 News Corners . LUMS and Library News

 Indexing of News Papers . The News, , , The Nation

 New Book List . List of New Arrivals

 Journal table of Contents . Business, Social Sciences, Law, Science & Engineering

 Indexing of SCOPUS Publications . LUMS publications

 Book of the Month . Best seller book

 Monthly Library Statistics . e-databases, portals, website, circulation usage News Corner

SBASSE Student Represents LUMS at International Renewable Energy Conference

Huzaifa Rauf, a PhD candidate at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), traveled to Brasov, Romania, to attend the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications 2019. LUMS is a research intensive University, and a major aim of the research conducted is to come up with solutions for global problems. As the world moves away from coal, natural gas and oil-based energy reserves, the work our students and faculty at SBASSE are doing regarding alternate energy sources becomes all the more important. Read More

LUMS Alumna Shares How the Chevening and Asma Jahangir Scholarships will Elevate her Legal Career

LUMS alumna, Hadiya Aziz, BA-LL.B 2011, continues to make her alma mater proud. She has recently been awarded the Chevening Scholarship – a selective and prestigious scholarship that is part of the UK government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders. The Scholarship supports the recipient’s Master’s degree at any UK university. Ms. Aziz also has the additional distinction of being awarded the Asma Jahangir Scholarship 2019 by the British High Commission. This scholarship honours the legacy of the late human rights champion, Asma Jahangir, and is awarded to the top-ranking female Chevening scholar of the year. Read More

LUMS Student Discusses Democracy and Fake News at International Conference

LUMS students continue to make their mark internationally. The latest addition is Muhammad Sarim Raza, a senior at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) at LUMS, who was selected as a youth leader to participate in the World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, France from November 4-8, 2019. Organised by the Council of Europe, the conference provided a unique platform for political decision makers and activists to debate solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide. This year’s topic was fake news, and how data is affecting democratic processes. Read More

Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Publishes Book on the Pakistani Youth’s Relationship with their Country

Dr. Tania Saeed, Assistant Professor at the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS) at LUMS, has recently published a book titled ‘Youth and the National Narrative. Education, Terrorism and the Security State in ’. The book is a unique window into how Pakistan is likely to evolve in the next few decades. Co-authored by Dr. Marie Lall, Professor of Education and South Asian Studies at the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL) UK, the book utilises interviews with nearly 2000 Pakistanis aged 16-28 gathered over a decade and examines the relationship between Pakistan as a security state and its youth, specifically in terms of citizenship, education, political activism and social media. Read More

LUMS Welcomes Prospective Students

Following its annual tradition, LUMS held its flagship Open Day event on November 17, 2019. Brimming with enthusiasm, aspiring students and their families received a warm welcome from the LUMS community. The event provided a chance for guests to visit the vibrant campus, learn about the variety of degrees and programmes offered, experience a taste of life at LUMS first-hand and discover the endless opportunities the University has to offer. The day kicked-off with a host of engaging activities. Visitors had the chance to attend specifically designed information sessions about the programmes and network with faculty members and alumni. Read More

LUMS Alum Presents Research in Prestigious Applied Research Competition

Umar Farooq, BSc Computer Science 2018, recently represented LUMS at the esteemed Applied Research Competition at New York University, Abu Dhabi campus from November 6-8, 2019. The competition is one of the leading student-run computer science events in the world. Mr. Farooq and his team won second prize at the competition for their research work on ‘Quantity vs. Quality: Evaluating User Interest Profiles Using Ad Preference Managers’. The Competition was a part of CSAW – the largest student-run cyber security event in the world. Read More

The LUMS Digital Archive; Exploring Alternate Histories

Dr. Ali Raza and Dr. Ali Usman Qasmi, Associate Professors at the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences, have curated a first of its kind Digital Archive at LUMS. A collaboration with the Technology and Peace Initiative (TPI), the Archive is a research repository that aims at collecting, cataloging and preserving rare material (books, pamphlets, newspapers and other items) of historical significance and making them available to researchers. In particular, the Archive focuses on events, groups, movements and personalities relating to broader historical, political and cultural trends in South Asia, with an emphasis on preserving the accounts of marginalised and subaltern groups. In doing so, the archive hopes to bring researchers, students and colleagues together to explore alternate histories. Read More

SOE Conducts Information Session at LUMS Open Day 2019

The LUMS Open day was held on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Aspiring students and their parents visited the LUMS campus where they attended information sessions on undergraduate and graduate programmes, toured the campus and met with LUMS faculty, administration and students. In addition to the information sessions, booths were also set-up to provide information to the guests about the programmes offered at LUMS, the admission process, LUMS co-curricular societies, and financial aid. Read More

President and CEO of UBL Speaks at 13th Session of ‘Leaders at LUMS’ On Wednesday, November 20, 2019, the 13th Session of ‘Leaders at LUMS’ welcomed Ms. Sima Kamil, President and CEO of United Bank Limited (UBL). Moderated by Mr. Adeel Hashmi, the session drew a large gathering of students, staff, faculty and other guests. Ms. Kamil shared valuable insights from her exceptional journey and said that to be successful at any job, one needs to be passionate about what they do. She also spoke about the challenges she faced in her career, saying, “Sometimes you fail when you choose a wrong person for a role”. Read More

REDC Conducts ‘Strategic Procurement Management’ Programme

The Rausing Executive Development Centre (REDC) at LUMS successfully concluded this year’s offering of its Strategic Procurement Management (SPM) programme on November 8, 2019. As the role of the procurement function in organizations has dramatically changed over time, and it has become essential to specialize in all organizational functions, the four-day programme aimed to align procurement and organizational priorities. Led by LUMS professors Dr. Jamshed H. Khan and Dr. Shakeel Sadiq Jajja, the programme focused on providing a bigger picture to senior procurement managers for implementing organisation-wide procurement decisions. Read More

Mrs. Perwin Ali Launches Autobiography at LUMS

A glimpse into the life and thoughts of Mrs. Perwin Ali was the highlight at the launch of her autobiographical book, A Free Spirit, held at the Suleman Dawood School of Business, LUMS on Thursday, November 28, 2019. Peppered with insightful anecdotes and family photographs, the autobiography encapsulates the different facets of Mrs. Ali’s life. The book was inspired by her grandchildren; in order to forward the tradition of the written word and its ability to inspire and transform generations of readers. The book launch was organized by Centre for Business and Society. Read More

LUMS Leadership and the Faisalabad Community Network at Annual Dinner

Acknowledging the generous contributions of the Faisalabad community towards the LUMS mission, the Office of Advancement hosted its Annual Dinner in Faisalabad on Friday, November 22, 2019 at the Serena Hotel. Esteemed members from leading organizations in Faisalabad were welcomed by the LUMS leadership present at the event including Founding Pro Chancellor, Syed Babar Ali; Vice Chancellor LUMS, Dr. Arshad Ahmad; members of the LUMS Management Committee; Director of the LUMS Energy Institute, Dr. Naveed Arshad and Director, Office of Advancement, Ms. Nuzhat Kamran. LUMS alumni residing in Faisalabad also attended the dinner. Read More INDEXING OF NEWSPAPERS

Agricultural Crops:

 SBP chief lauds banks’ efforts in raising credit to agri sector. Business Recorder, 20th Nov, 2019.  Weekly Cotton Review. Business Recorder, 25th Nov, 2019.  The battle for Pakistan’s farms. Business Recorder, 27th Nov, 2019.  Seed cotton prices fall on moderate trade. Business Recorder, 28th Nov, 2019.  Wheat support price increased again. Business Recorder, 29th Nov, 2019.  Shortfall of 7m cotton bales feared. Business Recorder, 30th Nov, 2019.  A crushing wheat crisis. DAWN, 12th Nov, 2019.  China promises technology transfer for crop processing. The News, 2nd Nov, 2019.  ECC raises wheat support price to Rs1,365 40 kg. The News, 29th Nov, 2019.  Govt to increase support price of wheat, sugarcane. The News, 30th Nov, 2019.

Agricultural General:

 Corporatizing the agri sector. Business Recorder, 23rd Nov, 2019.  Govt, opposition agree to form privilege committee against Irsa chief’s remarks. DAWN, 19th Nov, 2019.  Sindh alleges Punjab for fudging in water usages data. The Nation, 15th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan’s bitter seeds. The Nation, 25th Nov, 2019.  Challenges of the Indus Basin. The News, 29th Nov, 2019.

Auto and Allied:

 PAMA voices concern over 'illegal' import of used cars. Business Recorder, 19th Nov, 2019.  Electric vehicles to curtail import bill by $2bn annually. Business Recorder, 29th Nov, 2019.  Breeze Red Line project to be first transport system to use bio- methane. Business Recorder, 29th Nov, 2019.  Subcontracting state’s job to start-ups. DAWN, 18th Nov, 2019.  ADB to fix responsibility for delay in Peshawar bus project. DAWN, 21st Nov, 2019.  Orange Line Project. The News, 15th Nov, 2019.  Electric vehicles to trim annual oil import bill by $2bln. The News, 22nd Nov, 2019.

Banking Pakistan:

 Navigating banks. The Nation, 6th Nov, 2019.  SME Bank’s sell-off approved body formed to sell PIA assets. The News, 16th Nov, 2019.  State Bank holds interest rate at 13.25pc to tame food inflation. The News, 23rd Nov, 2019.

Cement and Construction Industry:

 CCP recommends steps to protect real estate investors. Business Recorder, 29th Nov, 2019.  Going for high-rise buildings. The News, 24th Nov, 2019.

Communications and Transportation:

 PIA CEO’s statement can be taken as ‘market manipulation’. Business Recorder, 17th Nov, 2019.  Cost of ML-1 project may exceed $8bn, PAC panel told. Business Recorder, 28th Nov, 2019.  Sad day as dozens die in train inferno. The Nation, 1st Nov, 2019.  Groundbreaking of $9b ML-I Project within six months. The Nation, 6th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan to make fresh attempt for recovering $800m against privatisation of PTCL. The Nation, 22nd Nov, 2019.  Running train inferno kills 74 in RY Khan. The News, 1st Nov, 2019.

Economic Budget, Condition:

 Fiscal prudence needs to be maintained. Business Recorder, 9th Nov, 2019.  Inflation as consequence of flawed policies. Business Recorder, 12th Nov, 2019.  AGP detects non-recovery of Rs3.384bn by KP E&P dept. Business Recorder, 18th Nov, 2019.  IMF loan a bitter pill. Business Recorder, 18th Nov, 2019.  CA turns positive with $99m surplus. Business Recorder, 19th Nov, 2019.  Indicators that matter to public at large. Business Recorder, 19th Nov, 2019.  Lower GDP growth rate in 2018-19. Business Recorder, 19th Nov, 2019.  ‘Deregulation and institutional reforms key in reviving growth’. Business Recorder, 22nd Nov, 2019.  ‘Ease of living’ of common man in focus. Business Recorder, 23rd Nov, 2019.  Good or bad news on state of economy. Business Recorder, 25th Nov, 2019.  PM identifies major economic challenges. Business Recorder, 25th Nov, 2019.  The downside of Pakistan’s economy. Business Recorder, 26th Nov, 2019.  Women inclusion vital for socio economic development. Business Recorder, 26th Nov, 2019.  Need for course correction. DAWN, 16th Nov, 2019.  Bad loans surge to Rs768bn in 2018-19. DAWN, 19th Nov, 2019.  Discount rate left unchanged at 13.25pc. DAWN, 23rd Nov, 2019.  Two types of thirst. DAWN, 29th Nov, 2019.  Trade deficit shrinks by 33 percent to $7.78 billion in four months. The Nation, 3rd Nov, 2019.  Economic stability picking up. The Nation, 9th Nov, 2019.  Circular debt to be eliminated by Dec 2020. The Nation, 19th Nov, 2019.  “Public private partnership” - a hope for healthier Pakistan. The Nation, 23rd Nov, 2019.  Impacts of macroeconomic stability to reach common man soon. The Nation, 26th Nov, 2019.  Economy – Need a holistic approach. The Nation, 27th Nov, 2019.  In need of development. The News, 3rd Nov, 2019.  ECC links OMCs’ margin revision with annual average inflation. The News, 7th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan’s fiscal dilemma. The News, 17th Nov, 2019.  Tackling economic woes. The News, 19th Nov, 2019.  Hyperinflation — what it does to a society? The News, 24th Nov, 2019.  Market to stay positive on improved economic prospects. The News, 24th Nov, 2019.  Understanding economic imbalance. The News, 24th Nov, 2019.

Economic Development, Planning:

 FATF and global Politics. Business Recorder, 9th Nov, 2019.  IMF first programme review. Business Recorder, 12th Nov, 2019.  Inclusion of PSM in CPEC. Business Recorder, 18th Nov, 2019.  Punjab CM announces soft loan scheme for youth. Business Recorder, 19th Nov, 2019.  2nd phase of CPEC. Business Recorder, 21st Nov, 2019.  CPEC energy projects create 10,000 jobs. Business Recorder, 22nd Nov, 2019.  Govt challenges US assessment of CPEC. Business Recorder, 24th Nov, 2019.  War of words on CPEC. Business Recorder, 26th Nov, 2019.  APC rejects formation of CPEC Authority. Business Recorder, 27th Nov, 2019.  Senate body rejects US diplomat’s statement on CPEC. Business Recorder, 27 Nov, 2019.  Sell-off target revised upward to Rs300bn. Business Recorder, 28th Nov, 2019.  Umar for expediting work on groundbreaking of first CPEC SEZ. Business Recorder, 29th Nov, 2019.  Betting on SEZs — again. DAWN, 12th Nov, 2019.  CPEC in renewed focus. DAWN, 12th Nov, 2019.  EU offers technical assistance on FATF action plan. DAWN, 17th Nov, 2019.  Informal economy to be regulated for meeting FATF concern. DAWN, 25th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan has sovereign right to make any decision on CPEC. DAWN, 26th Nov, 2019.  Politicization of FATF. The Nation, 1st Nov, 2019.  ECC approves increase in salaries of doctors, nurses in federal hospitals. The Nation, 7th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan, China agree to bolster co-op. The Nation, 8th Nov, 2019.  US, China spar over CPEC. The Nation, 23rd Nov, 2019.  USA’s odd attacks on CPEC. The Nation, 26th Nov, 2019.  5th CPEC Media Forum. The Nation, 27th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan to take China into confidence at highest level. The Nation, 27th Nov, 2019.  Govt to include provinces new projects in CPEC. The News, 1st Nov, 2019.  New energy projects under CPEC. The News, 5th Nov, 2019.  Political consensus needed to keep up with IMF-backed reforms. The News, 10th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan’s 313 products expected tax-free access in China. The News, 13th Nov, 2019.  CPEC and Pakistan’s debt burden. The News, 17th Nov, 2019.  FATF Bombshell via USA Country Report. The News, 17th Nov, 2019.  Gwadar Free Zone. The News, 17th Nov, 2019.  President Arif Alvi says people worried about price-hike. The News, 19th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan asks China to add Chashma Right Bank Canal in CPEC. The News, 20th Nov, 2019.  Treasury bill yields move up ahead of monetary policy meeting. The News, 21st Nov, 2019.  Focus on CPEC Phase-II. The News, 22nd Nov, 2019.  China, US spar over CPEC. The News, 23rd Nov, 2019.  US concerns about CPEC misplaced. The News, 24th Nov, 2019.  Scandalizing CPEC. The News, 26th Nov, 2019.


 SSGC aggressively contains theft incidence. Business Recorder, 10th Nov, 2019.  Overpaid by CPPA-G. Business Recorder, 12th Nov, 2019.  Power sector. Business Recorder, 20th Nov, 2019.  Sindh obtains formal licence to set up PGC. Business Recorder, 20th Nov, 2019.  In quest of renewable power policy. Business Recorder, 24th Nov, 2019.  KE, Engro Energy sign MoU to set up Karachi’s first waste-to-energy plant. Business Recorder, 26th Nov, 2019.  Renewable energy now more crucial than ever. Business Recorder, 26th Nov, 2019.  Ministry directed to take up issue of power station in CCI moot. Business Recorder, 30th Nov, 2019.  A different ball game for late entrants to gas market. DAWN, 12th Nov, 2019.  Nepra reserves verdict on tariff hike. DAWN, 21st Nov, 2019.  Land acquisition cost for Dasu project doubles to Rs37bn. DAWN, 22nd Nov, 2019.  Lack of NOCs stops exploration work on 24 blocks. DAWN, 23rd Nov, 2019.  Power firms allowed to recover additional Rs15bn. DAWN, 27 Nov, 2019.  Investigation of LNG terminal case a 'classic example of fundamental rights’ violation. DAWN, 28th Nov, 2019.  Pakarab Fertilizer allowed to build gas pipeline. The Nation, 4th Nov, 2019.  Govt plans up-gradation of Pakistan Refinery with $1 billion. The Nation, 4th Nov, 2019.  Alternative for dams and Water Supply Expansion. The Nation, 7th Nov, 2019.  Flat power rate for winter announced. The Nation, 9th Nov, 2019.  Govt unveils Alternative Renewable Energy Development Policy. The Nation, 21st Nov, 2019.  Govt to sign contract for electro mechanical work of Dasu Hydropower project Phase-I. The Nation, 25th Nov, 2019.  Nepra allows ex-Wapda Discos to transfer burden of Rs14.78b to power consumers. The Nation, 27th Nov, 2019.  ECC increases power tariff by 11 paisas per unit, wheat support price to Rs1365 divided by 40 Kg. The Nation, 29th Nov, 2019.  Rs12b collected in Diamer Bhasha, Mohmand dams fund. The Nation, 30th Nov, 2019.  End to gas deal for RLNG power plants. The News, 2nd Nov, 2019.  The complexities of energy planning. The News, 2nd Nov, 2019.  300MW coal power plant inaugurated in Gwadar. The News, 5th Nov, 2019.  SSGC’s Rs427mln irregular meter procurement goes unnoticed. The news, 5th Nov, 2019.  Power Division withdraws summary on gas deal for RLNG power plants. The News, 6th Nov, 2019.  Rs11.97 per unit power flat rate for winter announced. The News, 9th Nov, 2019.  Beijing agrees to turn Thar coal into diesel, gas under CPEC. The News, 10th Nov, 2019.  RLNG sale deal with Trimmu power plant lands in red zone. The News, 22nd Nov, 2019.  Wind energy transforms Pakistan. The News, 22nd Nov, 2019.  Oil and gas reserves of Pakistan going to India due to lack of exploration. The News, 25th Nov, 2019.  Biogas and bio-CNG. The News, 27th Nov, 2019.  ECC approves rules to spur petroleum sector investment. The News, 28th Nov, 2019.  Gas load management to push circular debt in RLNG to Rs138 b. The News, 30th Nov, 2019.

Imports and Exports:

 Improving export performance. Business Recorder, 22nd Nov. 2019.  SBP allows $10,000 advance payment for raw material imports. DAWN, 13th Nov, 2019.  Exports – figures could be worrisome! The Nation, 13th Nov, 2019.  Pakistan’s exports keep declining in absence of long-term vision. The News, 9th Nov, 2019.  State Bank unveils new measures to boost exports. The News, 13th Nov, 2019.  Foreign investment in govt securities surpasses $711 million. The News, 15th Nov, 2019.

SMEs:  ‘Target of increasing SME loans to 17 percent quite achievable’. The News, 14th Nov, 2019.

Textile Industry:

 Textile Policy of Pakistan 2018-2023. The Nation, 14th Nov, 2019.


 Trade relations between Pakistan and OIC region. Business Recorder, 15th Nov, 2019.  Trade dificit narrows 33.52pc to $7.77bn. Business Recorder, 20th Nov, 2019.

------NEW ARRIVALS Arts and Architecture The hurt (ful) body : performing and beholding pain, 1600-1800 / Title: edited by Tomas Macsotay, Cornelis Van Der Haven and Karel Vanhaesebrouck. Publisher: United Kingdom : Manchester University Press, 2020 Call Number: KIC 700.4561 H967 2020 Pages: xv,311 pages: illustrations, phtographs; 26 cm.

Title: Historic mosques of Lahore / Ihsan H. Nadiem. Publisher: Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 1998. Call Number: KIC 726.209549143 N136H 1998 Pages: 164 pages: illustrations, plates ; 25 cm.

Designs for the pluriverse : radical interdependence, autonomy, Title: and the making of worlds / Arturo Escobar. Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press, 2018. Call Number: KIC 745.4 E746D 2018 Pages: xxi, 290 pages ; 22 cm.

Title: Hindi film songs and the cinema / Anna Morcom. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2016. Call Number: KIC 782.4215420954 M833H 2016 Pages: xviii, 287 pages : illustrations, figures ; 24 cm.

Another perspective : Pakistan cricket history 1977-98 : the Title: untold story of development / Taher Memon and Salim Parvez. Publisher: Leicestershire : Matador, 2018. Call Number: KIC 796.358095491 M533A 2018 Pages: xxii, 346 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 24 cm

Business Administration A guide to the subject- object interview : its administration and Title: interpretation / Lisa Lahey, Emily Souvaine, Robert Kegan, Robert Goodman and Sally Felix. Publisher: San Bernardino : [ Publisher not identified], 2011. Call Number: 650.14 G946 2011 Pages: iii, 331 pages ; 32 cm.

Personnel economics in practice / Edward P. Lazear and Michael Title: Gibbs. Publisher: New Jersy : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2017. Call Number: 658.3 L431P 2017 Edition: Third edition. Title: Work motivation in organizational behavior / Craig C. Pinder. Publisher: New York : Psychology Press, 2014. Call Number: 658.314 P648W 2014 Edition: Second edition.

Fundamentals of destination management and marketing / Title: edited by Rich Harrill. Washington : Desination Marketing Association International, Publisher: 2005. Call Number: 658.83 F981 2005 Pages: xxix, 281 pages : illustrations ; 20cm

Cracking the GMAT premium / by the Staff of the Princeton Title: Review Publisher: New York ; Penguin Random House, 2018. Call Number: R 650.076 C883 2018 Edition: 2019 edition.

Title: Cracking the GMAT / Princeton Review (Firm), Publisher: New York : Penguin Random House, 2018. Call Number: R 650.076 C883 2018 Edition: 2019 edition.

Cracking the GMAT premium / by the Staff of the Princeton Title: Review Publisher: New York : Penguin Random House, 2019. Call Number: R 650.076 C883 2019 Edition: 2020 edition.

Economics Handbook of economic field experiments / edited by Abhijit Title: Vinayak Banerjee, Esther Duflo. Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands : North-Holland, 2017. Call Number: KIC 330.01 H236 2017 Pages: 2 volume set : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Quality standards, value chains, and international development : Title: economic and political theory / Johan Swinnen, Koen Deconinck, Thijs vandemoortele, and Anneleen Vandeplas. Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015 Call Number: KIC 330.01 Q14 2015 Pages: xii,328 pages : illustrations, figures ; 26 cm. International finance : theory and policy / Paul R. Krugman, Title: Maurice Obstfeld and Marc J. Melitz. Publisher: Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2018 Call Number: KIC 332.042 K943I 2018 Edition: Eleventh edition.

Rich people : poor country : the story of fiscal and foreign Title: exchange policies of Pakistan / Syed Shabbar Zaidi ; co-contributors, Asim Zulfiqar Ali, Zulfikar Akhtar, Asra Rauf and Shaheryar Khan. Publisher: Karachi : The House Publishers, 2018. Call Number: KIC 332.45095491 Z212R 2018 Pages: 263 pages ; 24 cm

Exit Zero : family and class in postindustrial Chicago / Christine J. Title: Walley. Publisher: Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013. Call Number: KIC 338.47669 W199E 2013 Pages: xvi, 216 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

History and Geography Title: The end of history and the last man / Francis Fukuyama. Publisher: London : Penguin, 2012. Call Number: KIC 901 F961E 2012 Pages: xxiii, 418 pages ; 25 cm.

The Begum : a portrait of Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan's Title: pioneering first lady / Deepa Agarwal, Tahmina Aziz Ayub ; introduction by Namita Gokhale. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 923.205491 A261B 2019 xix, 216 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (black Pages: and white) ; 23 cm.

Prison interlude : the last eyewitness account of the Rawalpindi Title: Conspiracy Case / Zafar Ullah Poshni. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 923.205491 P855P 2019 Pages: xx, 232 pages : illustraions ; 22 cm Title: The Bhagat Singh reader / edited by Chaman Lal Publisher: Noida : Harper Collins Publishers, 2019 Call Number: KIC 924.0954 B575 2019 Edition: First edition.

Perspectives on Mughal India : rulers, historians, 'ulama' and sufis Title: / Sajida Sultana Alvi Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2012. Call Number: KIC 954.025 A475P 2012 Pages: xx, 277 pages ; 20cm

The state during the British Raj : imperial government in South Title: Asia, 1700-1947 / Ilhan Niaz. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 954.0359 N577S 2019 Pages: xiii, 312 pages ; 24 cm

Landscape, culture, and belonging : writing the history of Title: Northeast India / edited by Neeladri Bhattacharya and Joy L.K.Pachuau. Publisher: [United Kingdom] : Cambridge University Press, 2019 Call Number: KIC 954.10072 L263 2019 Pages: viii,343 pages : illustrations, figures, maps ; 26 cm.

Title: A quest into the genesis of new Pakistan / Muhammad S. Jawaid. Publisher: Karachi : Muhammad Zaki Jawaid, 2018. Call Number: KIC 954.91 J418Q 2018 Edition: First edition.

The politics of resentment : rural consciousness in Wisconsin and Title: the rise of Scott Walker / Katherine J. Cramer. Publisher: Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2016. Call Number: KIC 977.5044 C889P 2016 Pages: xii, 285 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.

Language and Literature Title: The hatred of poetry / Ben Lerner. Publisher: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. Call Number: KIC 808.1 L616H 2016 Pages: 86 pages ; 19 cm Unthinking mastery : dehumanism and decolonial entanglements Title: / Julietta Singh. Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press, 2018. Call Number: KIC 809.93358 S617U 2018

Pages: xi, 201 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

The Buddha tree / Fumio Niwa ; a novel translated by Kenneth Title: Strong. Publisher: Boston : Tuttle Publishing, 2000. Call Number: KIC 895.634 N735B 2000 Pages: xiii, 380 pages ; 24 cm.

Law Title: Jurisprudence and legal theory / S.P. Dwivedi Publisher: Allahabad : Central Law Publications, 2012 Call Number: KIC 340.1 D993J 2012 Edition: Sixth edition.

The UN committee on economic, social and cultural rights : the Title: law, process and practice / Marco Odello and Francesco Seatzu. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2014. Call Number: KIC 341.232 O235U 2014 Pages: xv, 310 pages ; 26 cm.

Human rights and the universal periodic review : rituals and Title: ritualism / edited by Hilary Charlesworth and Emma Larking. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Call Number: KIC 341.48 H918 2014 Pages: xvi, 297 pages ; 24 cm

Mirrors of justice : law and power in the post-Cold War era / Title: edited by Kamari Maxine Clarke, Mark Goodale. Publisher: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Call Number: KIC 341.48 M676 2014 Pages: xii, 344 pages ; 24 cm.

The contentious history of the International Bill of Human Rights / Title: Christopher N. J. Roberts, University of Minnesota Law School. Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015. Call Number: KIC 341.48 R643C 2015 Pages: xiv, 237 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Who believes in human rights? : reflections on the European Title: convention / Marie-Benedicte Dembour. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. Call Number: KIC 341.48094 D375W 2006 Pages: xxvii, 310 pages : illustrations, tables ; 23 cm.

Title: Human rights law / Merris Amos. Publisher: Oxford, United Kingdom : Hart Publishing, 2014. Call Number: KIC 342.41085 A525H 2014 Edition: Second edition.

Criminal punishment and human rights : convenient morality / Title: Adnan Sattar. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2019. Call Number: KIC 345.077 S253C 2019 Pages: xv, 269 pages ; 25 cm.

Philosophy and Psychology The varieties of temporal experience : travels in philosophical, Title: historical, and ethnographic time / Michael Jackson. Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press, 2018. Call Number: KIC 153.753 J124V 2018 Pages: xxiv, 295 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Factfulness : ten reasons we're wrong about the world--and why Title: things are better than you think /

Hans Rosling, with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund. Publisher: London : Sceptre, 2018. Call Number: KIC 155.9042 R821F 2018 Pages: x, 342 pages : illustrations, color maps ; 22 cm.

Title: After evil : responding to wrongdoing / Geoffrey Scarre. Publisher: England : Ashgate publishers, 2004. Call Number: KIC 170 S286A 2004 Pages: 202 pages ; 25 cm. Religion Faithfully feminist : Jewish, Christian, & Muslim feminists on why Title: we stay / edited by Gina Messina-Dysert, Jennifer Zobair, & Amy Levin ; foreword by Judith Plaskow, Rosemary Radford Ruether, & Amina Wadud. Publisher: Ashland, Oregon : White Cloud Press, 2015. Call Number: KIC 200.82 F174 2015 Pages: xx, 281 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

A Muslim study of the origins of the Christian church / Ruqaiyyah Title: Waris Maqsood Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2000 Call Number: KIC 230 R947M 2000 Pages: xvi, 288 page : illustrations, plates ; 26 cm.

Interpretations of Jihad in South Asia : an intellectual history / Title: Tariq Rahman. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 297.720954 R147I 2019 Pages: xviii, 323 pages ; 23 cm

Religion and politics in Saljuq Iran : negotiating ideology and Title: religious inquiry / by Omid Safi. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2007. Call Number: KIC 297.80955 S128R 2007 Pages: liii, 292 pages ; 24 cm.

Science and Engineering Title: Brief answers to the big questions / Stephen Hawking. Publisher: London : John Murray, 2018. Call Number: 530.12 H392B 2018 Pages: xxiii, 232 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm

Bacterial pathogenesis : a molecular approach / Brenda A. Wilson, Title: Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Brian T. Ho, Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, University College London and Birkbeck, University of London, London, United Kingdom, Malcolm E. Winkler, Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Publisher: Washington, DC : ASM Press, 2019. Call Number: 579.3165 W746B 2019 Edition: Fourth edition. Staying with the trouble : making kin in the Chthulucene / Donna Title: J. Haraway. Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press, 2016. Call Number: 599.95 H254S 2016 Pages: xv, 296 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Social Sciences Observation and experiment : an introduction to causal inference Title: / Paul R. Rosenbaum Publisher: Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2019 Call Number: 001.4340151954 R813O 2019 Pages: xvi,374 pages : illustrations, tables ; 26 cm.

The nature of social reality : issues in social ontology / Tony Title: Lawson. Publisher: New York : Routledge, 2019. Call Number: KIC 301 L425N 2019 Pages: xiv, 266 pages ; 25 cm.

Tools and weapons : the promise and the peril of the digital age / Title: Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne. Publisher: England : Hodder & Stoughton, 2019 Call Number: KIC 303.483 S642T 2019 Pages: xiii, 346 pages ; 24 cm.

Animal intimacies : interspecies relatedness in India's Central Title: Himalayas / Radhika Govindrajan. Publisher: Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2018. Call Number: KIC 304.27 G721A 2018 Pages: xiii, 220 pages ; 24 cm.

Mobile secrets : youth, intimacy, and the politics of [retense in Title: mozambique / Julie Soleil Archambault. Publisher: Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017 Call Number: KIC 305.23509679 A669M 2017 Pages: xx, 183 pages : illustrations, figures ; 24 cm.

The 100-year life : living and working in an age of longevity / by Title: Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott. Publisher: London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Business, 2019. Call Number: KIC 305.26 G773Y 2019 Pages: xiv, 407 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. The masculinity studies reader / edited by Rachel Adams and Title: David Savran. Publisher: Malden : Blackwell, 2009. Call Number: KIC 305.31 M395 2009 Pages: ix, 418 pages ; 26 cm.

Practising shame : female honour in later medieval England / Title: Mary C. Flannery. Publisher: England : Manchester University Press, 2020. Call Number: KIC 305.42 F585P 2020 Pages: xiii, 213 pages ; 22 cm.

Journey into Europe : Islam, immigration, and identity / Akbar Title: Ahmed. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 305.697 A286J 2019 Pages: xx, 497 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 24 cm

Race in a godless world : atheism, race, and civilization, 1850- Title: 1914 / Nathan G. Alexander. Publisher: Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2019 Call Number: KIC 305.8009 A374R 2019 Edition: First edition.

Imperial Sovereignty and local politics : the bhadauria rajputs and Title: the transition from mughal to British India, 1600-2900 / Tripurdaman Singh. Publisher: [United Kingdom] : Cambridge University Press, 2019 Call Number: KIC 305.800954 S617I 2019 Pages: xvi,247 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm.

Slavery and the Enlightenment in the British Atlantic, 1750-1807 / Title: Justin Roberts, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. Call Number: KIC 306.362 R643S 2018 Pages: xiv, 352 pages : illustrations, figures, tables ; 24 cm

Title: Pakistan : principles of public policy redefined / Zafar U. Ahmed Publisher: Lahore : Vanguard Books, 2020. Call Number: KIC 320.6095491 A286P 2020 Pages: ix, 159 pages ; 24 cm. States in the developing world / Miguel Centeno, Princeton Title: University ; Atul Kohli, Princeton University ; Deborah J. Yashar, Princeton University ; with Dinsha Mistree, Stanford University.

Publisher: Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. Call Number: KIC 320.91724 S797 2017 Pages: xvi, 476 pages ; 24 cm

The political economy of NGOs : state formation in Sri Lanka and Title: Bangladesh / Jude L. Fernando. Publisher: London : Pluto press, 2011. Call Number: KIC 320.95493 F363P 2011 Pages: xii, 338 pages ; 22 cm.

Human Rights and empire : the political philosophy of Title: cosmopolitanism / Costas Douzinas. Publisher: New York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 Call Number: KIC 323.01 D742H 2007 Pages: x, 323 pages ; 24 cm.

Eyes off the prize : the United Nations and the African American Title: struggle for human rights, 1944-1955 / Carol Anderson. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. Call Number: KIC 323.1196073 A545E 2011 Pages: x, 302 pages : illustrations, photographs, figures ; 24 cm.

Title: The evolution of rights in liberal theory / Ian Shapiro. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. Call Number: KIC 323.409 S529E 2008 Pages: x, 326 pages ; 24 cm.

Title: The saffron tide / Kingshuk Nag. New Delhi : Published in Rainlight by Rupa Publications India Pvt. Publisher: Ltd., 2014. Call Number: KIC 324.254083 N147S 2014 Pages: 247 pages ; 24 cm

The parliament of Pakistan : a history of institution-building and Title: (UN) democratic practices, 1971-1977 / Mahboob Hussain ; foreword by Mathew McCartney ; introduction by Mian Raza Rabbani. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 328.095491 H972P 2019 Pages: xxiv, 306 pages ; 24 cm Title: Call sign chaos : learning to lead / Jim Mattis and Bing West. Publisher: New York : Random House USA Inc, 2019 Call Number: KIC 355 M444C 2019 Pages: xiv,300 pages : illustrations, figures, maps ; 26 cm.

India’s habituation with the bomb : nuclear learning in South Title: Asia / Edited by Naeem Salik. Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2019. Call Number: KIC 355.02170954 I391 2019 Pages: xiii, 200 pages ; 24 cm

Voices from Chernobyl / Svetlana Alexievich ; translation and Title: preface by Kieth Gessen. Publisher: Ireland : Dalkey Archive Press, 2019 Call Number: KIC 363.1799094776 A384V 2019 Pages: x, 240 pages ; 24 cm.

The new punitiveness : trends, theories, perspectives / edited by Title: John Pratt, David Brown, Mark Brown, Simon Hallsworth and Wayne Morrison. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2011. Call Number: KIC 364.6 N532 2011 Pages: xxvi, 319 pages: illustrations, tables ; 25 cm.

Prison readings : a critical introduction to prisons and Title: imprisonment / edited by Yvonne Jewkes and Helen Johnston. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2011. Call Number: KIC 364.6 P959 2011 Pages: xi, 305 pages ; 25 cm.

Punishment and social structure / Georg Rusche and Otto Title: Kirchheimer ; with a new introduction by Dario Melossi. Publisher: New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2009 Call Number: KIC 364.6 R951P 2009 Pages: lii, 268 pages ; 24 cm.

The prisoners' dilemma : political economy and punishment in Title: contemporary democracies / Nicola Lacey. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. Call Number: KIC 364.60941 L131P 2008 Pages: xx, 234 pages : illustrations, tables ; 23 cm. Nancy Fraser, social justice and education / edited by Carol Title: Vincent. Call Number: KIC 370.115 N176 2019 Pages: x,196 pages : illustrations, tables ; 26 cm.

Cracking the SAT premium / Selena Coppock ; Princeton Review Title: (Firm), Publisher: New York : Penguin Random House, 2019. Call Number: R 378.1662 C883 2019 Edition: 2020 edition.

Title: Cracking the SAT / by Selena Coppock ; Princeton Review (Firm). Publisher: New York : Penguin Random House, 2019. Call Number: R 378.1662 C883 2019 Edition: 2020 edition.

Title: Cracking the GRE / by the Staff of The Princeton Review Publisher: New York, NY : Penguin Random House, 2019. Call Number: R 378.1662 C883 2019 Edition: 2020 edition

Title: Cracking the GRE premium / Princeton Review (Firm) Publisher: New York : Random House, 2019. Call Number: R 378.1662 C883 2019 Edition: 2020 edition.

Title: The official SAT study guide / College Board Publisher: New York : College Board, 2019 Call Number: R 378.1662 O324 2019 Edition: 2020 edition. Journal Table of Content

LUMS publications indexed in Scopus for November, 2019

Sarfraz, I., Asif, M., & Hijazi, K. (2019). MiCA: An extended tool for microarray gene expression analysis. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 103561.

Ali, S., Naseer, K., Hussain, S. Z., & Qazi, J. (2019). Evaluation of freeze-dried human sera as a novel approach for ATR-FTIR spectroscopic analysis as compared to conventionally used thin dry film sera. Biotechnology Letters, 41(12), 1355-1360.

Zia, M. D., & Usman, M. (2019). Sharp Spectral Inequalities for Fourth Order Differential Operators on Semi-Axis. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 22(4), 24.

Azmi, W., Ali, M., Arshad, S., & Rizvi, S. A. R. (2019). Intricacies of competition, stability, and diversification: Evidence from dual banking economies. Economic Modelling.

Mahmood, N., Jeong, H., Kim, I., Mehmood, M. Q., Zubair, M., Akbar, A., ... & Rho, J. (2019). Twisted non-diffracting beams through all dielectric meta- axicons. Nanoscale, 11(43), 20571-20578.

Mustafa, M., Batool, A., & Raza, A. A. (2019). Designing ICT interventions for women in Pakistan. Communications of the ACM, 62(11), 46-47.

Waseem, M. H., & Anwar, M. S. (2019). Hippopedal intensity plots: drawing comparisons between antenna and optical polarimetry. Applied Optics, 58(31), 8442-8448.

Nasir, M., Anees, M., Khan, H. A., Khan, I., Xu, Y., & Guerrero, J. M. (2019). Integration and Decentralized Control of Standalone Solar Home Systems for off-grid Community Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

Zafar, M., Mahmood, S., Shaikh, H., Alhamidi, A., Ramay, S. M., Saleem, M., & Siddiqi, S. A. (2019). Structural, dielectric and optical investigations of Zr incorporated ceria nanoparticles. Materials Research Express, 6(11), 116321.

Wahab, N., Saeed, M., Ibrahim, M., Munir, A., Saleem, M., Zahra, M., & Waseem, A. (2019). Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Silk/Bentonite Clay Composite for Heavy Metal Removal From Aqueous Solution. Frontiers in chemistry, 7.

Adil, A., Abid, H., Najib, N., Jillani, U., Saadeh, W., & Altaf, M. A. B. (2019, August). Wearable ECG Measurement System for Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia. In 2019 UK/China Emerging Technologies (UCET) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

Yousaf, K., Ather, H., & Saadeh, W. (2019, August). Wearable Peripheral Neuropathy Detection System based on Surface Electromyography. In 2019 UK/China Emerging Technologies (UCET) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

Zulfiqar, M. D., Ismail, K., Hassan, N. U., Hussain, S., & Zhang, M. (2019, August). Radio Spectrum Occupancy Measurement from 30MHz-1030MHz in Pakistan. In 2019 UK/China Emerging Technologies (UCET) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Qadeer, M. U., Liaquat, S., Shafique, M. A., & Kashif, A. R. (2019, August). Implementation of Wireless Mesh Network for IoT based Smart Homes. In 2019 International Symposium on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (RAEE) (Vol. 4, pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Ozturk, M., Abubakar, A. I., Hassan, N. U., Hussain, S., Imran, M. A., & Yuen, C. (2019, August). Spectrum Cost Optimization for Cognitive Radio Transmission over TV White Spaces using Artificial Neural Networks. In 2019 UK/China Emerging Technologies (UCET) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

Awais, M., Riaz, A., & Khan, W. T. (2019, July). An Ultra-wideband (16 40 GHz) mmWave Antenna for Automotive Radar and 5G Applications. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (pp. 1919-1920). IEEE.

Ali, N. G. (2019). Agrarian class struggle and state formation in post‐colonial Pakistan, 1959–1974: Contingencies of Mazdoor Kisan Raj. Journal of Agrarian Change.

Qureshi, B., Kamiran, F., Karim, A., Ruggieri, S., & Pedreschi, D. (2019). Causal inference for social discrimination reasoning. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1-13.

Tariq, M., Waseem, M., Rasool, M. H., Zahoor, M. A., & Hussain, I. (2019). Isolation and molecular characterization of the indigenous Staphylococcus aureus strain K1 with the ability to reduce hexavalent chromium for its application in bioremediation of metal-contaminated sites. PeerJ, 7, e7726.

Munir, A., Haq, T. U., Hussain, I., Qurashi, A., Ullah, U., Iqbal, M. J., & Hussain, I. (2019). Ultrasmall Co@ Co (OH) 2 Nanoclusters Embedded in N‐Enriched Mesoporous Carbon Network as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Durable Water Oxidation. ChemSusChem.

Akhtar, N., Rafique, H. M., Atiq, S., Aslam, S., Razaq, A., & Saleem, M. (2019). Structural, morphological and dielectric traits of $$\hbox {Zr} _ {1-x}\hbox {Ca} _ {{x}}\hbox {TiO} _ {{4}} $$($$ x= 0$$ x= 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.2) ceramics. Bulletin of Materials Science, 42(2), 58.

Roberts, A., & Zulfiqar, G. (2019). Social reproduction, finance and the gendered dimensions of pawnbroking. Capital & Class, 0309816819880788.

Maroulis, S., Diermeier, D., & Nisar, M. A. (2019). Discovery, dissemination, and information diversity in networked groups. Social Networks.

Alvi, A. (2019). Levinas and ethics: The death of Pope John Paul II. Anthropological Theory, 1463499618785529.

Nisar, M. A., & Masood, A. (2019). Dealing with disgust: Street-level bureaucrats as agents of Kafkaesque bureaucracy. Organization, 1350508419883382.

Syed, J., & Ali, F. (2019). Theorizing equal opportunity in Muslim majority countries. Gender, Work & Organization.

Cassidy, R., & Ahmad, A. (2019). Evidence for conceptual change in approaches to teaching. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-17.

Ashraf, J., Ayaz, M., & Hopper, T. (2019). Precariousness, gender, resistance and consent in the face of global production network’s ‘Reforms’ of Pakistan’s garment manufacturing industry. Work, Employment and Society.

Aziz, I., Lee, J., Duran, H., Kirchhoff, K., Baker, R. T., Irvine, J. T., & Arshad, S. N. (2019). Nanostructured carbons containing FeNi/NiFe 2 O 4 supported over N- doped carbon nanofibers for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. RSC Advances, 9(63), 36586-36599.

Fair, C. C., Hwang, J. C., & Majid, M. A. (2019). The pious or the doctrinaire? who supports suicide terrorism in Indonesia?. Asian Security, 1-23.

Shah, S. A. (2017). The provision and violation of water rights (the case of Pakistan)–a human rights based approach. In Charting the Water Regulatory Future. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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Akbar Ahmed’s profound and careful inquiries have greatly enriched our understanding of Islam in the modern world. His latest study, based on direct research with a group of young scholars, explores the complex interfaith reality of Europe, both in history and today, from an Eastern perspective, reversing the familiar paradigm. It is sure to be yet another influential contribution, one greatly needed in a world riven by conflicts and misunderstanding.

Dr Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor and Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus), Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This book is essential reading to all who want to understand our world. As a South Asian Christian, I can say with pride: South Asia has produced two Akbars—Akbar the Great, the emperor who united India, and Akbar Ahmed, who brings peace and harmony among nations through research and knowledge. Akbar, who I have known for decades, is my brother and my hero. He belongs to all of humanity. Long live the passion of Akbar to see one harmonious world with animosity and hatred for none.

Councillor Dr James Shera MBE, S.Pk., Former Mayor of Rugby, England, Freeman of the Borough of Rugby, and Distinguished Formanite

I don’t exaggerate when I say that today Akbar Ahmed is the most knowledgeable scholar writing on Islam and the way the religion is affecting global affairs. In his extensive coverage of the subject, he has brought new insights policymakers in the West would do well to understand. In my own work what I have found most helpful is Professor Ahmed’s finding that Islam’s appeal to some of the extremist elements in Muslim societies should be understood in the context of the survival of tribalism in the structure and value systems of some of the societies that are contributing recruits to Islamist causes. In dealing with these dissidents, the use of force is not the preferred solution. What would work ultimately is the development and modernization of these societies.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780199408658 Publication date: 2019 Pages: 524 pages

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