Goldman School Advisory
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Boston University OpenBU BU Publications Goldman School Advisory 1992-09 Goldman School Advisory: September 1992 Boston University B o O N U M I c BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE/SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH • THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL • BOSTON UNIVERSITY GOLDMAN SCHOOL OF GRADUATE DENTISTRY THE NEWS AND INFORMATION SOURCE Goldman School FOR THE HENRY M. GOLDMAN SCHOOL OF ADVISORY GRADUATE DENTISTRY SEPTEMBER 1992 Last Hurrah for the Class of 1992 There was lots of good cheer as mem• Speranza, and Dr. William Eaves 1993 and incoming first-year class bers of the Class of 1992 celebrated (DMD '86), who worked with Dr. were honored at a party at the Castle on eaming their degrees in May. Speranza, were on hand as the award in the Charles River Campus on July 10. More than 200 guests attended the Dr. Speranza's memory was presented The smiling faces of proud gradu• Senior Dinner for the predoctoral to Walter Fonfara. Dr. Speranza was a ates, families, friends and faculty could graduates, which took place in the member of the Oral Diagnosis faculty be found in abundance during the School of Medicine's Hiebert Lounge. during the 1980s. dental school's Commencement Donna Hackley, class valedictorian, Postdoctoral residents graduating ceremonies on May 17. The day started gave the keynote address, and 30 this year were honored at various with the University's exercises at academic and personal achievement events as well. On May 2, the Depart• Nickerson Field, followed by lunch at awards were presented to outstanding ment of Endodontics hosted a dinner Warren Towers. That afternoon, the students. Congratulations to Young Jun for residents at the Colonnade Hotel. dental school held its annual graduation An, John Cataudella, Maureen Colella, Dr. and Mrs. Jon Kapala hosted a at the Alfred Morse Auditorium. Dan Lynne Drizen, Steven Elbaz, Walter dinner for graduating residents of the Nathanson, professor and chairman of Fonfara, Jr., Robert Gilardetti, Pediatric Dentistry Department at their the Department of Biomaterials, gave Montserrat Gonzalez, Rita Gmszecki, home on May 9, and the first-year the commencement address, which was Donna Hackley, Bruce Hmurovic, students gave the graduates a luncheon followed by the presentation of Young Nam Kim, Linda Kono, Karen on May 15. diplomas. Eighty predoctoral graduates Mega, Georgina Mesa, Robert Moreau, A number of events honoring received their degrees and were hooded Christopher Nguyen, Eduardo Rodes, graduating residents took place this by Tom Kilgore, associate dean for and Roger Phillips. summer. On June 14, Dr. and Mrs. Predoctoral Programs, and Sydell Awards were presented in memory Hyman (Smoky) Smukler hosted a Shaw, director of Predoctoral Admis• of two faculty members. Donna cookout at their home for residents in sions and Student Affairs. Seventy-five Hackley received the first Steven R. the Department of Periodontology and post-doctoral students and six graduate Gordon Memorial Award, in memory Oral Biology. On June 29 the Oral students were also honored at the of the late Dr. Steven Gordon of the Surgery Department recognized the ceremony. Associate Dean Paula Prosthodontics Department. Mrs. Carol graduates at a dinner. The Department Friedman also announced the names of Speranza, wife of the late Dr. Joseph of Prosthodontics' classes of 1992 and the academic award winners. Goldman School Page 2 ADVISORY First Distinguished Alumni Awards Presented In this world, excellence often goes Donahue has distinguished herself accepted the award. Dr. Gordon's unrewarded. Not so during the school's through her work as the director of the friend, Carrie Fuchs, was also present. recent alumni weekend, when four Office on Women's Health within the Congratulations to all of the award alumni received the Alumni United States Department of Health recipients. If you know of alumni who Association's first Distinguished and Human Services. have distinguished themselves in Alumni Awards. The awards were Michael Sheff (Pedo '68) received service to the school, the profession, or given during the Alumni Gala on the award for service to the community, the community, nominate them for the May 15. because of his work in promoting 1993 awards. Nomination forms will be Dr. Harold Levin (Endo '62), who Dental Health Month, which helps available in September. has a practice in Lynn and Peabody, bring awareness of the need for proper received the award for distinguished dental care into the lives of millions of service to the school. Dr. Levin has people each year. Dr. Sheff maintains a been a volunteer faculty member since practice in Newton and is very involved his graduation, spending one day a with the Massachusetts Dental Society. week lecturing and working with A special Distinguished Alumni residents in the Endodontics Award was given posthumously to postdoctoral program. In addition, he Steven Gordon, a 1978 graduate of the has been chairing a campaign to endow DMD program and faculty member at the Herbert Schilder Chair in the school. His dedication to his Endodontics, an effort that has raised profession (especially in the field of $750,000 to date. geriatric dentistry), the school and his Harold Levin (Endo '62), left, was The award for service to the dental patients, students and colleagues, made presented with a Distinguished Alumni profession was presented to Agnes him one of the most respected instruc• Award by Zhimon Jacobson, president of Donahue, a 1975 graduate of the tors at the school. Dr. Gordon's the BUGSGD Alumni Association, during Pediatric Dentistry program. Dr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon, the recent Alumni Gala. Board of Visitors Meets in June Members of the school's Board of program focused on research. Aram development and alumni relations Visitors were welcomed to the annual Chobanian, dean of the School of officer. meeting of the group on June 15. Medicine, shared with the Board his After lunch, Christine Paige, clinical According to Dean Spencer Frankl, the vision of research for the Boston director of the Dental Health Center, meeting began with breakfast and a University Medical Center. Dan and Joseph Boffa, director of the tour of the Dental Health Center at 930 Nathanson, professor and chairman of Dental Health Plan, presented a report Commonwealth Avenue. The rest of the Department of Biomaterials, and on the first year of the plan. Following the meeting took place in conference Dana Graves, associate professor of the their presentation, John McManama, rooms at the School of Law. Department of Periodontology and Oral professor and chairman of the Depart• The meeting began with opening Biology, presented the latest advance• ment of Operative Dentistry and remarks by Marshall Sloane, chairman ments in their departments. The Madalyn Mann, director of the APEX of the Board of Visitors, and a report morning session concluded with a Program, presented the latest innova• on the progress of the school by Dean presentation on fundraising efforts at tions in the predoctoral program. Frankl. The remainder of the moming's the dental school by Glenn Kaufhold, Goldman School Page 3 ADVISORY AADS and AADR Come to Boston Boston University was well represented Health Plan. Drs. Jong and Friedman ("Evaluating Master Cast Techniques at the annual meetings of the American and Joseph Boffa, director of the for Multiple Implant Abutment Prosthe• Association of Dental Schools (AADS) Dental Health Plan, worked with Dr. ses"); Jose Segura ("In Vitro and the American Association for Paige on the poster. Microleakage Under Crowns Cemented Dental Research (AADR), both of with Resin Cements"); Phillipe Researchers well represented which took place in Boston recently. At Aramouni ("The Influence of Die the AADS meeting, Thomas Kilgore, Both faculty and students from the Systems and Die Stones Upon Die associate dean for Predoctoral Pro• Department of Periodontology and Oral Position"); Jean Asmar ("Efficacy of a grams, served as chairperson-elect for Biology and the Department of Rotary Electric vs. a Manual Tooth• the Section on Clinic Administration Biomaterials had a strong presence at brush in Orthodontic Patients"), and and led the section meeting that was the AADR meeting that took place Rebecca Kraivixien ("Bond Strengths of held in conjunction with the Section on following the AADS meeting. Luting Resins to Etched Glass Ceramic Comprehensive Care and General One of the highlights of the meeting In Vitro"). Dentistry. Dean Spencer Frankl was the presentation of the AADR's Researchers in Oral Biology pre• introduced the meeting's theme, Gies Award to Tao Xu, assistant sented 11 abstracts. They were: "MCP-1 "Integration of Comprehensive Care research professor of Periodontology Regulates Expression of Integrins in Philosophy into Clinic Management and Oral Biology, during the opening Monocytes" by Yanling Jiang and Dana Systems." John McManama, chairman ceremonies on March 11. Dr. Xu Graves; "TGF-B Modulates PDGE and professor of the Department of received the award for his paper, Binding in Human Osteoblastic Cells" Operative Dentistry, presented "Primary Structure and Anticandidal by Mohames Chaibi and Dr. Graves; BUGSGD's comprehensive care Activity of the Major Histatin from "Competitive Absorbtion of Salivary program in his talk entitled "The Parotid Secretion of the Subhuman Proteins to Existing Pellicles" by Patient-First Philosophy of Clinical Primate, MacacafascicularisT The Michael Ho, Mark Lamkin and Frank Teaching." award is given annually for the best Oppenheim; "Molecular Cloning and Associate Deans Anthony Jong and paper published in the Journal of Characterization of the Hamster Paula Friedman chaired and co-chaired, Dental Research during the preceding Salivary AEG/Gene" by George Huang respectively, the Section on Commu• year. and Maria Kukuruzinska; and "Effects nity and Preventive Dentistry. Dr. Presentations made by faculty and of Human Salivary Histatin 5 on Friedman moderated the meeting on staff in the area of biomaterials Actinomyces Species" by Chris "Restorative Materials for the 21st included: "Design of Prefabricated Post Kalpidis, Dr.