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t>AGE TWO THE IJEl'HBRIDGE HERALD THURSDAY, JULY 2"6, 1928 Father of Joe Wright GRAIN: LIVESTOCK: STOCKS: BONDS Is lU in Holland NEW YORK TURNS LAZILY (By W. H. Ingram, Staff •WINNIPEG CLOSING GRAIN Toronto Livestock Correspondent) GRAIN PRICES AMSTERDAM, July 26—(Can. Press TO TUNNEY-HEENEY BATTLE LETTER TORONTO, July 26.—Receipts, 9 cat Winnipeg Grain Prices tle, 20 calves. 20 hogs, and 100 sheep. Cable)—M. M. Robinson, manager of I By G. F. Tuli and Ardern. Limited.) 85 CANADIANS tho Canadian Olympic team, was in man of mystery,-vanishing completely WINNIPEG, July 26.—After a weak WINNIPEG, July 26.—Wheat was Cattle trade steady. formed by telephone from Sloteu today Smedl Outward Show of In with nil his 200 pounds from his Fair- Etart on toda;''s grain market, wlieat Calves steady, tops $14.50. prices rallied to close l-Tac liiglier for quite weak at the opening with scat that Joo Wright, Sr., father of ihe Can haven training camp. tered commission house selling but Hogs $12.50 f.o.b. and $13.50 ofT car adian single sculler, ia ill. Prof. terest and Rickard May As tho challenger, as well as the the" day. Durins the last hour wheat selects. AT AMSTERDAM offerings were well absorbed and the Thomas Loudon, of Toronto, the row chauipion, must weigh In at the Yan was over tliree cents hifjlier than the Lambs $1 lower for the week at $15 Lose Heavily low point of the session. Fear of frost market soon recovered. There was no ing coach, told Mr. Robinson, however, kee stadium at two o'clock thla after- in the west where at one or two points evidenre of concentrated selling pres for the best. Second Contingent Arrives to that Mr. Wright Avill be around in a NEW YORK, July 26—Lazily, with noon, it was a.ssumed that tho Anzac's temperatures fell to thirty degrees over sure which has recently been in evi Chicago Livestock tew days. tittle outward show of lutcrest. New diaappearlug act nieaut that ho had nighc, made shorts cover and this, with dence and the market advanced easily CHICAGO, July 26—Hogs—Receipts Prepare For Olympic Mr. Wright, a Toronto alderman, York turned today to the first heavy quietly left for New York along with light oflterings and a little buying by with the principal buying coming from 2,000; market mostly 10 to 15 cents has been coaching his BOB and Jack weight championship match within its his retinue, but whether by boat,' train houses with seaboard connections, cre American houses against saJes In their higher. Tops $11.65; butchers $11.50; Games Guest, his son's fellow clubmate. The boundaries In the p»st five years. or auto could not bo ascertained. packiug sows $10.50. Heeuey's retainers hired on auto neflr ated the strength during the latter part markets. Closing prices were close to rowers and scullers have been prac In Madison Square Garden, Tex Cattle—Receipts 9,000; best yearl here last night so that this appeared of the market. It was reported that the top with firm undertone. Short (By W. H. Ingram, Staff ticing at the Olympic course at Sloten, Rickard, anxious promoter, already ings $16.65; slaughter steers $10.25. the most likely means of conveyance from BOO.000 to 1,000.000 bushels had covei-ing was responsible for the last Correspondent.) which is five miles or so distant from gun shy at the possibility ot a pos employed. been sold to European purchasers. advance. Export sales were estimated Sheep — Receipts 12.000; lambs AMSTERDAM, July 26. — (C P- Amsterdam and the rest of the Can sible financial loss, shivered anew at at 1.000,000 bushels with further bids $15.35. Cable)—The second contingent of adians. A quiet session occurred on the cash the thought that the whirr of the fly in the American northwest might still Canadian Olympic athletes reached ing motor carrying Gene Tunney, the HON. BENNETT IS •wheat section today. Exports over be affected by the spread of black rust. Amsterdam this mornlns after a hasty VISITING IN DIGBr night were small and shippers and ex champion, might not come. It was Liverpool was quite weak at mid-day STOCKS trip from Southampton. The reinforce through the air that Tunney elected to DIGBY, N. S., July 26.--Hon. R. B. porters locally had a dull day. Closing but recovered moderately ,at the clos ments include *lhe boxers, two more spreads on thr- various grades showed Toronto Stocks GIRL DROWNS AT Journiy from 'specula'«or"to"'New Yorlt"' ^['''YfJ ^"^^"^ St. ing. Some further hail damage was swimmers, two more ^Vrestlers and The promoter knew exactly just where "^"^ today Party No. 2 northern down Ic, and Nos. 4, 5, reported from Saskatchevqn as the re TORONTO, July 26—luternational the Salmon Bellies lacrosse team stalwarts and friends greeted the fed Nickel again featured this morning's to find-the challenger. Toin Heeney,' '"^^nds trrfct^ tho f<.rf. and 6 wheat each 'ic lower. sult of Tuesday's storm. There were from New Westminster, B. C. eral Conservative chief on his arrival. session of the stock market. Opening the finest heavyweighO t th"e Britisi^.lt-aoh" Coarse grains v\-ere fairly active. reports of frost last night in Northern After a brief stay, Mr. Bennett left for at 94, it eased to 93Vj and finally re The boxers and wrestlers worked JAM PARK have produced since Robert Fitzslm- Saskatchewan. The action of the Quotations: gained its opening price and closed at out every day on the steamer, while mons. He was aboard a friend's yacht. Halifax, where he will speak tonight. market today suggested that liquida the bicyclists took to their machines WHEAT— Prev. noon with a gain of %. Abitibl lost So few were the wagers recorded on tion has run its course and better sup twice a day. The. lacross men were Plunges Into Icy Water And the match that*It was difficult to de Open High Low Close Close port is indicated on declines. Any four at 115, Canadian Canners first preferred with a gain of 2 points, clos confined to physical exercise. The termine the exact odds. Greater by July 119 121'; 118'; 121'5 119'i news of a constructive character could is Overcome—Lived in ed at 94'4. while Canadian General weather was bad, but the spirits of far, was the wagering on the size of Oct 119 121-^ 118's 12Hi 120 easily bring a sharp upturn. Electric preferred, Brazilian Light and the athletes remained high. the gate and the probable amount Dec 119 12r.s 118 121'; 119-s Brandi —Brown. Power and Gypsum and Alabastine There are now about 85 stars of the !on Rickard seemed destined to lose. OATS— Canadian athletic world in practice each gained a point at 62%. 55^4' and JASPER, Alta., July 26. — The Many predicted the bout would not CHICAGO CLOSING GRAIN LETTER for the games which open Sunday. July .... 51 "-i 52 "s 51-~. 52--.S 52'. C53'2 respectively. people of Jasper are slowly recovering draw over $700,000, but Rickard stood (Bv G. F, Tull and Ardsrn, Limited,) The results of the examination by O't 47ii 49'- 47', 49'; 47-U Canada Dry made a gain of 2% at ti-om the shock of the tragedy which firm that a million dollars would be CHICAGO, Ills., July 26.—Wheat—It 16 European specialists o! the Can Dec 45-^s 46-s 45% 46-s 45-; 73% and the rights a rise of 25 at 125. took place Wednesday at Jasper Park taken In. To get out of the "red" he seems from reports in milling journals adian athletes were announced today BARLEY— Supertest voting trust rose 15 at 75 Lodge, when Miss Mona Plows, a will require 51,200,000. that wheat receipts in the southwest as satisfactory. July .... 791^81-" s 79'; 81-Is 78-.1 and Service Stations increased lo waitress, was drowned. * Tunney Arrives By Plane are not the only thing that has been The Canadian officials are feelin, Oct 71 72'^ 71 72 "i 71--'s .•3CVi. , The terrific heat being almost un NEW YORK, July 26.—Gene Tunney breaking records. Southwestern Miller somewhat aggrieved at the action of Dec 68 "1 70'., 68 70'i 68 n Jlontreal Stocks bearable, had driven the guests as and his amphibian airplane taxi land says that flour bookings in the past the Olympic authorities in permitting well as the staff at the lodge to take ed on the Hudson river at 12:25 p.m. FLAX— two weeks have established a new- MONTREAL, July 26,—Trading ~on United States athletes to practice at to the s^n-immlng pool and nearby today, '^he heavyweight champion left July .... ISI'i 187=s 180'i 187 182 record in volume for that section. the Montreal stock exchange was tho Olympic^ stadium yesterday, when lakes. Miss Plows, accompanied by Speculator at 10:12 a.m. Oct 183'i 191% 183'i 191 186 • The news for the day had a little slightly more active this afternoon but the Canadian, along with other ath one ot her girl churass, took the ad The plane landed and taxied slowly Dec 185 190 184^i 190 185U more bullish tone. Pessimistic news prices turned downward. letes, were forbidden. Percy Williams vantage of their time oH diily and went down stream until opposite the yacht RYE— from Sweden, because of no summer Brazilian Traction maintained its of VancouveT, who equalled the to bathe In Lake Mildred, a .