Recreation Center Vote Declared Void

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Recreation Center Vote Declared Void SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1993 Volume 16, Number 17 Texas* ONLY Independent Student Newsfpaper Recreation center vote declared void RSO ballot officials accused of influencing voters at tfie polls By Brian WhMlar News Editor There have been three separate written grievances In an emergency meeting of die Stu­ filed with me as elections administrator. They have dent Govemment (SG) on Nov. 12. SG been investigated and substantiated." president Matttew Stem declared die Recreation and Wellness center fee vote -Matt Stern teld on Nov. 9 and IQ lo te nunified. student government president Tte $8.5 miUion recreation coiter was unofificially defeated in a two to one deciskm. Slighdy over 10 perceni of tte tte grievances woukl not te paid die ian. Doody, whoadmitted voting against student body voted last Tuesday and $ 100 stipend and would face restriction the recreation center on procedural Wednesday. 560 voting for and 1226 fiom participation in future elections. grounds, concurred witfi Stem's deci­ against. If die recreation center had According lo Stem an investigatkm sion to invalidate the vote. passed, it woukl have meant a new $30 tegan Wednesday night by Barbie After Stem announced tte vote was per semester fee to fund tte project. Kamm, assistant director for student void, the SG passed a motion to recast "Ttey were not just insignificant leadership and activities, and Stem him­ die ballot five weeks into Ihe spring peoplecampaigning within 25 feet Ttey self. He would not release die names of semester. Stem suggested tetter public­ were, in fact, people working tehind tte tte students charged witfi influencing ity in an effort to reach more students tables at Ite booths (polling bootfis) tte vote, citing possible disciplinary ac­ including non-traditional night students. influencing Ite vote," said Stem. tion by tte university. The SG also discussed ways to tetta' He stated dial grievances filed in­ He explained dial te had consulted monitOT the election next spring. volved two separate polling booths, one numerous sources on tte cnrect proto­ Stem said, "The weeks leading to the atdieUCaiidoneattfieHB. Ttebootfis col for diis circumstance. Stem admit­ election in die spring will te signifi­ were teing woiked by various pakl reg­ ted dial while he is a known suppcMler of candy different ftom tfie weeks preced­ RSO workers were busy counting votes on Nov. 10 for the RWC. The vote tally was unofficially two to istered student organizations. Stem tte recreation center te had consulted ing die vote this semester." one against the proposal. That vote was declared void due to t)allotlng violations. slated tfiose wganizations implicated in Kimberly Doody, die SG parUaroenlar- Federal financial aid renewal form being mailed UTSA Age Comparison to returning students for next academic year Enrollment By Brian Wheeler Application in Novemter or Decemter filling out the form and tfie govemment Fan 1993 UTSA Ag« DistrHMition News Editor The Renewal Application looks like part less time making and processing correc­ 10,000 S.06J two of tfie Student Aids Report (STAR). tions. l5.9tX Students who applied for federal fi­ Tumlinson said, "BasicaUy what this The applications will te mailed 10 nancial aid last year will te seeing a renewal application will have is most of students at the latest address on file with Renewal AppUcation in Ihe mail soon tte information that was included on tte Department of Education. Students 8,000 for tte '94-'95 academic year. tteir application for '93 - '94. They who recently transferred will still re­ SS.S9II 20.47« Tte U.S. Department of EduratVMi (govemment) will duplica?'^ the infor­ ceive the form. If students have changed estimates that nearly seven million stu­ mation on the form and studenis will tteir address since their last ^plication , 6,000 dents will receive the form. Previously only need to change items tfiat have ttey should contact tte office of finan­ only schools that used tte Electrunic changed such as income, assets OT house­ cial aid for infoimation on how lo up­ n Fail 1992 Data Exchange offered studenis use of hold me'mters. Ifeverythingelseisthe date their address. 4,000 tte Renewal Applkation. same ttey do not have to change it." Tumlinson said, "The most impor­ • Fall 1993 Mary Tumlinson, assistant director Ai^oximately 75 percent of tfie ques­ tant thing here is for the studenis to read of fmancial aid, said, "This year tte tions will have answers pre-printed on tte instmctions very carefully. Make ^ 2,000 federal govemment is trying to make the tte application. tte corrections and mail tte form after applkation process easier by mailing The application is also designed to Jan. 1. If anyone mailsorsignstheform J studenis who were here and applied for reduce opportunities for errors since less tefore then, it will te returned. financial aid tfie previous year an appli­ information is required of studenis. The "We're really excited aboul this cation called Renewal." Renewal Application can also te pro­ change. It's going to make life a lot Students who completed tfie Free cessed quicker than the FAFS A tecause easier on the students. I think more Age 24 and below 25-30 30-40 40+ Application tor Federal Student Aid of tte leduced amount of information students will te more aware they have to (F. 'SA) should receive the Renewal needed. Students should spend less time apply early." Senior speech team places first in IHouston Rachel OupnHt had. Wten we started, we were running someone else didn't hear it. but ttey Contributing Writer aboul six people. Now there are ateut have infonnation on it I can help Item 15 OT 16 people. So. it [funding] is by explaining what 1 heard. That's how UTSA's speech team brought home adequate at die present time, but we are we really prepare, by getting different pretigious winnings fiom Ite Texas In­ really growing." information from everybody." tercollegiate Forensic Association's The speech team is open toall univer­ Eno compared tte speech team's ac­ State Champkmship Nov. 5-7 at tfie sity students. Eno said that enrollment tivities to Ihat of an adiletic team. "It's Univenity of Houston. Tte senior de­ in die univasity is all Ihat is needed to a competitive representation of UTS A's bate team of Mktelle Bailey and Doug qualify fOT Ite leam. "Tha, s one of tfie intellectual and academic legacy. What Roubidoux took first place at the touma­ tilings I really value. It's an educational tte speech team does is it goes out on the meni, defeating tte University of Hous­ program. We start with some pec^le same kind of playing field that basket­ ton in die final round. witfi no debate experience at all. And it ball and other sports do. It does it on an Bailey and Roubidoux are stale cham­ is not just speech majors, we have math intellectual playing field so it represents UTS A toother schocds around die coun­ pions in cross- examination debate. majors, English majors, biology ma­ jors... we have some people who have try in terms oi academk ability." '^' 'W ^'^ Bailey also ranked first speaker in tte open division, and Roubidoux ranked never tidcen a speech class." At one point last year, the UTSA third. Bailey is officially tte U^ debate Eno explained Ihat having a mixed speech team ranked sixth in tte nation. spetker in the state. group telps die team as a whole. "I like Their final ranking was number 16 in the Tte senior team of Sundey Buder peapXe from a lot of different areas te­ :ountry. The rankings for tfiis year are and Davkl Bowman took Ihinl in Ite cause ttey Ining different knowledge not yet available. tournament levels to the activity." Eno said, "This is Ite hardest woik­ In Ihe novice category,- Richard Speech team memter Scott Ramin ing group I've ever had on a team, and I "^ii> •• • Hathaway and Susan Romanow lode said, "Now Ihat I am in college I am think that tteir early results last year. second and the team of Kimterly leaming a lot more aboul debate and it is What they' re doing tfiis year really Forsberg and Lorena Donnellan took telping me in my classes. You leam a proves it. People aU over tfie slate of •^^ss' diird. Fbnterg also took diird speaker. lot aboul getting things done qukkly- Texas have been shocked by our return. On a nalKMial level people are really student govemment president, Matthew Stem, standing ready to speak at the dedication of the HIV/ In dieUncobi-Douglas diviskm, Scott researching, speaking. I Ihink it telps AIDS memorial garden to which the student government donated $500 to help construct. Ramin took fifth in tte slate. me as a student, and it's training that you amazed at how quickly we've climbed." Tte speec h team also attended a tour­ reaUy can't get anywhere else in die nament Nov. 12-14 at die University of curriculum." Central Oklahoma in Edmond. Director Debaters spettA a tot of time prepar­ school applications Increased 39 percent Skip Eno said, "Wten we go out. we win ing fOT die semester. Bailey explained, tournaments. I dunk we did real w^L I "At die beginning of Sqitemter we get By College Press Service Tte growing numterof aqiplicants is not Jonas said the increase in applicants fiXHn 8,000 to 16,000. was pleased widi our results.' our topic area. We start doing a lOT of congruent witfi die current survey ir 'ar- may just te due to lack of opportunities In additkm to an overall an>licant As forensic directOT, Eno handles Ite research and dien we go to toumamoits.
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    Colabora con la cultura libre Desde sus inicios Traficantes de Sueños ha apostado por licencias de publicación que permiten compartir, como las Creative Commons, por eso sus libros se pueden copiar, distribuir, comunicar pública- mente y descargar desde su web. Entendemos que el conocimiento y las expresiones artísticas se producen a partir de elementos previos y contemporáneos, gracias a las redes difusas en las que participamos. Están hechas de retazos, de mezclas, de experiencias colectivas; cada persona las recompone de una forma original, pero no se puede atribuir su propiedad total y excluir a otros de su uso o replicación. Sin embargo, «cultura libre» no es sinónimo de «cultura gratis». Producir un libro conlleva costes de derechos de autor, traducción, edición, corrección, maquetación, diseño e impresión. Tú puedes colaborar haciendo una donación al proyecto editorial; con ello estarás contribuyendo a la liberación de contenidos. Puedes hacer una donación (si estás fuera de España a través de PayPal ), suscribirte a la editorial o escribirnos un mail Techno Rebelde Un siglo de músicas electrónicas Ariel Kyrou traficantes de sueños Traficantes de Sueños no es una casa editorial, ni siquiera una editorial independiente que contempla la publicación de una colección variable de textos críticos. Es, por el contrario, un proyecto, en el sentido estricto de «apuesta», que se dirige a cartografiar las líneas constituyentes de otras formas de vida. La construcción teórica y práctica de la caja de herra- mientas que, con palabras propias, puede componer el ciclo de luchas de las próximas décadas Sin complacencias con la arcaica sacralidad del libro, sin concesiones con el narcisismo literario, sin lealtad alguna a los usurpadores del saber, TdS adopta sin ambages la libertad de acceso al conocimiento.
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  • Press Kit Domizil.Pdf
    about activities inmates releases images 3 4 7 8 9 distributors press contact 10 11 17 domizil's history began in the mid 90ies as an initative of Marcus Maeder who was soon joined by Bernd Schurer. domizil considers itself as a platform for coordination, interchange and cooperation, mainly focussing on music about production of all kinds, be it compact disc, vinyl record release, internet, live media, live acts, or in the organisation of events. Since domizil's first release, we have poised ourselfes for a long exploration of digital culture, its sounds, social context and its methods. Our structure opens up the possibility for interdisciplinarity, exchange and experimentation. We' re basically free of commer- cial intention or genre serving, trying to sum- marise our purpose with the maxim of exchange and therefore wishing to serve as a homebase for a constantly emerging network of producers, artists and musicians. domizil is based in the heart of Zurich. 1996 • Foundation of domizil • Organisation of concerts at Kombirama, Zurich: Bunte Welt der Zimmerpflanzen, Stealing Radio Show, Gerwald Rockenschaub, SuperFi, activities Audiorama, Erdwerk, Anton Bruhin, Aeon Phlux, Klangkrieg, Reznicek, Bang Goes, Tom Tone, Richard Bartz, Paul Brtschitsch, Die Braut haut ins Auge, Minimetal, Illusion of Safety, Erdwerk, a. o. • Hörnetz 1, Kombirama, Zurich Events and Workshops related to Online Radio • Since 1996 Radio shows at Radio LoRa, Art Radio So 21/domizil 1997 • Hörnetz 2, Shedhalle, Zurich Events and workshops related to critical radio practice and counter information • Electronic pop music workshops, Shedhalle, Zurich. Music production workshops 1998 • Co-foundation of k3000, an artists collective in Zurich • Supermarkt, Shedhalle, Zurich Audio installation by domizil • Das Metaphysische Kabinett at the VIPER Festival, Lucerne.
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