DR. MUHAMMAD ASAD HASAN a) - Possess Post-Graduate qualifications in Faculties of Engineering, Science, Management and Law [Ph.D. & Post-Graduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the University of Leeds and Surrey (England), M.Sc. in Chemistry form University of , Post- Graduate Diploma in Management Studies from Derby (England) and LLB from University of Sindh], in addition of score of Certificate for technical and management courses from 11 abroad and 4 national organizations. Also registered as ISO-9000 Lead Auditor from I.R.C.A. (London) and qualified ISO-14000 Lead Auditor from British Standards Institution (England), (Annexure “A”).


- Name was included in the Roaster of the Common Wealth Secretariat, London as an expert in Quality, Standardization, Testing etc., in 1998 (Ref:0071845) and in IRTI Information Center, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. b) Represented the country abroad in ten International Seminars, Conference, Symposia at China, France, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey and score of workshops etc., at national level, (Annexure “B”). c) Working as an Adjunct Professor in the department of Chemical Engineering, University of Karachi, since 2008. d) Worked as Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Dawood College of Engineering Technology, Karachi (2007-2008) and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemical Technology and Engineering, University of Karachi, after retirement (2004-2007). e) Possess about 40 years varied experiences [of premier Industries of (with WPIDC and Pakistan Steel – 13 years) and Research & Development (with the University of Leeds, England and PCSIR – 6 years) in addition to 20 years experience with the Pakistan Standards Institution (PSI) and Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA)] (Anne. “C”). f) Worked as the Deputy Director General and Head of Standards Development Centre, PSQCA (2000-2003) and as the Chief Executive of PSI. a statutory autonomous body (1984-2000) and the main Achievements may be summarized as:

- Increased the self-generated income of PSI from Rs.1 million in 1983-1984 to 32 million in 1999-2000 and made the Institution self-financed, very rare example in public sector. - Increased its productivity more than 300 percent. - Took initiative, drafted and comprehensively worked for the enactment of Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority Act, 1996 and as a result PSQCA started working from December 1 st , 2000. - Opened Regional Offices, at Karachi, , Peshawar and Quetta and an Information Cell alongwith training facilities and a modern Press at Head Office. - Procured plot sites for PSI offices and its Laboratories at Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta form self-generated income. - Published regularly supplements without any financial obligation in National Newspapers on the World Standards Day since October 1984. g) Published 12 research articles in International Research Journals and 5 in professional journal in addition to 12 articles in daily national Newspapers (Annexure “D”) h) Delivered lectures at University, NIPA and Technical Seminars in addition to act as referee of technical papers for PCSIR Journal and observer for three IRCA Lead Auditor training courses (1985-2001). i) Acted as technical expert for the selection of teaching staff and examiner for M.Phil. Degree at the University of Karachi (1989-2001).


PUBLICATIONS – IN: From Canada I) INTERNATIONAL 1) Hasan M. A. “Calibiration of Rolling Ball Viscometer in the RESEARCH JOURNALS Intermediate Reynolds Number Region”, Can. J. Chem. Engineering 61, 607-611(1983) 2) Medani. M.S. and M.A. Hasan. “Phase Equilibria Calculations with a Modified Redlich Kwong Equation of State”, Can. J. Chem. Engineering 56, 251-256 (1978). 3) Medani. M.S. and M.A. Hasan, “Viscosity of Organic Liquids at Elevated Temperature and the Corresponding Vapour Pressure”, Can. J. Chem. Engineering 55, 203-209 (1977).

From Netherlands 4) Hasan M.A. “Wall Effects on the Motion of a Rolling Sphere in a Closely Fitting Tube”, The Chemical Engineering Journal 33, 97-101 (1986).

From U.K. 5) Medani M.S. and M.A. Hasan “Thermodynamic Properties of the n-exane and Benzene System at Elevated Temperature”, J. Appl. Chem. Bio-technol 27, 80-92 (1977). 6) A paper was presented on “Viscosity of Liquid Mixtures at Elevated Temperature and Corresponding Vapour Pressure” in a Research Colloquium held on March 8, 2974; at the Houldsworth School of Applled Science, the University of Leads, England.

From U.S.A. 7) Medani M.S. and M.A. Hasan “Composition Dependence of Viscosity of n-Hexane Benzene Binary Mixture at Elevated Temperature”, J. Chem. Engineering Data 23, 34-36 (1978). 8) Medani M.S. and M.A. Hasan “Temperature Dependence of Viscosity for Crygenic Fluids in their Saturated Liquid State”, Ind. Engg. Chem. Fund 11, 127-28 (1977).

From Pakistan 9) Hasan M.A. “Viscosity and Thermodynamics Properties Data for Methanol and Benzene Mixture at Elevated Temperatures (for two Extreme Concentrations)”, Pak, J. Sel. Ind. Res, 32, 308-381 (1989) 10) Hasan M.A. “Development of a Time Mensuring System for use in Rolling Ball Viscometers at Elevated Temperatures (upto 525 K)”, The Journal of the National Institute of Electronics 2, 19-23 (1988). 11) Hasan M.A. “Fugacity Co-efficient with Modified Constants of Redich Kwong Equation of State”, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 27, 193-195 (1984) . 12) Hasan M.A. “Manufacture of Cement from Blast Furnace Slag”, Pak. Steel Journal, 1, 33-36 (1979). II) IN PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINES 13) Hasan M.A. “Certification Marks”, Pakistan and Gulf Economist, Vol.22 No.50, 34-35 (2003) . 14) Hasan M.A. “Hierarchy of Metrology in Pakistan”, Pakistan and Gulf Economist, Vol.22 No.27, 43-44 (2003) . 15) Hsan M.A. “Standards-An Important Tool for Sfety”, Pakistan and Gulf Economist, Vol.22 No.5, 39-40 (2003) . 16) Hasan M.A. “Adoption of International Standards as National Standards”, Pakistan and Gulf Economist, Vol.21 No.16, 36-37 (2002). 17) Hasan M.A. “Promotion of Quality Culture”, Pakistan and Gulf Economist, Vol. 19 No.5, 22-24 (2000).

III) IN NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS: 1) An article on “Building on Standards” was published in daily “, Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad, daily Intekhab, Karachi, Hub edition & weekly Akhbar-e- Sarfeen, Karachi” on 14 th October 1999. 2) An article on “Economic Explosion Through Quality” was published in special supplement on “YOM-E-TAKBIR” in daily Newspaper i.e. daily , Karachi & , , Rawalpindi and daily Nawa-e-Waqt, Rawalpindi on 27 th May 1999. 3) An article on “ Regional Co-operation for Standardization among ECO Member countries” was published in the “Dawn” Karachi on 14 TH October 1998. 4) An article on “Standards in Daily Life” was published in different daily national newspapers i.e. “Business Recorder” Karachi, daily “News” Karachi & Lahore on 14 th October 1998. 5) An article on “World Trade Needs World Wide Standards”, was published in different daily national newspapers i.e. “Business Recorder” Karachi, daily “The News” Karachi, Lahore, Quetta & Islamabad on 14 th October 1997. 6) An article on “Standards in Service Sector”, was published in the different daily national newspapers i.e. “Business Recorder” Karachi & Lahore, daily “Jang” Karachi. “The Former Post” Lahore and the “The Baluchistan Times” Quetta on 14 th October 1996. 7) An article on “A World on the move-International Standards help Transport People, Energy, goods and Data” was published in the “Business Recorder” Karachi, 14 TH October 1995. 8) An article on “Standards in our Society” was published in the “Nation” Lahore, on 6 th April 1995. 9) An article on “Use of Standards results in more economic utilization of resources” was published in the “News”, Karachi on 4 th February 1995. 10) An article on “Standards and the consumer: Partners for a better world” was published in the daily “Jang” and “Business Recorder”, Karachi on 14 th October 1994. 11) An article on “Information Management-Yet another important field for Standardization” was published in the “Business Recorder”, Karachi on 14 th October 1993. 12) An article on “Adoption of International Standards Key to Open Market” was published in the “Economic & Business Review”, section of DAWN, Karachi on 22 nd May 1993. 13)
