MURPHY L~D COOKE Fn.Milics (1600 - 1957)

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MURPHY L~D COOKE Fn.Milics (1600 - 1957) Some History of tho VfALUCE, MURPHY l~D COOKE Fn.milics (1600 - 1957) Compiled by MAGGIE S~LLEE prior to 1920 Editod nnd Complotod by Mrs. H. Chris-Wallaco in 1957 Page 3 INTRODUCTION After many years or gnthering informo.tion oonoerning our trJDily history and with the constant help I received from ~y mother nnd uncles and aunts and cousins and from Mr. lfilliam Whi tmnn, Mr. Alex Moore, Ur. Ebenezer Wo.llnoe o.nd others, I a.m happy to have my part in sending this little book out with the hope tho.tit may inspire in the hearts or us all u great pntriotism tor our beloved tree lnnd, a gr-enter determination to liva o. useful life, to strive for _the high a.nd holy, to livo simply nnd honestly among men, to make ourselves that which my honor Him who created us. Let us be unselfish and hnve n kind thought for those o.bout us who gnve us what we have to look gratefully baok on, -- the memory of a righteous pioneer fe.mily or the early days of Illinois. "I hnvo tried the best I could to finish what Cou~in Mary Claycome-Grubb nnd I were beginning together. We shnll miss much which might hnve been if she had been spared nwhilo longor. She was so very cnpnble with her well stored mind nnd power of expression. As for myself, in those later yeurs of closer essooiation with her~ I wns ooming to ronlizo und nppreciato more nnd moro her rnro ability and sweet spirit. I folt n true friend had fallen whon she slipped ~wny from this earthly lifo. Tho momory of her bonutiful spirit shall nlwo.ys be with those who knew hor. "Somo of this history is rathor unoortnin but tho gro~tor pert, by f~r, wo kn011. Evidonco goos t~ uhow wo aro, undoubtedly, of Scotch-Irish doscent, though th0ro is quito an intorosting vr.riety of opinions ns to just how it roally is. "If wo might only ho.vo hnd tho exact record c..s the ones who roc.lly knew could huvo given it. but that opportunity is gone. nLot us bo found in tho rnnks of tho Christinn mon and women sooking to pre­ serve our froo schools end our precious libortywhich somo of those, in yonrs gone by in our family. helped to proservo by thoir hcoric sorvioo and sacrifice in the Wnr of tho Revolution nnd tho enrly duys of our country. "Lot us realize tha.t tho workers in this world tho only onos of ronl worth, so we must be industrious." ---Maggio Snlloa, 1918 This introduction wns proparod by Maggio Snlleo noar tho yoar 1918 for tho publioa­ tion of the History of the Wnllaoo -- Murphy -- Cooko Fnmilies. The foll0vting wns written in 1921 by Ma.ggie Sallee's only sistor, Emma Salaee­ Towne, with whom their mother, Pcrndine W~llaoe-Snllae, her home until her in 1932e "This history wo.s written by our dear Ma.ggie F. Sallee. She has spent many hr.n,..~ -tn a-A+.+.-IY1a- +:hn f'!\n+.s:!'hA,.. n.nd .....-1+.;ftO' -Ii:_ HA,- i'o.milv wnA f:pu}v O'Pni:o.f'ul ----- .......... o ................... ~ --.. ~ _......__....,._ .... ....,.0------ ~- ·•-.-.----,--c, ----· ---- ----., ----- -- -e1 o- ------ for her work of lovo for thom. "Before tho book wns finishod, she was c~lled to her henvenly home, wo believe ton far gronter work for sh0 wo.s fnithful to tha ond. 4 "Maggie Salleo was mo.rried to Don Overfelton September 8, 1920 and died July 3, 1921 r.ftor soverc.. l wooks of patient suff'oring. A raw short months of happy marriod lifo a.nd a.11 hor plans for tho future Wero gone and our hearts woro snd, Sho rests from hor lnbors a.nd mr woPks do follow her," Emma. Snlleo-Towno, 1921 In this ye~r or 1957 - noarly 40 year~ after Maggio•~ introduction wns writton­ hor work is boing copiod, nrrnngod by hor plan as fnr ns possible- whioh we found ~...mong hor gonenlogicnl ros~arch nrtioles. All work which Mc~ggie hnd done is pro­ sontod. This will sorye ns the foundation on whioh most family linos mAy bo built ns only n fow will ba brought up to data. So each intorostod frunily line 'Iltly bo insortod ~nd added to Mo.ggio's work for future rafcrenoa, It hns boon n privilogo to put this work togcthor for my husbnnd 1s family and for our children. Tho greatost effort has beon mndo to keop Mnggio 1s Christian spirit as shown through hor writings nnd ovidant thinking nnd oxprossions so tho futuro doscondants or tho families could renlizo hor beautiful, unsolfish lifo. Thus without lineo.l doscondr~nts of thoir own Aunt Paro.dine, Emma. o.nd Maggio will pass on to tho childron of the other lines oxurnples or bonutiful oharnctors of whom thoy may bo justly proud, They hnvo justified their lives. (Mrs. H. Chris) Gra.oo Floha.rty~n.llaca Autumn 1957 Page 5 WALLtl,CE FAMILY BIBLE RECORD The Wallace Family Bible is in tho possession (1957) of H. Chris Wallace, Rt. #1, :Monmouth, Illinois. The Frontis or Title Pago "The Holy Bible containing the Old nnd Now Testnmonts together with the Apooryphn: -------" Printod in 1814 and published by M. Cnrey, No. 121 Chestnut Streot, in Philadolphia, Ponnsylvo.nia. Family Record - Page One - Column Ona - {in hand writing, the following:) Rebooon Wallace born March the 30, 1771 Margnret Wnllnoe born Soptembor 21, 1773 So.rah Wnllnoo born Septombor 13, 1775 John born July 12, 1779 Willirun Vinllaoe born December 1781 Robert Wnllnce born Fobrunry 26, 1785 Tabitha. Wullaoe born October 5, 1787 Eliza Vvo.llace born MD.rch 5, 1790 Thomns c. ·~vollnce born November 19, 1800 Ha.riot vlnlla.oe born October 30, 1806 (A more recent entry in pencil at bottom of Column - as Column Two was filled) Thoma.s ?lnllaoo diod June 29. 1921 Puga One - Column Two - (The rest is nll writton by the same person who had no entrios in Column Ono---so rocord or another generation.) Robert Wallace born April 25, 1821 Nancy Wallace born May 23, 1823 William Wnllace born June 12, 1825 Ho.rriot Wallace born Novomber 3, 1827 Isano Yinllcoo born Juno G, 1830 Thomo.s Wallace born October 2, 1832 Jamima Wnllaoe born Mo.roh 8, 1835 Mnrgnrite Wallace born :Mny 22, 1837 :MnryWnllnoe born Novomber B, 1839 Pnre.dino W0,llo.oe born July 18., 1842 John Wallnce born Mn.rah 31, 1846 Pago Two - Column One .. (Ona entry undor dee.the)•. Thomns c. Viallnce died April 9, 1861 Paga Two - Column Two - (Same ontry as in Colmnn One) Thoma.a c. Wallace died li.pri1 9, 1861 Bhrriot Grifteo .diod February 22, 1877 R.F.M. (Robert) Wallace doportod this lite Septambor 16, 1881, Qged 60 yoors nnd 21 do.ya, 4 mo. Margot Wallace died July 23, 1886 Pnge 6 MURPHY F.tiMILY BIBLE RECORDS Tho Murphy Family Biblo is in the possossion of H. Chris (1957) J Rt. :/1=1, Monmouth, Ille The first page is titlod "Advortisemont to tho stereotype edition" New York, 1816 FAMILY RECORD William Murphy nnd Nancy Forguson his wife vras mnrried October the 30th, 1800 Thomas Wa.llo.ce nnd Margaret Murphy his "Hif'e was Mo.rriod April 6, 1820 John E. Murphy and Fro.nky W. Doughty wns ma.rried 1furch 22, 1827. Susan Jeno daughter of John nnd Frn.ncis w. Murphy wus married to Robert Mc.rshull~ October 6th, 1847 BIRTHS Vii lliam Murphy vms born Fobruo.ry the 16th on Friday in the yoar of our Lord 1776 Margaret Murphy dnughtor of Willinm and N~ncy was born September 10, 1801 on Thursdny about 11 o 1clook in the morning Eliza.beth M11rphy wo.s born on lVednosdo.y a.bout 10 o 1 clook in the morning, A:ugust 1, 1804 Jolm Ecols Murphy was born on Thursday about 11 o'clock in tho morning~ October 16, 1806 Nnncy Murphy was born on Wednesday nbout savon o'clock in tho morning, Deoombor 21., 1808 Ro.chel Murphywus born Monday nbout 6 o1olook in tho nrtornoon, June tho 3., 1811 Franky W• Murphy - John E. Murphy's wife - wo.s born November 14th., 1810 Susan Jane Murphy dnughtor of Franky und John Murphy wns born Jan. 31st, 1829 DE.l1.TI1S Rachel Murphy deconsad this lifo Novomber the 8th, 1816, about 6 o 1clook in morn William Murphy di6d Ma.rob 4th in tho yoar 1846 Nuney Murphy died August the 26th, 1862 David Newton son of John E. Murphy diad February 27. 1848 Noto: William and Nancy Ferguson-Murphy, Tholll.c~S Clellund and Margaret Murphy­ W~llace, John Eclos ~nd Snrah Jonos~inllnoo nro all buriod in the Ogdon Cemetnry, in Coldbrook Township. Wnrren County, Illinois.) Pnge 7 The Wo.llnoe Anoestry---Robert Wo.llnoe nnd others . by Jlo.ggie So.Ilea & Ma.ry Clnyoomb Grubb Robert Wr.llcoe., the fathar of Thoma.s Clelland Wa.l.lnce, wns born in Irela.nd and brought to Virg. when n baby by his fnther, thus mnking the frunily Irish with n Sootoh (Note: Mo.ny Sootoh fnmilies wont to Irelnnd beccuse they were urged to do so by English gov., - a.s Kirkpntrioks, Terrolls). Robert Wallnoe spoke the English lnnguage with n foreign ncoont or brogue.
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