July I960 - July 1961

GATT Information Services Villa Le Bocage Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

MGT(6l)22 MGT(6l)22 Page 1


The GATT Bibliography was first published, in March 195^ and covered the period from 1947 to the end of 1953• The First Supplement covered the period from January 195^ to June 1955• The Second Supplement covered the period from June 1955 to ; the Third Supplement from June 1956 to August 1957; the Fourth Supplement from August 1957 to July 1958; the Fifth Supplement from August 1958 to ; the Sixth Supplement from July 1959 to July I960; the Seventh Supplement from July--I960 to July 1961.

Among the main events referred to in the Seventh Supplement are:

the seventeenth session of the Contracting Parties, held at Geneva, from 351 October to 19 November I96O; the eighteenth . session, held at Geneva, from 14 to 19 May I96I: the first • • meetings of the GATT Council of Representatives; the 1960-61 Tariff Conference which started on September I96O; the meeting on trade in cotton textiles in July I96I, and the publication of International Trade 1959, in November i960.

Note: (l) The GATT Bibliography and its Supplements do not include the publications of the GATT secretariat. These are contained in the List of Official Material relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, obtainable on request from the secretariat.

(2) References to the New York Times and the New York Herald Tribune are to the European editions of these newspapers. MGT(6l)22 Page 2

May I960

Europe's role in GATT. The Statist (London), 21 May i960.

June i960

II Rafforzamento del GATT deciso dalla XVI sessione. Relazioni internazionali (Milan), 18 June i960.

GATT's challenge to Atlantic co-operation. The Economist (London), 18 June I960.

Wyndham White, Eric. La Politica Commerciale dei Prossimi Dieci Anni. Address delivered at the Centro Italiano di Studi per la Riconciliazione Internationale (Rome), 28 June i960. Translation of Commercial Policies in the 1960's by Mr. Tomaso Sillani of this Organization. English text available from the GATT secretariat.

El Acuerdo general sobre aranceles aduaneros y comercio. Informacion comercial espanola. June i960.

Fourth Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program,U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington. P.C.). June i960. Chapter III: Trade Agreement Program of the GATT - progress in the removal of trade barriers, efforts to expand multilateral trade, other trade 'problems. Appendix B: Report to the Secretary of State by the chairman of the U.S. delegation to the fourteenth session of the Contracting Parties to the GATT.

Les points litigieux entre la CEE et le GATT. Revue du Marché Commun N° 26 (Bruxelles), June i960.

Wyndham White, Eric. L'action du GATT. Economie Appliquée (Paris), April-June i960.

Philip, André. Bilan et perspectives d'un Marché mondial. Economie Appliquée (Paris)., April-June i960. Describes the rôle of GATT in economic affairs and relations with EEC.

Blum Plor, Alfredo. Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT). XVI Sesion Plenaria, 16 Mayo - 4 Junio i960. Informe por el Delegado Observador del Ecuador. June i960.

Wahl, J. LiAccord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce:. Patronat français (Paris), June i960. MGT(6l)22 Page 3

July I960

GATT to set up executive arm in fall. The Journal of Commerce (New York), 14 July i960.

Whither GATT? The Statist (London), 16 July i960 and 23 July i960.

Die Liberalisierungstendenzen im Welthandel, Neue Zurcher Zeitung (), 26 July i960.

Welthandel nach Genfer oder Moskauer Leitbild? Per Volkswirt (Frankfurt a/M), 30 July i960.

Treu, Emanuel. Das GATT auf neuen Wegen. Die Vereinten Nationen und Oesterreich (Vienna), July i960.

Le GATT et la Suisse. Bulletin N° 3, Société de Banque Suisse (Genève), July i960.

GATT's contribution to freer trade. G.E.C. Export Guide (London), July i960.

Ramoin, Raoul. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. L'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Journal du Droit International (Paris), N° 3, i960, pp. 731"76l. A thesis by a former GATT fellow. French and English texts on opposite pages. July-September i960.

August I960

Toward one Europe: GATT talks in the fall. New York Herald Tribune, 5 August i960..

Zur grossen "GATT"-Zollrunde 1960/61. Schweiz. Handelszeitung, 8 August i960.

Der Prufstein. Wirtschaftsdienst Nr. 271. Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft (Frankfurt a/M), 19 August i960.

GATT talks may benefit U.S. The Scotsman (Edinburgh), 24 August i960.

Wyndham White, Eric. The GATT Tariff Conference I96O-6I. The Financial Times (London), 26 August i960.

La pierre de touche. Bulletin N° 112. Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft (Frankfurt a/M), 26 August i960.

Background to coming GATT talks at Geneva: .1 - Aims of the General Agreement. II - Hope for world-wide tariff cuts. The Times (London), 26 and 27 August I960.

U.S. stand held vital on tariffs. The New York Times, 28 August i960. MGT(6l)22 Page 4

Jacobi, Klaus. Die bevorstehenden Zollverhandlungen des GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 28 August i960.

Bringing down the trade barriers. The Financial Times (London), 29 August I960.

Ouverture de la Conférence tarifaire du GATT. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 30 August.i960...

D'importants débats sont inscrits à l'ordre du jour des prochaines sessions du GATT. Agence Economique et Financière (Paris), 30 August i960.

Der Auftakt zur grossen Genfer Zollkonferenz. Handelsblatt (Ftisseldorf), 30. August I960. ... JL . -.: ....

GATT seeks primacy over trade relations. New York World Telegraph, 30 August I960.

GATT or an international trade organization. Rude Pravo (), 30 August I960. .- _• - •• - -

New moves for freer trade. The Geneva tariff conference. The Guardian (Manchester), 3Q- August-1960.

La 2ème phase des travaux du GATT (Janvier-juin 196l) intéresse plus spécialement la Tunisie. La Presse (Tunis), Jl August i960.

Eisner, F. Was ist von der Zollkonf erenz 196O/6I zu erwarten? Europ'âische Wirtschaft (Bonn), 31 August .1961.

Wyndham White, Eric. The GATT's role in expanding world trade. The Times Review of Industry (London), August i960.

GATT's contribution to freer trade. Shipping (London), August i960.

Fifth round for GATT. The Morgan Guaranty Survey (New York), August i960.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT. Bulletin of the Central Offlee of Information, reference division, (London), 1-12 R.4705. August i960.

GATT sixteenth session. Monthly Bulletin. Department of External Affairs (Ottawa), Vol. XII N° 8, August i960.

September i960

GATT conference on new tariffs. Shadow of European split at Geneva. The Times (London), 1 September i960.

Tariff discussion starts in Geneva. The New York Times, 2 September i960. MiiT(6l)22 Page 5

A British lead? The Tjmes (London), 2 September i960.

Vital tariff conference opens at Geneva. The Times (London), 2 September I960.

Tariffs of "Six" biggest challenge to GATT, The Financial Times (London), 2 September i960.

La 5e Conférence du GATTj Derrière l'austérité de la technique tarifaire d'importants enjeux politiques. Gazette de Lausanne, 2 September i960.

Eroffnung der Genfer GATT-Konferenz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 2 September i960.

U.S. warns "the Six" on farm protection. Daily Telegraph (London), 2 September i960.

La conférence du GATT: Une solution au conflit économique européen. Journal de Genève, 2 September i960.

Début des travaux du GATT /at the Fifth Tariff Conference^/ Journal de Genève, 2 September i960.

Wahlen, F.T. Pour, une économie européenne intégrée compatible avec les règles du GATT. Address delivered at the opening of the 5th Tariff Conference. Gazette de Lausanne, 2 September i960.

Hopeful pessimists of GATT. The Economist (London), 3 September i960.

La cinquième conférence douanière internationale: Négociations difficiles au GATT. Le Monde (Paris), J September i960.

Die Genfer GATT-Verhandlungen. Neue Zurcher Zeitung, j> September i960.

El estatuto del GATT frente a las zonas de libre coinercio. El Pais (Montevideo), 4 September i960.

Le GATT devant une tache ardue. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 7 September I960.

GATT conference breeds conflicts. Recently opened talks to lower tariffs may end by raising duties. The New York Times, 7 September i960.

Royer, Jean. Exposicion en la tercera reunion plenaria, 7 septiembre i960. Organization of American States, Special Committee to study new methods of economic co-operation. Press Release.

GATT -Summit or Shadow? The Statist (London), 10 September i960.

Die Aussichten der Genfer Zollkonferenz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 10 September i960. MGT(61)22 Page 6

Kover, J.F. Integration auf dem Priif stand. Fiïnfte Zollkonferenz des GATT vor schwierigen Probleraen. Per volkswirt, 17 September i960.

Irish application to join GATT. British support. The Times (London), 23 September i960.

GATT defers decision on Argentina. Pull membership plea. The Times (London), 24 September i960.

Streamlining the GATT organization: New Council of Representatives will pave the way. The Times (London), 26 September i960.

A Genève, la conférence tarifaire du GATT. Echanges Internationaux et Marché Commun (Paris), September i960.

Wyndham White, Eric. Kuy argument for-liberal trading policies. European- Atlantic Review (London), Autumn i960.

October i960

Die Zollkonferenz des GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 4 October i960.

Die Genfer Zollkonferenz des GATT. Beginn der Kompensationsverhandlungen zwischen der Schweiz und der EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 20 October i960.

Herczeg, K.L. Ein Wendepunkt in der internationalen Handelspolitik - Die europaische Integration als Motor der GATT - Zollsenkungsgrunde. Oesterreichischc Volkswirt, 21 October i960.

Adhesion argentina al GATT. La Nacion (), 22 October i960.

Other nations, not U.S., lead free trade push at Geneva talks. The Wall Street Journal (New York), 26 October i960.

Royer, Jean. Quelques réflexions sur l'aide aux pays sous-développés. Opera Mundi Europe (Paris), 27 October i960.

Ausblick auf die Genfer GATT-Session. Neue Zurclier Zeitung (Zurich), 29 October i960.

La 17e session du GATT s'ouvre aujourd'hui. Journal de Genève, 31 October I960.

Today's GATT session: Trade expansion reports. The Times (London), 31 October i960.

Négociations difficiles avec les "Six" au sein du GATT. Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), October i960. toGT^ol)22 Page 7

The GATT tariff conference. The Bankers' Magazine (London), October i960.

Fifth round for GATT. Anglo-American News (London), October i960.

GATT tariff conference 196O-6I. External Affairs (Ottawa), October i960.

November i960

L'ouverture de la dix-septième session du GATT. Agence Economique et Financière (Paris), 1 November i960.

Growth of GATT membership: Nigeria welcomed. The Times (London), 1 November i960.

Die Genfer GATT-Session. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 3 November i960.

Das GATT und die. deutscbsnEinfuhrrestriktionen. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 5 November i960.

Les tendances récentes du commerce international selon le rapport annuel du GATT. Agence Economique et Financière (Paris), 12 November i960.

Greater aid role by Europe urged. The New York Times, 14 November i960.

GATT debate on external tariff of 6. The Financial Times (London), 14 November i960.

Next decade of economic expansion. GATT forecast of task ahead. The Times (London), 14 November i960.

Perspektiven des Aussenhandels von EFTA und EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 13 November i960.

Stagnierende Zollverhandlungen mit der EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 15 November i960.

Wyndham White, Eric. Economic integration: Will regional economic groupings hurt or help total world trade? A strong GATT can provide the greatest assurance of worldwide economic progress. Export Trade (New York), 14 November i960.

Rapport annuel du GATT: Sacrifices nécessaires des pays industriels. Journal de Genève, 14 November i960.

Drouin, Pierre. L'écart continue à grandir entre les "riches" et les "pauvres" de la planète. Le Monde (Paris), 16 November i960.

Die Schweiz und das GATT, Pl'âdoyer Minister Wietnauers fur die Vollmitglied- schaft. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 16 November i960. NOT (61) 22 Page 8

Problème des Welthandels und der Entwicklungslander. Aus dem Jahresbericht des GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeltung (Zurich), 17 November i960.

Das GATT und die Entwicklungslander. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), • 17 November i960.

Le commerce international en 1959» Publication du rapport annuel du GATT. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 17 November i960.

Swi'ïs case for joining GATT. Stand on agriculture. The Times (London), 17 November•i960.

GATT approves link with . Discussions on ETTA. The Times (London), 19 November i960.

Vor dem Abschluss der GATT-Session. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 19 November i960.

Abschluss der Genfer GATT-Session. Neue Z"rcher Zeitung (Zurich), 20""November i960.

Fabinc, Ivo. The Seventeenth GATT session. Review of International Affairs (Belgrade), 20 November i960.

GATT revision requested: Japan's new policy. The Times (London),

20 November i960.

Preparing for Dillon negotiations. The Times (London), 21 November i960.

GATT fights disruption of markets. New York Herald Tribune,,21 November i960. GATT to ban certain export subsidies. Financial Times (London), 22 November I960.

Die Zollverhandlungen mit der EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 22 November i960.

Record year for exports. Notable contribution by Western Europe - GATT survey. The Journal of Commerce (London), 22 November i960.

Le GATT fait le point. Les Echos (Paris), 22 November i960.

Fin de la XVTIe session du GATT. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 22 November i960.

La lente progression du GATT. L'Echo de la Bour.-e (Bruxelles), 2j5 November I960.

Prva Konsultacija Jugoslavije u GATT. Ekonomska Politika (Belgrade), 26 November i960. MGT(6l)22 Page 9

GATT - International trade in 1959. The Statist (London), 26 November i960.

Fin de la 17ème session du GATT. De nouveaux progrès ont été accomplis en vue de l'expansion du commerce international. .Le Commerce du Levant (Beirut), JO November i960.

December 19.60

Argentina en el GATT: Donde y a Quién Vender? El Economista (Buenos Aires), 3 December i960.

Seventeenth session ends in Geneva: GATT nations urged to drop barriers to imports from dollar area. Foreign Conference Weekly (U.S. Department of Commerce - Washington, D.C.), 5 December i960.

GATT faces new tasks. Review of International Affairs (Belgrade), 5 December I960.

A Genève devant le GATT: Les "Six" défendent leur barrière douanière commune. Les Echos (Paris), 9 December i960.

La Admisiôn de la Argentina en el GATT: Consideraciones que plantean algunos de los compromisos que deberemos cumplir. Critica (Buenos Aires), 9 December i960.

"Following XVIIth session of GATT". /Po XVTI. zasedanju. GATT/ Gospodarski Vestnik (Ljubljana), 10 December i960.

De nouvelles tâches pour le GATT. Kreditbank, Bulletin hebdomadaire (Bruxelles), 10 December i960.

Die Genfer Zollkonferenz. Ein Kommentar der EWG zu den Kompensations- verhandlungen. Neue Ziïrcher Zeitung (Zurich), 14 December i960.

Les travaux du GATT. Moniteur Officiel du Commerce et de l'Industrie (Paris), Ik December i960.

Bukrecv, V. Le GATT dans l'impasse. La Gazette' économique (), 20 December i960. In Russian.

Les problèmes internationaux. Le commerce international en 1959» Problèmes Economiques (Paris). Nos. 677 and 678. 20 and 22 December i960.

Le commerce international en 1959• Informations Economiques (Lausanne), 21' December i960.

Die GATT-Verhandlungen mit der EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 22 December i960. " •

Towards less protection for industry. Engineering (London), 23 December i960. MGT(6l)22 Page 10

La XVIIe session du GATT s'est surtout préoccupée de remédier aux déséquilibres de. marché. Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), December i960.

Ferrante, M. I lavori del GATT e la Comunità economica europea. Rivista di politica- economica (Rome), December i960.

Le commerce international en 1959* Rapport annuel du GATT. Bulletin commercial belge (Bruxelles), December i960.

January 1961

Ekonomska Saradnja na Zapadu: Odnosi izmedu OECD i GATT-a- /Economie co-operation in the West: Relations between OECD and GATTV Medjunarodna Politika (Belgrade), 1 January I96I.

Les négociations tarifaires du GATT. Vers la fin de la première phase? Journal de Genève, 4 January I96I.

GATT tariff problems. First phase talks extended. The Times (London), 4 .

Das GATT und die amerikanischen Fahrradzolle. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 7 January 1961.

Que es el GATT y que finalidad persigue segun version del Dr. Zaefferer Toro. Argentina Fabril (Buenos Aires), 9 January 1961.

Les problèmes internationaux. Problèmes économiques (Paris), 10 January I96I.

Royer, Jean. Occorrono nuovi criteri per l'aiuto ai paesi poveri. Mercurio (Milan), 15 January I96I.

Le Commerce international en 1959» Chambres d'Agriculture (Paris), 15 January I96I.

EWG-Zolltarif im GATT-Examen. Handelsblatt (Dusseldorf), 25 January 1961.

GATT's 17. m^desamling. Udenrigsministeriets Tidsskrift (Copenhagen), 27 .January 1961.

Le GATT, point de rencontre entre les Six et les Sept. Revue économique franco-suisse (Paris), published by the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in .No. 1, January 1961.

GATT, Carta de Havana, Centro de Estudios de Estatistica economica. Av. Infante Santo, 68 1-C, Lisbon, 1961. Complete text of GATT, including annexes, as revised in 1955; and of the Havana Charter in the Portuguese language. 228 pages. January I96I.

Trends in commodity trade: A summary of the commodity trade section of the GATT report "international Trade 1959". Far East Trade (London), January 1961. MQI\6l,2*i Page 11

Svec, Karel. The Geneva Tariff Conference. Czechoslovak Foreign Trade, Chamber of Commerce of (Prague), January I96I.

Last sessions of the GATT. Czechoslovak Foreign Trade. Chamber of Commerce of Czechoslovakia (Prague), January I96I.

February I96I

New step in tariff talks possible. Way opened by EEC concessions. The Times (London), 6 February I96I.

Le Japon et la clause de la nation la plus favorisée, L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 7 .

Die Genfer Zollkonferenz. Mutmassungen iîber die neuen EWG-Vorschlage. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 8 February I96I.

Ceylon's restrictions on imports. Study by GATT. The Times (London), 10 February I96I.

Japan's complaint to GATT. Meeting to discuss discrimination. The Times (London), 22 February I96I.

Le Conseil du GATT se réunit aujourd'hui. Le Journal de Genève, 22 February 1961.

Vor einer neuen Session des GATT-Rates. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 23 February I96I.

Toward one Europe: GATT involved in difficult negotiations. New York Herald Tribune, 23 February I96I.

Time running out for GATT free trade negotiations. The Times (London), 27 February 1961.

The Six at GATT. The Times (London), 28 February 1961.

Das GATT und der schweizerische Agrarprotektionismus. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 29 February 1961.

GATT in the world today. Midland Bank Review (London), February I96I.

Retard ou arrêt au GATT? Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), February I96I.

Liebich, F.K. Das GATT: eine Textausgabe des allgemeinen Zoll-und Handelsabkommens, Verlag August Lutzeyer (Baden-Baden; Bonn), February I96I. 137 pages. No price given. The up-to-date text of GATT, including annexes, translated into German; also various Protocols of Accession, Introduction to GATT, its organization, achievements and current programme of work. MGT(6l)22 Page 12

March 1961 :

Abschluss der Session des GATT-Rates. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 3 . .

Camps, M. Four approaches to the European Problem: l) The single European Market approach; 2) The " join the Six" approach; 3) The OECD or Atlantic Community approach; 4) The global or GATT approach. Vol. XXVII, No. 451, Political & Economic Planning (London), 27 March I96I.

GATT's crisis (Tariff Conference). The Eastern Economist (), 31 March I96I.

'Attrition' bogs GATT talks. The Christian Science Monitor (), 31 March 1961.

Problems of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Czechoslovak Foreign Trade (Prague), March I96I.

Royer, Jean. The role of GATT in promoting the trade of less-developed countries. Journal of industry and Trade (New Delhi), March I96I.

Royer, Jean. Le GATT et les grands problèmes économiques. (Exposé, Commission du.Commerce Extérieur du C.N.P.F., 6 décembre i960), Bulletin du Conseil National du Patronat Français (Paris), No. 205, March 1961.

GATT: an important conference. Ambassador (London), March I96I.

April 1961

Die Genfer Zolltarifkonferenz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 8 .

Butter dumping talks open in Geneva. The Financial Times (London), 17 April 1961.

Dumped butter. The Times (London), 19 April 1961.

Die GATT-Konsultationon uber den britischen Buttermarkt. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 21 April 1961.

Butter crisis warning by GATT: urgent measures recommended. The Times (London), 21 April 1961.

GATT reports on butter "dumping". The Financial Times (London), 21 April I96I.

Die GATT-Verhandlungcn mit der EWG. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 50 April I96I.

Lederleitner, H. Das GATT erwartet EWG-Ausgleichsangebote. Die Diskriminierung abschwachen. Europa (Bad Reichenhall), No. 4, April 1961. MGT(6l)22 Page 13

May .1961

GATT talks on butter back OEEC plan for world marts. New York Herald Tribune, 10 May I96I.

Die GATT-Verhandlungen. Neue Zurcher Zoitung (Zurich), 13 .

Common Market posers for GATT: are tariff cuts a violation9 The Times (London), 15 May 1961.

Wyndham White, Eric, Handelspolitik Europas muss liberal sein. Die Welt (Hamburg), 20 May I96I. Available in English from the secretariat: "The 'Dillon' negotiations", May I96I.

U.K. will seek tariff cuts at GATT talks. The Financial Times (London), 25 May I96I.

Second round of the GATT negotiations. The Times (London), 29 May I96I.

Five months late. The Times (London), 29 May 1961.

Les grandes négociations tarifaires du GATT. Genève: début du "Dillon-round". Gazette de Lausanne, 29 May I96I.

Verhandlungsbeginn uber die "Dillon-Runde" im GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 50 May I96I.

New tariff talks set up by GATT. Informal 'target' of 20 pet. cut emerges in advance. The New York Times, 30 May 1961.

British offer to reduce tariffs: response to EEC proposal. The Times (London), 31 May 1961.

British offer to cut some tariffs 20 PC. The Journal of Commerce (Nuw York), 31 May 1961.

Le "Dillon-round" à Genève. Modalités de la négociation: quelques précisions. Gazette de Lausanne, 31 May 1961.

Report on the "Dillon phase". The Christian Science Monitor (Boston), 31 May I96I.

Royer, Jean. Finanzhilfe ailein ist unwirkaam. Entwicklungslander (Baden- Baden), 31 May I96I.

Gal-edd, Israel. GATT and the developing nations, "is GATT a rich man's club?" Government Printing Press (Israel), May 1961. 35 pages. No price given. Discussion of the General Agreement with special emphasis on Articles dealing specially with the problems of developing countries. Also review of actions taken under GATT and appraisal of work done for the development of such countries. MGT(6l)22 Page 14

June 1961

La "baisse Dillon" de 20$ a pris un mauvais départ. Les Echos (Paris), 1 June I96I.

Pour un abaissement général des droits de douane. Les négociations du GATT ont commencé. Journal de Genève, 2 .

The "Dillon" round of tariff negotiations. The Statist (London), j5 June 1961.

Straining at Gatts. The Economist (London), 3 June 1961.

Wyndham White, Eric. GATT as an International Trade Organisation. Address delivered at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (Warsaw), 6 June I96I. Available from the GATT secretariat.

Les négociations du GATT: Les offres en présence. Journal de Genève, 7 June 1961.

Wyndham White, Eric. Some structural problems of international trade. Address delivered before the Polish Economic Society (Warsaw), 12 June 1961. Available from the GATT secretariat.

La Conférence tarifaire du GATT. L'Economie (Paris), 15 June 1961.

The GATT conference on cotton textiles. The Guardian (Manchester);, 21 June I96I.

Conseil du GATT: initiative américaine. Pour un accord international sur les échanges de coton. Gazette de Lausanne, 21 June I96I.

An international solution? Textile Mercury (Manchester), 25 June 1961. '

Catudal, H.M. The General-Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: An article-by- article analysis in layman's language. Department of State Bulletin (Washington D.C), 26 .June 1961.

GATT: session annuelle des parties contractantes. Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), June 1961.

Royer, Jean. Le GATT: ses objectifs et ses réalisations. Bulletin, d'informations économiques, techniques et pédagogiques (Paris), No. 49-50, June-July- 1961,

Condliffe, J.B. Toward an international economy. Journal of the Stanford Research Institute (Stanford, California), Second Quarter I96I. MGT(6l)22 Page 15

July 1961

International conference on textile trade to take place soon: a political item, yuskoro medunarodna Konferencija o Trgovini Tekstilous: Politick! artikaU/ Privredni Pregled (Belgrade), 1 July 1961.

Textile talks in Geneva: Hong Kong the key at GATT conference. The Financial Times (London), 1J July 1961.

Vor der GATT-Konferenz uber den Handel in Baumwolltextilien. Neue Zuroher Zeitung (Zurich), 14 July 1961.

Pays "nantis" et pays neufs d'Extrême-Orient vont s'affronter à la conférence cotonnière internationale de Genève. Le Monde (Paris), 16-17 July I96I.

Strong U.S. team for GATT textile talks. The Financial Times (London), , I96I.

Talks on textiles open in Geneva. Adjustment of cotton trade is major parley aim. The New York Times, 18 July 1961.

La concurrence cotonnière des pays neufs et ses répercussions en Europe. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 19 July 1961.

Grandes négociations au GATT à Genève. Coton: Une conférence internationale s'efforce d:établir un "modus vivendi" entre pays industrialisés et pays sous-développés. Gazette de Lausanne, 21 July I96I.

12-month standstill on exports urged by U.S. in textile talks. The New York Times, 21 July 1961.

Textile meeting backs U.S. plans. Sixteen nations agree to standstill on exports. The New York Times, 22 July I96I.

Cotton textiles agreement. Freeze of "low-wage" exports level. The Guardian (^ter), 22 July 1961.

Textile imports "standstill'' plan. Short-term solution. The Times (London), 22 July I96I.

L'accord est réalisé à la conférence textile internationale de Genève. Le Monde (Paris), 23 July 1961.

GATT arrangements for trade in cotton textiles. The Financial Times (London), 27 July I96I.

L'accord international sur le commerce des cotonnades. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles), 27 July 1961. MQÏ;61}22 Page 16

Textile imports restraint system: Proposals to avert disruption of marketing* Hong Kong quotas discussed. The Times (London), 27 July 1961.

Das Abkommen iiber den Handel in Baumwolltextilien. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 27 July 1961.

Les Etats-Unis ont obtenu gain de cause, mais ... L'accord publié sur les textiles en coton n'est pas conforme au principe du GATT. Gazette de Lausanne, 28 July I96I.