Revision of the Iridomyrmex Discors Species-Group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
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Australian Journal of Entomology, 1996, 35: 37-42 37 Revision of the Iridomyrmex discors Species-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) S. 0. SHATTUCK CSIRO Division of Entomology, G.P.O. Box 1700, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601. ABSTRACT The discors species-group of the ant genus Iridomyrmex Mayr is defined for the first time and revised at the species level. The group is composed of two species, I. discors Forel and I. obscurior Forel (the latter previously a subspecies of I. discors). The names I. discors aeneogaster Wheeler, I. discors occipitalis Forel and I. discors occipitalis exilior Forel (an unavailable infrasubspecific name) are newly synonymised with I. discors. I. discors is distributed broadly across southern Australia (excluding Tasmania) and occupies a wide range of habitats. I. obscurior is known from only two collections, both relatively moist sites in southeastern Australia. Introduction of Cox et al. (1989), who examined its chemical Members of the ant genus Zridomyrmex Mayr are constituents. common and prominent members of many Australian ecosystems (Andersen and Pate1 1994; Taxonomic status of Iridomyrmex and diagnosis Greenslade and Halliday 1982). They are of the Zridomyrmex discors group frequently encountered during ecological studies For the current status and identification of and are well represented in most entomological Zridomyrmex see Shattuck (1992a, b). Members collections. Unfortunately, limited attention has of the I. discors group can be separated from other been given to the species-level taxonomy of the species in the genus by the presence of a relatively genus and identifications are difficult. In the broad head (Fig. l), short antennal scapes (Fig. present study the I. discors species-group is 2), and erect or suberect hairs on the antennal defined and revised at the species level. The group scapes and tibiae. This group is morphologically contains five specific or subspecific names (one an most similar to smaller members of the I. unavailable infrasubspecific name). During the purpureus group and to species related to I. mayri current study the group was found to contain two Forel. They may be separated from both of these valid species, I. discors Forel and I. obscurior by the head shape and scape length relative to head Forel. The remaining three names represent junior width, and from I. mayri and relatives by the synonyms of I. discors. Although I. discors is larger number of erect hairs on the antennal scapes relatively common it has received little discussion and the shorter anteromedial clypeal projection in the literature. The only detailed study is that (Figs 3, 4), which projects at most 0.02 mm 2.00 A 1. discors I. obscurior 1.80 1. mayrigp. n E 1. purpureus gp. E ;1.60 6 C -JQ, 1.40 0 a, I aeneogaster 1.20 I I I I I I I I 1.00 I 1 I i 0.90 1.oo 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1 SO 1.60 1.70 1.80 Head Width (mm) Fig. 1. Distribution of head length and width measurements (in millimetres) for I. discors, I. obscurior, I. mayri group and I. purpureus group. 38 S. 0. SHATTUCK anterior of the anterolateral prominences in the measuring axis (see also above); PnL, pronotal I. discors group and between 0.04 mm and 0.09 length measured from the anterior edge of the mm anterior in I. mayri and relatives. pronotal collar to the pronotal-mesonotal suture parallel to the measuring axis (see also above); Methods and abbreviations PpL, propodeal length measured from the Size and shape characters were quantified and are metanotal groove to the posterior-most point of reported as lengths or indices. Measurements were the petiolar insertion parallel to the measuring axis made with a stereo microscope using a dual-axis (see also above); REL, relative eye length: stage micrometer wired to digital readouts. All EL/HW; SI, scape (first antenna1 segment) index: measurements were recorded in thousandths of SL/HW; SL, length of the scape excluding the millimetres, but are expressed here to the nearest basal radicle. Collectors: BBL, B. B. Lowery; JC, hundredth. All head measurements (EL, EW, HL, J. Clark; JEF, J. E. Feehan; PJMG, P. J. M. HW; see below for abbreviations) were taken in Greenslade; RWT, R. W. Taylor; SOS; S. 0. full-face (dorsal) view without moving the head Shattuck; TG, T. Greaves. Collections: ANIC, between measurements. Longitudinal mesosomal Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, length measurements (PnL, ML, PpL) were taken A.C.T.; MCZC, Museum of Comparative in lateral view, parallel to a line ("measuring Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, axis") drawn between the anterior-most point of Massachusetts, U.S.A.; MHNG, Muse'um the pronotal collar and the posterior-most point d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland; of tlie propodeal process dorsal of the petiolar MVMA, Museum of Victoria, Abbotsford, insertion. Victoria; NHMB, Naturhistorisches Museum, Figures showing the following measurements Basel, Switzerland; OXUM, Oxford University can be found in Shattuck (1993): EL, EW, HL, Museum, Oxford, U.K.; SAMA, South HW, ML, PnL, PpL and SL. Australian Museum, Adelaide; S.A.; WAMP, Abbreviations used are: Characters: CI, Western Australian Museum, Perth, W.A. cephalic index: HW/HL; EL, maximum eye length measured in full face view; EW, maximum Key to species of Zridomyrmex discors group eye width measured in full face view; HL, (workers) maximum head length in full face view, measured from the anterior-most point of the clypeal margin 1. Head broad (CI usually greater than 0.95, to the midpoint of a line drawn across the occasionally lower) (Fig. 1); scapes short (SI posterior margin of the head; HTL, maximum less than or equal to 0.99) (Fig. 2); propodeal length of hind tibia, excluding the proximal part dorsum rounded in lateral profile (Figs 5-7) of the articulation which is received into the distal . .Z. discors Forel end of the hind femur; HW, maximum head width Head narrow (CI less than 0.94) (Fig. 1); in full face view, excluding eyes; ML, mesonotal scapes long (SI greater than or equal to 1 .OO) length measured from the Dronotal-mesonotal (Fig. 2); propodeal dorsum flatter in lateral sutire to the metanotal groove parallel to the profile (Fig. 9). .I. obscurior Forel 1'90 1. discors 1.80 I 1 A 1. obscurior n 1. mayrigp. E 1.50 zt 1.40 *. *o . 1 . Q, 1.30 Q / obscurior 1.20 o v) rn 1.10 A aeneogaster 1.00 t AA exilior discors I I I I I I I 0.90 -II I t I I 0.90 1 .m 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1 SO 1.60 1.70 1.80 Head Width (mm) Fig. 2. Distribution of scape length and head width measurements (in rnillirnetres) for I. discors, I. obscurior, I. mayri group and I. purpureus group. REVISION OF IRIDOMYRMEX DISCORS 39 Iridomyrmex discors Forel NE of Clifton Hills (J. Forrest); 55 km S of Birdsville (J. (Figs 1, 2, 4-7, 10) Forrest); 5 km E of Gibraltar Rocks, N of Tarcoola (PJMG); 65 km E of Clifton Hills (J. Forrest); 6 km W of Koonchera, Iridomyrmex discors Forel, 1902: 464. Birdsville track (PJMG); Birdsville track, S of Koonchera (J. Iridomyrmex discors occipitalis Forel, 1907: 294. Syn. nov. Forrest); Blande Cup Spr., nr. Conant Spr. (PJMG); Cambrai Iridomyrmex discors occipitalis exilior Forel, 1907: 294 (PJMG); Ceduna (E. F. Riek); Coomaba, Eye Penin. (PJMG); (unavailable infrasubspecific name). Coonanna Bore, ca. 40 km E of Lake Blanche (J. Forrest); Iridomyrmex discors aeneogaster Wheeler, 1915: 81 1. Syn. Coongie (J. Forrest); Cooper Creek, 13 km NE by N of nov. Etadunna HS, 28"38'S 138"42'E (JEF); Coorang Natl Pk, 9 km NW of Woods Well (PJMG); Coorang Natl Pk, Banf Types. I. discors: Queensland: 8 worker syntypes from Charters (PJMG); Emu Camp (PJMG); Innes Natl Pk (PJMG); Towers (1 in NHMB, see Baroni Urbani 1977; 1 in MCZC; Kalacoopah Creek (PJMG); Koonamore (PJMG); Kooncherra, 1 in ANIC; 5 in MHNG). Birdsville track (J. Forrest); Lake Acraman, Gawler Ranges I. discors occipitalis: Western Australia: 5 worker syntypes (PJMG); Lake Meramangye (PJMG); Lake Oolgoopiarie from Northampton (1 in MCZC; 1 in ANIC; 2 in MHNG; 1 (PJMG); Lloyd Bore, Anna Cr. (PJMG); Marree (R. S. in WAMP). McInnes); Miamia Yard, 1:250 Gason 636549 (J. Forrest); Mt. I. discors occipitalis exilior: Western Australia: unspecified Gason, ca. 41 km SSW of Clifton Hills HS, 27 "22 'S 138 "43 'E material from Northampton (Forel 1907); 3 workers from (JEF); Mt. Gunson, SE of Woomera (PJMG); Mt. Lofty south-west Australia (specific locality not given) (2 in NHMB, Ranges (A. H. Elston); Muloorina (PJMG); Musgrave Range see Baroni Urbani 1977; 1 in OXUM); 17 workers and 7 queens (BBL); N. Lake Eyre South, 5 km W of crossing between lakes from Subiaco (3 workers in MCZC; 2 workers in ANIC; 1 (PJMG); Port Lincoln, Coffin Bay (PJMG); Port Lincoln, E. worker and 1 queen (missing petiole and gaster) in WAMP; Horse Rock (PJMG); Purni Bore, 4km W of Dune Crest 11 workers and 5 queens in MHNG; 1 queen in MVMA) (PJMG); Streaky Bay (BBL); Vokes Hill (PJMG); W. Blyth (although unavailable names do not have type material, the Swamp [W of Clare] (PJMG); Warburton Ra., 1:250 Gason above material was examined by Forel (1907) when describing 640554 (J. Forrest); Yardea, Gawler Ranges (PJMG); ca. 18 this taxon). km SSE of Poochera, 32'52's 134'56'E (RWT & R. J. I. discors aeneogaster: South Australia: holotype worker Bartell); nr. Mt. Westall, 3293 'S 134"08 'E (RWT, R. J. Bartel from Flat Rock Hole, Musgrave Ranges (SAMA).