B&Bs ! Breakish *closest to us *Pam & Ron Davison !01471 822366 www.visitskye.com Alison Graham!!01471 822508 www.lochalsh.net/strathgorm *Anne MacAskill !!01471 822625 [email protected] *Dorothy MacLeod!!01471 822850 isleofskye-bedandbreakfast.co.uk Sheila Macinnes,!!01471 820104 http://isleofskye.net/shiloh/ *Helen Stephenson!! 01471 822124 www.sealladh-alainn-skye.vpweb.co.uk Paul & Jannine Weller!01471 822567 www.oldchurchhouseskye.co.uk/index.html Angela & Derek Dougan!01471 822117 www.strathallanbedbreakfast.co.uk !!!!!plus Bijou Hideaway ! Broadford Neil Hope, !01471 820022 www.skyebedbreakfast.co.uk Norma Morrison!!01471 820094 [email protected] Vanessa & Martin!!01471 822954 otterlodgeskye.co.uk Dolly Robertson!!01471 822320 www.isleofskye.net/clisham Irene & Andy Kay!!01471 822520 www.welcometoskye.com Ann Mackenzie!!01471 822664 www.caberfeidhskye.co.uk plus Shepherds Snug

Self-catering Christopher & Sara, Scullamus!07837 857730 www.isleofskye-selfcatering.co.uk Fiona, !!01471 822297 www.fossil-cottage-skye.co.uk Susan MacInnes, Breakish !01471 820013 www.skye-self-catering.com Shelagh Fletcher, L Breakish!01471 822583 www.cottageguide.co.uk/otterburncottage The Beatons, Lower Breakish 01599 530311 www.heronbaycottage.co.uk Sheila Macinnes, U Breakish!01471 820104 http://isleofskye.net/shiloh/ Anita, Scullamus Moss!!01471 820077 www.tigh-holm-cottages.com ! Waterloo!!!!! www.puffincroft.co.uk John Sikorski, , Breakish! 07801 748840 www.holidayonskye.com Nan MacSween, 5 U Breakish! 01471 822536 Jenny & Dave Till, Harrapool! 01470 572736 www.sea2skye.co.uk Ann & Dave, Luib !!! 01471 822840 http://www.isleofskye.net/heroncottage Janet,Skye Shepherd Huts, 07580559745 http://www.tinyurl.com/SSHFreetoBook

Try these links www.isleofskyeaccommodation.com and http://stay.onskye.com which are local guides to accommodation on Skye.

Camping Ashaig, Breakish!01471 822771 www.ashaig-campsite-skye.co.uk Small campsite at Skye Boat Centre, Strollamus 01471 822070

Other options including outwith Breakish/Broadford Broadford Hotel ! 01471 822204 www.broadfordhotel.co.uk Broadford Youth Hostel 01471 822442 White Heather Hotel, 01599 534577! www.whiteheatherhotel.co.uk Tingle Creek Hotel near Kyle of Lochalsh www.tinglecreek-hotel.co.uk Plockton: Many options check out http://www.plocktonstation.co.uk/index.asp & !!!!!!www.plocktonbandb.co.uk as as start : We have a separate list available or visit www.visitsleat.org www.bruchlas.co.uk is one of many self catering places to stay