About Our Members Ing Conditions

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About Our Members Ing Conditions Vol. 46, No. 12, December 1965 naissance in 1964 and 1965. The program was designed to aid the JASDF in establishing its own weather reconnaissance program by training selected personnel under actual operat- about our members ing conditions. An engraved certificate of meritorious achieve- ment was presented to Capt. Brown at JASDF headquarters, Fuchu AS, Japan, by Maj. Gen. Maekawa, commander of the JASDF Weather and Communications Wing. Capt. Brown has returned to the United States to seek his master's degree in meteorology at the University of Michigan. Since discharge as Lt. USAF, Robert H. Browning has been Air Force Commendation Medals have recently been awarded employed with the Geophysics Laboratory, Research Triangle to the following AMS members for the indicated periods: Col. Institute, Durham, N. C. Louis Bertoni, 8th Wea. Gr., Aug. 1961-July 1965; Col. Robert John H. Clark, who has been with the Canadian Meteor- R. Osborn, 4th Wea. Wing, Aug. 1960-May 1965; Col. Jack ological Service in Montreal, has enrolled at Florida State H. Pelander, 35th Wea. Sq., July 1960-Aug. 1965; Lt. Col. University, where he is working toward a Ph.D. in meteor- Henry Baldi, Det. 2, 9th Wea. Sq., Oct. 1963-Aug. 1965; Lt. ology. Col. Joseph R. Barron, Wea. Sta., George AFB, Calif., July An enrollment of nearly 200 students is reported for 1962-Aug. 1965; Lt. Col. Lloyd T. Belanger, Det. 16, 9th Wea. Harry Geise's meteorology courses at Santa Rosa Junior Sq., June 1963-July 1965; Lt. Col. Alfonso H. Butera, Det. 1, College, Santa Rosa, Calif. 3d Wea. Wing, July 1962-June 1965; Lt. Col. Jacob M. Dick- William R. Gommel, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.), has been inson, Staff Wea. Advisor, MATS, July 1963-July 1965; appointed assistant professor of mathematics at Indiana Lt. Col. Jack H. Fox, Hq. AWS, Jan. 1963-Feb. 1965; Lt. Central College, Indianapolis, Ind. Col. James W. Green, 26th Wea. Sq., Feb.-Aug. 1965; Lt. Dr. William E. Gordon has returned to Cornell Univer- Col. Leon M. Grisham, 31st Wea. Sq., July 1962-May 1965; sity, Ithaca, N. Y., after five years spent in research at the Lt. Col. John W. Hancock, 3d Wea. Wing, Sep. 1963-Aug. Air Force Arecibo Radio Observatory, Puerto Rico. 1965; Lt. Col. James W. Kenney, 9th Wea. Sq., Oct. 1964- In July, Lt. Col. Leon M. Grisham, formerly operations Apr. 1965; Lt. Col. Wendell Phillips, Hq. AWS, Aug. 1963- officer of the 31st Weather Squadron, Ramstein AB, Ger- July 1965; Lt. Col. George E. Prieston, Det. 9, 9th Wea. Sq., many, assumed command of 55th Weather Reconnaissance June 1963-Aug. 1965; Lt. Col. Clyde R. Wilson, 9th Wea. Squadron, McClellan AFB, Calif. Rec. Wing, July 1963-June 1965; Lt. Col. Thomas A. Prizio, Arthur F. Gustafson, head of the Statistical Techniques 2d Wea. Gr., Nov. 1959-June 1965; Lt. Col. Roland Rogers, and Analysis, Development Division, National Meteorological Det. 1, 3d Wea. Wing, Feb. 1960-June 1965; Lt. Col. Willard Center, was appointed MIC of the San Francisco Weather E. Schwaderer, Det. 15, 9th Wea. Sq., June 1962-June 1965; Bureau Airport Station in September. Maj. Dale P. Boden, Det. 6, 15th Wea. Sq., Aug. 1961-May Leon W. Hemphill retired as Major USAF on 31 August 1965; Maj. Harold A. Steiner, 4th Wea. Gr., July 1961-June and is working at the Weather Bureau Research Site, Na- 1965; Maj. Frank R. Taylor, Det. 23, 9th Wea. Sq., July tional Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, Atlantic City, 1961-Aug. 1965; Capt. Rex W. Bennett, 3d Wea. Wing, Aug. N. J. 1963-Dec. 1964; Capt. Richard A. Brown, Det. 6, 8th Wea. Sq., Aug. 1962-Mar. 1965; Capt. Walter M. Clerihew, Hq. Martin G. Hurwitz, former graduate student at MIT, is AWS, July 1963-May 1965; Capt. Alphonse Gargiulo, Jr., now assistant professor of mathematics at Lowell Technologi- Det. 1, 3d Wea. Wing, May 1964-Mar. 1965; Capt. Willis J. cal Institute, Lowell, Mass. Gran, Det. 30, 4th Wea. Gr., July 1964-July 1965; Capt. Robert A. McCormick, chief of the meteorology section, Duane M. Griesbach, Det. 13, 26th Wea. Sq., Aug. 1963- Laboratory of Engineering and Physical Sciences in the U. S. June 1965; Capt. Charles T. Hassett, Det. 1, 3d Wea. Wing, Public Health Service's Division of Air Pollution, Taft Sani- May 1964-Mar. 1965; Capt. Elmer L. Whitmire, Det. 21, 31st tary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, took part in Wea. Sq., June 1963-June 1965; Capt. Ramon C. Wilkins, meetings of the Organization for Economic Cooperation Hq. AWS, July 1961-July 1965; CWO Charles Breske, Det. and Development in Paris, 27-29 September. Mr. McCormick 10, 4th Wea. Gr., Dec. 1962-June 1965; CWO Robert E. participated in discussions of the use of mathematical models Houmes, Det. 4, 3d Wea. Sq., Nov. 1961-May 1965; CWO in air pollution research. On his way home he stopped in Ernest P. Krajeski, 2d Wea. Gr., Feb. 1961-July 1965; CWO London for conferences at the British Meteorological Office. Kenneth W. DeMars, Det. 1, 4th Wea. Wing, July 1961-Apr. Opening ceremonies for Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, 1965; SMSgt. Allen Anderson, Det. 30, 4th Wea. Gr., June British Columbia, were held on 9 September. President 1962-July 1965; SSgt. Kenneth R. Avery, 1210th Wea. Sq., P. D. McTaggart-Cowan reported that the event went off Oct. 1962-Aug. 1965. very well under cloudless skies with about 6000 people D. Ray Booker has moved with his private weather firm, present. The university is now fully occupied with over 2000 Weather Science, Inc., from State College, Pa., to Norman, students including 74 graduate students. Okla. Mr. Booker was formerly also an instructor in meteor- Dr. William Nordberg, aerospace technologist of the NASA ology at Pennsylvania State University. Goddard Space Flight Center, Aeronomy and Meteorology Capt. John C. Brown of 56th Weather Reconnaissance Division, Greenbelt, Md., was one of five NASA scientists to Squadron, Yokota AB, Japan, was honored last summer for receive an award for exceptional scientific achievement on his work with the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). 5 October. The award was presented by NASA Administrator As squadron weather officer, Capt. Brown initiated and con- James E. Webb at a ceremony held at the auditorium of the ducted a program in typhoon and general weather recon- Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 792 Bulletin American Meteorological Society AWS retirees on 30 September included: Col. Jack H. Pelander, 4th Wea. Wing; Lt. Col. Henry Baldi, 3d Wea. Wing; Lt. Col. James V. Carroll, Hq. AWS; Lt. Col. Victor E. Cram, Jr., 4th Wea. Group; Maj. Woodrow B. Huff, 3d Weather Wing; Maj. Peter W. Thompson, 2d Weather Group. Col. Russell K. Pierce assumed command of the USAF Air Weather Service on 30 September at a cere- mony held at Scott AFB, 111. Since July 1961 Col. Pierce had commanded the 3d Weather Wing at Offutt AFB, Nebr., and recently was selected by the Air Force for promotion to brig- adier general. He succeeds Brig. Gen. Roy W. Nel- son, Jr., AWS commander from March 1963, who is now deputy commander of MATS's Western Transport Air Force. Col. Pierce, a native of Nebraska, attended Mid- land College at Fremont and entered the Army Air Corps in 1941. As a pilot he flew 33 B-24 combat missions in the Middle East before returning to the U. S. to become director of flying training at bases in the Southwest. In 1947 he attended Weather Officers' School and began his weather service career. Since that time he has held various command and staff positions in AWS. He is a graduate of the Com- mand and General Staff College and the Air War College. Dr. George W. Reynolds has returned from two years with the U. S. Army R&D Group, Europe, and is now visit- ing associate professor of atmospheric science at the Uni- versity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Dr. R. G. Simmers of Wellington, N. Z., retired as director to the New Zealand Weather Service in October 1965. Dr. Simmers received his Sc.D. in meteorology at MIT in 1938, the same year that he became a member of the AMS. He is succeeded as director by Dr. J. F. Gabites, former officer in charge of research at the Wellington Meteorological Office. Daniel L. Smith, recipient of the 1965 Howard T. Orville ©Bit Scholarship award, has returned to Florida State University after spending the summer as student trainee at the Weather Bureau National Hurricane Research Laboratory in Miami. The Gill UVW Anemometer represents an entirely new concept Smith, a senior, is president of the FSU Student Chapter in wind measurement. This instrument measures directly the of the AMS for the current academic year. three orthogonal vectors of the wind— along wind compo- Dr. Robert E. Stevenson, formerly of the Oceanographic nent, across wind component, and vertical wind component. Institute, Florida State University, has joined the staff of the Signals are displayed on three large dual scale meters in the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Gal- Indicator-Translator Unit. Independent calibration adjust- veston, Tex. ments are also provided for recorder operation. Col. John S. Sutherland, who was the first weather officer assigned to the solar forecasting project at Sacramento Peak $1052.00 (complete with Indicator-Translator and 50' cable) Observatory, Sunspot, N. Mex., retired from the Air Force on disability on 1 October. Capt. Sutherland and his family make their home at 126 Maple Valley, San Antonio, Tex. For complete information write: Richard B. Tripp has left the Pacific Oceanographic Group, Biological Station, Nanaimo, B. C., Canada, to accept R.
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    - " I. 30 . O. "1 Ju y 1961 I I a I' ~ l of nH l~ation ( . ilt~d It It I ('I't rll ('Ill ( f • 1 ti(·t~ J. I.d~ r (( (Vf • Director FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin JULY 1961 Vol. 30, No.7 CONTENTS Page Statement of Director J. Edgar Hoover 1 Feature Article: Preventive Action by Memphis Police Helps Fight Crime, by Capt. E. H. Harrison, Jr., Memphis, Tenn., Police Department . 3 Law Enforcement Personalities: Donald J. Parsons, Assistant to FBI Director, Retires 8 Scientific Aids: Sternal Ribs Are Aid in Identifying Animal Remains, by Dr. T. D. Stewart, Division of Physical Anthropology, .S. Na- tional Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 9 Correctly Obtaining Known Samples Aids Document Examiner 12 Crime Prevention: City in Miniature Is Used by Police as Crime Deterrent, by Former Chief Bruce E. Parsons, Fort Pierce, Fla., Police Department . 26 Investigators' Aids . 28 Other Topics: Two­Part Lectern Can Be Constructed by Your Handy Man 29 Wanted by the FBI . .. .. ... 32 Identification: Good Medical Lab Identifies Dead, Causes of Death, by JOfleph H. Davifl, M.D., Chief Medical Examiner, Miami, Dade County, Fla . 18 WaYfl of Obtaining Good FingerprintR, Insuring Legibility 20 FBI Solves Puzzle of Identical Twins Through Footprint 25 Questionable Pattern Back cover Published by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF I VESTIGATIO , UNITED STATES DEPARTME1'T OF JU TICE, Washington 25, D.C. Uninb .tans m~partm~nt of iJuJltir~ 1J~b~ral iilur~a1t of IInu~stigatinn lIasJ,ingtun 25, ill. Gr. July 1, 1961 TO ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS: The American public looks with well­placed confidence upon its law enforcement officers as symbols of security­­as champions in the arena of crime.
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