Outer Ring Road, Bellandur, Bengaluru – 560103


EEE75. Project - Phase II

Report on


Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the Final Year Project - Phase II

Submitted by






Outer Ring Road, Bellandur, Bengaluru - 560103



Certified that the Project work entitled “AUTOMATED SOLAR METRO” carried out by GOPINATH C (1NH16EE717), VIKRAM HEGDE (1NH16EE758), ANOOP L (1NH16EE707), SUMAN R (1NH16EE747), bonafide Student(s) of New Horizon College of Engineering submitted report in the partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering of Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum during the Year 2019-20.

It is certified that all the corrections / suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the department library. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of project work prescribed for said Degree.

Name & Signature of Name & Signature of Signature of Principal the Project Guide Head of the Department



Internal Examiner External Examiner


We GOPINATH C, VIKRAM HEGDE, ANOOP L, SUMAN R student(s) of New Horizon College of Engineering hereby declare that, this project work entitled “AUTOMATED SOLAR METRO ” is an original and bonafide work carried out by us in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics

Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

I also declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the work reported here in does not form part of any other thesis or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion by any student.




I take this opportunity to convey our gratitude to all those who have been kind enough to offer their advice and provide assistance when needed which has let to the successful completion of the project.

I would like to express our immense gratitude to our Principal, Dr. MANJUNATHA and Dr. S. RAMKUMAR, Head of the department for their constant support and motivation that has encouraged me to come up with this project and also for providing the right ambience for carrying out the work and the facilities provided to me.

We express our thanks to the project guide Prof. S.INBASAKARAN, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering for his/her skilful guidance, constant supervision, timely suggestion and constructive criticism in successful completion of my project in time.

We wish to thank all the faculty and para-teaching staff of Electrical and Electronics

Engineering Department for providing me all support whenever needed.

We would like to thank our parents for supporting and helping in the completion of the project.

Last but not the least we would like to thank all my friends without whose support and co-operation the completion of project would not have been possible.





1. INTRODUCTION...... (4-5)

2. LITERATURE SURVEY...... (6-10)

2.1 Solar powered vehicles 2.2 The World’s First Solar Train 2.3 History of photovoltaic cell

3. METHODOLOGY...... (11-32) 3.1 Block diagram 3.2 Hardware description

4. ADVANTAGES AND APPLICATIONS...... (33-34) 4.1 Disadvantages 4.2 Expected Output

5. FUTURE SCOPE ...... (35-37)

6. CONCLUSION ...... (38)

7. REFERENCES ...... (39)

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LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 2 Fig 2.1 - Top view of Solar train………………………………………………. 8 CHAPTER 3 Fig 3.1 - Block diagram……………………………..…………………….. 13 Fig 3.2 - Bendable Solar Panel…………………………………………. 18 Fig 3.3 -Solar Panel…………………………………………………………. 18 Fig 3.4 - Arduino Uno……………………………………………………… 23 Fig 3.5 - Dc Motor…………………………………………………………… 26 Fig 3.6 – Wheel………………………………………………………………. 26 Fig 3.7 – Battery…………………………………………………………….. 26 Fig 3.8 – Chassis…………………………………………………………….. 26 Fig 3.9 – Track……………………………………………………………….. 31 Fig 3.10 - Chassis with wheel…………………………………………. 31 Fig 3.11 - Train with solar panel…………………………………….. 32 Fig 3.12 – Train with solar panel running on the track…….. 32 CHAPTER 5 Fig 5.1 - Future scope …………………………………………………… 35 Fig 5.2 - Hyper Loop Technology…………………………………….. 37 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1 Table 1.1 - Composition Of Power Generation…………………. 5 CHAPTER 3 Table 3.1 – Arduino specification……………………………….…… 2

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The sustainable power source is crucial for the present world as in not so distant future the non inexhaustible sources that we are utilizing will get depleted. These days, we are encountering a power shortage we are encountering a Lead in lack as well. So the battery producing cost and coming about end client costs are high as can be additionally lack of batteries in the market. We are additionally encountering a climb in fuel costs extensively, will undoubtedly go on as time pass by as soon we will be lack of fuel as well.

In any case, we are at any rate taking its thought and with this we are attempting to place a novel idea in the market. The sunlight based train is a stage in sparing these non sustainable wellsprings of vitality. In India where climate is generally radiant and daylight is accessible entire year, it’s an excellent plan to utilize sun based vitality with the end goal of transportation.

We propose a power supply framework appropriate for open transportation. In this framework sun based cells are introduced on the housetop of the trains. We Provide sunlight based boards on the top of the mentor to legitimately charge the capacity battery mounted under threw at each mentor. There are numerous questions about feasibility and materialness of such arrangements Nowhere in any of the railroads world over, self-producing mentors are in administration, in this manner, there is no plausibility of preparing the made innovation from abroad and must be attempted and created in India as it were. The created nations are as of now testing utilization of sun powered power for street vehicle and airplane, which gives certainty for its feasibility. Bendable sunlight based boards which can be stuck on the mentor rooftop without influencing most extreme moving measurement will fill the need.

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Vitality is one of the most indispensable requirements for human endurance on earth. We are reliant on one type of vitality or the other for satisfying our needs. One such type of vitality is the vitality from petroleum derivatives. We use vitality from these hotspots for creating power, running cars and so on. In any case, the fundamental drawbacks of these non- renewable energy sources are that they are not ecological inviting and they are expendable. A few introductory plan might be consider a typical spot to begin is with the state of the train since it will direct the structure of numerous other framework starting planning idea are additionally created for undercarriage plan mechanical framework structure, electrical framework configuration, driving train structure and sun powered cluster plan that show guarantee are explored further so configuration can be think about through exchange of concentrates the idea must be disposed of until a last structure can be an insatiability upon there are numerous variables to consider to each plan, for instance:

• Weight

• Efficiency

• Speed

Information about sun powered cluster likewise significant on the grounds that the exhibit is comprised of numerous photovoltaic sun based cell that convert sun vitality into power the cell types and the elements of the cluster relies upon the vehicle size and class. Progressively over information about drive train in sunlight based controlled vehicle is altogether different from that a traditional vehicle. Toss this venture the drive trains comprise of electric engine and the methods by which the engine control is transmitted to the vehicle to move. This venture is to structure a sun oriented fueled train with objective as pursues: a) To configuration utilize photovoltaic wellspring of intensity. b) To create and gather a working model.

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The challenges of this project are as follows

a) Section of solar b) Section of battery c) Section of chassis, selection of motor etc.

Is a vehicle that runs on electricity really environmentally friendly? Table I shows composition of electricity generation of India. In India, fossil fuel power generation accounts for over 70% of all electric power. This means that more fossil fuels are consumed, when electric vehicles spread.The electricity sector in India had an installed capacity of 261.006 GW as of end February 2015 and generated around 961.777 Billion unit for the period April 2014 February 2015. India became the world’s third largest producer of electricity in the8 year 2013 with 4.8% global share in electricity generation surpassing Japan and Russia. Renewable Power plants constituted 27.80% of total installed capacity and Non Renewable Power Plants constituted the remaining 72.20%. India generated around 967 TWh of electricity (excluding electricity generated from renewable and captive power plants) during the 2013-14 fiscal.

Composition Of Power Generation In India

COAL 59%





OIL 1%

Table 1.1 Composition Of Power Generation

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2.1 Solar powered vehicles

The principal sun based fueled vehicles development was a minor 15-inch vehicle made by William G. Cobb of General Motors. Called the Sun portable, Cobb displayed the main sunlight based fueled vehicle at the Chicago Powerama show on August 31, 1955. The sunlight based fueled vehicle was made up 12 selenium photovoltaic cells and a little Pulley electric engine turning a pulley which thusly pivoted the back wheel shaft. The main sun based fueled vehicle in history was clearly too little to even consider driving.

Presently we should bounce to 1962 when the primary sunlight based fueled vehicle that an individual could drive was exhibited to people in general. Around 10,640 individual sun powered cells were mounted to the housetop of the Baker to help drive it.

In 1977, Album University educator Ed Passerine constructed the Bluebird sun based controlled vehicle, which was a model full scale vehicle. The Bluebird should move from control made by the photovoltaic cells just without the utilization of a battery. The Bluebird was shown in the Knoxville, TN 1982 World's Fair.

Somewhere in the range of 1977 and 1980 (the careful dates are not known without a doubt), at Tokyo Denki University, Professor Masaharu Fujita first made a sunlight based bike, and afterward a 4 wheel sun oriented fueled vehicle. The vehicle was really two sun powered bikes set up together. In 1979 Englishman Alain Freeman imagined a sunlight based controlled vehicle (pictures right). His street enlisted a similar vehicle in 1980. The Freeman sun oriented controlled vehicle was a 3 wheeler with a sun based board on the rooftop.

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At the designing division at Tel Aviv University in Israel, Arye Braunstein and his associates made a sun powered controlled vehicle in 1980 (presented underneath). The sunlight based controlled vehicle had a sun based board on the hood and on the top of the City vehicle contained 432 cells making 400 watts of pinnacle control. The sun oriented fueled vehicle utilized 8 batteries of 6 volts each to store the photovoltaic vitality. The 1.320 pound sunlight based City Car is said by the designing division to have been ready to reach up to 40 mph with a most extreme scope of 50 miles. In 1981 Hans Tholstrup and Larry Perkins assembled a sun oriented fueled racecar. In 1982, the pair turned into the first to cross a mainland in a sun based fueled vehicle, from Perth to Sydney, Australia. Tholstrup is the maker of the World Solar Challenge in Australia. The GM Sunraycer in 1987 finished a 1.866 mile trip with a normal speed of 42 mph. Since this time there have been numerous sun powered controlled vehicles developed at colleges for rivalries, for example, the Shell Eco Marathon.

Sun based trains are frequently fitted with checks as observed in traditional vehicles. So as to keep the vehicle running easily, the driver must watch out for these checks to spot potential issues. Autos without checks quite often include remote telemetry, which enables the driver's group to screen the vehicle's vitality utilization, sun oriented vitality catch and different parameters and free the driver to focus on driving. Sun based trains rely upon PV cell to change over daylight into power. Truth be told, 51% of daylight really enters the Earth's climate. PV cells are made of semiconductor materials, for example, and composites of indium, gallium and nitrogen. Silicon is the most well-known material utilized and has a proficiency pace of 15-20%. Recently a few counseling organizations, for example, Phoenix Snider Power, have begun offering specialized and budgetary administrations to foundations and groups creating sun based controlled vehicles around the world. During the 1990s, guidelines requiring a way to deal with "zero emanations" from vehicles expanded enthusiasm for new battery innovation. Battery frameworks that offer higher vitality thickness turned into the subject of joint research by government and car industry researchers. Sun based fueled vehicles were first worked by colleges and producers. Improvement proceeds on sun oriented cell structure and vehicle control supply necessities, for example, radiator or cooling fans.

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2.2 The World’s First Solar Train

In December 2017. The Byron Bay Solar Train, made its first 6 km round trip, between the town of Byron Bay and North Beach, making it the world's first solar powered train.

The Byron Bay Railroad Company, searched the country and found a dilapidated vintage train, called a 'red rattler', and spent $4 million dollars to restore it and get it up and running, including another $1.8 million dollars on restoring the 3km disused rail line, Plus a further $1 million dollars was spent on the train shed and two platforms at each end. On its roof, the train boasts 6 kW of custom-made flexible solar panels, and are backed up by 77 kWh of battery storage, which has taken the place of one of the train's two original diesel engines. The train only uses about 4 kwh for each one way trip, and has been able to make 16 trips and only use 25% of its on board battery power, without any top up charging. The train can also recharge while stopped at each station, which are also equipped with solar panels on the roofs.

Fig 2.1 Top view of Solar train

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2.3 History of Photovoltaic Cell

Photovoltaic framework changes over daylight into power. The expression "photograph" is a come from the Greek "photographs," which signifies "light." "Volt" is named for Alessandro Volta 17451827 a pioneer in the investigation of power. "Photograph voltaic," at that point, could truly signify "light-power." Most normally known as "Sun oriented cells." PV frameworks are now a significant piece of our lives. The least complex frameworks control a considerable lot of the little number crunchers and wrist watches we utilize each day. Increasingly muddled frameworks give power to siphoning water, driving Communications gear, and in any event, lighting our homes and running our apparatuses. In an amazing number of cases, PV control is the least expensive type of power playing out these undertakings. Photovoltaic cells changes over light vitality into power into nuclear level. Albeit first found in 1839, the way toward delivering electric flow in a strong material with the guide of daylight wasn't really comprehended for in excess of a hundred years. During that time half of the twentieth century, the science has been refined and the procedure has been all the more completely clarified. Subsequently, the expense of these gadgets has placed them into the standard of current vitality makers. French physicist Edmond Becquerel initially depicted the photovoltaic (PV) impact in 1839, yet it stayed an anomaly of science for the following seventy five percent of a century. At just 19. Becquerel found that specific materials would deliver modest quantities of electric flow when presented to light. Accordingly, selenium was immediately embraced in the developing field of photography for use in light estimating gadgets. Significant strides towards commercializing PV were taken during the 1940s and mid 1950s when the Czochralski procedure was created for delivering exceptionally unadulterated crystalline silicon. In 1954, researchers at Bell Laboratories relied upon the Czochralski procedure to build up the principal crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell, which had a productivity of 4%. The expression "photovoltaic" originates from the Greek signifying "light", and "voltaic", which means electric, from the name of the Italian physicist Volta, after whom a unit of

9 | P a g e electro-thought process power, the volt, is named. The expression "photovoltaic" has been being used in English since 1849. The photovoltaic impact was first perceived in 1839 by French physicist A.E Becquerel. In any case, it was not until 1883 that the principal photovoltaic cell was worked by Charles Fritts, who covered the semiconductor selenium with an incredibly slender layer of gold to frame the intersections. The gadget was distinctly around 1% effective. In 1888 Russian physicist Aleksandr Stoletov assembled the main photoelectric cell (in view of the external photoelectric impact found by Heinrich Hertz before in 1887). Albert Einstein clarified the photoelectric impact in 1905 for which he got the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Russell Ohl protected the cutting edge intersection semiconductor sun based cell in 1946, which was found while taking a shot at the arrangement of advances that would prompt the . The advanced photovoltaic cell was created in 1954 at Bell Laboratories. The profoundly productive sun oriented cell was first created by , Calvin Souther Fuller and Gerald Pearson in 1954 utilizing a diffused silicon p-n intersection. From the start, cells were created for toys and other minor uses, as the expense of the power they delivered was high in relative terms, a phone that created 1 watt of electrical power in splendid daylight cost about $250, contrasting with $2 to 3 for a coal plant Solar cells were protected from lack of clarity by the proposal to add them to the Vanguard I satellite. In the first plans, the satellite would be controlled uniquely by battery also, last a brief span while this ran down. Upgrades were delayed throughout the following two decades, and the main boundless use was in space applications where their capacity to-weight proportion was higher than any contending innovation. Notwithstanding, this achievement was likewise the purpose behind moderate advancement space clients were happy to pay anything for the most ideal cells, there was no motivation to put resources into lower-cost arrangements if this would lessen effectiveness. Rather, the cost of cells was resolved to a great extent by the semiconductor business; their transition to incorporated circuits during the 1960s prompted the accessibility of enormous bubbles at lower relative costs. As their value fell, the cost of the subsequent cells did too. Anyway these impacts were restricted, and by 1971 cell costs were evaluated to be $100 a watt.

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The basic principle of solar train is to use energy that is stored in a battery during and after charging it from a solar panel during sunlight. The charged batteries are used to drive the motor which serves here as an engine and moves the train in forward direction. The power produce by the solar array varies depending on the whether the sun position in the sky and solar array itself. The PV cell is producing electricity the flow of electrons. The produced current goes in the controller and controller regulates the current and charging battery. If a load such as a D. C. Motor load is placed along the battery and switch, the electricity will do work as it flows and then motor start rotating. For 4.5 kW a current on/off 6 poles switch is placed between the motor and solar panel for rotating the motor clockwise. converts solar energy to electrical energy. Railways proposes to harness solar energy by utilizing roof-top space of railway stations, other railway buildings and land including through the PPP mode as per the feasibility, the modalities of which are being worked out. Railways has plan to generate 1000 MW solar power in the next five years.

3.1 Block diagram

In a general circuit connection showed in a square chart which explains you the connection in between the components. As shown in the figure solar cells comes as the first component where it converts the Sun's solar rays into electricity and that panel is directly connected to the battery which is kept in the train. Electricity flows from panel to the battery and battery get's fully charged. Battery and solar panels are connected to electric circuit to maintain the charge balance. An in-built circuit is kept in the train where the train automatically starts and stops at the station and Waits in the station for people to get in. So this is how the block diagram is giving us the general connection method of the project. It includes all the parts of train like wheels, battery and railway tracks which gives us the general information about which and all components are used in the project.

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Fig 3.1 Block diagram

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3.2 Hardware description

Specification of Solar Vehicle Block diagram of solar vehicle is shown in fig 1 & components of the vehicle are as follows :

• Solar Panel

• DC Motor

• Battery

• Wheel

• Railway Track

• Chassis

• Electronic Circuit

• Battery Indicator

• Anti-collision Sensor

• Arduino Uno

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Solar Panel

What Is Solar Panel?

Fundamentals sun powered boards are gatherings of silicon cells used to change over light vitality into power. Sun oriented boards are meager silicon cells that are gathered into a basic edge with some wire works. The board tackle sunlight and procedure for human use by retaining electrons from the sun's beams. These electrons help to separate vitality from the silicon, which is precarious because of a substance mix of and phosphorus consolidated in every cell. At the point when the silicon warms up from it responds with the other compound added substances and gets precarious. At that point the electrons in the sun are consumed by the silicon and the temperamental silicon components are constrained through the wires set up in the board this becomes D.C.energy.

Function of Solar Cells

Not just sun is the wellspring of warmth and light it is additionally wellspring of power to! Sun based cells additionally called photovoltaic cells are utilized to change over daylight to power. Sunlight based cells are utilized to give power a wide range of gear. from number cruncher and crawls to roadside crisis telephones and recreational vehicles. Sun oriented cell is most normally produced using silica, a similar material used to make PC chips\ Silicon is one of the Earth's most basic components, and is a significant part of sand and numerous sorts of rocks. At the point when daylight falls on to the sun powered cell, it delivers a little electric charge. Like a battery, the charge is certain on one side of the cell, and negative on the other. A wire interfaces the different sides of the cell, enabling power to stream. Sunlight based cells are regularly utilized in areas where there isn't any power and where power is required in modest quantities. In such cases, sunlight based cells are generally associated with batteries, enabling power to be put away for use during times when the sun isn't sparkling. Likewise with batteries, the more cells that are associated with each other, the more noteworthy the flow of power that can be delivered, Solar boards can create enough power to control

14 | P a g e satellites, recreational vehicles, and gear for different applications where power is utilized in enormous sums.

Material of Photovoltaic Cell

Noticeable light can be legitimately changed over to power by a space-age innovation called a photovoltaic cell, additionally called a sun oriented cell. Sun based cells are normally made by cutting an enormous gem of silicon into slim wafers and putting two separate wafers with various electrical properties together, alongside wires to empower electrons to go between layers. At the point when daylight strikes the sunlight based cell, electrons normally venture out from one layer to the next through the wire due to the various properties of the two silicon wafers. A solitary cell can create without a doubt, modest measures of power scarcely enough to illuminate a little light or power an adding machine. Regardless, single photovoltaic cells are utilized in numerous little electronic machines, for example, watches and mini- computers.

Photovoltaic Cell

To catch and change over more vitality from the sun, photovoltaic cells are connected to shape photovoltaic clusters. A cluster is basically countless single cells associated by wires. Connected together in a cluster, sun oriented cells can deliver enough power to do some genuine work. Numerous structures produce the majority of their electrical needs from sun oriented photovoltaic exhibits.

Photovoltaic exhibits are turning into a natural sight along roadsides, on ranches, and in the city, at whatever point versatile power is required. They are ordinarily used to give capacity to compact development signs, crisis phones, and remote mechanical offices. They are additionally getting mainstream as a method for providing power for remote power applications, for example, homes and lodges that are found away from electrical cables, for

15 | P a g e boats, recreational vehicles, media communications offices, oil and gas tasks, and some of the time whole towns in tropical nations, for instance.

Storing Electricity

Sun powered boards make power in a wide range of conditions, from shady skies to full daylight, in all periods of the year. Yet, they don’t work at all during the evening! To make power accessible after dusk, the vitality must be put away during the day for later use. The typical stockpiling gadget is a battery-powered battery. The batteries utilized with sunlight based exhibits must have the option to release and energize again commonly. They contain exceptional parts and synthetic compounds not found in dispensable batteries They are likewise typically bigger and more costly than their expendable cousins. Other than sun based board and battery-powered batteries, photovoltaic frameworks are normally furnished with some sort of electronic charge controller. The principle occupation of the charge controller is to sustain power from the sun powered board to the battery.

How Photovoltaic Cell Work

Photovoltaic cells are wonders of subatomic material science. They are built by layering extraordinary materials called semiconductors into slender, Nat sandwiches, called sun powered cells. These are connected by electrical wires and organized on a board of a hardened, non-leading material, for example, glass. The pencil itself is known as a module. Armed force of light comprises of a surge of photons-minor bundles of light vitality moving along at around 300,000 kilometers for each second. At the point when the se vitality parcels strike the top layer of a sunlight based board, the knock electrically charged particles summoned electrons from their "parent" molecules.

Energy Flow For A Solar train

The vitality from the sun strikes the earth all through the whole day. Notwithstanding, the measure of vitality changes because of the hour of day. climate conditions, and geographic

16 | P a g e area. The measure of accessible sun based vitality is known as the sun based disconnection and is most regularly estimated in watts per meter squared or W/m2, In India on a splendid radiant day in the early evening the sunlight based isolator will be generally around 1000 W/m2,yet in the mornings, nights, or when the skies are cloudy. The sun based disengagement will fall towards 0 W/m 2. It must see how the accessible confinement changes so as to catch as a great part of the accessible vitality as could be allowed. There is a general thought how vitality streams in a sun powered train. The daylight hits the cells of the sun oriented cluster, which creates an electric flow. The vitality (current) can make a trip to the batteries for capacity: go legitimately to the engine controller, or a blend of both. The vitality sent to the controller is utilized to control the engine that turns the haggle the vehicle moves. For the most part if the vehicle is moving, the changed over daylight is conveyed legitimately to the engine controller, however there are times when there is more vitality originating from the may than the engine controller needs. At the point when the sun oriented may can't deliver enough vitality to drive the engine at the ideal speed, the exhibit's vitality is enhanced with put away vitality from the batteries. There is additionally an approach to get back a portion of the vitality used to drive the vehicle. At the point when the vehicle is being backed off, rather than utilizing the typical mechanical brakes, the engine is transformed into a generator and vitality streams in reverse through the engine controller and into the batteries for capacity. This is known as regenerative braking.

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Fig 3.2 Bendable Solar Panel Fig 3.3 Solar Panel


A DC engine is type of electrical machines that changes electrical power into mechanical power. The most widely recognized sorts depend on the powers created by attractive fields. DC engines were the primary sort wide y utilized, since they could be fueled from existing direct current lighting power dissemination frameworks. A DC engine's speed can be controlled over a wide range, utilizing either a variable inventory voltage or by changing the quality of current in its field windings. Little DC motors are used in mechanical assemblies, toys, and machines The comprehensive motor can chip away at direct current yet is a lightweight motor used for adaptable power instruments and contraptions. Huge DC engines are utilized in impetus of electric vehicles, lift and raises, or in drives for steel moving plants. The approach of intensity gadgets has made supplanting of DC engines with AC engines conceivable in numerous applications.

Electromagnetic Motor

A curl of wire with a present going through the 6 creates an electromagnetic field lined up with the focal point of the loop The bearing and greatness of the attractive field delivered by the curl can be altered with the course and extent of the present moving through it. A Simple DC engine has a stationary arrangement of magnets in the stator and an armature with one additional windings of protected wire folded over a delicate iron center that thinks the attractive field. The windings as a rule have different pivots the center, and in enormous engines there can be a few parallel current ways. The parts of the bargains winding are associated with a commutator. The commutator allows each armature circle to be animated during this manner and interfaces the rotating twists with the external power supply through brushes (Brushless DC motors have devices that change the DC current to every twist on and off and haven't any brushes.) the entire of current sent to the circle, the twist's size and what it's collapsed over direct the character of the electromagnetic field made. The grouping of turning a specific curl on or off directs what course the compelling electromagnetic fields are pointed. By turning on and off loops in arrangement a pivoting attractive field can be made.

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A battery electric different unit, battery electric railcar or collector railcar is an electrically determined various unit or railcar whose vitality is gotten from battery-powered batteries that drive its footing engines. The fundamental preferred position of these vehicles is their perfect, calm activity They don't utilize non-renewable energy sources like coal or diesel fuel, transmit no fumes gases and don't require the railroad to have costly framework like electric ground rails or overhead catenary. On the drawback is the heaviness of the batteries, which raises the vehicle weight and their range before reviving of somewhere in the range of 300 and 600 kilometers. Battery electric units have a higher price tag and running expense than petroleum or diesel railcars and need a system of charging stations along the courses they work. Battery innovation has enormously improved in the course of recent years widening the extent of utilization of battery trains, moving ceaselessly from constrained specialty applications. In spite of higher buy and running expenses, on specific lines battery trains bode well as the extremely significant expense of full line jolt is dispensed with. From March 2014 a traveler battery train has been in activity in Japan. England is exploring different avenues regarding traveler battery trains utilizing lithium batteries.A sun oriented train utilize the battery pack to store vitality, which will be sometime in the not too distant future. The battery pack is comprised of a few individual modules wired together to produce the necessary framework voltage. The sorts of batteries utilized include:

 Lead-Acid

 Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH)

 Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad)

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 Lithium ion TRAIN WHEEL

A train wheel or rail wheel is a sort of wheel exceptionally intended for use on rail tracks. A moving part is regularly squeezed onto a pivot and mounted straightforwardly on a rail vehicle or train or by implication on a bogie, additionally called a truck. Wheels are thrown or manufactured (created) and are heat-treated to have a particular hardness. New wheels are trued, utilizing a machine, to a particular profile before being squeezed onto a pivot. All wheel profiles should be intermittently observed to guarantee appropriate wheel-rail interface. Inappropriately trued wheels increment moving opposition, lessen vitality productivity and may make perilous activity. A railroad wheel ordinarily comprises of two fundamental parts: the wheel itself, and the tire (or tire) around the outside. A rail tire Is normally produced using steel, and is commonly warmed and squeezed onto the wheel, where it remains immovably as it psychologists and cools. Monoblock wheels don't have circling tires, while versatile rail wheels have a strong material, for example, elastic, between the haggle.

Wheel Geometry & Flange

Most train wheels have a conical geometry, which is the primary means of keeping the train’s motion aligned with the track Train wheels have a flange on one side to keep the wheels, and hence the train, running on the rails, when the limits of the geometry based alignment are reached, e.g. due to some emergency or defect. Wheel Related terms are:

Driving wheel: A wheel in contact with the rail that also propels a locomotive

Bogie Flat: A wheel defect where the tread of a wheel has a flat spot and is no longer round: flats can be heard as regular clicking or banging noses w hen the wheel passes by. This is caused either by a locked bearing, or a brake that was not fully released before the car was moved, dragging the wheel without turning.

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Pony truck: A two-wheel truck (US) or bogie (UK) at the front of a locomotive Sand: granular material poured on the rail in front of the drive wheels to improve traction. (Sandte is a more specialized form for a similar purpose.

Slippery rail: The condition of fallen leaves or other debris lying on and clinging to a railroad track that could cause train wheel slippage, resulting in premature wheel wear and train delays.

Torpedo (US) : A small explosive device strapped to the top of the rail to alert an approaching train of danger ahead. A torpedo creates a bud noise upon contact with a locomotive wheel, sig engineer to reduce to 20 mph or less, the train cannot resume its original speed until it has travelled at least a mile beyond where it encountered the device.Traditionally used in pairs to ensure that the sound registered with train crews, torpedoes today are essentially obsolete as modem locomotive cabs’ soundproof construction renders the devices useless.

Wheel Climb: The process of a wheel climbing up and often off the inside or gauge side of the rail. It is a major source of derailment. Wheel climb is more likely to occur in curves with wheels whose fingers are worn or have improper angles See Rail adhesion.

Wheel Flange: The inner section of a wheel that rides between the two rails. The angle between the wheel tread and flange is often specific to the rail to prevent wheel climb and possible derailment. See Rail adhesion. The wheel flange is part of the wheel tire.

Wheel Tapper: An historical railway occupation people employed to tap train wheel with hammers and listen to the sound made to determine the integrity of the wheel: cracked wheels, like cracked bells, do not sound the same as their intact counterparts. The job was associated with the steam age, but they still operate in some eastern European countries. Modern planned maintenance procedures have mostly obviated the need for the wheel- tapper.

Wheel Tread: The slightly conical section (often with a 1 in 20 slope of a railroad wheel that is the primary contact point with the rail.

Wheel Set: the wheel-axle assembly of a rail vehicle. The frame assembly beneath each end of a car, railcar or locomotive that hooks the wheel sets is called the bogie (or truck).

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Arduino is an open-source gadgets prototyping stage dependent on adaptable, simple to utilize equipment and programming. It's planned for specialists, creators, specialists, and any one keen on making intelligent items or situations. Arduino can detect the earth by getting contribution from an assortment of sensors and can influence its surroundings by controlling lights, engines, and different actuators. The microcontroller on the board is modified utilizing the Arduino programming language and the Arduino advancement condition. Arduino undertakings can be remain solitary or they can speak with programming running on a PC (for example Streak, Processing,).The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board dependent on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has14 advanced. information/yield pins (of which 6 can be utilized as PWM yields), 6 simple data sources, a16 MHz precious stone oscillator, a USB association, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset catch. It contains everything expected to help the microcontroller; essentially interface it to a PC with a USB connection or power it with an ACto-DC connector.

Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board dependent on the ATmega328P. It has 14 computerized info/yield pins (of which 6 can be utilized as PWM yields), 6 simple data sources a 16 MHz quartz precious stone, a USB association, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset catch. It contains everything expected to help the microcontroller; just associate it to a PC with a USB link or power it with an AC-to-DC connector or battery to begin. You can tinker with your UNO without agonizing a lot over accomplishing something incorrectly, most direct outcome imaginable you can trade the chip for a couple of dollars and begin once again once more. “Uno” signifies one in Italian and was picked to check the arrival of Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and form 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference adaptations of Arduino, presently developed to more up to date discharges. The Uno board is the first in a progression of USB Arduino sheets, and the reference model for the Arduino stage; for a broad rundown of current, past or obsolete sheets see the Arduino record of sheets.

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Table 3.1 Arduino specification

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The track on a rail route or railroad, aso known as the perpetual way, is the structure comprising of the rails. clasp, railroad ties (sleepers, British English) furthermore, counterbalance (or section track), in addition to the hidden sub grade. It empowers trains to move by giving a trustworthy surface to their wheel to roll. For lucidity it is frequently alluded to as rail line track (British English and UIC phrasing) or railroad track (transcendently in the ). Tracks where electric train or electric cable cars run are furnished with a zap, for example, an overhead electrical cable or an extra charged rail.

Types of Structure of railway tracks:

 Traditional track structure

 Ballast less track

 Ladder track

 Continuous longitudinally support track


The counter impact gadget is a self acting chip based information specialized gadget. At the point when introduced on train alongside an auto braking unit (ABU), I avert fast crash in midriff station region and at level intersection doors. The ACD is utilized both radiofrequency and GPS through satellite. The train is consequently brought to stop if the track ahead isn't clear. The train begins breaking 3 kms in front of nitwit.

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A vehicle outline, otherwise called its frame, is the principle supporting structure of an engine vehicle to which every single other segment are joined, tantamount to the skeleton of a life form. Until the 1930s, for all intents and purposes each (engine) vehicle had a basic casing, separate from the vehicle's body. This development configuration is known as body- on- outline. From that point forward, about all traveler vehicles have gotten unibody development, which means their frame and body works have been incorporated into each other. Functions

• To support the vehicle's mechanical components and body

• To deal with static and drum pads, without undue deduction or distortion

These include:

1. Weight of the body, passengers, and cargo loads.

2. Vertical and torsional twisting transmitted by going over uneven surfaces.

3. Transverse lateral forces caused by road conditions, side wind and steering the vehicle.

4. Torque from the engine and transmission

5. Longitudinal tensile forces from starting and acceleration as well as compression from braking Sudden impact from collisions.

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Fig 3.5 DC MOTOR Fig 3.6 WHEEL


Power Supply System of Indian Railway Coaches

Indian Railways have 46,038 various types of coaches (excluding EMU and MEMU coaches) and around 3000 of new coaches are being added annually to the system. There are two classes of the coaches called conventional and LHB being manufactured at ICF Perambur and RCF Kapurthala respectively.

There are three power supply systems as existing over Indian Railways to provide illumination fan, air-conditioning and other miscellaneous needs of electricity for travelling passengers.

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These are

(a) Self Generating (SG) –

2x25 kW alternators for AC coach and 1x4.5 kW for non-AC coach k munted under slung, driven by a pulley-belt management when driving pulley is mounted on couch axle. Output is rectified and charges 110V DC battery for continuous power supply to AC and non-AC coaches.

AC bad of roof mounted packaged units is supplied by converting DC into 2x25 kVA inverters. This system is followed over trains having a combination of AC and non-AC coaches.

(b) End-on-Generation (BOG) –

Two power cars each equipped with 2x 750 kVA DG sets one at each end of the train supplies 3 phase power at 750 V AC power to each electrically interconnected air conditioned coach The voltage is stepped down to 3 phase 400 V and supplied to standard voltage equipment on each coach. EOG system is followed for fully air conditioned train like Rajdhani Shatabdi Duronto, Garib Rath. Premium special trains. Import of LHB class of coaches from Germany is provided with the EOG system with a promise to provide SG system design for indigenous manufacturing SG technology given was a complete failure and IR is still struggling to develop designs for the hst 15 years.

(c) Head-on Generation (HOG) –

Power is supplied from the train locomotive at the head of the train. The single phase 25 kV transformer of the electric locomotive is provided with hotel bed winding which is converted to three phases AC at 750 V using 2x500 kVA inverter and supplied to the same system as that of EOG. In case of Diesel Locomotive, three phase alternator is mounted on the traction alternator and feeds the hotel load. This is the most efficient system as the cost of power is about 25% less as compared to EOG but the system is still under development for the last 30 years. The other class of trains namely Electrical Multiple Unit and Main Line Electrical Multiple Units employs the same system for coach lighting. The system is similar to what is followed in trainset composition of train having a power unit at head as well as on tail and power the entire load of the coach for comfort.

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Traction Energy Scenario

Indian Railways consumed 14.2 Billion-unit electrical energy and 2.6 Billion liters of diesel oil for electrical and diesel Traction respectively during 2013-14.

Responsibility for energy conservation in electrical energy lies with the electric department whereas for diesel od with the Mechanical Department of Indian Railways.

Traction Energy

Energy for Electric Traction is consumed to overcome train resistance, grade and curve resistance, provide acceleration, losses in the locomotive during conversion of electric energy into mechanical energy and delivering at the point of contact and optimal use of auxiliary power in the locomotive for cooling of different equipment. There exists scope for energy conversation.

Auxiliary Load

Transformer, traction motor and power converters use auxiliary power for cooling and is approximately 100kW wed in all conditions of full, half traction load and coasting This makes the efficiency of locomotive highly sensitive on loading pattern. There is ample scope in reducing auxiliary power energy consumption during half load and coasting. Energy consumption towards auxiliaries can be controlled by sensing no and half load condition by traction power or temperature of power equipment and switching on and off auxiliaries accordingly.

On tap changer locomotive, a modification can be done wherein cooling motors to stop on zero notch after a time delay of 1 minute and starts working as soon progressed to notch one. Considering average 20% of journey period either stopping or zero notch running, saving of approximately 100Crs is possible on available locomotives of Indian Railways.

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With advanced instrumentation technologies, it should be possible to measure the tractive effort required and accordingly selection of number of traction motor sufficient to work the train to save on m load losses.

Three phase locomotive provides energy saving measures of re generation during braking but the same is compensated due to continuous much higher auxiliary loud.

The auxiliary load review is necessary to take an advantageous position of three phase locomotive over conventional locomotive in terms of energy efficiency.

Energy Conservation during Maintenance

The locomotive is generally kept energized during testing thus consuming approximately 45 kW power. It takes around 4-5 hours for testing and repairs of which HT testing does not take much time. System of external air and locomotive battery supply to test the locomotive will help in reducing the pantograph raised time. The Maintenance in charge shall note the energy reading of a locomotive at the time of entering and leaving the shed and benchmark the minimum energy required per month for the purpose of testing.

How to Determine the Efficiency of Solar Panels

Solar panels are relatively simple to maintain, but dirt and improper placement can significantly decrease their power output. In order to ensure you achieve the maximum value from this product, you should regularly check the efficiency of your solar panels. There are four steps to determined the efficiency of solar panel these are

1. Measure the wea of your solar panels if you do it already know it.

2. Use a solar meter to measure the maximum solar radiation for the exact location of your solar panels in kilowatts per meter squared. Essentially, this measures how much power

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the sun is bringing to your location, i.e., maximum power your solar panels could theoretically provide.

3. Use the volt and amp meter to measure the volts and amps produced by your solar panel. Multiply volts and amps to calculate the power produced by your solar panels (P =V x A) in kilowatts. Divide the power by the area of your solar panels in meters squared.

4. Divide the power output of the solar panel (kW/m^2) by the solar input measured by the solar meter (kW/nr 2). Multiply this number by 100 to get a percent efficiency. Do not be discouraged if it is low-most solar panels achieve no more than a maximum of 20 percent efficiency.

Loss details that give the PR value (depend on the site, the technology, and sizing of the

• System

• Inverter losses

• Temperature losses

• DC cables losses

• AC cables losses

• Shading (Specific to each site)

• Losses weak radiation

• Losses due to dust & snow

• Other Losses

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Fig 3.9 Track

Fig 3.10 Chassis with wheel

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Fig 3.11 Train with solar panel

Fig 3.12 Train with solar panel running on the track

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• Solar vitality is inexhaustible and unreservedly accessible

• Fuel hotspot for Solar Panel is immediate and perpetual so no outer fills required.

• Unlimited life of Solar Modules, quick reaction and high dependability.

• Can work under high temperature and in open

• Inherently cut off and safe under any heap condition and contamination free.

• Minimum Maintenance

• Independent working without noise as there are no moving parts.

• No AC to DC change misfortunes as DC is delivered legitimately

• No transmission misfortunes as introduced in the region of the heap

• Suitable for remote, facilitated and uneven spots

• Since it is secluded structure, arrangement of future extension of limit is accessible.

• It can create powers from mili-watts to a few megawatts.

• It can be introduced and mounted effectively with least cost.

• Solar vitality doesn't cause contamination.

• It gives zero% carbon emanation.

• It is evaluated that the world's oil stores will keep going for 30 to 40 years.

• Sun powered vitality is limitless.

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4.1 Disadvantages

• Initial cost is high

• Solar vitality must be gotten to when it is daytime and radiant.

• Additional cost for capacity battery.

• Manufacturing is entangled procedure.

• To introduce sun oriented board enormous zone is required.

• Solar gatherers, boards and cells are moderately costly costs are falling quickly.


The expected outcome of our project is that the solar train which we have built will run through solar power which is being stored in the battery where the battery is being kept in the train it self. The solar panels which generates electric energy is passed to the battery which is kept in the train , battery will be charged when the battery get's below average power. The is programmed in such a way that train starts at a station and stops exactly at the next station and wait for few minutes and again starts its journey. The main aim of our project is to use on more of renewable energy and to reduce the usage of non renewable energy. A train which eco-friendly.

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Fig 5.1 Future scope

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and prime supporter of SpaceX, uncovered a practicality study for an all-new electric method of transportation called Hyperloop, which will cost less to work by speculators and cost less to use by travelers. Picture: Tesla.

Tesla CEO unveils hyperloop: the solar-powered high-speed train of the future

After much expectation, Tesla's Elon Musk uncovers plans for the hyperloop a quick practical and cost-effective train framework without rails yet bested with sun powered boards and moved by both electric engine and air pad elements.

An option in contrast to vehicles, vessels, planes and prepares, or the four ordinary methods for movement, the Hyperloop is a profoundly foreseen structure that comes a year after the electric vehicle organization pioneer reported his thought for a propelled kind of transport.

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Musk proposed an answer consolidating the benefits of air and train travel that could be superior to the affirmed rapid rail arrange in California.

The California High-Speed Rail venture, to be finished in 2029, is the primary such rail framework in the United States and it is expected to basically interface explorers between San Francisco and Los Angeles in under three hours. Be that as it may, in the Hyperloop report, Musk composed how he was very disillusioned" with the arranged mass travel.

The Hyperloop is his response to this issue. Structured by engineers from Tesla and SpaceX, the space transport firm he helped to establish, the front line transportation is an over the ground steel tube framework with aluminum cases or cases that zoom around conveying travelers at a speed of 760 miles for every hour, or over 1.220 kilometers every hour. This is quicker than a projectile train or the California High-Speed Rail venture that has an assessed pace of 200 miles for every hour.

Musk likewise thought about different factors between the Hyperloop and California venture, just as with other vehicle alternatives, in the specialized area of his plan paper. He noticed that while street travel might be cheap, it is moderate and not all that eco- accommodating. Air travel, then again, is costly however quick, despite the fact that not earth sound.

Rail is moreover costly, yet moderate. Be that as it may, it is the greener choice among the three. Hyperloop, he underscored, isn't a plus or minus of advantages. The plan tends to all necessities of speed, cost and supportability.

Increasingly electric engines will be situated at each train stop to retain the units' dynamic vitality, in actuality, backing it off. Beside this spotless innovation and the sustainable power sources, Musk additionally considered the versatility and the effect of the Hyperloop framework on the indigenous habitat.

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The structure of the cylinder framework utilizes an arrangement of arches. With this, he said. "You can drastically alleviate seismic tremor chance." also, he clarified, "A ground based fast rail framework is helpless to quakes and needs visit development joints to manage warm extension or compression and unobtrusive, huge scale land development.

Fig 5.2 Hyper Loop Technology

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The sun based trains are utilized at extremely low scale, at present. In spite of the fact that they have been around for around hardly any years just, the innovation is still in the formative stages. Thus they can't be utilized as a pragmatic methods for footing. So here is the end that the test lies in making it a practical methods for transport. Further research is required in such manner to improve sun based boards, increment effectiveness, and diminish weight, to improve unwavering quality and to lessen the expense. Research is being completed on numerous semiconductors and their composites to grow progressively effective sun based cells. Subsequently, this innovation will satisfy its potential also.

The vehicle use solar energy as source of power to drive the motor, and the motor power is transmitted to the wheels and the vehicle to move.

• Use of ACD enhance the modern advanced traffic safety.

• The solar trains are used at very low scale, at present.

Though they have been around for about few years only. the technology is still in the developmental stage. So here is the conclusion that the challenge lies in making it a viable means of transport. The solar trains are used at very low scale, at present. Though they have been around for about few years only, the technology s still in the developmental stages Hence they cannot be used as a practical means of traction So here is the conclusion that the challenge lies in making it a viable means of transport. Further research is needed in this regard to improve sore pune k, increase efficiency, and reduce weight, to improve reliability and to reduce the cost Research is being carried out on many semiconductors and the ir alloys to develop more efficient solar cells. Thus this technology will definitely live up to its potential sometime in the future.

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