl64,·- Bibttles of North AUllfi, May 21-25, 1~64, - l:lHttl e of Tolopotomy, Mav 28-29 1864 -Battle of Bethesdll Church, l\1a.y 30, 1864,- Buttles of Cold Ha;'bor, Ju'ne 1-i3, 1864,-AssauItH on Petersburg, June 1(i- 18, 1ti64, - Military Opemt.ioll.s about Petersburg, and Siege of the place, .June 18, 1864, to Apr. 3, 1865,-Pursuit of Rebel Army, Apr. 3- 9, 1865, - BatUe of Suilors' Creek, Apr. 6, 1865,-ancl Capitulation of General Lee, with the ~rmy of Northern Vir"inia at Appomatox O. H., Apr. 9, H165; and commandlllg the Armies of the"Onitecl Statcs, from headquarters at Washington, D. C., since Apr. , 1865, GEYERAL, U. S. ARMY, JULY 25, 186G) and Secretary of War, ad interim, since Aug, 12, 1867.

Haa.. (Born N. H.) ....JOSEPH H. POTTER ...... (Ap'd N. H. ) .. 22 Military History.- Oadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduat.ed and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOXD LIEUT., lilT INFA:-'"l'RY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison atFt.. Des Moines, 10., 1843-45, - IUldJeffcrson Barracks, Mo., 1845; in l\'lilitury Occupation of Texas, Ul45- 4G; in the War with (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTBY, OOT. 21, 1845) Mexico, 1846, being engllged in the Defense of Ft. Brown, Uay 3-!'J, 18!6,-­ and Batt.le of .i\'[ol1teroy, Sep. 21-22, Hl46, where he was severely wounded in (Bu. FrusT LIEUT., SEP. 23, 1846, FOR G,\LLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN l'HE BATTLE OF M:ONTEREY, :1I'lEx.) , storming t.he enemy's works; on Becruiting serviee, 184G- 48; in the Will' with (FruST LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, OCT. 30, 1847) Mexico, 1848; in gtll'l'ison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1848; on Recruit.ing service, 1848-50; in gal'l~son at Jefferson Bm'racks, M:o" 1850; nn frontier duty at lit.. Gibson, I. T. , 1851 -52, 1852-G:J, - Ft t:imith, Ark., 1853-55; as Adjutant, 7th Infantry, Nov. 16, 1853, to Jan. 9, 1856; on froutier dnty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1855- 5G, ·--lct. Smith, Ark., 1856, - Ft. Arbuckle, I. T., (CAPTAIN, 7TH INFANTRY, JAN. 9, 1856) 1856-57,-and Ft. Smit.h, Ark., 1858; in ga.rrison tlt Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1858; on frontier duty ill Utah Expedition, lS58- 6Q, - Mllrch to New Mexico, J860, - ancl Ft. Webster, N. M., 1860; on Oourt Uartial duty at Ft. Bliss, Tex. , J860-61; on frontier duty at Ft. McLane, N. NL, l8Gl; lind was captured by Texas inRlll'gents at S,Ul Augustine Springs, Tex., Jn1y 27, 1861, lind not exclmnged till Aug. 27, 1862. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1862- G6: in the Mary­ (COLONEL, 12TH N. H. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 27, 18G2) land Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Oct. - Noy., 1862, being cng.1ged in the .March to Falmouth, Va., Oct.- Nov" 1862; in the Rappahannock Cam­

* The thanks of Congress were prcs~nt e d, Dec. 17 .1863, to General GR1:N'T, nnd also a. Gold Medal t on olle side ofwhkh was his profile surrounded by a laurel wreath, with his name, tho year,ISO:;, a;Hl a ga,la,xy of s till'S. On the revorse, a. figure of Fame, with a trump nnd a .scron bcufmg the JlaWes or his victories, nnd, above the figure, the motto:. I: Proclaim Llbert.y. throughout t.l1e Land." ResolutiOns of thllu]i:s "..'ere also passe(1 by tbe Legislatures of most Ol the loyal Stutes. 88 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1843. paign (Army of the P otom ac), Dec. , 1862, to May, 1863, being engaged C~1 A JOR, l('iTH INFAXTRY, JULY 4, 1863) in th~, Battle of Fredericl,sbUl'g Dec. 13, 1863, commanding brigade,-an d (BvT. LIEUT.-COL., DEC. 13, 18153, FOR G.\LLAXl' AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE m' FREDERICKSBURG, VA.) Battle of Chancellorsville, V,\., May 2- 3, where he was severely wounded, and (BVT. COLONEL, i'lUY 3, 1863, FOR GALLAXT AND MERITORIOUS SEItVIOES AT THE BATTLE OF CH.\N CELLORS\,ILLE, VA.) . captured ; o.s Pl'isonex of War, May 3 to Oct., 1863, (paroled, May 17,1863); on Special duty, Oct. 18, 18G3, to F eb., 18G4; ns Asst·. Provost-Marshal General of Ohio, F eb. to ::lep., 1864; in command of Brigade, 18th Corps (Army of the ,Tames), Sep. 16 to Dec. 2, 1864, being in command of the Bermuda Huncb:ed Front, during the Attack by the Arllly 011 Ft. Bal'l'ison, ::lep. 29, 1864; in COUl­ mancl of Brigade of 24th ArlllY Corps, Dec. 2, 1864, to Jan. 16, 186;) ; as Chief of Staff' of 24th Arilly Corps, J nn. 16 to July 10, 18G5, being engaged ill the (BVT. BRIG.-GENEllll, U. S. An~fY, M,\U. 13, 1865, FOR GAJ..LA NT """D MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN CAMPAIGN, TERMIN.\TING WITH 'l'SE SURRENDER OF THE INS1;RGENT ARlIIT UNDER GENEllAL R. E. LEE) Attack on the R eb el lines at H"tcher's Run, and south of P etersburg, Apr. 2, 1865,- and Purs uit of the R ebel Army, with several Skirmishes, terminating (BRrG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOL UNTEEERS, lIIAY 1, 1865) with the Capitulnt.ion of General L ee at Appomatox C. H., Apr. 9, 1865; awniting Orders, July 10, 1865, Lo Jim. 15, 18Bo ; as Superintendent of R egi­ ()IusTlmED OUT OF VOLUNTEE R SERYICE, J .tN. 15, 18G6) m ental R ecruiting Service, at Newport Barracks, Ky., F eb. 3, 1866, to J an. 4, (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 30TH INFANTRY, JULY 28, 1866) 1867; in command of R egiment in the D epartment of the Platte, J un. 15, 1867, t o

1189.. (Born Pllo) ...... ROBERT HAZLITT.•••...... (Ap'd 0. ) . . 23 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when h e was gmdllated and promoted in the Army to (Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH IKFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843) Served: in garrison at J efferson Barracks, )10. , 1843- 14; on fl'Oulier duty at Nn,tchiLoches (C,\mp Salubrity), L ,\., 1844, 1844-45; in )Iilitary Occupation of (SECO ND LIEUT., 3D IN~'ANTRY, Nov. 3, 1845) 1'ems, 1845-46; and in the War \~ith M'lxico, 1846, being engaged in the Bat­ tle of P ,llo Alto, May 8, 1846,- Battle of R es,lca de In Palma, ~Ia y 9, 1846 _ nnd B uttle of Monterey, where, in a.n assault upon the enemy's intrenchmez{ts, he was KILLED SEP. 21, 1846: AGED 25.

1190. . (Born N. Y.) ...... EDWIN HOWE ...... (Ap'd at Large) . . 24 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Aco.clemy from 5ep. 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when h e was grUdllated nnd promoted Tn the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU1'., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Sel'Vcd: in gal'l'ison ilt Detroit, Mich., 184.3-44,-and Ft.. Wilkins, Mich . 1844- 45 ; in Military Occupation of T exas, 184[; j on frontier duty at Ft. Smith: (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH L"FANTRY, Nov. 7, 1845) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 89


Ark., 1846; in the War ,vilh Me}:ieo. 184 6·-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, M'll". 9, 1847,---Battlo of Ccrro Gerdo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,- Skirmish of Amazoque, May H, I S47,- Capture of ::ian Antonio, Aug. 20, ]S47,- Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 18

1191 .. (Born Va.) . ...LAFAYETTE B. WOOD ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 25 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 183S, to July 1, IS43, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECO ND LmuT. , 8TH I NFANT RY, J ULY 1, 1843. Sen'ed : in garri ~o n at Ft. M m~ o ll, Fla. , 1S·1:3-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1&15; 011 Recruiting service, 18·15-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846- 48, (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1845) being engaged in the Battle of P lllo Alto, May S, 1846,- Bnttle of Resac[\ de la Palma, May 9, 184Q,- Battle of ~font erey , Sep. 21--28, 1846, --Siege of (Bv'l.'. FIRaT LmuT., SE:'. 23, l S46, Fon GALLANT AND MEHlTomous CmmUCT IN THE SEVERAL CONFLICTS AT MONTEnEY MEX. ) Vera Cruz, ~1:1r . 9- 29, 1847, - BMtle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-C,.1p­ tme of San Antonio, Aug. 20, l&i7, ~ B!1ttl e of Churubusco, Aug. 20. 1847,­ (BYT. C.~T ., AUG. 20, 1847, FOl~ GALLANT AND ME BITOlHOUR CONDUC1' IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CH URUBUSCO, ~I E X . ) Bttttle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,- J3attle of Cbapultepec, Sep. 13, 1817, .. -and Ao S;Hllt, and C'lpture of the City of :Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; a ~ Aide­ dp.-Can.q . ~o Bvt. ~Iaj . -Gen eral Worth, Aug. 15, 1846, to Mar. 3], 1849 ; on front.ier duty at San An.tonio, T ex., as Ordnance Officer, 1848- 50, [\Dd as Depot (FrusT LIEUT., STH INnNTRY, JA}I. I, 1848) Commissary, lS51-53,- -and at Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., 1853; and us Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the Military Asylum at HalTodsburg, Ky., (C,lePT.UN, 8TH I~U' ANTl: Y, JULY 19, 1858) June 4, 1855, to Oct. 19,1858. DIED, OCT. 19, 185S, A.'r WASHINGTON, D. C., AGED 38.

1192 .. (Born N. Y.) .. CHARLES S. HAMn.TON ... . . (Ap'd N. Y.) .26 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. iHilit,wy Academy from July 1, 1839, to .July 1, 1843, when be was graduated and promoted in tbe Army to BYT. SECON D LmUT., 2D INFANTRY, J Ul.Y 1, 1843. Seryed: in garrison I1t Buffalo BlIrracks, N. Y. , 1843- 45, - and Ft. IVilkino, (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFAN TTlY, Nov. 17, 1845) Mich., 1S4.5- 46: in the W!ll' witb Mexico, 1846-48, being engflged in the Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 184G,- Siege of Vent Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847, ­ (FmST LmUT., 5TH INHNTRY, J UNE 30, 1847) 90 GRADUATES OF THE

Nu:unER. 1843. CLASS RANK.

Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 18'17, - lhttle of Chnrubusco, Aug. 20, 18,17, (Bn. CAPT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT A:-ID MEHITORIOUS Co:mUCT IN THE BATTr,ES OF CONTllERA.'; AND CnUllunusco, MEX.) -and BM,tle of .i\i[olino del R ey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was severely wounded; as Qu;ut.enllnster, 5th In!ant.l·y, M ill'. 1 to Sep. 18, 1848; in garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; ou Hecmiting service, 1848- 50; and on froutier duty at Ft. Towson, 1,. T., 1850- G1, - March to Texas, 18G1,-and Ft. llelkna,p, Tex., 1851 -52. RESIGNED, APR. 30, 1853. Civil History.- Fnrmer nnd Flour Mmmfacturer, Fond-du-Lac, Wis., • 1853- 61. President of Fond-du-Lltc County A.gricultural Society, 1854. Military History.- Served dnring the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-63: in Operations ou Lhe Upper Potomac aud in the Shen[llldoah Valley, (COLONEL, 3D ,\VISCONSIN VOLUNTEERS, MAY 11, 1861) Va., July, 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the Virginill Peninsular Campaign, (Army (BRW.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUN TEEllS, MAY 17, 18G1) of the PotonHlc), Mar, - "'Iay, 1862, being cngllged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. G- Mlty 4, 1862; in the Mississippi Ca mpaign, June- Aug. 18G:!, being en­ gaged in the Battle of Iub, Sep, 19, HH52, - ltnd BatUe of Corinth, Oct. 3- 4, (i\hJOn-GENEluL, U. S. VOLUNTEEllS, SEp. 19, 18(2) 186:3; and in command of the District of COl'inth, and left wing" of the Army of the Tennessee, in General Grant's flank movement to Oxford, Mis., Oct., 18G2, to Jan 1863,- and of the 16th Army Corps and District of West Teunes­ see, J [tu. t.o API'" 1863. RESIGNED, ApR. 13, 1863. Civil History.-M,mufactUl'cr ot' Colza oil, for U. S. Lighthouses, at I·'ond­ dn-Lac, Wis. , since lSG3,- Hegent of Wisconsin State University sinee 1863.

1193.(BoI'llN. Y.) .WILLIAM K. VAN BOKKELEN.(Ap'(lN. Y.).27 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1813, when he was gmduated ,md promoted in the Al:my to BVT. SECO~D LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Ft. Pike, La.. lS1a, - Ft.. Morgan, A.b" 184:3, ·-P en­ sacola harbor, Flu., 18'13 -44, - Baton Rouge, La., 18H- 45, Ft. Pickens, lila., (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ~NF.\Nl'n Y, Nov. 26, 1845) 1845; in :Military Occupatiou of T exas, lS-15-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846; (TIlANSFERItED '1'0 7TH lNFA~TnY, J UNE 27, lS'16) on Recl'IIitillg son'ice, 18-16-47; in the Wnr with Mexico, 18c!7-48, being en­ gaged in the B~,ttle of Contreras, A.ug. 19-20, 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20,1847, FOIl GU.LA.l"T AJlD MEIl1T01UO !!SC O~mU CT IN TIrE BATTLES OF CO~ TnEllAS AND CHURUBUSCO, Ml'X.) Aug. 20, 1847, - Battle ofi\Iolino del R ey, Scpo 8, 1847,- and Operations befm'e, and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 18,17; as QuartermflHtcr, 7th Infantry, Jan, 17, 1848, to Sep. 10, 1t!50; in gllITison at J efferson Bt1l'mcks. Mo.,1848- 49; in Florid,t Hostilities (Igo.inst the Seminole Inc1jnns, lS4!:l-50; in garrison at J efi'el'son Barmcks, i\fo., 1850,-Ft. Le(lvenworlh, Kfln., 1850,- ­ (FIRST LLEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 16, 1850, TO JA:-I. 2, 1858) and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1850-51; on frontier duty at Ft. Washita, I. T., U. S. 1IIILITARY ACADEMY. 91

N l! i\IBE R,. 1~43. CLASS RANK.

1851- 52; on Recruiting service, 185\3- 53; and on QUllrterrnast ~.:r duty, in the (CAPTAIN S'l',u.'F·--AsST. QulllTERMASTER, Jur,y 28, 1853) Quartermaster-Genera!'s office 'Washington, D. C., 1853,-Tampa B"y, Fla., 1853- 54.- Texas, 18G1- 57, - Floridn Hostilities, 1857-58,-and Flo, Union, N. M., 1858-61. CAsmERED, l\:IAY 8, 1861, FOR l\:IISAPPI.ICATION OF $225 OF PUIll.IC FUNDS. Civil History.-Unknown.

1194.. (Born N. Y.) .. A. ST. AMAND CROZET·. (Ap'd at Lurge.) .. 28 Military History.-Cadct at the U. S. Military AC[1,demy from July 1, 1838, to July 1, 184.3, when he was gradnated anel promoted ill the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFAXflW, JULY 1,1843. Served: in garrison at. New Orleans Barracks, La., 1843-44; in command of escort to Paymaster, 1844 ; in g[1,rrison [1,t New Orl,Jf\ns Barracks, La., 18-14- 45, -and Pass Christian, Mis., 1845; in Milit,lry OecnpaUoll of Texas. 1845- 46; (SECOND LIEUT., 8T1I INFA,,"TRY, DEC. 31,1845) in the War with lVrexie-o, 184Ci---'!7, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-and BatHe of Hesaca de III Palma, May 9, 1846; on RCC111iting service, 1847-4S; in the War with Mexico, 1848; in ganison at .Jefferson Bo.r­ (FIRST LIEUT., STH INFANTHY, JAN. 27, 1848) ruck~, Mo., 18-18; on frontier duty I1t Fredericksburg, Tex., 1849. - o.nd Anstin, Tex., 181~ ; as Quart()I'll1aster 8.11 Infantry, .July 9,18'19, to .July '1, IS;j~ , - at HIUl Antonio, 'rex. , ISMl -51,-Ft. Martin Scott, Tex., 1851- 52, --Imd Camp Johnston, Tex., IS52; on Uecrniting service, ]852- 54; and on sick leave of absence, 1854--55. DIED, ApR. 23, IS.55, AT CINCINNATI, 0.: AGED 33.

1195.. (BornMe.) ...... CHARLES E. JARVIS...... (Ap'dMe. ) .. 29 Military History.- C"det nt. the U. S. Military Aca.demy from July 1, 1839, to Jnly 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Axmy to Bn'. SECOND LIEUT., 3D lNFANTHY, JULY 1, 1843. Sened: in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1!Ylli-44; on frontier dnty at Ft. ,Jesup (Cump Wilkins), Ln., I&H-'1i); in :\Iilitary Occupalion of Texas, 1845; in garrison at New Orleans, Ln., ISJ6,- n.nd J<'t. Columuns, N. Y., IS46; in (SECOND LillU1'., 2:0 INFANTRY, MAR. 11, 1816) the 'Val' with l\:Iexico, 184&-48. being engaged in the Siege of Vem Cruz, Mal'. ll- :,!!l, ItH7,-" llattie of Cerro Gordo. Apr. 17- 18, lS47, Where he was wounded ill storming the enemy'6 intl'enchou hcights,--Skirmish of Oka J.Juku, Aug. IG, lS'17,-Battle of Contreras, Aug. W -20, HH7, - Batt.le or Chlll'ubnsco, (BVT. FmsT J.JillUT., AGe:. 20, ]&17, 1"on GALLANT A.'Ill n:IEluTOIU01JS CONDUCT IN ·J.'HE BATTLES OF OONTHERAS AND CHUHUBUSCO, MEX.) Aug. 20, 1847- B'lttle of Molino uel TIey, Sep. 8, 1847,- and Assault and C"p­ ture of the Cit.y of Mexico, Scpo 13-14. 1817; in garrison at Ft.. Ha.milton, (FmSl' LIEUT., 2D I)(H"TRY, JAN. 12, 1848) N. y., 181S; on voyage to , IS48 ~!9; and on frontier duty al San Diego, CaL, 18JI). DIJm, Jm-m 8, 184D, ,\,'£ SONO~lA, CAL.: AGED 28.

$: Was named AlFRED CnoZET when he was graduated. SOll of Professor CUUD::; CnOZE'f 92 GRADUATES OF THE

N U ~[B E R. 1843. CLASS RA:S-K.

1196.. (Born N. Y.) ....FREDERICK STEELE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 30 Military History.- Cadct at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1839, to ,Tuly 1, 1843, when he was gl'fLcluatecl and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO:S-D LmuT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1,1843. Scrved: in garrison at Eull'"lo Barracks, N. Y., 1843-45,--Ft. Mackinac, )){jcll., 1845-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847-48, being engaged in the Sku'­ (SECO:S-D LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, MAR. 15, 1846) Illish of Oka Laka, Aug. 16, 1847,- Buttle of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847,­ (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CONTRERAS, MEX.) Battle of CllUl'ubusco, Aug. 20, 1847, -BfLttle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 18·H.­ and Storming of CI.U\pultepec, Sep. 13, 1847; in garrison fLt Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., (BYT. C.U'TAr.I, tiEP. 13. 18'17, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOTIS CONDUCT IN THE , )fux.) 18,18; on "oyage to Califol'l1ia, 1.848-49; on frontier duty at Port Stockton, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JUNE 6, 1848) Cal., 184!l,-Camp Stanislaus, CaL, 18-19.-nnd Benicia , Cal., 1849; as ALljll­ tant, 2d Infantry, Sep. 6, 1849, to Feb. G, 1855- E1t Benicia. Cal., 1849- 1)0,,­ Monterey, CaL , 1850,- Benicia, Cal., 1850-52,- Ft. Yuma, Cn!., 1852,-Bcnicia, On!., 1852-53,- and C;ll'lisle Barracks, Pa., 1853-55; and on frontier duty at (CAP'r.EN, 2D INFANTRY, FEB. 5, 1855) Ft. Ridgely. Min., 1855- 56,-- Ft. R,mclall, Dillt., 1856-57,-Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1857- 5S,- Winnebago Agency, 1858-59, - Long Prairie, 1859,--Ft. Itidgely, Min., 185fJ, -·.. Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1859,- conclucLing Recruits to St. P,\ul, Min., 1860,--Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1800- 61, - l1nd Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1861. Served uuring the Hebellion of the Seceuing States, 1861-·66; in Military (~hJOR, 11TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) Operat,iollS in Misl;ouri, commanding Brigade, June 11. 1861, to Apr. , 1862, being engaged in the Action of Dug Spring, Aug. 2, 1861,--ButUc of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861,-Hctreat to Holla, Aug. 10-17, 18G1.­ (OOLONEL, 8TH IOWA VOr,UNl.'EERS, SEP. 23, 1861) lit Bcntoll Banaeks, Scp.- Oct., 1861,- Quiu(o.y, Oct.-Nov., 18G1, --·Sedalill, Nov., 18G1- Feb., 1HG3, - and ill command of South-c:lsteru District of l\fis­ (BRIG.-GENERU:, U. S. VOI.UNl.'EERS, J.IN. 29, 18(2) s011r;, F eh. - Apr., 1862; in command of 1st Di"isioll, Army (If the South­ west, May-Nov., 1862, bein~ engaged ill GoneraJ Curtis' movemenf, from Batesville to Heleml., Ark., 1iay-J'uly, lSG2, - Action of Hound Hill, July 7, 1862,- Oeeup'ltion of Helena, Ark, July-Ang., 18G2, -allll in shipping stores at .Pilot Knob Mo., Sep. HW2; in command of District of East,.. ern Arkansas, Nov.- Dec., 1862; in commrutd of Div;sion, 13th Army Corps, (i)I.uon-GENlillAL, U. S. VOI.UNTEERH, Nov. 29, 18G:'!) on the Expedition to the Yazoo, Dec., 1862, being cngag6d in t.htl Ass!ll)lt 01 ChiclUtsaw BluffS, Dcc. 27- 2\), 1862, - Ulld to Arkansas Post, whith wa~ cap­ tured, J,'Il. 11, 1863; in command of Divis;on, 15th Al'my Corps, in the Vieks­ burg Call1paign, Jan,-July, 18(j~, being engagecl in the Operations at Young's Point :md Advance to Grand Gulf, Jan. ·-May, 18G3, - Attuck of JUCkSOIl, ))iis., lIiay 14, 1863,- Siege of Vicksburg, lIlay, 2~ - J uly 4, 1863, - and He-occnpafion of (En. COL(l:'mL, JUI,y 4, 18G3, FOIt GALLANT AND MEHITORIOUS SERVICES IN 'raE CAluP,UGN, RESULTING IN THE CAPTURE OF VICKSBURG, lIlrs.) .Jackson, .July 16, 1863; in command of the Army of Arkansas, July, 18G3, to Jon. 6, 1864, being engaged in the Capture of Little Rock, Sep. 10, 1863; in (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 3D INFANTHY, AUG. 26, 18(3) commfLn<1 of the Department of Arkansas, .Jan. 6, to Nov. 29, 186,1, being en­ gageu in tile Expedition to Camden, Mar. -Apr., 1864, pr\l:ticipating in several U. S. ZllILITARY ACADEi)1Y. 93

NUMBER. CLASS RANK. actions,-and Bo.ttle of Jenkin's :Ferry, Apr. 30, 18M; in command of column in :Mobile Campaign, .Jan.-Apr., 1865, being engaged in organizing his forces o,t Kenncrville, La., JIUl. 8-24, 1865,--Mavement to Pensacola, Jan. ~1 to l?eb. 28, 1865,.-lYfurch to Mobile Bay, :Vlar. 20 to Apr. 2, 1865, - Sicge of (BVT. BRIG -GENERAL, U. S. Arn[Y, MAIl. 13, 1865, FOR GALLAN~' AND lVIEmTORIOUS SERVICES IN THE CAl"rUltE OF LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) Blakely, Apr. 2, when inv~stod, to Apr. 0, 1865, when carried by storm,­ Capture ofl-lobile, Apr. 12, 18G5,·---and movement to :\Iontgomery, Apr., 1865; (BYT. ~hJ.-GEXERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, Fon GALLANT AND D'lERITOlUOUS t,];:RYTCES DU1UNG THE HEBELLION) ill cOIUmand of thc forces on the East side of Mobile Bay, May, 1865, - 011 the Rio Grandc, Jnne 9 to July 20,1865, -and of Western District of Texas, July 20 to Oct. 7, 186.5; on leave of absence, Oct. 7 to Dec. 21, 1865; and in command of the D e p~rtment of Colnmbill, Dec. 21, 1865, to CormmL, 20TH INFANTRY. JULY 28, 1866.

ll97.. (Born Vt.) ...... HENRY R. SELDEN...... (Ap'd Vt. ) .. 31

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Ac~demy from July 1, 183U, to Jnly 1, 184.3, when he Wo.s gmtluated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INf'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Ft. Snelling, Min., 1843-46; in the War with Mexico, (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, MAR. 2.5, 1846) 184&-48, being engaged in the Battle of Nlonterey, Sep. 21-23. 1846,-and Siege of Vera Cl'llZ, Mar. 9- 1l9, 18H; in garri.'lon at East Pascagoula, Mis., . (FIRST LmUT., 5= INFA.l'~RY, SEP. 8, 1847) 1848; ou frontier duty at Ft. Washita, I. T., 184§-50, 18.51; ns Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Brig.-Geneml Belknap, May 20 to Oct. 10, 1851,-'llld Ft. Belknap, Tex., 1851 .. 52; on Hecruiting service, 1852-54: on frontier dut.y at Ft. McIn­ tosh, Tex., 1851 -55,-as Adjubmt 5th Inf,mtry, May 1 to Oct. 18, 1855,­ (CAPTAIN, 5TH I;>(~'ANTRY, OCT. 18, 1855) Ringgold Barrncks, 'rex.. 1R,j5,-and Ft. Mclnt~sh, Tex., 185.5-56; in Florida Hostilities o.gainst the Seminole Indi>ms, 1856-57; in garrison a.t Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 18;37; and 011 frontier duty on Utah Expedition, 1857- 60, - on Mo.rch to New Mexico, 1860, -at Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1860, - Ft. Faunt.leroy, N. M., 1860,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1SBO - G1,-Navajo Expedition, 1861,-and Ft. Fauntleroy, N. M., 1861. Served during the Hebellion of the Seceding St"tes, 1861- 65: in Defense of Ft. Craig, N. M., Aug. 14, 1861, to Jan. 31,1862; in command of Hegiment in Operations in New Mexico, Jo.n. 31 to Sep. 23, 186:3, being engaged in the Combat of Vnh'ercle, N. M., Feb. 21, H,62, - Action of Pigeon's Hanch, Mo.r. 28, 1862,- Actioll of Perall;\, Apr. 14, 1862,-ut Ft. Craig, N. M., Mar. l-:n, 1862, - Scouting, Mar. 31 to May, 1862,- Ft. Cmig, N. M., May to Aug. 14, 186:l,-Belen, N. M., Aug. 31 to Sep. 29, 1862,-ancl Ft. ~iarcy, (MAJOR, 13TH IN~'ANTnY, JULY 1. 1863) N. M., 1862, to Sep. 23, 1863; us Superintendent of Recruiting Service o.nd Disbursing Officer at Sflnto. ,Fe, N. M. , Scp., 1863, to Apr. 25, 186·!; and in (COLONEL, 1ST NEW n-llixrco VOLUNTEERS, APR. 25, 18(4) Operations ill New Mexico, Apr. 25, 18M, to-Feb. 2, 1865. DIED, FED. 2, 1865, AT FT. UNION, N. M.: AGED 44. 94 GRADUATES OF THE

Nu~rBER. 1843. CLA SS liANK.

1198 .. (Born Me.) ...... RUFUS INGALLS ...... • .. . . (Ap'd U e. ) .. 32 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .1nly I, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated aud promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., RLFLE~ , JULY I, 1843. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. J esup, La., l S·1:3- 45,- and Ft. Leavenworth, (SECO:


Establishing ltnd Superintending the great Army Depot fit Oity Point, Va., (BV'.r. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLU:,(TEEllS, AND U. S. AmlIx, }lAn. 13, 1865, FOr< FAITH~-Ut AND MERrroraous SEIlYlCIlS DUIUNG THE U,EIlELI.ION) Jan. 16, 1864, to lIby 9, 1865; and at the He,.dquartel1l of the Army, Wash­ ington, D.O., June 15, 1865, to May 1, 18G6; on Spe('ial Inspection duty ltcross the continent to Oregon, May 4 to Dec. 14, Itl66; in waiting orders, (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-DEP. QUARTEr

1199 .. (Dorn lIlo.) .....FREDERICK T, DENT ...... (Ap'd lIfo.) .. 33 Military History.- Cndet at the U. S. Military Ac,jdelllY fTom Sep. 1, 18::19, to July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Towson, I. T., 18013 -46; in garrison at Baton Rotltye, La., 1846-47; in the Wflr with Mexico, 1817- 48, beiug engaged in the (SECO:,(D LIEUT., 5TH INFA~THY, lI1AH. 30, 18(6) Siege of Vera Cruz, 1I1ar. 9-29, 1847,---Captnre of San Antonio, Aug. 20,1847, -­ Battle of Churubnsco, Aug. ~O, 18-!7,- and Battle of Molino del Hey, Sep. 8, (BVf. FlllST Lmu'1" AUG. 20, 1847, FOR G,ULANT .\ND MEHITOIllOUS CO~"])t;CT I~ nn; BATTLES OF CO:,(TREllA$ ,un> CHunUIlUSCo, :MEX.) 1847, where he was severely wounded ; in ga.rrison at Bnton Ronge, La., 18J8; (BVT. CAP'r., SEP. 8, 18,17, FOR GALLAN1' AND lI1ERITOr.roUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOJJNO DEL l~ . EX, MEX.) (Fuwr LIEUT., 5TH h7,U,TRY, SEP. 11, 1847) on Pacific Railroad Survey, 1849; on frontier dnty aL Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1849-50,--Emigmting Seminole Indians, 1850- 51, --·1<'t. Gibson, I. 'r. , 1851,­ Marcil to Texas, 1851,-Ft.. Belknap, Tex., 1851, - Clear Fork of the Brasos River, Tex. , 1851 -5:!, 1853,-mld Ft. lIfclntosh, Tex., 1853- 54; on Hecrnit­ ing service, 1854-55; in garrison at Ft.. Monroe, Va., lR55; on frontier dnty (CAPTAIN, 9TH lNFANTl\X, MAll. 3, 1855) at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1856,- Seouting, 1856, being engaged in a Skirmish on Cedar Hiver,- Yukimll Expedition, 1856,- Ft. Dalles, Or., 1856-57,­ Ft. Hoskins, Or., 1857, -- Ft. Dalles, Or., 1857, - and Ft. Walla W'lll", 'Vash., 1857- 58; on Spokane Expedition, Wash., being cngaged in the Combat of Four Lftkes, Sep. 1, 1858,- Combat on Spokane Plain, Sep. 5, 1858,- -nud Skirmish on Spokane HiYer, Sep. 8, 1858; amI on frontier rlnty at 10'1. Wulb Walla, " 'ash., 1858- GO, -Expeelitioll to Snake Hiver, Or., to rescue the sur­ vivors of the lIIassacre at Salmon Fall, 1860,·-Ft.. Hoskins, Or., 1861,-and (MAJOR, 4TH ll


1864, to Apr. 19, 1865, being present in the Battles and Military Operations of (13VT. COLONEL, FEB. 24, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICE) the Richmond Campaign, 1864-65; as lHilitary Commander of the City of (Bn'. Bnw.-GENERAL, U. S. ARlIY. lHAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND lHERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DUlUNG THE REBELLION) Richmond, Va., Apr. 19 to May 27, 186ii,---and of the garrison ofWashiugton, (BRW.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, APR. ii, 18G;3) D. C., Aug. 26, 1865, to Apr. 10, 1866; and on the Sta,if of the General-in­ (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, APR. 30, 18GG) (LIEUT. -COL. CTAFF-- AmE-DE-CA)fP TO THE GENERAL-lX-CHIEF, l\iAy 3, 18(6) Chief, at Washington, D. C., since May 3, 1866. COL. f'lTAFF - AIDE-DE-CAMP TO THl: GENERAL-IN-CHIEF, JULY 2G, 1866. THANSFERHED TO 14TH INFA.>.'ITHY, AUG. 21, 1866.

1200.. (Born Ky.) ...... JOHN C. McFERRAN...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 34 Military History.-Cadet at t.ho U. S. Military Academy from ,Tuly 1, 1838, to July 1,1843, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to BVT. SECOND LumT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: ill garrison at .JefI'ersoLl Barracks, ~Io., lS43-44,-and Newport 13ar­ mcks, Ky., 1844; on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup (Camp Wilkins), 1 44-,15; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, lS4(;, being (SECOND LIEUT_, 7TH INFANTRY, ApR. 19, 18,10) engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, ISH;' -fLUel Ihttle of Rosa.ea de la Palma, May IJ, IS46; as Assistant to the Superintendent of Western Hecruit­ ('.i'HANSFERRED TO 3D INFANTRY, ,TUNE 27, 1846) iug Service, 1847; on frontier duty at San Antonio, Tex., 18'i8- -19,-March to (FIRST LmuT., 3D INFANTRY, OCT. 22, 1847, TO DEC. 31, IS56) San Elizario, Tex., 184IJ,-Sttn :r~liz"rio, Tex., 1849-50, - Santa Fe, N. M., as Chief Commissary of the Department of New Mexico, Nov. 1, 1850, to Sep. l, 1851,- Ft. Union, N. M., 1851- 5:2, being Acting Asst. Adjutant-Gcneml, De­ partment of New :i\Iexico, Oct. 9, 185], to Aug. 1, 18G2, - and as Q,u[lrtennas­ ier, 3d Infantry, May 1, 18G2, to Oct. 20, 1855; at Ft. Fillmore, N. M., and (CAP·I'. ST.\FF-AsST. QU.U1TER'IASTER, AUG. 20, 1855) on QUflrtermaster duty ill New Mexico, 185:)-58, - WaRhington, D. C .. 1859, ­ White Cloud, Kan., establishing Depot, 1859, - Jeifer3Jn Barl'Hcks, i\Io., supel'intending repairs, 1859- 60, - taking Cavalry horses and Public Funds to New Mexico, 1860, - Albuquerque, N. M., 18GO-rl1, - and a Ft. Union, N. M., building Depot and Post, 1861-62. Served dlll'ing the Rebellion of tho Seceding States, IS62- 66: as Chief Quar­ termaster of the Department of New l\Iexico, head.quarters Sanb. Fe, Sep. 1, (MAJOR STAFF--QuAETEmIAsTER, Nov. :30, 1863) 1862, to July 24, 186;3, being engaged in the Action of Peralta, N. l\1., Apr. 15, 1862, - and as Chief of ctaif to Brig.-Geneml Carleton, commanding (COL. STAFF, U. S. VOLu~TEEns, AUG. 2, 1864, TO JUNE 9, 18G5) Department, Dec., 186'i, to July, 1865; and as Quartermast.er at Washington, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., BVT. COLONEL, AN:D BVT. BRIG.-GENlliUL, U. S. Amrr, MAll. 13, 1865, FOR }'AITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SEllVICES DUIUNG THE REBELLION. (LIEUT.-COL. STA~' F-DEP. QUARTEmIAsTER-GEN.. JULY 29, 18GB) D. C., 1865, io , being in charge of the 8th Division,in tho Quar­ termaster-Geneml's office, since Apr., 1867. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 97


1201. . (Born Md.) ...... HENRY M. JUDAH ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 35 Milit3.ry History.-Clldet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1843, when he Wl"iS gmdu[1ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INF.\.NTRY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garri~on atFt. MarioD, Fla., 18


1202.. (Born N. Y.) ...... NORMAN ELTING ...... (Ap'd N. Y. ) .. 36 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S .. Military Academy from July I, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated, and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY I , 1843. Served on frontier duty at Ft. Towson, I. T., ] 843-45,-and Ft. Washita, (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, MAY 9, ]846.) I. T., 1845-46. RESIGNED, OCT. 29, 1846. Civil History.-School Teacher in St. Louis Connty, lifo., 1847-49,-in Ulster County, N. Y., 18·19- 50,-at Port Ewen, ]853-56,-o.nel in Litchfield County, Ct., 1862- 63. Employed by the' Pennsylvania CO'M Company ill Ya­ rious capacities, 1853- 56, and 1858-61. Farmer, Ulster County.N. Y., 1850- 52, -and in Litchfield County, Ct., since 1863.

~203 .. (Born Ten.) ...... CAVE J. COUTS...... (Ap'd Ten.) ..37 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, iJ.838, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., RIFLES, JULY 1, 1843. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Jcsup, La., ]844-45, 1845,-conducting re­ (SECOND LmUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAR. 31, 1845) ·cruits to Ft. Washita, LT., ]845,-Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1845,- Evansville, Ark., 1845-46,- anel Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1846-47; in the War with ~Iexico, 1848; anel (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, FED. 16, ]847) on frontier duty at Los Angelos, Ca!., ]848-49,-San Diego, Co.!., 1849,-Expe­ dition to Giln River, ]849, ~San Diego, CaL, 1849-50, -and San Louis Rey, C,,1., ]850-51. RESIGNED, OCT. 9, 1851. Civil History.- Ranchero, San Diego, Col., since, 185]. Lieut.-Colonel,

1204.. (BornN. H.) .. CHARLES G . MERCHANT *. (Ap'd at Lo.rge).3B Military History.·--Co.det at the U. S. Military AC>ldemy from Sep. 1, 1839, to July 1, ]843, when he was gnlduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU'x., 8TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1843. Served: in gal'l'ison at Ft. lIfarion, Fla., 1843,-and Key West, Fla., 1843-45; ~n Military Occupation of Texlls, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, (SECOND LIEu'r., 8TH INFANTRY, MAY 9, 1846) being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - Battle of Resaca dc 10. Palma, !Vby 9, 1846,-Battle of Monterey, Sep, 21 - 23, 1846, Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1857,-Bftttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, lS47, - Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 18-17, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 184.7, - Battle of Molino del Hey, Sep. 8, 1817, - Storming of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,­ (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOmOUS CONDUCT AT TIlE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, lIbx.) (BvT. CAPT., SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITomous CONDUCT AT THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, MEX. ) .Md Assault and Cllpture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 1847; on fron­ (FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, AUG 2, 1848)

• Son of Bvt. Brlg.·Genoral CH.utwl M£RCiWI'T, U. S. Army, U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 99

NUMBER. 1843-44. CLASS RANK. tier duty, on the ~Iarch through Texas to Ft. Inge, 1849-50, being engaged in a Skirmish with Camanche Indians, near Leona, Tex., May 18, 1850, where he was severely wounded; on Recruiting service, 1850-52; on sick leave of ab­ sence, 1852-55; and as !:lecretary and Treasurer of the Military Asylum at East Pascagoula, Mis., Apr. 27 to Sep. 4, 1855. DIED, SEP. 4, 1855, AT EAST PASCAGOULA, Mrs.: AGED 34;

1205. . (Born Pa.) ... GEORGE C. McCLELLAND...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 39 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to .l3VT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY I, 1843. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kau., 1843-45,-and Ft. Jesup (Camp Wilkins), La., 1845; and in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46. RESIGNED, ApR. 3D, 1846. Served in the War with Mexico, 1847, as a private and corporal in 1st Penn­ sylvania Volunteers, at the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-llnd Skir­ mish at Santa Fe, near Vera Oruz, Mar. 25, 1847. Reappointed in the UniLed States Army, with the rank of SECOND LIEUT., 11TH INFANTRY, APR. 9, 1847. Served: on Recruiting service, 1847; in the War 'with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in the Defense of , !:lep. 13-30, 1847; and in arrest Sep. 30 to Oct. 13, 1847. CASHIERED, OCT. 13, 1847, for" conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," and for" drunkenness on duty." Civil History.-Merchant, Venango, County, Pa., 1848-57; and Farmer Bince 1857. Major Staff-Brigade Inspector, Pennsylvania Militia, 1849-59.

CLASS OF 1844.

1206. . (Born Ct.) ...... WILLIAM G. PECK ...... (Ap'd Ct. ) .. l Military Histcry.-Cadet at the U. S. Milihuy Academy from July I, 1840, to July I, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., Tol'. ENGINEERS, .JULY I, 1844. Served: as Asst. Top. Engineer on Survey for the Military Defenses of Portsmouth harbor, N. H., 1844-45, - and in Fremclllt's third Exploring Expe­ dition through the Rocky Mountains, 1845; at the Military Academy itS Asst. Professor of Natural and Experimentn.! Philosophy, Feb. 25 to ,June 5, 1846; in the War with NIexico, 1846- 47, attached to the "Army of the WCRt" under Bl'ig.-Geneml Kearny; and at the Military Academy, 1847-55, as Asst. Pl'O­ (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, NIAY 31, 184-9) fessor of MitthemaLics, Sep. 3, 1847, to Sep. I, 1851, --and Principal Asst. Pro­ (Frns'r LIEUT., Top. ENGL'IEERS, MAR. 3, 1853) fessor of ~Iathematics, Sep. I, 1851, to Sep. 4, 1855. RESIGNED, OCT. 2, 1855. Civil Histcry.-·Elected Professor of j\>Iathema.tics and Engineering, Ken­ ~.?~ Col!cge, 0., .181?5: declined. P:ofessor of Physics and ~ivil Engineering, umverslty of MwhlgllJl, Sep. 15, 18u5, to July 1, 1857. AdJunct Professor of 100 GRADUATES OF THE


University of Michigan, Sep. 15, 1855, to July ], 1857. Adjunct Pro­ fessor of Mathematics, Columbia College, N. Y., July 1, 1857, to July 1, 1859; and Professor of Mathematics since July 1, 1859. and of Astronomy, since Jan. 10, 1861. Degree of M. A. confened by Trinity College, Ct., 1853, - and of LL. D., 1863. Author of "MathemnticaI DictionfU,}' and Encyclopedj,t of Mathematics," 1855,- - 01" "Elements of Mechanics," 18G9,-and of Popular Physics, translated f!"Om the French of Gnnot, 1859. Residence, New York city.

1207.. (Born N. Y) .JOSEPH H. WHITTLESEy..... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 2 Military History.- Cndet at the U_ 8_ Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 184.4. Served: on frontier duty at 1"1. Jesup, La., 1844--45; in Military Occupation (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, t-iEP. 18, 1845) of Texlls, 184.5-46; on frontjer duty at Ft. Scott, Kan., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22- 23, . (BYT. FIRST LIEUT., FEB. 23, 184.7, FOR GALLANT AND MEnITORroUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF' BUENA VISTA, MEL) (FIRser LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOO:-:S, OCT. 18, 1847) 1847; on frontier duty at Santa Fe, N. M., 1848, - Taos, N. M., 184.8,-Scout­ ing, 1849, being eng'tged aj:ainst Uhth and Ap'lche Indians in the Skirmish at El Ceno del Olla, N, ~l., Mar. 13, 184.9, - Taos, N. M., 184.9, - Scouting, 1849-50, against Apache Indian8,--Rayado, N. M., 1850- 51,-·Adjutant, 1st DragoonR, Sep. 30, 1851, to Octe 22, 1854,- Ft. Union, N. M., 1851,- Ft. Lea.v­ enworth, Kan., 1852-54,-und Ft. Union, N. M., 1854.-55, 1856; on sick leave (CAPTAIN, 1ST DRAGOONS, OCT. 22, 185-1) of absence, 1856-58; on Recruiting service, 1858; on sick leave of absence, 1858-60; at the Cavalry School for Practice, C,u-lisle, Pn., 1860; and on fron­ (MAJOR, 5TH CAYALRY, Noy. 12, 1861) tier duty at Ft. Dalles, Or., and Scouting ag-ainst hostile Indians, 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1862-66: in command of Regiment in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Jan. 14 to Mar. 10, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the POtOIllllC), commanding Regiment, Mar. 10 to May 21, 1862, being en~aged in the Siege of Yorktown: Va., Apr. 5- 1\1"y 4, 1862,-and Battle of WillIaIllsburg, M'~ 5, 1862; on leuye of absence, May 21-25, 1862, when he was captured at "inchester, Va., and held us Prisoner of War till Sep. 30, 1862; in organizing Volunteer CIlV­ aIry, at Harrisburg, Pa., Oct., 1862, to Feb. 21, 1863, - and at Concord,N. R., Feb. 24, 1863, to Feb. 1865; in command of C.tmp Randall, l\1a(~son, (RETllED :nlO~r A;;TIYE SERVICE, Noy. 30, 1863, 1'0R DISABILITY, RESULTlNG FROM LONG AND F,UTHFUL SERVICE, A..'1D FROM DISEASE "ND EXPOSUllE IN THE LINE OF DUTY) Wis., .Mar. 1 to July 3, 1865; unemployed, July 3, 1865, to Apr, 13, 1866; on Recruiting service, Apr. 13, 1866, to Feb. 4, 1867; and on a '.rour of Inspec­ tion t.o the Educationlll establishments of the United States, with a view to introduce r.'(ilitary Instruction into our Colleges, &c., Feb. 4, 1867, to

1208... (Born Ky.) ...... SAMUEL GILL ...... (Ap'd I{y.) . . 3 Military History,-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to J nly 1, 184.4, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to nyI'. SECOND LIEUT., 41'H ARTILl,ERY, JULY 1,1844, {;. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 101


Served: in garrison at Carlisle Barracks, Pa.. 1844,-Ft. Monroe, Va., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; und in the War with (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH AnTILLERY, JUNE 18, 1846) )1:e:rico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846, (FIRST LIEUT. , 4TH AnTILLEHY, lYLul. 3, 1847) -.siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1B47,-and Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847. RESIGNED, MAY 29, 1847. Civil History.-Asst. Engineer of Louisville fmd Frankfort,-und of Lcxing­ t.on and :Frankfort Rllihoad, Ky., 1847-50. Superintendent of Lexington and Frankfort Railroad, Ky., sinee 1850,-und of Louisville and Frankfort Rail­ rond, Ky., since 1855. ~1:ember of Military Board of the State of Kentucky, for the organization of its qUO"'l of Volunteers for the suppression of the Re­ bellion, May, 1861, to Feb., 1862.

1209 .. (BoruN. Y.) .....DANIEL M. FROST ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 4 Military' History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in garrison at Ft. Adt\ms, R. I., 18H-45,- Ft. Kent, ~1:e., 1845, ­ Ft. Brooke, Fla., 1845-46,-and Ft. Pickcns, FIn., 1846; in the War with Mex­ (TRANSFERRED TO MOUNTED RIFLES, JUI.Y 17, 1846) ico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Bat­ (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLES, FEB. 16, 1847) tie of Cen'o Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-and Battle of Chumbusco, Aug. 20, (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., APR. 18, 1847, ,'OR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, ~1:Ex.) 1847; as Quartermaster Mounted Rifles, Mar. 18, 1846, to Nov. 4, 1851; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1848-49; on frontier duty at Ft. Leaven­ worth, Kan., 1849,--Ft. Kearnv, Neb., 1849,-Mllreh to Oregon, 1849, - Ore­ gon City, 1849-50,- l\lld Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1850; on R-ecrniting service, (FmsT LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLES, Nov. 30, 1850) 1851 ; in Europe on professional duty, Feb. 24, 1851, to Mny 1, 1852; and on frontier duty at Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1852,-Scouting, 1852, against Camanche In­ diana,-and at Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1852-53. RESIGNED, MAY 31, 1853. Civil History.-PropI;etor of Phming Mill, and Manufacturer of Carpen­ try Work, St. Louis, Mo., 1853-59. Member of the Senate of the Ststte of MissoUl;, 1854-58. Captain, Missouri Militia, 1853- 58, - · Lieut.-Colonel, 1851:1, - Colonel, 1858,-and Brig.-General, 1858-B1. Planter, nenI' St. Louis, Mo., 1858- 61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1210. . (Bam R. I.) ...... ASHER R. EDDy...... (Ap'dR. L) .. 5 Military History.-Ca,det at the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SEcmm Lillu'!'. , 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: ill gllrl1son at Ft·. Adams, R. I., 1844-45,-Ft. Pickens, Fla., 1845, 102 GRADUATES OF THE

NU:l111ER. 1844. CLASS RANK.

-and Ft. Brooke, Fla., 1845; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTlI.LERY, ,Jmm 18, 1846) Mathematics, J an. 24, 1846, to Jan. 10, 1850; on frontier duty at San Diego, (1<'msT LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG. 19, 1847, TO Nov. 22, 18(0) CaL, t850-51,-[llld at Newtown Commissary Depot, Cal., 1851- 54; on Com­ missary duty at New York, 1855-56 ; on R ecruiting service, 1856; on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Tex. , 1856; in garrison at Baton Rouge, La., 1855- 57, - - Ft. Adams, R 1., 1857- 58, - Key West, Fla., 1858-59- and Barrancas Barracks, Fla, 1859- 60 ; on leave of absence, in Europe, 1860-61; and in forwarding (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. QUARTERMASTER, FEB. 12, 1861) troops from Texas to the North, 186l. Served during the R ebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: on Quarter­ master duty, in charge of Perryville Depot, Md., ~hy 4 to June 22, 1861,-­ of Ohambersburg Depot, Pa., June 22 to July 8, 1861,- of Hagerstown De­ pot, Md., July 8 to Aug. 15, 1861,-of Frederick Depot, Md., Aug. 15 to Sep. 13, 1861,--of New York City Depot, Sep. 13-27, 1861,- aB Chief Quarter­ llla~t er, at Springfield, Ill., of the States of Illinois and Wisconsin, Sep. 27, 1861, to Jan. 25, 1862, - in the Qm1rtermaster-General's Office, WnshingtoIl, D. C., Feb. 12 to Sep., 1862, being detached on several tours of inspection,- ­ D.S Depot Quartermaster and Rental Officer, at Memphis, Ten., Oct. , 1862, to Aug. 24, 1864,- as Disbursing Officer of U. S. Milit."ry R £litroads, at Nash­ ville, Ten., Sep. 27 to Dec. 31, 1864,-lls Chief Quartermaster, at il'Iemphis, (BVT. MA.TOll, BYr. LIEUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLO:-

l.211 .. (Born Va. ) ...... FRANCIS J. THOMAS ...... (Ap'd Md.) .. 6 Military History.- Cadet ut the U. S. Militllry Academy ii'om Sep. 1 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he W,loS graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEu·r., 3D AllTILLElIY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in garrison at Ft. McHenry, Md., 1844-45, - Ilnd Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of (SECOND LIEUT., 2D Al\TILI,EllY, JUNE 18, 1846) Monteroy, Sep. 21- 23, 1846, - and in the Attack on the Sn.1l Antonio Garit..'\ of (TRA..'1SFERRED TO 3D ARTILLERY, OCT. 19, 1846) the City of Mexico, Scp. 12- 13, 1847 ; and on frontier duty ut Santa Fe, N. M., (Fms1' LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAn. 22, 1847) 1848-49,-Expedition to Canon del P en'o, Ilgainst Apache Indians, 1849,-lllltl Sant.'\ F e, N. M., 1849-50. RESIGNED, JUNE 30, 1852. Civil History.- Ohief Engincer, Montevue Hailroad, from Piedmont, V"., to Fairfield, Pa., 1854. Superintendent of Montevne Mining anrl )[aullfnc­ turing Company, Allegheny Conuty, Pa., 1855-56; and of Pi.lllmkiuniek Coal Mines, Clarksburg, Va., 1857··58. Geneml COlllmission ~[ <': r c lmllt, B,\ltimom, M<1., 1859- 6l. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861·-66 against the enitcll Stnles, fllHl was KILI.J::D, J"ELY 21, 18G1, AT TUE B.'TTI.I' o~· H ULl. !tux: AGED 37. ''Jji:Jt~~ ":b ~ o/A4! ~w.~ =-/~Zl%"' ><)(/i~4B ~~u~ ~~~ffARY AOADEn'" 7""f1fa~~

NUMDER. 1844. Cuss R 'ANK'~~ ~7au.7~ &4t.-~hh ~212 .. (Born D. C.) ...ALFRED PLEASONTON ...... (Ap'd D. C.) .. 7 /~~ Military History.- ·Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, ~~~~ 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Aot.-/,tz ~ Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1844. ~/,,~ S""d, 00 I>ooli" do1y 01 "l Atki~on, In, 18«-", ~"" qoi pod, Mio., ~ 1845,-and Ft. Atkinson, 10., 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1846; .' ;r~ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, Nov. 3, 1845) J. in the War with J)1exico, 1846, 1847-48, being engamld in the Battle of Palo Alto, w.". May8, 1846,-andResacadela Palma, Mlly9, 1846 ?'on frontier dutyatSantuFe, ~~ (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., MAY 9, 184.6, FOIt GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT 'L IN THE ~J"ES OF PALO ALTO AND/~JjfCA DE LA PALMA, lIfEX.) ~,,#, N. M., 1848-49,~'Albuquerque, N. M., 1841j~,-Ft. Conrad, N. M. , 1851-52, ~~~ (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, SEP. 30, 1849) ~ 'RIff."'" -and Scouting, 1852, being engaged against the Apache Indians in a Skil-mish ~ ~~ near the Laguna on the Jornado del Muerto, N. M., Jan. 25,1852; on Recruit- ~~ ing service, 18..52- 53; ~n frontier ~uty as Adjutant, 2d Dragoons, July 1, 1854, d~ to Mar. 3, 185b, - Allstin, Tex., 18b4,-Ft. Chadbourn'e, Tex., 1854, - Ft. Leav. enworth, Kan., 1855,-and on Sioux Expedition, 1855-56, as Acting Asst. Ad· ~ ~ (CAPTAIN, 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855 : 2D C,I.VALRY, AUG. 3, 1861) ~M jutfUlt-Gener;ll, Nov. 7, 1855, to July 27, 1856; in Florida Hostilities, 1856- 57, A~~ as Acting Asst. Adjlltan~·General of the Department of Florida; in quelling Kan· . sas Disturbances, 1857- 58, as Acting Asst. Adjutant-General, May 31, 1857, to:"L. ' Sep. 13, 1858; and as Acting Asst. Adju~IJ..t-~nerlJl of ~ :oe artment of Tn--:=: ' Oregon, Oct. 27, 1858, to July 5, 1860. ~~~: .T,~ ~~:A: Served during the Uebellion of the S.Il<:eiing States, 1861 - ) : III organizin . ;i Volunteers, at Wilmington, Del., Apf.-,YVt861; in the Department of Utah, , _.' 1/. June- Aug., 1861, in command of Regiment" which he marched to Washington, rx;; ~ D. C., Sep.- Oct., 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Nov., 1861, to #~ (MAJOR, 2D CAVAJ..RY, FEB. 15, 1862) ~~...fi Mar., 1862; in the Virgin iii. Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar.- D~~ Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. Ii - May 4, 1jj/2,--in ~_--:-_..., the Seven Days' Operations before Richmond, June 26 to July 2, lS6~and in A'"", Uu41 (BRIG.·GENERAL, u. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 16, 1862) E~ covering the withdrawal of the Army of the Potomac to Yorktown, Aug. 18-19, ...... ~ 1862; in the Mm'yland Campaign (Army ofthe Potomac), in command of udvance .,,;'?!Au; C,..I", Di'i.io~ "'iog """,,oj io d,i.io, Ih' ~'wy ('Om P"I"iII" S' p. 8, ~ 1862, from BarnsvilJe and Sll~Loaf Mountain, Sep. 9-11, 1862, from Fred. 174 .., erick City, and through CaetorTiii Pass, Sep. 12, 1862, - Ba,ttle of South Moun· .f", tain, Sep. 14, 1862,-Skirmish of Boonsboro, 8ep. 15, 1862, - BatUe of Alltietam,~ Sep. 17, 1862,-Skirmish ofShepherdsto ~ I Ji, Va., Sep.19, and at J)iartinsburg, (Bn. LIEu·r.·CoL., SEP. 17,1862, FOR GALLANT A...'1D Th<1EIlITORIOUS SERYICES V ~t-4 AT THE BATTLE OF ANTIET~, MD.) I ~

(-~~~ U.& ti~~~ 1_ 1:ffr 1/~M~#-' /I4f"J~ 104 GRADUATES OF THE


tie of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863,--and Pmsuit of the enemy to 'Ytl!Tenton, (BVT. COLONEL, JULY 2, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND ~iERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GE~·.rYSBURG, P A. ) Va., July, 1863; in Operations ill Central Virginia, being engaged in the Cap­ ture of Culpepper C. H., Va., Sep. 1863,--and in comllland at the Action of Brandy Station, Va., Oct. 11, 1863; in the Department of the Missonri, iVIar:.,.2~ 1864, to Feb. 13, 1866, being engaged in the Defense of Jefferson City, J>":' (BYT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U . S. ARMY, ~Lill. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND iVIEru­ Tomous SERYI(,'ES DURING THE CA:lf.PAIGN AGAINST THE INSURGENT lCORCES millER THE REBEL GENERAL PRICE, IN JllIssoum) Oct. 8, 1862,·-and in command of the Cavalry pursuing the Rebels undel' Gen­ eral Price towards lo't. Scott, Kan., UIld, after harmssing him in seveml Skir­ lllishes, finally routed him at the Battle of Marais des Cygnes, Oct. 25, 1864' (Bn. ~L\J. -GENERAL, U. S. AmfY, ~IAR. 13, 1865, FOR 'GALLANT AND MERITOmOUS SERVICES L." THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) and Oll leave of absence, Feb. 13, 1866, to ~L42A~~/L>;;!:l~T~1ifii~~ ~ {f~/ .. ( orn y.) ...... THOMAS J. CURD ...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 8 Military HistorY. --Ct1.dct at thc U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, whon he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SEcm."]) Lu:uT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JllLY I, 1844. Served: in gtuTi80n at Hancock Barracks, Me., 1844--45; in ~hlitary Occu­ (SECOND LIEUT. 4TH ARTILLERY, JUNE 18, 1846) 'pation of Texas, 1845--46, at Corpus Christi; and in the War with Me:.:ico, 1846, being engaged in the Bil.ttle of Palo Alto, Jlby, 8, 1846,- Battleof Resaca de (FnlST LIEUT., 4TH ARTIL.LJ,;Rx, MAll. 3, 1847) la Palma, ~by 9, 1846,- and Battle of lVlonterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846. REsIGNED, DEC. 4, 1847. Civil History.-Professor of iVIailiematics, College of the Holy Cross, Wor­ cester, MilS., Dec. 4, 1847, to Mar. 30, 1849. Noyitiate St. Ignatius, Frederick, Md., 1849. DIED, FEll. 12, 1850, AT FREDERICK, MD.: AGED 25.

1214.. (Bom Ct.) ...... AUGUSTUS COOK _...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 9 Military History.--Cadet lit the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY I, 1844. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1844--45; and in 1YhliL'iry Occu­ pation of Texas, 1845. DIED, Nov. 1, 1845, AT SEA: AGED 24,

1215.. (Born Ten.) .•• ••JOHN Y. BICKNELL.... '" • (Ap'd Ten.) •• 10 Military Hil;tory.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYr. SECOND LIE"UT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1844. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 105


Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Washita, I. T., 1844--45; in garrison at Jeffer­ son Barracks, Mo., 1845; on frontier outy at Ft. Washita, 1. T., 1845; in Mil­ itary Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 31, 1846) engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Skirmish of La Hoya, June 20, 1847,-B>1.ttle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,- Bl\ttle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Buttle of' Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,-&nd Opel'utions before, and C.. pture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 12-14, 1847; in galTison .. t East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; and on frontier duty, on march th)'ough Texas to Ft. Graham, 1848-49. DIED, Nov. 11, 1849, AT MADYVILLE, TEN.: AGF.D 28.

1216 . . (Born Ky.) .•. ...SIMON B.BUCKNER ...... (Ap'd Ky.) •. 11 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1,1844, when he was gTudua.ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D h"FANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in garrison at SftCkett's H ..rbor, N. Y., 1844--45; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug. 28, 1845, to May 19, 1846; in conducting recruits to Texas, 1846; in the W!\.nv1th Mex­ (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, MAY 9, 1846) ico, 1846-48, being engaged on the March through Coahuila, 1846,-in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Buttle of Cerro Gorelo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-Skirmish of Amazoque, }lIay 14, 1847, - CaptlU'e of San Antouio, Aug., 20, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20,1847, where he wus wounded,­ (BVT. FlllST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALL,U;T AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BAT'l'LES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUDUSCO, :r.fux. : DECLINED) (BYT. l·'rnST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847. FOR G,I.LLA.;'IT CONDUCT A·1' CHURUDUSCO, MEX.) Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,-Stol'ming of Chapultepec, &Jp. 13, (BVT. CAPT., SEP. 8,1847, FOR GALLA.""T CONDUCT AT THE BATTLE 0)" MOLINO DEL REY, :r.iEx.) 1847, - Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 1847,-fllld as Quartermaster 6th Infantry, Aug. 8 to Dec. 17,1847; fit the Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Inj,mtry ']'ucties, Aug. 26, 1848, to Jun. 18, 1850; on Re­ cruiting service at Ft. Columbus Depot, N. Y., 18.50,-and at Ft. Wooel, N. Y., 1850; on frontier duty at Ft. Snelling, Min., 185O-G1,-Ft. Atkinson, Ran., (FrnsT LIEUT., 6TH h"FANTRY, DEC. 31, 181\1) 1851--52,-and escorting Lieut. Woodruff's Topographica! pflrty, 1852; and on (CAPT. STA.FF-Co~[. 0]' SUBSISTENCE, Nov. 3, 1852) Commissary duty at New York city, 1852- 55. RESIGNED, MAD. 26, 1855. Civil History.- Superintending construction of Custom-House and repairs of ~hrine Hospital, Chicago, Ill .• Mar. 29, to Noy. 1, 1855. Major, Illinois Milit.ia, 1855--57, - Col. Stnt!' (Adjutant-General oCthe State of Dlinois), March, 15 to Oct. 14, 1857, - Colonel, May, 1858, 1st Illinois Volunteers, for service in UhLh (not mustered into service),- -Captn-in, Rentueky Milit.ia, l858- 60, - fLUCl Inspector-General of the State of Rentncky, commanding Home Guards, l86() .. 61. Farmer, near Lonisville, Ry. , 1860-61. Jo:nec1 in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. 106 GRADU ATES OF THE


~2~7 .. (Born N. R.) ...... JOHN TREVITT...... (Ap'd 0.) .. ~2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Acndemy from July I, 1840, to July I, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LLEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in garrison at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1844-46; on Recruiting service, (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, MAY 18, 1846) 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846, at Monterey; ou sick leave of absence, 1846-48; on Recruiting service, 1848; on frontier duty, at San Antonio, Tex., (FIRST LLEUT., 3D INF'ANTRY, DEC. 1, 18:17) 1848-49; on Recruiting service, 1849; on frontier duty, on March to EI Paso, 1849, - Ft. Bliss, 'I'ex., 1849,- Dona Alia, N. M., 1849-51, - -Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1851, - Dona Aih\, N. lVr., 1851,-and Ft. Conrad, N. M., 1851-53; on R.ecrnit­ ing service, 1853-54; and on frontier duty at Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1854-56,-. Albuquerque, N. M., 1856,-·Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1856,-Albuqperque, N. M., (CAPTAIN, 3D INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1856) 1856- 57,-Ft. Thom, N. M., 1857,-Albnqnerque, N. M., 1858, -Navajo Ex­ pedition. 1858, being engaged in a Skirmish lIear C,wiso, N. M., Oct. 9, 1858, - Utah Expcdition, 1858, - -Albuquerque, N. M. , 1858- 59, - FL. Clark, Tex., 1860,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1860- 61,-and Camp Wetherell, Tex., 1861. RESIGNED, APR. 17, 1861. Civil History,- Fllrmel', Mount Vernon, N. R., since 1861.

1218.. (Born 0.) ...... RANKIN DILWORTH ...... (Ap'd 0.) ..13 Military History:-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he WIlS graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LLEU1'., 1ST INFANTRY, AUG. 20, 1844. Served: in garrison at Ft. At.kinson, 10., 1844- 45, - and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1845-46; Ilnd in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Battle of (SECOND LLEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) Monterey, Sep. 21, 1846, where he was Mortally Wounded by a 12-pounder cannon ball, while storming the enemy's intrenchments. DLED OF WOUNDS, SEP. 27, 1846, AT MONTEREY, MEL : AGED 24.

1219 .. (Born Ark.) .. .. ERASTUS B. STRONG...... (Ap'dAl·k.) .. 14 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was gr,\duated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in garrison at Ft.. Pike, La. , 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and ill the War with Mexico, 1846- 47, being engaged in the Defensc of Ft. Brown, May 3- 9, 1846, - Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846,­ (SECOXD LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, MAY 18, 1846) Siege of Yem Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,- Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847, - and B,\ttle of xlolino del Rey, where, while rallying his men to make another charge upon t.he enemy's in­ trenchments, which he had approached to within a few yards, he was KILLED, SEP. 8, 1847: AGED 24. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 107


1220.. (Born Va.) ....WILLIAM T. BURWELL...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Uilitary Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 18H, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bv.r. SEC'OND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 18'14. Served: on frontier duty, at Ft. Towson, 1. T., 1844-45; and in the War with Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mal'. 9-29, 1847,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH L"'FANTRY, MAY 18, 1846) Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-as Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Brig,­ General Clarke, Apr. 10 to Sep. 8, 1847, - Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Buttle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-and Bnttle of Molino del Rey, where,'after being wounded, lind still "fighting gloriously on tbe battle field," he was, by the enemy, when within a few yards of the intrenchments of the ClISa :a1:ata, BAYONETED TO DEATH, SEP. 8, 1847: AGED 27.

1221.. (Born Del.) ...... :WILLIAM READ ...... (Ap'd Del.) ..16 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Uilitary Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to (BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844) Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Smith, Ark., 1844--46; in the War with Mex­ (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INF.L'!TRY, UAY 18, 1846) ico, 1846-47, being engaged on the march through Coahuila, 1846,-and in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Uar. 9-29, 1847; conduct.ing recruits from New Orleans, La., t.o Mexico, 1847; in t.he War with Mexico, 1847-48, on the Orizaba Ex­ (FmST LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, DEC. 9, 1847) pedition; on sick leave of absence,1848; and on frontier duty at Ft. Washit.a, I. T., 1848- 50. RESIGNF.D, JULY 31, 1850. Civil History.--Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Ken­ tucky Military Institute, near Frankfort, Ky., 1851- 5:3. Clerk in the U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C., 1853-55; and Asst. Examiner of Patents, 1855 to 1861. Farmer, Montgomery County, Md., since 1861.

1222.. (Born Pa.) ...... JAMES S. WOODS...... (Ap'd I'a.) ..17

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the ArlllY to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INPANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: on frontiet· duty nt Natchitoches (Camp Salubrity), La., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, be. (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) ing engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, Mny 8, 1846, - Bnttle of Resaca de la (BvT. FIRST LIEUT., MAY 9, 1846, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE LA PALMA, TEX.) Palma, May 9, 1846,-and Battle of Monterey, where, in st.orming the ene­ my's intrenchments, he WitS KILLED, SEP. 21, 1846: AGED 22. 108 GRADUATES OF THE


1223 . . (Bol1l Pa.) .... WINFIELD S . HANCOCK ...... (Ap'd Pa.) . .18 Military History.-Cndet at the U. S. iHilitary Academy from July I, 1840, to July I, 1844, when he WtlS graduated aud promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1844. Served: on fi:ontier duty at Ft.. Towson, I. T., 1844-45,-aud nt Ft. Wash­ ita, I. T., 1845-47; on Recruiting service, 1847; in the WaT with Mexico, (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) 1847-48, being eng"ged in the Defense of Convoy at the National Bridge, Aug. 12, 1847, - Skirmish at Pla.n del Hio, Aug. 15, 1847,-Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,--Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- BatUe of (BvT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, l'on GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEX.) Moliuo del Hey, Sep. 8, 1847, - and Assault and Capture of the City of Mex­ ico, Sep. 13 -14, '1847; in glllTison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo:, 1848; as Quar­ termaster, 6th Infantry, June 30, 1848, to Oct. 1, 1849, and Adj u taut, Oct. 1, 1849, to Nov. 7, 1855, at Regimental headquarters at Ft. Crawford, 10., 1848-49,- St.. Louis, Mo., 1849- 51,-anel Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1851-52, (FIRST LIEUT., 6TH Il'IFANTRY, JAN. 27, 1853, TO JUNE 5, 1860) 1852-55; as Asst. Adjutant-General of the Department of the West, headquar­ ters at St.. LOUis, Mo. , June 1\), to Nov. 27, 18.35 ; and on Quartermaster duty at (C.U'T SH.FF-ASST. QUARTERMASTER, Nov. 7, 18(5) Ft. Myers, Fla., 1856- 57, during Hostilitjes agninst the Seminole Inelians,­ Ft. I,eaveuworth, Ran., with troops, quelliug K\ln&b~ disturbances, Aug 1 to Dec. 31, 18("57, and at Depot, Jan. 1, to Mar. 31, 1§.58,- at Headquarters of Utah reinforcements, May 15 to July 15, 1858, - on March , with 6th Illfant.ry, from Ft. Bridger, Utah, to California, Aug. 13 to Nov. 15, 1858, - and Chief Q;l1artermuster of Southern Dist.rict of California, at L os Angelos, May 5, 1859, to Aug. 3, 1861. Served elwing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in the De­ fenses of Washington, D. C., Sep. , 1861,-Mar., 1862; in the Virginia Penin­ (BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 23, 1861) su1'\l' Campaign (Army of the Potomac), l\-br.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-lVIay 4. 1862, - BatUe of Willihmsburg, May 5, 18G:.J, - Battle of the Chickahominy, June 27, 1862, - Actiou of Golrling's Farm, June 28, 1862, - Battle of Savl1ge Station, June 29, 1862, - Battle of White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862,-- anel Retre,~t to HalTison's Landing, July 1- 4. 1862; on the Movement to Centreville, Va., Aug.- Se,J., 1862; in the Maryland Cam­ paign (Army of the Potomac); Sep. - Nov., 18H2, being engaged in the Battle of Crampton's Pass, South Mountain, Sep.14, 1862, - Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,- R.eeonnoissance from Harper's Ferry to Charlestown, Va., Oct. 10- 11, Hl62, - und March to Falmouth, Va., Oct.-Nov., 1862; in t.he Rappahannock (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 1862, 'rG J ULY 26, 1866) Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dee., 1862,- June, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. ]3, Hl62, - and Batt1e of Chancellorsville, Mny 2-4, 1863 ; in t.he Pennsylvania Camp!tign, J'llle-July, 1863, in command of 2d Corps of the Army of the Potomflc, being engaged in t.he Battle of Get­ tysburg, July 1-3, 1863, where he was severely wounded in the repulse of Longstreet's 'lttack upon our left cenb"e,' which he at the time commanded; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, July 4- Dec. 27, 1863; in com­ (MAJ(,)R STAFF- QUADTEmIASTER, U. S. ARMY, Nov. 30, 1863) manel of, and l'ecrniting 2d Army Corps, Jan.-Mar., 1864; in the Richmond

* Tlw t.hanks or Congress were tend ered, )lay 30 1 1866, to Uajor·Gcne.ral H.L'\;COCK , " for his galianL, meritoriOUS, and conspicuous share in that greaL and dec!si,·o victory" (Gettysburg). U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 109


Campaign, comm'lnding 2d Corps of Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, M'lY 5-6, 1864,-Battles of' Spottsylv{l,nia, May 9-20, 1864,-Battle of North Anna, May 2:3--24, 18M,-Battle of Tolupo­ tomy, May 29-31, 1864,-Battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and Operations in its vicinity, June 3-12, 1864,-March to James River, June 12-15, 1864, ­ and Battle before Petersbmg, June 16-18, 1864; on sick leave of absence, on account of breaking out of Getty~burg wound, June 19- 27, 1864; in Opera­ tions about Petm'sburg, in comma,nd of 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battles of Deep Bottom (in comnmnd), July 27-29, and (BlUG.-GENERAL, U. S. AHMY, AUG. 12, 1864) Aug. 15-20, 1864, -Battle of Reams' Station (in comnulnd), Aug. 25, 1864,­ Battle of Boydton Plank Rond (in command), Oct. 27, 1864, - and Siege of Petersburg, June 15-Nov. 26, 1864; lit Washington, D. C., organizing lRt Army COl'PS of Veterans, Nov. 27,1864, to Feb. 27, 1865; in command of Depart­ ment of' West Virginia, and temporarily of the ~fiddle Military Division ,md Army of the Shenandoah, Feb. 27 to July 18, 1865,-of the Middle De­ (Bn. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. All~IY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MElUTORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA, VA.) partment, July 18, 1865, to Aug. 10, 1866,-of Department of the Missouri, (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. AR~, JULY 26, 1866) Aug. 20, 1866, to being engaged on Expedition against the In­ dians of the Plains, Mar., 1867, to ; on Board for Retiring Dis­ abled Officers, at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 27, 1865, to Aug. 30, 1866,- and on Board to make recommellllations in regard to Ordnance, Jan. 30 to June 4, 186n.

1224.. (Born Ky.) ,.JAMES M. LAKE HENRY' ... (Ap'd D. C.) .. 19 Military History.-Cadet l1t the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1839, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT..SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INl"ANTllY, JULY 1, 1844. Sel'ved: in garrison l1t Pensacola harbor, Fla., 1844-45; in Military Occupa­ tion of 'rexas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFAN-TRY, JUNE 18, 1846) Defense of Ft. Brown, ~by 3- 9, 1846; on Recruiting service, 1846-47; in tlle War with Mexico, 1847·-48, as Aide-de-Camp to Brig.-General Marshall, July 25, 1847, to July 20, 1848; and in garrison at Detroit, Mich., 1849-51,­ (,rRANS}'ERRED TO 4TH INFANTRY, SEP. 30, 1848) Ft. Gratiot, Mich., 1851, 1852,- R,nd Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852. RESIGNED, JULY 13, 1852. Civil History.-U. S. Asst. Examiner of Patents, lit Washington, D. C., Oct. 1, 1852, to Apr. 1, 1855, - uud Principal Examiner, Apr. 1, 1855, to July 7, 1861. Farmer, Prince George Count.y, Mel, since 1861.

1225 .. (Born Pa. ) ...... ALEXANDER HAYS ...... (Ap'd Pa.) . . 20 Military History.-- ·Cadet at the U. S. Militn,ry Academy from July 1, 1810, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Sen'ed: on frontier duty l1t Natchitoches (Camp Salubrity), La., 1844-45; in

• Was named JAMffi M. HESRY whon be was graduated. 110 GRADUATES OF THE


Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, -and Battle of Resaca de Ill. (BVT. FmsT LIEUT., MAY 9, Hl46, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT IN THE BArrLES OF PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE L.~ PALMA, TEX.) Palma, May 9, 1846; on R ecruiting Service, 1!l46-47; and in the War with Mexico, 1847- 48, being engaged in Defense of Convoy (from Vera Cruz) at Paso los Ovejos, Sep. 12, 1847,-Combat of Huamantla, Oct. 29, 1847,­ Action of Atlixco, Oct. 19, 1847, - Skirmish at Tlaxcala, Uct. 29, 1!l47,-Skir­ mish at ~htamoms, Nov. 23, 1847,--Skirmish at Galamra, Nov. 24, 1847,-and Action of Sequultiplan, Feb. 25, 1848. RESIGNED, APR. 12, 1848. . Civil History.-Iron Ma.nufacturer, Venango County, Pa., 1848- 50. Asst. Engineer, PiLtsbllrg, Pa., and SLeubem'ilIe, 0., Railroad, 1850-52,-and of Aliegheny Valley Railroad, 1852-54. Civil Engineer, &c., Pittsburg, Pa., 1854- 61, Military HistorY.--Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding StaLes, (MAJOR, 12TH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, ApR., 18(1) 1861- 64 : in Organizing his regiment, Apr.- Aug. 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., August, 1861, to March, 1862; in the Virgini~, Peninsular (CAPTAIN, 16TH U. S. INFANTRY, MAY 14, 18(1) (COLONEL, 63D PENNSYLVANIA VOLUN1'EERS, AUG. 25, 18(1) Campnign (Army of the Potomac), M"y-Aug,', 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 1862, - Battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862,-Buttie of Fair Oaks, May :l1-June 1, 1862,-Battle of Peach (BVT. MAJOR, JUNE 30, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLES OF FAIR OAKS, PEACH ORCHARD, AND GLENDALE, VA.) Orchard, June 29, 1862,-Battle of Glendale, June 30, 1862,-and Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the Northern Virgini!\ Campaign, Aug.-Sep. (Bvr. LIEUT.-COL., JULY 1, 1862, FOR GALL.~N ·r AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF :MALVERN HILL, VA.) 1862. being engaged in the Action of Bristoe Stll.tion, Aug. 27, 1862, -and B!tttle of Manassas, Aug. 29-30, 1862, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, Aug. 30 to Sep. 29, 1862; (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 29, 1862) in the Defenses of Washingt-on, Sep. 29, 1862, to Ju..!e 28, 1863; in the Pennsylvania Cnmp!tign, in command of Division (Army of the Potomac), June-July, 1863, - being engaged in tho Battle of Gettysburg, July 1- 3, 1863,­ (BVT. COLONEL, JULY 2, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND ~IEmTomous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSDURG, PA.) and Pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., July, 1863; in the Rapidan Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Oct.-Dec. 1863, being engaged in the Action of Auburn, Oct. 14, 1863, -Combat of Bristoe Station, Oct. 14, 1863,­ and ~'line Run Operations, Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, 1863; and in the Richmond Campaign (Army of the Potorpac), May 4-5, 1864, being engaged in the Bat­ tle of the Wilderness, where he was KILLED, ~lAY, 5, 1864; AGED 44.

1226.. (Born Mas.) .. GEORGE WAINWRIGHT..... (Ap'd Mas.) .. 21 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Ac!\demy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 8UI INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 111


Served: in garrison atFt. Brooke, Fla, 1844; in Military Occupation of TexllS, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,--Battle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846,-Battle (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) of Monterey, Sep. 21-22, 1t;46, where he was severely wounded,-Siege of Vem Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, ­ Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug, 20, 1847, -and Battle of Molino del Hey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was severely wounded; and on Recruiting service, 1848. DIED, AUG. 2, 1848, AT BROOKLYN, N. Y. : AGED 28.

1227.. (Born Md.) .. .. HENRY B. SCHROEDER...... (Ap'd Md.) .. 22 Military History.-·Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bv'!'. SECO:-1D LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup (Camp Willrins), La., 1844--45; in Mil­ itary Occupation of Texils. 1845; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto. May 8, 1845, - and Battle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846; on Recruiting service, 1846-47; in the War with :Mexico, (SECOND LIEUT., 3D lNFANTltY, JUNE 18, 1846) 1847-48, being engaged in the Skirmish of Oka Laka, Aug. 15, 1847,-Battle of Contrerns, Aug. 19- 20, 1817,-and Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847; (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLAN'~ AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN 1'HB BATTLES OF CO:-1TRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEx. ) in garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on Recruiting service, 1848-50; on (FillS'!' L..TEU'!'., 3.0 INFANTltY, DEC. 4, 1847) frontier duty at Albuquerque, N. M., 1850- 51,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1851-52, 1853 ··54,-Albuquerque, N. M., 1854-57,-Cantonment Burgwin, N. M., 1857- 58,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1858, ·-Navajo Expedition, 1858,-Albuquer­ (CAPTAIN, 3D INF.\NTRY, MAY 31, 1857) que, N. M., 1859,-Cantonment BUrg-win, N. ~Ji., 1859,-Scouting, 1859,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1859,-CantonmentBurgwin, N. M., 1859-60,-and Ft. Union, N. }I., 1860; on leave of absence, 18GO -51; on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Tex., 1861; and in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1861,-and Washington, D. C., 1861. RESIGNED, MAY 30, 1861. Civil History,-Farmer, Frederick COlmty, Md., since 1861.

~228 .. (Born N. H.) ..... JOSEPH P. SMITH ...... (Ap'd N. H.) . . 23 Military History -Cadet at the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated ,tnel promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH IN1'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: on fmntier duty at Ft. Brady, Mich., 1844- 45,-FL Mackinac, Mich., 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and in the War with (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH h"FA...'ITIIY, JuNE 18, 1846 Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged at the BaLtle of Pnlo Alto, May 8, 1846,­ Battle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1H46,-Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846,-Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,~B attle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,-and Storming of Chapultepec, where, near the ditch, hav­ ing "gone back a pace or two to get !l. ladder, he 'vas struck by a fatal shot," and KlLLED, SEP. 13, 1847: AGED 28, 112 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1844-45.

1229.. (Born Ky.) ...... JOHN J. C. BIBB ...... (Ap'd at Large) .. 24 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup (Camp Wilkins), La., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JUNE 18, 1846) en(Yaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-Battleof Resaca de la Palma, l\:I;y 9, 1846,-- and Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1846. Civil History.- Clerk in the office of the Solicitor of the U. S. Treasury Depaltment, Washington, D. C., 18-1,9·-54. DIED, SF-I'. 1854, AT \VASliINGTON, D. C.: AGED 33.

1230.. (Born N. C.) ...GEORGE W. HAWKINS ...... (Ap'd N. C.) . .2!i Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1844, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1844. Served: in gan-ison at Ft. Winneb.lgo, Wis., 1844-45,-ann Jefferson Bar­ racks, Mo., 1845-46; in drilling Volunteer officers at Alton, Ill., 1846; in gar­ (TRANSFERI

Civil History . -Farm~r, W!llTen County, N. C., 1853- 54. Supposed to have DIED, 1854, IN WARREN COUNTY, N. C.: AGED 34.

CLASS OF 1845.

1231.. (Born Mis.).WILLIAM H. C. WHITING '. (Ap'd [It Large) ..1 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy: from ,July I, 18H, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted m the Army to SECOND LmUT., COHPS OF ENGINEEHS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the const.rnction of the Fortifications of Pensa­ cola harbor, Fl',.. , 1845- 4i:i; as Engineer of the Military Department of Texas, 1848-50; as Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Fortificat.ions of Pensa­ cola harbor, Fla" 1850-52,- in the building of Ft. Conoll, Patapsco River, Md., 1852,-of tiurveys and Harbor Impruvements in Texas, 18G2- 53,-a.nd in (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 16, 1853) the construction of Fortifications at the entrance to Sail Francisco harbor, Cal.,

• Sou of Lieut-Coloncl LEvi WmTll


1853-5G; as Member of the Board of Engineers for Pacific Coast Defenses, Feb. 1, 1854, to Mar. 1, 1856; as Superintending Engineer of repairs of Fts. Caswell and Macon, N. · C., 1856-57, - and of improvement of Cape Fear Hiver, N. C., and re-opening the communications between Albemarle Sounl! amI the Atlantic, 1856; as Lighthouse Engineer of North and South Clu'olina lexcept Charleston harbor), 1856; as Superintending Engineer in building Ft. Clinch, Cumberland Sound, l?la., 1857- 61, - of improvement of St. John's Hiver, o,nd Haulover Canal, Fla., 1857-61,- of repairs of Fts. l?ul a~ki lind Jackson, G,\., 185S- 61,-and oj' the improvement of Savannah RhTer, Ga., 1858-61; and as (CAPT,UN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DE C. 13, 1858) Member of Commission for devising Project for the improvement of Cape Fear River, N. C., 1858. RESIGNED, FED. 20, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. DIED, MAR. 10, 1865, A'I: GOVEHNOlt'S ISLA...'1D, N. Y. : AGED 40, while a Prisoner of 'Var, captured at Ft. Fisher, mouth of Cape Fear River, N, C., where he was severely wounded in defense of the work, which he com­ manded and had built,

1232.. (Born N. Y.) . ....EDWARD B. HUNT...... , . . (Ap'd N. Y.),.2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fron July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1845. SECOND LIEUT., CoRPS OF ENGINEERS, DEC. 29, 1845. Served : as Assistant to the Board of Engineers (It New York city, 1845-46; at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Engineering, Aug. 28, 1846, to Aug. 29, 1849 ; as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft. Wn.rren, Bos­ ton harbor, Mas" 1849-51; on Coast Survey duty in the Superintendent's Office at Washington, D. C., May 5,1851, to Apr. 4, 1855; as Superintending (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS m' E NGINEERS, JULY 1, 1853) Engineer of the Repairs of Ft. Adams, R I. , 1855- 57, - of the building of Hhode Isla.nd lighthouses, June 2, 1855, to Oct. 17, 1857, ·- and of the construc­ tion of Ft. Taylor, Key West, Fla., 1857- 6

Civil History.- Member of several Scientific Aosociations; and Contributor of .numerous and elaborate urticles to the various litemry and scientific peri. ochcals of t.he country, 1845-63. 8 114 GRADUATES OF THE


1233.. (Born La.) ...... LOUIS HEBERT ...... (Ap'd La.) .. 3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 18,15. Served as Asst. Engineer in the construction of n. Livingston, Bilrutari:. Island, La., 1845-46. RESIGNED, FED. 15, 1846. Civil History.- Planter, Iberville Parish, La., 1846-51,-Major, Louisiana Militia, 18'17- 50, - and Colonel, 1858-61. :Member of the Se'nate of the State of LouiHiana, 18()3 -55. Chief Engineer of the State of Louisiana, 1855-60. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1234.. (Born Vt.) ...... WILLIAM F. SMITH...... (Ap'd Vt.) .. 4 Military History,-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the A.rmy to (BVT, SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEEIlS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: as Asst. Top. Engineer on Sutvey of the Northern Lakes, 1845 46; at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Nov. 6, 1846, to Aug. 21, 1848; as Asst. Top. Engineer on Explomtions in the Departmeut of 'rexas, 1848-50,- on Survey of Boundary between the United States and (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 14, 1849) Mexico, 1850-52,-on Explomtions in Texas, 1852,'- in Survey of Canal route across Florida, 1853,-and on Explorations in Texas, 1853-55; at the :fi1ilitary (FIRST LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, ~L\.R, 3, 1853) Academy (IS Principal Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Scpo 4, 1A5.), to Sep. 8, 1856; as Engineer of 11 th Light-house District, Dec. 11, 1856, to Nov. 3, (CAP'rAIN, Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1859, FOIl FOUIlTEEN YE,UlS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) 1859; and as Engineer Secretary of Light-house Board, Nov. 3, 1859, to Apr. 15, 18tH. Served dUl'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: on Mustering duty at New York city, Apr. 15 to May 31, 1861; on the Stilfi' of Major-Gen­ eral Butler at I"t. Monroe, Va., June 1 to July 20, 1861,- and of Bri<>.-Geueral McDowell, July 20 to Aug. 13, 1861; in the of July, 1861, (COLONEL. 3D VEIlMONT VOLUNTEERS, JULY 16, 1861) being engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, J ttly 21, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., July 27,1861, to Ml1r. 10, 1862; ill t.he Vb:ginia Peninsu­ (BRIG.-GENERll. U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 13, 18(1) IlIr Campaign, in command of Division (Army of the Potomac), Mar.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 1862, includinO' the Skirmish of Lee.'s Mills, Aug. 16, 1862,-Bat.tie of Williamsburg, May 5~ 1862,-Battle of Fall' Oaks, May 31- June 1, 1862, - Battle of 'White Oak (BVT. LIEUT-COL., JUNE. 28, 1862, FOR GALLA.o.'l'r AND MERITORIOUS SERYICES IN THE BATTLE OF 'WHITE OAK Sw,uIP, VA.) 'Hwamp, June 28, 1862,-BattIe of Savage Station, June 29, 1862, - Battlc of Glendale, June 30, 1862,-and Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the (~L\JOIl-GE},'ERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 4, 1862, TO MAn. 4, 1863) Maryland Campaign, in commrmd of Division (Army of the Potomac), being U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 115

NUMBER. 1845. CLASS RANK. engaged in the Battle of South Mouutain, Sep. 14, 1862,.- Battle of Antietam, (BVT. GOLONEL, SEP. 17, 1862, FOR GALLANT A~m MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE BATTLE OF ANTIETA.M, MD.) Sep. 17, 1862,-and on J\iarch to Falmouth, Va., Oct·.-Nov., 1862; in the Rr>p­ pahaunock Campaign, in command of 6th GorpR, Nov. 14, 1862, to Feb. 4, 1863, and of 9th Corps, Feb. 4 to Mar. 17, 1863 (AI'my of the Potomac), be­ (MAJOR, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1863) ing engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; in command of Division in the Department of the Susquehann(l., June 17 to Aug. 3, 186:{, be­ ing engaged in Pursuit of the Rebel Army retreating from Gettysburg, July, Hl63, - and in the Deparlment of West Virginia, Aug. 3 to Sep. 5, 1863; as Chief Engineer of Ihe Department of I,he Cumberland, Oct. 10 to Nov., 1863, - and of the Military Division of the MisHissippi, Nov" 11>63, to ~Iar. 31, 1864, in Operations about Chattanooga, being engaged in surprising a Passage and (M.uon-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 9, 1864) throwing a Ponton Bridge across the Tennessee River at Brown's Feny, Oct. 27, 1863, ·-Rnd Battle of ~fissionflry Ridge, Nov. 23-25, 1863; in com­ mand of 18th Corps (Army of the Potomac), 1\1ay 2 to July 19, 1864, in Opera­ tions before Richmond, being engaged in the BaWes of Cold Harbor, June 1-3, 1864,- and Si ~ ge of Petersburg, June-July, 1864; awaiting orders at New York city, July HJ to Nov. 22, 1864; and OIL Spe~ial duty, nnder the orders of the Secretary of Wllr, Nov. 22, 186<1, to Dec. 15, 1865; and on leave (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AnlllY, MAll. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT A...'W MElU­ TORIOUS SERVICES IN THE BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA, TEN.) (BYT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR, 13, 1865, FOU G'\LLAN1.' AND MERI­ TORIOUS SEUVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLIOX) (RESIG~ED VOLUNTEER COllIMISSION, Nov. 4, 1865) of absence, Dec. 15, 1865, to Mar. 7, 1867. RESIGNED, MAR. 7, 1867. Civil History,-President of the International TeJpgrnph Company, since 186!.

1235.. (Born Ky.)" . .... THOMAS J. WOOD" ..... , . . . (Ap'cl Ky.), ,5

Military History.-Cadet Ilt the U. S. ?lIilitary Ac~, demy from July I, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he W,\S graduat.ed and promoted in the AI'my to .BYT. SECOND LIEllT., ToT', ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1845, . Sencd: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, (TMNSFERRED TO 2D DRAGOONS, OCT. 19, 1846) (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DnAGOONS, DEC. 2, 1846) 1846, - Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21 - 23, 1846,-and Battle of BueUi1 Vista, Feb. 22-23, 1847; in garrison at New Orleans, La., 1848; in the War (BVT. FIBS'I' LIEUT., FEll. 23, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MElIITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF BUENA YISTA, MEX.) with Mexico, 1848, at the City of :Mexico; on frontier duty on March through Texas to ~IcOulloch's Sbtion, 184B- <19,-Ft. Oroghan, Tex., 184i:l, - and Uti Aide-de-Camp to BvL Bl'ig,-General Hurney, Mlly 14 to Scp, 23, 1849, at San Antonio and Austin, Tex,; as Ad.iutant, 2d Dragoons, Scpo 23, 1849, to July 1, 1854-at San Antonio, Tex., 1850-51,-Scout.ing, 1851,- on the (FmsT LIEUT., 2D DUAGOONS, JUNE 30, 1851) Rio Gt'ande, 1851-52,- Austin, Tex" 1852,- 1<'t. Orogh(l.n, Tex., 185'3, - San Antonio, Tex., 1852- 53, - Ft, Mason, Tex., 1853, - and Austin, Tex., 1853-54; on Recrniling service, 1854- 55; on frontier duty on Sioux Expedition, 1855,­ (CaPTAIN 1ST CAVALRY, i'lhn. 3, 1855) 116 GRADUATES OF THE


J<'t. LeavenworLh, Kan., 1855-56,-quelling I{ansas Disturbances, 1856-57, -Escorting Lieut.-Colonel Johnston while mnning Kansas boundary, 1857, ­ Utah Expedition, 185S, - Ft. Washitl\, 1. 'r., lS58 59,- Scouting, lS59,- and Ft. Washitt\, I. T., 1859; and on leave of absence in Europe, 1859-6l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Slates, 1861-66: in Organising (MAJOR 1ST CAVALRY, MAR. 16, 1861) and Mustering Indiana Volunteers, Apr. 17 to Od. 11, lS61; in command of (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 1ST CAVAl,RY M.u 9, 18(1) (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 11, 18(1) Brigade at Camp Nevin, Ky., Oct. 16 to Dec. 2"', 1861; in command of Division (COLOKEL 2D CAVALRY, Nov. 12,18(1) in the Tennessee and n-lississippi Campaign, Feu. 25 to June 26, 1862, being engaged in the March via Nashville to Pittsbmg Landing, Ten., Feb. 25 to Apr. 6, 1862,- Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862, - nnd Advance upou and Siege of Corinth, Mis., Apr. lO- MllY 30, lS62; in guarcling and repairing milroads in Northern Alabama and Middle Tennessee, ,Tnne-Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Pursuit and Dispersing of Forrest's brigade of Rebel cavillry, Aug. 29, lS62: in command of Division (Army of the Ohio) in the movement of General Buell to Louisville, Ky., Sep. 6-26, Ul62,-Admnce into Kentucky, Oct. 1-8, lS62, par­ ticipating in t,he Battle ofPen-yville, Oct. 8, 1862, -andP9rsnit of General Bragg's Rebel forces to the Cumberland MounLains and return to Nashville, Ten., Oct. S­ Nov. 15, 1862; in the Tennessee Campaign, commanding Division (Army of the Cumberland), Dec., 2G- 31, lS62, being engaged in seveml Skirmishes,-­ and n,lttle of Stone River, Dec. :31, lS62, where he was wounded; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, Jan. 1 to Feb. 15, 1863; in command of Divis· iOll, 21st Corps (Army of the Cumberland) in t.he Tennessee Campaign, Feb. 15 to Sep. 22, 1863, being engaged in the Advance on Tullahoma, Jnne 2rict of Mississippi, Aug. 13, 1866, (MUSTEIlED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, SEP. 1, 1866) to Jan. 17, lS67; on leave of absence, Jan. 17, 1867, to c. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 117

NUl!llER. 1845. CLASS RANK.

1236 .. (Born S. C.) .... THOMAS G. RHETT ...... (Ap'd at Largo)_. 6 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi'om July I, 1841, to July I, 1845, when he \Va;; grlHluated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY I, 1845. Served: as Asst. Ordnance Officer, at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1845-46; in (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RU'LEB, MAY 27, 1846) the Wl1r with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in Northern Mexico, 1846-47, (FrnsT LIEUT., MOUNTED RlFLES, APR. 18, 1847) - -Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Defence of the City of Puebla, Sep. 13­ Oct. 12, 1847, -and on Commissary duty, 1847-48; on Recruiting service, (BVT. CAPT., OCT. 12, 1847, FOR GALLANT A..'\'D MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE DEFENSE OF PUEBLA, ~1E::s:.) 1848; on frontier duty at Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1849-50: in anest, 1850-51, 1851; on QUl1rLermaster and Commissary duty, at Corpus Christi, Tex., 1852-55; on (CAPTAIN MOUNTED RIFLES. SEP. 16, 1853, to JUNE 14, 1858) front.ier duty at Ft. i\fclutosh, Tex., 1855, - Scouting. 1855, 18S6,-March to New Mexico, 1856, - Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1856- 57, - Ft. Dliss, Tex., 1857, ­ Ft. Fillmore, Tex., 1857,.-Ft. Union, N. M., 1857-58; and on Paymaster's C~LA.JOR STAFF-PAHIASTEll, APR. 7, 1858) duty, 1858- 61, at Ft. Bliss, Tex. RESIGl>'ED, APR. 1, 1861. J oined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1237 .. (Born i\1t\s.) ..... CHARLES P. STONE ...... (Ap'd Mas.) .. 7 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military, Academy [rom July 1, 1841, to July 1, 18i5, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bfl. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1845. Served: at the Military Academy, (\~ A~Ht. Professor of Geogrilphy, History, and Ethics, Aug. 28, 1845, to Jan. 13,18·16; as Asst. Ordnance officer at Wnter­ v:iet ArBenal, N. Y., 1846, ..-an(1 at. Ft. MOUl'oe Ar8en[ll, Vu., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846 --18, being eng,\.geel in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAR. 3, 1847) 1847, - Buttle of Contreras, Aug. 1!) -20, 1847,-·-Battle of Molino del Rey, (BVT. FrnsT LIEU·l'., SEP 8, 18-17, POR GALLANT AXD MERITORIOUS COXDUCT IN TilE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, MEX.) Sep. 8, 1847, - Battle of Chf'lml tepee, Sep. 13, 1847, -[lnd Assault and ColptUI'C of (B\'T. CAI'T., SEl'. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND l\fERITOIUOUS CONDUCT IN TIrE BATTLE OF CHAPULl.'EPEC, MEX, ) the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14, 1847; aR AllSt. 01'dllltnce Officer at Watervliet Arsenui, N. Y. , 1848; o11leu\'e of absence in Europe and the East, 1848-50; IlS ARst. Ordnance Officer at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1850 ; and in command of Ft. Monroe Ar\lent\l, Va., 1850-51, - - and in ch:'rge of the construction of Benicill Arsenal, C,ll., 1851- 56, being Chief of Ordnance for the Pacific Divi­ (FIRST LmUT., ORDNANCE, FEll. 26, 1853) sion, 1851-·55. RESIGNED, Nov. 17, 1856. Cjvil History.- Banker, S,m Fmnciseo, Cal., 18.56 ·" I. Chief of the Scien­ tific Commission in the service of the Mexican Government, for the Survey and Exploratioll of the Public Lands in the State of SOllora, Mex., 1857-60,­ and of Lower California, 1858-60. 118 GRADUATES OF THE


Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Statel>, (COL. STAFF-INSPECTOR-GENERAL D. C. VOLUN¥ERS, .TAN. 1,18(1) 1861-64: in Organizing and Disciplining District of Columbia Volunteers serving in the Defense of Washington, D. C, Jan. 1 to Apr. 16. 1861; in com­ mand of District of Columbia Volunteers, Apr. 16 to July 2~, 1861. heing en­ gaged in guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and out.postsof Wllshing­ ton, D. C., Apr., 1861,- in the Capture of Alexandria, Va., May 24, 1861,-on (COLONEL, 14TH L'1FA.'1TR7, MAy 14, 1861) (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 17,18(1) Rockville Expedition, June 10, 1861,--Skirmishes at Conrad's and Edward's Ferry, Mel, June, 1861; Skirmish at Harper's Ferry, July 7, 1861,-and in Major-General Pattcrson's Opemtions in the Shenandoah Valley, commanding Brigade, July 8-23, 1861; in command of Special Corps of Observation on the Upper Potomac, Aug. 10, 1861, to Feb. 9, 1862; as Prisoner at Ft. Litfay­ ette and Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., where he was inc:u:cernted Feb. 9, 1862, without charges being preferred against him, and held till Aug. 16, 1862, when he WitS released from arrest; in waiting orders at WashingLon, D. C., Aug. 16, 1862, to May, 1863; in the Department of the Gulf, JVlay, 18G3, to Apr. 16, 1864, being engaged in the Siege of Port Hudsou, Mlty 27-July 8, 1863, and was one of the Commissioners for receiving its Surrender,-as Chief of Staff of Major­ General Banks, July 25, 1863, to Apr. 16, 1864,-in Skirmishes on Bayou Teche, Oct., 1863,- Battle ofSllbine Cross Road~, Apr. 8, 1864,- and Battle of (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, APR. 4, 18(4) Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, 1864; awaiting orders at Cairo, TIl., Apr. 18 to Aug. 13, 1864; and in command of Brigarle of 5th Corps (Army of the Potomac), be­ fore Petel'sbmg, Aug. 21 to Sep. 13, 1864. RESIGNED, SEP. 13, 1864. Civil History. Engineer and Superintendent of the Dover Mining Com­ pany, Goochhmd County, Va., since 1865.

1238.. (Born N. H.) ....FITZ..JOHN PORTER ...... (Ap'c1 at Large) ..8

Military History.- Cru:let at the U. S. ~Iilitnry Academy fr01l1 July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promotecl in the Army to B,"r. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ABTlLLERY, JULY 1, 18'15. Served: in gan-ison nt Ft. Monroe, Va., 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JUh"E 18, 1846) 1846-48, being engRgecl in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. \) - 29, 1847,- Battle of (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, MAY 29, 1847, TO OCT. 31, 1856) Cerro Gorclo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,- Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847 _ Battle of Molino clel Rey, Sep. 8, 1847-Storming of Chapultcpec, Sep. 13, (Bn. UAPTAIN, SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTORIOUS CmnmCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, NIEx.) (BvT. MAJon, SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND lI'lElUTOlUOUS SEllVICES IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, ::\fEx.) 1847,--and Assault of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13, 1847, where he was wounded at the Belen Gate; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va .. 1848,--Ft. Pickens, Fla. 1848-49; at the :!I'lilitary Academy, 1849-55, ns Asst.. Instnwtor of Art,iller,,: July 9, 1849, to Scp. 1, .1853, - as Adjutant, Sep. 1, 1853, to Aug. 1, 18.54, ::'" tlnd as Instructor of ArLIllery !lnd Ctwahy, .May 1, 1854, t,o Sep. 11, 18.55; in garrison at Ft. Bmely, Mich., 18.55-56; as Asst. Adjutant-General of the Dc­ (Bn. CAPT. STAFF-AssT. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, JUNE 27, 1856) U. S. :UILITARY ACADEMY. 119

NU~lDEn. 1845. CLASS RANK.

partmellt of the West, at Ft. Leavenworth, lian., July 24 to Dec. 29, 1856; on Special duty in Washington and New York, Dec. 29, 1856, to Sep. 11, 1857; as Asst. Adjutant-General of Utah Expedition, Sep. 11, 1857, to Feb. 29, 1860 ; on leave of absence, iVbr.-Oct., 1860; Inspecting Recruits at New York city, Oct., 1860, to Feb. 15, 1861; and on Special duty on the Gulf of iVIexico, Feb. 15 to Mar. 30, 1861. Scrvp-d during t.he Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-63: as Chief of Staff of the Department of Pennsylvania, and of the forces commanded suc­ (COLONEL,15TH INFANTHY, Mn 14, 1861) cessively by ~fajors-General Patterson and Banks in Shenandoah Valley, (BRIG.-GENEHAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS; MAY 17,1861) Apr. 27 to Aug., 1861, being engaged in the Action of Falling Waters, July 2, 1861; in command of .Division in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Aug., I/.-. U~ 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign. in command of I '"f1 Division, far.-Ma 1862, und of 5th Corps] ~1:aY-A U tt. 1862 ~rmy of the J~ o ·omac , emg engagee 1I1 the Siege of YOI' . town, flS nector - the Siege, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862, - Action of New Bridge, iVI"y 23, 1862,- Action und Cap­ ture of Hanover Court Honse, May 27, 1862,-Battle of Mechnnicsville, June 26, 1862, - Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1362,-Action of Turkey (BVT. BRIG . -GE~'ERll" U. S. AmlY, JUNE 27, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT A.T THE B.-lil."l'LE OF CHICKAROMINY, VA.) Bridge, June 30, 1862,-and B'1ttle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in command of 5th Corps in the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug. - Sep., 1862, being en­ (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 4, 1862) gaged in the Battle of l\ii1nassas, Aug. 30, 1862, - and Retreat to Washington, D. C., Ang. 3D-Sep. 2,1862; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Sep. 2- 13, 1862; alld in the Maryland Campaign, in command of 5th Corps (Army of the Potomac), Sep.-No,'" 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862, -and Skirmish of Shepartlstown, Sep. 19, 1862. CASHIERED, JA..'1. 21, 1863, AND" FOREVER DISQUALIFIED ImoM HOLDING ANY OFFICE OF TUUST OR PUOFIT UNDER THE GOVERN~lEl\T OF THE UNITED STATES," FOR VIOLATION OF THE 9TH AND 52D ARTICLES OF 'VAn.

1239.. (Born Me.) .....JOSIAH H. CARLISLE ...... (Ap'd Me.) .. 9 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he wa" graduatcd aud promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D AUTILLEl\Y, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in garrisonl\t Ft. Trumbull, Ct., 1845-46,-Ft. Adams, R. L, 1846,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTIl,LEl\Y, JUNE 18, 1846) (TRANSFERRED TO 2D AnTILLEl\Y, OCT. 19, 1846) ~t. Colt~mbus, N. Y., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846--47, being engaged III the SIege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 2D, 1847; on Recruiting service, 1847-48; (FIRST LIEUT., 2D AUTILLERY, OCT. 12, 1847) ill garriSQll at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1848,-and Ft. Johnston, N. C., 1848-49; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1849- 50; in garrison at Ft. Moultrw, S. C. 1851-52, - and Ft. McHcnry, Md., 1852- 54; on frontier dnty at Ft. Defiancc, N. M., 1854-57; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1857,-and (CAPTAIN, 3D AUTILLERY, MAll. 3. 1857) Ft. M~n:oc, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1857- 59; on Harper's Ferry ExpedItion for suppressing John ]3\.'own's Raid, 1859; and in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Aliillery School for Practice), 1859- 61, - and Washington, D.C., 1861. 120 anADUATES OF THE


Sen'ed dming the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65 : in Defense of Washington, D. C., Feb. 21 to July 16, 1861; in the Manassas Campaign (Army of the Potomac), July, 1861, being engaged in command of Battery, in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., July, 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 1, 1862, FOR GALL~NT AND ~IERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE PE)/INSUWR CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA) Potomac), in command of 5th Brigade of Artillery Reserve, Mm·.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in Batteries at the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 19, Md Apr. 25 to May 4, 1862,- at Hill near Gaines' House, May 31 to June 5, 1862, - at Gaines' Hill and vicinity, Jlme 9- 11, 1862,-ut Garnet's Farm, June 27, 1862,-at Golding's Farm, June 28, 1862,- at Turkey Bridge, June 30, 1862, - and at n>!ltlvern Hill, July 1, 1862; on sick leave of absence, Aug. 3, 1862, to Apr. 14, 1863; on Recrniting service at New York city, Apr. 16 to Nov. 4,1863; on leave of absence, Nov. 4, 1863, to Jan. 15, 1864; on Mustering and Disbursing nuty, (Rl!:TIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE, Nov. 4, 1863. FOR DIS,illILITY RESULTING }'ROM LONG AND F,U"l'HFUL SERVICE.'> A..'

1240.. (Born England) .. GEORGE EDWARDS ...... (Ap'n N. Y.) .. 10 Military History.-Cadet at tho U. S. Militnry Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was gn1clnated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1845- 46; in the War with Mex­ (SECOND LmUT., 2D AnTILLERY, JUNE 18, 1846) 100, HH6 , being engaged in the Battle of ~fonterey, Sep. 21-23, 1&i6, ­ Siege of Vera Cruz, Mm'. 9-29, 1847, - Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1H47, - Skirmish of Amazoque, May 14, 1847, - uncl Defense of Pllebll.1., Sep. 13 to Oct. 12, 1847, where he was wounded; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., OCT. 12, 1847, FOR GA.LL.L,.'<;T AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT L.'< ~HE DEFENSE OF PuEDLA, Mxx.) (FmsT LIEUT.', 2D ARTILLERY, OCT. 19, 1847) 1848; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole IndiMs, 1848-50; and in garrison at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 185l. RESIGNED, JUNE 30, 1851.

Civil History.-Civil Engineer, constructing Railroad~ in New York, mi. nois, and Uissouri, 1851- 59. Accountant for the Tudor Ice Company, Bos. ton, Mas., since 1859.

1241. . (Born Ga.) ...... HENRY COPPEE ...... (Ap'd Ga.) .. 11 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Uilitary Academy from .July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to BVT. SEOONI> LmuT., 2D Am'ILLERY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in garrison at Ft. Colllmblls, N. Y., 18-15-46; in the War with Mex­ (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST AnT=Y, JUNE 18, 1846) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 121


ieo, 1846- 48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847, -Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,---Skirmish of La Hoya, J\Ule 20, 1847,­ Sldrmish of Oka Lnlm, Aug. 16, 1847, --BattIe of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847, (FIRST LIEUT., 1sT ARTILLERY, AUG. 20, 1847) -Battle of ChUl'ubuseo, Aug. 20, 1847,-Storming of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, (BVT. CAPT., AGG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUC'!' IN 'rHE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, Mi:x.) 1847,- llnd AS8ault and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Frellch, Aug. 22, 18<18, to June 22, 1849; in garrison at Ft. McHenry, Md., 1849-50 ; and at the Militnry Academy, as Principal AssL Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Jan_ 14, 1850, to May 16, 1855. RESIGNED, JUNE 30, 1855. Civil History.-Professor of English Literature and HistOl'Y, University of Pennsylvania, 1855-66. Degree of M. A. con felTed by the University of Georgia, 1848. Member of sevem.l Scientific and Historical Societics, 1851--67. Author of •• Elements of Logic, designed as a ManWlI of Instruction," 1858; .. Elemcnts of Rhetoric, 1859 ;" .. Grant and his Caml'aign~," 1866; and several military works, 1858-67. Edited a .. GaUery of :Famous Poet.s," 1858; nnd a .. Gallery of Distinguished Poetesses," 1861. Editor of'the .. United St.ates Service Magazine," 1864-66; and Contributor to the Principal Reviews and Mngazines in the United States, since 1848. Compiler of .. Songs of Praise in the Christian Centuries," H166. President of the Lehigh Univer­ sity, at Bethlehem, Pn., since 1866. Degree of LL. D. conferred by the Uni­ Vel'l,;tyof Pennsyh',mia, 1866,_nd by Union College, N. Y., 1866.

1242. . (Born N. Y.) ..... FRANCIS COLLINS...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 12 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1845. Seryed: in garrison at Ft,. i\iOlll'Oe, Va., 1845-46; on Recrui ting service, 1846; (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, AUG. 18, ·1846) in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Ven. Cruz, Mar. \} --29, 1847, - Bnttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,-Battle of Con­ treras, Aug. 19-20,1847, where he waH wounded in tho Assault of the enemy's in­ (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLL"T AND MERlTORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHUIlUBUSCO, ~iEx.) trenchments,-and as Aide-de-Camp to Brig.-General Shields, Dec. 27, 184G, (FrnsT LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, SEP. 13, 1847) to Feb. 3, 1847; and in Florida Hostilities ugainst the Seminole Indinns, 1849-50. RESIGNED, DEC. 11, 1850. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Dayton, 0.,1851-53. Solicitor fort-he city of Dayton, 0., 1853. Counsellor at Law, Columbus, 0., since 1853. So­ lioitor for the city of Columbus, 0., 1861-62.

1243_ .(BomPa) ...... JOSEPH F. FARRy...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 13 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Acuclemy ii'om July 1, 1841, to July 1, 18,15, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. J:;ECOND LIEUT., 4'l'H A'EILLERY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in i\1ilihU'Y Occupatwn of Texns, 1845-46; and in theW~r with Mex­ 122 GRADUATES OF THE

NUblDER. 1845. CL~SS RANK. ico, 1846--47, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,-Battle of Resaca de la Pl>lma, May 9, 1846,-Battle of Monterey, Sap. 21-2:3, 1846, ­ (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, OCT. 17, 1846) Siege of Vem Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847, (FIllST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, AUG. 13, 1847) -Capture of Snn Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-and Battle of Molino del Rey, where, while gallantly leading his men over the enemy's intrenchm ent-~ , he was KILLED, SEP. 8, 1847: AGED ~3.

1244 .. (Born Ct.) ...... LOUIS D . WELCH ...... (Ap'd CL) .. 14 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was gradnated and pl'Ol11oted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTIL.b:RY, J ULY1, 1845. Served: in garrison at Ft. )inrion, Fla., 1845- 46; 011 Recruiting service, 1846; (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, OCT. 27, ]846) in the War with Mexico, 1846--47, at Tampico; on sick leave of absence, 1847; (FIllST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, SEP. 8, 1847) in the War with niexieo, 11347, being engaged in the Attack of the San Antonio GI1rita of the City of Mexico, Sep. ]2- 13, 1847; and on ~ick leave of absence, 1847-48. Dum, MAR. 24, 1848, AT ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.: AGED 23.

1245.. (Born Ct.) .....GEORGE P. ANDREWS ...... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 15 Military HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. Milit,ny Academy, from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, ]845. Served: in garrison at Augusta Arsenal, Ga. , 1845--46; on Recruiting ser­ vice, 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of (SECOND LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, FED. 16, 1847) Vem Cruz, j\br. 9--29, 1847, - Bnttle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, -Cap­ ture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,­ Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was wounded, - Battery (FIRST LmUT., 3D AIl'l'ILLERY, SEP. 8, 1847) (Bn. C,I.PTAIX, SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT ANn MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL REY, MEX.) against Chapultepec, Sep. 12- 13, 1847,- and Assault and Capture of the City (BVT. MAJOR, SEP. 13, 1847, FOil GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHAPULTEPEC, j\iEx.) of Mexico, Sap. 13- 14, 1847; !IS Quartermaster, 3d Artillery, Jlme 4, 1847, to Oct. 26,1848; on voyage to California, 1848--49 ; on frontier duty at Sflll Fran­ cisco, Cal., 1849, - Benicia, Cal., 1849-51,- on Commissary duty at Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1851-53, bcillg engaged in several Skirmishes in the vicinity, - San Fran­ cisco, Cal., 1853,-Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1854,- Ft. Washita, I. '1'., 1854-5.5, - and Benicia, Cal., 1856- 59; as Quartermaster, 3cl Artillery, June 1, to Nov. 1, 1858; (CAPJ:,UN, 3D ARTILLERY, OCT. 12, 1858) on leave of absence, 1860; and on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, ·Wash., 1860,-Expedition against Snake Indians, 1860, being engaged in a Skirmish U. S. MII,ITA RY ACADEMY. 123

======-~==== NUMBER. 1845. CLASS RANK.

nem: Harney Lake, Aug., 1860,-Ft. Dalles, Or., 1860,-Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1860- 61-and Alcatraz Island, Cal., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding StK'ttes, 1861 ·-66: in the De­ fenses of Washin~on, D. C., Dec. 12, 1861. to Mar. 20, 1862; in garrison at Fort Point, San J!l'ancisco harbor, Cal., Apr. 29, 1862, to 8(~p. 10, 1863; as Asst. Provost-Marshal General, for California fUi,cl N evad,\, Bep. 10, 1863, to Feb. 1, 1864; and in gn.rrison at Angel Island, San Frallc.isco ItfU'bor, Cal., Feb. 1, 1864, to Oct. 1865,-at Ft. Adams, R. I, Nov. 30, 1865, to Apr. 30, (MAJOR, 5TH ARTILLERY, JULY 28, 1866) 1867,-and Ft. Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., June 3, 1867, to

1246. . (Born Me.) . . . .. THOMAS B. J. WELD ...... (Ap'd Me.) .. 16 Military History.- ·Cn.c1et at the U. S. :M:ilitnry Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he was gradunted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Military Occupn.tion of Tp.xas, 1845-46, at COI-PUS Christi; in the War wit,h Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - Battle of Resaca de la Palm,., May 9, 1846,-and Battle of (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, FEB. 16, 1847) Monterey, Sep. 21 - 23, 1846; and in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1848,-and (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, OCT. 19, 1847) Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1849-50. DIED, SEP. 10, 1850, AT FT. MOULTRIE, S. C.: AGED 24.

1247.. (Born N. Y.) ...... JOHN P. HATCH ...... (Ap'cl N, Y.) ..17 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. 'Military Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845) Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War wit.h Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, Bat­ tle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846, - Siege of Vem Cruz, ~br . 9- 29. (TRANSFERRED TO MOUNTED R.IFLES, JULY 17, 1846) 1847,--Skirmish ofPuentl1 del Medio, Mar. 24, 1847, - Battle ofCeno Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847, - Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,-Battle of Churu­ (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED R.IFLES, ApR. 18, 1847) busco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault and (BYT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 20,1847, }'OR GALLAN'r ANI> ~1ERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AlSD CHURUDUSCO, MEX.) (BVT. CAPT., SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLAA'T AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, MEX.) Oapture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; as Adjutant, Mounted Rifles, Nov. 1, 1847, to May 1. 1850; ill g,U'rison at Jefferson Barmcks, Mo., 1848; on Recruiting ~ervice, 1848-49; on ii'ontier duty at Ft. L eavenworth (Cump Sumner), Ran., 1849, - i'Yillrch toOregon, 1849, - 0J'egonCity, 1849 -50, - Acting Asst. Ac1juttmt-General, Department of Oregon, Oct. 3, 1849, to May 8, 1850, -and at Ft.. Vancouver, Wash., 1850; on R,ecruiting service, 1851 ; in ga.n-i.­ (FIRST LmuT., MOUNTED RIFLES, JUNE 30, 1851) son, at Jefferson B'll'racks, Mo., 1851-52; on frontier duty at Indianola, 'fex., 124 GRADUATES OF THE

NUlIllER. 1845. CLA.S~ RANK.

1852,·- Ft. ~Ierrill, Tex., 1852, - Scouting, 1852,- Ft. Merrill, Tex, 1852- 53, -Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1853,-Ft. Merrill, Tex., 1853, - Edinburg. Tex., 1853,­ and Ft. Merrill, Tex., 1853- 54; on Recruiting service, 1854- 56; on frontier duty at Ft. Union, N. M., 1856-57, - Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged against Mogollon Indians in a Skinnish at the Canon de los Muertos Carneros, N. M., May 24, 1857,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1857-58, - Navajo Expedition, 1858, being engaged in a Sldrmish near Laguna Negra, N. :rd., Sep. 25, 1858, -Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1858,- Scouting, 1858, -Ft. Craig, N. M., 1858-59,­ Sconting, 1859, - Ft. Craig, N. M., 1859-60, ·- and at Albuquerque, N. M., (CAPTAn:, MOUNTED RIFLES, OCT. 13, 1860) 1860- 61, as Depot Commissary; and as Chief of Commissariut, Department of New Mexico, May 23 to Aug., 186l. Served during th') R e belli~ n of the Seceding States, 1861--66: iti command (BnIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 28,18(1) of Brigade of Cavalry at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 24, 1861, to Mar. 28, 1862, and of the Post, Feb. 7 to Mar. 28, 1862; in command of the Cavalry of 5th Army Corps, in Opera.tions in Shenandoah Valley, ;VIal'. 28 to July 29, 1862, being engaged in the Combat of Winchester, June 26, 1862,-and Reh'eat to the Po­ tOll1rw, June 26, 1862 ; in the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug. 1 to Sep. 2, 1862, being engaged in the Comba.t of Groveton, Aug. 28, 1862,-Ba1.tle of Manassas, Aug., 29- 30, 1862, where he WilS wounded, - ilnd Battle of Chan­ (Bn. MAJOR, AUG. 30, 1862, FOR GALL.\NT AND MERITOllIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF MANASSAS, VA.) tilly, Scpo 1, 1862; in the MaryJr\l1d Campaign, in command of Division (Army of Potomac), Sep. 6--14, Hl62, being engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Scp. 14, 1862, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of absence, dis­ (Bn. LIEUT.-COL., SEP. 14, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF ROUTH MOUNTAIN, MD.) abled by wound, Sep. 15, 1862, to Feb. 18, 186:3; 011 Court-Martial duty, Feb. 18 to .July 28, 1863: in command of Draft Rendezvous at Phillldelphil1, Pa., July 28 to Oct. 31,1863; in command of Cavalry Depot at St. Louis, Mo., (MAJOR, 4TH CAVALRY. OCT. 27, 18(3) Noy. 9, 1863, to Feb. 29, 1864; in command of Dist.Tict of Florida, Department (\f the Sonth, Mar. 28 to Apr. 20, 1864,-of Department of the South, May 1- 26, 1864,-of District of Hilton H ead, &c., Department of the Sout.h, ~fay 27 to Aug. 1, 1864, being in command of the forces operating on John's Island. S. C., July 1-10, 1864, including the Action of July g, 1861;- of Distriot of Florida, Aug. 4 to Nov. 10, 1864,--of Northern District, Department of the South, Nnv. 18-27, 1864,-of Coast Division, Department of the Sonth, Nov. 29, 1864, to Feb. 26, 1865, being in command at. the Attack at Honey Hill, S. C. , Nov. 30, 18640, and A-::tion of 'ruJlafinny River, S. C., Dec. 9, 1864, afterwards uncler General Sherman's orders, co-operating with him while moving up the coast, participating in several Skirmishes,-and of District of Chm'leston, Department ofSouth Carolina, Feb. 26 to Aug. 26, 1865; at New York city, awaiting orders, (BVT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLAN'r AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DunrXG THE REBELLIOX) (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13; 1865, FOR GALLANT AND ~IERITORIOu"s SERVICES IN THF FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) (BVT. MAJ.-Gm."ERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, M:.~R. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) Aug. 26, 1865, to Apr. 16, 1866; and in command of Regiment, Departmentof Texas, May 9, 1866, to .' (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 15, 1866) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 125


1248 .. (Born 0.) ...... JOHN A. RICHEY. ~ ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 18 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from JUly I, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduuted Rnd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1845. Served: in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845- 46; and in the War with Mexico, 1846-47, being engaged in the Batt.le of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846. ---­ Battle of Resaca de la Palm", May 9, 1846, -- Bn,tUe of :\10nterey, Sep. 21 23, (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JUNE 29, 1846) 1846,-and while hearing dispatches, wos KILLED, JAN. 13, 1847, AT VILA GRAN, iVIEx.: AGED 22.

1249.. (Born :\ias.) .. , ... HENRY MERRILL ...... (Ap'd at Large) .. 19 Military History,-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July I, 1841, to July 1, lS45, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BI'T. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1845. While on his Wily to join the Army of Occupation in Texas, he was, by the falling of a spar on board the Propeller Augusta, KILLED, OCT. 23, 1845, IN ARANSAS BAY, TEX.: AGED 24,

1250.. (BomPa.) ....PATRICK A. FARRELLY .. (Ap'd at Large) .. 20 Military History.- Cadet at the U_ S_ Military Ae,\demy from .Jnly I, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted ill the Army to BvI'. SECOND LIEUT. , 4TH INFANTRY, ,JUT.y 1. lS45. Served: in Uie Military Occupation of'l'exas, 1845-46: in the War with Mex­ ico, 1846-48. being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, - -Batt.le of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846, - B'lttle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 10, 1846) Sie~e of Vera Cruz. Mar. 9- 29, 1847, - Cnpture of Snu Antonio, Aug. 20, J847,-and Bat.t.!e of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847, where he was ~everely (BVT. FIRST LIEUT, , AUG. 20, 18'17, FOR G.\LT,,'N'l' "Nn ;\o[ERITORIOUR CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CO~ITRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEX.) (FIRST LIEUT., 5TH IN1'ANTRY, DEC. \l, 1S47) wounded: and Oil frontier duty at Ft. Gib~on, I. T-. 184n-50,-Ft. Towson, I. '1'.. 1850, - San Antonio. Tex., 1S.50,--Corpns Christi, Tex., 1850-5I. - Ft. Smith, Ark., 1851, - and Ft. Washita, I. T., 1851, where, by being thrown from his horse, h e was KILLED, AUG. 4, 1851: AGED 30.

1251.. (Born N, Y.) ....ABRAM B. LINCOLN...... (Ap'cl N. Y.) ,21 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Actlc1em.v from .Jnly 1, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army t.o BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frontier duty at Ft.. Leavenworth, Knn., 184ii- 46,-nncl Camp Kearny, Mo., 1846; in the War with iVIexieo, 1846- 47, being engaged ill the (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 12, 1846) 126 GRADUATES OF THE


Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18,1847, -Capture of San Ant{)nio, Aug. 20, 1847,-Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-and Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1~7, where he wa~ severely (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLA..."T AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE 01>' MOLINO DEL HEY, 1'IEx.) (F'msT LIEUT.• 4TH INFANTRY, Nay. 24, 1847) wounded; in garrison at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., 1849, 1850,-and Ft. On­ tario, N. Y., 1850- 51; and on sick leave of absence, 1851-52. DIED, Apll. 15, 1852, AT PlLATKA, FLA.: AGED 32.

1252 .. (Born 0.) .. BEZALEEL W. ARMSTRONG ... . . (Ap'd 0.) .. 22 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to En. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY I, 1845. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Le.wenworth, Ran., 1845-46,-Scouting on Western Prairies, 1846,- Ft. Leavenworth, Ran., 1846,-and Camp Page, 'fex., (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DllAGOONS, Apll. 1, 1846) 1847; in the W'ar with Mexico, 1847--48, at Vera Cruz [md the City of Mexico; in garrison at Carrollton, La., 1848; and on sick leave of absence, 1848-49. DIED, FEB. 17, 1849, AT NEW LISBON, 0. : AGED 26.

1253. . (Born Va.) ...... WILLIAM T. ALLEN ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 23 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduatcd and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1845. Served in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845. DIED, DEC. 6, 1845, AT COllPUS CHRISTI, TEX.: AGEl? 22.

1254.. (Born Min.) .. JAMES G. S . SNELLING"...... (Ap'd 0 .) .. 24 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. "Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 18'15, when he was graduat.ed and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1845, Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the 'War with Mexico, 1846-47, being pngaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 184.6,-­ Ba.ttle of Resaca de laPalma, May 9, 1846,--Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, (SECOND LIEUT" 8TH INFANTRY, JULY 21 , 1846) 1846,-Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,- Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847,- Capture of San Antonio, Aug, 20, 1847,-Eattle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, (BYT. FmsT LIEUT., AUG. 20,1847, Fon GALLANT AND lIblU'£Ol\lOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, }lEX.) 1847,- and Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847, where he was seycrely (Bn. CAPT" SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALL,t"NT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN' THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL HEY, MEX.)

• Son of Colonel JoslAn SXELUliG, who served in the War of 1812--15. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 127


wounded; in garrison at Jefferson BUlTacks, Mo., 1848; on frontier duty, on (FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, J.4'1. 22, 1849) march through Texas lo Ft. Gates, 1849- 52, --Ft. McKavctt, Tex., 1852,-Cump Johnston, Tex., 1852, - Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., 1852-53,-Ft. Clark, Tex., (CAPTAIN, 10TH INFA~TRY, MAR. 3, 1855) 1853,-and Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1854; and on Recruiting service, 1855. DIED, AUG. 25, 1855, AT CINCINNATI, 0.: AGED 33.

1255 .. (Born Fla.) ...... EDMUND K. SMITH...... (Ap'd Fla.) ..25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in lhe War with Mex­ ico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846,.-Battle of Resaca de la Palma, lVlRy 9, 1846,- Siege of Yem Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847, (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, AUG. 22, 1846) -Baltle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-Battle of Contreras, Ang. 19- 20, (Bn·. FIRST LmUT, APR. 18, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND ~'fERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CERRO GORDO, il'fEx.) (BY'!'. CaPT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLaNT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE B,,'l'TLE OF CONTRERAS, MllX.) 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1817,-Battle of Molino del Rey, Sep.8, 1847,-Storming of Chapultepec, Sep. 12- 13, 1847, '-flnd Assault [md Cap­ ture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13-11, 1847; in galTison n,t J efferson Barracks, Mo., 1848- 49; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of Mn,thematics, Oct. 23, 1849, to Nov. 11, 1852; on frontier duty at Ringgold (FIRST LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, MAR. D, 18(1) Barracks, Tex., 1853,- Ft. B)'own, T ex., 1853- 54,- March to Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1854,-Escorting U. S. Boundary Commission, 1854- 55,-Ma.rch to California, (CAPTAIN, 2D CAVALRY, l\'Lm. 3, 1855) 1855,-Ft. Mason, Tex., 1856,-Scouting, 1856,- Ft. Mason, Tex., 1856-57,­ and Ft. Inge, Tex., 1857-58; n,bsent on leave, 1858- 59; and 011 frontier duty, Scouting, 1859, being eng,~ged against the Camanche Indians, in the Action of May 13, 1859, in Nescntungn, Yalley, where he was severely woundecl, - at dhmp Hadziminski, I. T., 1859,-Camp Cooper, Tex., 1859, - Cn,mp Coloro,do, 'rex., 1859- 60, 1860-61,-·and Ft. Mason, 'rex., 1861; and on leave of ab­ (MAJOR, 2D CAVALRY, JAN. 31, 1861) sence, 1861. RESIGNED, APR. 6, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. fI

1256.. (Born 1\'[e.) .. THOMAS J. MONTGOMERy... .. (Ap'd 1\'[e.) .. 26 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. ilfilitury Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 8TH L'1FANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War 'with Mex­ ico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle ofPa.[o Alto, ~hy8 , 1846,- Buttle of Resaca de la Palma, May 9, 1846, - Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, 1846,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, SEP. 9, 1846) 1:>'8 GRADUATES OF THE


Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9- 29, 1847,-Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847. -Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,-Bat.tle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,-and Assault and Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847; in (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, DEC. 26, 1847) garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848,-Ft. Gratiot, Mich., 1848- 49, 1849- 52, -and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; und on frontier duty at Benicia, CuI., 1852, (CAPTAIN, 4TH INFANTllY, MAR. 27, 1854) -Ft. Dulles, Or., 1852-54,-and Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1854. DIED, Nov. 22, 1854, AT FT. STEILACOOlI, WASH.: AGED 32.

1257 .. (Born Vu.) ...... JOHN W. DAVIDSON. . .. (Ap'd at Large.) ..27 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, wheu he was graduated and promot-ed iu the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DIlAGOONS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 184546,- and Ft. Craw­ ford, Wis., 1846; in the Wur with Mcxico, 1846-48, with the" Army of the (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DIlAGOONS, APR. 21,1846) West," being enga,ged in the Combat of S6,n Pasqual, Cal., Dec. 6, 1846,-Pas­ sage of the San Gabriel River, Jan. 8, 1847,-und Skirmish on the Pluins of Mesa, Jan. 9, 1847; on frontier duty ut Los Angelos, CuI., 1848- 49,-SonoIDU, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST Dll,\GOONS, JAN, 8, 1848) Cal., 1849-50,--and Scouting, 1850, being engap-ed in the Action at Clear Luke, May 15, 1850, 011 Russian HiYer, Cal., 1850, and on Sacramento HiveI', CuI., 1850; on Recruiting service, 1850; as Quartermaster, 1st Dragoons, Dec. 1, 1850, to Jan. 4, 1851, and Adjutant, Jan. 4, to Sep. 30,1851; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, ~fo., 1851 ; and on frontier duty at Ft. Leayenworth, Ran., 1851,- Ft. Snclling, Min., 1851··53, - Cnntonment Bnrgwin, N. M., 1853- 54.­ Scouting, 1854, being in command against JicHrilla Apache Indians, in the Ac­ tion of Cieneguilla, N. M., Mm'. 30, 1854, where he was wounc1ed. - CalltonmclIt Burgwin, N. :1\1., 1854, -Scouting, 1854, being engaged in the Sldrmish of Fish­ er's Peak, N. M., June 5, 1854,- Hnyado, N. M., 1854,- Santa Fe, N. M., 1854, -Ft. Thorn, N. M., 1854,-Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1855,-Ft. Stanton, N. M., (CAPTAIN, 1ST DRAGOONS, JAN. 20, 1855) 1855,-Ft. Fillmore, N. lIf., 18GS-56,-Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1856,-in commu\ld of Expedition to open route from Ft. Stant.on, N. M.. to Pecos River, Tex., 1856, - Ft. Buchanun, N. M., 1857,-Seonting, 1857-58,- March to Ft. Tejon, Cal., 1858-59,- in command of Expedition to explore Owen Lake and RiYer, 1859,- Ft.. Tejon, Cnl., 1859, 185fJ- 60,-condncting Recruits to California, 1860- 61,-and Ft. Tejon, CuI., 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stntes, 1861- 66: in the De­ fenses of Washington, D. C., Jan., 1861- Feb., 1862; in the V~rginin Peninsu. (lIfAJOR, 2D CAYALllY, Nov. 14, 1861) (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, FEB. 3, 1862) lar Cnmpaign (Army of the Potomac), lIiar. - July, 1862, being- engaged in the Action of Lee's Mills, Apr. 5, 1862, - Action of Mechanicsyille, May 24,1862,­ Battle of Guines' lIiills, June 27, 1862,-Action of Golding's Faml, June 28, (BVT. LIEUT,-COL., JUNE 27, 1862, FOR GALL.\..c~T AND MERrromous SEIlVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GAINES' MILLS, VA.) 1862, ·-Battle of So.vage Stlltion, J nne 29, 1862,-and Battle of Glendale, J nne 30, (Bvl'. COLONEL, JUNE 28, 1862, I'OR GALL .~NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GOLDING'S FARM, VA.) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 129


1862; in command of St. Louis Dish'ict of Missouri, Aug. 6 to Nov. 13, 1862, -of the Army of South-east Missouri, destined to move againHt Little Rock, NOY. 13, 1862, to Feb. 23, 1863; and of the St,. Louis District of Missouri, Feb. 23 to June 6, 1863,-and directing the movements of the troops of the District at Pilot Knob, Fredericktown and Cape Girardeau, and pursuit of the enemy during },'[aJ'maduke's raid into Missouri, Apr., 1863; in movement upon Little Rock, Ark. , in command of Cavalry Diyision, June 6 to Scp. 10,1863, being engl1ged in the Action of Brownsville, Al'l<. (in commund), Aug. 25, 1863, Assault and Capture of Bltyou MetJ'e, Ark. (in command), Aug. 27, 1863, -Action of Ashley's Mills, Ark. (in command), Aug. 29, 1863,-and Action of Little Rock, Ark., Sep. 10, 1863; in charge of the West Division Cavalry Bureau, Mar. 11 to J'une, 1864; as Chief of Cavalry, Military Division of West of Mississippi, June ~6, 18(H, being in command of Cavalry Expedition from Buton Rouge to Pascagoula, Nov. 24, 1864; in command of 2d Cavalry, (BVT. BRIG.-GENER.~L, U. S. AmIY, MAlt. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND ~WITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE CAPTURE OF LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13. 1865, FOR GALL .~NT AND ~IERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING ~'HE REllELr.ION) (BYT. MAJ.-GE1'<"ER.\L, U. S. ARMY, MAlI. 13, 1865, ~'OR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE RERELLION) Mar. 6 to Juno 1, 1866, at Ft. Riley, Kan. j on tom of inspection in the De­ (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 15, 18(6) partment of Missouri, June 1 to Sep. 2, 1866; in command of 2d Cavalry, Sep. 2 to Nov. I, 18G6, at Ft. Riley, Kan,; as Acting Inspector-General of the Department of Missouri, Nov. 1, 1866, to (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 10TH CAVALRY, DEC. 1, 18(6)

1258.. (Born Ky.) ...... JAMES N. WARD...... (Ap'd Ga.) .. 28 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. i'lIilitury Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he wus graduated and promoted in the Army to En. SECOND LmUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Sel'Ved; on frontier duty at Ft. Smith, Ark, 1845-46; on Recruiting service, (SECOND LIEUT., 3D L'IFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) 1846-47; in the War with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in the Siege of Vem Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847,-aud Rattle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847, where (BVT. Frns'.r LIEUT., APR. IS, 1847, FOR GALLANT A..'lD MERITORIOUS CO~IDUCT IN Till': BATTLE OF CERUO GORDO, ~IEx: . ) he wa3 wounded in the stol'ming of the en~my's intrenched heights; on siok leave of absence, 1847-48; in garrison at Jefferson Barrack~, 1\'[0., 184D; on frontier duty, on March to Sant.a lie, N. i'lL, 1849,.- Navajo Nation, 1849,­ Santa Fe, N. M., 1849- 50,-Lus Vegas, N. M., IS50,-Socorro, N. M., 1850,­ (FIRST LIEUT., 3D L-;FANTRY, MAR. 5, 1851) Las Vogas, N. M., 1850~51, -Soco l'ro , N. M., 1851- 52,-Ft. Inge, Tex., 18.53, - Ft. Fillmore, Tex., 1853,- Ft. Union, N. 1\'[., 185 3 - 54 ,~- and Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1854; on Recruiting service, 11l54--57 j and on Hick lea ye of absence, (CAPTAIN, 3D INFANTRY, SEP. 28, 18(7) 1857-58. DIED, DEC. 6, 1858, AT ST. ANTHONY, MIN.; AGED 35. 9 130 GRADUATES OF THE


~259 .. (Born. Ky.) . . ..•.JAMES M. HAWES...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 29 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acndemy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Al'my to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845- 46; in the War with Mex­ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRWOONS, APR. 25, 1846) ico, 1846-48, beina engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz. Mar. 9- 29, 1847,­ Sbrmish of Sari Juan de los Llauos, Aug. 1, 1847,- Battle of Contreras, (BVT. FIRST LIEu'r., AUG. 1, 1847, FOI\ G.ILLANT A:IGXED, MAY 9, 18Gl. Joined in the Rebellion of 18Gl-66 against the United States.

1260 .. (BornRy.) ...... NEWTON C. GIVENS ...... •(Ap'dlnd.) .. 30 Military History.- Caclet at the U. S. Milib:l.ry Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, whell he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bv-r. SECOND LumT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frontier dllty, on march from Ft. Washita, LT., to Ft. 'Wayne, I. T., 1845-46,-Ft. Smith, Ark., 1846, - iUld .Ft. Gibson, I. '1'., 1846; in the (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAY 9, 1846) War with Mexico, 1846-48, being eng'}ged in the Battle of Buena Vistn., (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., FEB. 23, 1817, FOR GALLANT AND lI'I.EIUTORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA, MEX.) Feb. 22- 23, 1847; on frontier duty, on march to California, 1848-49,-Los An­ gelos, Cal, 1819,-Ft. Croghan, 'rex., 1850- 51, - Ft. Graham, Tex., 1851- 52, (FmST LmuT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 25, 18(0) 1852,- Ft. Croghan, Tex., 1852-53,-i\'I,u'ch to Ft. Belknap, Tex., 1853-54,­ Corpus Christi, Tex., 18.)4, - anc1 Ft. Belknap, 'l'ex., 18.54 55; in 1tn'est, sus­ pended, and sick, 1855-57; on Topographical duLy ill Texas, Oct. 12, 1857, to (CAPTAIN, 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 28, 1857) June 15, 1858; and on sick leav~ of absence, 1858-5D. DmD, 11An. 9, 1859, AT SoU! ANTONIO, TEX.: AGED 35. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 131


1261 .. (Born Va.) .. RICHARD C. W. RADFORD .....(Ap'c1 Va.) . . 31 Military History.- Cadet at the . S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1841, t.o July 1, 18'15, when he was gl'llduatec1and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOO~S, JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frontier duty at Evansville, Ark., 1845-46, - Ft. Smith, Ark., 1846-47,-Ft. Washita, I. 'r., 1847,-and Ft. Scott, Kan., 1847; in the War (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAy 18, 1846) with Mexi co, 1847-48; in ga,rrisou at Carlisle, Pa. (Cavalry School for Prac­ tice), 1848-49; on sick le,we of absence, 1849- 53; on frontier duty tOt Ft. (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, OCT. 24, 1848) J ones, Cal., 1853, -Scouting, 1853, being engaged against Illinois Indians in a Skirmish near the source of Illinois River, Or., Od. 24, 1853,- and at Ft. (CAPTAIN, 1ST DRAGOONS, SEP. 4, 18(5) Laue, Or., 1853-54; and on Recruiting service, 1854-56. RESIGNED, Nov. 30, 1856. Civil History.-Farmer, Lynchbmg, Va., 1856-·61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1262, .(Born N. Y.) ...... DELOS B. SACKET...... (Ap'd N. Y,). ,32 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated aud promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Milital'Y Occupation of Texas, 1845-46 ; in the War with Mex­ ico, 1846, being engaged in the Bat~le of P ,tlo Alto, M,"y 8, 1846,- 13attle of Resaca de b P[,lllla, :iYlay 9, 1846,-and Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846; (BV1'. FIRST LIEUT" M.\Y 9, 1846, FOR GALLA!\T AND Mm.uTomoUR CO~DUCT IN 'rHE 13AT1'LES m' PALO ALTO A~D RESACA DE LA PALMA, TEX.) on frontier duty, in escorting 11,ecruits to Ft. Gibson, 1. T., and },'t. Smit.h, (SECOND LmuT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JUNE 30, 1846) Ark. , 1847-48,---at Santa Fe, N. M., 1848-49,-Dona Alh<, N. M., 1849-50,­ (FIRST LmUT., 1ST DIUGOONS, DEC. 27, 1848) and Scouting against Apache Iudians, 1850; on Recruit.iug serviee, 1850; at the iYIilitary Academ.y, as Asst. Instrnctor of Cavalry Tactics, Dec. 10, 1850, to Apr. 16, 1855; on Hecruiting service, 1855 ; in gl1lTison at Ft. Leavellworl.h, (CAPTAL'O", 1ST CAVALl{Y, ~L\R. 3, 1855) Ka.n. , and removing intruders fl"Om Indian lands, 1855-56; as Member of Board to Revise the Army negll.lations, Washington, D. C., 18;:;6- 57; on Inspection of Horses and Mnlcs at Cincinnati, 0. , 1857; on frontier ~luty at Ft. Riley, quelliug Kansas Disturbauces, 1857- 58, - on Utah and Cheyenne Expeditious, 11:l58,- at Pc. Smith, Ark., lS58- 59,- and on Antelope Hill Expedition, 1. T., 1859; on leave of abseuce in Em-ope, 1859- 60; aud on frontier duty at Ft. (i\L\JOR, 1ST C,\VALltY. JAN. 31, 1861) Arbuckle, 1. T. , 1860- 61. Served during I,he Rebelliou of the Seceding States, 1861- 66 : on March from the Indian Territory to Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., May 3- 27, 1861; as Acting (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 20 CAYALHY, ~1AY 3, 1861) Inspector-General of the Depn,rtment of Washington, June 13 to Ang. 8, 1861; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer, New York city, Aug. 8 to Dec. 12, (COL. STAFF- INSPJ,;C-rOR-GENEIlAL, OCT. 1, 1861) 132 GRADUATES OF THE


1861; as Inspector-Gener"l of the Army of the Potomac, Dec. 13, 1861, to Jan. 10, 1863; at Headquarters of the Army, Washington, D. C., Dec. 13, 1861, to Mar. 10, 1862; in the Virginia P eninsular Campaign, on the Staff of }/IfLjor­ Geneml McClellan, :NIllr.-.\ng. , 1862, being present at the Batt.le of Gaines' :M:ill, June 27, 1862.-Battle of Glendale, June 30, 1862,- and Battle of Mal­ vern Hill, July I, 1862; in the Maryland Campaign, on the Staff of the Com­ manding-General of the Army of the Potomac, Sep. - Nov., 1862, being present at the Battle of Sonth Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,-nncl Battle of Antietam. Sep. 17, 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign, on the St,tff of lVhjor-Geneml Burnside, commanding Army of the PotomlW, Dec., 1862...Jun., 1863, being pI'esent at the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; in chnrge of the In­ spoctor-General's Office itt Washington, D. C., Jan. 10 to May 26, 1863; as Member of Board to Organize Invalid Corps, May 2G to Aug. 10, 1863,-ilud of Board for Retiring Disabled Officers, Aug. 10, 1863, to Apr. 1, 1864; on Iu­ spection duty III the Departments of the Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas anc1 New Mexico, Apr. 1, 186,!, to Aug. , 1865; awaiting orders at New York (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AR)IY, }fAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT .I.ND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN" THE FIELD DURI:-

1263.. (Born S. C.) ...... BARNARD E. BEE .... . (Ap'd at Large.) .. 33 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 18,n, to .July 1, 1845, when he wa.s graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Milital'y Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mex­ ico, 1846-48, being eng'lged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 18i6,- a.nd B>1t­ tie of Resaca de la Palma. May 9, 1846; on Recruiting service, 1846-47; in (SECOl'<"D LmUT., 3D INFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) the War with Mexico. 1847-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Ml\r. 9- 29, 1847,-Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847, wbere he wns (BVT. FIRST LmUT., APR. 18, 1847, FOR GALL,~NT AND MERITOllIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, lVIm::.) wounded in storming the enemy's intrenched heights,-Skirmish of Oka Lab, Aug. 16. 1847,-Battle of Contrerus, Aug. 19- 20. 1847,-Battle of Churu­ busco, Aug. 20, 1847, - Stol'ming of Chapllltepec, Sep. 13, 1847,- and Assault (BvT. CAPT., SEP. 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND l\1EmTORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CH .~PULTEPEC, lVIEx.) aud Capture of the City of Mexico, Sep. 13- 14, 1847'; as Adjut,ant., 3d Infantry, .Tuly 25, 1848, to Mar. 3, 1855; in garrison at East Pascagouln, Mis., 1848; On frontier duty at San Antonio, Tex., 1848-49,-Snuta Fe, N. M., 1850- 51, - Ft. (FIRST LIEUT., 3D INF,~NTRY, MAR. 5, 1851) Bliss, Tex., 185l,-Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1851--52, - Scouting, 1852, - Ft. Fill­ more. N. 1\1. , 1852-53,-Albuquerqlle, N. M., 1853,- Ft. Fillmore, N. M.• 1854-55,-and Scouting, 1855; in ganison at the Cavalry School for Practice, (CAPTAIN, 10TH INFANTRY, MAn. 3, 1855) Carlisle, Pa., 1855; on frontier duty at Ft. Snelling, Min., 1856-57,-Ft.

• Presented. 1854, by bis Nativo State, Soutb Carolina, with" Sword of IIonor, for bis "Patriotic and ~l,\:f\torollS conduct" in tbo Mexican War. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 133


Ridgely, }'1in., 1856- 57,--Ft. Snelling, Min., 1857,- and on Utah Expedition, 1857- 58, as Lieut.-Colonel Utah Volunteer Battalion, Dec. 8, 1857, to Dec. 1, 1858; Oil leave of I\bsence, 1858-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1860-61. RESIGNED, MA.R. 3, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-G6 against the United Stat€s. KILLED, JULY 21, 1861, AT THE BATTLE OF BULL HUN, VA.: AGED 37.

1264.. (Born Va.) ...... WILLIAM RHEA...... (Ap'd T(·Il.) .. 34 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,Tnly 1, 1841, to July 1, 18'15, when he was graduated and promoted in the Am:y to Bn. SEOOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frontier dut,y at Ft. Gibson,!. T., 1845-46; and in the Will' with (SEOOND LIEUT., 3D INFA.NTllY, SEP. 21, 1846) Mexico, 1846-47. DIED, JAN. 7, 1847, AT i\'[ONTEREY, l\iEx.: AGED 22.

1265, . (Born N. Y) ......, ...... (Ap'd N. Y.). ,35 Military HistOry.-Cadet. at the U. S. },1ilitary Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he WlIS gmduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SEOOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in garrison at Detroit Barracks, Mich., 1845-46,- and Jefferson (TRANSFERRED TO MOUNTED RIFLES, JULY 17, 1846) Barracks, Mo., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, M'lr. 9-29, Itl·i7, - Battie of Ceno Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, (SECOND LIEUT., MOUN1'ED RIFLES, MAY 29, 1847) 1847,-Battie of Contreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847,-Battie of Churubusco, Aug. 20, (BYT. FmsT LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTL"ES OF CONTRERAS AND CHURUBUSCO, MEX. ) 1847,-Battle of Chapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847,-and Assault und Capture of the (BYT. C.\PT., SEP, 13, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERlTORWUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, ]\ILEx.) . City of Mexico, Sep. 13-14,1847; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1848; on Recruiting service, 1848-49; on frontier duty, on the jy['1rch to Oregon, I849,-Ft. Hall, ·Wash., 1849,- Mar"h to the Dalles, Or. , 184\J- 50,--and ut Ft. Vancouver, 'Vash., 1850- 51; on leave of absence in Europe, 1851- 52; on fron­ t.ier duty at Ft. Merrill, 'fex., 1852,-escorting Commanding Geneml of the (FIllST LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLES, MAY U, 1852) Department of Texas, 1852,- Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1852,- Scouting, 1852,- Fl. lIfcIntosh, Tex, , 1853,-Rillggold Barracks, Tex.• 1853,- Scouting, 185;), being engaged in the Pursuit and Destruction of a Ba.nd of 15 hostile Indians, at Golondrim1 Pass, Tex" June 18, 1853, - Ft. Inge, 'fex., 1853 ,- Ft. MelTill, Tex., 1854,- Scouting, 1854,- Ft. Merrill, Tex., 1854- 55, - Corpus Christi, Tex., I855,-conclllctillg Recruits to Texas, 1855,- 8I1n Antonio, Tex., 1856, -­ Scouting, 1856, being engaged aga.inst Lipan Indians, in a Skirmish on the 134 GRADUATES OF THE


Nueces RiYer, Tex., Apr. 13, 18.56,- ond at Ft.. McIntosh, Tex., 1856; on R e­ cruiting service, 1856-58; on frontier duty, conducting Recruits to New Mexico, 1858, - Ft. Craig, N. M. , 1858, - escorting commanding officer of the Department ofNe\\' Mexico, 1858-59,-and "t Ft. Craig, N. M., 1859-60; and on sick leave of absence, 1860- 61. I:;erved during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 6li: on Mustering duty in Ohio, being attached to the Stl1ft' of Ml1jor-Goneral McClellan, with the State appointment of Lieut.-Colonel. Apl'. 23 to May 31, 18G1; in conducting (C.~p'rAIN, MOUNTED RIFLES, MAY 5, 1861: 3D CAYALRY, AUG. 3, 18(1) Recruits to Ft.. IJeayenworth, Kan., May-.June, 1861; on Expedition to South­ eaRt Missouri, ns Acting Asst. Adjutant-Genentl of Major Sturgis'S command, June 26 to Aug. 31. 1861, being engnged in the Action at Dug Spring, Aug. 2, 1861,-Battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861,- and Retrea,t to Holla, Aug., (Bn. M:'POR, AUG. 10, 1861, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE BATTLE OF \VILSON'S CREEK, Mo.) 1861; in command of St. Louis Arsenal, Mo. , Sep. 1 to Dec. 31, 1861; in com­ (COLONEL, 2D UICHInAN VOLUNTEER CAVALRY, SEP. 2, 18(1) manel of 3d Brigade (Army of the :\iississippi), in the Moyement on New Mudrid, Mo., terminating in its Occupation, Mar. 14, 1862, - and Capture of (BRIG.-G}:NEIUL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAn. 26, 18(2) Island No. 10, in the Mississippi River, Apr. 8, 1862; in the Mississippi Campaign, in command of the Cavalry of tho Army of the Mississippi, being engaged in the Advance upon and biege of Corinth, Apr. 22- 31ay 30, 186:1, ­ and Pl\l'suit of Rebels to Bnldwin, May :30-Jnue 10, 18(i~; in comII.a.nJ of 5th Division anel Cavalry (Anny of the Mississippi), Aug. 1 to Scpo G, 1862, -- of (MAJOH-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEEllf;, SEP. 17, 1862) the Army of Kentucky, Oct. 7 to Noy. 17, 1862,- and of the District of Cen­ tral Kentucky, Noy. 17, 11i6:.l, to Jan. 2,3, 1863 ; in Opemtions in 'l'eunessee, beiug engaged in command of Franklin, F eb.- Mar., 1863,-Pnrsuit of Hebels uncleI' Vnll Dorn, to Duck lEver, Mar. , 1863, - in Defence of Franklin, )hr. Junc, 1863, defoating the Assault of Van Dorn upon the place, Apr. 10, 1863, - fllld Repulsing F orrest's Rnid upon Triune, June 11, 1863; ill JHajor­ Geneml Rosccmlls' Tennessee CUlllpaigu, and commnnding District of the Cuwbcrll1ud, June 2,1 to Oct.. 10, 18(;:3, being engaged in the Adyance on 'rnl­ lahomft, .June. 24 .. July 4, 1863,- Capture of Guy's GIt}) anll Shelbyville, June 27, 1863,-Crossinl;L the Cumberland l Ioll)ltains nnd 'l'ennessee HiYer, Ang. 15­ Sep. 4, 1863,- .tIuttle of Chickamallga, Sep. 19-20, 1863,- and Occnpation of (BY'!'. LIEUT.-COL., !:)EP. 20, 1863, FOR G,I.LL,I.N'r .\XD MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN 'I'HE BATTJ.E olf CHICKA~IAUGA, GA.) Chattanooga, Sep, 21- 0ct. 10, 1863; in commilncl of 4th Corps (Anny of t.he Cumberland), in Occupation of and OpeI'ations about Chl1ltnnooga, Oct. 10, 186.1, to Apr., 1864, - Dattle of "fissionary Ridge, Nov. 2:3-25, 1863, - and Pur­ (BYT. COLONEL, Nov. 24, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOllIOUS SmwlCES I~ THE BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA , TEN.) suit of the enemy, No.v. 26, 1863; in the Moyement to the relief of Knoxville, und in Occupation of East Tennessee, Nov. 28, 1863, to Apr. 11, 1864; in com­ mand of Division in the Military Division of West iVIississippi, June 30 to Sep. 12, 1864, being engaged in Operations "oainst Ft.. Gaines, Ala., Aug. 4-8, 1864, --and Siege and Bombardment of Ft. ",forgan, AI I1., Aug. 10- 22, 1864; in command of District of West FlOlida and Sonthern Alabama (Department of the Gnlf), Sep. 12, 1864, to F eb. 26, 1865, and 0.1' 1:3th Army Uo1'ps, Feb. 26 to June 16, 1865, being engaged in the Siege of Spanish Fort, Mar. 27- Ap1'. 8, (Bn. BRIG.-GENEll,l.L, !\iAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT A~'D MERITORIOUS ::;ERYH; E.~ IN TH~; CAPTURE OF MODILE, AI.A.) (BY'!'. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. Al\~IY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR DISTIXGUISHED GALLANTDY AND GOOD CONDUCT AT THE OAP'l'Ull.E OF F-xs. GAIXES AND MOROAN, ALA.) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 135


18S5,-Storming of Blakely, Apr. 9, 1865, - Surrenuer of }''Iobile, Apr. 12, 1865,-ancl Occupation of ~iobil e, Apr. 12-Julle 16, 1865; in command of (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SEr'YICE, JA N. 15,18(6) District of 're:ms, June 19 to Aug. 2, l865,-und of the Department of Ken­ tucky, Aug. 12, 1865, to Jan. 15, 1866; uwaiting orders, Jun. 15 to Apr. 15, 1866; on leave of abseuce, Apr. 15, 1866, to COLONl>L, 251'H INFANTRY, J ULY 28, 1866.

1266.. (Born N. Y.) .....HENRY B. CLITZ· . ... . (Ap'd at L arge) . . 36 . Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bvr. SECOJ-.'l> LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in ll'lilitary Occupation of Texas, 1845-'16; in t.he Will' with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Brown, Dec. 3-9, 1846, - Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21 -23, l846,- Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847, - ­ (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INF,'NTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 1847,-oSkh'mish at Oka Lakn., Aug. 16, (Bvr. FIRST LIEUT., ApR. 18, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERrrORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CERlIO GORDO, i\'IEx.) 1847,- B,tLtie of Contreras, Aug. Hl- 20, 1847, - Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847, - Storming of Ohapultepec, Sep. la, 1847, -and Assault and Cap­ ture of the City of Me:dco, Sep. 13- 14, 1847 ; nt the Milit.ll'Y Academy, as Asst. Instrnctor of Inf,lntry '.ractics, Sep. 15, 1848, to Sep. 27, 1855; on (FIRST LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, MAR. 5, 1851) frontier dnt.yat S'll1ta Fe, N. M., 1856,- Ft.. Union, N. M., 1856,-Sauta Fe, N. M., 1856 ·57, - Cantonment Burgwin, N. M., 1857, -Ft. Defiance, N. M. , l857,-and Albuqnerque, N. M., 1857--58; 011 Hecrlliting service, 1858-5\l; on (CAP1'AIN, 3D INFANTRY, DE C. 6, 18(8) leave of absence in Europe, 1859- 60; ,md on frontier duty at Ringgold Bar­ racks, Tex. , 186U-61, - ,md Ft. Brown, Tex., 1861. Served dnring the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- G6: in Defense of Ft. Piclcen8, Fla., Apr. 19 to June 27, 1861; in OY'ganizing 12th Illlftntry, at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., J llly i, 1861, to ;VIllr. 10, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular (MAJOR, 12TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar.-June, 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 18(;2, where he was wounded.- n.nd Battle of Gaines' Mill, Juno 27, 186:l, where he was twir.e wOUllded and made Prisoner (Bv·r. LIEUT.-COL., JUNE 27, 1862, FOIl GALLANT AND MERITOlUOLJS SEll"WES AT THE BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL, VA.) of War; in Libby Prison, at Richmond, June 28 to July 17, 1862, when he was Paroled for Exchange; at the Military Academy, as Commandant of Cadets and Instructor of Artillery, Infuntry, and Cavalry Tactics, Oct. 23, 1862, to (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 6TH INFANTRY, ~ov . 4, 1863) July 4, 1864; in garrison at 13edloe's Island, N. Y., July, 1864, to MllY, 1865,­ at Savannah, Ga., nIny 22 to July 3, l8G5,- Hilton Head, S. C., July 3 to (BVT. COLONEL, MATI. 13, 18G5, FOR GALLANT AND MEUI'fORIOUS SERVI CES DURING THE ItEBELLION) (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 18G5, FOR GALLAN'f AND DISTL,,(GUISHED SERVICES IN THE FIELD)

.. Son of C"pt"lu JOHN CLITZ, 2d Inf:Ultry. 136 GRADUATES OF THE


Dec. 9, 1865,-and at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 9, 1865, to June 21, 1866; as Member of Tactics Board, June 25, 1866, to Feb. 4,1867; and iu command of Regiment and of the Post of Charleston, S. C., Mar. 21, 1867, to

1267 ..(Boru Mas.) .....WILLIAM H. WOOD...... (Ap'd Mas.) .. 37 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July 1, 1841, to July I, 1845, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTUY, JULY 1, 1845. Seryed: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Defense of FL Brown, May a-9, 1846; on (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFA NTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) Recmiting scnice, 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1847, being engaged in the Sic~e of Vera Cruz, Mllr. 9-29, 1847,- Battie of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, - Sldrmish of Olm Laka., Aug. 10, 1847,-Battle of Contreras, Aug. 19- 20, 1847,- Battie ofChUlllbusco, Aug. 20, 1847,- Stormin,Z ofChapultepec, Sep. 13, 1847, - and Assault and Capture of the City of iHexico, ~ep. 13··14, 1847; in garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on frontier duty at Snll Antonio, 'l'ex.,1848-49,-- Mflreh to El Paso, 1849, - and Ft. Bliss, Tex., 184D-51; in (FmsT LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, SEP 9, 1851) garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852 ; on frontier duty at Ft. iVlnssachu­ oetts, Col., 1852-53, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1853, - Albuquerque, N. M., 1853, - and Ft. Fillmore, on Regimental Stufl' duty, 1853-54; on Recruiting serYice, 1854- 55; at the Military Academy, as Ass!.. Instructor of Infautry Tactics, ~ ep. 27, 18[,5, to Oct. 31, 1856; on frontier dnty at Albuquerque, N. lVL, 1857, - Ft. Thorn, N. M., H,57·-58,·- Albuquel·que, N. M., 181>t! - OO, - as Adju­ tant., 3d Infunt.ry, May 1, 1860, to Apr. 11, 1861,-at Santll Fe, N. i\L, 1860,­ and Ft.. Clark, 'l'ex., 1860 01; and in ganison at Pt.. Ibmilton, N. Y., 1861. Sened during the Rebellioll of the Scceding States, 1861-66: in command (CAPTAIN, 3D INFAN'rIlY, ApR. 11, 18(1) of the Column marching by the Aqueduct Bridge across the Potomac, into Virginia, for the Capture of lUmwnclria, May 24, 1861; in the Manassas Cam­ (i\

1268.. (Born N. Y.) .....DAVID A. RUSSELL...... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..38 Militmy History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1&15, when he was gmduated and promot.ed ill the Anny to Bn'. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY I, 184.5. Served: Oil frontier duty at Ft. Scott, Kall" 1845-4G; in t.h e \Vm' with Mexico, (SECOND LmuT., 4TH INFA,,"TnY, SEP. 21, 1846) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 137


1847; on Recruiting serviee, 1847; in the War with ~fexi co . 1847 8, being engaged in Defense of' Convoy at Paso Oyejas, Aug. 10, Nfllional Bridge, Aug. 12, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 15, and Lns Animas, Aug. 10, 1847, - and Combat (BVT. FrnsT LIEUT., AIJG. 15,1847, FOR GAJ"LAN't AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE SEVERAL AFFAlRS WITH GUERrLLEHOS, AT PASO OVEJAS, NATIONAL BmnGE, AND CERRO GOImo, MEl,,) of Huamantla, Oct. 9, 1847; in garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1848; on (Fmsl' LmUT., 4TH INF,\NTRY, JAc"V. 1, 1848) Recruiting service. 1848-50; in garrison at I<'t. Mackinac, Uleh, 1850- 51, 1852, --and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; Gn route to Oregon, 1852-53; and on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1853,-I<'t. Steilacoom, Wash., 1853, - ~couting, 1853,- Ft. Steilacoom, Wush, H:i33- 54, - Ft. Jones, CuI., 1854- 55,­ (C.U'TAIN, 'iTH INFANTRY, JUNE 22, 18(1) Ft. Dalles, Or., 185S,-Scouting, 1855, - Ft. Dalles, Or., 1855,-Ft. Yakima, Welsh., 18S5,-Scouting ugninst Y!lkima Indians. being engaged in the Combat of Tap-pin-ish HiYer (Simcoe Valley), Or., Oct. 6- 8. lS55, - Ft. Dalles. Or., 18.5S- SG, - Hostilities in Washington Territory, 1856, - Ft. Wall!1 V,ralla, Wash., 1856-57, - Ft. Ymnhill, Or., 18S7- 61,-Cmnp Sumner, Cal., lSG1, -- and Lower California, 1861. Served du.ring theRebeliion of the Seceding ~tates , 1861-61: in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Nov. 27, 1861, to Jan. 28, 1862, and Jan. 31, to Mar. 10, (COLONEL, 7TH ?YIASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS, JAN. 31, 18(2) 1862; in t.he Virginia Peninsular Campaign (A.rmy of the Potomac), Mar.­ Aug., 1862. being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 1862,­ J3atUe of Williamsbmg, May 5, 18G2, - Battle of Fair Oaks. Uay 31- June 1, 1862, - and Battles of the Seven Days' change of base to James lUver, June 26, to July 2, lSG2; in the Maryland Campaign (Army ofthe Potomac), Sep. - Nov. (BvT. LmUT.-CoL., JULY 1, 1862, F0R GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES I);' THE PENINSULAll C.,MP.UGN) (MAJOR, 8TH INFANTRY, AUG. D, 18(2) 1862, being engaged in t.he Battle of Crampton's Gap, Sep. 14, 1862, - Battle of Antietam, ~ep. 17, 1862, - March to Fabnouth, Va., Oct.--Noy. 18G2; (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Noy. 29, 18(2) in command of Brigade, Gth Corps (Army of the Potomac), in the Rappahan­ nock Campaign, Dec. 1862, to June, 1863, being engaged in the B,tttle of Frederick,burg. Dee. 13, 18G2, - Storming of Marye Heights, May 3, 1863, ·­ Battle of Salem, May 3-4, 1863,- and Combat of Beverly Ford, June D, 18G3; in the P enllsylvani!1 Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Jllne.....Tuly. lSG3, beiDg engaged in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 2- 3, 1863,- ancl Pursuit of the enc­ (BVT. COLONEL, JULY 1, 1863, FOR GALL.tNT AND MERITORIOUS SERYICES AT THE BATTLE or GETTYSDURG, PA.) my Lo W"nenton, Va. "Tuly, 1863; ill the Ra,pidan Campaign (Army of the Poto­ mac), Oet.. - Dec., 1863, being engaged in the Capture of the Hebel works at Rappahunl\ock Sta tion, Noy. 7, 1863, and Mine Run Operations, Nov. 26 to Dec. :" 1863 ; in command of Divi"ioll, 6t.h Corps (Army of the Potomac), ill the Richmond Campaign. being eng~.g e c1 in the Battle of the Wildern es~, (BVT. BlllG.-GENERAL, U. S. Am:!Y, MAY 6, 186J, FOIl GALLANT AND MERI­ l'ORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF THE "'lLDERNESS, VA.) May [i - fl, lSH4. - Battles about Spottsylvania, May 9-21, 18G4. -- B,tttles of Nort.h Auna. May 23 -24, 1864, - Battle of Tolopotomy, May 30, 1864, - B"Wes find Action ~ of Cold Harbor, June 1- 13. 18G4, and Siege of and BaUles !1bout P e ter~burg, June 23 -July 10, 1864; in the Washington Campaign, ,Tuly, lS64, being engaged in the Defense of the Capital, July 11- 12. 18GJ, - Act.ion beforo Ft. Stcvcn" D.O., ,Tuly 12, 1864,·-- Skirmish !1t Snicker', Gap, ,Tuly 18, 1864. while in pmsnit of General En,rly's R ebel Hniders to Winchester, Va.,-and 138 GRADUATES OF THE


return to Washington, D. C., July, 1864; und in the Shenandoah Campaian in command of Division of 6th Corps, Aug.- Sep., 18G4, being engaged it~ the (By'!'. MAJ.-GENER AL, U. S. ARMY, SEP. 19, 1864., l'on GALLANT AND MElU­ TORIOUS SEllYICES AT THE BATTLE 01' THE OPEQUAN, VA., WHEllE KILLED) Battle of Opequun, where he WIlS lliLr.ED, SEP. 19, 18G4: AGED 42.

1269.. (Born Ind.) ...... JOSEPH McELVAIN...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 39 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from July 1, 1840, to July 1, 1845, when he was graduat,ed and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, .JULY 1, 1845. Served: on frout.ler duty at Ft. Des Moines, 10., 184G- 46, - nnd Ft. Leayen­ (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, Jmm 30, 1846) wort.h, Kan., 1846; and in the War with :Mexico, 1846- 47, wit.h the" ." KILLED, BY ACCIDENT.li.LY SHOO'l'lNG HIMSET,F, .JULY 12, 1847, AT ALBUQUF.RQUE, N. M.: AGED 23.

1270 .. (Born Ind.) .....THOMAS G. PITCHER ...... (Ap'cl Ind.) .. 40 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Uilitary Academy from .July 1, 1841, to July 1, 1845, when he was grnduatecl and promoted ill the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: iu the jVIiIitary Occupation of Texas, 1845-4(;; in the Will' wit.h Mexico, 1846 8, being engaged in the BaLtle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, ­ Battle of Resaca de la Palma, Mlly 9, 1846,- Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21- 23, (SECOND LmuT., 8TH INFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) 184G, - Siege of Vern Cruz, Mur. 9- 29, 1847,- Batt.Ie of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17- 18, 1847, - Capture of San Antonio, Aug. 20, 1847,- Batt.le of Chmu­ busco, Aug. 20, 1847,- B'1ttle of Molino del Rey, Sep. 8, 1847,- Storming of (BvT. }'msT LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847. ~'OR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN TIlE BATTLES OF CONTRllRAS AND CHURUBUSCO, ~rEX.) Chapultepec, Scpo 13, 1847,- und ASBanlt and Captnre of the Cit.y of Mexico, Sep. 13 -·14, 1847; ill garrison at Jefferson Barrflcks, Mo., 1848; as Quarter­ mastel·,8t.h blfantry, Oct.. 2, 1848, to July 9, 1849, - Adjutant, 8t.h Infantry, (Ii'rnsT LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JUNE 26, 1849) July 9, 1849, to July 1, 1854, ·- l1ncl Qm1l'termaster, July 1, 1854, to Mur. 5, 1857; and on /i'ontier duty at San Antonio, Tex., 1849 50, 1850- G1 ,- Ft. )1[11' tin Scott, Tex., 18Gl- 52,--Camp Johuston, 'rex., U!52,- Ft. McKavctt, Tex., 1852,- Ft. Chfl dbonrne, Tex., 1853, - R.inggoJd Barracks, Tex., 1853,- Ft. Davis, Tex., 185 57,--a8 Depot CommissUl'Y at San Antonio, Tex., 1857- 50, ­ (CAPTAIN, 8TH INFANTRY, OCT. 19, 18G8) Ft. Smith, Ark., 1859,- and Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1860. Served during t,he R ebellion of the Seceding Stutes, 1861- 66: in Defense of Harper's Ferry, June, 1862; in the Virginia Cnmpftign, June- Aug., 18G2, being engaged in t.he B,\.ttle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862, where he was (BVT. MAJOR, AUG. 9, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOHIOUS SERVIC:ES AT THE BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN, VA .) . U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 139


severely wounded; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, Aug. 9, 1862; (BRrG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEEllS, Nov. 29, 1862) to Jan. 10, 1863; on Commissary duty in New York, Feb. 10 to June 1, 1863; as Assistant to Provost-Marshal Genflral in Vermont, June 1, 1863, to Oct. 7, (MAJOR, IGTH INFANTHY, SEP. 19, 18(3) 1864,-and to Provost-MnJ'shnl General in Indiana, Oct. 7, 1864, to Ang. 18, (BvT. LmUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, ~lAn. 13,1865, FOR GALLA""T AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) (BYT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. Am[Y, ~L~ll. 13, 18G5, FOR GALLANT AND ~1ERITORIOUS S};m'ICES IN THE FmLD DURING THE REBELLION) (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEEH SEIWICE, APR. 30, 18(6) (COLONEL, 44TH IID'ANTRY, JULY 28, 18(6) 1866; and as Superintendent of t.he U. S. Milit.ary Academy, Aug. 28, 1866, to

1271 . . (Bom Ky.) .. WILLIAM L. CRITTENDEN...... (Ap'rl Ky.) . .41 Military History.-Caclet ut the U. S. Militury Academy £i'om July 1, 1839, to July 1, 18415, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1845. Served: in the Military Occupation of Texas, 1815- 46; in the War with Mex­ ico, 1846, being engaged in the Btl.We of Palo Alto, Uay Il, 1846,- a.ncl Battle of Resncu de la Palma, ~1fly 9, 1846; on Recrniting service, 1846--47; in the (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1846) WUI' with Mexico, 1847- 48, ut Vera Crnz, 1847- 48, "nd the City of ~Iexico, 1848; in galTison ut Newport Barracks, Ky., 1848,-and East Pasca1inst the Island of Cuba. W. I., which being nnsuccessfnl, he, with his part.y, in an attempted escupe in 111unches, was captnred by a Spanish man-ot~war , llDd SHOT, AUG. 1G, 1851, AT THE CASTL); OF ATARES, HAYANA HARBOR AGED 28.