THE WEATHFR AVETIMEI Partl, doud" probsh'r I~ tbun· Send Your Letters by del'8howers In eontb portkln; Saturday partly doud,. ~ Air Mail

...... re•• hf'. 1"•• he YoJume 28 6 PAGES OaU,. N ftWlpaper FIVE CENTS Number 52 ~on • The Loser The Winner Democrats of Iowa • r Anzac Gets Worst. . to Assem'ble Today Beating of Career Kenderdine of Iowa City Gives Keynote Committee Asks Champion Cuts Gritty Heeney to Piece. After Addre•• Seventh Round; Tom Starts Strong E. L. O'Connor to But Finishes on His Back DES MOINES. July 26 (AP)­ Iowa demoracy whIch a.sembles here tomorrow In .tate convention Head Democrats By CIIARLES W. DUNKLEY , Is prepared to renew It' alleglence YANKEE S1'ADTUM, :, July 26 (AP)-Blinded to Jeftersonlan ' principle. and af· and IStaggc1'ing, bis face a bloody smear, '1'om Heeney, the hard firm the tenets of poll tica.l creed Chairman to Organize rack from down under, coll apsed and fell a victim to a technical laid down In the party nallonal plat, form prom u Igated at Houston IMt Party to Support knockout in the elevontb round of his world's heavyweight cham­ month. F. C, Titzell pionship battle with Gene 'rumley tonight. Two Pl'lnc",al obJectlve9 were the Tunney, born anrl bred in New York, and defending his title Immedlale aim Of the convention; Attorne,y ,E. L . O'Connor ot Iowa at home for the firi:lt time, cut the :;turdy, courageous New Zea· one. to build a platrorm Cal \ulaled waH lander to pieces, subjecting him to one of the worst beatings Ii to bold tbe democratic vote Intact (llty chosen chairman ot the and lo lure ballots from the ODP,?"' democratic Becond district con,l(re8' ch allenger ever received. Ing party In the November election; olonal commlt,tee at a conference ot Upward of 50,000 spectators saw Heeney wade in to unbroken and the other lo selecl a new stale the commHtee In the court house slaughter throllgh round aftcl' round a~ Tunney, the master central committee to chart the course ot the democratic pollllcal hero Thuroday morning. He suc· boxer, lashed his facc with lcft·hooks and poundcd bis heart with campaign. The 'business oC the plat· c~ed. Glen D, Kelly In the oWce. vicious i:lolid rights. form Is a. convention function; com· The dut ~s ot Mr. O'Connor will Heeney Cllme charging in like a bull, but the elusive 'r\mney, mlttee naming, a. pe"ogallve ot dla· be to organize the democrats of the cool and collected, evaded hiH wild rights to the jaw and stabbed trlct caucuses to be held Immediate· Second district tor SUI\POl·t at Dr. Iy priOr to the convention which him with lefts to the face until t he thud of the gloves against meets at 11 a .m. F. C. Tltzell congressman at this Heeney's cut IlIld Ibrulsed tace 01· O. A. Kenderdine. democratic cun· district. Doctor Tltzell announced most became monotonous. Iresident of dldMe for attomey general, Iowa a~ the meeting that he expects to "That Blimy Thumb" 5C) ,000 Crowd Jllowcd the City, was gl ven the ta sk Of aou nd· h,lVO a campaign m(Lnsger at work Tho Associated PI'ess score card Obregon to Ing the keynote of party creed In "oon, relieving the district cha Ir· Tom Blames Tunney his address ot tempary chalrtt\ln ot showed Tunney winning at leut ma, Uex. l1lan of a great deal ot routine mat· the convention. , New nino of the 11 rounds, with H enay nllu8el t', Speak ler connected with the campaign. York. July 26 (AP)-Tom Heeney, wining the first and dlvl

que:.lions. bllt what aboltt the D high. hool The Obstructing BowTder t\l(I('l1t~, if lIeb tberl.'b/'. who haw Rbown By Quin Hall &ience Provides U1i1rRt't. rcqu Icd hns not only "oIveCI the wol'l errt' 'L I hilt in tht' not di'l­ IOnn. oth#rwl... .,redlt~d In WI. p ..".r. ILJld ,,180 lhe local newa Whlrh reminds mfO-O. I' Ild~r ([ .r,·of. lIalT.V A. ('111'liR of \'ule publlo"ed j,.r.ln. tllnt fnltll'l' thp l'nil'PI-sitv or [011'11 will ad· have at lenst onl') ('rolo~ /,Ioout Uw ver"i1y 'l~ a"I'llJe' l thp I JrOC~~R hu~ hl'ou~ht to CantWI'H ahd AD" RAtts .. 0 IU.I'BR . STA'I'iYB8 Dlil only thosp I'Itndenl wll08ehie\' dn Ilrade u· e of pun.. T r('Ollnol",l hpr Ih,\! lIo0R m:1nUrU('Iltll'(I'S fin nll,u nilal1"~ ~oy Barllhili. 100.. n :Ill. UtI. I:Sl, New Yor' I 41, Norlh o( "('" 0 l'obo\'e~ in titl'iJ' hij(h 'hool 8hnkl'.Jlt'Ilre \\"roll' puns. !lnll . hl' loll hl'aJl Aye.. Chicago, III.; Coll4'IfI"te 8\1t11JI&l Advertl .... Mid sh .. ('on81d('rl'd thllt his /:I'('at­ " r lhfllr most ne .. es ~ary raw Iftl AI""e)" Inc.. 60S FlrW AVe .• New York; 012 N. Mlch­ eonrsl'.. The thollRht is thai student' who elll [oiling. Ia!. l,an Blvd., blealo. 11\. rl'~i.ll'r 10\ er thRn that 111'1' probllbly drq· • • • til1t'd to rnil the fint !It'n1l'stcl' lIud thl! pro­ ContortiOnist: an t'X/>l'I·t 3 t TEl.EPHONES! worn out: Roll. NotUI':tl ,·eo. n,,'·e•• po~d pla.n will. ow . lICh Rtndc ntll ll('('dl('. ~ Ih ~ \)uJllllt's or "'liking hOlh "1H1~ tll" ~t. nllrogen. mIned ( xlnn,l~pty Ih ~xpen ... nn~ hllmilial ion, wbill' len"ing the Pac'ker: nn e:'1lrrl nt Ihe busl· are rallidly helhg Pxh:illRted. BOAJlD Oil Tll Ti:E8 inslrllctio11111 stafr morl' 111'81'1y rr!'e to con· lie of making bolh end 1ll(,lIt. :lI · tlfI~I:t1 n Itl'o):ol) I:; .• fI)(e·" Vr.nk L. >,(ott. balrm"-l': ~;",en MacEwen; Raymond s B. KllIre<\1I8; Sidney O. Winter; Ho)' P. Por,er; I-I rllChol I' IIlrllt!' 011 Iho. ~tudrnts of grelltl'l' bt'i!­ • • • ql'i('lotlflr . lJOWP1' p]un:R, tilll'h O. LI\ Jllm ... E. C'lI'Fcll: ~'r ol ric A.. hneUer; liulll'I·. or Iii Ii!!pnce. or both. ' , lI00V{'T lIIaYA h{' will "kl~R no b • ~III Rr l e Rholl l •. Jolul D. ,.'alv.,. {or 11,ll.IlIrollon." Thal pndH lhl. '''rhpl'p nt'e nltl'of;tpn fix hig IlARHY II. BUNKElR. General Manac r. Whill' silch 8 hem!' wonld l)~ed liP new~ l'f'l~1 J.:ufth with ("al tl'!"ng to saId P "ofeAso" l'urtI~. "In HI)al n. EDITOIUAL 1I1:&Ft' lelll'J1ing Ilnd rllnk IOW8 .f!'t h~hl'r in HUl .,bll4> at :\ babl' whUI' hp plainly [1',·anc •• Hall'. Cz choslovnkla. ~no JlArrJ 1!l. Boy4_._. __... _. ___._. ____ ..... _...... ____ Edltor edllclltional worlel, ypt un jnMil ution ollll1ed, 1'\'1/1 l~rs dlornuMl - unle.R thl' nps NU.-woy pnW'ely clepplld(lnl on chrop ~ alDh P. yo~n. - .... - .... --... _.-..... -._... Mal1&1(lnr Editor Moln,'. Hp~kt~r hOR Illrk('d Ihp pow"r fo,' rom m e "~I" I Be Vlr,1I L. Lewll...... _ .. __ .. ___ ..... _.. _.... _.. _... Ity 1':,lItor <;llp\lorll'tI .nd con I'olll'd by pu1Jlic 10,'1.8- wl'ohg ro.ndldatp 10 win. C8rnpu~ CBURe or Ih. .-tlle wh Grace I.rll .. ____..... _ ..... _. __ . __ .. _ ..... ·... Editor ~ Lout_ .-t. ftlch_. __ . __ ._.___ .... _...... Spurta "EdIWt lion con hurdl)' 8y to , till' piodall1R orr. ... 1I!r,,·" In nalloho I llI·e·llR"·ed,,.SA llarjorla Gllbert_ ..... __ ._ .... -.__ .. _ ...... _...... SOCle\'1 EdltlJ~ hprin!! of onl' Ol il. '-1I1)IJqI't('1'. I hb! 110 or "~torsholll"wn eop ;\1 URI 'Vear ma~y nallon. hnve Loul.... Wolk .__ . __ ... __ ...... __ ...... _ .... _.... Alumnl Editor a . II(' 11lust ~o ('llUl\~ hl'rl' irt qltl'.~t oE ICAuning. 1'000t or 1)IR1'OI',1 RU~Il(>n,l~I'R" - lhat'" ."bsldlze lhplr air nItrogen Jghn D. Freund ...... ___ . __ ...... Colu .. ",I.1 A ltoldull !lI'opoollllHl. to !Illy Lhe A Pl'iVIlII' school nto~- 1.'IIil'n .. __ .. __ .... ___ .. _...... ___ Ircull\U<>n IMag.r oh .. "olr fiend lO onothpr; "1.1 II. h8t'(1Iy !lsk thl' tax·po.r t fo~ tllndfl t(j~_ I'lII\­ Ingly keen In lh~ nenr till Ainu w. BthmIUl...... __ ..,...... JI.~cdunlUn\ dll lies!" ~ul. 1Il. RI 'h ...... _ ...... _...... _.... _ . .A,J\. rllll»ll ..... sl.tunt ,·ali.m 111111 tl](,11 illRi~t I hill, II be 01/} ,a the oth",· hondo the potontl"l Wllllalll 'I'lIuln".on ...... _...... Adv rU.lnll" AB.IOI ..'" • •• lR ("no l ·h l 011~." pal·ty to n !;Ch /II<' thot '''.011111 Pl'lllllizc Ihos All: "Tu"ldHh ImthH. we soak you who hlOst need t h8t Ildll~nt ion " "Ionty. " Arrllwrool Growhlg JAgS ~ ______Friday,-L I ______July 27, 1928• ______~ __ ~llppOl'II'rR of HI!' 1)1 011 III-claJ'P that the • • • ST. DAVID·S. Rermudn-]-Jall ommp~re ]'rof.: "nn you NIGllT lSF:WIi Il;I)JTOIl 111'I'MI'nl syslelll JlC'1I81Iz . Ih" brilliant! "th­ Millo', an)' mdrnl wbp,'p Uno man dozen nlliehes are Illl that rel111\III R,dllh Vounl:' HN'mu(]a's once·thrlvlng (11'111; this if <10111>1(111; no student, If llte he I~ 11\1"1' wo .. k I'I/;" n n,l Ilnolll.... I. fit mlt'r hri lin111 IlI\(1 1'i\1'llPAt Ill'!'d , belli(. loartng On 11\1' jnl .... industry. Nntlve Indole f blamed. Mennwhl1e West JJ tnr,h'd h.v hi!! nlhl'C· slowly ~Ilinp: brothlli l , Y; 'ull1r(, Htl'lio- "Ru .. ,,: th(' flrRt rrColleges for the Few matt 's bOS!i 1M tn." Island. are fInding the plant th~lr ih I'\'PI'Y branoh of If'I11'l1jh~ ' IIIl'~e ill a workt • • • mOSl profflalJle pro(l uct. or ('jll'i('hill~ I"I'~plll'ch thul til hl'iIJillllt !'An \Vllh 1\11 tiw olhpl' wI'1I known In­ A Symposium do whll!' I he ]llfHltlel' gra~p~ Illp I'R ..~('ntjlJk AUtuUI>liH or 'low.. ('II~' pl'o hllxlng Whe"e Roor. Don·t Leak DA VENPOR1'. Co.l.-There Is, no Ont' ('dit()!' I\~R~ who shnll . lIy 1hat an lh 1';nJ( lp\'l conlrRt 111'17.1' wlnnPI' llE rl'C nt publi Mion of II Rtalemeut glflH IIr ~II ROI·IH. ('11111. hn. n lltll,' busIlleRs for ,·oof·mend."s hen NlttCl1lihn b('stnwlltl lIpbu II slow hinking f:ince Cp.111ent mnkln[~ breame a locJlI Tthat the Pl]j\'{'rRit~, of IQwo wOlild in 1Ir ....'h( In Rlorr fu .. hN·. 1'I' u(> tam,' In,luRtry. 'Vlnd carrie. cement d~1 the rulnr!' I'pqll!'sl 0\1 high !lI'hool 1;illdpnlR .\'JjI'hiul( 'l'j\'ell , III ,1110 .11101'1' rrum the (Ou!ui11nhdti, you kn'Ow. (loom the taclode. onlo lh~ roofe; holding" D" grllde. to Mtny IIwny (1'001 h(,I'p fog molslens thl' dust :tnd the SUn 1111'1'1. Annlhl'l' (Ipl!l'ies llip htl.~I11I)1 IIr lIlli· Hope It'H tltP /;"11'1 tlll,t ' .... ·o/:nlzl·d hus ri!{hlly provoked 11 ~tol'm of PI'(j!t'st. nlti wllp" 1 \Vn~ 1)lttlo'lng huok~y fl"om hardens It. Fence raUs and tree WI'. it\' unthorilieq td ('Rtllhlish lin II I'iRI 01'­ 1\'. C. ('onvt·"Uun lit WlltN·IIl... t\'unks arp becoming conled, 100. In till:' firHt plll(,p, Ih(. nnll'('I'!iily is n J.:. IIH'V or bt'llins. WtlnMr how Hhe loww nH, In tlw Chihll l'ro\ ' h' c~ Renamed ~Iat!.' institution flllJlPortr(1 by lAxation. I I 6Ih!'!' cOIl~id('ratiol1' !lr 11 henl'lIf,to-thl'. dUl'k of 1I.11' 11l,\lto 1IIt'all'l'? waR 1\ tabliRhl'd, ptl'Rumllbly, rOI' th bl'nptlt • • STfANGHAT,-The Nanking No· I'a!'th IllltU\'l' will donlJlIl'~ dl'! I'lul{\I' . lhe • whl,'h have made I'ecovery possIble tiomLll sls. !laving captured Pekln&. of thl' RtlltC'S cit i1.PlIs. This bcing I hp ca~!', Thl' I'n~l, 8t IUnn(lp,·"d on thnt from such mIshaps. full' of IIH' pilln: freqllenlly Wil hnll bavp Iourll. ,hll(1 lihtl WN~ wn!in't lillo­ Movie Camera Helps Solve plan to change th. name of III why should Ilnyonr who ho~ the 11 ce.-sal'Y 10 IlMk Olll' It'ldslnliw bolly fOI' ,millioll . . ~~IIIl'" wast d. nrt"" all. In ordpr Tlw war deparlment hns been p"ovlnce from Chlh1i to HOI,el. «hIe to obtain t1. romillete I'eeord ot meanIng "north of the Yellow l'IittclltionHI qlllll\[icliliollS (n hi~h sehool Amnng t hI' IpgihlH tors wi II II\' ~evcl'lI l ~'hosc 10 get the' tll ~t WOO'll. IlI'P" lIInnhly. djplomu), Il'isuJ'(' I illw. und Illtlnt'y fo!' ex· ~h,' w'-ole hIP tiltH W('fI'lc. Alu" (]oPtm'l n~ronaulira l activIties or the army RlvPI'," to erase another lrace 01 l'hi1dl','n (10 1101 hOllsl n grlldp Above liD." A viation Safety Problems thl'ougl; the moUon p\clu!' ~ the Chang 1'Ao·Lln regIme. penll('R be c1pnil'd thl' prhril!'!rp of IIltendnncp :~d.Y hnythlng nbout n.cce lllinA' con· • • • • , "I trlbutlons "fol' hoitpl' 01' fo,· WOI""" her' T Why 811011 1d thr statl.' providp a ~ mllllY 0 fill Inl'll~'r 111lj.\'er"ififlR there bUl .dmp or h ... · Hlllfr I. /:olng In. menliH or rduclititJ!l 1'01' tllf' brainy ft'w nnd I hos ]'1'1'n 0 drl'id('d 11'111\ 11\', 10 I'liminllte 8Ulrling with lIlP n~Xl Une (o(?) • • • deny to th(' mo. ses OppoJ'llInity 10 St'CIII'C lIli nbonl 10 per c('nt or i111' ll\('mb~l>!t Or ' i!vet·~ much or that Refi,' lulil']/' as IllI'Y ut-I' f'1ft~T ('ONTHIBl'T10NS rl'('~hmlll1 rll\s~ by !'x~I'f\.,¥vely IliCfifllt1L ma· "Ale you {Ol'Rokln~ the limp-hon· Official Daily Bulletin ('apahl!' or a~lmillllin~! 11'1·jul. Elimination is ,prftl'tiu d in !nAny ol'('d Joul'llltJlstic ,\\,(',1 J '~ I :Mono. yOU al'p tI10i'(\ mOdt~Rt thun 1. I 'Vhat ('(', tcncilel', iq it fair to tI~~lIIIH' Ihul hI' i'l 1m­ abo VI' "D" whl'n in high Joj('hool. I nl~1 ] ~ul.I10~C Ihey <:till<' frolll NOTICES fitlt'd to ntlend I hl~ nni,,( rsity! lIt' should 1'hl'l'l' iR Illtol her g'1'01l]l \1 ho Ray thl' "D" l 'lIlon h('lIs. A ('OHRI!;CTtON lit It'llst IJ{' givclI II II·ial. . tn!ll')ft~ shOllld go 1'111, 10 b,. givt'n in~tru(' · "noll't kill you"R"IC worklnA'. pleM(,. 1 ,'oult! neVl'r ('01"'I'sI1o ntl Ao~lr1cnlnlly. an otrIelnl noll~c atldresR('d 10 the memb"l'" of Ihe In· A k('ro~(,IIf' 1/1111}> tll'pPlll'R I)l'ighl wl\(>11 (jolt of 11ll' V(,I'Y hij!;h!'~1 ROI'I, 0 lhey ('onld with you ony mOl·('. I nlll not 0 Rlrurllonal staff notifies hlattuclo!'". beginnIng Monday • .July 23. to r\l' contrll~tl'fl with n eol1<1lp, blll how thai ('M1'11 lip in knowledgp with thl'il' more for­ Hllll'ltUnll~t." quest students to cease attendIng the meetings of rllUI'es fol' whIch they al'e not rl');:'lst("'ed. al! shown by approprlale rlass cards bearing the Reg· brightnr. ~hl'ink"l wht'n bl'01l!tbl into com· tlll1nt!' bl'othf'rR in thl:' int!'l1l'<'tllul hl'il'archy. • •• rn .-tatc coll!'gp~, lin lllnil'('rsitieR- wherp' TillS , l't\('I'J Istrar·•• lamp. petition wil h the ~Iow of 1111 rh'ctrie liRht ! )mSlmVl~ n FUn The date ,vlth and rl'om whiCh this request should be made b), Instruc- When thill "blUet' cire!!''' of srlt'!'1 sht­ r"('ty inhabilant of the commonwealth payR C'ON1'lHnl'1'IONR tors Is Monday . .July 30. H. r. OO,RCAS. d,'nts has been obtained, what Ihl'n f 'rher!' hiR 1ll00WY (01' Ih!' flllHI'P cHllllr!' of thl' F'lre A.IV!t)'! CAND1DATE .. OF' DOCTOR OF PIlJLOSOt'RV will still be R wtdp IIpreud bI'III'PI'H t hI' hrsL slntp- .i11~lirp dl'l11RllCl thnt nil stud('nls b!' • • • ' I)J~ DEGRF:J ~ !riven KOmI' means of 31lvnl1('l'd {'rlucntion, A 1000ai Ib'ln Ih 0 n~nrhy npw"· Candidate!! fl)r 1I1~ degr~e or boclol' o( ·Phllosophy Ilre remInded of thr .. 'IA" tntll'lIl IIlId thl' POIlI'CRI "0" , In· Iluper fIIlYH that :t ",,<110 HCt waH "oulino matter.: (I). A thesIs topic must be announced an,l "PIl"oved dent. 't'he" C'" sl\ldl'llt will Or in the' Ilo~l­ 01' plsr nol hI' fOI'<'I',1 to pay {or thl' ('dIlCll­ slruplc \,y lIghLrllolg aRuro oC that resldchcc. (3). The llo "r" students becOIIl(' nrfl'h~ive ant! arp rl" wit 1\ n gr('atci' c!lpocity II> it'llI'll. ('o\1t)e,1 tro'n E I,pwherp lan g- uag. "equlrcmenls must be (u!rIl!etl hefOl'e the qurl.lIfylng exo.h\lnntloD qut'sled to IItoy away t ot so long, we l P 10 thl' prc. nt tim!'. II definit !lit!'. '\'/> ,,"outll Ilkl' Ih" ("lIo\\' who Is taken. G. W. STEW(\P.T for C. ~. SEASHORE. dea n. 1n(,11 1 or A 10 pel' (,I'nt ('lithipatitln jloliey ',nolV8 Il nil mUCh beLler It he wtluhl itna"inp. torget ])!lrt of It. TJam LAPSE 1>(1' CREDIT IN THE GRADUM'I<: COI.. LF.GE l'nqu stionably, g("tin~ rid of all "D" wOlild hnv(' pl'o\'tiel 11\"nktrollR 10 Ih e Rn- WP hlld the t"rm "mixNl ehoh'" Experience has shown that the extensIon or gruduate work Over an s(Uc!pnls will lllllke ]iff' en: iel' tor thp in­ 1I01l11(,l'I', ror r\1'l'y 0111' ill th\! stilt would tXllltl.lneu to uS yes(prday. unlintiled porlod oC time Is Impfll.¢lfeal. The council of lhe l!rMual. h;\\'(1 IIriKPn in rlghleOhl! iltdlgnotion, and Ollle or 'em cun Ring, and Romc coilege In May o[ thIs year a,loilledlh. fo llolVlng regulalIon: \ji-rnctor. . Therll will be rew!'r stlldl'nls and 'em enn'V' "In evnlunllng credIts for Iho plorpose or dptermlnlng tho fu lrlllnient have I'Put the inRtigalors of slIch II policy or thbs!' II'\\' wilt he jlral'cf equal in ability_ Some perRons g"t an cd uC'llion of residence requh·emenl•• no credll dating back ovo<' ten yoao·. ahall to shr{'()s. \\Ihile I}olley not Hot ",hilt of lha~ 1 :rJ the urlivebllty prl>­ Bllt Ih(' ·hos wllhout ~oI n !\ lo college; otlocl's be CO llnted. nnd cl'""l u s datlng bel 'een flvo ancl leh yea,·. shall be rt­ fe!! ors at thejr toB mIl !It hot bl' trouhled bren puhlicly anhollnccd, it hOR nllwrlhc· get It after thpy INtve college. ,lucN! IlropOl'lIonlltely." lc~~ b(,!'11 practicl'(l for 0 long limp. • • • All graduate BlutlPnts In resldehco shoutd take notice. \ith t~llcllln!r Ihos wh ose mental caHill'\' I "LOOK IN A MAN'S EVES for G. W. STEWART tor C. E. SEASHORE. dea n. Thill ~roup of I11l'n who "dvooole a con­ i~ b low pur (8 IlIlr which hn~ 110 fiXl'd honesl)'; around hlH mOIHh tor well~ ' val\l!') holl' muc'h Ie should the l'lll'al C'l'l1lrntion of prrort 011 !hl' inft'l'iol' IItlt. "M": lit hi. ~hln tor all·engl.h; a.t hi. COUUSE IN PIIYSICS ttocher with l'iltht gmdrs to manage, 01' thl' el ntf;, haw sl1okpl1 qnit-e 1001!.lIdS tor telnpernmentj at hl9 nallR J2S SUl'vey Course In PhysIcs. M·S. J'.7 Or 2 s. h .• 9:00 a.m. ThIs couht· yl'llrR. tor Cleahllnes.'i"-Ilnd on hIs vest (or Is 0. survey In thh·t)' lectures or the ~ntlt'e fIeld or "hyslcs and should lie <'htll.'Iroom ieachpr of 11 crowdecl villagr gravy an~ egg yolk. Whil" thp blln"fit of C'rltlclltion should bl' parUculal'ly helprul to thOf!e who MsIl'e physics fO(· cultu ral )lllrpOses aBd Hellool be imposed npon by th!' presence of. • •• [.lO uig H ap'cllleyet', l'. S. a.nny nit· ~ot()s mol iOn pirlure !,"Ilert (ohove), those who gIve 0" SU\lCrVIR8 sclonod InstrucUon In Ihe elementary gra~. " D" pupils. Why not f'liminate the b'lI giwl1 to nil-if there 1. Aby benMlt ih it, at "Aineribll\ Flntlk SpalliSIl Hospl· Ol)(!rlli!:s un ult"u -s p e~ d cl\nwrn und obtul"s \'olullb!p i"fonnatlon about Consult Instructor for permiSSion to regis tel'. No Ilre·requlslles. the lir. t year? Are opportilluly . chools till' SlIIlle timp l!Jfll'C ought 'not he tl. (lisp1'()­ tallty llather C'oltl"-bet he dldn'l ".h-II)uno eru~h~s a nd tho behftvlor or pnm~hut e8. Helow Is Hagenleyer's I MlSISTANT ·PROFESSOn LAPP. pOl'tiohat(' Rpending of efforts on )loot in· mille his Judgmenl oil Ihelr 8e ..~() n· flyinl{ Rlndi". s llo";n,, Ihe (,II III era 11I0llllled on Ihe turrel .... ndy for netiOiI. -J..- and 81) cln l cia, sell !li mply hidl'Ollls mi sta~ ().~ ~ Ing. TlI(I s lrlp .. f film di sdlls~ ll tile l){lint of .. rillin of p fire lifter p, .. ruHII . FRJtSjl~AN SI'EEUII . If D !ltlldc'nts lire hoi worth d(,\Telopil1g, '"lIeeti! lit the e!l:peh, of nperior oues. • • • !>ectIon A. Spcpch CS.-Prlnclples( ot Spee h. will meet III I'oom 4. IIb1!n:1 dl y must hI'. 1' hp right Ilf e"~r~ yu uth t.o be ooueated "Frank Potio. \Voh't 13~at HIs DAYTON. . lA P)-~ I otlon 1,le. a record of what took Illnce In arl•. nt 800 Il.m. Pall y Rnd Iiintul·uay. R C. MABIE . . houId. be fough~ for by every t)ll ~ht In tim :o,Vlfo [Or S ix r.tonths NIIW." lIt) tures lIlken at thc ratp of 250 fecl lhree-flfths or a second. Tbe fact lhat a pupil is not apt in onr ~U8t hllve thought "the proof oC the i <\ second (I'om airplanes flyIng 150 " 'I"ely val')'lng lheorles \Vere nd· EXTRA SF,:CTJON-FRESHMAN RNOUSH country ond Ih!' retentioh of the "h,. R \vIUI or more branch('s of the high school cur· wIre In the lJeallhg." Vtln ~d In a conf~ I 'ellC n ce o{ the Ouldclor LIC" Hchool ot In.truct\Ol! tRIR" or his All11a )tll.lel'. wilh hir4J!\IP!, pskin "" 'i, It nlight lIf' " 8u~l{ of eggs and With Louis ll,,~emel·"r. molion And not long ago thil! . (tm/! T.Jindbpl'gh rl'­ pI lUI''' elllle,·t fOl' the army all' (,pplion as a n u\1lnlsll,knhle whIte vIII hI> heid at the I lhlve"~ lI y July 31 to AugU"l 3. Inclusive. under 1M . '.""1"" Hililel' hiR IItm, the fi,nal tl'Rt of llis I,ICCt)SII JuOIIlng bo~d. ~"S II I~ps ot tnp P,,,te".lon ))lvlHIIJIl a nd lhe Auml11pr A" ..lon . t: hied n rl oetbr 's d~rel\ from his ".Alma COI·PS. In the co<'kplt nl'n,ed \\Plth dOL whkh spread quIckly. The 'no, :I t a job wi ll Ilot, bl' the" A's" on hi!! parch. • •• his ulh·a.-sileed camcl'a the ,\'dll'l1t \10 11 plet\ll'o lert nO v"guPII~ss In Tile b ohfiH'~I\ce \lllh Oll~h nt 2:00 p.m. Tupsdlly. JUly 31. In the Senate Mater." 11Y!4l1l'R . Gront WII 8 poor !!tn­ Another gives threo of the 'Chamber of the 01,1 ('npltol. . ment, but the willin~ne . to Wo~ k bit a job Field IlCI'OllUUtlcut hlhcl'ULOI'i~A haVE­ the n\l'Ht. of engineers. and the:. tlent, btlt his \t\i11larv ge l1iu ~ Raved our lUI.· IQAt low" sturlents. I'll hel Ful­ w('re then able lo develop devIces 'the Il.rt"rtlOOll8 will Il\' ,Ievotec! to rlelcl work. a nd the geneml conle!' till it in done. trhl' greatekt t t of a "tn· ler has a. fuzzy beard to mateh obtalnNl s low mbtion I,I cture" at tlon. llerb I't r. Itoover ",Ils not a btil· pal'llchutc jumps, pillne Cfnah e!i nnd to cut nown the flrp hazartt. ~nce8 will meH alibO 1).01'1. July 3t a nd AuHt 1 (UI U 2, 111 Hoom 314. Pill" (1l' nt i~ "ot what hp ean do- but what he his "1" sweo.ter by this Ume. mney·notally bulldln!;. An cxcul'slon to ono of Lhe Stole Park. Is p\antlld Iiant studell t, but be baR bl'e,1 heard ~I'om the Inslele workln" of all Ilel'Chu I'g­ I ,loUOll pieLures played nn iml)or. \\'ill 110. T hope thIs Is nil II lol of pub· rot' A U';USl 3. He It Ih~ poll c~ el'S that have hrought about Ionpor· tam Pal·t in lhe s uccessful develop, vt' rll I lihlPI'I ill the world'R work. It ill bod licItI'. mO\JlltCd ' COhlP tent lenderfl Wi ll \.Il Kr uRs nnll t\trect the \10.-10 11 . Jll\ o."~H 0( outdoor r un the student8 out of Cannlla. tnnt changes In theIr desIgn Dnd ment of llul'a(·ltlJt s at W.-II:ht Field·. "nough to disllll);. s hool Plillil. who do !lot 01' \Vurl{ In a noh·l~chl\lcllt wny. con~tl·ucUon. A chl'ono/{I'oph used with n slow fJlo\d make their /!:rodp~ it is infinitely 1I'0r Lovely growiog w('other. 'l'be corn belt It IlIny Seen1 1\ bit liIte old times 'l'ellchers ithll ail olh.. ,·~ ,vho d.1't\ 'Inl" "P8tp(\ In outiloor observation aDd but e 'or, the Iow/I. ampus. (,hanges In (,Il'plane design and plOlIon cnmer gives the lime .ach stuetnJl d progro.mA wltl II" Issued. to condemn them without a trial. con let out a bole almoot,every day now.­ (\(vclollment Of sMety d ~vlce. hegallv~ ls (,''llosed. makIng It POft, • • • . ,PH01"Il:9S0k B. SHiMEK. J If it is rt ce!\''IlIr,v to have C'fitra opportnni. (,ltristiU 7I i'lriett-ce Monito/'. L Above a story nbout Jllie Rny'M IlI'ought «hOllL thl'ough IOSNOns il)l~ to com pule the time 1'equh'I": til'. fllr RlIp J'·mentaJities, Ipt !;Om!' wealthy ~~slmlsnl IA lhe \oMd. "Not COLIn· unlght Ily Ihl' motion plctul'e I'ec' 01' tlt~ 1,IIol 11I\rachule 10 jump out. Iry t hickens." 1'he OlympIc stnr o1I'elR hllve R:1Ved hundred" of avl· tt .. ng tho mo.ln parnchute from Ihp rOSMCt"OIIITAN CLUB p1llJallthropiR~ I'slabliRh lind endow II T!Cho()1 • Tho COl!lnor\onthn club will meet 118 usuo.l soturdny •.Tuly 21 at 1;01 Yi bught lo rouht 'em at night so h~ a tors' lIve •• ' ·\'I· Ight ]O'let,' orfklo.t" Il:lrk nrul then f11l with nh' 1)~for.. 'II ~I08t for Ihelll nlonl', fOr it i manife1ltly unjnst " Who i. Aml'rica IndepenQ.ent WoUld gel hIs nlnc hllul'!! df rest. sny. ~hocklng lhe jumllel"s rail. lJ .m. In L. A. drn\,'lng I:oom. LOIS TAYLOII. 1l,·eBlden!. hi tllke public 1" ~ll ey to !'rcc Il h tltl ll catiotial Mlln "~ asks an insurallce adYelti8eml!lU. Fire too fI'cquenUy followecl plolle DurIng the ('MI)' stage. ol ' tH e -L­ • • • F11tp.Rllm (lLllh ill~tittl!ioll wbich i. hot fl' 1y opell to all I We kntl\Y that on 1'. ..A trnck dl'i\'\!r.-Mo· "U. of C. OWR \Venrlng Medals." ''IlHMij. ott n tt'811Ili ng I he a via· pnrn.c1\utc·s (l pvelopmem t\i ~ mo' Wunder It hey IOllk noythlng like to'·A. untIt tho motIon picture IVO" tton picture showed thot \11" llhlf The Flrt-Rh:le ~lUh d~ th\! Unttal'lnn chUrt'll 11'111 hold n picnic lluJld&)', to con (0.) Telp91'lIph. who .nlo), wi, It ~tt('nd. '1'9.. (10 so is to ~ trJ\ela pins. uscd to slu(ly the I'esulls of 1lluh~ for the oprrhtton WM much 10MP\­ July 29. ttt 212 "fYI'Ue Ave. Pl ea~c com betwee" 3:00 !lnr! 4:00 p.m. etltablish an anstocracy of Mlrlling DlOre • . " • rl'oMh~ on,l determine the polhl or than tntlned e nglnpe,'s hnd rolcu· l:Il'~'l'TY MEA})S. Chi( t>ethicious to a del1ldCliHic \lomltlOHwehlth , The lhermometers rl_surr rlh' lhp nrc'. Ol·Igln. Obsotele plorles Intpil from lhelr personnt ollF;Pl'vn· ...l..- - LIlIlIllhlt)'1 w~rQ Rent down n. I'ultway at \Vrlg ht 'lions. lIfotjor l'hd.l\/les In deAlgn ' AUGUST CONVOCi\TION than any al'istoctacy of blood cO llld pos- .AtJas~ thl! -Yankee of "1 do not 1'". 'h,e )\ U1l'U8t ('O ltVciCllllOh wilt be held. 'l'hursday iiltly be. . choose" must be generally understood.­ • • • Flcld I ~to a cone,' te blork while Bult .. ,1 from the ",I udy. Your absentee space·flller. nn 1I11l'~"'\)€~d cnm l'n. eapnblo Of I1lotion pictUrES ot spin s have Tllel" \vl~1 tie 11o daall$. hlday. At'l!lI8t It. Perhaps we should not ask emharrassing Springfield (Mass. ) Republica'll, -EL MONO. takIng 2Ci O plcluI'cs /I. 8econd. Illude r esulted In the perfection 01 devices Bummer Se.llon ottlCt-

.. I 127. 1928 . . r lIlie Daily Iowan, Iowa Cif11 ... '" .. ,r, . .. , ()vides ~~§§§§§§§§~~~§§§§§§§§~J~M--.K--a-d-le-c-F-il-es--~·II--~ -I -----Y-O-U-th-s-p-a-y-P-en-a-ItY--~~~ --J'~M-' -~-o-ns~' ~C-o-n~d--u-c-t-I··-~-:o-~P-I~~-~n-~-~y -~-~-k~-n~-~g-~-m·-J-e-ss~e-B~l-is-s-Ih~' ~~d=-'--~ ~itrogen s~i~rE~~~~" j Eight Deeds,· One Harrt A'Spencer 0~~;a~;:~~~~:~;nP~~r1~~~:: Here Wednesdav/ , ...... ~ Hobert Spencer. lower Muscatine J I .••..u. . ...u .... ~u...... •• ,. LU ...... ,"'"-.LA..L ...... h to Theta Alumnae Funeral ' Service :~!t.G::rMs::c:~e:c~~thO!L~I~ !'end the Knlghls of Pythlas grand cago. A brother, Frank Spencer oC Friends May View. lodge convcntlon. Olathe. Cal.; two sisters. Mrs. E. T. Body at Beckman i , l~wa Stlfdents An unusually lllrge number oC P' f h Whitacre of Denver, Col .. and Mrs. I The women of the North Liberty lOneer 0 J0 nson John Bothel e! Iowa City; four ., gl'oup of the W·. C. T. U. orgllnlza· deeds were recorded yest~day by nephews, and tour nieces. Fune ral Home I Wed Yesterday tlOn have InvIted the Iowa City John M. Klldlec. county recorder. C o unty Die s Afte r memMrs to join with them In a 'Varranty deeds were made by Elva Month's Illness Mrs. Jesse E. Bliss. 75 years old . . at Webster City picnIc to be hel(l at the Iowa City Farm Bureau Will molher of the wives of two unlver· pat'k Tuesday noon. July 81. Din. C. Snavely to W. A. Snavely. of sIty pt'olossors. lind mother Of the An ~ vcnt of Interest to University ner will be sel'vcd at 12 o·c1ock. Washington. D. C.. Chnrles P. Fu neral servIce for Hnrt A. Spcn' Meet in Mislouri secl-etary to the principle of the unl­ dl'lJ\~~ W/.IS the marriage at 8 p.m. Those attcndlng al'e noked to bring Snavely oC Johnson county. ana cer. 66 yeal'8 old, will be held tomor· vorslly hIgh scbool. dIed at her home evrnlng. or Miss Gayle Hunter, their own sandwiches and table 8CI'- ElsIe Nordstrom. of Page county for CHICAGO. July 26 (Speclal}-The In Manville Heights at 7 p.m. Wed· rOW at 10 a.m. from the I\ d~ugh\rt· at Mr. and 1I1t·s. W. l~. vice and one covered dish [or the property In tho east hal! oC the crunpulf of tho state teach· nesday. church. wIth the Rev. W. C. Keeler 111I~t.)' of Webster City. and Mr. dinner. northeast <"\uarter of section twenty. Funeral servlccs will be held at Jock B. Bladlne. SOil of MI'. a nd + + + townshIp eighty. north. range 1 west officiating.' Interment will bo made ers collego at MarysvUle. Mo., will be the mecca for farm bureau work· her old home at Salem thIs after· ~rtj, Lars £. Bladlne or Cedar Falls. Announce Coming of the fifth p.m. Elva C. Snavely In Oakland cemetery. wIth a. Com­ noon. Interment Will also be at ~ Jlte eel'emony took plnee at the 11 un , was deeded lICe estate on the proper· mandery escort. orll from twelv& mid-west stales Salem. Friends may vIew the body hOl1lo In Wehster City. The Hev . 1'1' Marriage of E dith ty just above descrIbed to the per' Mr. Spencer died yesterday morn· when the third annual mld·west 'between 9 and 10 0'c10ck this morn· R. £. l1(loey o! the Congregational sons to whom she deed d It. A wa.r· Ing at his home. 222 Melrose avenue. training school o! the (nrm bureau Ing at tho Beckman funeral home. I'hurch r.:tO the .en·\cc to seventy· S c hmi d t , Springmier ronty dced was made ·b Richard L, nfter an Illness o! about a month. organization convenes there during Besides MI·S. Paul C. Packer. wife rlv~ guest •. Hoxie and Ruth Norcross Hoxie to He was born on a {{,rm southeast tbe 'week of August 13 to 17. of Dean P!u:ker Of the college o! IM~n T..evel of Des Moines. at· The approaching m[1I'I'I[4;o of EdlU! the Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae of Iowa City ,and had resided In National oWccrs from Chicago. In· educalon. Mrs. 1. H. Pierce, wIfe t'n~ c d W as Huntr .0.11 maid of hOllOI'. Schmidt. 21 S. Van BUt-en. slreet. and 'buildIng corporation for the this vicInIty all his life. For a num­ cludlng Sam II. Thompson. president of Professor Pierce o! the chemistry In1 I,oucll ie SeIbel and Mel'ywn daughter ol Mrs. Paddy SchmIdt. to north 300 feet or out lot 29. Iow.a City. ber o! years he cond ucted a lien­ !Lnd M. S. WInder. secretary oC the ,lopartment. and Amy L. Bliss. there IN lrheth were brIdesmaids. Geraldine Howard Sprlngmler. son of Mr. and In a warranty deed Sarah Ahern of eral Insurance Ilgency. and was American Farm Bureau federation. arc survlvlnl": a sIster. Mrs. Abbie IV!>!!. acted I1S rlns: ·bearer. Keith Mrs. Philo Sprlngmler of Tlftln. was Cook county, Ill., deeded to Mrs. representative for the EquItable together wltb l)re&ldent8. secretaries. A. Hunter. Peoria. III.: a brother. blrlon wos best mlln. announced at a bridge party at the DBrothy Ingman and Francis J. LUe Insurance company ot' Iowa. a nd organization leaders from the the Hev. James B. Ayres. Osaka.. I Lohengrln'e wedding march was Schmidt resdence Wednesday cve· Ingman property commencln-g at a For the year 1927 lI{r. SpenceI' state farm burenus, will participate. Japan; and two other children. Mrs. rl~1'r

Hl'PERION )[olne• . July , lett, the Indo op n golt phn rl

(CO!'fT1NUED Fno:\r PAOE 1) th bulldo!\, ot thl" An,.ncs a WIly. 'rull./Ipy blo~ted Ip[f lIil tl~h t Inti) til It\lN}' head oj thp ('hallen • •' \\,llhll\\1 (''Iu"log • rlleller Or 1\ e n· ey's PyOU.~IH·H. CellI' ownPI>1'<\ ))UIICI."A IIIUI hilt hf\lI~1\ 1'1' ~nll the), ripped Irft und 1'1):1\1 hooks to Ih(l hin In a CurlOI'. ellchaQlfe.' Tunney "))IIrl'('(\ lUI '('(.0\ riP~ In. 'Vb n , (,,"I,p'$ Ifft hQO.k dropped low. Tom mentioned It. and Ot'HQ ~mllW and aNked for Iv ne . A RAOolld Ist!>r \he~' wer~ (,T'ONhIOlt fa b othe~ 0.11 .. yO\! Dnd 1111 nd. of rou~. :\11 8 [)rQ\\,. thnt ~'O\l will 1)(> TNlulr/>tl to o long on(> AI,l. or th~ l'lng In n. slug· \'011 furllish rlff'er .. n . will h:wc no di(£lrult)', I'm AUt·I'." ~"I' eXl"hnll, Of heAd (' Iuu\ that rocked 1>011 ,.N(,ERNISft TH~ A('TIO . '\~I) . .. C.lIa, will you m ny m~?" brolcp up th .xcllllngl' as the crow!l Cnt\K.\ ('''fEIIS "N"ver!" Ah" ('rl II, Iwr head up, stood And I'oared Its 8.pprovnl. eEI,rA PRF.IV. has 1)l>I'n obllg(>(l, ho.· 0) eM 'Ia.hlli/:. Bul. In hel' heltrl. artco' Iho d aUI or her C(lther, to .111' waR wondN'lnK just how mu('h RO UN D TIIREE o to work. '8h I. Ihe Hf"I'('lnry oc thl .• torment ~h" ~ould stanll. AtJ'olut~ly unowPel hy tlte power or 11'I",n /''''''ry h(lll I"rt IlI>r. slw In TUl'\ntlY'. npwly tound I'lghl, houflht n pappr nnd turned rORO' (I"en('y II\odd ,I Into It "Ighthundell III! JAM1N IIAnm!'fo't'ON, llntl I~ lutpl)' to thl' "lIpl)l \\'onted" ud •. l'x<'bnTlgl' Will, Uw tltlphol!l~r. 'rom nllagpt\ 10 hl~ son. lI"r<' .hl' fownd nJI udvortlsemcnt droll!ltd hi l\'uuJ'l1 and "100{] bHore TOM The ]farrlnl;tpn~ IIlsnp\1rove IMI IIh. nn,,,·ot·PeI In I""'~n. The tllO champion. hands rl'ady ond dm" • 1)( the match. hut,. Ovll. doea nol pORltlnn wa onp tor whl"" Rhe W[UI ,In;; IUlOtJ.\·r "lIchltnl{!,. a nl' ac· I",ow thill. Bhe lIns lW'"jUy I'e­ admirably IllIaliftod, but. JURI 8" th .. cwnou610". II assocla.t .. ". nnd Incur~('C1 "YOIt understand, or C'ourfW\ 1'ts~ 't\ney .wept a "Jght a stroke on loclry: LAURY('ROSFI. a dis Ipnte{\ young 1I.1"ln.l\' l><"'n v,' Tlw rnnnogC'I·'. ('ourtNHIH smllt" chnml.lon1a ht'nd. whl1p Tunney nw ' Hurtlett out \Ylth hpr. Without waiting for railed. J Ip 1l1u·uglled. hll n.Ullck With Rolld letlhoClks to McCrary Xllhlnu Uon~. r".h~" olt t Tom "In that cas , I nm nfraJd. MI/l~ tI,I' hody. Par In Tile n .. xt dny (,(>lIa find. Iwr~~lr Ilr(lw .•• ,. no~ , FOl'R Ha,·tlplt In 44 jolllp"" and thp ohjl'ct or gll •.,I". 'u t. m I r" ushol'e,! h~r polltply to the Hilling In 8vmpathy with IIp''n~)I '8 McCrary In 4 J ler sol d~f nMr I. I I door, hl')XP~t't dl>' ~ trpmlnPel onslaught, who i. ~h'h nnd III aWl·::..r III ItNH. Hh~ w('nl OUt I1n(l mn.l1~ )wr WRy th Cl'Uw!l \!l'lIl/wPeI the Invadel' on "OAO' u .... OI! " eOHI""UCTJ()tII ... O<'IIllly prominent. L.,rry, Rlthll"L honH'. DETOUft -"r(XX) o. he whipped tl short Il'rt Ilnd "lgI,t (1II0AO CLOSED nt whitt Iw hlut rl'fll'NI . ntl (1'0 J1l~ ('ONTINt,;J~1> N~;XT HlSUJo:) two rlllhl8 orr Tom'. tilnly chin 110\1 "","~I" .... OWI'I by c!"Dtt.1 ...... t 1'('llIrn9 Tom'. dnA' when llw d~y ('UJlyrJl!"hl. 1925. M.N.S., ~l'W York) QRADING "ho~ thf challenger's 11<'841 back with IIn" H{'" wll hnllt wor<1 rrom him ., ;, I " stinging I.. rt hook. (lnlnlng the BRIDGING...... I lIR~. DnEW goP" to At th~ {MUdU. DIII,Y. CA ...1 IlIP.,., l . lIP)lfr hand d 18IV('ly for the til'.. .. hock of hearing thlt t C 111.'0 pn· No Money Rate tim!' In thf tight Oene Ihrew a right ..... VING •••• , ..1 I"U.r.. MU.n cnlf~mpnt 10 Ilrok .. n nnd Ihat Tom Into tlpl'ney·. hN1(1 wllh e,ery G".VIl~ _ · .3lU S ~"\r&' M"..,(l,-"N&O o ..... v__ ... 1"1"4 "'''.. 1. hu lert town. Changes as Bond oun e or his weight and Mt,·.'ngth ..". V A.IL Ilgllin IlropoRP<1 10 her. Prices Take Rise hind ll. , 1'hlll time. Tom's ye Udl O('tl¥(lty t1uttel'''d and TunnOy ('ITA l"I'ETl "'1. p ..... 1!Wd hl8 n.dvtlntag~ with t\\'O unn!'y h\>Okad him In a clinch. bul O~·~. FInally he 1'10,*,11 It ot his own Tilt: TIIOU. i' l',\TII NgW YOnK, .luly 26 (A P)-The hook. to the hl'ad and IJody. Tom bad, to t he I·opes. Tom Illin~ly stag· ¥lId 'fom reelcII un,l~r the cruRhlng rlghla to thEl hl'art. Sen¥­ VIlS UP without Il count. 'runnpy '\'c'tlord n nd tOI't" into 'Tunn('y with .. l'l·INl ulHkr full lert nnd l'lght hand Wben Hhp turnp,1 thp ~ornpr Into lin .. of IpaRt r~.I.laneo In lodny'. gr"cd rOl'war(l. Tnnney hall IlId· 11IClIIt, The dlullenger W!l~ Int: the turn. with blood beglnnl~ I-kad at him ~t(,Adlly Ull to the ~nl' A'00<1 "yr QuiCk to ""P hl~ ,out t lw lr e~ ,1 911 the ropes ):' I)sed. of the ~Idpwnlk. a rU<'lI hlg vot1ey to \1"-' hPM. BMI/: lel'n"y q ultl' mu(ldlcd now I\R Tom 'J'om's hf":ld nncl hody. "POOl wahhlc'\l ITf'CMy rolled uneons{'ioliB 1\lm08t Th"y W('I' old flr{lunlntnnpPR o[ Its snap In tllP late tr dinA' on or to lhe h~mp. In the HIlm pOSition al,l. ld.lded In only to find his CIOUlA undrr th~ blows. hut hloo.1 ~IlU,·t"'l rt'Om the ,·lng. the 01'11 rang alld II r l1Iothel"". nnd (,plln. he(,>I'<> Rhl' lito ulunl evenlng,ull ot HIlmI' Spl'Cu, wh n D('mlllK'Y floored him IlI.8t -tltll, nught On th<) champlon's n,mA and "(l1ll hi." nO"~ OR he In .• hell (onval"! ('IHll'c1 tho s(,sRion. ]leen{'y was out .fnt to work to Rupport th Drew l",lIv~ M('ount. In nntl('llllttlon or th" Tunney roui!ll vltlnly to sway out ,is body !,lttlrn"l bv Orne's th ud· fnone deSlln l!'inA' erfo'·!. Tunnpy f1nt on his hnek nnd Iud to 1)(> ea\" lOuMI'hold. had hffn much Rought f Everything for Your Convenience poo,' stUr'I, wI,pkly hrokpNI' 10'ln 8(" h'tnent, hut Ilf dang" b~t H~n ey noJl d hIm I'~' dlnl\' I'Il\'ht. '1'h ob.itnplon stl'PIINI ~wt his 1'0lll'ng..ouR ntt:l<'k. Tunney rh·(\ to hi. cornel'. J fl. B<'COnds had ly tllPm a. a gu . t a I th~ lIodal p nine and finish I tPdIY on theh~'ul. '1'he bell brok .. n wt(J~ a bullet lIk~ left hook t(} jolled llrpnpy stpadlly. despite hi. him I·<"tore,l (01' the npxi "ollnd. (fal,.s the)' gave (or Ihplr youn<: Ihp mllin tn'nd contlnu,>(l hlgh .. r. up the chll.l\~ t l, .. r·R onAlnught. -at the- n~r . Rock II u 1he bolly "nil bounl'('o hl~ I'I):ht al(nln roul'n~~ous onRlnught right up to ROP;:"l) Er;R\'EN' tolk~ 'rradlng Rhowed a modernte r('due' ROl'SJ) . ' IVE ~pl.ndld stn rt per lIep~(>y'lI rer~uA'lltpd r,·ulur('s. In th" h.. lI. '1'0111 ranI(' u,,* with 11 lett that NUlv the)' rl'1l. rd d hpr I'oldly. op· tlon In volume, thp dny'. sa"'. Rgl\ln Tunney sn1.1Q III·::lti've powel'!l his hen,I a Illass ROOM EIon. rah'. toilny. 'MIo Ilny's bU81n 8S III cll\.8e to alu", a~ thla champion's ~ye. d<'Spil~ th" minl~li'atlonR, H een· tbe chall"ng,·r. kUllng- th" <,ffeptlvc· 1,lunlrct! nguln into the r(·Jllt·s facII crlmRonl'tJ a OIl Rhl' n(\\\'100 wn~ mix d In chnrflct(l'~. I,.od,. Oen drllk'd left and rlg1f1, a. nI!"S or Tom'. letthOOk by burying Py gall nntly pllp(l Into the rhnmplon. (.\ C),OSS f"om Cnm»us, Soulh) hurr/"mo{l to SATURDAY thp railroad group. sugal~t fOl d 'y; trade 8upport. letts deftly. Colorful Atmos~ At the employment agency, where hnve eUsnpprarel1 ["om } I e~ney'f\ I"orelgn exchanges were easier ' ROl'ND F.IGHT ,he .-eglsterpd, the womall In charge cort~u'k' punch"" nnel Tunney ap[larently phere of San F ran~ gr.. e led he,' pleaonntly, but snld wllh 0 20 point break In Jnpaneae (JIfJCAGO 'I , F rel!hened by half " buc~et 9f Suliday ''The Most Talked had lItU" qeslr (0 c ut IIIl the chnl· rather quickly: ycn to 45.30 O.M the only featDr ... Wh~at-H'ghel'; rust reports rrOlll 'aler » OUI'IId ovel' his head nod • wnger rIlul'lh c1\ Gene gTflbhl'd cis cos Chinatown I )URS Rterling cables were quoted around Canada.. About Play in "I'm sorry, Dt· w. but I've lIew hnlr comb, 'runn ~y came o'ut II .. on~y ns the An •.nc plunged In nothing tor you. SOme other Urn!', $4. 5t. Cotrr-Ftrm; good ~P hold lh'p chall engor helpless. dose .nnd Rbowered him with lert 'the World's Greatest Ador The World." Il rhaps." Ca.ttle-'-llj:\'~ular • j:-feeney's lett eye swelle.l and noal" J'll\t, when Celln was leaving. she "Lois NEW l 'ORK WCRi H9gs-....;l-lc...lg..,h_l!r_. ____ Iy closed whpn AOlllfthlng irritated heard the womnn give a nume a nd h . Tom shook hla h~!\d In l1e"lX"'lV Streen- addr 8S to another 11'1 ,'1 nnd say: American SUgAr " .. 711 70g 70J STOCK; ~Km AVERAOts , tlon ltS he could hardly ace ["om Ihnl Wilson" doha "l-\urry along as fast (\lJ you enn. Am. Tel. & Tel .....)7&1 1711 1745 '. 20 Ind. 20 R a il. IN N:ew Yorl( .. X\lu 're 8ure to get the job, bec:LUSC Bethleilem Sleel .... 51 li7i 57 Thur8dQ~' ...... , ...... 192 .78 142.Q,.4 phlladelph 10. they need some one very much. It's hrysl r ) Iotor ...... 7ii1 731 75 Wednesd9.Y·' .. ,A ...... 192.23 142 .ta BarrJlllore sL Lollis ...... a gOOd place. too." on901ldated Oas .... 1481 HU 1451 Week ago ' ..... ,,~~~ ...... 188.2 6 140.7. in the Sc,eml young men. whom she I Ctevell1lld ...... ~ Bros...... 141 14 Year agq 'I!: ... _.; ...... 166.21 C Icago .... . k"e", only by sight. wpre lounging 14; 145." in the greatesL role of love's Dupont De. Ncm. ." 315 311t .na 1'Jlgh 1928. ~." ...... 209.04 157.0~ NOW· Washin gton In t~e doorway ot the bulldlng when 4 Qeneral Electric .... 1491 14 1. Low 1928 :., ... .r, .... "...... 178 .84 lSUS .~N~~o Detl'Olt ...... 1 OtUI\ came out. They ogled her '.i General :MotO!l3 ...... 1901 ]81 188 Total is lOCk !\81e~ 1.62 4.300 sMrl'll. ShoWing Bdanlad .... history-: boldly. and onc Mid 80methlng to Hudson Moton ...... 81 791 80 _..r:i....;,,· _____ the others. and there was a general One of your Jast chanc~ ' 4·4: TntPr. Harvester .... 2G8 2GB 21688~ .~~ .1 ..... t • .... To .. or Bareaa _...... :New \'o" k 12·1 la.ugb. !'few York Cfntml ..1621 lSa.. n~ to see this great stal' this --.f--.. .- 18m., len Innl ,AUer that, Cella walked on blind· Packard :\rotors .... 73~ 82a '821 NEW :Y~iu~,,~ tilY 26 (AP)-M'" season. There will be only ly. flhe dldn't even nOllce the girls at. [.oul s 7·4 • Pennsylvani a ""'''''''' 641 600 HI George LJ ,ne.rry, of 'I'ennel!!leel ~ , Toll., "Tile, Phllude lJlhhl 5; ' Vb. P ,glA'gled aR Ihey pussed her; the to· • one morc Tom Mix fea­ Southern Paelrtc .... 119 ]l81 11Sa day are(J>t~ ~n ltppolntment b~ (JIIIIIC8 ~n who stared; the ltCqunlnlancoM ture this year. Southern Ry .." ...... 14G!/ 146i 146t tho demopl tl notional commltt ~ 'l'no cllt her. TOMORROW .Beloved Wnshlngtun ILL HI.1ml. Oil or N . .r ... d l 4ftl 4ijl to heM n la.~r, \juren.u organlze,l III ~omo one failing Into step be. k\\' A Cowb~y A yiator Boslon at Studebaker Corp..... 701 69 70 promote .(lotilrl\&r ~ml th 'B c~ n" Ii.. roU8ed her from the slough or Fun, an' How! Philadelphia n.ll!ery. Union Pacific ._ ...... 194~ ]931 1941 £lacy. Major ~ty 18 president jl( You'U enjoy seeing New I'ol'k . 8. Rubber ...... _. 326 3Jj 82 th" Jntemlltl{lDc!t l)rlnUng pres8nl8fl with , l ~'ll'ry rO'R's v~ce 8Illd humbly: "WlU you be ashamed to be seen U. S. Steel ...... 1411 138 ~ 1401 and al!.lll8t8.nlll . union or Nbrth Ek'c...... 961 941 95. America. IIl)d one of the tound· 88ft Jr... -, LILLIAN GlSH with me. Celi~ 7" '\·~sil ng. :.0 •. To... Mix & er~ fly in The harshnCl!s of her own 1"1I4:h Yel. Te. oneh .... SI ' SO, 3. or till' American Legion. in A Tremendous Spectacle Ralph Forb., wusJ'.tartling to her ear.. .. ""'rom whut I've lem'n('d thl.s'" 1IIIItllll.III •• +•••••••• I •• I •• I.I •••• II •• IIII.*~ Well Wort" Seeillg. morljlng, It Is yO U , ,,,100 bOilld b£' n~nltuck' SILVE~ ..,b Q(j to be s en wllll m ." Also StM.wWlIl Big Thrilling Airplane -And ttl/' Comedy­ On " . , shall n e\'l~r be <\nythlng but Comedy VALLEY 'I'h, proud and honol'ed. Cella." CROSS COU:~*RY BAN' HAMILTON in She look£'d at him, a mocking --also showing­ also Selected Comedy afu n" on, her Ups. MOVING.:" Latest PaUle News "LISTEN-CHILDREN" "Oallant to the ond. I'h. lArry?" . Reyiew l.atest News ··PIlI.ulal· Qual'let" The hurt look In his eyos ma{)P Snookulnlil Comedy Mack 8eBlie~t ComMY World's Late: News h ~r ... Ient: 8 h e~d mwe aorU ' LEE inns "vou are sweet to ortf"l" to walk IIB,.er BaW. ;'''ft'IMi Usual P'iices " F'a OloUA Movie Klddlts" with me. bul I think you'd bellel' • -.,;. .! .'- v· nOl , La ITY . Things Me ba(l pnough, Come and 'enjoy a gotMl ~n Usual Prices PAPA'S VACATiON ~lthOut our Ilddlng !u I to the T". ; I'~ how In comfort nnd where Time. zsc f\a1llu." ...... CMI. , "COIU l'i1y l'ltlylet" "I warn~ yOU boW It would be. • Friday, July 27, 1928 lhe Daily Iowan, Iowa tify ______~ __ ~ ___ ~------~~------~~------~~~~------~---- -~------~------~~~~~--~------~b Bartl~tt Retains Iowa Golf Over

"hotteRt I )[Htl~ tlw rotltmltl~e hUR Indominable Ace of Winter Rule. May Charley Paddock hncl o,'rl' Tiny' I. ~u!' In 1:, yenrN" Ihp inH>orlnnl 1.le<' bdOJl \Vu~ J'PH {' h~jJ be Played on Four hy 11 clo"~ vote oC 1(1 to J.I . Ottumwa Conquers Holes KElnnett Say. fVho Ca*,e Back I to Race Tuesday . .JclC'clM II ,l ump. 2a F.'~t ~rh(' IIbl'okC'11 t lnll-" I'PJIuiolion or nogro~ boxing Inalructo,· Wlntpr I'ules ))lay be played on the ""p(,QI' fQolbuli fv(lll'IlUO)) I)~'" Holl. at mlttln!: Colltl},' nR"lIon to '1'lnye,'s for in l8"Hole Playoff holell one, two. three. altd Ightrenl Despite.P rotes t~ th" unlve"Rlty took n.. rast three· [lURl!ncp fI·ollt wad, clUI'lnt; compCl­ l'ounc1 bout fmln "I,'lsh Kid" Bmdy {weo l'dln ~ to Information given ou~ , tltlUII. and the lenni .. tM("'ntlon'~ tit th" cm·nlv,,1 InHt night. The IJy Conch ](enltltt fit Flnkhln ~ fI~ld. Covers Course in One George Baird, JordaQ principle fut'nlHhlng {I loollholc tor mh.t('h wns hy fn,· the fru;leMt that Thill a Hows 1)layers 10 "set" thc hnl\ a p"ofesHlonnl to )-t>( ul'n to IImatcu,' haR I)o('n slagec1 Iwrl.' this week. on th" fairways to Imp"ove th e> lay. Under Par; Ninety Show Good Form rank. w~re the ulL~l. (a'· the can· 001)('I;I"r8 at ~he fI ~ hl ,,!Jowed '1'he second. tmh, [lnu thlrteentlt t,·ovr-rRY. j arnd.v the "hade on the fl .... t with ~reen8 Ihat havo I"'~n ultd ~,· rp­ and Holes in 351 in Workouts Tdlll~ (or the 1600-10,,1;>1' ",Iny. llnll Inking the second lhlrd I,al,·. alltl ,·epl."pd by l~lhpornl'y by 'narrow marglnA. g,. ns. arQ now In use. 't'he nt. 11.I~ n ,I""ploltrd II lil,el!'lwQd (hIlt HYPERION GOLF COURSE. D~9 A~i. TErlnA)f. July ~r, (.\1')- 1'1'0. V' wi~, n ,'tl'OJ( wi ll ~ ~ Ice nth. a nd slxlepnLh gl'eelfll .IU·~ Jolin nCI: '"o. The ~a n1" two will meet lignin to­ Moines. July 26 (AP)-Al'thur B.·,o{­ pa,'ati on~ ,lislllll cpcl by HII), Unrbut i. or Byro. .tlil ollt of usc Ilf\d will ~ oUl In· fOr Olympic competition mor,'ow nlg'ht fit P o'clock In .. lett, the lndonllnnhle. Is stili the cleflnltely. Gooel tem)Jo"lh'Y /I,·eel1.9 t~Jt)po"OI'lIy took the bncl,g"ouncl to· (,URe. who al!lO Is "I\ ~ (If thp tll"r tpn·,·oulld bout nt the ca..l·nlvnJ, 8tl­ open golt champion of IOlI'a. hnY~ been Installed howeY~r. llnd dny whllp thc A ugust solons of the " r lUcs III Ihe 400-meter flnt. TIll' reo un ted On S. Dubuque Bl,·eet. golf enthuslusts will not he 8cl'lou ... I "~ · tl'Rls RI",wpd B ud Spe'ler,' with The nce of th~ Ollumwfl golf link•• rnt t'nalionol Olymplo commlttoe Iy Inconvenienced. I 4fl 2-" .PNIIHI ~ (CII' thp 4 0~Hl\ et"rti; Hall pro"Vec1 Lo bO the more clever modo two sweelJln!: geRtul'e.. The who Re~ mlnl;lY won't he heat. con­ Dlle to the "ecent rains the gmss fi'red Ahlel'lllll n nnd O('orge Uu:,.c\ boxer'. but was at n disadvantage fl)'.t wa. ,1 .... lgnccl tn splk~ fill pro· quered the Jown opel) title for the on Bome of the fairways 18 stili tiCll' sepone's ,,"ch. ,,11i1 e Ip wls t,·u il. on nccOllnt of B,·odl'·. 25·pound ad­ ~ )1 P"'R o( Bl'itls\) )}"ntest ovc,· Chnr­ 10ng. The mower Is bll~y dally, e.] the olhO'I' thtPl' willt 5t seeo 1,1•• vllntal(e. Hall Hcnled In at about .~oncl successive yenr today when ley Poctctook's oliglhillty and the HrC­ be defeatNl Bob McCrary of De~ howe,,",'. and the clov I· t. that Gonlon, l OlVa ~r()ad Ju,,'per, d('ol'­ 140 pounds, and Hrady weighed "lnil \\"n~ n df"N sJnn to f'~C'lutl(" lnwrl MOines. with whom he was tied at fool So many searching slicers will Cd over 23 feet but Ed H "mm and about 166. 'on nl ~ and RO<'[,O .. fo otbl ll f"om the ,. the end of the regulntlon 72 haleR Hoo n be elitTllltlltvU. Del""'1 Hllbbl1 l'd, preAent A,l,l fonn­ OI~'lTIplp~ until tlt""e two sport8 Hall had Brady groggy In the o( piny yesl~rday. by five strokes. N' r""OI·d· hDve dono u nl)' 'hnnr:" their tlmntnUI' ('OC.kR. speed work s" fo r. third rOllnd. when the lutter took a 70 10 71i. If Joint "Inlp'TlenlA of the hl l;he.t stlfC right to the jeLw. hut ,..,covered ("'l lItl l~h'" l TnMr Par Tigers, Yanke~s Intf'I'natlonnl on(1 AtnPl'lran 3\1thOl'I­ to laRt out the "01111<1. Br... dy swung Th e p"e~~nl low,,- amnteur and Ifes f1,.p n~cepted nt flCP vnlup. na n wicked rl!(ht. but was unahle tp trans-1l1 sslsslppl titleholder com· !l 'ln:u'C'nUy U1f'~' (,lin hI". P:Hhlorlt Washington, St. Louis land It to Its best effect on tlt~ pletpd the 18·hol. I,lnyoff In one un­ Split Double Bill will )'u n In thp ~OO·m~tor~ next Split Double·lfeader el u slv~ J htll. 1I1R mlAsl's ",Me him dol' pnt· to romplete the. 90 holes It ~l'hl1l' ~,tl ity. moldllg' hl~ lhiJ'u bJd for look n Jlltlp , lumsy at times. took to decide To\\'a's open champ· Olympic Iwnnro. ST. LOUl!l, July 26 (A P)-St. Idn In 35 sll·oke8. which Is 4 8troke~ Champions Win First Vuclrlnr!,'s Stn..( I1R Clear Loulo and Washington spill-II. lloul>lb IIeUer than, pr,·fect figures. Tho IntcrnnUonnl ('ommltle(' tn 'l hed.c1pr Itere loday. lit<' BrownH win· Cincinnati Trims McCrary. who yesterday shot It I 2-1, Drop Second Cormnl statpllt('nt rog-I1I' foul'lh g"een tbe Ottum· Fh'st game: nmnloll" )'"Ie" a"p ~han!!pd. Afl~r :t;latte)'l~s: Zatl1!iry. BI'own and Phllade1phla .... 000 002 011--4 7 1 wa go lfer had assumed a one·stroke N~~W YOHK-- A.B. TI . H. PO.A.B. whnt nenp,·,,1 Chnr1ell JT. 1'1)1',·111. T{enna: \\'Illse. CofCman. B ck. and lIIliY. HIMy ,md \I"agmve; 111 Iller. lead by a birdie Ii. Combs. rf ...... 5 1 1 4 o 0 Imp)'IMn Ip"I1[','. tlp8rt'lbrd fiR th~ Munlon. . Bpnge. all~ ~"!'lIj, Shoot. B1rolJe Meusel. 1'1 ...... 6 2 4 0 o 0 The Ottumwan on the firth hole Ruth .If ...... 6 1 1 1 o 0 chalked UP anolltr birdie. a 4. to Mc· Gehrig, 1b ...... 4 1 1 16 o 0 Cr3"Y'S 5. 1..o11ZZPI'I, 2b ...... r. 1 1 2 4 0 They finished the outgoing hln ... DUl'ochel'. 2b ...... 0 1 o 0 o 0 CLASsiFIED ADV·· Iifi SING , In perfect flg",'p" and Ba,·tlett made J{opnlg. 88 ...... 6 • 1 2 3 3 0 the turn 2 strokes ahead. nobertson. ah ...... I'i 2 2 2 4 0 ~ v.Em~"TI;P 0 From th~n on It ",," easy sailing Hl'hg-ong-h, (" ...... 3: 0 o 6 o 1 1 1 2 0 .SlCt:RY DESIRABLE te,·rltol·Y. High CIRSS, pleasant M.c rary In 455 G33 435-- 38--75 Ilellmann. I'f ...... 5 0 0 1 0 0 ------~------~ line work. You will he delighted wllh , furnlRhNl al)n.t'tmpnt~(or second Alx daYI or lonpr, Be p.r Tavene,,, SA ...... 4 0 1 2 1 sempster. Phohe G04. the plan. B1IP~le~, Cedar Rail­ Woodall. c ...... · tOO 6 0 0 line IclA. In. Davis Cup Play Home Town Folks'C heer Tunney Minimum r:'flrge, 800 ~ eteran Golfers 801Teli. p ...... 0 0 0 4 0 1"0 R R l'lN T--APAR '1' MEN 'f. "Jl!l'·gm.. vc ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 9011nt tlve worda to the 11M_ fi'Ol! RENT, Unable to Rate at PhoM 054·"'. Each word In tbe "dverU... Opens as Tilden ment must he counted. The FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE­ Tota Is ...... 41 11 7 36 19 1 on First Appearance in New York FOR nENT--APA n TME N TS North Shore Club preflxel "For Bale." "Foi' keeping apartment with garage by ·Bnlted (0" 'Waner In ninth Furnl~h~d a'· unfurnished. See J. Rent," an~ simIlar year. 419 A. Summit. Phone 28lt. 8('01"(\ hy Jnnln g~: ,",INK!':I': RTAnIlJ~f. Now Fig-tl"PR p,·o mlnrnt In nther sporls "Lost" Opposes Lacoste YO"k., A. O·Leury. Phone 793. on(18 at the beglnnlng ot adol NORTH SlIORr~ CLUB. Chicago. New York ...... 000 001 000 001 \--12 lnly ~16 (\P) nt'lw ~I'UIlJWV uPl:'(\.'tI'Pfl th~"l hoxill;. W(-}'€, on 11111\(\ , t;tJl'If'"t.~ GARAOE FOR REN'1'. &24 NORTH July 26 fA P)-AII th~ galt veteran". are to be counted, In the total Dell'olt ...... 000 000 U01 00 0-- 1 tllnll(ht in tl,e Reeoncl Mf..,)Re or hiR f"lk~ In ,.v, ·" I",; ,\n':\,. nlhl JURt plain FOH RENT--APAHTMENT--T W 0 1..1nn. Phone 2263 -J. Including (hp national open Utle­ HUl111l1tlry- Runs h:1tt('(1 In, Rob· nU\T1ber ot wor4/1 In the ad. lH'llV;I\\'(.ig-ht tlttp COl' Ow rll'Ht tim£" "lHI~N" In r'allS: mill ~W(>:l t t'l'~ mlxN I fUl'nls\led I'oom~ lind kltchenelle. ~old e r. Johnny F"r,·~II . of New Yorl,. Hennessey Will Play The number and letter In a ert"on 2. Jloyt. Comm. 2, Meusel 3. lJl'fol'l' IIIR hOJllf' fulk '11111 hl,rOI"('I :l with thf?' m" \Vrll I .. nown fI~ur(l~ Fir't floor. nea.onahl... prlce--phone IWR. REN'r--6 ROoM MODEltN tried In vain today to snatch the bllnd ad are to be counl&d U nutl!. Gehrig, Lftzzerl. O"aoowskl; Cochet in Other c','owiJ whj('h m:)(J(' 11)) In «,nthm~l- on t 11(\ Ht:t~f' whtJ~p namr.'; hlazr i I n02-W. house with garnge--closo In. le ad In tlw weste"n open golf Champ· two lms(' hiloR. Mc.Mlintt •. M.u"~I. flSlll whot it In('kf'ct ill numl)(·r~ . ('14 1(,U<(, Ji: ~htR on lko!ulwny flat hpo· one word. Phone 2863-W. Mrs. ttegan. lonshlp from two young profe.sslon· Rohe,·tson. Grnbowsk. Ruth; three Singles Play \Vhf'n thr ClI'C'f'nwirh Villng(' hoy f: i41(, 11Popl(' who h !'Hl (,omC" fl'l)m ('it it'~ CllUIslfled dlapla" Me ,.. ol~, who scored 70, two under par, haHC" hll~, Gehringer, 'faVeI'H?r, 'l\'(eu­ Wf'nt flllt to tl'nrlC' pnn('h('~ with the rnl' :t"... nY. and diel not rt'C'(Jg-niz£' fOR nENT--FmST CLASS MOD· I"eh. I"on RENT--DE:l\lRA'BLE ·MOD· In their first round yesterday. sel. Lazzeri; hontE' runs. Meusel. p'·h. wpll furnJghed apRrtment I'A IlTR ••July 26 (AP)--TlIr; Bill l ' lI :!~Nl ('hnllf'ng-f'r frorn Nf'w ~P:l~ Lhflir llf'ig-hhofH. One I/lfh IIU11J1l!1II ar" : ~t' h Uoulles--J. R . BaSCh\\ag. a nr! brace of 70 ·s. by Bill Tinder of An· Hon, 'ravenel'; doubl E" vlaY8, Tav()nel' of K I) e~tntor" sllowe!l thltt tlt~y Mil TIl(' ('nrnmon Classified adverU,lng In by , Rrne J4acoBte. French mnstcr. will ('I'ow(1 WfHI 'Fon RENT--7 ROO)1 HOUSE; ALL d~,·s on. rnd .. and Phil IIessler. of to Gehringer to McManus. McManus -'o mf' to ('11<,<,,1". thr C' IWPf, '('Il(' (' I1Nt.llllfl'l"~1 FOR RENT~NEWLY DECORAT- 1). m. will be llubll8b&d tb. to Taven ... ,· to McMnnus, SO"rell to rO:lI'f'd. tllI'lr n)"'I)wuvlll whrll the­ (0110 wing mornlq_ III 0 1\ ern Imp l' 0'1' e ))lents; good Bristow. Okla.. was a 71 by A I 'arp on~h other nC"O SR n net nt the Thf"l'e Wf;>l'fI' mnr: ~.- mol'" C'tmtnm(lol'R eel, ~ve ll fllrnl~hrd aparttlillnt. to 1"tvener to Sweeney; left on r h:unnlon l"pnt lWo Nti n g-ing hlrlWf\ garage; close In. Telephone 431. Espinosa or Chicago. Fn,.,..11 got "­ Auteuil "bellum at 2 o'rlo~1< (omol'· tl1:111 muny ('XPf'l'tR tlloll~)ll wol1lc1 rlose In. 419 Fl. 'VMhlngton. Two ]loor start. talcing 3S on the Cll'st base. Detroit 7, New YOl'k 6; ha~(I to tJlP ('hall(?n~('I"R 1l0 ~('1 :lncl thp)'(, ,'ow arte"noon In the op ... hlnA' mntch tll'OI' In On thp flA'hl. h~ovyw~l:>:ht rQOJnR wllb or wllhout sleeplr.:: on balls, ott 801'l'ell ro. off Hoyt 2; IVas h:t.l'dly leRs Y"lume to thl nine and finishing with 74. His part­ tltI~ afralr thoul;h It "a •. It -.VIlR )1o,·ch. $30. A Iso light hou~el

.:( ' I . 1 1 ,, ) 1 ) ll i ll il , t ~! " I ) 1 6 11 ) .1 6 ,, " \, I t / ' \I " \I ' \/ ) \I ) " ~ \I " ' . II"\I . II ' \'

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