THE WEATHFR AVETIMEI Partl, doud" probsh'r I~ tbun· Send Your Letters by del'8howers In eontb portkln; Saturday partly doud,. ~ Air Mail .. .... re•• hf'. 1"re.re•• he YoJume 28 6 PAGES OaU,. N ftWlpaper FIVE CENTS Number 52 ~on • The Loser The Winner Democrats of Iowa • r Anzac Gets Worst. to Assem'ble Today Beating of Career Kenderdine of Iowa City Gives Keynote Committee Asks Champion Cuts Gritty Heeney to Piece. After Addre•• Seventh Round; Tom Starts Strong E. L. O'Connor to But Finishes on His Back DES MOINES. July 26 (AP)­ Iowa demoracy whIch a.sembles here tomorrow In .tate convention Head Democrats By CIIARLES W. DUNKLEY , Is prepared to renew It' alleglence YANKEE S1'ADTUM, :New York, July 26 (AP)-Blinded to Jeftersonlan ' principle. and af· and IStaggc1'ing, bis face a bloody smear, '1'om Heeney, the hard firm the tenets of poll tica.l creed Chairman to Organize rack from down under, coll apsed and fell a victim to a technical laid down In the party nallonal plat, form prom u Igated at Houston IMt Party to Support knockout in the elevontb round of his world's heavyweight cham­ month. F. C, Titzell pionship battle with Gene 'rumley tonight. Two Pl'lnc",al obJectlve9 were the Tunney, born anrl bred in New York, and defending his title Immedlale aim Of the convention; Attorne,y ,E. L . O'Connor ot Iowa at home for the firi:lt time, cut the :;turdy, courageous New Zea· one. to build a platrorm Cal \ulaled waH lander to pieces, subjecting him to one of the worst beatings Ii to bold tbe democratic vote Intact (llty chosen chairman ot the and lo lure ballots from the ODP,?"' democratic Becond district con,l(re8' ch allenger ever received. Ing party In the November election; olonal commlt,tee at a conference ot Upward of 50,000 spectators saw Heeney wade in to unbroken and the other lo selecl a new stale the commHtee In the court house slaughter throllgh round aftcl' round a~ Tunney, the master central committee to chart the course ot the democratic pollllcal hero Thuroday morning. He suc· boxer, lashed his facc with lcft·hooks and poundcd bis heart with campaign. The 'business oC the plat· c~ed. Glen D, Kelly In the oWce. vicious i:lolid rights. form Is a. convention function; com· The dut ~s ot Mr. O'Connor will Heeney Cllme charging in like a bull, but the elusive 'r\mney, mlttee naming, a. pe"ogallve ot dla· be to organize the democrats of the cool and collected, evaded hiH wild rights to the jaw and stabbed trlct caucuses to be held Immediate· Second district tor SUI\POl·t at Dr. Iy priOr to the convention which him with lefts to the face until t he thud of the gloves against meets at 11 a .m. F. C. Tltzell congressman at this Heeney's cut IlIld Ibrulsed tace 01· O. A. Kenderdine. democratic cun· district. Doctor Tltzell announced most became monotonous. Iresident of dldMe for attomey general, Iowa a~ the meeting that he expects to "That Blimy Thumb" 5C) ,000 Crowd Jllowcd the City, was gl ven the ta sk Of aou nd· h,lVO a campaign m(Lnsger at work Tho Associated PI'ess score card Obregon to Ing the keynote of party creed In "oon, relieving the district cha Ir· Tom Blames Tunney his address ot tempary chalrtt\ln ot showed Tunney winning at leut ma, Uex. l1lan of a great deal ot routine mat· the convention. YANKEE STADIUM, New nino of the 11 rounds, with H enay nllu8el t', Speak ler connected with the campaign. York. July 26 (AP)-Tom Heeney, wining the first and dlvl<ling honor. A not,)ler candidale who will ad· The meeting ,at which O'Connor vanquished challenger. blamed with the tllIe·holder In the Sl'Cond. dreOR the convention Is L, 'V. HOll' was mImed, was attended by demo· "that bllmy thumb" for his sud· H eeney's major offensive was the oel of Humboldt, the party gubernar -crat. from 4 of the 6 counties In the den collapse In his [ll'st quest of (lrst round. Aftel' that he was a tonal nominee. who. while reluct· second district. The counties repre· Gene Tunney's heavyweight badly pounded target who, a lthough ant lo talk Of campaign Issues. pro· sented were Scott, Iowa, Muscatine, crown. bol'lng In ,.Ith tireless energy. could claimed tonight thilt a governorship and Johnson; those not represented "Gene's thumb 9tuck in my novel' escape Tunney's mastN'rul at· elUllpalgn Involving 11.1\ at the big were Clinton and Jackson, eye 8S We sq U!U'ed ott for th!> tack. 188ues of state and setting out clear. The meeting also served to tLp ' eighth round, and I never coUld The crowd, estimated In exce88 ot Iy the position of tho candidates on pOint committees trom the four see anything out of that eye 50 ,000 with gate receipts alml'o"l· national QuesUons were assured. counties pI·esent. They arc "'V. L , from then on," declared Tom in matn,:; $750,000 was lhe smallest The democra tic party has an ex· McDonald ot Iowa City fOI' J ohn' his dressing room after the to witness a world's heavyweight cellent opportunity this year Lo .on. H, J. Murllhy for Iowa, Gl enn fight. chllm plonshlp battle since the itasca break dOWn repubUcan control In D. Kelly fO t' Scott. and M. W. Sta· "That. bloomin' lhumb'/-why of Shelby, five years ago when Jack Dempsey ruined the banks ot that Iowa, Mr. Housel saId. pleton for Clinton, I know I Was leail Ing', " said Years ot republican control. he ACter the meeUng Thursday morn· Heeney, .. I couldn't seo a thing boom town by defea ting Tommy •• Id, have tended more and more Ing the delegates were the guests tal' a minute. My right eYe was Gibbons, to make the state ailmlnlslratlon of Doctor Tltzell at a luncheon at affected by the thumbing and RIckard Lo8eH Malley sub.ervlen t to opeclal Intel 'PAte. the hotel JefrerAOn . The meeting before I could get straightened l[ the estimated gate I'ecelpts are There Is large latitude tor Improve· was called by Ml·. Kell y tor 'rIll! rs· out Gene had me a bllrny sight. correct, 'Promoter Tex RlokaJ'd and ment In state government. In the day In order that the dplegate. The punch with his thumb curled his six hundred millionaires suttered 11. loss In tho neighborhood at '250, opinIon ot the cllndldate. H~ \.ould might Ko directl y rrom I Owa CJty my upper eyelid dOwn and under 000. Tunney was guaranteed the llbollsh many or "the pI'esent boards to the 81ate ,lemocratlc -ctiUV~ll ll oh nnd bUnklog couldn't fix It. It and commissions and place the ad· to 'he held In the capital at Des rich Durse ot $52p, OOO, with $100,000 mdn't uncurl unlll WeI' Gerle gOing to Heenoy. ministration ot st'\t& affalrq ('n '" Moines thl. mornIng, had cracked me with thai hIgher plane ot eWclency and econ· The baWe lacked the colot·tul ap· bloom In' rigllt." peal associated with the Tunney· 1800 PalSengera Safe ,Cralh Kills Three Dempsey battles In Phllailelphla and Mrs. Mllulsby Absent OSLO, Norway, July 26 (AP) Hoover Listens ROCKVILLE. Conn" July 26 (AP) Smith Questions "I am very gl'!ltlfted to have Chicago, each In turn wllh Its rec· Mr. Housel IndlcMed that thp Ump West Branch Men The 1800 passellgers aboard the - Three Children were killed and wont" Tunney exclaimed when ord'shatterlng gate and attendance. Is ripe In Iowa tor an extellsIve German moto" ship Monte Cervantes II othe l'S InjUl'ed today when an tie hail gained his dressing l'Oom, Rickard hail flgOl'ed on a gate ot at democratic bid for the support ot Meet Here Today which struck a rock In Bell Sound, to Gene's Victory a utomobile truck In which lhey were Owen's Sincerity artel' a large detail ot police least $i,500,000 tonight. He lahor. Spitzbergen, yeslel'day, tonight were retumlng from WOI'j< at a tobacco fought a way fOI' him tbl'ough a needed more than $760,000 to' show The convention tomorl'Ow will as· relieved at all 'feal's. 'rhe vessel It plantation at Ellington overtul'Ued cheering crowd. a prom. .emble with Mrs. W. E. Maulsby. 'I ma de Heen~ fight my fight To Discuss Hoover was declared, was In no d'tnger and Spends Day Speeding at,Ogden's comers, near here. ,Oklahoma Senator to The battle W!l8 a struggle between chairman or the democratic state would be able to resume Its voyage for me," Tunney said when /l e a boxer who has pI'oved hlmaelt central committee. absent on ac· Dav Plans With southward Saturday or Sunday. Up Acceptance Support G,O.P, was asked al;lout the mast 1m· pertect In his art and a strong. duro cou nt at the Illness ot her son jn pot·tant factOr In his vICtOl·Y. a ble fighter whose chlet asset 18 his the eosL. The meeting will be called Local Men Speech This Fall "I almost knocked Heeney ",£tuI'al strength. Tunney, a mas· to order by C. D. Huston ot Cedar Man Finds Wife, down in the first round." he con· tel' Of defensiVe boxing, a llowed Rapids, vice chairman, STANFORD UNIVTIlRSITY, July ALBANY, N . Y., July 28 (AP)­ tlnued. "and when I saw what V\r ~"t Branch buslnesR men are ex.
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