72 GRADUA1'ES OF THE NUl\lDEJL 184:3. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1843. 1167.. (Born Pa.) ... .WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN ... ..... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet, at the U. S. Military· Academy from July 1, 1839, to .July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT. Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1843. Sened: as Asst. Topogmphical Engineer on Survey of North-westem Lakes, 1843-45; as Topogmphical Officel' on Geneml Kearny's Expedition to South Pass of the Rocky lHountllins, 1845 ; as Assistant in Topographical Bu­ reau at Washington, D. G., 1845-46; as Topographical Engiueer on Survey of (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, SEP. 21, 1846) Ossn.baw Sound, Gn., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being Bngnged on Geneml Wool's March through Coahuila, 1846-47, - and Batt.1e of Buena Vista, Feb. 22- 23, 1847; at the Militnry Acndemy, as Asst, Professo:' of (BVT. FIRST LumT., FEB. 23. 1847, FOR GALL,U,T AND MEHlTORIOUS CONDUGl' IX THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA, MEx.) Nntuml and Expel'imental Philosophy, .July 21. 1848, to June 17, 1851, and from Aug. 29, 185t, to Jan. D, 1852; on leave of absence, 1852;* as Top. Engineer on Survey of Roanoke Inlet, N. C., with reference to opcning it, 1852; in charge of Oswego Harbor Improvement, N. Y., 1852-53; (FrnsT LIEUT., 'l'OP. ENGINEEJ!S, MAll, 3, 1853) as Lighthouse Inspector, 1st District, Jan. 21, 1853, to July, 1856; as Superintending Engineer of Portland, Me., Custom House and Marine Hospital, Apr. J9, 1855, to Oct. I, 1857; o.s Lighthouse Engineer, 1st and 2d Districts, July, 185G, to Oct. 1857; as Engineer Secretary of the Light­ (CAPTA.lN, 'l'OP. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1857, }'OR FOURTEEN YE.UlS' COXTTNUOUS SERVICE) house Board at Washington, D. C., Mm'. 2, 1857, to Noy. 1, 1859; as Mem­ ber of a Board of Officers for the location and construction of a Bridge across the Mississippi, at Hock Island, Ill., .,\'pr.-lVIny, 1859; as Superintend­ ing Engineer in charge of the Ext.ension of the Cnpitol (including new dome), ,md of the General Post Office, 'Washington, D. C. , Nov, 1, 185D, to Mar. 3, 1861; and as Chief of the Construction Bureau of the U. S. Treasury Depart­ ment, and Superintenclirlg Engineer of Treasury Building Extension,Ml1r. 3 to May 14, 1861. Served d11l'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in receiving (COLOXEL, 12TH INFANTRY, MAY 14,1861) and fonmrding Volunteers at New York city, May 17 to June 30, 1861; in (BnIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 17, 1861) command of brignde in the :VIanassas Campaign of .J uly, 1861, being engaged in the Bnttle of Bull Run, July 21,1861; in command at Alexandria, VI1., Aug. 1 to Sep. 1, 1861; in command of Division in the Defenses of Washington, D. u., Sep. 1861, to M,ll'. , 18G2; ill the Virgini,t Penimmlar Campaign (Army of the Potomac), ill command of Division, ~far.-May, 1862, and of 6th Army Corps, May- Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 18G2,­ Combabof West Point, May 8,1862 (in eommancl),- Aetion at Golding's Farm, June 28, 1862,--and Bl1tUe ot White Oak Bridge, June 30, 18G2,- and WflS present ut th6 Battle of Savage Station, June 29, 1HG2, - Battie of ?,fnlvem Hill, (BVT. BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, JUNE 30, 1862, FOR GALLAN1' ,'liD MEm­ Tomous CONDUCT IN TITE BATT.L:E BEFORE RlCHAIOND, VA.) * Whilo 00 leavo of absence, was Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy I and of Ch'il F.nginecring, at tho Froe Academy, New York city, Feb. 20 to Apr. 21, 1852. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 73 NU~IBER. 1843. CLASS RANK. July 1, IS62,-and Skirmish at Harrison's Landing, July 2, IS62; in the Ma­ ryland Campaign, communding 6th Corps (Army of the Potomac), Sep.-Noy., (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEEHS, JULY 4, IS62) 1S62, being engaged and in command in the 13atUe of Crampton's Gap, South Mountain, Sep. 14, lSG2,-B.lttle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,- and March to Falmouth, Oct.-Nov., lS62; in the Rappahannock Campaign, De~., 18G2- J an. 24, 18G3, in command of L eft Grand Division (1st and , 6th Corps), of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Battle of Freder­ icksburg, Dec. 13,1862; awaiting orders, Jan. ~4 to Junc 27, 18G3; in opcra­ tions in the Department of the Gulf, June 27, 1863, to April 29, 18M, being in command of the troops in and abont Baton Rouge, L:l., J nly 28, to Aug. 15, 1863,-Experlition to Sabine Pass, T ex. , Sep., 1SG3, - alld i.n command of 19th Army Corps, and of the troops in Western Lonisiana, Aug. 15, 1863, to Apr. 29, 1864; in the Red River Expedition, Apr., 1S64, being engaged in the Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Apr. 8, 18(34, where he was wOllnded, ­ Battle of Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, 1864,- and Adion of Monett,e's Crossi.n~, of C.me River, Apr. 23, 1864; on sick leave of absence, Apr. 29 to Dec. 2, 186 '~, during which he was captnred by Rebel Raiders in the l'hiladelphil1. and Baltimore R>1ilroad cars, July 11, 1864, lmt escaped from them dmini:( the next night; as President of the Bourd for Uetiring Disabled Officers, a,l Wihnlngton, Del., Dec. 2, 1864, to Nov. 10, 1865; and on leave of absence, Noy. 10, 18G5, (BVT. MAJOR-GENERAJ" U. S. A.R~IY, MAll. 13, 1865, FOR GULA:-:T ",'{D j\iJillITORIOUS SER'VICES IN THE FmLD DURING THE REBELLION) (RESIGNED FROM VOLUN'fEER SEllVICE, Nov. 10, 18(5) to Mar. 15, 1866. REgIGl>"ED, MAll. 15, 1866. Civil History.-Vice-Presidcnt and General Agent of Colt's Fire-arms lI:lanutactming Company, o.t Hartford, Ct., since Nov. 15, 1865. 116B,.(Bom Ct.) ...... .. GEORGE DESHON . .. ... , .... (Ap'd Ct.) ,2 Military History.- Cl1clet I1t lhe U, S. Military Academy from July 1, 1839, to July 1, 184;{, when he was graduaterl and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECO:-:D LIEul'" Tor. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1843. TUANSFERI{ED 1.'0 OIlDNA...,{CE, JULY 20, 1843. Served: aH Assistant Ordnance Officer I1t Watervliet Arson"l, N, Y., 1843-44; at the Militury Academy as Asst. Professor of Natuml and Experimental Philosophy, Sep. 1, 1844, to Aug, 30, 184,,; as Asst. Ordnance Officer a,t Watervliet Arsenal, N. y " 1845-46; at the ]VIilitm'Y Academy l1S Principl1l Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug, 30, 1846, to Dec. 10, (S]lCO~D LmUT., OIlDNA~CE, MAR. 3, 18!7) 184.9; und as Asst. Orduance Officer ilt Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1850-51, (FIRST LIETJT., OUDNANCE, J ULY 10, 1851) '-and at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1851. RESIG~"ED, OCT. 31, 1851. Civil History.- Roman Catholic Priest, since Oct. 31, 18;35 , Memb<>r of the Congregation of Redemptorists, 1852 -59,-nnd of Pnulists, since 1850. 74 GRADUATES OF THE NU~tnEn. 1843. CLASS RANK. 1169.. (Bol'll D. C.) .. THOMAS J. BRERETON.... (Ap'd at Large) ..3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1839, to July 1, 1843, whell he was grailuated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO~D LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1843. TRANSFERHED TO ORDNANCE, JULY 20, 1843. Served: aR Asst. Orchmnce Officer at 'Vashington Arsenal, D. C., 18,13--44, -];'t. Mouroe Arsenal, Va., 18H- 45,-and at Wl1tCl'vliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1846, in command of St. Joseph's Island and Point Isabel Ordnance Depots; in the War with Mexico, 1846--48, being en­ (SECOND LIEUT., OHDNANCE, Mill. 3, 1847) gaged at the Battle of P(f.o Alto, May 8, 1846,-- Battle of Resaca de hl Palma, May 9, 1846, - and as Ordnance Officer at Ft Brown, 'l'ex., 1846, uud at (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., MAY 9, 1846, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF PALO ALTO AND RESACA DE LA PALMA, TEX.) Camargo, Mex., 1846--48; 'lS Assistant in Ordnance Bureau at Washington, D. C., ]848; as Asst. Ordnance Officer llt Watertown AI'senal, Mas., 1848--49,­ at Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1849- 52,-ilnd at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1852- 53, (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, OCT. 31, 1851) 1853-55; and in command of Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 18.55--57,-and of Mount (CAFTAL", ORDNANCE, JULY I, 1857, FOR ];'OURTEEN YEARS' CONTINUOUS SEltVICE) Vernon Arsenal, Ala., 1857- 58. RESIGNED, DEC. 20, 18,58. Civil History.-Civil Engineer. 1858- 59. Oil Manufacturer, at Pittsbllrg, Pa., sinoe 1859. Asst. Adjutant-Geneml of ilie State of Pennsylvania, 1861- 62. ll70..(Bom Pa.) . ......JOHN H. GRELAUD ...........(Ap'd Pa.) .. 4 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milit.ury AClldemy from July 1, 1839, to July I, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1843. Served: in garrison at Hancock Barracks, Me., 1843- 44, -and Ft. Sullivan, Me., 1844--45; at the ~lilitary Academy, 1841- 45, "8 Asst. PrOfeSSOl' of Mathe­ (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH AllTILLERY, OCT. 31, 1845) matics, Sep. 2, 1845, to Aug. 30, 1849,-nnd .\S Asst. Professor of French, (FUlBT LIEUT., 4T», ARTILLERY, MAll. 3, 1847) Aug. 30, 1849, to Oct. 5, 1855; on frontier duty at Ft.. Mackinac, Mich., 1855-56; in Florida Hostilities against tlre Seminole Indians, 1856-57; and in (CAPTAIN, 4TH AHTILLERY, M,m. 31, 1856) garrison at Ft. McRee, Flu., 1857. DIED, AUG. 17, 1857, A1' FORT ll'lYERS, FLA.: AGED 34.
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