Minutes from the October Parents’ Club Meeting

Mrs. Williamson opened the second Parents Club meeting by leading a recitation of the Hail Mary.

In her principal’s report, Mrs. Williamson told us that are 10 seniors (8% of the class) who have reached various levels of National Merit achievement. All students attended the school’s mock Presidential Debate on Oct. 20, which was organized by Mr. Fitzpatrick’s AP Government class.

On the spiritual front, Mrs. Williamson announced that the Pro-Life club has been rejuvenated. As part of the nationally celebrated Silent Solidarity Day, 15-20 students will wear a special armband and have pledged their silence tomorrow during school. The Youth Spectacular at Holiday Hill in Cheshire was another successful event. Participants heard various speakers and participated in outdoor Stations of the Cross and Mass celebrated by Archbishop Mansell. Next year’s event will be at the Rock Cats Stadium in New Britain.

Extracurricular activities are in full swing. The Fall One-Act Play was very well done, and was performed twice this year – a first. The fall play, Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Nile,” will be performed on Dec. 5, 6 & 7. The Student Council is sponsoring an extra blood drive this year for the American Red Cross on Nov. 12. Other clubs and activities include the Art Club, the newspaper, the yearbook, The Writer, etc.

Fall sports are winding down. Mrs. Williamson said she and the coaches have noticed a strong chemistry within each team this fall. Athletes are making an extra effort to work well together.

Mrs. Williamson also mentioned a benefit being held Nov. 16 in honor of Michael McNamara ‘04, who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. On Oct. 29, the Community of Concern will host Liz Jorgensen at Hall High at 7pm. Her topic: “Delay Your Gray: How to Keep Your Teenager Safe and Yourself Sane.” Another event, “Our Kids on the Internet,” sponsored by the town of West Hartford, will be held on 10/21 at 6pm in the town auditorium.

Mrs. Williamson urges those who use Comcast phone service to contact Katie Rose in her office regarding School Reach, the school’s new automated phone message service. There have been problems with Comcast users getting the messages, so the office needs another contact number.

Saturday Night Live tickets have been mailed to parents ($20/person in advance and $25 at the door). There are still many volunteer opportunities at this great evening of entertainment and fun. In addition to many of the traditional favorites, there are several new additions to the evening: the Bistro Café, the Jazz Club, Studio 29, and a comedic hypnotist. Please contact Gail Riley or Carol Ciotto if you can help.

The Hospitality Committee needs 5-6 volunteers to help at Open House on 11/13. Volunteers will sign in prospective families and hand out goody bags. Interested? Please contact Cindy Gworek. Cindy is also looking for volunteers for the Teacher Appreciation lunch in January.

Our guest speaker for the evening financial advisor Charles Wareham, speaking on “How to Pay for College.”

Mark Your Calendars – New and Exciting Topics for Parents’ Club Meetings!

• Next Parents’ Club meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009, 7pm: Deacon Arthur Miller, Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Black Catholic Ministries, will preview the presentation he’ll give to NWC students during Black History Month. He’ll also offer tips on parenting in the 21st century. You won’t want to miss this incredibly dynamic speaker! • March meeting: THURSDAY, Mar. 19, 7pm: “How to Help Your Teen Find a Career”

1 Volume XI – Number Three – January 2009 Michelle M. Murphy, Director of Communications

National Honor Society Inducts 70 New Members

In a beautiful candlelit ceremony on Dec. 18, which featured Athletic Director Joshua Reese ’95 as the guest speaker, 70 juniors and seniors became the newest members of the Aquinas Chapter of the National Honor Society. Congratulations to moderator Mrs. Patricia Juda and to all NHS members on this tremendous achievement!

Joel Adifon Katherine Krikawa Kerri Alexander Katherine Kuzoian Elizabeth Andruszkiewicz Nicole Lacouture Andrew Beaule Merideth Lathrop Mary Beckerman Brendan Lemp James Benanti Madeleine Livingston Nicholas Calitri Nathaniel Lombard Poirot Caileen Christina Kathleen Lynch Katherine Conlin Kelsey Marakovits Alexis Dahlem Joseph McAndrews Bridget Daly Emily McDonough Hilary Dees Meghan McGuire Connor Deneen Chelsea Mencio Michael Deneen, Jr. * Gladys Miranda * Ryan Dowd Chelsea Morelli Meghan Feeney John Murphy Colleen Fitzgerald Luke Pelton Mary Frailey Emily Peters Samuel Frasco Alex Picciano * Janae Frazier Grace Quinn Michael Freund William Reed Caroline Garger Lauren Rosano Kaitlyn Giblin * Na Rae Shin Faith Gilbert Devon Soucier Nicola Greco Justin Strid Morgan Green Kelsey Sumple Kathryn Hagen Ted Terrion Julian Harris Ryan Thompson Nia Harris Kristin Tomaiuolo John Healey * Margaret Tuite Daniel Huehner * Andrew Vicki James Italia Matthew Visintainer * Richard Jakiel Jr. Timothy Waltman * Ann Ragan Kearns Lauren Walz Eric Kennedy Sarah Wizner

* Denotes senior.


Attendance Reminder: Absent Students May Not Participate in After-School Activities

All students must be in school and attend class in order to be eligible to attend after-school activities. This applies to all practices, rehearsals, set building, meetings, awards presentations etc. Students must report to school by 11 am to be eligible to participate in after-school activities. If a student is too ill to be in school, then the student is too ill to participate in other activities. Please note: Special circumstances (such as funerals and college visits) are usually exempt from this rule, as long as the school is aware of the matter. This makes communication from parents or guardians regarding tardies and absences even more crucial. Please remember to call the school attendance mail box (236-4221, press 1) as soon as you can so we know where the students are.

Calendar Note: New Date for Final Schoolwide Dance The last schoolwide dance of the year will be held on Thursday, March 5, from 8-11pm. This is a new date; the dance was previously scheduled for March 12.

Tuition Assistance Reminder NWC students who receive need-based financial assistance must reapply for aid each year in order to have the funds renewed. The necessary form from the Private School Aid Service (PSAS) becomes available Jan. 2. Parents should complete the form (available at www.psas.org, on Edline, or in the school office) and submit it by Feb. 9, 2009. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Questions? Contact Nancy Bannon, Director of Admissions: 236-4221, x124 or [email protected].

Help Wanted: Volunteers for Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Cindy Gworek, chairman of the Parents’ Club Hospitality Committee, is looking for volunteers to assist with the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Jan. 28, 2009. She needs help with setting up, cleaning up, and donating desserts. Interested? Please contact Cindy at [email protected].

“Relay for Life” to Return to Northwest Catholic in June 2009 West Hartford’s “Relay for Life,” supporting the American Cancer Society, will be held again this year at Northwest Catholic. Beginning at 4pm on June 26 and ending at 10am on June 27, the Relay is sure to attract hundreds of people from many different fundraising teams who will walk our track to raise money for cancer research. Kaela Paternoster ’09 is coordinating the Northwest Catholic team; for more information, contact Kaela at [email protected]. Please become part of this great opportunity to display the legendary Northwest Catholic hospitality while supporting an excellent cause at the same time!

The 25th Annual Saturday Night Live a Huge Success!

The halls of Northwest Catholic were sparkling on Saturday, Nov. 22, for the 25th annual Saturday Night Live – and it seemed that the cash boxes were sparkling too! Although all the bills have not yet been tallied, indications are that this was another fantastic money-maker – particularly impressive in light of the struggling economy. Co-chairs Carol Ciotto and Gail Riley express many, many thanks to all the parents, alumni parents, alums, faculty, and staff who bought tickets, donated items, baked desserts, set up, served, or cleaned up at the big event. Mark your calendars: Next year’s Saturday Night Live will be held on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009.

3 Kudos to the cast and crew of the fall play:

Agatha Christie’s

Murder on the Nile

Mark your calendars now for the spring musical:

Godspell Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and John-Michael Tebelak

Apr. 3, 4 & 5 in the Rice Auditorium

It’s That Time Already: Course Selection for 2009-10

Course selection for current students for the 2009-10 school year begins on January 28, 2009. During assemblies, guidance counselors will explain the scheduling process, and the Program of Studies book and Student Course Request sheets will be distributed. Counselors are available for any questions. From January 28-30, students will have teachers recommend and approve their classes by signing their Course Request sheets. Students should take the Program of Studies book home and confer with their parents. Over the weekend of January 31 and February 1, 2009, students will bring the Course Request sheets home to be signed by their parents. Students must enter their course selections for 2009-10 through Edline from February 1-5. (The process will be explained in school and directions posted on Edline.) Sheets must be returned to homeroom teachers by February 5. Counselors and Academic Departments will review selections after the data have been entered. Note: All who are involved in the process -- students, teachers, and parents -- must sign the Student Course Request sheet.

January 28 Assemblies for explanation January 28–30 Teachers recommend classes / sign sheets January 31–Feb 1 Parents sign sheets February 2-5 Students complete selection through Edline February 5 Signed sheet due to homeroom teacher

It is important for all students to consider an entire academic year during the course selection process. For ninth graders, the transition to high school involves a larger environment, more complex concepts, and more homework. Students who are involved in extracurricular activities also have a greater time commitment than they did in middle school.

For current students, the transition from grade to grade also involves an increased work load and more difficult concepts. Again it is important to consider an entire academic and extracurricular year. Higher level classes, honors courses, Advanced Placement work, and leadership roles in the arts and athletics all require more time and effort.

It is important to carefully consider the courses before committing to a schedule for the year. Students may not drop or change a course unless an exceptional situation exists. This status will be determined by the Academic Dean, after consultation with the student’s guidance counselor and teacher. A written note from a parent is also required.

A student who withdraws from a class after 10 class days into a course (year long or semester) will receive the grade of “W.” If a student withdraws from a course after completing more than half the course, the student will receive a final grade of “F.” Both Fs and Ws result in no credit given.

4 Use the information in The Program of Studies to plan carefully, listen to the advice of teachers and counselors, and select an academic program that will allow you to grow intellectually and achieve your academic goals.

First-Semester Examinations Begin January 20

Tuesday, Jan. 20 8:15 -9:45 A Period Subject 10:00 -11:40* B Period Subject

Wednesday, Jan. 21 8:15 -9:45 C Period Subject 10:00-11:40* D Period Subject

Thursday, Jan. 22 8:15 -9:45 E or F Period Subject 10:00-11:40 G or H Period Subject

Friday, Jan. 23 8:15–9:45 I Period Subject 10:00-11:40 J Period Subject

12:00-1:30 Make-up exams. Students must present a note indicating there was illness, or a fee of $25.00 will be charged. Please report to the office.

*Students are to report to their second period exam room each day at 10 AM. The exam will begin at 10:10 and finish at 11:40. Buses will leave at 12:08 PM.


1. There is NO HOMEROOM PERIOD. Report to the examination room.

2. School Dress Code must be followed in each and every exam period.

3. Students need to report to school only for exam periods. If there is no exam scheduled, there is no need to report to school.

4. Students who may be in the building during a scheduled exam time and do not have an exam must go to the cafeteria or library and remain there. (Please note that the food service will be available until 10:00 a.m.). Out of consideration for those taking exams, students may not go to lockers or remain in the corridors during the exam periods.

5. Students are to remain in the room (even if finished with the exam) until the bell rings for the end of the exam period or until dismissal is given from the office at the end of the exam period.

6. Exams will not be graded for students whose tuition and fees are not paid.

No credit will be received for the First Semester until tuition and fees are paid and exams are graded.


Health Notes from Marilyn Adamo, RN

Now that cold and flu season has arrived, please take a moment to review some policies from the Health Office. State of Connecticut Laws or standing orders from the West Hartford Non-Public School Director, Dr. Neil Stein, dictate most of these policies. Also, please note that good hygiene in the form of frequent hand washing and covering the cough or sneeze are the keys to staying healthy. Adequate sleep, good nutrition and increased fluid intake help as well.

A licensed practitioner must prescribe all medications that a child takes at school, including over-the-counter medications such as cough syrups, allergy pills, etc. The school nurse is not allowed to accept a medication from a parent alone, with the exception of the pink Tylenol/Ibuprofen form that the parent may sign as it is a standing order from Dr. Stein. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are stocked in the Health Office and can be given as long as there is a signed pink form on file from the child’s parent. All prescription medication should be brought to the nurse’s office in the original pharmacy container with a permission form signed by the parent and the practitioner before it can be administered. It will save you time and insure that this regulation is met if you obtain an authorization form from the nurse (one was mailed this summer) and take it with you to the doctor. Your pharmacy will give you an extra container if the medication needs to be taken at school. If a medication is to be given twice a day, please give the first dose before your child leaves for school and the second dose in the evening at home. Likewise if a medication is to be given three times a day, please administer the first dose at home before school; the second dose can be administered when a child arrives home from school, and the third dose administered at home before bedtime.

To ensure the good health of all of our students and staff, please keep students at home for at least 24 hours after illnesses that include vomiting or fever. A student can always make up a test or quiz, so please be considerate. Students who become ill at school need to be picked up within an hour of when you are notified.

A note from your child’s practitioner is required to excuse or re-admit a student to physical education programs when an injury is involved.

Please advise the nurse of any change in your child’s health, including new diagnoses, medication taken both at home and school, surgeries, fractures, communicable disease or any social or emotional issues. Students can be very sensitive to many life events that occur in families, and, while they are generally pretty resilient, these life events can affect a child’s health and well-being. Confidentiality is always respected but there are times when, with the parents’ permission, it is important to let a few key people know that there is a problem so we can make accommodations for the student.

Marilyn Adamo, the school nurse, is always happy to speak with parents and can be reached at x123. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Happy and Healthy New Year to all!

Please note: “Weather” or Not … Northwest Catholic In the event of bad weather overnight, check the school web site usually follows what (www.northwestcatholic.org) for an alert box on the home page West Hartford does in indicating whether school will open late or not at all. You may also terms of school closings listen for a separate announcement for Northwest Catholic on WTIC- for weather; however, AM 1080; WTIC-FM 96.5; WZMX-FM 93.7; WDRC-AM 1360 or sometimes decisions WRCH-FM 100.5; or watch Channel 3 or Channel 30. Notices will are made just for NWC also be posted on www.wtic.com; www.965tic.com; www.wrch.com; depending on weather www.drcfm.com; www.nbc30.com; and www.wfsb.com. And, there conditions in the will be a message on the school’s answering machine. We will NOT greater Hartford area. use the new SchoolReach phone message system if school is delayed or closed; that communication mode will be used only for early dismissals. Early dismissal time is usually around noon, and buses will run on early dismissal. 6 First-Quarter Honor Roll, 2008-09 First Honors

Grade 12 Kristen Bachteler Sarah Geissler Sean Murphy Na Rae Shin Hanna Bertoldi Claire Gostyla Michael Murray Mary Sopelak Michael Bonfatto Maura Graham Uzoma Orchingwa Kylie Steadman Nicole Boucher Joseph Harris Kaela Paternoster Brianna Tomazic Sarah Chambers John Hug Lester Primus Margaret Tuite Brooke Denver Caitlin Kearns Ashley Reyes Nina Varney Jessica Di Francesco Codie Landsman Hannah Rienow AndrewVicki Ryan Dowd Caroline Leuenberger Abigaile Sands John Whiting Madelyn Filomeno Nicole Milewski Emily Schwartz Vanessa Willis Mara Gauger Kara Moras Chloe Scobee Grade 11

Joel Adifon Elizabeth Michael Deneen, Jr. Daniel Huehner Emily McDonough Andruszkiewicz Mary Frailey James Italia Meghan McGuire James Benanti Michael Freund Ameet Katkar Luke Pelton Nicholas Calitri Caroline Garger Katherine Krikawa Emily Peters Yun Jei Cho Kaitlyn Giblin Nicole Lacouture Alex Picciano Caileen Christina Faith Gilbert Merideth Lathrop William Reed Maggie Clapis Morgan Green Madeleine Livingston Lauren Rosano Alexis Dahlem Kathryn Hagen Nathaniel Lombard Poirot Devon Soucier Bridget Daly Nia Harris Kayla Maciejewski Ryan Thompson Connor Deneen John Healey Kelsey Marakovits

Grade 10 Molly Berning John Gailor Alessandra Lamari Mark Powojski Rachel Bournique Mika Gauger Claire Looney Sarah Purple Dillon Bowen Ryan Gilmour Melissa Martucci Ryan Ragalis Francis Butler Tommy Gollenberg Haley Massie Pawel Rybka Katherine Butler Sharon Grimshaw Dionne May Kathleen Schuppe Matthew Carlson Emily Janusko Alexandra McKenzie Cara Seward Mara Case Danté Jeanfelix Sean Morris Chris Sherer David Chen Daniel Kowalczyk Theodora Mucha Brynn Stoecklin Shannon Crawford Christopher Kuhlberg Thomas Noll John Sullivan Erin Drusedum Robert Kunkel Kathleen O'Hara Amanda Tronchin John Fitzpatrick Michael Laffin Sung Yun Park Kelly Yorio

Grade 9 Elizabeth Allen Angela Di Francesco Brian McGowan Taylor Selig Loren Baczewski Erin Dowd Nathan McKenzie Hannah Shea Megan Baker Jack Ferrell Alexander Mortillaro Caitlin Spalluto Kathryn Beaule Jeremy Figueroa Emma Kate Mortillaro Andrew Stephens Haleigh Beckerman Christopher Freund Mark Mossberg Ryan Strid Gina Bettencourt Christianna Gilbert Brian Poirier Kathleen Tanguay Cathleen Collins Grace Hallinan Matthew Pranaitis Michael Varney Kathleen Connelly Agata Harabasz Colleen Riley Tanner Vaughn Mary Deneen Emily Kapral Samantha Russo Sarah Visintainer Allison Denton Logan Lawson Olivia Rustic Emily Desmarais Cara Ledwidge Katherine Schwartz


Second Honors Grade 12 Jennifer Bonee Janae Frazier Gregory Lake Michael Ray Kevin Boya Boris Garcia Stephen Lenczewski Jillian Sands Jennifer Braun Alyssa Gualtieri Victoria Mansolillo John Shevchuk Joshua Chacon Brittney Huffman Rebecca Masciocchi Katherine Ulrich Julie Cleary Richard Jakiel Jr. Cara Oleasz Kathryn Walsh Matthew Collins Ann Ragan Kearns Stephanie Papillo Sarah White Michael Conway Lauren Kent Drew Pelletier James Williams Kayleigh Donnelly Bridget Kiley Adam Powojski Elizabeth Winland Maura Eagan Grade 11 Kerri Alexander Samuel Frasco John Moore Kristin Tomaiuolo Andrew Beaule Taylor Fusco-Ruiz Chelsea Morelli Kelsey Vega Mary Beckerman Nicola Greco Kevin O'Toole Matthew Visintainer Camille Charles Julian Harris Grace Quinn Timothy Waltman Elizabeth Collier Ryan Juliano Nicole Rook Lauren Walz Hilary Dees Eric Kennedy Ryan Siegel Sarah Wizner Patrick Dornfried Katherine Kuzoian Katherine Sitaro Erika Duenas Brendan Lemp Justin Strid Meghan Feeney Jordan Lewis Kelsey Sumple Colleen Fitzgerald Kathleen Lynch Ted Terrion Grade 10 Cynthia Ambrozej Jordan Greenberg Danielle Martin Meghan Peterson Michael Budarz Evan Herron Brendan McCormick Olivia Skalski Devin Daly Zachary Hunter Brian McGoldrick Melissa Soutar Jaclyn Diaz Stephanie Jackie Nichola Melaragno Kathryn Vignati Simone Foster-Bey Abigail Johnson Katherine Molloy Brandon Xing Ryan Geelan Carolyn Kuzmin Patrick Nista Jack Zangari Patrick Graham Julia Mansolillo Jeannine Nocera Grade 9 Angela Aisevbonaye Matthew Greenwood Christopher Laffin Daniel Piette Rachel Barrachina Conor Hardy Ariane Leuenberger Ronald Poole Stephanie Boccuzzi Alexis Harris Zachary Lewis Kristen Reilly Brian Butler Wesley Hopkins Kaitlyn Love Cassie Rocha Tyler Calitri Samuel Hug Kathleen McCormack Jessie Rocha Caroline Carew Nicholas Italia E. Merritt McDonough Maebh Sheelan Caroline Davenport Stephanie Koldras Lance Morgan Cara Watts Melissa Donnelly Ryan Kosha Christian Murphy Brennan Graham Stephen Kozak Jennifer Nuhfer

Honorable Mention Grade 12 Catherine Hijeck Christina LaPorte Craig Watts Nathan Hunter Brittaney Thomas Grade 11 Thomas Bourdon Chelsea Mencio John Murphy Meredith West John Hayes, III Jason Moore George Platsis Spencer Young Grade 10 Hillary Baran Lyne-Saddlie Joseph Alexander Lorenzo Sabrina Gomez Christian Kallfelz Nicole Poirier Darci Hughes Kimberly Kleszczynski Amy West Grade 9 MarcusAndersen-Pena Daniel Errico Krystin Lilly Sean Patel Yannick Chevannes Madeleine Gauthier Catherine Marshall Sebastian Skarba Cory Christina Sydney Golic Thomas Murphy Adrianna Soldevila Madeline Domingo Meghan Grabowski Leanne Oleasz Christopher Volg

8 Fall 2008 Sports Awards


Head Coach: Mike Tyler Assistants: Thanh Truong, Mike Lenz, Matt Martorelli, Jeff Soto, Scott Rapport, Sean Ring, Matt Restivo Record: 8-2 Nutmeg Conference Champions


Seniors: Theo Agnew (Capt), Kevin Boya , Tony Cicero (Capt), Ryan Foster, Jake Golic (Capt), Sean Murphy (Capt) Juniors: Nick Calitri, Alexander Filomeno, James Hallinan, Jack Hayes, John Healey, John Murphy, Kevin O’Toole, Gershawn Richam-Odoi, Justin Strid, Ted Terrion, Lucas Tyler, Ben Van Schaack, Timothy Waltman Sophomores: Zack Zulkiewicz Freshman: Maleek Riley

All-State: Theo Agnew, Jake Golic, Justin Strid All-Conference: Theo Agnew, Kevin Boya, Justin Strid, Gershawn Richam-Odoi, Jack Hayes, Tony Cicero, Jake Golic, Sean Murphy All-Academic: Kevin Boya, Nick Calitri, John Healey, Sean Murphy, Kevin O’Toole, Justin Strid, Ted Terrion, Tim Waltman MVP: Theo Agnew Coaches Award: Tony Cicero

Junior Varsity

Juniors: Jei Cho, Trenton Jackson, Christopher Knight, John Moore, Jason Moore, Matthew Visintainer Sophomores: Matthew Becker, Matthew D’Orsi, John Gailor, Ryan Gilmour, Patrick Graham, Christian Kallfelz, Robert Kunkel, Alexander Lorenzo, Brian McGoldrick, Xavier Texidor, Ryan Veronesi Freshmen: David Blackwell, Tyler Calitri, Anthony Carter, Daniel Errico, Christian Farrell, Tyler Huffman, Jalen Lollar, Kewayne Thomas, Aaron Wilson


Marcus Anderson-Pena, Joseph Anquillare, Nicholas Armetta, Lucien Cance, Brian Farley, Jared Fraioli, Henry Hayes, Cedric Henderson, Wesley Hopkins, Trevor Lathrop, Dillon Meehan, Josiah Morgan, Thomas Murphy, Sean Patel, Collin Paternoster, Daniel Piette, Ronald Poole, Brandon Ralph, Jessica Tyler, Michael Varney, Tanner Vaughn, Christopher Volg

Field Hockey

Head Coach: Sue Feola Assistant: Alyssa Feola Record: 8-8 (CIAC Class S State Tournament – 1st Round)

9 Varsity Seniors: Brooke Denver (Capt), Alyssa Gualtieri (Capt), Laura Hannifan, Catherine Hijeck, Lauren Kent, Cara Oleasz, Hannah Rienow, Kristin Vallen, Katy Walsh, Lizzie Winland Juniors: Erika Duenas, Kelsey Foto, Katie Kuzoian, Gabriella Marandino, Meghan McGuire, Moe Mitsch, Kate Sullivan Sophomores: Kathleen O’Hara, Molly Berning Freshmen: Kathleen McCormack, Cathleen Collins

All-State: Alyssa Gualtieri Academic All-State: Lauren Kent All-Academic: Molly Berning, Cathleen Collins, Brooke Denver, Ali Gualtieri , Lauren Kent, Katherine Kuzoian, Kathleen McCormack, Cara Oleasz, Kathleen O’Hara, Meghan McGuire, Lizzy Winland, Hannah Rienow, KathrynWalsh MVP: Alyssa Gualtieri Coaches Award: Lauren Kent

Junior Varsity

Juniors: Gretchen Kelly, Caileen Christina, Hilary Dees Sophomores: Emily Janusko, Mara Case, Shannon Crawford, Hillary Baran Freshmen: Kerry Kearney, Kayla Kilgore, Leanne Oleasz, Cara Watts

Boys’ Soccer

Head Coach: Terry Phillip Assistants: Terry Phillip Jr., Bill Doran, Roger Clapper Record: 6-10 Varsity

Seniors: Omari Comrie (Capt), Boris Garcia (Capt), Andrew Vicki, Richard Jakiel Juniors: Patrick Kearney (Capt), Ryan Siegel (Capt), Alex Picciano, James Italia, Zack Boorman, Tony Whalen, Joe McAndrews Sophomores: Louis Clayton, Michal Kucharz, Jordan Daniel Freshmen: Nick Italia, Jack Ferrell, Cory Christina, Alex Mortillaro

All-Conference: Ryan Siegel, Patrick Kearney, Omari Comrie Honorable Mention: Boris Garcia All-Academic: Jack Ferrell, Boris Garcia, Nick Italia, James Italia, Richard Jakiel Jr., Alexander Mortillaro, Alex Picciano, Ryan Siegel, Andrew Vicki MVP: Ryan Siegel Coaches Award: Zack Boorman

Junior Varsity

Juniors: Ryan McCue, Ben Paine, Connor Deneen, James Sands, Chris Banville Sophomores: Luis Rosado, Tim Hopkins, Darien Marshall Freshmen: Robert Donohue, AJ Massaro, Chris Laffin, Stephen Kozak, Brian Butler, Merritt McDonough, Alexx Dennis

Girls’ Soccer

10 Head Coach: Todd Sadler Assistants: Mike Cunningham, Keelan Wentworth, Roger Clapper Record: 8-7-1 (CIAC Class M State Tournament – 1st Round)


Seniors: Shealagh Begley (Capt), Megan Drusedum, Caitlin Erickson, Melissa Horn (Capt), Tory Mansolillo Juniors: Mary Beckerman, Mary Frailey, Alex Iovine, Chelsea Mencio, Emily Olszewski, Gracie Quinn, Devon Soucier Sophomores: Lauren Backhaus, Julia Mansolillo, Elizabeth Olszewski Freshmen: Maddie Domingo, Lindsay Koss, Morgan Mencio, Rebecca Sierejko

All-State: Shealagh Begley All-Conference: Shealagh Begley – 1st Team, Melissa Horn – 2nd Team, Alex Iovine – 2nd Team, Devon Soucier – 2nd Team All-Academic: Mary Frailey, Mary Beckerman, Julia Mansolillo, Victoria Mansolillo, Devon Soucier MVP: Shealagh Begley Coaches Award: Victoria Mansolillo

Junior Varsity Sophomores: Dana Crory, Jennifer Erickson, Antonina Feola, Kathleen Grabowski Freshmen: Megan Auletta, Megan Baker, Bridget Begley, Stephanie Bocuzzi, Caroline Carew, Rachel Duncan, Meghan Grabowski, Jasmine Green, Caitlin Kiley, Stephanie Koldras, Ariane Leuenberger, Emma Kate Mortillaro, Amanda Myers, Samantha Myers, Kristen Reilly, Colleen Riley, Olivia Rustic, Sarah Visintainer

Boys’ Cross Country Head Coach: Scott Fletcher Assistants: Rich Luddy Record: 4-3 Overall; 4-3 Conference


Seniors: Peter Boin, Michael Bonfatto (Capt), Michael Ray, Will Thompson, John Whiting (Capt) Junior: Michael Deneen, Greco, Dan Huehner, Eric Kennedy, Luke Pelton Sophomores: Ryan Geelan Freshmen: Jack Peterson, Brian Poirier

All-State: Nico Greco All-Conference: Nico Greco, Eric Kennedy All-Academic: Michael Bonfatto, Michael Ray, John Whiting, Michael Deneen, Nico Greco, Daniel Huehner, Eric Kennedy, Luke Pelton, Ryan Geelan, Brian Poirier MVP: John Whiting Coaches Award: Nico Greco

Junior Varsity

Juniors: Gus Haflin, Ryan Juliano, Ryan Kirk, Spencer Young

11 Sophomores: Mike Budarz, Tom Gollenberg, Dante Jeanfelix, Conor McDonnell, Brendan McCormick, Nick Melaragno, Brandon Xing Freshmen: Yannick Chevannes, Larry Grijalva, Elijah Hilliman, Ryan Kosha, Nate McKenzie, Christian Murphy, Mike Wine

Girls’ Cross Country Head Coach: Scott Fletcher Assistants: Rich Luddy Record: 2-5 Overall; 2-5 Conference Varsity

Seniors: Kayleigh Donnelly, Bridget Kiley (Capt), Codie Landsman, Kylie Steadman (Capt) Juniors: Caroline Garger, Christine Smith Sophomores: Katie Vignati, Kelly Yorio Freshmen: Kathleen Connelly, Alli Denton, Katherine Schwartz

All-Academic: Kayleigh Donnelly, Bridget Kiley, Codie Landsman, Kylie Steadman, Caroline Garger, Katie Vignati, Kelly Yorio, Kathleen Connelly, Alli Denton, Katherine Schwartz MVP: Kylie Steadman Coaches Award: Kelly Yorio

Junior Varsity

Juniors: Carrie Fritter, Sarah Wizner Sophomores: Allie Lamari, Rosa Park, Meg Peterson Freshmen: Melissa Donnelly, Pauline Koniecko, Hannah Scobee


Senior: Stephanie Papillo Junior: Lauren Rosano Sophomores: Jeannine Nocera, Jordan Greenberg

Volleyball Head Coach: Pat Douglas Assistants: Mary Swetcky, Jennifer Vasquez Managers: Gina Bettencourt, Carolina Jimenez Record: 8-11 overall, 7-7 Northwest Conference (2008 Northwest Conference Tournament Semifinals) New School Record: Caitlin Kearns: All-Time Leader for Digs in a Career (873 digs)

Varsity Seniors: Jenn Braun, Maura Eagan (Capt), Andrea Jimenez, Caitlin Kearns (Capt), Rebecca Masciocchi, Anna Smith, Katie Ulrich, Nina Varney Juniors: Kaitlyn Cannone, Camille Charles, Meghan Feeney, Uju Nwankwo

All-State: Caitlin Kearns – 2nd Team All-Conference: Caitlin Kearns All-Academic: Jenn Braun, Camille Charles, Maura Eagan, Meghan Feeney, Caitlin Kearns, Rebecca Masciocchi, Katie Ulrich, Nina Varney MVP: Caitlin Kearns Coaches Award: Maura Eagan


Junior Varsity Juniors: Morgan Green, Haley Heslin Sophomores: Katherine Butler, Audrey Carroll, Shanice Douglas, Abby Johnson, Dionne May, Cara Seward, Brynn Stoecklin Freshmen: Mary Deneen, Taylor Selig, Hannah Shea, Katie Beaule

Freshman Maggie Gauthier, Grace Hallinan, Agata Harabasz, Emily Kapral, Logan Lawson, Krystin Lilly, Catherine Marshall, Katie Tanguay, Rachel Barrachina, Mariamma Chaluparambil, Caroline Davenport

Cheerleading Head Coach: Christine Michaud Assistant: Tiny Flannery Varsity Seniors: Courtney Carroll (Capt), Ashley Reyes (Capt) Juniors: Allison Davis, Chelsea Morelli Sophomores: Taylor Combs, Britney Grant, Danielle Martin, Haley Massie Freshmen: Adrianna Soldevila, Katherine Velazquez

All-Academic: Danielle Martin, Haley Massie, Chelsea Morelli, Ashley Reyes MVP: Courtney Carroll Coaches Award: Katherine Velazquez

32nd Annual Northwest Catholic Golf Tournament: June 1, 2009 Kick-Off Meeting

Please come for a glass of wine (and a free raffle ticket!) as we begin planning the tournament

Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009, 7:00pm Navin Room

RSVP Tom Steen, Director of Advancement ([email protected] or 236-4221, x138)

New Northwest Catholic parents are especially welcome!

Save the Date! Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner Saturday, March 28, 2009 6pm Cocktails 7pm Dinner and Induction Ceremony Check northwestcatholic.org/athletics for ticket information Reminders

Next Parents’ Club Meetings: Tuesday, Jan. 20, @ 7:00pm ; Deacon Arthur Miller Thursday, Mar. 19, 7:00pm Monday, May 18, 7:30pm

Christmas vacation ………………………………………………… Dec. 23-Jan. 4 13 Midterm Exams ……...……………………………………………………. Jan. 20-23 NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King Day) ...... ……… Jan. 19 NO SCHOOL (Staff Development Day) ...... Jan. 26 Winter vacation ……………………………………………………… ...... … Feb. 16-20