Mykola Lazarovych



Ichnia PC “Format” 2018 UDC 63.3 (4АНГЛ) 6 Л 17 Reviewers: G. M. Kuts, Doctor of political sciences, Professor of the department of Political Science, Sociology and Cultural Studies of National Pedagogical University named after G. Skovoroda;

Y. I. Makar, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Chernivtsi National University named after Yurii Fedkovych;

I. S. Monolatii, Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Political Science of the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk.

Published at the request of the Ministry of Information Policy of . FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION If you purchase this book, please, contact us [email protected]

Lazarovych M. Л 17 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom»: Ukraine in the struggle against the armed aggression of the Russian Federation (years 2014–2018) / M. Lazarovych.; Translator T. Vratsuba – Ichnia: PC “Format”, 2018. – 332 p.

Translator: Tetiana Vratsuba ISBN 978-966-1567-62-6

The new book by Professor M. Lazarovych contains a brief overview of the Russian- Ukrainian war that has been continuing in Ukraine since 2014. Its main reasons and preconditions, ideological principles and course of combat actions are described. The main stages of the forced annexation of by , the occupation of separate districts of and regions, and the massive invasion of the Russian regular military forces to Ukraine were investigated. Moreover, the essence of the Russian hybrid war against the Ukrainian state, its types and ways of its implementation were analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the processes of the revival of the Ukrainian Army, its victories and defeats, the role of the volunteer movement in strengthening the defense capability of our country. The peculiarities and tendencies of the reaction of the international community in violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine were generalized, the nature of the policy of the agreements on the Russian Federation was clarified. It was determined that the Russian aggression against Ukraine became possible not only through the establishment of a de facto Nazi regime in Russia headed by V. Putin but also through the overwhelming support of his actions by the vast majority of the Russian citizens. The preliminary consequences and lessons of the Russian-Ukrainian war have been established.

© Mykola Lazarovych, 2018 ISBN 978-966-1567-62-6 © PC “Format”, 2018 Mykola Lazarovych


UKRAINE IN THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE ARMED AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (2014–2018) Dedicated to fellow soldiers of the Ukrainian-Russian War and their families! INTRODUCTION

Over the centuries, Ukraine, as the great French philosopher Voltaire said, “always strived for freedom”1. This path was often followed by wars, famines, betrayals of leaders, thoughtless and cruel rebellions of masses, strifes and intrigues, when, as the famous Ukrainian writer and politi- cal figure Volodymyr Vynnychenko wrote in his diary, “Ukrainian history must be read with bromine”2. Just the fact that, according to the sci- entists, during 1914-1945, as a result of two world wars, organized by the communist oppression regime, collectivization and the Holodomor of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933, every second man and every fourth wom- an was violently killed in Ukraine3. Demographers claim that no other European nation, except the Jewish one, has suffered as much loss as Ukrainians did. Nevertheless, the history of Ukraine is described with majestic com- mitment and incredible sacrifices, heroism and courage. Hard and heroic historical way that Ukrainians have overcome is worth a great European nation. A new stage of the national-state revival of a Ukrainian society started in the mid-1980s. The first decisive step was the Declaration of State Sove­ reignty by the on July 16, 1990; second step – the Dec- laration of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991; and the third – the All-Ukrainian Referendum on the Approval of the Declaration of In- dependence of Ukraine, which took place on December 1, 1991. Thus, after a long period of statelessness, Ukrainian people received another unique opportunity to establish their state as an equal member in the international community. Important milestones on this path in- cluded the Orange Revolution of 2004 and, in particular, the Revolution

1 Січинський В. Чужинці про Україну [Текст] / Володимир Січинський. – 5-те вид. – Ав- ґсбург : Видання Петра Павловича, 1946. – С. 64. 2 Винниченко В. Щоденник: 1911–1920 [Текст]: Т. 1 / Володимир Винниченко ; редакція, вступна стаття і примітки Григорія Костюка. – Едмонтон ; Нью-Йорк, 1980. – С. 285. 3 Грицак Я. Життя, смерть та інші неприємності [Текст] : статті та есеї / Ярослав Грицак. – К. : Грані-Т, 2010. – С. 44. 6 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of Dignity of 2013-2014, which intended to become a point of no return for the Ukrainian society and indicated the beginning of new life based on the rule of law, democratic principles of development, human rights and freedoms, and a decent standard of living.

The rally in support of the declaration of independence of Ukraine, 1991

After the declaration of independence, Ukraine’s special task was to establish a balanced and truly affiliate partnership with the Russian Fede­ration (RF), while simultaneously effectively counteracting its possi- ble attacks on the sovereignty of Ukraine. After all, Russia for centuries held a fierce resistance to the formation of Ukrainian statehood. How- ever, as the future showed, the Russian political elite did not get rid of the imperial mindset and demonstrated an unwillingness to recognize new independent states, including Ukraine, as its equal partners. Only two days after the declaration of Ukrainian independence, a request was received from the Kremlin, stating that Russia reserves the right to re- consider the borders of the republics that would exit the USSR4.

4 Здобуття незалежності України 1991. Історія проголошення, документи, свідчення [Текст] : у 2 т. Т. 1. – Житомир : Рута, 2011. – С. 86; Здобуття незалежності України 1991. Історія проголошення, документи, свідчення [Текст] : у 2 т. Т. 2. – Житомир : Рута, 2011. – С. 57; Травин Д. Я. Очерки новейшей истории России [Текст]: Кн. 1 : 1985–1999 / Д. Я. Травин. – Санкт-Петербург : Норма, 2010. – С. 14. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 7 Since then, despite the declared strategic partnership between Ukraine and Russia, topics such as the “Russian status” of Crimea and the Fleet continued to spread among Russian politicians and Russian media as well as the so-called problem of violation of the rights of “Russian-speaking population” abroad, and so on. Parliament of the RF has repeatedly adopted resolutions that were not only an open inter- ference in the internal affairs of our country but also contained several territorial claims to it. Thus, in May 1992, the former Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation issued an official statement that the acts on the transfer of the Crimean region to Ukraine had no legal force since their adoption. On July 9, 1993, the highest legislative body of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution “About the status of the city of Sevasto- pol”, which stated that the Ukrainian city has “Russian federal status in the administrative-territorial boundaries of the city district as of Decem- ber 1991”5. This serious violation of international law was condemned by the United Nations Security Council. In an effort to force Ukraine to concessions, Russia, at least seven times in the course of three years, has transferred the procedure for the conclusion of the Russian-Ukrainian Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership, which was established in 1995 but signed only on May 31, 19976. For a long time, Russia without any reason was delaying the delimitation of the borders between our countries. Only in January 2003, at the time of the arrival of President to , the Treaty on the Land Border between Russia and Ukraine was finally signed7. But the status of the and the Strait is still not defined. The parties can not reach an agreement due to the excessive claims of the Russian Federation.

5 Здобуття незалежності України 1991. Історія проголошення, документи, свідчення [Текст] : у 2 т. Т. 1... – С. 72–73, 86, 578, 676, 697, 707, 710–714, 716–717; Здобуття не- залежності України 1991. Історія проголошення, документи, свідчення [Текст] : у 2 т. Т. 2... – С. 19, 32–37, 375, 703. 6 Договір про дружбу, співробітництво і партнерство між Україною і Російською Федерацією [Електронний ресурс] // Центр дослідження безпекового середовища «Прометей». – 1997. – 31 трав. – Режим доступу : 7 Здобуття незалежності України 1991. Історія проголошення, документи, свідчення [Текст] : у 2 т. Т. 2... – С. 485, 788; Лазарович М. Ілюстрована історія України : корот- кий курс лекцій / М. В. Лазарович. – 4-те вид., виправл. і доповн. – Тернопіль : Джура, 2018. – С. 518. 8 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

In 1954, the 300th anniversary of the “reunification” of Ukraine with Musco- vy was widely celebrated in the USSR. In accordance with the historical and cultural ties, an ethnic and territorial affinity of Ukraine and Crimea, the Verk- hovna Rada of the USSR on February 19, 1954, issued a decree on the inclu- sion of the Crimean region into the Ukrainian SSR [Чекаленко Л. Історія процесу перепідпорядкування Кримської області Україні [Текст] / Л. Чекаленко // Віче. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 9–11]. The poor post-war years in Crimea, and the inability of Russia to provide the population and the Black Sea Fleet, first of all, with food has led to a situation when the government and the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) voluntarily initiated the issue of transferring the pe- ninsula to the Ukrainian SSR. This objectively contributed to the establishment of a historical justice. After all, Crimea, under the princely age, was under the inf­ luence of Kyivan princes for some time, and since then it has always been drawn to Ukraine both geographically, politically, and economically. From an economic point of view, during the postwar period, Crimea was bankrupt, and it was ne­ cessary to provide constant financial assistance. In order to help the situation, Ukraine was heavily investing in the Crimean economy for decades, pulling it out of bankruptcy. [Вольвач П. Чи став би Крим «орденом на грудях планети», якби не українські мозолі? (До 50-річчя приєднання Кримської області до України) [Текст] / Петро Вольвач // Кримська світлиця. – 2004. – № 7 (13 лют.)]. However, as the future showed, the Russian population of the peninsula pre- ferred not to notice these noble gestures of Ukraine.

Actually, the lack of delimitation of the border in the Azov-Kerch wa- ter area has almost led to a violent confrontation between Ukraine and Russia. The cause of the conflict was the in the , where, in October 2003, without any consultations with Ukraine, as bi- lateral agreements and international law require, the Russian authorities began the construction of a dam from the territory of the Krasnodar of the Russian Federation towards the island, which is an integral part of the Ukraine. Despite the demands of Kyiv to stop this construction, the work continued for several weeks. In response, the Ukrainian side has sharply increased the number of the border guards in Tuzla, which strengthened the island, worked out the tactic of repulsion of the attack from the sea, and began the construction of a border checkpoint. Oth- er necessary measures were taken to ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine. After a long-term abandonment of Russian leadership and the «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 9

The President of Russia, V. Putin, with one of the ideologists of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the RF, General V. Gerasimov. Photo made by A. Nikolsky, AFP

strange passivity of the ex- Leonid Kuchma, who in fact abandoned the solution of the “Tuzla crisis”, when there was less than a kilometer left to the Ukrainian island, Moscow, having understood the illegitimacy of its actions, eventually stopped the construction of the dam8. There is a rhetorical question: would Russia have dared to pro- voke a similar border conflict if Ukraine were a member of NATO? So far, the problems associated with the transfer of part of the for- eign ownership of the former USSR to Ukraine have not been solved because of the Russian side. For a long time in relations with our country, Russia has used Ukraine’s dependence on the supply of Russian gas and oil. This factor became more important bargaining chip of Kremlin’s pressure on Ukraine’s for- eign and domestic policy and threatened its state sovereignty. Actualiz-

8 Задорожній О. В. Міжнародне право в міждержавних відносинах України і Російської Федерації 1991–2014 [Текст] : моногр. / О. В. Задорожній ; Укр. асоц. міжнар. права, Ін-т міжнар. відносин Київ. нац. ун-ту ім. Тараса Шевченка. – К. : К.І.С., 2014. – С. 298– 316; Кравченко В. У чиєму рукаві опиниться козирна Тузла [Текст] / В. Кравченко // Дзеркало тижня. – 2003. – № 40. – 18 жовт.; Кульчицький С. До 350-ї річниці Переяславської Ради: геополітичні уроки Тузли [Текст] / С. Кульчицький // Дзеркало тижня. – 2004. – № 2. – 17 січ. 10 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ing its interests and influence in Ukraine, the Russian Federation tried to buy controlling shares of liquid Ukrainian enterprises, usually, in strategic branches of production, to take control of power distribution networks. Moscow made a lot of efforts, relying on the pro-Russian lob- by in the Ukrainian politics, to remove Ukraine from the processes of Euro­pean integration, for economic and political domination in the post- Soviet space. Russia didn’t disdain to interrupt in the internal affairs of the Ukrainian state, in particular during the elections of 2004. The highest point of Russia’s hostility towards Ukraine was the Rus- sian-Ukrainian war caused by Russia in 2014. At the same time, the aggessor country not only invaded the territory of Ukraine, but also annexed a part of it – the Crimean peninsula, which Russia officially declared its possession. Therefore, it is necessary to realize that, as the director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Volodymyr Horbu- lin, noted the military threat from Russia towards Ukraine will never disappear. Moreover, the probability of such a threat (and its tran- sition to the active phase) is the higher, the more unsuccessful Rus- sia’s other efforts to destabilize Ukraine are9. Finding a successful solu- tion to this complex set of problems doesn’t only determine the further Ukrainian-Russian relations, but also the future of Ukraine itself.

REVOLUTION OF DIGNITY AS A GEOPOLITICAL THREAT TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The consequences of the “Orange” team’s activities in 2005-2009 and the conflicts between its leaders, , and Yulia Tymo­ shenko, left a mixed impression on the Ukrainian society10. Democratic forces were demoralized and split. Therefore, the victory of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine in the presidential election of 2010 was predictable to some extent.

9 Горбулін В. Ціннісні ресурси війни і миру: український формат [Текст] / В. Горбулін / Cтратегічні пріоритети. – 2016. – № 3 (40). – С. 13. 10 As the result of the Orange Revolution in 2004, Viktor Yushchenko was elected as President of Ukraine and became Prime Minister (2005, 2007-2010). «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 11

The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yuliia Tymoshenko, before the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Kyiv, February 10, 2009

The new government was formed on the principle of a personal loyal- ty to Viktor Yanukovych, therefore, persons originating from the were appointed to most of the leading positions in the state. As a result of the process of usurpation of power, the dubious decision of the Con- stitutional Court, which declared unconstitutional the Law “On Amend- ments to the ” of December 8, 2004, No. 2222-IV (political reform of 2014)11 unconstitutional in connection with violation of the procedure for its consideration and approval, and the Consti- tution of 1996 of Ukraine was restored. As a result, Ukraine became a presi­dent-parliamentary republic again, and according to experts, the President received almost unlimited power. During the ruling of Viktor Yanukovych and the existence of the pro-presidential parliamentary majority and government, the power of one criminal-oligarchic corporate grouping – the “family” of Yanukovych, that is, his closest surrounding, was established in Ukraine. There was an overwhelming corruption, massive human rights violations, oppression of freedom of speech, arbitrary law enforcement, political persecution

11 More about this: Лазарович М. В. Разом нас багато... Тернопільський державний еко- номічний університет у контексті Української помаранчевої революції [Текст] / М. В. Лазарович. – Тернопіль : Економічна думка, 2005. – С. 220–226. 12 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of the opposition. Two main opponents Yulia Tymoshenko and a former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yurii Lutsenko were convicted un- der the direction of Viktor Yanukovych. According to various estimates of experts and law enforcement agencies, within incomplete four years of Yanukovych regime, the amount of money which were transferred out of the state and stolen from the country’s budget totaled 20 to 30 bil- lion U.S. dollars12. Such systemic robbery of the state assets, as well as private business by the authorities, has aggravated the socio-economic situation in Ukraine13. Even the massive loans, as a result of which during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych private lenders gave Ukraine 40 bil- lion U.S. dollars, did not help14. According to the World Bank, the Ukrainian economy was in state of stagnation with zero economic growth. During the first three years of Yanukovych’s regime, the state and state-guaran- teed debt increased by 63% – from 316.9 billion UAH to 516.4 billion UAH. The NBU’s gold and currency reserves decreased as well. Only during Sep- tember 2011 - December 2012 this reduction reached 35.9% – from 38.2 billion to 24.5 billion U.S. dollars15. The inflow of foreign direct investment slowed down. Thus, in January-October 2013, this indicator, in comparison with the analogical period of the previous year, decreased almost twofold and amounted to 1.27 billion. The arrears of the Ukrainian enterprises for loans, trade credits, and other liabilities to foreign direct investors as of

12 Режим Януковича вивів із України до $30 мільярдів – Петренко [Електронний ре- сурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 15 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. 13 According to People’s Deputy of Ukraine Oleksandr Onyshchenko, after Yanukovysh had been elected President of Ukraine his elder son took control of all large enterprises. At first, he wanted to receive 50% of their income and then even more. At the beginning he wanted to get only money, but from 2012 he demanded to transfer business ownership to his family. Members of Yanukovych’s inner circle were also insatiable and imposed taxes on small businessmen, owners of café, restourants, etc. [«Історія Онищенка» [Електро- нний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2018. – 24 квіт. – Режим доступу : politics/10093136-istoriya-onishchenka-povniy-pereklad-rozgromnoji-statti-die-welt-pro- korupciyu-poroshenka.html]. 14 Зануда А. Греція і кредитори: уроки для України [Електронний ресурс] / Анастасія Зануда // BBC Україна. – 2015. – 22 черв. – Режим доступу : ukrainian/business/2015/06/150622_greece_ukraine_debts_az. 15 Швайка М. А. Олігархічне розкрадання багатств України і пограбування народу – за- гроза її незалежності [Текст] / М. А. Швайка // Сучасні питання економіки і права. – 2013. – № 1. – С. 29. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 13

Picketing of the Administration of the President of Ukraine due to increasing censorship in the country

October 1, 2013, amounted to 10.403 billion U.S. dollars16. The delay in the payment of salaries to employees of the budgetary sphere became a widespread problem. At the same time, Yanukovych took the 3rd place in terms of the expenditures for the president of the country in the world, giving way only to the leaders of Russia and the United States. The offi- cial expenses for one working day of the President of Ukraine amounted to about 229 thousand U.S. dollars. That is, salaries of 675 Ukrainians with an average salary received per month17. The foreign policy course of Ukraine has undergone some substantial changes. Despite the pro-European rhetoric of the state leadership, it became more pro-Russian18. In particular, the refusal of Ukraine to join

16 Чистый приток инвестиций в Украину сократился вдвое [Электронный ресурс] // ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ. – 2013. – 14 нояб. – Режим доступа : ekonomika/novosti/chistyy-pritok-investitsiy-v-ukrainu-sokratilsya-vdvoe. 17 Янукович – найдорожчий президент Європи. На його утримання йде 229 тис. дол. на день [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2011. – 12 серп. – Режим доступу : https:// yogo-utrimannya-yde-229-tis-dol-na-den.html. 18 After V. Yanukovych’s suspension from the duties of the President of Ukraine, investigators of the Main Prosecutor’s Office concluded that his politics in the sphere of national security 14 Mykola LAZAROVYCH NATO was declared, its non-aligned status was legally fixed, the disloca- tion of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in Crimea was prolonged to 2042, etc19. However, such actions of the Russian Federation did not lead to the expected improvement of the Ukrainian-Russian relations. On the contrary, using the weakening of Ukrainian positions on the internation- al scene, the Russian Federation kept putting forward new demands for Ukraine, in particular, Russia’s control of the Ukrainian gas transporta- tion system and the entry of our country into the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, which came into force on January 1, 2010. Aspiring to subordinate Ukraine to its interests, Russia blocked the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the CIS coun- tries, restricting the access of Ukrainian goods to the Russian market, and contradicting the interests of Ukraine, built bypass gas pipelines to supply the Russian natural gas to Europe, which has only exacerbat- ed economic and political pressure on gas prices for Ukraine. Just after the abandonment of the European integration of Ukraine, the Russian leadership promised a commercial loan of 15 billion U.S. dollars to the President Viktor Yanukovych, as well as the abolition of trade barriers between Ukraine and Russia, and 30% discount on the purchase of Rus- sian gas20. This way, the Kremlin hoped to keep Ukraine in the sphere of its influence, and Viktor Yanukovych – to stay in power.

had been subservient to the Russian Federation. This was evidenced by orders signed by him, appointments of persons with Russian citizenship to the key posts, etc. Thus, actions of V. Yanukovych were classified as deliberate act to the detriment of sovereigny, territorial integrity, defence capacity, national and informational security of Ukraine [Звинувачення про державну зраду Януковича передано в суд – Луценко [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2017. – 14 бер. – Режим доступу : peredala-do-sudu-spravu-za-obvinuvachennyam-yanukovicha-u-derjzradi.html]. 19 Угода між Україною та Російською Федерацією з питань перебування Чорноморсько- го флоту Російської Федерації на території України [Електронний ресурс] // Центр -до слідження безпекового середовища «Прометей». – 2010. – 14 трав. – Режим доступу : 20 Вишинський А. Янукович «ліг» під Москву. Що взамін? [Електронний ресурс] / Андрій Вишинський, Вікторія Подолянец // Економічна правда. – 2013. – 17 груд. – Режим доступу :;Іваночко Я. Московські угоди: про що домовилися Путін і Янукович [Електронний ресурс] / Ярос- лав Іваночко // – 2013. – 18 груд. – Режим доступу : za_shcho_yanukovych_prodav_putinu_ukrainu_36188.html; Сколотяний Ю. 15 мільяр- дів [Текст] / Юрій Сколотяний // Дзеркало тижня. – 2013. – 20–27 груд. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 15

V. Yanukovych and V. Putin. Photo of UNIAN

Violations of democratic norms, as well as an excessive concentra- tion of power in the hands of President V. Yanukovych and his “family”, the establishment of a system of governance built on the principle of personal devotion had become one of the main causes of mass protests which took place in fall of 2013 – early 2014, which were later named the Revolution of Dignity. Its beginning was due to the change of the political leadership of the country from the legally established course on Euro­pean integration and the subsequent counteraction to this course. Hence, on November 21, 2013, a few days before the Summit in Vilnius, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to sus- pend the preparation process for the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union21. At the same day, in response to such actions, protests began, and have spread significantly after November 28-29, when at the Summit of the Heads of State in Vilnius the Presi­dent of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, prompted by Russia’s continuous political and economic pressure on Ukraine, did not sign the Agreement of an association between Ukraine and the EU22, as well as because of the

21 Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України «Питання укладання Угоди про асоціацію між Україною, з однієї сторони, та Європейським Союзом, Європейським Співтовари- ством з атомної енергії і їх державами – членами, з іншої сторони». 21 листопада 2013 р. № 905-р [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : show/905-2013-р. 22 Янукович не підписав угоду про асоціацію з ЄС [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2013. – 29 лист. – Режим доступу : 16 Mykola LAZAROVYCH forced dispersal of the Maidan in Kyiv on the night of November 29- 30, when employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (MVS) severely beat the students23. As a result, protests have become massive and spread from the capital throughout Ukraine. From the beginning of an active phase of the confrontation, the protesters had rather a peace- ful nature of the protests. These protests were taking place in the form of “Maidans”, rallies, demonstrations, student strikes, etc. The Indepen- dence Square in Kyiv became a main focus of the resistance. The protest movement was led by the leaders of the parliamentary fractions such as UDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform) – Vitalii Klychko, All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivshchyna” – Arsenii Yatseniuk, and All- Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” – Oleh Tiahnybok. The impetus of the radicalization of the confrontation was the adop- tion of so-called dictatorial laws by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on January 16, which restricted the rights of citizens, providing the autho­ rities with a greater freedom of action in the punishment of protesters and aimed at criminalizing the opposition and civil society24. On January 19, a confrontation began on M. Hrushevskyi Street in Kyiv between the units of the Internal Troops and the Special Forces “Berkut” of the Min- istry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and part of the demonstrators, which grew into a long-lasting battle with the use of various types of cold weap- ons, including stones and “Molotov cocktails” (bottles with a combusti- ble mixture). Authority power structures were widely using smooth-bore firearms. Moreover, Ukrainian authorities started massively using the so- called “titushky”for the use of physical force and participation in massive battles, in particular to prevent opposition activists and to take action against street protests: provocations, arson, intimidation, beatings and dispersal of demonstrations, influence on the electoral process, etc. The term appeared in May 2013 and comes from the surname of an athlete Vadim Titushko and refers to mercenaries from civilians, often lumpe- nized criminal elements, young people, including athletes, which were

23 30 листопада: побиття студентів на Майдані стало переломним моментом [Електрон- ний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2016. – 30 лист. – Режим доступу : rubric-society/2130402-30-listopada-pobitta-studentiv-na-majdani-stalo-perelomnim- momentom.html. 24 Янукович «узаконив» диктатуру [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 17 січ. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 17

A. Yatseniuk, O. Tiahnybok, V. Klychko

taken by law enforcement agencies for the purpose of attacks on peace- ful protesters. The titushky were often using firearms, interacting with the soldiers of the paramilitary units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, together with them used cruel methods against protestors, including abduction, torture, and murder. The greatest aggravation of the events on Maidan in Kyiv occurred on February 18-20, 2014, when about one hundred people, mostly protes­ ters, died. All those who died defending the constitutional principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms during the Revolution of Digni- ty symbolically were named the “Heavenly Hundred” and posthumously awarded the title of the Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Golden Star. The youngest Hero of the Heavenly Hundred was the 17-year-old student Nazar Voitovych from , and the oldest – 83-year-old re- tired officer Ivan Nakonechnyi from Kyiv.(According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine, February 20th is annually celebrated in Ukraine as the Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred). On February 21, 2014, opposition leaders signed an agreement with Viktor Yanukovych to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. This agreement pro- vided the restoration of the Constitution of Ukraine in the wording of 2004 and the formation of a new coalition government, constitutional reform, and required an extraordinary presidential elections to be held before December 2014, the adoption of new electoral legislation and the election of a new Cental Election Committee, as well as the investigation 18 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of numerous violent incidents. The agreement was certified by signatures of the ministers of foreign affairs (MFA) of Poland and Germany and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France25; Russian rep- resentative neglected the signing of the deal.

Battles on the barricades. Kyiv, February 18, 2014.

Demonstrators were against the deal, demanding early resignation of the President. On the morning of February 22, Yanukovych disappeared from Kyiv26. On the same day, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adop­ted the Resolution on the removal of the President of Ukraine from the con-

25 Опозиція і Янукович підписали угоду про врегулювання кризи в Україні [Електро- нний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2014. – 21 лют. – Режим доступу : News/102759; Угода про врегулювання кризи в Україні [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 21 лют. – Режим доступу : articles/2014/02/21/7015533/. 26 According to the survailance cameras from the private residence of the President of Ukraine, Yanukovych started the preparation of his escape (as it turned out soon, to Russia) on February 19, thus, conducting the negotiations between authority and opposition he was also managing the removal of treasures, antiques, etc. [Оприлюднено нове відео евакуації Януковича з «Межигір’’я»: цінності вивозили три дні [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 12 бер. – Режим доступу : evakuaciyi-yanukovicha-z-mezhigir-ya-cinnosti-vivozili-tri-dni-139461_.html]. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 19 stitutional powers and the appointment of an extraordinary election of the President of Ukraine, which dismissed Viktor Yanukovych from ful- filling the duties of the President of Ukraine and appointed an extraordi- nary election of the President of Ukraine on May 25, 2014. Subsequent- ly, he and a number of other Ukrainian officials were declared wanted within the framework of criminal case for the massacre of the numerous civilians. On February 23, 2014, the Ukrainian parliament, in accordance with Article #112 of the Constitution of Ukraine, adopted the Resolution to appoint Oleksandr Turchynov27 as the President of Ukraine, who, on the eve of the election, was elected as the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine28 instead of Volodymyr Rybak, who resigned from this posi- tion. The same year, on February 27, the Ukrainian parliament appointed Arsenii Yatseniuk as the head of the government. During May-October 2014, extraordinary presidential and parlia­ mentary elections took place in Ukraine. On May 25, at the presidential elections won in the first round and was supported by 54.70% of voters29. According to the results of the extraordinary par- liamentary elections that took place on October 26, the ruling coalition “European Ukraine” in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VIІІ convocation formed representatives of five political forces: the People’s Front, the Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc “Solidarity” (BPP), the Self Reliance Party, the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko and “Batkivshchyna”. On November 27, 2014, Volodymyr Hroisman, the representative of the BPP “Solidarity”, is elected as the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, and Arsenii Yatseniuk, the leader of the People’s Front, was approved as the head of the govern­ ment. However, a parliamentary and governmental crisis had already be-

27 Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про самоусунення Президента України від ви- конання конституційних повноважень та призначення позачергових виборів Прези- дента України». 22 лютого 2014 р. № 757-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : 28 Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про покладення на Голову Верховної Ради Укра- їни виконання обов’язків Президента України згідно із статтею 112 Конституції Укра- їни». 23 лютого 2014 р. № 764-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http:// 29 ЦВК опрацювала 100% голосів, Порошенко набрав 54,70% [Електронний ресурс] // ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ. – 2014. – 29 трав. – Режим доступу : news/ostann_dan_tsvk_opratsovano_80_10_golos_v. 20 Mykola LAZAROVYCH gan in February 2016 in Ukraine, as a result of which after the depar - ture of the Self Reliance Party, the radical party of Oleh Liashko and “Batkivshchyna” from the ruling coalition, the “European Ukraine” ceased to exist, and the prime mi­ nister of Ukraine A. Yatseniuk an- nounced about his resignation. On April 14, 2016, a new parliamenta- ry majority elected Andrii Parubii, a representative of the “People’s Front”, as a chairman of the Ver­ khovna Rada, and appointed a new Cabinet of Ministers headed by Volodymyr Hroisman. One of the main results of the victory of the Revolution of Dignity and the coming power of democratic forces in Ukraine was the Association Agreement signed between the European Union and Ukraine30. It was synchronously ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Eu- ropean Parliament on September 16, 2014. On June 11, 2017, citizens of Ukraine who had biometric passports received the right to visa-free en- try into the EU countries and members of the Schengen zone outside the European Union31. Moreover, other important measures of the Ukrainian authorities which were implemented included the introduction of the process of compulsory electronic declaration of property and funds by state officials, which should have become an effective control over the

30 Угода про асоціацію [Електронний ресурс] // Євроінтеграційний портал. – 2017. – 20 верес. – Режим доступу : 31 Це історичний день для України та Євросоюзу – Президент взяв участь в церемонії підписання документу про запровадження безвізового режиму з ЄС [Електронний ресурс] // Президент України: офіційне інтернет-представництво. – 2017. – 17 трав. – Режим доступу : ta-yevrosoyuzu-prezident-vz-41422; Безвізовий режим для громадян України: все, що потрібно знати для подорожі до країн ЄС [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство за- кордонних справ України. – 2017. – 21 квіт. – Режим доступу : news-feeds/foreign-offices-news/56557-bezvizovij-rezhim-dlya-gromadyan-ukrajini-vse- shho-potribno-znati-dlya-podorozhi-do-krajin-jes. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 21 incomes and expenses of officials, judges, prosecutors and law enforce- ment officers; the creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP), designed to neutralize corruption in the government; replacement of the local police by the National Police; the adoption of the Law on the Conviction of the Communist and National-Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and the Prohibition of the of Their Sym- bols, according to which the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine renamed certain settlements and regions of Ukraine, in particular, Dnipropetrovsk City to

In the opinion of the well-known Ukrainian lawyer-internationalist, diplomat, professor Volodymyr Vasylenko, Russia has been for a long time carrying out a special operation against Ukraine, with dominating three key imperatives: 1) Resistance to Ukraine’s integration policy in the Western direction, since its membership in NATO and the EU makes the very idea of the revival of the Russian (under the mask Eurasian) neo-empire unfeasible; 2) The elimination of everything Ukrainian within and outside of Russia, since only the destruction of Ukrainian identity can become a prerequisite for the crea­ tion and guarantee of the existence of such an empire; 3) Constant maintenance of a state of controlled chaos in Ukraine and supporting separatist movements aimed at weakening state institutions, dismembering the country and destroying its statehood [Василенко В. А. Російсько-українська війна 2014 року: причини, перебіг та політико-правові оцінки [Текст] / В. А. Василенко // Український тиждень. – 2014. – № 42 (362). – С. 29]. It is clear that in an effort to restore the status of “great power”, Russia is not limited to the destabilization of Ukraine only. In defining the goal of the Kremlin in the regions adjoining the Russian Federation, Russian military-political expert Yurii Fedorov said: the neo-imperial forces in Russia, firstly, want to create a belt from the countries of the former , which should become an obsta- cle to the enlargement of the European Union and NATO. Second, Moscow is developing scenarios and methods of restoration of its domination in countries that once belonged to the “social camp” [Кравченко В. Росія розгойдує ситуацію в Південно-Східній Європі [Текст] / Володимир Кравченко // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – № 24–25 (23 черв. – 6 лип.)]. Therefore, in order to strengthen its influence both in neighboring countries and throughout the world, Russian leadership actively uses all means to create insta- bility, such as the energy dependence on Russia, the corruption of political elites, interference in internal affairs, the use of information as a weapon, etc. 22 Mykola LAZAROVYCH , Dniprodzerzhynsk city in Dnipropetrovsk region was renamed to Kamiansk, the city of Tsiurupinsk in Kherson region – to the city of Oleshky, the city of Kirovograd – to Kropyvnytskyi. Due to the propa- ganda of war and violence, and other numerous criminal activities, the Communist Party of Ukraine was banned by the Ukrainian court. On Au- gust 24, 2016, Ukraine celebrated its 25th anniversary of Independence! Consequently, with the victory of the Revolution of Dignity and the change of power in Kyiv, Russia’s influence on Ukraine has drastically diminished. This contradicted the geopolitical strategy of the Russian Federation, which, in order to achieve the status of “great power”, had to keep Ukraine in the sphere of its interests. Therefore, the Kremlin radi­ calized actions aimed at destabilizing Ukraine. He continued his usual long-term policy of demonstration of its brutal force. At this time, the “educational” goal should have been a demonstration of the return of Ukraine to the Russian orbit, in order to strengthen the imperial course and end the revolutionary threat, as well as for the purpose of intimi- dation of the rest of the post-Soviet countries. The largest “edu­cational tool” of the Kremlin in relation to Ukraine was the Holodomor of 1932- 193332, which resulted in the death of up to 10 million Ukrainians.

INVASIVE ANNEXATION OF CRIMEA BY RUSSIA On February 27, 2014, Russian special armed forces, positioning them- selves as “polite people” (they were also called “little green men” because of the color of their uniforms) in unmarked uniforms began an occupation of the Autonomous (ARC), motivating their actions with the “Protection of the Russian-speaking population”. They seized the premises of the Verkhovna Rada and the Council of Ministers of the ARC and began to block the military units of the Crimean group of the . The Crimean group was disoriented by the fact that Russian military units, following the instructions of their command- er-in-chief V. Putin, placed themselves behind the civilian population33, and

32 More about this: Лазарович М. В. І було пекло на землі… Голодомор 1932–1933 років в Україні: передумови, механізми здійснення, наслідки [Текст] / М. В. Лазарович. – Тернопіль : Джура, 2008. – 620 с.: іл. 33 Путин: Наши войска станут позади женщин и детей. Пусть они попробуют в них стрелять [Электронный ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2014. – 4 мар. – Режим доступа : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 23 also turned out to be better-prepared forces, so they did not have to use weapons for a defeat. In order to justify the actions of the aggressor country in Ukraine, President Putin on March 1, 2014, appealed to the Russian parliament with a proposal to authorize the use of the Armed Forces of the Rus- sian Federation in Ukraine. On the same day, the proposal was adopt- ed34 (for a long time Putin has denied the fact that in the winter and spring of 2014, Russia had illegally brought its troops into the Crimean peninsula, and replied on the question of weapons and uniforms that local self-defense had bought them in the military store Voentorg35). On March 16, occupants held a “referendum” on the status of Crimea36, during which, according to them, 96.77% of population of Crimea and voted for the reunification of the respective territories with jenschin_i_deteyi_pust_oni_poprobuyut_v_nih_strelyat_video; Путин – журналистке: «Меня не беспокоит война» [Электронный ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2014. – 4 мар. – Режим доступа : bespokoit_voyina. 34 Росія оголосила Україні війну [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 1 берез. – Режим доступу : 35 Путін вперше визнав, що «зелені чоловічки» – його військові [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : news/2014/04/17/7022770/; Путін: Ми не говорили, що на Донбасі немає наших лю- дей з військової сфери [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2015. – 17 груд. – Режим доступу : 36 Russian leaders had been stated for a long time that the “referendum” was carried out by the local “authority”. However, on July 17, 2018 during the joint press conference of the U.S. President, D. Trump, and the President of the RF, V. Putin in Helsinki city (Finland) the last one let out and claimed: “We carried out the referendum [in Crimea – M.L.] in full con- formity with the international law” [Трамп не визнав анексію Криму на зустрічі з Путі- ним [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 16 лип. – Режим доступу:]. Therefore, V. Putin admitted that violating international and Ukrainian laws Russian had carried out the refe­ rendum in foreign country. However, when the Kremlin had realized Putin’s thoughtlessness they removed all reference to the fact of Russian involvement in the organization of referen- dum in Crimea from the transcript of his speech [У Кремлі спотворили фразу Путіна про референдум в Криму [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 18 лип. – Режим доступу :]. However, other evidence of Putin’s admission of guilt are still available, in particular, the video that would be used by Ukrainian diplomats and lawyers in drafting international court claims. 24 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

“Little green men” are capturing Crimea the Russian Federation37. The next day, the Verkhovna Rada of the ARC proclaimed the independence of the “Republic of Crimea,” and on March 18, the President of Russia, together with the self-proclaimed authorities of Crimea and Sevastopol, signed the Treaty on the Accession of the Re- public of Crimea to Russia. On March 21, the Federation Council of Rus- sia adopted laws on ratification of the Treaty which was signed on March 18, and the formation of new subjects of the federation - the “Republic of Crimea” and “the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol”38, formal- ly consolidating the annexation of these regions by Russia. In addition to Ukraine, many leading international organizations and countries around the world spoke up against the seizure of the Crime- an peninsula by the Russian Federation. Thus, on March 27, 2014, the UN General Assembly declared its support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the recognition of Crimea and Sevastopol as integral parts of Ukraine39. On April 9, the annexation of Crimea by Russia was con-

37 Вхождение Республики Крым в состав России [Электронный ресурс] // Государ- ственная Дума: официальный сайт. – 2014. – Режим доступа : node/1/4980/20026. 38 Вхождение Республики Крым в состав России… 39 Резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН «Територіальна цілісність України» [Електро- нний ресурс] // Центр дослідження безпекового середовища «Прометей». – 2014. – 27 берез. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 25 demned by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Russian troops from the peninsula40. On July 1, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) urged OSCE member states “to refuse to recognize the forced annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation”41. Repeated convictions and non-recognition of the illegal occupation of Crimea, in particular from March 2 and 17, April 1, September 5, December 2, 2014, were declared by NATO42. A number of countries, such as the United States, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and others, not only condemned the occupation of the Crimean peninsula and did not recognize the results of the pseudo-referendum, but also joined the international sanctions against Russia initiated by the European Union. The first and second stages of these sanctions began on March 6 and 17, respectively, and en- visaged: the suspension of the negotiation process between the EU and the Russian Federation on the relaxation of the visa regime and a new partnership agreement; the actual exclusion of Russia from the G-843; Individual sanctions against a number of persons involved in the Rus-

40 ПАРЄ засудила Росію за приєднання Криму – резолюція [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 9 квіт. – Режим доступу : world/3346943-parie-zasudyla-rosiui-za-pryiednannia-krymu-rezoluitsiia. 41 ОБСЄ офіційно звинуватила Росію в окупації України [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 1 лип. – Режим доступу : zvynuvatyla_rosiyu_v_okupatsii_ukrainy_72501.html. 42 Офіційні тексти [Електронний ресурс] // Організація Північноатлантичного дого- вору. – 2014. – Режим доступу : htm?query=&date_from=&date_to=&sort=date:D:S:d1&start=20; Діяльність Комісії Україна − НАТО (хронологія найважливіших подій 2014 року) [Електронний ресурс] // Зовнiшнi справи. – 2014. – 29 квіт. – Режим доступу : ekspertna-dumka/view/article/dijalnist-komisiji-ukrajina-nato-khronologija-naivazhl/; Мартинюк В. Невійськова допомога НАТО Україні в умовах агресії Росії [Електронний ресурс] / Віталій Мартинюк // УНЦПД. – 2015. – 20 серп. – Режим доступу : http:// dopomoga-nato-ukra-n-v-umovah-agres-ros&catid=8&Itemid=201&lang=ua; Окупований Крим в умовах санкцій і блокади в 2014–2016 роках [Електронний ресурс] : щорічна доповідь Фонду «Майдан закордонних справ» / за заг. ред. Б. Яременка. – К., 2017. – 107 с. – Режим доступу : 5cdueheopnzh.pdf. 43 “Group of eight”, G8 refers to the international group of the parliaments of higly developed countries (the U.S.A., Japan, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy) and Russia. 26 Mykola LAZAROVYCH sian aggression against Ukraine, which were banned from entering the EU territory and their assets abroad were frozen. On April 28, 2014, the United States imposed additional sanctions against the Russian Federa- tion, in particular, freezing the assets of 17 companies which had a close relation to the President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin, and banned the supply of high-tech products to Russia44, which could be used for the military purposes.

Signing of Budapest memorandum (from left to right): B. Yeltsin (Russia), B. Klinton (USA), L. Kuchma (Ukraine), J. Major (Great Britain). Budapest (Hungary), December 5, 1994

44 Шаповал Ю. І. Міжнародні санкції та їхні наслідки для фінансового ринку РФ [Текст] / Ю. І. Шаповал // Вісник Інституту економіки та прогнозування. – 2016. – С. 72–83; Два роки санкцій: Хто і як пресує Путіна. Історія санкційного впливу на російські компаніїї, а також на російських, кримських, сепаратистсько-терористичних високопосадовців [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2016. – 17 бер. – Режим доступу : https://www.; Хара О. Санкційний зашморг для Кремля [Електронний ресурс] / Олександр Хара // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 12 груд. – Режим доступу : sankciyniy-zashmorg-dlya-kremlya-_.html; Данилишин Б. Новий етап санкцій. Чому варто вчитися у США [Електронний ресурс] / Богдан Данилишин // Новое время. – 2017. – 16 квіт. – Режим доступу : sanktsij-chomu-varto-vchitisja-u-ssha-2464368.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 27 More serious measures of influence on the Russian Federation, which by its actions actually destroyed the system of the world order, built after the Second World War, were impossible due to the imperfection of the international mechanism of the decision-making. Any attempts to adopt any resolution on condemning the Russian aggression at the UN Security Council were immediately blocked by Russia45 as a permanent member of this international permanent body, the decision of which is binding on all UN members. For these same reasons, the mechanism of the Memorandum on Security Assurance in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons46 of 1994 regarding respect for the independence, sovereignty, and borders of the Ukrainian state was not implemented.

ESCALATION OF THE CONFLICT IN EASTERN UKRAINE The destabilization of Ukraine was not limited solely to the anne­ xation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In March-April 2014, se- ries of movements, known as the “Russian Spring”, were planned and conducted by the Russian intelligence services in the Eastern, Central and Southern regions of Ukraine, primarily in cities such as Dnipropetro- vsk (now Dnipro), Donetsk, Kharkiv, Odessa, Luhansk. The participants of the movement stood up for the separation of the South and East from Ukraine and the joining of these regions to Russia, holding a referendum on the federal system of Ukraine, granting the status of a second state language to the , spoke against the new Ukrainian go­ vernment, and so on. Contrary to these actions, the pro-Ukrainian forces of the region took measures to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its state system. There were clashes between the participants of the opposing camps, which were sometimes accompanied by numerous

45 Сірук М. Як оминути вето Росії в Раді Безпеки ООН [Текст] / Микола Сірук // День. – 2015. – № 133. – 29 лип.; Костриба О. Як Росія використовує членство в Радбезі ООН [Електронний ресурс] / Олександр Костриба // Тиждень.ua. – 2017. – 18 груд. – Режим доступу : 46 Меморандум про гарантії безпеки у зв’язку з приєднанням України до Договору про нерозповсюдження ядерної зброї [Електронний ресурс] // Центр дослідження безпекового середовища «Прометей». – 1994. – 5 груд. – Режим доступу : https:// 28 Mykola LAZAROVYCH victims. For example, on May 2, as a result of confrontation and a fire in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which occurred after an armed separatist attack on the rally for the unity of Ukraine, 48 people were killed and more than 200 needed to appeal for a medical assistance47. The greatest escalation of violence took place in the Donbas region, where on March 1, 2014, the adherents of the “Russian Spring” raised Russian flags above the Donetsk and Luhansk regional state adminis- trations buildings. Since April, armed groups of Russian and pro-Russian activists provoked and organized by the reconnaissance and subversive units of the Russian Federation, using weapons, began to seize admini­ strative buildings and police stations in the cities. Hence, on April 6, mili- tants took control of the premises of the Donetsk Regional State Admin- istration; from April 12 till 14, they have also seized administrative insti- tutions in settlements such as , , Artemivsk (now ), Lyman, , Yenakiievo, , , , Khartsyzsk, , Kirovske (now Khrestivka) in Donetsk region. From April 28 till May 2, similar events took place in the cities of Stanit- sia Luhanska, Luhansk, (now Khrustalnyi), Pervomaisk, , , Sverdlovsk (now Dovzhansk), Stakhanov (now Ka- diivka) in Luhansk region. On April 7 and 27, the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk republics” (“DPR” and “LPR” respectively) were proclaimed, the purpose of which was to disguise the aggression of the Russian Fede­ ration as allegedly a “civil war”48. On May 11, pseudo-referendums on the independence of the “DPR” and “LPR” were conducted in separate regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO) under the control of the Russian special services. According to their data, 89,07% and 96,2% of citizens respectively voted for independence49. These puppet “states”,

47 Тріппе К. Три роки з дня трагедії в Одесі: досі в очікуванні результатів розслідування [Електронний ресурс] / Крістіан Ф. Тріппе // Deutsche Welle. – 2017. – 2 трав. – Режим доступу :три-роки-з-дня-трагедії-в-одесі-досі-в-очікуванні-ре- зультатів-розслідування/a-38612346. 48 Лазарович М. В. Російсько-українська війна (2014–2017 роки) [Текст] : короткий нарис / Микола Лазарович. – Івано-Франківськ : Лілея-НВ, 2017. – С. 29–31. 49 Референдум 11 мая в Донецке и Луганске: все события [Электронный ресурс] // Кор- респондент.net. – 2014. – 11 мая. – Режим доступа : politics/3361134-referendum-11-maia-v-donetske-y-luhanske-vse-sobytyia; Жолудь О. «Народні Республіки»: Імітація Держави [Електронний ресурс] / Олександр Жо- лудь // VoxUkraine. – 2016. – 28 квіт. – Режим доступу : https://archive.voxukraine. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 29 political and military management, armaments and financing of which is carried out by the Russian Federation50, are recognized as terrorist organizations in Ukraine51. 23 officers of the GRU of the RF, who, according to Valentyn Nalyvaic- henko52, the Head of the SBU, were arrested by the Ukrainian security forc- es by mid-April 2014, became a proof that anti-Ukrainian actions, sabo­ tage, and subversive activities and mass riots in Ukraine were provoked and organized by the representatives and reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Main Intelligence Unit (GRU), the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This information is backed up by the personalities of some prominent representatives of the so-called “DPR” authority. In particular, from May 16 to August 7, 2014, the head of the “council of ministers” of the self-proclaimed “republic” was Aleksandr Borodai, a Russian citizen, Major-General of the FSB, a spe-

org/2016/04/28/narodni-respubliky-ua/; Башинская А. Три года спустя: жители Дон- басса проклинают сепаратистский «референдум» [Электронный ресурс] / Анна Ба- шинская // Публичные люди. – 2017. – 11 мая. – Режим доступа : tri-goda-spustya-zhiteli-donbassa-proklinayut-separatistskij-referendum/. 50 According to the former deputy of the State Duma of the RF Ilya Ponomarev, Russia’s annual expenses on “DPR and LPR” established at 2 billion USD [Пономарев И. Пути- ну предлагали другой план захвата Крыма, а главарей ДНР-ЛНР пустят в расход – экс-депутат Госдумы Пономарев [Электронный ресурс] / Илья Пономарев ; Алек- сандр Куриленко // – 2016. – 4 нояб. – Режим доступа : ua/758075/putinu-predlagali-drugoy-plan-zahvata-kryma-a-glavarey-dnr-lnr-pustyat-v- rashod-eks-deputat-gosdumy-ponomarev/]. 51 Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про Звернення Верховної Ради України до Ор- ганізації Об’єднаних Націй, Європейського Парламенту, Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи, Парламентської Асамблеї НАТО, Парламентської Асамблеї ОБСЄ, Пар- ламентської Асамблеї ГУАМ, національних парламентів держав світу про визнання Російської Федерації державою-агресором». 27 січня 2015 р. № 129-VIII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :; ГПУ визнала терористичними організаціями самопроголошені ДНР та ЛНР [Електронний ре- сурс] // УНІАН. – 2014. – 16 трав. – Режим доступу : politics/918854-gpu-viznala-teroristichnimi-organizatsiyami-samoprogolosheni-dnr-ta- lnr.html; Суд давно визнав ДНР і ЛНР терористичними організаціями [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2015. – 16 лют. – Режим доступу : 52 В Україні заарештовані 23 офіцери ГРУ Росії – Наливайченко [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 16 квіт. – Режим доступу : ukraine/politics/3350305-v-ukraini-zaareshtovani-23-ofitsery-hru-rosii-nalyvaichenko. 30 Mykola LAZAROVYCH cialist in provoking interethnic conflicts, and one of the ideologists of an anti-Ukrainian movement, a participant of the Russian occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. On May 17, 2014, at press conference in Donetsk, he stated that “the DPR authorities were preparing an appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with a request to join Russia or to deploy Russian military bases on its territory.” In August 2015, he became a head of the terrorist organization called “Union of Vol- unteers of Donbas” established in Russia53. From May 16 to August 14, 2014 the Minister of Defense of the “DPR” was Igor Strelkov (birth surname – Girkin), a Russian citizen, who is a Colonel of the GRU – General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as a supporter of the monarchical views and ideology of the White Movement. During March to April 2014, along with govern- ing a terrorist group, he was engaged in sabotage and subversive activi- ties and organization of massive unrest in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk regions. According to the SBU, I. Strel­kov received a direct order from Moscow to launch a large-scale sabotage operation on the mainland of Ukraine in early April 201454. In an interview with the Russian newspaper “Zavtra”, he said that his ac- tions had played a decisive role in the resurgence of events in the Don- bas into an armed confrontation55, which until then the opposing sides had been trying to avoid. was the “first deputy” of the “chairman” of the “Council of Ministers” on the power issues of the self-proclaimed “DPR” from July 10 to September 23. Vladimir Antyfeyev is a Russian citizen, Lieutenant-General of the Police, and a professor of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences. He was an active participant in the suppression of the national liberation movement in Latvia in 1991, because of which he was included to the international search list for 10 years. He was also a Minister of the State Security of the self-proclaimed Pridnestrovian Mol- davian Republic (PMR) from 1992 to 2012. Together with governing his terrorist group, he participated in the Russian occupation of the Autono-

53 Лазарович М. Російсько-українська війна (2014–2017 роки)... – С. 31–32. 54 Ibid. – С. 32 – 33. 55 Стрелков И. И. «Кто ты, «Стрелок»?» [Текст] / И. И. Стрелков ; А. А. Проханов // Завтра. – 2014. – 20 нояб. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 31 mous Republic of Crimea. He was dismissed both from the “PMR” and the “DPR” due to the abuse of power56. A Russian citizen Alexander Lentsov, a Lieutenant General, was among the leaders of the Russian terrorist formations in the city of De- baltseve, in Donetsk region in early February 2015. He is an active depu­ ty commander of the Land Forces of the . How- ever, on the footages of video of one collaborative Internet resource, he was identified as “one of the commanders of the police unit of the LPR”. On March 24, the same year, A. Lentsov, a former colonel general, represented the Russian Federation in a “Joint Center for Control and Coordination” of the cease-fire regime in Donbas region57. In order to prevent the invasion of the Russian sabotage troops de- ployed in Donbas region, residents of Dnipropetrovsk, and Kharkiv region began to build checkpoints on entrances to administra- tive centers and key settlements in the regions58. At the same time, the protection of objects of state and communal property was strengthened. In effort to overcome the terrorist threat organized by the Russian intelligence services in Eastern regions of Ukraine and to preserve the territorial integrity of the country, the Ukrainian authorities announced the launch of an anti-terrorist operation (ATO) on April 13, 2014, to which Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) were involved in order to strength- en the law enforcement59. On May 6, the same year a decree “On par- tial mobilization” was issued by the President of Ukraine and approved by the Law of Ukraine60. Gradually, the confrontation grew into a real

56 Лазарович М. Російсько-українська війна (2014–2017 роки)... – С. 33. 57 Ibid. – С. 34. 58 Кліковка Г. Від непроханих гостей [Текст] / Ганна Кліковка // Сільські Вісті. – 2014. – 11 квіт.; На під’їздах до Мелітополя завершується облаштування блокпостів [Електро- нний ресурс] // Запорізька облдержадміністрація: офіційний сайт. – 2014. – 24 лист. – Режим доступу : 59 Яровий К. Поняття та ознаки території проведення антитерористичної операції [Текст] / Кирило Яровий // Национальный юридический журнал: теория и практика. – 2017. – № 3 (15). – С. 66–69. 60 Указ Президента України «Про часткову мобілізацію». 6 травня 2014 р. № 454/2014 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : show/454/2014; Закон України «Про затвердження Указу Президента України «Про часткову мобілізацію». 6 травня 2014 р. № 1240-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : 32 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Russian-Ukrainian war61, which Ukrainian and international experts de- scribed as hybrid warfare from the Russian side. Any diplomatic attempts to regulate the Russian-Ukrainian conflict were not successful. Thus, on April 17, 2014, a number of agreements were reached as a result of the Geneva talks which took place in Geneva, Switzerland with the participation of four leaders of the foreign policy departments of Ukraine, the EU, the USA, and Russia. They envisaged the disarming of illegal formations, the release of captured buildings, streets, squares, and other public places. All protesters who have not committed serious crimes are guaranteed amnesty. In addition, the par- ties committed themselves to refrain from violence, intimidation or other provocative actions. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) had the support of the Ukrainian authorities and local communi- ties in implementing these measures aimed at de-escalation of the situ- ation62. However, as it turned out, only the last agreement on the OSCE SMM was completed, which, in the course of the Russian-Ukrainian war, established more or less effective activity.

HYBRID RUSSIAN WAR AGAINST UKRAINE Russia via attenuation of the Ukrainian authorities, caused by the Revolution of Dignity and escape of Yanukovych, has taken several steps to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence. Without formally de- claring the beginning of the military actions and even publicly denying its participation and the connection with the militants, Russia activat- ed so-called hybrid war, also known as the “war of controlled chaos” against Ukraine. The main object of this war is the consciousness of citizens – in aggressor’s country as well as the country which is a vic- tim; weapons include everything from lethal weapons and drones to messages on social networks.

61 Президент Естонії: досить евфемізмів, те, що коїться в Україні – це війна [Електро- нний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 2 черв. – Режим доступу : https:// 62 Повний текст заяви за підсумками переговорів у Женеві з українського питання [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Деркало тижня. – 2014. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : POLITICS/povniy-tekst-zayavi-za-pidsumkami-peregovoriv-u-zhenevi-z-ukrayinskogo- pitannya-141885_.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 33

People are digging trenches to prevent the invasion of Russian subversive detachments. Mariupol, August 2014. Photo of AFP

This war is a symbiosis of classical, partisan-terrorist, information- al-psychological and cybernetic wars and to a certain extent reminds of the Bolshevik tactics of the struggle against Ukraine formations of 1917-1921, in particular, the instigation of alternative territorial entities that are not under the control of the legitimate authorities within the state. According to a number of political experts, the year of 2014 was not the actual beginning of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine, but its continuation. Like that, Yevhenii Mahda noticed the debut of such actions in the “Tuzla crisis” which happened in the autumn of 2003, when Russia resorted to the illegal construction of a dam from the Krasnodar Territory of Russia towards the Ukrainian island of Tuzla, its continuation – in a constant reminder by the Russian officials to the West, that Ukraine is a failed state; in the gas wars of 2006 and 2009, designed to demonstrate the unreliability of Ukraine as gas transit; in the “third force” factor during the , when unknown persons were firing from firearms both, representatives of security forces and protesters63.

63 Магда Є. В. Гібридна війна: вижити і перемогти [Текст] / Є. В. Магда. – Харків : Віват, 2015. – С. 40, 227, 265. 34 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Kirill (V. Gundyayev), the Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church, awarded the Church Orders leading propagandists of the RF: D. Kiselyov, the Head of the international news agency “Rossiya Segodnya” (on the left), and O. Dobrodeev, the Director-General of the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (on the right). Moscow, December 22, 2014. Photo from

In fact, components of the hybrid war were present in the actions of Muscovia/Russia concerning Ukraine at least since the conclusion of the interstate Ukrainian-Moscow agreement of the year 1654. In the Krem- lin, they were always saying one thing, but doing the opposite. Verbally, they supported the legitimately elected Ukrainian authorities, but on the other side, to split the society, funded the rebellious opposition. From each of its line, the Ukrainian history talks about the Moscovites/Rus- sians’ hostility towards us and their suppression towards any aspirations of Ukraine for independence. However, for a long time, most Ukrainians have preferred to remain silent about this. As a result, such Moscow’s influence led to Ukraine’s general denationalization, massive political re- pressions, and many millions of victims. We can randomly choose a year in our relations with Muscovia/Russia, and see continuous problems, lies, and hopelessness in any of them. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 35

The American newspaper The Washington Post published a secret report of the Main Intelligence Agency of the Russian Federation in December 2017, which had come into its possession. It says that in February 2014 the GRU launched an informa- tional campaign on in Ukraine to discredit the events which took place on the Independence Square and the new Ukrainian government. A “set of fake ac- counts” was created on platforms of social networks such as “Facebook” and “VKon- takte”, which were supposed to represent ordinary people from all over Ukraine, who, apparently, were disappointed in the protests on the Maidan. The purpose of this campaign was “to impact key decision makers and the general public to justify the actions of the Russian military, which on February 27, 2014, in unmarked uniformes seized the building of the Crimean parliament” [Nakashima E. Inside a Russian disinfor- mation campaign in Ukraine in 2014 [Electronic resource] / Ellen Nakashima // The Washig- ton Post. – 2017. – 25 dezemb. – Mode acess : htps:// national-security/inside-a-russian-disinformationcampaign-in-ukraine-in-2014/2017/12/25/ f55b0408-e71d-11e7-ab50-621fe0588340_story.html?utm_term=.701b6db41253]. During 2016-2017, Russia intervened in elections and referendum in a number of NATO countries in similar way. This is stated in the general report of the Committee on Science and Technology: “Russia’s interference in the process of elections and referendum in NATO member states”. The author of the report, US spokeswoman Susan Davis, analyzed Russia’s interventions on real examples in the US (presiden- tial elections of 2016), Great Britain (referendum on Brexit of 2016 and general elections of 2017), France (presidential elections of 2017), Germany (parliamentary elections of 2017), Spain (constitutional crisis caused by the secession processes in Catalonia in 2017). One typical scheme was used: unauthorized interference in the network of political parties and government structures; breaking personal and pro- fessional mails, theft of personal data; systematic releases of the stolen informa- tion with subsequent widespread dissemination in social media, duplication using bots, trolls and other means; the transfer of information to the public space of the press, which was under the traditional influence; formation of false and misleading information controlled by the Russian government, which intensified controversy and secretive topics. In this manner, an atmosphere of uncertainty, chaos, and scandals was created in the countries mentioned above [How Russian bots invaded Twiter to fght in Jeremy Corbyn’s army [Electronic resource] // The Times. – 2018. – 29 Apr. – Mode acess : htps:// to-fght-in-jeremy-corbyns-army-78966pjrk; Росія втручалася у вибори і референдуми в п’ятьох країнах-членах Альянсу, – доповідь Комітету з питань науки і технологій ПА НАТО [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – 28 трав. – Режим доступу : htps:// atoh_krayinahchlenah_alyansu_dopovid_komitetu_z_pytan; Harper T. National Crime Agency examines Russian link to Arron Banks [Electronic resource] / Tom Harper, Caroline Wheeler // The Times. – 2018. – 1 Jul. – Mode acess : htps:// news/national-crime-agency-examines-russian-link-to-arron-banks-962cct78b]. 36 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

On June 27, 2017, the Russian authorities organized a massive cyber attack using the NotPetya virus against Ukraine. Infecting government and private computers in Ukraine, the virus caused a disruption in the work of Ukrainian state enterpri­ ses, institutions, banks, media, etc. As a result of the attack, the work of Boryspil Airport, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Ukrtelecom, Ukrposhta, Oschadbank, Ukrzaliznytsya and a number of other large enterprises were blocked [СБУ встановила причетність спецслужб РФ до атаки вірусу-вимагача Petya.A [Електронний ре-сурс] // Служба безпеки України: офіційний веб-сайт. – 2017. – 1 лип. – Режим доступу : https://]. In July 2018, Russian intelligence services made an attempt to cyber attack the net- work equipment of Aulska chlorine station (the of Auly, Dnipropetrovsk re- gion), which is the object of a critical infrastructure of the country. Its idea was to block the continuous work of the chlorine station, which provides liquid chlorine for enterprises of water supply and sanitation throughout Ukraine [На Дніпропетровщині СБУ попередила кібератаку російських спецслужб на об’єкт критичної інфраструктури [Електронний ресурс] // Служба безпеки України: офіційний веб-сайт. – 2018. – 11 лип. – Режим доступу :]. Similar cybernetic attacks were carried out by Russians in other countries as well. The growing Russian aggressiveness was severely criticized by the head of the Bri­ tish government, Theresa May, who accused the Kremlin of interfering in elections, cyber-espionage, aggression in the Donbas and the illegal annexation of Crimea, an attempt to “undermine free societies by spreading to sow discord in the West” [Аросев Г. Эксперт заявил о кибернападениях по всей Европе [Электронный ресурс] / Григорий Аросев // Deutsche Welle. – 2018. – 1 март. – Режим доступа : http://эксперт-заявил-о-кибернападениях-по-всей-европе/a-42778093]. [The- resa May accuses Vladimir Putin of election meddling [Electronic resource] // BBC. – 2017. – 14 Novemb. – Mode acess :]. Britain’s Defense Secretary, Gavin Williamson, was forced to recognize the threat from the RF bigger than terrorism [Haynes D. Russia «is a bigger threat to our security than terrorists» [Electronic resource] / Deborah Haynes // The Times. – 2018. – 22 Febr. – Mode acess : than-terrorists-5mjrmr58n]. On April 16, 2018, the United States and the United Kingdom issued a joint state- ment on the harmful Internet activity carried out by the Russian government. The document states that the target of the Russian cyber attacks is public and private or- ganizations that are suppliers of the “critical infrastructure” and Internet services that support these sectors [Finkle J. U.S., Britain blame Russia for global cyber atack [Elec- tronic resource] / Jim Finkle, Doina Chiacu // Reuters. – 2018. – 16 April. – Mode acess : htps:// tack-idUSKBN1HN2CK?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_medium=Social&utm_ source=twiter&__twiter_impression=true; Павлиш О. США і Британія оприлюднили спільну заяву про кібератаки РФ [Електронний ресурс] / Олексій Павлиш // Українська правда. – 2018. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : htps://]. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 37 The hybrid war which the Russian Federation has started against Ukraine combines different types and methods of its implementation such as direct and covert military operations using intelligence sabo­ tage and battalion tactical groups of the Russian Armed Forces; ar- tillery shelling from the Russian territory aimed at Ukrainian military facilities in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the use of these territories as a testing ground for new types of weapons64, methods and means of warfare. Other methods include a construction of a broadened human intelligence network of special services of the Russian Federation on the Ukrainian territory; partisan methods of a struggle, using anti-Ukrainian forces from the local population, various criminals, Russian mercenaries and providing them with weapons, am- munition, equipment, fuel, etc65. Also an active development of an alternative “identity”, hostile to Ukrainian one in the occupied territories; neglection of the international­ standards of a conduct of military actions and compliance with the agree- ments; the use of the influence of the pro-Russian lobby in Ukraine and the Russian-controlled structures such as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) of the Moscow Patriarchate (MP), which, according to the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko, “acts on behalf of Russia”66; committing terror- ist acts; using energy resources as an instrument of a political influence;

64 Members of OSCE SMMU have found the new types of weapons and equipment on the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk region many times. In particular, in July 2018 OSCE SMM drone detected four distinct Russian-made electronic warfare systems: Leer-3 RB-341V, 1L269 Krasukha-2 and RB-109A Bylina, and an anti-UAV system, Repellent-1. These systems were developed in Russia during last years, RB-109A Bylina after military testing, which, as we could see, they are conducting in Ukraine [Росія випробовує на Донбасі новітні систе- ми радіоелектронної боротьби – СЦКК [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 12 серп. – Режим доступу : na-donbasi-novitni-sistemi-radioelektronnoi-borotbi-sckk.html]. 65 On June 7, 2018 Vladimir Putin answering the question of the writer and terrorist Zakhar Prilepin who had fought against Ukrainian army in Donbass indicated frankly: “We are helping both republics [“LPR” and “DPR” – M.L.] and we will continue to do so”. [Романенко В. Путін: Ми продовжимо допомагати «ЛНР» і «ДНР» [Електронний ре- сурс] / Валентина Романенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 7 черв. – Режим доступу :]. 66 РПЦ діє за дорученням Росії – Порошенко [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2018. – 5 трав. – Режим доступу : poroshenko-1150506.html. 38 Mykola LAZAROVYCH destruction of economic potential, infrastructure and life support systems of the Ukrainian society; destabilization of the socio-political­ situation in the state; informational and psychological means of demoralization of servicemen and civilians, , manipulation of media space; humanitarian expansion directed against , history, culture, church; diplomatic pressure, discrediting of Ukrainian authorities and Ukraine in general in the world, blocking of Euro­integration processes; cybernetic attacks, governed by the intelligence services of the Russian Federation and directed at the infrastructure of Ukraine; Russia’s informa- tion aggression aimed at destabilizing Europe and the world and diverting their attention from the Ukrainian issue; and other expansionist actions against Ukraine coordinated from Moscow. Among the ideological foundations of the Russian aggression against Ukraine is the Russian Orthodox Church and the concept of the “Rus- sian world”, supported by the Russian ruling and ecclesiastical elites, is a neo-imperial pseudo-religious geopolitical technology serving to justify Russia’s expansionist policy. According to an academician V. Horbulin67, the idea of “Russian world” is frankly Nazi68 and chauvinistic, therefore, it should be forbidden at an international level as Nazism was once forbidden. For those individuals (or states) who promote the “Russian world”, the consequences must be the same as for the adherents of the Nazi ideology. The main components of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine were: 1) the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by Russia in the spring of 2014; 2) support, organiza-

67 Горбулін В. Ціннісні ресурси війни і миру: український формат... – С. 15–16. 68 Nazism is a hatred-based doctrine of the superiority of one nation / nations over other/ others. According to the official interpretation, Nazism (from German word “Nazi”, which is short for National Sozialist) is a political totalitarian movement established in Germany and Austria after World War I and based on ideas of German expansionism, revenge, Führerprinzip, extremist nationalism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and superiority of the aryan race. It was implemented in the activities of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (1919-1945) headed by Adolf Hitler. After national socialist’s coming to power in Germany in 1933 they built a totalitarian state that unleashed World War II. After Germany’s defeat (1945) National Socialism was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal as “a crime against the peace and humanity” [Галушко К. Ю. Нацизм / К. Ю. Галушко // Енциклопедія історії України: Т. 7: Мі – О / редкол. : В. А. Смолій (голова) та ін. ; НАН України. Інститут історії України. – К. : В-во «Наукова думка», 2010. – С. 234]. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 39 tion, and coordination of the local radical elements in Eastern Ukraine; 3) full-scale invasion of Russian units in separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The Russian aggression forced the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to reco­ gnize Russia as an aggressor country on January 27, 2015 and to call on the international community to qualify the actions of Russia as an act of aggression against Ukraine, the occupation of its territory, and to take all the necessary measures in order to return internationally recognized bor- ders of Ukraine69. On August 3, 2016, Ukraine, refusing to approve the new ambassador of Russia70, has lowered the status of diplomatic relations with Russia to the level of temporary attorneys on affairs.

A REVIVAL OF THE UKRAINIAN ARMY, ITS FIRST DEFEATS, AND VICTORIES The beginning of military actions was hard for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which had been abandoned for almost two decades, and a num- ber of such Ukrainian military units formed from volunteers like “Azov”, “Aidar”, “Dnipro”, “Volunteer Ukrainian Corps”, “Donbas”, “Ternopil”, and alike71. Thus, on May 22, 2014, in a morning battle with a unit of Russian terrorist troops near the city of in Donetsk region 16 sol- diers of the 51st Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were

69 Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про Звернення Верховної Ради України до Ор- ганізації Об’єднаних Націй, Європейського Парламенту, Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи, Парламентської Асамблеї НАТО, Парламентської Асамблеї ОБСЄ, Пар- ламентської Асамблеї ГУАМ, національних парламентів держав світу про визнання Російської Федерації державою-агресором». 27 січня 2015 р. № 129-VIII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : 70 Київ поставив крапку в питанні про призначення посла Росії в Україні [Електронний ресурс] // Новое время. – 2016. – 3 серп. – Режим доступу : politics/kijiv-pitannja-pro-priznachennja-posla-rosiji-v-ukrajini-znjato-z-porjadku- dennogo-187562.html. 71 Voluntary units numbered up to 4 thousand people as of mid-August of 2014. These people were higly motivated, but their level of training was low. Moreover, they didn’t have any heavy equipment [Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Росій- ської Федерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 3, 14 [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство оборони України: офіційний веб-сайт. – Режим доступу : ua/content/other/anliz_rf.pdf]. 40 Mykola LAZAROVYCH killed and 30 more were injured72. A week later, on May 29, terrorists shot down the MI-8 helicopter in the city of Sloviansk in Donetsk region, which resulted in the death of 12 soldiers, including Major-General Serhii Kulchytskyi73. On June 6, an AN-30B plane, led by the Lieutenant Colonel Kostiantyn Mohylko, was shot by the Russian terrorists near the city of Sloviansk. At the cost of its own life and health, the crew of the aircraft took the plane away from the residential neighborhoods of the city to the outskirts of Pryshyb village of Sloviansk district. Five members of the aircraft crew died, and 3 were injured74. On June 14, the Ukrainian military transport aircraft IL-76, which was about to land, with the paratroopers of the 25th Separate Airborne Brigade, was shot down by militants in Luhansk city, – as a result number of victims totaled 4975, including the crew members. In the same year, on June 24, the Mi-8MT plane was shot down by terrorists in the district of Krasnoarmiiske village (now Novose- livka) in Sloviansk region, killing all 9 people who were on board76. As a rule, aircrafts were usually shot down with missiles made with a help of a man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS), which Russian Federa- tion generously provided to the terrorist troops. In an effort to prevent military escalation, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko announced the unilateral termination of the military actions by the Ukrainian Army, which lasted from June 20 to June 30, 2014. How-

72 Бій під Волновахою [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу :; Всього в бою під Волновахою загинули 16 людей – Донецька ОДА [Електронний ре- сурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 22 трав. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. 73 Три роки тому під Слов’янськом бойовики збили український МІ-8. Загинули дванад- цятеро людей. Серед них генерал-майор Сергій Кульчицький [Електронний ресурс] // Громадське радіо. – 2017. – 29 трав. – Режим доступу : news/2017/05/29/try-roky-tomu-pid-slovyanskom-boyovyky-zbyly-ukrayinskyy-mi-8. 74 Катастрофа літака АН-30Б [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Украї- ну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу : 75 Авіакатастрофа Іл-76МД [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу :; Бойови- ки в Луганську збили Іл-76 з десантниками [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 14 черв. – Режим доступу : 76-z-desantnikami-145127_.html. 76 Авіакатастрофа Мі-8МТ [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 41 ever, the presidential initiative did not justify itself because, during the armistice, Russian terrorist forces committed 108 attacks on the forces of the ATO, as a result of which 27 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 69 were injured77. Therefore, on July 1 of that year, the warfare was restored.

Group of paratroopers of 25th Separate Airborne Brigade near the airlifter IL-76 before the flight to Luhansk. June 13, 2014

Over time, the Ukrainian army, which hardened in battles, intercep­ ted the initiative from the Russian terrorist groups, stopped them and started a counterattack. By the mid-August 2014, about 40 thousand personnel were involved in the antiterrorist operation: Ukraine’s armed forces – more than 32 thousand people, 5.5 thousand units of heavy weapons and military equipment; National Guard – up to 3 thousand people; State Border Guard Service – up to 3 thousand people; the Secu-

77 27 Ukrainian security agents were killed and 69 were injured during the armistice [Электронный ресурс] // ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ. – 2014. – 30 июн. – Режим доступа : ukrainskikh_silovikov. 42 Mykola LAZAROVYCH rity Service of Ukraine – up to 2 thousand people78. The amount of these forces was assessed as a sufficient for the accomplishment of identified tasks. The ratio of Ukrainian forces to militants was about 1 to 179. One of the first successful military operations of Ukrainians was the battle for the Donetsk airport (DAP), as a result of which, as of May 26, 2014, according to various sources, from 100-140 to more than 150 ter- rorists were killed, including more than three dozen citizens of the Rus- sian Federation80. After this, the Donetsk airport became a symbol of the invincibility of the Ukrainian soldiers, who defended it against Russian regular and terrorist troops for 242 days. During the airport’s defense, Ukrainian units used terminals, techni- cal premises and communications as their defensive positions. To dig antitank ditches in the land, consisting of construction rubbish was im- possible under constant fire of militants. The expediency of the defense of the DAP was in its advanced position for our troops towards the Do- netsk direction, and its retention did not allow the enemy to enter the operational space. It is no coincidence that the Russian-terrorist forces attracted elite special-purpose units of the GRU and the FSB to capture the airport81. At the same time, activating the military actions for the purpose of capturing the DAP, the enemy sought to confuse our troops

78 Voluntary units wasn’t subordinate to the Staff of the ATO and wasn’t a part of its forces [Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Федерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 3…]. 79 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 2–3... 80 Під час зачистки Донецького аеропорту силовики знищили понад 150 терористів [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Відомості. – 2014. – 27 трав. – Режим доступу : http://vidomosti-ua. com/ukraine/90102; Бутусов Ю. Термінал і Термінатори: як довго захищатимуть Доне- цький аеропорт? [Електронний ресурс] / Юрій Бутусов // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 23 жовт. – Режим доступу : zahischatimut-doneckiy-aeroport-_.html; Бутусов Ю. 26 травня 2014 року. Перший бій в Донецькому аеропорту і розгром російського загону «Искра» – розповідь спецна- зівця 3-го полку, позивний Турист, який першим дав команду відкрити вогонь [Елек- тронний ресурс] / Юрій Бутусов // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 28 трав. – Режим доступу : donetskomu_aeroportu_i_rozgrom_rosiyiskogo_zagonu_yskra_rozpovid. 81 Аналіз бойових дій на сході України в ході зимової кампанії 2014–2015 років [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Міністерство оборони України : офіційний веб-сайт. – 2015. – 23 груд. – Режим доступу : na-shodi-ukraini-v-hodi-zimovoi-kampanii-2014–2015-rokiv--16785/. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 43 regarding the direction of the main offense, which was determined as the bridgehead. Ukrainian soldiers left the DAP only on January 22, 201582, after the old and new terminals and the airport tower were completely destroyed as a result of artillery and tank bombardments. “Where the metal and concrete could not stand, these courageous people did”83, this is what people say in Ukraine about the defenders of the Donetsk airport. A well-known Russian-American journalist, writer, photographer, and cor- respondent of the Los Angeles Times, Sergei Loiko, who shed a light on the Russian war against Ukraine, wrote a whole book dedicated to the defense of the Donetsk airport84. Even Russian militants were impressed by the courage and endurance of the Ukrainian fighters and called them “cyborgs”85 because of this. The fightings between the Ukrainian Army and Russian terrorist troops behind the Savur Mohyla mound, located in district of Donetsk region, were also bloody. They lasted from June 5 to August 29, 2014, and were caused by the strategic importance of a 278 meters tall mound86. Possession of it enabled control of the Ukrainian-Russian borderland within a radius of 30-40 km. During hostilities, Savur-Mohy-

82 Бутусов Ю. Битва за Донецкий аэропорт. Что произошло, причины и результаты [Электронный ресурс] / Юрий Бутусов // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2015. – 22 янв. – Режим до- ступа : proizoshlo_prichiny_i_rezultaty. 83 Оборона Донецкого аэропорта продолжалась 242 дня и стала символом стой- кости украинских воинов [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство оборони Украї- ни : офіційний веб-сайт. – 2017. – 16 січ. – Режим доступу : news/2017/01/16/oborona-doneczkogo-aeroportu-trivala-242-dni-i-stala-simvolom- nezlamnosti-duhu-ukrainskih-voiniv/. 84 Лойко С. Аеропорт [Текст] / Сергій Лойко. – К. : Брайт Стар Паблішинг, 2015. – 328 с. 85 Слово «кіборґи» словник назвав словом року [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобо- да. – 2015. – 6 січ. – Режим доступу :; Буденний шквал ворожих куль: «кіборґ» показав архівне відео з Донецького аеро- порту [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2017. – 23 січ. – Режим доступу : https://www. donetskogo-aeroportu.html. 86 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Фе- дерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 5–6, 12, 13, 17...; Шара А. Битва за Савур-Могилу. Хроніка подій [Електронний ресурс] / Анатолій Шара // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 14 груд. – Режим доступу : 44 Mykola LAZAROVYCH la was first freed from the enemy, but after the massive invasion of the Russian regular troops into Ukraine it was lost.

Donetsk airport during its defense from Russian invaders

As of June 13, 2014, Mariupol was released from Russian terrorist forc- es, and during July - middle of August of the same year two thirds of the territory of the Donbas was liberated, in particular, such settlements as Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Artemivsk, Druzhkivka, Konstiantynivka, , , Dzerzhynsk (now ), , , Popas- na, , Shakhtarsk, Debaltseve, , , , Yasinuvata, Pervomaisk, and others. On August 18, a group of Ukrainian troops liberated most part of the strategically im- portant city of , Donetsk region, which is located 25 km away from the regional center. In addition, favorable conditions were created to completely block the key cities of the region which were under Russian control, such as Horlivka, Alchevsk, Stakhanov, Luhansk, and Donetsk87.

87 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] // Генеральна прокуратура України. – 2017. – 14 серп. – Режим доступу : news.html?_m=publications&_t=rec&id=213793; Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Федерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 5–10, 13–14... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 45 It gave hope for the successful completion of the Anti-Terrorist Ope­ ration by mid-September 2014. An important role in strengthening the Ukrainian troops was played by the volunteer movement, which spread during the Revolution of Dig- nity. With the onset of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a big part of Ukrainian society, who realized the actual threat of losing their own statehood, came to help their soldiers. The need for assistance, especially during the first year of the war, was caused by the lack of personal protection, ammunition, medicine, equipment, communications, clothing, food, etc. Organizations such as “Army SOS”, “”, “People’s Aid”, “Peo- ple’s Project”, “National Home Front”, “”, the Combat-UA, “East and West together” and others became the most powerful volun- teer centers88. The main areas of volunteer activity are: collecting dona- tions from people; the acquisition and delivery of the necessary resour­ ces to the front; repair and improvement of equipment; modernization of weapons; manufacture of military equipment; organization of a medical assistance to the victims of hostilities; search of captives, missing and dead soldiers; assistance to families of combatants and settlers from the Crimea and the ATO zone etc.

MASSIVE INVASION OF RUSSIA’S REGULAR TROOPS INTO UKRAINE Successful actions of the Ukrainian troops raised certain concerns in the Kremlin. Therefore, at the end of August 2014, Russia started mas- sively introducing its regular troops into Ukraine to support Russian ter- rorist groups in the Donbas region, which retreated under the pressure of Ukrainians89. At the same time, the official Russian authorities in every­ possible way denied the presence of their militaries in the Donbas. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, explained that the Russian Armed Forces arrived at the Ukrainian territory “with their

88 Горєлов Д. М. Волонтерський рух: світовий досвід та українські громадянські практи- ки : аналіт. доп. / Д. М. Горєлов, О. А. Корнієвський ; Національний інститут страте- гічних досліджень. – К. : НІСД, 2015. – 36 с. 89 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 46 Mykola LAZAROVYCH weapons and equipment because they simply got lost”90, and the leader of the self-proclaimed “DPR” was assuring that the Russian military took vacations and on their own decided to fight on the side of the militants91. In general, the massive invasion of the Russian regular troops into Ukraine led to the transformation of the anti-terrorist operation into a full-scale war between Ukraine and the Russian Feder- ation. The first penetration of the Russian regular troops and military equip- ment in Ukraine took place long before August 2014. Thus, on June 12, a column consisting of three T-64 BW tanks entered the Ukrainian territory from the Russian Federation; going through the settlements of , (now Chystiakove), and Makiivka of Donetsk region, it reached the regional center. A week later, on June 20, five tanks of the same model arrived from Russia92. On July 13, a large column of military equipment, moving from the territory of Russia, crossed the Russian-Ukrainian bor- der near the checkpoint “” in Luhansk region. The column was destroyed by Ukrainian artillery. According to the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General , it became a “psychological barrier” to the awareness of Ukraine’s entry into the “phase of the open warfare”93 with the Russian Federation. During August, the enemy received a quantitative advantage due to the phased invasion of the Russian army, which was preceded by a po­

90 Полонені на Донбасі військові РФ: костромські десантники, нижньогородські тан- кісти та спецназівці з Тольятті [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 18 трав. – Режим доступу : 91 «Прем’єр» ДНР розповів про російських військових, які воюють на Донбасі [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : https:// viiskovykh-yaki-vouiuit-na-donbasi. 92 Жирохов М. Чем украинские танки на Донбассе оказались лучше российских [Элек- тронный ресурс] / Михайло Жирохов // – 2016. – 18 март. – Режим доступа :; Бутусов Ю. 12 червня 2014 року – перше застосування російських танків Т-64 і БТРів у війні на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] / Юрій Бутусов // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 20 черв. – Ре- жим доступу : pershe_zastosuvannya_rosiyiskyh_tankiv_t64_i_btriv_u_viyini_na_donbasi. 93 Рощенко О. Муженко розповів про вторгнення РФ в Україну і початок «відкритої вій- ни» [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 47 werful information and psychological operation. Since the end of August, such invasions have become systematic and massive94. In particular, on August 22, the Russian-Ukrainian state border was illegally crossed by the first “humanitarian convoy”, consisting of 280 KamAZs with a cargo from Russia for the residents of the occupied regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions95. Thus, creating an impression of a humanitarian assistance to the local population96, the Russian Federation was supplying Russian ter- rorist troops with weapons, ammunition and live fighting force, and at the same time taking from Ukraine stolen enterprises and equipment from mines and factories, coal, and bodies of dead Russians97. In general, as of August 23, 2018, 80 Russian “humanitarian convoys”98 entered the terri- tory of Ukraine without proper examination by Ukrainian border guards (in accordance with the established procedures).

94 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 95 РБ ООН терміново збирається на засідання через прорив гуманітарного конвою з РФ на територію України [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : cherez-proriv-gumanitarnogo-konvoyu-z-rf-na-teritoriyu-ukrayini-105493.html. 96 Каміан Г. США: склад вантажівок конвою РФ до України змінився, поки спостері- гачі не бачили [Електронний ресурс] / Гаррі Каміан // Голос Америки. – 2018. – 1 черв. – Режим доступу : zminuvsja/4419101.html; США: Росія маскує у «гумконвоях» до ОРДЛО матеріали для військових цілей [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2018. – 2 черв. – Ре- жим доступу : 97 Росія відправляє до України бойовиків та зброю під видом гуманітарної допомоги, – РНБО [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 4 лип. – Режим доступу : http:// gumanitarnoi_dopomogy__rnbo_73058.html; Про втрати ЗС Росії в Україні [Електро- нний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : v-ukrayini/; Вантажівки з так званого «гумконвою» вивозили з України загиблих російських солдатів, – РНБО [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 4 лист. – Режим доступу : vyvozyly_z_ukrainy_zagyblyh_rosiyskyh_soldativ__rnbo_93618.html; Українським прикордонникам і представникам Червоного Хреста не дали оглянути 175 вантажівок «гумконвою» РФ [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2015. – 8 лют. – Режим доступу : chervonogo-hresta-ne-dali-oglyanuti-175-vantajivok-gumkonvoyu-rf.html. 98 МЧС России приступило к доставке восьмидесятой партии гуманитарной помощи для Донбасса [Электронный ресурс] // МЧС России. – 2018. – 23 авг. – Режим доступа : 48 Mykola LAZAROVYCH On August 23, 2014, the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine reported on columns of armored vehicles moving from the territory of the Russian Federation in the direction of the settlements of and Kuteinykove of Amvrosiivka district of Donetsk re- gion99, where the Ukrainian forces were stationed. The next day, when Ukrainians celebrated the Independence Day, Russian regular troops’ invasion of Ukraine has become massive. According to the Main Mili­ tary Prosecutor’s Office, 9 battalion-tactical groups (BTGr) of the Armed Forces of Russia have crossed the state border with a total of 3,5 thousand personnel, up to 60 tanks, up to 320 armored vehicles, up to 60 guns, up to 45 mortars, 5 anti-tank missile systems (ATMS)100.

According to other data, at that time up to 8 battalion tactical groups of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were deployed in Ukraine: — to Luhansk direction – four (mixed BTGr from the 61st Separate Marine Regi- ment and 200th Separate Motorized Brigade of the Northern Fleet of the Western Military District (VO), two BTGr from the 104th Airborne Assault Regiment of the 76th Airborne Assault Division and 20th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Southern VO, BTGr from the 247th Landing and Assault Regiment of the 7th Airborne Assault Division of airborne troops); — to Donetsk – four (BTGr from the 247th Landing and Assault Regiment of the 7th Airborne Assault Division of Airborne Troops, two BTGr from the 331st Airborne Regi- ment of the 98th Airborne Division and 19th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the South VO, BTGr of the 56th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of Airborne Troops). Mentioned battalion tactical groups were reinforced by special units from: the 10th and 22nd Special Brigades for the Special Mission of the South VO; 346th Special Brigade of Special Purpose and 25th Special Regiment of Special Purpose 49A of Southern VO; 24th Special Brigade of Special Purpose of the Central VО and 45th Separate Special-Purpose Regiment of Airborne Troops, as well as 8th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade 58A of the Southern VO. In general, the grouping of the Armed Forces of the RF consisted of: the per- sonnel – more than 6 thousand people, tanks – up to 70 units, armored combat vehicles - up to 270 units, artillery systems – up to 90 units, rocket launchers - up to 85 units [Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операці та наслідків вторгнення Російської Федераці в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 16…].

99 Проміжний звіт ТСК з розслідування трагічних подій під Іловайськом: повний текст [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 20 жовт. – Режим доступу : 100 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 49

Russian tank T-72 is moving on the road to Donbas. Photo of AFP

In order to deceive and continue the treacherous murders of Ukrainian soldiers, identifying marks on the Russian military equipment were re- moved and covered in advance, and instead they put identifying marks of the Ukrainian units on Russian military equipment, which is prohibi­ ted by the Geneva Convention101. Russian servicemen, violating interna- tional law, also did not have any documents or identification signs on their uniforms102. On August 27, a column of the Russian military equip- ment, having in possession 100 units of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (MICV), armored personnel carriers (APC), multiple rocket launchers (MRL) “Grad” has passed in the direction of the and Tel- manove (now Boikivske) in Donetsk region; in the direction of the settlements of Dibrovka and Dmytrivka – Russian column of 6 units of “Grads” and 8 trucks of KamAZ and “Ural” with militants; in the city of Amvrosiivka – 5 Russian armored personnel carriers and KamAZ with fighters103.

101 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 102 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 15... 103 У бік Тельманового рушила колона техніки з сотні танків, БТРів та «градів» [Електро- нний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2014. – 27 серп. – Режим доступу : telmanovogo-rushila-kolona-tehniki-z-sotni-tankiv-btriv-ta-gradiv-365096.html. 50 Mykola LAZAROVYCH The report of the Russian army’s massive invasion of Ukraine came from both the Ukrainian military intelligence and foreign journalists and officials, including Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, NATO Gene­ral Secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki, Foreign Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt and others104. Even the adviser of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on human rights Ella Polyakova officially acknowledged the fact of direct Russian military invasion. “When a large number of people, follow- ing orders of commanders, are crossing the border by tanks, BTRs and using heavy weapons, and then finding themselves on the territory of another country, I consider it an invasion,”105 she said.

According to the Ukrainian military, intelligence information on the crossing of the state border of Ukraine by military columns of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation appeared at the headquarters of the ATO and the General Staff on August 25, 2014, and the fact of the invasion of the regular units of the Russian Federation was finally confirmed on August 26 that year after capturing the airborne troops of the Armed Forces of the RF [Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операці та наслідків вторгнення Російської Федераці в Україну у серпнівересні 2014 року. – С. 15…]. At the same time, as already mentioned, the Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and at the same time the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Gener- al V. Muzhenko, ordered on July 13, 2014, to destroy a large column of the military equipment that moved from the territory of Russia and crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border near the checkpoint “Izvarne”. Such a misunderstanding in the interpretation of the intelligence information can only be explained by the fact that the staff of the ATO till the last minute were not sure of the reliability of information. “A bunch of in- formation,” recalled General V. Muzhenko, “but nobody could clearly explain whether this is a reliable information... 90% of the information that was coming was disinfor- mation” [Рощенко О. Муженко розповів про вторгнення РФ в Україну і початок «відкритої війни»…].

104 НАТО надало фотодокази проникнення російської армії в Україну [Електронний ре- сурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : proniknennya-rosiyskoyi-artileriyi-v-ukrayinu/; Червоненко В. Хто воює на Сході: хронологія свідчень про російські війська [Електронний ресурс] / Віталій Червоненко // ВВС Україна. – 2014. – 2 вер. – Режим доступу : russian_army_ukraine_debate_vc.shtml; Резонанс: Бюлетень матеріалів, підготовлених на базі аналізу оперативної інформації електронних видань (Додаток до журналу «Украї- на: події, факти, коментарі»). – 2014. – № 66 (4 вер.). – С. 10–11. 105 Резонанс: Бюлетень матеріалів... – 2014. – № 66 (4 вер.). – С. 12. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 51 On September 3, 2014, American President Barack Obama openly no­ ted the fact that the participation of “Russian combat units with Russian weapons and Russian tanks” was “beyond doubt”106. On October 2 of that year, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a re­ solution recognizing the invasion of Russia’s regular troops in Ukraine107. Data on the number of Russian troops in the ORDLO at the beginning of the war vary, since it is difficult to draw a line between the regular parts of the Russian Armed Forces and terrorist groups, which include both Rus- sian citizens and local colonialists, who are headed by personnel officers of the Russian regular troops. Thus, the head of the Union of the Commit- tees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia Valentina Melnikova, reported on Au- gust 28, 2014, that, according to preliminary estimates, about 15 thousand Russian soldiers fought in Ukraine108. NATO specialists, as of September of that year, reported about 3,000 Russian soldiers and officers109. According to the Minister of Defence Valerii Heletei, Russia has begun to actively increase the number of its troops in Ukraine since August 1, 2014, and on August 25 there were already about 6.5 thousand Russian militaries in Ukraine, but then, after the arrival of OSCE observers, part of these troops were demonstratively pulled out, leaving up to 3.5 thousand peo- ple110. Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine estimated the

106 Обама звинуватив Росію в агресії проти України [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2014. – 3 вер. – Режим доступу : news/2014/09/3/7025659/. 107 Рішення керівних органів Ради Європи стосовно ситуації в Автономній Республіці Крим та місті Севастополь [Електронний ресурс] // Українське право. – 2017. – 12 трав. – Режим доступу : ukyyerrya-nyeukvrysh-sugarkv-uaey-zhvusty-fkhsfsvrs-fykhtsashchkl-v-avkhsrsprkm- uyefttsbokshchk-nuyp/. 108 Комітет солдатських матерів РФ: До України відправили 15 тис. військовослужбовців [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2014. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : vidpravyly-15-tys-viyskovoslujbovciv. 109 На Донбасі воюють кілька тисяч російських військових – джерело в НАТО [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2014. – 4 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.; Російсько-український конфлікт: стан, наслідки, перспективи розвитку подій: аналітична доповідь Центру Разумкова [Текст] // Національна безпека і оборона. – 2014. – № 5–6. – С. 8. 110 В Україні перебуває понад 3 тисячі російських військових – Гелетей [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2014. – 14 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.radiosvoboda. org/a/26583309.html. 52 Mykola LAZAROVYCH number of the Russian militaries on the East of our country at about 4 to 7 thousand people111. According to the well-known Ukrainian journalist, edi- tor-in-chief of the site Yurii Butusov, the Russian group, which took positions near Donetsk, Starobesheve, Kuteinykove and Novyi Svit of the Starobeshivskyi district of Donetsk region, was reinforced by special units of the GRU and artillery units of the North Caucasus Military District and amounted to at least 7-8 thousand people112. In November 2014, the Russian military contingent in the ORDLO, ac- cording to the SBU, was about 7,500 militaries113. In December of that year, according to the estimates of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 32,400 fighters fought against the forces of the ATO, of which 6-10 thousand were servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation114. As of mid-January 2015, hostile forces had 542 tanks, up to 990 armored combat vehicles, 694 artillery systems, including RSZV, 4 Tochka-U rocket complexes, and 57 rocket systems. Also, along the Eastern part of the Rus- sian-Ukrainian border, about 52,000 Russian troops, more than 300 tanks, 1,800 armored combat vehicles, over 750 artillery systems of salvo fire, and 360 warplanes and rotor-winged aircraft were in complete alertness115. Subsequently, at the border with Ukraine, four rocket brigades of Iskander ground-level tactical missile complexes with nuclear warheads were assem- bled116, the maximum damage range of which could reach 700 km.

111 Російсько-український конфлікт: стан, наслідки, перспективи розвитку подій... – С. 8. 112 Журналіст: в районі Донецька перебуває близько 8 тис. російських військових [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2014. – 1 вер. – Режим доступу : http://tyzhden. ua/News/118088. 113 СБУ насчитала на Донбассе 7,5 тысяч российских военных [Электронный ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 26 нояб. – Режим доступа : ukraine/3448649-sbu-naschytala-na-donbasse-75-tysiach-rossyiskykh-voennykh. 114 На Донбасі воює 32 тисячі бойовиків: з них до 10 тисяч військових РФ – Генштаб [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 4 груд. – Режим доступу : 115 Турчинов розповів про військову міць сепаратистів [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2015. – 15 січ. – Режим доступу : ukraine/3466915-turchynov-rozpoviv-pro-viiskovu-mits-separatystiv. 116 Генерал розповів про розміщення Росією ядерної зброї на кордоні з Україною [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2018. – 3 серп. – Режим доступу : https://www. na-kordoni-z-ukrajinoyu.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 53

Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Photo from

Despite the violations of international rules of conduct, the outright cynicism of Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine was revealed also by the fact that the RF Armed Forces were systematically firing missiles from long-range guns such as Grad and Hurricane from its territory to the Ukrainian positions in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk re- gions117. Only from July 9 to September 5, 2014, the State Border Guard Service and the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine

117 ОБСЄ зафіксувала обстріли України з території Росії [Електронний ресурс] // Ін- формаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 4 вер. – Режим доступу : z-teritoriyi-rosiyi/; Супутникові фотодокази ракетних ударів з території Росії (фото) [Електронний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 28 лип. – Режим доступу : suputnikovi-fotodokazi-raketnih-udariv-z-teritoriyi-rosiyi-foto/; Результати розсліду- вання Іловайської трагедії...; Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслід- ків вторгнення Російської Федерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 11, 12–13... 54 Mykola LAZAROVYCH reported more than 120 attacks of the Russian artillery from the territory of the Russian Federation118.

The Russians resorted to insidious tactics in conspiracy with the terrorists. At first, militants from our territory started firing at Russia, then as if in response, the positions of the Ukrainian border guards and the Armed Forces were fired from the Russian Federation. Another tactic, which was repeatedly used by Russians – the shelling of our militaries and border guards from the Russian “Grad” installations, which crossed the border and drove into the ter- ritory of Ukraine, shot our positions and returned. This was recorded twice: on July 16, when 5 artillery units and 2 armored personnel carriers drove 60m into Ukrainian land near Amvrosiivka, as well as on July 21, when 14 artillery units deployed to the territory of Ukraine for 1.5 km near the village of Shevchenkove in Donetsk region [Прикордонники зазнали 153 нападів та обстрілів з територі Росі [Електронний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 29 лип. – Режим доступу : prikordonniki-zaznali-153-napadiv-ta-obstrilivz-teritoriyi-rosiyi/]. Also, Russians were actively involving their cadets-gunners in firing of the Ukrainian positions. It was confirmed that in the summer of 2014, the cadets of the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School of the Russian Federation took part in the artillery shellings of the Ukrainian soldiers on Savur-Mohyla, “taking the state examinations” in this way. Similarly, the Russian cadets-gunners were taking their exams on combat shooting by firing the Ukrainian marines in the village of Shyrokyne in Volnovakha district of Donetsk region at the end of 2016 from the occupied [Курсанти з РФ здавали іспит, обстрілюючи Савур-Могилу – Міноборони [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 9 жовт. – Режим доступу : htps:// strilyuyuchi-savur-mogiluminoboroni-153276_.html; «У Новоазовськ приїхали російські курсанти-артилеристи. Здають заліки з бойової стрільби. Один обстріл був – жодного промаху», – морпіхи ЗСУ в Широкиному [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 20 груд. – Режим доступу : htps:// news/420152/u_novoazovsk_pryyihaly_rosiyiski_kursantyartylerysty_zdayut_za- liky_z_boyiovoyi_strilby_odyn_obstril].

118 Как Россия обстреливала Украину со своей территории: документальные свидетельства [Электронный ресурс] / Шон Кейс, Элиот Хиггинс, Вели-Пекка Кивимаки, Игги Останин, Арик Толер // Хвиля. – 2015. – 18 февр. – Режим доступа : dokumentalnyie-svidetelstva.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 55

Russian soldiers and weapons, sent from the RF to Ukraine. Photo from network’s accounts of militaries of the Armed Forces of the RF

At the same time, Ukrainian gunners who showed themselves in the best way during the Russian-Ukrainian war did not shoot in response, in order not to provoke the Russian Federation to a full-scale aggres- sion119. Taking advantage of impunity, Russians, in particular, at the night of July 11, 2014, using a reactive artillery from their territory caused a powerful explosion at the base camp of Ukrainian soldiers near the vil- lage Zelenopillia of Sverdlovsk (now Dovzhanskyi) district of Luhansk region. As a result, the personnel and equipment of Ukrainian units suf- fered considerable losses: 30 militaries of the Armed Forces and 6 border guards, among them Major General (posthumously) Ihor Momot, died120,

119 Аналіз вдення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 1, 24... 120 According to other data, 39 soldiers of 24th and 79th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Border Guard Service died [Друга річниця трагедії під Зеленопіллям: у містах України згадали бійців, загиблих унаслідок російського артудару [Електро- нний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 12 лип. – Режим доступу : ua/photo_news/397006/druga_richnytsya_tragediyi_pid_zelenopillyam_u_mistah_ ukrayiny_zgadaly_biyitsiv_zagyblyh_unaslidok_rosiyiskogo; 39 загиблих, сотні пора- нених – роковини російського ракетного обстрілу під Зеленопіллям (поіменний спи- сок, фото, відео) [Електронний ресурс] // Військовий навігатор України. – 2017. – 11 лип. – Режим доступу :]. 56 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

120 were wounded or had contusions121. This was the first direct massive use of the Russian troops against the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On July 13, Russian artillery launched a permanent shelling of the combined task forces “Kordon”122, which carried out the task of over- lapping an open area of the state border to prevent the enemy from supplying weapons, ammunition, and support of the living force of the militants from the territory of the Russian Federation. From August 22, the Ukrainian troops under the city of Ilovaisk of Donetsk region were subjected to a regular artillery shelling123. In general, as the Bellingcat International Journalist Investigation Agency has established on the ba- sis of a satellite data, only during the summer of 2014, more than 300 bombardments of Ukrainian positions in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions from the RZSV installations were carried out from the territory of Rostov and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation. Rus- sian soldiers fired at least in five directions124, thus creating a fire advan- tage of their units. The limited use of aviation has significantly reduced the effectiveness of the Ukrainian defenders. This was due to the use of air defense assets, primarily MANPADS by the Russian military formations. As a result, by mid-August 2014, Ukraine lost 11 planes and 9 rotor-winged aircrafts125. As a result, our troops were deprived of help from the air.

121 Зеленопілля [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу :; Тинченко Я. Зеленопілля. Спогад офіцера [Електронний ресурс] / Ярослав Тинченко // Тиждень. ua. – 2016. – 14 лип. – Режим доступу : 122 Прикордонники зазнали 153 нападів та обстрілів з території Росії [Електронний ре- сурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 29 лип. – Режим доступу : napadiv-ta-obstriliv-z-teritoriyi-rosiyi/. 123 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 3, 17, 19... 124 Російські «Гради» більше 300 разів обстрілювали територію України – Bellingcat [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2016. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : bellingcat-205961_.html/: фот. 125 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 13... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 57

BATTLE OF ILOVAISK The (August 23-30, 2014), a tragic page in the Rus- sian-Ukrainian war, is the encirclement of a group of Ukrainian troops of about 1,200 soldiers126 by regular units of the Russian Armed Forces and militants of the Russian terrorist groups near the Russian-Ukrainian war zone near the city of Ilovaisk (Donetsk region). It was primarily caused by the massive Russian Regular Forces’ invasion of Ukraine. In addition to the main reason, the regular parts of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation’s direct invasion and their quantitative and qualitative ad- vantage compared to the Ukrainian troops, the battle’s outcome was also caused by the small number of Ukrainian units which would be able to provide a long line of the front, their exhaustion and demoralization as a result of artillery shelling from the territory of the Russian Federation127, which were prohibited to respond to, the mistakes of the Ukrainian com- mand and the loss of its command of the army, which in such conditions lost its combat capability128. According to the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office, the total number of Russian troops during the fighting near Ilovaisk exceeded 16 thou- sand people129 (including, according to estimates of the representative of the Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colo- nel Viktor Shydliukh, more than 4 thousand regular military personnel

126 Ibid. 127 According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approximately 200 units of the Russian artillery took part in the massive artillery shell on Ukrainian positions from the territory of Russia [Аналіз Генерального штабу ЗСУ щодо бойових дій на Дебальцевському плацдармі з 27 січня до 18 лютого 2015 року [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство оборони України : офіційний веб-сайт. – 2016. – 3 лют. – Режим доступу : shhodo-bojovih-dij-na-debalczevskomu-placzdarmi-z-27-sichnya-do-18-lyutogo-2015- roku.html]. 128 З території Росії обстрілюють сили АТО та українські села [Електронний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 21 серп. – Режим доступу : ato-ta-ukrayinski-sela/; Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків втор- гнення Російської Федерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 16–18, 24...; Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 129 ГПУ оприлюднила результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2017. – 14 серп. – Режим доступу : 58 Mykola LAZAROVYCH units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation130). During the departure of Ukrainians from the surrounding in the city of Ilovaisk, the ratio of the main forces and equipment of the parties was in favor of the enemy in the following proportions: personnel – 1:18, tanks – 1:11, armored equipment – 1:16, artillery – 1:15, “Hail”- 1:24131. At that time, the Russian armed forces dislocated along the Eastern part of the state border of Ukraine included: 35 battalion-tactical and rota-tactical groups, at least 45,100 servicemen, 160 tanks, 1,360 armored vehicles, 350 artillery units, 130 units of multiple rocket launchers, 192 combat aircrafts, 137 torpedoes132. On August 29, despite the Russian side’s assurances that they would freely release the surrounded people, using heavy armament, and direct- ly following an order of the command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia133, they shot Ukrainian military servicemen with pre-ar- ranged tactically advantageous fire positions.

Commenting on the Ilovaisk tragedy, Colonel Oleksii Nozdrachov, the Head of the Military-Civilian Cooperation Department of the Armed Forces, admit- ted that no one expected the direct invasion of Russia: “When in the evening of August 22 [2014 – M.L.] we were returning to the command point of sector B, the situation has developed in such a way that nobody could even imagine that there would be an invasion of the Russian troops. Everyone, from the com- mander [of the sector B of the forces of the Antiterrorist Operation. – M. L.] General R. Khomchak to the last soldier, I hope, believed that in the near future we would liberate all territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and peace would be restored” [Під Іловайськом було вбито 200 російських військових – Міноборони [Електронний ресурс] // ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ. – 2018. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу htp:// noboroni].

130 При боях за Іловайськ в Україну вторглися більше 4 тис. військових РФ, – НДІ ЗСУ [Електронний ресурс] // РБК-Україна. – 2015. – 13 серп. – Режим доступу : https:// 131 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 132 Ibid. 133 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Фе- дерації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 19–20...; Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 59

The forces of the ATO command started negotiations with representatives of the General Staff (GS) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to the critical situation of Ukrainian troops and the task of preserving the lives of personnel. The negotiations continued between the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko and the First Depu- ty Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Nikolai Bogdanovsky, as well as at the level of management of the sector B and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on providing safe humanitarian corridors for the exit of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other Ukrainian military formations. As a result of negotiations, during which on Au- gust 26-28, 2014 only between the generals V. Muzhenko and N. Bogdanovsky 12 telephone conversations took place; the Russian side provided guarantees for the safe release of the Ukrainian military personnel from the surrounding in a non-combat order on agreed routes. The additional guarantees of a safe release were three captured Russian paratroopers, whom it was agreed to transfer their representatives to the RF Armed Forces after leaving the surrounding. As it turned out, in the course of negotiations, representatives of the Armed Forces of Russia were deliberately delaying the time in order to arrange fire positions along the agreed route for the ATO forces [Результати розслідування Іловайської трагеді...; Муженко В. Іловайськ через призму часу. Частина 3. Вихід з оточення. Висновки [Електронний ресурс] / Віктор Муженко // Ukrainian Military Pages. – 2016. – 26 серп. – Режим доступу : htps://].

As a result of these criminal actions of Russia, according to far from complete official data, 366 Ukrainian fighters were killed, 429 were in- jured, and 300 were captured. Also, the Russians shot three of their troop’s militants, who were part of the Ukrainian colony as prisoners and, according to the agreement, had to be transferred to the Russian side after leaving the surrounded area. In addition, ATO forces lost their weapons and military equipment valued at nearly 300 million UAH during the battle near Ilovaisk134. Impossible to compare with Ilovaisk, but other significant losses of Ukrainian troops happened in the area of Tsvitni Pisky of Slovia- noserbsk district (Luhansk region), where on September 5, 2014, sepa­ rate units of the “Aidar” battalion and the 80th Separate Airmobile Bri- gade fell into enemy’s ambush. As a result, 31 soldiers were killed, at

134 Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії... 60 Mykola LAZAROVYCH least 10 were injured, 11 were missing, and 3 were taken as hostages135. To a large extent, this situation was caused by the disorganization of the battle of Ilovaisk. Summer fights of 2014 have also led to an increasing number of vic- tims and prisoners of war from the regular parts of the RF Armed Forces. For instance, on August 19, Ukrainian fighters captured 5 Russian para- troopers in the town of Ilovaisk136. At night from August 20 to August 21 during an offensive operation carried out by Ukrainian troops near the village Heorhiivka of Lutuhine district (Luhansk region), according to the information of the Russian newspaper “Pskov province”, the first company of the 76th Pskov Division of Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was almost completely destroyed: 80 to 140 Russian paratroopers perished137. On August 24, near the settlements of Kuteinykove and Dzerkalne of Amvrosiivska district of Donetsk region, parts of the 51st Individual Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine started a battle with the subdivisions of the Airborne Army of the Russian Federation, during which 10 Russian paratroopers, who belonged to the 331st Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) of 98th Airborne Division, were captured with personal documents and weapons138. At the end of August, the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers in the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation published a list of about 400 names of soldiers of the Voronezh-Shumlenskoy 19th Sepa-

135 Цвітні Піски [Електронний ресурс] // Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну. – 2014–2018. – Режим доступу : 136 В Іловайську взяли в полон російських десантників [Електронний ресурс] // Укра- їнська правда. – 2014. – 20 серп. – Режим доступу : news/2014/08/20/7035337/. 137 «Всю роту положили»: участники боевых действий на территории Украины описыва- ют масштаб понесенных российскими воинскими подразделениями потерь [Текст] // Псковская губернія. – 2014. – № 34 (706). – 3–9 сент.: фот.; «Псковская губерния» опубликовала разговоры десантников о гибели роты сослуживцев [Электронный ресурс] // Новая газета. – 2014. – 2 сент. – Режим доступа : https://www.novayagazeta. ru/news/2014/09/03/105045-171-pskovskaya-guberniya-187-opublikovala-razgovory- desantnikov-o-gibeli-roty-sosluzhivtsev. 138 Затримані на Донбасі десантники Росії: нам брешуть про навчання [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2014. – 26 серп. – Режим доступу : https://www.; Проміжний звіт ТСК з розслідування трагічних подій під Іловайськом: повний текст… «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 61 rate Motorized Infantry Brigade (Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia), the 17th Separate Guards Motorized Infantry Brigade (Shatoy, Chechnia), 8th Separate Guards Motorized Infantry Brigade (Shatoy, Chechnia) and other parts of the Russian Armed Forces who died or were injured as a result of the military actions in Eastern Ukraine139. According to various sources, at least 150140 to slightly more than 200 soldiers of the RF Armed Forces141, more than 330 fighters of the Russian terrorist groups died; from about 200142 to about 300 troops of the Armed Forces of Russia were wounded143 in fights near the city of Ilovaisk. In general, according to the aforementioned Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksii Nozdrachov, for the entire period of summer 2014 in the Donbas, about 1700 Russian soldiers were killed144. According to the information provided by the Ukrainian intelligence, as of early September 2014, about 2 thousand military personnel of the Russian Federation were killed during the fighting in Eastern Ukraine145. At the same time, Russian activist Elena Vasilieva, a founder of the group “Gruz-200” presented a bigger number of the killed Russian militants –

139 Солдатские матери составили список из 400 убитых и раненых российских солдат [Электронный ресурс] // Телеканал Дождь. – 2014. – 27 авг. – Режим доступа : https:// ubityh_rossijskih_soldat-374625/. 140 Хоменко С. Що сталося в Іловайську: версія Генштабу [Електронний ресурс] / Свя- тослав Хоменко // ВВС Україна. – 2015. – 14 серп. – Режим доступу : com/ukrainian/politics/2015/08/150814_ilovaysk_hq_general_sx; КамАЗами вивози- ли: ветеран АТО розповів про втрати росіян під Іловайськом [Електронний ресурс] // Апостроф. – 2017. – 30 серп. – Режим доступу : society/accidents/2017-08-30/kamazami-vyvozili-veteran-ato-rasskazal-o-poteryah- rossiyan-pod-ilovajskom/105637. 141 Безповоротні втрати РФ на Донбасі за весь період літа 2014 року становлять 1,7 тис. осіб, – Ноздрачов [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – 28 серп. – Режим до- ступу : za_ves_period_lita_2014_roku_stanovlyat_17_tys_osib_nozdrachov. 142 День в історії – Іловайський котел [Електронний ресурс] // – 2017. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : 267947.html. 143 Безповоротні втрати РФ на Донбасі за весь період літа 2014 року становлять 1,7 тис. осіб, – Ноздрачов... 144 Ibid. 145 Про втрати ЗС Росії в Україні... 62 Mykola LAZAROVYCH more than 2,500146. According to Elena Vasilieva, by mid-January 2015, the Russian side lost 6,242 people - dead and missing persons147. Important thing to pay attention to is the material of the influential American magazine Forbes, which on August 25, 2015, published the in- formation from accidental publication of the Russian edition of the maga- zine “Business Life” under the heading “Compensation for servicemen who participated in military actions in Ukraine during 2014-2015 years” (soon afterward the sensational material on the website was replaced, but its original version was saved in the form of screenshots). The text referred to the amount of monetary compensation paid to the families of the dead servicemen – 3 million rubles, (about 50 thousand USD), for those who re- ceived disability during the fighting – 1.5 million rubles (about 25 thousand dollars) and for contract soldiers – 1,800 rubles (about $30) for each day of stay in the zone of a military conflict. As of February 1, 2015, such com- pensations have been received by more than 2,000 families of victims and 3,200 soldiers who were seriously injured and recognized as disabled148. There are well-known facts that dozens of bodies of dead soldiers of the RF Army and militants of the Russian terrorist groups were thrown into the shaft of mines in order to conceal military losses. In particular, it happened on the night of September 4-5, 2014, near the city of Chervo- nopartyzansk (now Voznesenivka) in Luhansk region149 and on Novem- ber 18, the same year, near the town of Debaltseve in Donetsk region150.

146 Російська активістка: На Донбасі загинули понад 2,5 тисячі російських військових [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2014. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : http://tyzhden. ua/News/118450. 147 За три дні на Донбасі загинули 382 військових РФ, всього – понад 6 тисяч – Васильєва [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2015. – 19 січ. – Режим доступу : https:// 148 Gregory P. R. Russia May Have Inadvertently Posted Its Casualties In Ukraine: 2,000 Deaths, 3,200 Disabled [Electronic resource] / Paul Roderick Gregory // Forbes. – 2015. – 25 Aug. – Mode acess : kremlin-censors-rush-to-erase-inadvertent-release-of-russian-casualties-in-east- ukraine/#7eea75429c58. 149 Про втрати ЗС Росії в Україні... 150 РНБО: Терористи знову «поховали» кількадесят загиблих в боях росіян у штольні однієї з шахт [Електронний ресурс] // Espreso.TV. – 2014. – 18 лист. – Режим доступу : https:// zahyblykh_v_boyakh_rosiyan_u_shtolni_odniyeyi_z_shakht. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 63

The transfer of killed soldiers’ residues of the Armed Forces of the RF to Russian side by Ukrainian soldiers that tool place within “EVACUATION 200” humanitarian project. Stanytsia Luhanska, January 2018. Photo from

There were occasions when, in order to hide Russia’s involvement in the occupation of Ukraine, Russian artillery opened fire on Russian units that had fallen into the ambush of Ukrainian soldiers151. The losses of the Ukrainian army were also significant. At the begin- ning of December 2014, Chief of General Staff of ATO, Major General Vik- tor Nazarov, unveiled the following official data: about 1,100 people died and about 200 died as a result of actions not related to the fulfillment of certain tasks; injured - about 4,000; missing - 290-300; captured - up to 300 people152.

151 Аби приховати свою участь в окупації України російські артилеристи відкрили вогонь по російській розвідгрупі, яка потрапила у засідку [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство оборони України : офіційний веб-сайт. – 2015. – 18 трав. – Режим до- ступу : ukraini-rosijski-artileristi-vidkrili-vogon-po-rosijskij-rozvidgrupi-yaka-potrapila-u- zasidku--10026/. 152 Назаров В. Начальник штабу АТО Віктор Назаров: «Щоб там не казали, «лупили» росіян ми дуже серйозно» [Електронний ресурс] / Віктор Назаров ; Максим Каменєв // Insider. – 2014. – 4 груд. – Режим доступу : politics/547c442e06631/. 64 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Ukrainian militaries are bearing the wounded during the battle near Ilovaisk, August 10, 2014. Photo of EPA

After the massive introduction of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine and the tragedy near Ilovaisk, Ukrainian forces were forced to retreat. They left the following settlements: Novoazovsk, Amvrosiivka, Starobesheve, Komsomolske (now Kalmiuske) in Donetsk region, and the Luhansk airport. The danger of the Russian occupation hung over the city of Mariupol. Therefore, the reserve of the Ukrainian troops which were previously prepared for the unblocking of the surrounding of Ilovaisk were to stop an enemy attack on this almost half-millionth center of Azov Region. During September 2-5, 2014, Ukrainian units carried out series of successful military raids in the areas of Komsomolske, , No- voazovsk, and Starolasp. Thanks to this, Ukrainians not only prevented a threat of losing Mariupol but also released from the enemy , Volodymyrivka, Blahodatne, Olenivka, Mykolaivka, , No- votroitske153. The spread of Russian aggression was stopped and the ter- ritories controlled by the enemy were isolated.

153 Аналіз ведення антитерористичної операції та наслідків вторгнення Російської Феде- рації в Україну у серпні-вересні 2014 року. – С. 20–24...;Лазарович М. Російсько-укра- їнська війна (2014–2017 роки)... – С. 64–65. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 65

MINSK TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT, 2014 Meanwhile, the international community, concerned about the esca- lation of hostilities in Eastern Ukraine, has begun to seek ways to regu­ late the military conflict. On September 5, 2014, in Minsk (Republic of Belarus) the trilateral contact group - OSCE, Ukraine, the Russian Fed- eration - and the representatives of the puppet “DPR” and “LPR” signed an interim agreement on “ensuring an immediate bilateral cease-fire” in the ORDLO154. In implementation of these agreements, on September 16, the Ver­ khovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine on the Special Pro- cedure of Local Self-Government in selected districts of Donetsk and Lu- hansk regions155. According to the law, the districts of Donbas region that were not under the control of the Ukrainian authorities were granted a special status for a 3 year term, which established a temporary proce- dure for the organization of local self-government, work of local self-gov- ernment bodies in order to create conditions for the rapid normalization of the situation there, restoration of law and order, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. After that, the work of the international con- tact group in the capital of Belarus was extended, and its participants signed the so-called Minsk memorandum on the night of September 20, 2014156, which called for the cessation of the use of weapons, the sus- pension of units and military formations of the parties on the line of collision as of September 19, and the installation of a 30-kilometer safety zone in Eastern Ukraine. However, Russia did not intend to abide by the cease-fire regime in an attempt to destabilize Ukraine and force it to abandon its declared strategy for integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures and

154 ОБСЄ оприлюднила підписаний у Мінську протокол [Електронний ресурс] : документ // Радіо Свобода. – 2014. – 7 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.radiosvoboda. org/a/26570262.html. 155 Закон України «Про особливий порядок місцевого самоврядування в окремих райо- нах Донецької та Луганської областей». 16 вересня 2014 р. № 1680-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : 156 ОБСЄ оприлюднила текст Меморандуму, підписаного у Мінську [Електронний ре- сурс] // УНІАН. – 2014. – 20 вер. – Режим доступу : politics/987314-obse-oprilyudnila-tekst-memorandumu-pidpisanogo-u-minsku.html. 66 Mykola LAZAROVYCH gaining full membership in NATO. Describing the behavior of the Russian leadership in the Donbas, the editorial board of the influential American newspaper The Washington Post rightly noted: “Putin used tricks, decep- tion, and lies to cover the operations and their true goals. During talks and conferences with Western diplomats, his representatives consistent- ly agreed to peace plans, while Russian ground forces continued artil- lery shelling and bombing”157. Therefore, during the armistice, despite the slight decrease in the intensity of hostilities, the enemy did not stop the bombardments in the ATO (from the signing of the Minsk Agreements to November 24, 2014, Russian side had violated the cease-fire regime 3.5 thousand times)158, did not depart from the line of separation and con- tinued to carry out offensive operations.

Participants of the Trilateral Contact Group (from left to right): M. Zurabov, Russia’s ambassador to Ukraine, Alexander Zakharchenko, the Head of Donetsk People’s Republic, , the Head of Luhansk People’s Republic, OSCE representative, H. Tagliavini, and the second President of Ukraine, L. Kuchma

157 Для прикриття російських операцій на Донбасі Путін застосовував брехню – The Washington Post [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2016. – 9 вер. – Режим доступу : 158 Террористы нарушили минские договоренности почти три с половиной тысячи раз [Электронный ресурс] // Новое время. – 2014. – 24 нояб. – Режим доступа : dogovorennosti-21916.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 67 As a result, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, more than 100 Ukrainian soldiers died within the two months of the “ar- mistice” and about 600 were injured159. In general, as it was said in the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Hu- man Rights, during September 6 - November 18, 2014, 957 deaths were recorded in the area of fighting in Eastern Ukraine160. On November 2, 2014, the pseudo-elections of the “heads” and “People’s Councils” of the “DPR” and “LPR” again proved a complete ignoring of testimonies of the Minsk agreements and the Law on Special Procedures of Local Self-Go­ vernment by militants161 .


In an effort to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, the Russian Fede­ ration ignored the cease-fire regime162 and took measures to loosen the situation in Ukraine outside the ATO zone. With this goal, Russia sup- ported the “fifth column”163, trying to intimidate the population in any way, blame Ukrainian authorities for failing to maintain order in the

159 За два місяці «перемир’я» в Донбасі загинуло понад 100 українських військових [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 4 лист. – Режим доступу : https:// viyskovih-155713_.html. 160 Дорош С. Річниця Мінських угод: конфлікт на роки? [Електронний ресурс] / Світлана Дорош // ВВС Україна. – 2015. – 4 вер. – Режим доступу : ukrainian/politics/2015/09/150904_minsk_agreement_anniversary_sd. 161 СБУ порушила справу щодо «виборів» в «ДНР» і «ЛНР» [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 2 лист. – Режим доступу : porushila-spravu-schodo-viboriv-v-dnr-i-lnr-155538_.html. 162 Depite declared cease-fire regime from December 9, 2014 Russian armed groups have shelled Ukrainian troops 1052 times from this moment to January 15, 2015, and from September 5, 2014 to January 15, 2015 they have opened fire on Ukrainian soldiers at least 21250. As a result, 200 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 1067 were injured [Аналіз бойових дій на сході України в ході зимової кампанії 2014–2015 років…]. 163 «Fifth column» is a term from the period of civil war in Spain of 1930s. It refers to persons and organizations acting in favour of other countries, against the authority of their country. It is a synonym of collective betrayal and espionage 68 Mykola LAZAROVYCH state, and so on. Only by October 2014, the 55 bridges were destroyed by the enemy, 16 of them were railroads, 36 were overpasses and auto- mobile bridges, and 3 were pedestrians164. At the end of 2014, Russian special services carried out terrorist and sabotage acts on civilian targets in Kharkiv, Odesa, and Mariupol. In particular, the confirmation of their high qualification was the synchronous decommissioning of the railroad bridge in Mariupol on December 23 and the railway track in Odesa on December 23. There were recorded penetrations and actions in our coun- try of more than 80 enemy sabotages and reconnaissance groups165.

Battle near Debaltseve city of Donetsk region. Photo of TSN

Russia also completely hindered the work of the OSCE SMM in the ORDLO and denied Ukraine the right to restore control over the Eastern section of the Ukrainian-Russian state border. This enabled Russia to hide from the world the humanitarian, economic and environmental disasters

164 За час АТО бойовики зруйнували 55 мостів – начальник інженерних військ [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2014. – 17 жовт. – Режим доступу : za-chas-ato-boyoviki-zruynuvali-55-mostiv-nachalnik-injenernih-viysk.html. 165 Аналіз бойових дій на сході України в ході зимової кампанії 2014–2015 років... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 69 that it had created in the Donbas166, and to constantly provide their regu- lar and terrorist troops with new equipment, weapons, and personnel. As a result, according to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine O. Turchynov, at the beginning of 2015 in the occupied part of Donbas there were 36 thousand militants of Russian formations, including 8 thousand soldiers of the regular troops of the RF Armed Forces (estimated by the U.S. militaries – more than 12 thousand167), which had 542 tanks, up to 990 armored combat vehicles, 694 units of RCDs, 4 units of tactical missile complexes “Tochka-U”, and up to 57 units of anti-aircraft missile systems168. The U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payett even remarked that “militants had more weapons (tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery and missile systems) than some countries of NATO and Europe”169. At that time, alongside the border of Ukraine, there were about 52,000 Russian soldiers with a significant offensive potential: more than 300 tanks, more than 1,800 armored combat vehicles, up to 360 combat aircraft and attack helicopters170. By concentrating significant reserves of weapons and military equip- ment in the ORDLO, Russian regular and terrorist troops launched a massive offensive on the so-called Debaltseve springboard in Donetsk region at the end of January 2015. The enemy sought at any price to elim- inate the “ claw of Debaltseve”, which, for several tens of kilometers, was wedged into the territory of the puppet “DPR”, to surround and defeat the Ukrainian army there, develop an offensive and seize the cities of Ar- temivsk, Kramatorsk and, under favorable conditions, Kharkiv171. The task

166 Росія приховує катастрофу, яку створила на Донбасі – Волкер [Електронний ресурс] / Курт Волкер // Українська правда. – 2018. – 7 серп. – Режим доступу : https://www. 167 Шаманська А. В Україні 12 тисяч російських солдатів – американський генерал [Електронний ресурс] / Анна Шаманська // Радіо Свобода. – 2015. – 5 бер. – Режим доступу : 168 Турчинов: Російська армія може піти у наступ [Електронний ресурс] // Українська прав- да. – 2015. – 15 січ. – Режим доступу : 169 Посол США навів супутникові знімки з російськими танками під Дебальцевим [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 14 лют. – Режим доступу : http:// 170 Турчинов: Російська армія може піти у наступ... 171 Аналіз Генерального штабу ЗСУ щодо бойових дій на Дебальцевському плацдармі…; Шрамович В. Рік потому: як виходили з Дебальцевого [Електронний ресурс] / В’ячес- 70 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of Ukrainians was to prevent the Russian troops’ invasion deeper into Ukrainian territory. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the total number of hostile forces amounted to 19 thousand people; in their disposal, in the area of Debaltseve, there were up to 120 tanks, up to 180 artillery systems, up to 60 units of MLRS172. The quantitative parameters of the Ukrainian units concentrated in the area of the Debaltseve bridgehead were significantly lower: 5,200 fighters, 50 tanks, 40 artillery systems, 15 units of MRLS. Moreover, Russians used attack aircraft, flying at extremely low altitudes above our units, in particular during the battles for the city of Vuhlehirsk, 12 km from the city of Debaltseve, and Ukrainians had the Mi-24 and Mi-8 winged aircrafts, however, their strikes were unsuccessful173. Due to the fierce fighting that lasted from January 27 to February 18, Rus- sian troops managed to eliminate the “claw of Debaltseve” and seize such important transport connections as Vuhlehirsk, , and Debaltseve174. Although, significant losses inflicted on the enemy forced him to abandon further offensive actions and capturing new territories, and allowed the Ukrainian units to escape the surrounding, to leave the area of Debaltseve, to keep the barrier on Luhanka river and to con- solidate on the bridgehead Luhansk – Troitske – . According to official figures, during the battle in the Debaltseve district between January 15 and February 18, Ukrainians lost 110 fighters, 270 were in- jured, 7 were captured, 18 were missing (during the defense of the De- baltseve bridgehead, 136 Ukrainian soldiers died and 331 people were wounded). Somewhat different data on losses was filed by a journalist Y. Butusov. According to him, during January 18 - February 21, 2015,

лав Шрамович // ВВС Україна. – 2016. – 5 лют. – Режим доступу : com/ukrainian/society/2016/02/160120_debaltseve_vj_anniversary_vs. 172 Ibid. 173 Ibid. 174 During fights on Debaltseve springboard Russians used methods of psychological pressure: Ukrainian soldiers received SMS with threats and demanding for the surrender of their positions. Relatives and friends of our soldiers also received such messages with similar text [Аналіз Генерального штабу ЗСУ щодо бойових дій на Дебальцевському плацдармі…]. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 71 over 250 soldiers were killed and declared missing175. Material losses of Ukrainian troops were also significant – more than 30% of the equip- ment was destroyed176. Enemy losses in battles from January 24 to February 19, 2015, ac- cording to the General Staff of the Armed Forces, consisted of personnel - up to 870 people; rocket-artillery armament - up to 50 units, armored armament, and equipment - up to 110 units, automobile equipment - up to 24 units177.

Sign-symbol of Debaltseve city that was removed after occupation of the city and transferred to Moscow for exhibition. Photo from

175 Бутусов Ю. Цена Дебальцево – боевые потери ВСУ. Правда про «самую успешную опе- рацию по выводу из Дебальцево» [Электронный ресурс] / Юрий Бутусов // Цензор. НЕТ. – 2015. – 8 авг. – Режим доступа : debaltsevo_boevye_poteri_vsu_pravda_pro_samuyu_uspeshnuyu_operatsiyu_po_ vyvodu_iz_debaltsevo. 176 Аналіз Генерального штабу ЗСУ щодо бойових дій на Дебальцевському плацдармі… 177 Аналіз бойових дій на сході України в ході зимової кампанії 2014–2015 років... 72 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Evacuation of civilians from Debaltseve. February 5, 2015

NEGOTIATIONS OF THE “NORMANDY FORMAT” IN MINSK IN 2015 AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS The course of the fighting on the Debaltseve bridgehead has greatly in- fluenced the talks in Minsk, where the leaders of the “Normandy Four”»178 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and President of the Russian Federa- tion Vladimir Putin met on February 11, 2015. The Russian President tried to radically change the course of negotiations and make the interlocutors take fundamental actions, threatening with the fact that several thousand Ukrainian fighters are surrounded in the area of Debaltseve and they will be killed if they do not put down their weapons179.

178 «Normandy Four» or «Normandy format» refers to type of meetings of leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia aimed at resolving the problem of Russian-Ukrainian war. The name comes from the place where the first meeting took place: in Bénouville city in Normandy (France) on June 6, 2014. The second meeting of the same format was in Milan (Italy) on October 16-17, 2014. The third one took place in Minsk (the Republic of Belarus) on February 11-12, 2015. During first and second meeting leaders failed to reach any significant agreements. 179 Коваленко О. Дебальцівський плацдарм. Невідомі подробиці операції та переговорів у Мінську [Електронний ресурс] / Оксана Коваленко // Українська правда. – 2016. – 18 лют. – Режим доступу :; «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 73 Only thanks to the incredible efforts of the Ukrainian army, which did not allow the hostile blockade, the Putin blackmail was leveled out and the situation in Minsk was kept in a constructive way. On Februa­ ry 12, following the 16-hour negotiations, leaders of the four countries and participants of the Tripartite Contact Group adopted the “Complex of Measures for the Implementation from the Minsk Agreements”180. In particular, it provided for an immediate and comprehensive cease-fire in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, the re- moval of heavy weapons by both sides at distances, the monitoring and verification of the OSCE regime for the ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons, the amnesty of militants, the release of all hostages, the restoration of a complete control of the state border by the Ukrainian government, the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the territory of Ukraine, the adoption the legislation on the special status of the ORDLO by the Ukrainian parliament. Measures to implement the Minsk Agreements should have been im- plemented by the end of 2015. However, as in case of the September Minsk Agreements of 2014, these ones of February 2015 were ignored by the enemy in every way. Therefore, the only gain of the negotiators from the “Normandy Format” was the restriction of military escalation, due to the fact that the introduction of new sanctions against Russia was as- sociated with its implementation of the Minsk Agreements. Large-scale hostilities like those of Ilovaisk or Debaltsevo halted. Dangerous types of heavy weapons with a caliber of over 100 mm, such as “Hurricane”, “Tor- nado”, “Smerch”, “Tochka-U” and others, were assigned to the shooting range from the front line. Moreover, to a certain extent, the requirement was fulfilled that under the supervision of the OSCE SMM, opponents removed “Grad”, tanks, mortars and artillery with a caliber less than 100 mm to 15 kilometers deep into the controlled areas181.

Путин: Исходим из того, что окруженные в Дебальцево украинские военные сло- жат оружие [Электронный ресурс] // Сегодня. – 2015. – 12 февр. – Режим доступа : ukrinskie-voennye-slozhat-oruzhie-592034.html. 180 Повний текст документів, ухвалених на переговорах в Мінську [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 12 лют. – Режим доступу : 181 Марчук Є. Євген Марчук: Між війною і виборами має пройти час: що більше, то кра- ще – 5 років мінімум [Електронний ресурс] / Євген Марчук ; Михайло Глуховський // 74 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Leaders of the Normandy Four (V.Putin, the President of the RF, A. Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, F. Hollande, the President of France, P. Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine) before the negotiations in Minsk (Belarus). February 11, 2015. Photo of ЕРА/UPG

As a result, the Russian-Ukrainian war became positional along the entire collision line of the opposing sides (by mid-2016 its length was 426 km182). The hybrid components of the war from the part of the ene­ my became dominant, like the shelling of settlements in the occupied territories to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine, provocative shell- ing of the positions of the Ukrainian troops to make them open fire in response (only during the first day of “silence” there were recorded 112 shelling from the various types of weapons183), the desire to demoralize the fighting spirit of our soldiers, to obstruct the OSCE SMM work, groundless accusations of Ukraine, etc. From time to time, the positional war on the Ukrainian-Russian front intensified. The fights on December 18-19, 2016 in

День. – 2016. – 23 серп. – Режим доступу : yevgen-marchuk-mizh-viynoyu-i-vyboramy-maye-proyty-chas-shcho-bilshe-krashche-5. 182 Марчук Є. Євген Марчук: Між війною і виборами має пройти час... 183 Фронтові зведення зі сходу за 16 лютого. Перемир’я немає [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2015. – 16 лют. – Режим доступу : ukraine/politics/3480239-frontovi-zvedennia-zi-skhodu-za-16-luitoho-peremyria-nemaie. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 75

Representatives of the terrorist groups admitted the fact that Russian terrorist forces fired their occupied settlements to discredit the Ukrainian soldiers. In particular, one of the representatives - Andrii Komov described in the social net- work “Vkontakte” how the leader of the “LPR” militant Igor Plotnitsky and the “Mini­ ster of Internal Affairs” of the “LPR” Igor Kornet arranged a shelling of Luhansk in 2014: “He [Cornet – M.L.] planned, along with the Plotnitsky the bombardment of Luhansk, and personally he was present when the “Zoria” battalion, turning its guns towards Luhansk, started the shelling. He was the first one among those who star­ ted spreading the news in Luhansk that Ukrainian soldiers are destroying the civilian population of the “LPR” [Російські найманці визнали, що вони самі вели провокаційні обстріли Луганська у 2014 році [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – 6 серп. – Режим доступу : htps:// scho_vony_sami_vely_provokatsiyini_obstrily_luganska_u_2014_rotsi]. The special cynicism of the Russian militants included their shooting at the Ukrainian positions from the MLRS installed in residential neighborhoods of the settlements, in particular, in Donetsk, in order to provoke soldiers to respond thus endangering the lives of the civilians. This conclusion was made by an international group of Belling- cat investigators, after analyzing satellite images, videos, OSCE reports, and reports from residents in social networks [Грады «ДНР» стреляют из жилых кварталов Донецка [Электронный ресурс] // Bellingcat. – 2017. – 2 февр. – Режим доступа : htps://ru.bellingcat. com/novosti/ukraine/2017/02/02/donetsk-residential-grad-ru/].

city (Donetsk region) and January 29 - February 9, 2017, in the city of Avdiivka184, (Donetsk region) were one of the hottest collisions185.

184 On January 29, 2017 militants of Russian-terroristic formations attempted to storm positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Avdiivka city of Donetsk region. Ukrainian soldiers fought back and forced the enemy to retreat, then they started the counterattack and gained new positions. In response to this pro-Russian forces committed 40 sustained shellings from heavy weapons and MLRS and fired approximately 6000 times only during first week of the bat- tle. The city of 30,000 residents was destroyed and civilians were injured by shelling (as of February 3, 2017 four civilians were killed and 10 were wounded). This situation has driven the city to the edge of a humanitarian disaster due to a lack of electricity, heating and water supply, Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Plant ceased to function. As a result of fights and shellings 10 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and 66 were wounded. According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, as of January 31, 2017, the enemy lost 42 militaries of the 1st Army Corps (Donetsk) of the Armed Forces of the RF whose bodies were in the morgues of Donetsk [Бої на Світлодарській дузі: ЗСУ зазнали найважчих втрат за останні 5 місяців [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2016. – 19 груд. – Режим доступу : nayvajchih-vtrat-za-ostanni-5-misyatsiv.html]. 185 5 Ukrainian soldiers died in the fights near Svitlodarsk, 6 were wounded, 10 suffered light injures or concussions. According to intelligence agency, the enemy who had to had to back 76 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Evacuation of wounded and dead Ukrainian soldiers during the battle of Svitlodarsk. Photo from

Those fights were the attempts of the Russian troops to seize an additional Ukrainian territory and led to a sharp increase in the num- ber of wounded and killed from both sides, among militaries and ci- vilian population, which, in particular, in Avdiivka, almost suffered a humanitarian catastrophe. At the same time, during 2016-2018 years, Ukrainian soldiers did not give the enemy a single meter of their native land but also tried to regain control over those Ukrainian territories that, according to the Minsk agreements, belonged to the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

off and leave all Russian-made equipment and weapons lost 25 military personnel and 30 were [Бої під Авдіївкою: головне [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2017. – 4 лют. – Режим доступу : html; Рощенко О. За тиждень в Авдіївці загинули 10 бійців ЗСУ, поранено 66 [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2017. – 3 лют. – Режим доступу :]. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 77 In particular, only in 2017, they moved in some directions to 10 or more kilometers186, improving their combat positions.

Answering the questions of the correspondent of the German daily illustrated newspaper Bild, about the OSCE reports, which showed that fire in the Don- bas was carried out by both Russian militants and the Ukrainian militaries, special representative of the U.S. State Department for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, said that the Ukrainian army had the right to open fire in its own country. “Of course, Ukrainians are firing in battle,” he said, “but you must understand that everything is happening on the territory of Ukraine. It’s normal that the country has its own soldiers in its own country. And it’s abnormal for one country to have its own soldiers in another state. This is the situation in the East of Ukraine.” K. Volker also drew attention to the types of violations of the ceasefire. “If you defend the village in your country and you fall under mortar fire, this is one violation. If you then fired in the direction from which the firing took place, this is also a violation. This is the nature of the phrase “both sides”. This is pretty accurate, but it also distorts the nature of the problem”, - explained the American special representative [Volker K. Putin wird seine Beteiligung am Ukraine-Krieg leugnen [Electronic resource] / Kurt Volker ; Julian Röpcke // Bild. – 2018. – 6 Jul. – Mode acess : htps:// ukraine-sondergesandter-56223276.bild.html].

The Decree of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko of April 30, 2018 is intended to ensure new opportunities for the protection of the Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian citizens. It introduced the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to change the format of the large-scale Anti-Terrorist Operation which had been implemented in 2014. Instead of the ATO, in accordance with the plan of the United Na- tions Operation, the Joint Forces Operation187 was providing national se- curity and defense, defending and deterring the armed aggression of the

186 Турчинов: у 2017 році ЗСУ на Донбасі просунулися на понад 10 кілометрів [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 12 лют. – Режим доступу : https://www. 187 From the beginning of Joint Forces Operation on the East of Ukraine, from April 30 to mid- August of 2018, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took control of 15 square kilometres of Ukrainian territory [За час ООС українські військові повернули 15 кв. км території на Донбасі під свій контроль – Наєв [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 16 серп. – Режим доступу : 29437300.html]. 78 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions188. The commander of the Joint Forces Operation, Lieu- tenant-General Serhii Naiev, is direct- ly responsible for ensuring the resis- tance of the large-scale armed ag- gression of the Russian Federation. Analyzing the problems of set- tling the Russian-Ukrainian war, Kurt Volker, appointed in 2017 as the U.S. Special Representative to Ukraine, said that the main problem is that “Russia continued to deny its role in actions in the Donbas region. Rus- sia insisted that it had nothing to do with the forces it controlled and led, that it had nothing to do with the Commander of the Joint Forces separatist governments that it set Operation Lieutenant General Serhii Naiev up and where it changed the leader- ship at its own desire...”189. Moreover, Russia has blocked the introduction of peacekeepers into the territory of the ORDLO, demanding that they agree with the representatives of the “DPR” and “LPR”, in order to, from the words of K. Volker, “legitimize their presence and lead to a delay of the conflict”190. Under these circumstances, the Special Representative of the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine came to the conclusion that a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian war could be achieved

188 30 квітня розпочалась операція Об’єднаних сил із відсічі та стримування збройної агресії Росії на Донбасі – Президент підписав Указ [Електронний ресурс] // Прези- дент України: офіційне інтернет-представництво. – 2018. – 30 квіт. – Режим доступу : vidsichi-47206. 189 Бедратенко О. Волкер: затягуючи конфлікт, Росія хоче долучити ДНР/ЛНР до питання миротворців [Електронний ресурс] / Оксана Бедратенко // Голос Америки. – 2017. – 19 груд. – Режим доступу : konflict/4170335.html. 190 Ibid. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 79 “only if the Russian forces and Russian leadership as well as the com- mand and control of the militant presence in the Donbas were elim- inated “191. At the same time, Ukraine’s urgent task is to take into account the experience of conflicts in and South Ossetia192 and to prevent the transformation of Russia from the participant of the Rus- sian-Ukrainian war, enshrined in the legislation of Ukraine, to the media­ tor between the Ukrainian state and the collaborators of the ORDLO.

Kurt Volker, the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine, in front-line city of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, July 23, 2017. Photo from

191 Ibid. 192 At the beginning the agreements on the suspension of the armed conflict in Transnistria and South Ossetia were signed by Moldova or Georgia and Russia, further, Moscow has taken up the role of mediator, and the status of the parties to the conflict has been officially laid down on Moldova or Georgia as a one side and separatist formations as another side [Снігир О. Російський експансіонізм у Молдові, Грузії та Україні: паралелі й відмінності [Текст] / Олена Снігир // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – № 18–19 (19– 25 трав.)]. 80 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SANCTIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY REGARDING RUSSIA Leading international or- ganizations and countries of the world condemned Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine as well as the annexation of Crimea. Thus, on July 1, 2014, the OSCE Parliamentary As- sembly adopted by a majority votes the resolution “Clear, gross and uncorrected vio- Sanctions against the RF is painful! lations of helsinki principles Photo collage of by the Russian Federation”193, which condemned Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and expressed “firm support for the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine”. On September 5, in NATO Wales Summit Declaration “strongly condemned the escalation of events and the illegal military intervention of Russia in Ukraine”, and demanded that Russia withdraws its troops from Ukraine and from its borders, stops the flow of weapons, equip- ment, people and money across the border for militants194. The Joint Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Commission of December 2, 2014195 and other documents of the North Atlantic Alliance196 contained

193 ПА ОБСЄ визнала Росію військовим агресором [Електронний ресурс] // Укра- їнська правда. – 2014. – 1 лип. – Режим доступу : news/2014/07/1/7030663/. 194 Декларація Уельського саміту: видана главами держав та урядів, які брали участь у засіданні Північноатлантичної ради в Уельсі [Електронний ресурс] // Організація Північноатлантичного договору. – 2014. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.nato. int/cps/uk/natohq/official_texts_112964.htm?selectedLocale=uk. 195 Спільна Заява Комісії Україна-НАТО. 2 грудня 2014, Брюссель [Електронний ресурс] // Організація Північноатлантичного договору. – 2014. – 2 груд. – Режим доступу : 196 Офіційні тексти [Електронний ресурс] // Організація Північноатлантичного догово- ру. – 2015–2017. – Режим доступу : htm?query=&date_from=&date_to=&sort=date:D:S:d1&start=0-10. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 81

the same requirements. Previously, on September 17, 2014, the Commit- tee of Ministers of the Council of Europe called on Russia to withdraw all its troops from the territory of Ukraine, including the illegally occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and to refrain from any further military intervention in Ukraine197. The resolutions of the Parlia- mentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of January 27 and June 25, 2015198, as well as other documents and statements of interna- tional institutions and foreign countries199 starting from 2014 demanded these actions. Sanctions have become an important factor of international measures to limit a military escalation in the Donbas. In addition to the mentioned measures of influence over the annexation of Crimea, the international community also punished the Russian Federation for its further armed aggression against Ukraine. Hence, on July 16, 2014, the United States imposed first sanctions on key sectors of the Russian economy, which included a number of Russian companies in the military-industrial com- plex, the oil and gas sector, financial institutions, as well as individual politicians and military officials, representatives of anti-state forces in

197 Коментар МЗС України щодо рішення Комітету Міністрів Ради Європи від 17 вересня 2014 року [Електронний ресурс] // Урядовий портал. – 2014. – 18 вер. – Режим досту- пу : 198 Резолюція ПАРЄ щодо України: коментований переклад [Електронний ресурс] // Єв- ропейська правда. – 2015. – 28 січ. – Режим доступу : https://www.eurointegration.; ПАРЄ ухвалила резолюцію по Україні – Ро- сію визнали агресором і окупантом [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська прав- да. – 2015. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : news/2015/06/25/7035276/. 199 Обама порівняв російську агресію з нацизмом [Електронний ресурс] // Укра- їнська правда. – 2014. – 3 вер. – Режим доступу : news/2014/09/3/7036632/; Ештон наполегливо порадила РФ відвести війська з Укра- їни [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 13 квіт. – Режим доступу :; МЗС Британії: Заворушен- ня в Україні спланувала Росія [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 14 квіт. – Режим доступу :; Сидорук Т. Роль ФРН у формуванні спільної позиції ЄС щодо російсько-українського конфлікту [Електронний ресурс] / Тетяна Сидорук // Аналітичний центр «Борисфен Інтел». – 2016. – 21 лют. – Режим доступу : formirovanii_obshhej_pozicii_es_2/. 82 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Ukraine. At the same time, the EU has expanded the same sanctions against a number of individuals and Russian companies involved in vio- lating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. The reason for the new sanction measures against Russia was the tragedy that happened on July 17, 2014, when near the occupied city of Torez, Donetsk region militants of the Russian terrorist troops brought down the passenger plane Boeing 777 “Malaysian Airlines”, which per- formed the flight Amsterdam (Netherlands) - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). 298 people were the victims of the terrorist attack, including 80 chil- dren from eighteen countries of the world: Netherlands, Malaysia, Aus- tralia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and others. The victims’ belon­ gings were plundered by looters: Russian terrorists, mercenaries and their local assassins200.

According to one of the versions of the experts, the Boeing 777 aircraft “Ma- laysian Airlines” was shot accidentally. In fact, according to V. Nalyvaichenko, who headed the SBU when the tragedy took place, Russia was looking for a for- mal reason to declare a full-scale war in Ukraine. To accomplish this, the Kremlin decided to shoot down the passenger airplane of the Russian Aeroflot over the territory of Ukraine, which was flying from Moscow to Cyprus (it had 157 passen- gers and also most of them were children) at the same time, at about the same height, and accuse Armed Forces of Ukraine of this crime and thus justify its military intervention [«Бук», з якого було збито «Боїнг» рейсу МН-17, могли завезти, щоб збити літак «Аерофлоту» [Електронний ресурс] // Інтерфакс-Україна. – 2016. – 2 жовт. – Режим доступу : htps://]. However, the plans of the Kremlin were ruined by the Russian military of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense Brigade based in the city of Kursk (Russia), who fired at another plane [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – 25 трав. – Режим доступу : htps:// ti-provinu-zaavyakatastrofu-reysu-mh17-278813_.html].

200 Роковини катастрофи MH17: як змінювалася брехня Російської Федерації [Електро- нний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2017. – 17 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www.ukrinform. ua/rubric-polytics/2268145-rokovini-katastrofi-mh17-ak-zminuvalasa-brehna-rosijskoi- federacii.html; Нідерланди й Австралія поклали на РФ відповідальність за катастрофу МН17 – заява [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 25 трав. – Ре- жим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 83 On July 25 of the same year, the European Union issued additio­nal sanctions against the Russian Federation, which included a group of Russian high-ranking officials, Russia-inspired territorial entities such as the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, the “Luhansk People’s Republic”, the “Federal State of ”, and a number of anti-Ukrainian parami­ litary formations. A few days later, between July 29 and August 1, the EU imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation of 3rd level. They concerned the energy and financial sectors, military and dual-use pro­ ducts, and certain individuals; envisaged a ban on export and re-export to Russia of high-tech equipment. During the second half of 2014-2015, the EU, as well as countries such as Ukraine, the U.S.A., Japan, Switzer- land, Israel, Canada, Germany, Australia, France, Norway, Montenegro, Iceland, Albania, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Georgia and others201, ex- panded the list of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation202. In 2016-2017, the EU and the United States continued the sanctions against Russia due to its aggression towards Ukraine203. In particular, the signing of the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act” by the U.S. President Donald Trump on August 2, 2017 was significant step, which equated the Russian Federation to such global rogue states as North Korea and Iran. In addition to strengthening sanctions against the named states, the important place in the document is dedicated to the support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Spe-

201 Accoding to the researchers, the overall losses from the international sanctions against the RF estimated at 97 billions Euro. 61% of them was the losses of Russian companies. West countries suffered losses amounting to 37,5 billions Euro, 90% of these counries were European. In particular, Germany’s losses were estimated at 40%, the United Kingdom – 7,9%, France – 4,1%. The U.S. lost 0,6% [Deutschland trägt Hauptlast der Russland-Sanktionen [Electronic resource] // Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. – 2017. – 14 dezemb. – Mode acess : http://www.faz. net/aktuell/wirtschaft/mehr-wirtschaft/russland-sanktionen-deutschland-traegt- hauptlast-15340046.html; Німеччина зазнає найбільших збитків через санкції проти РФ – ЗМІ [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2017. – 14 груд. – Режим доступу :]. 202 Шаповал Ю. І. Міжнародні санкції та їхні наслідки для фінансового ринку РФ…; Хара О. Санкційний зашморг для Кремля…; Два роки санкцій: Хто і як пресує Путі- на...; Данилишин Б. Новий етап санкцій... 203 Шаповал Ю. І. Міжнародні санкції та їхні наслідки для фінансового ринку РФ…; Хара О. Санкційний зашморг для Кремля…; Два роки санкцій: Хто і як пресує Путі- на...; Данилишин Б. Новий етап санкцій... 84 Mykola LAZAROVYCH cifically, it contains the requirements for the Russian authorities to with- draw Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, to hand over a control of the Ukrainian border to Ukrainian government, to stop actions that are harmful to the Ukrainian state, and so on. The law also provides Ukraine’s energy security with priority support and prohibits the U.S. President to abolish both new and old anti-Rus- sian sanctions without the consent of the U.S. Congress204. The last po- sition was due to the fact that the President D. Trump was excessively tolerant to the actions of the President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin205, and showed some psychological dependence on him.

THE POPULATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RUSSIAN AGGRESSION IN UKRAINE Most of the population of the Russian Federation reacted to inter- national sanctions indifferently, and the restriction of the Russian busi- ness, the deterioration of Russia’s image and the negative perception of Russians in the world caused a reverse effect in Russian society – anger over the U.S., Ukraine, and the EU, which supposedly prevented the Russian Federation from strengthening. According to the results of poll conducted by the Russian analytical center of Yurii Levada, “Levada Center”, held in May 2017, 69% of Russians considered the U.S. as the largest enemy, 50% – Ukraine (2016 – 48%, 2015 – 37%, and 2014 – 30 %), 24% – Latvia, Lithuania and Germany206. At the same time, according

204 Президент США підтримав закон щодо посилення санкцій проти Росії [Електронний ресурс] // Посольство України в Сполучених Штатах Америки. – 2017. – 2 серп. – Ре- жим доступу : pidtrimav-zakon-shhodo-posilennya-sankcij-proti-rosiji. 205 In the conversation with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, in July 2018 the President of the U.S. Donald Trump was not hiding that his desire to understand Russia is stronger than his enthusiasm for Ukraine [Туск: Трамп не при- ховує, що бажання зрозуміти РФ у нього сильніше за захоплення Україною [Елек- тронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 14 лип. – Режим доступу :]. 206 «Друзья» и «враги» России [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитиче- ский центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 5 июн. – Режим доступа : http://www.levada. ru/2017/06/05/druzya-i-vragi-rossii-2. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 85 to the results of poll of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VT- sIOM) and “Levada Center”, more than 70% of the Russian population expressed their confidence that despite international sanctions, Russia should continue its policy207.

Exemplary destroying of products from EU and Ukraine in Russia as “symmetric mutual response” to the international sanctions

It is difficult to understand Russian mindset when you don’t con- sider their belief in an international conspiracy against Russia. Thus, according to the results of the poll of the VTsIOM, published on July 11, 2018, two-thirds of Russian citizens are confident in the existence of a secret “world government”, three quarters – in its hostility towards their country. Moreover, during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war, these numbers increased by almost a quarter: from 45% to 67%, and from 57% to 74%208. As of August of the same year, 66% of Rus-

207 Западные санкции: перемена участи? [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 20 июн. – Режим доступа : https://wciom. ru/index.php?id=236&uid=9166; Международные отношения и санкции [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 15 июн. – Ре- жим доступа : 208 Откуда исходит угроза миру? Две трети россиян уверены в существовании «мирово- го правительства», три четверти – в его враждебности нашей стране. [Электронный 86 Mykola LAZAROVYCH sians believed that “there is a group of people who aspire to rewrite Russian history, to substitute historical facts to harm Russia, to dimi­ nish its greatness”209. The most striking thing in these numbers was the fact that there is no place for either the Ukrainian, Georgian or Syrian tragedies, or the Russian intervention in the affairs of other countries. The owners of the “mysterious Russian souls” see problems only in others, but not in themselves. Affected by the imperial complexes, the Russian population also favored the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea and attempts by the Russian military leaders to bring Ukraine under its control. Moreover, on capturing the Crimean peninsula, the authorities confirmed the widespread belief in the Russian society that Crimea should be a part of the Russian Federation. This was confirmed by the polls of “Levada Center” in the 1990s and early 2000s210, as well as in 2017, when from 84% to 93% of Russians supported the fact of joining the Crimea to Russia211. Moreover, according to the VTsIOM, in October 2017 over 90% of Russians opposed the idea of the Czech President Miloš Zeman to pay compensation to Ukraine for the Crimea, saying that “histori- cally, Crimea belonged to Russia, it’s our land”212. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the course of 15 years of sociological monitoring, the attitude of Russian citizens towards V. Putin as the leader of the state policy of the Russian Federation, caused the approval of his ac- tivities reaching the maximum numbers (84-89%) four times, of which

ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 11 июл. – Режим доступа : 209 Теория заговора против России: Большинство россиян полагают, что существуют группы лиц, которые стремятся разрушить традиционные ценности русского народа и переписать историю России [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изу- чения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 20 авг. – Режим доступа : index.php?id=236&uid=9259&utm_source=Push4Site&utm_medium=notification&utm_ campaign=push217. 210 Волков Д. 86% Путина: верить или нет [Текст] / Денис Волков // Ведомости. – 2015. – № 3977 (9 декаб.). 211 Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналити- ческий центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 30 октяб. – Режим доступа : https://www.levada. ru/2017/10/30/rossijsko-ukrainskie-otnosheniya-2/; Галанина А. За Крым не торгуемся [Текст] / Ангелина Галанина // Известия. – 2017. – № 197 (19 октяб.). – С. 1. 212 Галанина А. За Крым не торгуемся... – С. 1. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 87 three times were in the periods of hostilities - in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine213. If in 2010-2013 the rating of confidence in Putin did not rise above 80%, since the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea and during the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2018), it did not fall below this num- ber, ranging from 82-88%214. In the presidential elections of 2018, Putin got a record-breaking result – 77%215.

For the first time, the approval of the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin, fell to the level that was before the attack on Ukraine, only in mid-2018. On June 17 this year, the index was 72.1% [Рейтинги доверия политикам, одобрения работы государственных институтов, рейтинги партий [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 22 июн. – Режим доступа : htps://]. According to sociologists, the rise in gasoline prices and the announcement of a pension reform, which stipulates an increase in the retirement age from 60 to 65 years for men and from 55 to 63 years for women, have influenced on a decrease in the rating of the Russian authorities [Рейтинг Путина упал до уровня 2013 года после объявления о пенсионной реформе [Электронный ресурс] // Медуза. – 2018. – 22 июн. – Режим доступа : htps:// ldo-urovnya-2013-goda-posle-ob-yavleniya-o-pensionnoy-reforme; ВЦИОМ отметил снижение рейтингов одобрения работы Путина и Медведева [Электронный ресурс] // Коммерсантъ. – 2018. – 22 июн. – Режим доступа : htps:// doc/3664082].

Consequently, Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine became possi- ble not only through the establishment of a de facto Nazi regime in Russia headed by V. Putin but also through the overwhelming support of his actions by the vast majority of the Russian citizens.

213 Волков Д. 86% Путина: верить или нет… 214 Президент Владимир Путин: оценки работы и ожидания [Электронный ре- сурс] // ВЦИОМ. – 2018. – 7 мая. – Режим доступа : php?id=236&uid=9080. 215 Владимир Путин в четвертый раз вступил в должность президента [Электронный ресурс] // Meduza. – 2018. – 7 мая. – Режим доступа : news/2018/05/07/vladimir-putin-v-chetvertyy-raz-vstupil-v-dolzhnost-prezidenta?utm_ source=website&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=browser_news. 88 Mykola LAZAROVYCH The growth of anti-Ukrainian sentiments among Russians has a his- torical background. As Professor V. Vasilenko correctly noted, in the past, Ukraine became the engine of the transformation of the Moscow Kingdom into an empire and was its powerful spiritual, cultural and re- sourceful contributor. By joining the territory of Ukraine, the Moscow kingdom expanded its borders to the borders of Eastern Europe, and subsequently proclaimed itself an empire, taking an ancient name of Ukraine – Rus – and the entire history of the Rus-Ukraine, in particular, its ancient Rus statehood. Therefore, because of such a special role of our country in the history of Russia, the restoration of the inde- pendent statehood of Ukraine in August 1991 became a challenge to the Russian imperial consciousness and psychologically damaged not only the openly chauvinistic circles of the contemporary Russian soci- ety but also a significant part of others. Indeed, the revival of Ukraine’s independence is inevitably linked with the restoration of its nation- al memo­ry and its separate national history and thus makes Russia’s history cut down, destroying the myth of the millennial statehood, its Euro­pean identity and supposedly primordial and natural belonging to the European civilization. Therefore, Russians understand that any attempts to restore its imperial status are unpromising without the re- turn of Ukraine (with its history, territories, resources and a human potential) to the governance of Russia. Looking at this, for the most part, the Russian political elite and its ordinary citizens are convinced in the following far-fetched assumptions: - Russians and Ukrainians are one nation; their reunification in one state should be completed by the formation of a powerful super nation and the establishment of the “Russian world” with one church, one lan- guage, and one culture; - Ukraine is a part of Russia and shouldn’t exist separately from it; - Ukraine is guilty for the disintegration of the Soviet empire and the resulting troubles of Russia; - Independent statehood of Ukraine is a geopolitical anomaly and poses a strategic threat to Russia; - Russia without Ukraine is geopolitically incomplete and cann’t be revived as a world superpower216.

216 Василенко В. А. Російсько-українська війна 2014 року... – С. 28–29. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 89 Not surprisingly, the growth of negativity and intolerance to the Ukrainian national movement, which at different times was called “maz- epinskyi”, “petliurivskyi” or “banderivskyi” by the Russian ideologists; it is an ordinary phenomenon in the Russian society. After all, every Ukrainian activist or ordinary citizen, who was aware of the priority of the national interests, was automatically considered as enemy for Russia. An example of “paranoid hate and contempt for Ukrainians and Ukraine itself”217 is currently presented by the Russian leader V. Putin. Fol- lowing an example of the Russian tsars and Soviet rulers, the President Putin, with the Chekist218 immediacy, is manipulating Nazi ideas about the actual denial of the identity of the Ukrainian nation, its distinctness from the Russian one, and the right of Ukraine to its own statehood.. Thus, disguising the problem, Putin repeatedly argued that “Russians and Ukrainians are one nation”219, or Ukrainians are “part of the Russian

217 Ibid. – С. 29. 218 V. Putin has many years’ experience of work in the structures-successors of Cheka (the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission; the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage was state and political punitive institution of Bolshevik government in 1917-1922), such as the Committee for State Security (KGB) of USSR (1975-1990) and the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation (1998- 1999). In KGB he got the nickname “Okurok” (“Stub”), and then – “Pale moth” [Сокурсник Путина, экс-разведчик КГБ: Вы серьезно думаете, что Путин, делающий подтяжку лица, развяжет ядерную войну? У него от страха ботокс потечет [Электронный ресурс] / Юрий Швец ; записала Наталия Двали // Гордон: интернет-издание. – 2015. – 28 апр. – Режим доступа : eks-razvedchik-kgb-vy-serezno-dumaete-chto-putin-delayushchiy-podtyazhku-lica- razvyazhet-yadernuyu-voynu-u-nego-ot-straha-botoks-potechet-77899.html]. 219 Интервью Первому каналу и агентству Ассошиэйтед Пресс [Электронный ресурс] // официальное интернет-представительство Президента России. – 2013. – 4 сент. – Режим доступа :; Путин: рос- сияне и украинцы – один народ [Электронный ресурс] // ВВС. – 2015. – 18 март. – Режим доступа : ru_n_putin_ukraine_relations; Путин считает, что русские и украинцы – один народ, и не делает между ними разницы [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС: информационное агентство России. – 2015. – 16 апр. – Режим доступа :; Путин назвал русских и украинцев единым народом [Электронный ресурс] // Интерфакс. – 2015. – 17 авг. – Режим доступа :; Путин: Русские и украинцы – один народ, но нас сначала разделили, а потом стравили [Электронный ресурс] // Рос- балт. – 2016. – 27 октяб. – Режим доступа : html; Посещение Лебединского горно-обогатительного комбината [Электронный ресурс] // официальное интернет-представительство Президента России. – 2017. – 90 Mykola LAZAROVYCH nation”220. Similarly, by covering euphe- misms, he veils his malice to Ukraine with the requirements of its federalization, the official introduction of bilingualism, and so on221. On April 4, 2008, during a closed meeting of the NATO-Russia Council in Bucharest (), Putin tried to persuade Western leaders that Ukraine is a failed state and, became the state within the current borders only due to the Russian Empire and the USSR (this is exactly what the Russian leader was claiming later on as well, for exam- ple, during an interview with The First Channel and Associated Press on Sep- tember 4, 2013222). Time magazine ridiculed V.Putin At the same time, the Russian presi­ placed his picture on the cover page dent gave a hint that in case of joining NATO, Ukraine could cease to exist as

14 июл. – Режим доступа :; Русские и украинцы – один народ, заявил Путин [Электронный ресурс] // РИА Новости. – 2017. – 14 декаб. – Режим доступа : 220 Путин: Украинский народ считаю братским, если не частью русского [Электронный ресурс] // Взгляд: деловая газета. – 2017. – 19 октяб. – Режим доступа : news/2017/10/19/891673.html. 221 Владимир Путин: у Украины есть будущее только в случае федерализации [Элек- тронный ресурс] // Вести.Ру. – 2014. – 17 нояб. – Режим доступа : https://www.vesti. ru/doc.html?id=2129964; Калниш В. Федералізація або війна. Новий-старий план по Україні [Електронний ресурс] / Валерій Калниш // РБК-Україна. – 2015. – 6 лют. – Режим доступу : plan-po-ukraine-06022015090700; Силіна Т. Війна за мир [Текст] / Тетяна Силіна // Дзеркало тижня. – 2015. – 7–13 лют.; Путин В. Интервью австрийскому телеканалу ORF [Электронный ресурс] / Владамир Путин ; Армин Вольф // официаль- ное интернет-представительство Президента России. – 2018. – 4 июн. – Режим досту- па : 222 Интервью Первому каналу и агентству Ассошиэйтед Пресс [Электронный ресурс] // официальное интернет-представительство Президента России. – 2013. – 4 сент. – Режим доступа : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 91 a single state223 (in May 2018 Putin actually threatened Western coun- tries that Ukraine’s possible accession to NATO was a “red line” that they shouldn’t cross224; on July of the same year he repeated the threat225). The Russian leader’s position was motivated by an outright rebuttal of facts about the national composition of the population of Ukraine, arguing that, according to the official data, ethnic Russians contitute one-third of the total population of Ukraine: 17 million out of 45 million people226. In fact, according to the data of the first (and the only) All-Ukrainian Population Census, which took place on December 5, 2001, 48,240,900 people227, lived in our country, of which 37,541.7 thousand Ukrainians, or 77,8% of the total population, 83,341 thousand Russians, or 17,3%, 23,651 thousand are representatives of other nationalities or 4,9%228.

223 Алленова О. Блок НАТО разошелся на блокпакеты [Текст] / Ольга Алленова, Елена Геда, Владимир Новиков // Коммерсантъ. – 2008. – 7 апр. – С. 9; Путін – Бушу: «Укра- їна – це не держава» [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2008. – 7 квіт. – Режим доступу :; Виступ Во- лодимира Путіна на саміті НАТО (Бухарест, 4 квітня 2008 року) [Електронний ре- сурс] // УНІАН. – 2008. – 18 квіт. – Режим доступу : vistup-volodimira-putina-na-samiti-nato-buharest-4-kvitnya-2008-roku.html. 224 Путин не советует Западу переходить «красную черту» в отношениях с РФ [Электронный ресурс] // РИА Новости. – 2018. – 25 мая. – Режим доступа : https://ria. ru/spief/20180526/1521428045.html. 225 Совещание послов и постоянных представителей России [Электронный ресурс] // официальное интернет-представительство Президента России. – 2018. – 19 июл. – Режим доступа :; Путин: РФ будет соразмерно реагировать на шаги НАТО по созданию баз у ее границ [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС: информационное агентство России. – 2018. – 19 июл. – Режим доступа : medium=social&utm_campaign=smm_social_share&utm_content=21189266. 226 Виступ Володимира Путіна на саміті НАТО (Бухарест, 4 квітня 2008 року)... 227 According to the data of the All-Ukrainian Population Census, as of December 5, 2001, the popu- lation of Ukraine was estimated at 48,240,900 people [Всеукраїнський перепис населення 2001 р.: основні підсумки [Електронний ресурс] // Державний комітет статистики України. – 2003–2004. – Режим доступу :]. 228 Всеукраїнський перепис населення 2001 р.: національний склад населення [Електро- нний ресурс] // Державний комітет статистики України. – 2003–2004. – Режим досту- пу :; Всеукраїнський перепис населення 2001 р.: графічний матеріал [Електронний ресурс] // Державний комітет статистики України. – 2003–2004. – Режим доступу : results/nationality_population/graphic#m1. 92 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Attitude of Ukrainians towards Russsians and Russians towards Ukrainians (2012 – 2017)

answer Couldn’t Very bad Very Very good Very Bad in general

Year Good in general Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainians

2017 7 2 33 28 24 37 19 18 17 14

2016 8 3 31 29 28 38 18 17 15 14

2015 7 3 26 26 24 37 30 21 14 12

2014 16 4 37 33 20 35 16 15 12 13

2013 33 8 54 62 7 20 2 3 5 9

2012 34 8 49 66 8 14 3 3 6 10

The table is prepared according to the data: Российско-украинские отно- шения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Ле- вады. – 2017. – 23 июн. – Режим доступа : 23/rossijsko-ukrainskie-otnosheniya/; Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Лева- ды. – 2017. – 30 окт. – Режим доступа : rossijsko-ukrainskie-otnosheniya-2/; Отношение к странам и санкциям [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Лева- ды. – 2017. – 18 декаб. – Режим доступа : otnoshenie-k-stranam-i-sanktsiyam/. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 93 So, as we see, Putin, without a blink of his eyes, turned 17.3% to 17 million Russians, which is far from being the same thing. Public opinion polls conducted both in Russia and Ukraine, respec- tively by Levada Center and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), gave some ideas about the attitude of Russians towards Ukraine, as well as Ukrainians towards Russia. Thus, during the first four years of the war (2014-2017), 55% of Russians were treating Ukraine badly, treating well – 32%, while only 45% of Ukrainians treated Russia badly, and 42% – good229. This data is embarrassing because it indicates that the aggressor treated the victim more negatively than the victim treat- ed the aggressor. Ukrainian society has all symptoms of the Stockholm syndrome230, caused by the prolonged remaining within Russian Empire and USSR. A clear testimony of the attitude of Russians towards Ukrainians is the numerous cases of a brutal treatment from the side of the Russian servicemen during the Russian-Ukrainian war. These cases are docu- mented both in the ORDLO and in the Russian Federation, where they took place under the direction of the FSB. Moreover, both Ukrainian sol-

229 Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналити- ческий центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 23 июн. – Режим доступа : https://www.levada. ru/2017/06/23/rossijsko-ukrainskie-otnosheniya/; Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 30 окт. – Режим доступа : otnosheniya-2/; Отношение к странам и санкциям [Электронный ресурс] // Левада- центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 18 декаб. – Режим доступа : 230 Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition in which hostages begin to sympathize with their captors and even associate themselves with them. This term was introduced by Nils Bejerot, a Swedish criminologist, after he had analyzed the situation during taking of hostages in Stockholm in August 1973 [Стокгольмський синдром [Електронний ресурс] // Психологіс: енциклопедія практичної психології / укладач Н. І. Козлов. – 2015. – Режим доступу :; Турецька Х. Стокголь- мський синдром: який він насправді, наш ворог на Сході? [Електронний ресурс] / Христина Турецька, Лук’ян Турецький // InformNapalm. – 2016. – 27 вер. – Режим до- ступу :]. Psycologists determined four key factors which promote the development of the Stockholm syndrome: 1) the threat of physical and emotional survival; 2) perception of the aggressor as person who shows kindness; 3) isolation of victim; 4) perception of reality through agressor’s [Рева І. Стокгольмський синдром в Україні [Електронний ресурс] / Ірина Рева // Тиждень.ua. – 2013. – 18 лист. – Режим доступу :]. 94 Mykola LAZAROVYCH diers and civilian population were tortured. We could remember the hor- rors of cutting off the heads, cutting the heart and patches of skin which have patriotic tattoos on them, passing an electric current through the body, cutting off and breaking the limbs, injecting unknown drugs, and other atrocities231. Similarly, the soldier of the “Aidar” battalion Vasyl Pe- lysh became a victim and his arm was cut off with ax only because it had a tattoo with a trident232. Murder of unarmed captured soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were horrific, in particular, the case of 18-year-old Ivan Klevchuk, who was unable to fulfill the Russian officer’s demand for quick undressing due to his injury. Information about the last incident which happened to the Ukrainian soldiers who tried to escape from the battle of Ilovaisk was published by the historian Yaroslav Tynchenko in the “Ukrainian Week” magazine: “One of the most tragic stories happened to the soldiers of the 93rd Bri- gade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who drove the truck GAZ-66. The car was several hundred meters away from the settlement of Novoka­ terynivka (Starobeshiv district of Donetsk region), when it was hit. The truck overturned, killing at once six or seven soldiers. After the accident, there were 10 or 11 fighters left – wounded or having a contusion. One of the soldiers began to wave with a white cloth and scream – not to shoot. In response, the military, in the form of a senior lieu- tenant of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, loudly ordered that

231 Полянська Я. Клімкін: Росія свідомо застосовує тортури до бранців [Електронний ре- сурс] / Яна Полянська // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : https://; Балачук І. Боєць, що пройшов російський полон: Відрізали голови, знімали шкіру [Електронний ресурс] / Ірина Балачук // Українська правда. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : news/2018/06/25/7184427/; Про тортури в полоні у бойовиків і російських військових на Донбасі розповіла майже тисяча громадян [Електронний ресурс] // Українські новини. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : poloni-u-boyovykiv-i-rosiyskykh-viyskovykh-na-donbasi-rozpovila-mayzhe-tysyacha. 232 Бійцю, якому відтяли руку за тату з тризубом, протез зробили теж із гербом [Елек- тронний ресурс] // День. – 2016. – 3 черв. – Режим доступу : news/030616-biycyu-yakomu-vidtyaly-ruku-za-tatu-z-tryzubom-protez-zrobyly-tezh-iz- gerbom : фот.; Фаріон І. «Нічого у тебе з протезом не вийде. Достатньо вчепити гак, щоб міг пакет тримати...» [Електронний ресурс] / Іван Фаріон // Високий Замок. – 2014. – 19 лист. – Режим доступу : protezom-ne-vyide-dostatno-vchepyty-hak-shchob-mih-paket-trymaty. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 95

Warriors of the volunteer Donbass Battalion near Ilovaisk city of Donetsk region

the boys should get up and go. As soon as they got up, Russian soldiers opened fire from guns. Two died instantly, others got additional wounds. Russian senior lieutenant ordered survived Ukrainian soldiers to crawl to his side. Then he gave the command to undress on speed. Soldier Klevchuk was wounded in both hands and could not quickly undress: Russian offi- cer shot him in his back and head. Another young fighter also did not have time to undress – he was also shot by Russian officer. An elderly sergeant who was among the captured began to reproach the officer for this act – but in response, he also received a shot in his back and head. In the same brutal way, another two soldiers were shot. On August 30, 2014, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ihor Palahniuk was on the spot of this tragedy, and after an agreement with the Russian side, he collected the dead bodies. He took away five un- dressed bodies lying under a tree, and another one – not far from the place of execution”233.

233 Тинченко Я. Серпень 2014 року. Іловайськ. Частина V. Вихід «південної» групи» [Електронний ресурс] / Ярослав Тинченко // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 15 вер. – Режим доступу : 96 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Today we have the same enemy, who for centuries seeks to destroy our statehood. Therefore, we must understand that the problem is not Putin or the Kremlin. The problem is Russian people: a community formed with a Nazi mentality and hatred towards everything that in their understanding has signs of a different kind, alienation, and operates on the principle of projection, that is, if you are a liar – accuse others of the lie, if you are a killer – accuse others of the murder, if you are a Nazi – accuse others of Nazism. It is understandable that many nations have their enemies, but Russians, depending on the time, mood and political situation, identify almost everyone, who does not want to recognize its dependence on Muscovy/Russia, as their enemy. Wherever the Russians come they bring pain, suffering, and death, regardless of their ruler or political regime. Without this awareness, we will not be able to fight ef- fectively against Russia’s aggression.

PRELIMINARY CONSEQUENCES OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR Despite a certain decrease in the tension on the front lines of the Rus- sian-Ukrainian war, the situation there is complex and characterized by the possibility of a new exacerbation. Thus, according to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council and the SBU, at the end of 2017 - early 2018, Russian occupation forces accoun­ ted for up to 75 thousand people in Ukraine: Russian regular troops – more than 36 thousand, including up to 6 thousand in the ORDLО234 and more than 30 thousand235 in Crimea236; Russian terrorist formations

234 У Генштабі назвали нинішню кількість військовослужбовців РФ на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2017. – 9 вер. – Режим доступу : viyskovoslujbovciv-rf-na-donbasi. 235According to another data, approximately 60 thousand Russian militaries with prospects for increasing to 100-120 thousand persons [Клименко А. Крим: три роки окупації [Електронний ресурс] /Андрій Клименко, Юрій Смелянський, Тетяна Гучакова, Ольга Корбут // Дзеркало тижня. – 2017. – 2 черв. – Режим доступу : international/krim-tri-roki-okupaciyi-244429_.html]. 236 Ошенко Б. Війська РФ готові вести масштабну континентальну війну, – Турчинов [Електронний ресурс] / Богдана Ошенко // Преса України. – 2018. – 13 квіт. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 97 (Russian Nazis and military veterans, criminal elements and collabora- tors, recruited locals) stationed on the East of our country – from 35.5 thousand to 40 thousand militants237. They were directly subordinated to the Center of Territorial Forces of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. This huge contingent created according to the Russian standards and fully integrated into the overall system of management and financing of the Armed Forces of Russia, exceeded the number of the army of many European countries.

The President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko and the President of the RF V. Putin. Photo of AP

The military arsenals of Russian armed groups in the temporarily oc- cupied territories of Ukraine also play a significant role. The RF supplies

237 Заблоцький В. 11-й Київський безпековий форум: висновки для України [Електро- нний ресурс] / Володимир Заблоцький // Defense Express. – 2018. – 18 квіт. – Режим доступу : forum-vysnovky-dlya-ukrayiny; Аваков назвав кількість російської техніки та військ в ОРДЛО (інфографіка) [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2017. – 28 лист. – Режим доступу : rosiyskoyi-tehniky-ta-viysk-v-ordlo-infografika; У Генштабі назвали нинішню кількість військовослужбовців РФ на Донбасі… 98 Mykola LAZAROVYCH are constantly replenishing through an uncontrolled land area of the Ukrainian-Russian state border with a length of 409.3 km (temporarily uncontrolled section of the Ukrainian-Russian maritime state border is 35 km)238 (only during January-August 2016, there were 260 cases of illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine by echelons and columns of military equipment from the side of the RF239). As a result, according to information from the Ukrainian government agencies and the Media Center, only in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, during July 2014 - July 2017 the num- ber of Russian heavy military equipment and armaments increased more than ten times: tanks – from 30 to 680 units; armored combat vehicles – from 124 to 1250 units; artillery systems and MLRS – from 110 to 1170 units; air defense – from 50 to 550 units240. From this weapon, Russian troops carried out more than 1100 shells of Ukrainian positions only during the first half of 2017, as a result more than 100 soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were killed241 (by the end of October, the number of Ukrainian soldiers who were killed has increased to 162242) and more than 800 received injuries243. For the same reasons, according to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, during Jan- uary-December 2017, 85 civilians were killed and 384 were injured on the

238 Віхтюк А. Ключові аспекти реформування Державної прикордонної служби України [Електронний ресурс] / Андрій Віхтюк // Презентація. – 2017. – 30 бер. – С. 2. – Режим доступу :Презента- ція_Ключові-акспекти-реформування-ДПС_30.03.2017.pdf. 239 З початку року зафіксовано 260 вторгнень РФ на Донбас [Електронний ресурс] // – 2016. – 27 серп. – Режим доступу : roku_zafiksovano_260_vtorgnen_rf_na_donbas_178298.html. 240 Скільки російської зброї з’явилося на Донбасі за останні роки (інфографіка) [Електронний ресурс] // Всвіті. – 2017. – 23 лип. – Режим доступу : ua/news/75346. 241 З початку року в зоні АТО загинуло 98 військових – Міноборони [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 27 трав. – Режим доступу : news/2017/05/27/7145190/. 242 З початку року на Донбасі загинули 162 військових [Електронний ресурс] // Факти. – 2017. – 27 жовт. – Режим доступу : pochatku-roku-na-donbasi-zagynuly-162-vijskovyh/. 243 З початку року в зоні АТО загинуло 98 військових – Міноборони... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 99 East of Ukraine244. Between February 16 and May 15, 2018, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 81 victims among civilians on the East of Ukraine (19 dead and 62 wounded)245.

Russian occupation forces were united into two corps in Donbas, which be- long to the 8th Russian Army. According to the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine O. Turchynov, they actually perform the same function as the penal battalions during the Second World War. Their task is to delay the advance of the Ukrainian troops till the approach of the main forces that are stationed along our border. There, Russia has built a powerful military infrastructure and operates against Ukraine not only with battalions or divisions but with armies. The threats from the sea are also presented: a part of the Cas- pian Fleet of Russia transferred to the Black Sea Basin, as well as the Russian missile systems located in Crimea and on the Eastern borders, capable of striking the territory of Ukraine [Росія зосередила проти України кілька армій та ракетні комплекси – Турчинов [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 7 черв. – Режим доступу : htps://]. In general, according to the data from spring of 2018, about 260,000 Russian soldiers, 3,500 tanks, 11,000 armored cars, 4,000 artillery systems, and more than 1,000 MLRS could be used against our state [Ошенко Б. Війська РФ готові вести масштабну континентальну війну, – Турчинов…].

In addition to fighting on the fronts, Russia actively used various ter- rorist measures to influence Ukraine. Thus, according to the SBU, during the 2014 - first half of 2017 there were recorded almost 900 terroristic acts in Ukraine, more than half of which happened in Donetsk and Lu- hansk regions246. Only in the first five months of 2017, military attacks on

244 Шрамович В. Скільки людей загинуло на Донбасі у 2017 році? [Електронний ресурс] / В’ячеслав Шрамович // ВВС Україна. – 2017. – 29 груд. – Режим доступу : https://www. 245 Доповідь щодо ситуації з правами людини в Україні 16 лютого – 15 травня 2018 року [Електронний ресурс] : неофіційний переклад / Управління Верховного комісара Організації Об’єднаних Націй з прав людини. – 2018. – С. 1. – Режим доступу : https:// 246 СБУ розкрила дані про теракти в Україні з початку агресії Росії: ексклюзивний до- кумент [Електронний ресурс] // Апостроф. – 2017. – 13 лип. – Режим доступу : teraktah-v-ukraine-s-nachala-agressii-rossii-eksklyuzivnyiy-dokument/101361 100 Mykola LAZAROVYCH civilian targets have led to 44 victims247. This was accompanied by con- tract killings, cyber attacks on the economic infrastructure of Ukraine, the “nationalization” of Ukrainian companies on the occupied territories, the recognition of “DPR” and “LPR” documents by Russia, etc. As a result of the Russian-Ukrainian War, from April 14, 2014, to No- vember 15, 2017, OHCHR documented 35,081 victims, including 10,303 dead and 24,778 wounded among civilians, Ukrainian soldiers and mem- bers of the hostile armed groups248. From April 14, 2014, to May 15, 2018, at least 2,725 civilians died249: 1,568 men, 961 women, 93 boys, 47 girls250, and 56 gender unknown. In addition, 298 civilians, including 80 children, died on July 17, 2014, during the air crash of the Boeing 777 passenger air- craft of the Malaysian Airlines, which was shot down by Russian troops, which eventually increased the number of civilian deaths to 3,023251.

247 «Нова небезпечна доктрина Путіна щодо України» – WSJ [Електронний ресурс] // Голос Америки. – 2017. – 14 лип. – Режим доступу : nova-nebezpechna-doktryna-putina/3944121.html. 248 Доповідь щодо ситуації з правами людини в Україні 16 серпня – 15 листопада 2017 року [Електронний ресурс] : неофіційний переклад / Управління Верховного комісара Організації Об’єднаних Націй з прав людини. – 2017. – С. 10. – Режим доступу : OHCHR-16.08.-15.11.17.pdf. 249 За первое полугодие 2018 г. пострадало 150 гражданских лиц – 29 погибло и 121 ране- но [Хуг: за прошлую неделю на Донбассе пострадали 6 гражданских [Электронный ресурс] // Новости Донбасса. – 2018. – 8 июл. – Режим доступа : news/283098-khug-za-proshluyu-nedelyu-na-donbasse-postradaly-6-grazhdanskykh]. 250 According to another data, more than 240 children died during 4 years of military actions on the East of Ukraine. 33 children were missing. Approximately 200 thousand children lived along the front line in the Donbas, including 15 thousandchildren, which lived in 5 kilomerter zone along front line and face the risk every day [Внаслідок російської агресії на сході України загинули 242 дитини – Порошенко [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – 28 бер. – Режим доступу : vnaslidok-rosiyskoyi-agresiyi-na-shodi-ukrayini-zaginuli-242-ditini-poroshenko-273480_. html; Через воєнні дії на Донбасі загинули понад 240 дітей [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – 1 черв. – Режим доступу : cherez-voyenni-diyi-u-donbasi-zaginuli-ponad-240-ditey-279461_.html]. Через війну за станом на жовтень 2016 р. 1937 українських дітей стали сиротами [Геращенко: За час боїв на Донбасі загинули майже 500 жінок і 70 дітей [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 26 жовт. – Режим доступу : news/2016/10/26/7124819/]. 251 Доповідь щодо ситуації з правами людини в Україні 16 лютого – 15 травня 2018 року... – С. 4–5. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 101

Volyn residents is giving a last farewell to their fellow countryman, 25 years old officer of 80th Separate Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Maris Kaminskyi died in the struggle against Russian invaiders. Kivertsi city, February 8, 2017

Concerning Ukrainian soldiers, as of June 6, 2018, an electronic “Book of Memory of those who Fallen for Ukraine” contains information about 3,905 deaths of people from various Ukrainian security forces, volunteer battalions, and other volunteers252. Several thousand military personnel of the Russian Federation and a significant number of members of the Russian terrorist groups were also killed253.

252 Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну [Електронний ресурс]. – 2014–2018. – Режим досту- пу : 253 Data about the numder of mercenaries of Russian terroristic formations vary from 2 thousand citizens of Russia, including military personnel, according to the information published by the Head of SBU on March 22, 2016. [У СБУ підрахували російські втрати на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2016. – 22 бер. – Режим доступу : https://ua.korrespondent. net/ukraine/3654512-u-sbu-pidrakhuvaly-rosiiski-vtraty-na-donbasi], до близько 8 тис. бойовиків, про смерть яких прес-центр АТО повідомив ще 3 грудня 2014 р. [У боях на Донбасі загинули близько 8 тисяч бойовиків [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2014. – 3 груд. – Режим доступу : 8-tisyach-boyovikiv-395347.html], to, probably, exaggerated losses of militants estimated at “more than 14,6 thousand personnel, approximately 260 tanks and 340 armored combat vehicles, approximately 170 multiple rocket launchers, 190 artillery systems, 16 102 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

One of the trains carrying military equipment from Russia to Ukraine for Russian armed formations. Photo of

The total number of civilians wounded as a result of the war is be- tween 7 and 9 thousand254, and among the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of June 2017 – more than 13 thousand people255. 3,224 Ukrainians were found or released from captivity256.

aircrafts and helicopters, 10 drones, up to 360 vehicles” which, as at the middle of March of 2018, were reported by the deputy commander of the ATO, Colonel Valentyn Fedichev [Штаб АТО: на Донбасі українські військові знищили понад 14 тисяч бойовиків [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2015. – 16 бер. – Режим доступу : https://www. tisyach-boyovikiv.html]. 254 Доповідь щодо ситуації з правами людини в Україні 16 лютого – 15 травня 2018 року... – С. 5; ООН: цього року на Донбасі гине більше цивільних, ніж минулого [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 19 серп. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. 255 За час АТО на Донбасі 13 тисяч бійців отримали поранення – президент [Електро- нний ресурс] // Главком. – 2018. – 30 берез. – Режим доступу : https://glavcom. ua/country/incidents/za-chas-ato-na-donbasi-13-tisyach-biyciv-otrimali-poranennya- prezident-485594.html. 256 Завдяки роботі Об’єднаного центру та інших структур вдалося повернути або знайти на Донбасі 3224 полонених, – Грицак [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 103

The number of Russians killed in the Donbas, published in official and un- official sources differ significantly. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the SBU, volunteers, and human rights organizations in Ukraine and Russia reco­ gnize that it is impossible to establish the exact information about these los­ ses. Moreover, the President of Russia V. Putin by his decree of May 28, 2015, classified official data on the loss of personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation [Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 28.05.2015 № 273 «О внесении изменений в перечень сведений, отнесенных к государственной тайне, утвержденный Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 30 ноября 1995 г. № 1203» [Электронный ресурс] // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации. 2005–2018 гг. – Режим доступа : ment/View/0001201505280001?index=0&rangeSize=1]. Therefore, the only possible way is to conduct a rough calculation, using open sources – primarily social networks and publications of relevant online media. Today, the data on the number of Russians who died in the Donbas region ranges from one to more than three thousand dead, according to various data [Дорош С. Скільки росіян загинуло на Донбасі? [Електронний ресурс] / Світлана Дорош // ВВС Україна. – 2017. – 15 черв. – Режим доступу : ukrainian/features-39512872; Gregory P. R. Russia May Have Inadvertently Post- ed Its Casualties In Ukraine: 2,000 Deaths, 3,200 Disabled…; Кусок Т. На Донбасі загинули понад 1600 військових РФ – СБУ [Електронний ресурс] / Тетяна Кусок // Українська правда. – 2016. – 15 бер. – Режим доступу : ua/news/2016/03/15/7102169/; Лавров назвав російські війська на Донбасі «фантастикою» [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 1 груд. – Режим доступу :], it was es- timated up to 4,552 dead Russian military and voluntary mercenaries as of June 1, 2018 in the Donbas, the number of which was set by the volunteers of the project “Gruz 200 from Ukraine to Russia” [Общий список погибших на Донбассе российских военных и добровольных наемников, установленных из открытых источников по состоянию на 01.06.2018 года [Электронный ресурс] // «Забытый полк» / Груз-200 из Украины в Россию. – 2018. – 1 июн. – Режим доступа :груз-200-на-01.06.2018.pdf; Общий список погибших на Донбассе российских военнослужащих и добровольных наемников, установленных из открытых источников («Список Елены Васильевой») (на основе материалов группы «Груз-200 из Украины в Россию» groups/gruz200/) [Электронный ресурс] // Проект «Груз-200 из Украины в Россию». – 2018. – 1 июн. – Режим доступа :].

25 черв. – Режим доступу : obyednanogo_tsentru_ta_inshyh_struktur_vdalosya_povernuty_abo_znayity_na_ donbasi_3224. 104 Mykola LAZAROVYCH 113 Ukrainian citizens257, were in the hostages of the Russian terro­ rist groups, as of June 25, 2018, from 70 to 75 Ukrainians were impri­ soned due to political reasons in the Russian Federation and the occu- pied Crimea from the first half of July 2018258. Another 402 people259, of whom, as of August 30, 2016, 347 are civilians, are considered to be missing260. According to Anders Aslund, Senior Researcher at Eurasia Center Atlantic Council, the material losses of Ukraine due to the Rus- sian occupation of Crimea and the Russian war in the Donbas reached $100 billion261; more than 16% of gross domestic product (GDP)262 and control of 7.2% of Ukrainian territory263 were lost. In addition, due to the war, almost 1.8 million (including more than 900 thousand women and 236 thousand children)264 Ukrainian citizens

257 Грицак: бойовики утримують на Донбасі 113 заручників [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : news/29318155.html. 258 Українських бранців Кремля насправді більше, ніж 70 – «Крим SOS» [Електронний ресурс] / Таміла Ташева // – 2018. – 15 лип.– 2018. – 15 лип. – Режим доступу : 259 В плену еще 108 украинцев, 402 считаются пропавшими – Грицак [Электронный ресурс] // ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ. – 2017. – 29 декаб. – Режим доступа : politics/14877308-v_plenu_eshche_108_ukraintsev_402_schitayutsya_propavshimi_ gritsak.htm; Вже звільнено 3215 осіб, 103 людини залишаються в заручниках у ОРДЛО і 402 вважаються зниклими безвісти – Грицак [Електронний ресурс] // Інтерфакс-Україна. – 2017. – 27 груд. – Режим доступу : 260 Геращенко обговорила з делегацією Міжнародного Червоного Хреста пошук безвісно зниклих у зоні АТО [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2016. – 30 серп. – Режим доступу : mizhnarodnogo-chervonogo-hresta-poshuk-bezvisno-zniklih-u-zoni-ato-217540_.html. 261 100 мільярдів доларів втратила Україна через російську агресію у Криму та на Сході – дослідження Atlantic Council [Електронний ресурс] // Український кризовий медіа-центр. – 2018. – 8 черв. – Режим доступу : 262 Україна через агресію Росії втратила понад 16% ВВП – Гройсман [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2017. – 10 лип. – Режим доступу : finance/2020379-ukrajina-cherez-agresiyu-rosiji-vtratila-ponad-16-vvp-groysman.html. 263 Агресія РФ проти України: загинули і поранені десятки тисяч осіб [Електронний ресурс] // Експрес. – 2017. – 21 лют. – Режим доступу : agresiya-rf-proty-ukrayiny-zagynuly-poraneni-desyatky-tysyach-osib. 264 Геращенко: За час боїв на Донбасі загинули майже 500 жінок і 70 дітей [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 26 жовт. – Режим доступу : https://www. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 105 have been forced to leave their homes265. About 2.7 million people live in severe conditions in the area of the Donbas region266, controlled by militants and are exposed to significant restrictions on freedom of expression, peaceful assemblies, and associations. The human rights situation has substantially deteriorated in occupied Crimea. The Russian authorities used legislation to combat terrorism and extremism for criminalizing non-violent actions and harassing opposing views, while judicial and law-enforcement systems have become tools for suppressing the opposition267.

Results of the shelling of residential neighbourhoods of Marinka city of Donetsk region by militants using 82 millimetre mortars. Photo of

265 В ООН нарахували майже 1,8 млн переселенців в Україні [Електронний ресурс] // 112. ua. – 2015. – 11 бер. – Режим доступу : mayzhe-1-8-mln-pereselenciv-v-ukrayini-202752.html. 266 Доповідь ООН: від гніту бойовиків на сході страждають 2,7 млн людей [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 3 черв. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. 267 Кримським мусульманам з «Хізб-ут Тахрір» інкримінують «захоплення влади в Росії» [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 12 січ. – Режим доступу : https:// 106 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation was a violation of inter- national law and a crime against Ukraine. These unlawful actions caused con- siderable losses of Ukraine. In particular, on the request of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine the association of appraisers estimated that as a result of Russia’s appropriation of all enterprises, infrastructure facilities, cultural property, etc., which belong to Ukraine according to the law, our country lost 1 trillion 80 billion 352 million hryvnias. [Російська окупація Криму завдала Україні більше трильйона гривень збитків [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2017. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : trilyona-griven-zbitkiv-251923_.html].

As a result, in the occupied Crimea as of February 25, 2017, there are 12 dead, 17 missing, and 39 political prisoners, 10 of whom were convicted268. The Ukrainian activists and Crimean Tatars suffered the most. The main representative body of Crimean Tatars, the Mejlis, was banned by the invaders and, despite the order of the UN International Court of Justice in Hague, the Netherlands; they refused to resume its activity269. Moreover, the occupying power of the Russian Federation resorted to violating the rights of religious and ethnic communities in Crimea, depriving its inhabitants of freedom of religion. In particular, there was a constant pressure on the believers of the Crimean diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, the Greek Catho­ lic Church and Crimean Tatars; they are being threatened, leveled off their rights and freedoms, they capture their religious and cultural structures, destroy the parishes, carry out unwarranted searches, and so on270.

268 Крим в умовах окупації: 12 загиблих, 17 зниклих, 39 політв’язнів [Електронний ре- сурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 25 лют. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. 269 Суд ООН вимагає від РФ відновити роботу Меджлісу – МЗС [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 19 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www.eurointegration. 270 Люди в анексованому Криму стають все більш безправними – HRW [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 12 січ. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda.; Крим в умовах окупації: 12 загиблих, 17 зниклих, 39 політв’язнів… «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 107

Action of Crimean Tatars near city in Crimea occupied by Russia on May 3, 2014. Photo of (RFE/RL)

The prevailing tendency for displacement from the peninsula its in- digenous population has become widespread since the beginning of the annexation of the Crimea. As a result, about 20 thousand Crimean Ta- tars left their homes and moved to the mainland of Ukraine271. Moreover, Russians illegally evicted from Crimea at least 2,425 residents, another 4.7 thousand imprisoned Ukrainian citizens were moved from Crimea to the Russian Federation so that after their release from the places of im- prisonment they would be prohibited from returning to Crimea272. At the same time, according to the information of one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar people , Russia stealthily brought to the peninsula from 850 thousand to one million of its citizens during 4 years of the annexation of Crimea273. Due to the lack of fresh water in

271 Джемилев: около 20 тысяч крымских татар покинули полуостров [Электронный ре- сурс] // Крым.Реалии. – 2017. – 26 февр. – Режим доступа : news/28333377.html. 272 Росія незаконно виселила з Криму не менше 2425 осіб – правозахисник [Електронний ре- сурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 28 черв. – Режим доступу : crimea/2489198-rosia-nezakonno-viselila-z-krimu-ne-mense-2425-osib-pravozahisnik.html. 273 Росія переселила в окупований Крим до мільйона людей – Джемілєв [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 25 трав. – Режим доступу : rubric-crimea/2468255-rosia-pereselila-v-okupovanij-krim-do-miljona-ludej-dzemilev.html. 108 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Crimea annexed by RF, the quality of the soils has sharply deteriorated. The mineralization of the fertile layers continues at a dramatic pace. The state of the green cover on the steppe part of the peninsula is ca­ tastrophic – 70% of it has completely disappeared or ceased to correspond to the state it was in 2013. The forest barriers, orchards, vineyards are disap- pearing or on the edge of extinction – that is, those plantations, restoration of which takes a lot of time274. Crimea began to return to a state similar to the 50s years of the last century when its development by Ukraine has not yet begun.

Drought in Ishun village of district of Crimea. June 2018

Occupying Crimea, Russia ultimately militarized it. A powerful 22nd Army Corps, there was created and the forces of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation were expanded. Rocket complexes located on the Crimean peninsula are capable of striking our positions in the deep rear, and the anti-aircraft systems of the C-400 – to strike any air target even in the central part of Ukraine. A serious threat to the security of Ukraine

274 Юрій Гримчак, заступник міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій та вну- трішньо переміщених осіб України: на відновлення екології Криму знадобиться 10 ро- ків [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 2 серп. – Режим доступу : https://www. okupovanih-teritorij-ta-vnutrisno-peremisenih-osib-ukraini.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 109

Kerch (Crimean) bridge. Photo of

and the method of pressure on it was the establishment of the so-called Kerch (Crimean) bridge by Russia in the occupied Crimea275. Now be- cause of it, it is possible to transfer to the peninsula the land forces of the Russian Federation quicker with further offensive operations taking place on the South of Ukraine276. Having built the Kerch Bridge, Russia also got an opportunity not only to influence the economic attractiveness of Ukraine, carrying out provo- cations, illegal control of ships, including foreign ones crossing the Kerch Strait, blocking at any time the Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov, but also to build up their military presence over there, and try to establish full con- trol over the sea. If by May 2018, Russia had only ships of the coast guard of the border service of the Russian Federation in the waters of the Sea of

275 Открытие Керченского (Крымского) моста, которое является нарушением международного права, положительно восприняло подавляющее большинство (92%) граждан РФ [Крымский мост: есть контакт! [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 25 мая. – Режим доступа : https://]. 276 Керченський міст став серйозною загрозою безпеці України – Турчинов [Електронний ресурс] // Рада національної безпеки і оборони України. – 2018. – 20 черв. – Режим доступу : 110 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Azov, in June of the same year, the Azov flotilla of the Navy of Russia has been already formed277. It consisted mainly of artillery boats, small landing ships and rocket corvette, relocated from the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Federation278. As a result of these and a number of other aggressive actions of Rus- sia, a powerful military infrastructure has been created along the entire Ukrainian-Russian border that has become a permanent threat to the Ukraine.

Russian military equipment on the coast of the Sea of Azov. Photo of

277 According to the experts, one of the main reasons of blockade of Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov and increasing of Russian military presence that is Russian desire to make Ukraine restore the delivery of freshwater from Dnipro river to Crimea through the North-Crimean Channel [Рощенко О. Крим всихає, рослинності стало менше. Україна винуватить Росію [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 13 лип. – Режим доступу :; Дорош С. Чи захоплює Росія Азовське море? [Електронний ресурс] / Світлана Дорош // ВВС Україна. – 2018. – 14 черв. – Режим доступу :; «На Україну тиснуть комплексно»: експерт пояснив, навіщо РФ нагнала військові кораблі в Азовське море [Електронний ресурс] // УНІАН. – 2018. – 11 черв. – Режим доступу : navishcho-rf-nagnala-viyskovi-korabli-v-azovske-more.html]. 278 «На Україну тиснуть комплексно»: експерт пояснив, навіщо РФ нагнала військові кораблі в Азовське море…; Москва перекидає флотилію до Азовського моря, створюючи можливості для швидкого наступу – Пол Ґобл [Електронний ресурс] // Голос Америки. – 2018. – 3 черв. – Режим доступу : flot/4419171.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 111

Only from the end of April to the middle of July 2018, the Coast Guard of the FSB of the Russian Federation carried out almost 150 detentions of the ships that were going either to Berdiansk (Zaporizhzhia region) or Mariupol ports or in opposite dirrection [Кількість затриманих РФ суден для огляду складає вже 148 одиниць, – Юрій Лавренюк [Електронний ресурс] // Міністерство інфраструктури України. – 2018. – 16 лип. – Режим доступу : htps://]. Thus, by blocking these ports, Russia tried to restrict a significant segment of the Ukrainian export of different products, ranging from metal to grain (in 2014, accord- ing to the Russian estimates, grains in the amount of $1.9 billion were stored on el- evators around Mariupol) [Порти Бердянська і Маріуполя відчувають проблеми через ді РФ – Омелян [Електронний ресурс] / Володимир Омелян // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 5 серп. – Режим доступу : htps://]. The worst thing for Ukraine is that the impunity of Russia’s actions is not only due to its military strength but also to the agreement with Ukraine from 2003, according to which the Sea of Azov is an inland sea of Ukraine and Russia and it is not a subject to international conventions [Росія затримала майже 100 українських суден в Азовському морі – Омелян [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 11 лип. – Режим доступу : htps://; Арестович О. Росія оточує Україну військами, нас беруть у щільний мішок – Олексій Арестович [Електронний ресурс] / Олексій Арестович ; Марина Євтушок // Апостроф. – 2018. – 29 черв. – Режим доступу : htps:// voyskami-nasberut-v-plotnyiy-meshok---aleksey-arestovich/19123].

Despite Russia’s aspirations for a Blitzkrieg, her aggression conso­ lidated a Ukrainian society. Thus, according to a survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center on March 3-9, 2017, in all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of the occupied territo- ries, the absolute majority of Ukrainians (92%) considered themselves ethnic Ukrainians (in 2001 this index was 77,8%279). The Ukrainian lan- guage was considered as native one by 68% of Ukrainians280 (52% in 2006281).

279 Всеукраїнський перепис населення 2001 р.: національний склад населення... 280 Основні засади та шляхи формування спільної ідентичності громадян України [Текст] : інформаційно-аналітичні матеріали до Круглого столу 12 квітня 2017 р. / Центр Ра- зумкова. – К., 2017. – С. 6. 281 Стало відомо скільки відсотків українців вважають рідною українську мову [Електронний ресурс] // Галицький кореспондент. – 2016. – 8 черв. – Режим доступу : http://gk-press. 112 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

According to a survey conducted by the sociological group “Rating” in August 2018, 82% of Ukrainian citizens considered themselves patriots of their country. Also, during the research period, the largest number of those who would support the proclamation of Independence of Ukraine, if they were given such a choice, was recorded almost 80% (in 2012, it was 62%) [Динаміка патріотичних настроїв українців: серпень 2018 [Електронний ресурс] // Соціологічна група «Рейтинг». – 2018. – 21 серп. – Режим доступу : htp:// patrioticheskih_nastroeniy_ukraincev_avgust_2018.html].

Moreover, thousands of Ukrai­nians have found a sacrifi- cial desire to protect their Mothe­ rland from the enemy. Many of them left prestigious work, re - turned from foreign countries to Ukraine, and so on. Two of them are V. Slipak (20. 12. 1974 - 29.06.2016) and M. Paslavskyi (16. 01. 1959 - 19. 08. 2014) who became a real example of serving its nation. Vasyl Slipak is a Ukrainian opera­ singer, one of the best bari- tones in the world, soloist of the Parisian National Opera, finalist of vocal contests in Budapest (Hungary), Los Angeles, New York (the U.S.), Paris (France). He spoke nine foreign langua­ges freely. He lived and worked 19 years in France, where, after the start of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, he headed a volunteer movement, sent humanitarian aid to the Maidan, arranged charity Vasyl Slipak «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 113 concerts, coordinated public actions aimed at supporting Ukraine. From the first days of the Russian-Ukrainian war, he personally delivered mil- itary clothing, shoes, medications to the front. From May 2014, he com- bined volunteering with military service, from time to time he took part in concerts in France and then again returned to the front. He fought in the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps “The ” under the name “Myth”. He was killed from a bullet of enemy sniper in a battle near the village Luhanske in Donetsk region. For exceptional courage and heroism, he was awarded the Order For Bravery of the 1st degree and the title “Hero of Ukraine” (posthumously)282.

Mark Paslawsky

Mark Paslawsky was born in Ukrainian-American family in the Unit- ed States, retired U.S. Army officer, millionaire, owner of big business. He was an activist of the Revolution of Dignity; on February 20, 2014 he participated in battles in the center of Kyiv. With the onset of the Russian-Ukrainian War, he was a volunteer of “Donbas” battalion, where under the code name “Franko”, at his own request, he fought in the rank

282 Лазарович М. Ілюстрована історія України... – С. 509. 114 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of ordinary soldier. In April 2014, he accepted Ukrainian citizenship. He was killed during the liberation of the city of Ilovaisk, Donetsk region. Be- fore his death he said: “I dreamed of becoming a true Ukrainian. I hope I did it. So much pain and I don’t want to die!” For personal merits, he was awarded the Order of Danylo Halytskyi (posthumously)283. Thus, during the Russian-Ukrainian War, Ukraine demonstrated its combat ability and committed a worthy opponent’s resistance. The Ukrainian army continued the glorious fighting traditions of prince’s armies, Cossack regiments, the Legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Ukrainian Galician Army, the Carpathian Sich, the , the Ukrainian heroes of the Second World War, the volunteer units of all time! The struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state continues...


Sooner or later, everything has to end. The current war, which I hope Ukrainians will not lose at least, will come to the end. But the “Russian world” does not simply give up its positions. Without taking Ukraine by force, its representatives will change their tactics and instead of bul- lets will offer friendship, starting from scratch. Such craftiness cannot be tole­rated. After all, relations between Ukraine and the Russian Fede­ ration are appropriately illustrated by the words of the Prime Minister of Israel (1969-1974), who was borned in Kyiv, Golda Meir: “We want to live. Our neighbors want to see us dead. This does not leave too much space for any compromise”284. Today Ukrainians have an identical situa- tion, but our enemy is much more insidious and has nuclear weapons in its possession. Therefore, we must eventually learn at least some lessons from the current war and the history of centuries-old Ukrainian-Russian relations in general.

283 Лазарович М. Ілюстрована історія України... – С. 509. 284 Мудрость веков: Восток [Текст] / сост. : А. Ю. Кожевников, Г. Б. Линдберг. – Санкт-Пе- тербург : Издательский Дом «Нева», 2006. – С. 93. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 115

The cynicism of the Russian citizens is boundless: at the beginning of the fifth year of the Russian-Ukrainian war, an absolute majority of them (78%), as if nothing happened, during a sociological survey conducted by the All-Rus- sian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, suddenly stated that they were hoping for a resumption of relations with Ukraine. When they were asked about the future of the Russian-Ukrainian relations, 40% of the Russians “expressed confidence that friendly allied relations will be restored”, while 38% answered that “sooner or later relations between the countries will be normalized, but they will never be as before.” Another 10% of respondents said that they “do not believe in relaunching relations” between Russia and Ukraine [Россия-Украина: четыре года после Майдана [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 20 февр. – Режим доступа : htps:// php?id=236&uid=8954].

The first lesson is that Russians cannot be trusted under any circum- stances. By their attitude towards Ukraine and Ukrainians, they are the same, and the small part of them who sympathizes with our country is rather an exception, which confirms the rule. Future Ukrainian-Russian re- lations should be based only on international treaties and well-equipped border. If we do not learn this, everything will repeat once again: the de- struction of national statehood, the prohibition of Ukrainian history, cul- ture, language, famine, repression, war, etc.

Second lesson. Today, unfortunately, life goes by two parallel streams in our country. Some citzens, realizing that Ukraine is obligated to take advantage of the historic opportunity and permanently break the depen- dence on Russia, fight against the enemy, engage in volunteering, work on reforming the country, and so on. Others are only concerned with the satisfaction of their own interests. The situation was similar during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 when Ukrainians in general respond- ed indifferently to the need of armed defense of the state independence. Most of them were peasants, primarily concerned about the problem of land allotments. As a result, Ukraine was occupied by Russian , who in 1932-1933 organized the Holodomor. Hence, defending the Mo- therland­ is not only honorable but also profitable, because if Ukrainians defended their own state in 1917-1921, they would not have suffered an abusive famine, resulting in millions of victims. 116 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Poster from the site

Third lesson. For centuries, the power and the political class, in gene­ ral, remain a weak link in Ukraine, while they should give a good exam- ple to society and organize it. Let’s at least recall the influence on its citizens of their countries, the U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Czech President Václav Havel, and other figures. However, everything happens vice versa in our coun- try - people force the authority to become better. This tendency should be preserved because without decisive changes Ukraine is doomed to a further economic decline, loss of self-respect and support of the interna- tional community. Civil society has to harshly pressure the government, forcing it to reform the state, fight corruption, but at the same time pre- vent chaos and not give the pro-Russian forces any chance for revenge. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the events of 1659, when Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi leading the Ukrainian army and the Allied troops crashed Moscow Army near the town of Konotop. Quickly clearing the territory of the Hetmanate from the invaders, he was able not only to complete the war with Muscovia, and end internal strife, but to also repeat the famous campaigns of Hetmans Petro Sahaidachnyi and Mykhailo Doro- shenko to Moscow. Muscovites, convinced that Ukrainians would go to finish them, were preparing to transfer the royal bet behind Volga. Tsar Aleksei Mihailovich went out to his citizens in mournful clothes and even «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 117 supervised himself defensive works. But instead of going and punishing Muscovia, Hetman Vyhovskyi enounced the power, since the internal op- position raised an uprising against him. This became the starting point for the tragedy that has lasted for more than 300 years in Ukraine. Thus, our goal should not be a mutual struggle, as it has happened more than once, but positive changes, movement forward, and victory over the ex- ternal enemy.

Lesson Four. During its history, Ukraine did not have reliable allies, which often led to its painful defeats. Accordingly, now all possible mea- sures should be taken to, on the one hand, deepen the Euro-Atlantic integration of our country as much as possible, and on the other hand, to distance as much as possible from an aggressive and unpredictable state such as Russia.

The fifth lesson and the main one lies in the fact that in the strug- gle both on the external front against the Russian aggression and on the internal one - against corruption, irresponsible officials and inertia, one should rely solely on his own forces. Factors capable of activating the society could include measures such as the severance of diplomatic relations with the enemy, the introduction of a visa regime for Russian citizens, the final withdrawal of Ukraine from the CIS, which Russian Fede­ration is patronizing, an introduction of a criminal responsibility for denying the fact of Russian aggression, etc. Moreover, the military actions that have lasted for several years in Ukraine should finally be called by their real name – the Russian-Ukrainian war285. After all, the concept of “ATO” or “OOS” by definition make the majority of citizens of

285On June 26, 2018, special representative of the U.S. State Department for Ukraine, Kurt Volker reiterated that situation in the Eastern Ukraine was the inter-State conflict between Russia and Ukraine. “In the case of Ukraine, what we see here is not an ethnic conflict, it’s not an indigenous conflict that grew up internally, it’s not a civil war, it’s not a conflict between Russians and Ukrainians ethnically. It is a State to State conflict. It is a conflict in which Russia has put its forces onto the territory of Ukraine. It has claimed to annex Crimea – an illegal annexation that I think no one among the States here recognizes. And it has done something similar in eastern Ukraine”, he claimed on the Special Session concerning Ukraine within annual conference of OSCE [Волкер про ситуацію на сході України: це міждержавний конфлікт [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 27 черв. – Режим доступу :]. 118 Mykola LAZAROVYCH the country passive observes, instead term “war” – gives the awareness for the society, the understanding that all Ukrainians must unite in order to defeat the eternal enemy of Ukraine – Russia. Then, in general, our state will have a chance to survive and be interesting for the world only as Ukrainian, Ukrainian speaking, with the Ukrainian local church and, of course, democratic country.

So today, Ukraine is at the position when it can make either a qua­ litative breakthrough or lose hope. Over the past 25 years, the Lord has given us three times a chance to build a normal state in which Ukrai­ nians would live comfortably: the proclamation of Ukraine’s Indepen- dence (1991), the Orange Revolution (2004), and the Revolution of Dig- nity (2013-2014). We failed the first two attempts. It happened because of our infinite trust and our laziness. As after the declaration of Inde- pendence, and after the Orange Revolution, we relied on the decency and the minds of our leaders. We were lazy to control them and make them do their best. Now we have the third and, perhaps, the last chance. We must bring what we started to a logical conclusion, and only then Ukraine will have a wonderful future in the circle of European nations. It all depends on each of us. Our greatest enemy is indifference. Let’s break through! Let us remember that our freedom is covered with blood not only from the previous generations but also the present Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and the Russian-Ukrainian War.

Glory to Ukraine! «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 119


2014 ♦♦January 19 - The beginning of the confrontation between the squads of the internal troops and “Berkut” and part of the demonstrators on M. Hrushevskyi Street in Kyiv. ♦♦January 22 - Death of the first demonstrators - Serhii Nihoian and Mykhailo Zhyznevskyi from bullets on M. Hrushevskyi Street in Kyiv. ♦♦February 18-20 - A sharp escalation of the confrontation between the “security forces” and the protesters on Maidan in Kyiv, which resulted in the deaths of about a hundred people, mainly protesters. ♦♦February 21 - Signing at the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine between the President Viktor Yanukovych and leaders of the opposition Vitalii Klychko, Arsenii Yatseniuk, and Oleh Tiahnybok. ♦♦February 21 - Return to the Constitution of Ukraine of 2004 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. ♦♦February 22 - Oleksandr Turchinov was elected as the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, instead of Volodymyr Rybak, who re- signed from this position. ♦♦February 22 - Due to the disappearance of President Viktor Yanu- kovych from Kyiv the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Resolu- tion on the removal of the President of Ukraine from the performance of constitutional duties and the appointment of an extraordinary election of the President of Ukraine, which detains Viktor Yanukovych from fulfilling the duties of the President of Ukraine; extraordinary elections of the new President of Ukraine were appointed on May 25, 2014. ♦♦February 23 - Adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Resolu- tion on the appointment to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for a performance of the duties of the President of Ukraine, in accordance with Art. 112 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which O. Turchynov began to perform the duties of the President. 120 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦February 23 – Activations of Russian actions aimed at destabilizing Ukraine. ♦♦February 26 - Rallies “for” and “against” the preservation of the terri- torial integrity of Ukraine ouside the building of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in , where over 10 thousand supporters of the united Ukraine, primarily the Crimean Ta- tars, and up to 5 thousand separatist-minded activists of the pro-Rus- sian organizations were present. ♦♦February 27 – Seizing of the buildings of the Verkhovna Rada and the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, other administrative buildings, airports in Simferopol and Sevastopol, com- munication establishments, mass media, etc. by the Russian Special Units, and the beginning of blocking of Crimean military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This became the actual beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. ♦♦February 27 - Appointment of Arsenii Yatseniuk as a prime minister of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. ♦♦February 28 - Capturing of the airfield “Belbek” near Sevastopol and Simferopol airport by the Russian militants. ♦♦March 1 - Support by the Council of the Russian Federation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s appeal for the permission to use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. ♦♦March 1 - Beginning of the large-scale anti-Ukrainian actions, inspired by the Russian special services in Eastern, Central and Southern re- gions of Ukraine in March-April 2014. ♦♦March 1 - Adoption of the decision on holding the referendum on the further status of the region by the Donetsk Regional Council. ♦♦March 2 - Adoption of the decision on the illegitimacy of the central executive authorities of Ukraine by the Luhansk Regional Council. ♦♦March 2 - Statement by the North Atlantic Council on the situation in Ukraine, conviction of military escalation of the Russian Federation in Crimea and expression of the deep concern over the permission given by the Russian parliament to use the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. ♦♦March 6 - The first stage of international sanctions against Russia, aimed at ending its aggression against Ukraine. It provided for the sus- «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 121 pension of the negotiation process between the EU and the Russian Federation on the relaxation of the visa regime and a new partnership agreement, as well as preparations for the G8 summit in which Russia was to participate; individual sanctions against a number of people involved in the Russian aggression against Ukraine. ♦♦ March 9 - The first clashes in Luhansk between Ukrainian and Russian and pro-Russian forces caused by the recent attack on the rally on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of T. Shevchenko. ♦♦ March 11 - Adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the Auton- omous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and the decision to ban pro-Ukrainian organizations in Crimea by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Coun- cil at a closed meeting. ♦♦March 13 - Restoration of the National Guard of Ukraine as a military formation with law enforcement functions. ♦♦March 13 - The Russian and pro-Russian militants attacked the rally for the unity of Ukraine that took place in Donetsk. Dmytro Cherniavskyi, a Ukrainian activist, died as a result of knife wound. ♦♦March 16 - Conducting a pseudo-referendum on the status of Crimea by the Russian invaders, according to which 96.77% of Crimean and Sevastopol residents voted for the reunification of the respective ter- ritories with the Russian Federation. ♦♦March 17 - The transition to the second stage of international sanc- tions against Russia, caused by its aggression against Ukraine, during which a number of Russian and Crimean officials, as well as former Ukrainian high officials, were banned from entering the EU territory and their assets abroad were frozen. Subsequently, the United States, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand joined the visa, economic and financial sanctions against Russia. ♦♦March 17 - The North Atlantic Council’s statement on the so-called “referendum” in Crimea, in which NATO members recognized it as “ille- gal and illegitimate” since it “violated the Ukrainian Constitution and international law”. ♦♦March 18 - Signing agreements on the accession of the Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation in the Kremlin. 122 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦March 18 - The signing of the Treaty on the Adoption of the “Republic of Crimea” in the Russian Federation by the Russian President along with the self-proclaimed authorities of Crimea and Sevastopol. ♦♦March 21 - Adoption of the laws on ratification of the Treaty of March 18 and the formation of new subjects of the federation - the “Republic of Crimea” and “the federal city of Sevastopol” by the Federation Council of Russia, formally consolidating the annexation of these regions by Russia. ♦♦March 21 - Signing of the political part of the Association Agreement by Ukraine and the European Union. ♦♦March 21 - Adoption of the decision to send an international monitor- ing commission to Ukraine by the OSCE. ♦♦March 27 - Support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine with the rec- ognition of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as its inalienable parts by the General Assembly of the United Nations. ♦♦April 1 - Statements of the foreign ministers of the NATO countries and Ukraine-NATO Commission condemning the illegal military interven- tion of Russia in Ukraine, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and “illegal and illegitimate attempt of Russia to annex Crimea”. ♦♦April 6 - Capturing of the building of the Donetsk Regional State Ad- ministration by the armed Russian and pro-Russian militants. ♦♦April 6 - In village in Crimea Russian soldier shot an unarmed officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major Stanislav Ka- rachevskyi, who became the first victim of the Russian-Ukrainian war. ♦♦April 7 - Inspiration by the Russian Federation of the proclamation of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”), the purpose of which was to gain the control over the entire territory of this region providing the assistance to the military of the Russian Federation. ♦♦April 9 - Condemnation of PACE the annexation of Crimea by the Rus- sian Federation and a request for an immediate withdrawal of the Rus- sian troops from the peninsula. ♦♦April 12-14 - Capture of administrative institutions in such settlements of Donetsk region as Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Artemivsk, Lyman, Druzh- kivka, Yenakiievo, Makiivka, Mariupol, Horlivka, Hartsyzsk, Zhdaniv- ka, and Kirovske by armed Russian and pro-Russian militants. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 123 ♦♦April 12 - In an effort to prevent the invasion of Russian sabotage de- tachments, which deployed activities in the Donbas, residents of Dni- propetrovsk and key settlements of Dnipropetrovsk region began to set up checkpoints. ♦♦April 13 - The first battle between the law enforcement officers of Ukraine and the militants of Russian sabotage detachments near Slo- viansk, Donetsk region, during which the officer of the Ukrainian spe- cial unit “Alpha” Hennadii Bilichenko was killed. ♦♦April 13 - Approval by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine of the decision to launch a large-scale anti-terror- ist operation (ATO) with the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed For­ ces for the suppression of terroristic activity organized by the Russian special services in Eastern regions of Ukraine. ♦♦April 14 - Signing of the Decree on the enactment of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of April 13, 2014 “On urgent measures to overcome the terrorist threat and preserve the territo- rial integrity of Ukraine” by the Acting President of Ukraine O. Turchynov. ♦♦April 14 - Siege of the building of the Luhansk Regional Council and announcement of the non-recognition of the central government in Ukraine by armed Russian and pro-Russian militants. ♦♦April 14 - Statement by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Russia was responsible for the events in Eastern Ukraine, and wanted to destabilize the country. ♦♦April 14-19 - 19 checkpoints were created in , Borova, , Blizniuky and districts of Kharkiv region to prevent the in- vasion of the Russian sabotage groups. ♦♦April 14 - The accusation of Russia in the involvement in separatist unrest in Eastern Ukraine by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. ♦♦April 15 - According to , head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ukrainian security forces have already de- tained 23 officers of the Main Intelligence Agency (HRU) of the Rus- sian Federation. ♦♦April 17 - Geneva talks on settling the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine with the participation of four leaders of the 124 Mykola LAZAROVYCH foreign policy departments - Ukraine, EU, the U.S., and Russia, held in Geneva (Switzerland). ♦♦April 27 - Inspiration of the proclamation of the “Luhansk People’s Re- public” (“LPR”) in certain regions of Luhansk region by the Russian Federation. ♦♦April 28 - May 2 - Capturing of the administrative buildings in the fol- lowing settlements of Luhansk region: Stanitsia Luhanska, Krasnyi Luch, Pervomaisk, Alchevsk, Antratsyt, Sverdlovsk, Stahanov by armed Russian and pro-Russian militants. ♦♦ April 28 - Introduction of additional the U.S. sanctions due to the ag- gression of Russia against Ukraine, against a group of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, freezing the assets of 17 com- panies, close to the Russian President Vladimir Putin and banning the supply of high-tech products, which could be used for military needs. ♦♦ April 30 - Approval by the Executive Board of the International Mo­ netary Fund of the two-year stand-by program for Ukraine worth 17 billion dollars. ♦♦ May 1 - Signing by the Acting President of Ukraine O. Turchynov of the Decree on the Restoration of the Call to the Army. ♦♦May 2 - Clashes and fire in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which occurred after an armed separatist attack on the demonstration for the unity of Ukraine, in which 48 people were killed and more than 200 needed medical help. ♦♦May 5 - Speech against the anti-terrorist operation and accusation of the Ukrainian authorities in the intensification of the civil war by the Presidium of the Luhansk Regional Council. ♦♦May 6 - Decree of the President of Ukraine “On partial mobilization”, was approved by the Law of Ukraine. ♦♦May 9 - Attempt to capture the City Department of Internal Affairs in Mariupol, Donetsk region, by six dozen armed Russian and pro-Rus- sian militants, which resulted in the death of about 20 people. ♦♦May 11 - Inspired by the Russian Federation conducting pseudo-refe­ rendums on the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk “people’s re- publics” in some districts of the Donbas. According to their “official” data, 89,07% and 96,2% respectively voted for independence. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 125 ♦♦May 16 - The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine recognized the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic” as terrorist organizations. ♦♦May 22 - Death of 16 soldiers of the 51st Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a battle with a unit of Russian terrorist troops near Volnovakha, Donetsk region; 30 were injured. ♦♦ May 25 - Victory of Petro Poroshenko in the early elections of the President of Ukraine in the first round. ♦♦May 26 - The battle of Ukrainian soldiers for the airport “Donetsk”, in which, according to various sources, up to 300 terrorists, including more than three dozen citizens of the Russian Federation, were killed. The beginning of the heroic defense of the Donetsk airport against attacks of the Russian regular and terrorist troops. ♦♦May 29 - Actions of the Russian terrorist troops in the city of Sloviansk, Donetsk region. The Mi-8 helicopter was shot down, resulting in the death of 12 Ukrainian soldiers, including Major General Serhii Kulchytskyi. ♦♦June 1 - The head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (DPS) Mykola Lytvyn recognized the fact that the Russian militants cross the state border every day, and the DPS moved from border guard to its defense. ♦♦5 June - 29 August - Fighting between the Ukrainian Army and Rus- sian terrorist troops for the Savur-Mohyla mound (278 m), located in Shakhtarsk district of Donetsk region, during which it was initially liberated from the enemy, and after the August mass invasion of the Russian Regular Forces in Ukraine it was lost. ♦♦June 6 - Russian terrorists near Sloviansk city shot down the Ukrainian airplane AN-30B, which was led by the Colonel Kostiantyn Mohylko. At the cost of own life and health, the crew of the aircraft took the airplane from the neighborhood of the city to the outskirts of the vil- lage of Pryshyb in Sloviansk district. Five members of the aircraft crew died, and 3 were injured. ♦♦June 7 - Inauguration of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. ♦♦June 12 - Invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Tank Columns, which moved to the regional center through the settlement of Snizhne, Torez, Makiivka of Donetsk region. 126 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦ June 13 – Liberation of Mariupol city from the Russian terrorist forma- tions by the Ukrainian Army. ♦♦June 14 - Ukrainian military transport aircraft Il-76 was shot down during its landing with paratroopers of the 25th Separate Airborne Brigade by the Russian terrorist troops in the city of Luhansk; 49 peo- ple were killed, taking into account crew members. ♦♦June 20-30 - Unilateral cessation of hostilities by the Ukrainian Army, announced within the framework of the peace plan of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko. ♦♦June 24 - Russian terrorists shoot down the Ukrainian Mi-8MT near the village of Krasnoarmiiske (now Novoselivka) of the Sloviansk dis- trict, all 9 people who were on board were killed. ♦♦June 27 - Signing the Association Agreement in its full power between Ukraine and the EU. ♦♦June 30 - Recognition by Philip Mark Breedlove, the Comman­der-in- Chief of Allied Forces of Europe, that Russia not only supports sep- aratists financially and materially but also uses mercenary killers against Ukraine. ♦♦July 1 - Adoption of the resolution “Clear, gross and uncorrected violations of helsinki principles by the Russian Federation” by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which condemned Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, expressed “firm support for the sove­ reignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine” and called upon the Member States of the OSCE to refuse to recognize the forced annexation of Crimea by the Russian Fede­ ration. ♦♦July 1 - Destruction of the training camp of the Russian terrorist troops, near the city of Sloviansk, Donetsk region, which resulted in the elimi­ nation of about 250 militants, of which two-thirds were Chechens. ♦♦July 5 - August 21 - The liberation of the settlements of Donbas, such as Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Artemivsk, Druzhivka, , Siversk, Rubizhne, Dzerzhynsk, Soledar, Severodonetsk, Popasna, Lysychansk, Shakhtarsk, Debaltseve, Avdiivka, Lutugyne, Vuhlehirsk, Yasinuvata, Pervomaisk, Stanitsia Luhanska and others by the Ukrainian Army from the Russian terrorist formations. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 127 ♦♦9 July - 5 September - According to the information provided by the National Security and Defense Council and the DPS of Ukraine, for the specified period of 2014, more than 120 attacks of Russian artillery on Ukrainian objects in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions were carried out from the territory of the Russian Federation. ♦♦July 11 - Russian soldiers fired from the multiple rocket launcher (MRL) a base camp of Ukrainian soldiers near the village of Zelenopillia of Sverdlovsk (now Dovzhanskyi) district of Luhansk region from the ter- ritory of Russia, resulting in significant personnel losses (about 40 soldiers were killed) and the technique of Ukrainian units. ♦♦July 13 - The beginning of a systematic bombardment from the territory of the Russian Federation, with the use of artillery, mortar shells and BM-21 “Grad” the location of combined task forces “Kordon”, which fulfilled the task of overlapping an open area of the state border in order to prevent from supplying weapons, ammunition and reinforce- ment of the live force for the militants. ♦♦July 13 - A large column of military equipment that moved from Russia and crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border near the checkpoint “Iz- varyne” in Luhansk region, was destroyed by Ukrainian artillery. Ac- cording to the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Viktor Muzhenko, this event became a “psychological barrier” to understanding Ukraine’s accession to the “phase of the open war- fare” with the Russian Federation. ♦♦July 14 - A grave was found with bodies of two priests from the city of Sloviansk and two sons of one of them in Donetsk region. They were murdered by Russian militants because they were bringing food to Ukrainian soldiers. ♦♦July 16 - Ukrainian plane Su-25 was shot down by the fighter aircraft Mi-29 of the Russian Armed Forces. ♦♦July 16 – Introduction of the U.S. first sanctions on key sectors of the Russian economy, caused by its aggression in Ukraine, which included a number of Russian companies in the military-industrial complex, the oil and gas sector, financial institutions, as well as sanctions on indi- vidual politicians and military officials, representatives of anti-state forces in Ukraine. During the second half of 2014-2015, the United 128 Mykola LAZAROVYCH States has intensified restrictive measures against the Russian Fede­ ration. ♦♦July 16-17 - EU extended sanctions against a number of individuals and Russian companies involved of in violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. ♦♦July 17 - Boeing 777 passenger aircraft, which was carrying out the flight Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur, was shot down by the Russian ter- rorist troops near the city of Torez in Donetsk region, resulting in the death of 298 people aboard. ♦♦July 22 - According to “Reuters” news agency, the Red Cross acknow­ ledged that Ukraine is in state of war with the Russian Federation, and in the private order has informed the participants of the conflict about it. Thus, all crimes committed in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLOs) are qualified as “war crimes”. ♦♦July 24 - Dismissal of the parliamentary coalition “European Choice” in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. ♦♦July 24 - Announcement by the Prime Minister of Ukraine A. Yatseniuk about the resignation of the government. ♦♦July 25 – EU’s imposition of additional sanctions against the Russian Federation, which included a group of Russian high-ranking officials, Russia-inspired territorial entities such as the Donetsk People’s Re- public, Luhansk People’s Republic, the Federative State of Novorossi- ia, and a number of anti-Ukrainian paramilitaries. ♦♦July 29 - August 1 - Implementation by the European Union of third-le­ vel sanctions against the Russian Federation due to its aggression in Ukraine. Sanctions concerned the energy and financial sectors, mili- tary and dual-use products, some individuals; provided for a ban on export and re-export to Russia of high-tech equipment. During the second half of 2014-2015, the EU, as well as countries such as Ja- pan, Switzerland, Israel, Canada, Germany, Australia, France, Norway, Montenegro, Iceland, Albania, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Georgia, and others, expanded the list of restrictive measures on the RF. ♦♦ August 4 - 171 servicemen of the 72nd Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 140 Ukrainian border guards were forced to re- treat to the territory of the Russian Federation near Gukovo of Rostov «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 129 region during the battle with the Russian terrorists due to the pro- longed firing of their positions and the end of ammunition. A few days later they all returned to Ukraine. ♦♦August 15 - NATO Secretary General A.F. Rasmussen and journalists from British editions “The Daily Telegraph” and “The Guardian”, repor­ ted that from 14 to 15 August 2014, a Russian army unit, consisting of several dozen units of armored vehicles, crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border through the checkpoint “Izvaryne” in Luhansk region. Later on, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko said that a significant part of this column was destroyed by Ukrainian artillery. ♦♦August 16 - According to the information of the Russian newspaper “Pskov province” of September 2, 2014, the 1st military unit of the 76th Pskov Division of Airborne Troops of the Russian Federation entered into Ukraine. ♦♦August 19 - A supply to Luhansk of a significant amount of reinforce- ment for the Russian terrorist troops, including 40 units of heavy ar- mored vehicles from Russia. ♦♦August 19 – 5 servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federa- tion were captured by the Ukrainian fighters in Ilovaisk city, Donetsk region. ♦♦August 21 - Offensive operations of Ukrainian troops against the Rus- sian terrorist groups in the cities of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Ilovaisk. According to the information of the Russian newspaper “Pskov pro­ vince” of September 2, 2014, during one of such operations at night from August 20 to 21, near the village of Heorhiivka of Lutuhyne dis- trict, Luhansk region, the 1st military unit of the 76th Pskov Division of Airborne Troops of the Russian Federation was almost completely destroyed - 80 to 140 Russian paratroopers perished. ♦♦August 22 - The first “humanitarian convoy”, which consisted of 280 KamAZs with a cargo from Russia for residents of the occupied dis- tricts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, illegally crossed the Rus- sian-Ukrainian border. Thus, pretending to provide humanitarian assistance, the Russian Federation supplied Russian terrorist troops with weapons, ammunition and live fighting force. In general, until August 23, 2018, about 80 Russian “humanitarian convoys” illegally 130 Mykola LAZAROVYCH crossed the borders of Ukraine without a proper examination by the Ukrainian border guards (in accordance with established procedures). ♦♦August 22 - Artillery shelling of the Ukrainian positions near Ilovaisk city, Donetsk region, with the BM-21 “Grad” from the territory of Russia. ♦♦August 23 - Report of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine that the columns of armored vehicles are moving from the territory of the Russian Federation in the direction of Amvrosiivka and Kuteinykove of Amvrosiivska district of Donetsk region, where Ukrainian forces were stationed. ♦♦August 23 - Ukrainian Territorial Defense Battalion “Prykarpattia” de- serted from the area of combat missions. ♦♦August 23-30 – The battle of Ilovaisk: the surrounding of the Ukrainian troops by the regular units of the Russian Armed Forces and militants of the Russian terrorist groups near Ilovaisk, Donetsk region. ♦♦August 24 - A hidden invasion of Ukraine by the Russian regular forces has become massive. ♦♦August 24 - Unorganized retreat of a group of the Ukrainian troops from the city of Ilovaisk. ♦♦August 24 - Units of the 51st Separate Mechanized Brigade fought in a battle with parts of the Airborne Forces of the RF Armed Forces near the settlements of Kuteinykove and Dzerkalne, Amvrosiivska district of Donetsk region, during which they captured 10 Russian paratroo­ pers belonging to the 331st Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) of the 98th Airborne Division. ♦♦August 25 - Ukrainian soldiers reported that a mixed column of Rus- sian armored vehicles, consisting of 10 tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehi- cles (BMP) and 2 vehicles of the Ural, illegally crossed the state border of Ukraine in the area of the settlements of Scherbak and Novoazovsk, Donetsk region. ♦♦August 25 - Blockade of a group of Ukrainian troops by regular units of the Armed Forces of Russia and militants of the Russian terrorist formations near Ilovaisk city, Donetsk region. ♦♦August 26 - The shelling of the Ukrainian border guards by the Russian helicopters Mi-24, which killed 4 Ukrainians. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 131 ♦♦August 27 - Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers in the Stavropol Territo- ry of the Russian Federation published a list of about 400 names of soldiers of the Voronezh-Shumlensk 19th Separate Motorized Infan- try Brigade (Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia), the 17th Separate Guards Motorized Infantry Brigade (Shatoy, Chechnia), 8th Separate Guards Motorized Infantry Brigade (Shatoy, Chechnia) and other parts of the Russian Armed Forces who died or were injured as a result of the mili­ tary actions in Eastern Ukraine. ♦♦August 27 - Massive invasion of the regular Russian army into Ukraine, in particular: a column of the Russian military equipment, having in possession 100 units of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (MICV), ar- mored personnel carriers (APC), multiple rocket launchers (MRL) “Grad” has passed in the direction of the Starobeshev and Telmanove villages of Donetsk region; in the direction of the settlements of Di- brovka and Dmytrivka - Russian column of 6 units of “Grads” and 8 trucks of KamAZ and “Ural” with militants; in the city of Amvrosiivka - 5 Russian armored personnel carriers and KamAZ with fighters. ♦♦August 27 - At the exit from the village of , Luhansk region, the headquarters of the battalion tactical group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were located. ♦♦August 27 - Official US State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki claimed a direct invasion of Ukraine by troops of the Russian Fede­ ration, which, while carrying out a counteroffensive in Donetsk and Luhansk, moved about 40 km deep into the country. The Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Sweden Carl Bildt also confirmed the fact that the regular armies of Ukraine and Russia are fighting on the East of Ukraine. ♦♦August 28 - After the massive introduction into Ukraine of the Russian troops, Ukrainian security forces left settlements of Novoazovsk, Am- vrosiivka, and Starobesheve of Donetsk region. ♦♦August 28 – The U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Peyett said that Russia was sending its newest air defense systems to the East, includ- ing “Pantsir-S1”, and “is now directly involved in hostilities.” He said that they use the equipment and weapons supplied by Russia, as well as the living force of the Russian Army on the East of Ukraine. 132 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦August 28 – Due to the sharp aggravation of the situation in the Donbas, caused by the Russian army’s massive invasion of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko convened a meeting of the Natio­nal Security and Defense Council to develop a plan for a further action. ♦♦August 28 - The chairman of the Union of the Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia, Valentina Melnikova, reported that according to the preliminary estimates, about 15 thousand Russian soldiers were in Ukraine (NATO and other observers published numbers up to 10 thou- sand people). According to the representative of the Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Viktor Shydliukh, more than 4,000 servicemen of the Russian Federation participated in the battle for the city of Ilovaisk. ♦♦August 29 - During the release of the columns of Ukrainian fighters from the surroundings near the city of Ilovaisk, Donetsk region, de- spite the previous agreement that the Russian soldiers would freely release their captives, Russian regimental and terrorist troops treache­ rously shot Ukrainian forces, as a result hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers died, were injured or captured. In general, as Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatolii Matios mentioned in April 2015, the investigation confirmed thet 459 soldiers died and 478 people injured near the city of Ilovaisk. ♦♦September 1 - Ukrainian soldiers left the Luhansk airport. ♦♦September 1 - According to the information center of the National Security and Defense Council, in early September 2014, there were ope­rating at least four battalion-tactical groups of the Armed Forces of the RF (each of which had about 400 fighters, air defense and artil- lery) in Ukraine, in the area of Novosvitlivka-Novohanivka-Krasne, in the area of Starobesheve-Novokaterynivka, in the district of Shcher- bak - Markine of Donetsk region, in the district of Kumacheve - Pobie- da of Luhansk region. ♦♦September 1 - Defense Minister Valerii Heletei said that the counter- terrorist operation on the East of Ukraine was almost completed, as the situation turned into a full-scale war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. ♦♦September 1 - The Italian newspaper Repubblika unveiled the words of the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso at «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 133 the meeting of the European Council that during a conversation with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, he threatened to capture Kyiv within two weeks. ♦♦September 3 - The OSCE observers for the first time confirmed in the report the fact of the shelling of Ukraine from the Russian territory for the period from August 28 to September 3. ♦♦September 3 – the U.S. President Barack Obama drew a parallel be- tween Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the actions of the Na- zis before the Second World War. He also said that the participation of “Russian combat units with Russian weapons and Russian tanks” was a fact that “is beyond doubt,” and warned the President of Russia V. Putin that “the borders cannot be redrawn under the blow of automa­ tic machines” and that the United States does not recognize “the illegal occupation by Russia of the Crimea or any other part of Ukraine.” ♦♦September 5 - According to the information from the Ukrainian intelli- gence, as of early September 2014, about 2 thousand military person- nel of the Russian Federation were killed during the fighting in Eastern Ukraine. ♦♦September 5 - According to the speaker of the National Security and Defense Council, Colonel Andrii Lysenko, on the night of September 4-5, in order to conceal the military losses of the Russian troops, seve­ ral dozen bodies of the Russian soldiers were thrown down the tunnel of one of the mines near the village of Chervonopartizanska, Luhansk region. ♦♦September 5 - Separate subdivisions of the and the 80th Separate Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces got into the ene­ my’s ambush in the area of Tsvitni Pisky of Slovianoserbsk district of Luhansk region, resulting in the death of 31 soldiers, at least 10 were injured, 11 were missing, 3 were taken in captivity. ♦♦September 5 - Tripartite contact group - OSCE, Ukraine, Russia - and representatives of the Russian terrorist forces signed an interim agree- ment on “ensuring an immediate bilateral withdrawal of weapons” in Eastern Ukraine in Minsk (Belarus). ♦♦September 5 - Declaration of the Wales Summit issued by the heads of states and governments which participated in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Wales. The document “strongly condemns 134 Mykola LAZAROVYCH the escalation of events and the illegal military intervention of Russia in Ukraine” and demands that “Russia stops and withdraws its troops from Ukraine and beyond its borders.” The Declaration also states: “We do not recognize and will not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia. We demand that Russia complies with international law and its international obligations; terminates of illegal occupation of Crimea; refrains from aggressive actions against Ukraine; withdraws its troops; stops the flow of weapons, equipment, people and money across the border for separatists; stops the inflammation of tension along and across the border with Ukraine”. ♦♦September 8 - Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko said that during 4 days truce, from about 1,200 Ukrainian soldiers who were in hostile captivity 648 were released. ♦♦September 15 - The 11-day military training Rapid Trident began with the participation of about 1300 soldiers from 15 countries of the world at the Yavoriv military training grounds, located in Lviv region. ♦♦September 16 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, following the Minsk agreements, adopted the Law of Ukraine on the Special Procedure of Local Self-Government in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk re- gions. According to the law, the districts of Donbas region that were beyond the control of the Ukrainian authorities were granted a special status for a term of 3 years, which established a temporary proce- dure for the organization of the local self-government, and activities of the local self-government bodies in order to create conditions for the speedy normalization of the situation over there, restoration of law and order, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. ♦♦September 16 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the European Par- liament ratified the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in a synchro- nous manner. ♦♦September 17 - The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe called on the Russian Federation to withdraw all its troops from the territory of Ukraine, including the illegally occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and to refrain from any further mili- tary intervention in Ukraine. ♦♦September 17-18 - Official visit of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshen- ko to the United States of America. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 135 ♦♦September 19 - Participants of the international contact group in Minsk agreed on a ceasefire in Ukraine, a stop on the current collision line and the establishment of a 30-kilometer security zone. ♦♦September 20 - Trilateral Contact Group - OSCE, Ukraine, Russian Fede­ration - and representatives of the Russian terrorist forces signed a memorandum on the cessation of use of weapons in Minsk, the sus- pension of units and military formations of the parties on the line of collision as of September 19 and the establishment of a 30-kilometer security zone. ♦♦October 1 - Captain Ilhar Bahirov, in order not to be captured, blew himself and his enemies with a grenade during a battle with the Rus- sian troops between the city of Debaltseve and Fashchivka of Donetsk region. ♦♦October 2 - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adop­ted a resolution recognizing that Russia had sent regular troops to Ukraine. ♦♦ October 26 - Extraordinary parliamentary elections in Ukraine. ♦♦ November 2 – Despite the Minsk agreements and established by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine the procedure of elections of autho­ rities, illegal elections of the so-called chairmen and people’s councils “DPR” and “LPR” were held in the separate territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. ♦♦November 15-17 - According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, more than 100 units of the military equipment arrived for the fighters of the Russian troops from the Russian Federation through the uncon- trolled part of the Ukrainian-Russian state border at checkpoints “Iz- varyne” in Luhansk region and “Novoazovsk” in Donetsk region. ♦♦November 18 - According to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, following the order of the Russian troops, several dozens of bodies of terrorists and Russian soldiers who were killed in the past few days near Debaltseve city were thrown into one of the private mines, after which the mine was undermined. ♦♦November 19 - British Foreign Secretary David Lidington, analyzing Russia’s role in an aggression against Ukraine, wrote in the author’s ar- ticle for the “European truth” newspaper: “The Kremlin sent hundreds 136 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of troops to Ukraine, gathered thousands at the border and provided its puppets on the East with weapons and tanks in unlimited quanti- ties. This is not an assumption, it’s a fact. We have the satellite ima­ ges, photos of people on the ground, reports of the OSCE mission and reports of the eyewitnesses. Attempts by Russia to refute it simply do not bring any credibility.” ♦♦November 27 - In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VIІІ convocation, a coalition of political forces of the “European Ukraine” was formed, which included representatives of five political forces: the People’s Front, the Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc “Solidarity” (BPP), the Self Reliance Party, the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko and “Batkivshchyna”. ♦♦November 27 - Volodymyr Hroisman was elected as a Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and Arsenii Yatseniuk became the prime minister of Ukraine. ♦♦November 30 - State and guaranteed debt of Ukraine exceeded 1 tril- lion hryvnas. ♦♦December 2 - Joint Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, which strongly condemns further deliberate destabilization of East- ern Ukraine by Russia, which opposes to international law, including a supply of tanks, modern air defense systems and other heavy wea­ pons to separatists, as well as military actions that violate the agree- ments reached in Minsk in September 2014. Foreign Ministers of the Ukraine-NATO Commission also condemned the build-up of Russia’s military presence in Crimea, worsening the human rights situation on the Crimean peninsula and calling on Russia “to cancel its illegal and illegitimate self-proclaimed” annexation “of Crimea, which we do not recognize and will not recognize.” ♦♦December 18 – The U.S. President Obama signed unanimously adopt- ed by the Senate and the United States Congress Law on the status of Ukraine as an ally of the United States outside NATO. . 2015 ♦♦January 13 - Russian militants shot a passenger bus near the city of Volnovakha, Donetsk region, as a result 12 people dead, and 18 were injured. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 137 ♦♦January 15 - According to the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine O. Turchynov, in the beginning of 2015 36 thousand militants of Russian units were in the occupied part of the Donbas, including 8,5 thousand regular troops of the RF Armed Forces, which had 542 tanks, up to 990 armored combat vehicles, 694 units of the MRL systems, 4 units of tactical missile complexes “Toch- ka-U”, 57 units of anti-aircraft missile systems. ♦♦January 22 - Ukrainian soldiers left the destroyed terminals of the Do- netsk airport after 242 days of its heroic defense. ♦♦January 22 - Russian militants fired mortar shells at a public transport stop in Donetsk, resulting in the death of 7 people. ♦♦January 24 - Massive artillery shelling of the Eastern part of Mariupol by two regular jet divisions of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, resulting in 31 deaths and about a hundred injured. ♦♦January 27 - Resolution of the PACE “On the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and refugees”, which confirmed the Russian aggression in the Donbas, the comprehensive support of the Russian Federation of militants in the ORDLO and condemned the occupation of Crimea by Russia. ♦♦January 27 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized the Russian Federation as an aggressor country, and the self-proclaimed “DPR” and “LPR” as terrorist organizations. ♦♦February 9 - Four attack aircraft SU-25 of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation struck the positions of the 40th Motorized Infantry Batta­ lion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Novohryhorivka near Debaltseve city of Donetsk region. ♦♦February 10 - Russian militants opened fire on the staff of the An- ti-Terrorist Operation and residential districts of the city of Krama- torsk from BM-30 Smerch from the occupied city of Horlivka, Donetsk region, resulting in the death of 17 people and more than 60 injuries, among them the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. ♦♦February 12 - Following the 16-hour meetings of the leaders of the “Normandy Format” countries – the President of Ukraine P. Poroshen- ko, German Chancellor A. Merkel, the presidents of France F. Holand and the Russian Federation V. Putin, as well as the participants of the 138 Mykola LAZAROVYCH contact group in Minsk, “Complex of Measures for the Implementa- tion of the Minsk Agreements” was approved. ♦♦February 13 – The U.S. State Department spokesman J. Psaki said that Russian troops deployed air defense systems near the city of Debalt- seve, Donetsk region, while the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine G. Pyatt reported that the Russian troops were placed near Debaltseve, and showed satellite images to prove his claim. Meanwhile, the American ambassador noted that “militants have more weapons (tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery and missile systems) than some NATO and European countries”. ♦♦February 17 - Commander of the and People’s De­ puty of Ukraine , commenting on the situation on Debaltseve bridgehead, said that the forces of the ATO in Debal­ tseve, Donetsk region were surrounded, but there was no battle. ♦♦February 18 - Ukrainian troops under the pressure from Russians were forced to leave Debaltseve in Donetsk region. ♦♦February 20 – Assistant of the Minister of Defense Yurii Biriukov said that 15-17 thousand Russian fighters were involved in the fighting on the Debaltseve bridgehead against 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers. From Ja­ nuary 18 to February 18, 2014, 179 Ukrainian servicemen died there, 110 were captured, 81 - disappeared; enemy’s losses in battles for Debalt- seve, Donetsk region from the beginning of the year estimated at 2911 killed, including, as noted in the report of the Russian oppositionist Bo- ris Nemtsov “Putin. War “, published after his assassination on May 12, 2015, at least 70 soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. ♦♦February 26 - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that over the past few months, Russia has transferred more than thousand pie­ ces of equipment, tanks, artillery, and air defense systems to Donbas. ♦♦March 3 – The U.S. Land Force Commander in Europe Lt. Gen. Ben Goges said that, according to the U.S. military estimates, Russia holds about 12 thousand of its servicemen on the East of Ukraine – Russia’s military instructors, servicing modern weapon systems and combat units. Another 50 thousand soldiers were waiting in Russia not far from the Ukrainian border for the case if the militants suffer a severe defeat, as it was the case in 2014. Almost 29 thousand soldiers were deployed to Crimea. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 139 ♦♦ March 5 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law, which re­ cognized the Day of the Defender of Ukraine (October 14) as a holiday. ♦♦March 11 - Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund ap- proved the provision of about 17.5 billion dollars to Ukraine under the new extended funding program. ♦♦March 15 - The propaganda film “Crimea. The Road to the Homeland” came out, in which the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, admitted that the “green men” who seized Crimea were Russian militants. ♦♦April 9 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on the Con- viction of the Communist and National-Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and the Prohibition of the Propaganda of Their Symbols, according to which the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine renamed certain settlements and regions of Ukraine. ♦♦April 17 – The US Ambassador to Ukraine G. Pyatt, commenting on the statement of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, dated April 16, 2015, that allegedly no Russian troops were in Ukraine, said: “It is not true what he said. There are Russian troops, there are Russian officers and there are Russian weapons and Russian military equipment in sovereign Ukraine... The Kremlin can think of anything and say anything, but facts are impossible to hide.” ♦♦April 17 - Russian President Vladimir Putin first publicly admitted that “little green men” who occupied the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the winter and spring of 2014 were Russian military personnel. ♦♦ June 3 - Russian terrorist groups committed an offensive on Marinka, Donetsk region, however, they were defeated and lost hundreds of people which were killed and wounded. ♦♦June 25 - PACE Resolution “On the Missing Persons During the Conflict in Ukraine”, which condemned the Russian aggression in Ukraine and occupation of Crimea by Russia. ♦♦August 5 - A. Matios, Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine, announced public official numbers of losses of the Ukrainian troops near the city of Ilovaisk, Donetsk region in August 2014, according to which 366 Ukrainian fighters were killed, 429 were injured, 128 were captured, 158 were missing. 140 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦September 16 - Ukraine imposed large-scale sanctions against the Russian Federation, which concerned almost 400 physical and more than 100 legal entities. ♦♦ October 25 - Ukraine stopped air service with the Russian Federation. ♦♦November 7 - The National Police launched its official activity in Ukraine, instead of the militia that has ceased to exist. ♦♦December 16 - The activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine were banned by the Ukrainian court for the propaganda of war and vio- lence, and other numerous crimes. ♦♦December 17 - Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has always re- jected any allegations of a military support of the militants in Eastern Ukraine, admitted that Russians were present in the Donbas, but de- nied the presence of the regular troops there. “We have never said that there are no people engaged in solving certain issues in the military sphere. But this does not mean that there are regular Russian troops there,” he said. ♦♦December 17 - NATO Secretary General J. Stoltenberg, commenting on the risk of re-launching full-scale hostilities in Eastern Ukraine, said: “We have declared and will declare that Russian troops are present in Ukraine. We rely on our own intelligence, open sources, and media reports.”.

2016 ♦♦January 1 - The Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the EU started working. ♦♦January 1 - The two-year term of the non-permanent membership of Ukraine in the UN Security Council began. ♦♦February 18 - The coalition of political forces of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation “European Ukraine” ceased to exist. ♦♦February 23 – The U.S. President Barack Obama has continued the sanctions against Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine. ♦♦March 10 - The EU Council extended sanctions against Russia due to its aggression against Ukraine. ♦♦April 10 – The Prime Minister of Ukraine A. Yatseniuk announced his resignation. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 141 ♦♦April 14 – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine elected Andriy Parubii as its chairman, and Volodymyr Hroisman as the prime minister of Ukraine. ♦♦On May 19, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in accordance with the Law on the Conviction of the Communist and National-Socialist (Nazi) To- talitarian Regimes in Ukraine and the Prohibition of the Propaganda of Their Symbols, renamed certain settlements and regions of Ukraine, in particular, in the city of Dnipropetrovsk to Dnipro, Dniprodzerzhynsk of Dnipropetrovsk region was renamed to the city of , the city of Tsiurupynsk in Kherson region to the city of Oleshky. In total, 26 districts and 987 settlements have been renamed. ♦♦June 3 - Report on the situation in Ukraine by the Office of the Uni­ ted Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, according to which during the two years of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Eastern Ukraine, 9371 people were killed and 21,532 were injured. ♦♦June 16 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople to give an autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. ♦♦July 11 - Ukraine and Canada signed an agreement on the establish- ment of a free trade zone between the two countries. ♦♦July 14 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine renamed the city of Kiro- vohrad to Kropyvnytskyi. ♦♦July 25 - According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, only from the beginning of July 2016, 19 railway echelons with armament and military equipment for Russian troops had arrived from the Rus- sian Federation through the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine of the Ukrainian-Russian state border. ♦♦July 30 - According to the Ukrainian intelligence, 6 wagons with am- munition and platform with military equipment (8 tanks and 4 mo- tor vehicles) arrived from Russia for the Russian troops to Khartsyzsk station in Donetsk region), and through the checkpoint “Izvaryne” in Luhansk region the Russian military colony entered with 19 tanks, 11 armored combat vehicles, 3 “Grad” installations, 2 self-propelled artil- lery units, 44 trucks with ammunition and 34 trucks with fuel. ♦♦August 3 - Observers of the Russian side of the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Cessation of Fire and Stabilization 142 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of the Line of Separation of the Parties of the Russian-Ukrainian War, for the first time, confirmed the facts of shelling by the illegal armed formations of the pseudo-republics, including those forbidden by the Minsk agreements - barrel artillery and mortar shells. ♦♦August 3 - Ukraine, refusing to approve a new Russian ambassador, has lowered the status of its diplomatic relations with Russia to the level of interim attorneys on affairs. ♦♦August 6 - The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informed that due to Ukraine’s uncontrolled part of the Ukrainian-Russian state border in the district of Kuibyshevo (Rostov region, Russia) - Marynivka (Donetsk region), a mixed mili- tary convoy of the Armed Forces of Russia arrived from Russia and in- cluded tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery units and automotive equipment. Moreover, delivery of weapons, military equipment, am- munition and fuel and lubricants from Russia to Ukrainian settlements controlled by the Russian troops was recorded: 500 tons of fuel and lubricants in , and a railroad train with military equipment and machinery in Dovzhansk, Luhansk region; in Debaltseve, Donetsk region - 2 ammunition carriages. ♦♦August 9 - According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, on the territory of the Crimean penin- sula there were more than 24 thousand Russian occupants, up to 40 tanks, more than 550 armored combat vehicles, about 100 artillery systems, more than 50 MRL, 16 coastal missiles complexes, about 100 planes, 50 helicopters, 5 submarines and 30 warships. ♦♦August 10 - The FSB of Russia issued an official statement stating that a number of terrorist acts were prevented in the occupied by Russia Crimea, which were prepared by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the Ukrainian authorities of “going to terror”. In response, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko called these accusations of Russia fantasies for the sake of threatening to Ukraine, and the Gene­ ral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine called them a provocation. ♦♦August 10 - The influential daily British newspaper The Times pub- lished an article under the eloquent title “Russia is preparing for a war with the West through combat operations in Ukraine.” «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 143 ♦♦August 11 - In connection with the provocative actions of the Russian Federation in the occupied Crimea and the escalation of its actions in the Donbas, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko ordered that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the Border Guard and the Security Service of Ukraine to be brought into a total combat readiness. ♦♦August 13 - According to the head of the State Administration of Ukraine Viktor Nazarenko, Ukraine lost control of 409.3 km of the state border due to the Russian aggression. ♦♦August 14 - Advisor to the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Yurii Tandit said that during the Russian aggression, about 3080 citizens of Ukraine were released from captivity or found. 107 Ukrainians were illegally held in the occupied Donbas area by militants, another 9 were held in the Russian Federation. ♦♦August 16 - The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed the fact of delivery of the military equipment, munitions and fuel materials by railway from Russia to the following settlements: Debaltseve - 22 carriages with ammunition, 4 tanks with fuel and lubricants (200 tons); Ilovaisk - 2 tanks T-64, 6 BTR-80, and 2 trucks with “Ural”. ♦♦August 17 - According to the Main Intelligence Department of the Mini­ ­ stry of Defense of Ukraine, in order to increase the fire capabilities of units of the 100th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is operating in the directions of the settlements of Pisky and Marinka, a batch of rocket launchers RPO-A Shmel and ammunition for it was delivered to them from the territory of Russia. ♦♦August 18 – The U.S. Ambassador G. Pyatt said that the United States had provided $600 million in security assistance to Ukraine. ♦♦August 24 - Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine. The military parade in the center of Kyiv was attended by 4 thousand servicemen and about 400 units of equipment. ♦♦August 24 - Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko said that during the Russian aggression 2,504 Ukrainian soldiers were killed. ♦♦September 1 - The process of compulsory electronic declaration of property and funds by officials has begun in Ukraine, which should 144 Mykola LAZAROVYCH become an effective tool of control over the incomes and expenses of officials, judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. ♦♦September 1, 7 - The U.S. expanded the list of individuals and com- panies from Russia and occupied Ukrainian territories that are sub- ject to restrictive measures in connection with the aggression against Ukraine. ♦♦September 7 - The EU extended sanctions against the 146 people and 37 companies from Russia and its occupied Ukrainian territories for aggression against Ukraine for six months. ♦♦September 8 - Defense Ministers of Ukraine and the United States and Ashton Carter signed the concept of partner- ship development between ministries of both countries for a five- year period. ♦♦September 10 - The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine recorded the regular facts of the supply of per- sonnel, weapons, military equipment and lubricants from the territo- ry of the Russian Federation to settlements occupied by the Russian militants in the Donbas. In particular, 6 tanks with fuel and lubricants (300 tons) arrived at Rovenky, 4 platforms with military equipment (2 SAUs, 3 motor vehicles, 2 trucks), 3 tank-materials with lubricants (150 tons) to Khartsyzsk; to Antratsyt - 80 servicemen arrived; to Scherbak (Novoazovsk district) - 3 lorries with personnel. ♦♦September 16 – The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has decided to introduce and prolong sanctions imposed in September 2015 on individuals and legal entities involved in the Russian aggres- sion against Ukraine as well as in illegal actions against Ukrainians. ♦♦September 29 - The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ap- proved the decision of the Supreme Court of the Crimea of April 26, 2016 to ban the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. ♦♦October 5 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved an appeal to international organizations in connection with the prohibition by the Russian occupation authorities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars in Crimea and Russia. ♦♦October 12 - The PACE adopted a resolution “Political implications of the Russian aggression in Ukraine”, which urged Russia “to withdraw «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 145 its troops from the territory of Ukraine and to stop the military supply of separatists.” ♦♦October 12 - The PACE adopted a resolution on the political conse- quences of the conflict in Ukraine, which “condemned the illegal elections of the State Duma, held on September 18 in the occupied Crimea,” and declared their results “insignificant”. “The inclusion of a part of the Ukrainian territory in the national federal district... is a gross violation of an international law and seriously urges to question the legitimacy of the Russian parliament,” was said in the document. ♦♦October 12 - The PACE adopted a resolution recognizing the legal re- sponsibility of the Russian authorities for the actions of the puppet “DPR” and “LPR”. The document officially recognizes that since the “DPR” and “LPR” are created, supported and effectively controlled by the Russian Federation, “the RF is responsible for the observance of the rights of the inhabitants of the occupied part of the Donbas, as well as for events in the Crimea”. ♦♦October 12 - The PACE adopted a resolution on human rights viola- tions in Ukraine not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. The docu- ment states that “as long as the current situation in the DPR and LPR, characterized by the atmosphere of danger, intimidation and impu- nity, and the lack of freedom of speech and information, will remain unchanged, free and fair elections in these regions are impossible.” ♦♦October 17 – The Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko signed a decree extending sanctions against Russians and Russian companies involved in the Russian Federation aggression in the Donbas and Crimea, and extended the sanctions list to 335 physical and 167 legal entities. In total, 682 people and 271 companies were subject to sanctions. ♦♦October 19-20 - A meeting of the leaders of the “Normandy Format” countries – the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko, German Chancel- lor A. Merkel, the French Presidents of France F. Holand and the Rus- sian Federation V. Putin - was held in Berlin (Germany), during which it was agreed on the preparation of a “roadmap” project for the imple- mentation of all “Minsk treaties” of 2014-2015. ♦♦November 20 - NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security adopted a resolution “Supporting the post-War- saw defense strategy and deterrence”, which recognized Russia as an 146 Mykola LAZAROVYCH aggressor, and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as major factor in destabilizing the security situation in the world. ♦♦November 23 - The European Parliament adopted a resolution to com- bat anti-European propaganda by the RF and various terrorist organi- zations. The document stresses that the EU must confront campaigns of misinformation and propaganda as international players at the level of states, such as Russia, and non-state actors in international affairs such as IDIL, Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups. It also noted that the Russian Federation has intensified its propaganda against the EU after the annexation of Crimea and the commencement of the hybrid war in the Donbas. ♦♦December 18-19 - Fight near the city of Svetlodarsk of Donetsk re- gion, one of the worst clashes of 2016 on the Ukrainian-Russian front, caused by attempts of the Russian troops to seize an additional Ukrainian territory. As a result, 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 6 were injured, 10 more were traumatized and had contusions; the enemy’s losses were at least 25 people killed and 30 wounded. ♦♦December 19 - The EU Council extended the economic sanctions against Russia due to its aggression towards Ukraine until July 31, 2017. ♦♦December 19 - UN General Assembly voted for the draft resolution “Situation with human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)”, prepared by Ukraine. The docu- ment officially recognized Russia as an invading state, and Crimea as a temporarily occupied territory, the Russian annexation of the Crimea and repression against the Crimean Tatars were condemned. ♦♦December 20 - The U.S. has extended sanctions against Russia be- cause of its aggression against Ukraine for 7 physical and more than 30 legal entities, as well as 2 ships under the Russian flag. ♦♦December 21 - The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extended the de- cree abolishing the conditions for a free trade with Russia until De- cember 31, 2018. ♦♦December 24 – The U.S. President Barack Obama signed the U.S. bud- get for 2017 for the needs of national defense, where funds for the se- curity assistance to Ukraine, including lethal defensive weapons, have been increased to $350 million. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 147 ♦♦December 24 - The United States introduced new sanctions against Russia for violating international law and fueling the conflict in Eas­ tern Ukraine, expanding it to 15 Russian defense companies and 8 companies in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian Crimea. ♦♦December 26, 2016 - March 15, 2017 - Blockade of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which was carried out in the form of a public action in order to temporarily stop the transport connection between Ukraine and temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. ♦♦December 29 - Ukraine introduced additional sanctions against indi- viduals and legal entities of Russia as an aggressor state.

2017 ♦♦January 13 - The U.S. President Barack Obama has continued sanc- tions against Russia for a year due to its aggression against Ukraine. ♦♦January 17 - During the meeting at the World Economic Forum in Da- vos (Switzerland), where the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko was, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized that China supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and the choice of the Ukrainian people. ♦♦January 29 - February 9 - A sharp escalation of hostilities on the Ukrainian-Russian front in the region of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, pro- voked by Russian troops. ♦♦February 7 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a petition to foreign parliaments and international organizations to condemn the escalation of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. ♦♦March 15 - The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine adop­ted a decision to stop the movement of goods across the line of collision between Ukraine and temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. ♦♦March 16 - The President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko introduced the de- cision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine da­ ted March 15, 2017, “On the Application of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)” concerning five Russian 148 Mykola LAZAROVYCH banks: Sberbank, ViEs Bank, Joint Stock Commercial Investment Bank, VTB BANK, BM BANK. ♦♦March 22 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted an Appeal to the United States Congress on Security Guarantees, which proposed to grant Ukraine the status of the main ally outside NATO and conclude a bilateral defense agreement between Ukraine and the United States. ♦♦March 23-26 - Fire and detonation of ammunition in warehouses near the city of in Kharkiv region. As a result, one person died, 3 were injured, 36 thousand civilians were evacuated from the 5-kilome- ter zone, 70% of ammunition was destroyed. ♦♦March 31 – The U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels (Belgium) said that the Uni­ ted States would maintain sanctions against Russia until it fulfills the terms of the Minsk Agreements and returns the occupied Crimean peninsula to Ukraine. ♦♦May 16 - Decree of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko on the enactment of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on the extension of sanctions in connection with the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine from April 28, 2017, against 1,228 physical and 468 legal entities, including Russian social networks “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”, services Mail.Ru and “Yan- dex”, sites of anti-virus companies” Kaspersky Lab” and “Doctor Web”. ♦♦May 22 - The decision to abolish visa requirements for citizens of Ukraine was published in the official journal of the European Union, according to which, from June 11, 2017, citizens of Ukraine with bio- metric passports were entitled to visa-free entry into EU countries and members of the Schengen zone outside the European Union. ♦♦May 27 - The leaders of the G7 countries (USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy) at the meeting in Italy reaffirmed their com- mitment to the policy of non-recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea, declared full support for the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as threatened Russia with additional sanctions because of its aggressive actions in Ukraine. ♦♦June 8 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on Amend- ing Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Foreign Policy of Ukraine, which defines integration into NATO as one of the national priorities. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 149

♦♦June 19 - The European Union has approved a decision to extend sanc- tions on Russia for an illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. ♦♦June 20 - The United States imposed new sanctions against Russia due to its aggression in Ukraine, expanding restrictive measures to 38 individuals and legal entities and 20 subsidiaries of the Russian “Transneft”. ♦♦June 27 - Massive cyber attacks organized by Russia’s authorities using the NotPetya virus against Ukraine. After infecting government and private computers in Ukraine, the virus caused a violation of the work of the Ukrainian state enterprises, institutions, banks, media, etc. As a result of the attack, the activities of the Boryspil airport, Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station, Ukrtelecom, Ukrposhta, Oschadbank, Ukrzali- znytsia and a number of other large enterprises were blocked. Subse- quently, the virus spread throughout the world. ♦♦July 9 - The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution “Res- toration of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”, in which it expressed “full respect for the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, condemned the occupation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation and the hybrid aggression of Russia against Ukraine in the Donbas,” and has persistently urged the Rus- sian Federation to stop sponsoring terrorist activity in Ukraine “and to withdraw its armed formations from the ORDLO”. ♦♦July 10 - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Kyiv with the participation of the Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko and Alliance Secretary General E. Stoltenberg. ♦♦July 10-22 - International training “Sea Breeze-2017”, in which nearly 3,5 thousand troops from 16 countries of the world participated, took place on the South of Ukraine. ♦♦July 11 - The EU Council has decided on the final ratification of the Association Agreement Ukraine-EU, development of which lasted for 10 years. ♦♦July 18 - ORDO leader O. Zakharchenko proposed instead of Ukraine to create a new state “Malorossiya” with its capital in Donetsk, which must be distributed to all Ukrainian territories, with the exception of Crimea. In this way, he read out Russia’s desire to create the precon- 150 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ditions for an aggression against Ukraine as a civil war between Ukrai- nians who advocate the integrity of the country, but see its future differently: Kyiv for Eurointegration, Donetsk for “Malorossiya”, for the orientation to the Russian Federation. ♦♦July 20 - Aggravation of hostilities on the Ukrainian-Russian front near the city of Krasnogorivka, Donetsk region, provoked by the enemy. During the battle, 3 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 7 were injured and 1 was captured. Russian militants, having suffered losses, were forced to retreat. ♦♦July 23, 26 - Special representative of the U.S. State Department for Ukraine, Kurt Volker during the visits to the ATO area and to France, emphasized that the conflict in the Donbas is not an internal one, but an act of the RF aggression against Ukraine, a “hot war” due to Rus- sia’s aspirations to keep control of Ukraine. ♦♦August 2 – The U.S. President Donald Trump signed the law “Coun- tering America’s Opponents through Sanctions”, which carries a great importance to supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integ- rity and strengthening sanctions against Russia. In particular, the document contains requirements for the Russian authorities to with- draw Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, to transfer control over the Ukrainian foreign frontier to Ukraine, to stop actions that are harmful to the Ukrainian state, and so on. The law also provides for priority support for Ukraine’s energy security and the prohibition on the U.S. President to abolish anti-Russian sanctions without the con- sent of the U.S. Congress. ♦♦August 30 - By Decree of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko, the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated July 10, 2017 “On Strengthening Control over Entry into Ukraine, Exit of Foreigners and Stateless Persons from Ukraine, Adherence to Their Rules of Stay on the Territory of Ukraine” was put into effect. According to the document, the Russian Federation is included in the list of states of migration risk, citizens of which from January 1, 2018, will have the right to enter Ukraine only after the previous electronic message and abroad biometric passports or direct fixation of biometric data at the border; during their living/staying in Ukraine these citizens are required to register with the relevant authorities of the Ukrainian state. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 151 ♦♦September 11 - Ukrainian-American military exercises “Rapid Trident - 2017” started in Lviv region, in which participated about 2,500 soldiers from 15 countries of the world. ♦♦September 15 - In the official magazine of the European Union a deci- sion was published to extend the EU sanctions against Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine for another 6 months. ♦♦September 26-28 - Fire and detonation of ammunition in storage de- pots of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Kalinovka, Vinnytsia re- gion, as a result of which 2 people were injured; material damage was estimated at about 21 billion USD. ♦♦October 5 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Touring Events in Ukraine” (re- garding the peculiarities of organizing and conducting touring events in Ukraine with the participation of citizens of the aggressor country), according to which the organizers of the touring events in Ukraine before inviting a Russian artist, must submit to the SBU a request for information on the presence or absence of legal grounds to prevent this artist from participating in the specified tour event. ♦♦October 7 - The President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko signed the Law on the creation of the necessary conditions for the peaceful settlement of the situation in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which extended the Law of Ukraine on a special procedure for local self-government in selected districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions approved on September 16, 2014 for one year. The transitional pro- visions of the document stipulate that this Law will come into force after the complete withdrawal of the Russian occupation troops from the territory of Ukraine. ♦♦November 1 – The U.S. State Department issued a statement that the new energy sanctions against Russia would be in force until it leaves the territory of the Ukrainian Crimea, complies with the Minsk agree- ments and will stop illegal cyber-attacks. ♦♦November 28 - The U.S. Secretary of State R. Tillerson in his state- ment on relations with Europe said that his country would not accept an option to resolve the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, which would not entail the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state and that by that time sanctions against the Russian 152 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Federation be in force. He also noted that “Russia continues aggres- sive behavior towards other neighbors in the region, interfering in the electoral process and promoting undemocratic ideas.” ♦♦November 29 - The Government of Lithuania approved the decision to donate weapons to Ukraine, including Kalashnikov automats, ma- chine guns, cartridges, mortars, anti-tank weapons, the total worth which is almost 2 million euros. ♦♦December 6 - NATO Foreign Ministers at a meeting in Brussels decided that normalization of relations with Russia is still impossible. ♦♦December 7 - The U.S. Secretary of State R. Tillerson, during a speech at the meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna, assured the country’s support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territo- rial integrity at its internationally recognized borders and stated that the U.S. sanctions against Russia would remain in force until Crimea will be given back to Ukraine, and the Russian troops will be with- drawn from the Donbas. ♦♦December 12 - The U.S. President D. Trump signed the US defense budget for 2018, which provides $350 million to provide security as- sistance to Ukraine and to measures to counteract the Russian Fede­ ration’s aggression. ♦♦December 14 - The U.S. State Department accused the Russian Fede­ ration of rocket and artillery shelling in Eastern Ukraine and urged it to take measures to resolve the humanitarian crisis. ♦♦December 17 - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in an inter- view with The Sunday Times accused Russia of destabilizing the West through intruders, murders, and attempts to intervene in the elections. ♦♦December 18 - As a result of the bombardment of the village of Novolu- hanske of Bakhmut district of Donetsk region by the Russian troops, 8 civilians, including one child, were injured from the MRL “Grad”, 37 single- and two-story buildings, 10 five-story buildings were damaged. In addition, the shells hit the school, the garden, and the local outpa- tient clinic. ♦♦December 19 - UN General Assembly adopted an updated resolution on the state of human rights in the occupied by Russia Crimea, which confirmed that Ukraine and the Russian Federation are in a state of «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 153 international armed conflict, and Russia itself has been defined as in- vading state. ♦♦December 20 - The Security Service of Ukraine detained Stanislav Yezhov, a translator and a deputy head of the protocol of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, at the workplace, who provided the Russian cu- rators with information on the activities of the Ukrainian government. According to the head of the SBU, V. Hrytsak, the detainee was the highest-ranking official who was arrested for treason, since the begin- ning of Ukraine’s independence. ♦♦December 20 - The members of the families of 25 victims of the Boeing 777 “Malaysian Airlines” passenger aircraft, shot down on July 17, 2014, by the Russian terrorist troops near the city of Torez, Donetsk region, won a lawsuit filed by an American court against I. Girkin (Strelkov) - a citizen of Russia, a Colonel of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who from May 16 to August 14, 2014, was the “Minister of Defense” of the DPR. The court ruled that the total com- pensation to the relatives of victims of the tragedy should be $400 million. - $20 million to each. ♦♦December 22 - In the official magazine of the European Union, a deci- sion was published to extend the EU sanctions against Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine for another 6 months. ♦♦December 25 - Pope Francis prayed for the peace for Ukraine during his traditional Christmas message. ♦♦December 27 - One of the most massive exchanges of captives of the Russian-Ukrainian war was held near the checkpoint “Maiorsk” near the occupied city of Horlivka, Donetsk region. The Ukrainian side handed over 233 people to the Russian-terrorist group but took only 73.

2018 ♦♦January 5 – The U.S. Secretary of State R. Tillerson said that in the relations of his country with Russia the priority issue was Ukraine, namely, the restoration of its territorial integrity and sovereignty. ♦♦January 18 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law “On the peculiarities of state policy on ensuring the state sovereignty of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions”, 154 Mykola LAZAROVYCH which recognized certain regions of Luhansk and Donetsk regions tem- porarily occupied by Russia - an aggressor country, and organs which were illegally exercising authority on the temporarily occupied territo- ries - the occupation administration of the Russian Federation. ♦♦January 23 - PACE adopted a resolution entitled “The humanitarian consequences of the war in Ukraine”, which once again called on the Russian Federation to end military aggression against Ukraine, to stop providing financial and military support to illegal armed groups in Do- netsk and Luhansk regions, and to guarantee respect for human rights and the safety of all people, who live in the occupied Crimea. ♦♦January 26 - The U.S. expanded the list of sanctions against Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine for 21 individuals and 12 organizations. ♦♦January 27 - European Commissioner for Security, Julian King, in an article published in the German edition of Die Welt, accused Russian authorities of a purposeful campaign to combat Western democracies and use the Internet as weapons. ♦♦January 29 – The U.S. Treasury Department published a report on the possibility of introducing new sanctions against President Putin’s close surrounding and Russian businessmen. The list of potential candidates for sanctions involved 210 people. Among them, 114 officials and par- liamentarians (including all the leadership of the presidential admin- istration, the State Duma and the Federation Council, all members of the government headed by the prime minister, members of the Security Council, heads of federal agencies, heads of major enterprises)­ and 96 businessmen with a property of more than 1 billion dollars. The list also includes Russian companies, which are at least by one quarter owned by the state and have revenue of over 2 billion dollars. ♦♦February 28 - According to a decision of the Stockholm Arbitration Tri- bunal, the National Joint-Stock Company (NJSC) Naftogaz of Ukraine has received compensation in the amount of 4.63 billion dollars for the shortage in supply by the Russian Gazprom of agreed gas volumes for transit. “Gazprom” is obligated to pay 2.56 billion dollars in favor of “Naftogaz”, the rest of the money will be used to pay for the Russian gas consumed by Ukraine in 2014 and 2015. Due to the large number of mutual claims for significant amounts (“Gazprom” wanted to receive «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 155 more than 70 billion dollars, “Naftogaz” - about 40 billion dollars), this commercial arbitration became the largest in the history of mankind. ♦♦March 1 – “Gazprom” has started the procedure of the termination of contracts with NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” for the supply and transit of gas and, violating contractual obligations imposed by the Stock- holm arbitration, has declared that it will not supply gas to the “Naf- togaz” under the contract and returned the received prepayment. The Ministry of Energy and the Coal Industry of Ukraine imposed a tem- porary restriction on gas consumption. ♦♦March 1 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the appeal to the international community in connection with the illegal preparation of the presidential elections in the temporarily occupied part of the ter- ritory of Ukraine - in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevas- topol, which called on the world to prevent these elections and not to recognize them as legitimate ones. ♦♦March 2 – The U.S. President D. Trump continued the yearly sanctions against Russia because of its annexation of the Crimea and an aggres- sion in Ukraine. ♦♦March 9 - The North Atlantic Alliance recognized Ukraine’s aspiration to become a full member of this organization, giving our country the status of a “post-graduate country”. ♦♦March 13 - The EU official magazine published a decision to extend EU sanctions against Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine for another 6 months. ♦♦March 21 - The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine terminated the pro- gram of economic cooperation with Russia for 2011-2020. ♦♦March 26 – As an act of solidarity with Great Britain, where repre- sentatives of the Russian special services poisoned Russia’s former spy Sergey Skripal and his daughter, Ukraine announced the decision to expel 13 Russian diplomats from the country. In general, about 30 countries of the world have joined this coordinated action of collective seizure of the diplomatic missions of Russia, making it the largest in history - almost 150 people. ♦♦April 6 - The United States imposed new sanctions against 24 Rus- sian oligarchs and officials and 14 financial institutions of public and 156 Mykola LAZAROVYCH private companies related to the Kremlin, because of the aggressive activities of Russia in the world, including the occupation of Crimea and the war in Eastern Ukraine. As a result, according to the agency Bloomberg, due to the collapse in the value of shares of Russian com- panies, the richest Russians lost 16 billion dollars over the first three days. ♦♦April 13 - NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Ghettmühler stated that Ukraine’s accession to the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance is a real goal. ♦♦April 14 - In response to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad against the civilian population of his country, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom together launched missile strikes on military installations for the production and storage of illicit weapons of Syria - Russian ally. ♦♦April 16 - The United States and the United Kingdom have issued a joint statement on harmful Internet activity launched by the Russian government. The document states that the goal of the Russian cyber attacks is public and private organizations that are suppliers of “ infra- structures those of a critical importance” and Internet services, which support these sectors. ♦♦April 24 - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adop­ ted a decision confirming that Donetsk and Luhansk regions that are not controlled by Ukraine, “these are territories which are controlled by the Russian Federation” and confirmed the condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, committed in violation of the in- ternational humanitarian law and principles of Council of Europe ♦♦April 25 - PACE adopted a resolution on support in countering Russian propaganda at the level of the European Union and recommended that member states of the Council of Europe establish apparatus to track disinformation. ♦♦April 25 - PACE adopted a resolution on the humanitarian needs and rights of internally displaced persons in Europe, in which, regarding the situation in Ukraine, a separate correction was made which is “Russian war against Ukraine”. ♦♦April 26 - PACE adopted a resolution to combat the hybrid war, which in particular referred to Russia’s actions against Ukraine and called «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 157 for the fight against all manifestations of the hybrid war, including the elimination of legal gaps and coordinating efforts to counteract this new phenomenon. ♦♦April 27 – The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the end of the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels said that there was a large group of countries in the North Atlantic Alliance that were wait- ing for Ukraine to join the bloc and hope that Ukrainians would take appropriate measures that would be implemented, after which the Ukraine would have an opportunity to get an invitation to join NATO. ♦♦April 30 - Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko confirmed the delivery of anti-tank missile systems of American production Javelin to Ukraine. This was due to the approval of the administration of the U.S. President D. Trump’s decision to sell certain types of aircraft weapons to Ukraine. ♦♦April 30 - Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko signed a decree, which introduced the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to change the format of the large-scale anti-terrorist operation imple- mented in 2014. Instead of the ATO, the Joint Forces Operation was implemented to provide national security and defense, end the repres- sions and restraints the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in accordance with the plan of the Joint Forces Operation. ♦♦May 2 – National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine imposed sanctions on legal entities and individuals involved in the Russian ag- gression against Ukraine, and regarding which the relevant decisions have been applied by the governments of the United States and the EU. In particular, sanctions were imposed for three years or indefinite- ly on participants in the preparation and conduct of illegal voting in the occupied Crimea as part of the presidential election; representa- tives of the Russian occupation administration in Crimea; fighters of the Russian military formations in the occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions; persons involved in information and cybernetic attacks against Ukraine, unlawful actions against Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in Russia; Deputies of the State Duma and mem- bers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, etc. In addition, sanctions applied in previous years were extended. 158 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ♦♦May 2 - The Arbitration Court in the city of Hague (Netherlands) ruled that the Russian Federation should compensate a number of Ukrainian companies for losses incurred by the annexation of Crimea. According to this decision, Russia for the first time in history will be forced to pay compensation as a result of annexation. ♦♦May 8 - Armed forces of Ukraine took under control village of the Donetsk region. ♦♦May 14 - The Council of the European Union has decided to impose sanctions against five persons responsible for the unlawful conduct of presidential elections in the occupied Crimea and city of Sevastopol. ♦♦May 15, 16 - the European Union, NATO, the United States, and other countries condemned the opening of a section of the Kerch Bridge that unites Russia with the occupied Crimea as a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. ♦♦May 24 - The International Joint Investigation Team at a press con- ference in Hague revealed data that the Buk complex, from which, on July 17, 2014, near the occupied by Russian terrorist troops city of Torez of Donetsk region, a passenger aircraft of the Boeing 777 Malay- sia Airlines was shot down, belonged to the 53rd Air Defense Missile Brigade based in the city of Kursk (Russia). The United States has de- clared full confidence in the findings of the Joint Investigation Team. ♦♦May 25 - Australia and the Netherlands officially declared Russia as being responsible for the destruction of the passenger Aircraft Boeing 777 “Malaysian Airlines on July 17, 2014, near the city of Torez, Do- netsk Region, occupied by the Russian terrorist forces. The U.S., NATO and the European Union have also called on Russia to take a respon- sibility for this plane crash. ♦♦May 25 - During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Russian President Vladimir Putin described Ukraine’s possible entry into NATO as “red line”, which Western countries should not cross. ♦♦ May 28 - The NATO Parliamentary Assembly called for support of Ukraine and Georgia to join the North Atlantic Alliance. ♦♦June 2 - In Ukraine and the whole world - in Great Britain, Georgia, Estonia, Italy, Canada, Lithuania, Germany, Portugal, the USA, France, Sweden and other countries - protests took place in the support of the «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 159 Ukrainian director Oleh Sentsov, who was illegally arrested in Russia, and other political prisoners held in Russia. ♦♦June 9 - During the summit in Canada, G7 leaders condemned the illegal annexation of Crimea in a joint communique and reaffirmed their continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and expressed readiness to introduce additional restrictive measures to increase the price that the Russian Federation is paying for its actions. ♦♦June 9 - The G-7 leaders at a summit in Canada agreed on a mecha- nism for responding to malicious acts of “hostile states”, in particular, the Russian Federation. ♦♦June 11 - A meeting of the foreign ministers of the “Normandy Format” countries - Ukraine, Germany, France and the Russian Federation - was held in Berlin, during which was discussed the issue of ensuring the ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine, the exchange of prisoners, the release of the Ukrainian political prisoners who were illegally kept in Russia, the possibility of deploying a UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbas etc. ♦♦June 14 - the European Parliament passed a resolution demanding that the Russian authorities immediately and unconditionally release Oleh Sentsov and all other illegally detained citizens of Ukraine in Rus- sia and in Crimea. ♦♦June 18 - The EU Council has continued restrictive measures on the Crimea and Sevastopol for a year. EU sanctions forbid import of goods from Crimea and Sevastopol to the EU; investments in Crimea or Sev- astopol; tourist services in Crimea and Sevastopol, in particular, Euro- pean cruise liners cannot enter Crimean ports; export of certain goods and technologies to Crimea, in particular in the field of transport, tele- communications and energy. These sanctions were also supported by Albania, Georgia, Norway, Ukraine, and Montenegro. ♦♦June 21 - Observers of the OSCE mission found in the districts of set- tlements of Antracit and Alchevsk, the transfer of the Russian technical column formed from at least 15 trucks, which were going from a tempo- rarily uncontrolled checkpoint Dovzhanskyi, which is on the border with the Russian Federation. ♦♦June 21 - Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko introduced the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine from June 160 Mykola LAZAROVYCH 21, 2018 “On the Applying and Amendment of the Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)”, which intro- duced sanctions against 30 legal entities and 14 individuals related to the RF aggression against Ukraine. This decision amended the sanctions list, which has been increased to 1,759 physical and 786 legal entities. ♦♦ June 22 - The UN General Assembly approved a resolution on the with- drawal of the Russian troops from Transnistria (Moldova), co-spon- sored by Ukraine. The document calls on the Russian Federation “in full compliance with the rules to unconditionally and urgently com- plete the withdrawal of the operational group of the Russian Armed Forces from the territory of Transnistria in accordance with the com- mitments made at the Istanbul OSCE Summit in 1999.” ♦♦June 26 - Special Representative of the United States Department of State for Ukraine K. Volker pointed out that the situation in Eastern Ukraine is an interstate conflict between Russia and Ukraine, rather than an ethnic conflict, or a local conflict, it is neither a civil war nor a conflict between Russians and Ukrainians. ♦♦June 28 - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adop­ ted a resolution calling on Russia to “immediately release all Ukrainian citizens detained in the Russian Federation and Crimea on the basis of political motives or other fabricated allegations, and make every effort to accelerate the release of the Ukrainian hostages who are kept on the territory of the Donbas, controlled by the Russian Fede­ ration”. The PACE also urged Russia to abandon the policy of imposing Russian citizenship on Ukrainian citizens living in the annexed Crimea and not wanting to acquire it, and refrain from the forced transfer of the Ukrainian citizens to the Russian citizenship. The resolution calls for the lifting of the prohibition on the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, which contradicts the international standards of freedom of assembly, and to stop the persecution and pressure on the Crimean Tatars and those representing their interests. ♦♦July 5 - The EU Council extended the EU sanctions against Russia for six months because of its aggression towards Ukraine. ♦♦July 9 - Brussels hosted the twentieth EU-Ukraine Summit, in a joint statement of its leaders it, in particular, strongly condemned “a clear «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 161 violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine as a result of the aggression of the Russian Armed Forces, which lasts from February 2014”. ♦♦July 11 - The NATO Summit in Brussels confirmed the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine. “We are firmly convinced that Ukraine has the right to independently resolve its own future and foreign policy course without external interference. Taking into account Ukraine’s aspira- tions for NATO membership, we stick to our decisions at the Bucha- rest Summit and at subsequent summits” (according to the decision of the Twentieth NATO Summit in Bucharest (Romania, April 2-4, 2008), Ukraine and Georgia” will become members of the Alliance one day”), - stated in the declaration of the North Atlantic Alliance. ♦♦July 18 - EU approved the decision to impose individual sanctions against six people involved in the illegal construction of the Kerch (Crimea) bridge. ♦♦July 25 – The U.S. State Department issued an official Declaration on the Crimea, which states that “together with the Allies, partners and the international community, the United States rejects the attempt by Russia to annex the Crimea and undertakes to maintain this policy un- til full restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.” The document is analogous to the Welles Declaration, promulgated by the U.S. Secre- tary of State Samuel Welles in 1940, which condemned the occupation of the Baltic States by the USSR and reinforced the impossibility of America to recognize their annexation, which lasted until the indepen- dence of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. ♦♦July 25 - The official policy of a non-recognition of the Russian annex- ation of Crimea, documented and proclaimed by the U.S. Department of State, was supported by the EU and the United Kingdom. ♦♦July 28 - Canada reaffirmed its respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, condemned the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and called for the release of Ukrainian political prisoners. ♦♦July 30 - The European Union imposed sanctions against six Russian companies that took part in the construction of the Kerch Bridge, which connects Russia with the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula. “By their actions, they supported the consolidation of the Russian con- trol over the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula, which, in turn, further 162 Mykola LAZAROVYCH undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine,” the EU said. Restrictive measures consist in the freezing of as- sets in the European Union which belong to these entities, individuals, and organizations; and the EU cannot provide them with the financial services. In addition, the European Union imposed a ban on the entry and freezing of assets for individuals under this regime of sanctions. ♦♦July 31 - The British government added six Russian companies that took part in the construction of the Kerch Bridge to the sanction list. ♦♦August 3 - In the center of Simferopol, the Crimean Tatar activist tried to commit an act of self-immolation as protest against the action of the Russian occupation authorities. ♦♦August 3 - Observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine during January-July 2018 recorded 161 victims among the ci- vilian population of Donbas, of which 29 were killed and 132 injured. ♦♦August 6 - The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, as of June 2018, recorded an unprecedented increase of heavy weapons and military equipment in the occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In particular, there were registered two tank battalions, two self-pro- pelled artillery divisions, howitzers’ division, up to one hundred units of armored combat vehicles, air defense equipment, and so on. ♦♦August 17 - Successful tests of the Ukrainian rocket launcher, which is a powerful high-precision weapon capable of destroying any marine and land targets at distances up to 300 km were carried out in the South of Odesa region. ♦♦August 17 - The United States transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine two AN/TPQ-36 counter-ballistic combat radar stations in- tended for the automatic detection of positions of the enemy artillery, rocket launchers,­ and mortars. They can simultaneously process fire data from several locations from 10 different weapons at a maximum range of 24 km. ♦♦August 22 - The first stage of the new U.S. sanctions against Russia was implemented, caused due to the poisoning of the former spy of the Russian Federation S. Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury (Great Britain), by the representatives of the Russian special services. These sanctions would apply to the ban on the export of technologies that could be used for military purposes. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 163


І. INTERVIEWS Appendix 1


March 5, 2014 Forecasting are very complicated in Ukraine at the moment. However, we need them to withstand potential threats. This is what the famous Ter- nopil historian, scientist, and just a patriot Mykola Lazarovych says.

Considering the situation in Crimea, Mr. Lazarovych says that Rus- sian Nazism once again revealed its true essence. History remembers a lot of such cases. The problem is complicated by the fact that Mr. Putin’s decisions are inadequate and it’s difficult to anticipate his actions. 164 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

“The main task of Ukraine and the world community is to prevent hostilities in the continental part of Ukraine, as well as to try to solve the conflict in Crimea,” says a scientist. - At the same time, Russians should understand that it would be morally easier for Ukrainians to fight against them, than against their scoundrels – officers of “Berkut” unit. We have to understand that the term “Russian” today is synonymous with the term “enemy”...

Even an experienced historian cann’t predict unambiguously the pace and vectors of the situation,.

— In the case of a favorable scenario for Ukraine, I hope that under the pressure of such leading actors of world politics as the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, and other countries Russia will withdraw its troops from the Ukrainian territory by the end of the week. In the case of an unfavorable scenario for Ukraine, the military conflict in the Southern territories will continue until the end of March, possibly longer. In the case of a very bad scenario, the World War III is awaiting humanity...

We can only support Mr. Lazarovych’s hopes that the diplomats will say their word and we will not have to see the worst scenario.

Лазарович М. Прогноз розвитку ситуації в Україні від тернопільського історика [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з М. Лазаровичем щодо того, як розвиватиметься російсько—український конфлікт 2014 р. / провела] С. Чернецька // 20 хвилин. – 2014. – 5 бер. : фот. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 165 Appendix 2

«IF I DIDN’T GO, I WOULD NOT RESPECT MYSELF». Why 52-year old professor from Ternopil, expert of the «The day» Mykola Lazarovych, volunteered for the war

March 20 – 21, 2015

The 52-year-old professor, doctor of political sciences, honored worker of education of Ukraine, long-time expert and reader of «The Day» Mykola Lazarovych went to the war as a volunteer. He has already been trained at the Rivne Military Training Center. Mykola Lazarovych is now the commander of the department of regulation and repairing of dynamic protection systems in the 14th Volodymyr-Volynskyi Brigade. He is currently on vacation. He is planning to bring charity help from Ternopil to fellow brothers, including food, hygiene products, medicine, as well as the Bible. Ternopil National Economic University organized the collection of aid.

From Ternopil National Economic University to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ternopil, March 22, 2015 166 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Throughout his life, Mykola Lazarovych was trying to act in favor of his state not only in terms of a scientific activity but also civil. In 1991, he worked for two months at a referendum staff on the eve of the All- Ukrainian referendum in support of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine; in 2004, he participated in the Orange Revolution, later - in the Revolution of Dignity. The historian believes that now the most responsible task for him is to «put his effort into the victory of Ukraine.» He believes that he will return with victory and will continue his teaching and research activities.

«Putin is very scared that Ukraine might become successful»

— When I came, the militari told me that I was taken off the record. Then I filed an application addressed to Mili­ tary Commissioner to be restored. I passed a medical examination. Doc- tors wrote that I fit for military ser- vice but with some restrictions. De- spite this, I insisted and convinced them that I want to go, - says Myko- la Vasylovych. — Why do you insist on your participation in the war? — If I did not go to defend Ukraine, I would not respect myself. I am a historian and I can draw im- portant parallels. During the revolu- tion of 1917-1921, people, especially peasants, were extremely reluctant to enter the army. They said that Military life has gradually become a daily they “are more interested in the routine. Rivne military training ground, land, and the troops can fight wher- April 23, 2015 ever they need because they do it «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 167 for masters’ interests.” Accordingly, the occupation of Ukraine by Moscow took place. In 1921-1923, 1932-1933, the Holodomor was the most dange­ rous phenomenon in the whole world history. Then the father, who did not go to defend Ukraine in 1917-1921, was forced to helplessly watch as his chil- dren were dying. I don’t want this to repeat. Today there are two ways to help the Ukrainian Army - financially or direct joining the army. Unfortunate- ly, I cannot provide financial support. Although I did what I could. I am the editor-in-chief of the scientific collec- tion “Ukrainian Science: Past, Present, Future”. I sent a part of the funds of The cover page of M. Lazarovych’s book the project, one thousand hryvnias, for “And hell was on earth” (2008) the needs of the Ukrainian army. Each of us should, if possible, help our mili- taries, we cannot be indifferent. — In your opinion, what has become the reason of this war? — One of the main reasons is following: Ukraine is a mean using which Russia wants to be allowed to the world “table” so that Vladimir Putin would be at the level of Barack Obama and other EU leaders. During significant amount of time of the last century the world was bipolar: the Soviet Union and the democratic world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world became monopolar, that is, there is only one big center, and meanwhile it is the United States. Putin wants to raise his status and Russia’s status. There are also other reasons of the war – Putin is very scared that Ukraine can become successful. If Ukraine, which went along with Russia and even lagged behind in economic development, would suddenly become a successful state, Russians would see that democracy is prevailing here, people are Europeans, and every person is valuable, and not just a part of the system. Then people in Russia might think: “Why do we live like this and why are in this situation?” Another reason for the war is that Putin wants to show Russians that it is not necessary 168 Mykola LAZAROVYCH to repeat any revolutions that they will lead to war, problems, and cat- aclysms. Putin wants to divide the world into spheres of influence. He wants to restore influence on the former Soviet countries so that they will be un- der his influence once again. I think the democratic world will not agree. Moreover, Russia and the Soviet Union are two different things. The So­ viet Union had such power as Ukraine, which was always more European than Russia. What happened cannot be repeated again.

Two frontiers: war and reforms

— In your opinion, how do the media have to write about the war? — Nobody found a better way than just telling the truth. Everyone un- derstands that people die during the war. Everyone who goes to the ATO zone realizes that this may be a one-way ticket. But if in reality, 15 people died, but they say only 10 or less did, this is a bad attitude towards the memory of the dead Heroes. At the same time, I think that media repre-

Bad day… Donetsk region, sector B, December 31, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 169 sentatives who cover the theme of the war should draw parallels - what is done by the authorities for reforms. Because there are a lot of state- ments nowadays that Ukraine has two main fronts - Ukrainian-Russian war and reform and the fight against corruption. Therefore, I think it would be very appropriate to analyze and show how successful the re- forms are at time when the military is protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine. If we talk about the ATO zone, in my opinion, there should be a single source of information, and all others should refer to this source. The task of journalists is to interpret this information accordingly. — What propaganda should be within the framework of the state information policy during the war? — The best propaganda is to go and help your homeland to survive, knock out the horde from the Ukrainian land, a direct example – is to go, see whether the soldiers are fed or have the proper clothing in which they are comfortable and don’t get cold. So people would see that soldier has a helmet and body armor. In my opinion, if the state information policy is active in this direction, there will be more volunteers. Now there is a lot of such negative information that there is no mercy for soldiers. This is not a good promotion for mobilization. The media should reveal the soul of the soldier, his enthusiasm, because of which he went to fight for Ukraine. More interviews with the guys who are fighting against Russians are needed. I have an absolute conviction that Ukraine will win. Ukraine has a great future. It will be an example for many other countries, including for the current developed European states. Ukraine is a power that escaped from the Soviet imperial trap, came out to freedom, felt free and will be free to work itself now. Everything will be fine. The question is how many more victims will Moscow need?! — We hope that you will return with victory! What are your plans after returning from the front? — My Ph.D. dissertation was about the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. This is a completely volunteer army. It was even forbidden to agitate to go into this legion. The boys and girls voluntarily went to defend their land and said: “We are going to fight for the freedom of Ukraine. If we perish, then the graves will be left, on which will be written: “fell for the will of Ukraine”. If God wills, I will come back and continue to work on this 170 Mykola LAZAROVYCH topic. I planned to find all names of those people who were in the legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, since they were indeed holy people. .

Лазарович М. «Якби не пішов, я б себе не поважав». Чому 52—річний професор із Тернопільщини, експерт «Дня» Микола Лазарович, пішов добровольцем на війну [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [записала] Т. Ґуґушвілі // День. – 2015. – № 48/49 (20–21 берез.). – С. 7 : фот. – (Бліц—інтерв’ю). «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 171 Appendix 3


March 25, 2015 ACTION: As a historian, Mykola Lazarovych says that now Ukrai­ nians don’t have the right to lose a historic chance to portray them- selves as a real nation of patriots.

Now several teachers in each Ternopil university are mobilized. There are also those who went to serve as volunteers. The teacher of TNEU Mykola Lazarovych joined the ATO on February 14 as a volunteer. He is a well-known historian, doctor of political sciences in Ukraine, professor of the De- partment of Documentation, Information and Ukrainian Studies at Ternopil National Econom- ic University, Honored Worker of Education in Ukraine. Our interlocutor has the rank of senior sergeant, he is the commander of the divi- sion of the 14th Volodymyr-Volynskyi Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Recently, Myko- la Lazarovych was in Ternopil on a weekly vacation, given by the command, to complete some scientific affairs. A departure to Donbas is next on the list.

During meeting with first Vice-Rector of TNEU, M.Shynkaryk, concerning help for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ternopil, March 16, 2015 172 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

«I was never someone indifferent»

— I am a person who has never been indifferent to important his- torical events, - Mr. Lazarovych says. - Once I was expelled from the Institute for anti-Soviet activities. I participated in the “Ukraine without Kuchma”, the Orange revolution, the Revolution of Dignity. Therefore, the fact that I went as a volunteer is a part of pattern that followed from my views. I didn’t need any moral preparation for this.

At first, Mykola was trained at the training center at the Rivne train- ing ground. Now he serves at the Volodymyr-Volynskyi 14th Mechanized Brigade. He says that the brigade fighters are engaged in combat coordi- nation with other servicemen.

— This brigade was formed on the basis of the 51st Brigade, which was destroyed under Volnovakha, - he says. – They demobilize those guys who have fought for a year. They transmit their skills, and we have to replace them. The command says that until the end of the month we will be sent to the East.

Mr. Mykola has already had some military experience. In 1982-1984 he served in the Precarpathian military district and has an idea of what army is. He said he knew where he was going.

— I did not have any special illusions, he says. - Of course, there is a shift compared to what was before. But if we compare the situation with the way it should be, then our army is still far from it.

The interlocutor adds that the uniform and combat boots in the bri- gade were provided. Helmets and body armors are promised to be given in the area of military actions. But things that the Armed Forces did not provide - unloading for automat shops, grenades, etc., knee pads, el- bows, helmet, body armor and another pair of the combat boots were purchased for him by the university.

— I knew from the very beginning that I would go to war, - Mykola Lazarovych says. - But I managed to do it only from the fifth attempt. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 173

I was told four times that I am not needed there, only specialists are needed. When I came to the recruitment office fifth time, it turned out that I had already been taken off the record. I wrote an application to be restored. Then the medical board found some reasons to write that I was restrictively fit for service. But I asked to be recognized as completely fit instead of restrictively fit for service. The next day I went to Rivne. The documents were viewed there too and I was denied again. So I had to ask them to take me.

My wife and adult son got the news that the husband was going to fight, as a fact, - says Mr. Lazarovych. - On February 13 he went to the recruitment office. At 5 p.m. he was told that he had to go next day at 8 a.m. The family got the news only at about 10 p.m., because I had to give the blood, buy stronger glasses, and so on.

«We have a chance to change the history»

Mr. Lazarovych says he is ashamed to watch the news when they show how the girls are fighting, and men are quietly watching it. In addi- tion, historical parallels have also encouraged him to go to the war.

Together with the chaplain of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, majorM. Hinailo. Rivne military training ground, April 14, 2015 174 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

— What’s happening in our history right now shows that now it is one of the few cases when our destiny is into its own hands, - the professor says. - As a historian, recalling the events that took place in Ukraine in 1917-1921, I can say that a significant part of the peasantry did not support the revolution, because it was concerned about land at that moment. And then the Bolsheviks came and conquered Ukraine. Then the Holodomor took place. And man who did not want to defend Ukraine in 1921, had to watch how his children were dying in hungry 1933. It was a kind of historical punishment, since some people did not defend their homeland when it was needed. I don’t want this to happen again. On the one hand, we have a tragic situation. And on the other hand, I see that we have prospects. And our destiny is into our hands. We do what we will have. If we can resist, we will become a normal country. If we can not, we will not have another chance. God gave us a lot of chances during last time: the bloodless proclamation of Indepen- dence and two revolutions.

It’s shameful to watch the news when they show how the girls are fighting, and men are quietly watching this. In addition, historical parallels have also encouraged to go to the war.

Ukraine is having a war with our eternal enemy, a historian says. — I always emphasize to students that this enemy was, is and will be, — Mr. Lazarovych says. - I am afraid now that when there will be a truce, they will start saying that we must be friends as nations again. We can not be friends; our relations can only be through the wall — a definite border and international treaties. But there can be no friend- ship. It’s a pity that we often forget our history, and it has the ability to repeat itself. . «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 175


The scientist believes that experienced men have to fight. It’s not necessary­ to send young people to the bullets, although they do it. — I see that there are guys who did not serve in the army, did not study at the military department. And frankly speaking that short train- ing gives very little, - the interlocutor says. Mr. Lazarovych adds, during the training, the soldiers shoot, cut down firewood, and alternate on block posts. But learning is not syste­ matic. They teach a little bit of everything and not too qualitatively. The biggest trouble of the army is the Soviet mentality and a specific attitude towards the soldier, man shares his impressions. — Getting up at 6:00 in the morning. The morning greeting is at 8 a.m., - the interlocutor says. - By this time I have to have a breakfast. We need to go for about two kilometers to reach the dining place. You should also

Lecture for personnel of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the fresh air. Dripropetrovsk region, Novomoskovsk military training ground, June 5, 2015 176 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

have time to clean up in the tents. Then classes begin. The lunch is from 13:30 to 15:00. If you had a quick meal, it means you have a little bit of time to lay on your bed to stretch your back. Classes are until 18-19 hours. In addition, we provide everything ourselves: we need to find fire- wood, cut, take it to the place and put together. You can also go for the block posts, to guard the guns, the vehicles. Everything is similar to the army. There is almost no free time. On Saturdays, it is possible to wash in a bath, and to have a half day off on Sundays. It’s difficult to read there, because there is one light bulb barely working in the tent, and, as I has already noted, there is not enough time for the books. Mr. Lazarovych is calling home every day because it is unknown how often he will be able to do it from the combat unit. . Лазарович М. Професор історії з університету пішов добровольцем з п’ятої спроби [Текст] / Микола Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з істориком, доктором політичних наук, професором кафедри документознавства, інформаційної діяльності та українознавства Тернопільського національного економічного університету, заслуженим працівником освіти України / провела] Діана Олійник // RIA плюс. – 2015. – 25 берез. – С. 10 : фот. – (Life). «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 177 Appendix 4


August 29, 2015 The military and patriotic activities of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Rifemen (USS), the ethnic policy of the Ukrainian authorities during the 1917-1921 national liberation struggle, and the Holodomor of 1932-1933, became the basis of scientific research and work of a well-known histo- rian, professor of Ternopil National Economic University, Mykola Laza- rovych. Surely, his heart actively responded to the appeal of the Revo- lution of Dignity. Now the Russian aggressor, together with its terrorist mercenaries, covered the Ukrainian land with war. Mr. Mykola decided to go, saying in the words of the poet, “to Donbas - to defend the story, so that the Cossack will win the Mankurt.” He went as a volunteer. Our correspondent talked with Mykola Lazarovych about the most import- ant, memorable, courageous, desirable in his fate, as, after all, in the whole Ukraine.

— Mr. Mykola, you were born in the Carpathian region, shrouded by the heroes for the independence of Ukraine. Did some of your relatives take part in the national liberation struggle? — I grew up in nation-conscious family. My father’s brother, Mykola Lazarovych (“Nedolia”), fought for the state independence of Ukraine in the ranks of the UPA. I know that he was a guard, and with weapons in his hands, he went to the enemy with a pleasure, he also suffered a terrible Soviet imprisonment, for a long time he was sitting in a solitary confinement, so he was banned from returning to his native land. Eter- nity took uncle relatively young. Everyone who knew him says that I look like him, and my attitude is the same. I was named after him. My father, Vasyl Lazarovych, could not go because of his young age and physical injuries. His curiosity as a child resulted in irreparable harm. 178 Mykola LAZAROVYCH In the postwar period he accidentally found a bomb and got interested in the way it works; as a result, he remained without the right hand. — So you grew up with the awareness that you need to help your parents manage the farm. — Indeed the household was big: cows, pigs, chickens... We had to take care of the food for them: throughout the whole summer I mowed and dried hay and I was also doing other things. But, despite this, I mana­ged to play soccer with his peers, I had a childhood, and therefore a youthful life. — Why you chose history as your specialty? — My father kept the big library; I enjoyed reading books, especially historical ones. — Were there really the ones which truly depicted the Ukrainian history, published in Galicia before the first Soviets came? — My father used to read such books. But, of course, it was not pos- sible to openly display them in own library, because you could get impri­ soned. One night my father put together all banned by Bolsheviks litera- ture and other things into a box and buried it. Many years later, this box

Serving Subcarpathia military district. Lviv, summer of 1983 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 179 was discovered, but everything that was there has been already ruined. — It also took some time to start studying history as a science. Correct? — I had to go to another settlement to get my secondary education. So my parents decided to put me to Kolomyia Technical College of Mechanical Wood Processing, where they also taught spe- cialty disciplines along with general sub- jects. And I do not regret about it. After that I used to work for some time at the furniture plants in the cities of Berehove of Zakarpattia region and Balta of Odessa The cover page of M. Lazarovych’s region, and afterward, I was called for mili­ book “Ethnic policy of Ukrainian tary service. After the army, I joined the authority of the period of National Faculty of History of Kamianets-Podilskyi liberation movement of 1917-1921” Pedagogical Institute. With my diploma, (2013) my scientific and social activities began. — You came to science in the first years of the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence. And you were interested in the formation, idea, and activity of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. This topic was al- most hidden in the Soviet years, and therefore, little investigated. Was this the first thing you paid attention to while starting to write a candidate’s dissertation? — My aim was to explore as many of the “white spots” in Ukrainian his- tory as possible. But I also considered the patriotic rank of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. I heard about it from the real stories, because my coun- trymen, and even people with my last name, also voluntarily went to this formation. They could not stay at home when the time to fight for Ukraine’s independence came. They said that even if we perish, it will be written on our graves: “Fell for the freedom of Ukraine”, and future gene­ rations will have a goal for which they will fight. Some of the archival materials became the basis of my book “The Legion of Ukrainian Sich Ri- flemen”, which this year should be republished in Ternopil, and the next - in one of the Kyiv publishing houses. This year, they represented the 180 Mykola LAZAROVYCH book “Stanislaviv and the Ukrainian Legion”. Soon, people in Ternopil will have to see another piece of my work abot the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, though, co-authored. In 2008, in the book “And there was hell on earth,” I shared my research on the preconditions for the Holodomor of 1932- 1933, the mechanisms for its implementation and its consequences. But my doctoral dissertation already concerned the policies of Ukrainian governments during the period of the liberation struggles of 1917-1921 in relation to national minorities. — I know that the doctoral thesis was presented during the time of shootings on the Independence Square. — I accepted The Revolution of Dignity with all my soul. I was on the capital’s Independence Square. I delayed the defense of my doctoral dis- sertation for a month because I was confident that the Ukrainian people would overcome that criminal power in early 2014. My presentation was taking place at the same time when the blood of the Heroes of the Hea­ venly Hundreds was spilled. I was very depressed and ashamed that I was not able to stand with people on Maidan at the crucial moment. When the Russian aggressor invaded the territorial integrity of Ukraine, I gave myself a word: once I receive confirmation of the de- fense of the doctorate, I will go as a volunteer to the front. In the first semester, I finally received the expected confirmation, so after I fini­ shed reading lectures for that period, I went to the recruitment office. The medical board found some problems with my health and also re- minded me of the age, but I was confident and asked a permition to join the army. On the fifth try, they finally accepted my request, which I am thankful for. Finally, I knew what army was, because I has already served in the military once in the rank of a senior sergeant I was deputy commander of the platoon, even one of the best machine gunner of the Iron Division. Now I am often asked why I went to the war and whether I am afraid of death. As for the first one, I usually answer that I have always con- temptuously treated Moscovities for the torture caused by them to the Ukrainian people for centuries. When they once again decided to have a war against Ukraine, there was no doubt in what must be done. As for the second question, I answer: yes, I am afraid! But I’m sure (sorry for the pathetic): to give life for the Motherland is a worthy man’s completion of the earthly path. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 181 — Now you will serve near Mariupol. Do you feel the support of the Ukrainian society? — Generally, I caught myself with the thought that I am happy to be in the Armed Forces of Ukraine because I am doing what I like and what is needed for my family and my country. I will also note: the war is not only military operations but also heavy daily work. Therefore, it’s important for Ukrainian soldiers to feel that our hearts are beating in unison with the whole country. We, the military, are extremely pleased when people remember about us, help us and wait for us. I recall how my friends and I were mov- ing through , Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporozhzhia region. Some- where, people from all over the village, from kids to grandparents, went out to support Ukrainian soldiers with applause, cries, and friendly ges- tures. Though less often, but it was the same in Donbas. In particular, we were warmly welcomed in Mariupol. This attitude inspires soldiers, makes us much stronger! We feel the support of the whole society. Ukrai- nians, do not be short of the positive emotions for your troops!

Fellows. Donetsk region, sector B, January 3, 2016 182 Mykola LAZAROVYCH – Once in social networks, you wrote that it is sometimes easier to find a common language with dogs than in Donbas with their masters. — Truth is hard to hide. But I understand that this is logical because Ukrainophobic sentiment here was formed on purpose more than a hun- dred years, including during the years of Ukraine’s independence. Only ascetic labor will make it possible to change such an unnatural situation. — The Law of Ukraine “On Mobilization Preparation and Mobiliza- tion” came into force. According to it, from the call for military service during the mobilization, certain categories of pedagogical, scienti­fic- pedagogical and scientific workers are released. Did you have a desire to take advantage of this right? — In early August, at one of the evening verifications, the leadership of my unit delivered information that the only serviceman among the

Together with wife Natalia and son Oleh. Rivne training center, March of 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 183 personnel who has the right to early demobilization, that is, to return home, is me. As I volun- teered for the war, I, of course, renounced the privileges pro- vided by this law and expressed my desire to continue to serve in the Armed Forces to help libera­ ­ te the Ukrainian land from the Russian-terrorist troops. — The results of the last wave of mobilization revealed that the number of those who want to join the army has de- clined. How can you explain this fact? — At last, 24 years ago, Ukraine became an independent The cover page of monograph state, but now this independence “World hybrid war: must be protected again from the Ukrainian front” (2017) enemy-neighbor and its various actions. And it is not necessary to try to find different reasons for men to somehow avoid mobilization. Ukraine should be above all for all of us. I am sure that the results of mobilization would not be the same today if it was organized clearly, fairly, since before the law we are all equal and respon- sible, and therefore, not only ordinary citizens but also the so-called rich kids, “the best” of the society must join the military. Frequent revelations arising from the registration of the relevant documents of the participant in the military processes, too, I think, hurt the mobilization processes. 184 Mykola LAZAROVYCH


He was born in 1963 in the village of Bania-Bereziv in Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Faculty of History of Kamyanets-Po- dilsky Pedagogical Institute with honors. He worked as lecturer at Kremenets Pedagogical College of T. Shevchenko, headed the De- partment of Ukrainian Studies at the Ternopil National Economic University, since 2014 - Professor of the Department of Documen- tation, Information and Ukrainian Studies of this university. He is the Editor-in-chief of the scientific collection “Ukrainian science: past, present, future”. He is the author and co-author of more than 200 scientific and teaching works, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Political Sciences, laureate of the All-Ukrainian Literary and Art Prize named after the brothers Bohdan and Levka Lepky and regional - Peter Medvedyka. Now he is the commander of the platoon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, senior sergeant.

Лазарович М. Командир взводу професор Микола Лазарович: «Українці, не шкодуйте позитивних емоцій для свого війська!» [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з відомим тернополянином / провів] Микола Шот // Урядовий кур’єр. – 2015. – № 158 (29 серп.). – С. 7 : фот. – (Суботні зустрічі). «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 185 Appendix 5

PUTIN REMINDS ME OF A GUEST AT THE WEDDING: joke from professor Lazarovych

August 31, 2015 Putin reminds me of the guest at the wedding. Just imagine: the guests came, everyone is still sober, and they see a man, well, a little man, but in a decent suit, he is loaded, he brought a good gift to the newlyweds, talks in a good manner. They are educated people, they think that he is a relative of a young family and they tolerate a man, try to communicate with him, talk politely. Meanwhile, the man got drunk and became insolent: saying nonsense, clinging to other people’s women, drinking from someone else’s glass, eating from the strangers’ plates. At first, guests are trying to tell him politely: man, this is not how you have to behave at the wedding, calm down. And the man got drunk even more and then goes up to people to hug and kiss. Guests are educated people, they feel disgusted, but do not turn away, because he is a relative of the newlyweds. And it lasts for some time: he goes to people, and people go away from him. And this continues up until one man kicks him and finally puts him in his place. Those guests are tolerant and indifferent Europe, which is sick of the little man and the big guy represents a Ukrainian army, which is only one at that wedding who can settle everything down. So cheers for the big guy! Cheers!

Путін мені нагадує гостя на весіллі: жарт-притча від професора Миколи Лазаровича [Електронний ресурс] / переповіла Леся Коковська-Романчук // Погляд: новинний портал. – 2015. – 31 серп. – Режим доступу : https://poglyad. ra-mykoly-lazarovycha/print/. 186 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Appendix 6


September 4, 2015 Doctor of political sciences, professor of the Department of Documentation, Information Activity and Ukrainian Studies of TNEU and a soldier of the ATO Mykola Lazarovych is on vacation. He is 6.5 months in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the third month in the ATO zone. Until recently, his 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade was near Mariupol. Seve­ral days ago it moved to Donetsk. How does the platoon commander rest in his native Ternopil? How does he use his vacation? What people he meets and does he have a chance to stay alone? All of this and more is in the interview below.

— I want to convey information about the life of my friends in the war. Therefore, I meet a lot of journalists. I also try to do something useful for my unit. I went to the volunteers. In particular, we really need a tank for water, because in order to reach the source we must drive 30 kilometers. The water itself must be filled in 5-liter bottles, that is a long process, and also a dangerous one. All these troubles are reflected on my relatives because I call them only in the evening. So it is definitely not about any loneliness here. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 187 — Mr. Mykola, what became the main impetus to go to the East? — The desire to lead to the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people against our eternal enemy - Muscovy. I consider myself a happy man. As the , Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, the soldiers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Ukrainian Galician Army and the Ukrainian In- surgent Army, I defend my homeland with the weapon in my hands, as in their time. – Some people go as volunteers, others – try to escape the mobi- lization. Can this phenomenon be perceived philosophically? — You can perceive philosophically any events or phenomena. How- ever, for thousands of years, protection of the homeland was considered an honorary duty for the men in all the nations. Therefore, deviation from the norm is not the desire to defend its country from the enemy, but to evade such a mission. — Are Ukrainian men mostly strong? Or aren’t there that many? — The true strength of a man is the strength of his spirit. The sad results of military mobilization show some problems in the male population of our country. To reveal own patriotism by talks, wearing an embroidered shirt, or commenting on Facebook, aren’t enough for a man. — What do you think, why not everyone is going to defend the country? — There are many reasons: cowardice, corruption. Poor organization of officials who only harm by their actions. Not a very transparent mo- bilization principle. Irresponsible assembly of units, when specialists are not chosen by a military specialty. Diseases, personal problems when, for example, someone in family needs care etc. — How does staying on the East affect your perception of the world, character? Have you changed? — The coordinate system which I built for myself during my life, proved to be the right one for me. Although the chosen path creates a lot of in- convenience for the family, but problems harden the will and the human body. Stay in the ATO zone only strengthened my beliefs, since only in the war you realize that the Motherland is like a child. To be happy, she must be loved, saved and protected in every possible way. 188 Mykola LAZAROVYCH — How do you perceive reality in the ATO? Is it different than here? — “Here” and “there” are different realities and different forms of be- ing. Many things that are important in everyday life, for example, civil status, have no meaning in the war. The main thing is what kind of per- son you are. – Apart from politics and war, do you allow yourself not to think about it? Or is it difficult perhaps? — I perceive politics as an object of my research. And war is a reality which I live in. The only way to abstract from reality is to dream. I dream of a victory, grandchildren, moment that everything will be well in the family and in Ukraine. — Are you interested in exploring politics? — Certainly. As a wise man said, if you are not interested in politics, then it will interest in you. The political cuisine is always interesting, since you can find out who stands by this or that politician, predict his

You can never have enough salo (cured slabs of fatback) in the army! From left to right: “Dad Petro”, A.Hlemba and “Lisnyk”. Dripropetrovsk region, Novomoskovsk military training ground, May 27, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 189

My Easter in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Rivne military training ground, April 12, 2015

behavior, and so on. In the end, if we were more interested in politics and politicians, we would make a meaningful choice in the elections. — Many people say that politics is a dirty matter. But people and history made up it. This is also a continuous politics. How do you perceive it through your research? Maybe, not so strongly? — The researcher often sees what is unavailable to an average citizen, and can understand the logic of an action of one or another person. For example, some people are almost cursing Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi that he was the one who “took Ukraine into a Moscow yoke”. But in rea­ lity, the situation was much more complicated than it may seem to us today. The tragedy of this great emperor was that he did not have time to complete the state building, in particular, to get rid of the Moscow “ally” because he died prematurely. — In addition to science and war, what else do you fill your life with? — Prayers, dreams, projects. I hope that the Ternopil publishing house “Dzhura” will publish a completed “Illustrated History of Ukraine”, which 190 Mykola LAZAROVYCH already refers to the Revolution of Dignity, the present Russian-Ukrainian War, and the monograph on the USS Legion. — In your opinion, who should you trust in life? — This is a philosophical question. In life, I try to be guided by the principle of “if you want to do good you should do it by yourself.” — Is there anything you are afraid of? — In the war I am afraid of cowardice and mutilation. In general, I am scared for the relatives. I hope that Ukraine will eventually become a true European democracy. — What do you like to read and what are your favorite books? — In general, I like scientific literature. I am planning to bring from vacation to the war a book “Knights of Love and Hope”, written by Lesia Romanchuk. She gave it to me as a present. — Is there time to read in the war? — Not much, but I have some time. I am trying.

Book “Knights of Love and Hope” by Lesia Romanchuk gifted to me. Donetsk region, sector B, September 12, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 191

Together with wife Natalia. Ternopil, January 18, 2016

— How does Mykola Lazarovych behave at home? Quiet and home-oriented, or leader and warrior? — Self-educated and science-deepened... — Whether you are acting this way, is it hard for your family to reach you? — It happens that sometimes I can not hear or see nobody. So far they are patient with me (laughs). — Perhaps, you have some favorite home affairs or habits: drink- ing coffee in the morning, sitting in a favorite chair behind a book, etc. — Coffee. The more work - the more coffee. I try to stick to the tra- dition of the morning coffee with PC on my knees even during the war. I cook coffee in the morning by myself. At lunch and in the evening our fellow countryman from Ternopil Andrii Hlemba treats us with his own compote. — Where do you feel most comfortable? — In myself. — Why? — It is interesting to talk to a clever person (laughing). 192 Mykola LAZAROVYCH — In general, what people do you prefer to communicate with? What kind of character, education, etc.? — I am an adversary of people’s segregation on any principle - racial, professional, age, religious. People can be either interesting or not. Usually,­ I communicate with both, but with not so interesting, though, less. — Do you have any favorite phrase? — It has never been before that it was not. Everything will be how God will give!

Лазарович М. «Микола Лазарович: Традиції ранкового кавування з ком- пом на колінах стараюся дотримуватися навіть на війні» [Електронний ресурс] / Микола Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з доктором політичних наук, професором ка- федри документознавства, інформаційної діяльності та українознавства ТНЕУ і бійцем АТО Миколою Лазаровичем / провела] Наталка Петрів // Погляд: новинний портал. – 2015. – 4 вер. – Режим доступу : aliyi/osobystosti-2/mykola-lazarovych-tradytsiji-rankovoho-kavuvannya-z-kom- pom-na-kolinah-starayusya-dotrymuvatysya-navit-na-vijni.html : фот. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 193 Appendix 7


October 13, 2015

At one of the schools of Donbass, which is located near the military unit where Mr. Mykola serves, he gave a lecture for senior student clas­ ses, devoted to the Day of Defender of Ukraine.

Before the lecture, the professor-warrior gave the school the State Flag signed by some soldiers and his training manual “Illustrated History of Ukraine”, which he kept with him for eight months in a soldier’s back- pack. Emotional and grateful pupils in response gave the warriors jam. Pupils also personally prepared and gave some great arts and crafts on military topics.

“I hope, - Mykola Lazarovych writes on his page in Facebook, - that the lecture was interesting and beneficial for the students and teachers who were present. Reason to think so is today’s request which I received, to speak on the same topic in a high school in of one of the settlements, located a few dozen kilometers from our unit”.

Семеняк В. Професор Микола Лазарович прочитав в одній із шкіл Донбасу лекцію [Електронний ресурс] / Валентина Семеняк // Терен: тернопільські експрес-новини. – 2015. – 13 жовт. – Режим доступу : profesor_mykola_lazarovych_prochytav_v_odniy_iz_shkil_donbasu_lektsiyu : фот.. 194 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Appendix 8


February 10—16, 2016 “Doctor of Political Science, Professor of Ternopil National Economic University, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Senior sergeant of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, - scientist Mykola Lazarovych says about himself.

On the word “sergeant” he makes a slight pause and adds: “maybe already a former one...” He noted that today, after demobilization, he

Between war and civic life: the demobilization is in a week. Donetsk region, sector “Mariupol”, January 9, 2016 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 195

still feels more like soldier rather than professor. Last year, a 52-year-old teacher went to the front as a volunteer. Instead of lecturing students, he was digging trenches and dugouts, held a defense near cities of Mar- iupol and Donetsk. During this time he received a name - “Professor”. He indeed was the only professor in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a certain period of time. He speaks about this without any pathos. He says: when he was going to the front, he made a commitment: not to reject any task where volunteers would be needed. Mykola Lazarovych became the winner of the contest “Man of the Year”, which is traditionally held in Ternopil. Upon returning home, he told to “Our Day”, what a close war really looks like, about patriotism and misunderstanding felt by those who leave the front.

«Not to be ashamed in front of yourself»

I signed up for volunteering last February 13. I understand that with my presence I will not make a coup, but it calms my soul. At first, they did not want to take me to the Armed Forces, but I insisted. We were transferred from the Rivne landfill to the 14th brigade, a successor to the famous 51st brigade, which was defeated near Ilovaisk. On July 2 we arrived to Donetsk region, from where we were taken to Mariupol, and on August 28 - to Donetsk, where I stayed until January 15, until I was demobilized. The “Professor” from the start began the combat. I would never have thought to predict that I know more than others do. So, in some spheres, the guys know things much better than I do. Near Mariupol, I headed the construction of our defensive posi- tions. I was digging along with everyone else. On the day of mobilization, I gave myself a word that, since I went as a volunteer, I would be a volunteer whenever such a need arises. I did this so I would not be ashamed in front of myself. 196 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Company Commander senior lieutenant “Karas” is wishing us Happy New 2016 Year. Donetsk region, sector “B”, December 31, 2015

«Wherever you go there are people and beasts»

It’s hard to count a percentage, but I think the overwhelming ma- jority of those who are fighting against us, are Russians. I have a mixed attitude towards the collaborators, people who lived in Donetsk and Lu- hansk regions and went to fight against Ukraine. Ideological, generally speaking people who hated anything Ukrainian were among them. But there were also those who became enemies involuntarily. The enterpri ses do not work, there is no place to earn money, perhaps there are cir- cumstances due to which one can not leave, for example, sick relatives. Therefore, they took weapons. At first, they stood at the checkpoints, and then it got delayed and there was no way to return. The population is different. Everywhere is, as they say, people and beasts. I know one thing: if the Russians did not come there, there would be no problems. You can really feel Russian zombing. Therefore, I am convinced everything that concerns the “Russian world”, which is, in fact, one of the forms of Nazism, in particular, the Russian information product in Ukraine, must be got rid of once and for all. If we do not un- derstand it, then we will be back in the same boat, which is what was «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 197 happening for centuries. And Ukrainians, like nobody else, love to repeat old mistakes.

«Everyone gets used to it»

The word “war” covers everything. Starting from digging trenches and ending with guys getting killed and wounded. If we talk in general, then in my perception, the war is something so black, the hole that sucks beings trouble. Sometimes I see dreams associated with my staying there. They are abrupt and chaotic. But I don’t want to think about hard times right now. That’s why I kept a positive picture in my memory: summer, morning, the sun, there is still no burning heat, we stand with the boys near the tents and talk, and we drink coffee, tea, joke... On the other hand, you get used to everything. When there was a shell- ing, even at a certain distance, we understood: if we go a bit to the side – it will reach us. In the beginning, we stayed almost all night in a dugout. There is no place to sit there, so we must stand. And then the next time I came very exhausted and, despite the rumble of artillery, went to sleep. Is it difficult to get used to weapons? No. We had boys who were not regular, but they had military training at school. Therefore, there were no problems. We have soldiers from Khmelnytskyi who, because of their re- ligious beliefs, do not take weapons in their hands, but there are many things to do besides weapons on the front.

«Why you were going there?»

Sometimes you hear the following stories: I’m so used to the war that when I arrived home, I could not sleep on the soft bed. No, I did not have that. Surely, I did not like to sleep on the boards. But there was no other option, so I was patient with it. As for the psychological aspect, everyone observes: I still associate myself with the guys who are there. This is a kind of a fighting family. Today, I’m still more a sol- dier than a professor. During these days at home I had to hear: what did you do there, why you went there, to protect corrupt government officials? It is 198 Mykola LAZAROVYCH strange to me, how can one not understand such simple things. So I have to explain that the aggressor did not manage to capture Ukrainian lands until Dnipro River only because our guys are fighting and dying there. Certainly, our government, the President doesn’t really deserve a praise. But at last, we must realize that we will live like Israel: in the neighborhood with the country that was, is and will be our true enemy for a long time. I really want the society to understand what soldiers go through in war. Those who have doubts do not even have to fight - let them go and live from the week in the tent. For a year I slept indoors only a few days in the last place of disposition. And we spent nights in the tents, even when the frost reached 26 degrees. When faced with such misunderstanding: what to do and why to stand there, I think - well, good those guys do not hear this. If they were not been there, I am wondering if the women with children would still be walking in the streets here. Could those who escaped mobili- zation still be able to demonstrate their decorative patriotism? Would there still be salutes (and are they needed at all)? But not all, unfortu- nately, understand it.

Donbas winter. Donetsk region, sector “B”, December 31, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 199 «The problem of the Armed Forces is excessive bureaucracy»

It is difficult to predict how events will develop in the future. Our forces are not correlated with Russian one. So far, the Ukrainian army is holding, to a large extent, on enthusiasm. You can imagine when we were dumping own money to buy a spare part for a combat vehicle. It was not regular, but it was, and not once. The problems of the Armed Forces are excessive bureaucracy, lack of coordination and clear governance, as in foreign armies. Although what we had in our army a year ago and now is like heaven and earth.

«Times change, but a desire to own something that does not belong to us remains»

Certainly, I want the war to end soon so that guys come back home. But, unfortunately, we often do not see the causes and consequences of the events. In 1917-1921, when Ukrainian statehood existed in various forms, many Ukrainians said, just as they say now, that it is not our struggle. As a result, Ukraine was captured by Russia’s Bolsheviks, who in 1932-1933 organized a Holodomor here. That is, the reluctance of a sig- nificant part of Ukrainians to defend their statehood has led to millions of victims. Because whatever the state would be, such a thing would not be allowed. These things need to be tracked. Let people not be deceived by the fact that it is the 21st century now. The world is changing, but, as practice shows, hatred and the desire to own something that doesn’t belong to us remains alpha and omega of our northern neighbors. . «If you are reading this, it means something went wrong»

One of my friends confessed: “I was not thinking about returning”. I asked him if he wanted to stay and be on a contract. He said no, he did not think that he will be able to return. Everyone, apparently, subcon- 200 Mykola LAZAROVYCH sciously expects this. Likewise, when I left my “alarm letter” at home, I started it as he did by saying: “if you are read this, it means something went wrong”. In the war, my life changed by 180 degrees. At home, I was wak- ing up early in the morning, drank coffee, browsed the Internet, went to lectures, went back home, wrote articles and books. And in the war – life was very different, completely opposite. But in my heart, I have not changed, as I thought, and I think, maybe I became a little more radical. If it will be needed, I am ready to go as a volunteer again. I understand that this state is imperfect; it needs a lot of changes. At the same time, I always say to my students that the Motherland is a child; it must be loved, cared for and protected in order to be happy.

Лазарович М. «Микола Лазарович: Сьогодні я все ще більше вояк, ніж професор» [Текст] / Микола Лазарович ; [бесіда з професором Миколою Лазаровичем / провела] Антоніна Брик // Наш день. – 2016. – № 6 (10–16 лют.). – С. 3 : фот. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 201 Appendix 9


February 17, 2016 The smell of coffee filled the office and led to honesty. “Before staying in the ATO zone, I only used to drink the instant coffee, - my interloc- utor says, - and I’ve got used to the grounded coffee and now I drink only it.” From a conversation about coffee, we turned to more serious matters, and I discover Mykola Lazarovych from another side, a histo- rian, researcher of the Holodomor and Sich Rifemen Art, a 52-year-old professor at Ternopil National Economic University, a man of the year in Ternopil in 2015. He remained just as restrained, prudent, romantic and pragmatic at the same time, as before, and yet another man - not just a successful scientist, but a warrior, defender, defender of the land whose history he is studying in such a detail.

— Mr. Mykola, tell me how was your transition from military life to a peaceful one, how do you feel in a tranquil Ternopil, which does not seem to know that there is a war somewhere? — I read the confession of one ATO participant, who told that he was so used to the sleeping on the board that he can not sleep in the bed, and therefore sleeps on the floor. I’m not used to those boards, it’s much more comfortable for me to sleep in my bed. But I did not burden the soul when, at the handing of the honors of the “man of the year”, I said: even though I took off the uniform, frankly speaking, I still feel shoulder straps on me. And it will probably continue like this until all my boys will be demobilized. I came a little bit faster because the university asked me to start the se- mester in time. — You could have returned a long time ago. — Yes, in August, when the decree of the government on the dismissal of university professors from the army came out. But then I wrote a re- port that I am volunteering and want to stay on the front line. However, 202 Mykola LAZAROVYCH this time we have already moved a bit further from the front, the fighters are waiting for relocation to one of the landfills. So I saw no point of staying there longer. My soul is pure because I did everything I could do. I do not say that I did something special, but even unloading shells for “Grad”, the weight of each of them is 100 kilograms, is not a simple task. You unload it half a day and then don’t feel your legs or hands. And I was still digging trenches and shredded firewood; probably, it will be enough for the rest of my life. The war is a hard soldier’s job. – Are you the only professor in the region who voluntarily went to the front line? — There is another one, Ivan Zuliak from Pedagogical University. He has served for about half a year and still remains there. — Do you really have no hesitation: to change students’ audien­ ces to the trenches or not? — I am an idealist in my convictions. And everywhere, where there were problems with Ukrainian independence, for our statehood, I was there. So, in 1991, I worked for two months in the staff of referendum in Kyiv and was delegated with the late professor Bohdan Shyian to Sumy

Loading of rockets of BM-21 «Grad». Donetsk region, sector “Mariupol”, January 11, 2016 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 203 region. Together with him, we first initiated the referendum staffs on the ground, yet nobody did it. Then, the action “Ukraine without Kuchma”, the Orange Revolution, the Revolution of Dignity happened and I was everywhere. I’m very easy-going in such cases. On February 28, 2014, I defended my doctoral dissertation, and the next day, my son and I went to the Ternopil Maidan [to condemn the actions of Russian invaders in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. - ed.]. And I had to go to defend Ukraine. I did not succeed from the first time, but on the fifth try, I was admitted to the Armed Forces. On February 13 of last year, at noon, I went to the recruitment office, and in the evening it was reported that in the morning it was necessary to be at the recruitment centre. — And you were not afraid, when you, in fact, went to war? — There was no fear because it was a conscious choice, but I had the idea that I could not return home. Therefore, I left my family an “alarm letter”, which began with the words: “If you read these lines, then some- thing went wrong...” That day we went from Ternopil to the Rivne training landfill, there were five people. They accepted only one, Sasha Kochniev, and said to others: “You do not fit, go home”. Three boys went to take their bags and ran to the bus, and I was persuading for a long time so they would take me. – Where exactly was your military service? — Initially at the training grounds: two weeks of training in Rivne, then we stood in Dnipropetrovsk region, and then on the “Shyroke Pole” in Mykolaiv region. And on July 2, our brigade entered the Don- bas. When we traveled through Zaporozhzhia region, people in villages came out to meet us: old grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, and children. They were waving their hands and crossing us. It was very touching, that not only one of us dropped a tear. We were in the sector M (near Mariupol), then in the sector B near Donetsk. I served in the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade. This is the former 51st brigade, which was under Ilovaisk and was accused of betrayal. Although it was not the betrayal, but the fact that the generals tried to conceal their own miscalculations and blamed the guys who were worthy staying there. All the time we lived in tents and dugouts, and indoors last month near a small town. 204 Mykola LAZAROVYCH — And what was the most disturbing thing, besides the fighters: cold, hunger? — You will laugh, but I was most annoyed by sand, it was everywhere: on laptop (I had it with me), in the bedroom, under my feet, in the air. And yet - the heat: the temperature was 40˚C in the tent. There was no place where you could hide from it. And we had to dig trenches all day. I do not know where we had the power from. With regard to the provision, we were not hungry. We were very lucky with the cook. Andrii Hlemba from Ternopil was cooking very de- licious food. As we came from other units, everyone was saying that they have not eaten such delicious food yet. In addition, our hometown remembered us. And not only volunteers, but also professors Mariana and Zoriana Lanovyk from Pedagogical University, their sister Viktoriia Kukharska, and Lesia Nazarevych from the technical department sent us big parcels probably seven or eight times. And I never asked them about it. One day they asked what the boys are doing. I said: “As it becomes possible, they are even solving crossword puzzles. Then colleagues sent us crossword puzzles”.

Andrii Hlemba is Ternopil resident who was adored by all company. Dnipropetrovsk region, Novomoskovsk military training ground, May 27, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 205 In addition, Facebook friends Nadiia Yaninovych from Kharkiv and Olesia Naumovska from Kyiv also sent us several parcels. I did not even know them personally, but they wrote to me in social networks, they found me and asked permission to send something for the guys. Ternopil volunteers sent the army boots, Liliia Musikhina handed me the sum- mer uniform. Khrystyna Fetsitsa, my ex-student, sent a holster, tactical sunglasses, and most importantly - a long officer, still Soviet, raincoat without sleeves. That was a necessary thing! Everyone who was going to guard took it, did not soak, and was protected from the wind. And, of course, my relatives - Vitalii and Vasyl Lazarovych, TNEU and the Depart- ment of Documentation, Information and Ukrainian Studies helped a lot. — And how does it seem to you now: in the difficult situation that has developed, will we protect Ukraine? — I have no doubt about this. I am convinced that every drop of blood, both from the Maidan to this day and from previous generations, for the defense of independence, statehood, freedom of our people, is the pro- tection that Ukraine holds. Blood can not be just shed. And it hurts me very much when I hear things like this now: what they are fighting and dying for there? We struggle for our children that can play in peace and to make weddings possible. Some unconscious people can get fireworks on their birthday parties only due to every day fighting of our soldiers on the front line. I think the state should show to the society that those soldiers, who were there, especially those who became disabled, are holy people. The positive attitude towards them should go to our military force, to the Armed Forces, so that everyone knows: those who stand on the front - our reliable defense. — Thank you, Mr. Mykola, for showing by your own example: among our men, there are real defenders of the Motherland.

Лазарович М. «Микола Лазарович: Намагаюся бути там, де потрібні добровольці» [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю / провела] Г. Садовська // Вільне життя. – 2016. – 17 лют. – С. 6 : фот. 206 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Appendix 10


February 18, 2016 Ternopil scholar, author of research on Ukrainian Sich Rifemen Mykola Lazarovych about his participation in the ATO and historical parallels.

Recently in Ternopil, the winners of the contest “Man of the Year- 2015” were awarded. One of them is a long-time expert and admirer of the Day, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Documentation, Information and Ukrainian Studies at TNEU, Honored Worker of Education in Ukraine, and participant of ATO Mykola Laza- rovych.

Returning from the mission. Donetsk region, sector M, August 1, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 207 During the year he was on the front and recently returned to a peace- ful life. Mykola Lazarovych went to the army as a volunteer. He was the commander of the platoon in the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The future scientist grew up in a patriotic family in Ivano-Frankivsk and was interested in history from childhood. At that time his father had forbidden books with true information about the past of Ukraine. His uncle, in honor of whom he was named, fought in the ranks of the UPA. Mykola Lazarovych - a participant in the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity. He also did not stand aside when the destiny of Ukraine in 1991 was decided. As a patriot, he transmits the burning of his heart to students, and therefore could not betray his own convictions and went to the Donbas to fight against Russian aggressor. As Mykola Lazarovych notes, though the war radically changed his life, because in the ATO zone it became different, but it hardened him, made it possible to assure life’s principles, positions.

... hybrid politics of Muscovy always directed Ukraine...

“The views have not changed, as the policy of Muscovy has not changed for centuries, - Mr. Mykola says. - We are talking about the fact that the current war is hybrid. As if it was something new but hybrid war, hybrid politics of Muscovy always directed Ukraine, starting with the notorious Pereiaslav Council, with the agreement of the same Ukrainian-Moscow treaty in 1654, and to this day. Bogdan Khmelnytskyi had no other way out. The trouble was that after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi there were no lea­ ders of his level. They are none up until today. The war is cynical, the war is bloody, and Moscow is all like this, which doesn’t only conduct a similar policy against Ukraine, but also, in general, during its history, against oth- er nations which it oppresses. Wherever the troops of this country come, there is always a trouble, blood, violence and always lies.” As Mr. Mykola notes, much of what is happening in the Donbas now is the inaction of the Ukrainian authorities in relation to the national 208 Mykola LAZAROVYCH information policy. “I had the opportunity to watch both the Moscow TV channels and the separatist ones, where, in essence, in every word hatred and lies, covering up of facts. The only Ukrainian channel that worked was ISTV. The guys were switching channels because of curiosity. The information there was depressing, it was a frank falsification. The problem is that Ukraine did not do anything on the territory during the quarter of a century of its independence, because such channels were before, and no one was involved with those people. Therefore, I would say that for most residents of Donbas this is not their fault, but their misfortune that this happened,” says Mykola Lazarovych. According to the professor, ordinary citizens of Ukraine have more patriotism and decency than politicians whom they have entrusted. “Un- fortunately, there is no real fight against corruption. There is only making it appears. There are no deep economic reforms. Unfortunately, we went the same way as before - roughly speaking, they began to “cut the tail of a cat” with small particles. That is a kind of shock, but in essence - there is no therapy. I’m sorry that our government officials do not want to re- alize that people are much more honest and patriotic than them,” says Mr. Mykola. However, although the situation in the country is complicated, it is not time to change the leaders now. It is worth taking lessons from his history, Mykola Lazarovych believes. “We can definitely blame today’s authority for some things, there are probably grounds for the re-election of all branches of power, but unfor- tunately we are in a situation where, in my opinion, we cannot afford to do this. I am personally convinced: the next Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will not be better, but will be even worse. As soon as we will start such changes now, perturbations will only give an additional trump card to Moscow. We not only have to remember our history, but it’s time to take lessons from it. Hetman Vyhovskyi, in fact, began to struggle with Mus- covy, which wanted to completely subjugate Ukraine. Ivan Vyhovskyi did not go for it and began to fight. And he was struggling, I must say, quite successfully, when he gained a victory from the Muscovites near Kono- top. Then the question was that Vyhovskyi with his allies could safely go to Moscow. Everyone was scared in Moscow. The Moscow Tsar came out in plain clothes to the population. They were already ready to flee to the Urals, but the internal opposition, the patriots there, organized an «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 209 uprising against Vyhovskyi. Ivan Vyhovskyi, instead of heading for a trip to Muscovy, and obviously having the opportunity to end that alliance once and for all, was forced to renounce his power. This led to Ukraine being divided between Muscovy and Poland. Therefore, whatever dis- appointment we have with this power, nevertheless, we must remember that our actions can lead to something even worse than this. Therefore, it is necessary to push on power, without a doubt, to criticize it, but to do everything within limits, in order not to give trump cards to Muscovites”, – says Mykola Lazarovych. Being at the front, Mr. Mykola continued his scientific work. In par- ticular, it is about the subjects of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, whose activities are an example of a patriotism for our contemporaries. “In the ATO area, I studied science a bit and wrote three scientific articles. I published them and prepared for publication two books – “Le- gion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen” and “Illustrated History of Ukraine”. These books were not written from scratch, of course, they are reprints, but they have substantially increased in scope. The book “The Legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen” must be published within a few days in the Ternopil Publishing House “Dzhura”. If we talk about the USS, this

Donbas sunflowers. Donetsk region, sector M, July 13, 2015 210 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Together with the Rector of Ternopil National Econimic University professor Andrii Krysovatyi at the lecture “Ukraine is a unified country” for first year students in the hall of TNEU. Ternopil, September 2, 2015 was one of the sources that made many volunteers join the army. As a researcher of the Sich Riflemen, I simply could not let down the heroes of my books, research, and did the same as they did. Just like Sich’s Rifle- men fought, our contemporaries also fight against Muscovy for indepen- dence. This battle takes place in the same difficult circumstances. Not everything was so easy for the Sich Riflemen, and you can read about it in more detail in the book, because the Austrian authorities, pushed by the Poles, tried to restrict many of the USS’s changes. And now it is very difficult, with all the scheming from Muscovites. There are many similar factors. But we must always remember that the defense of our Mother- land, the protection of the family is a holy thing, which is praised since ancient times, and it will never lose its relevance.”

Лазарович М. Історик Микола Лазарович: «Я просто не міг підвести героїв моїх книжок...» [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [за матеріалами бесіди з М. Лазаровичем] Л. Осадчук // Час i Подiї. – Чикаго (США). – 2016. – 18 лют. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 211 Appendix 11


March 15, 2016 Doctor of political sciences Mykola Lazarovych is one of the few prominent scholars who, with the onset of the Russian aggression, went as volunteers to the front. Having not only intellectual experience of confrontation with Russians but also a physical one, the professor of Ternopil National Economic University made a conclusion about the po- litical structure of modern Russia.

According to the professor, no one can currently predict the end of the war on the East of Ukraine, since it is impossible to predict the ac- tions of schizophrenics.

- Western world evaluates Russia from a rational point of view. But Rus- sia is not a rational country, it is irrational. Therefore, speaking the front lan- guage, I note that predicting the behavior of schizophrenics is problematic. Now we are dealing with the “Russian world”. I am convinced that it has a form of Nazism, perhaps, its hybrid form. If we compare German and Russian manifestations of Nazism, we will see that the representa- tives of the first were franker in their intentions. They said: we do not like Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and, unfortunately, these nations have been destroyed. The Russian Nazis love everyone in words, but their actions are completely opposite. In addition, they learned how to design their own flaws. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand what to expect from the Russians, - Mykola Lazarovych says.

The professor gives disappointing predictions about continued sup- port of Ukraine by the West. - I am sure that if our government acted as the society needs it, if reforms were to take place, a real fight against corruption began, and 212 Mykola LAZAROVYCH then the world would treat us with a greater sympathy. As of today, Ukraine remains one of the most corrupted countries, as it was. This can lead to unexpected events when further EU countries will be de- termining whether to continue sanctions against Russia or not. Many foreign politicians, statesmen, in particular, Hungarian ones, say that sanctions will not be prolonged. This is a very alarming signal, especial- ly when we take into account that Russia has corrupted a significant part of the European elite. If we take Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece, Cyprus, and some other countries, then even some representatives of the ruling elites are bought up, - Mykola Lazarovych adds.

According to the historian, in a short while, the Ukrainians will face a new task: to draw conclusions about the “fraternal” people. - We are told that Vladimir Putin or the Kremlin is leading the war. I tend to think that the Russian people are waging a war against Ukraine. 90% Russian population support of Putin, and sociological surveys were conducted by Levada Center, an institution recognized worldwide. We do not need to look for the best and worst Russians: they are gen- erally the same and treat us accordingly. An example is maybe one of all the people of the Russian opposition, who says that Crimea should be given to Ukraine, - Mikhail Kasyanov. The absolute majority of the other “opposition”, as well as the pro-government forces, do not raise a question like this at all. Therefore, I fear that after the end of this war, artists, athletes, politicians, and cultural figures will come from Russia, saying: “We are friends!” We have to make appropriate conclusions for ourselves. Forgiveness is a step to repetition. We can not, unfortunately, build a Chinese wall on the border with Russia, but we must only have relations with Russians through international treaties and with a techni- cally equipped border.

Лазарович М. Тернопільський професор-воїн пояснив, чому в Росії правлять нацисти [Електронний ресурс] / Микола Лазарович ; [розмову з професором Миколою Лазаровичем про політичний устрій сучасної Росії / вела] Юлія Швець // BezTaby.Te.Ua. – 2016. – 15 бер. – Режим доступу : niv-chomu-v-rosiyi-pravliat-natsisti : фот. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 213 Appendix 12


June 22, 2016 I think there is no need to present to our readers a professor at Ternopil National Economic Univer- sity, a man of the year 2015 Mykola Lazarovych. A 53-year-old scientist voluntarily went to the ATO zone and spent almost a year on the front. He was already telling about the fact that pushed him to make this step and how he was serving, in the middle of February. And now we are talking to him not so much as with the ATO fighter, but as with the histo- rian: how does he see everything that is happening on the East of Ukraine from a professional point of view.

— Recalling your recent military service in the ATO zone, you spoke about the radically opposite attitude towards the Ukrainian military residents of different regions of Ukraine. — So, when we traveled to the Donbas through Zaporozhzhia region, people in the villages went out to see us: old grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, and children. They were waving hands and crossing us. It was so touching that the tears were running from the eyes. But as soon as the administrative border of Donetsk region was crossed, the situation was completely different: some incomprehensible cars were driving after us, overtaking, returning. And people’s gestures were not the same at all. — You have been among the people who are unfriendly to our troops for a long time: do they change somehow and what do they really want? — If we talk about those who do not like everything Ukrainian, they are not for “DPR” or “LPR”, but rather live with a faith that the So­viet 214 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Union can still be regained. Inci- dentally, I was speaking with one of these, an ethnic Ukrainian, near the city of Mariupol. I was referring to him various arguments, that we could somehow agree and peacefully re- solve our problems if Russia did not intervene and did not go to war with us. So who is to blame for this situa- tion? And he says: “Americans! Why are they here?! And Victoria Nuland was handing over rolls on Maidan...”. That’s the point of thinking. I asked to read a lecture on the Ho- lodomor for the villagers, where our brigade stood. I know this topic well; I have been studying it for many years. During the Revolution of Dignity. Kyiv, I wanted to tell how destructively it December 12, 2013 was going in Donetsk region. But the chairman of the village council, who was loyal to our militaries, who had good contacts with the leadership of the unit, did not agree. — And this is on the territory controlled by Ukraine. What is the situation on the occupied territory? — Exactly! And yet I am convinced that you can not blame these peo- ple, it doesn’t work this way. This is not their fault, but the trouble. What has our government done for 25 years of independence, so that they become different? Nothing. It only thought about its wealth and how to steal more. Eight or ten years ago, the Ternopil delegation went to Donetsk to participate in the discussion dedicated to language question on the lo- cal municipal TV channel. The main opponent among them was Mykola Levchenko, the then secretary of the Donetsk City Council, who later became a deputy of Ukraine. Imagine a situation: I’m telling you how our language was destroyed for centuries. And since there is not much time, I give them my book. I say: there are all these facts. He takes it, puts it to «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 215 his chest and declares (on the live TV!): “You see, they give us their books now, and recently, for every Russian word, they were ready to cut our fingers off.” And what can you say here? Just cry: “It’s ridiculous!” And this happened despite the fact that before the start of the broad- cast, I approached this man and said: “We are citizens of one country, we live together in it. So now we have to talk so that we can unite Ukraine, not divide it. Maybe we are not ready, but our children will definitely be smarter. And your child, sure, will speak Ukrainian”. He whispered: “I will do everything to prevent this.” These were the people who led and did positively turn Donetsk citizens and Luhansk citizens towards Ukraine but sowed in their souls a hatred towards her. Now we have to reap the bitter fruits from that seed. — In your opinion what is the destiny of Donbas? — I will say, perhaps, an unpopular opinion: nobody needs its oc- cupied part anymore. Nobody! A lot of money needs to be put there to raise, rebuild and revive it. Russia doesn’t need it - Russia needs the whole Ukraine. First of all, Kyiv is like the capital of Rus, because without it the foundation is being taken from Russia, it will remain without any- thing. Russia doesn’t need our history, which they have been adjusting for themselves for hundreds of years. In this form, especially with the conditions that Russia places on this territory (we will give it to you, but it must influence the foreign policy of Ukraine, have a veto right), this part of the Donbas is not needed either. By itself, it simply cannot exist. But one way or another Donbas will remain in Ukraine. Therefore, when we articulate our views on this territory and the people who re- main there, we must remember that they will be with us. So there is no need to be so strict to them. — Is there any hope that they can become patriots of our state? — You should understand: difficult questions do not have simple an- swers. And we often like to solve everything simply: they say, they should be discarded, it will be easier for Ukraine to move on. But there are no precedents in history when a country would abandon its territories. From this, we have to go on. Putin keeps this small part of Donbas only because our boys are standing there and by their life they did not let to go further into the 216 Mykola LAZAROVYCH depths of Ukraine. Of course, if there were only Ukraine and Russia, de- spite all our heroism, Putin would already be on our Western border. But Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, other countries have joined. And not so much out of their great love for Ukraine, as it is for understanding: international law is violated, postwar borders are being questioned, and this can lead to the war of everyone against everyone. Europe firstly protects itself, by helping us and imposing sanctions and restraining the aggressive intentions of Russia. So the heroism of our soldiers and the help of Europe and the world have stopped Putin. It is not clear what will happen. I think, even if he took what he had captured, the trouble would be even greater for the population of the occupied territories. — Russia cannot take care of the prosperous Crimea. What we could say about the ruined Donbas. — And why did they give Crimea to us? Were they very good ones? They did not know what to do with it. They evicted Tatars, Karaites, and Greeks. Russians came and did not know how to take care of it. They could not provide themselves, let alone the Black Sea Fleet. And through expense, our malnutrition, Crimea became well equipped. And now, they saw, they came and took “what belongs to them”... — How do you think, for how long we will be able to keep the Eastern line of defense? And in general, is there any hope that we will save Ukraine? — I have no doubt that we will keep it. As they say, the main thing now is not to be “more holy” to the Pope and not to go too far in the actions, but to be guided by common sense. So that God forbids, the “DPR” and “LPR” will have the right to veto any foreign policy issues. If this will be the case, it is better to abdicate these territories. I think this is a big mistake of our politicians that they were in- volved in the Minsk process. There is no doubt, negotiations are needed, but from the very beginning of the war, they did not go in the right direction. These territories should have been recognized as tem- porarily occupied, without taking any social obligations from them, and to stop all the moves. Maybe, then Russia would stop quicker because these people would have to be provided with pensions and salaries. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 217 — Oh, it would not be softer... — I understand that “women will give a birth to other people”, as Zhukov said. But the proposed scenario also does not stand up to criticism. Yet what has happened, from the Maidan until now, is still better than it could have been if there was no Maidan. We are now the subject of a history, let it be dependent, let it be “not so good”, as some say, but the subject. And our destiny is now in our hands. And before the Maidan, we were de facto an object. And we were waiting for a sad prospect. Putin is not stupid, there are many advisers... They have drawn conclusions from the Orange Revolution and from previous centuries and already put us in conditions that would work. They would quickly divide large enterprises between the oligarchs, the land would be sold out and that’s it. We wouldn’t be able to do anything. Nothing! So I’m an absolute opti- mist today. I am convinced that every drop of blood from the Maidan up until this day, as well as all those of the previous generations which were shed for Ukraine, in general, is the protection that Ukraine holds. Because this blood cannot be spilled just like that. We must flee from Mos- cow because a man there is a wrench. It will be rotating the rivers and then capturing other peoples. And in Europe man has a value. If we say that we believe in God, then man is God’s likeness. Ac- cording to her, they are trea­ ted as values. In Europe, it is not like in Moscow. On mission. Donetsk region, sector M, July 13, 2015 218 Mykola LAZAROVYCH — However, the last statement imposes the idea of the absence of spirituality in Europe and some special spirituality in Russia. — Certaintly, there is something in Europe that does not suit us, let’s say, if you allow same-sex marriages, then humanity will simply die out. But we are not forced to accept this. However, we must understand: Russia has been, is and for a long time will be our enemy. As I see, the war will end (for everything that begins, there is an ending), and Russian artists, scientists, politicians, athletes will come to us and assure us: oh, we are wrong, but we have been brainwashed, but we love you so much ... But we have to remember everything if we want to do good for our children, since oblivion is the path to repetition. — Thank you for the interview.

Лазарович М. «Микола Лазарович: складні запитання не мають простих відповідей» [Текст] / М. Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з терноп. істориком / провела] Г. Садовська // Вільне життя плюс. – 2016. – № 48 (22 черв.). – С. 6 : фот. – (Що буде з Донбасом). «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 219 Appendix 13


Mykola January 3, 2017 “The only thing that needed to overcome corruption is the desire of the state’s leadership”, Professor Mykola Lazarovych convinces. History, he said, is still capable of being a teacher and without it, it is impossible to build a future.

— I was trying very hard to get to the war. The first 3-4 times I was told: “We need such specialists as tankers, gunners, communicators etc.” At one time I served in the infantry, but there were many men, aged 50 plus. But I had no doubt that I would be there, says Mykola Lazarovych, a Ternopil historian and doctor of political sciences. - My file in the army has already been written off in the archive. But I asked to restore it. I barely passed the medical commission. In Rivne, where was the last selection, I was denied due to the conclusions of the Ternopil Medical Commission. So, I had to persuade for 5-7 minutes to take me to the Armed Forces. The lady who was deciding saw my frustration, and said: “God bless you, go!”.

Mykola Lazarovych is the author of publications about the Ukrainian Sich Rifemen, the National Revolution of 1917-1921, the Ho- lodomor of 1932-1933, and others. Among his latest books is “The Le- gion of the Ukrainian Sich Rifemen: Formation, Idea, and Struggle”. A man volunteered in the army from February 14, 2015, to January 22, 2016, including the last eight months - in the area of hostilities in the Donbas.

— How could I write about the Sich Riflemen, if I wouldn’t go? - he explains. - And the family tradition of a struggle for independence of Ukraine had to be continued. After all, my uncle Mykola Lazarovych 220 Mykola LAZAROVYCH was a machine gunner of hundreds of “Moroz” in the UPA. At the age of twenty when fighting near Yaremche, he was taken in captivity and in 1946 he was sentenced to 25 years of detention camps. His name was “Nedolia”, I have a name “Professor”. Therefore, I consider myself to be a happy man, since just like some time Prince’s units, Cossacks, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, soldiers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Ukrainian Galician Army and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army with weapons in their hands defended their homeland.

So, not only by writing but also by experiencing history, Ternopil re­ sident felt obliged to become of the fighters for the freedom of Ukraine.

— Let’s start with your book about the USS legion. What is the idea? — Today it is difficult for us to realize the heroic deed of the youth, who decided to join the ranks of the Sich Riflemen. About 30,000 vo­ lunteers had the full right to wait, will be over at home until wartime while preserving their lives and health, as they were not liable to war. When asked: “Where are you going?” They replied: “Fight for the freedom of Ukraine!” They were denied: “But what can you do when the world war lasts, and only 2500 of you have been selected from all the volun- teers?” “Even if we perish, - they answered, - on our graves, there will be crosses and on them the inscriptions: “Fell for the freedom of Ukraine”. These young people wanted to restore the tradition of armed struggle for Ukraine’s freedom, to introduce ideal standards, which Ukrainian so- ciety had to pursue. The last battle for these ideals was in 1709 under the leadership of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, near Poltava. The Polish had the fighters for national independence in each generation. We have not had such people for a long time. And the Sich Riflemen managed to restore the forgotten idea of liberation armed struggle. Therefore, when I learned about the USS, I realized that I cannot keep silent, that I have to scream to the whole world: “Look, we have such a phenomenon, such guys and girls, this is the most innocent army, of every single one that I know!”. — Why history is important for Ukrainians now? — “The one who does not know his past has no future” - the eternal truth. Without the knowledge of the many-millennium experience of a «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 221 mankind, it is impossible to understand the contemporary time, predict the future or even successfully build it. Therefore, in order to go forward, it is necessary to look at the past from time to time, to find similarities with the present, to compare them, and to try to correct historical mis- takes. Let’s say at the beginning of the current Russian-Ukrainian war my attention fell on the following post on Facebook: “What an incredible picture: a Ukrainian killed by a Russian”. But this picture remains “in- credible” only for those who are poorly aware of the past of Ukraine. Our relations with Muscovy/Russia were always hybrid when we were told one thing and the opposite was done. Ukrainian history from each of its lines suggests the hostility towards us from the side of Muscovites/Rus- sians, suppressing any aspirations of Ukraine for independence. Howe­ ver, most Ukrainians preferred to remain silent about this. As a result, the present stay under the Moscow’s influence has led to a general dena- tionalization, massive political repressions, and many millions of victims. We can randomly choose any year of our relations with Russia, and see there are solid problems and hopelessness. The current Russian war against Ukraine is a continuation of its usual policy. On the one hand, it is a reaction to the Revolution of Dig- nity, which should become the point of our failure to return to the past and the beginning of a new life based on the rule of law, democratic principles of development, human rights and freedoms, and a decent standard of living. On the other hand, it is a demonstration of the bru- tal Russian forces with an “educational” goal: to bring Ukraine back to its sphere of influence, and in such way to strengthen the imperial course and end the revolutionary threat, intimidating the rest of the post-Soviet countries. By the way, I would like to remind you that the largest “educational tool” of the Kremlin in relation to Ukraine was the Holodomor of 1932-1933. We must understand that today we have the same enemy as seve­ ral hundred years ago. Often, we say that the problem is in Putin, the Kremlin, but we should not go on to substitute the concepts. The prob- lem is with the Russian people - the community that is formed with the Nazi mentality and hates everything that in its understanding has signs of differentness, strangeness, and acts on the principle of projection, that is, if you are a liar – accuse of the lie, if you are a murderer, accuse 222 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of killings, if you are a Nazi – accuse of Nazism. Many nations have ene­mies, of course, but Russians, depending on the time, mood and political situation, consider almost everyone as their enemies - from gays to Ukrainians. Wherever the Russians come, regardless of who their ruler is or what political regime they have, there is pain, suffering, death. Without this awareness, we will not be able to effectively fight against Russia’s aggression. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating: do not look for the best and worst among Russians - they are all the same in their attitude towards Ukraine and Ukrainians. I realize that there is a part of normal people in Russia, but they are rather an excep- tion than a majority. We must forever remember that when Putin’s re- gime started a war against Ukraine, it was supported by about 90% of Russians. If we do, God forbid, forget everything, it will happen again: the destruction of a national statehood, the prohibition of Ukrainian history, culture, language, famine, repression, war...

Ukrainian Sich Riflemen and today’s militaries have the same enemy – Muscovy/Russia. Donetsk region, sector B, November 2, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 223 — Which plots and conclusions are relevant to this view? — Our history is sometimes called “Ukrainian national dances on the rake”. As one historian wrote, often Ukrainians fought with each other with greater zeal, than with the enemy. Today we are in such a difficult situation again. I don’t even know how to get out of it. We have three main problems: two significant ones are the aggression of Russia and the obscene policy of the current Ukrainian authorities, and the third, based on the first two, is the formation, according to the definition of a political scientist Mykola Riabchuk, of the Creole group, which wants to build a non-Ukrainian Ukraine. Considering the first problem, I realize that everything that begins ends sooner or later. This war will end, and I hope Ukrainians will not lose at least. But the “Russian world” does not simply give up its posi- tions. Seeing that Ukraine did not succeed in breaking the force, its rep- resentatives will change tactics and instead of bullets will offer “candies”. All sorts of scientists and writers, Kirkorov and Lolita (Russian singers), Navalnyi (public figure in Russia) and people of the same kind will be en- tering Ukraine. They will fall on their knees; beat their chests, they will be screaming that the Russian devil, that is, Putin, confused them. And then they will offer to be “friends from scratch”. This cannot be allowed. After all, relations between Ukraine and Russia are appropriately illustrated by the words of an Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir: “We want to live. Our neighbors want to see us dead. This leaves not too much space for com- promise.” We have an identical situation today, but our enemy is much more treacherous and has in its possession nuclear weapons. Therefore, the first conclusion of our history is that in the end, we must understand: Russians cannot be trusted under any circumstances. The next problem is due to the fact that the current authorities of Ukraine - the President, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as the General Prosecutor’s Office, systematically do not perform the functional tasks defined by the Revolution of Dignity and the Rus- sian-Ukrainian War. Therefore, many Ukrainian citizens are rightly re- sented by the inaction of the authorities and urge them to be removed immediately. In this complicated situation, we must choose the golden mean. We have to press hard on our authorities, force them to reform the society, fight against corruption, but at the same time prevent chaos and give the pro-Moscow forces no chance of a revenge. 224 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Thereby, I will remind you about the events of 1659, when hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi led the Ukrainian army and the All-Ukrainian army and crashed the Moscow army under the city of Konotop. Quickly clearing the territory of the Hetmanate from the invaders, he was not only able to successfully complete the war with Muscovy, to end internal strife but also to repeat the famous campaigns of Hetmans Peter Sahaidachnyi and Mykhailo Doroshenko to Moscow. Muscovites, convinced that Ukrainians would kill them, were preparing to transfer the royal bet be- hind the Volga. Tsar Aleksey went out to people in mournful clothes and even supervised the defensive works. But instead of going and punishing Muscovy, the hetman Vyhovskyi renounced the power, since the internal opposition raised an uprising against him. This became the starting point for the tragedy that lasted for more than 300 years in Ukraine. Consequently, another conclusion of Ukrainian history is that strug- gle against each other should not be our goal, as it happened in the princely times, during the Hetmanate and the Ukrainian national revo­ lution of 1917-1921, but the victory over Muscovy, both internal and ex- ternal!

That case when the term “the punisher” coming from the enemy sounds like a compliment. Screenshot of the site «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 225 The last of these main problems is characterized by the fact that in Ukraine, a democratic entity forms a whole cohort of people who are aggressive towards everything Ukrainian and dream of a non-Ukrainian Ukraine. Its development is at the organizational stage and largely de- pends on the results of solving the first two problems. In this situation, the conclusion I see for Ukraine is that it must eventually become Ukrainian, with a Ukrainian language and with a single Ukrainian local church. Only in this form it will have a chance to survive and be interesting to the world. I have no doubt that if Ukraine was Ukrainian speaking, and with a single national church, then the present horror would not have happened. Based on historical experience, I also want to briefly analyze two more of such relevant plots. First. During the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, Ukrainians were generally indifferent to the need of an armed defense of the state inde- pendence. Most of them, and they were peasants, were busy with the problem of land allotments. As a result, Ukraine was occupied by the Russian Bolsheviks, who in 1932-1933 organized the Holodomor. Con- sequently, there were two main causes of the Holodomor: direct - the reluctance of a significant part of Ukrainians to defend their own state and indirectly - the desire of the Soviet regime to punish Ukrainians for resistance to the so-called socialist construction. Hence, the conclusion is: to protect the Motherland is not only honorable but also profitable. If Ukrainians defended Ukraine in 1917-1921, there would be no Holodomor. Second. For centuries, Ukraine had no reliable allies, which often led to its painful defeats. Accordingly, now we have to take all possible mea- sures, on the one hand, to deepen our Euro-Atlantic integration as much as possible, on the other, to distance as much as possible from such an aggressive and unpredictable state like Russia. — Ukrainians of the East and West finally form a common view on their past? — The situation should be considered objectively. First of all, I want to draw attention to the fact that during the whole period of independence, the state did nothing to look for ways of understanding in Ukraine, to unite the Ukrainian regions with a common idea. Rather they did the opposite - acted on the ancient Roman principle of “divide and rule!” This was particularly evident during the elections when people were disban­ 226 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ded in corners. We heard from the East: “There are Bandera!..”, from the West: “There are Russians!..”. Accordingly, politicians received dividends. About ten years ago, I had the “chance” to talk with the infamous graduate of the Faculty of DonNU, a candidate of historical sciences Mykola Levchenko on live TV - at that time, the secretary of the Do- netsk City Council. The program was dedicated to language question. Even before the broadcast, I asked Mr. Levchenko to speak carefully in order not to harm the general cause, since we live in one country. He replied to this saying that I am speaking as a Protestant pastor. During the broadcast, M. Levchenko, as well as his supporters, demonstrated a frank hatred of all Ukrainian, first of all, the language. The second side of their nature was historical falsification and manipulation of facts. So, after I gave a number of examples of restricting the functioning of the Ukrainian language in the Russian Empire and the USSR, and presented to Mr. Levchenko my book, he said on the live TV: “You see today Galician give us their books, and only recently they were cutting off our fingers for every Russian word.” In addition to Mr. Levchenko, Serhii Baryshnikov, the then lecturer in the Department of Political Science at DonNU, posi- tioned himself with his negative opinion about Ukrainianism and did not conceal his pro-Russian views. Subsequently, he was fired from the uni- versity for the bribery. With the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian War, Mr. Baryshnikov took part in Russian marches held in Donetsk, was one of the authors of the concept of the project “Novorossiia”, a member of the so-called “Supreme Council of the DPR”, for some time he served as the “rector” of that part of the teaching staff of the DonNU, which went on to cooperate with the Russian occupation authorities. Ocuppying last position, he “became famous” for his statement that “we will be cleaning everything Ukrainian with emery”. Thus, some regions of Ukraine, especially the Donbas, were sacrificed to the local princes, their surroundings and some criminal groups. Tra- ditionally, there were represented the Russian special services and their agents. Even after the Orange Revolution, little has changed. Moreover, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, whom the Donetsk rulers during the 2004 election campaign called the Nazi and depicted him in a Nazi uniform on the billboards, has forgiven everyone, explaining such a humility in front of the perpetrators as his Christian virtues. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 227 Today, of course, the situation has changed for the better. The Ukrainian idea crossed Dnipro river and gradually captured the Left Bank and the Southeastern lands of Ukraine. The local people are increasingly becoming aware of their Ukrainian identity. Many people have already realized that Ukraine itself is a value and it needs to be protected. That life in Ukraine, perhaps, is not easier in sense of survival than in Rus- sia, but much better in terms of democracy and freedom. The measures on decommunization of public life in Ukraine are positively influencing these processes. Undoubtedly, many Ukrainian citizens became more aware after the Russian-Ukrainian war. Scientists, historians, and those who are interes­ ted in the past understood very well, what Russia is and what its attitude towards Ukraine is. Now only blind and deaf people are not aware of this. Trouble teaches better than any teacher. If the current inhabitants of Donbas had current mind yesterday, maybe there would be no trou- bles. Those of them who shouted: “Russia, Rossia...” and “Putin, come...”, remind the non-commissioned officer’s widow, who caused her trouble herself. After all, Muscovite does not need to be called he comes himself and sows sorrow, sheds blood everywhere.

You don’t need to call Russian man… Donetsk region, sector B, October 23, 2015 228 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Although, there are some citizens who can never be convinced. Re- cently, information was disclosed that part of the settlers who moved from Donbas to Russia, where they were not provided with work or living conditions returned back to Ukraine. Some of them later said that, since their relocation to Russia has failed, they would wait for Russia to come to them. That is, even their trouble didn’t teach them anything. In general, we must understand that it is impossible just to wake up one morning with the awareness of a common vision of our past or our prospects. To do this, people need to work - inform them, explain, per- suade. At the same time, the Russian propaganda that still takes place on TV screens, radio, print media, the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, etc. should be eliminated in Ukraine. First of all, we need to stop the popularization of the so-called idea of the “Russian world”, which in its essence is Nazi.

Ukrainian warriors Dmytro Panasiuk (at the forefront) and Ihor Bombyk help puppy Urahan (Hurricane) to stand Donbas heat. Donetsk region, sector M, August 12, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 229 — Do you think Ukrainians, as a nation, understood the lessons of the Revolution of Dignity and the War on the East? — It is difficult to tell how good Ukrainians actually learned the lessons of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian War. Today it looks as if, figuratively speaking, half of the country is cry- ing, and another half is celebrating. The problem is determined not only by the level of consciousness of a society but also by a number of external factors. So, in Ukraine, few people know what criteria the authorities used to carry out military mobilization: why some were mobilized, others - no, and the third ones were allowed to leave the country. I am convinced that if these processes were carried out transparently and, let’s say, not every household, but at least a family­ or several families, delegated one representative to defend the Moth- erland, it would greatly unite all people. Factors capable of activat- ing the society could be for example the termination of diplomatic relations with the enemy, the introduction of a visa regime for the Russian citizens, the final withdrawal of Ukraine from the CIS, which is patronized by the RF, etc. You should also name things by their names - not the ATO, but the Russian-Ukrainian war. After all, the concept of “ATO” by definition transforms most of the country’s citi- zens into passive spectators, “war” gives an awareness for the unity of society, an understanding that all Ukrainians must unite in order to defeat the eternal enemy of Ukraine - Russia. Of course, Ukrainian people don’t need this war, but we are forced to protect our families, our homeland, and our future! At the same time, characterizing the state of the Ukrainian society and stating that not all of its representatives are concerned with those processes that are continuing in our country since 2013, we must un- derstand that this is probably natural. Indeed, in every society, there is an initiative minority and a passive majority. Passionate and active people initiate changes, move forward. The very fact that the Ukrainian people have organized two large-scale revolutions within 10 years, es- sentially equally fighting with one of the strongest armies in the world, shows a lot. Moreover, Ukrainians are smart and hard-working people who will never tolerate any violence. How can we lose? We will defi- nitely win! 230 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Vertep from Velyki Hai village (located near Ternopil) is visiting the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Donetsk region, sector “Mariupol”, January 14, 2016

— And the current authorities: do they operate qualitatively in a new way? — The authorities should give a good example to society and pull it up to its level. Let’s at least recall the impact of the US president Frank- lin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Czech Presi- dent Vaclav Gavel, and others on the citizens of their countries. How- ever, everything happens in Ukraine on the contrary - people force the authorities to become better. Authorities neglect the moral and strong- willed sphere of Ukrainian society, including national honor and dignity due to the lack of understanding of the national essence of Ukrainians, its excessive pragmatism. At the same time, authorities forget or do not know that as a prominent representative of classical political econ- omy David Ricardo said, “people who have no honor will have no bread either.” The leader of the OUN Stepan Bandera also spoke in a similar way: “If a nation chooses bread between bread and freedom, then it remains without both”. Another problem is that today’s government is not positively directed at reformation, even though it formally carries out reforms under the pressure of the EU. Even less, authorities are interested in fighting cor- «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 231 ruption – the greatest misfortune of our country. They are only interes­ ted in creating a further destruction of a state. Apparently, the degene­ ration of the elites is happening. Even Mykhailo Hrushevskyi wrote at the beginning of the last century: “The trouble of Ukraine is that it is ruled by those who don’t need it”. However, since then, many things have changed. Therefore, I will rephrase the words of the famous historian as follows: now Ukraine is ruled by those who only need it for lining their pockets. Politicians of Ukraine do not realize that because of their haughtiness, corruption enrichment, hidden by the slogans of reforms and European integration, contempt of the laws and morals, the reluc- tance to sacrifice corporate interests for the sake of the state, they do not only rapidly lose respect of society, but also delegitimize power as it is. Why am I critical of the current government? Nothing personal: they do not interest me at all. But the problem is that the future of Ukraine depends to a large extent on their decisions. And the fate of the Mother­­­- land for me is not only a matter of principle but also, sorry for the pa- thos, sacred! Over the past 25 years, God has given us three times the opportunity to build a normal state in which Ukrainians would live com- fortably: the declaration of Independence of Ukraine (1991), the Orange Revolution (2004), and the Revolution of Dignity (2013-2014). We failed the first two attempts. It happened because of our infinite trust and our laziness. Just like after the declaration of Independence, and after the Orange Revolution, we relied on the decency and rationality of our lead- ers. We were lazy to control them and make them do their best. Now we have the third, and I am afraid the last chance. We cannot waste it. We must bring the started to a logical conclusion, and only then Ukraine will have a wonderful future in the circle of European nations. But in order to achieve this, we must act, in particular, to make the authorities fulfill their promises. Without decisive changes, Ukraine is doomed to further economic decline, loss of self-respect and support of the international community. The fact that reforms in our country are often introduced for a tick, and for the public benefit, it starts to bother Europe. And if Europe turned away from us some would even sigh with relief, since Ukraine is a failed state. Under these conditions, a gradual drift will begin in the sphere of influence of hostile Russia, which will fully take advantage of the situation. 232 Mykola LAZAROVYCH So, it’s great that now thanks to the electronic declaration some light can be shed on the wealth of operating officials. But this is only the first step. Then we should check the wealth of former officials, peo- ple’s deputies, prosecutors, judges, policemen, etc. It can not be that people who have lived all their life honestly barely make ends meet, and those who have been robbing them - they are living in a luxury. If a person worked only in state structures but then somehow owns ex- cessive wealth, he should be able to explain how he managed to do it. I don’t understand at all how the leaders of our state can tolerate the idea of governing the most corrupted country in Europe. I am con- vinced that if they started a real struggle against this national shame, they would be supported by the majority of Ukrainian citizens. And in front of the people of Crimea and the ORDLO, by making this step we would have got a trump card. The only thing that is not enough to over- come corruption is the desire of the state’s leadership. Only when the law will be implemented and will become equal for everyone: from the unemployed to the president, the country will begin to develop effectively. Therefore, we have to adjust the authorities, but at the same time, we must remember that we are a belligerent country.

My weapons. Donetsk region, sector “Mariupol”, January 13, 2016 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 233 — What is the role of an intellectual? What can he do for Ukraine’s development in the present conditions? — Perhaps the role is not as important because it represents a process, its result is more important. If things are called by their names, then, to a large extent, the role of an intellectual today is that he is an intellectual. Intellectuals remain alone with their intelligence and cannot effectively use it. Somehow it turns out that during the occupation of Ukraine, the role of this category of society was more effective, and the coefficient of effective- ness was much higher. Current politicians do not tolerate intellectuals too much, because people with knowledge will not praise their activities - they see the underlying causes of what is happening. Most of the society is also unlikely to read, listen, or watch content for intellectuals. Life is complex, there are many problems, and people prefer entertainment genres. At one time Archimedes was looking for a pivot point to turn the Earth back, and today’s intellectuals are looking for a place where they can effectively use their efforts. I do not claim to be an intellectual, but after returning from the war, I do not see the benefits of my social -ac tivity. So, I’m going around Ukraine with the publisher Vasyl Vanchura, we present my book “Legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen”. There were almost 25 such meetings in different cities. People who came are not indifferent. Those who think differently do not go. Therefore, the wish to return to war, where I felt needed does not leave me. Until now, I cannot understand and even more so accept these so-called Ukrainian realities, what is being done in “peaceful Ukraine”. Let the military forgive me, but I impatiently wait for the 7th wave of mobilization, during which, I hope, I will be able to go into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine again. — In the end, I will ask about the youth: according to your obser- vations as a professor, are young people ready to sacrifice and work for the sake of Ukraine, or the temptation to emigrate prevails? — For three consecutive years, I was given an introductory lecture for the first-year students of Ternopil National Economic University. Even during the war, the command of the brigade responded to the request of TNEU administration and let me go for a few days for this. And every time the assembly hall is full, there are only about a thousand young people. They are concentrated and understand what difficult trial our Motherland goes through. The overwhelming majority is ready to sac- 234 Mykola LAZAROVYCH rifice and work for the sake of Ukraine and their families. However, the older generation must grasp one truth: however, we are bringing up our children, they will still be like us. Therefore, first of all, we need to ed- ucate yourself. If young people see our mood for positive change, they will support Ukraine. Otherwise, we will lose it - both in the direct and figurative meaning of the word. Today, Ukraine is at a stage when it can both make a qualitative breakthrough or lose hope. It all depends on each of us. Our greatest enemy is indifference. Let’s break through!

Лазарович М. «За 25 років Господь тричі давав нам можливість збудувати нормальну державу» – Микола Лазарович [Електронний ресурс] / М. Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю з істориком, політологом, учасником АТО М. Лазаровичем / провів] В. Мороз // Українські реалії. – 2017. – 3 січ. – Режим доступу : chi-davav-nam-mozhlivist-zbuduvati-normalnu-derzhavu-mikola-lazarovych- : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 235


Appendix 14

LAZAROVYCH: «LOVE TO THE MOTHERLAND IS A CATEGORY NOT LIM- ITEDMykola TO TIME»: historian on the past and current wars


Mykola Lazarovych is a historian and doctor of political sciences from Ternopil. And he is the platoon ex-commander of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forc- es of Ukraine. At the age of 52, he vol- unteered to fight Russia on the East of Ukraine. He was given the name “Profes- sor” and became the first Ukrainian sci- entist to take an active part in this war. Scientific interests of Mr. Mykola are the Ukrainian national liberation movement of 1914-1921. So, like no one else, he can compare the political and military circumstances of that time with the present. We talked to Mykola Lazarovych about the motivation of the Ukrainian volunteers in past wars, historical parallels and what conclu- sions we should finally make from them.


— Mr. Mykola, tell us please about your motivation to go to the East and take part in hostilities. — I have many motivations. First of all, I am a historian and I know what Muscovy/Russian Empire/USSR/RF was doing on Ukrainian lands 236 Mykola LAZAROVYCH from at least the middle of the XVII century. For this, it was necessary to pay back. Second, I studied the history of the USS legion/regiment - a kind of cluster of conscience, energy and national honor. Would I have the moral right to continue to study the rifle topic without having tried the rifle destiny? Third, my family hero is my father’s brother - Mykola Lazarovych, who was a machine gunner in the UPA. At the age of twenty while fighting near Yaremche, in Ivano-Frankivsk region, he was held in captivity and in 1946 he was sentenced to 25 years of prison camps. He received a name “Nedolia” (Misfortune), I have a name “Professor”. Last, as a scientist, I try to look for a cause-and-effect relationship. Analyzing the communist Holodomor of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933, the repression of the 1930s, I came to the conclusion that there were two main reasons for these tragedies of the Ukrainian people. The first, direct,

Lecture “Ukraine is a unified country” for first year students in the hall of Ternopil National Economic University. Ternopil, September 2, 2015 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 237 one was the deliberate criminal policy of the Bolshevik leadership, which sought to punish the Ukrainians for resistance to the so-called socialist construction. The second, deep, reason was distant in time and rooted in the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 when Ukrainians in general indiffe­ rently resorted to the need of the armed defense of the state’s indepen- dence. Most of them and these were peasants, first of all, were concerned about the problem of land allotments. As a result, Ukraine was occupied by the Russian Bolsheviks who professed the policy of terror. — Was there any barrier such as responsibility for the family, the fear of death, etc, you had to overcome when you began to realize that you would go to the recruitment office with the intention to serve? — As soon as Russia showed an aggression against Ukraine, I had no doubt that I would go to war. There were no barriers, unless (laughs) an unfinished book (by the way, the commander of the brigade sent me on a two-day vacation in order to complete it). When it comes to fear, I was afraid of injuries and cowardice in critical situations. I recall how on the Rivne landfill I could not fall asleep at night, I was thinking of how I would act under different circumstances. Responsibility for the family? In my opinion, going to the war was a manifestation of this responsibility. — Where did you fight on the East, for how long? — At first we were on the landfills: in Rivne, then in Novomoskovsk, in Dnipropetrovsk region, then on the “Shyroke Pole” of Mykolaiv re- gion. And on July 2, 2015, my 14th brigade entered the Donbas. First, we stayed in the sector “M” (near Mariupol), then in the sector “B” near Donetsk. On January 22, 2016, I was put into reserve. By the way, I was the only soldier among the personnel of the battalion who had the right to early demobilization. On August 9, 2015, during the evening checking, the leadership of my unit reported that according to the Law No. 2620 of July 1, 2015, pedagogical, scientific, educational and scien- tific workers could be released if they did not express a desire to continue military service. Since I went to the war as a volunteer, I rejected the benefits provided by the Law and continued my service with my fellow men. — In the war, you received a name “Professor”. Tell us who you called you like this first and why? 238 Mykola LAZAROVYCH — I received the name “Professor” from the very beginning of my stay in the brigade, thanks to my commander of the battalion to lieutenant colonel “Whale”. He found out that in civil life I was a professor at the university, so he began to call me that way. And since I often had to give lectures on various topics for the battalion’s staff, this name became popular among my battalion. — Did you really remain the only professor in the Armed Forces for a certain period of time? — I never asked about this thing, so I cannot answer. I only know that later, during the fifth or sixth wave of mobilization, Ivan Zuliak from Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, also volun- teered. — Did you have any stereotypes that have disappeared after spending so much time on the same side and communicating with the local people? — Unfortunately, I did not communicate with the residents of Donetsk region as much as I wanted to. I still cannot understand why the USS managed to work efficiently with the population, but I could not. In fact,

Holodomor of 1932-1933 was a result of the fact that Ukrainians couldn’t defend their statehood in 1917-1921 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 239 the only thing I could do is to give a lecture on the Day of the Defender of Ukraine for high school students in one of the villages located near my military unit. Before the lecture, I gave the school the State Flag with the signatures of the soldiers, as well as the textbook “Illustrated History of Ukraine”, which I kept with me in a bag for eight months. In response, the students handed over to the soldiers the jam prepared by their par- ents, and wonderful handmade crafts in military style, prepared by the children. — And conversely, what knowledge of the East residents was con- firmed? I mean worldview. — This question requires a separate study, therefore, I cannot gene­ ralize. The surface analysis will bring more harm than good. — What is the difference between us and them, between the Westerners and the Easterners? — First, I would not want to talk about “us” and “them”. Secondly, the emphasis should be made not so much on the difference between us, but on why this happened. The situation should be considered objectively. After all, the Ukrainophobic sentiment in the Donbas was purposefully forming for more than a hundred years. Only through the long-term edu- cational activities, we can fix this difficult situation. — How did the war change you? What are the most noticeable changes? — As far as I can evaluate these changes, they seem to be the oppo- site of the essence. On the one hand, I became more tolerant of other people and their views, so living in a large collective during the year did not go to waste. On the other hand, there is a temptation for more radi­ cal decisions. But, fortunately, common sense continues to prevail over the emotions (laughs). — What, for example, radical solutions? — Today there are two major deficits in Ukraine: justice and time. I am afraid that the current anti-social policy of the authorities can lead, figuratively speaking, to the return to 2010, that is to revenge of the anti-Ukrainian forces. Considering the fact that less and less time is left for the current government, society must immediately react and force officials to act in accordance with the law and in the interests 240 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of the people. I am ready to participate in such events, even now I try to express my thoughts during numerous meetings, presentations, lectures, etc. At the same time, we must remember that these actions should not take place at the expense of the Ukrainian statehood and national interests. — In one of the interviews, you said that some people on the East still “live with the hope of the return of the Soviet Union.” Why does that Soviet past holds on for so long? Does it mean more pros for the USSR or cons for an independent Ukraine? — The problem of choice is not as easy as it might seem at first. It es- pecially concerns people who are accustomed to the state paternalism. I will illustrate the feudal system right now, which prevailed in Ukraine until the middle of the second half of the nineteenth century. As long as serf was dependent on the lord, he did not particularly care about his fate: he was doing whatever he was told to. After the abolition of serfdom people became free and had to take care of themselves alone, to take initiative. Judging from the numerous “petitions” and requests

Announcement of the presentation of the book “Russian-Ukrainian War (2014-2017)” by M. Lazaovych in Ternopil city. March 16, 2018 «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 241 to return the previous system, it is obvious that not everyone favored changes that were taking place. The situation was similar in Soviet times, especially in industrial regions. It is clear that we don’t have to talk about the pluses of feudal or Soviet systems, which by many parameters were similar. They were unviable and, as a result, failed. Therefore, unfortu- nately, we must talk about the disadvantages of the state management of independent Ukraine, which is not particularly concerned with the strategy of development of our country.


— What are the exact periods and processes of the Ukrainian his- tory that you study? — My scientific interests are primarily the political history of the Ukrainian national liberation movement of 1914-1921. I have also re- searched the Holodomor of 1932-1933, the Orange Revolution of 2004, the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014, the present Russian-Ukrainian war. I took part in the last three events. — The Russian-Ukrainian war for Ukrainians is primarily a phe- nomenon of volunteers. Give some examples of such voluntary ini- tiatives from Ukraine’s history. — Remembering the princely period of our history, which had its own specifics, for centuries the Ukrainian army was formed mainly on a vo­ luntary basis: the Cossacks, the Legion/Regiment of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, the military formations of 1917-1921, the Ukrainian Galician Army, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Armed Forces of Ukraine. — How was it happening back then? What is the biggest similarity? — Ukraine has always been famous for patriots who considered it their honor to defend their homeland from external aggression. They were taking weapons and fighting the enemy. I see the similarity prima­ rily among the three military formations: the legion/regiment of the USS, the UPA, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine - to a large extent they were formed and operated based on the voluntary assistance. — For example, in this war, a large part of the intellectuals took 242 Mykola LAZAROVYCH weapons, guided by the famous slogan “who, if not us”. How did people go on confrontation in the past? — In general, love for the Motherland is a timeless thing. Just as now, in order to protect Ukraine, Ukrainians went to Cossack regiments, USS Le- gion, Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, UGA, Carpathian Sich, UPA, other World War II formations, volunteer units of all time! Many examples can be given. In particular, it is difficult for us today to comprehend the feat of the youth, who went to the ranks of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. About 30,000 volunteers had every right to wait at home for wartime to pass, preserving their lives and health, as they were not conscripted to war. When they were asked: “Where are you going?” They replied: “Fight for the freedom of Ukraine!” People were arguing: “But what can you do when the world war lasts, and only 2500 of you have been selected from all the volunteers?” “Even if we perish, - they answered, - on our graves, there will be crosses, and it will be written on them: “Fell for the freedom of Ukraine”. These young people wanted to restore the tradition of the armed struggle for Ukraine’s freedom, to introduce ideals, which Ukrainian society had to pursue. The last battle for Ukraine before them took place in 1709 for Hetman Ivan Mazepa, near Poltava. Polish people had fighters for national independence in each generation. We have not

Summons for military duty «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 243 had such people for a long time. And the Sich Riflemen managed to restore the forgotten idea of a liberation armed struggle. – At the beginning of the conversation, you mentioned the in- difference of Ukrainians to the need of the armed defense of state independence in the years 1917-1921 as one of the reasons for our greatest tragedy. But it is known that then the Bolsheviks actively agitated among the population, promising things that could have not been fulfilled, but things that people wanted to hear such as a full distribution of property, land plots, etc. Instead, the propagan- da of the Central Council was uncompetitive. The same thing is hap- pening today - the Russian propagandists dominate much of Eastern territories, and the Ukrainian authorities do little to minimize harm from them. Can this be considered as one of the key parallels with that time and to think of it as “the same mistake”? — I must admit that, unlike the leadership of the Ukrainian state struc- tures of 1917-1921, which in fact did not have the capacity to effectively use propagandistic means, the present power either underestimates the means or ignores them. It was a hundred times harder for the Ukrainian leaders at that moment. Besides Russians, both “white” and “red”, Poles, Romanians, and Entente were fighting against Ukraine with military-dip- lomatic means. In fact, Ukraine had no allies. The Ukrainian propagan- distic efforts, which were lacking an experience in this area, as well as funds and information channels, were failing in front of the age-old tra- ditions of the Russian falsity and the indifference of the Western world. If we use the present Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2018) as optics for the Ukrainian history, we can, in particular, design a modern “crucified boy” or a “paralyzed grandmother raped by Ukrainian” on the then-as- signed anti-Jewish pogroms often attributed to the Ukrainian national liberation movement, and inspired by the Russian Bolsheviks and the White Guards. But at that moment the Russian hybrid actions against Ukraine remained unseen. Just like the West was not particularly con- cerned with the details of the defeat movement. Western politicians thought that if such shameful events are taking place in Ukraine then the Ukrainian leadership is the one responsible for them. It turned out that the U.S. authorities had banned the removal of the U.S. Army warehou­ ses’ reserves from France, which had been already purchased by the Go­ 244 Mykola LAZAROVYCH vernment of the UNR for the Ukrainian troops who were suffering from typhus. The situation became more complicated when it became known about the Proskuriv pogrom. After that, all the banks of Europe, except for the German ones, froze the financial accounts of the UNR and re- fused to deal with its trade mission. The Entente countries stopped sell- ing the necessary materials to the Ukrainian army. The influential Jewish community of the United States appealed to President Woodrow Wilson with the categorical demand - no support to the Ukrainian People’s Re- public. The UNR Army has been flagged as a “destructive”. As a result, the Ukrainian money supply declined by at least half, and in order to get weapons, ammunition, and medicines the UNR Army could only either take it by force from the enemy or buy among the population. According to the researchers, the Proskuriv pogrom, organized by anti-Ukrainian forces, actually became the beginning of the collapse of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and its armed forces. The current hybrid war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is a continuation of all those wars that Russians have been con- ducting in Ukraine for centuries, in particular in 1917-1921. But up until now, no effective an- swer was given from our side. Even today, on the fifth year of the Russian-Ukrainian war, on any Ukrainian TV channel, radio or in print media, we see: “ATO”, “OOS”, “Ukrainian crisis”, “Ukrainian conflict”, “conflict on the East of Ukraine”, “sepa- ratists”... If definitions are still not clearly defined in Ukraine, what can we say about foreign- ers? By the way, the focus of the high-level officials of Ukraine, primarily on their own prob- I feel calmer with tank. Donetsk region, lems, eliminates not only state sector “B”, October 21, 2015 interests, but also the authority «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 245 itself. For example, in spite of the aforementioned anti-Ukrainian defini- tions, the concepts of Kremlin innovations such as “Kyiv power”, “state coup” etc, are becoming a part of everyday life. These expressions, in particular, are actively used by the lawyers of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. To be honest, I still cannot understand why the Ministry of Infor- mation Policy, which has been operating in Ukraine for several years already, cannot identify and introduce into the informational space at least such simple truths: - not ATO or OOS, but the Russian-Ukrainian war; - today there is Russian occupation and an aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, but neither a “Ukrainian crisis”, nor a “Ukrainian conflict”; - besides the Russian Armed Forces, who are fighting against the Ukrainian army on the East of Ukraine, also fight the betrayers of the country, serving the external aggressor and not separatists or rebels; - not an armed formation of the DPR/LPR, but hybrid troops of the Russian Federation, since they are subordinated to the Russian com- mand and consist of two parts: regular units of the Russian Federation and terrorist groups (Russian Nazis and military veterans, criminal ele- ments, collaborators); - not the Russian chauvinists or nationalists, but the Russian Nazis, as they deny the isolation of the Ukrainian nation and the right of Ukraine to its own statehood; - the authorities in Ukraine - not Kyiv, but Ukrainian; - the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014 did not cause a coup d’état but stopped the process of formation of the dictatorship of the Yanu- kovych’s “family” and slow motion of Ukraine into the Russian Federa- tion’s sphere of influence... The Ukrainian spelling can actually become an important point in a fight against the idea of the “Russian world”, which, according to the academician Volodymyr Horbulin, is Nazi in nature. Russian names, sur- names, etc. should be written in the Russian transcription. By the way, this year I reprinted “Illustrated History of Ukraine” fourth time. In this book all Russian names and surnames are corrected accord- ing to the Russian style. 246 Mykola LAZAROVYCH I also believe that, as long as the war continues, always in all state in- stitutions, along with the blue-yellow flag - the symbol of our statehood - must be a red and black flag - the symbol of our struggle. Returning to the fake Russian News, I note that in March 2018 I be- came their object. At that time the Ukrainian magazine Kraina published my interview about the participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war. When it came to the name, the editorial board somewhat modified my phrase - “It is easier to find a common language with dogs in Donbas than with their owners.” A few days later, Russian and “” mass-me- dia posted fake news about the above-mentioned interview with the corresponding content and under the dubious title - “Resi- dents of Donbas are worse than dogs - Ternopil Professor.” Summing up the answer to the question, I agree with your opin- ion that a weak information policy can be considered one of the key parallels between the Ukrainian authorities: the present one and the one that operated 100 years ago. As for the “mistake”, then, if you resort to sarcasm, our whole story is national dances on these “mistakes”. Therefore, it is not only necessary to conduct anal- ogies, but also to take lessons from history and not to repeat mistakes. – How useful is it to compare the unconscious population of that time to the present one, which often associated itself with Christmas Eve! religion, but not nationality? Donetsk region, sector “Mariupol”, January 6, 2016 — I want to remind you that the «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 247 terms “Ukraine”, “Ukrainian”, “Ukrainian thing”, as well as the Ukrainian language, were for a long time forbidden in the Russian Empire. There- fore, it is not surprising that the national consciousness of the popula- tion of Naddniprianshchyna was low. The Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, go- ing with an educational mission to Volyn in 1916-1917, were shocked by the situation there. This was something Dmyt­ro Vitovskyi complained about to Nykyfor Hirniak in his letter from Kovel on February 10, 1916: “Rarely someone calls himself Ukrainian and even Khokhol.” It is clear that during the revolution, the situation has changed, but not radical- ly. Characteristic for that time was the letter that came from Volyn to the editorial board of the “Central Council News” in 1917: “A certain man came to us who says that he is Ukrainian. What is it? We locked him up meanwhile...”. So we must realize that there is a significant difference between the conditions of functioning of the past and present authority. Therefore, one should be surprised by the low efficiency of the activities of the current authority and not so much of the previous one. — Another parallel: the behavior of Ukrainian leaders of that time, in particular, the relations of Volodymyr Vynnychenko with the Russian socialists during the war and today. — I have no reason to blame Volodymyr Vynnychenko in an effort to harm Ukraine. Being surrounded by the popular socialist slogans of that time, he believed in the “nobility of the Russian democracy, which will eventually remove the rope from the Ukrainian neck.” Therefore, in particular, he perceived the regular army as an obsolete social organism, which was good in “exploiting society”. But why to talk about Vynny- chenko, if now, during the fifth year of the Russian-Ukrainian war, some “Ukrainian” politicians still “pray” for the Russian Federation. — Mykhailo Hrushevskyi named his most famous work - “History of Ukraine-Rus”. So he saw and understood the whole continuity of the Russian-Ukrainian relations and their consequences. And then, in 1917, he trusted the Russian socialists and did not expect danger on the Northern side. How is this possible? How can we evaluate the leaders of that time? — What Mykhailo Hrushevskyi did for the Ukrainian historical sci- ence cannot be overestimated. As for his confidence in the socialists, we must understand that they were divided into two conditional groups: 248 Mykola LAZAROVYCH totalitarianists (Bolsheviks) and relative democrats (the Mensheviks and SRs). M. Hrushevskyi did not trust the first ones. Therefore, the next day after the overthrow of the Provisional Government, the Small Rada adopted an appeal for the Bolshevik uprising. It contained the following: “Recognizing that the authorities, both in the whole state and in each separate region, should turn to the means of the revolutionary demo­ cracy, and considering the inadmissible a transition of all power into the hands of the councils of workers ‘and soldiers’ deputies, which consti- tute only a part of an organized revolutionary democracy, the Ukrainian Central Council is opposed to the uprising in Petrograd and will diligently struggle with all sorts of attempts to support this uprising in Ukraine.” All members of the Small Council, except the Bolsheviks who left the meet- ing agreed with such wording. And then happened what was supposed to happen. Due to a number of problems, some of which I have already mentioned in previous responses, the democratic government of the Ukrainian Central Rada suffered a defeat from the Bolshevik totalitarian, cynical and fake authority. It is only possible to do the assessment of the previous Ukrainian leaders from the point of view of the present time in a serious scientific article, but not with a few sentences in the interview. In my opinion, they did not deserve a superficial attitude towards them-

Ukrainian army is the key to peace in Ukraine. Photo of Reuters «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 249

selves. Especially taking into account the actions of the current Ukrainian authorities.


— Mr. Mykola, a well-known journalist Ostap Drozdov expressed the opinion that now it is not necessary to return territories of Do- netsk and Luhansk regions, uncontrolled by the Ukrainian milita­ ries, together with their population. After all, they will always be the eternal ballast. How will you respond to such statement? — I have repeatedly pointed out that difficult questions don’t have simple answers. The situation must be evaluated systematically and objectively. First of all, I want to draw attention to the fact that, during the entire period of independence, our politicians did nothing to look for ways of understanding in Ukraine, to unite Ukrainian regions with a common idea. On the contrary, they acted according to the ancient Ro- man principle of “divide and rule!”. This was particularly evident during the elections when people were put in corners. From the East, we heard: “There are Banderivtsi!..”, from the West: “There are Russians!..” Accordingly, politicians received dividends. The Donbas was given to the local princes, their surroundings and criminal groups. Traditionally, there are presented Russian special services and their agents. Even af- ter the Orange Revolution, little has changed. Moreover, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, whom Donetsk rulers during the 2004 election campaign called the Nazi and depicted him in a Nazi uniform on the billboards, has forgiven everyone, explaining such a humility in front of the perpetrators as his Christian virtues. The current problem of not so much the Donbas, but the ORDLO, is that nobody needs the occupied territories. Russia needs them only as a wound that it can indulge. We see the ORDLO territory are not only occupied, but also significantly disfigured, looted and, figurative- ly speaking, damaged by the “Russian world”. At the same time, it is clear that the local population cannot survive on its own. Taking into account what was said as well as an international context, I would venture to predict that Ukraine will not be able to go anywhere from 250 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Russian fake news about the interview for Ukrainian Kraina magazine

Donbas, just like Donbas from Ukraine. Therefore, our main mission is to restrain the Russian disease in the occupied territories and, if possi- ble, remove it from Ukraine. — On the one hand, there are no precedents in history for a state to renounce its territories, and on the other one, maybe instead of the frozen conflicts and the eternal source of all-possible troubles, and the deaths of the Ukrainian soldiers, we should establish the line of the Eastern border closer to the West? Moreover, there are no visible move- ments of our government to try to resolve this conflict anytime soon. — It is possible to agree with such a proposal as a temporary one, but we should talk not about the line of the Eastern border, but about the line of separation of the opposing forces. — Speaking about certain regions of Donetsk and Luhansk re- gions, it is important to remember about Crimea as well. Tell me, are there any known cases from the history when the territory could be returned because of the loyalty of the population and not by force? After all, some people argue that if Ukraine becomes successful and «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 251 prosperous, then people will want to return. — First of all, we must understand that the problem is not in the Donbas, but in Russia, which, by means of its own special units, first instigated population of the Southeastern lands of Ukraine, and then introduced regimental units of its Armed Forces there. If in a certain time the Ukrainian authorities in the Donbas acted as strongly as, let’s say, in Kharkiv or Odessa, then we could have avoided the problems. It is also important to remember that, to a large extent, there are Ukrainians living in the Donbas, who either remained in the pro-Ukrainian position at all times or who later on realized their mistaken enthusiasm for the Russian world. I have no doubt that the majority of population of the occupied territories awaits with the hope for the Ukrainian government, especially if the principles of justice, legality, democracy and, as a result, prosperity will dominate in Ukraine. As for historical examples, in particular, during the Second World War, the population of almost all the occupied countries perceived the expulsion of Nazi invaders from their lands positively. — What lessons can be learned from the Russian-Ukrainian war now? — The first is that we cannot trust Russians under any circumstances. Future Ukrainian-Russian relations should be based only on international treaties and well-equipped border. Ukraine must take advantage of the historic chance and end any dependency on Russia. During its history, Ukraine did not have reliable allies, which often led to its painful defeats. Accordingly, today we should seek such allies to deep- en the Euro-Atlantic integration of our country as much as possible. Well, most importantly civil society must press hard on the authorities, force it to reform the state, fight corruption, but at the same time prevent chaos and not give the pro-Russian forces any chance for a revenge.

Лазарович М. В. Микола Лазарович: «Любов до Батьківщини є позачасовою катеґорією»: історик про війни минулі і війну теперішню [Текст] / Микола Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю / провів] Володимир Молодій // Локальна історія. – 2018 : фот. 252 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Appendix 15



— Probably, Ukrainians had to face the most horrific trials - wars, revolu- tions, rebellions, repressions, famine, persecution – and many others which the mother history gave us on our way. Not everywhere and not always we had victories. There were also defeats. — Unfortunately, our way to freedom is extremely thorny. It is no coincidence that the well-known Ukrainian writer and politician Volodymyr Vynnychenko wrote in his diary that “it is necessary to read Ukrainian history with the bromine”, that is, with a soothing medicine. What was only worth the first half of the twentieth century, when, taking the words of the famous Ukrainian poet Oleksandr Oles, “sorrow hugged the joy”. According to research- ers, during the years 1914-1945 as a result of two world wars, organized by the communist regime of repression, collectivization, and famine of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933, every second man and every fourth woman were killed violently on the Ukrainian lands. Demographers argue that no other European nation, except the Jewish one, has suffered as much loss as did the Ukrainian one. At the same time, according to the famous statement of the well- known expressionist of the Ukrainian insurrectional movement of the Sec- ond World War Taras Bulba-Borovets, Ukrainians organized two “armies without a state”: Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (1914-1918) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (1942-1950). The Ukrainian statehood, which existed in «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 253 various forms, was restored, albeit for a short time: the Ukrainian Peo- ple’s Republic of the Central Rada period (1917-1918), the Ukrainian State headed by Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi (1918), the Ukrainian People’s Republic of the period of the Directory (1918-1921), Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (1918-1919), Carpathian Ukraine (1939). On January 22, 1919, the solemn proclamation of the Unification of the UNR and ZUNR became one of the most beautiful moments of our history, which forever remained in the memory of the Ukrainian people as a holiday of the Unity of Ukraine. Important achievements of Ukrainians in the Se­ cond World War were the unification of the overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian lands within the Ukrainian SSR and its entry into the United Nations founding states in 1945. What lesson did our ancestors learn and what lessons we learn from the past? The process of mastering historical lessons, of course, continues, how- ever, at an extremely slow pace. Therefore, I call our history “Ukrainian national dances on the rake”, because we often repeat our mistakes, or, figuratively speaking, we are dancing around the same rake. For example, the evil that Muscovy/Russia has caused to Ukraine during the seven­ teenth and nineteenth centuries was more than enough to break our unequal relations and go a separate way in the early twentieth century, just like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland did. However, some Ukrainian politicians or a significant part of the Ukrainian people did not realize this. The recurrence of the past is still alive today. We see that life in our country is now going within two parallel streams. Some, realizing that Ukraine must take advantage of the historic opportunity and perma- nently break the dependence on Russia, fight against the enemy, engage in volunteering, work on reforming the country, and so on. Others are only concerned with the satisfaction of their own interests. A similar situ­ation happened during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, when, due to indifference, Ukrainians lost its statehood. Our another overwhelming problem, which is now becoming known, is a civil strife. As one historian wrote, often Ukrainians fought with each other with a greater enthusiasm, than they did with the enemy. Hence, I will remind you of the events of 1659, when hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi 254 Mykola LAZAROVYCH led the Ukrainian army and the Allied troops under the city of Konotop, defeating the Russian army. Libe­rating the Hetmanate from the invaders, he was not only able to successfully complete the war with Muscovy, to end the internal strife, but also to start a campaign against Moscow. Mus- covites, convinced that Ukrainians will kill them, were preparing to transfer the royal bet behind the Volga river. But instead of going and punishing Muscovia, hetman Vyhovskyi renounced the power, since the internal opposition rai­ sed an uprising against him. This became the starting point for the The cover page of M. Lazarovych’s “Russian-Ukrainian War (2014-2017)” tragedy that has lasted for more (2017) than 300 years in Ukraine. Turning to the present, I want to note that, despite a lot of disadvanta­ ges in the state building, we have also positive and inspirational changes. In particular, most Ukrainians are already aware of the self-worth of their own state, the need for its armed protection, the importance of expanding the sphere of use of the Ukrainian language, the need for a Ukrainian local church, the expediency of the Euro-Atlantic integration, etc. — Nowadays you can hear rather an unusual combination of the concept of the land and people who die for it, protecting against the invaders. The second decade of the XXI century is on the calendar. Has something really changed in the attitude of a person to life? Doesn’t anyone think of some new categories? — Every human life is priceless, it is a separate microcosm. It is gi­ ven to us by the Creator, and how we use it mainly depends on us. No wonder people say: “Life to live - not a field to pass.” One person leaves behind a bright trace, the other one - ashes... In my opinion, the attitude of man to life depends fundamentally not so much on the era, but on the «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 255 individual moral and volitional qualities. After all, at any historical stage of development, there were people who sacrificed their own lives for the sake of others or vice versa - they kept them at the expense of someone else. Today, examples of self-sacrifices are shown by the Ukrainian sol- diers who, at the cost of their own lives and health, hold back Russian occupiers in Eastern Ukraine. As for a new thinking, its manifestation may be a gradual change of the ideological priorities of humanity. Let’s say, if in the past we mostly fought for the territory, material goods, now accents are shifting to a human consciousness. Because how can the conquered territories be considered as a gain today if they are filled with a hostile population? Will we greatly benefit from a super-modern aircraft, if it is controlled by a traitor who will flee to the enemy?

It is hard for us to explain such things if it is only not a providence of God

— It happened that you and I come from the neighboring districts in the Carpathian region, you are from Kosiv district, and I am from Kolomyia. In your book “Russian-Ukrainian War” you recall that you close family member participated in the liberation struggles; I have something similar: the mother and her sister did not stand aside, they were unfairly jailed for almost 10 years in Vorkuta. The idea of writing a novel about their fate has been on my mind for a long time, and it was printed when the most dramatic events took place on the Independence Square. I can’t say about a simple coincidence... — It is hard for us to explain such things if it is only not a providence of God. Something similar happened to me at the beginning of August 2008, when I wrote the book “And there was hell on earth... Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: preconditions, mechanisms of implementation, consequences”. The work was spreading so fast that it seemed as if the souls of innocently killed millions of Ukrainians were helping me. On the morning of August 8, I began to analyze the articles of the former sec- 256 Mykola LAZAROVYCH retary of the British Prime Minister D. Lloyd George - Gareth Jones. He visited the Soviet Union and became the first Western journalist who called the famine of 1932-1933 a “man-made crime” in Ukraine, and not a “shortage of food”, “supply shortages”, or some other euphemism. Con- cluding speaking about this holy man and motivating his murder in 1935 since it was “the revenge of the communist regime for the truth about the artificially organized Holodomor in Ukraine,” I learned about Russia’s aggression against Georgia. I was so impressed by the last news that, without getting up from the desktop, I continued writing this paragraph: “Similarly Moscow dealt with the disagreeing with her figures earlier - let’s recall at least Simon Petliura, Yevhen Konovalets, Stepan Bandera; it operates today in a simi­lar way, one recent example is the murder of a former special- ist officer Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006. In August 2008, following its brutality and cynicism, Russia went even further, carry- ing out an unpre­cedented act of a military aggression against a small, but proud, sovereign state, Georgia. It was a punishment for the inde-

In times of danger men took weapons and defended their nation «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 257 pendence of its policies and, to some extent, the result of a person- al hostility of the Russian leadership towards the Georgian President . There are many such facts in the history of Rus- sia. Therefore, the attempts of some researchers to blame only Stalin for the crimes, including the Holodomor, do not stand up to criticism. This is the purpose-oriented policy of the Russian state for centuries, regardless of the name of its ruler and the degree of its democratiza- tion. In this case, Stalin simply found himself in the right place at the right time. Today we can find the confirmation of what was mentioned above. First of all, this is the attitude of Russian society towards Sta- lin. So in the framework of the project “Name of Russia. The Histori- cal Choice - 2008” (analogous to the project “The Great Ukrainians”), J. Stalin continues to be a confident leader in the Russian survey. Now, in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, I could, of course, have written more sharply, but in general, the direction of my thought seems clear... Another prodigious story of mine, displayed on my personal Face- book page, was caused by the Ilavaisk tragedy. Then, on September 1, 2014, I gave the first lecture “Ukraine as a sovereign democratic state” for the first year students of the Ternopil National Economic University. The assembly hall was crowded: there were about a thousand young people. Other eyes, concentrated persons: they understand what difficult trial our Motherland goes through. From time to time I felt like we all became Ukrainian soldiers, everyone in own place. I also caught myself on the thought that some teachers could soon change their cozy audiences on the battlefield, netbooks - on weapons... After six months I managed to break the military’s restrictions and ended up in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Although I did not change my netbookto gun, I managed to combine them in the war. As for the relatives who participated in the liberation events, this is primarily my father’s elder brother - my uncle Mykola Lazarovych, who was born in 1926. By the way, I was named on his honor. He had a name “Nedolia” (Misfortune) and was a machine gunner of “Moroz” unit in the UPA. When he was twenty years old he was wounded and captured during the battle near Yaremche, now Ivano-Frankivsk region. For some time he was in prison in the city of Nadvirna, now Ivano-Frankivsk re- gion. In 1946 he was sentenced to 25 years of prison camps. After return- 258 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ing from captivity my uncle had no right to live in the Western regions of Ukraine, so he settled down in Odessa region. He married there, and soon died - the war and prison did not pass without consequences... — There are many things written about the past liberation strug- gle during the Second World War and after it. However, the works appear to be different. Let’s mention Vasyl Shkliar’s novel “Troscha”, where the title says “Betrayal can be understood, but cannot be justified”. So it turns out that the whole struggle was for nothing because almost everyone could become a traitor among the Ukrai- nians? — I’ll start from afar. At one time, I read the book of the famous Ukrainian dissident Vasyl Ruban “On the opposite side of the good.” I was so impressed by it, that in an effort to show the document of the era, an example of the invincibility of the spirit of the Ukrainian fighters for the freedom of Ukraine, I put the fragments from it in the textbook “The History of Ukraine”. Later on, I was lucky to get acquainted with the author, though via Facebook, and to correspond with him. Unfortunate- ly, he has already passed away. In his confession book, Vasyl Ruban described the “psychiatric hos- pitals” - special hospitals, houses for insane people with a cruel regime that were inferior to the prison. At the initiative of the chairman of the KGB, USSR, Yuri Andropov, during the so-called “developed socialism,” such hospitals, besides the direct appointment, were used for punitive purposes to “protect the Soviet state and social system” from the most dangerous freethinkers of the regime, especially those who did not be- long neither to the anti-Soviet, nor to the immoral groups. In order to demoralize the dissident, he was placed in the midst of killers and ra­ cists, who were trying to escape the deserved punishment in “psychiatric hospitals”, and paranoid people. Dissident was often put under the su- pervision of an “aidman” who was punishing criminals. With this, diffe­ rent drugs were used to suppress the will, the psychics, the intellect, the memory, and emotions... “Psychiatric hospitals” were a more formidable way of punishment than jail, since, as the researchers rightly point out, if the ordinary pri­ soner still had hope and could leave after 10-15 years, at the psychiat- ric hospital, they could be “curing” even to death. Vasyl Ruban himself «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 259 was in such inhumane conditions during 1972-1978. From him, as well as from his colleagues - Petr Hry- horenko, Anatolii Lupynos, Leonid Pliushch and other victims of tor- ture by the “psychiatrists”, demand- ed only one thing - repentance. Imagine these people just had to sign an application to renounce the so-called anti-Soviet activity and they would be released. However, they did not break, did not betray their ideals, continued the struggle, though they doomed themselves to torture. We can give a lot of such examp­ les of self-sacrifice of the Ukrainian The cover page of M. Lazarovych’s fighters. In particular, it is difficult “Legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen: for us today to realize the feat of formation, aims and struggle” (2016) the youth, which during the First World War voluntarily joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, so that even at the expense of their own lives, to restore the tradition of an armed struggle for the freedom of Ukraine. In the 1940s, thousands of patriots risked their life, under the motto: “To gain the freedom of Ukraine or to perish for it!” joined the units of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. At the beginning of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, it was volunteers who became avant-guard of Ukraine’s defense from the Russian invaders. The volunteer movement, which spread during the Revolution of Dignity, also played an important role in the strengthening of the Ukrainian army. Certainly, among the “three terrible enemies” that interfere with the Ukrainian revival, well-known scientist Yuri Shevelov, along with “Mos- cow” and the Ukrainian provincialism, also identified Kochubei mode, that is, betrayal. Respected Vasyl Shkliar also wrote about this problem. We must take into account the specifics of our national historical pro- cess when hundreds of years the Ukrainian lands were under the control 260 Mykola LAZAROVYCH of different countries. To survive, Ukrainians were often forced to mimic, adjust to the invaders, some of them betrayed their people. Elite or the political class, for centuries, remains a particularly weak link in Ukraine. Is it possible to fix the situation? I think so. First, betrayal has never been decisive in the history of our people and is generally perceived by society with condemnation. Second, the restoration of the state inde- pendence has led to the formation of appropriate security structures that, to a certain extent, ensure the national security of the country. Third, due to the Revolution of Dignity, civil society has intensified in Ukraine, which has to demand that authorities liberate it from potential traitors and corrupt officials.

...I considered himself obliged to continue the family tradition of the liberation struggle for the will of Ukraine

— I read many articles about your military choice. And what can be considered as fundamental in it? — As soon as Russia showed an aggression against Ukraine - I had no doubt that I would go to war. The main motive is the desire to take part in the Liberation War of the Ukrainian people against the perpetual enemy - Muscovy/Russia, which lasts from the middle of the XVII century that is 360 years (1658-2018). This war consists of a number of periods, and I hope that the present period will become the last and will be victorious for Ukraine. In general, my choice to go to war was meaningful. Firstly, as a his- torian, I know well how many miseries Muscovy/Russia was causing to Ukraine for centuries. For this, it was necessary to pay back. Second, as a researcher of the history of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, I studied volunteers who went to the First World War to restore the for- gotten idea of an armed struggle for Ukraine’s freedom, so I myself had to try the rifle fate and thus get the moral right to continue to study the rifle topic. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 261 Third, as a scientist, I try to look for a cause-and-effect relationship throughout. In particular, analyzing the Holodomor of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933, the repression of the 1930s I came to the conclusion that there were two main reasons for these tragedies of the Ukrainian people. The first, direct, one was the deliberate criminal policy of the Bolshevik leadership, which sought to punish the Ukrainians for resistance to the so-called socialist construction. The second, deep, was distant in time and rooted in the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 when Ukrainians in general indifferently resorted to the need of the armed defense of the state’s independence. Most of them and these were peasants, first of all, were concerned about the problem of land allotments. As a result, Ukraine was occupied by the Russian Bolsheviks who professed the poli­ cy of terror. Thus, defending the Motherland is not only honorable but also profitable, because if Ukrainians defended their own state in 1917- 1921, malicious famines and repressions with millions of victims would not have happened. Fourth, I considered himself obliged to continue the family tradition of the liberation struggle for the will of Ukraine, as I have already mentioned. In general, I was trying very hard to get to the war and could only do it from the fifth attempt. I was told: “We need such specialists as tankers, gunners, communicators etc.” I served in the infantry, but there were many men, aged 50 plus. My file in the army has already been written off in the archive. But I asked to restore it. I barely passed the medical commission. In Rivne, where was the last selection, I was denied due to the conclusions of the Ternopil Medical Commission. So, I had to ask for 5-7 minutes to take me to the Armed Forces. The lady who was deciding saw my frustration, and said: “God is with you, go!” Some problems also followed me in the Armed Forces. Yes, I really wan­ ted to swear my allegiance to Ukraine, because during the regular service in 1982 I was forced to swear to the Soviet Union. However, for inexplica- ble reasons, the leadership of the Rivne Training Center (RNC), where for two weeks I, together with the other recruits, restored my military skills, did not allow me to make a moral vow. The paradox was that some of old people like me were allowed to give an oath, and some were not. Another unpleasant story happened to me at the end of the military training at the RNC when I started looking for opportunities to get to 262 Mykola LAZAROVYCH the “front” as soon as possible. At that time Major, a representative of the 79th Separate Airmobile Brigade, arrived from Nikolaev (today it is the 79th Separate Mobile Strike Brigade). So, I went to see him and to seek my happiness. We were talking, and I carefully asked if he would take me to their brigade. Major, surprisingly, agreed. But, not belie­ ving in what I just heard, and remembering that people older than 50 are rare among the paratroopers, I clarified: “I was once beautiful and young, and now - only good))”. It’s okay, he said, you will stand on the checkpoint! However, unfortunately, even this idea suffered a fiasco, because the RNC officers did not want to meet the desires of the fast made soldiers. It was easier for them to divide us into military units by alphabet letters. Therefore, I did not become a paratrooper, and instead of the 79th bri- gade, I got into the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade, where I got my name “Professor”. — Listening to you at the library in Chernivtsi, Mr. Mykola, I heard about things that even native propaganda conceals from us. Who, in fact, should be blamed for what happened in Crimea and continues on the East of Ukraine - Putin, the Kremlin?.. And what is our former “elder brother’s” fate? How this phenomenon is usually called in the whole world? — Today we have the enemy, which for centuries seeks to destroy our statehood. Therefore, for a long time, I am convincing the Ukrainian society that it is not worth blaming Putin or the Kremlin for Russia’s ag- gression against Ukraine. The problem is much deeper - it lies in the es- sence of the Russian people, which we actually leave out of criticism, apparently guided by the saying: “there are no bad nations, there are bad people”. However, the ruling of the Nazis in Russia became possible only because of the Russian people - a community that hates everything that, in its understanding, has any signs of differentness, strangeness. Surely? many nations have enemies, but Russians, depending on the time, mood and political situation, consider almost everyone, in particular, those who do not want to recognize their dependence on Muscovy/Russia as their enemies. Among the ideological foundations of the Russian aggression against Ukraine - the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and supported «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 263 by the Russian ruling and ecclesiastical elites, the concept of the “Rus- sian world” - a neo-imperial pseudo-religious geopolitical technology serving to justify the expansionist policy of Russia and hide its Nazi na- ture. The idea of “Russian world” at different times was aiming at being in the rows of “Third Rome”, “Pan-Slavism”, “Comintern”, “Friendship of Peoples”, etc. According to academician Volodymyr Horbulin, it is frankly Nazi and chauvinistic, therefore it should be forbidden at international level as Nazism was once forbidden. For those individuals (or states) who promote the “Russian World”, the consequences must be the same as for the adherents of the Nazi ideology, that is, the human-hated doc- trine of superiority, the supremacy of one nation over another. The growth of negation and intolerance to Ukrainian national move- ment, which at different times was called the Russian ideologues “Maz- epa’s”, “Petliura’s” or “Bandera’s” movement, in the Russian society is an ordinary phenomenon. After all, every Ukrainian activist or an ordinary citizen, who was aware of the priority of the national interests, was au- tomatically considered as enemy for Russia. An example of “paranoid

You have to defend your motherland! Donetsk region, sector B, October 20, 2015 264 Mykola LAZAROVYCH hatred and contempt for Ukrainians and Ukraine itself” is currently pre- sented by the Russian leader V. Putin. Following an example of the Rus- sian tsars and Soviet rulers, president Putin, with the Chekist immediacy, juggles Nazi ideas about the actual denial of the identity of the Ukrainian ethnos, its distinctness from the Russian one, and the right of Ukraine to its own statehood. Thus, disguising the problem, Putin repeatedly argued that “Russians and Ukrainians are one nation” or that the Ukrainian people are “part of the Russian people.” Similarly, by covering euphemisms, he veils his malice to the Ukrainian state with the requirements of its federalization, the offi- cial introduction of bilingualism, and so on. In April 2008, during a closed meeting of the NATO-Russia Council in Bucharest (Romania), Putin tried to persuade Western leaders that Ukraine is a failed state, and it was formed due to the Russian Empire and the USSR. At the same time, the Russian president hinted that in the event of joining NATO, Ukraine could cease to exist as a single state. He reasoned his position by explicitly shifting the facts about the national composition of the population of Ukraine, arguing that, according to the official census, ethnic Russians account for one- third of the total population of Ukraine - 17 million out of 45 million peo- ple. In fact, according to the data of the first (and only now) All-Ukrainian Population Census, held in December 2001, the number of Russians in our country was not 17 million, but 17.3% of the total population, i.e. 8.3 million people. Struck by the Nazi and imperial complexes, the Russian population strongly supports those of their leaders demonstrating aggressive policies. Thus, in the course of 15 years of sociological monitoring, the Russian citi- zens’ attitude toward Putin as the leader of the state policy of the Russian Federation approved the approval of his activities, reaching the maximum values (84-89%) four times, of which three times in the course of hos- tilities - in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine. If in 2010-2013 the rating of confidence in Putin did not rise above 80%, then since the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea and during the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2018), it did not fall below this figure, ranging from 82-88%. In the presidential elections in 2018, Putin got a record-breaking result - 77%. The Russian population also favored the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and attempts of the Russian military leaders to bring Ukraine un- «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 265 der its control. Moreover, while capturing the Crimean penin- sula, the authorities confirmed the widespread belief in Russian society that Crimea should be a part of the Russian Federation. This was confirmed by the polls of “Levada Center” in 1990s and early 2000s, as well as in 2017 when almost 90% of Russians voiced against the return of Crimea to Ukraine. Consequent- ly, Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine became possible not only through the establishment of a de facto Nazi regime in Rus- sia headed by V. Putin but also through the overwhelming sup- port of his actions by the vast majority of the Russian citizens. The cover page of M. Lazarovych’s book “Illustrated history of Ukraine” (2008) If we, for example, analyze the reasons for the domination of Nazi ideas among Germans and Russians, it should be noted that Ger- mans, depressed and demoralized by conditions of the Versailles peace in 1919 and the economic crisis of the late 1920s and early 1930s, eventually succumbed to the Nazi propaganda and followed Adolf Hitler. While Rus- sians, throughout their historical aspire to a “strong hand”, which would periodically show the world, copying the words of Nikita Khrushchev, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, “Kuzkin mother”. Accordingly, Germans quickly got rid of the surface Nazi ideas, but Mus- covites/Russians were cherishing these ideas for a long time and are not going to reject them. On the contrary, they are looking for leaders who are oriented towards the Nazi political course. The Russians act on the principle of projection, that is, if you are a liar – accuse of the lie, if you are a murderer, accuse of killings, if you are a Nazi – accuse of Nazism. Wherever Russians come, regardless of who their ruler is or what political regime they have, there is pain, suffering, death. 266 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Without this awareness, we will not be able to effectively fight against Russia’s aggression. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating: do not look for the best and worst among Russians - they are all the same in their attitude towards Ukraine and Ukrainians. I realize that there is a part of normal people in Russia, but they are rather an exception than a majority. We must forever remember that when Putin’s regime started a war against Ukraine, it was supported by about 90% of Russians.

No one can comprehend the whole truth about the war.

— Being on the front, can you know the whole truth about the war? — Of course not! No one can comprehend the whole truth about the war. After all, every great phenomenon consists of many small ones. One can assume that a high-ranking officer knows more than his subordi- nates, but the subordinates may possess the information that their su- perior does not know. Moreover, even the immediate performer may not be able to understand the internal factors that prompted him to act in a certain way, and not otherwise. As for me, commanding a platoon , I was at the lower stages of, fig- uratively speaking, a military machine . Occasionally, it happened that I was simultaneously performing all the responsibilities of the company, in addition to the platoon commander, I served as the company command- er, his deputy to work with the staff, the chief sergeant and elder of the company. Consequently, I only know about the war what I personally saw or heard from my fellow men and senior commanders. It was not even possible to receive the signals of the Ukrainian television, which has also significantly decreased the amount of information. Therefore, it was like in sad jokes from the period of the Chornobyl tragedy: “Hello, allo! We are talking from Chernobyl! Moscow, right? Tell us, please, how are we?” «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 267 That is, we can speak not about “the whole truth about the war,” but about the main truth of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is that today, as in the past three and a half centuries, not only Russian authorities are fighting against us, but also Russia and Russian people.

— It is understandable that the enemy is deceiving us and the whole world and itself... Apart from telling the truth what should we, Ukrainians, do? — If I was offered to find a synonym for the word “Russia”, I would have chosen a “lie”. Indeed, one of the few, if not the only area in which the Russian Federation has unconditional world leadership, is the pro- duction of lies, or, as they say, fake news. On this basis, we must realize that in the information space, we have no other way than to respond to the fake news with the truth. First of all, we couldn’t throw our fake news at the gigantic Russian information ball. Secondly, in my opinion, to fight using such methods, is unacceptable if we aspire to Europe, and not back to Russia. Let’s recall at least the ambiguous reaction of the world community to the Ukrainian secret services’ acting the “murder” of the Russian journalist in Kyiv in late May 2018. By the way, I want to note that in March 2018 I myself became an ob- ject of the Russian fake news. At that time the Ukrainian magazine Kraina published my interview about the participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war. When it came to the name, the editorial board modified my phrase: “It is easier to find a common language with dogs in Donbas than with their owners.” A few days later, Russian and “Novorossiysk” mass-media posted fake news about the above-mentioned interview with the corre- sponding content and under the dubious title - “Residents of Donbas are worse than dogs - Ternopil Professor.” In general, Russia’s current hybrid war against Ukraine has deep roots and is a continuation of those wars that the Russians have been conducting in Ukraine for centuries, in particular from 1917-1921. If we use the present Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2018) as an optics for the Ukrainian history, we can, in particular, overlap a modern “crucified boy” or a “paralyzed grandmother raped by Ukrainian” on the then-assigned anti-Jewish destructions often attributed to the Ukrainian national libe­ ration movement, and inspired by the Russian Bolsheviks and the White 268 Mykola LAZAROVYCH Guards. But at that time the Russian hybrid actions against Ukraine re- mained unseen. Just like the West was not particularly concerned with the details of the defeat movement. Western politicians thought that if such shameful events are taking place in Ukraine, then the Ukrainian leadership is the one responsible for them. It turned out that the U.S. ­authorities had banned the removal of the U.S. Army warehouses’ re- serves from France, which had been already purchased by the Govern- ment of the UNR for the Ukrainian troops who were suffering from ty- phus. The situation became more complicated when it became known about the Proskuriv pogrom. After that, all European banks, except for the German ones, froze the financial accounts of the UNR and refused to deal with its trade mission. The Entente countries stopped selling the necessary materials to the Ukrainian army. The influential Jewish com- munity of the United States appealed to President Woodrow Wilson with the categorical demand: no support to the Ukrainian People’s Repub- lic. The UNR Army has been flagged as a “destructive”. As a result, the Ukrainian money supply declined by at least half, and in order to get weapons, ammunition, and medicines the UNR Army could only either take it by force from the enemy or buy among the population. According to the researchers, the Proskuriv pogrom, organized by anti-Ukrainian forces, actually became the beginning of the collapse of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and its armed forces. Unlike the leadership of the Ukrainian state structures of 1917-1921, which in fact did not have the capacity to effectively use propagandistic means, the present power either underestimates the means or ignores them. It was a hundred times harder for the Ukrainian leaders back then. Besides Russians, both “white” and “red”, Poles, Romanians, and Entente were fighting against Ukraine with military-diplomatic means. In fact, Ukraine had no allies. The Ukrainian propagandistic efforts, which were lacking an experience in this area, as well as funds and information chan- nels, were failing in front of the age-old traditions of the Russian falsity and the indifference of the Western world. But up until now, no effective answer was given from our side. Even today, on the fifth year of the Russian-Ukrainian war, on any Ukrainian TV channel, radio or in print media, we see: “ATO”, “OOS”, “Ukrainian cri- sis”, “Ukrainian conflict”, “conflict on East of Ukraine”, “separatists”... If definitions are still not clearly defined in Ukraine, what can we say about «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 269 foreigners? By the way, the focus of the high-level officials of Ukraine, primarily on their own problems, eliminates not only state interests, but also the authority itself. For example, in spite of the aforementioned anti-Ukrainian definitions, the concepts of Kremlin neologisms such as “Kyiv power”, “state coup” etc, are becoming a part of everyday life. These expressions, in particular, are actively used by the lawyers of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. To be honest, I still cannot understand why the Ministry of Infor- mation Policy, which has already been operating in Ukraine for sever- al years, cannot identify and introduce into the informational space at least such simple truths: - not ATO or OOS, but the Russian-Ukrainian war; - today there is Russian occupation and an aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, but neither a “Ukrainian crisis”, nor a “Ukrainian conflict”; - besides the Russian Armed Forces, who are fighting against the Ukrainian army on the East of Ukraine, also fight the betrayers of the country, serving the external aggressor and not separatists or rebels; - not an armed formation of the DPR/LPR, but hybrid troops of the Russian Federation, since they are subordinated to the Russian com- mand and consist of two parts: regular units of the Russian Federation and terrorist groups (Russian Nazis and military veterans, criminal ele- ments, collaborators); - not the Russian chauvinists or nationalists, but the Russian Nazis, as they deny the isolation of the Ukrainian nation and the right of Ukraine to its own statehood; - the authorities in Ukraine - not Kyiv, but Ukrainian; - the Revolution of Dignity, 2013-2014, did not cause a coup d’état but stopped the process of formation of the dictatorship of the Yanu- kovych’s “family” and slow motion of Ukraine into the Russian Federa- tion’s sphere of influence... The Ukrainian spelling can actually become an important point in a fight against the idea of the “Russian world”. Russian names, surnames, etc. should be written in Russian transcription. By the way, this year I reprinted “Illustrated History of Ukraine” fourth time. In it, all the Russian names and surnames are corrected according to the Russian style. 270 Mykola LAZAROVYCH I also believe that, as long as the war continues, always in all state institutions, along with the blue-yellow flag - the symbol of our state- hood - must be a red and black flag - the symbol of our struggle. For denial of the facts of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Ho- lodomor of 1932-1933, etc., criminal liability should be introduced. We finally have to become real masters of our country and punish for ne- glecting it.

— The military format has changed recently: the anti-terrorist ope­ration (ATO) under the SBU began to be called a military oper- ation under the leadership of the Joint Forces, which will be led by the militaries. Unfortunately, I still did not hear what ATO gave us, it would be appropriate to make some conclusions — In general, the change of the Anti-Terrorist Operation to the Opera- tion of the Joint Forces for the National Security and Defense, repression and containment of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions has a technological character and con- cerns the system of governance and control in the area of hostilities. Basically, if earlier servicemen and the law-enforcement in the Donbas subordinated to the Security Service of Ukraine, now they will be led by the military, that is, by those who carry the main burden of the war. According to the opinion of the experts, this change is positive due to the introduction of the principle of a united leadership of the zone with a special regime and negative because the war is still not called a war. As the concepts of “ATO” and “OOS” turn the majority of citizens of the country into passive spectators, but the concept of “war” gives an aware- ness of the unity of society, an understanding that all people must unite for the sake of a victory. Regarding the previous consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2018), large-scale hostilities of the level of the Ilovaisk or De- baltseve were stopped after the talks of the “Normandy Format” which took place in Minsk in 2015. The conflict gained a positional character along the entire line of the collision of the opposing sides. The hybrid components of the war on the part of the enemy, including provocative shelling of the positions of the Ukrainian troops to make them open fire in response, the desire to demoralize the combat spirit of our soldiers, «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 271 groundless accusations of Ukraine, etc became dominant. At the same time, the situation in the Donbas is complex and characterized by the possibility of a new exacerbation, since the enemy’s military forces, crea­ ted in accordance with the Russian standards and fully integrated into the overall system of management and financing of the Armed Forces of Russia, are quantitatively higher than the armies of many European countries. As a result of the war on the East of our country, about 35,000 victims were documented in the conflict zone, of which more than 10,000 were killed, including over 2,000 military personnel of the Russian Federation, at least 2,540 civilians, more than 240 children (another 298 civilians,

M. Lazarovych “Don’t try to find better and worse persons among Russians: their attitude towards Ukraine is the same” 272 Mykola LAZAROVYCH including 80 children, were killed as a result of the airliner Boeing 777 “Malaysian Airlines” which shot down by Russia), and about 25 thousand were wounded, including 9 thousand civilians. In the electronic “Memory Book of the Fallen for Ukraine”, as of March 30, 2018, there are 3865 dead soldiers from the various Ukrainian security forces, volunteer de- tachments, and other volunteers. More than 10 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were injured. The material damage of Ukraine due to the Russian occupation of Crimea and the Russian war in the Donbas, according to preliminary data, is 100 billion USD; 7.2% of the Ukrainian territory was lost. At the same time, the aggression of the Russian Federation consoli­ dated the Ukrainian society. Thus, according to a survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center in March 2017 in all regions of Ukraine, except for the occupied territories, the absolute majority of Ukrainians (92%) considered themselves ethnic Ukrainians (in 2012 this figure was 75%). The Ukrainian language was called native by 68% of Ukrainians (52% in 2006). Moreover, thousands of Ukrai­ nians have found a sacrificial desire to protect their homeland from the enemy. Many of them left prestigious work, returned to Ukraine from abroad, and so on. Among them, the Ukrainian opera singer, one of the best baritones of the world, soloist of the Parisian National Opera Vasyl Slipak and a retired American Army officer, millionaire, owner of a big business, who was born in the Ukrainian-American family in the U.S., Mark Paslawsky, have become a real example of serving their people. Today, our main achievement is that we decide our future destiny on our own. It depends only on us.

— I understand that the most difficult thing now for a political scientist, professor, and doctor of sciences, a person who has served in the army for more than a year, to talk about our victory, its origin. But there should also be optimism. Every soldier dreams to become a general. We can dream together. — Everything that begins ends sooner or later. This war will end, and I hope Ukrainians will not lose at least. But the “Russian world” does not simply give up its positions. Seeing that they couldn’t succeed in break- «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 273 ing Ukraine by force, its representatives will change tactics and instead of bullets will of- fer “candies”. All sorts of the Russian oppo- sitionists, cultural figures, scholars, writers etc. will be entering Ukraine. They will fall on their knees, beat their chests, screaming that the Russian devil, that is, Putin, confused them. And then they will offer to be “friends from scratch”. If it happens, God forbid, we Ukrainians will be doomed to another circle of “friendship”, that is, the destruction of the Ukrainian statehood, history, culture, language, economy, patriotic Ukrainians, the introduction of repressions and famines on the Ukrainian lands, and so on. After all, relations between Ukraine and Russia are “Dog tag” as a moral appropriately illustrated by the words of an reminder Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir: “We want to live. Our neighbors want to see us dead. This leaves not too much space for compromise.” We have an identical situation today, but our enemy is much more treacherous and has in its possession nuclear weapons. Therefore, the first conclusion of our history is that in the end, we must understand: Russians cannot be trusted under any cir- cumstances.

Лазарович М. В. Професор Микола Лазарович: «Якщо б мені запропонували дібрати синонім до поняття «Росія», я б обрав «брехня» [Текст] / Микола Лазарович ; [інтерв’ю / провів] Мирослав Лазарук // Буковинський журнал. – 2018 : фот. 274 Mykola LAZAROVYCH II. NOTES

Appendix 16

September 1, 2014

I gave the first lecture “Ukraine as a sovereign democratic state” for the first year students of Ternopil National Economic University. The as- sembly hall was crowded – there were about a thousand young people. Other eyes, concentrated persons – they understand what difficult trial our Motherland goes through. We all became Ukrainian soldiers, every- one in own place. I caught myself on the thought that some teachers could soon change their cozy audiences on the battlefield, netbooks - on weapons... We will win!

Appendix 17

September 11, 2014

Today, I said goodbye to a former student of the Ternopil Nation- al Economic University - the hero, from “Aidarovets” battaloin Andrii Yurkevych. On September 5, 2015, he died for the freedom of Ukraine at the front of the Russian-Ukrainian war. A memorial service took place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer! “Plyve Kacha” (A duck swims upon the Tysyna)... Thou- sands of Ternopil citizens from infants to grandparents, a lot of flowers and tears... The funeral procession went through the entire Ternopil to the Mykulyntsi cemetery. All the time there were slogans: “Glory to Ukraine! – Glory to the heroes!”, “Glory to the Nation! - Death to ene- mies!”, “Ukraine Above All!”, “Andrii is a hero!”, “Glory to Andrii!”, “Glory to Aidar!”, “Glory to the Heavenly Hundred!”... Farewell... Ukraine lost another true son! God takes the best... Eternal glory and light memory to the Hero of Ukraine! «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 275

Andrii Yurkevych (“Grizzly”) was a platoon commander of the Aidar Battalion. He died on September 5, 2014 near Vesela Hora village of Slovianoserbsk district of Luhansk region. Volunteer photo project “Had the war not occurred”

Appendix 18

February 13, 2015

Our army is heroically fighting against the Russian invaders. There- fore, every one of us, men, must help the Ukrainian army as he can, first of all, either by his own presence in the Armed Forces, or financially. I do not have the opportunity to help financially, so tomorrow I’m going to the war as a volunteer. We will win - God and Truth are with us! Glory to Ukraine!

Appendix 19

July – August 2015

There is a family of storks near the location of our unit (in Galicia they are called buzki) - dad, mom, and three kids. Every evening, the head of the family (I think it is exactly him) flies to the place where the evening check of the personnel takes place and closely observes the soldiers. Af- ter making sure that everyone is alive and healthy, he joyfully shrieks and waits for the completion of evening fest. I want to believe that exactly this bird, respected by Ukrainians is our talisman... 276 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Appendix 20

July 18, 2015

Today from the morning the stork-father was walking near our shelter and carefully collecting garbage by his beak, which was brought to us by the wind during the night. Did he really help us clean up? Or maybe just wanted to shame us?

Appendix 21

August 1-2, 2015

Yesterday and today stork-parents were teaching their kids how to fly! Amazing thing! In particular, in the morning I became a witness of how one of the parents initially brought food to the children, and second time - a piece of land which he took from the nest, and flew with it over it, inviting the kids to fly after him. It worked! Although one baby stork did not leave his home for a while. I think that it turned out to be more fearful than the others, but the boys claim that it is more intelligent, be- cause it did not want to fly after a simple piece of land.

Appendix 22

Summer 2015

All night there were sounds of the fire! After the cessation of one of the longest and loudest bombardments, silence came. In silence, I un- expectedly heard the sounds of storks living in our unit. What can be more beautiful than when a rumble from bombardments changes on the stork’s sounds? At least for some time! «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 277

Appendix 23

Summer 2015

In the morning, I was talking to one guy from my platoon, which got drunk last night. After the enchanting common military phrases necessary for the final awakening of the client, I switched to the diplomatic language: - Vasylovych, - I say to him, - war is around. You are a wise man! By age, you will catch up with me in a year. Look, around you are young boys - 20-40 years old. What will you teach them?.. Vasylovych was listening to my speech silently and looking at one point. When he realized that I was finally tired, he disarmed me with a single phrase: - “Professor”, the person is weak!.. 278 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Appendix 24

August 27, 2015

In the morning of August 26, I was in Mariupol and Volnovakha. Not even a day has passed since our soldiers died there. This situation is largely due to the impunity of the Russian terrorist forces, which regular- ly violate the Minsk treaties, firing the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the desire of the Ukrainian side to prevent victims among the civilians in the occupied territories. The enemy’s cunning has been long known in relations with Ukraini- ans as well as with other nations in the world. Today it is Ukraine that received the historical mission of being an advanced struggle against the so-called “Russian world”, which in reality is just one of the forms of Na- zism. I am convinced that we along with the civilized world will succeed in defeating our age-old enemy. It is only extremely difficult to endure the loss of brothers in the army... Eternal glory to them and light memory!

Appendix 25

Winter 2015

Night. Silence in the tent. Tired guys are resting. All I hear is a pierc- ing creak of the door from the potbelly stove - the night watcher throws firewood to make heat. Light from the fire is all over the walls of the tent. Soon, I hear the sound of the weapon - the guards “Poltava” and “Dry- bonskyi” are going to replace on the post their brothers “Lisnyka” and “Dad Petro”. These and thousands of other soldiers in the ATO zone pro- tect the peace of the country... «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 279

Appendix 26

January 22, 2016

January 22, the last day of my stay in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the platoon commander of the fourth wave of mobilization of the 14th Special Mechanized Brigade. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I’m glad to return to my family, friends, colleagues, students, my favorite work. On the other hand I feel sorrow due to the farewell with my army brothers, with whom the difficult road of the Russian-Ukrainian war was passed side by side, mental discomfort, the loss of that feeling when you wake up in the morning and feel that you are useful for the country… 280 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, illustrated material of which were used

6—я танковая бригада России на Донбассе: убитые, пленные, сожжённые танки [Электронный ресурс] // Украина криминальная. – 2015. – 23 сент. – Режим доступа : 20 фактів російського вторгнення в Україну. – 27 с. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Бійці «Колоса» розповіли про бої на Савур Могилі [Електронний ресурс] // Вісник+К. – 2015. – 25 трав. – Режим доступу : regions/rivne/15080/. Бійцю, якому відтяли руку за тату з тризубом, протез зробили теж із гербом [Електронний ресурс] // День. – 2016. – 3 черв. – Режим доступу : https://day.kyiv. ua/uk/news/030616—biycyu—yakomu—vidtyaly—ruku—za—tatu—z—tryzubom—pro- tez—zrobyly—tezh—iz—gerbom : фот. Брик А. Замість читання лекцій студентам рив окопи: як тернопільський професор тримав оборону під Маріуполем і Донецьком [Електронний ресурс] / Антоніна Брик // – сайт міста Тернополя. – 2016. – 10 лют. – Режим доступу : : фот. Бутусов Ю. Громадянин США, мільйонер Марк Паславський 20 лютого 2014 року із шиною і щитом брав участь в штурмі разом із Небесною сотнею на вул. Інститутській [Електронний ресурс] / Юрій Бутусов // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 29 лют. – Режим доступу : milyioner_mark_paslavskyyi_20_lyutogo_2014_roku_iz_shynoyu_i_schytom_ brav_uchast_v. Вікіпедія : вільна енциклопедія [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http:// «Всю роту положили»: участники боевых действий на территории Украины описывают масштаб понесенных российскими воинскими подразделениями потерь [Текст] // Псковская губернія. – 2014. – № 34 (706). – 3–9 сент.: фот. Донбас в огні: путівник зоною конфлікту [Текст] / М. Балабан та ін. ; за заг. ред. А. Майорової. – Львів, 2017. – 98 с. Екс—міністри оборони продали понад 830 танків, 430 літаків та ґвинтокрилів, 710 БМП [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько—правовий портал. – 2016. – 2 вер. – Режим доступу :—75900—eks—ministry—oborony— prodaly—ponad—830—tankiv—430—litakiv—ta—gelikopteriv—710—bmp—infografika. Жирохов М. Мі—24 армійської авіації СВ ЗСУ у війні на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] / Михайло Жирохов // Ukrainian Military Pages. – 2015. – 24 груд. – Режим доступу :—24—army—aviation—zsu—in—the— donbas—war.html. Інформатор [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : category/all—news/krim—politic/. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 281

Книга пам’яті полеглих за Україну [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Левада—центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады [Электронный ресурс]. – Ре- жим доступа : Лазарович М. В. Російсько—українська війна (2014–2017 роки) [Текст] : короткий нарис / Микола Лазарович. – Івано—Франківськ : Лілея—НВ, 2017. – 240 с. Лойко С. Аеропорт [Текст] / Сергій Лойко. – К. : Брайт Стар Паблішинг, 2015. – 328 с. Міністерство оборони України : офіційний веб—сайт [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Побег Януковича: фотохронология событий [Электронный ресурс] // Сегодня. – 2015. – 22 февр. – Режим доступа :— yanukovicha—fotohronologiya—sobytiy——594196.html. Происхождение артиллерийских ударов по позициям украинских военных в восточной Украине с 14 июля по 8 августа 2014 г. [Электронный ресурс] // Bell- ingcat. – 2015. – 17 февр. – Режим доступа : ukraine/2015/02/17/origins—artillery—ru/. Протистояння на Майдані триває – 20 лютого 2014 [Електронний ресурс] // Обозреватель. – 2014. – 20 лют. – Режим доступу : ukr/photo/56039—protistoyannya—na—majdani—trivae.htm. Росія порушила міжнародне право, поцупивши знак «Дебальцеве» для виставки. Стелу—символ спиляли і повезли до Москви [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2015. – 14 квіт. – Режим доступу :—porushila—mizhnarodne—pravo— pocupivshi—znak—debalceve—dlya—vistavki—421280.html. Семёнов А. Война спишет всё [Текст] / Алексей Семёнов // Псковская губернія. – 2014. – № 33 (705). – 26 авг. – 2 сент.: фот. Сенсация, которой лучше бы не было [Текст] // Псковская губернія. – 2014. – № 33 (705). – 26 авг. – 2 сент.: фот. ТСН [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Український тиждень [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http:// Цензор.НЕТ [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Цените жизнь: Капеллан показал, как вывозили раненых и убитых воинов с Донбасса. Капеллан с передовой Кушнирук Анатолий обнародовал фотографии эвакуации раненых и погибших в боях на Светлодарской дуге [Электронный ресурс] // Depo.Донбасс. – 2016. – 21 декаб. – Режим доступа : tsinuyte—zhittya—kapelan—pokazav—yak—vivozili—poranenih—ta—21122016123500. Чупаков М. Правда про Іловайськ від Мангуста [Електронний ресурс] / Микола Чупаков // СпецКор: незалежна служба новин. – 2015. – 29 вер. – Режим доступу : http://spec——with—yevgeni—yu/mikola—chupakov.html. Шлосберг Л. Мёртвые и живые [Текст] / Лев Шлосберг // Псковская губернія. – 2014. – № 33 (705). – 26 авг. – 2 сент.: фот. Military Navigator: военный информационный портал [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : 282 Mykola LAZAROVYCH LIST OF REFERENCES

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Друга річниця трагедії під Зеленопіллям: у містах України згадали бійців, загиблих унаслідок російського артудару [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2016. – 12 лип. – Режим доступу : druga_richnytsya_tragediyi_pid_zelenopillyam_u_mistah_ukrayiny_zgadaly_biyit- siv_zagyblyh_unaslidok_rosiyiskogo. «Друзья» и «враги» России [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 5 июн. – Режим доступа : http://www. Екс-міністри оборони продали понад 830 танків, 430 літаків та ґвинтокрилів, 710 БМП [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2016. – 2 вер. – Режим доступу : ly-ponad-830-tankiv-430-litakiv-ta-gelikopteriv-710-bmp-infografika. Енциклопедія історії України [Текст] : у 10 т. Т. 1–10 / редкол. : В. Смолій (голова) та ін. – К. : Наукова думка, 2003–2013. Енциклопедія Українознавства [Текст] : у 10 т. Т. 1–10. – Львів, 1993–2000. Ештон наполегливо порадила РФ відвести війська з України [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 13 квіт. – Режим доступу : https://www.prav- Євтушенко І. В. Роль та місце міжнародних організацій у вреґулюванні збройного конфлікту на південному сході України (нормативно-правовий аспект) [Текст] / І. В. Євтушенко // Кримінальне право та кримінологія; оперативно-розшукова діяльність. – 2015. – С. 124–132. Єкельчик С. Імперія пам’яті. Російсько-українські стосунки в радянській історичній уяві [Текст] / С. Єкельчик. – К. : Критика, 2008. – 303 с. Єрмолаєв А. Український конфлікт і майбутнє світової та європейської безпеки [Електронний ресурс] / А. Єрмолаєв, С. Денисенко, О. Маркєєва, Л. Поляков // Нова Україна. Інститут стратегічних досліджень. – 2015. – Режим доступу : media/news/501/file/crisis_se-curity%20UKR.pdf. ЄС закликав Росію переглянути рішення про перетин кордону України гуманітарним конвоєм [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : donu-ukrayini-gumanitarnim-konvoyem-105457.html. ЄС ввів санкції проти 6 компаній, які будували Керченський міст [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 31 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www. ЄС підтримав заяву про «балтійську політику» США щодо Криму [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 26 лип. – Режим доступу : https:// ЄС: побудова Керченського мосту – це ще одне порушення суверенітету України [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 15 трав. – Режим доступу : ЄС на півроку продовжив економічні санкції проти Росії [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 5 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www.eurointegration. 294 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

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Лазарович // Бліц-інфо. – 2018. – 1 квіт. – Режим доступу : 302 Mykola LAZAROVYCH ya-prosto-ne-mig1.html : фот. Лазарович М. В. Професор на фронті / М. В. Лазарович ; розмову вів Петро Парипа // Галичина. – 2018. – № 27–28. – 29 берез. – С. 15 : фот. Лазарович М. В. Разом нас багато... Тернопільський державний економічний університет у контексті Української помаранчевої революції [Текст] / М. В. Лазарович. – Тернопіль : Економічна думка, 2005. – 528 с.: іл. Лазарович М. В. «Розпочали стрільці українські з москалями тан…»: Збройна боротьба леґіону УСС проти російських загарбників на Тернопільщині під час Першої світової війни [Текст] / М. В. Лазарович. – Тернопіль : Джура, 2017. – 208 с.: іл. Лазарович М. В. Російська національна меншина України у ХІХ – на початку ХХ століття: соціально-економічний вимір [Текст] / М. В. Лазарович // Українська наука: минуле, сучасне, майбутнє : щорічник. – 2014. – Вип. 19 : у 2 ч. Ч. 1. – С. 84–94. Лазарович М. В. 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Посол США навів супутникові знімки з російськими танками під Дебальцевим [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2015. – 14 лют. – Режим доступу : http://tyzh- Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про Заяву Верховної Ради України «Про визнання Україною юрисдикції Міжнародного кримінального суду щодо скоєння злочинів проти людяності та воєнних злочинів вищими посадовими особами Російської Федерації та керівниками терористичних організацій «ДНР» та «ЛНР», які призвели до особливо тяжких наслідків та масового вбивства українських громадян». 4 лютого 2015 р. № 145-VIII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про Звернення Верховної Ради України до Організації Об’єднаних Націй, Європейського Парламенту, Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи, Парламентської Асамблеї НАТО, Парламентської Асамблеї ОБСЄ, Парламентської Асамблеї ГУАМ, національних парламентів держав світу про визнання Російської Федерації державою-агресором». 27 січня 2015 р. № 129-VIII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : show/129-19. Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про покладення на Голову Верховної Ради України виконання обов’язків Президента України згідно із статтею 112 Конституції України». 23 лютого 2014 р. № 764-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Постанова Верховної Ради України «Про самоусунення Президента України від виконання конституційних повноважень та призначення позачергових виборів Президента України». 22 лютого 2014 р. № 757-VII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : Потапенко Я. Інформаційна складова сучасної російсько-української війни: спроба комплексного міждисциплінарного аналізу / Ярослав Потапенко // Наукові записки з української історії. – 2015. – Вип. 37. – С. 130–144. Почався перший етап нових санкцій США проти РФ через отруєння Скрипалів [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : Почепцов Г. Гібридна війна: інформаційна складова [Електронний ресурс] / Г. Почепцов // Незалежний культурологічний часопис «Ї». – Режим доступу : Правда про російсько-радянську окупацію [Текст] // Український тиждень. – 2012. – № 46. Президент Владимир Путин: оценки работы и ожидания [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 7 мая. – Режим доступа : Президент Естонії: досить евфемізмів, те, що коїться в Україні – це війна [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 2 черв. – Режим доступу : Президент Трамп підписав оборонний бюджет США-2018 з $350 млн допомоги Україні [Електронний ресурс] // Голос Америки. – 2017. – 12 груд. – Режим доступу : «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 311

«Прем’єр» ДНР розповів про російських військових, які воюють на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу : siiskykh-viiskovykh-yaki-vouiuit-na-donbasi. При боях за Іловайськ в Україну вторглися більше 4 тис. військових РФ, – НДІ ЗСУ [Електронний ресурс] // РБК-Україна. – 2015. – 13 серп. – Режим доступу : https:// Прикордонники зазнали 153 нападів та обстрілів з території Росії [Електронний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 29 лип. – Режим доступу : li-153-napadiv-ta-obstriliv-z-teritoriyi-rosiyi/. Про втрати ЗС Росії в Україні [Електронний ресурс] // Інформаційно-аналітичний центр Національної безпеки України. – 2014. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : http://medi- Про тортури в полоні у бойовиків і російських військових на Донбасі розповіла майже тисяча громадян [Електронний ресурс] // Українські новини. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : ni-u-boyovykiv-i-rosiyskykh-viyskovykh-na-donbasi-rozpovila-mayzhe-tysyacha. Происхождение артиллерийских ударов по позициям украинских военных в восточной Украине с 14 июля по 8 августа 2014 г. [Электронный ресурс] // Bell- ingcat. – 2015. – 17 февр. – Режим доступа : ukraine/2015/02/17/origins-artillery-ru/. Прокуратура МКС зафіксувала 1,2 тис ймовірних злочинів на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 5 груд. – Режим доступу : http:// Проміжний звіт ТСК з розслідування трагічних подій під Іловайськом: повний текст [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 20 жовт. – Режим доступу : Пропозиції РФ про «місію з охорони місії» неприйнятні – Геращенко [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 14 лист. – Режим доступу : http:// Протистояння на Майдані триває – 20 лютого 2014 [Електронний ресурс] // Обозреватель. – 2014. – 20 лют. – Режим доступу : photo/56039-protistoyannya-na-majdani-trivae.htm. «Псковская губерния» опубликовала разговоры десантников о гибели роты сослуживцев [Электронный ресурс] // Новая газета. – 2014. – 2 сент. – Режим доступа : 187-opublikovala-razgovory-desantnikov-o-gibeli-roty-sosluzhivtsev. Путин – журналистке: «Меня не беспокоит война» [Электронный ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2014. – 4 мар. – Режим доступа : putin_jurnalistke_menya_ne_bespokoit_voyina. Путин В. Интервью австрийскому телеканалу ORF [Электронный ресурс] / Владамир Путин ; Армин Вольф // официальное интернет- представительство Президента России. – 2018. – 4 июн. – Режим доступа : http:// 312 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Путин: Исходим из того, что окруженные в Дебальцево украинские военные сложат оружие [Электронный ресурс] // Сегодня. – 2015. – 12 февр. – Режим доступа : vo-ukrinskie-voennye-slozhat-oruzhie-592034.html. Путин назвал русских и украинцев единым народом [Электронный ресурс] // Интерфакс. – 2015. – 17 авг. – Режим доступа : Путин: Наши войска станут позади женщин и детей. Пусть они попробуют в них стрелять [Электронный ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2014. – 4 мар. – Режим доступа : schin_i_deteyi_pust_oni_poprobuyut_v_nih_strelyat_video. Путин не советует Западу переходить «красную черту» в отношениях с РФ [Электронный ресурс] // РИА Новости. – 2018. – 25 мая. – Режим доступа : https:// Путин: россияне и украинцы – один народ [Электронный ресурс] // ВВС. – 2015. – 18 март. – Режим доступа : sian/2015/03/150318_ru_n_putin_ukraine_relations. Путин: Русские и украинцы – один народ, но нас сначала разделили, а потом стравили [Электронный ресурс] // Росбалт. – 2016. – 27 октяб. – Режим доступа : Путин: РФ будет соразмерно реагировать на шаги НАТО по созданию баз у ее границ [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС: информационное агентство России. – 2018. – 19 июл. – Режим доступа : tent=21189266. Путин считает, что русские и украинцы – один народ, и не делает между ними разницы [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС: информационное агентство России. – 2015. – 16 апр. – Режим доступа : Путин: Украинский народ считаю братским, если не частью русского [Электронный ресурс] // Взгляд: деловая газета. – 2017. – 19 октяб. – Режим доступа : Путін – Бушу: «Україна – це не держава» [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2008. – 7 квіт. – Режим доступу : news/2008/04/7/3410762/. Путін вперше визнав, що «зелені чоловічки» – його військові [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. Путін жахає США наслідками передачі Україні зброї [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : news/2017/09/5/7154060/. Путін: Ми не говорили, що на Донбасі немає наших людей з військової сфери [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2015. – 17 груд. – Режим доступу : П’ять країн приєдналися до продовження санкцій ЄС щодо Криму [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 18 лип. – Режим доступу : https:// «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 313

Рада ЄС прийняла рішення про введення санкцій проти п’яти осіб через незаконні вибори в Криму [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – 14 трав. – Режим доступу : dennya-sankciy-proti-p-yati-osib-cherez-nezakonni-vibori-v-krimu-277682_.html. Радковець Ю. «Гібридна політика» сучасної Росії як стратегія реалізації її національної геополітики [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. Радковець // Борисфен Інтел. – Режим доступу : Радковець Ю. І. Ознаки технологій «гібридної війни» в агресивних діях Росії поти України [Текст] / Ю. І. Радковець // Наука і оборона. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 36–42. РБ ООН терміново збирається на засідання через прорив гуманітарного конвою з РФ на територію України [Електронний ресурс] // – 2014. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : nya cherez-proriv-gumanitarnogo-konvoyu-z-rf-na-teritoriyu-ukrayini-105493.html. Режим Януковича вивів із України до $30 мільярдів – Петренко [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2016. – 15 вер. – Режим доступу : https://www.pravda. Резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН «Територіальна цілісність України» [Електронний ресурс] // Центр дослідження безпекового середовища «Прометей». – 2014. – 27 берез. – Режим доступу : Резолюція ПАРЄ щодо України: коментований переклад [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2015. – 28 січ. – Режим доступу : https://www.euroin-Резонанс: Бюлетень матеріалів, підготовлених на базі аналізу оперативної інформації електронних видань (Додаток до журналу «Україна: події, факти, коментарі»). – 2014. – № 66 (4 вересня). – 65 с. Результати розслідування Іловайської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] // Генеральна прокуратура України. – 2017. – 14 серп. – Режим доступу : http://www. Рейтинг Путина упал до уровня 2013 года после объявления о пенсионной реформе [Электронный ресурс] // Медуза. – 2018. – 22 июн. – Режим доступа : posle-ob-yavleniya-o-pensionnoy-reforme. Рейтинги доверия политикам, одобрения работы государственных институтов, рейтинги партий [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 22 июн. – Режим доступа : php?id=236&uid=9174. Реплянчук Д. Таємні листи СБУ: про що спецслужби попереджали Януковича [Електронний ресурс] / Дмитро Реплянчук // Громадське телебачення. – 2018. – 27 квіт. – Режим доступу : cha. Рішення керівних органів Ради Європи стосовно ситуації в Автономній Республіці Крим та місті Севастополь [Електронний ресурс] // Українське право. – 2017. – 12 трав. – Режим доступу : international_law/ukyyerrya-nyeukvrysh-sugarkv-uaey-zhvusty-fkhsfsvrs-fykhtsashch- kl-v-avkhsrsprkm-uyefttsbokshchk-nuyp/. 314 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Рішенням РНБО України оновлено санкційні списки та запроваджено санкції до 1759 фізичних та 786 юридичних осіб [Електронний ресурс] // Рада національної безпеки і оборони України. – 2018. – 22 черв. – Режим доступу : ua/news/3065.html. РНБО: Терористи знову «поховали» кількадесят загиблих в боях росіян у штольні однієї з шахт [Електронний ресурс] // Espreso.TV. – 2014. – 18 лист. – Режим доступу : kilkadesyat_zahyblykh_v_boyakh_rosiyan_u_shtolni_odniyeyi_z_shakht. РНБО України запровадила санкції щодо юридичних і фізичних осіб, які пов’язані з російською агресією проти України [Електронний ресурс] // Рада національної безпеки і оборони України. – 2018. – 2 трав. – Режим доступу : ua/news/3020.html. Родичі жертв MH17 виграли суд в США проти Гіркіна: $400 млн компенсації [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 30 січ. – Режим доступу : Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України «Питання укладання Угоди про асоціацію між Україною, з однієї сторони, та Європейським Союзом, Європейським Співтовариством з атомної енергії і їх державами – членами, з іншої сторони». 21 листопада 2013 р. № 905-р [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://zakon0.р. Роковини катастрофи MH17: як змінювалася брехня Російської Федерації [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2017. – 17 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www. na-rosijskoi-federacii.html. Романенко В. За 3 роки РФ у 10 разів збільшила кількість зброї на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] / Валентина Романенко // Українська правда. – 2017. – 23 серп. – Режим доступу : Романенко В. На Донбасі постійно перебувають 36 300 найманців РФ [Електронний ресурс] / Валентина Романенко // Українська правда. – 2017. – 30 серп. – Режим доступу : Романенко В. Путін: Ми продовжимо допомагати «ЛНР» і «ДНР» [Електронний ресурс] / Валентина Романенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 7 черв. – Режим доступу : Романчук О. Ультиматyм: xpoнiкa oднoгo кoнфлiктy мiж Paд. наpкoмoм PPФСP i Центpaльнoю Pадoю [Текст] / О. Романчук. – К. : Знання, 1990. – 64 с. Російська активістка: На Донбасі загинули понад 2,5 тисячі російських військових [Електронний ресурс] // Тиждень.ua. – 2014. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : http://tyzh- Російська окупація і деокупація України: історія, сучасні загрози та виклики сьогодення [Текст] : матеріали Всеукр. науково-практичної конференції (Київ, 2016 р.) / упоряд. П. Гай-Нижник. – К. : «МП Леся», 2016. – 352 с. Російська окупація Криму завдала Україні більше трильйона гривень збитків [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2017. – 22 серп. – Режим доступу : na-griven-zbitkiv-251923_.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 315

Російський імперіалізм [Текст] / упоряд. Тарас Гунчак ; пер. з англ. Тараса Цимбала. – К. : Вид. дім «Києво-Могилянська академія», 2010. – 395 с. Російські «Гради» більше 300 разів обстрілювали територію України – Bellingcat [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2016. – 17 квіт. – Режим доступу : https:// cat-205961_.html/: фот. Російські інтернет-тролі намагаються підірвати енергетичні ринки США – Конгрес [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2018. – 1 трав. – Режим доступу : ki-ssha-kongres-276716_.html Російські олігархи втратили вже понад 16 мільярдів доларів через санкції США [Електронний ресурс] // Економічна правда. – 2018. – 10 квіт. – Режим доступу : Російсько-українська війна 2014 року: причини, перебіг та політико-правові оцінки [Текст] // Український тиждень. – 2014. – № 42. – С. 28–43. Російсько-український конфлікт: стан, наслідки, перспективи розвитку подій: аналітична доповідь Центру Разумкова [Текст] // Національна безпека і оборона. – 2014. – № 5–6. – С. 2–39. Російщення України : науково-популярний збірник [Текст] / за ред. Леоніда Полтави. – Нью-Йорк : Український Конґресовий Комітет Америки, 1984. – 416 с. Росія випробовує на Донбасі новітні системи радіоелектронної боротьби – СЦКК [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 12 серп. – Режим доступу : https:// dioelektronnoi-borotbi-sckk.html. Росія втручалася у вибори і референдуми в п’ятьох країнах-членах Альянсу, – доповідь Комітету з питань науки і технологій ПА НАТО [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – 28 трав. – Режим доступу : news/3068403/rosiya_vtruchalasya_u_vybory_i_referendumy_v_pyatoh_krayinah- chlenah_alyansu_dopovid_komitetu_z_pytan. Росія затримала майже 100 українських суден в Азовському морі – Омелян [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 11 лип. – Режим доступу : https:// Росія зосередила проти України кілька армій та ракетні комплекси – Турчинов [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 7 черв. – Режим доступу : https:// Росія незаконно виселила з Криму не менше 2425 осіб – правозахисник [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 28 черв. – Режим доступу : https:// 2425-osib-pravozahisnik.html. Росія оголосила Україні війну [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2014. – 1 берез. – Режим доступу : Росія переселила в окупований Крим до мільйона людей – Джемілєв [Електронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. – 2018. – 25 трав. – Режим доступу : https:// na-ludej-dzemilev.html. 316 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

Росія порушила міжнародне право, поцупивши знак «Дебальцеве» для виставки. Стелу-символ спиляли і повезли до Москви [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2015. – 14 квіт. – Режим доступу : vo-pocupivshi-znak-debalceve-dlya-vistavki-421280.html. Росія приховує катастрофу, яку створила на Донбасі – Волкер [Електронний ресурс] / Курт Волкер // Українська правда. – 2018. – 7 серп. – Режим доступу : Російські найманці визнали, що вони самі вели провокаційні обстріли Луганська у 2014 році [Електронний ресурс] // Цензор.НЕТ. – 2018. – 6 серп. – Режим доступу : sami_vely_provokatsiyini_obstrily_luganska_u_2014_rotsi. Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 23 июн. – Режим доступа : https:// Российско-украинские отношения [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 30 окт. – Режим доступа : https:// Россия и мир [Электронный ресурс] // Левада-центр: аналитический центр Юрия Левады. – 2017. – 30 янв. – Режим доступа : rossiya-i-mir-2/. Россия-Украина: четыре года после Майдана [Электронный ресурс] // Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения. – 2018. – 20 февр. – Режим доступа : Рощенко О. Джемілєв розповів, скільки людей Росія завезла до Криму [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2017. – 12 груд. – Режим доступу : Рощенко О. За тиждень в Авдіївці загинули 10 бійців ЗСУ, поранено 66 [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2017. – 3 лют. – Режим доступу : Рощенко О. Крим всихає, рослинності стало менше. Україна винуватить Росію [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 13 лип. – Режим доступу : Рощенко О. Муженко розповів про вторгнення РФ в Україну і початок «відкритої війни» [Електронний ресурс] / Олена Рощенко // Українська правда. – 2018. – 28 серп. – Режим доступу :РПЦ діє за дорученням Росії – Порошенко [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2018. – 5 трав. – Режим доступу : Рудоманов О. Українська артилерія розгромила тренувальний табір терористів під Слов’янськом [Електронний ресурс] / Олександр Рудоманов // – 2014. – 1 лип. – Режим доступу : artilleriya_razgromila.html. Русские и украинцы – один народ, заявил Путин [Электронный ресурс] // РИА Новости. – 2017. – 14 декаб. – Режим доступа : ety/20171214/1510927363.html. «We will give our souls and bodies for our freedom» 317

РФ втручалася у вибори та референдуми у низці країн-членів НАТО – доповідь [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2018. – 27 трав. – Режим доступу : РФ знову поповнила арсенал бойовиків: спостерігачі бачили 15 вантажівок – СЦКК [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2018. – 21 черв. – Режим доступу : Сааков В. Єврокомісар закидає Росії поширення дезінформації [Електронний ресурс] / Валерій Сааков // Deutsche Welle. – 2018. – 27 січ. – Режим доступу : http://єврокомісар-закидає-росії-поширення-дезінформації/a-42329542. Садовська Г. Микола Лазарович: «Наш найбільший ворог – байдужість. Спробуймо прорватися!» [Рецензія на книгу професора М. Лазаровича «Російсько- українська війна (2014–2017 роки) : короткий нарис»] / Галина Садовська // Вільне життя. – 2018. – № 37 (11 трав.). – С. 5 : фот. Садовська Г. Професор з Тернополя залишив рідним прощального листа і поміняв аудиторії на окопи [Електронний ресурс] / Галина Садовська // Доба. – 2016. – 20 лют. – Режим доступу : lya-zalyshyv-ridnym-proshchalnoho-lysta-i-pominyav-audytoriyi-na-okopy : фот. Самостiйна Україна [Текст] : збiрник програм українських полiтичних партiй початку ХХ ст. / упоряд. О. Федьков. – Тернопiль, 1991. Санкції залишатимуться, поки РФ не поверне Крим і не виведе війська з Дон- басу – Тіллерсон [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2017. – 7 груд. – Режим доступу : СБУ встановила причетність спецслужб РФ до атаки вірусу-вимагача Petya.A [Електронний ресурс] // Служба безпеки України: офіційний веб-сайт. – 2017. – 1 лип. – Режим доступу : NybZeC1m.dpbs. СБУ: Движение гуманитарного груза – это прямое вторжение в Украину [Электронный ресурс] // – 2014. – 22 авг. – Режим доступа : politika/nalivaychenko-nazval-voennym-vtorzheniem-peresechenie-granicy-kamaza- mi-s-gumanitarnym-gruzom-105291.html. СБУ насчитала на Донбассе 7,5 тысяч российских военных [Электронный ресурс] // Корреспондент.net. – 2014. – 26 нояб. – Режим доступа : ukraine/3448649-sbu-naschytala-na-donbasse-75-tysiach-rossyiskykh-voennykh. СБУ порушила справу щодо «виборів» в «ДНР» і «ЛНР» [Електронний ресурс] // Дзеркало тижня. – 2014. – 2 лист. – Режим доступу : rushila-spravu-schodo-viboriv-v-dnr-i-lnr-155538_.html. СБУ розкрила дані про теракти в Україні з початку агресії Росії: ексклюзивний документ [Електронний ресурс] // Апостроф. – 2017. – 13 лип. – Режим доступу : yie-o-teraktah-v-ukraine-s-nachala-agressii-rossii-eksklyuzivnyiy-dokument/101361. СБУ: є сотні свідчень про катування українців на території «ДНР-ЛНР» [Електронний ресурс] // ВВС Україна. – 2018. – 25 черв. – Режим доступу : https:// Світанок Н. За добу боїв за Донецький аеропорт загинули 400 росіян [Електронний ресурс] / Наталія Світанок // Преса України. – 2014. – 11 жовт. – Режим доступу : 318 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

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Трамп не визнав анексію Криму на зустрічі з Путіним [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 16 лип. – Режим доступу : https://www.eurointegration. Три роки тому під Слов’янськом бойовики збили український МІ-8. Загинули дванадцятеро людей. Серед них генерал-майор Сергій Кульчицький [Електронний ресурс] // Громадське радіо. – 2017. – 29 трав. – Режим доступу : boyovyky-zbyly-ukrayinskyy-mi-8. Тріппе К. Три роки з дня трагедії в Одесі: досі в очікуванні результатів розслідування [Електронний ресурс] / Крістіан Ф. Тріппе // Deutsche Welle. – 2017. – 2 трав. – Режим доступу :три-роки-з-дня-трагедії-в- одесі-досі-в-очікуванні-результатів-розслідування/a-38612346. Турченко Ф. Проект «Новоросія» і новітня російсько-українська війна [Текст] / Ф. Турченко, Г. Турченко ; НАН України. Інститут історії України. – К. : Інститут історії України, 2015. – 166 с. Турчинов: Путін грозиться озброювати світовий тероризм [Електрон­ ний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 5 вер. – Режим доступу : http:// Турчинов: Російська армія може піти у наступ [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2015. – 15 січ. – Режим доступу : ua/news/2015/01/15/7055116/. Турчинов: Росія націлила на Україну ракетні комплекси та кілька армій [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2018. – 7 черв. – Режим доступу : Турчинов: у 2017 році ЗСУ на Донбасі просунулися на понад 10 кілометрів [Електронний ресурс] // Радіо Свобода. – 2018. – 12 лют. – Режим доступу : Туск: Трамп не приховує, що бажання зрозуміти РФ у нього сильніше за захоплення Україною [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 14 лип. – Режим доступу : news/2018/07/14/7084411/. У бойовиків після обміну лишається більше сотні заручників – СБУ [Електронний ресурс] // Українська правда. – 2017. – 27 груд. – Режим доступу : У боях на Донбасі загинули близько 8 тисяч бойовиків [Електронний ресурс] // ТСН. – 2014. – 3 груд. – Режим доступу : basi-zaginuli-blizko-8-tisyach-boyovikiv-395347.html. У Британії вивчають нові дані про зв’язки найбільшого спонсора Brexit з РФ [Електронний ресурс] // Європейська правда. – 2018. – 2 лип. – Режим доступу : У Генштабі назвали нинішню кількість військовослужбовців РФ на Донбасі [Електронний ресурс] // Ракурс: громадсько-правовий портал. – 2017. – 9 вер. – Режим доступу : nu-kilkist-viyskovoslujbovciv-rf-na-donbasi. 322 Mykola LAZAROVYCH

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Introduction...... 5

Revolution of Dignity as a geopolitical threat to the Russian Federation...... 10 Invasive annexation of Crimea by Russia...... 22 Escalation of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine...... 27 Hybrid Russian war against Ukraine...... 32 A revival of the Ukrainian army, its first defeats, and victories...... 39 Massive invasion of Russia’s regular troops into Ukraine...... 45 Battle of Ilovaisk...... 57 Minsk Tripartite Agreement, 2014...... 65 Fights on Debaltseve Springboard...... 67 Negotiations of the “Normandy Format” in Minsk in 2015 and their implications...... 72 Political and Economic Sanctions of the International Community Regarding Russia...... 80 The Population of the Russian Federation in the Context of the Russian Aggression in Ukraine...... 84 Preliminary Consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian War...... 96

Conclusions...... 114

Timeline of the Russian-Ukrainian War...... 119 Appendices Interviews...... 163




Commander and professor mykola lazarovych: «UKRAINIANS, DON’T BE SHORT OF POSITIVE EMOTIONS FOR YOUR TROOPS!»...... 177

PUTIN REMINDS ME OF A GUEST AT THE WEDDING: joke from professor lazarovych...... 185



Mykola Lazarovych:т«TODAY I AM MORE SOLDIER THAN PROFESSOR»...... 194


Historian Mykola Lazarovych: «I JUST COULDN’T LET DOWN THE HEROES OF MY BOOKS…»...... 206



Mykola Lazarovych: «LOVE TO THE MOTHERLAND IS A CATEGORY NOT LIMITED TO TIME»: historian on the past and current wars ...... 235


Notes...... 274

List of publications, illustrated material of which were used ...... 280

List of References...... 282 Наукове видання

Лазарович Микола Васильович «ДУШУ Й ТІЛО МИ ПОЛОЖИМ ЗА НАШУ СВОБОДУ»: Україна в боротьбі проти збройної аґресії Російської Федерації (2014–2018 роки)

Переклад англійською: Т. П. Врацуба

Редактор: П.В. Власко

Верстка і оформлення: К. М. Салата

Коректор: О.В. Тимчишин

Формат 60х90/16. Папір офсетний. Гарнітура Arsenal. Ум. друк. арк. 20,75. Обл.-вид. арк. 20,25 Наклад 1000 прим. Зам. № 64.

Видавець і виготівник: ПП «Формат» 16703, Чернігівська обл., м. Ічня, вул. Івана Стороженка, 2 тел. (04633) 2-17-96

Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реєстру Суб’єктів видавничої справи ДК № 2689 від 16.11.06.