Museum Night in Wrocław

May 17th, 2014

free admission

the city. museums. magic. Legend ★ Program for children Bicycle parking Disabled friendly place

Information points i1 Tourist Information Centre Rynek 14, 9.00–21.00 i2 Lower Tourist Information Sukiennice 12, 11.00–20.00 i3 Center for Tourist and Biking Information św. Antoniego 8, 9.00–20.00

Materials related to Museum Night will be distributed at the information points.

Free transport during Museum Night in Wrocław 2014 M1 line (The Institute of National Remembrance – Brewery) Runs every 20 minutes between 18.30 and 23.00

Sołtysowice ∙ Redycka ∙ Sołtysowicka ∙ IPN ∙ Czajkowskiego ∙ Kromera ∙ mosty Warszawskie ∙ Wyszyńskiego ∙ most Pokoju ∙ Muzeum Narodowe ∙ pl. Społeczny ∙ pl. Wróblewskiego ∙ Traugutta ∙ Zgodna ∙ Kościuszki ∙ Pułaskiego ∙ Małachowskiego ∙ Piłsudskiego ∙ Peronowa ∙ Borowska ∙ Sucha ∙ Hubska ∙ Browar

Browar ∙ Hubska ∙ Gliniana ∙ Borowska ∙ Peronowa ∙ Piłsudskiego ∙ Małachowsk- iego ∙ Pułaskiego ∙ Kościuszki ∙ Traugutta ∙ pl. Wróblewskiego ∙ pl. Społeczny ∙ Muzeum Narodowe ∙ most Pokoju ∙ Wyszyńskiego ∙ mosty Warszawskie ∙ Kromera ∙ Czajkowskiego ∙ Sołtysowicka ∙ IPN ∙ Redycka ∙ Sołtysowice

M2 line (Center) Runs every 15 minutes between 18.30 and 24.00

Muzeum Narodowe ∙ most Pokoju ∙ Wyszyńskiego ∙ Sienkiewicza ∙ pl. Bema ∙ Drobnera ∙ most Uniwersytecki ∙ Grodzka ∙ Nowy Świat ∙ Rynek ∙ Kazimierza Wielkiego ∙ pl. Dominikański ∙ Oławska ∙ Traugutta ∙ pl. Społeczny ∙ Muzeum Narodowe 01 The Museum of Architecture in Wrocław 02 The Museum of Ethnography in Wrocław 03 The Medical University of Wrocław's Pharmaceutical Museum – The Pharmacy Department 04 Henryk Teisseyre Geological Museum, University of Wrocław 05 The City Museum of Wrocław, Archeological Museum, The Wrocław Military Museum 06 The City Museum of Wrocław, The Historical Museum 07 The City Museum of Wrocław, The Museum of Burgeois Art 08 Mineralogical Museum – University of Wrocław 09 The National Museum in Wrocław 10 The Odra Museum FOMT 11 Museum of Post and Telecommunication in Wrocław 12 The University of Wrocław Museum 13 The Wrocław Contemporary Museum 14 Social Mobile Military Museum (under construction) 15 BWA Wrocław Galleries of Contemporary Art, Awangarda Gallery 16 BWA Wrocław Galleries of Contemporary Art, Dizajn Gallery 17 The E. Geppert Fine Arts Academy's Center for Applied Art / Innovation Gallery / Neon Gallery 18 WRO Art Center 19 Gallery Arttrakt 20 The World of Hope Association, Art Brut Gallery 21 Entropia Gallery 22 The Dining Room Gallery 23 The City Gallery in Wrocław 24 Gallery M 25 Gallery M Odwach 26 Polish Poster Gallery 27 JDA Art Gallery 28 Socato Art Gallery 29 Stolarnia Gallery 30 Gallery Versus 31 Shopiq 32 Academic Radio Luz 33 The Mieszczański Brewery 34 Agora Culture Center 35 The Bente Kahan Center for Jewish Culture and Education in The White Stork / The Bente Kahan Foundation 36 Culture Center ‘Zamek’ 37 Discovery Center 38 Center for Professional Development ‘The Leaning Chimney’ 39 The Edith Stein House 40 The International Festival of High Temperatures 41 IP Group Foundation & Fabien Lédé 42 The Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation 43 The New Horizons Cinema 44 Culture Contours – Creative Education Zone 45 Saint Anthony’s Church 46 Youth Culture Club ‘Śródmieście’ 47 Humanitarium 48 The Collectors’ Society in Wrocław 49 Ossoliński National Institute 50 II International Festival of Good Projects Wroclove Design 2014 Ladies and Gentlemen

I am truly pleased because today, the day we have been impatiently waiting for all year, has finally come. I'm glad I can be here with all of you during Museum Night, when after dark the people of Wrocław set out to tour mu- seums, galleries, often very outstanding, original and interesting places.

Today we are inaugurating our new project – City Culture Code. With it we hope to create ambitious enterprises which underlie our strategy as a future European Capital of Culture. This program, unique in our country, is to encourage the people of Wrocław to participate more in cultural events – the more you go to the theater or museums, the more discounted tickets for other events you will receive.

Wrocław's ambition is to become a recognizable cultural center in Europe. Receiving the title of European Capital of Culture 2016 is proof that we are headed in the right direction and the turnout during Museum Night reassures us that our objectives are definitely realistic.

Rafał Dutkiewicz President of Wrocław 01 Museum of Architecture in Wrocław Bernardyńska 5

 71 344 82 79 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

The Museum of Architecture is getting ready for an international exhi- bition Picasso Dali Goya Tauromachia which is related to a renovation and modernization of the building where the museum is housed and its temporary closure to visitors. During this year’s Museum Night you are welcome to take part in outdoor games and events, as well as to discover the green areas surrounding the museum. It is an exceptional space – it’s where the border between the Old Town and the New Town historically was located with the medieval fortification walls and the city moat nearby. The park and the building’s past will be discovered during the Architectural Paper Chase prepared for the youngest ones and for the slightly older as well. We’ll also deal with the present – what objects of modern art is Słowacki Park hiding?

18.00–24.00 Outdoor events ★ 18.00–21.00 Activities for children 02 The Museum of Ethnography in Wrocław Traugutta 111/113

 71 344 33 13, 71 344 28 49 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 16.00–23.00

The Museum of Ethnography and the Polish Ethnological Society are inviting you to the land of Golds and Orochons for the night of adven- ture. It will reenact the expedition organized a hundred years ago by Stanisław Poniatowski which brought news about the daily struggles the Siberian people experienced with the environmental conditions as well as the descriptions of their festivals and daily life. You’ll be able to see among others: a travel journal shown for the first time, photographs and photographic glass plates with images of the citizens of the Amur river country (including shamans), as well as cutouts they created out of paper, birch bark, embroidered ornaments, structures and kurgans. Adults will be able to hear lectures about the explorers of Siberia and the children will be invited to bloodless hunting, making mysterious crash sounds and decorating burchans. The night will end with magical music played by Sambacatum.

★ 16.00–17.00 Amu dziar ela dui, amba parde- ani ga – games and activities for children 18.00 Exhibition opening In the Land of Golds and Orochons 19.00 Bronisław Piłsudski –­ the explorer of Siberia – movie presentation (with scientific commentary) 20.00 Stanisław Poniatowski compared with the other Polish explorers of Siberia 21.30 Magical music playing – Sambacatum concert 03 The Medical University of Wrocław's Pharmaceutical Museum – The Pharmacy Department Kurzy Targ 4

 71 784 04 43 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 15.00–22.00

The Museum offers an amazing guided journey through a medieval al- chemic workshop, through the interior of a historic pharmacy, its rooms devoted to natural medicines and ways of producing them, as well as the modern day production methods of synthetic and semi-synthetic cures. Children and youth will be invited to participate in workshops in which they’ll find out what people brushed their teeth with in the past and what contemporary toothpastes contain. Finally they’ll be able to prepare natural toothpaste all by themselves. Adults (18+) are welcome to participate in two events related to poisonous herbs and their influence on human history and the city game „Following in the footprints of the Wrocław's pharmacists” prepared with a walk around Wrocław during which the world of doctors, elixirs and pharma- cies will be explored.

★ 15.00–16.00 Children and youth workshops White teeth, clean teeth – oral hygiene over the course of history (15 people)*, age 7–13 16.00–19.00 Guided tours in groups every 30 minutes (maximum 20 people per group) 19.00–20.00 Lecture for adults (18+) Poisonous herbs and their influence on human history (25 people)* 20.30–22.00 City game Following in the footprints of Wrocław's pharmacists (maximum 40 people / 10 groups of 4 people. You may show up individually or in 4 person groups)*

* Preregistration for particular events from 1 May at phone no. 71 784 04 43. 04 Henryk Teisseyre Geological Museum, University of Wrocław Cybulskiego 30

 71 375 93 27 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 12.00–23.00

The Geological Museum offers guided tours tailored to the needs, ages and interests of the visitor groups on the general theme: „Stones and fossils as a record of the geological history of Earth and the evolution of life”, Lower Silesian copper – the queen of Polish minerals; The most interesting paleontological findings of Sudety; Lower Silesian granitoids as a valuable building material; The bottom of the Jurassic sea under your feet. Children will have the opportunity to make colorful casts of unusual, fossilized animals that lived on the Earth millions of years ago. The fossils will become a wonderful keepsake of the museum’s journey to the Earth’s deep past.

12.00–23.00 Museum tour ★ 13.00–18.00 Program for children: making fossil casts individually or optionally with parental assistance*

* Preregistration from 5 May, tel. no. 71 375 93 27. 05 The City Museum of Wrocław, Archeological Museum, The Wrocław Military Museum Cieszyńskiego 9

 71 347 16 96 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

The Arsenal will be showing its permanent exhibitions Antique Silesia; The old weapons hall and a temporary exhibition Square. We are planning to hold a raffle at 18:00.

18.00–21.00 Raffle 18.00–24.00 Exhibition viewing 06 The City Museum of Wrocław, The Historical Museum Kazimierza Wielkiego 35

 71 391 69 40 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

The Royal Palace will open the permanent exhibit 1000 years of Wrocław and the temporary exhibition Martin Helwig – the Silesian cartographer. Children will have the opportunity to take part in artistic workshops: You can be a cartographer too and Drawing maps of Silesia – the classes are based on the temporary exhibition Martin Helwig – the Silesian cartographer.

★ 18.00–21.00 Workshops for children You can be a cartographer too and Drawing maps of Silesia 18.00–24.00 Tours of permanent and temporary exhibits 07 The City Museum of Wrocław, The Museum of Burgeois Art Sukiennice 14/15

 71 347 16 90 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

At the Town Hall two permanent exhibitions can be seen: The Gallery of Famous Wrocławians and The Art of Wrocław’s Goldsmiths. Children can dress up in historical costumes from different epochs. At the atelier of a photographer from the past you’ll be able to try on clothes from different epochs thanks to which you’ll feel like princesses, bourgeois ladies or councillors. You’ll be able to take photos of yourselves wearing these costumes so please bring cameras. At 21.00 and 22.00 a fashion show Wrocław’s Trashion will take place. The show is a suggestion of how to use things which seem useless. Beata Fertała–Harlender along with her students from the The Academy of Humanist Studies in Wrocław from the Interior Design Department will raise trash to the ranks of art. The event is the sixth edition of the themed shows presented to Wrocław’s audience during Museum Night.

★ 18.00–21.00 Atelier of the photographer from the past 21.00, 22.00 Fashion show Wrocław’s Trashion 08 Mineralogical Museum – University of Wrocław Cybulskiego 32–34 [8a] Kuźnicza 22 [8b]

 71 375 92 06 (Cybulskiego), 71 375 26 68 (Kuźnicza) ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 14.00–23.00 (Cybulskiego) ◴ 10.00–23.00 (Kuźnicza)

The branch at ul. Kuźnicza 22 will open the following exhibitions free of charge: Polish minerals; Gemstones and decorative stones; Meteorites; Minerals of the Strzegom pegmatites; Agates of the Kaczawskie Mountains; Holotypes; Synthetic stones; Gemstone cuts; From stone to an image – the thing about mineral pigments. The program also includes movie screenings about mineralogy. The Mineralogical Museum at ul. Cybulskiego 32–34 offers exhibitions free of charge: World’s minerals; ’s minerals and a mini-fair of minerals, rocks, fossils and meteorites, as well as cutting shows of agates and other stones titled Stone surprises organized in cooperation with the Polish Society of Friends of Earth Sciences. The museum offers mineralogical workshops for children The properties of minerals – the key to recognizing stones which are addressed to school students from IV to VI grade.

★ 10.00–11.00 Mineralogical workshops for children – 1st group* ★ 12.00–13.00 Mineralogical workshops for children – 2nd group* 10.00–23.00 Exhibition tour at the branch on ul. Kuźnicza 10.00–23.00 Mini-fair and the shows of stone cutting (the courtyard of the museum in the glassed-over rotunda, near the entrance to the museum at ul. Cybulskiego) 14.00–23.00 Exhibition tour at the branch on ul.Cybulskiego

* Maximum 15 person groups. Participants in the children’s workshops must make reservations, tel. no. 71 375 92 06 on 12–16 May 2014 between 10.00 and 15.00. 09 The National Museum in Wrocław pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5

 71 372 51 50, 71 343 07 27 ✉ [email protected], [email protected] 

◴ 16.00–24.00

We’ve prepared a series of meetings for both adults and children. The visitors will become acquainted with the art of one of the most original artists of the XX century – Jan Lebenstein. We will also present his illustrations; among others those created for George Orwell’s Animal Farm and the biblical Book of Job. The youngest participants will have a chance to create their own stories expressed through drawings inspired by Lebenstein’s art. We will also talk about the most popular Jewish holiday motifs in art. In cooperation with the Wrocław Contemporary Theatre (Wrocławski Teatr Współczesny) we will present Kajzar’s essays on art – a half-hour program in the form of a performative reading performed by the actors of that theater.

16.00 Lecture: On Jan Lebenstein’s art* ★ 16.00 Workshops for children: „Colors and scents of Jewish holidays”* ★ 17.00 Workshops for children: „What is hiding in your imagination...? On Jan Lebenstein’s art”* 17.30 Lecture: Jewish holiday motifs in art* ★ 18.00 Workshops for children: „Illustrating stories like Jan Lebenstein did”* 19.00 Lecture: Book of Job illustrations* 20.30, 21.30, Kajzar’s essays on art. The Wrocław Contemporary Theatre 22.30 (Wrocławski Teatr Współczesny)

* Reservations required, tel.: 71 372 51 48. 10 The Odra Museum FOMT HP Nadbor (Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27)

 882 116 779, 791 710 370 ✉ [email protected], [email protected] 

◴ 18.30–23.30

This year’s Museum Night, The Odra Museum FOMT is honored to in- vite viewers to an evening of musical miniatures and chiaroscuro games linked with a guitar concert by Michał Zygmunt. We will also present an exhibition Monuments of the Odra’s Heritage wherein former captains of the Odra navigation system will show the viewers around the ships from the Wet Board Brotherhood. The youngest participants will be invited to take part in model-making and art workshops. By tradition, our program will end with Cinema on the Odra – a screening of Polish documentaries and movies on the subject of sailing and things related to water. The axis of the event will be the historic vessels of the Odra Museum: the only fully preserved steam tugboat „Nadbor”, the vessel-crane „Wróblin” and the Ż–2107 barge.

18.30–22.30 Tour of the Odra Museum, sailors’ tale and stories, presentation of the exhibition Monuments of the Odra’s Heritage, ships’ models, book fair (on the history of technology and the preservation of technology monuments) ★ 18.30–20.30 Model-making workshops (HP Nadbor paper replica) and arts for the youngest ones 20.30–21.30 Michał Zygmunt’s performance – Experimental Radio play Odrą ( 22.00–23.30 Cinema on the Odra – illumination of the Odra Museum, movie screenings, multimedia presentations on inland navigation / Odra heritage on the big screen 11 Museum of Post and Telecommunication in Wrocław Krasińskiego 1

 71 343 67 65 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–24.00

During Museum Night you are welcome to see the permanent and tem- porary exhibitions Polish stamps on the podium on which you’ll be able to see miniature art pieces – that is stamps which were awarded prizes by internationally renowned institutions. The curator of the exhibition Barbara Wysocka will show you around the exhibition. You are also welcome to enjoy the museum publishers’ book fair and to take part in an outdoor game. For the youngest ones: an in-house workshop based on a book by Gérard Moncomble Arthur’s mystery envelope along with illustrations translated by Ewa Kozyra-Pawlak and joined with the book’s promotion – an artistic game for children How many passengers can the mail coach take?

★ 17.00–19.00 Workshops related to the book Arthur’s mystery envelope ★ 18.00–19.00 Outdoor game for children and adults 18.30–20.00 Museum publisher’s book fair ★ 18.30–19.30 Game for children How many passengers can the mail coach take? 20.00–20.30 Guided exhibit viewing Polish stamps on the podium 12 The University of Wrocław Museum pl. Uniwersytecki 1

 71 375 26 18 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

A presentation of renovated frescos in the old music room in the University’s main building – Oratorium Marianum will be accompanied by a tangled screening of a film documenting the renovation works which were done by an artist from Dresden – Christoph Wetzel.

18.00 Opening of the Oratorium Marianum room for visitors 18.15 Beginning of the tangled movie screening 00.01 Closing of the Oratorium Marianum room 13 The Wrocław Contemporary Museum Pl. Strzegomski 2a

 71 356 42 53 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–23.00

Guests of The Wrocław Contemporary Museum will have the opportunity to see the exhibition Houses silver like tents presenting art works by over fifty Polish and foreign artists which touch upon the identity of Roms and the mutual relationship between our cultures. This time, apart from works by contemporary artists, there will be works by Olga Boznańska, Wojciech Gerson, Juliusz Kossak. The exhibition was primarily present- ed in Warsaw’s National Gallery Zachęta; in Wrocław the curator of the exhibition decided to extend the show and add a secondary title – a quote from the gypsy poet Papusza: „so that you would welcome everyone/ and not create a dark night/on a bright day”. The special attraction of the night will be a gypsy picnic with numerous attractions not only for children.

17.00–23.00 Exhibition viewing Houses silver like tents – free of charge ★ 17.00–19.00 Workshops for children – making magic gypsy dolls – in the language of the Polish lowland gypsies – „papuszas” 17.00–23.00 Interactive game with the new edition of the installation „Self-service Museum” 19.00–23.00 Gypsy picnic – with music and a tasting of traditional roman dishes in the yard of the museum or on the roof (depending on the weather) 14 Social Mobile Military Museum (under construction) Pełczyńska 3

 71 718 90 25, 603 634 446 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 16.00–02.00

At the end of the XIX century around Wrocław a ring of war structures was built. One of them is Fort Piechoty No. 9 at ul. Pełczyńska 33. And we are setting up a Social Mobile Military Museum there. The Fort, after the renovation, will serve future generations for a longer time and will provide the possibility of educating school students. The Military Museum will be a genuine place where exhibits will be shown, where you’ll be able to go into, hold weapons in your hand, listen to the roaring of the engines and watch military exercises. During Museum Night the interior of the bunker and the outdoor practice range with the historic military vehicles and weapons will be open for viewing. We will paint faces with masking paints and take photos dressed in military uniforms. The fort will be illuminated. We are planning to set up a parking lot near the museum. Commuters may come by bus 105 from Plac Kromera or by PKP rail to the Wrocław – Osobowice station.

16.00–02.00 Tour of the bunker’s interior 16.00–02.00 Military outdoor camp, the exhibition of historic military vehicles and weapons 16.00–02.00 50 years of the TV series „Czterej pancerni i pies” [Four tank-men and a dog] (an exhibition of archive photograms from the production of the TV show from 50 years ago, all night screening of the show) 16.00–02.00 Military songs 16.00–02.00 Face painting with masking paints 16.00–02.00 Memoir photos in military uniforms 16.00–02.00 Military cuisine 16.00–02.00 A stand with military gadgets 15 BWA Wrocław Galleries of Contemporary Art, Awangarda Gallery Wita Stwosza 32

 71 790 25 82 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–24.00

Special presentation of the international art biennale of exterior art OUT OF STH and a famous and awarded event dedicated to street art, a hard to classify phenomena from the borders of art, widely understood culture and city activism. Almost 100 artists from 11 countries participated in the three editions of the Biennale, 40 murals were created in the space of Wrocław and over 40 various events took place, i.e. exhibitions, concerts, performances, installations and also a few books. We are offering movie screenings, stencil workshops and a curatorial forerunner of the next project and the biking exhibition Velodream.

★ 18.00–19.30 Stencil workshops for children 18.00–24.00 OUT OF STH – exterior art biennale exhibition” 20.00–20.30 Curator’s presentation of the project 16 BWA Wrocław Galleries of Contemporary Art, Dizajn Gallery Świdnicka 2–4

 71 790 11 93 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–24.00

Vinyl Canvas Collection presented in the Dizajn gallery contains a unique collection of vinyl hand-painted toys, which became the creative surface for Polish artists, graphic designers and comics’ authors. These vinyl sculptures come from the fusion of completely different worlds. Although as toys they are a product of consumptive culture, their source is rooted in a world which is contradictive to them. They combine rebelliousness and the joy of playing. They constitute a visual manifestation focused on transgressing the designed, superimposed form which lead to the moment of creation of alternative worlds and creatures.

17.00–24.00 Exhibition viewing 17 The E. Geppert Fine Arts Academy's Center for Applied Art / Innovation Gallery / Neon Gallery Traugutta 19/21

 71 343 84 51 ✉ [email protected] ,

◴ 18.00–23.00

The E. Geppert Fine Arts Academy's Center for Applied Art / Innovation Gallery / Neon Gallery is presenting an individual exhibition of abstract paintings by Urszula Śliz entitled Uni/shape transposition. The exhibition shows paintings created between 2011–2014 by the abstract painter who also makes structures, sculptures and photographs. Her artwork can be seen in Poland and abroad in about 60 exhibitions. The projects were completed in among other places: England (Norwich Castle Art Show, Norwich, Norfolk Museum, 2008; ‘Point of Address’, Outpost, Norwich, 2010), Poland (‘Topos. The mataphore of a curve’, Entropia Gallery Wrocław, 2012; ‘Construction/straight and curved’), The Latest Art Gallery, Gorzów Wielkopolski, 2012) and recently in the USA (Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, New York); ‘Ideo-metrie’, City Gallery in Wrocław (2014).

18.00–23.00 Exhibition viewing 18 WRO Art Center Widok 7

 71 343 32 40 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–23.00

WRO Art Center will welcome anyone regardless of their age for Green Night – a meeting with art, nature and technology. While on a walk in the Green Labyrinth of the gallery we will discover objects and installations, amongst them a sound garden – Akousmaflore, a digital waterfall with an adjourning hydroponic plantation, elements of the nature-digital environ- ment which lead to selected works from the WRO collection and works created during the workshop meetings of the artists and the audience.

17.00–23.00 On every even hour – guided walks around the Green Labyrinth 19 Gallery Arttrakt Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/1

 502 581 905 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 16.00–23.00

Gallery Arttrakt is holding an exhibition by Basia Bańda and Aleksandra Kubiak Planets in my head. Basia Bańda (1980) and Aleksandra Kubiak (1978) are artists whose art revolves around the same issues – the body, its pleasures and disintegration, passing, pain, trauma, fear, sexuality. For Bańda they are purely personal things, for Kubiak (also in works by the Main Judge Group which she co-created and worked with until 2010) they are related to social relations. Both artists tell the story of feminin- ity, their own experiences with it, and about feeling out their roles in the world. Basia Bańda and Aleksandra Kubiak have known each other for 15 years and their relationship has always had more of a social than an artistic character. Planets in my head is the title of a work by Yinka Shin- ibare chosen at random due to the way it sounded and then treated as a starting point and inspiration for the exhibition.

16.00–23.00 Exhibition viewing 20 The World of Hope Association, Art Brut Gallery Ruska 46A

 507 431 127 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–23.00

During Museum Night the ArtBrut Gallery will show an exhibition of the art brut group and of outsider art „Beauty in the Package”. It’s a joint exhibition of works by all artists associated with Gallery TAK in Poznań presenting the works of three original artists: Mikołaj Ławniczak – an artist who uses newspaper cutouts to make mini-talismans with pictures of women; Justyna Marciniak – the topics of her work are femininity, love and sexuality and Iwona Mysere – who creates artworks based on writing in her own artistic language. Curatorial supervision of the exhibition by Małgorzata Schaefer. During Museum Night the viewers will also be able to see a collection of works and a documentary of the Art Brut Gallery’s operations and of a Social Activation Workshop as well as meet with the creators related to the Gallery and the Workshop.

18.00 Official opening of Museum Night at the Art Brut Gallery 18.00–23.00 Presentations and meetings 21 Entropia Gallery Rzeźnicza 4

 71 344 46 34 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–22.00

During Museum Night Entropia Gallery will present an exhibition enti- tled „RECYCLING” (Recykling). The multiple meaning and capacity of the popular term in relation to this exhibition seems very useful. In this case recycling is not only reusing materials but most of all an idea of the infinity of circulation, processes and loops. The presented works are done in various techniques and media, in the form of audio-visual installation, electro-mechanical objects, celluloid film and video.

17.00–22.00 Exhibition viewing 22 The Dining Room Gallery Św. Mikołaja 8–11

 606 551 418 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 19.00–05.00

During Museum Night at the Dining Room Gallery you are welcome to see the exhibition opening accompanied by a DJ until 5 o’clock in the morn- ing. Photographic supper is a collective exhibition of works by Wrocław’s artists who deal with unique photography techniques. Amongst other presented techniques, the technique which involves developing negatives onto rubber alternatingly laying layers of rubber saturated with pigments or photography on objects, where everyday objects are projected with photography. The featured artists are Stanisław Sielicki, Piotr Biskupski, Jacek Lalak and others. Additionally, an event called Faces will take place during the exhibition: the exhibition viewers will be captured by the cameras of the photographers who were invited to participate and the resulting effects of their work will be included in a 2015 calendar published by the Dining Room Gallery.

19.00 Exhibition opening Photographic supper: the official opening with the participation of the authors 20.00 The start of Faces – a photographic event 21.00 Exhibition accompanied by a DJ 05.00 Exhibition closing 23 The City Gallery in Wrocław Kiełbaśnicza 28  71 344 67 20 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 12.00–21.00

Presentation of the exhibition Planetary system (8 artists + a hologram of Jenkiewicz’s Epitaph painting from the second part of the XVI century).

12.00–21.00 Exhibition viewing 24 Gallery M Jatki 10

 71 341 72 82 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 12.00–24.00

Gallery M will present an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Katarzyna Kukuła Lovers. This is the newest cycle of works by the artist from Kolonia Cieśle, a graduate of the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. The cycle The Land flowing with honey and milk received the Academy of Fine Arts Dean’s main prize for the best diploma of 2012. Katarzyna Kukuła explores the subject of gender, sexuality and existence; she’s interested in physicality, close contact with nature, eroticism, spiritual life and the affirmation of life. The artist deals with painting, drawings, artistic fabric and animated movies.

Painting to me is a great mystery. It’s a journey inside me. Total freedom and no limits. When I paint I become one with the vision which I transfer to the canvas. I forget about myself. I burn myself up. Everything becomes possible.

12.00–24.00 Gallery open to public 19.00 Exhibition opening Lovers by Katarzyna Kukuła and a meeting with the artist 25 Gallery M Odwach Świdnicka 38a

 71 372 44 96 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 12.00–24.00

This year’s Museum Night Gallery M Odwach prepared a feast for connois- seurs of the graphic arts. We are inviting the viewers to see presentations of two cycles of works by Kacper Bożek: The Master and Margarita and Wrocław’s premiere Manuscript found in Saragossa. Kacper Bożek (1974) is a graduate of Cracow’s Academy of Fine Arts; he does graphic arts and drawings as well as works at his alma mater. Manuscript found in Saragos- sa is a cycle of 13 works from 2013 created using the intaglio techniques related to the subject of initiation processes. The whole cycle creates a labyrinth and each work is a form of transition showing the features of human nature. The Master and Margarita is a collection of twelve graphics from 2004–2007 inspired by Michail Bulhakov’s novel. The exhibition is organized in cooperation with Gallery Czas from Będzin.

12.00–24.00 Gallery open to public 21.00 Exhibition opening Graphics (Grafika) by Kacper Bożek 26 Polish Poster Gallery św. Mikołaja 54/55

 71 780 49 11 

◴ 19.00–24.00

19.00 The opening of the exhibition of posters and designs by professor Leszek Żebrowski; a meeting with Leszek Żebrowski – a professor at the Szczecin Academy of Art.

27 JDA Art Gallery Podwale 16

 500 604 068 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 15.00–24.00

Starting at 3pm an exhibition by Beata Fertała-Harlender will be open at the Contemporary Art Gallery JDA, on ul. Podwale 16. Ms. Fertała-Harlender is a famous set designer from Wrocław, in addition to being a teacher, a lecturer, an author and a curator of many national and international ex- hibitions. Apart from her art there will be works by other contemporary artists from Poland and from abroad presented in the five rooms of the Gallery. During the gallery opening there will be Italian wine-tasting and other attractions. Museum Night in JDA Gallery will last until midnight.

15.00 Exhibition opening of paintings by Beata Fertała-Harlender. 16.00 – 24.00 Gallery tour, visitors will get to know the current exhibition prepared especially for Museum Night, the Gallery's staff will guide the tours and lead the meetings with the artists. 28 Socato Art Gallery Plac Solny 11

 697 822 518 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–22.00

The Art Gallery Socato will show an exhibition Theatrical photography by Natalia Kabanow. For two seasons now the gallery has been cooperating with Teatr Polski in Wrocław by organizing exhibitions which accompany premieres. Natalia Kabanow’s exhibition creates an unusual opportunity to see a different face of Teatr Polski, the stage of which has become one of the most important in Poland. Natalia Kabanow will take us to the world of exciting theater performances and unforgettable actors’ creations. We will see photographs taken during performances but there’ll also be less formal shots from the backstage. The artist observes and documents the theater’s life; she knows how to grasp its unforgettable atmosphere, how to preserve what’s changeable and ephemeral. Natalia Kabanow – a graphic artist in the Teatr Polski in Wrocław and in Theatrical notebook. She’s a graduate of Zielona Góra University and was the set designer for the Przemysław Wojcieszek movie „Made in Poland”.

18.00–22.00 Exhibition viewing 19.00 Exhibition’s official opening 29 Stolarnia Gallery Szewska 36

 71 375 25 10 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–02.00

During Museum Night, in the Stolarnia gallery you will be able to see a contemporary art exhibition Lent [Polish word post]. According to the Christian religion Lent is a lesson in humbleness brought about by rejecting pleasure. Lent is a limitation of choice and a time to quieten down – to look inside. Lent is also a form of communication, a statement on the Internet, a stance which changes under the influence of opinion. After all post is a prefix which means a later form, existing after something – i.e. post-apocalypse. The absorption of post by contemporary culture results in the abuse of this prefix. The terms which use the prefix post- are only a way of working around something and they draw attention to a non-subtle process of defining a changing phenomena by facilitating replicated nomenclature and by giving in to the postmodern look of reality. Paintings and sculptures: Adam Grudzień Architecture of the exhibition: Paulina Pluta

18.00–02.00 Exhibition viewing 30 Gallery Versus św. Mikołaja 54/55

 602 523 157 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 12.00–24.00

During Museum Night Gallery Versus is offering the opening of an exhi- bition of a Ukrainian artist Janina Myronova, born in Donetsk, a graduate of the Lvov National Fine Arts Academy and the Eugeniusz Geppert Fine Arts Academy in Wrocław. She has participated in many exhibitions, workshops and ceramics symposiums. Janina has been actively working in ceramics, painting and graphic art. The exhibit at Gallery Versus pre- sents applied ceramics works, it’s a collection of Myronova’s work from the graduate program at the Fine Arts Academy in Wrocław and works created for the design institute in Kielce. The artist will also present her newest paintings. The Ukrainian atmosphere will be emphasized by live music.

18.00 Exhibition opening 31 Shopiq św. Antoniego 28

 512 482 294, 664 084 460 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 20.00–24.00

Museum Night 2014 in Shopiq is a night of photography. Young photogra- phers from Wrocław, whose work is presented on the walls of the gallery, will talk about their work, projects and challenges. The meeting will start at 8 pm. We welcome you to join in!

20.00 Meeting with photographers from Wrocław 32 Academic Radio Luz Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27

 71 320 40 83 ✉ 

◴ 21.00–06.00

A special Museum Night program will take place from 9 pm to 6 am. All guests will have a chance to feel like a radio speaker - announce a song, try their hand at making programs and broadcasting radio news. The organizers will familiarize the visitors with the equipment – they will present both completely new and old recording equipment. The night visit in this industrial interior will stay in the visitors' memories for a long time.

21.00–06.00 One hour blocks including: participation in the radio program – announcing a song, making a program supervised by a technician, presentation of recording equipment, news preparation, news recording. 33 The Mieszczański Brewery Hubska 44–48

 71 367 70 48 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.00–22.00

As part of the Art Festival, the Mieszczański Brewery will present a multimedia show by Jacek Zachodny, a painting exhibit by young artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, a presentation of works by the lecturers of the Jelenia Góra School of Photography Hand Made, as well as Hubert Bujak’s exhibition – Camera obscura – a dark room with works inspired by the poeticism of night, obscurity and an exposition by Anna Bujak – The fate of living things. For those who are looking for various tastes and the most interesting products – Foodie’s Night Bazaar.

18.00–22.00 Art Festival 34 Agora Culture Center Serbska 5a

 71 325 14 83 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 08.00–23.00

Agora Culture Center welcomes visitors to an exhibition opening of works by Peter Klint Notes on the Herring Island. Peter Klint is an artist who for years now has been bound with the enchanting island Sylt. Maybe that’s why most of his works oscillate around the marine subject which does not, however, have anything to do with a typical marine landscape. The artist utilizes abstract coloring, synthesizes shapes and the almost everpresent contour results in paintings which sometimes stylistically resemble ar- tistic illustration. Sometimes you can also see the reference to stencils, woodcut and German expressionism. All of that makes it possible to ex- perience his work on many levels and read the many-layered network of meanings. During the opening the artist will perform a performance and Piotr Zawadzki, an actor from Poznań, will talk about his work.

20.00 Exhibition opening 35 The Bente Kahan Center for Jewish Culture and Education in The / The Bente Kahan Foundation Włodkowica 5a

 71 782 81 23 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 21.50–01.00

21.50 The White Stork Synagogue opens to visitors 22.00–22.10 Hawdala – Rabbi Tyson Herberger 22.15–22.45 Lecture: PhD. hab. Agnieszka Zabłocka-Kos Forgotten places of remembrance – The fate of in Lower Silesia 22.50–23.20 Lecture: prof. Marcin Wodziński Jewish heritage in Silesia – Challenges and controversies 23.25–23.55 Lecture: Rabbi Tyson Herberger The development of Synagogues from antiquity to the present day 21.50–01.00 An exhibition of archive photographs: The days before the last... – Lower Silesia synagogues before the Crystal Night massacre of 9/10 November 1938 36 Culture Center Zamek pl. Świętojański 1

 71 349 32 81 w. 27 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 09.00–22.00

Culture Center Zamek [Castle] is inviting visitors to its premises for two expositions: an exhibition by Edyta Sidor Macro photography and an exhibition of drawings by Marcin Podolec. The exhibition will feature the artist’s original sketches, animation shows and the artist’s working process (sketches, subsequent stages of creation) in connection with a new comic the artist’s working on.

09.00–22.00 Exhibition viewing 37 Discovery Center Wystawowa 1

 71 347 50 47, 71 347 51 51 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 16.00–24.00

Discovery Center is a place where historical and future innovations over- lap. The multimedia space of the Discovery Center presents the history of the , its genesis and the genesis of its changes over the years, introducing us at the same time to the world of the architectural designs of tomorrow. In this year’s Museum Night program we will have attractions specially prepared for night walkers. Besides the admission free sightseeing we want to invite you to the family workshop, an architectural program for teens and two walks with a guide along the historic neighborhoods of Wrocław. The first one will take you on the route of the WUWA neighborhood and the second one will be a biking expedition through the streets of Sępolno and Biskupin.

16.00–24.00 Tour of the Discovery Center ★ 16.00 –17.30 Eco-architecture – workshop for families* ★ 18.00–19.30 Where is architecture going? – workshop for teenagers* 16.00–18.00 WUWA and Sępolno – a guided walk* 17.00–19.00 Sępolno and Biskupin – guided biking trip*

* Limited number of participants, early reservation required, tel.: 71 347 51 51 / [email protected]. 38 Center for Professional Development ‘The Leaning Chimney’ Dubois 33–35a

 71 733 44 33 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 10.00–23.00

During Museum Night 2014 we would like to invite everyone to join us in celebrating the first birthday of The Leaning Chimney! The Leaning Chimney in Wrocław’s is 1200 m2 of space devoted to design, culture and art. For a year now it has been a place where tradi- tional handcrafts are combined with modern design giving Wrocławians a chance to meet renowned designers, artists and architects. On May 17 we welcome you to the five new workshop rooms of The Leaning Chimney: Clothing, Printing and Furniture, the Audiovisual and Business Designer. They will be enriched with design workshops prepared especially for the youngest ones and seniors. See you at the Leaning Chimney!

10.00–23.00 Opening hours 39 The Edith Stein House Nowowiejska 38

 71 372 09 77 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 19.00–22.30

The Edith Stein Society would like to invite children, teenagers and adults to sightsee the house in which the patroness of Europe – Edith Stein – used to live with her family. For the youngest ones, we will prepare decoupage and scrapbooking workshops during which the participants will be able to learn about techniques of how to make wooden decorations and handmade cards for many occasions (i.e. Mother’s Day).

★ 19.00 Scrapbooking workshop for children Cards 19.00–20.00 Guided tour of Edith Stein’s House ★ 20.30–21.30 Decoupage workshops for children 21.00 Guided tour of Edith Stein’s house including the current exhibitions and the screening of an Edith Stein movie 40 The International Festival of High Temperatures Traugutta 19/21 (Academy of Fine Arts)

 605 638 989 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 14.00–23.00

The International Festival of High Temperatures is an educational-cultural project, which is mainly focused on the integration and confrontation of metallurgical techniques to create works of art together with the viewer. It is a unique chance to observe step-by-step how an art piece is created at high temperature. The festival will feature shows done by artists and workshops both for children and adults during which the amateurs will be able to try out all the presented techniques for themselves. The most important day of the festival is Saturday, 17 May, when the most important parts of the program will take place, i.e. workshops and shows: blowpipe and forging techniques for shaping glass, ceramic furnace baking, shows of casting sculptures in cast iron, bronze and aluminum.

14.00–23.00 Shows: blowpipe and casting techniques of shaping glass, ceramic furnace baking, casting in cast iron, bronze, aluminum 14.00–23.00 Workshops: clay, jiggering/jollying, painting on glass, ceramic and glass mosaic arranging, shaping glass in the gas burner flame, casting workshops – the creation of small sculptures and other activities 14.00–23.00 Other: exhibitions, performances, a concert, a picnic 41 IP Group Foundation & Fabien Lédé Ruska 46a, 3rd floor

 693 345 466 ✉ [email protected] ,

◴ 16.00–24.00

For Museum Night two events were planned: IP Cinema of the Wrocław collective Identity Problem Group and an exhibition Paradise Disorder by Fabien Lédé. In the courtyard at ul. Ruska small screening and gallery rooms will be open for 24 hours. In IP Cinema we will see the short movies IP group: a movie which is a reaction for the heralding of the end of the world IP#21 (2013), which examines the poetic dimension of eroticism and erotic potential of poetry in PP (2013) and a video-legend FF (2011). In the gallery space we will present the Fabien Lédé exhibition for which the starting point will be the myth of paradise understood as a utopist quest for perfection. Paintings, hand stitched sculptures and drawings done with a thread in the Raw Couture which will create a pictorial map of the French artist’s paradise.

16.00–24.00 IP Cinema and Paradise Disorder exhibition 42 The Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation Sołtysowicka 21 A

 71 326 97 20, 71 326 76 10 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 19.00–23.00

For Museum Night the Institute of National Remembrance is inviting you to an outdoor exhibition History Humorously presenting the History of the 2 Corps ...differently! with the use of caricature drawings by Mieczysław Kuczyński, a Polish Army soldier under the command of Gen. Władysław Anders. The accompanying attraction will be a screening of operational movies by the Communist security services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The archive storages, the Catalogue room linked with the presentation of documents selected from the Archive Division of the National Remem- brance Institute in Wrocław (1945–1989) and the information about the archive clerk’s job and the rules of giving access to the documents. During Museum Night the publications of the National Remembrance Institute’s Division will be available for sale at a special stand with publications from the Wrocław series.

19.00–23.00 Tours of the National Remembrance Institute premise*

* The organizers would like to inform you that due to the National Remembrance Insti- tute protocol for protection of the archive's resources, the tours will take place in small groups of about a dozen people each. 43 The New Horizons Cinema Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a/21

 71 781 55 80 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 18.30–01.00

During this year’s edition of Museum Night, the New Horizons Cinema is going to screen three movies about art. On May 17 the participants will have a chance to see the hit of the 13th Edition of the T-Mobile New Horizons International Film festival Shirley – Visions of reality by Gustav Deutsch, in which the director reincarnated 13 movies by the legendary American Artist Edward Hopper. Another screening will be of a documen- tary about the controversial artist Marina Abramović – Marina Abramović – The artist is present and Pina by Wim Wenders – a tribute paid by the director to the work of the German choreographer Pina Bausch, which is at the same time a moving hymn which glorifies art. All screenings are free of charge; the passes may be picked up at the cinema ticket booth. More info at

18.30 Room 5 – Pina 3D director: Wim Wenders, Germany, France, Great Britain 2011, 103’ 20.45 Room 5 – Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present, directed by Matthew Akers, USA 2012, 106’ 23.00 Room 5 – Shirley – Visions of Reality, directed by Gustav Deutsch, Austria 2013, 92’ 44 Culture Contours – Creative Education Zone Jagiellończyka 10a

 789 278 026 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 15.00–02.00

„Culture contours – Creative Education Zone” from ul. Jagiellończyka 10a in Wrocław as a newly opened space in the cultural map of Wrocław would like to welcome viewers during Museum Night 2014 for the first time. Our meeting with art will begin with video art workshops for teenagers and soon after that we will host outdoor clay sculpting workshops for children. During Museum Night at the Kontury you will be able to see an exhibition by an artist from Wrocław Anna Kutera POST.... It’s a collec- tion of works completed since 2010 – photo-editing and video-designing in which Anna Kutera will take up the topic of mass media by various art genres: photography, film, environment, installation and performance. In the evening Anna Kutera will speak about her works, the exhibition and the artistic path.

15.00–02.00 Exhibition POST… Anna Kutera – the room on the 2nd floor in the Culture Contours ★ 15.00–18.00 Video art workshops for youth under artistic supervision by Anna Kutera ★ 18.00–20.00 Outdoor workshops in clay for children in the space of the courtyard by ul. Jagiellończyka 10a (if the weather does not permit it will be moved to rooms on the premises); run by Teresa Milewicz 21.00 A meeting with Anna Kutera 45 Saint Anthony’s Church św. Antoniego 30

 71 792 52 70 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 19.00–22.00

Saint Anthony’s baroque church – from 25 March 2014 it will be renamed the Sanctuary of the Jasna Góra Mother of Church – which belongs to Wrocław’s District of Mutual Respect of Four Religions, was created at the turn of the XVII and XVIII century. Initially it was an adjourning temple for the Franciscan reformers convent. The permanent exposition which had been presented at the church until now (liturgical dishes, canonicals, books and elements of equipment from the XVIII and XIX century) has been slightly changed and extended recently. The majority of antique equipment has been preserved including paintings by Michael Willman: Saint John Capistran and Saint Anthony’s Vision. Additionally the viewers will hear an audio play devoted to the temple’s history, Pauline convent or the Mutual Respect District. The program will open with a mass at 18:00.

19.00–22.00 Church sightseeing 46 Youth Culture Club ‘Śródmieście’ Dubois 5

 71 329 95 31 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–21.00

Museum Night at the Club is a combined event for children, youth and adults. You’ll be able to try for yourself in many techniques: artistic ceramics, decorating glass – cold method, graphic monotype, drawing on foil, painting, and drawing. Other attractions will include: the ability to create theatrical make-up out of clay, portrait photography, painting children’s faces, sewing cloth toys. The caretakers of the Gallery will show the viewers around the exhibition The art of flavor – artistic cuisine, they will talk about the culture-creating dimension of culinary art. The art will spill out onto the streets, the passersby will be able to join in with the creators of the group art piece – the mega-painting „I am – this is my artistic mark”. An exhibition of works made by children in artistic workshops will also be arranged in the street. The club's musicians will present their instruments during Musical improvisations.

★ 17.00–21.00 Opening time of the Youth Culture Club Śródmieście 47 Humanitarium Stabłowicka 147a – entrance via EIT+ campus

 71 734 70 00 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 17.00–24.00

During Museum Night Humanitarium offers an interactive exposition Play the Music and science shows for children. The shows will run every 15 minutes after the viewers enter the exhibition room. Due to the specific character of the Humanitarium – the exhibition room can accomodate only 70 people at a time. A tour of the exhibit is possible every 60 minutes starting at 17:00. The viewing time of the exhibition room is 50 minutes. The new exposition of the Humanitarium is not only a great guide through the biggest hits of the 2nd half of the 20th century, but also an excellent opportunity to learn about and understand how sound is created. Thanks to the interactive character of the showpieces, every guest will be able to prove themselves as a DJ or a performer. The exhibition is aimed at all age groups: from pre-school pupils, middle school and high school youths to adult guests.

★ 17.00 –17.50 I entrance* ★ 17.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 18.00–18.50 II entrance* ★ 18.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 19.00–19.50 III entrance* ★ 19.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 20.00–20.50 IV entrance* ★ 20.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 21.00–21.50 V entrance* ★ 21.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 22.00–22.50 VI entrance* ★ 22.15 Show in the exhibition room ★ 23.00–23.50 VII entrance* ★ 23.15 Show in the exhibition room

* Max 70 people. For your convenience please make reservations on-line. Reservations on-line at: available from 5 May 2014. Without an earlier reservation there might not be any spots left! 48 The Collectors’ Society in Wrocław Culture Club „Kolejarz”, pl. Orląt Lwowskich 20c (entrance on Tęczowa street)

 604 383 421, 501 534 149 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 08.00–21.00

The Collectors’ Society in Wrocław welcomes viewers to see the XVI National Collectors’ Exhibition in Wrocław The world of the passionate. As many as 35 collectors from all over Poland will present their collections of postcards, stamp collections, phone card collections and coin collections. The exhibition will feature autographs of astronauts and Nobel prize winners as well as XIX century woodcuts. There’ll also be interesting collections of objects of everyday use: tickets, hotel card-keys or chocolate packages from the time of the Communist Republic of Poland. From 19.00 the collectors will take the viewers around the exhibition. A stand with memorabilia will also be available. A full list of collectors and their collections may be found at:

08.00–19.00 Individual exhibition viewing 19.00–21.00 Collector guided exhibition viewing, meeting with the collectors 19.00–21.00 Collectors’ Society Stand with memorabilia from Warsaw 49 The Ossoliński National Institute ‘Under the Golden Sun’ Townhouse, Rynek 6 [45a] Baroque Garden, Szewska 37 [45b]

 71 335 64 83 ✉ [email protected] 

◴ 10.00–24.00

The Ossoliński National Institute welcomes you to the townhouse ‘Under the Golden Sun’ to an exhibition entitled The story of the manuscript of Pan Tadeusz – texts, contexts and facts. It’s an exposition specially prepared to commemorate the 180th anniversary of the first edition of Pan Tade- usz. You will be able to see some interesting editions of the prose poem, also, translations, valuable paintings and sculptures portraying Adam Mickiewicz brought from museums in Poland as well as from abroad. In the Baroque Garden at ul. Szewska 37 an outdoor exhibition will be presented The festival of Wrocław in posters. The exhibition will show 34 most renowned Poland’s and Wrocław’s graphic artists, amongst others: J.J. Aleksiun, P. Bator, E. Get-Stankiewicz. Chosen posters from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s have not only a sentimental and memoir-like character, but also document the dynamics of Wrocław’s cultural life.

10.00–24.00 Exhibition viewing The story of the manuscript of Pan Tadeusz – texts, contexts and facts. ‘Under the Golden Sun’ townhouse (Rynek 6) ★ 16.00 Looking for Soplicowo – tours for children in the ‘Under the Golden Sun’ Townhouse (Rynek 6)* 17.00 Guided exhibition tour (maximum 40 people) 17.30 Guided exhibition tour (maximum 40 people) ★ 18.00 Looking for Soplicowo – tours for children in the ‘Under the Golden Sun’ Townhouse (Rynek 6)* 10.00–24.00 Individual tours of the Baroque Garden by the Ossoliński National Institute (ul. Szewska 37)

* Duration time about 90 minutes. Due to the limited number of spots please call for reservations at 71 335 64 83 (Monday to Friday 8.00–15.00) or by e-mail at: [email protected] 50 II International Festival of Good Projects Wroclove Design 2014 Piłsudskiego 105

 798 961 245 ✉ [email protected], [email protected] 

◴ 10.00–23.00

Meet design and art at the 2nd edition of the International Festival of Good Projects Wroclove Design 2014! Wroclove Design is the first event in Wrocław and in Lower Silesia which presents design and art or a European scale. The worlds of design, ar- chitecture, art and business are interwoven during the festival. The 2nd edition will be a real feast of design and art devoted to the well-designed objects and people who create them. The heart of the Wroclove Design Festival is a space at the Main Railway Station in Wrocław. The festival will show user-friendly design from various areas of life: from objects in everyday use, through applied art, space in architecture and business processes. A significant part of the program will be educational meetings: workshops, lectures and meetings with experts.

10.00–19.00 Chillout Cafe, DJ Philips 10.00–16.00 No Barrier Design – presentation of Sound Cube 10.00–18.00 Skimboard training sessions and shows at Chillout Cafe ★ 10.00–22.00 Kids Design 12.00–14.00 Show – pouring concrete into moulds and creating concrete key-rings, PANATO Cooperative 13.00–16.00 Show – sewing bags with KAFTI 14.00–16.00 Car designing workshop, hosted by Jacek Pepłowski, BMW 21.00–23.00 Free of charge exhibition viewing on the first floor of the Main Railway Station detailed program:


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