He Gazene Published by Authority

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He Gazene Published by Authority • • , �he Gazene Published by Authority Yol. XXVI Aizawl. Friday 12. 12. 1997, Agrhayana 21, S.E. 1919 Issue No. 50 . Gownt.ellt .r Mir. ... Pm I �ts. ......... Trz I ; II Pe_...... otber Pc. F . " N....... udOnkn . • (ORDERS BYTHE GOVERNOR) , ,� NOTIF CATIONS No.B. 25011/1j93-HORT, the 12th December, 1997. In pursuance of Govern­ ment of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation) instruction contained in D.O.No. 6-9/96-HORT dt. 12/Sept./1997. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order and Notify that Mushroom production is to be treated as an Agricultural activity and Mushroom as an Agricultural Commodity for exemption of Mushroom growing units from payment of power charges at industrial rates and payment of Sales Tax, etc. NoA. 220l2/l/94-HORT, the 11th December, 1997. Tn the interest of public Services. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and postlDg of the following Group �A' Officers under Horticulture Department to the posts and places mentioned against each of their names with immediate effect and unti further orders. ---------- , 81. Name of officers Present place of New place of No. & designation posting posting 1. Pu Chhuanvawra i/c D.H.O. Lunglei i/c H.D.O. Asst!. Hort. Officer Division. (Extn. &Trg.) -cum-Manager. • R-SO/97 2 2. Pu Vanlalruata i/c D.H. Tuidam i/c D.H.O. Chenkual S.M.S. (PPJ Division. Tuidam. 3. Pu RosangIura Ralte i/c D.H.O. Aizawl i/c D.H.O. S.M.S. Division. Khawzawl. 4. Pu K. Lalduhawma i/c D.H.O.Khawzawl i/c D.H.O. Asst!. Potato Dev. Division. Lunglei. Officer. S. Pu Zotawna H.C.O. ije H.C.O. Directorate i/c D.H.O. of Horticulture. Aizawl. - ------- -_._--- ---------- ------� The Officers will draw their own grade ply scale 19d.in·,t their existing posts. S1. No.1 will move first followed by Sl. No. 2,3,&4. J.R. Ramfangzauva. to i he Secretary Govt. of Mizoram, • Horticulture De�)artment. }:o.A.3101 3/I/92-EDC, the lIth December, 1997. On lhe,r being absorbed into Govt.service, the Governor of Mizoram is pJeased to conC, �n the following per­ oons in the Grade of Lecturer in the scale of pay of Rs.2200-75-2800-100-4000/­ p.m.with immediate effect :- - �--.----------�----------------. ---------- Sl. No. Name of Lecturers Name of College Re marks ._------------- ---------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ._--- ---- ---�--.-------------------- -------- ._- 1. D.Elyas Govt. Saiha College 2. Zothantluanga Ralte -do- 3. A. Sundaram -do- 4. Aruna Juliet Mercy -do- 5. C.Tlanglungmuana -do·- 6. Tha,ia T. Azyu -do-· 7. Lallawma Bawitlung -do- 8. Irudayaraj -do- 9. F. Lalsawmliana -do- 10. T.Lalchangliani -do- 11. Dr.K. B.SiDgh -do- 12. N.B . Sachhei -do- 13. Dr.K. Zohra -do- 14. Vanlaltlanchhunga -do- 15. Hmingthanzuala -do- • • 3 R-50/97 --- ----- - - - - - - � - - ----- 3 1 2 -------- ------- - -do- 16. M. Elizabeth Rani Vanlalruala -do- 17. B. -do- I 18. Joseph L. Chinzah , -do- Thokchom Budha Singh 19. 0- 20. S. Ngiahu -<1 Joseph C.O. -do- 21. -do- 22. Chawngkhuma Chawngthu - -------- ---- - -----_._---------- R.K. Singh., Joint Secretary to the Gov!. of Mizoram. No.A.320l9/1/95-P&AR(CSW)(L), the 12th December, 1997. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu T. Saikunga, • MJS to Grade-I (Junior) of Mizoram Judicial Service on officiating basis in the scale of pay of Rs. 4000-150-5700/-p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible under Rules with effect from 12. 12. 97. • < On his promotion tc Grade-I (Junior) of Mizoram Judicial Service, Pu T. Saikunga, MJS is posted as Joint Secretary State Leg::1l Services Authority, Govt. of ,Mizoram. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that Pu T. Saikunga, MJS "ill als-:1 continue to h01d the charge of Ju1ge, Special Court, (Essential Commodities Act) Aizawl 1n addition to his normal duties as Joint Secretary, State Legal Services Authority without any additional financial benefit. Further, Pu P. Singthanga, Special Judge, Prevention of CorFUption Act will look after the works of Judge, Special Court (NP & PS Act) in addition to his own duties. Vanhela Pachuau, Commissioner & Secretaty to -the Oovt. of Mizoram. No.A-12026/1/93-EDC : the 12th December, 1997. Subject to Police Verification of Character and Antecedonts and in the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission, the Governor of Mizoram. is pleased to appoint the following persons to the post of lectufr.:rs III the scale of pay or Rs�2200�75·28(J()..100-4000/­ p.m. plus all other cdlo\Vances as admisslblt undt!r Rules- with effectfrom the date of their joining the post. R-50/97 4 • - - --- - -- - -- - --- - - -- SI. Name - - - & Address Name of Dept!. & No. Remarks place of posting - - --- -- - - -- - 1 2 -- - - - - 3 4 - - ----- ----------- • 1. Agnes L. Khawlbring Lecturer in Economics Appointed against the 0/0 Peter K.Rangkhu:na ' Lungle; Govl. College. post of Vice Principal C/o Mamit College, post converted to Leet., Momi!. ill Economics Deptt. 2. La ldinpuii, Vice Dr. N.K. Ram. 0/0 C. Thangliana C/o Lalzarliana Renthlei, -do- MD., M.I.F.C.O. Zarkawt, Babullang, Aizawl. 3. C. Vanlalhruaia, Lecturer in Mizo, Vice Pu L.T. Muana S/o Salchbunga, Govl. Lunglei College. promoted to Principal Ramtbar Veng, Aizawl. GovL Serchhip College.. • 4. R. Lalchhuanawma. Lecturer in Mizo, Appoin�ed at:>..... 11St the S/o Ngurkunga Ralte Govt. Champha; College. post of Vice Principal C/o C. Sangkhuma converted to Leet. in , . Dingdi Veng Chaillang Mizo. Aiza.. 1. 5. Jennifer Saizamliani, Lecturer in English, Vice Elizabeth L.Hmar D/o R. Zamawia, Govt. Champhai College. transferred. C/o R. Zarnawia, Beer·Seba, Tanhril. 6. Lalmuanpuii Khiangt. Lecturer in HistorY7 Appointed against the 0/0 Chalkunga Khiangte Lunglei Gov!. College. post of Professor con­ C/o V.Zohmingiiana, verted to Lect. in Mission Veng, Bazar. History. Aizawl. 7. B. Lalrawngbawla, Lecturer in Geography, Appoir!ted against the S/o B. Ropianga, Lunglei Govt. College. post of Professor post C/o the Standard Shoppe, converted to Lect. in Govt. approved Stationery Geography. Store, Upper Bazar. Aizawl. 8. F. Lalcbhanhima, Lecturer in English Vice Ldtluanglcimi Sja F. Rualirha, Lunglei Gov!. College. Hnamte transferred� C/o Lalrikbuma, Mizoram Collegiate Boys' Hostel, Republic Veng, Aizawl. • s tr-50f97 , -- ---- --�------------ I L J 4 9. LallawIIIzuali Lecturer iu Botany, Vice D/o Vanlalnghaka. GOVl. Saiha College. transferred. C/o Vani.'lngh"ka. H.No.M/7, Ramhhm 's' Aizawl. --- -- -- .. --'- .. ---------- ,----.. --- ----- The ahove ap�ointees should join their re'pective post within 30 (thirty) davs from the date of issue of this Notification and wil1 be on probation for a period of 2(two) years wIth effect from the date of their joining the post. Sd/· Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, l!ducation and Human Resources Department. No.A.22012jl/84·PAR(GSW). the 12th December, 1997. In continuation of thi, Department's Notification of even No. dated 16. 11. 96, the Governor of Milo­ ram is pleased to extend the de;mtation period of Pu Rosiama RaIte, Deputy Director, A.T.1. for, further period of I(One) year with �tfect from 16, II. 97. 1 V. LaJremthanga, , Under Secretary to lhe Govt. of MlloraUl. No.J.IIOJI/18/93-HFW, the 28th November, 1997. As recommended by Stat. Empowered Committee. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Sub­ Committee under the Chairman.hi� of Commissioner/Sectetary Health A & Family Welfare. The following officials will be the members of said :sub-Committee. 1. Director of Health Services Member Govt, of Mizoram 2. Director of Information & Member Public Relations, Mizoram 3. Deputy Secretary (Control). Member Finance Department, Mizoram 4. State AIDS Programme Officer, Member Directorate of Health Services, GOY!. of Mizoram. The Sub-Committee will consider proposals submitted by various social Organisations/Non-Governmental Organisations or other agencies for Grant-in,,:," aid to organise AIDS awareness campaigns and select the eligible agencies fof" the purpose. aaukhum Hauzel, Commissioner & Secretary, Health .. Family Welfare Department. R-. 6 50/97 Government of Mizoram PART IX" Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the posiand vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification . of Co-operative Societies bv. 'he State Govelllment. - NOTIFICAnONS No.V. 12011/2/97· LDCjLAP, the 27th Novembor, 1997. A; provided by Sec-8 sub-sec. (3) of the LADC (VC) Act 74 (as aJlonded in 1993), the Executive Com "it., of the LADC is pleased to accept the resignation tendered by Pu Lalchhu ana VIC Nominate d and Pu Chhankhuma VIC Nominated of Paithar VIC w.e.f 26.11.97. Further, agains t tiHl Vacancy of Seats caused by resignJ1!',)n of two members. the Executive Committee is pleased to appoint Pu S. Lalkima and Pu R. Chhum­ I liana as village V /C Nominated Members w.e.f 27.11.97 . .. No. V.12011/2/97-LDC/LAP (Al, tho 19th November, 1917. A; Provide undor rulo 8(1) Chapter II of the LADC (VC) Act 74( as a mended in 1993) the Executive Comm ittee of the LADe is pleased to appoint Pu Asariha of Saizawh a� Vi ce President of Saizawh VIC w.e . f 17.11.97. No.V.12011/4/97-LDC/LAP (A), the 19th November, 1997. Following commission report and in exercise of the power conferred by rule 25(2) of the Lai Autonomous District Council (V.C)Act 74 (as am ended in 1993) the Lai \utonomous District Council is pleased to Dissolve Rulkual and Chand mary L·-IV Village Council with effect from 19.11.1997 due to inefficiency and inability to run Villa ge A"':ministration.
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